#like genuinely. no hate just like...wow you just let that dynamic go right by?
toytulini · 10 months
okay fascinating that the tumblrinas seem to be primarily shipping Dante w Aimes. like i see it. but really? on the enemies fucking nasty website ? you dont think he wants to fuck Dommy so bad it makes him look stupid and bomb rome?
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lemotmo · 2 months
Okay it has a bit more of their lunacy but more importantly it looks like we also got one of the reasons why some people are jumping ship, and it makes sense. Also we should all totally start saying that is who these people really are, haha. They would die.
Q. What does it feel like to ship a couple of playground bullies? You must be so proud.
Q. Wow Oliver's true colors are so disappointing. What an utter lap dog he is to Ryan. Hope they enjoy one another because no one will want anything to do with either one of them when Lou comes out and says how awful they are to him.
Q. I just feel so bad for Lou. He tried so hard to fit in with them and be friends and they went out of their way to exclude him and make fun of those of us who genuinely love and appreciate him. They can have each other. I'm all for the show giving Tommy a different love interest. He deserves better than Oliver/Buck.
Q. So I was a B/T shipper because it was the canon ship. But I was there for Buck and those psychos wanted us to start going around and bashing Oliver and spamming Twitter and Instagram with how awful he is. Yeah they can keep their crazy. I'll go back to happily waiting for Buddie. What a brunch of losers.
Q. Current canon ship or not, I'm out. I don't play about Oliver/Buck. I was happy to ship the current canon but I draw the line at openly hating on Oliver. They're crazy.
Q. You come for my boy and the other boy I have loved for 6 years and I'm out. I shipped it because it was the current canon. You want to try and force me to turn on Oliver and Ryan you're sadly mistaken. You freaks can have each other. What a complete waste of my time.
A. Once again this has all resulted from a mustache Instagram filter. I cannot make sense of you people at all. So I've decided that you are not actually Lou/Tommy fans. I think Lou got together with a couple of his friends and decided he wanted some attention. So he asked his friends to go online and pretend to be massive Tommy fans to see if he could force the show's hands. Only no one cared so you all double drowned and decided to try and prove that the audience actually prefers Tommy to Buck. But that has backfired spectacularly and now you and Lou are stuck because he can't come out and say he made all of you up for attention because that would be pathetically embarrassing. So instead you all just have to pretend to become more and more detached from reality. I hope he paid you all well for this because yikes. Don't try to convince me that you're not actually Lou and his friends. I've decided that makes sense in my head so it is now fact, and you're all bigots if you try and disagree with me (did I do that right, guys?).
Anyway, to the Oliver anons, that was always going to be the problem for the Lou diehards. The majority of you were going to be there for Buck. And the more obvious it became, especially with Oliver, that it isn't anything to really invest in most of you were always going to walk away. That's why they were so desperate to start a fandom war. Their only hope was to try and turn people against Oliver and Ryan. It was the dumbest of dumb strategies and watching it completely fall apart for them over an Instagram filter Oliver and Ryan were having fun with is absolutely fitting. They deserve their demise to be this utterly ridiculous.
I know I'm repeating myself over and over again, but still-- thank you so much Nonny for dropping this into my inbox.
A bit of a follow up to the previous ask and-- yeah, I just. No. I promised myself to not lose anymore brain cells to this lunacy. I can't anymore with these people.
But I am so thankful and happy to see that a lot of the more mainstream BT shippers who love the show, who were mostly in it for Buck and because they enjoyed the BT dynamic (Nothing wrong with that by the way. Ship and let ship!) have seen how this small subset of Tommy fans is behaving towards the cast. I know that some of the shippers weren't sure about the stories and rumours going around about Tommy stans being blocked and things like that. Today we have seen enough proof of that kind of behaviour to leave no doubt.
Anyway, on to better things I hope.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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kingmaxstatic · 2 months
In Defense Of Lanolin, A Post About Perspective, Flaws and Development. (Part 2: Lanolin's Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice.)
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Read Part 1 Here!
Like I said, the OG post was so long with JUST me bringing up the specific events I had to, eventually, make a part two. In this part I'm gonna be discussing Lanolin as a character! Moreso why she's probably the way she is currently! I'll also be discussing her role as a character.
Posting this here as well! I'm not saying that people disliking lanolin is bad but I do think the hate is over done!
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Lanolin was introduced to us in issue 2 (WOW she was early in) She didn't really have much of a role at the time. She was a background for a while before being being re-introduced with a whole new look and personality during the Urban Warfare arc!
However she does go through more than that! In multiple arcs you can see her in the background. Most note worthy being her outfit change becoming more battle ready more time you see in the metal virus arc!
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Her sense in style goes from something you'd wear during the summer time for a nice day out to something you'd wear for battle. I think that says a lot about what she went through. She goes from the jittery little thing to someone more strong.
So let's get this out of the way, Lanolin is traumatized by the badnik raids and probably even more so by the Zombot virus (and EVERYTHING ELSE she was caught up in)
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"I never wanted to feel so helpless and unprepared again."
I feel a lot of Lanolin's "bossy" and "brashess" comes this. She acts the way she does because she doesn't want herself feel that way ever again. Trauma changes people, speaking from experience.
Whisper is also an example of this being shown in IDW sonic. She seems much bubblier in the past but now she's quiet and reserved because of the death of her team mates. I also want to add something ELSE to this (not to pull these events out again).
"I didn't want ANYONE to feel that way."
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cut to me in a therapist chair. I believe a lot of the causes of Lanolin's biggest blunders does come from a place of not wanting anyone to feel helpless in the way SHE did. It's why she goes to protect the "new scared guy" (and manipulator with years of experience). It's why she reacts with such fear when the track breaks. It's all done out of this desire.
It's her moral code.
Also I think whenever she fails this it sends her into a pit of self loathing and I have the panels to prove this check this out. Take a look at this.
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THAT right there is Lanolin's guilt. Can we talk about Lanolin's Guilt? PLEASE sonicblr I've been dying to talk about Lanolin's guilt with you ALL DAY okay?/ref
Lanolin openly acknowledging that she's afraid of failing others (in the sense of making people unsafe) in Urban Warfare (I feel at least) is a small but important key to understanding Lanolin's mindset. Lanolin feels GUILT every time she's done something to hurt others. It's why her eyes go so ghost wide when the track breaks.
Because she's put people in danger.
NOW I think Lanolin's biggest flaw is that she's not only blunt but I think she forgets that she can ALSO put people in danger (on accident, of course). When she realizes it I think it mentally comes crashing down for her. Girl DOES NOT handle failure well.
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(screenshot added because it's cool, her powers are cool)
Lanolin's role in the comic is pretty clear as day, at least to me. She's the straight man! (Well probably not straight and not a man) Basically a straight man in media is someone who takes things seriously. It's their job to point out the utter bonkers stuff going around them and go "what?????"
