#like every time I think about holly I think about green
pa-pa-patato · 1 day
I don’t know how to explain this But holly is green
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
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this is what i was referring to the other day btw.... she literally said well you people were annoying last time so fuck off i'm not doing it anymore.... and i stand with her <3
#i love the way she writes responses to people who are clearly annoying her... one of the funniest things about her fr#beth.txt#this post is from 2015 just fyi. so both 1 year pre tda and 5 years pre tlh#i don't know what characters she's speciaifcally referring to that she explicitly said their sexuality before the book came out. because i#wasn't there back then. but i CAN speak to the way she handled ty. which i WAS there for. and it was hilarious. you all really missed out#one of those things you had to experience in real time spanning years...#that was back when this franchise was still accessible tho. and you could get into it with minimal work#there were only like ten books back then....#ok ten is a lot but you have to understand that there are 21 now. AND sobh. and four more coming. AT LEAST.#not even counting all the holly black books that are not essential to the tsc lore PER SE. but actually they are. for REAL ones.#like i cannot imagine thinking you have a full understanding of cassandra's work and you haven't read holly's modern faerie tales or the sp#spiderwick chronicles. OR MAGESTERIUM.#god imagine being a cassie fan but you havent read the magesterium books.....#(me. i never finished them)#and then also you of course must familiarize yourself with the writing of cassie's collaborators on the novella collections.#so you also have to read hacking harvard. and 13 little blue envelopes.#and of couurse you have to do all of this concurrently with wearing a cheap fandom neckalce every day (izzy's ruby necklace) that turns the#back of your neck green and gets really worn and ugly looking because it's cheap metal and you literally don't take it off.#anyway. only THEN do you understand the lifestyle.#what the fuck was this post originally about. oh yeah cassie is soooo funny <3
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bpdjennamaroney · 1 year
Will and Emma are having relationship problems because Will is not taking COVID seriously enough ("Therapy"). The next day Will takes his frustration out on the glee club and accuses them of not taking COVID seriously enough (Finn doesn't understand germ theory and Brittany is QAnon.)
Will says, "You guys lack historical perspective. Back in the 80s and 90s there was a young gay composer named Jonathan Larson who saw disease and suffering all around him. When he found out he was afflicted with AIDS, he put all of his pain into the timeless and unreproachable work of art, RENT. RENT taught us about community and caring for one another and more importantly...it taught us that musicals can rock." Will sings the title song from RENT with Artie and Finn.
That night: Santana is fed up with lockdown restrictions and sneaks out of her house to visit Brittany ("Out Tonight"). Brittany is planning a big show that will blow the whole COVID conspiracy wide open. She previews it for Santana ("Over the Moon"). Santana is freaked out and breaks up with Brittany. Santana can excuse ignoring disease prevention guidelines but she draws the line at being Republican about it.
Also that night, Will tries to sleep with Emma but she's too COVID-cautious ("Green Green Dress"). She says maybe they need some time apart because of their different priorities.
While grocery shopping, Will runs into Holly Holliday. Holly is lighting scented candles in the middle of the store but for some reason all of them are defective/unscented ("Light My Candle.") Holly propositions Will. Will says he's seeing Emma, and Holly admits she also has a boyfriend.
"I'm sure we can work something out," Holly says. "Meet me at the basement of the swinger's club at 9:00."
Will shows up at the swinger's club and spots his old rival, Brian Ryan (the Neil Patrick Harris character). They glare at each other, then confront each other and it's revealed that Brian is Holly's boyfriend ("Tango Maureen.") She knew Brian and Will were old high school rivals and set all this up because she's into the whole enemies-to-lovers thing.
Will scolds her. "That is so cruel and manipulative of you. I can't believe you would do this."
Holly tries to convince him to live life to the fullest. ("Another Day.")
Eventually Will thinks about what proud openly gay icon Jonathan larson would do, and he has a threesome with Holly and Brian ("Contact," I'm afraid.)
The morning after, Will can't believe he kind of cheated on Emma/hooked up with Brian and really enjoyed it ("Real Life").
On Monday, Brittany and Santana are still broken up but sitting on opposite sides of the choir room is emotionally difficult for them ("Without You.")
On the way home from school, Kurt and Blaine are like "Aren't you glad we're not like Brittany and Santana, breaking up every 5 seconds over something stupid?" and they sing "I'll Cover You" but then they break up over something stupid.
Will contemplates his sexual awakening, torn between Holly+Brian and Emma ("Johnny Can't Decide/Come To Your Senses" mashup).
The tension in glee club is unavoidable.
"Mr. Shu, this is ridiculous," Rachel says. "Ever since you brought up RENT and Jonathan Larson, it's been nonstop hookups and fighting. Also, Jonathan Larson wasn't gay and he didn't die of AIDS! He was straight and died of some random heart thing."
"What? Jonathan Larson wasn't gay? So my sexual experimentation was under false pretenses?"
Will immediately calls and breaks it off with Brian and they argue ("What You Own").
The next day Santana says "I can't believe we caused this much fuss over a straight man, who died of a random heart thing."
"Wait, just because he was straight doesn't make his words less powerful," Finn says.
"You're right," Will says. "Maybe I'm bisexual." ("Louder than Words.") And then they all sing La Vie Boheme.
At some point Santana and Mercedes sing "Take Me or Leave Me" as their glee club presentation. (It's a four-part episode.) Also I think Gwyneth would have fun with Today 4 U, don't kill me.

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uniquesoulwinner · 1 year
My Queen
Leah Williamson x reader 
Idea that came to me after seeing Leah get her OBE today of a little surprise celebration with her girl who she didn’t think was even in the country! 
Hope you enjoy its not very good and the format isn’t working right so it might read funny but well it’s something 
Let me know what you think 
Y/n pov
Getting off the plane in London brings nothing but butterflies to your stomach at the thought of the day ahead. You see given that I’ve been in New York for work for the past 9 long weeks I was not meant to be here today well at least that’s what Leah thinks, I however always knew I would be here! 
As soon as we got the date for Leah to get her long awaited OBE medal I was on the phone to Amanda to plan exactly what was going to happen today, this has lead to a lot of sneaky phone calls between me and my girlfriends mother, who I’m nearly sure is more excited about me being there to surprise Leah than I am.
Finding out that I was going to have to be in New York for 16 weeks for work was never part of the plan, being away from Leah for that long was a thought that made my whole body hurt before I even went, which is why I I have worked my ass off over the last 9 weeks so complete everything I needed to do to get home to my girlfriend of 4 years early which brings me back to walking though Heathrow Airport at 7:45am on a Wednesday morning counting down the minutes until I have her in my arms again. 
Just as I was getting into the taxi to take me to the hotel I had booked for myself and Leah for that night my phone rang and my smile got even bigger seeing it was Amanda!
Y/n: Hey perfect timing I’m just in the taxi
Amanda: ahh perfect I’m so excited, she’s getting ready already! I swear she takes forever.
Y/n: Worth every minute though; you find yourself say thing that out loud without ever realising until you hear Amanda aww on the other end of the phone which made you blush no end! Anyway how are we looking for timeline I’m just heading to the hotel now to get showered and ready! 
Amanda: so we should be wrapped up in Windsor by around 13:30pm at the latest and then she thinks we are just going for dinner and meeting holly and all that couldn’t come to the ceremony there. You can hear the excited little giggle coming from Amanda like she is on a secret spy mission which makes you laugh  
Y/n: ok good and she definitely doesn’t suspect a thing right you ask already knowing that she doesn’t considering you spent 2 hours in the phone to her last night with her upset and missing you as well as telling you how much she wished you where going to be there today which yes broke your heart in two , the only thing that you hoped was seeing her face today would make up for everything!
Amanda: nope not a thing, she is completely oblivious you hear that cheeky giggle again she is going to be so happy y/n, she has missed you so much you you 
Y/n: yeh I know I’ve missed her too more than words but not long now, god I’m nervous you laugh at the Ridiculousness of getting nervous over seeing the woman that has been the centre of your world for 4 years now 
Amanda: oh sweetie you no need to be nervous, the second that girl sees you everything will be worth it, you know … Amanda suddenly stops talking only thing you can hear is some rustling and foot steps which your hoping isn’t Leah catching you both out 
Ok I gotta go she is wandering around now looking for her socks so I better help I’ll see you later ok text me when your there , ok bye bye bye and the phones goes dead leaving you laughing at the thought of your girl running around looking for socks which you know she will be treating like a Military mission in that room ! 
Later on that day after checking in to the hotel and getting yourself ready , wearing a tight green dress that you knew drive Leah crazy with your hair down and curled and black heals, you where standing that the bar of the restaurant that had been booked out for today with holly catching up on every bit of gossip you had missed being away which was lot it seemed! 
Although after the 7th time checking the door you did catch holly giving you a very knowing smirk which made you laugh purely because you didn’t care how obvious you where being, ever since Amanda text to say they where 20 minutes away you could help but look out for them ! You wanted your girl and weren’t even sorry about it ! 
The restaurant was full of Leah’s close family and friends most of which were now laughing at the twitter comments over Leah being the queen of England now ! Lol 
You only snapped out of staring at the door when you heard Jen Leah’s teammate call you 
Jen: y/n how does it feel to have bagged England’s new queen  all you heard was laughter which then turned to cooing and awe’s when you replied saying y/n: she has always been my queen 
And right as you said that you seen her your queen walk past the window towards the door looking out of this world and every bit worthily of the title queen in your opinion but it was to time and time for you to hide in the crowd who had all turned to face the door waiting for her to come in, to which when she did come in she was meant by just noise of chatting and clapping but all you could hear was her laugh that beautiful laugh while she made her way around people still not spotting you ! 
Amanda however snuck around to hug you whispering how she couldn’t wait to see Leah’s face ! 
After around 5 minutes of her still not spotting you , you had enough of waiting so grabbed a glass of champagne and made your way up behind her as she spoke to Alex Scott and Kim little both of who started smiling the second they seen you approach! 
Y/n: would the new queen like a drink you said standing behind her and while you couldn’t see her face you could see her body freeze as she heard your voice which made your heart burst. Y/n you heard her whisper still not turning around which made you giggle given that all you wanted right now was to kiss her still though you stepped forward so you where right behind her meaning you could whisper in her ear hello baby, any chance I could get a hug now?  You didn’t even have a split second to react when her arms where around your neck with such force that if ever the sensible kimmy hadn’t if grabbed the champagne out if your hands it would have been all down the back of Leah’s very expensive looking suit ! 
Suddenly all the people in the room weren’t there anymore the only thing that you noticed was your girl finally in your arms after way to long and while pulling her impossibly closer to you , you just breathed her in every part of you and missed every part of her and now here you could never imagine being away from her again which made what you were about to do even more clear in your head, so while holding her as close as possible with one arm your eyes met Leah’s grandmas giving her a nod and hold out your hand , you watched as the whole room tried to contain themselves as she placed the black velvet box in your hand giving your hand a small squeeze as she did !
Focusing back on Leah who’s head was still buried in your neck, pulling back slightly so you could see her with a massive smile on your face that was thankfully matched by her, finally gave you the chance to look into those eyes that have had you weak for years. It’s only when you see her eyes flick down to your lips that you pull her in making sure she can’t feel the box behind her back, although all sense leaves your body the second her lips meet yours for the first time in over 2 months. Finally it feels like I’m home you think, kissing her is home , she is home and with that thought you remember what you have hidden behind her back so with one final kiss you pull back to be met with a pout from her. 
Leah: your here, your actually here 
Y/n: I’m here baby I would never miss this looking at the smile on her face makes all the sneaking around worth it 
Leah: please tell me I have you for more than one night baby before you go back the pout comes back to her face again as she speaks Giggling at her you step back completely! Here goes nothing you think as you look into her eyes again how about forever you whisper never breaking eye contact, seeing the confusion on her have made you smile as you looked down at the box in your hands which was now between you and Leah, flicking your eyes back up seeing that hers where now fixed on the box in your hands as well it was go time so slowly you lower down onto one knee and open the box , hearing the gasp come from her  gave you the confirmation that the band you had chosen was the right choice! 
Y/n : le there is nothing I could say right now that would be any different to anything I have told you every day for the past 4 years but what I will say is how proud I am to be yours baby, every day with you is the best day of my life letting out a shaky breath as you see the tears in her eyes before you carry on and I want that for the rest of our lives, so Leah Williamson OBE you give her a cheeky smirk as the room fills with laughter , will you do me the honour of marrying me? Holding your breath for the whole 0.2 of a second it takes before you hear her say yes yes a million times yes , smiling with the tears running down both your faces you pull the ring from the box and finally put it on her finger as she pulls you up into a bruising kiss. 
You hear the cheers in the room, the clapping and banging on tables but all you feel is her , your finance , your Leah , your home! It’s just you two in the bubble of whispered words between the two of you consisting of i love yous, don’t ever leave again and I can’t wait to make you my wife , everything in that moment is just perfect! 
Hours later after food , champagne, a lot of laughter and more love than you could imagine, you are standing back beside your finance at the side of the room arms wrapped around each other just watching your friends and family around you. Turning to Leah you decide to take the teasing that’s been going on between the two of you for over an hour now to the next level,
Y/n: I booked us into a hotel for the next 2 nights so I hope you have no plans for tomorrow you say while looking her up and down because I have no plans on leaving that hotel room tomorrow. Watching as her eyes darken on front of you you step a little closer to her so you can whisper in her ear and just so you know earlier wasn’t the only time I plan on dropping to my knees for you my queen 
And with that Leah walked away and started saying goodbye to everyone you giggling behind her especially with the knowing looks you got from some people in the room but to hell with it you hadn’t had your girl in 9 weeks so you where going to make the most of every minute if that night and every night for the rest of your life with your queen ! 
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fireflyinks · 1 year
needy ☆
draco malfoy x reader angst/smut
a/n : OMG IM SO PROUD OF THIS. i hope y’all like it as much as i do because i loved writing it.
contains : p in v, fingering, use of y/n (literally just once), draco’s kind of a death eater idk if this counts though, praise, cursing
summary : makeup sex 🫡
Mature Content 18+
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He wants to get a reaction out of me.
Draco Malfoy was known for his cruelty. Mean was his middle name. His scowls and arrogance proved this time and time again, and yet he seemed to be a different person around me. A kind, gentle, loving person. Until I make him angry.
Sitting on the common room couch, I watched as Draco felt up some slutty Slytherin girl, who wore a green dress two sizes too small.
The common room was decorated beautifully. Christmas was days away, and the scenery showed it. Holly was placed on almost every surface, along with a ginormous tree in the corner of the room. And yet, all I could seem to look at was Draco.
At first, I wanted to be angry. But that was just the reaction he wanted. I felt tears begin to form at my waterline, but that would’ve also given him satisfaction.
So I sat, and I watched. Ever so often, Draco would make eye contact with me, and smirk. God, I’ve never seen such an evil smirk in all of my days. He was enjoying this, Draco enjoyed making me miserable.
I stood up from the couch, smoothed my silky ivory colored dress with my hands, and went up to my dorm gracefully.
As my mother kissed me goodbye, I dreaded stepping onto the Hogwarts Express. I dreaded seeing him.
Draco and I hadn’t spoken in two weeks, the longest we’d ever gone without eachother. I couldn’t believe that he hadn’t reached out to me. Looking back, our argument before the party wasn’t even my fault. All I asked was why he had been skipping classes, and he went berserk. ‘That’s what you get when you worry about someone’ I thought.
I sat with a couple of friends on the train, trying my best to avoid Draco. Luckily, Pansy’s story about the boy she met at a dinner party she’d attended was interesting enough to distract me.
The first few days were casual, I manage to not come into close contact with Draco at all. But like clockwork, we were assigned a potions project together.
I pleaded with Snape, begging him to reconsider, but he refused.
That night, I couldn’t sleep. I had too much on my mind. Sneaking down to the common room, I froze when I saw Draco, sitting on the couch while reading.
I began to quickly leave, until I heard his voice call out to me.
“Wait, don’t go.”
Sighing, I turned to face him. His expression was one I’d never seen on him before.
“What do you want, Draco?” I asked, annoyed.
He got up from his place on the couch, walking over to me.
“I need to talk to you. And I need you to listen.”
