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equestrianequivalent · 1 month ago
QuintSum 38 + 39! Yey!
I still don't know why the embed doesn't work for me, but the link works just fine.
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shiroselia · 9 months ago
It took ten months and a singular day
But we did it
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A Quintessential Jorvegian Summer Vacation has been finished.
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littleplantfreak · 5 months ago
Your ship name with Ume reminds me of umami which I think is very fitting for the both of you- delicious :)
Hiiiii I’m Mari and I’ll be your waiter this evening! Here’s the menu, please let me know if I can get you anything (^ω^)
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everything’s on the house tho
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voidcat · 2 months ago
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🔪 ❄️ 🥐 for u beloved Deilight
hello beloved marigold<33 so good to see u here:3
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
u would expect the resident freak to have some rlly weird topics searched but surprisingly none?.. which ig either means i alr write abt contents i have info about which implies i Know buuut ig a clear example i can think of is when i was searching about general anesthesia and specifically the ones who have retrogard amnesia affect and used for these reasons. no pain relief of sorts- their most standing effect is amnesia and are used so after wtv procedure, the patient wont remember and so at least, in their conscious they wont have a trauma entry. (bc invasive operations no matter how big or small are all a trauma on the body) ...it ws for a ghost fic too... dont even ask T-T (funny coincidence is at the time at pharma we were covering meds that work on central nervous system etc etc so it ws technically a part of class too)
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
hm i dont have any dream theme or plot in mind rn but writing style- and my general preference of writing/plots and reading i think the answer is @/mintmatcha and/or @/prettyboykatsuki amazing talented writers that make you feel So So much hmm but for more prose/descriptions focused i think @/pompompurin1028 kats prose is always a delight to read:) sorry im a tad confused today so i cant think of many writers atm T-T but these names were at the top of my mind instantly!!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
work road ahead
writers truth or dare ask game
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 years ago
Ahhhh a couple of days ago I got a gift in the mail, and guess what????
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it was Shoto!!!
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He was a gift from my sweet friend @pinka-starlight, and I was so very surprised and deilighted!
I also happened to go straight online to buy Shoto’s iconic blue shirt, as well as a sweater I hope will be good for casual Hawks!
I’m hoping to get the chance to hop into Dabi, Hawks, Denki and Shoto during next week to take some pictures of their casual looks to have as references!
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tomfeltoninc · 5 years ago
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Tom is like me he supports people and causes in his own way. He is I lovely caring person who puts the environment ,people and animals as important issues but helps with causes in his own way but because of recent events he is being bullied to speak out because of his fame but that’s not his way but like me you keep quiet until you are pushed to far and you say things you later regret the same has happened with me in the past I’ve had hate for 13 years and many times felt like giving up . Bullying only results in depression . It’s easy to say ignore hate I’ve been told it many times but it just wears you down and spoils something you enjoy .
Tom has been really kind to his fans during this lockdown and has tried his best to connect with fans which was frustrating at times on Instagram as technically it must have been difficult and Tom I believe has tried to improve this during lockdown . Now I understand some idiot has added to Toms info on google ELECTRONIC AND COMPUTER Science (ECS) to his education because he wanted to improve his computer skills for his music . I must check this out .
Sometimes when you are under stress and pressure you lash out without nor meaning to but if you delete people don’t understand and call you a coward when all you are trying to do is to nip an unpleasant situation in the bud .
Personally I think Tom accidentally liked JKS tweet everyone can make a mistake but in rectifying it Tom gets accused of being a coward GRRRR GROW UP FANS GIVE TOM A REST YOU ARE JUST ATTENTION SEEKING FANS TODAY IT IS TOM THEN YOU MOVE ONTO SONEONE ELSE TOMORROW .
Haters are people who have two lives their sweet humble person side who wouldn’t hurt a fly seek attention by using their good side but they have a bad side the I’m a victim of hate but all the time it’s them dishing out hate telling lies , to hurt the receiprient into feeling worthless . They make up lies and troll for info to use against that person to make them insecure . They then spread what they think is the truth , like every time Tom is photographed with a girl. ITS HIS PRIVATE LIFE.
Away from this and another big issue regarding Tom . For many years Tom has been linked with Emma and Tom has avoided the issue both have been private people but I believe once again Tom wanted to make certain fans happy feeding what fans want now im not anti Feltson or Dramione I think they are well suited I have done for many years but what they have is between them and none of my business I was deilighted that they renewed their friendship after Toms break up 4 years ago .
