#like by the time im done studying and doing homework its already late
sprinklethetangerine · 10 months
I'm gonna make..
And I...
Kinda don't fucking want to
(Pretend there are sparkles there)
#i mean i want to make doughnuts cause ive been wanting to for a while but like...#dude im tired#you wanna know how BUSY my week is/was???#to properly explain I have to go to last week thursday#last Thursday i had a whole day trip from 8 am to 11 pm and i went on a 30 min hike followed by 2 hours of standing and a 4 hour bus ride#and that was only the END of the trip like I didnt even mention the rest of the trip#so i naturally came back home and practically became one with my bed#then the next day friday i had to go to another city which is a 1 to 2 hour car ride#to visit family cause my uncle was getting surgery#and i qas still a bit tired form the day before so the second i got there around 6 pm or so i felt nauseous#like really really nauseous and just slept#the next day i went to see my uncle after his surgery and this was a nice day cause i played games with my cousins#but the issue with that day was i spent 50% of it studying while still nauseous#then the day after i woke up still nauseous and didnt wanna go anywhere but i ahd to get on a 2 hr car ride back home#and dont forget that i also started studying as soon as i woke up all the way up to the car ride home#then i got home and hugged my bed and the immediate next day monday i had to go to school#and then ofc a school week so free time? never heard of her i have to do homework and study and all that#like by the time im done studying and doing homework its already late#and then this thursday so like today i came back form school and had to visit family#then as soon as i came back i sat with my friends for a bit but itd wasnt that fun cause i was tired and it was eh#now im home and tomorrow i have to pack my clothes for travel#and the entire weekend will be me packing clothes#then on monday i have to go to school and on tuesday i have to get on a plane to go see my dad#and only AFTER THAT PLANE RIDE will i be sorta free#i say sorta cause even while im there i still have to study and i have yet to organize meeting with one of my best friends#so like thats why i dont really wanna make doughnuts cause im just... really tired#but i still want to make them yk#idk i kinda just wanna sleep instead#should i just make the doughnuts??
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aita for asking my mum to clean out the kitty litter trays even though its usually my chore
i drove to doctors and work this morning, i worked 8.30 till 5 she worked 8.30 til 4 and drove home after her shift ended to pick up my dance clothes for me (i only didnt have them because i had to stay late at work since 3 people went home sick).
my friend cancelled on me for dance tryouts so i spend the afternoon crying and eventually choose to go anyway because i was excited for hiphop but by this point my head is pounding.
i get out of work, she drives me to dance and goes to get macdonalds while she waits for me to get out. halfway through dance they mention we are not even doing hiphop today not until next week (u have to pay for the tryouts btw)
i get out 7.40ish. on the drive home im thinking "fuck its almost 8 i havent done any uni study, (i have 2 lectures, a quiz and like 8 readings that need to be done today and tomorrow), i havent spent any time with our cats or cleaned their litter trays yet."
for reference we have new cats and are introducing them into a house with a dog so rn we have them in one room and let them out occassionally while putting the dog out back, while i clean out the litter trays and top them up every day, once a week we empty them completely and clean them out
so we get home and i say "would it be too much to ask if you could please do the litter trays tonight" i try to explain that i have a headache and ive still got a lot of uni homework to do and i havent spent any time with the cats so i'd play with them for a bit while she cleans the trays and then do my homework
immeadiately she starts yelling at me that shes tired, she hasnt been home from work all day, she did it last time, shes done so many favours for me already today and blah blah blah.
the way i see it, first, i clean the kitty litter trays every day and vacuum their room. she has literally never done this, she emptied out and washed a tray last week because i was sick and got home from work and passed out. i (a learner btw so im very stressed when i drive) drove us to her appt and then to work, i worked more hours than her today, i danced all night with a headache, i also have not been home all day, after being cancelled on and then them not even doing the type of dance i wanted to do and i still have to do uni work tonight so i dont think im the selfish one here.
but sitting in my cats room while they eat their dinner i can hear her storm about and slam doors because shes so mad at me but i dont understand am i in the wrong here?
also literally as i am writing this she comes out and goes "tell me when youve finished dinner so i can let the cats out. and DONT leave it too late" while my food is literally cooking as we fucking speak jfc.
i have a bit of a diary where i write when mum is mad at me because if i mention to her that she upset me it never goes well so i write it down to safely let those feelings out and as i was writing this one i just needed some clarity i really cant fathom any reason for her to be mad except egocentrism so perhaps an unbias outsider can shed light?
What are these acronyms?
