#like do I wanna be a dude? I want to be just some guy
blackknight-kai · 2 days
Let me start saying I love your blog, reblogs and headcanons, truly, all of the above🩷🩷
If you’re comfortable with the question, do you have any for the Destined One with a female virgin reader?
So I wanna say thank you 🫶🫶🫶🫶 I haven’t quite shared my own head canons much but I don’t have any issue sharing them 🫶 others do a much better job of it so I’ve left it to them. But! Your ask comes at a wonderful time as I needed a break from writing a fic 💀 (kill me im up to 20k)
Let’s get after it! Destined One & a female virgin head canons? I’ll give it a shot! There will be a nsfw section below sorry if that’s not your thing. I wasn’t super explicit on body parts etc but let me know if you guys want a Sun Wukong one? I’d try.
If you’re NOT in a relationship yet and he finds out? (Be it you told him outright or it comes out in passing conversation)
He’d would remain expressionless and quiet as usual. Not wanting to make a big deal out of it and remain respectful
But if you look closely you can see him swallowing thickly at the new information
Will NOT treat you differently
He has a LOT of feelings for you and knowing you haven’t shared yourself with someone else, while not a huge deal he’s never really cared one way or another, it’s something he finds himself thinking about often.
It makes him a little hot under the collar sometimes when he looks at you and remembers what you’d said.
NSFW - on the very rare occasions that he takes some time to himself or you’re not around, in the quiet he puts his goal to the side for just a moment and allows himself to think about his wishes and whims. Specially how he’d touch you and make it good for you because you deserve to be treated like you’re special and HE wants to be the one to do it.
If you’re in a relationship and it either came up naturally or during a more…heated moment.
Would absolutely freeze. Like body full on screenshot kinda freeze - only his tail would flick and twitch as he processes
Because honestly it hadn’t occurred to him before but it is NOW. He’s thought of you and making love with you but first or not first hadn’t been a topic of thought
He’d probably internally get flustered and his heart would race ridiculously but on the outside his expression would appear stoic or mildly surprised
Wouldn’t try to pressure you or make a big deal out of it, as though it doesn’t matter one way or another besides making extra sure you’re comfortable
His tail would eventually give him away though as it would be swishing behind him happy and interested as the information settles in his brain
Dude would be first and foremost HONORED If you shared that news with him and were giving him your first
Probably a first for him too ngl. I see him as someone who was so focused on his path that warming another’s bed wasn’t something he was willing to spare time on.
If it’s not a first for him too then it’s not something he’s done often and isn’t an expert
Would definitely thank you for trusting him with sweet reassuring kisses (if they are a little heated don’t blame him too much)
He is respectful! As I said no pressure. No rush. But would the information please him? Yes.
Definitely adds fire to his belly because HE will be your first
Sends a note of possession through him not because he’d “own” you but because regardless of being a first or not you’d be his and he yours.
Regardless of if you’re shy or ready to get the show on the road he’d be so gentle and would be careful, really careful.
Probably a bit unsure and might move a little too fast accidentally in his own lust but would immediately sooth you as soon as he realizes
Looks to your expressions and sounds to make sure you’re feeling good and safe
He wants to treat you WELL views it as HIS duty to make sure you’re happy
It’s a lot of pressure but he’d do his best and set his mind to it being nothing but perfect for you
I imagine at first his hands would be so feather light letting you get used to him and his touch as he undresses you piece by piece- he’d watch his claws unless he finds out you enjoy them grazing across your skin
He’d brush his lips across every piece of new skin revealed to his eyes unable to help himself
Finds out he really loves your chest, both feeling you & tasting you. as well as napping on you later
But over time as the act went on he’d be more confident, still tender but less unsure
He’d be enamored every time he got you to sigh or make a pleased sound
It’s his goal to hears those often
When he discovers how turned on he’s made you it would send waves of pride crashing over him, he had done THAT
Overall though he’d take his time
He probably won’t speak much if at all, but he’d make sure you’re ready every step of the way. If he does speak it’s not more than a few words here or there, low and only for you to hear as he nips your ear
Multiple check ins
He’s a giver, and while he isn’t practiced whatsoever he’d use his mouth and fingers to bring you pleasure, finding out exactly how you like it by listening to the way you moan or the way your body shivers and trembles with specific movements
He 100% will become VERY VERY good with his hands and mouth
His tail is sneaky, he’d use it as a way to hold on to your leg (holding you open while one of his hands is occupied) or would brush the the furry appendage across your skin just to see goosebumps rise in its wake
When you’re finally connected, after time spent letting you get used to him (and him you because let’s be real he’d be overwhelmed by the feel of tightly wrapped around him too) he’d roll his hips gently
He would make sounds, sighs and groans in your ear.
