#like girl….i knew it was bad but i was really hoping for at least $30k 😭😭
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the highs & lows of the admission email i just got from a uni being like “hey ur one of only eight students we admitted to the graduate school!! we really want you!! there were 200 applicants and we chose YOU!!!! so we are offering you $24k/year to live in a city where you will be paying bare minimum $1k/month for rent. & that’s if you want to live in a shoebox 😘”
#like girl….i knew it was bad but i was really hoping for at least $30k 😭😭#applied to multiple other schools & haven’t heard back from any of them but am desperately hoping i get into the one where the grad students#are unionized and the minimum salary is $45k….#like yeah $24k is still more than i make now tbh but i’m paying under $1k/month for rent & i get a free bus pass from my school#whereas this city i’d probably need to also buy a car & pay for insurance & gas etc….#scream. glad i got in tho 😀
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2020 creator wrap: favourite works 🖤
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favourite works that you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
tagged by @howevernot , who is an absolute sweetheart 🖤 Thank you! I have created many, many works this year, and have written and created more than I have since... 2016, I believe, or thereabouts. It has been an incredibly year for me from a creator standpoint and I have met so many wonderful new people as I dipped my wide duck feet into the Northwest Passage that is The Terror, all of whom made the absolute mess that was 2020 not only bearable but exciting and fun at times. Thank you all so much! Words cannot even express my gratitude.
1. the paths of glory lead but to the grave (fanfiction, rated M; the terror; joplittle, 28k; art masterpost)
This fic was my pinch-hit for the Terror Big Bang this year, and marked the first time I’d ever had the privilege of participating in a Big Bang in all my years of writing fanfiction. I had missed the initial sign-ups because I was in the middle of my 1L exams when it was announced, and was very disappointed. Imagine my surprise and happiness when I was contacted in what I believe was late July, asking if I would be interested in pinch-hitting! I agreed, was paired with a phenomenal artist, and somehow by the grace of all that is holy managed to write just under 30k of joplittle angst in under a month. It’s not my most popular piece (probably one of my least popular pieces by kudos and comments, if not the least), but it is the one I am most proud of all the same.
In 1851, a small fleet under the command of Captain Horatio Thomas Austin located the survivors of the ill-fated Franklin Expedition and brought twenty-some corpse-like figures back to England. Given temporary leave to recuperate in the countryside following their ordeal, Edward Little and Thomas Jopson attempt to reconcile the past with the present and the fact that not all the ice was left behind in the Arctic.
Or, nearly 30k of survivor's guilt, intimacy, the softness and tragedy of the human connection, and learning to forgive.
“The men on Beechey,” Captain William Penney had asked him tentatively before they’d left King William Island, the two brigs under his command floating beyond Resolute’s sturdy decks, “who were they?”
Edward had thought back to those graves, dug deliberately into the frozen ground and lovingly, mournfully filled and marked; had thought about the care shown those young men, whom they had all thought to have the devil’s own luck at the time. He’d then thought of another man, buried alone in a wild and savage land with nothing to mark his resting place; of weathered bones and lonely stones, and the ghost of a man who had only ever wanted to be seen consigned to an anonymous oblivion.
He never asked what it was that William Penney had seen in his face; had never asked what had made Alexander Stewart take the smallest of steps back as Edward’d said, simply:
“The lucky ones.”
2. labefaction (fanfiction, rated M; the terror; joplittle, 5k+)
This was me wanting to put Thomas Jopson in a dress and have Edward Little slide his hands up his skirts, but it sort of turned into a surreal little piece set during Fitzjames’ Carnivale in a universe where Crozier recovered early enough for him and Thomas to decide to attend. Featuring Fitzjames also in the dress canon denied us, and yes, Edward’s hands up Thomas’ skirts :’) A fun little romp.
In the surreal realm of Fitzjames' Carnivale, Edward Little and Thomas Jopson share a dance.
Please, Thomas thought wildly, his own hands reaching out to grip the front of Edward’s vest and haul him forward, pressing as close as he could, desperate for the contact, the heat. It was everything he had built up in his head, and yet it was nothing like that at all, and he wondered for a brief moment if it was even real, or if it was just another illusion of this place.
A gust of wind from the outside was like a bucket of cold water, but instead of deterring him, it only made Thomas more determined for contact, for the heat and warmth of the man in front of him, who was pushing him back, back, until his spine connected with one of the wooden supports and Thomas broke the kiss with a gasp, quickly swallowed. There was a hand at his hip, at his skirts, sliding up against the thigh of the leg he’d hooked around Little’s waist, cold against his flushed skin. The chill was delicious, and he craved more, just like he craved more of Edward’s gaze upon him, only him. You’ve been seen, he thought, no, no.
3. we are gone (playlist, spotify; the terror; surreal; 2h+)
The playlist I originally made while writing my TBB fic (linked above). I was asked to post it, and so I did after making a quick album cover for it. I am ridiculously proud of it, and was surprised by the positive feedback it received! My personal favourite tracks include the opening track (Traust, by Heilung) and Myrkr, by Heldom. Also ft. a couple songs by The Amazing Devil.
4. the ruin within (fanfiction, rated E; the terror; joplittle, 9k+)
This was my fic for the Joplittle Fall Fic Exchange, my first fic exchange in almost five years! Because of how my pinch-hit for the TBB played out time-wise, I didn’t get to start on this one until a week before it was due, and I am honestly still very pleased with the results! I wrote it for someone who wrote one of my all-time favourite joplittle fics, too, so that was an extra treat for me!
As preparations for Fitzjames' Carnivàle get underway, Edward Little offers to teach Thomas the quadrille. Thomas just hopes he can survive the lieutenant's hands on him with his control intact and his secrets in check.
“And if I did? If I wished it? Alone, here, with you?”
There was that thing in Little’s face again, in the set of those cupid’s bow lips, swimming just below a surface that was not nearly as blank as most people believed, and Thomas, his own attentions sharp as a blade, made reckless by God only knew, pressed himself that much closer until—
A flicker. A crack in the wall, in the foundation, in Little’s eyes, which widened just the slightest bit as they caught on his hands resting against Thomas’ waist, on Thomas’ mouth, and Thomas, never as good a man as he should have been and selfish besides, rested his hands on Little’s broad shoulders, took the sharp blade of want in his own chest, and plunged it into Little’s own without hesitation and without mercy.
“Oh, Lieutenant,” he whispered, leaning up, his mouth by Little’s ear as the man all but trembled in his arms, “I’m not that kind of girl.”
5. this colourless light (fanfiction, rated E; the terror; joplittle, nearly 5k)
This was just something I could not get out of my head, and that I wrote for fun. It was, as I stated in the fic’s notes, entirely self-indulgent. Entirely. I just wanted some softness and tenderness, and so I gave it to myself, as I had been having a very bad week. I really do like how it came out!
Thomas Jopson takes care of a frozen Edward Little, and an Arctic whiskey caper ends tenderly.
“My love, my own love,” Thomas was whispering, the words only half-spoken as Edward continued to kiss him, still shuddering, still shaking, the wool blanket heavy where it was still draped over them. Edward slipped his hands up that trembling stomach, through the mess left there, a hot claim that he smeared over soft skin.
Honourary mention also goes to would you gain the tender creature, which I wrote in response to a prompt and which remains a personal favourite of mine, but that has featured in lists before so I figured I would spotlight some newer fics!
I am tagging @allegoriesinmediasres, @jamesclarkross, @rosewaterhag, @proudspires, @derry-rain, @thekenobee, @caravaggiosbrushes, @longstoryshortikilledhim, @distantsnows, @judiejodia, and any friends/mutuals/non-mutuals who see this and wish to participate, because I always forget to tag a couple of people despite my best efforts 🖤
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Love Confessions PT 1° BTS

☽: Pairing: BTS (OT7) x Female Reader / First Person
☽: Au: Momentary High School Au! Yandere !
☽: Word Count: 30K
☽: Chapters Here: 13/(Currently)26
☽: Summary: It didn’t matter that you didn’t know them, it didn’t matter if you had your own plans; it did matter if you didn’t return their love.
☽: A/N: Hi, I’m Dio/Ado! I used to have another tumblr account where I originally published LC but it soon became more of a “personal” so I took it down, while I didn’t publish chapters here I did publish up to 26 chapters in other platforms, so instead of publishing 26 1k-3k words I meshed them all together into 2 parts, as of now the story is still ongoing so there will be more than 30 chapters (my original estimate). If anyone is wondering, this fic has been ongoing since the 7th of July, 2018 and has been on-and-off in the works, mainly because I’m still in high school and it’s h a r d to have a schedule when you’re swamped with hw. This is edited but there may be spelling errors and bad usage of full-stops and commas where they’re very wrong (I mainly speak, not write in english lol that’s why I’m better verbally speaking than writing) but bare with me; english isn’t my first language!
Because this fic is so damn long, especially here on Tumblr where I decided to mash up some chapters, I’ve added a key for the recommended rest/stop place! It’s this “____ღ”, this is where the original chapter ends!
It’s been going on for ages ever since I moved back here strange notes have littered my locker everyday. Love confessions as a matter of fact. They made no sense, the situation made no sense they weren’t written by the same person but they were written by the same group of people. Honestly, at the beginning I found them to be quite cute they were written with such fondness it made my heart flutter. It was clear they were written with care, each word delicately being chosen, that time had been spent crafting each. But as more time went on they became more aggressive, possessive, threatening and even demanding. Still, these people continued to declare their love but showed strong aggression towards my friends and family at the same time. The notes started to include personal information, from where I lived to what underwear I had been using that day. I suddenly felt unsafe like my safety and life was being analyzed and used against me. Suddenly wasn’t just notes soon there were eyes following me too and in those moments where I felt eyes following me as I walked around the schools' hallways, I hid on the rooftop where I knew that this stalker, or stalkers, would leave me alone. Or at least for a moment or at least I thought so, I hoped.
Today I was clutching my bag tightly as I made my way behind the gray wall of the roof, where I’d hide whenever I felt those eyes following me around, one that was meant to keep us away from the storage room, and failed to do so, when suddenly a girl, probably a few years older than me, walked in followed by a fellow student; a boy. And the boy was none other than the one and only Jeon Jeongguk. Seeing his stupidly handsome face made me scowl, I quickly hid behind the wall and listened in to hear what was happening I didn’t want him to think of me as a loner that couldn’t make any friends other than him because I could.
I knew Jeongguk we were actually best friends when I first lived here. We’d go everywhere together, the park, the movies, we’d also go to each other’s house so often we had the others’ clothes and some belongings there, it had gone to such a point where our parents began planning our wedding. At the time the thought of marrying Jeongguk made me cringe because we were best friends but now just the thought of breathing the same air as him made me want to cut off my oxygen intake and just suffocate a slow and painful death. In other words; I, [Whole Name] [Last Name], hated Jeon Jeongguk with my life.
He became the embodiment of what he, we, used to hate. So coming back home to Jeongguk version two felt like I had lost a friend, a part of me and I did. Jeongguk forgot completely about what we had, about me. He became cold and he distanced himself, started hanging out with the ‘cool kids’, or whatever. I don’t care at least not now. I could make new friends, I could act cold, I could ignore him and I did. But did I want to? No, not really. But at the same time, if this was Jeongguk now, I don’t want anything to do with him.
At the beginning when I had just come back I did my best to become friends again but with how he was acting and seeing him act like such a dick made me want to beat him up, he had completely forgotten and ignored me, he didn’t even spare a glance my way. The only time I’d go to his house now was when Mrs. Jeon, his mom, invited me to help her cook and try to bring us together again. But every time I went there he’d either ignore me or throw insults at my face, and after that he’d just stare at me for the rest of my stay there.
The last time I went was over a little over a month ago and it was solely to take the things I’d left there when I was younger. I did my best to go when I knew he had football practice so I didn’t have to meet him. That day I made sure to call his mom to get her to lend me her keys something she happily did at the end of the day I was [Family Nickname] the girl that helped their shy son and became his first friend. I took with me some boxes, I don't remember exactly what or how much I left, but whatever it was I was taking it back. Jeongguk had made it rather clear he didn’t want anything to do with me so I made him a favor taking back my stuff back. The minute I stepped foot inside the house I noticed a pair of my favorite shoes there, I probably left them there when we said goodbye so when I came back I could leave with my special shoes, how cringy. Mrs. Jeon probably left them there they looked so clean as if someone had just bought them, I could imagine her cleaning the shoes everyday. Laughing a bit I took the shoes and placed them in one of the boxes I had brought, maybe Mrs. Jeon would miss them but Jeongguk wouldn’t. As I made my way to the living room, everywhere I went something was there. My old portable game console, a few books I had been looking for, some random hair ties, those looked too childish to be from Mrs. Jeon and I don’t think Jeongguk would use hair ties either, some toys, and like that I found bits and pieces of my childhood everywhere, it felt nostalgic and to some point my heart ached. And it all went into one of my boxes, so by the time I had walked all the first floor all traces of my belongings had left and all that was left was the second floor, I had filled up the of one of then cardboard boxes I had brought, I still had two left and one that I had brought full of his belongings he’d left when we were young that my mom had kept just in case he’d need them back. I made my way up to where the rooms were I noticed how the only one that had my old stuff was Mrs. and Mr. Jeon’s and Jeongguk’s bedroom, the guest rooms and Junghyun’s room where practically bare with no traces of the family, much less me. His parents' room had a few pictures and a few tacky drawings me and Jeongguk had made, those I didn’t touch, I even noticed how in her dresser Mrs. Jeon still had the bead bracelets I made her. But the room that shocked me the most was Jeongguk’s, his room was filled with my stuff and I didn’t know if two boxes would be enough for all of it. He had stuff from pictures of the two of us to even my old plushie I brought with me when we had sleepovers, just to name a few that stood out. He kept it all and I didn’t really know how to feel. I snapped to my senses and quickly took all I could fit in my boxes and as I did a big part of me felt weirded out. Why did he act like he hated me so much if he kept all of this, it took me over all almost an hour to clear his room but it felt right, no pictures or plushie; no [Name]. He wasn’t going to be reminded I ever existed now. Good, I didn’t want to be remembered by him. I took the box I had brought myself and left it neatly on his bed, quickly wrote a small note explaining what I had done and why. I didn’t apologize, why would I? He erased himself from my life emotionally, and even went as far as avoiding me, so might as well say physically too. I was doing the same thing, but as I took out my boxes and walked back home I couldn’t help but feel guilty and empty. After that I ignored the Jeon’s. I didn’t go to their house, only waving to them when we stumbled on the supermarket, didn’t really pick up their calls leaving my parents to do so, only going over if I knew my parents or someone else I knew was going too. Basically never. I had erased them from my life; but most importantly I erased him.
If only I had seen how Jeongguk reacted to seeing all his collection gone.
So, seeing him now being dragged all the way over here probably for a love confession made me cringe and hard. Seeing your ex-best friend being asked out definitely felt weird. And I felt a strange pang in my chest as I looked at the girl, her name was Sakura and she was cute. The different kind of cute I was, I mean am I even cute to begin with? Maybe that’s what his ideal type is, the opposite of me. Why was I being so damn petty?
As they walked towards the railing of the roof I pressed myself closer to the walls, I didn’t want to get caught somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be, much less by Jeongguk. Plus, as wrong as it was, I wanted to see how it turned out. As much as I say I hate him, he still played a part in my life, a part I wasn’t about to truly forget or replace.
The girl shyly fixed her hair behind her ear as she spoke, she took her time probably nervous, “W-well, Jeongguk... I know you must get this a lot...”
”Oh god, please hurry up!” He exclaimed impatiently. God he was such a dick.
”Ah, ok! I like you, a lot. I know you’ve dated prettier girls and I may not be the best but-“
”Cut it, will you? I don’t know you, what even is your name Sana? Sinb? Sarah? Look, I guess you’re not that bad, but come on, me? Please, don’t waste my time like this, this is unnecessary.”
”Wh-what?” The pretty girl choked out, I wasn’t really looking by now having seen enough but I could tell by her voice that what that dick said hit her hard, sure those are insults someone would have thrown around in second grade but still, pouring your heart out for it to then be rejected in such manner must have hurt. I had never been rejected, but I could only imagine the pain.
“Are you fucking stupid? Look,” he started, “please get lost and refrain from contacting me ever again.” Ya ou could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke and I bet all my money that as the girl left running she was a crying mess and I couldn’t blame her I was close to crying too, just where did Jeongguk go. I know people change, especially from fourteen to seventeen, hell even from ten to eleven, but the changes he went through shocked me to the core.
I sat waiting to hear the door open and close to indicate he had left too but it never came. It seemed he was staying out there, he didn’t walk either he seemed to be standing in the same place. I thought he had fainted, a pretty good thing if I wanted to run away without confrontation, or something until he burst out laughing. The sound of his laughter was psychotic, it started out quite but it grew to the point I wanted to rip my ears off. No one had told a joke and nothing funny had happened, if anything the scene that just played out was quite sad, especially since I had been in similar shoes. So then, why was he laughing. I pressed my back tightly against the wall and pushed myself further away from the edge. His laughing fit didn’t stop though. It became even louder. He laughed so hard he fell on the floor, the sound of his knees making contact with the ground bounced all over the place accompanied with the sound of him hitting the ground in laughter, he sounded demented.
After a few seconds of this the laughing stopped, but again the sound of the rooftop door opening didn’t come much less the sound of him standing up. Now the only sound other than the wind and soft rain softly passing through tree leaves was the sound of him crying and speaking through broken sobs.
”I didn’t do enough, didn’t I? Of course I didn’t”, he screamed, his voice sounded constricted and forced, “Why won’t she love me! I did everything Namjoon told me to do... everything!” He began shouting towards the end of his mumble. He clearly wasn’t stable, at least not now, and it broke my heart to see him like this. Who was Namjoon? Did he make him act like this? Perhaps, was it student council Namjoon? Was he somehow responsible for the strange change Jeongguk went through? I mean, he holds enormous power considering he’s just the president of the student council, I mean, he’d been in this school for such a long time but no student has that much power. He was to graduate soon, his class was the first to graduate since the extension of high school education from eighteen to nineteen-twenty, he was older than many of us but that was no reason for him to hold that much influence.
Yet the poor boy kept on crying and I couldn’t listen to him anymore. Not even the sound of the rain could really drown his sorrows out. I was disappointed in him, and I had no idea why he was crying, but either way he still had a big spot inside my heart and I felt weak hearted, and I did what I had told myself countless time I wouldn’t do. I stood up, picked up my bag and made my way towards the broken boy.
As I stood a few feet in front of him I could feel my heart break slightly, it looked worse than what it sounded. His shirt was soaked with tears and rain, his nose was runny, I couldn’t see his eyes as he covered them with his hands. I walked slowly towards him and he finally seemed to hear me and the weight in air as he went stiff, losely growling as he spoke, “How long have you been there?”
But unlike his voice, his body shook slightly as tears continued to fall from his eyes and down his cheeks. I felt awful, he still was my Jeonggukie. Scared of what others thought, shy and a cry baby, a dummy, impulsive, and reckless, to name a few. He was still my Jeongguk. That’s what I wanted to believe now, would it stay like that though?
“A-ah, shit,” I froze before blindly speaking whatever came to my mind, “Jeonggukie, please don’t cry, uhh, you’ll make me cry too!” I cringed realizing that I had used the ‘special’ nickname I had with him with the technique I always used on him when we were younger so that he’d stopped crying. The nickname wasn’t special anymore, it seemed like all the girls in this school used it on him, but still I could silently pride myself on being the first one to call him that. And that technique wasn’t going to work, he was older now and he hated me, didn’t he?
“Bunny?” He asked shyly, he slowly let his hands drop from his face as a small blush took over his features. Maybe, just maybe, he still was my Jeonggukie somewhere deep down.
Finishing the few steps I needed to be by his side I crouched down to his level, and brought my hand to caress his hair softly, we were getting soaked so I try and cover us with my school bag. Slightly humming as confirmation that it was indeed me, and after him looking over me fast as if to confirm that it was really me, he threw himself at me and I fell on my butt from the force, we were now in the shade of a roof as I hit my back against the wall. He quickly hugged me and immediately began crying once more.
”[Name]! I’m so so sorry if I made you mad or hurt you, oh god, don’t tell me I hurt you!” He began blabbering as he cried harder. What happened to him? Only a few minutes ago he was being the biggest dick to a sweet girl and now he was crying and apologizing to me?
“Jeongguk, what happened?” I tried to ask but he refused to listen and opted to continue apologizing and not letting go. He wasn’t as scrawny as he was when he was younger, he was actually quite *big in comparison to me so pushing him away was out of the question. So I opted to silently embrace him. We had spent such a long time like this that we both ended falling asleep and missing class. Not that I cared, I was happy being like this. I could never be mad at him forever.
By the time I had woken up, I expected Jeongguk to be gone because it was either A) a dream or B) he regretted what he did and decided to be a dick again if not an even bigger one. But to my surprise I woke up to a big pair of doe like eyes staring up at me from his position on top of my chest.
“Bunn,” he began, his voice husky from just waking up, “I’m sorry if I upset you, I know you went up to my house and took your stuff back, I almost had a panic attack when I noticed your things were gone. I’m so sorry if I was ever a dick to you. I-I just love you so much I’m scared I’ll hurt you.” He whispered softly as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, blushing slightly I stare away from him.
”I love you too, Kookie. Don’t worry about anything, ‘kay? You’re always going to be my best friend.”
If only I had noticed how his eyes seemed to have darkened at the mention of best friend.
That day, Jeongguk walked me home. We went up to our lockers, and I was surprised to see one less love note. Today, there were only six. I expected Jeongguk to ask me about it, or ask me if I knew them, but he if anything he seemed more interested in me arriving home safely.
That night was the first night I received a letter inside my house. Freaking out I quickly open the letter only to find out my suspicions were true.
Our dearest [Name],
We are all very happy to know that you have finally accepted your fate to be with us. It is on our best intentions to tell you that it will not be long until we are reunited again.
In the meantime, we wish you do not engage in any form of relation with any male or female other than the ones you already engage with. If you do happen to break this wish, we are sorry to tell you that we will be forced to deal with the source of the problem very similarly with how a gardener does; take out the malice from the roots. All that we ask of you is to stay put and wait for us as we will come when the time is right.
Meanwhile you wait and we prepare it all, we will be keeping an eye on you at all times. Do not fear anything as we will take care of it for you.
We will meet again but for now,
It had been less than a week since me and Jeongguk had begun hanging out again. And as nice as it felt it also came with this overwhelming feeling whenever he was around, he was too clingy. He’d be there always, and if he wasn’t he’d be calling me or texting me.
He had been doing the latter all day. He said it was his way of saying sorry and that if he could he would’ve come over. And at that, I didn’t know what was worse; him calling me or him being here.
