#like damn i'm ready
gayori-boi · 1 month
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Gif of Gamz stimming, because I'm projecting very hard on him
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RIP Will Campos the only person who was murdered this episode.
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hvezdnastreka · 4 months
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WIP i'm probably never going to finish, because IT'S ANOTHER KLAUZURA SEASON BABYYYYY!!!!
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^^(a black and white walk cycle animation of a girl, who's legs aren't drawn yet ) GET CONCEPT ARTED LOSER (This time we're making concepts for our own video game! :) )
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loganswdc · 3 months
david coulthard they could never make me like you . i swear to god this man finds every opportunity to hate on logan , even coming up with absolute bull claims just to humiliate him on live tv . like how this past weekend he showed a white car , claimed it to be logan's , and said he's still "making contact without even being on track" and then laughing about it . and guess what ? that car wasn't even logan's !! it was his teammate's , alex albon's car !!!!!!!
this guy genuinely seems to hold so much hatred in his heart for logan considering how often he says shit about him and it absolutely infuriates me . and the fact he went so far as to humiliate him on live tv by saying something like that with the car is so messed up in my eyes ? i swear he pulls what he says about logan out of his ass and it's getting on my nerves .
i know and understand that its commentators' job to , well , commentate -- but they often say things about some drivers that exerts such hatred towards them . and in my opinion , that is not a sign of good commentating: it shows lack of morals , insecurity , and indicates a person who is unable to come up with comments about an athlete that criticize them fairly yet kindly . david coulthard has not done any of the sort to logan . he has consistently showed him hate , saying he doesn't belong in f1 , humiliating him on live tv with clips like this , amongst other things .
as a commentator and former formula 1 driver with a lot of influence , he should use his experience and prominence in motorsport to provide logan with constructive criticism . he should give him advice about what he thinks logan could do to improve even if he's in a bad car rather than consistently spread hate and talk crap about him . david coulthard is meant to be a role model figure in motorsports . instead , he acts like a bully towards a driver who is clearly struggling and needs to be shown a helping , guiding hand to learn about what he can do to improve his odds .
it's frustrating how often people in positions of power and who are highly respected in motorsports because of their career use their popularity and position of power to spread hate . i understand , this is a sport ! there will always be individuals who are assholes towards athletes , whether they are former athletes themselves or people sitting behind a screen who have nothing better to do and are upset about the trajectory of their own lives . the difference here , however , is that people who sit behind the screen often do not hold much power , while someone like david coulthard has hundreds of thousands , if not millions , of people listening to what he says and agreeing with him .
the car parking debacle may not seem like a huge problem , but when it is used as ammunition by haters to be rude to logan because a respected individual in motorsports spat on him too , then it is a problem . hate in general is a problem . it may have seemed like a simple joke , something to laugh at and giggle about . when you take into consideration how logan has been treated since he joined f1 , though , it's not a funny thing . it's just sad .
and the thing is that even though we now know it wasn't logan's car , people will still use it to hate on him . they'll ignore that fact . they'll pretend like it's still his car that was parked that way and they'll continue to joke and laugh and taunt logan . because that's just how haters are . it's a "harmless joke" in the moment , but in the long run it can be insanely damaging in numerous ways . that goes not just for jokes about logan , but about all the drivers , about all motorsports athletes , and about all people .
here's a video confirming it was NOT logan's car that was parked in a way that it was hitting the pole !
via kym illman on youtube
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louiselouve · 23 days
GRRM basically saying that Condal has no idea of what he is doing and that HOTD is heading for disaster if they don't abandon the changes planned for S3 and S4 was not necessarily on my 2024 bingo card 💀
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
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jaquitor · 11 months
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Merithra, the Dreamer~
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tazmiilly · 2 months
I don't know what's going on with you friend but I hope you're doing alright and having good days :) saw your recent post tags. I feel like I sorta understand some of why you like these gay scientists so much now. Fiddleford love forever
yayyy I'm glad you've noticed HHSDHHD. they're both a very strong comfort for me. fords situation definitely put a lot of things into perspective in regards to my past. it's a little embarrassing to say he kick started my recovery because he's a cartoon character, but I don't think that really matters so much. People are all so different that even the smallest things mean a lot to certain individuals.
