#like drunk walk home?
vampire-superstar · 1 year
Satan is a Mitski listener. I have no proof of this claim but he seems sad in a disgusting hot way. I hate him but we gotta be honest, with ourselves.
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dve · 7 months
pyrrha dve in the club flirting with the dancers and having an altogether bad time. where's that fic. pyrrha at her absolute sleaziest and therefore absolute sexiest just having a nightmare of an evening
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axolotlclown · 6 months
I suppose I'm a little late to the party, but I needed time to collect my thoughts.
Here's the thing, everyone's caught up on Caiti's age and whether she consented. To me, that isn't anywhere near the point. Her being so young is certainly creepy and strange, but not the point.
Here's the first thing, though less important than the next. As an adult, it is blaringly clear how irresponsible these "adults" were. Two grown ass men supplying alcohol to underaged girls in a hotel room. They were up drinking until 6am. They were one noise complaint away from getting the cops called.
Second thing. While underage drinking in the US is fairly normal, 18 is still pretty young here. Also, publicly admitting to supplying alcohol to an 18 year old is crazy, but not the point.
18 year olds can't compete with grown adults when it comes to alcohol. They don't have the same tolerance. There never should have been any "one upping."
No one should have gotten that drunk. The fact that there was a girl leaving, vomiting in her hand is fucking ridiculous. When someone, regardless of their age, is drinking too much too quickly, you cut them off and give them water. This is how college parties are run. Once you start wobbling a little too much, your speech is slurred, and you stop being a person, someone gives you water and walks you home.
And nobody walked her back to her hotel room?? Two grown men. I don't give a shit how tired you are. You always walk a girl home. Who the fuck raised you??
I am an adult man in college. I have been around a lot of different men. I have hung around men that behave like this. Let me promise you this: they got those girls drunk like that on purpose. They both wanted something. When they didn't get it, they just let the girls go. They were never interested in their safety. They were never interested in who they were.
And let me promise you this: there's never just one girl. And any well brought up man would have cut them all off and sent them on their way. There is way more to this situation than lets on.
And of course George never asked for her consent. It was never a question. They brought those girls back to that hotel room with the thought that they'd get something out of it. To George, he heard 18 and thought, "oh cool, she's legal."
I see this happen all the time in college. Usually men don't grow out of all of it, but they usually grow out of begging like a shitty dog in some random girl's DMs. To hear a grown ass man, 26 years old, behave like a fucking 19 year old sophmore in college is pathetic. I'm not interested in giving pathetic men any more time.
Also, love and light to Caiti, she looks like she's 16. "I didn't know she was 18!" First off, doesn't matter. Second off, I would've guessed she was a minor, so I know you checked first. Or else you're even dumber than the fucking college kids. Damn.
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yarboyandy · 8 months
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me and my roommate, twenty minutes after coming to the conclusion that getting ice cream twice in one week was "big and greedy"
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pickled-flowers · 4 months
Btw yesterday I met a person named Bean who worked at a sex toys packaging factory and we ate risotto and pie
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misspoetree · 10 months
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❄❄ kp + text post advent calendar ❄❄
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stuckinapril · 4 months
kinda crazy how the main girl group I went out with fell out bc of a man tbh
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kazz-brekker · 5 months
one of my favorite underrated character dynamics is when character a is like "character b is my enemy, they don't like me, whenever we interact they must have some secret nefarious agenda" and character b is like "we're friends :)"
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crismakesstuff · 11 months
guys I’m genuinely crazy I’m rly deluding myself into thinking there will be a mitski song in invincible s2 for a scene with debbie
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deiscension · 4 months
Would you guys still like me if I ended up writing a whole meta on Brand New City's double meanings for SQX. Would you.
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aboobshka · 1 year
when the choir comes in on bug like an angel. when the instrumental explosion hits in valentine, texas. when the instrumental explosion hits in texas reznikoff. when the drums come in during the outro of drunk walk home. when she says mom would you wash my back this once in class of 2013.
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wraithee · 10 months
Crowley and Aziraphale are probably the single most annoying couple of all time. It’s the codependency, the 6000 years of history, the constant banter.
You know they walk around referencing things the humans around them couldn’t possibly understand. Multi-millennia inside jokes and giggling loudly about dumb stuff that to the people hearing snippets of the conversation doesn’t make anything close to sense.
And they’re definitely comfortable being drunk in public. To them it’s no worry since after they can just miracle the whole thing away so they’re never in real trouble. But to neighbors and people around them there is probably always an underlying feeling of ‘Oh THOSE two again’ every time they walk into a shop or restaurant they frequent.
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whiskingskin · 8 months
Something I've heard over and over and over again from my genderqueer friends about testosterone is that they're terrified to start, cause it'll make their anger?? Worse?? Maybe it was me finding myself In a body more comfortable, or me already being in therapy and conscious of my emotions and their impact but. Being on testosterone made a lot of my emotions feel more manageable.
Testosterone doesn't make you angrier. Testosterone doesn't transform you into this man-beast that yells at everybody and is suddenly horny all the time. Testosterone doesn't affect your problem solving skills, your people management, or your lack of foresight into your own anger like?
If you're routinely blowing up at the people in your life then yeah. Yeah, testosterone might make that action feel a bit easier and wilder. But if you, you know, acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself to experience them without taking them out on other people... then that. Won't. Happen.
You will never be able to control your emotions. Never ever ever. But you CAN and WILL control your reactions to these emotions.
Idk where my rambles were supposed to go but. Testosterone doesn't make you an angry person. You might BE an angry person, just on your own, and that's fine. What's not fine is taking that anger out on others and blaming it on testosterone. You're not the victim, you're just a dick.
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vampire-superstar · 1 year
Hey hey you
I made playlists. Here.
Dia 💕
Simeon 🌟
Luci 🥀
Mam 💰
Levi 🍕
Tan 🐈
Asmo 💅
Beel 🍔
Belphie 🐄
I might do others but those are the only ones I care about rn. Go. Be free. Make song requests if you want.
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hauntedwoman · 1 year
i know todays like the anniversary of a national tragedy and everything but my bday is tmrw (another national tragedy)
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