#like cassava is poisonous
crisalidaseason · 2 years
It's so funny when people make jokes like "I hope my boba tea poisons me" because as someone who regularly eats tapioca I hope y'all gringos understand that tapioca is not gonna kill you remotely. Who gave you this info?
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skylordhorus · 1 year
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hey The Spectator? what the FUCK are you talking about
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haldenlith · 5 months
Started watching Dungeon Meshi, and I won't lie, there's a part of me that wants to try recreating IRL versions of the dishes. I've already seen someone successfully do a version of the sorbet, and it looked awesome -- though a nitpick is that I think they used rainbow sherbet. Then again, I imagine it'd be a pain to make rainbow sorbet.
Though... I imagine it'd be good. Could use coconut for the white, maybe taro for the purple (and it'd complement the coconut flavor), mango for the yellowy bit (would add some nice fruity zing)... Perhaps use pea flower tea for the blue (if it's as "green tea" flavored like as people claim in flavor, it could round out the flavors...). Hm.
ANYWAY, only a part of me is tempted. The rest of me is either too lazy, or too broke to pull something like that off. The cost of food... oof. The first dish, for example, would be pricey no matter how I slice it. I feel like the best dupe for the "huge scorpion" would be a lobster. (Okay, the real best substitute is giant scorpion, but that's too damn hard to track down fresh and requires too much effort to prepare -- the poison glands won't kill you, but you won't have a great time if you eat them.) The slime monster noodles would be cassava noodles, hands down. The rest is easy, standard ingredients.
Ah well, fun to imagine the ways to recreate the dishes.
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nancyheart11 · 1 year
It's pretty normal around here actually. It's called tucupi, which is the poisonous liquid extracted from cassava. Tucupi is widely used in cooking and can also be drunk.
And it is the main cause of the death of many foreigners too o3o
A whole family died drinking tucupi
Looking up the Wiki it sounds really interesting!
does it taste good? what kind of meals do you pair it with? why is it yellow?
I'm not really surprised to hear that people come and overestimate what they can handle. (you better not be drinking too much you silly goose)
Isn't it cool how many things we humans can eat without dying? nature is so funky like that.
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virtualcarrot · 2 years
[DE] Wherein the unit gets takeout
"Yo Kit," McLaine yells over the open space, "we're ordering from the new Seolite place down the street. What's your poison?"
Kim pointedly does not freeze, and slides his desk drawer closed like the words didn't kick a storm of conflicting emotions inside of him.
"Ah, I don't have a preference, officer," he says mildly, and makes busy with the files left on his desk. There aren't many; he's a tidy person. Presently a curse.
He does have a preference, though. It'd be hard not to. A Vacholiere of forty-four such a him has had more than a few opportunities to try a wide variety of restaurants. And Revachol isn't a stranger to foreign foods--though who are they foreign to, really? A city of immigrants, Revachol is home to many able to lay a claim of familiarity to the purportedly unconventional.
There have been cassava fritters, handouts from an old man near his childhood district that used to take pity on his scrawny teens. Crab cakes from a classmate, shared in spontaneous and welcome goodwill. Tapioca burritos, wet with sweet condensed milk, a gesture of appeasement from an overwhelmed grandmother when Kim was working in Juvie. Later, pita bread and doner kebabs would often make office of meals to the Kimball. And, in-between, late night noodle broths on too tall bar stools; skewers of fried tofu from street vendors around the corner; Dai's dumplings, painstakingly handmade in Kim's kitchen, his grin unabashed before Kim's misshaped results...
"Kim," calls a voice over his right shoulder.
It's Harry. He's holding a plastic bag up for Kim to see, head angled towards the office tables pressed together in the middle of the room. McLaine appears busy arguing with Torson over the ownership of the food they've already unloaded.
"Ah, yes. Thank you."
Turns out, Harry took care of ordering for him. Kim's handed stir fried rice with chicken and cashew nuts. It's satisfyingly spiced, the sort of kick Kim takes smug satisfaction in enjoying. He almost denied himself, at some point, out of sheer spite--
"Shit, I don't know how you can bear the heat. Fucking Seolites, man," Rémi marveled with a laugh.
--but in the end, he keeps indulging.
Harry doesn't say any of the sort. Truthfully, it wasn't like he was able to say much of anything at all, the first time he stole some of Kim's food. Face still blotched, looking up at Kim with wonder in his eyes, all his effort went into choking out the usual question.