It wasn’t that I wasn’t grateful that we’d finally be able to hang out like we used to, heck yes I was, it’s just not like this. I didn’t like the feeling he brought with him whenever we hung out; it was just like at school. But instead of eyes, it was actions and words.
Who knew words could have such an effect on somebody?
They knew.
The people that have been leaving the notes on my locker knew. I had no idea why, but after a while of this strange occurrence, I started collecting the notes. It became a habit of mine whenever I was bored to try and decipher or try finding patterns in them. And today seemed like a nice day to try, everyday seemed like a nice day to try if it brought me closer to stopping these creeps.
I had turned off my phone. Giving Jeongguk a quick text saying I was going to study so I couldn't have my phone on, liar liar. I had decided to try and analyze the notes, do something with them at least.
And the best way to do so was to go to the beginning.
I decided to paste them to a small notebook I had laying around, so I just had to flip a few pages to find what I was looking for.
The first note, and it happened to be signed by Suga.
It was rather short but heartfelt, and the first time I read it I couldn’t help but blush furiously. It went like this;
”My muse,
I’ve been loving you for a while now, you know? My heart skips a beat every time I see you, and it starts creating a new melody for you, its eternal muse.
All I can do is hope that when our time comes to meet, you help me create the most beautiful symphony for us.
Until tomorrow and forever,
Even now, the thought that someone like me was able to inspire someone with such a way for words to create music made my heart skip a beat. But this ‘Suga’ boy wasn’t as sweet as he introduced himself as, slowly I saw his transition from a love struck boy to a sick pervert. Especially on his latest note, which by far has to be one of the creepiest;
”My dearest muse,
What exactly do you think you’re doing? Talking to those no life like that, letting them flirt and touch you. Are you that lonely that you’re willingly letting anybody touch you?
I’m the only one allowed to touch you, perhaps there are few times were I’m allowed to do so but I treasure them intently.
Next time that happens I’ll make sure to cut their dirty hands off and burn them to ashes, so they never bother you again. I promise to send their ashes to you soon.
I don’t like breaking promises, darling.
Whatever happens remember that I still love you.
With eternal love,
- Your loyal servant, Suga”
Reading the note over and over again I couldn’t help but think that I should go to the police but as quick as the thought formed it had to go away. If it was true that they were watching my every move then I couldn’t risk going to the police because who knew what they’d do, they already knew where I lived and so they must also know my family and friends too. I wasn’t going to go around and risk them unless it got too dangerous.
Time had flown by the window, and by the time I finished reading all of Suga’s letters it had already turned dark.
”Ah, I must’ve skipped lunch and dinner...”, I mutter. I wasn’t surprised, actually, it happened very often where I’d be so caught up I forgot about time. Today was no exception it seems.
Everyone in my house, except for myself, were out for the next week. I wasn’t worried about being by myself, neither about the stalkers since from what I caught on they seem more keen on keeping me out of harm, strangely knowing that they were there and would try and keep harm away from me made me worry less about the dangers of being by myself, though a recurring theme on their letters was taking me away when the right time came that was going to be easy to avoid; I just wasn’t going to give them the right time. I’d make it impossible for them to take me until I could be sure that I and my family could be safe, then I’d go to the police. That’s the plan, the best case scenario.
Deciding that it was enough blabbering to myself, I try to cheer myself up and go make some food. I wasn’t going to make some Gordon Ramsay premium meal, fuck that shit, I’d just go for one of those 5-6 minutes microwave dishes or whatever.
As the dish sat in the microwave I decided to turn on my phone, and not to my surprise Jeongguk had bombarded my phone with texts and calls. Even though I wasn’t surprised, it didn’t mean it didn’t creep or worry me out.
We hadn’t even been around each other for a week and he already was slightly getting on my nerves. I was going to have a talk with him about respecting others privacy.
I open the messenger app to find texts after text from Jeongguk. My chest slightly hurt, since when was he this dependable?
Hey i’m gonna be studying so i’ll have to turn my phone off (>o<) :ME
Jeonggukie: okay (^o^)!
Jeonggukie: it’s fine just text me once you’re done!
Jeonggukie: gtg team needs its’ golden player again
[sent at 1:16pm]
Jeonggukie: YOY O Y OY O!!!!
Jeonggukie: Why haven’t you texted me bakc?
Jeonggukie: *back
Jeonggukie: are u mad @ me??
Jeonggukie: Σ(゚д゚lll)
[sent at 1:23pm]
Jeonggukie: wait.... don’t tell me you’re actually mad?
Jeonggukie: fuck,
Jeonggukie: gtg again for practice but by the time i’m back you better not be studying anymore and be online with me,,,
[sent at 2:34pm]
Jeonggukie: [Name]...
Jeonggukie: Are you ok?
Jeonggukie: You’re not hurt right?!
Jeonggukie: Oh fuck....
Jeonggukie: What if someone took you?!
Jeonggukie: What if someone HURT you?!
Jeonggukie: [Last name] [Name] you better text me right now or else I might do something we both will regret....
[sent at 4:20pm]
Jeonggukie: [Name]...
Jeonggukie: I went over to their house but,
Jeonggukie: They told me you weren’t with them...
Jeonggukie: They also didn’t know where you are...
Jeonggukie: Or if you’re with someone
Jeonggukie: So then the question is...
Jeonggukie: Where are you Bunn?
Jeonggukie: They didn’t tell me :(
Jeonggukie: Will you tell me?
Jeonggukie: :(
[sent at 5:37pm]
Jeonggukie: They told me they didn’t know but I know they’re lying!
Jeonggukie: So I took care of them!!
Jeonggukie: Aren’t you happy?!
Jeonggukie: Awww, but now I’m dirty :((
Jeonggukie: Your prince can’t be dirty can he?
[sent at 7:43pm]
Jeonggukie: i still can’t find u tho...
Jeonggukie: you can’t be still studying... actually you may!
Jeonggukie: idk BunBun, it seems weird to me u never did this before....
[sent at 7:56pm]
Jeonggukie: u know what!
Jeonggukie: I'm going over to your house!
Junggukie: and if you’re not there or with someone else...
Jeonggukie: Kookie is going on a man hunt ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
[sent at 8:00pm]
What the hell? What was he going on about? In all honesty I was curious, but I didn’t want to find out. The more I thought about what Jeon had texted me, the more it confused me. Thoughts mixed with illusions, and facts mixed with theories.
What if Jeongguk was one of the note writers?
It seems so far fetched, I mean how did I even come with that conclusion, but it also makes so much sense. If he was one of these creeps then- no, he couldn’t, but then it could explain his weird behavior. My gut feeling was hysterically telling me to block him out of my life but...
Heck, [Name] stop it, you’re mixing up reality with fantasy and making life more difficult than what it should be. I did my best to push the thought away, but it somehow always found a way to linger in my mind. But there’s no way Jeongguk would be stalking me, we had barely even reconciled. I had been so caught up in thoughts that I hadn’t heard the front door opening, and by the time I did the intruder had already made their way to the kitchen. Tensing up at not only the arrival of the intruder but also at the obnoxious sound of the microwave announcing itself ready, I jump slightly when a hand pats my shoulder to then engulf me in a hug.
”Bunny! Oh my god! I thought someone had hurt you!”, Jeongguk pouted, “Why didn’t you answer my texts, [Name]?”
Feeling uncomfortable I slightly push his hands off me but to no avail as he continues holding me tight.
“God! Jeongguk, I told you I was studying! Not everyone can get A’s without working!” I try to sound as true and confident as possible. If my assumptions were true then any false move could mean hell for me.
“Ah, Darling you flatter me!” He joked, “but don’t go around thinking like that, don’t tell me someone told you the opposite?”
Fuck, why is he acting so weird! Who even asks these questions? This wasn’t the Jeongguk I left. He’s meant to get these thoughts away not confirm them!
“Jeez, Jeon, it’s nothing I promise you. This test is very important to me and I can’t risk failing it” I try to reason with him he was acting unreasonably right now.
“Mhm, is that so?” He questions as he lays his head on top of mine, “Then it’s decided. Tomorrow I’ll take you to a friends house so he can teach you, he’s really smart Bunny!” He laughed a bit.
“Haha, really?” I ask slightly disheartened.
”Yeah, his name is Kim Namjoon, do you know him by any chance?”
Hell fucking no, he couldn’t be talking about council president Kim Namjoon, right?
“The-the council president?” I gulped, please no no no no no no no no no no n-
“Yes, you’re not that anti-social, Bunny.”
[Earlier || 3rd p.o.v]
Jeongguk was freaking out. You hadn’t answered his text for a while now. You couldn’t be studying for that long, right? You normally always had your phone with you so then why weren’t you texting him? Had you met someone better? Did you meet someone better? Even after all he did for you? He changed so much because of you and you were paying him like this? It was clear to him that you wouldn't be studying for that long.
No, it wasn’t you, it was probably some pesky friend of yours keeping you away from him, let’s be real you love him so why would you ignore him.
Jeongguk didn’t like that at all.
Maybe what he was going to was harsh, but it wasn’t like it was his first time doing this for you. But he couldn’t do it alone.
He had gotten so anxious and scared something had happened to you he began shaking. With the anxiety eating him away he shakily dialed the number and waited to get his call to get picked up.
”Namjoon, I need help with something”
It had taken Jeongguk and Jimin little to no time finding out where your ‘friends’ were.
”Does she really have to hang out with people like them?” Jimin asked Jeongguk, accentuating them. It was clear that the boy didn’t approve of the people you hung out with, why couldn’t you hang out with him instead? He was clearly better than these Joy and Lisa girls.
”Oi! It’s not my fault none of you had the balls to hang out with her before.” Jeongguk snarled at his older friend, they made you happy, why was Jimin questioning you?
“Well, why don’t you grow a pair and hang out with her then?” Jimin mocked, he knew why, they all knew why.
”Oh shut up you burnt piece of-“
Just as Jeongguk was about to throw a punch, the front door open and out came your best friend, Joy.
Confused she started at the two boys and asked, “Jeon, Park? What are you two doing here?”
Jumping slightly, Jimin offered her a charming smiling as he pushed Jeongguk's’ hand away, “Aw! Joy you caught us! We were just wondering about [Name], and since you two are friends we thought we’d come and ask you!”
It didn't make sense to Joy why they’d come to her house when they could’ve texted he, much less when they could have directly asked [Name]r.
“Why didn’t you call me then? It would’ve been easier...” She trailed off.
“We didn’t have your number!” Jeongguk smiled.
Liars, they did have her number and she knew it, how else would’ve they invited her to those parties. That’s when she noticed why it felt odd.
“Well, how did your know where I live” She questioned further, they weren’t acting like usual. Joy never liked them, to be honest, she always found them weird but this was on another level.
”We checked the school records, silly!” Jimin laughed, he was starting to get annoyed.
”What are talking about? Stop acting so weird!” She shouted, who would go that far to know where someone lived!
Plus, the school records had her dad’s house not this one!
”Atta, girl!”, Jimin smirked walking towards the girl, “You haven’t been answering any of our questions and it’s getting annoying..”
”Where is [Name]?” Jeongguk butted in.
Shaking her head slightly she tried closing the door on them, things were escalating quickly and she didn’t like where this was going.
”Stupid girl, where is she?” Jimin asked harsher, she was taking too long and he wasn’t sure how much longer he was willing to put up with her. Jimin was a patient good boy but when it came to you he couldn’t wait, he wasn’t going to wait.
”I-I don’t know now leave me alone!”
Oh poor Joy!
It had taken the boys a few hours but eventually she broke, everyone brakes eventually.
But sadly, it was true; she didn’t know where you were.
And now the boys had spilled blood that shouldn’t have been spilled.
”Look what you did Jeongguk!”, Jimin scowled as he dragged what he hoped and looked like the leftovers of a girl's arm, “Now we have to clean this whole shit up by ourselves, you little bitch. ”
The younger boy had been given the task of taking out the heavy load as he had been the one responsible for this kill.
“How many times do I have to tell you she wasn’t, and still isn’t for your fucking information, picking up my calls or responding to my texts!” He shouted from outside, it was true. While Jimin was busy trying to coax out information about your whereabouts, Jeongguk had been repeatedly calling you.
“Be grateful we actually got useful information about [Name] or else I would’ve told Namjoon about your breakdown.” The eldest of the two threatened as he glared at the younger boy.
They had been cleaning for a good hour when they realized they still had a shit more to clean, deciding to call for help, they patiently sat at the dead girls house as they roamed through a box of momentum’s Joy had of her and her friends.
And to their luck, she had a few pictures of you. They had passed the rest of the wait there going through her stuff trying to find anything about or from you, which they did. In their eyes, they hit the mother load.
They had been so caught up by the box and it’s content they hadn’t realized their friends had arrived.
It was like the two boys were there with you! Gushing at the thought they searched further and further in the seemingly never ending box.
“Kook, we need help if you want to burn the evidence, I’m afraid you’ll need to-“, Namjoon started but his voice drifted off as he took a better look at the box in the youngest hands, “What’s that?”
”Ah! Just a box Jiminie and I found at the girls house, if you look closely it has a lot of stuff from [Name]!” Jeongguk exclaimed happily, hell yes he was proud of himself, he means, how many times can the others say they found anything remotely similar to this?
”Are you sure there’s nothing else like that in the house?” Namjoon asked again as he took a look through the box, maybe there’d be something, anything that could help get closer to you, help him get closer to you.
”Don’t know...”, Jimin trailed off, “maybe we can search while we finish the place up.”
And that’s what they did, four boys; Namjoon, Jimin, Jeongguk and Taehyung went through the house searching for anything that could be of use to them. But to much of their dismay, they didn’t find much.
Clearly pissed Namjoon mercilessly threw the lighter at the house setting the building ablaze. Without even looking back, he made his way to the car and patiently waited for his friends as they watched the building burn.
After a while, Jimin and Taehyung suggested Jeongguk to continue searching for you. And so the youngest did, texting you about going to your house he asks his friends to drop him there.
As they watched him leave the car Namjoon calls out to him, “Kook, we helped you with your little stunt but now you have to help us, you’ll set us up with her somehow, ok?”
A little nervous, Jeongguk just nods. How is he supposed to set you and the other three up? Turning around towards your house he sees the lights on, you had to be there. Scolding himself for not checking your house earlier he invites himself in, not really caring if you wanted privacy or not.
Because why would you want to be away from your groom?
[Present// 1st p.o.v]
After leading Jeongguk out of my house, after agreeing to take his stupid study lessons with that Namjoon man, I can’t wait to go to sleep.
Taking a quick shower, I throw myself at my bed only to be met with the odd feeling of paper against my chest.
Terror courses through my veins as I slowly sit up from a lying position. Oh hell no, please no. Fully sitting up, I stare in front of me to find a pretty, slightly crumbled, white envelope with a pretty heart sticker in the middle.
How did it get here? The only other person who came here was.... Jeongguk. But when did he come inside my room?
Our Dearest [Name],
We are happy to see that you keep the notes we give you!
It shows how much we mean to you, of course you will never understand the extents we’d go for you. You will soon learn how to truly accept us as your future lovers.
It does sadden most of us to see you only read Suga’s letters, in the other hand he was beaming. Tell us, darling, do you read the rest of our notes like that too?
We hope.
Anyway, we are glad that we will have an opportunity to get closer soon, and we trust your feelings will come to light soon too.
With Love,
The fated day had arrived, and I was now heading over to Jeongguk’s house for our study session. I was terrified. I didn’t want to meet Jeongguk, not now that this awful theory had planted itself on my brain, and I definitely didn’t want to meet Namjoon.
Kim Namjoon, face of an angel and a personality Satan himself would be jealous of. He was student council president. At the beginning he was a sweetheart, he tricked all of us to believe him to be one. He was despicable, using his powers to his advantage to remain on top of the social hierarchy at school. Even if it was just school to some, he saw it as an opportunity to climb his way up in society now. Hanging out with the kids whose parents were CEO’s, treating them with respect and giving them what they wanted. And excellent grades, working extra credit every day and following the rules like a bible. And just like that he had managed to secure himself job offers from big companies at the age of eighteen and a half, he had enough offers that he could get fired from each one everyday for years and never be jobless. But to keep such a picture perfect image some dirty work needed to be done, of course his hands wouldn’t even budge as he always had someone else do it for him.
He was so wicked and corrupted the Devil himself was afraid.
I was shaking throughout the whole drive, my legs began moving by themselves and it suddenly felt like I wasn’t in my body anymore.
“Gran, are we close?” I asked, my voice breaking at the possibility of only being a few minutes.
”No, baby, the road we normally take closed so it’ll take us a while longer put it half an hour? God, why do things like this happen at the worst times?” Gran commented, she was right. Why do the worst things happen when you least need them to? Was there a need for balance? Did every time something good happens something bad had to contradict the previous events as if to remind you that ‘hey this is real life not a movie, so bad shit happens, deal with it’.
Sighing I tell Gran that I’ll try sleeping the rest of the trip off, maybe it’ll take my mind off things, hopefully I won’t dream surely they’d be nightmares.
But sleep wouldn’t take me, thoughts about what could happen, whether it be due to the nonsense that my brain had come up with or not wasn’t clear to me, the thoughts haunted me and sleep seemed farther and farther away.
So for the rest of the car ride I just stared ahead of me. I counted clouds, the number of red cars that passed, how many people would wave back at me if I waved, how many dogs were on the street, I did everything to not be reminded that I would drown in the five hours without parental supervision next to a former friend and potential stalker and a student council president sociopath.
Closing my eyes I let out a sigh, maybe if I don’t speak about anything personal and just focus on studying it’ll go faster.
By the time we had arrived at Jeongguk’s house I was almost an hour late. And knowing from experience Namjoon didn’t like it at all. My friend Irene, the head of our club had told us stories about the boys’ ill temper. Approaching the driveway, I fumbled with my book bag and silently prayed that some stupid shit happened to Namjoon and that he wouldn’t be able to come to the tutoring session. But whatever deity is up there seemed to want to fuck me over and went out there and made him wait for me outside. And damn did he look pissed.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck- I pissed Kim Namjoon! I had unwillingly and unknowingly pissed Kim Namjoon, and now here he was death glaring at my car.
I didn’t care that my grandmother was driving me, fuck that, what I did care was what Namjoon could and would say. His presence was enough to invoke fear and terror and plant it in my chest.
Getting out of the car I ask my gran to pick me up earlier, “Grans, I know the session ends at six, and it’s now one but please for all that’s good pick me up at five or maybe even earlier? Make anything up, that you needed me for something! I don’t know like, help with the tv or whatever, please! I’ll do anything!” I begged her.
”Why? Weren’t you and that Jeon boy friends?” She asked me curiously, she didn’t exactly shoot down my offer yet I knew that did I say anything wrong she’d probably pick me up at ten out of spite.
”Used to, we got into a fight and I don’t want to stay with him too long, I-please.”
”Fine, fine. Just text me and I’ll come before but no matter what I’ll pick you up at five okay?”
Nodding viciously, I thank her and bid her goodbye. I had an escape plan now if things went south, and if I grew uncomfortable I could text the girls, now all that’s left is actually going through with the study session.
“Ah! Hello [Name], it seems you finally showed up!” Namjoon says as he stands up to shake my hand, I don't know if he’s being kind or just being a sarcastic prick, but at this point, I don’t care, I needed this to go faster, so fast that it’d seem like a dream, a horrible and awkward dream.
”Oh yes, the street I normally take was closed due to a house fire nearby” I try to excuse myself.
”Oh yes! I heard it was quite brutal, it seems they also found a dead girl there, I think she went to our school, Park Sooyeong or Joy does it ring a bell?” He asks faking concern, why do I think he’s faking concern? Maybe it was due to the way his eyes twinkled with wonder when I asked him what he meant, maybe it was for the joy laced in his tone.
“I’m sorry, what?” I laugh, tears gathered around my eyes as I tried to understand the wicked grin that sat in his face, why couldn’t he have told me differently, not so vaguely and so disinterested probably because he knows she was my best friend, because she’d always cause him trouble, because she was different; why? Joy, the thought of her dead made me start bawling my eyes right there. She couldn’t be.. dead? She had called me yesterday to make plans to hang out next weekend. Her happy voice haunted me, there’s no way.... Why hadn’t anyone told me before? Was she the only one dead? Or did her mother and sister die too? Why wasn’t it on the news? Or had I been so selfish that I didn’t check properly?
”Shhh, [Name], it’s okay! You’re safe,” Namjoon whispers as he pulls me into a hug, from what would I be safe? I didn’t care and my grip on his shirt tightened, I wanted to pull him away, “They won’t hurt you, they’d never hurt you.”
Who was he talking about and why was he so certain. Suddenly something clicked in my brain, something Jeongguk said the rooftop that day.
”Why won’t she like me! I did everything Namjoon told me to do.... I did everything!”
Namjoon. He had something to do with Jeongguk acting weird, and now here he is not worrying about the death of somebody but me? Jeongguk and Namjoon. They did hang out together, did they not? Nothing made sense anymore, and I didn’t know what was real or fake. It kept getting mixed up in my head. What if Jeongguk and Namjoon are working together?
“What are you talking about? You make it sound as if it was a serial killer, this town is safe why would a killer be loose?” I ask, I needed to get as much information out of him and Jeongguk as possible. But there is no way he’ll believe-
“Oh, haven’t you heard what I said? They mutilated the girl, it has to be someone experienced with murder and getting away, I mean if you looked at the news you’d see, they found pieces of the dead bodies all around the street, there were footprints of five to four different shoes and sizes, unless the perpetrator had many different sized feet then it’s clear that there were more people, at the very least four. It’s even said that whoever mutilated the body, even if not being a doctor due to the way the bones had been sliced, was someone with experience.” He stated matter of factly, but it just didn’t seem right to me. What news? No news station had reported any of this. My grandma had the news on as I got ready and no news about this had been displayed at all, and how would these things get out to the public? Different shoe sizes, what were they going to do, measure everyones’ feet?
But before I could ask any other question Jeongguk came out rather excited for our study session. I think this is the first time since coming back that I’ve been glad Jeongguk showed up.
In my head this suddenly this wasn’t just a study session, this was my opportunity to figure what the hell was happening, not only to me but to Joy and the town.
We had spent three hours studying and I still had no progress on my new mission. And it honestly felt like hell. I sighed slightly as Namjoon kept on rambling about Newton’s laws of motion, acceleration and pressure. I knew this stuff, not to a cup of tea but definitely more than what Namjoon seemed to think I knew.
He suddenly stopped though, maybe my sigh wasn’t as discreet as I thought it was and he looked at me straight in the eyes without saying anything. Finding this a bit creepy I look over to Jeongguk, who had been unusually quiet, to find him staring at me with the same intensity, let’s say for lack of better wording.