Which is one of the first things we see her do in the first scenes she's in! I personally love how much her personality clashes with the others, adds some nice chemistry to the mix!
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Characters that are typically characterized as "serious" will ALWAYS clash with the goof balls. It's the charm of the dynamic.
I don't know why people hate her so much, genuinely. She shares a lot of character traits with some fan favorites! I do think there might be a uh... bigger reason as to why people hate her.
"Max. What the hell are you talking about?"
Haha. Well. There's two characters I want to discuss for this that do share traits with her and are fan favorites. Other than characteristics.. there is one key difference I want to discuss between Lanolin and these two characters. And this is the hard part where despite the meme I talk about more difficult subject matter.
"What's the main difference between lanolin and these fan favorites?"
ah! Well uh.
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Their Genders.
(and well alliance for Starline shurgs very loudly)
Yeah this is unfortunately discuss fandom sexism. It's not lost on me that people absolutely ADORE Shadow and Starline. Characters that are often ones to resort to whatever tactics they deem necessary to achieve their end goals. These tactics can include violence. Hell we know Starline is down right PETRIFIED of failure (issue 50). Shadow is also known for taking charge on things and boldy assuming stuff (SA2). Hell he even assumes himself to be an android at one point.
These are both characters that share a LOT character wise with Lanolin. I know for a FACT if Shadow was the one who kicked Silver out of team dark he'd still be loved. If Starline was in Lanolin's place you'd have people going "Oh guys hear me out owo,,". You know it's bad when I've seen more genuine hate and vile spread about the traumatized teenager than the grown man who canonically helped caused a zombie outbreak (and so much more!!!). I'm saying this and Starline is my favorite Idw character! Keep that in mind while reading all of this!
People would've adored Lanolin if she was a guy. I'm betting it RIGHT now. She wouldn't be "bitchy" she'd be "determined and strong". She wouldn't of "gotten what she deserved" there would've been posts about how it "wasn't his fault <:[[[[".
Why do I say this? Because I've seen this happen in fandom.
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And Again
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HELL Even to the extent that people have called Mabel Pines, A 12 YEAR OLD. A Manipulator. Princess Bubble gum wasn't being nice to Finn she was "leading him on". Rose Quartz wasn't a morally gray figure she was "a reckless person".
Lanolin isn't "just doing her job and making a mistake" she's "being a bitch and getting what she deserved".
I'm gonna keep it real with you guys, I was considering deleting this last part of the post but I genuinely think it needs to be said, Lanolin's hate feels SO deeply rooted in sexism. Espically with all the talk of her "getting what she deserved". I'm so stuck on that because it feels so... gross. Saying you want her cooked. Saying you want her dead. Feels so gross. She's a teenager, most likely. Even then she openly acknowledges she's inexperienced.
She's learning, let her learn. Like everyone is letting Surge learn.
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Am I saying everyone who hates Lanolin is a sexist? No. Am I saying that Lanolin would've been given more slack if she was a man? Abso-fucking-lutely.
WHOA that got super serious real quick haha! Well!!!! That's the post! Sorry guys I tried to keep this one light hearted but I genuinely felt like I had to get that last part off of my chest. I really hope the next "character deep dive" I make is more light hearted. Thank you for reading!
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pharawee · 7 months
I think I finally figured out why I don't really vibe with so many takes on DFF (not the speculation and meta posts, mind you, those are brilliant!).
I think it's because I get no catharsis at all from revenge plots and seeing characters die - even characters who might "deserve" it. With DFF, I'm more interested in character backgrounds and dynamics and how things went wrong (and imo the series spends a lot of time showing nuances when it's plausible).
I know, it's probably not the right way to approach anything in the slasher genre but I like horror and I like BL so here I am, watching. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And the reason why Jin is my favourite character is because it's so interesting to see how much can go wrong between meaning well and feeling genuine affection for someone. What Jin did he didn't predominantly do out of mean-spiritness (like Por and Top) or apathy (Fluke) or selfishness* (Tee), yet his insecurity did play a part in Non's bullying and disappearance. Jin is a flawed character and I really, really like flawed characters.
(*Is it selfish to want to keep someone close because you like them? Sure. But certainly there is a difference here between this and Tee utilising Non in his very illlegal and dangerous schemes.)
Plus, I'm not really on board with punishing even the most awful of children for something that the adults (Keng, the police, Por's parents, Non's parents, Tee's uncle, their entire school...) fucked up. I'm not saying they don't belong on trial etc but I do draw the line at impaling someone on a sharpened stick and letting them suffer for days whilst in the care of the worst medical student ever.
And. Whoever is behind the mask (probably? Never say never with this genre) killed an innocent uncle who was just trying to do his job. Wow. Revenge sure is nice.
That being said, obviously catharsis is a super enjoyable and important way of watching things so hate away. I mostly just wrote this for myself to better understand why I'm so squicked. I promise I won't get mad when everyone but final girl is killed off in various gruesome ways. 🙏
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athena-willowthorne · 5 months
ok I know I'm going to be drowned out as one of many and I don't want to be the guy feeding the public frenzy right now but I want to offer my thoughts on the watchertv situation.
I've been a fan of ryan and shane for almost 6 years. I got into them when I was around 12-13, and now, at 18 years old, they've occupied a fairly significant part of the last third of my life. I feel reasonably confident in saying I've watched everything they've ever made, from buzzfeed and watcher, and when they went out to found watcher, I was abundantly happy to welcome steven into my parasocial love for them. I feel like I've grown up with them, and going off to college next year, it was never a question in my mind that they'd follow with me. I mean, I bought their unsolved book the second it was announced, and I even snagged a ghost files shirt and a professor plush when he was rereleased. I took the professor to the lizzie borden house for my 18th birthday overnight, and wow was that an expense, but I've wanted to go ever since middle school when I stumbled across buzzfeed unsolved for the first time. in short, losing them is like losing a constant presence in my life, a cherished presence, no matter how ridiculously parasocial that makes me sound.
when I heard about watchertv, I was crushed. in the past couple days, I've jumped from betrayal to desperation to grief to bitter anger. but I think I've landed now in a place where those make more sense to me. I agree wholeheartedly with so many commenters on every platform right now. they're just like me, feeling let down and disappointed by the people we've idealized, and gotten used to seeing for free. but I also understand exactly how this idea came about, I know what it's like to feel backed into a corner on something, forced to make a hard choice where it feels like only a radical shift will save you. we as fans were there for the three of them, their dynamic. but their dreams don't match up. they want freedom to make what they want, and they feel passionate about growth to tv quality. that's what they're aspiring to, I do genuinely think that.