He’d love it if you cling on to him and tell him he’s doing something good
Full on shudders if you scratch his back or dig your nails into him - he loves it and he might accidentally thrust too hard when you do it
Wants to hear you 👏👏
Would keep control for as long as he could but would listen to your requests almost instantly if you asked him to move faster
Would love it if you moved his hand exactly where you wanted him to touch you
Would suck marks on your skin - thighs and neck, wherever he absentmindedly ran his lips. Would be shy about it later but would touch them possessively or when you’re dressed his eyes would stray to where his marks are on your skin.
Afterwards he’d silently but tenderly wipe you down and then pull you into his arms
Would nuzzle his face against you and breathe your scent as you both relax and come down from your high
Would massage any soreness you have that he could and feel pride at wearing you out, although his face wouldn’t show it
His tail would be like a vice around your thigh all night and trying to get out of his hold in the morning is a chore
He’d 100% take care of you especially for a first time is basically what I’m saying. After, he may be a bit rougher with his movements or may be impatient at times especially after a tough fight and adrenaline is still kicking but will always treat you tenderly as you guys build confidence together.
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ficoandleo · 2 days
Leo posted a Tiktok! The description says "I've gotten a few of these again, so here's a reminder lol"
The video appears to take place in an apartment, so clearly from sometime before he came to Darkwick. The quality is a little lower too, perhaps filmed on a slightly older phone. The camera follows Leo's socked feet as he walks across the floor, then pans up to Sho's back where he's sorting some ingredients. Leo starts to speak while walking up to him.
"What is it." Sho doesn't even look up.
"What'cha makin'?" That makes Sho look up, eyebrow raised.
"Did you forget what you asked me to--" It takes him a moment to process the way Leo's holding his phone. "What're you doing?"
"I was gonna record you making me lunch for a video!"
"The hell you are." Sho returns to the food, beginning to wash vegetables. "You're not gonna be in here while I'm cooking, we've been over this."
"Aw, c'mon, my kitchen's bigger than the one at your house!"
"Space ain't the problem. Outta my kitchen."
"Uh, this is my apartment?"
"Yeah. And while I'm cooking your meals this is my kitchen. Out." Sho glowers over his shoulder and the camera flips back to Leo pouting, then turning and leaving. Over his shoulder the sight of Sho beginning to prep gets smaller.
"He's so mean. He's not gonna let me do it, guys."
The video cuts into another, a reply to the previous one imposed over the upper left. "Have you tried offering to help?"
"What." A different day, but the same kitchen. A different set of ingredients on the counter, this time with Sho's phone propped up for him to look at. Until the soft sound of Leo's slippered feet on wood becomes tile, alerting him to Leo entering the kitchen, he doesn't even look up from his phone screen, which appears to have Nashville hot chicken on it. "I told you to stay out while I'm cooking, dude."
"But I wanna help!"
"No you don't." Sho doesn't even hesitate or consider the offer. "You never wanna help me. You just wanna film a video."
"No, I'm not filming this time!" Leo insists with a laugh, moving the phone so the camera's no longer pointing at Sho, as though this will be enough to convince him. The view becomes dark, perhaps from Leo covering the camera in some way, so the screen looks darker. "I actually wanna help--"
"You don't wanna help because if I ask you to touch raw chicken you're gonna get grossed out. And if I ask you to touch any kind of herbs or seasoning or spices, you're gonna get annoyed when it gets on you and your hands. And if I ask you to chop or mix something you're gonna complain about how you don't like the sounds. And if I ask you to clean up you're gonna get grossed out. You want me to keep going?"
". . ." Leo whines a little in protest, audibly pouting.
"Chat, he is so mean. . . ." The camera goes front-facing and Leo looks sadly into it, leaving the kitchen while Sho rolls his eyes and goes back to cooking.
The video cuts into yet another, this time in a different location, probably Sho's apartment or family home. "Please try asking Sho-san to let you stream him cooking again." There's additional text near the bottom of the screen from Leo that simply says 'Sho-chan's kind of like a spider, it's scary 🕸️' that disappears along with the reply after just enough time to read it.