Feeling utterly uncomfortable, I excuse myself to the bathroom only to be grabbed by not only Namjoon but Jeongguk from both wrists, not letting me stand up properly. It was a horror KDrama scene. I stumbled to the floor and gasped, what the hell?
”Uh,I need to go to the bathroom? Can you, like, let me go?” I question, what the fuck are they doing?
”Don’t-don’t take too long, Bunny!” Jeongguk says blushing as he retrieves his hand waiting for Namjoon to do the same.
”Y-yeah, we-we still have a lot to cover!” Namjoon tried to cover up his embarrassment by bringing up more work, fuck him for that.
”Yeah, I’ll keep it in mind...”
I hurried to the bathroom with my bag in my arms and pull out my phone. I hadn’t used it all day, too scared about seeing my inbox flooded by texts from Jeongguk. As fast as I could I open the messenger app and tap on our friend group.
Nini♥︎: omfg, did you guys hear?
[Sent at 12:57PM]
Lalalisaaa🤟🏻: yeah, i didn’t believe it
Rosie🌹: my mom sat me down and told me
Rosie🌹: i haven’t cried this much in ages
[Sent at 1:34PM]
Mom-rene💖: who’d do this?
Seulgi bear🐻: I heard they stole the friend box she had
Seulgi bear🐻: like, the one with pics and stuff about us?
Wen-Wen💙: the one she did with us when [name] came???
Seulgi bear🐻: yeah, it’s gone
[Sent at 1:35PM]
Chicken🦆: so you’re saying someone broke into joy's house, burned it, killed her all for a box??
Yerim💜: who the fuck would do that that’s sick as fuck,,,,
[Sent at 1:45PM]
Seulgi Bear🐻: ok so you know how my dad works at the police station???
Nini♥︎: yes
Yerim💜: seulgi......
Seulgi Bear🐻: they found the box
Mom-rene💖: what?!
Lalalisaaa🤟🏻: with all of the stffu
Lalalisaaa🤟🏻: *stuff
Seulgi Bear🐻: now, don’t freak out much but
Seulgi Bear🐻: they found fingerprints, they assume that’s the people that killed Joy AND burned her house....
Rosie🌹: people???
Chicken🦆: like more than 1?
Seulgi Bear🐻: yes, but here’s where it gets really weird.... all of the stuff about us was there...
Mom-rene💖: tell me how’s that weird?
Seulgi Bear🐻: All but [name]’s
Seulgi Bear🐻: her stuff was gone, all of it.
Nini♥︎: you don’t think....
Wen-Wen💙: seulgi,
Wen-Wen💙: who’s fingerprints did they find??
Seulgi Bear🐻: Park Jimin’s, Jeon Jeongguk’s and Kim Namjoon’s, those were in the box
Seulgi Bear🐻: in the door handle they found Kim Taehyung’s
Mom-rene💖: [name]! weren’t you at Jeongguk’s house with Namjoon?!
Yerim💜: get out of there!
Chicken🦆: now!!
Lalalisaaa🤟🏻: she’s not responding, omg do you think she is dead??
Seulgi Bear🐻: she will be fine, the police are investigating further, don’t worry [name]
Yerim💜: can’t they just arrest them!!
Seulgi Bear🐻: sadly, they need more evidence... they could’ve found the box after the murder left or maybe even before, joy could have gifted it to them and Taehyung could’ve gone over to her house before, you know how they used to date and all....
Mom-rene💖: but IF they’re the stalkers, does that mean they’re also responsible for the love notes?
Wen-Wen💙: idk probably
Rosie🌹: So they’ll probably not hurt her,,,,
Mom-rene💖: [name], whenever you read this, getting out of there understood?
Nini♥︎: go to seulgi’s house, k?
Seulgi Bear🐻: we will all be there, you’re not alone....
[Sent 3:47PM]
I’m getting out of here now, don’t worry:You
[Sent at 3:53PM]
“I’m sorry but I need to go now, my grandma just texted me.”
“Wait! What? [Name] don’t go, please!” I heard Jeongguk yell behind me, causing Namjoon to look at him. I ran as I saw Namjoon turn away and Jeongguk run beside him.
I hid behind the wall of the corridor as Jeongguk scrambled next to Namjoon, asking him what to do. I could hear Namjoon talking over the phone and Jeongguk crying his eyes out whispering soft mantra of “What do we do?”.
“S-shit, Jeongguk stop screaming- [Name] left? N-no Jin don’t hang up, I-I know we’re in deep shit but- yes, we’ll be more careful next time, and we’ll- yes, we are going to call you if we- when we do it again”, Namjoon sighed, “she doesn’t know, she left running I think, she was texting her friends’ silence, “Yeah she’s friends with Seulgi the daughter of the chief detective- Shit!”
He hung up and made his way towards the bathroom door, in other words the other side of the room, the side I wasn’t in. Bolting my way outside I make my way towards Seulgi’s house.
Just who was Jin, why was Jeongguk acting so weird and what dip shit were they in?
“G-god! [Name] you’re alive!” Irene threw herself at me the minute I entered Seulgi’s room.
Irene was never one to cry, but here she was mourning the death of her friend, our friend Joy, she was gone. Seeing all my friends in a room faces red and eyes swollen made me realize that it was true; Joy was dead.
That they killed Joy.
”It has to be them, it just has to be!” The youngest, Yeri, cried, she was a few months older than me yet we always treated her as the baby.
”I-it probably is them, dad said so and he’s good I-I trust he’ll bring justice to Joy.” Seulgi whispered, she seemed to be in disbelief, I remembered how she used to like Jimin only a few weeks ago.
”Cheeky, you were with Jeongguk and Namjoon, two of the suspects weren’t you?” Lisa asked, she was stroking Rosé’s hair as the later filled the room with sobs, I couldn’t bear to watch her.
”Y-yeah, they were acting w-weirder than usual.” I choked out, tears brimmed my eyes and I realized I hadn’t cried much over Joy’s death; why? Because Namjoon freaked me out and Jeongguk is a weirdo, that’s why.
“W-when I left N-Namjoon was t-talking about not getting caught”, I sink into the bed beside Rosé, “T-they talked about the police a-and I-I think they killed Joy”
“But why?”, Jennie asked exasperated, “Why would they kill Joy? What did Joy have that no one else did?”
“Well- I mean, hadn’t we established that they were the love note writers?”, Yeri asked and we all nodded, “So remember how they started getting weirder and weirder as time went on?”
Again, we only nodded.
“So, what if they are the stalkers? I-I mean not like average stalkers I mean full out ‘I-Will-Kill-For-You’ stalkers? Like, Joy was friends with [Name], and both of you hanged out a lot even without us, so what if they wanted to, I don’t know, figure out where you were and they got mad or something and killed her? I mean, it’s not really the first time someone close to us or someone that has shown interest in us, in [Name], has died suddenly, and you’ve all got to admit they’ve always acted weird when [Name] was around. We always played it off as coincidence but, really…? That’s just dumb..” Yeri trailed off, I was left in shock at how much sense it all made; had I been that stupid?
“There we have killers and a motive.” Seulgi said slowly, it made so much sense that another wave of tears came.
“But! They have an alibi, don’t they?” Wendy spoke for the first time with a hoarse voice, she sounded defeated, it hurt seeing somebody as extroverted as her so quite.
”What if it doesn’t coincide with , for example, Jeongguk did though, I mean I was with him that day...”
”What? What do you mean, [Name]?” Rosé asked, probably excited at the possibility of Joy getting justice, but a part of her also seemed confused.
”What was Jeongguk’s alibi, Seulgi?”
”Seokjin said that he, Jeongguk, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin had spent the whole evening with him and that they didn’t really leave the house.” Seulgi recalled, yet something felt odd...
”That is just plain wrong, Jeongguk went over to my house, the-the day of the murder he was out! Seokjin is in this, maybe it’s true that he was at home but the rest no, and so is Namjoon, of those two, when I went to Jeongguk’s house I saw a car that was probably Namjoon’s, so that’s a fact now, though he drives like shit, Jeongguk told me that, and the car that had dropped him off had a very bad driver because my front house neighbors’ complained about a black van that almost ran over their sons in a play date that day, that was Namjoon! S-so it’s possible Jimin and Taehyung were there too!”
“A black van? Dad said that a few witnesses saw a black van!”, Seulgi added in shock, “Kim Yerim you’re a genius!”
“Now we need evidence, to get them in jail where they belong”, Jennie spoke up, “But how do we do that?”
”Easy, we know their weaknesses and we’ll use it against them,'' Irene said determined, she sounded as if she was planning something, “They won’t get away with this.”
”And what is that?” Wendy asked her, she sounded unsure at the idea of interacting with them.
”Their weakness is [Name], she'll need to get close to them, gain their trust and then find clues as to what is going on... that is if she’s up to it.” Irene looked me in the eye.
”We now know they are serious trouble, are you up for it [Name]?”, Jisoo looked up from the window, she had spent the whole conversation so quiet I hadn’t even noticed her, “Do you want to put an end to this?”
Year: 20##
Place: Some Dumpster
Point of view: Hoseok Jung
Biting at my bottom lip I try to slow down my pace as to not bring too much attention to me, that’d be bad. Very bad. It’s not like what I was doing was going to not draw attention to myself, everyone stared at me suspiciously as I walked with my big, green bag. I would too, honestly.
The bag itself wasn’t what would draw attention, it was the smell. It smelt fucking awful, and I knew that everywhere I went it left the smell of a corpse around. Sure, if someone used their imagination they could come up with a strange and repulsive accusation, but then again...
What could have I done?
No one would suspect a 15 year old of murder, would they? I could easily say it was my gym clothes, with puberty and all. It wasn’t the whole body, oh no! We left the big stuff to Seokjin and Yoongi, I just had the inside stuff, the organs. But most importantly and my biggest worry was the heart.
A thief’s heart.
The heart that almost stole [Name]’s. His name was Mark Lee, he was around [Name]’s age, maybe younger, they had a few classes together and talked every once in a while when he suddenly decided to confess to her, who was he to do so? But that wasn’t a problem, that wasn’t meant to be a problem. All she had to do was rejected and then we’d all be okay, but no; she gave him a chance.
She gave that little asshole a chance but wouldn’t even spare a glance my way. And for that I was going to make his life a living hell.
They were going on their first date tomorrow, it was meant to be at the movies to watch a crappy romance movie she’d been gushing about with him about, ha, watching movies at a first date with my [Name]? She deserves the best first date in the world, something only I can give her. She doesn’t deserve that, not from him, she deserves the world.
“And you can’t give that to her, can you Lee?” I mumbled as I made my way to the dumpster.
By the time I arrived at the dumpster, the sun had set and the whole sky had an orange tint to it, [Name] would be home probably in her room doing whatever her little heart wanted, maybe getting ready for the big day tomorrow and a big day it was.
Opening the bag I gently sit down in the middle of the garbage, I look for the healthiest and best looking organs and store them little containers Seokjin had given me before, he had taken them from one of his father's hospitals, he wouldn’t miss them they had many. The old man had everything, hospitals to hotels. Those organs we’d sell or do whatever Yoongi did with them, we didn't care what he did with them as long as it brought money for the our, my her, plan.
Humming, I put on the gloves and prepare myself to take out the organs that seemed to have taken the least damage from Jimin’s little fit with the younger boy, poor Mark his handsome face was completely destroyed now. Too bad, [Name] wouldn’t even want to look him in the face now.
“Aish, the kid needs to learn not to break valuable stuff like this...”, I muttered as I try and arrange Mark’s brain nicely in the box, “Why did you have a brain and didn’t use it? It’s making such a mess now, it’s only use is that making messes, look where it led you Mark. Now you’re dead and probably getting sold to some weird Frankenstein scientist or something...”
Looking at the boxes I had arranged, I take out my spare phone and text Yoongi warning him where the boxes where for him to pick tomorrow, if he didn’t we could get into some shitty trouble. Now I could focus on the main attraction.
The Heart.
Putting on my gloves again I play with the small organ, it fit nicely in my hand.
“What happens if I give you a- haha!”, I squeeze the muscle a bit and see it twitch as it continues palpitating slightly, “Haha, look at this! Useless, you aren’t even attached to someone and yet you try so hard to be useful, pathetic.”
Tossing the heart around for awhile I grew tired, and decided to finish the boy off.
“You’re lucky Namjoon didn’t want me bringing the kit with me or else you would’ve been dissected right here, right now”, I looked at it with pity, “God, you were very naive you know? Thinking someone like [Name] would even be interested in you, ha, please”
I take it and squeeze it tighter, blood gushing from the little arteries.
Quickly getting the butcher knife from the bag, with shaky hands I cut the heart in small pieces trying to make them as symmetrical as possible. Fucking disgusting.
”Now! Don’t you look better?”, I ask to no one as I place the heart pieces with the rest of the organs that Yoongi wouldn’t be able to sell, “Bet you your friends would love to have a taste of you won’t they? Seokjin and Taehyung will have a good meal to prepare for your friends now~”
I laugh a bit as I fish for a bag around the dumpster, finding a broken recycled bag I place the containers filled with the body parts and store them for Yoongi, “You’re lucky we like the same girl or else I would’ve ratted on you ages ago...”I muttered as I place the containers in then old, worn out bag, “This is all for you, [Name]”
Does this mean I’m happy sharing? No, of fucking course I’m not.
But who said I can’t rat them all out later?
Laughing loudly, I take out the gas and lighter as I throw the gasoline around the area making a heart, or at least something similar.
“This is all for you, baby” I repeat as I throw the lighter at the fire. I watch a bit as the fire grew and grew taller and taller, deciding that I should change clothes I strip down from my sweatpants and stay only using my t-shirt, only then I realized how cold it was.
All for [Name].
Sighing a bit, I dirty my spare pants to make it look like I had gotten into a fight or something, even going as far as punching myself to create bruises; who would suspect a boy how had just gotten mugged?
Taking off my shoes and one sock I throw into the fire, watching it burn brighter as I throw stuff into it, filling it, making it go higher and higher and-
“It’s like my love for you”, I giggle, “the love I’ll be able to give to you soon, very soon”
No one would suspect Jung Hoseok for murder; I won’t let them.
“Geeze, [Name], we didn’t really think this through did we?”, Wendy whispered beside me as we made our way through the school halls, she was right. We, indeed, didn’t think this through.
”I mean, yeah- we didn’t think through it all, but god if we’re right it’d make things so much easier for Seulgi’s dad to catch them!”, I explain as I try and mask the, very obvious, fear, “Plus, I don’t think it’s just Joy they killed, they must’ve done this multiple times, it was all to clean, Namjoon himself said so, plus if they got out of it once who says they couldn’t have done it before?”
“Yeah, plus why would a police station have their data in it if they hadn’t found their dna somewhere else?” Wendy questioned anxiously, I hadn’t noticed it before. But then again, didn’t the police station have the dna of all of those who lived in town? But then, they did seem wary considering the way Seulgi's’ dad spoke of them.
”Mark.” I stop walking as I suddenly stop dead in my tracks.
”Mark Lee? The dude that went missing before your date...” Wendy stared at me as she trailed off.
”You don’t think?”, she asked me shaking slightly, “That they had something to do?”
“I mean-“
”Hello! You’re both Wendy and [Name], right?” A student council member asked us.
Ah yes, the plan.
“Yeah! We wanted to talk to Kim Namjoon about perhaps holding a funeral service for our friend Park Sooyeong, she passed away a few days ago. We are on the list, right?`` I ask trying to make myself sound as sad as possible, Wendy catching on and only responding with a nod and a short sniffle.
“Yes, please, can we speak with Namjoon?”
”Yes. Follow me,” He walks towards the farthest door, us walking closely behind, “So, please don’t take long, Namjoon has been acting really off lately, don’t-don’t tell him I said that! So the council is trying to take as many interviews and meetings ourselves.”
The boy looked at us, concern lacing his eyes as he whispers, “Please, be safe and don’t anger him too much.”
He then motions towards the door and leaves.
”Wendy, leave it to me, stay here, please.”
I knocked on the door thrice, when I heard a faint “Come in”, followed by some paper shuffling.
I open the door and peek inside, this was unexpected. The room was mainly filled with browns and dark reds, the schools colors, the furniture giving an antique feel to the room. In the middle, the desk of the council president sat, a leather couch by its side and two chairs in front. It looked like the whole schools budget went into the room. No wonder Namjoon blackmailed students.
”State your business an-“, he began monotonously when he looked up at me to meet my eyes, “[N-Name], I didn’t think it-it was you, I- here! Take a seat please!”
He was stuttering and he couldn’t even form a sentence.
“Ah, Namjoon! Please don’t worry, it’s fine”, I smile at him as I sit down, “I came here to talk about the funeral service for Sooyeong, Joy, she-she was really close to me an-and now that she’s gone, I- we felt it would be important to be able to hold something in her memory, you know?”, I feel tears swell in my eyes at the thought of my friend. Maybe acting like it hurt wasn’t going to be as hard as I had thought, fate had laid down the prefect Shakespearean tragedy.
He slightly stiffened at the mention of Joy, or my tears I don’t know at this point. Blushing red he gives me a small pocket handkerchief, and looks at me smiling, how can he smile so freely?
“Would that make you happy?” He looks at me as he grabs my hand, his hand covered all of my hand, his smile was cute; but he may have been the murderer of my best friend and there’s no way I’ll forget that. Until he’s proven innocent, I won’t budge. Too much evidence was piled up against him.
“Yeah, it would, it really would, thank you”, I smile back at him.
“Anything for a friend”, he smiles, “You’re friends with Jeongguk so you’re friends with me too.” He squeezes my hand slightly, and let’s it go hesitantly.
He stands up, walking all the way towards me from behind the desk just to help me stand up. He places his hand around my shoulders, leading me towards the door. Shouldn’t this meeting be longer?
“Namjoon, I shouldn’t be saying this but...”, I suddenly stop at the front of the door, shaking slightly from fear and sadness; real fear and sadness, “Seulgi’s dad, who’s in the case, thinks that maybe they killed Joy because she was my friend, I’m scared Namjoon. He said it was definitely a murderer, and that it was all to similar to other ones he had participated in; he searched for a bit and found that there were at least two cases that were similar Mark Lee and Vernon Choi, and they were close to me, th-then he said that other people close to me kept disappearing even after I left, and even more now that I’m back th-he thinks I’m next and I’m scared Namjoon, I-I don’t know what to do. I don’t want another Joy.” I made it all up, but fear and sadness that if I failed my friends and those I loved would be hurt, was real, my sanity was deteriorating, I can’t lose anyone anymore. Another loss, I couldn’t have that, I wouldn’t be able to handle it..
”[Name], I promise you that me and Jeongguk will always be there for you, if it makes you feel better I have some friends you could meet, they’re all rather athletic and are really nice, we aren’t the police persee but maybe we can help you feel safe. Maybe I could present you all at lunch today?”
”Ah, yes please, if it’s not too much!” I ask, was he going to let me meet...
“They’re Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin, Jeongguk will be joining us but you already know him very well, don’t you?”
”Yes! We are really close, is it that obvious?” I lied through my teeth, my heartbeat was off the charts as my hands grew sweaty.
”Haha, kind off,” he chuckled, “he never shut ups about you.”
“Really?” I turn red a bit, that jerk, he probably told them all my personal info, god that little son of bitch!
“I look forward to lunch with you, I hope we can become close friends.” He smiles at me as I walk out of the door. Wendy is there waiting for me, we both wave goodbye and leave hurriedly as I begin to tell her about it all.
“Wendy, I think he knows something, he wants me to go eat with the other six.”
“Are you sure about that?” Wendy asked, “They won’t hurt you will they?”
“I don’t know. Have you heard about Irene?” I ask her, we both knew that we didn’t have the answer to her question but maybe Irene did.
“She’s with Park Ji-” My eyes widen, nervously I look at Wendy, she understood.
Her phone rang with a text she looked worried as she stared down at it, I bit my lip.
“I gotta go, go hide in a bathroom so the teachers don’t see you.”
”Guys we have a special lunch today...”
”Yeah, I got her to come have lunch with us and to speak about a memorial for Sooyeong, but that’s more on me”, Namjoon sighed, “She thinks we’re out to get her, what do we do?”
”Out to get her?”, Seokjin asked eyes bulging, how could she ever think that? Where they too obvious? Had they gone too far?
“Is it because of Sooyeong and ya know?”, Yoongi asked, “I told you, don’t kill unless they impose a threat, what type of threat was her family and her? Wearing the wrong colored shoes?”
“Jimin and Tae said she had caught them before that and that she was already on to something...” Jeongguk trailed off, it wasn’t the first Sooyeong had caught the duo spying on [Name], and it wasn’t the first time she caught any of the seven.
“They had reasons, okay?” Namjoon sighed irritated, what do they win now arguing, it already happened.
”Of course you’d say so, you helped them too!” Hoseok snarled at Namjoon, how could Namjoon be so fucking dumb.
”Well, who was clumsy enough to get her to remember Mark Lee, huh? Didn’t you say you were going to make her forget Mark was even a name yet you couldn’t even talk to her!” Namjoon harshly whispered to the boy next to him, Hoseok’s eyes widen as he looks around the empty classroom in embarrassment.
”She-she what?”, Jeongguk asked, “She remembers Mark?”
”Yeah, she even talked about him to me you fucking idiots, by the way she spoke she seems to remember every single one, even after she left”, Namjoon sighed, “We can’t do much now, or act by the plan, we-we gotta wait longer and not act-“
”Wait longer?”, Yoongi laughed incredulously, “I waited for years, years, Kim, she fucking left and I had to wait longer and now you come up with this bullshit? What about all that, we gotta go fast before she’s tainted and all that bullshit Tae and you blaber on about?”
”If [Name] was able to catch onto something than most possibly the police too, Min, Officer Kang already did for the fucking record, meaning that if the only person alive were to suddenly disappear she would become the prime suspect, and even if they end up cleaning her name, her life would be ruined because that’d mean they’d need to find us and a) she’d be unprotected, b) or they’ll see her like an accomplice, she’d go to jail because of some shit she didn’t do. That’d be fucking it, it’s better to get close to her and wait for a while or convince her to come with us willingly.”
Yoongi stayed silent as thoughts raced around his head. Who did they think they were to tell him what to do?
“Namjoon’s right...”, Jimin sighed, everyone sighed, “It hurts, but we can wait, right? It’ll be nicer to have her now, but don’t you think it’s better to be cautious?”
”Jimin is right, let’s-let’s leave this for later guys”, Taehyung suggested, “[Name] will be having lunch with us won’t she? So, let’s get ready for now, ok?”
He only received a crowd of unmotivated grunts, as they stood up and made their way out of the classroom.
”Taehyung, do you think she really remembers Mark?” Jeongguk asked his older friend as they made their way towards their lesson.