I won't sit here and go on about the different takes people have made about steven's masterminding or shane's reluctance. the bitter stuff that's been said feels very harsh. but I can't condemn the people saying things out of anger that aren't targeted. it's ok for them to feel upset. sure, maybe it sucks that it has to come out on a public forum like the internet but it's valid nonetheless. but on their end, that's got to hurt. I hope so dearly that watchertv succeeds, even if it has to change a lot to do that. a subscription service isn't what we want, but it's what they believe will let them make the quality content they want to. that's worth pursuing, and I care about them so much that I want them to go for it.
I hate that I can't follow them into this next chapter. and I'm sure a lot of other people are too, and however they choose to feel that is perfectly ok. but their creative satisfaction and happiness does not depend on me, and it shouldn't be limited by what I can or am willing to do.
anyway my heart goes out to them truly. I'll miss them in college, and probably forever, and hopefully our paths cross again. but even if we don't, I'm happy for the memories I was able to make, I hope every other upset fan feels the same way eventually too :))
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ivomartins · 9 months
What are your opinions on socn males?
oooh very interesting question!! 👀
ramesses - i personally find him boring tbh like the most interesting quality about him is his selfishness and the fact that he's not a strictly "good" person and prioritizes his self-interest above anything else but i mean... that's a pretty common trait among shesmu so it doesn't really make him stand out that much and i feel like his route would have been a lot more interesting if there was an actual rivals to lovers dynamic at play. that l'oréal egypt hair tho... (line stolen from sonofenki and will continue to be stolen yep)
livius - can do no wrong. manwhore of my heart. remy created all the men of socn then made him as an apology. SO YEAH at first i liked his sass and nothing else because i thought there was no substance to him (i like arrogant LIs but only when there's more to that than meets the eye) but WHEW his kindness, genuine devotion and his unwavering support of evthys was such a pleasant surprise and won me over so fast. also i just have to mention that i think his intelligence is the hottest thing about him even more so than his looks whew
isman - baby boy 😭 i liked him a lot and was really sad to see him die. love love loved his relationship with evthys
amen - beloved Giant MotherfuckerTM he was so meh to me at first because i was like wow would you like at that white boy being the main LI right in front of my salad in a book based in my mf motherland!!! barf. however he is. quite beautiful (it's the fashion sense supreme epistates outfit and his hot tattooed fingers let's be real) i can't deny it and i like him as a character irredeemable qualities and all so i guess you could say he also grew on me for sure. i have a love-hate relationship w his route tho and remy's approach to it so that's a significant turn off for me but ngl i'm still really intrigued by where things will go between him and evthys and knowing remy the staleness of his route most likely won't last bc things got significantly better w amrit in kali and the writing approach was the exact same for him. SO yeah. no clue how i'm gonna be expected to pick between him and livius rip
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deltastra · 2 years
Going to be giving my thoughts on chapter 113 of Chainsaw Man
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Okay, as someone who hates deviating from a set schedule, I found this super funny.
But what’s more interesting is that Denji genuinely wants to enjoy his time here with her. I know that isn’t saying much but I’m so happy to see Denji doing normal teenager things. And when he said yes to going out on a date with Asa, it’s just so that he can experience an actual date because a girl finally asked him out.
But I will admit, I really want to see Nayuta and Denji’s home life now but that’ll wait as Asa is technically our MC (We did see Nayuta’s head when Denji was sleeping in the previous chapter I believe…).
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Let the boy see his penguins!!! Another thing I like is that he’s more willing to stand up for himself and his opinions in Part 2! (Yes the majority of my reactions to this Part is just going to be me enjoying Denji’s progression as a character! >:3
Another interesting thing is that Asa seems to have trouble realising when her tone sounds rude. This dynamic is turning out to be more interesting than I initially thought and not from a romance perspective.
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This is by far my favourite scene and solidifies my thinking on what Denji is like now.
He will not be controlled. He will not have another Makima in his life again.
It was hinted when he was eating cake with Yoshida. He tried to control Denji by taking away his cutlery, but Denji retaliated by eating with his bare hands. It was the “Denji” way of showing his new way of going through life.
But this scene is great too. I think he would’ve waited for her to finish but that “You don’t need to think about a thing” gave him red flags and for good reason. I’m sorry but I’m just so proud of Denji here. Go see those penguins king!
Poor Asa tho, she rehearsed so hard for this haha.
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Fami seems nice though, why is she helping Asa? Surely it’s not JUST because she’s her sister right?
But what’s more intriguing is that Yoru doesn’t want Asa to trust her. Do all the horsemen of the apocalypse hate each other?
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I love how Denji’s first reaction is “Ah damn, Eternity devil is back again urghhh”
But wow, Fami’s ability is so unique. I wondered how they’d show “Famine” as an ability but even tho this is kind of like Eternity Devil’s ability, I suppose the difference is that you’ll eventually wither away from starvation.
Also wow Denji looks like a regular teenager in this shot. I’m so happy for him ;-;
Overall, a great chapter! We get more insight on what Denji’s character is will be like for part 2, more insight Asa’s personality and mentality (which I think is that she is afraid to admit when she’s wrong? I need to look into that more, I’m not sure), and finally, Famine Devil confirmation.
And although it was brief, Yoru’s reaction to Fami gives me the feeling that the apocalypse sisters do not get along. I cant wait to see Death Devil but I’m sure they’re still in hell. I mean, Death is feared by so many people and animals, I’d be surprised if the devil isn’t the strongest in Hell…
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blahbeble · 2 years
Late to posting this (my first draft got deleted and I lost motivation lol) but wow the new episode was amazing and I shed some tears Honestly I just wanna give a little love letter to Teruki's character because he's one of my favorites and I always just appreciated him being on screen as a support cause he's just an absolute sweet heart and seems like someone who seems like a pleasure to be around. And I wanna appreciate how far he's come cause this character conclusion was so good for him
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One thing I always loved about him was his constant drive to genuinely want to improve himself as a person.
I think we all know him trying to humble himself after having such a heavy superiority complex is a big part of it. But I feel like we don’t remind ourselves enough that Teru’s superiority complex stemmed from trying to hide an inferiority complex. It’s not JUST a struggle about going over your head even if that’s apart of it. But it’s also a journey of discovering what it truly means to be equal with others. It’s a concept I really appreciate being explored here because it’s something I struggle with myself. And while his arc is subtle for a lot of the series. It’s definitely there.
This is why his dynamic with Mob is so important. How he feels about Mob throughout the series perfectly captures his character arc. Seeing him as a threat to his ego and life and needing to establish “the hierarchy” but then putting him on a pedestal and admiring him greatly and essentially labelling Mob as someone “Above him” There’s still a lot of little things in the series that adds up to him still viewing the world through this hierarchy he’s made in his head even if he’s trying to rid of it.
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This moment was really great and you can see the horror in him as he truly has to take in what’s happening and the dangers with it. I adore that the way Teru finally sees Mob as an equal is also seeing him at a very low point in his life. He’s not above mistakes, and everyone has their bad days and things they want to hide about themselves.
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Calling himself a common constantly is pretty blunt and perhaps harsh in some peoples eyes. But it means what it means, he’s not above or below anyone, he’s just like everyone else.