". . .I didn't even say anything yet."
"We ain't doing this here." Sho doesn't look up from what he's mixing on the stove. "Don't even start."
Leo doesn't say anything for a moment, panning the camera down from Sho's back to the junction between where the kitchen arch starts and the previous room's floor ends. The tip of his socked foot is in view. He pans back up to Sho, too busy to mind him. Leo tilts his phone so the view is of the floor again and takes a single step just barely into the kitchen--the shot quickly and sharply snaps up to just barely catch Sho turning around and advancing on Leo in annoyance. Leo starts to backpedal, laughing. "I'm not! I'm not!! I'm not!!!"
"C'mere." Sho, given Leo isn't actually trying to retreat, catches up quickly, and reaches out for Leo, pulling him and the camera shot closer. Then, based on Leo's little cry of alarm and the view lifting, Sho appears to have picked Leo up.
"You can watch. . .," he begins, walking them, view from just overhead showing Sho using only one arm to carry his little friend. He only walks a short distance before depositing Leo, from the soft sound of his body hitting the surface, onto a nearby couch. "From over here. Got it?"
Leo continues to laugh, but probably nods. Sho sighs, the corner of his mouth twitching as he tries not to laugh with him.
"Good. Sit." With that, Sho walks back into the kitchen, the camera following his back.
One last cut in to another reply. "I NEED another POV of Sho carrying us and telling us to sit--I mean! Please try and get Sho-sama to let you in the kitchen one more time!! Please!!!"
"Sho~." Leo whines, sounding a little tired. The camera looks into another, different kitchen, smaller than the first one, although still likely in an apartment.
"What~." Sho imitates Leo's tone, though it's unclear if he's mocking it. He cooks, seemingly unaware of the camera on him, although it's hard to see what he's doing with the camera pointed at his back.
"I want a juice~." Sho sighs and steps away from where he's cooking, exposing what's likely the beginnings of some sort of salad. He opens the fridge and squats down to look through what's in there, then grabs something and holds up a bottle of lemonade behind him. "Yeah, that's good!" Sho closes the fridge and sits the bottle in front of Leo, just within frame of the camera. He frowns, and Leo takes the bottle closer to himself and out of frame. "Thanks, Sho~"
"Stop trying to record me cooking."
"But I'm not even in the kitchen. . . ." He follows Sho as he rounds the counter. "I just wanna watch, Sho. . .can you open this for me?"
Sho stops in front of Leo, looking down at him and the camera with an unamused expression. He reaches over and opens the bottle, removing the protective seal, and putting it aside. Before Leo can properly coo his thanks in his sleepy, pathetic voice, Sho reaches an arm out towards him. He starts to laugh, jumping up out of the stool and backing away quickly. "Wait, wait, wait--"
He gasps and laughs as Sho runs at him with a grin and snatches him up, once again with one arm, still holding his lemonade as he begins to carry him away from the counter. Leo whines and laughs, not resisting being carried and only protesting the potential spill of his drink. Finally, Leo is dropped onto a couch a ways away from the kitchen area. "You can watch from here. Stay away from my kitchen."
Leo laughs. "Can I have my drink, though? I'm thirsty, you jerk."
Sho offers it to him, then pulls it away before he can take it. "Hey. Hey. Listen to me."
Sho puts the bottle behind him, then pushes his hand against Leo's chest, his other hand resting somewhere past Leo and the camera, probably the back of the couch. The camera view moves backwards with Leo being shoved, but Sho leans in close regardless, camera tilted back to still see most of his face as he glowers down at Leo. "Stay. Okay?"
Leo lets out a giggly 'mmhm' and reaches a hand out for the lemonade. Sho sucks his teeth and gives it to him. "Good."
The camera stays on for a bit and Sho glares down at Leo for a few more seconds before returning to the kitchen.
. . .understandably, the comments are full of suggestions that he simply keep trying, wondering what else Sho would do to get him to stop, and people questioning the nature of Sho and Leo's relationship(as well as others insisting they're not together and professing to Leo's single status or that they believe him to be in a relationship with others--other content creators, other friends he's had on stream, Romeo, and of course the Inspector.)
"So noisy." Leo says to himself while watching the rising engagment with some amusement. "These are reposts. . .you guys are so basic. . . ."