”Probably, she cared about him a lot, she almost stopped hanging out with you ‘cause of him, remember?” He answered nonchalantly, he knew that was a sensitive spot for Jeongguk.
“Mark Lee”, Jeongguk test out his name, “Mark fucking Lee, I hope you’re burning in hell.”
”I-I can’t believe it, even after everything we did, she still remembers him? Yet she wouldn’t talk to me? If I could, I would bring him back to life over and over again, and kill him every fucking time. I’d make sure to make him suffer, to let him know that he isn’t worthy of thinking of [Name], that I won her heart the minute she won mine, that she’s mine. Mine! Not his, mine! He probably threatened her to go out with her; asshole. Fucking asshole! It’s his fault! I’m meant to win, not him! Haha, I’m happy we got rid of Mark Lee that summer.”
The oldest of the two seemed unfazed at the youngest fit, rather opting to continue walking in silence. He had to agree, though, he also was happy they got rid of Mark Lee and he would do it again if it meant being with [Name].
Suddenly, a pair of footsteps made themselves clearer behind them. Stopping half way both males stiffened as a voice made itself heard through the empty hallway.
“Y-You killed Mark?”
“I did it.”
Irene watched in shock as the younger boy confessed to the death of her younger friend.
“But J-“ The oldest began, but was soon cut off as the male before her began speaking.
”Don’t, I don’t know why I’m telling you of all people, after school I-“
”No, J- I’m... we’re talking here now, you killed someone! And n-now you’re after [Name]?” She shouted as anger began numbing her rationality, she knew what was happening, she had told her and now he came here lying to her?!
”[Name]? I could never! I swear, I-It was only Mark I was after!”
”Only Mark? Only Mark?”, the brunette raised her voice, “What about Sooyeong? Or Nayeon? Or maybe even Jae? Or Yugyeom? Or-“
”Or who? I didn’t kill them!” He shouted, he was getting angrier by the minute, mimicking the eldest girl.
”But you killed Mark, huh?”
”Y-yes.” He answered back, but they both knew that the uncertainty in his voice was clear.
“You didn’t, both you and I know-”
”Stop acting like you know what you’re talking about, Joohyun- !”
”Stop lying! You’re too young, Ji-“
”I’m too young? You’re talking as if I didn’t kill Mar-“
”I know he threatened you, Ji-“
”He who?”
”N-Namjoon had nothing to do with tha-“
”I know you didn’t kill him, Jisung, it was Hoseok wasn’t it?”
The younger boy looked in horror at the older girl.
”N-no, I s-swear it was m-me!” Jisung stuttered.
”No, I know it wasn’t you. Seulgi’s dad, he told me about how the prime suspect for the Mark Lee case suspect were Jung Hoseok and a man named Son Saeyoung; they closed the case with it being Saeyoung fault, both the murder and death, but it wasn’t like that, right? Hoseok murdered Mark and then someone sold the body parts to Saeyoung, incriminating him. They paid you to tell me this right?”
Silence, only a confirmation to Joohyun. Poor Jisung, he probably only found out by accident and now he was probably going to jail for something he didn’t do.
”It’s okay, tell them I believed you; that I’ll tell Seulgi’s dad, ‘kay? Don’t go to the police just yet though,” Irene stayed silent for a while, “would you follow me? It’s something I need you to do before you go.”
Only nodding in agreement the younger boy walked behind his friend, thankful for her brain, thankful of her for being able to pick up what was wrong.
”Thank you, Joohyun”
”No problem, if we die we die together, ‘kay?”
Biting her nails anxiously was a wrecked Wendy, she needed to call [Name], fast.
”F-fuck, Joohyun, why did you do this....”
The older girl just cracked a broken smile, her cheek cracked awkwardly as more blood came out from the cut that was plastered on it.
”Ji-Jisung, I-I couldn’t blame him, Mark-k wouldn’t have wanted that...”
She was greeted with silence from her younger friend as she tried calling [Name], again.
”Gosh, [Na-! God, finally! [Name], call Seulgi and her dad, now! Irene is hurt, I need you to come to the rooftop as fast as possible! W-what? What do you mean you’re actually going to have lunch with them? Leave the fucking plan!”, she screamed angrily at the phone, “Irene is dying, and you’re worried about that?”, silence, “You’re gonna call Seulgi, now.”
Wendy cut the phone call before [Name] could protest further, she didn’t want to hear her.
”She’ll call the ambulance and Seulgi’s dad, don’t worry too much, you’ll be fine.”
”G-good, I need to te-tell [Name] something.” Irene muttered.
“I-I just can’t believe Jisung did that, he could’ve killed you...”, Wendy felt tears form at the corner of her eyes, “Joohyun, you could’ve died, we really don’t know what we got ourselves into....”
The older girl pushed herself from the floor, immediately worrying her friend but she was quick to brush her off.
”T-the thing is, Seungwan, [Name], she won’t make it, no matter how hard we try and shake them off; they’ll always find her somehow....”
”Seulgi! It’s Joohyun she-she’s gotten beaten up, she’s with Wendy now but please come, with your dad and an ambulances too! God, f-fast! Please! It-It was Jisung, it seems like it, but I-I don’t know, okay? I wasn’t there, I’m sorry, please focus on the task at hand.” And with that the girl hung up the phone and rested her head against the bathroom door.
”I should get going now.” She pushed herself and readied herself for the dreaded lunch.
I don’t want to do this.
She thought to herself bitterly, she sighed and pressed a cold hand to her forehead.
“Have I gotten a fever? My cheeks are red...” She felt her cheeks too. They were blazing. She was worried sick about her friends, what was going on?
Silence. The only sound was that of a girl exiting the bathroom.
She walked through the empty halls, her light footsteps barely echoing through the hallway.
She looked through the window, she saw the younger kids during their PE class, she saw a few girls during their free period walking through the quad.
She suddenly stopped dead in her tracks as she heard the words. She didn’t know what had happened before but she blindly spoke in response.
“Haha, I’m happy we got rid of Mark Lee that summer.”
“Jeongguk? Y-You killed Mark Lee?”
The boy in question and his companion stopped and turned around. Their faces paled, their eyes widened and their mouths turned agape.
“They don’t want to kill her, they want to keep her....”
“Jeongguk, what do you mean?” I asked as I backed away slightly.
He said nothing, he stared directly at me as his friend looked at me wide eyed.
I couldn’t place my finger on how, but I felt like I knew the boy beside Jeongguk; the boy who laughed at the mention of Mark’s death.
”Kim Taehyung?” I whisper softly to myself, I ruffled my hair slightly and let my hand fall on chest. No...
”Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jeongguk, you both killed Lee Mark?” I ask, as I looked at them both in the eye.
Mistake number 1.
Taehyung’s eyes widened further, if possible, as he began to shake and fiddled with his finger. His mouth parted open, and even from where I stood I could hear his jagged breathing.
“Y-you know m-my name?” He asked as a bright blush took over his cheeks, “You know my name, haha, you know me!”
He looked over at Jeongguk, giggling as he grabbed the younger boy by his shoulders,
“She knows me! M-my baby knows me, Jeongguk, oh my-!”
”Taehyung...” Jeongguk grabbed his friend trying to stop him, but he shook him off as he began chanting repeatedly the words “She knows me!”
”Taehyung, she heard us!” Jeongguk whispered harshly, tugging at the oldest sleeve.
”She knows...”
At those words, the blushing male seemed to have been hit with the truth. His smile shut down, and his body took a more menacing, yet lazy, stance.
”My baby knows me, she know us and what we do, because she isn’t stupid, right baby?” He asked me as he began walking towards me, slow steps echoing through the hallways.
”What?” I ask him as I began walking back with every step he took at my direction.
”Taehyung, could that be why she agreed to eat lunch with us?” Jeongguk asked as a dull look came over his eyes, his posture mimicked Tae’s.
”Probably, but don’t worry Kookie! She will spend the rest of the week eating lunch with us, won’t she?” He asked as he backed me against a door.
When did he arrive here?
“N-no! Stop, I’ll tell the police!” I tried pushing him off, but Jeongguk came and took one side of me as Taehyung took the other. I was trapped.
Mistake number 2.
”But, Darling, you wouldn’t want Taehyungie to tell Namjoon would you? That you were toying with us?”
”Are we toys to you?”, Taehyung asked against the crook of my neck, “Do you want to use us? Are we nothing more?”
Excitement took over his voice as he spoke, he began kissing my neck.
”Stop it now! Seulgi’s dad is coming over any second now!”
”Are we toys to you? I don’t mind being your toy, do you Jeonggukie?” Taehyung repeated and asked Jeongguk, ignoring my previous threat.
”No, if it means she’ll only pay attention to me!” He giggled and kissed my cheek.
”Me neither, but just for today; I want to play with her instead, so let’s go!”
He gave me one last kiss, and looked me in the eye, a look that made me shiver; suddenly running away wasn’t an option that didn’t include anyone not getting hurt. I didn’t know what to do, they just confessed to murder damn it! Why can’t I be smarter like Yeri, or athletic like Lisa or cunning like Irene? Why did I have to be me?
”But first, we gotta establish some rules!”, Taehyung continued after he took my bag from my shoulder rather harshly, I grunted in pain as the material brushed aggressively against my neck.
”Number one, you tell no one about what you just heard! That means no Irene, no Seulgi or her dad, no Wendy, or Lisa, or Jennie; we don’t want another Joy, do we?
Second, you’ll only look at us and talk to us, your family’s okay, but only direct family; boys and girls alike will be taken care of accordingly.
Third, you’re doing this out of your free will, if anybody asks; even the other guys!
You have to say yes to us! M’kay? So if I were to ask if you love us you gotta say yes, ha!
Hmm, that’s all I can think about now, we’ll add more as we go, now let’s go skip class! Let’s go to that ice cream place, maybe the others will be there, or maybe just Yoongi!” Taehyung giggled once more and led the way for me and Jeongguk as they both took my hands. We don’t want another Joy? Huh?
I don’t know what’s worse; what they’re doing or that I can’t find the strength to fight.
By the time we reached the ice cream shop, I had received a text message from Wendy thanking me about calling Seulgi and her dad, she also asked me where I was.
It was the first time I lied to her, it wasn’t a complete lie though, right?
Mistake number 3.
I had to hide to be able to text her as I was being watched at all times by Jeongguk and Taehyung; I felt weak. Why did this happen to me?
”So, [Name]? I went and ordered your favorite ice cream, we also took the liberty to call Yoongi and Jimin so they’re gonna arrive at around 1:40? So while we wait, do you have any questions?” Taehyung asked.
I looked around me, trying to find a possible exit but Jeongguk who sat over at my right, was clutching my hand tightly and Taehyung was blocking the pathway towards the door.
He looked at me curiously, as did Jeongguk, the later being way more quiet but more touchy. He now had a hand on my cheek as he caressed it softly while Taehyung played with my hand.
“Yes, I-I have been receiving letters by a group called Bts; Jin, RM, Hope, Chimmy, V, Suga and Cooky, are they you by any chance?” I did my best to not stutter, to sound confident, to be like Irene.
He stopped playing with my fingers, as he took my hand to his lips and began kissing it.
“My baby is so smart! Yes, I was V while Jeonggukie was Cooky, pretty names right?” He accentuated each word with a kiss.
Suddenly, similar to falling into cold water, I remembered something Lisa told me a few months ago that made me shiver.
“Did any of you ever call a friend of mine?” I asked nervously.
“What? No, why?” Jeongguk asked me, he had stopped playing with my hair, something he did when nervous.
”S-so you don’t know anybody called Seungkwan?”
”Baby?” Taehyung asked growling, he took both of my hands and pressed them against each other and pressed them against his cheeks; pulling me slightly over the table.
“Ah-it’s just a boy that had called a friend of mine as-asking for me, and I thought that maybe that was one of you...” I stuttered, trying to take my hands away.
”That wasn’t us....” Taehyung growled lower, he let go of one hand and continued playing with the other.
“Did he call your friend on her cell phone?” Jeongguk asked as he resumed playing with my hair.
“Yeah... I think she still has the phone on her record....”
”Tell her to give us her phone please, Bunny!” Jeongguk pouted.
“Yeah! But it’s fine though, he won’t bother you, not while we’re with you!” Taehyung smiled at me, but in his eyes I couldn’t ignore the clear look of anger in them.
Just then as Tae finished his threat, the door to the shop opened rather obnoxiously and in came two overly contrasting boys.
Min Yoongi and Park Jimin.
Park Jimin; the schools sweetheart, wearing his ever iconic oversized sweater and charming smile, his school uniform perfectly clean, and stunning hair, which was dyed a pretty dirty blonde, and skin well kept.
Min Yoongi; the schools bad boy, wearing his iconic, and rather cliche, black leather jacket and bored face and look, his uniform messy and dark hair fell over his eyes as he looked around almost as if intimidating everyone who looked his way was his goal.
They seemed to be having a friendly conversation, with Jimin doing most of the talking, when suddenly Yoongi looked over and made eye contact with me, fuck. His eyes widen as he lightly hits Jimin causing the younger boy to look over and a bigger smile to break through.
Just as the two boys made their way over to the table, the waitress came with our orders. Her forearm balancing all of the ice cream’s was suddenly knocked over by Jimin’s overly excited steps and were sent flying onto my school blouse.
Yelping from the coldness seeping into the thin fabric I stand up, harshly setting aside Jeongguk, and try dabbing the icy liquid out of my shirt to no use. I was scared and cold as fuck.
”Oh- [Name]!”, Jimin exclaimed pushing the poor waitress and knocking her over, making her fall to her butt. God no, what is wrong with these people?!
”I-I-“ She tried speaking but was soon cut off by Yoongi.
”What’s your name?” His eyes seemed to widen with anger and his pupils dilated and widened threateningly. He looked like a street cat, I couldn’t help but feel sorry and scared for the young woman.
”Gretel Zacharias...”
Yoongi then looked over at me and my shirt and crouched down next to the woman, whispering something into her ear that caused her to look at him in horror and scramble to her feet quickly and storm off, screaming apologies with tears streaming down her face.
”Sweetheart, please use my sweater!” Jimin began taking off his sweater and handed it to me, blushing furiously. Sweetheart?
He handed me the dark red fabric and smiled sweetly down at me.
Nodding silently, I began to make my way to the bathroom when suddenly Yoongi asked.
”Where are you going, my mus- [Name]?”
Blushing, I boldly walk up to him and tiptoe to the significantly taller male, trying to find the words to make him blush, I’d try a Jennie approach.
”The ice cream got into certain places, it kinda fell into the space between my chest, and I think it’s kinda deep in there too and I don’t want to get a cold...”
Turning away I march into the bathroom stall to take out my shirt and bra. What was I thinking?!
Thank god I hadn’t taken out my other bra from PE the day before...
Why had I done that?
Unfortunately, I didn't think I’d need more shirts and so I had to put on the sweater.
Wetting a bit of paper towel to clean off my chest and hair, and spray some perfume.
“Hopefully Jimin won’t mind the smell...” I snort a bit as I imagine how uncomfortable Jimin would get thanks to my perfume. Hopefully he won’t mind me not using a shirt. Thinking of facing Yoongi again after what I had done made me cringe.
By the time I got out of the bathroom stall, I got gently grabbed by the arm by Min Yoongi as he gently led me to the table.
”You’re only wearing a bra?” He tried to ask quietly as we sat down.
Blushing at how loudly he said that I look over at him at a loss for words.
”Sweetheart is using my sweater without a shirt?” Jimin squeaked, while Jeongguk muttered something that sounded like the words; “Lucky bastard”.
”Don’t worry, [Name], no one is allowed to look at you dirtily, only us!” Taehyung giggled as he took my hand and resumed playing with it.
Suddenly Jeongguk grabbed a strand of hair and began braiding it as he had done earlier, when I felt Jimin take my other hand and play with it too; giving it kisses while Yoongi leaned against me and began leaving kisses wherever he could find bare skin.
I couldn’t stop them.
Mistake number 4.
”Wendy, they want to make her their doll.”
“I can’t find her!” Seulgi looked over at her dad distraughtly, where was [Name]? She wasn’t in danger, right?
“Bear, are you sure it was her who called you?”
”Yes? I mean, it says on my phone it was her and Irene and Wendy told us about her.... maybe someone kidnapped her!”
”Why would you think someone kiddna-”
”Where’s Irene?” Seulgi looked over at her dad, the poor man didn’t understand his daughters fast words and seemingly nonsensical actions.
“In the ambulance getting treated, she’s fine but will be take-”
He never finished the sentence as his daughter ran out of the room and out into the parking lot screaming for her friends.
Running until her lungs felt like they would collapse Seulgi pushed past the paramedics until she saw her two friends talking in whispers to one another.
”Wendy!” The black haired girl shouted as she made her way to the girl.
”Seulgi! What happe-“
”Do you know with who [Name] was with?” Seulgi said breathless, her heart was beating in her ears, she felt all of her senses alert. Suddenly she was in survival mode.
”The boys, she-“ Wendy tried to explain, but Seulgi’s nervousness began affecting her too.
”No, she wasn’t with them, she wasn’t the bathroom, right Wendy?” Irene cut off the younger girl.
”What- no! She-“
”She wasn’t with them, I saw them whilst Jisung asked me to follow him.”
”Ah, really? But she told me-“ Wendy tried to debate with the eldest but was cut off again as Seulgi began speaking.
”I think- I think we should talk to [Name], or at least me, I’m the one who knows the most and they’d kinda figure out if all of us suddenly-“
”Irene! The doctors couldn’t find any broken bones, just a lot of internal and external bleeding but it has stopped, you were lucky this time as it was quite a superficial case so you’ll be able to go home just fine! I’ll take you-“
The female in question, much to everyone’s amazement, stood up by herself; not resembling the girl who had just been lying there before.
“Go look for her outside, she might be with an angel and ice.” Irene spoke, she didn’t look back as she began running away ignoring the younger girls calls and making her way to the ice cream shop.
Just like they’d planned.
”Seulgi, I-I think I know where [Name] is but we shouldn’t go there now, let’s send your dad.”
”I think Irene....”
The older girls eyes widen as she stared at her friend.
“N-no.... but that’d mean that Joy-“
”Shh!” She was hushed by her friend.
”We need to tell [Name] and the other girls! I’ll call the others you go tell your dad [Name]’s at ‘Angela’s Cream’! Go with your dad, we’ll meet over at your house!”
”Ok!” Seulgi began running next to Wendy when suddenly they were stopped by the scream of a teacher.
”Oh my god! There’s a dead boy in the basket ball court- it’s Park Jisung!”
They both froze in place, looking each other in the eye; an albeit silent, but mutual agreement of what was happening and what must be done was shared and they both parted ways.
Another life could be taken any minute now, they couldn’t risk it because the next victim could be [Name] or maybe even themselves.
As the four boys talked around me, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of questioning if I had done the right thing. If my assumptions were correct the girls would show up any minute now, or at least Seulgi’s dad.
Please, Wendy, you’re smart!
I prayed silently, looking out the window I noticed how the former quiet road was now taken into blue and red; a police car. I was about to cry out of joy.
The black car pulled over at the street and out came the familiar looking officer; Police Chief Officer Kang. Also known as Seulgi’s dad.
He marched into the ice cream shop until he made eye contact with me. Relaxing my previously tense stance I gently nudge Jeongguk and point over to where Mr Kang was standing as he spoke with the shop owner.
”What...” He whispered shocked as he took my hand forcibly.
”Taehyung, the police...” Jimin trailed off, he began sweating anxiously as the officer made his way towards our seats.
”Hello, are you students from-“
”Yes we are, we are out here with permission sir.” Yoongi cut off rather rudely.
”Well, good for you! Now, I need to know if Miss [Last Name] is he-! There you are, you’re needed in the police station now, please come with me.” He answered back rudely back, he never did enjoy taken bullshit from other people, I felt tears pool in my eyes in relief.
”What- why?” I asked faking shock.
”For the murder of your friend Sooyeong and the recent murder of a boy named Park Jisung”, he answered, “We were told you were close to both of them and you might be the clue to finding the murder of these two.”
“Yes please, follow me now” He took my hand from Jeongguk and pulled me out of the cage he and Yoongi had made and led me to the exit.
The words of protest were blocked from my ears as they seemed to be filled with blood, the thick liquid blocking all sound except the words forming in my head.
It’s your fault he’s dead.
The words kept repeating themselves as I boarded the car and I sat next to my friend Seulgi.
I stared at her through as tears kept falling and the imaginary blood in my ears kept rushing.
She said nothing as she too cried and held me in her arms tightly. Probably afraid of what was going on.
If only I knew it was because of the sick betrayal of our close friend.
”[Name] , I’ll be taking you to my house, Seulgi told me that the other girls were going to be there by the time we arrive; so please don’t worry...” Officer Kang spoke softly to us as he drove the black police car to his home.
As we drove through the town, I couldn’t shake the bitter feeling of regret of ever coming back here.
The pretty colors of the sunset that painted the windows and our sling in the car only added to the bitter feeling of helplessness and nostalgia that ate me away.
Seulgi, who was exhausted, had fallen asleep beside me and was now resting herself in my shoulder as I stared out the window.
Watching the commercial buildings turn into the neighborhoods, and the businessmen and women turn into gangs of kids playing games out with their families and pets, I couldn’t stop the hopeless wish that settled in of wanting to stop it all.
As we pulled into the driveway of Seulgi’s family home, I nudged her slightly for her to wake up.
“You need to explain everything, please.”
The dyed red-head made her way to the ice cream shop, only to find the people she had wished to find gone, sighing she fixed herself through the reflection of herself in the mirror; she didn’t look that bad for what she was about to do and had done.
She didn’t even feel guilty, she tricked her friends and? That didn’t mean she regretted her actions it was her survival over theirs. It was a selfish world they lived in.
”Irene! You’re here?” The red-headed laughed bitterly.
”Please, stop it... I can’t keep it up like this! They’re gonna end up dead!” Irene cried, tears falling.
“Tell me Irene, does it look like I care? I’m dead for all they know, and a dead girl can’t cause chaos.” Sooyoung asked.
”No, Joy, you aren’t dead but I sure wish you were....”
“What?” Chaeyoung exclaimed, no one was ready for what Wendy and Seulgi had just said.
”Joy is alive?” Jennie asked confused as she leaned against the wall.
“Yeah, she’s probably working with the guys after [Name] too...” Wendy finished, she sighed.
”We should tell Seulgi’s dad...” Chaeyoung suggested, despite her shock she still was more useful than I could ever be.
”Yeah, then that’d rid Sooyeong and Irene, and with our witnesses they’ll at least put Sooyeong in jail” Seulgi agreed, I knew by the way she spoke that the idea pained her, it pained all of us. Irene and Joy, who would have thought?
”But then that leaves the boys....” Lisa brought up a very big point, the main point.