Also note I’ve been anime only for Mob Psycho since I’ve started watching in middle school though I have read a few chapters of the manga and plan to do a full read when the anime is done. But for this arc I’ve been reading the manga chapter right after the episode and I just wanted to talk about this line that was cut
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(The last panel) I’m really sad about this change because it really says how much Mob hates himself and all it does is break my heart and make me reflect on how innocent all this started. He spent so much time trying to gain the courage to ask his crush out flowers and everything and he ended up with a near death experience and destroying everything around him and hurting his friend. I might make a seperate post talking about him in this episode or perhaps wait for the next to do so.But Teru refusing to hurt him and claiming his victory through saving the people around him is honestly so amazing so many ways. Not only is he easing the pain of his friend and making sure his worst fear doesn’t happen. But it truly speaks where his values now lie.
Originally a gang leader drunk on power and participating in fights because it was the biggest boost for his ego to someone who wants to whole heartedly help other people.
Those other psychic kids from the awakening lab in season one he took upon himself to train, he always tries to help take claw down, his absolute refusal to be brain washed and let that happen to the city, he always tries to help Mob out when he’s in trouble.
When Teru says “I win” he did. It’s an amazing victory for him because he accomplished his goal of protecting others and wants to make the world a better place and he’s become a true leader in the process.
I can’t help but think back to season 2’s Toichiro when thinking of Teru. The idea of being so drunk on power and dismissing the importance of others he expresses. Human connection is a very important theme in Mob Psycho and I think human connection is also very important to Teru’s arc for the reasons stated above
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A while back my friend showed me some things in the fan book that didnt contain manga spoilers and I think the last line stuck with me because of this idea. It also took me back to that omake with him and Reigen of him having a fun summer after seeing them as boring.
I’m very very proud of him for not closing his heart off. He did a great job.
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saka-sakis · 2 years
Dont be shy, show the ntmg uwu
tsumugi is nothing if not complacent and natsume is nothing if not stubborn so the key in this ship sailing is outside intervention (wonder game as a story and sora as a character fill this role)
post wonder game natsume and tsumugi kinda both get a bit comfortable in whatever slightly altered dynamic they have going on. natsume can admit that he loves tsumugi (under specific circumstances ie next door) but he wont really get into the specifics. he’ll play it off as platonic. tsumugi doesnt really let himself hope for more than he already has since hes a real “im just happy to be next to you ^w^” kinda guy
in my head theres some kind of shift here that causes natsume to become sort of restless again. some small pushes from other people in his life who see whats happening. definitely conversations with sora who can literally see the cognitive dissonance at play here
eventually natsume is just like “god damn it i do want more from this”
unfortunately hes kinda bad at deciding how to communicate this and it mostly results in him being kinda pissy and moody and confused
natsume is a distrustful person out of habit so he somehow gets it in his head that he needs to get mugi to say something first or else how can he tell hes being genuine and not just cooperative (<- this is super irrational given all the evidence he has to the contrary)
i imagine this would result in a kinda wonder game 2 electric boogaloo situation where tsumugi gets scared that natsume is mad at him and they have to have a confrontation where natsume just finally lets the cat out of the bag about his romantic feelings
tsumugi is very much like “wow i didnt think id get this far” but is going crazy about it internally
when they finally get together natsume is trying so hard to keep it on the down-low. his excuses to himself are stuff like “fans might act weird if this gets out” or “we might be seen as unprofessional” or “well its nobody’s business anyway” but in reality he just doesnt want to have to publicly admit hes down bad for tsumugi aoba (everyone already knows)
tsumugi, on the other hand, doesnt pick up on the fact that this was supposed to be a bit of a secret and will totally let it slip if the conversation goes the right way
eventually it becomes apparent that everyone already knows so natsume’s secretiveness lets up a little
natsume likes wearing lipstick sometimes and tsumugi really likes getting lipstick marks left on him
hair touching hair brushing hair smelling have you ever considered the possible homoerotic implications of hair dying
natsume’s cats love mugi more than they like natsume and this makes natsume somewhat annoyed
natsume is good at immediately picking up when tsumugi is pushing himself too hard
natsume goes to tsumugi when hes overstimulated or having a “i hate everyone and everyone hates me” kind of moment. they dont talk about it he just hugs his boyfriend until he calms down
they are simply in love your honor!!!!!!!!
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ac-liveblogs · 8 months
tbf the xianzhou luofu kinda Needs good ppl in charge bc like........the preceptors ain't SHIT lmfao (like I hope we'll get a luofu continuation in which we just. Oust everyone. bc godamn the high elder succession and the exuviation charm were MESSED UP (and that's all without getting onto dan heng raised in prison and bailu's tail shackle) but yeah I get what you mean. Even bright, trying-their-best charas like Asta had their moments! as I was laughing at the tizzy Asta worked herself into, I thought (huh, she never even thought "what's Arlan's problem", she immediately went for "I must have done something wrong") That says a lot about her character! Or the faith she has in Arlan. Maybe both.
.............I don't think I have the brain juice ATM to unpack why the shipping thing surprised me lmao. Maybe it's bc I got introduced to hsr late through izabellwit's fic and I joined knowing Dan Heng doesn't consider himself Dan Feng, immediately killing any relationship he once had with Blade. besides, yknow, blade hunting him down and killing everything around Dan Heng, which Is Not a basis I like for a ship lmao
But then again, I don't think I like his ship w Dan Feng either. That guy had a Lot going on, last thing he needed was trying to figure out a romantic relationship when he was already struggling with like. basic human empathy and emotion (genuinely, I'm wondering if the shattering of his powers into destruction/abundance also killed the alien dragon brain, bc again, What The Fuck.)
Haha, you're not wrong - it is just soooooo incredibly boring!!! Theoretically, you'd want to engage with all the fucked up shit you mentioned, bc... you know.... one of the main characters is a former Vidyadhara High Elder something something everyone hates Dan Feng (...but...), something something Bailu... but you kinda don't. You kinda just go "wow that's messed up! moving on, sorry about the assassination attempts???" while at the same time, Jing Yuan is just so smart and right and moral and cool and gets WAY more screentime. I don't want to focus on Jing Yuan and how cool he is, can we go and punch the dragon-elf elders instead?! This is Dan Heng's homeworld, why is that all that stuff directly relevant to him so weirdly out of focus?! We spent more time talking to dragon ghosts!
Tbh XL's greatest sin is, imo, always focusing on the exact wrong thing. The High Cloud Quintet isn't explained until way after the fact, we learn what Dan Feng did too late and why that mattered too late… BLADE… etc. etc. We did get a lot of focus on the Hunt vs the Abundance, but I kinda wish Dan Feng's sin had been tied into that more solidly than it was... seriously, why am I spending all this time with the Divination Commission. This is just filler, isn't it. Dan Heng's storyline is just running around trying to catch up and nothing interesting happens til the end except for Luocha's mystery. God damn.