"How are you so cool?"
Kim takes his rice and stabs a fork in it. Heidelstam falters from where he's snapping his own chopsticks free, and visibly refrains from commenting on it.
"The fuck are you doing," Dai asked, horrified laughter tight in his throat.
"I mean, you can try? But why would you eat rice with a fork? Dolores, but I've got so much to teach you."
"How do you find your meal, Lieutenant?" Minot asks him, a companionable smile on her face. There's a spot of sauce near her chin from where a recalcitrant noodle decided to fight back.
Across the table, Torson pulls himself straighter. For some reason, the Sargent often seems eager for his opinion. "Yes, does it get your seal of approval?"
The rice is fat and sticky; the cashews crunch pleasantly under Kim's teeth. Kim takes time to chew and blinks slowly before he speaks.
"It's good, Sargent" he says mildly. "Do you want some?"
McLaine snorts. "Don't encourage him or you'll have nothing left to eat."
The partners bicker. Kim goes back to his meal. He doesn't dislike these people, really. It's been months, now; they have a rapport. Minot and him share the very necessary responsibility of being a stabilizing, mild-mannered presence in the unit, as well as a core belief in doing right by Revachol's people. Jean respects him, too, sometimes in an envious, sympathetic sort of way, like he's just waiting for Harry's other shoe to drop and he feels duty-bound to warn Kim of the tripping hazard when that happens. For his part, Torson has decided to project the most incomprehensible hero worship onto him, and McLaine doesn't call him Kimball. He tried. Once.
They now have an understanding.
He will still shorten Kim's name to Kit so long as he feels he's far away enough to escape any swift retaliation.
Truthfully, Kim likes them.
Harry leans over, breath flavored with cilantro, scallions and beef.
"They thought it'd make you happy," he says, tone surprisingly, diplomatically, insightfully neutral.
Kim doesn't reply. He spots dark, chewy mushrooms in Harry's dish before he turns back to his own meal. He doesn't think his attention went unnoticed. Harry has a way of seeing things.
Sure enough, some beats later, fat mushrooms start piling up on the discarded lid of Kim's takeout box.
Harry's using chopsticks. One in each hand.
In return, Kim tilts his container in a silent offer. The bark of laughter that follows is neither unexpected nor unwelcome.
"Ah! Hell no, you won't catch m--" Harry pauses, blinks, briefly lost in one of his whirlwinds of thoughts, then grins, all teeth. Kim wonders if it's the Expression, the one his partner once confessed to having struggled so much to tame. If so, it's not too bad. Disturbingly compelling, actually.
With spiced chicken speared on a chopstick, Harry stands, making a whole performance out of it. That, too, is up for the par. "Alright, baby! let's see how the dies roll today!"
Wherever the dies are, it appears they land poorly. Harry chokes, flushes. He sways under the heavy slaps Torson sees fit to lay on his back. He's laughing himself silly in spite of the pain.
When Heidelstam's glass of water fails to bring any relief, Jean pushes the sugar box from the coffee room right under Harry's nose.
"Fucking shitkid," he says, but he's smiling, a bit. "Eat a cube."
Harry eats five.
Kim eats a mushroom and knows next time Harry orders for him, he'll have more than enough of those to spare.
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garden-ghoul · 1 year
Happy Gushiwensday Monday! Or rather, miserable, miserable Gushiwensday Monday, because we’re back with more Wen Tianxiang. Some day I’d like to find a poem by him that’s not about his war PTSD but that day is not today. Presenting “Nan’an Army”!
we navigated the plum blossoms, south to north, the wind and rain soaking my uniform. come down from the ridge? look who I came with. return home? I couldn't return like this. the mountains and rivers endured unchanged; the city walls wouldn't always be theirs. but I could only resolve to starve myself to death. in my dream, I went to gather ferns...
original text and notes under the cut.
梅花南北路,风雨湿征衣。 出岭同谁出?归乡如此归! 山河千古在,城郭一时非。 饿死真吾志,梦中行采薇。
I swear I thought this was going to be less depressing than our other WTX poem. This poem refers to the war between the Song and Yuan Dynasties in the 1270s, during which Wen Tianxiang recruited an army at Nan’an (in modern Fujian). He was captured in 1278 and offered a prestigious office in Yuan if he surrendered, but refused even after the fall of the Song Dynasty a year later. So that’s the kind of guy he is. This is a poem about being a prisoner of war and contemplating killing yourself by hunger strike---so to me it was very important to put it in past tense. He didn’t kill himself. He lived. Even if maybe he felt like he was violating his principles by doing so.