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itskrejsaitsparty · 9 days
why is figuring out your gender so hardddd
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spaciebabie · 8 months
oh so you wanna fuck that monster huh. make sexy art of them without giving them muscles and/or making them look human
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moeblob · 4 months
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Impulsively shoving a guy's hand in your mouth after having the thought "oh just like when my little sister used to prick herself on a rose thorn" and then immediately being treated like a pet who ate something they shouldn't have? Wonderful. Thank you, Thane.
(also not pictured is Thane apparently trying to scrape your tongue with his hand BEFORE pouring the holy water down your throat because NO. BAD.)
#bewitching sinners#palmier baker#thane verashkova#accidentally ingesting vampire blood because of big brother impulses is wild#also the reason hes so alarmed is bc in that world you kinda soulbond to others and thats how you soulbond as a vampire#you drink each others blood and so hes flipping out because while he hasnt had your blood yet#hey your ex is going to absolutely kill me if we bond on accident and i dont think i wanna die like that!#which is VERY cool to know thank you thane im so glad your concern is actually less of being bound#but about being murdered thats really cool#also the fact thane is found in the library studying with arshem my beloved ex and is BRIBED TO LEARN RECIPES#by arshem with vials of mixed blood hes just CASUALLY CARRYING is like hey man#thank you for being group mum i love you for it#and then later on arshem actually is like oh thane you can drink my blood later since you havent fed for a while#and thane is super chipper about it like HECK YEAH THANKS !#hey boys youre adorable thank you for existing in this incredibly fucked up world#im in a choke hold with this otome im sorry#you ever try to be nice to a guy and think surely this will help him a little bit then you get background lore#and you realize youre probably making things A LOT WORSE FOR HIM by being nice#im going through it with my emotions as i learn about palmiers actions pre game swap so like#dude please i am BEGGING YOU palmier please have ONE redeeming quality in you at some point#i want to adopt one of the love interests as my son though and im obsessed with the fact he can speak fish#my son can speak to the fish and he gives me fish as a present bc i might need it later#and i do actually in fact need said fish later for another quest#thankyou my son i love you and i appreciate you youre amazing#gonna have to draw arshem at some point and everyone will immediately go yeah that makes sense
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puppyeared · 1 year
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@ask-willowleafeon @ask-shiny-umbreon
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yanderespamton78 · 3 months
damn it feels so good to actually have friends who i feel safe around. like to have friends who im not worried that if they find out that i like "cringe" things they wont judge me. woah!!
@angry-avaocardo @silly1xxx @gollyimsosoevil
#appreciation post for my besties✨✨#also the tags got reallylong and rambly just me complainign about the ex friend and a quick update so feell free not to read them if you#dont wanna#theres nothing of substance in there lol#ugh god my old friend the one i made the really long post about asking for advice#i probably mentioned this but i never felt safe to talk about things i like with them#oh god i would never be able to show them defrag#and i probably wouldnt even be willing to ramble about like. the arg or smth to them#id be too worried of them making fun of me#but also they had a way of making it so i hung out with them the most even tho i didnt want to#“me and friend are going to the canteen you two wanna come?”#“[with none of my input] no me and Charlie are staying here”#the only person i felt safe talking about my interests to was a friend that i made when trying to move away frrom the toxic one#a friend who they would consistently ask if i was replacing them with and was so fucking jealous of him#in fact that friend is gollyimsoevil yea that guy#hes great he likes gay addison shit so yk bestie#also they were so good at guilt tripping that now i use their guilt tripping tactics on myself to try and get myself to do things lol#and they would make fun of me so often but GOD FORBID I MAKE FUN OF THEM#they were making fun of me to another person a few /years/ ago so i made some snarky comment about them#because i was really upset by them making fun of me#and they brought it up to me like 2 months ago before we cut them off#like dude you mock and make fun of everything i do so much that ive just stopped talking and completely zoned out whenever im around you#and youre holding some snarky remark that i made when we were like 11 /because you were making fun of me/#UGH#oh ye update on that if anyone cares it went fine they seem to have moved on and are just hanging out with different people now#they havent made any attempt to contact any of us but also havent cut us off#i havent cut them off either ive just left it#i catch them giving me and the other two friends who used to be friends with them dirty looks#but i kinda just ignore it#i have like 5 friends my age who are much much much nicer than them
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bugmistake · 6 months
there's a darkwave/goth/post punk music night at a coffee shop i like next month..... i wanna go real bad but i always chicken out of going to goth events cuz im like . i feel like a DORK i feel like a POSER i feel like a CREEP im a WEIRDO waddahell am i doing here?????