I loved the Asta-Arlan quest's punchline. "…it's for Herta." god hyv does have a sense of humour
I'm pretty sure we probably will get a Luofu continuation, if only because we never got a Trailblazer path for it and judging by Preservation Trailblazer we probably should?
Fair re; the ship. I'm not jazzed about them either. It's impossible for me to care about Blade and Dan Heng's gaping pit of a dynamic as they are NOW let alone their past lives, a potential reconciliation(?), conclusion(?) or anything else theoretically bouncing around with them. I don't care about bios or loredumps, I care about what actually happens on-screen... And mostly I just find it hilarious that Blade keeps ending up in weirdly controlling relationships with hyper-violent women. It was the endless death loop with Jingliu and then the hypnotism/brainwashing with Kafka, that's two now, I think he's got a type (this is a joke this is a joke-)
Unfortunately, in terms of meaty interpersonal character writing, this is somehow currently the best there is? Kafka and Trailblazer is ~future stuff~ and. Welt and Luocha? I don't know, I didn't play HI3? Luocha isn't the same guy from HI3 so it doesn't count??? Eh??
penacony save me. penacony please save me
Dan Feng sounds like a hilarious clusterfuck. Dan Heng being screwed over by his actions being a purely backstory event kind of sucks, honestly. Jing Yuan let him go pretty easy all things considered. And, you know, we barely see shit re; him and Blade. I know why Blade exists (material consequence of Dan Feng's Masterful Fuckup) but like. The way he's written right now. Why does Blade exist.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
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I love how Spencer doesn't give a single fuck about people and the way they see him. The way he sat at the trial after Emily returned. Now this. You you, wonderful boy.
"This is your final lesson, Julie. Do not mess with the teacher." Oh, this one was fun! The kid that played a sixteen year old didn't look like one, of course, but an interesting story overall. The teacher was so delusional. Medieval times and marrying at 12 years old. Sure, Jan.
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I gotta give it to the actor, though. He's so awkward with her. The dynamic portrayed here is exactly how it should be portrayed. The actress is good, too.
I love it when the cases they show get me actually invested. Definitely much more interesting than Kevin/Penelope/Derek drama. (yikes)
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That's very hot of Aaron.
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So what you're saying is that JJ should've been a lesbian and live with Emily. God it.
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Family, family, family. I want to see them hanging out together. I mean, really, Dave, Spencer, and JJ? It's like a dad with his kid and his friend, which, ultimately, means dad with his kids.
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They're hilarious but also so sweet. Sometimes they give off totally platonic best friends vibes, just like this. They're so comfortable with each other.
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I was about to say that maybe that's their difference & that's why they are platonic and maybe should go separate ways. I don't see Penelope becoming a full time mom. A fun aunt, maybe.
However, what if Derek was that person that could change her understanding of marriage? I mean, let's say he could've proposed (they're such an interesting couple that she could've beaten him to it with "I would never, ever want to marry, but it's different with you.") They're soulmates & let's say they'd marry & nothing would've changed. And she suddenly realizes that "Wow, that's how it should be."
Because I don't see Derek proposing to her the same way Kevin does: out of nowhere. Derek would make sure they are on the same page about this. He wouldn't want to freak Penelope out. He would never push her into something she doesn't want. I can imagine a situation where he proposes to her, she's not ready, and he goes, "Baby, it's okay. We don't have to marry if you're not ready." But at the same time he knows her so well that I think he'd see the right moment to do it?
Him wanting a kid is a different thing, but I can imagine him living without it (maybe getting a pet with Penelope or spending more time with Jack and Henry). Or maybe Penelope realizing that maybe it's not such a bad idea & then the idea of being a mother growing on her. Though I am, too, child-free & I understand that if your mind is settled on something, no matter how much you love a person, you should stay true to yourself. And I'm not sure exactly whether Penelope is more scared to end up alone or she genuinely doesn't want to be a mom. She was pretty warm toward Henry so maybe she actually would become a mom if she felt that kind of stability with Derek & was sure of it. Idk, many thoughts about that.
Either way, I can imagine them working out as a romantic couple (since they are often behave like one).
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I mean, c'mon. This might as well be a conversation from Grey's Anatomy of two dating people.
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Yeah. I think Derek would've understood that before proposing to her. Kevin's role in this show is very unclear. He pops up so rarely, there was a period in the show where he was completely absent. Now they kind of brought him back & he proposed? Meh.
I'm very curious about what he did that the fandom hates him.
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Jerk move, especially since it shows that he doesn't love her & just wants to get married, no matter to whom. Still not worth hating though. He's whatever. Next, please. Or back to Derek, I'm not that picky.
At the same time, though, I think the entire Kevin plot line shouldn't have existed. It wouldn't change anything, but less money to spend on the cast, just like the channel wanted to.
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Step by Step ค่อย ๆ รัก Ep 4
we know the drill …
- team building activities? say it ain't so
- RICH PEOPLE I swear to dogs
- OH this is how I know Ying's actress, she's Annie's mother in Mama Gogo!! the sporty outfit did it
- OH and is this Bruce??? Aoey from Lovely Writer??
- man, the gossip in this office. maybe I'm too neurodivergently inattentive to social stuff to get pulled into that sort of stuff normally but like. the most we got at the office was like "I hear the new transfer yells at clients" or "coworker X is getting married, please sign this card and if you like, we're collecting money for a gift." how do these people get ANY work done.
- oh this is NOT going well, yike
- NAN'S FACE JUST NOW she know's what's up (or suspects)
- oh wow Jeng's stare just now, I would've WITHERED if I were that kid
- okay, so he DOES have a condo as well as the house, okay. confusion from last ep somewhat lifted. rich people.
- Pat, when he said "make yourself at home" I'm pretty sure he meant "don't worry about using too much hot water," NOT "snoop around all the cabinets when you're meant to be getting cleaned up so you can go to your work thing"
- OH WOW wow he's cleaned up nicely. and WHAT A GROOM SEEING THE GROOM SHOT THAT JUST WAS, complete with the stairs, I am LOSING it.
- AND THEY MATCH oh my god I'm grinning so wide, incredible. I was not expecting this show to be cute? but it is SO CUTE.
- IT IS BRUCE I love him. Please let his character in this be well-rounded.
- uuurgh executive meddling, HATE IT. and also all of this is so tense. I'm on leave, I shouldn't be getting stressed about OTHER PEOPLE'S FICTIONAL WORK ISSUES
- first oishi and now tao kae noi, I'm getting homesick for BBS here
- how brainwashed by capitalism have I been to be like "9 to 5 doesn't seem that bad" -- WHAT THE FUCK, JENG.
- oh, okay, that's how he meant it. yeah, Pat needs to learn to stand up to P'Ying and P'Prem, but … ????