I thought for a moment. Why should I? He made it very clear what he thought about me and our relationship.
“Why don’t you go talk to that girl you were feeling up?” I couldn’t help it, I had the right to at least one snarking comment.
Draco shook his head, “I don’t even remember her name.”
I rolled my eyes, “What do you want to talk about.”
He gulped, beginning to roll his sleeve up slowly. My eyes almost bulged out of my head when I saw it.
“What the fuck?”
The dark mark.
It felt as if I couldn’t breath. How could he throw everything away like this?
“Draco, why?” I sobbed out, tears running down my cheeks.
“It wasn’t my choice, n/n. I had to.”
Not thinking, I threw my arms around him. All of the pent up anger I felt towards him was gone.
“I’m sorry about that night. I was so hurt and stressed out, I wasn’t thinking. That’s not a good excuse though.”
I shook my head, “Don’t worry about it, that’s the least of my concerns at the moment.” I looked up into his eyes, tracing the death mark on his arm with my finger. “What’s going to happen?”
“I don’t know. But I want to enjoy the little freedom I have left. I want to enjoy it with you.”
Before I knew it, Draco’s lips were on mine.
He mouthed moved slower than usual, which surprised me. Draco was not the type to take it slow. No, he was the opposite. And yet here we were, our mouths moving dangerously slow.
“Dray-“ I spoke through the kiss, earning a ‘hm?’ from him.
“I need you.” I said shakily. He placed a hand on the back of my neck, pushing me closer to him.
“Then have me.”
We made our way over to the couch, and Draco sat as I straddled his lap. We continued to kiss, though it got more sloppy as time went on.
“God, I miss this.” Draco said as he removed my shirt. “Nobody has ever been as good to me as you are.”
I blushed, feeling his hands on my chest. He massaged my tits, until he eventually attached his mouth to one of them. I moaned, throwing my head back.
“You like that?” He asked, earning an eager nod from my head.
His hands found my waist band, pulling off the sweats I’d been wearing. He rubbed my core through my panties, causing me to buck my hips.
“You’re so needy for me, princess.”
Pushing my panties to the side, he slipped one finger in, stroking my walls again and again.
“Fuck~ Draco, I need your cock.”
The smirk on his face said it all. “Hm? What was that? What did you say?”
“I need your cock!” I said a bit louder.
Draco shook his head. “There she is. There’s my dirty girl.”
Pulling his trousers down, Draco crawled on top of me. He kissed my neck as he grinded his bulge onto my heat.
Satisfied with my responsive whines, he released his cock and slowly pushed inside of me.
My eyes rolled back as he filled me to the brim, quickly beginning to thrust in and out of me.
“Draco~ God you fill me up so good.”
He groaned, placing a kiss on my forehead. “If you keep talking like that, princess, I won’t be able to last much longer.”
His pace became ruthless quickly. Sounds of slaps skin filled the room and I’m sure someone could probably hear us. But did I care? Fuck no.
There was something about the way he looked at me in these moments. So lustfully. I could see in his eyes that he was scared. Scared of losing me, scared of losing himself. I had to be there for him, whether I liked it or not.
“I’m so close, Dray.” I moaned breathlessly.
Draco nodded, “Me too, love. Go ahead, come on my cock.”
With my newfound permission, a coil seemed to snap inside of me, and I released as he continued to thrust inside of me. The feeling was devine.
His lips found mine and he came inside of me not long after. His thrusts continued, though they were shaky and sloppy.
“I love you so so so much Y/n.”
I panted, digging my nails into his back, “I love you too.”
Afterwards, he took me up to his dorm, and gave me one of his shirts to wear to sleep. We washed up, before cuddling. I tried my best to get some sleep, though I couldn’t help but stare at the dark mark on his forearm for hours.
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broomsick · 10 months
Self-care & connecting with nature deities during the wintertime
Is it still possible to connect with harvest and nature deities such as Freyr during the cold season?
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Long answer short, yes. Obviously, absolutely. But you all saw that answer coming, right? So I’m here to give you some ideas, as the person who’s favorite season is winter and who made it their mission to help everybody like winter just a little more. And since I feel especially close to Yngvi-Freyr when it comes to the Gods, I will use him as an example throughout this post, though a lot of the following could apply to most nature deities.
Let us first examine a common misconception before we get to the bottom of this topic: the fields don’t die when the sun sets on the 31st of October. The earth still lives under thick layers of snow. The process of dormancy is absolutely crucial to the cycles of nature. And if, like me, you find Freyr to be a sort of guardian of these cycles, then you’ll know he manifests himself in so many ways, even where you might not think to look.
Have you heard about the holly and ivy tradition? It was common during the European Medieval times to decorate houses and halls using holly and ivy, because they were the two plants with leaves that stayed green, even in the dark and cold of winter. This type of practice is often referred to as "bringing the outside in", and it's something I'm quite fond of. I've no doubt it could be a great help if you're the type to feel depressed during the winter time. It's a way to remind oneself of how everpresent nature actually is. Lots of greenery remains despite the snow! And to ackowledge this fact and to work with it is such a great way to connect with nature Gods in general! It goes to show that you appreciate their blessings all year round, not just during spring and summer. While it's true that in many cases, the presence of deities such as Freyr may feel somehow "dimmed" during the winter time, I assure you, they don't disappear once the first snow falls! On the contrary, they are every bit as present and active as when spring comes! They simply manifest themselves in a different manner.
When winter comes, I love to work with evergreen spirits. I incorporate spruce, fir and cedar into my practice and in my offerings. I won't go into too much detail for this topic however, because I've written posts that pertained to it in the past (namely, this post on tree work and this one on land spirits). Since I don't have easy access to holly or ivy, I make due with evergreen! Not with any actual branches, except when I'm lucky enough to find some that were torn away by the wind. But rather, using representations of it. In the same manner, and in the spirit of "bringing the outside in", it's also possible to decorate using representations of the sun! Harvest deities such as Freyr are often associated with it due to its crucial role in the cycles of plant growth. Candles also make for great solar symbols, and to place them around the home is like lighting a handful of little suns to bring much needed light and warmth inside. What's more, lighting candles on the winter solstice night is a widespread practice among pagans today! It serves to symbolize the return of the sun, as the days start to grow longer again. Until then however, it can be soothing for one to light a candle every morning before school or work, and to call upon any harvest, nature or solar deity of their choice to ask for strength and motivation throught the day. Even when it's difficult for us to feel their presence, they always hear us.
Now, how to actually feel more connected to nature? Oftentimes, connecting with nature and connecting with Yngvi-Freyr are one and the same. And on a more personal note, a lot of the advice I received from him pertained exactly to that: I believe he's often urged me to go spend more time in nature when I am going through rough patches. I know the cold and the cloudy weather can make it depressing for a lot of people to go out. My advice on this is to take it step by step: no need to go on long, four-hour long hikes right away! After all, there is already much beauty to be seen close to home. And I can't put enough emphasis on that: dress warmly! Also, as a tool for motivation, prepare a treat for yourself to enjoy after you've gone out. Part of what makes me enjoy winter so much is the thought of the warmth and light which await inside after I’ve gone out into the cold. The home is as sacred as the outside world! So why not buy, or prepare a batch of cookies, a cup of hot chocolate or a spicy dinner! It's something I love to do as a way to motivate myself to go out more often. And I like to offer part of these to local land spirits and to the Vanir, to show my appreciation for the beauty of this season. Just as an aside, I find snow water to be a great such offering as well!
I know that I’m not revolutionizing the pagan scene with this post, as there’s only so many ways to connect with nature during winter. I think it’s important to keep in mind that the snow, rain and cold that this season brings is just as much part of nature as the greens and lively colors of spring and summer. For this reason, they are just as much a part of nature deities and what they represent. Deities have so many facets and depth, and it can be so fulfilling to explore these different aspects, and the way we perceive them. While it’s true that spiritually speaking, it often feels to us heathens as if Skaði is somehow “taking” Freyr’s place in the order of things for the time being— much like the Holly King takes the Oak King’s place in Celtic folklore. This doesn’t make it so he disappears! In my experience, he presides over the cycle of seasons as a whole, and he is every bit as present for his followers as he is during the winter. I can connect with Skaði during the summer in a similar manner. And I’m sure that the same can be said for so many other harvest deities.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 9 months
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from my family to yours!! 🤍🎄
It’s Billy’s first Harrington Christmas with Steve’s family, and honestly? He doesn’t know what to think.
Because his own broken ‘family’ had consisted of him and his father for years, and Neil would get him one shitty gift every December 25th and then they'd going out to eat at some greasy diner together in the name of ‘Christmas’.
And once Max and Susan had entered the picture, things had changed a bit. Susan cooked them all a meal on the 25th. There were more presents. There was a fully decorated tree in the living room. Stockings.
And with that first Hargrove-Mayfield Christmas, Billy hadn’t realized just how much mothers made Christmas.
He could remember the last Christmas he had with his mother. Vaguely. He can vividly remember the warmth of it, the glittering gold of nostalgia sparkling in her eyes in front of the tree. She had gifted him a bike that year and he’d ridden it until he outgrew it.
Then, he had pawned it for money towards his car. He’d given a lot of his belongings towards his Camaro.
But — shitty Christmases aside, this is new. Mrs. Harrington is all about Christmas, decorating her house from top to bottom with wreaths and holly and mistletoe. She’d even put one just outside Steve’s room and gave them a playful smile once they’d realized.
Now, it’s Christmas Eve and six o’clock has just rolled around, so Mrs. H hands out a set of matching pyjamas to her husband, son, and Billy. Even Coco, the white crusty family dog, has a little outfit on that she seems happy to wear — like she’s used to it.
"You know the drill, put them on and come back down for pictures!" Mrs. H tells the three of them, her smile wide.
Billy kinda wants to die.
But, he holds the red, black, and green checkered plaid pyjamas in his free hand while the other clutches at his third glass of spiked eggnog — just in time for Steve to take it from him to set down, giving him a look with wide eyes and lifted brows that says 'just go with it'.
And Billy scrunches his face like 'do I have to?'
But, he follows his boyfriend upstairs, anyway, to change into the pyjamas like Mrs. H has requested.
And, to be fair, they're soft as hell and maybe the most comfortable thing Billy has ever put on his body. When he turns to look at Steve, he sees his boyfriend wearing the exact same thing and it makes them both snort with laughter.
"Every year?" Billy asks as Steve comes over, wrapping his arms around him.
"Every," Steve kisses his cheek, "Single," another kiss to the other side, "Year." A kiss to his mouth, gentle and soft.
It's gaudy but it's cute. Maybe.
Quietly, Steve whispers into the small space between their mouths, "Thank you, for putting up with all of this," he means the Harrington Christmas traditions, "I know it's...a lot, but...it's means a lot to me that you go along with it."
Billy stares into those dark eyes for a moment, flicking back and forth between them before he half-shrugs with a smile and mutters, "It's more than I've ever had."
Steve's face drops a little, like he's hurt for Billy, and he knows it's true — Billy's never had matching pyjamas with his family, he's never had homemade eggnog with Mr. Harrington's finest rum, he's never decorated a gingerbread house, he's never had a Christmas with so much love.
"If you tell my mom that," Steve whispers with a small smile, tilting his head, "She'll never let you spend another Christmas anywhere else."
And, honestly? That doesn’t sound too bad.
Once they’re back downstairs, Mrs. H has her fancy camera set up in front of the tree and is getting everyone in place on the floor, scooping up Coco into her arms as she exclaims, “Say ‘Merry Christmas!’”
A low chorus of ‘Merry Christmas’ is said and Billy manages a smile as the camera flashes. When Mrs. H goes to set up another shot, he feels Steve’s hand find his, warm and reassuring as Billy turns his head to look at him and catches the smile his boyfriend has just for him.
He returns the soft smile, feeling his tense shoulders relax a little more, easing into the moment as Steve’s mother rushes back to her spot beside her husband.
As Billy focuses on the camera again, he feels Steve’s hand slide across his back and to his side, gently digging his fingertips into it — just enough for it to tickle and make him grin as his hand shoots to Steve’s, gripping it as his boyfriend laughs and the camera goes off, catching them both with wide grins.
Immediately, Billy shoots a glare at his pretty boy, whose grin hasn’t faltered at all. It’s maybe even grown a bit.
“You little shit,” Billy mumbles, glowering somewhat playfully.
“Hope that one makes it to the Christmas card,” Steve hums with a smirk.
Billy rolls his eyes and stands as everyone else does, happily taking up Mr. H’s offer of another cup of spiked eggnog.
The picture doesn’t make the Harrington Christmas card, as it was already decided (although Mrs. H does want him in the one next year), but Billy does receive a copy of the picture once it’s printed.
He folds it and keeps it hidden in his bedside table, already looking forward to next December.
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radiaurapple · 2 months
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Lucid Dreams of New Orleans: Chapter 14
CHAPTER SUMMARY: IN WHICH Lucifer and Alastor go home.
FIC SUMMARY: Lucifer has always kept his distance from sinners. It’s what keeps him (relatively) sane — if he gets too close, he is haunted by visions of the tragic mortal lives that landed them in Hell. But in his new life at the Hotel, it is more difficult than ever to stay away — and when it comes to light that his daughter’s insufferable facilities manager is gravely wounded, it falls to Lucifer to deliver his soul from Death. In so doing, he falls headfirst into the sins, past lives, and heartbreaks of the one human whose contradictions he is powerless to resist.
we've reached the end-ish folks!!! I have an epilogue and some other ideas i want to go after this in the same universe--I am taking a week off next week though so expect the first epilogue on 6/27!!!
thanks so much to everyone who has read along and I hope you enjoy!! 🍎📻💖
The portal to Heaven closes in a puff of sparks. Lucifer is left behind, staring at the space Alastor occupied only moments ago. Without so much as a word to the hotel’s other residents, he opens a portal to his room, right over his bed; he steps through and flops unceremoniously onto the comforter. 
He usually escapes into a memory in moments like these — when he’s alone and awash in self-pity, his mind a prickly hedge maze of grief. He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to call up something pleasant. 
It’s no use. There’s only one place he wants to be right now, and none of his memories of that place and time belong to him.
Lucifer sighs and flicks his wrist; a portal splits open in the middle of his room, spilling green light over the carpet.  
Which is how he finds himself on Earth. 
New Orleans. October. Sunset. 
Lucifer steps off a cable car in the French Quarter and stumbles through the crowd of evening commuters. He inhales a lungful of a skateboarder’s cotton-candy flavored vape and coughs; the crowd thins, and he ducks into an alleyway and bends his form into a white pigeon. He flaps his wings and takes off. 
He glides over the rooftops. As the millennia went by, Heaven seemed to care less and less about Lucifer’s intrusion here. He rarely interferes in the affairs of mortals — but from time to time, he likes to walk among them, to see them exercise the gift of free will in a wider range of hues than his skewed and gruesome view from the top of Hell. Every time he comes here, he discovers some new human creation that brings a smile to his face — that makes him wonder if he might have been right all along. 
This time, he isn’t sure what to think.
Below, he spots Elysian Fields Ave., a few blocks from Alastor’s old home. He alights in the shade of a house between two garbage bins; he steps out onto the street in the same pale imitation of a human form he wore in Alastor’s memories. 
The suburban street is quiet and still apart from a hideous, boxy electric vehicle that drives past on the road. He borrows Alastor’s sense of direction and heads northwest. Soon he’s lost — most of Alastor’s landmarks are gone, and only the shape of the streets is familiar. He circles Alastor’s block three times before he finally accepts that the houses where Alastor and Hollis lived are both gone, replaced by multi-story duplexes. 
He finds what he believes was the lot of Alastor’s home and stands before it on the sidewalk, stares at the building that now occupies it, unsure of what he came here for. He wants to knock on the door and tell them everything that happened here — to tell them about the game nights, the lone drop of blood, cigarettes and violin in the rocking chair on the porch. He wonders if late at night, or during storms, the memories resurface like ghosts — one high and trembling note remembered in the sound of falling leaves. He wants to ask them if there’s anything left of those short human lives — any mark of their existence. The outline of a shoulder worn in the lacquer on the back of a violin. 