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
you mentioned the "first reansmasc haircut" thing and i gotta say its not just a white thing, i did the same thing lol
I didn't want to be overly presumptuous because hairstyles are incredibly diverse, but... it's nice to know this is a thing we can share regardless of what The Haircut happens to have been 🙏
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author i'm beefing with: "i feel slight revulsion about the word 'spiritual', it's got negative overtones, aren't you deluding yourself and others with it, keep it to yourself"
same author, literally twelve (12) pages later: *spends a page describing spiritual experiences, sharing them with the world, but insists they don't count as "spiritual" because they're about the physical material world*
my dude it's not just believers who try to have it both ways, huh
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exopelagic · 1 month
okay I severely misjudged spaghetti guy he’s actually just really cool
#okay so I came to this flat and he wasn’t here. greeted by a very dirty flat with shit all over the kitchen counters over cling film#I meet first my other flatmate who told me he stays in his room constantly bc of previous bad flatmates#has literally just a saucepan and some salt in the kitchen. so I’m like okay spaghetti guy potentially not great but could just be#how this guy is yknow#on Tuesday I get an email back saying he’s coming back from Norway tonight looking forward to seeing you feel free to use the kitchen sauces#rlly friendly message that I wasn’t expecting. I also didn’t know he’d been on a trip i just knew he wasn’t there bc his door was open#(to a REALLY nice room. multiple rlly nice plants (which he has little care labels for!!!) and it’s tidy and pretty#and he’s got a sheep teddy on the bed)#meanwhile I am in my own head bc I don’t wanna cook in the kitchen until I can clean it and I can’t clean it without moving his shit and#I haven’t seen him yet to talk abt it and I can’t bring myself to talk to him immediately bc I’m dying#and embarrassed as hell by how I’ve been cooking in my room with a microwave and air fryer (loud) and sneaking my shit out of the kitchen#but then yesterday I DO talk to him!! and he’s super friendly!! actually interested in having a conversation and Good at it.#and then he’s cooking and like. spaghetti burns but I’m not there for long and seems to be a mistake (he made the same thing for lunch today#and did Not burn the spaghetti) and is otherwise clearly competent bc the food smells Good and despite leaving a few things out it’s like#washed up stuff isn’t dirty and the sides are better despite still under cling film. more a case that he’s spread out than he’s messy#and now today we talked and i offered to hold onto some shit over summer bc complicated situation that boils down to he’s flying back home#and he cant take all his stuff and had to choose between chucking stuff/having literally nothing this weekend. like sleeping on the sofa etc#and then cleans the whole flat?? which I’m assuming a good chunk is his mess? but he did not need to do that. could’ve easily left#bc there are two people still living here who would’ve had to deal with it and he doesn’t know either at all#and THEN tonight we talk abt food which is fun bc we both ordered stuff. and he offers me some honeydew melon bc he’s been gorging himself#these past two days to finish it before it goes bad/he leaves which is also really sweet#and JUST NOW. I take my headphones out after finishing dinner and hear the sweetest fucking guitar#he plays the gentlest like dreamy sounding acoustic guitar I’ve heard in my life in his room (door closed by the time I leave)#this is actually just a really cool dude#now that the kitchens clear I’m gonna cook tomorrow and will probably offer him some bc otherwise he’s gonna be eating out all weekend#he has extra takeout for tomorrow night but might want smth Sunday#regardless I am just. huh??? left a bit stunned bc of the u turn my opinion of this guy has taken. bc my opinion of him was a reflection#of my discomfort moving to this weird dirty basement flat with two people I didn’t know#well. idk where to go from here. I think I’ll start by talking to him more this weekend. bc holy fucking shit.#luke.txt
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i am NOTT patient enough to deal with this slow ass PC dude
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hazmatazz · 10 months
i don't know what to do with myself
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Man oni can't do this to me I'm supposed to be preparing for artfight but all I can think abt is Them™ from the second I wake up to the moment I go to bed how am I supposed to prepare in these circumstances 😔