But don’t worry! He died for his principles anyway five years later when he refused Kublai Khan to his face, starting an uprising to rescue him!
the plum blossoms --- refers to a ridge on the border between modern Guangdong (south) and Jiangxi (north), which is heavily planted with plum blossoms. I’ve avoided putting this explicitly in my translation because the original text is cryptic as hell.
my uniform --- I’m not sure whether he was being transported with other prisoners, but I chose the singular to accentuate his hopelessness.
come down... return like this --- some great line structure here. 山河千古在 “leave ridge like who leave”; 归乡如此归 “return hometown like this return.” WTX did something similar in Crossing the Ocean Alone and it ruled and it still rules. It’s an oblique reference to the fact that he’s being escorted by his captors and not by his own soldiers; he’s ashamed of it.
the city walls wouldn’t always be theirs --- 城郭一时非 “city walls one time isn’t.” Delightfully confusing syntax; I got my translation from Gushiwen’s notes, and Laurence interpreted this very differently having not looked at them. I kind of read this as a comparison of the landscape to specifically the human part of a city---maybe the walls themselves are almost as enduring as the earth.
but I could only resolve... --- the original 饿死真吾志 “I truly aspire to starve to death” has a VERY different vibe, doesn’t it? I chose to word it like this to link it to the enduring nature of mountains, rivers, and even walls; WTX is only one man, helplessly frustrated by his failure.
I went to gather ferns --- according to Gushiwen, this is a reference to two high-ranked soldiers from the Shang Dynasty who were defeated and fled to the mountains as their own dynasty fell. If I understand the notes correctly, they had access to real food but chose to forage for wild ferns instead, and died. I’m not totally sure if this refers to death by starvation or death by poisoning; some ferns contain a cyanogen (ie produces cyanide inside your stomach) that has to be removed by blanching before you eat them. Eating the fiddleheads rather than the mature fern is supposed to mitigate this, and it’s a common thing to forage for, so together with “dying of starvation” it seems unlikely that they were trying to poison themselves. But I’m passionate about cyanogenic glycosides so I’m telling you anyway. Did you know that bamboo, cassava, and sorghum are also cyanogenic before processing?
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kingdrawcse · 2 years
Chemical Killing Weapon in World War II
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Manihot esculenta, commonly called cassava, is a root vegetable. Like potatoes and yams, it is a tuber crop. People can also eat the leaves of the cassava plant. However, the roots, stems and leaves of cassava contain a toxic substance called linamarin, which are toxic to ingest. The reason is that linamarin produces free hydrogen cyanide after hydrolyzed by gastric acid, thus causing human poisoning.
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What is hydrogen cyanide?
One thing to tell you ---During World War II, Nazi Germany used it (trade name is Zyklon B) as the chemical killing weapon in the gas chambers, killing millions of Jews! The main manifestations of mild poisoning were chest tightness, palpitation, rapid heart rate, headache, nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision; Severe poisoning mainly presents deep coma, paroxysmal convulsions, and finally shock, respiratory failure, and death.
Facebook: KingDraw_chem
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augustinemusic · 1 year
“Some people like to live on the edge and gamble with their lives by eating fugu, a deadly delicacy made from the venomous pufferfish.”
“Ackee fruit may look innocent and sweet, but it hides a dark secret. If you eat it before it’s ripe, you could end up with a fatal case of Jamaican vomiting sickness.”
“If you’re feeling adventurous, you might want to try sannakji, a Korean dish that literally means ‘live octopus’. But beware, the wriggling tentacles can still stick to your mouth and throat and choke you to death.”
“Elderberries are a popular ingredient for pies and jams, but don’t be tempted to eat the leaves. They contain a chemical that can make you sick as a dog.”
“Rhubarb is a tart and tangy vegetable that pairs well with strawberries. But don’t ever eat the leaves. They have a high concentration of oxalic acid, which can damage your kidneys beyond repair.”
“Cassava is a staple food for millions of people around the world, but it has a dark side. It contains cyanide, a deadly poison that can paralyze you or stop your heart if you don’t cook it properly.”