So finally guys please think before you post any hate that person has feelings regardless of status be it famous or fan , it’s too late for me after 13 years but you could make life enjoyable if you show TRUE KINDNESS AND NOT FAKE . I sit back now and let Karma take its course and still hope for the impossible to happen .
No one can change the past history but move on and make harmony not war respect other people and they will respect you .i respected Tom and a dream came true
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444names · 3 years ago
the entire early noldorin dictionary
Abourcate Accomit Accomplith Adjected Adjection Advinner Agara Aladen Alcorn Alfuin Aling Althick Amound Amounthand Amren Amven Andled Angodog Angorn Angos Angue Antial Apping Apportharw Apposeb Argeleg Arnath Arried Arror Arrost Articleave Attless Avostant Awake Awestep Bagonn Balhadow Ballows Bally Balthirade Balvlam Balvland Balvlant Balvlaught Balwide Bandless Barked Basgorod Basteth Bearly Bearth Beary Becomplish Birdh Blain Blaiw Blime Bodammog Boldorious Borative Bordarn Boren Bower Brangry Breadfast Bream Brease Breath Bricelch Brigen Brightlete Broist Buirith Burnoth Cador Cadown Cailin Carchment Caves Celing Celinn Chillow Circult Cirth Clated Cleasy Cleaven Cloth Coing Coith Comparch Complished Copulath Copulathra Cothell Countle Couraith Covenne Crang Crith Croom Croomy Crunken Cuilient Cunnen Cunnui Curdh Curweb Curwedhui Cygneth Dafuin Dages Dailt Damra Damros Dangher Deates Deilight Deilir Detain Dhranch Dhrann Difeless Divide Doorked Dough Dought Drand Drauthinn Drond Duilding Dwardh Eaglaba Eaglory Earcheb Early Edebio Edenewed Eglark Eglavaith Egolu Eithirst Eithough Elaith Elass Elvenn Encling Enged Fairweg Fately Feardh Feards Fearthlod Fielded Filly Finedh Finine Finnuin Fired Firestanc Flain Fless Fling Floaf Foodles Footected Foranc Foren Foresent Fraithrog Freeze Frond Fronnas Fuild Fututorror Gaglight Garadia Garts Gaughness Glabroked Glais Glamtham Glandless Glast Glate Glavern Glidhion Glordless Gnomes Gobabel Goble Gointed Goluid Goneface Goney Gonnume Gortunn Gostarch Gread Greaste Gring Grugged Gruity Gunnen Gunnuin Gwable Gwablin Gwannas Gwantity Gward Gwarding Gwash Gwedhui Haidh Haithich Hardless Haster Hatrost Havined Heately Heavain Heave Helaigron Higen Hispeary Hoidion Hornaith Houghtle Huint Hungod Husbangair Idance Idion Ielding Inath Inclos Incloth Inclover Inter Juiceling Juickness Knoble Ladhrann Leith Levennen Lhaid Lhanach Lhaud Lhigh Limila Limit Littlete Livel Loomy Lunger Madresome Maglory Magros Mailch Mails Maithir Malim Maling Malios Mareb Matern Matrices Matros Meidian Meriaith Midhel Mirthanc Mirty Monebmerin Nabroga Nabron Narought Nebmer Nebuilin Negall Neless Nevelyn Neven Noist Norny Noseb Numberk Obsting Ogant Ordless Orhost Orless Ormark Ornless Ornor Ortaich Orvain Ovenly Pathrann Peardless Pearth Peidian Peleb Pelebe Penine Peoplar Perfor Perion Petime Peture Phangreach Poplast Portunited Powels Preplay Pring Privalos Prondeb Protective Proth Quated Quatelian Radagru Rading Rages Ragost Reneg Requith Resome Resure Rheight Riddless Rocker Rouse Ruden Rudengeb Sairweb Secreedeb Seize Shinc Shined Shing Shinn Shorrible Sicklace Sicky Sileg Silvorn Sking Slanc Slaus Slopine Smitha Smoon Snufflin Sooth Spearly Speel Spition Sportune Sprict Sprive Starch Stead Steadian Stick Sting Stoney Stonn Stoutlach Stoutlaw Sublimilar Sublin Sublittles Subliw Sunravined Tanding Tathero Teate Teleg Telin Telingery Telour Tength Teorse Thalicious Thion Thorrent Thraus Tidia Tidion Tlaced Tladog Tlain Tlast Tlastness Tluith Tonebweb Tonnas Toware Traig Truction Trumb Twiling Ufetime Uidheb Umaila Ungluidh Unshining Unsten Uphillside Upsta Upstablith Urguish Urhod Urhogriw Uroross Urweg Uvlaud Uvosairon Vaging Vaith Vaithlos Vaithr Valous Valuel Violerdh Violess Voice Wated Wearly Wided Widheb Wifedhion Withui Wordh Worion Worked Worless Wortha Yritless Yrlham Yrlhim Ólinedhw
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mialipsky-blog · 8 years ago
Noteable quotes for birthday card messages
When you can’t be with those you care about on their special birthday, send a few words of wisdom and a floral arrangement to deilight their senses. Both will be remembered. Sending birthday flowers in Houston is a great way to brighten a friend or loved ones day.