”I’ll deal with them”, I speak up suddenly, “It’s my fault, not yours, I-I know what I have to do just give me some time and things will go back to normal.”
”No”, Jennie sighed, “You won’t, that’s just fucking stu-“
”Let her”, Jisoo spoke up, “She’s- [Name], [Name] are you sure about this?”
Nodding I look at her as determinedly as I could, I could fix this.
“You won’t changer your mind will you?” Yeri laughed bitterly, I wouldn’t betray them.
I nodded again.
”It’s for the best” I said quietly, even if I was unsure I had put people in danger, I have been useless and I have only been an inconvenience, I wanted to do something, I needed to do something.
”But these boys, that we don’t even know, can do anything! What if you end up hurt? The what if’s are endless!” Jennie argued, she was blushing with anger, “We can’t just send you like that?”
“Jennie”, Jisoo hugged her tightly, “It’s our [Name], she won’t go down without a fight. I trust her and should you, all of us.”
”I can’t believe we’re agreeing to this...” Wendy said exasperated, tears bubbling under her eyes, I felt tears bubble in mine too as I looked at my friends.
“What are you going to do?” Yeri asked again, “Maybe we can come up with a middle ground.”
”I’ll give them what they want” I stated without budging.
”What?” Wendy shouted, jumping from the bed and slamming her hands on the bedside table.
”What’s so bad about that?” Chaeyoung asked, suddenly her eyes widened.
”She’s gonna give herself! That’s what she’s gonna give!”, Wendy raised her voice.
”What?” Jisoo exclaimed, eyes widening.
”You can’t do that!” Turning around, Lisa began hyperventilating.
The girls began acting up, begging me to change my mind, but I wouldn’t. All of this was happening because of me, and if I could stop it then I fucking would.
”You’re gonna do wha-?”
“You stupid bi- you’re gonna give yourself like that?”
”Gosh, you-you’re really stupid aren’t you? How are you even going to do that?”
“By walking out the door, duh?”
They locked me in the bathroom.
I was locked in the bathroom, sitting in the bathtub and silently singing nursery rhymes as I waited until they finished telling Mr Kang the truth.
I was indeed very stupid.
Silently running the plan through my head, I lean against my knees and pray that their intentions aren’t bad. That if I do end up going with them that I won’t end up dead in a ditch. But it was indeed better than having my friends dead.
Leaning against the bathtub, I close my eyes and let myself sleep for a while. Numbing myself to the surrounding world. I hadn’t been able to really have a peaceful time since coming back to this damned town.
As I stay there, nightmares and never ending thoughts began plaguing my mind.
What if I jump out of the window, make my way to Kook’s house and let him kidnap me. No one will miss me anyway, plus I’m the reason why all of this is happening. The reason Sooyeong faked her death, killed her sister and mother and betrayed us. I’m the reason Mark’s dead, Nayeon, the rest. I shouldn’t be here. I don’t deserve to be here. I don’t deserve to be alive now.
Tears began slipping out of my eyes, as the thoughts began multiplying and breathing became hard. Shaking harshly from the mere memory of the news articles declaring my friends deaths; knowing that somehow I had caused them.
I lost track of time. I couldn’t stop shaking and crying as blame and guilt began consuming me.
All my senses began failing me.
I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t see, I couldn’t touch and I couldn’t speak.
A feeling of numbness began biting at my ribs, leaving trails of pain as it made its way up my head until I was left with a pounding headache. My cheeks felt cold as the tears ran across them, broken sobs that overtook the sound of footsteps and bodies falling.
I couldn’t think, I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t understand and I couldn’t feel.
”Please, anyone, save me”
The door burst open, and I let out a scream.
[3rd Point of View]
The blood from the bunch of young women laid over the house as Sooyeong stood panting.
“I-I did it....” She whispered softly.
Laying down, she waited for her captors to come over and finish the job. Laughing lightly she looked over to her presumably dead, older friend, Irene.
”Onnie, we’ll meet in hell, haha, just like Jennie said!” She laughed full of delusions.
As she rested on her back, she tilted her head to see all her friends, gone.
“If only...”, she whispered, “If only I was allowed to kill her too, then we’d be together forever...”
Smiling, she let bitter tears run down her cheek.
“I can’t believe I’m fucking dying full of regrets, haha, fantastic!” She turned around in the bloodied floor, she noticed her sides were all red and sticky.
”Ugh, didn’t Officer Kang keep cigars?” She muttered, as she pulled herself upwards.
Stumbling into her dead friend’s father office, she made her way to the ‘empty’ liquor cabinet, the one Seulgi so many times defended and said was filled with juice and snacks. There sat stacks of Marlboro and heavy liquor. Opening a random packet she took a cigarette and slowly lit it, placing it between her lips. Taking a heavy breath she let out a dull huff.
Laying against the table, she counted the minutes until her death.
Still with her cigarette, she made her way to the bathroom, sitting against the door she knocked softly.
”Guys?”, she heard her friends voice, ex-friend, she reminded herself bitterly, I sold them away.
With a clear idea of who was in the bathroom, Joy began to speak.
”You know, I always told myself that if any of my family members or friends were to get in a life or death I would put myself after them and take the bullet. But, ha, now that it really happened, I killed my fucking parents and sister, sold you lot to them and signed my own fucking death note and now, they’re gonna take you away! Priceless!”, she laughed, “Fucking priceless, I promised myself that I wouldn’t die full of sin or regret but look at me now, keeping you busy while they kill your family! They’ll come by any minute and kill me, bet you they’ll do it quick. That way they’ll take you away faster, you’ll live like a princess [Name], ahhh, how much I wished I was you right now. Seven hot dudes killing for me, I’d die for that...”
A muffled voice could be heard, and loud banging against the door.
She ignored her.
“Tell me, [Name], should I let myself be killed or should I kill myself?”
”Where are the others? Joy!”
”Oh, the girls?”, Sooyeong asked as she took another swing, “They’re dead. I killed them, anyway, what should I do?”
The girl inside the bathroom finally was able to hear it all, all at once it hit her, her senses overwhelmed her, and so she cried, punched and kicked, she let the inner turmoil inside of her manifest itself into the surface.
”Let me out you psycho!” Never once did [name] question if that was Joy.
”Sweetie”, Joy laughed, “I’m not half as bad as them!”
”Who? Who dammit?” The younger girl cried in frustration.
”BTS”, Sooyeong accentuated every letter, “Your secret lovers!”
A loud bang into the door and several footsteps were heard from the floor below the two females.
“They’re here, fuck them, I’ll do it myself” Sooyeong muttered to herself.
Standing up, she opened the lock to the bathroom door, however she didn’t open the door; yet.
Heart racing, she took the gun that was situated next to Jennie’s body, they were getting close. She could tell due to the increasing volume of the chatter, the sound of footsteps and the smell of rotten seven little pigs who will all burn in hell.
Hastily she made her way to the bathroom and opened the door to revel a petrified [Name], tears streaming down her face as she looked at her demented friend.
They were now outside the door.
“Bye bye, bitch. Remember that I love you and I will save you”
Joy leaned the gun against her chest and shot her herself.
Blood spilled everywhere as her falling body made way to the most agonizing and traumatic sight.
Seulgi’s room was littered with her friends dead bodies, including Seulgi’s parents. The walls showed claw marks, blood splattered against the walls and organs spilled on the floor.
Gagging, [Name] cried louder than before, sobs echoing on the almost empty house.
A rush of footsteps and angry mutters made their way outside the bathroom door before five male figures appeared on the doorway.
With wide eyes I look up and find Jeongguk and his ‘gang’, people I know now to refer to as Bts.
After hearing what Joy had said before shooting herself, I couldn’t help the fear that ran through my veins as I saw five of the seven males, where were the other two? What had happened?
”Get away from me!” I shouted at them and pressed myself into the wall, Jimins’ sweater and my skirt were now soaking wet from the leftover water, my socks were drenched, but I didn’t care, I needed distance right now.
“What?” Jeongguk asked flabbergasted, he stepped forward but I let out a scream to show I was not having it.
”I said what I said! Get away from me, you freaks!” I screamed, now with anger replacing the fear. These men ruined my life in just a few days, in just a few hours they took almost everything I had away from me, I only had my family left now and even then I wasn’t sure about that.
”I- we’re here to rescue you!”, Taehyung said as he approached me slowly, he pushed Jeongguk slightly to the side as he opened his arms.
”No! Joy told me everything, she said that you made her kill the girls and that this bullshit, yeah this fucking bullshit, that it’s all your fault!” I screamed at them, I motioned to the room as tears hot ran down my face.
”She did what?” Namjoon asked as he pushed Taehyung and Jeongguk away and walked over to me.
Peering over the bathtub, he gently took my hand.
”Baby, how do you know she wasn’t lying? Huh, she faked her death, killed her friends and family, how do you know she wasn’t lying to you again?” He whispered softly, he took my hand and rubbed circles against my palm.
”Because I know her-” I tried arguing with him but my mind was shutting itself off.
”Mhm?” He asked softly as he helped me stand up and exit the tub, I began shivering as I looked over to see the body of my friends, the people who had only tried to help me, looking so damn dead.
”She said you killed my family and that you were going to come over and take me away, I trust her more than I’d ever trust you.” I trailed off, my feet wobbled as my legs gave out due to the sight in front of me, I was about to puke.
”Really now?” He questioned as he took my legs and carried me bridal style, he took me and the four other boys away from the bathroom, he looked down at said girls body and silently motioned Yoongi, “Do you think we killed your family? That Kookie did?”
At the mention of his name, Jeongguk came over and kissed my cheek as Namjoon held onto my now shaking body.
“No, Kookie wouldn’t... right?” I questioned myself softly as I began questioning myself.
”No, bunny!” He lied, he was lying! Joy would never lie.
”See?”, Namjoon asked, “he wouldn’t lie to you, we wouldn’t lie to you, on the other hand your friends over there did. Irene knew about Joy, she even helped her. So how do you know the others weren’t in on it?”
”How do you kn-“
”Irene came to me about it, after she got injured, she told me she knew all about Joy and her plan, that’s why we went over to your house to be sure you were okay, thank god you weren’t there because a fire started all over the neighborhood, seven or so houses caught on fire,” Namjoon continued on speaking.
”Sweetheart, I’m sorry but we weren’t able to get your family out on time at all.” Jimin added on as he opened the front door.
”What-?” My family… was gone?
Why did it make sense?
”Mhm, we think it was Joy who did it too, I mean she already killed at least twelve people, what are three more?” Namjoon continued on talking, I shook at what he said.
“Hey, Namjoon help me ove-“ I heard a voice speak, but I couldn’t pinpoint whose voice it was, being too concerned about what Namjoon was talking about, he did sound familiar though.
“Jin, say hi to [Name] over here, she’s currently very scared, but we’ll fix that, won’t we?” Jimin told the owner of the unknown voice, he sounded happy.
“Aww, is she? Are you sad? Don’t worry, we’ll be taking you to a beautiful vacation in a few hours so don’t worry, you’ll be safe soon.” Jin awed, he pinched my cheek it hurt but I couldn’t bring myself to show any sort of reaction .
Too tired to question what was really happening, I let them take me to the black van parked outside of Seulgi’s family home. I didn’t have it in me to fight, I wasn’t like my friends; I was alive and they were dead now, there was no use comparing us. As we walked, I couldn’t help but notice the strong smell that began floating in the air, were they pouring gas all over the house?
Why wasn’t I fighting? Was I that weak?
As Jeongguk opened the door to the van, I couldn’t help but notice how a few of my bags from back home littered the van.
”Why do you have my bags?” I asked with a monotone, soft voice I could barely talk.
”Ah, that was me, your parents had been noticing how you had been feeling off, so I had taken out your bags to go over to my house earlier that day,” Jeongguk explained, he talked too fast though, maybe he was lying but I couldn’t find it in me to care..
“Ah, okay.” I truly didn’t understand the logic behind that explanation but I was too tired to try to question them further, I was too numb.
Letting them pile inside the car, I lean against Jeongguk and slowly let myself succumb to sleep.
“Ah, Jin we didn’t need ropes or drug, I told you so.” Namjoon whispered.
”Hey, Namjoon, where are we going at the end?” Taehyung asked as he caressed my face.
”Far away, Tae, really far away”, Namjoon responded mindlessly, “So far away that people will forget we even existed here...”
Waking up by suddenly being picked up by someone, I peel my eyes open.
“What the-” I was about to complain when I began panicking.
”Oh! You’re awake?” I heard a voice I didn’t recognize ask, who was he?!
Looking up, I see a rather attractive male with noticeable folded ears smile down at me.
“Who are you?”, I whisper-shout at the unknown male, “And where the- where are you taking me! Put me down, sir! This is borderline kidnapping, that’s what this is! Let me down or I am calling the police, I am going to shout, I swear it! My best friend’s father is a police officer damn you!”
All the unknown boy do was smile down at me and hugged me tighter to his chest.
“Stop it this instant! Do not cuddle me! Who do you think you are?” I continue to toss and shriek.
“Haha, cute.” Was his only answer, this fucking bastard!
“I am not cute-“ Stopping suddenly as I feel the man going up stairs, I panic, “Where are we going?”, I ask less loudly, I then realized I had let the boy take me to who knows where, “You haven’t answered me yet.”
”Oh, we’re boarding a plane.” He smiled and continued walking forward.
”What the- No we are not! You are boarding a plane, and you are forcing me to board it with you! Who- I am so telling on you to the police!” I shout at him.
Suddenly arriving at the top of the airplane stairs, the man carrying me puts me down and opened the entrance to the plane.
Pushing me slightly inside, I meet with the gaze with five familiar males. Memories of earlier this day rushed into my brain.
“Y-you!”, I look at Namjoon, “You sweet talking mother fucker! Let me go, now!”
As if he’d gotten hit, he flinched and looked at me hurt.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t do any-“
”My ass! Go suck my spiritual dick you little fucker! You fucking drove Sooyeong insane, you killed my family with a fucking house fire you little dick!“
”We did not kill your family it was a house fire-“ Namjoon tried to explain to me as he stood up.
”God you must really like my ass, it’s impossible! We had the wires in the whole mother fucking neighborhood checked less than two weeks ago, so unless someone like you fucking tampered with the wire there is no reason for that fire! Do you really think I wouldn’t know my best friend? Sooyeong couldn’t even get the goddamn wifi working without five fucking youtube videos and her dad!”
”You do have a good ass.” I heard Yoongi remark, I flipped him off as I continue screaming at Namjoon.
“And we didn’t do it why would you think-“
”Because everytime you kill you make a fire to burn all the evidence, you dumbass! At least get creative and do something new! Don’t serial killers enjoy being different and unique and quirky or some shit?”
”How do you know?” Jimin asked slightly alarmed, the tension went from me being a little bitch to them all being in high alert.
“Do you think I’m that dumb to not notice how every boy and girl I’ve ever gotten close with dies? Look, I didn’t go around announcing it like-like it was something I was proud of it, but does that mean I wasn’t slightly suspicious? Like, dude, any boy I went three meters next to dropped dead, man. Like, that shit ain’t normal.” I asked dumbfounded, sure I wasn’t smart like Yeri or Seulgi but I wasn’t dumb either.
”Shit, if you realized than-“
”Ha, but don’t worry because you murdered the head officer in your case! He was going to announce it in a meeting in a few days or whatever but oh so lucky you! He’s fucking dead and in ashes because you idiots couldn’t think of anything better!” Maybe I’m being unreasonable, I’m fucking fighting with the murderers of my friends and family but I’m not afraid not anymore at least.
”You don’t understand! We did because-“ Jimin began trying to explain.
”We love you!”, Taehyung finished, “We love you so much-“
”Well, I hate you!”, I shouted at him, “You lot ruined so many lives, including mine! How the bloody hell am I meant to return feelings for su-“
”Wowowow, sweetie hate is a strong word, maybe you could say slightly displeased.” Namjoon remarked calmly as he walked over to Jeongguk and Jimin who were now in border line tears.
“Well, I have a strong hatred towards you!”
”Hmm? What’s with all the noise-! Hey, princess, you’re awake! Good, come on, sit over here.” A handsome male came over to me, taking my hand and leading me to a plush chair.
”Awww, you’re crying? Come here”, he took my head into his chest, “Don’t worry, I’m here, shhh, what did these awful, dirty, stupid, morons do? Come on tell Jinnie.”
I hadn’t realized I had been crying until he had remarked it, man, I really did cry a lot.
”T-they hurt me and my-“, I choked out.
”They what?” He spat as he slowly and gently sat me in his lap, re-taking my head into his chest not allowing me to look.
”N-no, they- they, I’m scared,” I cried into his shirt, “Please help, Jinnie”
I had no idea what his name was, was this that Jin dude, I could only blindly guide myself from what he had called himself.
”Y-you’re scared of what?” I heard him ask flustered, flustered by what? I had no idea who this man was or his name and he really isn’t leaving me with the best impression.
Pushing my head off his shirt I met his familiar looking eyes.
”Awww, princess, don’t worry! They won’t hurt you, they’re with me. We’re trying to protect you, baby.” He smiled.
“F-from what? You’re the ones hurting people. I asked, all the changes in my mood began making me tired. I couldn’t think properly anymore.
”Shhh, babe, have we hurt you?”
”Then, are we really the bad people?”
”I-I don’t know? Yes?” I answered as my voice broke in confusion, they were bad people. Why couldn’t I say so? Why were they so kind? Weren’t they the ones that were trying to hurt me? They killed everyone, right? But then, they seem kind so how would they do it? Maybe, it wasn’t them?
”Namjoonie, come here, tell our princess here that we aren’t trying to hurt her.” Jinnie motioned Namjoonie to come. No, Namjoon, he doesn’t deserve an affectionate nickname.
”Hey, babe, look up at me. We won’t hurt you, we’re saving you from the bad people like Sooyeong. You know, the girl who killed your friends and her family?” Namjoonie said.
No he isn’t Namjoonie.
”Why would I lie to you, hmm? Jinnie, Kookie, Jiminie, Yoongs, Taehyungie, Hoseokie and me wouldn’t lie to you.”
“Y-you wouldn’t?” I asked, suddenly everything was getting number and number.
The air smelled sweeter, my vision was hazy, I couldn’t think properly. I felt giggly. Suddenly, Jinnie seemed like the comfiest surface in the world so I threw myself into his chest, giggling.
”Ahh, p-princess, you’re making me blush!”, Jinnie laughed.
“I’ll tell the pilots to start since someone is too busy.” I heard Kookie say.
Hearing him stand up and leave the room, I lean against Jinnie further.
By the time I as suddenly woken up, I still felt slightly giggly from whatever had happened earlier. A sudden weight had been added into my chest and stomach making me open my eyes and look down at the male on top of me.
”Hi, umm, who are you?” I asked him.
“Your Jinnie,”
“No, I mean who are you?”
”Hey, babe. I- do you really not remember me?”, ‘Jinnie’ asked suddenly.
Looking down at him in sudden confusion I shake my head no.
”Ahh, such a pity.... I do, you know, remember you.” He said as he leaned further against my chest, “I remember meeting you the first time like it was yesterday, it’s engraved into my mind. Sometimes, I have dreams about the day I met you, about how I could have acted to make you mine. Yet I didn’t do that. Those dreams made me act like this, those dreams helped make my mind clear; that I needed to protect you from the bad people. Not like I don’t always dream of you. Every dream I’ve had since I met you is about you. Innocent and not. Dreams about what I could do to you, how I could claim you as mine and lock you up in a castle and protect you from there. God, the thought that you don’t remember me makes me so fucking sad you have no idea yet knowing that I can restart with you is almost like a blessing.”
He looked out the window as did I. As I looked out I noticed how dark it was, and how the stars seemed to make the sea shine brighter.
“I’m- I’m Kim Seokjin, I’m currently twenty-two and I’m taking you, [Last Name] [Full Name] being now seventeen years of age, to the farthest place I can find. It’s a pretty island that I bought a few years ago, in that little big island I made a whole village for you and the rest of the guys. There we’ll have everything, and when we run out; I can always buy more. I can run my business from there, that way we won’t ever run out of money and if you ever want to leave I’ll be able to take you away to anywhere...” He introduced himself smiling softly.
”Seokjin... like the Kim Seokjin from camp?” I asked suddenly.
”Wait you remembered?” He asked in shock, his eyes sparkled with hope.
”W-well not one hundred percent but I think I do?”, I answer in quite a bit of a shock myself, “You bought an island and built a village for me? You have to be kidding, there is no way you-“
”Well, my family owned it anyway but I bought it from my parents; it was practically a gift from them.” He answered.
”But still! You’re insane, who the hell spends that much money on a crush?”
”You are not a crush, [Name].” He laughed, “I love you! For god’s sake I made a whole little village for you!”
”G-god, you’re insane!” I freaked out, the effects of earlier gone.
A dulling look came over his eyes suddenly when I spoke those words.
”Princess, look, I have done way worse shit than buying and building a goddamn village for you. If you needed I’d start a war for you. So do what you do best, and be a good girl for Jinnie, okay? No cussing, no acting out of line, drinking all of the juice and no calling me a freak.” He whispered against my ear.
”What’s wrong with you!” I shouted at him.
Suddenly I heard shuffling from the seat behind me, and the boy that had carried me earlier popped up.
“Good night, what happened darling? Did the serum ware off?” He asked, he seemed tired yet he still smiled, he was wearing a beanie that made his ears pop out even more.
”Yes, it did, Hoseok could you please bring in some more.” Jin asked Hoseok.
“Jung Hoseok? Like star dancer Jung Hoseok?”
He didn’t respond as he fiddled with a bottle until he sat down at the seat next to mine with a little silk piece.
“The one and only, pumpkin, now close your eyes and you’ll feel happy again! You want that right? When you start behaving nicely as you do with this we’ll stop dozing you! Okay? So be good for me, please?”
He gently brought the silk next to my nose and I felt myself go into complete darkness, the same sweet air in my lungs again without me wanting it to.
A string of light coming from the barley opened curtains, followed by the sound of waves crashing against the sand happened to be the reason I woke up today.
Opening my eyes slightly thinking, hoping, that I’d wake up to find myself in my room. But I wasn’t. This wasn’t my room and most definitely not my house.
With fully open eyes, sit up in the comfy bed I happened to be laying in. White, silky sheets with beautiful lace designs, and pillows that smelled wonderful. The bed wasn’t the only dead giveaway that I wasn’t home, other than the rather obnoxious sound of tropical birds and the sea, the room was too.
The spacious room was adorned with clean, grey, stone walls. Walls that were gracefully decorated with minimalist paintings and photos of me and seven men I didn’t know, upon further inspection I saw a picture of what’s supposed to be the night sky the day I was born. A white desk sat in the corner of the wall in front of me, a desk filled with gifts.