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danwhobrowses · 5 months
What's this? My skin, cleared? My crops, watered!? My heart, soaring!!??
Callowmoore softness, comfort and sleeping beside each other my FUCKING BELOVED!
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kreauxlighe-art · 9 months
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i basically NEVER get something done when a trend/meme/what have you is actually happening so im really stoked to have something this time! i almost didnt do it too cause i was like, SURELY someone has done this already? but all i've seen is one of them with another character
sorry but my comfort characters are a bonded pair, do not separate!!
still figuring out how i draw wawa tho
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oracle-cassandra · 9 months
Women have so many hurtful words and slurs associated with them (i.e. whore, slut, bitch, etc) and I hate them with a passion and I abhor the weight they hold. It's beyond overdue for some words to be created and popularized to use for men.
Ones that come to mind are:
I am 100% serious about this
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warmshotamilk · 1 month
Loli with penis 🤝 shota with boobs being trapping in my basement
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
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I know it isn't fair...
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articularreview · 2 months
⚠️Spoilers for Shinrei tantei Yakumo - the lamenting doll file 03 and the epilogue⚠️
Here in case you missed it
I just read it and spontaneously wrote this.
Be careful if you haven't read it yet.
The file starts with where it left off the last time with them deciding to locate Mahiro's mother.
I kinda forgot about it since we haven't seen Isshin for a while, but this volume reminded me of how much Yakumo is influenced by Isshin. Be it the way they talk or sometimes even their mannerisms.
It's pretty much a given that they'll have to stay another night at the hotel but that would mean Haruka will have to stay in that creepy ass room again. Isshin really told Yakumo “accept the situation or sleep with her”😭😭😭
But sadly It's just like Gotou said, Their relationship label won't allow it smh
Gotou's snores and Isshin's bad posture are KILLING ME. My mom entered the room while I was having a fit of laughter I just looked crazy to her 😭
Isshin is so chill he doesn't care if you try to make him look bad. Rather his hilarious responses made Gotou look silly for complaining. Poor Gotou-san. Maybe I should learn from him... Unbotherement sure is powerful~
Anyways I guess that means Yakumo is the only one who sleeps normally hahaha
Just like I expected, Mahiro's death is weighing Hiromi down. kinda knew it from file 02, but hearing the details from Masae made me want to cry. No parent should ever go through this.
And so they split into two teams: team Gotou and Yakumo. and team Haruka and Isshin. All I'll say is that the latter team sure is a good match.
And then we have Gotou-san who not only has to put up with Yakumo's comments but also got a Salary cut too!! He suffered too much this trip. Imagine wanting to skip work only to get dragged all the way to a whole different prefecture. Still kinda his fault for ignoring Ishii smh.
Speaking of Ishii I'm happy he and Makoto were mentioned even though they didn't make an appearance. Isshin's mere presence made up for any other character's disappearance. Kaminaga-sensei is a genius for mentioning Eishin too. I think references like that will increase in the complete version. Knowing the future and the direction of your work sure makes a big difference. It was really interesting knowing that Eishin was the one taking care of Nao when Isshin's not around. Nao must really miss Isshin even if she doesn't show it on her face. I head canon afterwards Nao being overjoyed to see not only Isshin but Yakumo and Haruka too after his two-day disappearance.
The scene when that madman dragged Haruka gave me the chills. Kaminaga-sensei using TTCM as a reference sure was brutal I ended up imagining it. Haruka did her best till the very end but the situation was hopeless. She can't even resist. her mouth, legs and wrists were taped. And on top of that he had the audacity to slap her! How dare him! If that man wasn't charged with attempted murder after all this I'm throwing hands!
In the end the case was solved and we find out that Takahiro-kun was the one talking to Hiromi all along. It really broke my heart knowing that all this time he didn't even know he was dead and yet played along to try to comfort Hiromi who was mourning for her child. What a strong kid. He and Mahiro are.
The lamenting doll huh... makes sense.
In the epilogue we learn that Yakumo can't handle hot food which I thought was really cute.