Maybe one of these timeless birthday sentiments will fit the occasion. 
“We don’t remember days, we remember moments” (Cesare Pavese)
Hope you remember every moment of this special day. Happy Birthday
“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come” (William Shakespeare)
Go ahead and laugh, age looks good on you. Happy Birthday
“There is still no cure for the common birthday”(John Glenn)
Happy Birthday to an uncommonly great friend
“Today you have added another candle of wisdom to your life”(Debasish Mridha)
You sure are shining bright - Happy Birthday 
“A good man measures his life not in the number of his years, but in the quality of his friends.” (Todd Stocker)
Happy Birthday old friend
“And in the end it is not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”(Abraham Lincoln)
Live it up today!
“We turn not older with years, but newer every day”.(Emily Dickenson)
Go out and celebrate the newer older you. Happy Birthday
“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is newer than you.” (Dr. Seuss)
Happy Birthday to a one of a kind friend
“God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.”(Voltaire)
Do something nice for yourself today.
“Age is opportunity no less than youth itself.”(Henry Wadsworth)
Go have some fun today
“Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.”(Jean Paul Richter)
Fly high my friend. Celebrate the day in style
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”(A.A. Milne)
Happy Birthday my love
“Don’t just count your years, make your years count.”(Ernest Meyers)
Go ahead, do something silly today.
“We are always the same age inside.”(Gertrude Stein)
Ok…I’ll play along. Happy 29th again
“Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.”(Jack Benny)
I don’t mind telling you - you look great for an old person
“The older the fiddler the sweeter the tune.” (English proverb)
Savor every note. Happy Birthday
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”(Oprah Winfrey)
If I could be there I’d throw you a party.
“May you live all the days of your life.”(Jonathan Swift)
Enjoy this special day.
“Youth has no age.”(Pablo Picasso)
Hope your cake has no candles. Happy Birthday
“How old would you be if your didn’t know how old you are?”(Satchel Paige)
Happy Birthday to the youngest old person I know
Contact us for more birthday card message ideas .
Find us on:
Noteable quotes for birthday card messages published first by http://www.enchantedfloristpasadena.com
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houstonlocalus-blog · 8 years ago
Noteable quotes for birthday card messages
When you can’t be with those you care about on their special birthday, send a few words of wisdom and a floral arrangement to deilight their senses. Both will be remembered. Sending birthday flowers in Houston is a great way to brighten a friend or loved ones day.
Maybe one of these timeless birthday sentiments will fit the occasion. 
“We don’t remember days, we remember moments” (Cesare Pavese)
Hope you remember every moment of this special day. Happy Birthday
“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come” (William Shakespeare)
Go ahead and laugh, age looks good on you. Happy Birthday
“There is still no cure for the common birthday”(John Glenn)
Happy Birthday to an uncommonly great friend
“Today you have added another candle of wisdom to your life”(Debasish Mridha)
You sure are shining bright - Happy Birthday 
“A good man measures his life not in the number of his years, but in the quality of his friends.” (Todd Stocker)
Happy Birthday old friend
“And in the end it is not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”(Abraham Lincoln)
Live it up today!
“We turn not older with years, but newer every day”.(Emily Dickenson)
Go out and celebrate the newer older you. Happy Birthday
“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is newer than you.” (Dr. Seuss)
Happy Birthday to a one of a kind friend
“God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.”(Voltaire)
Do something nice for yourself today.
“Age is opportunity no less than youth itself.”(Henry Wadsworth)
Go have some fun today
“Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.”(Jean Paul Richter)
Fly high my friend. Celebrate the day in style
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”(A.A. Milne)
Happy Birthday my love
“Don’t just count your years, make your years count.”(Ernest Meyers)
Go ahead, do something silly today.