As Lucifer stands there, the thread of linear time frays, and his consciousness splits between both places at once — the present world and the memory. Alastor is coming down the sidewalk, right now and ninety years ago; He steps right through Lucifer, like a ghost, and climbs the invisible steps of a yellow house that no longer exists. 
The sound of a car door jolts Lucifer back into his body. He bends his form back into a white pigeon and flies up to look over the city. 
He takes inventory. Most of Alastor’s places are gone. Economy Hall — the lighthouse that marked the edge of Lake Pontchartrain — the City Park pool. The park has expanded north of Florida Ave., which has itself widened from a street into an interstate. Many of the charming cobblestone streets downtown are now paved with asphalt.
The Francs Amis, the first place Lucifer really saw Alastor with his own eyes, is one of the few buildings that still exists. Lucifer perches on the chain-link fence across the cracked asphalt street and eyes the sign out front. A dry laugh escapes him — it has been repurposed into a church. Figures.
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justagalwhowrites · 9 months
Holly Jolly - Ch. 3: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Joel and Sarah celebrate the holiday with you and Sharon. The final chapter of Holly Jolly, a modern no-outbreak TLOU fic found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: None really!
Length: 4.8k
AO3 | Main Master List | First Chapter | Previous Chapter
“You think this is the way to go?” Joel asked, looking at the drawing in his hand as he sat on a video call with you in the middle of a Home Depot. 
“Yup,” you said, glancing back to the living room to see Sarah and Sharon deep in some adventure with Sharon’s Star Wars action figures. There were active blaster noises followed by a very dramatic sounding explosion. They were pretty occupied as you stood in the kitchen, leaning against your counter, waiting for the oven timer to ding. “I think if you go totally in this direction and just build something that’s perfect for the arbiesbay and how she plays with them, it’s even better than a reamday ousehay.” 
Joel was quiet for a second. 
“Did you just speak pig latin?” 
“You try hiding things from the irlsgay without switching languages,” you replied. 
Joel snorted. 
“Alright, well, just tell me what you think of these paint colors,” he said. “You’re the one with the vision.” 
Something smacked into the wall with a thud in the living room and you looked up from your phone. The shoebox the girls had been using for a space ship was across the room. 
“Hey,” you said. “Let’s not throw things, OK? If we throw things that means we can’t play with them anymore.” 
“But how is it supposed fly?” Sharon groaned. 
“Pretend,” you said. “Not by hurling it.” 
“Fine,” she huffed before getting up and getting the box, running it back across the room and bringing it in for a landing with a dramatic, explosive sound. 
You laughed and sighed, looking at the mess of dolls and Legos scattered all over the floor after a few hours of the girls playing together. 
“I need to get a toy box for the living room,” you said. “This is getting out of hand. Alright, let’s see the paints.” 
Joel held up three samples of pink. 
“Um…” you squinted at the screen. “Middle one, I think.” 
“I was thinkin’ that too,” he said. “Looks closest to the box color for the arbiebay I already got her.” 
“Was that pig latin?” 
“Utshay upyay. What about this one?” 
He held up a few purples as you giggled. 
“First one,” you said. “That will play best with the first one we picked.” 
“Right,” he said. “Alright, just need two more…” 
He held up a few options for the white and then a few for a green. 
“OK,” he said. “Think that’s everything… Thanks again for your help on this, I really don’t know what the uckfay I’m doing with this.” 
You had to fight to not snort laugh at fuck in pig latin. 
“Any time,” you said as the oven dinged. “And I need to go pull out gingerbread. See you soon?” 
“Yup,” he said. “Just gotta check out here, pick up pizza and headed your way after.” 
“Oundssay Oodgay.” 
Joel laughed. 
You pulled the gingerbread out and set it aside to cool and just watched the girls playing from the living room. 
Considering that you’d never met Joel and Sarah Miller before Thursday night, you were suddenly spending a lot of time with them. You and Joel had lunch together while Christmas shopping and you were surprised to learn that you got along better than you thought you would. Joel was oddly funny in a dry, clever way, every teasing moment and wry one liner feeling like an inside joke even though you’d only known each other a few days. You had the same concerns about raising girls as single parents, especially as young single parents who still felt a lot like kids yourselves. He was almost strangely insightful for a man, especially one who was damn near a perfect stranger. He seemed to understand the meaning behind your hesitant pauses or why you chose the words you did. Communicating with him was so straightforward and easy going, unlike anything you’d ever really experienced with someone so quickly before. You really liked Joel and Sharon adored his daughter. You really hoped you could help give them a great Christmas. They deserved it.
You’d drawn up a plan for the Dream House on Sunday night, going in a different direction than just trying to recreate what was on the shelf at the store. 
Instead, you’d made a Barbie-fied version of Joel and Sarah’s house. You’d found their house on Google Maps - it felt a little too weird to look it up on Zillow - and took a guess at the layout based on what you’d seen on the inside and what the footprint of the house was from above. 
Joel had stopped by your apartment Monday after work to pick up the plans and you stepped into the breezeway outside your door, leaving Sharon watching a cartoon in the living room. 
“I hope it’s not too weird,” you bit your lip as you handed the blue prints over. “If it is, I can redo it tonight and I don’t think it’ll put you too far behind…” 
He took the pages and frowned as he flipped through them. Your heart sank for a moment. 
“Is this… our house?” He asked, looking up from the papers to look at you. 
“Yeah,” you said. “I thought… since, you know, you just bought it and you bought it to give Sarah a better life, that kind of makes it a dream house, right? And I thought she might like to have her Barbies in a house that was like hers… I’m sorry, I over stepped, that’s not…” 
“This is amazing,” he said, looking back down at the plans. “Do you think she’ll like it?” 
You smiled, shoving your hands in the back pockets of your jeans. 
“Yeah. I think so, anyway. I would have, when I was her age. I think she will, too.” 
Even though you’d just seen him three days in a row, you were looking forward to spending the evening with him tonight, too. You had the supplies for making peanut butter cookies set out - as well as the peppermint bark shortbread you’d made every year since you were 20 and looking for something simple to make in your first apartment kitchen - and Joel was coming over to bake with you and the girls. 
You had a little surprise for him, too. When he’d first dropped Sarah off that afternoon, you’d gotten the girls to help make some Christmas decorations he could bring home with him. Paper chains and cut out snowflakes and Christmas trees made out of plastic spoons. Once the girls got bored you let them loose on the toys and told Sharon to bring the adventure to the living room so you could keep an eye on them as you made gingerbread. They were having a blast and you now had enough gingerbread to build a small village of houses, plus a small box of homemade decor to give to Joel. You just hoped he liked it. 
The girls were so involved with whatever they were playing - lightsabers were out now and Sharon was standing on the couch - that they barely noticed when he got there with an armload of pizza. 
“OK definitely feelin’ like I got off pretty easy in this deal,” he said, setting the pizza down on your breakfast bar. 
“It’s fine,” you waved him off. “My downstairs neighbors work in the afternoon and evening so they’re not bothering anyone. And they’ve stayed out of my way so it’s been no trouble, truly.” 
“Daddy!” Sarah yelped, dropping the lightsaber and running for him, leaping into his arms like she hadn’t seen him in weeks, instead of just a few hours. “We made stuff and played Barbies and now we’re playing wars…” 
“Star Wars,” Sharon corrected, jumping off the couch and stumbling forward as she landed. “It’s so cool, it’s this real old movie…” 
“Alright,” Joel cut them off. “I’ll stop ya there, I remember when some of those came out, don’t need you saying they’re that old…” He set Sarah down and turned to you. “Didn’t take you for a Star Wars fan.” 
You shrugged. 
“Gotta introduce the kid to classic film.” 
“Oh lord,” he rolled his eyes and laughed. “Think you’re the same age as me, better watch what you say about classic film…” 
You got the girls to sit still long enough to plow through the better part of a cheese pizza and some carrot sticks while you and Joel split a supreme, sitting so close to each other that your knees brushed below the table. 
The first time it happened, you jerked your leg away on instinct but Joel didn’t react. So you let your leg relax a little and, bit by bit, your knee drifted until it was against his thigh and your heart was in your throat. 
After dinner, you pulled two chairs into the kitchen for the girls to stand on and you supervised as they combined the ingredients for peanut butter blossoms, their little faces getting covered in a dusting of flour and a smear of peanut butter ending up in the middle of Sharon’s shirt. They gleefully rolled the balls of dough in sugar and you handled putting the Hershey kisses in the middle of each one as the cookies neared the end of baking as Joel helped the girls secure the structure of their gingerbread houses. 
“This much frosting seems dangerous,” Joel said after you’d joined them back at the table, cookies cooling on their racks on your packed counter. 
“Oh, it is,” you said before you put your tongue between your teeth to concentrate on adding a small chimney to your house. “This is why we do it at the end, so you can get one sugar addled child and I get the other and I’m not wrangling both of them.” 
He laughed a little, adding a Twizzler window frame. 
“Daddy?” Sarah looked up from her sagging house. “It’s not staying up.” 
“One sec Baby Girl…” He got up and went around to help her and you watched as he carefully adjusted the roof and added a little support beam. “See, that’ll help distribute the weight better, makes it more secure. Make sense?” 
“I think so,” she said. “Can I add more M&Ms now?” 
“Yeah, you can add more M&Ms,” he laughed a little before sitting back next to you. You let your knee drift to his thigh again. 
He looked at you for a second, a soft look in his eyes, and you thought about taking your leg back but you didn’t. 
“In case I haven’t said it,” he said. “Thank you for just… everything you’ve been doin’. Sarah’s been so happy this last week and I know you and Sharon got a lot to do with that. I’m real glad Sarah met her.” 
You smiled a little. 
“I am, too.” 
Joel took a deep breath. 
“And I’m real glad I met you, too.” 
Your heart picked up. 
You leaned in a little closer to him. 
“Aunt Cocoa, look!” Sharon piped up from across the table and you turned away from Joel to look at her gingerbread house that was dripping frosting and sprinkles. 
“That’s amazing!” You said. “You’re doing a great job girlie pop, definitely better than mine.” 
When the houses were done, you and Sharon helped carry everything down to Joel’s truck, including the box of decorations. He frowned at it when you handed it to him to put in the cab. 
“What’s this?” 
“Just… open it when you get home,” you smiled. “Let me know what you think.” 
He lifted Sarah into her carseat and buckled her in before closing the door and turning to you. 
“So, I was thinkin’,” he said. “My brother was supposed to host Christmas dinner but now he’s going to some girlfriend’s place and it doesn’t sound like you’ll have anywhere to be… would you two want to come over? Don’t have to if it’s weird, I know we just met but…” 
“I’d love that,” you cut him off, smiling. “Just let me know what I can bring? Or I can volunteer a dessert…” 
“Dessert is great,” he said. “Just… mostly just want you there.” 
You smiled bigger.
“Then I’ll be there.” 
He smiled, making his cheek dimple. 
“Good,” he said. “Can’t wait.” 
Joel sent you one final picture of the dream house. 
Think it’s done. 
He half expected you not to respond. It was after midnight, officially Christmas Day. By all rights, you should be asleep. 
You texted back anyway. 
That’s perfect! Sarah will LOVE it. 
Joel smiled at his phone like a damn idiot and scrolled through the messages the two of you had sent each other in the short time that he’d known you. There were the pictures he’d sent of his living room after he put up the decorations you and the girls had made him, pictures you’d sent of the gingerbread houses on your breakfast bar as you documented evidence of Sharon slowly sneaking pieces off of them, pictures he’d sent of the progress he made on the dream house. 
He clicked on your contact photo and made it fill his screen, the selfie you’d sent him the first night he’d met you. He smiled a little. He couldn’t help it.
You were so pretty he wondered how he didn’t see it at first, even with the ridiculous sweater and the antlers. He must have been in a real shit mood to have not noticed because, over the last few days, he found himself pulling the picture up again and again just to look at you. 
He did it when he had a break at work and was checking his phone for other messages. He did it when he was waiting for Sarah to finish breakfast as she dawdled before school. Most often, though, he did it just before he fell asleep when he felt oddly lonely and wished you were there. 
It was a strange thought for him. He hadn’t really been with anyone since Sarah’s mom. There just hadn’t been time, he was too busy with work and his daughter, and he’d never longed for someone he’d never even kissed before. At least, not since he was a fucking teenager. 
But he wanted to be next to you. He damn near melted the first time your knee had brushed his thigh, had to fight the urge to put his hand over that knee, trail his fingers along the inside of your thigh. And fuck, had he wanted to kiss you. You were so close and you smelled like vanilla and sugar and he knew - he just knew - that your lips would be soft and sweet. 
He’d only seen you two days since then - plenty, considering you just met, but it felt like so little. Once, when the two of you had taken the girls Christmas shopping and traded kids so they could get something for each of you, and another time when you’d taken the girls to the playground together. The two of you had tried to sit on a bench and watch them play but the girls weren’t satisfied, pulling you and Joel up to play freeze tag.
Joel was looking forward to Christmas now. He’d actually been able to get Sarah what she wanted - or hoped she wanted, anyway - and he was getting to see you. He wasn’t entirely sure how but he’d gone from a man who was all but dreading the holiday to one who was almost as excited as his daughter for the day to come. 
You sent him a picture of a Millennium Falcon set up for Sharon under the tree. Joel laughed a little and smiled. 
She’s going to love it. 
You followed it up with a picture of a sticker sheet. 
She might like this more, who knows. 
He wondered if it would be weird to ask you for a selfie. Probably. Still, he considered it. But he just texted, instead.
You did a great job. Really. 
Why are you still up? You should go to bed, Joel. Santa can’t come if you’re still awake.
He tried to picture you saying it, the serious look you’d try to keep on your face as your lips curved up at the edges. 
I will if you will. 
Alright, you convinced me! See you tomorrow. 
You sent a little heart after your last message and Joel tried to not read into it as he went to bed and pulled up your picture one more time, just to look at you, drifting off wondering how you’d feel curled up next to him.
Sarah tackled him at 6:17 a.m. 
“Daddy!” She shook his whole body. “Daddy, wake up, I think Santa came! Daddy, get up!” 
“Alright, Baby Girl,” he groaned, blinking the sleep from his eyes. “M’awake, gimme a minute, we’ll go see if Santa came…” 
He shook his head a little as he sat up, his hair falling over his forehead, and he got a shirt from his dresser before pulling up the camera on his phone. 
“Alright Kiddo,” he said. “You stay right here at the top of the stairs for just a minute so I can get you on video…” 
He went into the living room and turned on the lights, the paper chains you’d made with the girls dangling cheerfully from the doorways. 
“Alright,” he said, starting recording, suddenly nervous about Sarah seeing the homemade dream house. What if she hated it? This might be the first Christmas she really remembered, what if he ruined it? “Come on down, Baby Girl.” 
Sarah thundered down the stairs and into the living room, her curls bouncing as she ran. Her eyes went wide and her mouth made a small “o” when she saw the house sitting next to the tree. She ran over to it and dropped to her knees beside it, a Barbie and a Ken standing in the kitchen, ready for her to play with.
“Daddy!” She gaped at him, a look of awe on her face. “Daddy, that’s our house! That’s our house but Barbie!” 
“Is it?” He asked. 
“Yeah!” She said. “See, that’s the kitchen and we’re in here in the living room…” 
“Do you like it?” He asked, hoping he didn’t sound too hesitant. 
“It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen!” She looked back to the house. “Barbie has a house like us!” 
“Yeah,” Joel said, trying not to tear up. “Yeah, she does.” 
It took Sarah a while to even want to move on to her stocking - loaded with candy - and the gifts under the tree. Joel had never been happier to see Sarah happy and it tugged at his heart knowing that he couldn’t have done it without you. 
There were two things under the tree for Joel from Sarah, one that she let him have then and one that she insisted on waiting for you to be there for. 
The first one was half of a butterfly best friend necklace and he frowned a little at it. 
“Hold on!” She scampered off to her room for a moment before she came running back, flopping on Joel’s lap as he sat cross legged next to the tree. She held up the other side. “See? So when you go to work you can remember me!” 
There was the burning pinch of tears in his eyes when he pulled her in to kiss her cheek. 
“I always remember you, Baby Girl,” he said, voice wet. “But I love it so so much, thank you.” 