- unfortunately that's not what Pat heard, huh
- WHY ARE YOU INKING WITH A BRUSH, and one that thick at that??? I mean not to judge but-- okay no, I'm judging
- uh-oh
- Bad Buddy conditioned me to expect a Nivea Micellar Acne Free Cleanser ad here, gj on defying expectations, show
- so Put IS the ex. ok ok ok.
- oh wow oh wow oh yikes
- youtube subtitles created using mtl? urgh. mtl that was not sufficiently cleaned up?? BURN IT.
- URGH why is Ying there
- oh NO another misunderstanding (and WHY did he right to suspecting this was Pat tho)
- once again everything would be so much easier if these folks just talked to one another, but I guess the power dynamics at play here do give a real reason NOT to be frank, huh
- A CHILD. Of course it's a child.
- subtitle game deteriorating steadily, that was "DO call him 'brother' (as opposed to 'uncle')"
- oh no, poor Pat, being subjected to a double set of puppy dog eyes
- appreciation board! translation notes for stuff not in the subs over here
- YES Chot has a bf and they're cute together, THANK.
- I'm DYING oh fuck this is why personal and work phones need to separate devices
- Jeng is WAY more patient with Pat than I would've been with ANYONE in this situation. Man's got it bad.
- oh, Ms Nadia is intrigued
- the enemy really IS seniority, yikes
- he's bad at karaoke and picks old-fashioned songs!!! I love that
- because he's WHIPPED is why (okay and also he thinks Pat genuinely has potential)
- oh RIGHT we still have the potential pregnancy plot here. right.
- oh my GOD we're talking about this now???????
- Pat, you say these things and don't think about what they sound about at all, huh
- all ominous but I bet it's just, like … Put
- annnnnnd here we are. Godddd Up looks so !!!!!!!! here
Okay but I feel ROBBED that we didn't get to see more of Pat and Jeng at the auction. Those suits!
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gg-selvish · 2 years
i saw your post and i realized that i definitely haven't left enough comments on your ao3 works for how much i enjoy them, so here. i wanted to let you know that you are one of my favorite, if not my all-time favorite, dream team writer. i love to read your nsfw works because they're hot and sexy, yes, but also? you have one of the best characterizations of the guys that i've seen, ESPECIALLY in nsfw works. i have had to almost immediately click off of so many fics because they just don't get the characters and their dynamics right imo, but your fics? i read them over and over. every single time i get an email that you've updated or posted a piece, i genuinely get so excited when i see that it's you.
your karl/george series is something that i will love forever and ever. i'm ace and i adore the way you portrayed karl and his sexuality in every one. it's so refreshing to find a good nsfw work that has a well written asexual character!!! i may not like knf as a ship very much, but i love them the way you write them so much.
there's so much i'm probably forgetting to say right now, but just know that i thoroughly love everything i've read from you. your works are amazing with and without the nsfw parts. please know that there are people out there (me) reading your fics for more than the smut. you deserve to know that.
okay wow um this is a lot in a very good way but i'm definitely overwhelmed? normally when i get nice stuff like this i just say thank you but i've been in a chatty mood today so i'm going to turn this into A Thing if u dont mind... i really, really appreciate this. i've had a strange experience in this fandom where the whole time i've been here i've had a pretty even split of 'you're a delusional freak and i hope you die' and 'you're my favourite author please never stop posting' and my brain doesn't really know what to do about the black and white of it so normally i just move on and block it out but that's lead to me being incredibly insecure about myself and my work so i'm going to try really hard to process this and internalize it lol
so again, thank you so much for saying this to me. it really means a lot to me to hear that people like my fic because it takes up so much space in my brain and sometimes i get worried i'm only still getting any positive acknowledgement out of obligation and less so because what i'm doing is actually worth a compliment. i've felt really bad about my writing for a while now and it's nice to hear from someone who isn't my established friend that it's worth reading. and enjoyed too! wow thats crazy to me genuinely. i really do think im shit most days. especially my works of the last stretch.
regarding you (& only you) this is a lot easier for me to hear. i love that series so much and it makes my heart happy to know other ace people appreciate it and view it as positive representation because i'm asexual and always worry it reads as just porn. this comes into play with the comments thing again... me putting a lot of personal experience and deep thought into dynamics with no pay off. obviously i'm not saying every fic in that series is groundbreaking or even worth reading, but idk they each have a piece of importance to them. at least to me. i was just saying the other day that in my lapses of writers block i get anxious about the last thing i've posted being not my best work. in this current hiatus i'm in i'm actually quite content with EASE being the latest work in my recents. sure rules is unfinished but i kind of hate that fic so whatever. EASE is good. i love how that turned out and i'm proud of it and comfortable with that being the first thing people see on my profile
all insecurity and internal pressure aside i love writing for this fandom and hope i can do it for at least a little longer. i'm immeasurably grateful that people are willing to still read what i create, it makes creating it a little easier. i sound like a broken record but really thank you for this. it means more to me than you could know.
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rulanarinrush · 1 month
bonus episodes rewatch. do not interact with this post unless you are a friend of mine.
my brain completely skipped over the part where they stated "they tried to restore the world in such a way that it could be like the tragedy never happened" wow critical thinking skills were at an all time low with those graduates huh. i mean makoto scored the lowest but that is like asking the tragedy to repeat itself. no one learns fucking anything LOL
WAIT WTF I DO NOT REMEMBER THIS LOL. TF YOU MEAN THERE'S 13 HOPES PEAKS LMAO?? SPECIFICALLY IN DIFFERENT STATES??? (what states r they in tho... new york, ohio, mass, tex, and cali, and flor are almost definitely there if they're in different states i would think so that's 6... i wonder if dc is a state in drd/t's world...) I THOUGHT "EAST HOPES PEAK" just meant one on the east coast. I rlly thought it would be kinda dumb to just name the classes after what wing of the building in, probably because im a distressed human being that just thinks you could like... move classes to different rooms, so like if there was ever an emergency and they had to move buildings, and for example both classes were in the west building, the "east class 27" just sounds so dumb to me, but i guess not. stupid is me.
WOW WE GOT A SWINGER RIGHT OFF THE BAT. TF? THE "YOU WOULD NEED ME HERE" COMMENT IS SO WEIRD. It directly places the unnamed student as the morally superior one in their dynamic, as well as making it seem like she's needed. Like.. he's apparently done this at least once before, so they are missing at least 2+ years worth of memories. But anyway, he can handle this without you. this is just. so weird in a way that inspires revulsion in me. but i was also reviled by the min in teruko's arms scene because it felt so unearned to me, maybe im just a hater
Girl is so??? If you know his entire family died in that house, you know that unless you're sleeping on the couch(he wouldn't let you do that) you'd have to sleep in beds his family possibly died in right? There is so much fucking wrong with this episode I love it. I'm not sure if my creep senses were supposed to go off this hard like a fucking fire alarm but they are.