At both sides of the bed, there were bedside tables made of glass and black wood. On top of them, each had a lamp and a picture frame of what appeared to be the sea, in one sat a remote control, a small white box and a ring box. In the other, sat a bunch of my trinkets from back home.
The room had a black, clean and shining marble floor, and in some areas had fluffy rugs like beneath the desk and a round glass table, with a rather beautiful flower arrangement, that was placed in the corner, next to the window, it seemed to take a good fourth of the wall.
Looking around once more I saw what I assumed was a closet and bathroom. Both of which, by the looks of it, seemed to be overly spacious.
Standing up from the bed, I looked down to find myself in a white, silk nightgown, quite similar to the fabric of the sheets.
Expecting cold from the marble floor, I was astonished to find that the floor was actually rather warm.
Now as I stood in the middle of the room, I realized how big it really was.
“God, it’s like, three times my old bedroom...” I trailed off.
Remembering the box that lies next to my bed, I rushed over to the bedside and rushed to open the package. Inside was a brand new phone, black and cold to the touch.
”What the-“ Turning around I run to the desk only to find it full of designer branded bags and boxes.
From Gucci to Louis Vuitton, my mouth fell agape at how much all of this must’ve cost. Not only the gifts, but the television, phone, computer and this very same room must have cost a fortune.
“Who the heck has that much money?” I ask myself quietly as I sit down on the desk chair.
A sudden curiosity came over me as I stood up and made my way to what I assumed must have been the closet. Pushing the black door I’m met with a closet as big as my room back home, filled with expensive looking clothes and shoes. Jewelry was stored in glass cases, the light casted a glittering shine to the diamonds and pearls, and a vanity sat in the far back, also filled with makeup. The walls were of black marble, they seemed to hold a certain shine to them that was only noticeable thanks to the beautiful and large glass chandelier that laid on top of the jewelry case.
As I walk inside what’s basically Narnia, I hear the door to the room open as a pretty looking girl looks at me and squeaks.
”Oh! Miss Kim, I thought you wouldn’t wake up ‘till later! Well then, I guess I’ll help you earlier than I thought!” She exclaimed happily, her smile was wide as she spoke.
“Miss Kim?” I asked her as she gently pushed me inside and sat me down in the black velvet chair.
”Yes! I’m one of the maids that are meant to help you when you’re with Mr Kim, other times I guess you’ll get called depending on which Mr your with! Honestly, I think you look cuter with Mr Seokjin!” She giggled as she began combing my hair, she was soft and careful as she brushed my hair
”Hmm, ah! I know, how about a dress? Yes! They said that they would appreciate if you could wear a dress today! It’s hot, so how about a sundress? A strapless one could do, you do have a pretty skin color so I guess a black one could work!” She chanted to herself.
”Okay, go take a long, nice shower and I’ll help you once you get out. Now go, go, trust good ol’ Chuu!” She laughed.
Standing up, she led me to the bathroom and directed me where everything was. She then left me do wash myself.
“Love, take as long as you want but do keep in mind Misters have been waiting for you since you’ve arrived!”
And so I washed myself. I tried to use the best smelling soap and shampoo I could find, to then using the best smelling perfume once I was done. Sighing at how good it felt to be clean, especially after all the mess from earlier, I take a look at the redness of my eyes and puffiness of my cheeks.
I hadn’t realized how long I had taken, but it seems that long enough for Chuu, or Jiwoo as she had also introduced herself as, to pick a black summer dress, shoes and beautiful makeup.
Giving me the dress, I change as fast as I could to let Jiwoo do her magic, maybe she’d take long enough to take my mind off things.
By the time I was ready, I still remembered all that had happened and Jiwoo had left me in the room, telling me another girl would come and pick me up to take me to eat.
So now, I was sitting in this foreign room waiting for god knows what.
”Hey, [Name]?” I heard Taehyung ask me as he gently nudged me.
”N-no...” I groaned as I covered my face with the silk.
“Yes, princess, c’mon, if you don’t want to walk I’ll take you by force!” He laughs as he lifts me up.
”No.” I groan as I turn around, causing him to almost drop me.
”Shit! [Name], we’re leaving to eat, now.” He scolds as he looks at his watch, he then takes my hand and exits the room.
I get dragged in silence through the modern and yet old looking house until we exit the building and enter the garden.
“Do you like it?” Taehyung asked suddenly.
”Like what?”
”The island?”
”I haven’t seen it much, but it doesn’t seem bad. But I’d rather be home with my family, not, you know, being kidnapped and living with a bunch of stalkers, it’d also be nice to you know, know whats happening? And like, be home and safe?“
”We aren’t stalkers, [Name], we’re just doing something important; taking care of you, plus, your family is dead.”
Staying in silence, I keep trying to ignore the fact my family was fucking dead and that maybe two of my friends turned out to be murderers.
Was Jiwoo into this too? She seemed to be so kind but then again, Joy did too...
Suddenly being pulled down, Taehyung took my hand and led me into a fancy looking greenhouse in the middle of the garden.
“Why are we here?” I asked him as he hummed a melody as we walked through arrangements of different flowers and exotic looking plants.
”To eat, silly!” He laughed, he squeezed my hand as he led me faster.
Once we reached the section filled with my favorite flowers, I began hearing chatter and the sound of plates being served. The voices grew louder the deeper we walked into the [Favorite Flower] filled space.
“Hey, princess, did Jiwoo give you you’re medicine?” Taehyung asked as we made our way.
”Ahhh, we’ll need to talk to her then, but don’t worry! I’ll give it to you here!” Taehyung smiles down at me.
Even though there was nothing scary about Taehyung, his way bigger frame than mine and the smile that was etched into his face whenever he saw me definitely began creeping me out enough, as if he being my stalker and killing my family wasn’t enough reasons to be wary of him.
He stopped when we were met with a glass room that was seemingly placed in the middle of the greenhouse, he knocked on the door and let go of my hand, placing me in front of him.
The chatter died down as a maid opened the door and we were revealed six males and a few maids, who were standing to the sides. The men were sitting around an organized and pretty wooden table that was filled with delicious looking foods.
”[Name]!” I heard Jeongguk exclaimed as he stood up and made his way to us.
”God...”, I heard Jimin sigh, “Pretty....”
”Please sit down, over here.” Yoongi motioned to the end seat next to him and Seokjin in the head of the table in their end.
Jeongguk took my hand and led me to the seat as Seokjin took out the chair for me to sit. By the time I was sat down, the majority of the boys had already engaged themselves into conversation leaving me to myself when suddenly Yoongi began talking to me and Seokjin.
”So, kitten, how much do you really know about us?” Yoongi asked me, I suddenly remember his comment about my ass and blush slightly as he smirked.
Blushing even more at the nickname, I look back at him and shrugged slightly.
”Gosh, you’re so cute!” Seokjin gushed as he squished my cheek.
”I-I guess, not much... I mean, what I knew were only theories made by my friends...” I spoke quietly as I swatted Seokjin’s hand.
”And what did they come up with?” Yoongi asked, as he took my hand and gently caressed it.
”That you were the ones that wrote the letters....” I spoke in whispers through gritted teeth, I try and pry my hands away.
“Ah, so smart!”, Seokjin laughed, “Who was who?”
Both of them looked at me filled with curiosity.
“I think that you”, I pointed at Yoongi and Seokjin, “are Suga and Jin, and that him and him”, I pointed at Jeongguk and Jimin,” Are Cocky and Chimmy respectively”
I looked at the rest of the boys quickly. Out of the seven, I properly had interacted with all but Hoseok and knew little to nothing about Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon
“You’re right!”, Seokjin laughed along with Yoongi, “Who else?”
”Ahhh, Hoseok he’s hope? And that Taehyung is V? And so that leaves Namjoon as RM...”, I trailed as a girl with a name tag that read ‘Heejin’ served my food.
”Ah, thank you! Miss... Heejin!” I thanked her brightly, or as brightly as I could.
“Hey, princess, look at us....” Yoongi pouted at me.
Blushing even more, I nod quietly, not wanting to anger any of them.
”You haven’t taken your medicine, have you?” Seokjin asked, causing Taehyung to look up from his conversation with Jimin.
”Yeah, she hasn’t taken it yet!”, Taehyung exclaimed.
”But she’s behaving so well!” Hoseok gushed.
”Yeah, but we don’t want that to changes do we?” Namjoon laughed as he took a little flask from his suit.
They passed it down until it reached Seokjin, who took the baby blue flask and looked me in the eye.
”Princess, how do you want to take it? From the bottle or with your juice?” He asked me.
”I-I don’t know-“ I stuttered as I blushed from the attention, was I child to them? Was this a game? I was a year from being a legal adult!
And how could I be so fucking weak?
”She doesn’t know, our baby doesn’t know!” Jimin awed as he sighed into his chair.
”So cute!” Taehyung agreed with his older friend.
”For fucks sake, I love her...” Jeongguk mutters with wide eyes.
What the hell is wrong with them?
”Want to take it from the bottle for us?” Namjoon asked as he fiddled with his tie, a pink blush taking over his cheeks.
”I-I guess?” I answered confused.
I took the bottle out of Seokjin’s hand a quickly chugged it down.
Tastes like the alcohol we’d sneak out of Jeongguk’s dad’s alcohol stash.
”Princess took it so well!” Taehyung clapped.
”Yes she did!” Jimin cheered as he leaned against his palm creepily.
As the other boys began talking with each other again and their attention drifted off of me I waited until only Seokjin and Yoongi were still quiet.
”Hey, what is it that you made me drink?” I asked Seokjin, I picked at his ring hoping to catch his attention.
”Ahh, just a little something to make you behave properly.” Seokjin assured me, he took my hand and kissed before setting it down next to the plate
”How?” I pressed him slightly.
”This makes you behave better, it makes you more well behaved for us, it’ll help you learn how to behave.” Seokjin tried to clear it out for me.
”Look, darling, you’re done! You ate so well! Hmm, how about you leave with me now!” Jimin suddenly spoke up.
”Wh-” I had barely eaten, I hadn’t even touched the soup and I was starving.
”It’s my day today and tomorrow! Then again, I don’t remember anymore but dates aren’t important. So, let’s go!” Jimin pressed on as he helped me stand up and began dragging me out of the room against the judgment of the other boys. He quickly ran out and picked me up, now I truly couldn’t leave. I was getting tired and giddy by the minute.
“Let’s change clothes together!” Jimin suggested as he ran with me into the house.
Jimin took changing together quite literally. He brought his clothes to the closet, but instead of using my brain I let him.
The weird liquid they constantly fed me seemed to take effect quickly as I began giggling at every action Jimin did.
By the time we were done changing, we were both wearing matching outfits consisting of orange and navy blues striped oversized sweaters and light blue shorts, with white sneakers and socks.
”You look so cute!” Jimin squealed as he hugged me tight.
”Ha! Thanks Jiminie!” I laughed.
”Where do you want to go?” Jimin asked me as he took my hand and led me outside the other side of the house.
“I don’t know... let’s see a movie!” I suggested, not remembering that we were in the middle of an island the possibility of actually there being a cinema were scarce.
”Yeah, let’s go! In the village there is a movie place-“
”How?” I asked him as he took me down a path as we seemed to be walking down a hill.
”Jin’s family built a village here for their special workers, originally that is, so they could come over to have vacations and not risk having anything happen to them, they still sometimes come but not as often as a bunch of those special workers got ‘scared off by the bad vibes’ over here, as if....”
”So it’s haunted?”
”Nah, it was us trying to get them to leave so we could get this island for you! It was around the time you left, so we had a ton of time to make this place special!” Jimin recalled.
”Ahh, but how did you know I’d come back?” My eyes were dropping slightly, I was beginning to feel number and number.
”You’re very special to us, darling, there is no way in hell we’d let you leave us.” Jimin spoke seriously.
”Really?” I asked him in slight shock.
”Mhm, I mean, at least I do. I dunno about the others but I’m pretty sure I love you!” He spoke softly as we arrived at a town-ish little place.
There were a few people, people that looked very important and rich walking around. People that didn’t seem to like us, why?
”Let’s go, it’s over there!”, Jimin seemed to read my mind when he pulled me toward the cinema, “Let’s watch your favorite one!”
What Jimin had led me wasn’t exactly what you would’ve imagined. But it certainly was a cinema, black background and red velvet, cushioned seats. It was extremely modern in comparison to what I had childishly imagined.
As the movie played on, I couldn’t concentrate on it. Maybe it was because I had seen it over ten times or maybe it was because of Jimin sitting on my lap and cuddling me. No, it was because the drug was warring off, maybe they underestimated my tolerance to the drug. The more minutes passed the more conscious I was about the whole ordeal that had happened in the last forty hours. The death of my whole family, the death of my friends and their families, my kidnapping; everything.
Suddenly I began hearing the soft snores Jimin made while he slept. I looked down at him. One of my tormentors. One of the reasons everything I loved was gone. The more I looked at him, the more I wanted him dead. Frustration that had been built since I moved back into that god damned town was falling over me.
I was crying, I realized when a few tears had fallen into Jimin’s face. I watched as he moved a bit in his sleep as he smiled, muttering my name sometimes or even laughing.
In that moment I realized that if someone didn’t enter that cinema in the next few minutes I would murder that man. I would choke him to death. Scream at him how much I hated him.
It seems someone heard me as two males, followed by two females, came into the cinema.
“[Name]! Are you crying? Are you okay?” I heard Jeongguk exclaim as he ran towards me.
He growled at Jimin as he woke up from his nap in my lap.
”Why is [Name] crying, Jimin?” Taehyung asked him seriously.
”Wh-“ I pushed Jimin off me, cutting him before he could even start.
I brushed my clothes off, in hopes of brushing him off me too.
“Because I fucking hate you lot, that’s why. What is wrong with you? You keep drugging me all the damn time and expect me to be cool with it? You fucking ruin my life in a few hours and think I’m going to be all lovey-dovey with you? You little fuckers, you all ruined my life!”
I straightened my posture and walked out of the building. I ignored as Jimin and Jeongguk broke down crying, I ignored Taehyung as he screamed at me to come back.
”What? Ha, as if I cared!” Taehyung shouted at me before he quickly realized what he had said, “Dammit!” He cried again.
”Bunny, come back!”, Jeongguk cried softly as he tried chasing me slowly.
”Fuck off.” I responded tired, “You really think that some random ass drug is going to make me be okay with you lot taking me for hostage or some shit?”
We walked out of the cinema.
”It’s not like that!” Jeongguk exclaimed, he was getting more and more frustrated as I spoke. “They love you, we love you! I love you dammit!”
”Love? You sickos call this bullshit love? You need medical help, Jeongguk. Cut it with your bullshit, are you really that desperate that you’re gonna up front kidnap me? And on top of that fuckery, you expect me to be in love with you? Like hell I will! I despise you, Jeongguk, I have despised you since I came back home. You were nothing but the biggest dick ever to me and then you pull up this bullshit? ‘I love you’ you say, bull-fucking-shit I say.” Pushing him as I walk towards the house, I look back at him. “You are so full of yourself it’s disgusting.”
Looking at me in shock, Jeongguk then straightened himself up and began making his way faster towards me. I couldn’t see his eyes as he walked with his head bowed down, yet I didn’t want to see his eyes.
”Look, bunny, I wanted to behave. I really fucking did, but this behavior of yours it’s not up to my standards,” he gripped my wrist suddenly, “and I call bullshit to it. You see, bunny, I behaved like a good little bunny boy because you liked me like that didn’t you? You wanted me to be your Jeongguk, and so I did because that way you’d be mine, right? But it seems like you think you’re in control, that you don’t belong to me, and let me tell you sweetheart, I don’t like it when people take control. You promised me we would get married, you promised me you’d love me, that we’d be together forever, all if I was your little good bunny. And I did. But you, you didn’t keep your part of the promise, you weren’t a good owner. No, no, you went out there and caught others hearts and then moved out of town, you left your bunny alone with these impostors. I didn’t like it, I did not like it at all, and I’m making sure no one takes my owner away now, even if I have to make you my bunny.”
”What?” I asked in a whisper, yet he ignored me and continued on rambling.
”I’ll put a pretty little collar on your neck if you even think of running away, but you won’t, right bunny? You’ll be here with me, and you’ll help me kill them off. All of them.” He laughed as he began leading me inside the house, to his room.
“Ki-kill them?”
”Yeah, they’ve made your life a hell, Hoseok killed Mark, Namjoon spread rumors of you, Seokjin has poisoned you before, Jimin broke into your house a bunch of time with Tae, Tae stalked you and taken suggestive pictures of you and Yoongi, he started the fire.” He smiled evilly as he caresses my cheeks.
”See bunny? You can’t trust anyone here, not even me, but unlike them I’m willing to do anything, within reason, to redeem myself to you, but no letting you leave, sadly.” Jeongguk then began kissing my hand and talking, “So, will you let me be your bunny? I’ll do anything you ask of me, I’ll be your servant. I promise you that you won’t regret it, just let me be your bunny again.” He pouted as he looked up and left one last kiss on me knuckles.
He then threw me on the bed and rested himself on my chest as he looked up.
”I’ll do anything for you, kill, cook, torture, plant flowers, anything, you can tell me what to dress, how to act, how you want my hair. I’ll be your doll, bunny, just say yes. I’ll protect you from them.”
Blushing, my mind began to race as my blood began pumping faster. My mind became hazy as I spoke words that I didn’t know if I regretted.
“O-okay, I-I mean, yes?”
Suddenly it was his turn to become excited, as adrenaline seemed to pump through his veins, his eyes got wider as he caged me in his arms.
”Really? Oh my- finally! God, I love you, I love you, I love you!” He cried as he cupped my face in his hands, tears began to stream violently down his face, ”I’ll be the best bunny!” He laughed as he kissed me in the lips, it wasn’t like he left me much choice.
You never truly learn how to stop making mistakes, do you?
When: Back then.
Why: Because she didn’t want to.
Where: Home?
—————— b e t r a y a l ————————
Blood. Everywhere. The room was drenched in the red liquid, the smell of iron attached itself in every surface the liquid was attached to, the sticky substance was dripping from its source to the floor and the surrounding areas. Patterns of blood everywhere, ceilings, walls, floor.
Mutilated. The corpses let out their rotting smell, it seemed to reach every corner and stay there, the smell didn’t fade, even if they had been laying there for years and years.
Standing in the middle was the son of a loving family, as he breathed heavily, as he stared at someone he never thought he’d hurt.
“Why? What did that poor woman do to you?” She asked him while tears pooled in her eyes, his eyes.
”Mom, you don’t understand!” He shouted at her, of course she didn’t; she didn’t know [Name] like he did.
”No I do not, you- look what you did! All for this girl who doesn’t even know you! I should call the police, Taehyung, what you’re doing isn’t normal! You’re going to hurt her aren’t you?” She yelled at him.
“Hurt her? We are talking about [Name] you know!” He yelled back.
He yelled at his mother.
”Yes I do, and I also know that this isn’t okay! Taehyung, do you think this is okay? Killing people?”
”Scumbags.” He muttered as his chest rose up and down at a dangerous pace.
”What did you say?” She asked, this boy, no this man wasn’t her son.This thing wasn’t human.
“They were scumbags, they weren’t people! They contaminated her, mom, they tried to dirty her! Why don’t you understand? I love her and she loves me back! I’ve seen it, I’ve fucking seen it!” He shouted at her as he took slow steps towards her.
”Wait until your father hears about this, I might not call the police but he sure will, he will not tolerate this!” The mother shouted at her son, her husband was a good man, he’d teach their son.
”Dad? He’s been gone for almost a year! What? Don’t tell me you thought he was gonna return now?” He asked her as he laughed, tears falling from his cheeks.
”Y-yes, he will and he will not tolerate this behavior of yours!” She tried to stand her ground against her own blood. This thing was not her son.
”He was with another woman, mother, he came back months ago, do you want to hear what happened with dad and her?”
He began laughing louder as he saw the look in his mother’s eyes.
”The secretary, mom, it was her; Heejae. You weren’t home when they arrived, I was though, I was here all along and I heard it all, do you want to hear it, momma? Hear how father cheated on you with that slut?” He walked to a small computer in the back of the room, he passed through corpses as if they were nothing.
The mother followed the son, almost like a robot, as he pressed play on a video. A video showcasing the most intimate act between two people; between her husband and his secretary.
“It was upstairs, momma, until they saw your car, they ran down here, my mistake was I didn’t lock the door, so they saw it all. He acted just like you said he would, but their phones were on their pants, they always are, but the problem is they didn’t have theirs on. And guess what I did Momma?” He looked as the tears streamed down her face as she looked at him.
”What did you do, Taehyung?”
”I killed them. Now tell me, mom, do you think that my relationship with [Name] is a bad one?” He asked as his mother threw herself at him as she cried.
”It’s not, is it? What I’m doing is preventing her from doing things like this, now tell me, mom, am I bad?”
”N-no?” She croaked, her own sanity was falling down like sand castle, a human being can only take so much at a time before they fall into insanity. This boy was her son.
“See mom? Now, I don’t want you to end up like dad, so, will you help me keep my [Name] save?”
The son asked his mother for help. And just like any good mother, she accepted it.
“Thank you, momma, I promise you your daughter in law will be better than this dumbass of a father.”
———— m o m m a ————
And just like that the son’s mother set out to help him and his friends with all of their deeds. Of course, she didn’t cheer for all seven kids, that at this point she considered her own, she always hoped that her son would win the girl’s heart.
“Taehyungie, make sure you dress nicely today, you have biology with her, don’t you?” She reminded him every Wednesday and Thursday.
”Oh, yeah! Thank you, momma!” He’d always let her help him get dressed and fix his hair for her.
And just like that, a bond that should have broken only strengthened itself.
———— m o m m a ————
One day, the son burst out crying as he came in the house he and his mother lived in.
The woman didn’t work, as her husband had left them a great deed of money and her friend Miss Kim helped her, she was also in their sons secrets.
”Taehyung! Oh god, what happened?” She cried, the last time he had reacted this way was when his lover had left him to go elsewhere, since then all his friends and the families that knew had been trying to locate her and bring her back to them.
”Momma, Jin said- he said that baby bear was going to come back next week! She’s coming back, Momma!” He cried harder as he hugged his mother.
“She is?” She exclaimed she was ecstatic, finally her son was going to be happy again.
”Yes! I-I gotta make myself handsome for her shouldn’t I? Ohh, it’s been so long, what if she’s changed her taste? What if she doesn’t hang out Jeongguk anymore? What if she- she had a boyfriend?” He muttered the last part darkly to himself.
The mother chuckled to herself as she hugged her son, he looked older but he still acted like a little kid. This boy was her son.