“Red kidney beans may seem harmless and healthy, but they can make you very ill if you eat them raw or undercooked. They have a toxin that can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea."bymariolupato
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benthegeolologist · 2 years
Riddle Not a yucky Casanova maniac
Mr. Smith’s fabulous dance
Dessert suitable for romance
Deadly poison in the deserts
sustenance when corn deserts
Title: Tapioca is not yucky, nor associated with Casanova, nor associated with mania; other names for Tapioca are yuca (like the fries), Cassava and Manioc
Mr. 'Smith' is a pseudonym used in Thoroughly Modern Millie, he makes up a dance called Tapioca
Bubble tea or fish eyes is a pretty good date dessert food
Tapioca contains cyanide when not properly washed, during times of drought it causes Konzo
It can be grown when other staples like grain cannot be
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arrow8 · 2 years
Are apple cores poisonous?
“Well, it could be but only under rather extreme circumstances. Apple seeds contain a substance called amygdalin that can release cyanide under the right circumstances such as contact with digestive enzymes. The cyanide is linked to sugars in the form of a cyanogenic glycoside and these cyanide-releasing compounds are remarkably common in nature. They occur in more than 2,000 plant species, some of them important foods like cassava. They also crop up in stone fruits like plums, peaches, apricots, and famously, bitter almonds. It's often said that cyanide smells of bitter almonds, but actually, it's the other way around; bitter almonds smell of cyanide.
You need about 1 milligram of cyanide per kilo of body weight to kill a human being. Apple seeds contain about 700 milligrams of cyanide per kilo, so about 100 grams of apple seeds should be enough to dispatch a 70-kg adult human, but that's an awful lot of apple cores even if you don't eat the rest of the apple first. In addition, the seeds would have to be pretty finely crushed to let the enzymes get to the amygdalin at all. All in all, you're safe eating the occasional apple core. I've done it for years. Just don't try eating a bowl of freshly crushed apple pips.” [John Fry, a consultant in food science]
 -> ‘If a seed weighs 0.7 grams, then you'd need to munch your way through 143 seeds. Apples can contain anywhere between 2 and 20 pips, but a typical supermarket apple will contain about 8. So you'd have to eat about 18 apple cores in one sitting!’ [Diana O'Carroll]
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irawhiti · 2 years
(said at 4am with a migraine voice) i want tuna heke so bad. i need eels or i'll die forever.
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catcze · 2 years
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⠀# 「 F L O S   B E S T I A E 」 #
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「 I N T R O D U C T I O N 」
I have lots of names, but you can call me Catte or Aphrodite ! 22 y/o, bisexual, and uses she/her & fel/feli. b-day on october 27, a scorpio bitch ♡ I’m filipino & bisaya !! ♡
「 M I S C . 」
super friendly, but w/ a shitty social battery that burns out quick :( speaks & understands english & bisaya, and can understand (and sorta speak) tagalog. I post IRL pics occasionally. The mom friend & vodka aunt friend !! pretty self-confident, flirty and vain, but I like to think that I’m sweet, too. 
「 L I K E S 」
WRIOTHESLEY ♡ Kokomi, Kazuha, Thoma, Stray Kids (I’m a Chan girlie ♡), Ateez (Mingi ♡) any shade of pink, hugs, hand holding (/p and non-/p), having time to myself, sweets, leche flan, cassava cake, coffee, alcohol ( poison of choice is gsm blue and tequila rose ) egg fried rice, cooking, dressing up & putting on makeup, my mutuals, doing nice things for my moots, when people use my fel/feli prns, manicures, super short skirts, crop tops, high heels, sneakers, swearing, the scent of vanilla
「 D I S L I K E S 」
being dragged into drama, hot weather, loud noises, my slow ass internet connection, people trying to force their opinions onto others, whiskey & other hard liquor, beef (like, the food), people non-jokingly telling me to shut up (jokes are fine tho), fucking spam likers
「 G E N S H I N 」
ar 60. dps c6 Kazuha, hybrid dps Kokomi, Ayato, Alhaitham and Wriothesley main !! weapon banner’s bby gurl ♡ asia server. mobile gamer, so if we play please excuse typos 💔 mutuals feel free to add / ask for uid !!