He put it on, the chain much shorter around his thick neck than it was around her little one. She giggled and put her half of the butterfly against his before going back to playing with the Barbies. 
Joel had to pull himself away from watching her play to get dressed and make breakfast before making her get dressed, too, and then handling all the holiday things that needed doing before you arrived. 
He was putting the ham in the oven when the doorbell rang and Sarah shrieked before running for the door, Joel only catching a glimpse of a red dress as he ducked back below the paper chain between the kitchen and the living room. 
“I saved it just for you,” Sarah said conspiratorially as he made it to the door. You smiled at Joel over his head. “I wanted you to see, too!” 
“That was very sweet,” you smiled at her. “Have you had a good Christmas?” 
“The best,” she said. “Santa made a dream house just for me!” 
“He did?” Sharon’s mouth dropped open. “That’s so cool! I brought a Barbie, can she come over and see it?” 
“Yeah!” Sarah took her hand and the two girls tore into the living room, almost running into Joel on their way past. 
“Hey,” you smiled, your eyes bright and beautiful, in a green sweater that was so far from the one he’d first seen you in. This one was a dress that clung to your frame, hugging all the parts of you he’d thought about far too much. You moved to hug him, a little awkwardly with a pie plate in your hands, but he didn’t care. He was just happy for the excuse to touch you, hoped you wouldn’t hear his heart pounding in his green flannel shirt. 
“Hey,” he smiled as he gave you a squeeze. 
“Told you she’d love it,” you whispered before you pulled back, giving him a wink. 
The two of you went to the living room and watched the girls play, your legging clad legs brushing against him and he wondered if you even noticed, if it was all just an accident or if you were as aware of every time you touched like he was. 
“Oh, Dad, I have one more for you!” Sarah went and got the other small box from under the tree. “Miss Cocoa helped me pick it. And helped me buy it because it was more money than you gave me.” 
“You didn’t need to do that,” he frowned at you. 
You just waved him off. 
“I had coupons,” you said. “And Kohl’s Cash. And then it was only like $15 more dollars. Nothing crazy.” 
He unwrapped the box and opened it. Inside was a watch with a black face, green band and a metal case, one that would actually hold up to his job. 
“I wanted to get you the pink one,” Sarah said. “But she said she didn’t think it would fit you.” 
“Yeah, your dad is a big guy,” Joel could hear you smiling. “That pink watch looked a little small. I think this one will work better.” 
“Try it on!” Sarah said, bouncing a little beside him. “I wanna see!” 
“Alright,” he said, taking off his old watch that had seen far better days and sliding on the new one. He turned his wrist in the light, admiring it. “It’s perfect, Baby Girl.” 
“You like it?” Sarah asked, her eyes wide. 
“I love it,” he said, pulling her in to kiss her on the cheek. “Thank you so much.” 
She clapped before going back to playing with Sharon. 
You were looking at his wrist, a small smile on your face. 
“Really shouldn’t have done that,” he said. “It really is perfect, but…”
You smiled bigger. 
“She was just so excited about it,” you said. “I couldn’t resist.” 
“Well,” Joel said. “I do have somethin’ for you, too.” 
“Yeah?” You asked brows raised. 
He stood up from the couch, holding his hand out for yours. You took it and he tugged you to your feet. 
“You two behave yourselves for just a minute,” Joel said. “We’ll be right back.” 
They didn’t even seem to notice, too busy moving the barbies through the house. 
“C’mon,” he said, still holding your hand and guiding you toward the garage. “Now if you don’t like it, I can redo it…” 
He led you to his garage workshop and turned on the lights, your gift sitting under a sheet on his workbench. 
“Couldn’t really wrap it,” he nodded to it. “But it’s under there.” 
“I can just…” You raised your eyebrows at him and he laughed a little. 
“Yeah, go for it.” 
You made an excited little sound before pulling back the sheet. You gasped at it and Joel smiled as you went to run your hands over the sides. 
“This is gorgeous!” You said, looking from it to him. “What is it?” 
“Well,” he said, coming and standing so close to you that he could feel you breathing. You smelled like sugar and cinnamon and clove. “When we were on the phone while I was at Home Depot the other day, you mentioned needing a toy box for your living room. Seemed like you care about things like your furniture and things so I wanted to make you one that looked like it’d be your style. It opens at the top…” He demonstrated, lifting the lid. “Put some bumpers on the lid, too, so if Sharon throws it around it won’t hurt anything… top can be a bench if you wanted, too, you got all those nice pillows on your couch and stuff… Anyway, like I said, I can change it if you don’t…” 
You turned and threw your arms around his neck, pressing your warm, soft body against him. He hesitated for a moment before he hugged you back, his fingertips gripping you tight. 
“I love it,” your voice was muffled by his shirt before you pulled back from him just enough to look at his face. “I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me, where did you find the time?” 
“I ain’t slept much this week,” he laughed a little. “But that’s OK. It’s… it’s worth it. You’re worth it.” 
You looked up at him, your eyes wide and warm and soft and all he wanted to do was kiss you. Joel thought it might be the only thing he ever wanted to do. 
“Joel,” you breathed, pressing yourself a little closer to him. 
“Is it OK if I kiss you now?” He asked softly, one of his hands slipping from your waist to gently hold your face. “Because damn, do I want to kiss you.” 
You nodded eagerly and he tightened his hold on you, tilting your head just so to press his lips to yours. 
You felt just like he thought you would but somehow so much better, your mouth so soft and warm against him, the taste of mint on your tongue. Your lips fit on his own the way that no one else’s ever had, he’d never kissed anyone and felt this desperate to keep kissing them, keep doing just about anything with them. 
Eventually, you pulled back from him, breathless, and trailed your fingers through his hair. He smiled a little at you, panting a bit himself. 
“Think we can get a babysitter and go out sometime?” He asked. “Just the two of us?” 
“Yeah,” you laughed a little. “Yeah, I think we can.” 
The two of you went back in the house, holding hands as you sat watching the girls play, giggling and chattering back and forth like they’d known each other for years. But Joel understood that now. He’d never seen Sarah latch on to anyone so fast but then, he’d never had feelings like this for someone so fast, either. 
At dinner, he sat next to you, all four of you laughing, Christmas music on the background. When your knee came to rest against his leg, his hand slipped below the table and cupped your knee, his thumb stroking your thigh. You looked at him and smiled a little before your hand drifted below the table, too, giving his leg a squeeze. 
When the girls wore themselves out, he left Sarah asleep on the couch, The Grinch on in the background, before he loaded the toy box into your trunk and then carried Sharon out, lowering her gently into her carseat. You buckled her in as she sleepily clutched her Barbie in one chubby hand and her Princess Leia action figure in the other. 
“Thanks for comin’,” Joel said, stepping close to you. “And for everything you did for me and for Sarah the last few weeks.” 
You smiled, leaning back against your car and tugging Joel against you, he smiled and laughed a little. 
“I was happy to,” you said, eyes shining in the moonlight. “So what do you think? Good Christmas?” 
He searched your eyes for a moment and slowly leaned in to kiss you again. Your smile broadened and you met him halfway, your fingers knotting in his shirt as you held him against you.
“Yeah,” he said, pulling just far enough away from you that he could look in your eyes again. “Best Christmas ever.” 
A/N: Thanks for reading this little holiday fic! I hope you enjoyed it, even though it went up a few days later than I'd really hoped.
Wishing you a beautiful holiday season with lots of love and laughter. Thank you for being here and spending some of it with me ❤️
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ermesskiss · 8 months
itafushi pov playlists
i've been editing my itafushi playlists non-stop this past week and decided to sort the songs on a google doc instead of doing it in my head to make it easier on myself easier and more sense and omg, they're significantly fucking better compared to last time I posted about them on here
trust me!!! on my beloved cat they're good!!!
I figured that I should post the list of the arcs and its songs of their pov's. figured that this would be interesting to some people and I wanted to give them an idea of my thought process
below the cut is the song list with arcs + playlist link
here is the link to the google doc if it's more convenient and easier for others
likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated!! 🫶🏽
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Itadori's pov
First Introduction
Use Somebody: Kings of Leon
What You Know: Two-Door Cinema Club
Cursed Womb 
Amazing: Rex Orange County
Somedays: The Strokes
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out: The Smiths
Dying in front of Fushiguro
Fade Into You: Mazzy Star
Heart To Heart: Mac DeMarco
Moonlight On The River: Mac DeMarco
My Love Mine All Mine: Mitski
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life): Green Day
Secretly Training With Gojo
When You’re Gone: The Cranberries
See You Again: Tyler, The Creator
I Think I Like When It Rains: WILLIS
I Will: The Beatles
Kyoto Goodwill Event: Surprising Team
For The First Time: Mac DeMarco
Tongue Tied: Group Love
Every Way: Rex Orange County
Kyoto Goodwill Event: Battles
You’re My Bestfriend: Queen
Drive ME crazy: Lil Yachty
Buddy Holly: Weezer
Death Painting Arc
Remedy: Adele
You Get You Give: New Radicals
Time After Time: Cyndi Lauper
You’ve Got a Friend In Me: Randy Newman
Here With Me: D4vd
Shibuya Accident
Always Forever: Cults
Mrs. Magic: Strawberry Guy
I Can’t Handle Change: Roar
Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want: Dream Academy 
Lonely Day: System Of The Down
Itadori's Extermination
Pluto Projector: Rex Orange County
Broken: Lifehouse
Everything: Lifehouse
Iris: Goo Goo Dolls
Chasing Cars: Snow Patrol
Running: No Doubt
What Would I Do?: Strawberry Guy
Angel: Brent Faiyaz
Culling Game
It’s Not The Same Anymore: Red Orange County
Liar: Paramore
Like You Do: Joji
When The Sun Hits: Slow Drive
Sukuna Takes Over Megumi
Little Talks: Of Monsters and Men
ilomilo: Billie Eilish
Running Up That Hill: Kate Bush
Mr. Loverman: Ricky Montgomery
All I Wanted: Paramore
Fushiguro's pov
First Interaction/impression
Use Somebody: Kings of Leon
I Want You: Savage Garden
I Want You Around: Snoh Aalegra
Amazing: Rex Orange County
Cursed Womb
Angel of Mine: Monica
Let You Break My Heart Again: Laufey
Watching Itadori Die
When The Sun Hits: Slowdrive
Watching Him Fade Away: Mac DeMarco
Fade Into You: Mazzy Star
Heart To Heart: Mac DeMarco
The Ghost Of You: My Chemical Romance
Itadori’s ‘dead’ phase
Star: Mitski
When You’re Gone: The Cranberries
See You Again: Tyler, The Creator
Show Me How: Men I Trust
I Think I Like When It Rains: WILLIS
Telephones: Vacations
Kyoto Goodwill Event: Itadori's Surprised Resurrection
Here Comes Your Man: Pixies
For The First Time: Mac DeMarco
IFHY: Tyler, The Creator
By Your Side: Sade
At Your Best (You Are Loved): Aaliyah
Kyoto Goodwill Event: Battles
Buddy Holly: Weezer
Drive ME crazy: Lil Yachty
Adore you: Miley Cyrus
Death Painting Arc
Black Friday: Tom Odell
Angel: Brent Faiyaz
Sunflower: Rex Orange County
Loving Is Easy: Rex Orange County
Best Friend: Laufey
Here With Me: D4vd
Shibuya Accident
Tongue Tied: Grouplove
Always Forever: Cults
Itadori's Extermination
Time After Time: Cyndi Lauper
Remedy: Adele
Hate To See Your Heart Break: Paramore
You Get What You Give: New Radicals
Culling Game
Blue Hair: TV Girl
Everyone Adores You (at least I do): Matt Maltese
Collide: Howie Day
THE SHADE: Rex Orange County
Little Talks: Of Monsters and Men
Sukuna Takes Over
ilomilo: Billie Eilish
In The Darkness: Clara La San
Broken: Lifehouse
When It’s Cold I’d Like To Die: Moby, Mimi Goese
Doomed: Moses Sumney
Bring Me To Life: Evanescence
if you guys like SatoSugu just wait 😋🤞🏽
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mezzy-1 · 3 months
Clove D&D Headcanons (Valorant)
Ok, Riot put D&D into Valorant with some of Clove’s voicelines.  As a resident Valorant and D&D nerd (I’ve DMed and played more than 20 different campaigns) I wrote some headcanons.  Please like, reblog, and comment if you enjoy!  
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As the Dungeon Master, they are in control of the entire story.  Mostly...
The campaign setting is 100% Runeterra because let’s be honest, if League of Legends is canon in Valorant, then yeah D&D would be in that world too
Often meeting famous characters along the way
Currently the story is taking place against the backdrop of Piltover and Zaun fighting each other, which the party finds themselves in
The group is trying to keep the escalation low by keeping Runes from ending up in the hands of either side.  They have to balance this with their own allegiance to certain characters though
Clove’s own joy comes from writing the most fan-fic inspired story and injecting as much drama into it as possible.  Like they actively find the most dramatic way to resolve an arc
They always listen to podcasts that have campaigns.  Their favorite so far is called ‘Role a Crit’ which introduced them to the hobby 
Clove can surprisingly imitate accents despite theirs being nearly impossible to understand sometimes.  They slip into voices well too, lowering theirs to a growl or into a high pitched squeak
Has a number of playlists for battle music, fantasy ambience, and creepy sound effects for whenever they need it
They do have a character they played before joining Valorant though: a Sorcerer named Titania 
Clove keeps the character sheet and some art they drew of her in a shoebox along with some of her other belonging from her old life
Titania appears as a guiding presence for the party whenever the group needs direction or quick save.  She’s one of the favorite NPCs in the party
They revel in the moments the party realizes that there’s a huge twist or when they have a climactic battle.  The grin on their face is diabolical and hides how excited they are
Clove’s dice are from older editions and worn a bit from much use.  They have a set of dice in the colors of Non-Binary Flag they were gifted by a friend that they use most
They also have a comically large twenty sided die for boss battles too
He has Dizzy sit in his lap while he sips whatever he brought to the table
He’s playing a Vastaya druid called Raldo, that leads around a massive Flutterbug named “Tio” that he adopted from a nest
Every single time the group comes across some kind of animal, he is the first to try and adopt it
“Guys, we totally need to bring these little guys with us.  Think of how awesome Basilisks would be to ride into battle!”
He has a small entourage of critters everywhere he goes, which he constantly drops spells on to let them swarm everybody 
He’s played a ton with friends before, and has a bunch of dice left over from that.  He taught Neon how to build her character
As a result, he’s the first person she asks about rules and their characters started the game as a duo and stick together
Has Wingman there for fun and lets him roll his dice
Wingman has his own character in the game, courtesy of Gekko being bored one night.  It’s a simple Minion, and the group love him to death
Wingman is able to roll dice, but sticks to taking everyone’s shiny dice
This has become an ongoing issue, because Wingman likes shiny and will steal right from the table if allowed
Wings does have a character in the game.  A simple Minion that comes along with the party and just does follows 
Gekko’s dice are clear green and yellow resin dice, and plenty of marbling with shimmering resin
One of the designs on his skateboard is a Twenty Sided Die surrounded by runes and ‘Buena Suerte’ written underneath
She’s playing a Fae Fawn ranger that is new to the world and has no idea what is going on.  She’s never played so her having no idea what’s happening is built in to her character
She named her character ‘Holly,’ after the flower because she thought it was nature-themed.  
Almost named her ‘Wreath’ but decided against it.  She had a long list of flower and nature inspired names 
Has the most unhinged plans whenever playing.  Like breaking into a fort by setting fire to the inside and blowing the drawbridge up when the guards run across
“Look we can see they’re excavating some powerful Rune.  We should just run in and grab it for ourselves and then kill them all with it right?” 
Once hit a Natural 20 to shoot a fleeing NPC with important information.  After she killed him she asked: “So did we win?  I rolled high so I think we did.”
Luckily Clove improvised that the NPC had some mysterious letter to account for the sudden shift
In the grand scheme of the story, her character has been tasked with finding out where her sister has been taken too by raiders.