Here's another weird one "after all, that's why I came with you". I do genuinely get the argument that she's just trying hard to be a good friend and not let him suffer alone for once. I get it. I genuinely do. But the level of insistence, as well as how poorly planned out it is(there isn't a hospital for miles) unless she's like the ultimate mental health specialist, she genuinely cannot do anything if he has an episode, as well as his "you didn't have to come" comment makes her feel so invasive in this scene it gives me a wild itch. Legitimately at best, this reads as a savior complex. The Min episode is only mildly weird at how she assures Min that she's this good person that doesn't need to change (she does. she might not need it right away, but that fear of facing herself and the future is what keeps min hating herself), but the Xander episode is just creepezoid spectacular to me. I need a nature documentary on this woman to figure out the depths of her mind.
Oh here's another one-- she reinforces his helplessness. I get what the episode was going for here. Even if he was there, he would've just died. He didn't have a car or any way to help them at his age. "But sometimes you just have to accept that you were young and powerless" is such a bizarre line, because it makes him a victim again. It is objective, absolutely, for sure, she's right that he wouldn't have been able to do anything. It just denies his very real feelings and regrets, that he should have spent more time with his family, that he should have paid more attention to the world outside of himself. Instead of letting him sit on his regret and work through it, or saying something like "but we can't change the past" she directly reinforces her emotional dominance in the conversation, that he needs her there, that it's fine as long as she listens. And talking probably does help a lot to actually talk to someone, but it's legit like forcing someone to remember something really traumatic by being there, then telling them "well it'll be fine, cuz I'm here to help! (*^ ‿ <*)♡". wait.
this is it. this is the episode. besides the cactus scene, everything slides downhill from here. we've peaked. dr/dt can never be better than this phenomenally creepy episode /j
do i have to watch the bonus episodes after watching peak... (i'm kidding, I think they help emphasize aspects of the characters involved well (Charles' frustration at the way he is perceived as being incapable, foreshadowing J's relationship with her mother and femininity, Are1's lack of boundaries due to be constantly bullied and touched by her siblings when she didn't want to be hurt, and that in order to be perceived you have to force people to love you, whit's inability to face pain, etc...))
jar/ei part:
"the category of people i would bully the least" doesn't that mean that subconsciously, are1 relates to j? inchresting
"spineless pushovers, like Levi"
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i don't remember this because i specifically got lobotomized by ANGE-- i mean what, but ar3i already admits that eden is cute this early on huh
"we just graduated from high school" aight buddy... so this confirms that the chariton incident must've actually been relatively recent to xander's memories since he was 14
j's relationship with femininity is very surface level, but with a mother like that i suppose that's no surprise. also girl. as someone with issues let me tell you. fights, physical fights, are notttt as cool as you think
are1 also looks so dumb with her mouth hanging open like that
confirmed child neglect for ryan
transfem a/rei is one of my favorite hcs and im glad i remembered why i like it so much
therapy with the girls... i wonder how much of that was j genuinely liking her and how much was it being relieved that because ar/ei is mean, she actually judges j less than the average person.
"it's not good for humans to sleep through the day" your majesty please... i am old and need naps like every civilized person
introvert to introvert communication
"i miss all my other cats. i wonder how they're doing without me" if 2+ years have passed they're fucking dead nico
rose's moms are barbers and she starts dissociating when nico mentions hair, inchresting
rose: confirms that her greatest fear is herself, but more importantly, the unknown future
charles: deflect until he actually hurts my feelings a widdle
ok i don't like drd/t's humor usually but i have to admit the "he avoided the question lol" is actually pretty good
whit's "teaching you how to cook is the #1 job of parents" plus being the best chef and specialty being french food ... FREUD COME GET YOUR KID
"not in the way i know you think i am" buddy ik you're used to being belittled but don't worry your character development was too fast. one of you two is kicking the bucket so PLEASE stop worrying about it <333
"bitter things should just go down the drain" banger line dev
0 notes
shiroselia · 2 months
With that being said, welcome to what I'm now making a tradition every time an arc is (re)uploaded, Manda talks about what she likes about the chapters!
Chapter 6: I really like how I changed the whole Sabine stealing the documents. There's a Lot of mincing that I manage to do in Arc 2, and Chapter 6 is responsible for most of it. Especially since Kembell makes his *only* appearance in the fic here! (You will find out how I manage to skip the Entirety of the Kembell Everwinds Field Plot pretty damn soon actually, that's revealed in Arc 5, which is the first to be uploaded after the reuploads are done. I think it's one of my best write-outs, and considering what I do when I write out Justin, that's saying a Lot.)
Chapter 7: DeiAlex meetcute!!!!! I love this chapter. I love Unto Daylight!Alex. It's such a good chapter. I love it so much. There's nothing more to say I fucking adore it. I already liked it when I wrote it back in September 2023, but let's just say that it genuinely is just So good now that I've gotten my shit mildly more together.
Chapter 8: Manda speedruns the fucking mainstory in Arc 2 Part 2! Mostly though, I genuinely think this is one of the funniest chapters in the entire early-game. Moonlight and Deia are at their funniest dynamic right about here. I also genuinely love that since I got Alex into the story in a more seamless way in the previous chapter I don't have to replicate the, imho, shaky introduction that she has in the game (Fripp Pony Point Intro quest not accounted for I fucking Hate the Fripp Pony Point Intro quests!!!!)
Chapter 9: First and foremost, while this is a Very obvious rip-off of one of SSO's own quest titles, I believe this is the first really banger title. Second of all, once again. MINCING. MAIN STORY. Genuinely I kind of forgot just how well I take the early main story and just remove EVERYTHING that I find unnecessary, and how ridiculously seamless it all ends up. And ofc, Alex/Deia chapter. That's always a good time.
Chapter 10: I love Sabine's introduction, I really do. I especially like it now that I've revised it for. Multiple reasons. (Hint hint look at Moonlight's dialogue Hint hint.) It's also way funnier than it has any right to be. I do also like to believe that I managed to make the "Look for Linda clues" part of the main story way more interesting, although that's not really the games fault as those sorts of quests are Seldom all that great in video games with limited visual storytelling elements.
Chapter 11: Chapter 11 is fantastic. I never give it the credit it deserves but I FUCKING. LOVE. CHAPTER. 11. I love Unto Daylight!Linda. I love Alex and Linda's dynamic. I love Alex sassing the Baroness to the third degree. I love THE BARONESS in this stupid fucking fic even tho this is the last chapter she properly appears in. And with narration it's also just. Really fucking cute. Good chapter very fun!!! Also the title starts a trend which you guys are not going to see the full pay-off for until chapter 124. So have fun with that! (It's pretty obvious what I'm doing though, lbr)
Chapter 12: I. Forgot. How Good This Chapter Is. Like do not get me wrong. It needed narration the most out of Any chapter so far. But it's so good. The ideas are there. The execution finally matches the ideas. It's such a good, important, fun chapter. It's for all intents and purposes the ending of the "prologue" because Chapter 13 is when the plot starts Going going, but what a fucking chapter. I genuinely love it so much, it makes me really happy. Man did this bitch need narration though thank Fuck that I got that in there in the end.