Currently saving for: Arlecchino, Arlecchino’s weapon, Boothill, Sunday
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「 C A R R D 」⠀「 P R N S  P A G E 」⠀「 A R T ♡ 」
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tell me abt everything abt creole culture you possibly can but separate it under subheadings for adhd ease <3 i especially wanna know abt food/clothing/wedding traditions/religious traditions and festivals/superstitions!
ohhh kay!! ill try to do what i can!
generally, creole culture here in st lucia (and dominica) is influenced by french and english culture, as well as west african culture (especially yoruba iirc) and the culture of the indiginous people of the caribbean (like the taino and kalinago). our culture is also influenced by the environment we live in, which is to say a tropical island, which in turn influences the resources we have available, like materials and foods, and what we can do with it. our culture is heavily influenced by slavery, of course, so a lot of our culture is things that can be made cheaply.
the main course has a few repeated motifs, such as using cured meats, like saltfish, smoked herring (my favourite) or salted pork. we also use ground provisions, which is a cultural term for starchy foods that often (but dont always) come from the ground (id describe it as a whole class of foods other than a potato that can do exactly what a potato does). my favourite ground provision is either breadfruit or sweet potato. here in st lucia our national dish is green fig (fig means banana in creole) and saltfish. we also use a lot of cheap cuts of meat, like pig trotters (which are used in a stew called souse which i love) and pig tail and chicken backs because historically these discards were the only thing we could afford to eat. another common motif is seafood, because a lot of our communities are fishing villages, and here in st lucia in anse la raye theres like a cookout called fish friday thats a huge tourist event. our food is very rich and flavourful, we have boullion here but i promise its not like what the french call boullion, its a lot more. More. like a bouillon is never a starter, its the meal.
as for bread, we have regular bread thats like, a different tougher texture from normal bread that we call creole bread, and we have a bread called bakes which you cook by either frying or roasting it (yeah the name is ironic lol) and a slight variation on that that uses yeast instead of baking powder called floats. i really want to experiment with using sourdough to make floats lmao. we also have rough dumplings we put into our boullion but theyre not like stuffed or anything its just lumps of dough boiled in soup. also cassava bread!! the process of making it is very slow because cassava is poisonous and you have to process it a lot to make it not poisonous but cassava bread is so good i love it.
for sweets and desserts, you often see a lot of coconut, from coconut cake, to coconut balls, to coconut tablet, to coconut in paime (which is a boiled corn pudding) (that last one is optional, some people use pumpkin and some people use grated green fig). you also see fudge, which is different from what americans call fudge, it has a snap to it but its crumbly and its caramelly and i love it. theres also tamarind balls which are little balls of tamarind mixed up with sugar, and guava cheese, which idk how to explain. its a sticky delicious mess. in latam they have it too but idr what they call it.
as for drinks, we have one called sorrel thats traditionally drunk at christmas, i think stateside you call it hibiscus tea, its bright red and has spices in it and i love it a lot, and we have a lot of juices made from fruits here like golden apple and green mango and lime and sour orange and grapefruit and my FAVOURITE drink which is cocoa tea which is made from cocoa solids being boiled in water and milk with spices and some people put dumplings in it. its traditionally drunk at breakfast and its really nice and warm and i would make it every morning if it wasnt so involved. this is a cocoa stick you grate it up and boil it with spices and milk to make cocoa tea.
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in the crafts section i will talk about the coal pot, which is what these things are traditionally cooked in. i want to learn how to use a coal pot. its easy i just never did it.
so we actually have a national outfit! here is a little infographic about it
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one of the most important features of our national dress is the fabric, which i think you may be familiar with jace! its called madras, and its named after the former name of chennai in south india.
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heres an example of the kind of fabric we'd consider madras in the creole sense! this material is visual short hand for creole here in st lucia
music and dance
we have a lot of folk music which features violins, chakchak (like a maraca but its like one long thing) and drums, in lieu of explanation ill just share a short video on the music and the quadrille dance.
here in st lucia we also have dennery segment which is dancehall in creole which i dont know much about bc im a hermit and i dont go to fetes
okay so there are a lot of hand crafts that we do here, for starters we have traditional creole brooms made from palm leaves, we have bowls made from calabash (which is our national fruit but is not edible this is all we use it for) we have coal pots, which are made of clay that we use to cook, we have these reversible doll things. ive made the small version of the brooms before its fun.