”Don’t worry, Taehyungie, she won’t have a boyfriend, she isn’t like your bastard of a father, she wouldn’t cheat on you, and if she does, has that ever stopped you? You’re the best looking boy in your school, baby, she’ll realize her mistake in an instant! Then you’ll take her to the island and be happy there forever!” She hugged her son closely as he cried out his love’s name.
”Come on, tomorrow you won’t go to school, you know what? You won’t go to school at all this week, we’re gonna get you ready for [Name], how does that sound?” She decided as she looked down her son who was snuggled into her chest.
”N-nice.” He stuttered as he smiled softly.
That week, the son and mother spent a ridiculous amount of money to make the already handsome boy look even better. This woman was his mom.
———— m o m m a ————
And so it went, the boy updated his mother on his delusional relationship and the mother believed it and loved the thought of her boy with such an amazing woman as [Name].
Until the one day.
“Momma! Jeongguk said that [Name] is gonna hang out with him and Namjoon and that she might hang out with us too soon!” The boy ran to his mother shouting in joy.
The news caused her to jump in joy with her son.
”Oh! Baby, that’s amazing!” She hugged him as she smiled up at him.
”It is, isn’t it?” He laughed.
”Of course! Oh, by the way, the boy that tried to flirt with [Name] last week is in the basement, he’s sedated, so you can do whatever you want with him after you do your homework and remember that dinner is at seven!” She laughed as her son nodded happily and skipped up the stairs in joy. These two things are human.
——— m o m m a ———
“Momma, Momma! You won’t believe what happened!” He shouted as he sat down at the table with his mom and younger sister.
They weren’t siblings by blood, him and his mother decided to adopt her one day due to the similarities she had to his lover. The day they adopted the girl, they swore to protect her from harm. The son ended up as a father figure to the young girl and the mother watched almost as a grandmother. He liked to believe that she was his daughter with his lover.
“Huh? What happened, Hyungie?” The younger sister asked.
”Ahh, Jieun, we made a friend with the boys, her name is Sooyeong and she will help to bring my wife, [Name], to us!” The son smiled at the five year old.
”Really?” She asked happily.
”Oh, wasn’t she a friend of [Name]’s?” The mother asked, “Won’t she snitch?”
”Nah, she even killed her family! She’ll also kill [Name]’s friends so that she’ll only have us!” The son smiled proudly.
”Amazing!” Mother looked at both her children.
”See Jieun, you gotta protect [Name] just like Taehyung-ie when we leave to the island, okay?”
”Yes, momma.”
”So what will you do, Jieunie?”
”If [Name] does anything suspicious with one of the boys other than Hyungie I’ll tell Hyungie and momma about it so that they can purify her, then I’ll take her to drink tea and make her sad so she doesn’t do it again!” The girl recited by heart as she smiled, the two other people clapped and congratulated her.
”Yes!” Her brother smiled.
“Aren’t you an amazing little girl?”
——— m o m m a ———
“Momma?” She heard her son’s voice from the phone, she held her daughter tightly.
”Are you on the plane with Jieun?” He asked worriedly, he needs his mom to be there with him.
”Yes, is [Name] with you?” She asked as the plane began preparing to take off.
”Yes, she’s sound asleep now. It’s so weird, it really is happening, momma. Ah, we’re landing soon, I’ll call you when we’re home, love you momma! Tell Jieun that she’ll meet my wife soon!” He made a kissing sound before cutting off the phone call.
”Momma, is it normal to do what we’re doing? Taking a girl to a place far away without her family, what if she gets lonely?” The daughter asked.
”It’s normal, Jieunie, we’re protecting her from those beasts that will make her cheat on Taehyung, not that she would, but it’s best to be sure. Plus, we’re gonna be her new family, so she isn’t going to be lonely.” Mother smiled at the girl as she curled into her chest.
”Are you sure, momma?”
”Momma always knows best, baby.”
——— m o n e y , m o n e y ———
“Hey, Seokjin, how was summer camp?” Seokjin’s older brother asked him excitedly, he hadn’t been able to go due to his parents forcing him to stay home and study but he was alright with it, he knew it was for his and his brother’s future.
”Ahh, Seokjung, it was something.” Seokjin commented tiredly, he was exhausted by how idiotic the kids in that camp were.
”Really? Huh, but what’s something, Jin? It can’t be nothing.” Seokjung pouted as he sat down on the couch next to Jin, couldn’t Seokjin see how lucky he was?
”Ah, it was okay, I guess, I was the second oldest though, so they put me in charge of my cabin, so I had to work with this girl, I think her name was Joohyun?” Seokjin told his brother.
”Ahh, Joohyun? Like Bae Joohyun?” He asked, now this was important, Seokjung smiled.
”Yeah, I think, why?” Jin mused, now this was interesting, was this the girl his brother had a crush on? No, it couldn’t Joohyun was fifteen, the same age as Jin, and Seokjung had said she was younger than him. Seokjung being only fourteen years old.
”Ah, was [Last Name] [Full Name] there?” Seokjung asked blushing.
”I think so?” Seokjin answered amused.
”W-well, you see, she’s the girl I have a crush on.” Seokjin confessed blushing red.
”Really? She’s like twelve dude, what? That’s creepy dude, what the hell?” Seokjin snorted, Seokjung pushed Seokjin laughing embarrassed.
”H-hey! I know, and that’s why I’m not going to act on my feelings okay? Anyway, she’s cute and all but she’s in what, fifth grade and I’m in eighth and the fact that she’s friends with Jeongguk, Jeon Junghyung’s little brother, isn’t going to help much.” Seokjung laughed.
”Wow, tragic, anyway, where’s mom and dad?” Seokjin laughed.
”Oh, yeah, they went out to dinner with this weird ass old man, dunno why, probably business.” Seokjung casually mentioned, “Anyway, Jin are you going to go to camp next year?”
”Hmm, do you want to?” Jin asked.
”Huh? Do I want to go? Hell yes I do, it seems fun as hell!”
“Then I’ll go, Jung, don’t worry, I’ll have fun for you.” Jin smiled.
If Seokjin could have something his brother didn’t and wanted, he was going to have it no matter what.
————— m u s t b e f u n n y ————
Fuck Seokjung, fuck mom and dad, fuck that damned company, fuck it all.
Seokjin, grumbled as he threw himself into his bed, why did Seokjung have everything?
“He inherited the company, the smarts, the good looks, every-fucking-thing, he has a crush, he is a crush, the money, the girls, he gets it all, he’s fucking younger than me by two fucking years and what did I get? Summer camp, summer fucking camp.” Seokjin whispered harshly.
He turned around in his bed and looked at the window.
”I could steal his crush.” Seokjin told himself matter of factly.
It was true, he got confessed everyday by some girl, even if he didn’t try so maybe if he tried he could steal [Name] from Seokjung.
”Yeah, that isn’t too hard, is it?” Seokjin mused. “But, what does [Name] like?”
Who was [Name] in the first place, was she mature? What did she like? Was what he was doing perhaps too petty? No, it was a dose of Seokjung’s own medicine.
That night, Seokjin spent it all looking around his brothers room while the latter slept. He found both something horrifying and absolutely amazing.
”He fucking stalks her.” He mused.
And like that he spent countless nights throughout the rest of the summer, rummaging through his brothers stuff, and during the day he’d stalk her to gather all he could to win her over. So someone would choose him over his brother.
———— i n a r i c h m a n ‘ s ———
“Seokjin, oh god!” His mother cried in the couch, she bawled her eyes out in her own hands. Her son, her favorite son, had died.
”Your brother, Jin, he killed himself.” His father finished as he also cried, Seokjin knew that if it had been him they’d only shed a few tears, but with Seokjung? They’d cry a river for that bastard.
He knew.
”What?” Seokjin asked with, fake, sadness.
”Yes, we don’t know why, b-but me and your mother needs a break so we’ll be going on vacation for awhile, at that island we bought a while ago, anyway this isn’t what we need to tell you is that- you’ll be taking over the company.” His father smiled through tears. “Make us proud son.”
That was what his parents told him before they sent him to summer camp again, yet he didn’t want to go. Nothing else was said between him and his parents not that he cared, he had something more important at hand. He didn’t cry, why would he? He had killed Seokjung anyway, with the help of his friends that is.
His princess wasn't there anymore.
———— w o r l d ———
“I-I like you and I know I’m three years older than you, [Name], but you’re very nice and next year I’m leaving so I won’t be here anymore, really and I heard you’d move soon in like a month or more and I was like, wondering if you’d like to go out, not like a date, that’s like, weird but-“ Seokjung confessed to the blushing fourteen year old.
”Ah, you’re , but I like you anyway!” She smiled, she was not expecting that nor was he.
”You do?” He asked in shock.
”Yeah! And, yes I know I’m fourteen and that this is weird and all, you’re like what seventeen, but let’s give it a go while you’re illegal, ‘kay? After you turn eighteen it’s all gone! And if it doesn’t work you can forget me and if it does you can, like, totally wait!” She fingered gunned the boy as he laughed.
”O-okay?” He asked laughing harder at her antics.
”Totally tubular!” She joked as she grabbed his hand and interlocked their fingers and pulled him to an ice cream shop as they both chatted happily.
They were too happy to notice the group of four males glaring their way.
”Your brother confessed to her,” Namjoon gaped at the scene, he couldn’t believe what he had just seen.
”And she accepted him!” Hoseok cried, tears streamed down his face.
”And she’s leaving, leaving while dating your idiot brother?” Yoongi growled. “That’s fucking illegal!”
”He’s still underage though...” Seokjin commented numbly. He had finally realized after two years of stalking her, he had realized he had fallen in love with her too. But it was too late, and the fates hated him, and his princess was about to leave the kingdom without him. And she was now with that pig of a brother.
”Kill him.” Seokjin said suddenly as they stood up, he didn’t even think twice before saying it.
”What?” Hoseok asked scared, kill someone? Him? No way, he couldn’t even kill an ant!
”Kill him, let’s kill my brother.” Seokjin laughed.
”What the fuck, dude? You okay?” Yoongi asked worried, that wasn’t like Seokjin at all.
”Hell yes, I’m so okay that my brother stole the love of my fucking life!” He answered sarcastically, as he glared at the ice cream shop.
“Hey, guys, you said you’d do anything for [Name], right?” Namjoon asked suddenly.
”What are you talking about now?” Hoseok asked even more scared, if that was even possible.
”I say, we do it, murder Seokjung, he’s in the way.” Seokjin repeated.
”Me too.” Namjoon agreed.
”Okay, fine, it’s for [Name], right?” Yoongi asked, it didn’t take much convincing for him anyway. It’s not like he hadn’t considered murder before, he just never had the resources to actually do it.
”Yeah.” Seokjin answered him, obviously, who else would it be for.
”Hoseok?” Namjoon asked.
”F-fine, but let’s not get caught, ‘kay?”
“That’s the fucking plan you idiot.” Yoongi laughed.
”Anyway, how do we do it?” Seokjin asked seriously, not an ounce of hesitation or doubt laid in his voice.
”Fake a suicide?” Namjoon suggested, he couldn’t believe they were actually going to do this.
”Hmm, yeah, whatever. Should we call the younger kids though?” Yoongi asked as they walked the basically dead streets.
”Nah, they’ll probably snitch, plus Jeongguk isn’t in the best place with [Name] leaving and all that shit, he’ll need Jimin and Tae.”
”Yeah, so how do we do it? The fake suicide? What’s the story behind it, do we forge a letter?”
”We can make him choke in the new car dad gave him, we can lock him in the garage and turn the engine on, no one can survive that, he won’t be able to breath in a few minutes but just in case, we can leave him there for an hour or so.” Seokjin told them his plan.
And they all agreed.
And that’s how they killed their first victim. But it was too late, [Name] had already left town, without knowledge of what happened to Seokjung until years later, yet by that time she had bigger problems than that.
——— m o n e y , m o n e y———
“Seokjin, aren’t you happy?” His driver asked him, he probably had no idea his brother died or that he really didn’t want to leave his home, he wanted to work, he needed to work.
”Not really.” Seokjin sighed as he leaned against the glass.
”Why is that?”
“Because the girl I love left.” Seokjin told him dramatically, he was the only adult he felt comfortable enough joking with.
”Ahh, how special is that girl?” The old man laughed, his voice was filled with joy and curiosity.
”Special enough I’d kill for her.” Seokjin smirked behind the old man’s back.
———— w a s r e a l l y f u n n y ———
If Seokjung had it, Seokjin needed it. That’s how you fell in the devil's hands. By mere bad luck and a one sided rivalry, quite a drama, right? At the beginning, he only wanted you for the sake of having something his brother wanted. But slowly, it became more about himself, and his needs. He needed you now, not his brother, not the company, you. And not even that overachieving idiot was going to keep you two apart.
Luckily for Seokjin, it seems like you didn’t remember either him or his brother. He now was the only heir of the Kim company in your mind and memory. He now had something his brother didn’t. He has you.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t regret killing his brother, he would’ve enjoyed seeing his face as he won you over.
But one can’t have it all, can they?
———— i n a d e a d m a n ‘s w o r l d —

@nojamsnoham @camiliasmencles @yandere-hobi @spaceunicorn293 @prinnytaylor @mo-la @ggukkimari @ilovesomuchstuff @strawberry-leche
#Dio's writing#love confessions#bts x reader#yandere bts#yandere bts x reader#bts yandere#yandere jimin#yandere seokjin#yandere jungkook#yandere hoseok#yandere namjoon#yandere yoongi#yandere taehyung#taehyung x reader#jimin x reader#jungkook x reader#namjoon x reader#hoseok x reader#seokjin x reader#yoongi x reader#jeon jungkook#kim taehyung#kim namjoon#kim seokjin#jung hoseok#min yoongi#park jimin#tw// murder#tw// drugs#tw// blood
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Listen Linda!
I am excited!! My VH1 credit should be on my IMDB page real soon. Pause why Black Panther is filming in ATL and I never knew when they started filming. I definitely need an agent in ATL, I have the financial ability to fly back and forth. I just don’t know if I am willing to shave my head. Even if they offered me 500k, I’d still be hesitant. Lol. And they are filming in the middle of fall and winter and I can’t stand being cold. God is good! I am unsure what to do with my health though. Again, I’ve come to terms years ago, about what could possibly happen. I bet ol girl would be happy if I perished, she wished it on me anyway. Lol, But that besides the point at hand. Something is definitely wrong with my body and I am beyond over it. Thank God for life insurance I guess. I barely have debts except for my school loans. I wrote out my goals, I just need to make a vision board at this point. I am definitely hoping everything manifests. I’ll be debt free by December of this year. And then my credit score should be above average and then I figured out how to get a Tesla without spending 40k. The most I am willing to spend is 30k but that’s where negotiating comes in. Unless the car goes over 300 miles per charge, I am not spending that much. I’ve driven a Tesla. Model S and the charge goes down quick with all the usage. I want a model S so bad, but Ill take the Model 3 or Y.
My child got out twice now. I told her the outside is for the street cats and she’s not about that life, of course she responds. Lol. I am definitely blessed for her. Who would have thought I’d have a cat that responds and talks to me. Understands commands. It’s beyond crazy sometimes but I am grateful. I remember after the incident I was crying so bad and Zena was trying to get in my lap but I kept putting her on the floor. I feel so bad she waned to comfort me and I rejected it. But I truly love her to death. I bought her a leash to train her to go outside but she isn’t having it, but then yells at me to put it on. I guess she runs everything. She also loves helping the clients. Lol. Whether that’s talking while I’m on the phone or typing random shit from the keyboard.
I finally broke my silence. Not entirely. I’m still hesitant about reaching out to my community about what happened to me. I told one person in the industry and I said, it’s not about exploiting or exposing but it’s about safety. If I was attacked I am sure it’ll happen to someone else and that’s the point of speaking on it. I would be in the wrong if it was lies and I made up this whole story for revenge, but unfortunately it really happened. I have the court documents saved as PDF and people can look it up with my name or the case number. This is why I am blessed my record is clean. Because on my IMDB, it shows if the industry is googling you or reviewing your page. And if I had a criminal or something as a restraining order on my record, I could lose out on bookings. Reputation matters. Producers always call me back for a gig. And no one wants to work with someone who can’t control their anger. Thank God that isn’t me. I can be upset, but I’d NEVER put my hands let alone bite someone. I am hesitant about posting pictures of the bite, but I feel like that’s my finally closure. Closure and forgiveness is a beautiful thing. I think that’s how I am able to receive all these blessings. I always forgive people in order to set myself free. The misery I would feel if I didn’t.
*side note; I am craving Prank’s Egg white omelette and potatoes. ; with some syrup. I am not sure when I’ll make it over there but it’ll be soon. Most places don’t even do egg white omelette which too me isn’t as dry as a regular omelette. It’s like being in love with the first bite, it’s so good.
Imagine on my birthday a Tesla arrives. Yall I’d pass out. Lol. I definitely want that car and then I’ll get a townhouse. The way they check your credit though itll be tricky I suppose. And of course mom can rent out my room. This room is beyond 600 sq ft. Its a whole ass studio. Matter fact if she takes the entertainment room, where my sister sleeps and my room and the bathroom, that’s a steal. I have been looking for townhouses to rent but some are two bedrooms and are tiny. And I am spoiled to be honest. I refuse to live in a box. Which means paying over 2k a month. But that’s the whole point of upgrading your life. I will never forget when I met my brother for the first time and he said I was boujie because I had a Champion jacket on. Lol, SMH! What’s so wrong with upgrading your life. Phew, black people never can just say something is cute or looks good without the extras. The Champion jacket was hella expensive and I bought it on my credit card, because I was broke. I like the color and how it looked. Lol, never knew it would categorize me as boujie.
That’s why lowkey I am scared to get the Tesla. Because when next year comes around and I FINALLY heal and get myself right to date. I don’t want to go out on a date and they think, because I have a Tesla I got monies. I was ignorant for that too. My ex has a big ass house and a Mercedes and I quickly learned it wasn’t even like that. Plus a Mercedes is really an expensive Chrysler, both vehicles share the same interior, but who gon tell them? Can we just clap for people who upgrade their lives. Can we do that starting 2022. My plan is at the end of this year to finish doing overtime and then grab my savings and get a loan, hopefully at least 20k and I pay the rest like 10-15k. And BOOM a Tesla is born. I am always planning, I created a whole financial excel sheet to predict how much I need to make to reach my goals. Then I have my Godson and his future. I may go ahead and put 5k in his savings just to set him in stone for the next two years. I am waiting for my credit card to say zero! If I have extra I might send my friends a couple racks. When I am blessed I have to pass the blessings to the next.
I love the BUFFINS!!! I just can’t over how beautiful their lives are. Sevyn wanted Annie and she got her. They proposed and got married and three years later had their first child and I am just so happy for them. I am like this, let me re-manifest someone from the ATL. Because my homeboy literally is moving to be with his fiance after meeting her a short time and he’s a Capricorn. Listen, I was so close but I ended up getting violated violently, so lets start over. Caps are so loyal and faithful. But I am not ready to find someone yet. I kind of want to establish a few things first. I want to HEAL. This was definitely a traumatizing experience. Adding more to my PTSD. I want to be comfortable speaking about it if asked. There is a lot to work on at this time. Plus, I want to get this car and this townhouse. Also, I don’t want to be afraid to jump into the deep end. Like when I fall in love again, I dont want to be hesitant to make someone my girlfriend, even if it’s a short period of time. I don’t want to rush but I don’t want to hold back my emotions either. I pray I can fall in love again. I honestly do. I thought I couldn’t and then I did to a person who attacked me. Feels wasted. I want to take chances. I should have taken that second date with this other girl. Lol, fuck ! And I wouldn’t have been in this mess.
To end this, I know relationships are not easy, I was in one for five years. I have the strength but also, I don’t have to tolerate shit. If the universe sends me a damn Taurus, we going straight to counseling, because I refuse. Lol, they are literally all abusive asf. In the meantime, I am waiting for the victims group to get back to me about my case. If they agree, somebody going to jail and it’s not me. I mean literally what happened to my bff ex, lordt. we call her crazy bish, but she was mad she was arrested for the DV. Like how can people be upset about their own actions that they chose. Now you see why, when my bff asked if she was a Taurus and she said yes, why they were scared for me. Lol, because them May Taurus are real life abusers. Someone prove me wrong and Ill give them 10k. But on a good note. God is good!!!!!
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Tangible satisfaction
I don't know what this is... I just really needed to rant I guess.... It's kind of in story form and has mentions of violence and self-harm. Please don't read this if you feel it may endanger you. This isn't the point of this post, honestly... I don't know what is.
You thought you would be happy.
You thought once you got your life together, once you had your dogs well fed in your home with the person you love that you would be happy.
You thought no matter the stress, no matter the anxiety, no matter the lack of money, that you would be happy. And you were, no doubt…
But something wasn't right. It just wasn't sitting well with you. You loved him, your family, their family, your dogs; but you still felt sick to your stomach every night, staring up at the ceiling wanting to cry your eyes out, wanting to escape the pain of the life that you're living.
Occasionally you hear gun shots and screaming at night, which does nothing to ease your conscious mind that races in the night like a wild mustang on the run from the cowboys of old.
You knew there wasn't anything you could do for them. You were a young girl, not even a third of the way through your life expectancy… that is, if the world even lasts that long. You wanted to do something, you wanted to make a difference, but when the sun went down and you laid in bed, you knew you were nothing more than a drop in the ocean. Your minimum wage job wasn't gonna put food on the table for the people who desperately need it.
It wasn't going to get people out of abusive homes.
It want going to get kids out of bad situations.
But the odds- they're stacked against you. You're more likely to get hit by lightning or raped and murdered, or die in your sleep than you ever are to make even money to make a difference.
Sure, you vote, you pay your taxes, you buy from reputable places, you stand as a strong ally for oppressed groups, you use your own grocery bags, you support local businesses; but you know in the grand scheme of things, in this rigged system, it will all amount to nothing.
You hope and pray that it'll mean something.
You hope and pray that real change will soon come.
You hope and pray that your family will realize that they're supporting a man just like Hitler himself.
But you know, deep down that these things won't come true.
But- you still hope.
You hold on to that glimmer of hope because you want to live a good and faithful life. You want others to live a good and faithful life.
You know you definitely don't have it the worst off. You have a roof over your head and a job to go to, to put some food on the table, but you're still suffering.
Laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, wanting- so desperately- for this pain to end. You've considering taking the straight razor, which you bought to be sustainable and good to the planet, and doing something that you know is terrible, that you know you shouldn't do.
You have a decent life. Sure, you want to die and you can't afford therapy, but You're in college, almost to the point becoming a teacher to maybe earn 30k a year, if you're lucky. But you don't want to be a teacher, you don't know what you want. You just picked a job that might work because you knew it would stick around for a while and wouldn't be obsolete due to technology within the next, at least 20 years. You picked it because it could work. It gave you something to strive for, because you never picked something to strive for. You never picked something to strive for because quite honestly, you thought that you would be dead long before you got to this point.