#rat rambles#oni posting#and dude the beta is probably still going to be going during that time klei how could you do this to me#like I will still be participating in artfight but I fear Ill be on oni lockdown for the first week or smth dhskdhkdh#Ill try to at least sketch some stuff out but god if I can get my hands onto any amount of lore its so jover#now thats not a guarantee this is a beta after all but god man. fuck.#also I need to know the new dupes name right now its important#mostly because I want confirmation that I got z on the cypher right lol#chances are theyll just have another a name or smth#who knows maybe theyll have a w name and be the second ever contender for being sent to the constant#although for all we know there could be plenty more w names in the cast that are just hidden in the full names like with nails#I am in such agony rn with seemingly every place ppl post abt oni being dead silent still hello is anyone there#I thought Id at least see some more speculative stuff on the gameplay side of things but Ive seen like 2 things where ppl even bring it up#tbf some of the new stuff seems pretty obvious to deduce to me like there's no way the new fox deers dont produce lumber#and we already know the bunny guys (or the big one at least) provides reed fiber at least#the plants are mostly more mysterious tho#we have the obvious one being our new bestie the oxylite plant and the lil puffball tree thats probably the new decor plant#and the crystal grapes are probably going to be a new muckroot equivalent and at least one of the new plants probably produces smth edible#as for what recourses they need we know that at least 2 of them need watered in some way#Im currently betting theyll need ethanol but thats not based on a lot#honestly if any of them use plain ol water or even any water variants Ill be surprised#I wouldn't be surprised if most of them take ethanol or some liquid gas or smth#I still am holding out on a plant that consumed liquid carbon dioxide but Im not too hopeful#one thing Im very curious on is just everything abt how the oxylite plant grows I wanna know how good itll be so bad#because I am a proud member of the desperately wants more viable oxygen production option in oni gang and I wanna see this baby flourish#but based on how seemingly abundant it is Im afraid itll just join the squad of early game oxygen options that become too much of a hassle#to sustain late game so you're usually just going to switch to exlectroliszers each time#I hope Im wrong but I wont be surprised if Im not#they already took one oxygen plant out back and shot it dead so this guy might just be a corpse on arival if we're unlucky#well hey thats why there's a beta ig gotta make sure things are balanced or whatever
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nervocat · 4 months
I wanna get back into watching anime so badly guys
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yoshistory · 4 months
part of me still feels like i might be sort of genderfluid and/or bisexual but just traumatized about it. no idea anymore
#like. remember that. remember following me back when i was bi and genderfluid lol. awhile ago now#its like whatever to me now. its really hard for me to pin anymore#like when i feel like genderfluid and bi again i feel like i can be a lot more open about shit#but i dont really even know. its hard#i feel like. and this is just like. me yknow. i feel like if i wasnt dating a man i'd be missing out on something that i want#like i dont know if i would be content just marrying a woman and being satisfied if i. didnt have a husband. yknow what i mean#and its like. if *I* wasnt a man i'd be sad. if in a relationship i wasnt someone's boyfriend or husband i'd be sad about it#so this is what wraps back around to me being a gayboy about it yknow#its complicated because no matter the gender label outcome. i would STILL want testosterone and surgery and masculine terms#and i KNOW this doesnt mean anything for some people. like some women do all that and are women#so i could just be not-a-man and still want all this anyways#but i also know it doesnt make it any less complicated for some of these women. who also had to think about themselves a lot in this way#its this weird notion of whatever ends up happening i... physically want the same shit anyways. THAT stays almost completely static#so that for me is a breather. its just like.... idk ... if i ever got in a relationship with a woman#i'd feel like i would be intrinsically. missing out on something i wanted#which i think is what a lot of burgeoning gay kids feel generally. right#like if you went down this stringent path laid out for you that you'd be missing out on. your life that you want. right.#i dont know what i want out of that really. sometimes i feel like im too out of it to pursue anything romantically anymore anyways#i do sometimes think it'd be cool to be a butch woman. kinda..?#i think what i like about that is the masculinity of myself is gender non-confirming if i were a woman#which if im a masc guy i'm just like. your average dude. like. right#but i wanna be a bear about it. i wanna fag it up about it. and my metric of being transgender im not ... average about how i present mysel#can someone teach me how to fag it up. the construction worker part of this is working right#sighhhh.... i have to go shower. maybe i;'ll have a shower epiphany or something. sighhhhh#sometimes in my head being a woman would be alright. but its like.. i dont even know how to decode it#i think some people would call what im feeling being genderfluid. some people might call it something else. it depends on like. you yknow#and what you want. and what makes you smile. me? not quite so sure anymore#and i think its like. this sounds like its laid quite bare right. but its hard to word even.#but sometimes im like. am i just like. talking ...? yknow what i mean.
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