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Celebrating Houston Independent Bookstores
In our world of online shopping, one-click purchasing, and two day shipping, it’s easy to avoid going into an actual store altogether. Pull up at the curb and have my groceries brought out? Have toys, books, household goods, even clothes delivered to my door step? Yes, please! Convenience is a busy mama’s best friend. However, sometimes […]
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Celebrating Houston Independent Bookstores this is a repost
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Mommy Friendships with a Twist of Sobriety

It started in our preschool days. Overwhelmed moms standing in pick up lines, dreaming of a night out with adults :: no potty training, no bedtime routines, just a glass of wine and a conversation. This sounds like a dream come true to most exhausted young parents, but to the mom who is newly sober, […]
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Mommy Friendships with a Twist of Sobriety this is a repost
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On Humility :: A Mother Brags About Befriending Monsters and Lying to Her Children

When my son was three years old, he became friends with a fly. This story doesn’t end well. Not knowing the strong {very real} attachment my toddler had developed for the insect in the mere 75 seconds he had known it, I ended the creature’s life without a second thought {and a hell of a […]
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On Humility :: A Mother Brags About Befriending Monsters and Lying to Her Children this is a repost
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Earth Day, Every Day :: Three {Not So Easy} Steps to Save the Planet

Whether or not you keep up with the news, you’ve probably heard that we only have 12 years to save the planet. The global consensus within the scientific community is clear and well- backed :: the earth is warming at a faster rate than ever before and it’s because of us. I’ve always liked the […]
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Earth Day, Every Day :: Three {Not So Easy} Steps to Save the Planet this is a repost
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Mom Rules Were Made to Be Broken

‘They‘ say don’t do this and ‘They‘ say don’t do that. Who are these ‘Theys’ and who voted that we should listen to them? As part of my mommy-hood journey, I have found that I should stop listening to the ‘Theys’ and listen to my inner animalistic need to raise this child how I want […]
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Mom Rules Were Made to Be Broken this is a repost
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The Lazy Moms Guide to Going Green

They say that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. In my case, it’s paved with reusable grocery bags! I tried so many times to be the kind of superwoman who remembers to bring grocery bags with me to the store, but 9 times out of 10 I would forget. Then I would […]
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The Lazy Moms Guide to Going Green this is a repost
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Spring Eggstravaganza :: An Eggceptionally Fun Time!

We were so incredibly egg-cited to host our this year’s Spring Eggstravaganza! Despite the quick, yet nasty, storms that rolled through the greater Houston area hours before our event, we had a great time hunting eggs, showcasing our sponsors and giving out some awesome swag! First and foremost, we want to take time to […]
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Spring Eggstravaganza :: An Eggceptionally Fun Time! this is a repost
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My 13 Year Old Called Me Out on My Parenting, and It was Just What I Needed

Having a newborn means sleepless nights, round-the-clock feedings and worrying about why the baby is crying. I wished that I could say to all new parents that it will get easier, but it doesn’t. Honestly, the newborn stage was the easy part for me. As my kids get older I continue to have restless nights […]
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My 13 Year Old Called Me Out on My Parenting, and It was Just What I Needed this is a repost
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My Husband Got a Vasectomy :: Coming to Terms With Being Done

Sometimes I look for two pink lines. Sometimes I feel phantom kicks that I hope are real. Sometimes I hope that a day late means more than it does. But, last September, my husband put the final nail in our family building journey by getting snipped. It was a decision that we both made {at […]
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My Husband Got a Vasectomy :: Coming to Terms With Being Done this is a repost
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Bloom 2019 :: A Celebration of Moms
The post Bloom 2019 :: A Celebration of Moms appeared first on Houston Moms Blog.
Bloom 2019 :: A Celebration of Moms this is a repost
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Mornings with Mayesh: April 16
Mornings with Mayesh: April 16 this is a repost
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The Reality of “The Family Photo Shoot” and Why it Matters

Spring has sprung and bluebonnet season is upon us! It’s the time of year we think of deep cleaning, new beginnings, and probably a bit of redecorating. The photos on the wall are a few years old, and you have the itch to gather all of your motherly strength together in preparation for yet another […]
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The Reality of “The Family Photo Shoot” and Why it Matters this is a repost
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Redemption and Hope :: Reflections on Notre-Dame

Like so many others, I spent Monday glued to the news, watching the extensive coverage of the devastating fire of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris. Like so many others, my heart hurt to see so much history burn to ash. And like so many others, I went in search of and found a picture […]
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Redemption and Hope :: Reflections on Notre-Dame this is a repost
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We Were Once Slaves Too:: Why Passover is Such a Significant Jewish Holiday

When I was a little girl, Passover was just another Jewish holiday to me. Like most kids, I had a one-track mind. And so, each year when my family sat down for the traditional Seder meal {a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of Passover}, all I could think about was finding the […]
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We Were Once Slaves Too:: Why Passover is Such a Significant Jewish Holiday this is a repost
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Stop and smell the... scent of spring | Fragrant Easter flowers | Powered by 365 Days of Flowers
Stop and smell the... scent of spring | Fragrant Easter flowers | Powered by 365 Days of Flowers this is a repost
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Moving From Peeved to Pleased with Your Picky Eater

Disclaimer: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliate sites. Pin this post and be sure to follow Houston Moms Blog on Pinterest!
The post Moving From Peeved to Pleased with Your Picky Eater appeared first on Houston Moms Blog.
Moving From Peeved to Pleased with Your Picky Eater this is a repost
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The Best Parks In and Around Houston

It’s springtime in Houston! Oh, wait, it’s actually been spring since February, but that’s why we love Houston, right? One of the great things about our city and surrounding suburbs is all of the great parks that are free for us to enjoy. Our contributing team chose our favorite parks from all areas of town […]
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The Best Parks In and Around Houston this is a repost
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