But now here you are, an adult, with bills to pay-
Shortened hours-
Car that's breaking down-
Boss that doesn't care about your well-being-
Government that does give a shit about anyone making less than half a billion a year-
Family that supports a authoritarian maniac as your president-
Family that will disown you and revoke any and all monetary help if you speak against them or said president-
Future job that you're dreading-
But hey, at least you have a home.
At least you have a job.
At least you have a family.
At least you're alive.
Not everyone has that.
So why are you sitting here in bed wanting to die?
Because you know, that soon…. You won't be able to afford all that you have.
Soon the house, the car, the family, the job, the dogs, the significant other….
You won't be able to afford.
As your money means less and less, while their money grows more and more,
You starve yourself to give a good life to your S/o and your dogs.
You bite your tongue, so you don't get fired from your job.
You drive in a car that is unsafe for you, especially as it gets to the hotter months of the year.
You cry yourself to sleep at night, looking toward the bathroom, wondering if another day was really worth it.
And you decided, to try just one more: time and time again, all in search of tangible satisfaction.
#giggly days#help#please be wary#this isnt for the faint of heart#its a bit dark#but then again#what isnt about our world#sorry
0 notes
heart rise above
///// CHAPTER 7
summary: It wasn’t an experiment with freedom borne of some Americana fantasy; rather, a road trip of purely logistical intentions. The plan was simple. Drive from Boston to Chicago for his sister’s college graduation. That’s it.
Or, he drives a Ford Pickup Named Desire.
fandom: riverdale ship: betty x jughead words: 30k chapters: 7/19
[read from the beginning] [read the latest]
But time makes you bolder Even children get older
On Sunday morning, Jughead wakes up with a sunburn.
It’s his own damn fault; in the rush to appease the wide-eyed beseeching of Betty and the subsequent distractions of her overall presence, he hadn’t thought about sun protection until late into the afternoon and the damage had already been done.
A part of him whispers: worth it, but a smarter, far more logical side reminds him he could’ve enjoyed Betty’s company while still applying sunscreen. Alas.
But at least most of the burn is not on his face, and rather his chest, which he’s fairly certain hasn’t seen the light of day in years and probably won’t again for some time. Luckily, for someone with such vampiric tendencies, he manages to tan fairly well, so while it will never be quite as attractive as Betty’s golden glow, it should settle into an olive tone soon.
He stands in front of the motel bathroom mirror and slaps water onto his face, because now his mind is back to conjuring images of Betty strewn out beside him, her hair tangled and loose around her shoulders, and it’s been driving him mad since before bed last night.
It’s bad enough he’s got words like sun-kissed floating around in his thoughts, further destroying any credibility he has left with himself; he doesn’t need to be further tormented of memories of her in that fucking white swimsuit.
“Goddamnit,” he mutters, as it happens again. He points at himself in the mirror, and says, flatly, “No.”
Jughead can accept that what he feels is attraction, can acknowledge he has the evidence of that literally burned onto his fucking skin, but that doesn’t mean he gets to torture himself any more than usual. No, what he needs is a day spent in the company of his best friend, a big cup of coffee, followed by a second one, and absolutely zero time with Betty.
He’s already tried the cold shower.
Anyway, given that it’s a Sunday, he doesn’t have the usual excuse to hang around her, as she won’t be at the garage and he hasn’t been allowed any opportunity to invite himself along anywhere else. It’s probably for the best.
He gives his reflection one more warning jab of the finger and then goes to dress. He hesitates with the suspenders, after Betty’s little dig about them, but then feels silly for it. Even if he does have something of a crush, he’s not about to change his entire ethos (carefully crafted down to the fit of his jeans) in the course of one week.
Besides, he’s fairly sure she was just teasing him. Or he hopes so, because he knows it speaks to his tumultuous childhood that he still wears so many layers all at once, ready to sleep wherever he may need, change clothes without arousing suspicion. Like his habit with frugality, it’s hard to kick, even in adulthood.
He throws on an old, cozy t-shirt, ties a flannel around his waist, piles anything he needs for a burst of inspiration into his messenger bag, and then heads for Archie’s room.
“Ready for breakfast?” He asks, when the door swings open.
“Yeah,” Archie says, even though he’s not at all dressed. “Just gimme like, one minute.”
Jughead wanders into the room while Archie rushes around, throwing clothes onto the bed. “Just in case I don’t have time to change before my date tonight,” he explains when Jughead raises an eyebrow. He’s known Archie to wear his sneakers to a wedding and not bat an eyelash, so he’s not quite sure what to do with this flustered version of his best friend.
“You really like this girl, huh?” He says, watching Archie narrow down his choices to two shirts.
“A lot,” Archie breathes, settling on the nicer one, a soft blue button up. “Alright, let’s go.”
They head out and make the short walk to Pop’s. At this point, Jughead has taken nearly all his meals at the diner, so when he’s greeted by name by the owner and a passing waitress, he just has to shrug listlessly under Archie’s curious look.
“I like the food here,” he says simply.
The two of them settle into a booth, drop their orders, and receive their coffees. Once their server is gone, Archie clears his throat. “So…” He begins, obviously with an attempt at prompting.
“Don’t start,” Jughead replies with a groan. He’s just started to enjoy his coffee and the last thing he wants is to regress into some moonish idiot again. “I don’t want to talk about her.”
Archie’s forehead wrinkles. “’Her’? Who is ‘her’? I was just going to ask you about how your book is coming. Wait…are you talking about Betty?”
“Aw, fuck,” Jughead mutters, cradling his head in his hands. “Never mind, forget I said anything.”
“Nu-uh, you went there, so let’s talk about it.” Across the table, Archie chuckles and starts to count on his fingers. “First, you invite her and her friends to hang out with us, which…like, I’m definitely not complaining, since one of those friends is Veronica. But when have you ever done that? Then, the fact that she got you swimming? I can’t remember the last time I saw you swim.”
“I swim,” he says defensively. “We were literally at the beach last week.”
“Yeah, and you just stood there with your feet in the water. And yesterday you guys were acting all…like you knew her. I think there’s something you’re not telling me.”
Jughead takes a stalling sip of coffee. “I asked her to teach me how to fix the truck, okay? Just because I wanted to learn for myself so I could take care of it later on. That’s it. There’s no Machiavellian subplot going on, so stop acting like I’ve been body-snatched.”
“So you’ve been what, hanging out at her garage?”
He bites at the inside of his mouth. “Well, yeah.”
“This whole time?” Archie asks, his eyes bulging.
“No,” Jughead snaps brusquely. “I mean, Jesus, we’ve only been here for like, five days. I’ve been writing, mostly. Just…also spending some time at the garage. For educational purposes.”
Archie stares at him, and then bursts out laughing. “Alright, now I get all those little looks she gave you yesterday,” he says, shaking his head. Jughead glowers at him, though more frustrated with the fact that he has the adamant desire to shake Archie and beg him to explain what he means by little looks.
(Something else to torture himself with, undoubtedly.)
“Educational purposes,” Jughead repeats darkly. Maybe if he says it enough, he’ll believe it.
“Nah, you like her,” Archie says, after a moment of deduction. “I’ve known you my whole life, bro, you can’t pull that shit with me.”
Jughead wrestles with how to deny it with any stronger language to make Archie back off, but then deflates and sighs, losing the will to argue. “It doesn’t change anything.”
And that is the truth. He can admit to Archie, he can admit it to himself, but neither of these actions will have any sort of effect on the outcome. In less than three weeks time, he will be piling into his truck, driving to Chicago, and then heading back to Boston with his sister to resume a normal, Betty-free life.
He’s self-loathing, but even Jughead isn’t sure he’s that self-loathing as to let himself get in any deeper with a woman he’ll never see again. It’s already bad enough that whatever benign little crush he’d felt for her before yesterday has been replaced by a magnified appreciation for the way she’d looked next to him, tousled by the river and tanned and soft-eyed, and—this is just after one day at the beach. He’s more than a little afraid to find out what else his imagination is capable of.
Archie looks confused. “What do you mean, it doesn’t change anything? I’m seeing Ronnie, and we’re in the same situation. Doesn’t stop us from having fun.”
Jughead sighs, and crosses his arms onto the table. “I’m not you, Archie. I don’t do casual very well. Go big or go home, right? Well even if I go big, I still have to go home to Boston. We live in different states, Arch. What, am I supposed to ask her out and then we go on a few dates and then we’re long distance for however long we can convince ourselves it’s a good idea? I mean, think about it.”
“You’re already planning a long distance relationship? You haven’t even been on one date,” Archie points out, raising his eyebrows.
Jughead groans. “I just mean—what’s the endgame here? What’s the point?”
“To get laid?” Archie suggests plainly, his hands in the air. “To have a connection with someone? To get to know somebody? To open up?”
“Yeah, because I’m so well known for all of those things. And—anyway, you’re making a dangerous assumption that she’s even interested,” Jughead reminds him, downing the rest of his coffee and slumping in his seat.
“I think that’s a pretty safe bet,” Archie says slowly, and then looks painfully amused at how quickly Jughead’s head jerks back up.
“What, that she’s interested? Come on, I’m trying to be realistic here,” Jughead says, scrubbing a hand across his face. “You’ve seen her. She’s way out of my league, pal.”
The look he gives Jughead borders on outright pity, which he decides is far worse than smug. “Maybe, but you’re really over-thinking this. Just…try not to think so much and go ask her out.”
Coming from someone who Jughead has witnessed jumping into far too many situations without consideration and getting in way over his head, this advice does little for comfort. “Well, I’m a writer, all I do is think, write, and mope, and over-think some more.”
Archie sighs. “Alright, look. I know you, Jug, so I won’t push you on it, because that won’t help. But, I’ll just say this: better to have loved and lost than not loved at all, right?”
He stares across the table. “How is it you can quote Tennyson at me but still don’t know who Stevie Nicks is?” Jughead moans, hiding his face in his hands.
“I know who he is,” Archie scoffs, which only proves Jughead’s point. He groans again, but this time it’s because his eyes have been closed too long and he’s attacked by visions of Betty swimming in circles around him, moving in the water like a mermaid luring a sailor to death.
When he brings his head out of his hands, Archie is watching him with understanding eyes.
“It’s why it’s called a crush,” Archie offers, shrugging. “It sucks.”
But Jughead is thinking about the river, and how he was too worried to swim out to where the water turned too dark to see the bottom; all that latent symbolism is finally catching up to him. But, still.
Should something happen on the way out, not knowing if he was able to touch down just wasn’t worth the risk.
Jughead’s solution is true to form.
Rather than follow a lick of Archie’s advice, Jughead doubles down on his theory that no good will come of allowing himself to spend more time with Betty. While his best friend barrels on full steam ahead with Veronica, starting to see her practically every night, Jughead retreats further and further into his hotel room.
He even gets invited to go to dinner and dancing with Archie and Veronica and, wink, dude, Betty will probably be there, but he ignores the text until late and then sends a weak reply of sorry, didn’t see this till now.
Perhaps it’s his old friend Abandonment Issues rearing its ugly head again, but he decides that the more he sees her, the more he likes her, which won’t do. When he follows that train of thought, the more drawn to her he is, the more occupied his thoughts are with a very simple desire.
And that scares the shit out of him.
Because no matter how many times he circles back to it, there’s no way for him to walk away from this without becoming more miserable than he was already. He’s just not Archie; he’s always been all or nothing. He can’t casually date someone, nor can he wrap his head around the idea of not thinking ahead.
He’s already afraid of a good thing, but what happens when that good thing has no good ending? It’s not star-crossed, it’s not romantic; it’s just impractical.
So he throws himself into his writing, and luckily, it welcomes him with open arms.
That is, until it doesn’t. His outline takes shape, his characters find their moxie—and then he hits a snag four chapters later, around the same time that his character gets his first real lead and starts to work with the police. Namely, his love interest. He deletes, rewrites, sacrifices whole scenes—even the ones with the bit of dialogue he really liked—but he can’t seem to shake the indecision that has begun bleeding through.
If he thought about it any harder, if he even just squinted at it, he probably wouldn’t be able to deny the resemblances between his character’s issues and his own. Which is exactly why he chooses not to analyze such realities—though at least Jughead doesn’t have a fresh dead body on his hands.
Still, he is just as plagued by the sad, sharp eyes of the blonde riddle in his book—and every time he tries to fix it, or grow their relationship realistically, he ends up wanting to throw his computer across the room.
This is junior year of college all over again, only much worse. But if he’s not thinking about solutions for his love arc, he’s thinking about book reviews and his publisher wanting a book tour for the sequel, and the inherent pressure of a follow up novel, and comments online, and even the film rights speculation floating around on Reddit—a far-fetched rumor if he’s ever heard one. Even if there’s something to it, he’s sure he’ll be last to know, and can kiss it goodbye once his sequel hits the stands and tanks as much as he expects it to.
On Thursday morning, he sends off his latest frustration to his editor, hoping she has some thoughts for him, and decides to go buy some snacks. He’s been trying to write in his room lately, but he’s already sick of vending machine candy and he needs a new toothpaste anyway, so he walks to the grocery store, scowling the whole way.
He throws a range of essentials into his basket, and then, hearing JB’s voice in his thoughts, decides to also grab a bit of fruit, lest he fall prey to the supposedly inevitable case of scurvy she’s always hocking him about.
Jughead heads to the drink aisle, and then, with his hands full of soda, nearly barrels into someone turning away from the opposite wine section. “Fuck,” he mutters, as a bottle slips from his hands. He drops down to grab it, but it rolls out and hits the foot of the woman he almost walked into. He glances back up, and is completely unprepared for it to Betty.
She squats down to his level, grinning. “On a health kick, I see,” she says, reaching the bottle of soda first. She picks it up and hands it to him, which he takes after a moment.
“Yeah well, the name Jughead Jones is synonymous with Whole Foods,” he mumbles, straightening. “Thanks. And, uh, sorry for almost running you over.”
“Something a girl always dreams of hearing,” she laughs.
Her hair is down again, and she brushes a smoothing hand against it as his eyes run over her wavy tresses. She looks nice—well, she always looks nice, but today she looks nicer than usual. Maybe it’s the way her hair falls along her neck, or the swishy pink skirt, or the black short sleeve button up, or maybe it’s just because she’s still smiling at him and he’s just too far gone to see past it.
She adjusts the bottle of wine cradled in her arms. “So,” they say at the same time. There’s a fumbling and awkward amount of pausing while they both ask the other to go first, but eventually she tries again.
“So, how have you been? Haven’t seen you in a few days. You missed a fun night of Archie and Veronica’s basically undressing each other on the dance floor, by the way. Never again am I third wheeling.”
He chuckles, cringing at the thought. “Great, now I’m going to have to absolve my eyes of that mental image, so thanks for that. I’m not sorry I missed that, but I didn’t mean to leave you hanging. I just got bit by the writing bug,” he offers by way of explanation.
“And here I thought you were avoiding me,” she says, with something like a nervous grin. “Or got sick of me, maybe.”
“Impossible,” he sighs, and it’s true, even though he has been avoiding her. A pang of guilt hits him, hard; it hurts to hear that she’d thought his opinion her was anything less than glowing. Fuck. He’s been an asshole, but he honestly didn’t expect she’d have spared him a passing thought. “I’ve just been busy with the book, I’m really sorry. Got in my own head a bit.”
“Oh,” Betty breathes. Is it relief in her big eyes, or is that just what he hopes to see? “No, no, it’s fine. I’m glad to hear that. Make some good headway, then?”
He shifts his basket in his arms so he can scratch his chin. “Yeah. Kinda,” he says. His eyes, desperate for something to do other than stare hopelessly at her, fall to the bottle of wine. “Bit early for a drink, don’t you think?” He asks, intending for it to be a joke, but he thinks of his father as he says it and it comes out sounding all wrong.
Betty blinks down at the bottle. “This is just a gift,” she explains, holding it up. “I’m heading up to Hudson today. To get your compressor part, actually. The wine is part of a thank-you; Adam’s letting me come get it right away. He called me when he got back last night.”
Jughead feels instantly suspicious of this Adam person. What’s in it for him to be so helpful? Then he frowns, remembering Kevin’s ominous mumbling about this guy Adam. He’d gotten the impression that he was interested in Betty from that, and that sends a flare of jealousy straight to his stomach. Is this why Betty looks a little dressier than usual? For him?
“So soon?” He asks, swallowing. “You’re ahead of schedule, then.”
Betty lifts a shoulder. “Well, I know how eager you are to get back on the road.”
He wants to punch himself in the face. Wants to tell her he hasn’t been able to get her out of his head all week, especially not after rolling around in the sand next to her while she wears a swimsuit straight from the set of Baywatch. Wants to tell her he has suddenly no foreseeable desire to leave Riverdale, or her.
“I mean, I still have to be in Chicago at the end of the month,” he says slowly, remembering himself. That won’t change, so there’s no point in beating around the bush. “But I’m not…it’s not like I’m rushing out the door.”
It’s as close to “I like you” as Jughead can get right now, and he’s fairly sure it’s a lost cause to attempt telepathy, but he tries it anyway. Betty smiles softly at him.
(No point in beating around the bush—that is, except for the one labeled: Jughead’s feelings for Betty.)
“That’s good to hear,” she says, her lips wrapping around the words in a melodic sort of way.
“Yeah, as we’ve previously discussed, turns out Riverdale’s not all bad,” he says, as they start to wander through the aisle. It’s another attempt at cryptically hinting that he likes her, but unsurprisingly, it doesn’t land.
Betty scoffs. “Careful there, I wouldn’t want the town to get a big head.”
“I mean, it’s no Phoenix or Tallahassee, but…” He grins at her rolling eyes. “A little bit of luck, spit, and shine, and it’s well on it’s way to being a real Toledo.”
“Look out,” she drawls. She’s getting bolder with her sarcasm; he wonders if he’s rubbing off on her.
She ends up tagging along with the rest of his shopping trip—they debate his taste in toothpaste brands, which Betty points out is the same one her sister buys for her kids, and she tells him that one apple does not actually keep a doctor away and he needs to buy more fruit, so she leads him back to the produce aisle and fills his basket with oranges and something called a lychee.
“You sound like JB,” he mutters, as she launches into a monologue about vitamins. “She’s a vegan, now. Me, the human garbage disposal, with her, my legume-loving sister. She’s always on my case about my diet. I don’t know how we’re going to live together.”
Betty glances over, her fingers pausing over a peach. He leans against a large crate of fruit. “That’s the other part of the reason why I have to get to Chicago with the truck. I’m helping her move back to Boston, and she’s gonna live with me until she figures out her next move. Which, if she’s anything like me, means she’ll be sleeping in my home office till she’s 30.”
She arches an eyebrow. “You’re a best selling author, and you’re 26.”
He squints right back at her. “Did you google me?”
She burns bright red and pretends to be very interested in procuring the right peach. “No,” she says. “Okay, yes. But after you revealed yourself as JP Jones, I just wanted to confirm. I’m a big believer in fact-checking citations and bibliographies, Juggie.”
There she goes with the nickname again; the one that sends his heart into a sickeningly gushy plunge. He hates it, and he loves it.
He wiggles his eyebrows at her. “Find anything incriminating on me during your journey into the deep web?”
She tips her chin into the air. “You’ll just have to see,” she sniffs, and then snags his shopping basket from his arms and deposits the peaches she’s spend the last few minutes selecting for him. He stands there for a moment, his lips lifting as he watches her move on to inspecting an ear of corn.
Betty glances back over her shoulder with a teasing grin, and his breath catches. She’s so beautiful.
“What are your thoughts on America’s most popular vegetable?” She asks, holding the corn up to the light.
“I think I don’t have anywhere to cook anything, no matter how prevalent it is to the industrialization of American farm,” he says, pushing off from his perch and snatching the corn from her hands. He tosses it back into its crate. “I’m cutting you off, Cooper. No more produce.”
“Well, I have a place to cook,” she says quickly, and then blushes. His eyes widen; it almost sounds like she’s inviting him to dinner, but then she picks the corn back up and continues. “I could—maybe I want it for myself.”
He puts his hands in the air. “Fine, fine. I mean, it’s your complicity with the corruption of factory farms, but fine.”
“Says the guy with a basket full of high-fructose corn syrup,” Betty points out, her eyes rolling. “And sorry, what is your logic here? I buy organic corn, therefore I support factory farming?”
“There is no ethical consumption under capitalism,” Jughead says, a finger in the air. “So I might as well go out with my guns slinging, some soda in hand.”
“Then you’ll leave me and my opinion on corn alone,” she replies, gathering a few ears into a little brown bag. He puts on a look of faux pretense, but takes his shopping basket back and transfers the vegetables and her bottle of wine into it. When she starts to protest him carrying her groceries, he just walks ahead.
What Jughead intended to be a way to kill time has now turned into a full hour, but at this point he’s dragging his shopping trip out as much as possible. When they part ways, Betty will go to see this Adam person, and give him this bottle of wine and maybe even smile at him in her soft, secretive kind of way, and then probably fall into his arms and—
“Juggie?” Betty asks, freeing him from the Gone With the Wind-esque nightmare playing out in his thoughts.
“Hm?” He asks, snapping back to attention.
Betty is reaching back into his basket, and he realizes they’re at the check out counter. “I should probably get going,” she says, glancing at the large clock hanging over the grocery line. He has no excuse to delay her any longer, so he nods and they move forward into line. She deposits her wine and corn onto the conveyer belt, says hello to the person behind the register, and starts digging through her purse for her wallet.
She waits for him while he pays for his groceries, and then they both head for the exit silently. Once again, he feels so stupid for avoiding her this past week. He should’ve been enjoying what little time he has with her, rather than falling victim to the self-fulfilling train wreck of his life.
He walks her to her car, gives her a little wave of goodbye as she slips into the driver’s seat, and turns on his heel. And then— “Hey, Juggie?”
He spins around absurdly fast. Betty is leaning out of her window, her arms folded out over the top of the door. “Yeah?”
“Do you want to come with me?” She asks, tilting her head at him. “We can get the compressor out of the way and then go get a nice lunch, or something. Hudson is cute, there’s lots of stuff to do.”
His brows furrow, as this is at odds with his presumptions about Betty’s nice outfit and the bottle of wine and the interested man waiting to meet with her. But he’s already shot himself in the foot once, so he’s not about to do it to the other.
“Sure,” he says, in what he hopes is a casual voice. He deposits his bag of groceries—luckily nothing perishable—into the back of the car and then comes around to the passenger’s side.
He settles in beside her, a warm feeling in his chest and something odd stuck in his throat.
Betty beams at him, and then turns onto the open road.
#bughead#bughead fanfiction#betty x jughead#betty cooper#jughead jones#fics#big sigh#here i go again
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