coal pot (theres also a literal clay pot on top but thats not necessarily part of it)
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these things. i used to have one theyre so fun
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well first of all we have jounen kwéyòl! its a celebration of creole heritage that we have on the last sunday of october, we usually celebrate with foods like a creole breakfast but we use the whole month to celebrate creole culture every year. we also have carnival, which is a big parade thing we have dancing in the street in big fancey costumes. here in st lucia we have la woz and la maguerite, or the flower festivals, which are based on these like, elite societies we used to have, where communities pick someone to be each member of the court, the king and queen and prince and princess and on and on all the way down to like doctors and nurses and go on parade in either red/pink for la rose or purple/blue for la maguerite. we ALSO have masquerade, which is a masked dancer thing we do around christmas. there are a bunch of different roles in masquerade, here is a picture of the regular masqueraders
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theres also roles like papa djab (father devil) and the ti djabs (little devils) and pay bannann (dry plantain, hes covered in dry banana/plantain leaves) and the acrobat (an acrobat) and marie anset (a pregnant woman) and chouval bwa (a man on a horse) uncle sam on stilts because we hate america so hes also there. masquerade is so fun.
in conclusion
i love my culture :)
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inexplicifics · 2 years
To you and the time-consuming skills anon: in brazil we have a regional dish from the amazon rainforest that Witcher (manticores) maybe would like: it's called maniçoba, it's a indigenous dish made with a type of poisonous (cyanide!) cassava leaves. It need to boil for SEVEN DAYS to become edible. It's good! But very time consuming
That is...glorious and horrifying. How did anyone even figure that out? But I can most definitely see the Manticores delighting in it.
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avatarvyakara · 3 years
Another snippet of the upcoming chapter of Tiles on the Roof:
Casita pays attention to how she's feeling—or maybe her room is just an extension of her powers, somehow.
Gone are the simple designs on the wallpaper from when she was small, the walls fading away into the distance while a small herb garden runs along a paved path and the smell of fresh bread—a constant since she was five years old—permeates the room and mixing with the scents of the herbs. (Different kinds of bread for different emotions. Right now it's almojábana, white cheese and cornmeal flour adding little staccato notes and a rich, pleasant hum to the smell. It's the bread they ate together on the night after Bruno's friend—After.) There's a bookshelf along the wall, with some of her favourite old stories—never much of a painter, never much of a real artist (cooking doesn't count, no matter what Tino says and no matter how much she genuinely enjoys it), she's always been fascinated by the pictures in anything from children's books to illuminated bibles, noting the detail and the careful curve of the hand. There's her chest of drawers; she had another one when she was smaller, but this one Bruno made for her with Félix during his carpentry phase and she's always liked it better despite the mild imperfections. (Pepa got a chair, which has pride of place in her room.) Their wedding candle was unharmed; it sits atop the chest. Her bed—their bed—is next to the window, atop a thick carpet; they're both morning people, she and Agustín.
And the room is dark, and although Julieta cannot grow plants like her eldest daughter can, her room knows how to rearrange her plants to show what she's feeling.
And what she seems to want right now, what she feels right now, is horrifying to her.
Precious, poisonous, palatable, paradoxical—cassava plants cast dappled shadows around her as she and Agustín sit down on the bed together.
"Juli, what happened?" asks her husband.
She takes a few deep breaths, lets the smell of warm, fresh bread in through her lungs. It’s been her favourite smell since she was five years old.
“I poisoned them, Tino.”
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phibixm · 2 years
Between my junior and senior years of high school they replaced the school building, demolishing the old one, so at the end of junior year I got extra credit in chemistry for helping my weirdo packrat teacher clear out his bizarre signs (a couple of which I got to keep) and dangerous chemicals in jars (there was a strong acid old enough to be eating through its glass jar! my teacher swirled it around in the light it and was all glittery with glass bits inside). I needed the extra credit because he gave me a C on my paper on poisonous plants, possibly because I didn't talk a huge amount about chemistry. Mainly I was all "this poison does this to you and is found in these plants" and not "the hydrogrens and whatall do whatever" so, biology, idk, whatever. That's when I learned about cassava and rhododendrons and mad honey. It's been long enough now he could have a whole new collection of weird things in the new building...he's probably retired by now tho. Damn, the weird kids the year he retired probably got to keep even weirder stuff. Not the acid tho he said he was getting rid of that with like. Science. For safety.
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