“We are always the same age inside.”(Gertrude Stein)
Ok…I’ll play along. Happy 29th again
“Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.”(Jack Benny)
I don’t mind telling you - you look great for an old person
“The older the fiddler the sweeter the tune.” (English proverb)
Savor every note. Happy Birthday
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”(Oprah Winfrey)
If I could be there I’d throw you a party.
“May you live all the days of your life.”(Jonathan Swift)
Enjoy this special day.
“Youth has no age.”(Pablo Picasso)
Hope your cake has no candles. Happy Birthday
“How old would you be if your didn’t know how old you are?”(Satchel Paige)
Happy Birthday to the youngest old person I know
Contact us for more birthday card message ideas .
Find us on:
from Enchanted Florist https://enchantedfloristpasadena.tumblr.com/post/160053230552
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lindacgardner42-blog · 8 years ago
Noteable quotes for birthday card messages
When you can't be with those you care about on their special birthday, send a few words of wisdom and a floral arrangement to deilight their senses. Both will be remembered. Sending birthday flowers in Houston is a great way to brighten a friend or loved ones day.
Maybe one of these timeless birthday sentiments will fit the occasion. 
"We don't remember days, we remember moments" (Cesare Pavese)
Hope you remember every moment of this special day. Happy Birthday
"With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come" (William Shakespeare)
Go ahead and laugh, age looks good on you. Happy Birthday
"There is still no cure for the common birthday"(John Glenn)
Happy Birthday to an uncommonly great friend
"Today you have added another candle of wisdom to your life"(Debasish Mridha)
You sure are shining bright - Happy Birthday 
"A good man measures his life not in the number of his years, but in the quality of his friends." (Todd Stocker)
Happy Birthday old friend
"And in the end it is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."(Abraham Lincoln)
Live it up today!
"We turn not older with years, but newer every day".(Emily Dickenson)
Go out and celebrate the newer older you. Happy Birthday
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is newer than you." (Dr. Seuss)
Happy Birthday to a one of a kind friend
"God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well."(Voltaire)
Do something nice for yourself today.
"Age is opportunity no less than youth itself."(Henry Wadsworth)
Go have some fun today
"Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time."(Jean Paul Richter)
Fly high my friend. Celebrate the day in style
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."(A.A. Milne)
Happy Birthday my love
"Don't just count your years, make your years count."(Ernest Meyers)
Go ahead, do something silly today.
"We are always the same age inside."(Gertrude Stein)
Ok...I'll play along. Happy 29th again
"Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind it doesn't matter."(Jack Benny)
I don't mind telling you - you look great for an old person
"The older the fiddler the sweeter the tune." (English proverb)
Savor every note. Happy Birthday
"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."(Oprah Winfrey)
If I could be there I'd throw you a party.
"May you live all the days of your life."(Jonathan Swift)
Enjoy this special day.
"Youth has no age."(Pablo Picasso)
Hope your cake has no candles. Happy Birthday
"How old would you be if your didn't know how old you are?"(Satchel Paige)
Happy Birthday to the youngest old person I know
Contact us for more birthday card message ideas .
Find us on:
via Blogger Noteable quotes for birthday card messages
from Enchanted Florist - Enchanted Florist http://enchantedfloristpasadena.weebly.com/enchanted-florist/noteable-quotes-for-birthday-card-messages
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equestrianequivalent · 13 days ago
I hope you mfers like the 10k+ chapters.
And lore. Because who boi are we finally getting into stuff and things now!
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shiroselia · 5 months ago
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Masterpiece by @thereisabearonmyceiling straight to and from my DMs
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littleplantfreak · 5 months ago
Deilight… ILL BITE U (lovingly)
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not if i bite you first
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voidcat · 6 months ago
confession i guess sometimes i think of calling you deilight as a nickname because i think of daylight but typing it out i also see it reminds me of delight and both are fitting words for you
i also thought of (turkish) delight upon reading it (dont come at me i got a sweet tooth, k?) but daylight makes this so!??!?!!!?! cryyyingg omg ;w;
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Confess something you've thought about me on anon
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stacyjclayton4-blog · 8 years ago
Noteable quotes for birthday card messages
When you can't be with those you care about on their special birthday, send a few words of wisdom and a floral arrangement to deilight their senses. Both will be remembered. Sending birthday flowers in Houston is a great way to brighten a friend or loved ones day.