Tbh his whole food preference was quite unexpected. First we learn that he has a sweet tooth (Which Haruka thought doesn't suit him at all lol) and then a similar situation to the one in the epilogue happened in vol. 7 iirc when Yakumo was (again) staring at the sake and when Haruka asked if he can't drink he stubbornally tries to only to spit it out. This man just can't be honest😂 I actually really respect men who don't drink or smoke so that's a flex~
Now some of my favorite Yakumo lines which for some reason all happen to be verbally abusing Gotou (Can't blame Haruka for laughing because c'mon how could you not?)
• “You can say that because you've never heard it yourself. Compared to Gotou-san's snores, even a train would be quieter.”
• “A member of the police stating that he'll be driving under the influence? Japan is finished.”
• “I'm saying bears can't understand the taste of wine. What if someone made up a new proverb: bears and wine.”
• "I don't want to waste any more calories than this."
• "Well, that's not surprising. A bear with damaged taste buds such as Gotou-san will never understand."
Bye I'm using these irl.
I'll also add these two because I keep remembering these two exchanges and laughing:
"I see. If you don't want to, it's fine. But please stop bringing cases to me from now on."
"This and that are a different story."
"No, it's the same thing. Ah, that's right. So that Gotou-san will stop bringing me cases, I'll be reporting to the police that you've been leaking investigation details to a civilian."
"What!? Don't joke with me! I'll get fired if you do that!" Gotou shouted in panic.
"Good then. That way I won't have to involve myself in cases that have nothing to do with me, and taxpayer money won't have to go into paying the incompetent Gotou-san; just like killing two birds with one stone."
"What did you say!?"
"Isn't that great? This way, Gotou-san can also play around to your heart's content. So it'll be more like killing three birds with one stone," said Yakumo, grinning as he looked at Gotou.
He really stabbed where it hurt. Having been commented like that, Gotou wouldn't have a way to refuse. "Fine. I'll help. Happy?"
Gotou lifted his heavy bottom up from the sofa reluctantly as he sighed. Yet Yakumo wasn't done with his counterattacks.
"Not really, it's fine even without Gotou-san helping."
"That wasn't what you said earlier!"
"Sorry about that. Could you please tell me what I should do?" Gotou asked formally while swallowing his displeasure.
"You should know if you listened to the story"
"I'm asking because I don't know."
"You should have if you paid close attention to the whole story."
"Well I don't know!"
"Is that something to be proud about? Good grief.”
Too much Yakumo😂
Volume 11 is up next. I'm really really excited for this one because Unkai and Miyuki are one of the best antagonists I've ever read. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Yakumo but their back stories are very very well written and explains how they ended up that way. That last arc will wrap everything up. I remember reading the book description a while back but Laute's translations stopped at the time so I thought I'll never read it.
The day has finally come!!!
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
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Love how this outtro contains both the biggest slap in the face the show has to offer as well as arguably my favourite shot of all outtros, full stop.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
It will never not piss me off that 80s She-Ra toys were action figures but when they went to make toys for 2018 She-Ra, they would only give us fashion dolls.
How did they learn nothing from the popularity of their own toyline?
Literally, three decades passed and somehow sexism in toys got WORSE.
#spop#shera#she ra#I want my SPOP action figures damn it#they could be completely lazy and just make the same toys again but make them look like the new show and I would take it#scratch action Catra but OUR Catra?#give it to me#i will even take bubble power she-ra idgaf#god I wish mattel wanted my money#*resists the urge to rant about the toy industry and all the ways they did this merch line dirty*#I'm not tagging mattel because then I will get the dudebros who think they know more about the toy industry than me when they SUPER don't#beyond the whole Target limited run / DC dolls thing shooting the SPOP toy line in the foot#the spop merch was very clearly made quickly as a reaction to the shows popularity#instead of ready at launch like a show that depends on toy sales#and if you are too clueless to understand the most basic way the industry works#you are not worth fighting with#'no one wanted the toys' ok jan#go on ebay and look at how much the spop toys sell for and try to say that again with a straight face#toylines that are legit bombs don't have a resale value like these do that's toys 101 babies#resale like that means supply issue#i'll stop now#this is my longest tag rant yet sorry everyone#and for that one specific dudebro let me clarify that obviously it would be great if all toys were made for everyone#but this toyline was specifically made and marketed for girls#and it's impossible not to factor marketing and intended demographic in when talking about this#see I said I would stop and it was a lie#now I'll stop for real
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