All in all: Wow I forgot how solid Arc 2 is. Mostly, kudos to myself for getting the Fuck rid out of every part of the main story that I genuinely just do not think makes sense to be done that way ngfl. (As much as I love the quest for Mr Sands identity. It does not need to be done that way. SO I DIDN'T.)
Anyways did u guys know that I have reuploaded 12 chapters, out of 28, and I have so far added on 13k to the wordcount? I'm so fucking fucked my guys I'm not beating the 300k allegations. Maybe not even 350k. Probably not even the 400k god fucking forbid-
0 notes
justanotherfanfolks · 5 months
(This has been sitting in my drafts since- 2021?! Oh gosh. Yeah, I was planning on writing down my thoughts on Owl House Season 2 as the episodes aired, but I only managed to jot down random thoughts I wanted to get back to because I could not properly take my eyes off the screen to write things down. And I'm trying to clean out my drafts so as the Owl House in on the mind, please accept my scattered out of context thoughts about season 2A of the Owl House from 3 years ago. Forgot about this when 2B dropped)
You know what. I want to put my thoughts on the episode down. Spoiler warning.
Parallels right from the get go! Well that was unexpected. KING NO!! I am loving the intro, everytime I see it. Eda is just struggling. Eda cares. EDA CARES! Hooty, she was having a moment! Not sure how I would feel if I got that video. Oh yeah, no portal no data. RIP to Luz. I am just feeling bad for Eda. Oof, Lilith. Heh, Lilith is jealous of a teenager. Wait TEENAGER?! Awww, child! Wait, why is a literal child so high in the coven? I have questions. Also, I want to see that dynamic. Eda cares about Luz so much, I love it! I don't think Eda is ever letting that go. Is she just going to meme on the curse now? I love her BYEEEE! Wow Hooty and Lilith coexisting. I never knew I needed this.
Give this boy a cracker!
GG time? GG time, I am ready to meet this dude! 
Oh he's intense. Hold up bird? Is it because he wanted a cracker?
That BYEEEE! I'm sold I like him.
Wholesomeness! Eda and Luz moments my beloved.
Now? You showing us the Emperor and the portal NOW? I thought that would be a mid-season thing.
Oooo, I just met Amity's mom and I already hate her. I mean I already knew her parents sucked, but this is double justified. Also, I knew there was something up with that necklace.
That pie will be in my nightmares.
Triple justified.
HE MISSES THEM! I like Bump a bit more now.
Classic Luz.
Ma'am, are you trying to kill her!?
The twins!
Cloak! Cloak! Cloak!
Oh hello Goldie! Goldie, what are you doing here?
Oop, those abominations are coming back.
I am also hyped for those glyph combos.
🎵King episode🎵
INVISIBILITY SPELL! I need more glyph combos!
Lore? Lore.
Mom has a mom?! Why am I surprised?
Wait is she an allegory for-
Lilith owl form omg!
Accept yourself. Love yourself
Gus time Gus time! You go my boy! I'm here for gus and illusion magic!
...SHE JUST KISSED HER! GOSH sorry king, I still think you're cool!
UNCLE! Wait, UNCLE! Like, biological or honorary? I have many questions.
Lil’ Rascal likes the Golden Guard. 
Hunter. I never had an idea for his name. I like it- wait is that why the episode is named “Hunting Palisman?” Owl Crew strikes again. KIKI, THEY WERE BONDING! Fight, fight, fight! I’m a sucker for fight scenes.
♬Belos is the worst.♬Nerdy room! Right on cue!
♬Raine Time!♬
Fanfic Girl!? I see you!
I cannot express how much I love Raine. Sorry Hunter, new favorite season 2 character.
RAINE NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I need a moment. Can I be honest, folks I cried. I am now in genuine pain, why RAINE!? It should have been Darius!
Typewriter, I see I like it.
Demon lore, demon lore!
Wait, Raine and Eda were exes? I thought they were pining childhood friends! I have been bamboozled! Noo, Raine! Ah, this hurts. I have been poked in the wound left by Eda’s Requiem.
Eda trauma. Uh, who was that? 
Hooty, how did you make this?! You can do this so fast, but you can’t hold a pen I call hacks! Awww she likes it! Amity is adorable. Luz being relatable embarrassed teen. Yeah, most people would set that on fire if they had magic too, Luz. Poor Amity, she actually liked that. She probably thinks Luz is rejecting her, ACK MISUNDERSTANDINGS!
AHHHH, is this payback for that angst comment I made!?
...did I just watch Lumity become canon? OH MY GOSH-
Eclipse Lake:
Prior to release: Everyone sure is excited for this one
Emperor Belos and the Door. He is always with it. Hunter! There’s my boy! And Lil’ Rascal! These two need to become a power duo, Hunter acting like a kid that watches their parent from around the corner. Wait, face reveal? NOW!? Oh he looks a lot like Hunter. Awww, Hunter is adorable in this scene! Belos seeming more like Philip everyday. Dude, why would you say that! Look at his face, that cut deep! Ah yes, stay safe for my evil plans for you, what a good uncle. No comfort, Uncle of the year, folks!
Okay, I need to reiterate how much I like Hunter! What a likable dork.
He seems so upset and genuinely confused about those voice comments. I like his voice.
Oh, so Luz did talk about him. I don’t she mentioned his name though, that might just be for her. A bad, but sad boy, yeah that about sums it up.
Is he okay? He doesn’t seem okay. Oh he’s losing it. Grave? Grave!? Why are these characters willing to die so quickly!? Eda and Hunter? This isn’t just bumming me out, this is concerning. Belos, what did you do!
Hunter, no. HUNTER NO!
Hunter seems so, what’s the word? Like a wild animal? He’s so panicked he’s fighting and struggling like this is a life or death situation, which he probably thinks it is. Belos, what did you do to him!?
Fluid. Fluid. Fluid. FLUID! Fluid fight scenes are my aesthetic.
Give. Me. His. Name.
So, I take it Amity doesn’t want to join the Emperor’s Coven anymore?
Okay, Golden Rule: If we open in the Emperor’s Palace or on any character associated with this coven, prepare for pain. I see I am still paying for that angst comment. 
Yesterday’s Lie is the midseason finale. Midseason finales for animated shows have a habit of slapping me across the face like Luz around unsuspecting sleeping people. 
“Think.” Think. Oh this will NOT end well. I predict right now, this episode will be worse than Eclipse Lake. That episode did a complete 180, it lured me into a false sense of security! 
(Wow. I sure had thoughts. Kind of want to rewatch it all again now)
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