Neon has the books loaded up on her phone at all times and still doesn’t get all the rules.  Gekko usually helps as well as Clove
Listens to some of ‘Role a Crit’ when she’s killing time on the treadmill.  She gossips with Clove about the latest episodes and fan theories
Neon always sort of thought the game was a bit too complex to learn.  She has since dropped the judgment and really embraced it now that she’s played
Her dice are on loan from Gekko and Clove.  A mixture shimmering teal and bright yellow sets
Neon is really getting into the community around it and some of the lore.  She mostly likes being able to talk about the game and have something in common with the others
Also bombs the chat with memes about the campaign and inside jokes
A human bard but one with ties to a bunch of dragons that gave him training for magic in exchange for him entertaining them
He named his character Monte Gildedgrasp.  It’s a character he’s played in previous campaigns before
His instrument is a lute crafted with scales.  He has sound effects queued on his phone for when he uses it in the game 
Flirts with anything that moves, and sadly rolls high enough to get somewhere.  Then rolls so abysmally when he tries to commit to the bit
“You haven’t seen hot if you haven’t seen me.” he says to barmaid and has amazing charisma to back it up.  2 hours later he was robbed and stabbed by her 
“...not feeling as hot now…anyone got bandages?...”
When his character sings, he also sings and does an amazing job of it.  He already could freestyle, but doing in old English is a flex
Adds insults and mockery before rolling to attack enemies.  In Shakespearean style though so he can use some old theater skills
This man was lowkey ready to dress up but didn’t cause nobody else really would.  It’s their loss, he has a good sense for costuming 
Lends a hand to the party a lot.  His magic and healing spells come in clutch whenever the party needs it too
Clove fashioned a web of intrigue for his and Jett’s characters.  Phoenix’s dragon allies are going missing and Jett’s character may know who is causing it
It’s caused both of their characters to be slightly suspicious of another.  What’s even more fun is that both characters are also crushing on each other in spite of it
Phoenix is more than capable of giving a heart wrenching performance if needed.  When a distraught mother came to him, he delivered the most beautiful and comforting speech
His dice are on loan from Killjoy’s massive dice stash.  He picked them out himself, and promised not to singe them
A speckled rust and orange dice that have cracks of bright gold and numbers written in old Gothic font.  The numbers also glow in the dark too
Phoenix lives for the stage, so having a small outlet to act and sing a bit feels incredible for him
Playing a human assassin that has been working her way towards a target that wronged her a long time ago
Her ex-employer is sort of the main villain.  A chem-baron that is killing magical creatures to make new weapons from their corpses
Jett’s character, Dysha, used to kill for that same chem-baron before leaving after realizing she felt guilt for the innocent lives she took
Clove loves dark backstories, so Jett is getting the full character angst and recovery treatment from NPCs and the Party
She will bluff and lie, and somehow manage to get her way because the roll is high enough.  It’s always for ridiculous lies though
“Yes I’m supposed to be in baron’s room after dark!  I’m his…uh mistress?  Why do I have a knife and have him tied up?  Uh… roleplay?...”
That incident is not to be brought up by the party unless they also want to die
She uses her character as an excuse to do things with friends in sort of a lowkey way.  Being able to cook some food and eat it together is main reason for coming
The fun story and in-jokes are a bonus
She is the second flirtiest after Phoenix’s character, and the two constantly have their characters flirt and have romantic moments
Phoenix’s character soon discovered she helped kill one of his draconic mentors in a twist orchestrated by Clove.  It was such a huge shock to the whole group
Jett and Phoenix flexed their acting skill by having the characters make up and agree to no more secrets between them.  Then they kissed (but insisted it was only performance)
Nobody believes them.  
Her dice are metal and come in a tin decorated with so many stickers.  She bought them at a comic shop in LA the younger agents visited once
Jett lives for dramatic stories about betrayal, love and misunderstanding so she’s dying to see where the campaign leads
She was the first person to tell Clove to try getting a group together at the protocol knowing full well it would work
She’s obviously played for a long time, and been entrenched in geek culture as a result
Yordle named Suza with a whole lot of Hextech gadgets.  She is smol and the group protects her like a little sister
Potentially deranged though, she invents insanely big guns and uses them for just about everything
Killjoy cackles in her character’s airy voice as she releases a bunch of dice into a box and counts the damage numbers 
Is the most versed with rules because she’s played the game forever, and leverages it constantly 
Places artillery and gives advice to the party for combating certain creatures they encounter.  Essentially she plays both for the characters and because she likes wargames
“I understand that we might not have access to modern technology, but we could easily use magic to fabricate the parts of a Nanoswarm and use magic to then animate it!”
Has done makeup based on her character and shown up in clothing matching the aesthetic of Suza.  She’s dedicated to fully embracing it
Has one really big artillery cannon she wheels around called the Krieg that the party can use once in a while.  She rolls a ton of dice for the damage it puts out 
She instantly calculates rolls as well, and has a bit of a habit of metagaming because of that because she’ll run odds 
Doesn’t let that get in the way of her story though
Her character had a bunch of her own blueprints stolen by some Zaunites and she aims to take them back before they build machines of war from them
Met Raze’s character by getting saved by her in the first session.  The two are inseparable in game and in real life
Total dice goblin, like has an entire bag filled with them buried in one of her drawers
Uses a mixture of dice from rare events and collections, 
Her favorite are some that Raze made from pouring resin into a mold and hydro dipping in yellow and orange
Killjoy is glad Clove has the campaign because meeting a fellow nerd is always great 
She plays a buff Chirean named Pearl that was part of the Firelight gang before leaving on her own quest
Has a hoverboard because of this and wields a length of pipe covered in razor wire.  Has a scavenger vibe to her 
Shamelessly flirts with Killjoy’s character at the table, and the party is FOR IT
“Hey Suza, I could really use some repairs to my board.  Mind coming over to the garage and giving it a look?” said while leaning in to a blushing Killjoy
Surprisingly gets really into character, playing a stoic badass that has a chaotic streak  She lowers her voice and shifts her body language to match the vibe
Also her character has a tendency to put people into headlocks and bearhug them.  This is acted out in real life
Pearl is surprisingly the heart of the group and has a tendency to sit with the characters and talk things out with them 
She ended up helping with Dysha and Monte’s own falling out by supporting them both and holding them together after they made up
Never misses a chance in game to ram her hoverboard into someone and punch them in the jaw.  She has a collection of gold teeth she’s knocked from other people
Her character introduced herself by nearly breaking Gekko’s wrist in an armwrestling competition
Draws all of the characters at one point in her free time.  The art caused so much hype when she unveiled it at the session
Her character is a bruiser, but a bruiser with a heart and a wish to see the world she knows become better
Raze’s own dice are partially on loan from Killjoy’s massive collection which happen to be her favorites
They are an assortment of dice that make a rainbow, each one being a different color and transparency
Killjoy taught her to play over the course of a few sessions with the group and the two sit together at the table because Raze would always want some help
It’s stayed that way for obvious reasons
Was begged to join, and eventually relented for a few weeks before leaving and agreeing only to come back at the end of the campaign
He’s playing as a Voidborn swordsman, specifically inspired by old Samurai movies.  Yoru didn’t care about making a character but just took a pregenerated one off of Clove
Turns out, Clove knew how make a character Yoru didn’t hate playing.  Especially cause she gave him a cool backstory 
His character, Tets’ Uya, is the banished leader of an army of Voidborn.  After regaining some more power, he will get revenge for his banishment
Raze and Him frequently go on rampages in combat because that’s his favorite thing to do.  He usually finishes off enemies, so he gets to describe how he kills them
“I take the pirate captain by the throat and hold him over the ocean.  Tets’ Uya whispers, ‘you’ll do better as a corpse than as a captain,’ then he drops him in.”
Sick moments like that, especially because Yoru leans into the intimidation his character has and has the group back him up
Even though he sometimes gets bored out of his mind waiting for a turn, he pays enough attention while checking something else
After a while his character left the group because Yoru was done.  He returned his dice back to Clove and started a project in the garage 
A couple weeks later during a climactic battle between some Celestials and Zaunites, Yoru showed up with his character to back the group up for the final showdown
Clove went to hand him his dice, but he instead pulled out a tin of dice he bought himself
It was a cobalt steel set with machined Hiragana numbers instead of the standard numerals
His character and the group ended up killing a Celestial and wiping a squad of Chemtanks with some lucky rolls before declaring victory
Yoru doesn’t join often, but when he comes in as a guest, he’s more than welcome
(Bonus Content)
Cypher tries to play as a mage and would always roll really high on important stuff.  He has loaded dice he swapped in every couple of turns
Fade joined in as a Catfolk and scared Clove back to death when she got really into character during an interrogation.  
Viper doesn’t admit it to anyone, but she played D&D as a kid but found it hard to keep groups together
Omen tried to learn it but with his own stuff going on treated it more as a random occasion.  He joins in as a guest character that does healing stuff
XXXXX unironically loves playing as a knight that is sworn to kill giant monsters and dragons for the safety of the realm.  XX also yells at the dice if they roll low
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
A Clandestine Christmas: Clandestine F*cks [Avenger! Loki x Fem.Reader]
Part of the Clandestine F*cks Collection Part of the Winter Warmers Collection A link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: Off the back of a stunning festive revelation, Loki shows you a hidden room in Stark Tower. Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Smut. Language. Patchy historical references. Humour. (w/c 2.9k)
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It was mid-December. The communal quarters of Stark Tower were being adorned furiously in winding wreaths of pine, gold ornaments flashing in the afternoon sun through the panoramic windows. You stood back from the tree in the corner, fluffing a branch absent-mindedly. You could hear the low conversation of the Asgardian brothers behind you, enjoying the rare hum of interaction untinged by sarcasm or pointed barbs. “...Stark said the belt he shall be fashioning for my Yuletide gift will be the perfect thing to contain my unrestrained godly manhood. A contingency if you decide once again to withdraw the phallus enchantment at a time which is of life or death importance.” You heard Loki scoff, as Thor continued. “You know... if it is necessary for critical missions. First dates and suchlike.”
Your lover made a sharp intake of breath, a scathing and very un-festive comment sure to follow. "Like a ladies sport brassiere, but for your ridiculous penis?" Loki goaded. You rolled your eyes, fluffing the branch a final time before turning to prevent the exchange escalating further. “-Guys, Morgan’s coming over later, so no talk about Santa being fake or anything alright?” Your intended audience remained silent. The brothers were perched at the breakfast bar; Thor enjoying a well earned break from helping assemble the decor ahead of tonight’s party. Your boyfriend, not so much. They were both dressed snugly in hand knitted jumpers, a gift from Scott's grandmother to the whole team. Thor’s was bright red, two candy-canes woven in a haphazard ‘T’. It was far too small for him, the weave stretching dangerously with every movement of his broad shoulders. It won’t last the night, you thought with a smile. Loki’s was a rich green, a sprig of holly resting on the tip of a white ‘L’ emblazoned garishly on his chest. It fit perfectly, because of course it did. The blonde’s face turned pale, his eyes widening. You noted his sudden panicked gaze shifting towards his brother, flicking through a magazine and munching carrot sticks. He showed no signs of interest. “Santa?” Thor mumbled, brushing invisible crumbs from the counter-top. You mean, Santa...Claus? ‘Sinterklaas’? ‘Der Weihnachtsmann’? ‘Père Noël’? ‘Noel...Baba’?” An awkward silence followed; your eyes narrowing as you regarded them with increasing suspicion. “That nonsense is still circulating this realm? How quaint.” Loki smirked, flipping the magazine closed and folding his arms on the counter. Thor grimaced, closing his eyes. “What do you mean?” you said, tilting your head. Loki's smile broadened, leaning forward on the counter-top, his beautiful eyes glinting. “My brother doesn’t like me talking about it. Top secret Asgardian business, you see.” He winked, tapping his nose.
Thor huffed, encircling a strand of bushy tinsel round his neck. “Well if you insist on being so forceful, Loki…” he said, resting his hands on his meaty hips. “Loki is at fault for this realm’s obsession with this ‘Santa Claus’. There, I said it.” “I invented him.” Loki said proudly, picking up another carrot stick. “You most certainly did not brother, he was invented by father and myself to prevent mass rioting within the realm at your hands.” The dark-god grimaced, rolling his eyes. “So dramatic, brother. It was just a bit of fun.” Thor toyed with the tinsel around his neck while Loki crunched the carrot elegantly poised between his thumb and forefinger. Seconds passed in silence. “So...is no one going to tell me what actually happened?” you said slowly, sliding on the barstool opposite the brothers. Thor opened his mouth, silenced by a sharp ba-ba-ba from his brother. “I think not. You will taint the glorious details of the original story with your bias.” Loki said between gritted teeth, turning back toward you with a renewed spark. “Bias...” Thor scoffed, throwing an end of tinsel over his shoulder like a scarf. Loki cleared his throat. “A while ago, my brother and I were spending some regrettable time on Midgard-” “-Father was tired of your childish antics, Loki. It was a time-out.” “Hush.” Loki sniped, rolling his eyes. "We were marooned in the old countries and I was feeling rather affronted by the whole situation and may have spun some yarns to a few curious children who passed our way in a moment of uncharacteristic bitterness.” “How long ago are we talking?” you said warily, as Loki’s smile grew. “About a fifteen hundred years, give or take.” he said coyly. Thor grimaced at the memory. “Loki told a group of naïve village youngsters that in several weeks hence, during the lowest point of winter; gifts would appear if they left their fathers boots outside their dwelling. A ridiculous notion.” “It was just a bit of fun.” your lover repeated innocently. “There was nothing else to do, and those little shits were asking for it. They made fun of my helmet.” “You intended to thieve the boots of those villagers, brother. Do not deny it.” Thor grunted, throwing you a knowing look. Loki huffed. “Well, regardless...by the time Thor found out, the rumour had spread so that every child within a hundred miles seemed to know about this miraculous benefaction and so action had to be taken... apparently.” “Father was furious, thanks to that brown-nose Heimdall.” Thor grimaced, the memory clearly etched deep. “He summoned us back to Asgard immediately-” “-and I was, naturally, delighted. It meant no more dreary, mirthless winter dearth on this sub-par terra.” Loki busied himself with a loose strand on the sleeve of his jumper, before looking up doe-eyed. “No offence, darling.”
“A lot has changed in a thousand years.” you quipped, seeing another smirk tug at his lips as you said it. “If you say so, my love.” he murmured, sarcasm hanging in the air like the scent of cinnamon as he snapped the rogue thread and made it vanish. Thor leant forward, his voice deepening as if recalling a battle tale. “Father demanded that Loki and I fulfil the oath we made to the children of the old country-” “It was no oath.” Loki snapped, jawline flashing in the glow of the twinkling lights surrounding you all. Thor chuckled incredulously, his eyes widening in disbelief at his brother’s selective memory. “Did you not swear to them by the Nine that it was true?” he said, raising his eyebrows. Loki folded his arms. “Potentially. But it was just a bit of fu-”
Thor waved a hand, silencing his brother’s protestations. “Father insisted that Loki fashion trinkets enough for a nation of children, it was...oh, thousands. You should have seen him, Y/N...tinkering away for ten whole days and nights using all manner of magic to fashion carved animals and rudimentary affectations.” Thor became glassy-eyed, his annoyance turning to nostalgia. Large hands grasped at memories of the presents, twirling the imagined items through his fingers; the twinkling lights from the tree reflecting in his wide, excited eyes. “Little dolls and hoops and boats, oh brother, do you remember the hours you spent in the palace workshops with only candlelight for companionship?” “And you, as I recall.” Loki said, his own indifference softening. “Not that you were much help.” Thor let out a pffft, shaking his head with a smile. “You know very well Father forbade me from assisting.” He swivelled on the barstool, facing you across the breakfast bar once more. “My role was to be more logistical, you see. Loki was to create the gifts, I was to deliver them.” “Deliver them?” you gasped, leaning forward in amazement. “Oh yes, Y/N.” Thor nodded solemnly. “But Father concocted a bit of a ruse. It was during the changing of the guard in terms of religion and all that malarky so we had to be...subtle.” “Clandestine.” Loki corrected seductively in your ear, his unexpected warm breath making you shiver. “Not my brother’s strong suit, darling.” You jumped as his hand slid around your waist, resting of your stomach. You hadn’t even seen him move from across the breakfast bar and circle behind you. His firm chest pressed against your back, feeling yourself melt against the rough wool of his jumper. Your eyes fluttered shut, before Thor cleared his throat. “Yes, well...enough of the old lore was in circulation that we couldn’t stir the metaphorical pot much to my dismay. Father was adamant. So Loki was in charge of disguising me in a more...unrecognisable form than my typical unique brand of perfection.” “Ruddy-cheeked and old and soft in the belly. And a wholly ridiculous beard.” Loki smirked against your cheek, his eyes trailing his brother’s face. “I may have used a certain someone for inspiration, considering his interference.” he purred, making you giggle. Thor huffed, “Like I said, unrecognisable brother.”