Maybe one of these timeless birthday sentiments will fit the occasion. 
"We don't remember days, we remember moments" (Cesare Pavese)
Hope you remember every moment of this special day. Happy Birthday
"With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come" (William Shakespeare)
Go ahead and laugh, age looks good on you. Happy Birthday
"There is still no cure for the common birthday"(John Glenn)
Happy Birthday to an uncommonly great friend
"Today you have added another candle of wisdom to your life"(Debasish Mridha)
You sure are shining bright - Happy Birthday 
"A good man measures his life not in the number of his years, but in the quality of his friends." (Todd Stocker)
Happy Birthday old friend
"And in the end it is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."(Abraham Lincoln)
Live it up today!
"We turn not older with years, but newer every day".(Emily Dickenson)
Go out and celebrate the newer older you. Happy Birthday
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is newer than you." (Dr. Seuss)
Happy Birthday to a one of a kind friend
"God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well."(Voltaire)
Do something nice for yourself today.
"Age is opportunity no less than youth itself."(Henry Wadsworth)
Go have some fun today
"Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time."(Jean Paul Richter)
Fly high my friend. Celebrate the day in style
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."(A.A. Milne)
Happy Birthday my love
"Don't just count your years, make your years count."(Ernest Meyers)
Go ahead, do something silly today.
"We are always the same age inside."(Gertrude Stein)
Ok...I'll play along. Happy 29th again
"Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind it doesn't matter."(Jack Benny)
I don't mind telling you - you look great for an old person
"The older the fiddler the sweeter the tune." (English proverb)
Savor every note. Happy Birthday
"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."(Oprah Winfrey)
If I could be there I'd throw you a party.
"May you live all the days of your life."(Jonathan Swift)
Enjoy this special day.
"Youth has no age."(Pablo Picasso)
Hope your cake has no candles. Happy Birthday
"How old would you be if your didn't know how old you are?"(Satchel Paige)
Happy Birthday to the youngest old person I know
Contact us for more birthday card message ideas .
Find us on:
from Enchanted Florist of Pasadena Blog http://enchantedfloristblog.blogspot.com/2017/04/noteable-quotes-for-birthday-card.html
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enchantedfloristpasadena · 8 years ago
Noteable quotes for birthday card messages
When you can't be with those you care about on their special birthday, send a few words of wisdom and a floral arrangement to deilight their senses. Both will be remembered. Sending birthday flowers in Houston is a great way to brighten a friend or loved ones day.
Maybe one of these timeless birthday sentiments will fit the occasion. 
"We don't remember days, we remember moments" (Cesare Pavese)
Hope you remember every moment of this special day. Happy Birthday
"With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come" (William Shakespeare)
Go ahead and laugh, age looks good on you. Happy Birthday
"There is still no cure for the common birthday"(John Glenn)
Happy Birthday to an uncommonly great friend
"Today you have added another candle of wisdom to your life"(Debasish Mridha)
You sure are shining bright - Happy Birthday 
"A good man measures his life not in the number of his years, but in the quality of his friends." (Todd Stocker)
Happy Birthday old friend
"And in the end it is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."(Abraham Lincoln)
Live it up today!
"We turn not older with years, but newer every day".(Emily Dickenson)
Go out and celebrate the newer older you. Happy Birthday
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is newer than you." (Dr. Seuss)
Happy Birthday to a one of a kind friend
"God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well."(Voltaire)
Do something nice for yourself today.
"Age is opportunity no less than youth itself."(Henry Wadsworth)
Go have some fun today
"Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time."(Jean Paul Richter)
Fly high my friend. Celebrate the day in style
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."(A.A. Milne)
Happy Birthday my love
"Don't just count your years, make your years count."(Ernest Meyers)
Go ahead, do something silly today.
"We are always the same age inside."(Gertrude Stein)
Ok...I'll play along. Happy 29th again
"Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind it doesn't matter."(Jack Benny)
I don't mind telling you - you look great for an old person
"The older the fiddler the sweeter the tune." (English proverb)
Savor every note. Happy Birthday
"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."(Oprah Winfrey)
If I could be there I'd throw you a party.
"May you live all the days of your life."(Jonathan Swift)
Enjoy this special day.
"Youth has no age."(Pablo Picasso)
Hope your cake has no candles. Happy Birthday
"How old would you be if your didn't know how old you are?"(Satchel Paige)
Happy Birthday to the youngest old person I know
Contact us for more birthday card message ideas .
Find us on:
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