Loki kissed your cheek, his sultry tones entirely unnecessary to the situation. “There were too many gifts to manage in one trip through the bifrost, so we saddled a chariot to Sleipnir and one enchanted sack later, our plan was in motion.” Thor cleared his throat again, fiddling with the sleeves of his jumper as Loki’s kisses worked down your neck; a small whimper escaping your lips. “Delivery was rather swift if I do say so myself, minus one or two...setbacks.” the blonde muttered, as Loki erupted in a gruff snort of laughter against your skin. “Setbacks? You mean your clumsy attempt to gain access to ill-gotten snacks on your journeys through the Norwegian tundra?” Thor shrugged, pulling a thread from his chest. “I hear that in future years the people of the realm started leaving said snacks out in anticipation of such a need.” “Yes, brother. To avoid their dwelling being raided through any available opening. I mean really, that year how many chimneys did you find your festively plump arse entrapped in, brother? Seven? Any other fool would have stopped after the first. A ridiculous display.” Thor stood, his finger waggling in Loki’s direction. Your dark lover rested his chin on your shoulder, stooped flush against your back. The feeling of his warmth against you was one you never wanted to lose. A smile pressed against your cheeks as you bit your lip, Thor’s indignation in combination with his ridiculous sweater building a bubbling roll of laughter in your belly. “So...how many years did you do this?” you managed to choke, squeezing Loki’s arms tighter around your midriff. Thor shrugged. “Five or six...dozen, perhaps...and then the parents of this realm sort of, took over gradually. Good thing, too...the way it’s spread.” “Thank the Norns.” Loki huffed, burying his face in your hair. You could feel him sigh against your skin, inhaling your scent theatrically. Thor cleared his throat louder, averting his eyes from the sensual scene unfolding in front of him. “All this talk of snacks has found me rather peckish I’m going to...to…” Loki’s hands wandered, his thumb grazing the curve of your breast through your own initialled Christmas jumper. The world faded as Loki’s mouth found yours with a quiet groan, his tongue slipping between your parted lips. From beyond the haze, you heard the kitchen door swing shut as Thor departed. Alone, at last. “Come here” Loki growled, his eyelids heavy with simmering lust as he pulled you down from the stool. You giggled, casting a glance around the living room sparkling with festive cheer. The warm glow of fairy lights nestled in vibrant pine cast shadows on Loki’s features, the corner of his eyes creased with the same mischief tugging on his lips. God, how you loved him. He led you across the room towards an inconspicuous door you had always assumed was a closet, a small ‘No Entry’ sign placed centrally upon it. A wave of citrus and pine hit you as Loki turned the handle and opened the door, revealing a small but perfectly formed room. Soft lighting flooded the opening, the warm glow reminding you of a fireside. Rolls of festive wrapping paper hung on the walls, exquisite ribbons draping downward from spindles in fluttering splashes of gold, red and green. Neatly packed boxes of bows were stacked on shelves, divided by size and colour; labels and a selection of fountain pens lined perfectly against the wall on a solid mahogany desk.
You gasped, “Is this Pepper’s wrapping room? I thought it was a myth.” “Hidden in plain sight, darling.” Loki winked, pulling you inside and closing the door behind him with a soft click. His hands ran over your hips, manoeuvring your ass back against the solid desk. “Loki, we shouldn’t…” you murmured between his ravenous kisses, the words sounding even less convincing in the air than they did in your head. “Correct.” Loki growled, unzipping the side of your skirt with devastating slowness. “But when has that ever stopped us, my love?” The fabric slid down, pooling around your ankles. Loki’s fingers toyed at the waistband of your thick pantyhose, rolling them below your hips. You sat back on the desk, extending one leg as he slid the 200 denier down your thigh, raising your calf and placing a deep kiss on the bare skin. He did the same on the other side, his piercing gaze never leaving yours in the low light. You could feel a sea of wetness pooling in your panties, the need for him growing with every intentionally teasing touch of his fingertips. You crossed your arms across your chest, tugging the jumper upward. Loki pushed them gently down. “The festive sweaters stay on, love.” he purred with a wink. The god sank to his knees, widening your legs. He hummed, sliding a wide palm up your naked thigh and trailing a finger through your glistening folds. “Darling” he growled, “it’s been over a year, are you truly still this desperate for me?” Before you could answer, two fingers slid inside you; making your head fall back with a groan. “Yes, Loki” you gasped, as he pumped them firmly back and forth, his thumb circling your swollen clit. "Lucky me." he murmured, before his lips fastened to the centre of your desire. He lapped at the trail of sticky arousal smeared against your skin, caressing every crevice. Muffled approval rumbled in his throat as he slowly removed the fingers, his tongue delving deeper into the warm heat he craved. You grasped the sides of the desk, resting back on your elbows as you balanced your feet on his thick thighs. Loki shook his head gently back and forth, nose grazing downward as he pleasured every inch of you with whoreish abandon. Even his eyelashes would be wet. “God...baby, yes..y-es, f-fuck…” you sighed, feeling his fingers tighten around the soft flesh of your spread thighs. He suckled gently, wide strokes of his tongue rolled over your slit. You would never know how he could be so fucking good at this. A hand wound in his hair, pushing him deeper against your needy cunt. He growled, the vibration against your clit making you pulse. In a flash, he rolled you backwards, pushing your calves backward so you were completely exposed.
Flat on the table, you craned forward to watch his tongue work your pussy; every lick accompanied by a dark, delicious moan. His eyes were closed in blissful concentration, strands of long hair trailing against your bare skin. The furrow of his brow betrayed the lust you knew was straining against his trousers out of sight. He was always so fucking hard for you. So fucking hard for me, you thought; whimpering as you watched him work with your mouth open. Panting. Loki sucked your clit gently, sending jolts through your body, legs twitching. “Loki…” you keened, trying to thrust your hips upward. He chuckled against your plump lips, sucking them between his teeth in response. Your lover pulled them back gently, releasing them with a wet slurp. “Come in my mouth, goddess.” he whispered, placing another languishing lick up your centre.
Your head fell back against the desk with a thud, hands gripping the edge beneath you. Hot cum flooded Loki’s tongue, his moans of pleasure matching your own as you juddered like a dying thing beneath lingering suckles. You saw stars, murmurs of his name all you could muster as you felt a glow of seidr radiate from his body. He rose above you, his huge cock standing proudly up against the comically unsexy green sweater. You laughed, covering your mouth as he bent over your body; silencing your mirth with a hungry kiss. “You dare laugh at a god’s attire? How rude…” he purred playfully, running a hand down your thigh as you wrapped your legs around his waist, drawing him closer. You both groaned as he entered you, the veins of his thick manhood rippling across every inch of your channel, fizzing with post-orgasmic bliss. Your hands slid up his cheekbones, the perfect symmetry of his features dazzling as his face twitched with the need to thrust deeper. “Loki?” you murmured, making him pause. He looked down with concern, eyebrows slanting. “...I love you.” you said, as his features softened. “I love you too, my precious one.” he whispered, placing a kiss on your forehead as you thrust your hips upward; sheathing him to the hilt. He moaned loudly, a guttural grunt of your name. “F-fuck, darling…” he gasped, beginning to pump in and out of your soaking core. Every hit of his pelvis was magic, every pulse sending new sparks shooting through your blood. His hips met the backs of your open thighs with wet slaps, hot breath mixing with yours; the two of you panting in rhythm. Loki’s thrusts became sloppy as you tugged the back of his hair, a dark growl thundering in his chest as he buried his face in your cleavage hidden beneath the fuzzy jumper. “Do you want me to f-fill you Y/N?” he asked through staggered breaths. You nodded frantically, the angle of his heavenly cock making your back arch against the wood. “Will you ever tire of having your god’s seed..uhhh, yes...d-dripping down those exquisite t-thighs?” His voice quivered with the effort of forming words, the rhetorical question hanging in the air; buffeted between grunts and whines of feral desire. Loki tumbled over the precipice of orgasm with a deep moan as you squeezed your walls tight around his girth. He bottomed out as you rocked back and forth against his hips, feeling the thick slick of his cum spreading along his length before he collapsed against your chest. The sound of his heavy breaths filled the small space, your heart soaring as he raised his chin to rest above your heart. “You are my everything, darling.” he whispered, placing a kiss on your parted lips before sliding out of your pussy and waving his hand. The familiar feeling of his magic rolled up your lower body as he made both of you presentable once more. “Now remember, you don’t know this place exists – alright?” he winked, helping you down from the desk. You brushed a strand of tinsel from his chest, your fingers lingering on the firmness snug beneath the garish festive sweater. You took the few steps over to the door, opening it a crack and peering out to make sure the coast was clear. “Shit.” you whispered, whipping back to Loki with a wide-eyed stare. The door swung open. “Pepper can never know about this.” Tony said gruffly.
His eyebrows rose sceptically as he stood with his arms folded, resting against the sofa.
You and Loki looked at each other, as a smirk curled the corner of Tony’s mouth. “Honestly, how you guys got away with this shit for as long as you did is beyond me. Maybe you’ve lost your touch.” A burning heat spread over your cheeks, hearing Loki chuckle incredulously beside you. "We were simply..." he began, promptly cut off.
"-I think that particular ship has sailed, folks." Tony sighed, pushing himself away from the sofa. "Sailed and sunk. The SS Sinking Sluts..."
You pursed your lips, as Tony straightened. “Just do me a favour, Laufeyson...make sure you didn’t leave a present of your own in there." he murmured theatrically. "I could handle Steve and the car with the whole racoon business- but Pepper...?” Tony pointed knowingly at your lover before spinning on his heels, walking leisurely towards the door as Loki rolled his eyes. “No Asgardian stuffing on my wife’s ribbons, Laufeyson. Check it once, then check it twice. That’s an order.” he shouted with a casual wave, before disappearing around the corner.
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A/N: Thank you @lokischambermaid for concocting the intricacies of Thor's 'magic' belt with me🤣 @lady-rose-moon @gigglingtigger @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbsblr @xorpsbane @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @loopsisloops @thedistractedagglomeration @loveroflokiforpoeticjustice @123forgottherest @joyful-enchantress @sititran @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @mrsbarnes32557038 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @imalovernotahater @thomase1 @morriggannlostinfandoms @ladylovesloki @marygoddessofmischief @ravenwings73 @filthyhiddles @peacefulpianist @maple-seed @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @ozymdias @peaches1958 @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokisgirll @lokidokieokie @kikster606 @peachyjinx @peachyymallows @soldeloki @tbhiddlestan83 @trickster-maiden @trojanaurora @ladyofthestayingpower
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propepsi · 2 months
Okay. Listen up Weezer community. Why do you guys hate literally every Weezer album there is? This fanbase is so divided it's actually insane. If you say you like an album, somebody's gonna tell you how much they hate it. If you say you hate an album, somebody's gonna come after you and call it a masterpiece. I think the only exception to that is the blue album because how do you hate blue. That being said, here are my opinions:
I like Raditude. It's fun and silly and a real connection to youth. Plus, Put Me Back Together is a hidden gem and y'all are SLEEPING on it. (It's my favorite song so if you haven't heard it, please give it a listen.) Also, I hope you realize that Can't Stop Partying is SATIRE and that Rivers didn't even write those lyrics; they were given to him.
Pinkerton is fucking weird, but it's also a good album. Across The Sea is diabolical, but everything else on that album is pretty great, weird as it is. (Hell, even Across The Sea has a good sound if you ignore the premise and read a little deeper into it.) Pinkerton was an essential album. It reflects Rivers' depression at the time after the release of Blue, which was misinterpreted by the audience at the time. The whole album is about the deeper, darker, more honest parts of himself, and I appreciate that about this album.
Red is a fantastic album, and y'all need to give some love to The Spider. That song is wonderful. Red actually might be my favorite Weezer album of all time. Cold Dark World is kinda trashy, but it has a good sound. Plus: Scott Shriner has a kickass voice and I will be hearing nothing else. Also, Automatic isn't even close to being bad. Y'all are just weird.
Green is also a fantastic album. It is simple and somewhat pop-y, but goddammit it's a good album. The lyrics may be a little in-genuine, but they're still Rivers, and they're not devoid of feeling like every says. Emphasis on O' Girlfriend.
Blue is objectively fantastic, but that's not really controversial. I don't think I can name a time I've come across an avid hater of blue. It's their first album, so even if you don't like it, you just have to respect it. Also: Buddy Holly is a good song. Deal with it. Also, No One Else is a satire piece.
Make Believe is NOT as bad as y'all say it is. I've edited this post, and before I said that Beverly Hills was the only Weezer song I didn't like, but that the rest of the songs were really good. I've changed my mind. I don't know if it's bias or not, but after more listens, Beverly Hills has actually grown on me. I think this album is essential especially because of Pardon Me, a song in which Rivers gives his heartfelt apology for hurting those around him in order to be a 'better rockstar.' Also, Haunt You Every Day is a fantastic track.
Those are my strongest Weezer opinions laid out. I really wanted to voice some of my positive beliefs to spread around the joy of Weezer's music instead of trying to hate. But, all in all, we all have the right to our own opinion. Although this fanbase might not agree on everything, at the end of the day we all know what their best album is, and that is Christmas with Weezer.
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mcgnagallsarmy · 6 months
Spuffy style Reading Challenge - #28: Alphabet Soup Challenge #2
At Ease by The Danish Bird [NC-17]
Even with her eyes closed, Buffy would recognise this place in a second, and for a moment she wondered if she truly had ended up in a hell dimension this time. One that had doomed her to an eternity of Doublemeat Palace workdays. Buffy felt her lips moving, heard her own voice speaking, and as she opened her eyes she decided that a hell dimension definitely wasn’t ruled out just yet. “Welcome to the Doublemeat Palace, how may I help – “ She stared into Riley’s scarred face as she completed her sentence. “– you.” Her mom, Sunnydale, her home, Spike – There are many things Buffy misses in her life, but if she had gotten the choice to revisit a day that had already passed, this would so not be it!
The Bad Penny by OffYourBird [R]
Six years ago, Buffy made a home in a new dimension with a Spike who defied every rule to be by her side. Now it’s time to put to rest unfinished business in her original dimension. However, a visit there quickly turns apocalyptic, and at the heart of it is the two vampires who set Buffy's original journey in motion, and both of them have a lot of explaining to do.
Christmas Date by bewildered [NC-17]
Christmas Eve in Cleveland, 2004. Holiday request from Dark. Squeaking it in for the end of the Christmas Season. (It's only the 9th day of Christmas! That counts!)
Drive by Holly [NC-17]
Freshly turned and very grumpy about it, Buffy finds herself in a weird place. One where her friends smell like food, her former mortal enemy smells like heaven, and the so-called love of her life has made it clear that killing her is on his to-do list. Throw in some overly zealous army guys and this is not Buffy's idea of a party. So she and Spike decide to hit the road at least long enough to figure out why neither of them can hit anything else. And since they're both single and free, well, Buffy wouldn't say no to a distraction from the never-ending laugh riot that is her life. And Spike can be very, very distracting. Good thing soulless vampires can't fall in love or she might be in trouble.
Embers by Dusty [NC-17]
Spike's the best boyfriend. He fulfills all of Buffy's fantasies. All of them.
Favor by EllieRose101 [NC-17]
Spike asks an impossible thing of Buffy––and is stunned when she says yes. Could he really have gone up in her estimation?
Golden Hour by kennedynoelle [R]
Response to a challenge set by emilise: Spike never came to Sunnydale during the first few seasons. The first time Buffy sees him is during The Harsh Light of Day, sunbathing on campus adorned with the Gem of Amara. Oh no, she thinks, the pit of her stomach dropping and sending tinglies all over, he's hot. They start dating, Buffy unaware that her new boyfriend is a member of the undead. Of course, she has to find out eventually…
The Halloween Series by spike_spetslayer [NC-17]
Buffy and Spike make an unbreakable pact during their first real confrontation in Season 2. Story includes spoilers from season 2 through season 7.
If I Loved You Less by MillennialCryBaby [NC-17]
How long had Spike been gone? 147 days. 148 at midnight. Except maybe today won't count?
Just to Reach You by Sunalso [R]
Post-Series. Spike and Buffy have been a couple for almost two years. The honeymoon is over and together they're discovering they still have a lot to learn about themselves, each other, and how this whole "normal" relationship thing works.
Kaleidoscope by Lirazel [PG-13]
"Can you tell me, is this love that I'm seeing?" One by one, the people in Buffy and Spike's lives try to add up the obvious.
Let it Burn! by Axell [Adult Only]
Her eyes followed the blood. Summers blood. She counted the drops. Ten. Then it stopped. If Dawn dies, I’m through. I don’t want to live in a world if these are the choices. Slowly, her head rose up. Their eyes met. Green and amber. A look passed between them then a nod. Her own voice echoed into her mind. I’m counting on you. To avenge her. Us. He made a promise. Until dusk will swallow them all.
Melting Fire by Freecat [R]
Set right after Dead Things. The night after, all he wants is talk. The night after, there’s nothing she wants less than talking. And suddenly they find themselves in another dimension; one that Buffy can’t leave. There’s only one way to get her out. A way with consequences.
Night Swimming by Geliot99 [R]
An unexpected heatwave in mid-March is reason enough for an impromptu pool party for the Scoobies. But when Richard takes a second stab* at winning Buffy's affections, Spike is all too keen to show her how much fun night swimming with a vampire can really be… *see what I did there? Set between 'Older and Far Away' and 'As You Were'
One Step Away by violettathepiratequeen [PG]
Spike knows the way she dances. Not even Faith in Buffy's body can fool him.
Pardon My French by Girlytek [R]
In retrospect, it was probably a bad idea to let Buffy perform a spell in French. Begins at No Place Like Home.
Quake by Holly [NC-17]
Following Tutor. Riley's kiss did nothing for her, which clearly means her night with Spike didn't take. But since the world is probably ending, Buffy decides one more lesson couldn't hurt.
Rock Solid by Passion4Spike [NC-17]
Buffy comes to some realizations about herself, the nature of her love, and her feelings for Spike on the eve of the biggest fight of her life, but will it be too little, too late? Spoiler Alert: No, it won’t.
Something Blue's Clues by cawthraven [PG-13]
Willow is just fed up with the way Buffy and Spike act around each other. What are they, five?
Timelines,Schmimelines by bookishy [NC-17]
When Buffy’s sent back to her first year of college to retrieve an artifact for the future, she ends up on the day of the first inaugural Christmas Party at Casa del Xander. Or, time travel meets its greatest match, and that match is alcohol.
Under The Influence by NautiBitz [NC-17]
A few nights after their engagement spell, Buffy has to watch Spike. Problem is, a psychedelic demon may have just spritzed her with a mind-altering substance. Will Spike seize the moment? Or will they just end up naked? HMMM.
Vampire In Charcoal by Geliot99 [NC-17]
Hiring out her mother's art gallery for classes had been a stroke of genius, but when the life model for the upcoming class comes down with the flu and an extremely unsuitable replacement is found last minute, Buffy is faced with a lot more of her nemesis than she was ever anticipating.
where the shadow ends by disco-tea [R]
For 147 days, Spike and Dawn grieve Buffy. This is a story of a vampire and a Key who try to cope with the loss of the one person who meant the most to them…and how they became a family along the way.
Xerox by Holly [R]
Spike and Buffy leave Angel a parting gift.
You Learn by bramcrackers [Adult Only]
When Buffy learns about Angel’s history with Drusilla, she can’t ignore how he seems to keep everything about his past to himself unless forced. How can she love someone she doesn’t even know? A trip to a local mage later, she’s plunged headfirst into Angel’s entire sordid history in a series of visions. And dealing with all of that would have been a hell of a lot easier if Spike hadn’t somehow been pulled into it, happy to add the color commentary.
Zero by kantayra [NC-17]
Trapped together in an icy prison, Buffy and Spike find one way to turn up the heat.
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A brief tantrum on the portrayal of faeries.
Well, we gotta go with the green fairy for this one. Pour a very demure and mindful amount into a glass (I am so sorry).
Well, it has been a hot minute. And I am slowly climbing out of a reading slump brought upon me by the great letdown that was Masters of Death (more on that later). But as I was staring at my shelf (which became known as the Void for the time being) I found myself utterly enthralled by my various versions of The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black. The Juniper edition just ties that whole section, dedicated solely to all the books set in the world of Black's Faerieland, together nicely. And while I sat and stared and admired how finely I decorated the area with little mushrooms and fairy lights, I found my smile slowly fading as I thought to myself "Is this it?"
*Sip, sip*
There is a YouTuber by the name of "WithCindy" who is funny as can be, reviews books, talks about other major issues, and is just overall entertaining. Now while I don't always agree with Cindy, there is something they said when reviewing ACOTAR (which, I cannot recommend enough, their videos on that whole series are just perfect!) that I think about a lot.
Cindy, when first starting ACOTAR, asked their reading buddy,
""What makes them fairies?'"
To which the agreed-upon consensus became:
"'Basically, they're magical and have big dicks.'"
*Sip, sip*
How disappointing. Maas is not the only one to write faeries in this way, she is just one of the most popular. But many authors using faeries do this and I have become rather melancholy when thinking about faerie portrayal in literature. Which is why I think I cling to The Folk of the Air so tightly.
FIRST, let me say if you enjoy books like ACOTAR and favor that portrayal of faeries, that is wonderful! And I'm truly happy that you found something you enjoy as that is what reading should be for and I have no beef with anyone who enjoys this type of depiction of faeries.
With that out of the way: It is what I have been yearning for when it comes to faeries for so long. I crave the scary, tricky, terrifying creatures from Irish and Nordic Folklore. I want to see them be cruel and cunning, I want them to look grotesque and imbued with nature.
*Sip, sip*
Cardan, for context, IS a faerie. Like, in every way. He has powers, he cannot lie, there are wards to be used against him, he has a freaking tail! And he is not some thousand-year-old militaristic war leader with a six-pack who knows how to swing a sword. My boy is a noodle. A seventeen-year-old, moody, grumpy, noodle. And I love it! (I don't care for how so many fanarts depict him as a buff dude with a six-pack, like no, he's a skinny boy, but damn these artists are talented as Hell so I can't complain too much lol) I love how he doesn't use his powers to their full extent until book 3. I love how he is so into makeup and dressing up and caring about how he looks before he gets sloppy drunk and then smears his eyeliner all over his face. I love how he is beautiful and dangerous and sometimes downright haunting when he tries to be. I love how he doesn't always know best and how he has to find out that he can be a fantastic ruler/good person if only he tries. I love how he feels excluded from things and longs to be included in them. I love how since he doesn't have the ability to lie, he does so by telling the truth. I love that when he had a crush on the weird girl he got so angry and disgusted with himself and yet just let her tie him up.
I love how in this world, you don't know what the faeries will do next. You don't know what trick they'll play or what riddle they'll provide.
I want these faeries. I miss these faeries. They are magical and horrifying and I love them.
*Sip, sip*
The Replacement, The Call, Emily Wilde's trilogy, and Holly Black's Faerie world. I'm on the hunt for more. I hope to find more. And I hope---my goodness, do I hope---that more are created.
Because faeries are awesome.
*Sip, sip*
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deepperplexity · 10 months
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Prompt: 10. Snow Prints
Pairing: Colonel Brandon x Fem!OC
POV: First, OC
Setting: Christmas Market in Town -> The Lake -> Dashwood Home (Not exactly following cannon, moving the time to winter and the manner Brandon visits the Dashwoods for the first time.)
A/N: I thought we’d take a little tiny break from the serial fics - I do feel I need a breath as it takes way more to write several serials at the same time than one shots (for me) 😂 Also, Brandon seems to be very loved this year, so thought I’d give him some more screen time so to say 🥰
I have perhaps spent too much time on this fic but it ended up flowing and turning into this 5k piece - anyway, I really hope you’ll have a splendid time reading this! We are nearing the middle of Rickmas2023 and I feel good about having been able to post at a decent time every day so far 😍👏 (Let’s hope I can keep it up all the way through 👀😂)
Tags/TW’s: Instant Infatuation, Forehead Kisses, Hand Holding, Accidental Meeting, Unintentional Invasion Of Emotional Privacy, Self Derogatory Thoughts, Classicism, Nicknames, Mutual Pining, Confessions Of Adoration/Love, Implied Future Marriage, Slighty Sassy OC, Chivalry, Poverty Hints,
Word Count: 5k+
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Mrs Jennings laughed by a market stand down the busy street, Margaret squeezed my hand and I could not quite keep a smile from spreading across my lips as she giggled up at me. “She never stops, does she?” Margaret asked with that childlike twinkle in her eye. “I’m afraid not, Maggie,” I chuckled. “She means well, but I do think Miss Markle is quite over her matchmaking attempts, as most of us are.” “Well, you are free of it,” Margaret said with happiness, not knowing the knife it twisted within me. “Indeed, lucky me,” I said as happily as I could. Knowing full well she held little interest of pairing lowly me with anyone at all.
I was an orphan, a mere child-tender for the Dashwoods before Mr Dashwood passed and left the family in ruin - in every manner. Now I was a burden on the kind family, allowed to live with them and dine after them in exchange for not only taking care of Margaret but cleaning and tending to every manner of household chore whenever needed, teaching the child to read and write, to interpret texts as well. No pay given, but a roof over my head and food in my stomach. It was more than I could ask for given the circumstances.
“Mellie,” Mrs Dashwood called, “go buy us some mistletoes and meet us at home!” “Right away, ma’am!” I called back, squeezing Margaret’s hand before ushering her toward one of her older sisters. I trodded off, heading down the market street with vendors filling the space and air with shouts of prices and smells of Christmas. I weaved through the crowd, well-versed in not being in the way.
I found the right vendor and purchased the holly for the Dashwoods, laying them atop the bread and carrots in my basket before turning about. My eyes caught sight of a brilliantly red coat with black and golden details. It stood out in the throng of greys, browns, whites and beige clothes, none as brightly coloured — not even the greens and blues, all in muted saturation. A man of the military? My eyes slid upward only for my breath to catch. He was stunning in profile. Older, with slightly peculiar features — like his hooked nose and thin lips — but more handsome than any other man I had ever laid eyes upon. His grave features and remote manner of looking only made his features shine brighter in the afternoon sun which made the snow glisten on the rooftops.
I stood stock still in the middle of the street, a messenger boy ran right into me, knocking my basket out of my hand — breaking the spell I had been under by the man. I hurried to pick up the greenery, the cloth-wrapped bread, and frost-bit carrots, before scurrying away, throwing one final glance back before entering one of many narrow alleys. His eyes appeared to see me for a second before I turned and hurried away from the market. No matter how handsome the man was, or how my heart had stuttered at his appearance, he was no man for me. I was all too aware of it.
I held on tightly to the basket, the day was beautiful and with the bright sun and lack of wind I managed to keep warm. I sped up my steps as I cleared the town’s border, crossing over a field to take a shortcut through the woods beyond; then it would only be a matter of two more fields to cross, a small hill to hike up, and I would be home once more. I didn’t mind walking through the snow, the boots Mrs Jennings had given me upon winters arrival were far too big but allowed for three pairs of socks which kept me plenty warm as long as I moved about. I was thankful for her gift, even if it were only for them being too small for her but too big for anyone else to wear, and with their shafts reaching nearly to my knees no snow slunk within them even if I pulsed through it at the moment.
I reached the woods, feeling a need to look back toward the town where I had seen the handsome man I was sure to never see again. Even if no man ever finds me to his liking I can at the very least allow the oddity of daydreaming of it to keep me happy, should I not have at least that? I squinted against the direct sunlight as it sank, bathing the sky in orange and pink only making the glittering snow look further magical with the twinkling light of lanterns and candles coming from the town. “A military man, perhaps that would be a grand life.” Not that I shall ever know it for real.
I half giggled to myself, enjoying my little daydream where the man in red would smile sweetly at me and marvelled at the quietly spectacular view. It was interrupted when something came barrelling across the field, someone atop a horse riding at the utmost speed with snow spraying about them yet I could not see any details with the last bit of sun glaring me in the eye and turning them into nothing but a shadow.
I thought little of it, many cut across the field to return home, so I turned and kept walking while wondering what voice would belong to the man in red — a commanding one, an assured one, a powerful one. I could not imagine a man who looked like he had to speak in any meek or bright fashion. No, no a most strong voice ought to belong to such a gentleman.
“Miss!” I spun around in haste at the dark rumble of a call that was somehow heard so clearly. “Miss!” the man called again and I raised a hand to cover my eyes from the sun. My heart stuttered as the man in red came barrelling towards me, his giant black steed’s hooves made the snow spray in magical waves of sparkles all around him.
He halted the horse with great skill, going from a gallop to a near-complete halt in a mere two steps. “Miss,” he said again, his voice a rumble which seemed to shake my insides. “Y-yes?” I asked, bowing my head while curtsying deeply. The thud of feet hitting the snow-covered ground rang out and I looked up. He was a head taller than me, his shoulders stiffly held and his back utterly straight. He looked every bit a stoic gentleman as he inclined his head before reaching out his hand, holding a mistletoe.
“Sir, I— What is this?” I asked while looking between the man who made my heart run rampant and the greenery in his glove-clad hand. “You left this behind, miss.” “Oh… oh!” I rummaged around my basket and indeed, there were only seven when there ought to have been eight of them. “Thank you, sir. I apologize for the trouble you went through for such a small thing.” My cheeks nearly seemed to burn as he handed it over while I spoke and then secured the mistletoe under the towel covering the basket.
The man looked at me, his eyes sweet but his features stoic. “It was no bother, miss. I merely followed the snow prints.” But, I left none behind until I reached the field? “I’m grateful for your kindness and effort, sir.” “Colonel Brandon, miss. At your service,” he said and placed his closed fist atop his chest before bowing slightly. “Melinda Merryweather,” I replied, endeavouring to keep my cheeks from burning up under his stare. “Beautiful Honeybee,” he said in a quiet drone and my eyes widened. “Excuse me, sir?” “Oh, no, miss, your name. Melinda, of Latin origin, meaning sweet. Constructed of mel, meaning honeybee, and Linda, meaning beautiful.”
I was not proud of it, but I gawked at the man. He knew more about my name than me myself. I had been aware of the Latin origin but the meaning of it had never been told to me. “My mother did have a fondness for the buzzing creatures, they fill an important role after all.” “Indeed,” the man said, “there would be little in terms of flowers without them.” “Oh, I was referring to food, Colonel Brandon. Flowers are pretty though.” “Their honey?” “No, they pollinate far more than flowers,” I continued, the education I had been given as a child tender to the Dashwoods far beyond any I would have had in another situation. “You are a woman of education.” “Oh, no, sir. I have merely been most lucky as a tender of children for the lovely Dashwood family.”
I did my utmost to speak calmly, but my entire body seemed caught on fire, the flames growing stronger with each second in his company. Talking is not my issue, remaining silent is. I’m certain he sees me as a know-it-all by now. “Luck plays a grand part in life. I admit, it has not been so graceful to me until now.” “Oh? You appear a most lucky man, sir.” “I shall not ruin said image of me for you, Miss Melinda Merryweather.” What to say to such a statement?
I had no need to think of it though, the man bowed and mounted his steed once more. My heart skipped a beat as he turned the horse about. “Thank you again, Colonel Brandon,” I said and he smiled at me, my skin burned and my breath caught as the last sunlight left the world but it seemed all the brighter when he smiled. “I wish you the best, beautiful honeybee,” he said with a sudden softness to his features and put his horse into motion, setting off in a rushed gallop without looking back once while my heart seemed to race at the same pace as the black horse.
Never had I met a man such as him. He was different, in the most sweet and good manner. I ended up watching him gallop back to town, I simply couldn’t make myself leave before he was gone. Strange sensations filled my chest and the heavy basket in my hand suddenly felt light in comparison to the weight of the newness, or, perhaps it was the knowledge a man such as him were not meant for me. For someone like me. A colonel had little business with a child tender turned into some form of a maid and teacher of reading and writing out of the goodness of my employer of many years. As much as warmth for the man bloomed within me, a sense of hopeless longing grew as well.
“I’ll only be an hour!” I called toward the little sitting room where Marianne and Elinor sat, one embroidering and one playing on the forte, while I slipped my boots over the many layers of socks I had adorned. I loved Marianne’s music, and voice, not blessed with either skill myself. Books, poetry, and stories lay me far closer to the heart though.
Reading, writing, and weaving stories of my own were my pleasures. My loves. And the past week my poetry had turned longing and somewhat sappy, to be truthful. I needed a moment with nature, to take a breath and rid my heart and mind of the grand colonel who called me a beautiful honeybee before riding off in a swirl of snow.
I wrapped a second scarf over my shoulders and headed out, the weather was splendid but cold. The midday sun had the world in a sparkle, a winter wonderland to adore and enjoy. I took a deep breath of fresh air and set off down the hidden road few carriages traversed. I followed it down the hill and then began my trodding across the field to reach the ice-covered lake where I was sure the most wonderful view where to be seen.
I had no idea how right I was…
As I came over the little hill, a wonderful view indeed sprawled out before me. But nothing could compare to the man standing right by the edge of the snow-covered beach, holding the reins of his large steed in a loose grip. With the sun shining high I could see him most perfectly, even if he wore no red coat I would have known his posture anywhere. The air about him was that of a single kind. I had spent so many words on the man, writing poetry to expel the feelings I had endeavoured to suppress ever since I had managed to tear myself away from the edge of the forest where I had last seen him galloping away in haste.
I stood still, once more stuck looking at the man from a distance without him being aware, and I felt as if all the feelings I had sought to tamper down and rid myself of through poetry took over completely. Let loose by his appearance where I least expected him. Oh, this is not proper! This is lunacy of the acutest kind. The man is a colonel, for goodness sake. I was about to turn around, play the coward, and run away while my heart ran rampant. “Honeybee!” came the loud rumble of the colonel, stopping me in my tracks (not that I’d begun to actually move).
The sound of boots and hooves walking through snow filled the air as he neared. My mind blanked when his soft gaze landed on me and a small smile spread his lips most sweetly. “Colonel Brandon,” I said and curtsied while hiding my bare hands behind my back. A bit embarrassed I had no gloves to speak of when he wore such fine ones of leather. “What a wonderful surprise,” he said. “What brings you to the lake, miss?” “Oh, umh, well, I was merely out for a walk to— To clear my head a bit, colonel.” “Perhaps a coincidence, I am here for that exact reason. What troubles you, if I may enquire?” You . Not that I could ever admit to such a thing.
“My troubles could not possibly be of any importance to a colonel, sir Brandon.” “I would take great pride in absolving you of any trouble, honeybee.” His voice was honest, his gaze a bit harsher and his voice once more a line rather than a smile, and that nickname set my stomach into an absolute flutter. “Do not tease me, sir.” “Never,” he said while taking a step closer. “I am not a man who would trifle with a beautiful woman,” he continued, taking another step. He was almost too close, yet not close enough.
My fingers fidgeted behind my back, the ends of my scarf swaying lightly in the soft breeze. A gust of wind blew by and my scarf flew off, tumbling along the snow in soft waves. He was off after it before I had a chance to even react. “Colonel!” I called, feeling like a nuisance to the man. “Colonel! Stop! It’s my—” He bent and snagged the thin fabric, holding it up with the sweetest of triumphant smiles before he jogged back. My icy fingers covered my mouth to hide the giggle, or perhaps to cool the heat flushing my face.
“My lady,” he said with a slight bow while holding out my scarf for me. I suffocated the laughter bubbling within me at his theatrics and reached for it. He jolted and grabbed my hand before I could pull away. “No gloves? In this chill?” he asked, concern written all over his handsome face while mine contorted with shame and embarrassment. “Thank you,” I said and wrung my hand free. “For catching it, sir.” I draped it over my shoulders once more but he only tilted his head to study me closer.
“I ought to return,” I said after a moment of silence, a silence far too intense. “They are expecting me at home,” I continued and curtsied swiftly before turning on my heel. “Miss Melinda,” he called, “stay safe!” “I shall, Colonel. I’m quite capable!” I called over my shoulder before waving at him, picking up my pace while leaving deep prints behind which I knew he would not follow this time.
It was the tenth of December, another week had passed since I saw the colonel and my little notebook was by now full of poems all revolving around him, around what he made me feel and wished to expel. My silly little heart had no wits about her, my mind just as snagged on his handsomeness — his kindness a lingering torment when there was no world in which I could be anything to such a fine gentleman.
“Mellie,” Margaret whined, “you’ve been writing for hours!” “Huh? Oh, have I really?” “Yes!” she said with a certain oomph to her voice. I merely smiled at her, mustering up the courage to not show her anything at all. “Is there a reason I ought to stop for the moment?” I asked as she leaned on the desk where I had, indeed, been sitting for several hours as lunchtime had arrived. “Mama asked you to fetch a bird for dinner, it’ll be dark if you don’t go soon.” “Oh, oh right! Yes, of course,” I said while shutting my little notebook and standing. “I’ll head out right away.” “But it’s lunchtime, silly goose.” “Well, there will be no goose of any kind, or other bird, if I don’t get a move on, will there?” “I’ll make a sandwich for you,” she said and scurried off with the usual happy spring to her steps. “With cheese and peppers, how you like it!” she called over her shoulder and I smiled at her sweetness.
I was out of the house a few moments later, hurrying towards town once again to get a bird for the family for the evening. Given how cold it was, one could have bought several and just had them in a box outside - they’d keep for weeks if the weather remained. But, again, I was not one to complain about some walking. I was rather fond of being out like that, truth be told. Truth be told, huh? More like give me something to take my mind of the man in a red coat, with a sweet smile, and soft eyes, and— Stop. Just, do not think of him. Simple as that. It was not , however, simple as that.
All the way to town, then through it, and back home again, I thought of the man. When I went down the hill to the house he was really the only thing I thought of at all. The fact I managed to keep my wits about me enough to see snow prints of male shoes unlike any other prints was a miracle. As the Dashwoods had company, obviously of the male kind, I walked around back and took the small servant entrance almost straight into the kitchen.
“Cook, here, I found a fantastic goose for dinner. It’s missing half a wing but the butcher gave me a great price for it.” “My, my, my, that is a good bird,” Cook replied as I held the naked goose up. Plucked and ready for cooking. She grabbed it and my cold fingers flexed with an ache to them. The thing was heavy and with the evening chill I struggled to get my blood flowing again for a moment while undressing my outside clothes only to put on a new scarf over my shoulders and thicker slippers on my feet rather than the boots and tripple socks.
“Here,” Cook said and handed me a tray of tee with some biscuits on a plate. Four cups on it, but it was the pretty china so the fourth one certainly wasn’t for me and Margaret didn’t drink tea. “Who’s visiting?” I asked. “Oh, some upstanding man, the boring type if you ask me. Tense looking. Too old for any of the Dashwoods too, no idea why the lady entertains him for so long.” “Long?” “He’s been ‘ere since one, came right after lunchtime.” “Well, perhaps he fancies one of them, or one of them fancies him. Is he rich?” “Very much so, Mellie.” “Well, there you have it then, Mrs Dashwood couldn’t send a rich man away — no matter his looks or age when she has two daughters she needs to wed.” “Indeed, but we both know the lady cares too much about what her daughters want to ever force a marriage.” “True, maybe she can force a marriage with a rich man upon me?” I laughed, both cook and I perfectly aware I wished for no such thing and nor would it ever happen either. No, love would be my biggest reason for marriage — riches were good, but love far outweighed it in every way.
As I came closer to the parlour I heard Marianne speak, asking whoever was visiting to read another. I didn’t know what she referred to but I gently pushed open the door, not making a sound as I backed in to not wobble the tray. “Snow prints—” My heart stopped in my chest. “—were followed, a path—” My fingers trembled. “—he ought not have taken. She was below—” The tray clattered to the floor, the china breaking and shards scattering all over the floor as I heard Colonel Brandon read my poetry, about him !
“Mellie, goodness me, are you alright?” said Mrs Dashwood with a shriek. I slowly turned, seeing the man who I had written those words for staring at me with wide eyes and slightly parted lips, Marianne sat far too close to him. He was a captivating reader, I could not fault her for her investment, yet my heart ached at the sight of the two.
“I— That’s—” “I gave it to him,” Margaret said with a beaming smile. “You write so well, Mellie!” she kept going and Colonel Brandon looked between me and the notebook containing my most inner thoughts in his hands. His eyes turned wider, his face paled and I felt my insides twist as he stared at me again.
Tears stung my eyes, the shame and embarrassment, the hurt and fear, the ache in my chest at the betrayal of the child I thought so highly of. “Excuse me,” I blurted out before bolting out the door, not staying to clean up the mess. “Mellie!” called Mrs Dashwood. “Mellie, what—” called Marianne with confusion in her tone but I was out of earshot for her sweet, clear voice. Such a contrast to the Colonel’s, so perfectly matched.
I ran out through the kitchen entrance, past Cook who prepared the infernal bird, and out into the snow lit up by the climbing moon as early evening had arrived. “Honeybee!” came the voice I dreaded to hear. “Stop, please!” he called and I stopped, my hand on the gate at the end of the backyard and my slipper-clad feet deeply buried in the white coldness below.
His running steps reached me, and the crunching of snow and slightly panted breaths filled my ears. Warmth wrapped around my shoulders as he hung his coat over me and I spun around in shock at the action. He was stood in only his vest and shirt, the biting wind tossed about his beautiful hair but all I really saw were the sweet, kind eyes staring at me.
“I never knew,” he said quietly while taking a step back. “Knew what?” I asked, attempting to not inhale deeply as his scent wafted up my nose. The perfect scent, the warmest and most comforting of scents. “That is was your beautiful poetry I was reading, the child gave it to me, asked for me to read something out of it. I thought it belonged to one of the ladies present in the room — and they did not object,” he said while looking most forlorn, nearly distressed. “I was not even aware you resided with the Dashwood household.” “I have for many years,” I said. “Marianne will be a perfect match for you,” I continued while thinking of their voices, the way she sat right beside him on the sofa.
Colonel Brandon stepped closer. “I have already found my match,” he said. “I asked you not to tease me, sir. And you said not to be a gentlemen who trifled with women.” “And I have not,” he said, his eyes hardening while coming far too close, forcing me to look up at him. It was all in my head… Only in my heart, not his. Perhaps, perhaps he is merely a most kind man? I have little experience with those.
“Honeybee,” he said, snagging my attention anew. “I have not, and will not, trifle with you, tease you. I am too old for games and life far too dark as is for me to make it any worse.” “Sir!” “I speak true,” he declared. “A gentleman such as you ought to be more aware of your own handsomeness.” He blanched at that, blinking at me before a timid smile stretched his lips in a manner that looked as if he were unable to control it.
“You find me handsome?” “What woman in their right mind would not?” “Oh, I do believe you may be a woman of singular taste, honeybee.” I gasped, gaping at him. “I beg your pardon? Are you accusing me of something?” “I am not a favourable option for most beautiful women, such as yourself. I am well aware of it. My riches perhaps an aid in seeing past it, or my standing in society.” I gasped anew, a mixture of an exhale and a laugh of disbelief.
“You are terrible, sir. You may wish to know I had no idea who you were until you introduced yourself, even then, I am new to this part of the county and have had little to do with the upstanding citize n so I am not aware of your riches. I do recognize the bravery and skill you possess to climb up the ranks, but any silly nilly knows such things,” I said with both hurt and irritation at the man who twisted my insides with warmth and want. “I apologize, miss,” he said, his face held in some sort of shame at the assumption he’d held of me perhaps. “No need, I am but a servant of no importance or value.” “What a foul thing to say…” “Truth is sometimes.”
Time stretched on while we stood in silence, simply looking at each other. “Miss Melinda, your poetry,” he began while looking at me with something I could only describe as respect, perhaps even admiration, “it is most beautiful, passionate, deep .” The change of subject threw me for a loop, a man such as him ought to hold no admiration of any kind for a woman such as I. “Like your voice,” I whispered before I could stop myself. I had thought of hearing my words in his voice, there was no way not to when his voice was such perfection. He chuckled. “My voice is to your liking?” “Everything about you is to my liking, as far as I’m aware. Sir .” I couldn’t help the sass, or the way my face had hardened while my insides were in an uproar over the man. I had to protect myself from the rejection that was sure to come despite his sweet words. It was only a matter of time, surely.
Yet, it did not.
His hands cupped my face, the gesture most intimate and highly improper. “If you are ever made aware of a trait of mine that is not to your liking, I will be very much obliged to correct it, to your liking, honeybee.” “W-What do you mean?” I asked, my breath tumbling out in a shuttering way. “Would you object to me?” My eyes widened while his finger stroked my cheek. “Object to you? Sir?” “I am beyond happy I caught a glimpse of you, heard the vendor call for you about the holly, and found your prints at the edge of town. I rode around quite manically to find you, you know. Following those snow prints, it was the best decision I have ever made.” “Colonel… Stop, we cannot, it’s not proper.” “Propriety can take flight and be on its merry way, honeybee. I have my heart set on you, my beautiful honeybee who writes the most captivating of poetry and smiles with nothing but honesty in her eyes. I have my heart set on you, Melinda Merryweather.” “It was about you…” I whispered while my skin burned under his touch. “Me?” “Yes… For weeks now, I’ve tried all I can to rid myself of these feelings and thoughts…”
Brandon viewed me with a mixture of torment and joy, I chuckled nervously while he released my face and grasped my hands. His coat slid off my shoulders as he tugged me closer — gently — and the cold December air wrapped itself around me. “Would you allow said feelings to grow? Fester? Become an irrevocable part of you?” “Colonel…” “I am already lost to you, honeybee. Allow me the chance to make you happy,” he asked kindly, his hummingly dark voice nothing but an endless promise of said happiness. “Yes. Yes, please,” I whispered as tears of relief and joy wetted my cheeks. “Honeybee… Beautiful Melinda… My Melinda,” he said before he leaned in and kissed my forehead with force, his thin lips perfectly warm against my chilled skin. “You shall not regret this, I promise you my all.”
We leaned back, my heart was aflutter and my stomach a warm ball of knots, and I could not help but smile at the sweet gentleman who had captivated my heart so easily. “I fear any regret I may have will be only a reflection of your own, Colonel.” “Christopher,” he corrected. “My name, is Christopher, honeybee.” “Christopher.” “How sweet a sound you make it. I shall wish to hear it every day for the rest of my life.” I only nodded at that, too stunned to speak when he so brazenly declared I was to be his for all time to come. I held no objections to that as his hands squeezed mine with warmth, his kind eyes a balm to my soul and his smile a thing of beauty far beyond the sparkling snow all around us…
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A/N: Oh how I hope you enjoyed this One Shot with our dear Brandon 🥰 I had so much fun writing this, and it did indeed turn out to be far longer than I had planned but I enjoyed each word I wrote of this 😍👏
IMPORTANT: Tomorrow I’ll be picking up a story from Rickmas2022! You do not have to read it before reading this years parts, but I do recommend it to get the full story. I will do a small recap before diving into the new parts too. The fics I will be continuing is 14. Icy Roads & 15. Frosty Glass (yes, it’s Hans and Anna-Louisa who are making a comback by super popular demand 😂👏). I've yet to start writing it but, well, guess it'll be a late night today 👀👍
Q: You can only choose one hot drink to consume during December: Coffee, Tea, or Hot chocolate? A: COFFEEEEEEEE all the way for me 😂☕
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87 @sunset90 @mamawolfsmith87 @snowblossomreads @ladykardasi @a-queen-and-her-throne @eternal-silvertongued-prince @lyrixsnape @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @daddythanatos
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