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fuck fuck fuck fuck i fucking hate feeling like this oh my god
i have so much homework due next monday because we're on "break" but were not even on break as uni exam year students we still go to school regularly but everyone used it all as an excuse to give us hundreds of papers of homework like we have all the time in the world im going to fucking cry we still go to school and i know im not gonna be able to finish it but i cant even bring myself to do it bc im sof ucking exhausted all the time lately and i dont even know why my life went downhill so quickly and i feel like eveything is out of order now and i dont even know how to fix it why did things end up like this i dont know what to do i cant cry to my parents because they never take me seriously i cant cry to my sister because shes just going to make fun of me i dont want to cry to my friends because they have their own lives to worry about and i cant just burden them with mine like this,,
i constantly feel like an alien trying to communicate with my classmates at school,, since my friends all left to different schoolslast year and im stuck all alone and im trying to make new friends but i constantly feel like an outsider,,, i feel like thyere all what a person is supposed to be but im deranged,,, they all have their lives in order and im typing away on this hellsite because im so overwhelmed i want to cry,,,
my mock exam results were garbage and im not even able to do my math homework its the one thing i thought i was good at and now i cant even manage that
I dont have time to draw i dont have time to play games i need to study but im so exhausted that i cant focus at all and im never going to make it to uni at this rate and everything keeps piling on and on and now im stuck and the adhd is only making things worse for me
My teeth constantly hurt my back is always stiff and im in incredible pain and my hair keeps getting oily and my exams always go like shit these days but i dont know if i have enough time to get everything in order i
My psychiatrist is too expensive now and i can only go to her once every 2 months but im nort getting any help at all and she refuses to prescribe me anything bc im not 20 yet but i just want to stop feeling like this and start being functional again i dont care if it messes up my hormones or if i cant give birth or if my period cycle gets messed uo or something i dont care just i just want to feel better again i want everything to stop so that i can catch a break bur it all keeps going faster and im lost
bc of the stuoid fucking wheather the lights keep going out and none of the plugs work properly and so my phone is never charged and Its been like this for days and my dad went on a trio and my mom doesn't want to call an electric and im so fucking annoyed all the time now
My dad never stops making marks about how my grades arent enough and my mom keeos commenting on my weight and my appearance and im so sick and tired of everything i want to fall asleep for 6 years
i have to organise things in my server but i keep putting it off and uts been like that for days and im so overwhelmed at the thought of the task that i cant even start now so im stuck in place being completely unproductive i want this to end i want to study i want to organise the server i want to have a stable life again but things keep going wrong and now im sitting in the kitchen crying and typing bc its like screaming into a void on tumblr
Im so sick and tired of living like this jm exhausted i want the selfcest shipper to leave me alone already i physically need her to leave me the hell alone but she keeps blocking me and unblocking me and following me and unfollowing me and i spend all my time worrying whether or not i did something wrong or upset her and yet she keeps asking to join the aerver and then leaving the server but ppl like her for some reason but shes been nothing but rude to me and keeps acting entitled and i want to be done with her bullshit already
i feel like im slowly losing my mind but bc i act normal irl noone ever realises it but my bucket always fills and i end up lashing out at the weomg time constantly and getting yelled at for it but its fine for everyone to treat me like garbage right?? Its fine for my classmates and own parents to never listen to me and always interrupt me when im trying to talk i guess i should just keep quiet but i have emotions too and i experience them normally amd i should be allowed to express them instead of being told to shut up or getting ignored
I want to sleep for a long time
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moonbinscirera · 2 years
I feel like you would be the perfect passenger for me then because I always get lost even with a GPS when it doesn't work...
Omg taste... I would love to pick up more books with a woman of color centric character and YES bonus points for good gay rep pls 🤌🏼 I really do love fantasies as well 😩 omg an angst lover 💪🏼 honestly haven't read a lot of angst lately but >:) when authors aren't afraid to kill off a character I have got to say that's super refreshing 🍿
Ahahaha fake dating got that good spice to it...will never tire of that trope but I'm giggling at the kid fics... I can definitely see why you would not want to touch those with a 10ft pole 😂 👍🏼
I'm loving your ao3 search so much!! That's so detailed slay I'm just lucky if anything I like pops up for real - at this point I think I will just read anything out of desperation when I'm bored 😅
Slayyyy I think I'll continue looking into them maybe as a potential Christmas gift!! I'll also have to loon up ToonrificTariq then 👁 I'm loving the name already 😂
Screaming at how cool you are... Honestly watched GoT off and on only for the dragons 😩 - I'm cackling at how you can do it without looking although I'm sure you didn't miss *too* much 😂
I... am a fic writer 😩🫣 I don't think my stories are all that cool unfortunately... Most of the attention/notes have gone towards nsfw content rather than the sfw I used to labor over 💔 such is the woes of writeblr 😔
Thank you for thinking I'm studious 😂 I'm studying IT 🤓 I'm pretty sure I'll be graduating right before the gift giving starts off for this event hehe.. I cannot wait to be done for now 😭 homework and lectures are sooo boring at this point but the 24/7 working life... Ew! What about you (if you don't mind me asking hehe) 😳
xhxydhddhd at least if the gps breaks well be lost together shsbsshd
sometimes it feels like its a lil hard to find books with woc protags that arent realistic fiction and i hate that 😭 cuz alot of time the "realistic" setting they pick is one i cant relate to cuz i didnt grow up in the city or i wasnt the only black family in a whyte suburbs u know? so it takes like triple the digging to find something to connect to and it feel fun and not like racism porn 😭
anyway! angst is so good like its so satisfying and isnt there just something so so so like brain itching good about a homie being like please play pretend with me and then going oh shit wait its not pretend anymore actually?
im generally a rarepair shipper??? like in most fandoms i get into so its like i gotta be methodical and double back alot or else ill run outta content 😭 like even my favorite dynamic in svt is wonhao which barely anyone is checkin for 😭 (but quite honestly any less talked about hao dynamic imma jump thru hoops for like any of 95 line with him?????)
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can u tell hao is my ult like is it obvious? i prommi i like him a normal amount like an absolutely normal amount like i swear on go- [gunshot]
do it do it do it doit³
im telling u i was in s2-3 and kept being like who tf is that??? by s4 i was like if this unknown person is here its no worries theyll prolly die soon anyway dont stress dont stress
ah creative ppl are always hard on their own work tho! (i am too) i bet its cooler than u think! that sucks tho when attn doesnt go to the works u really want them too 😔 like nsfw is fun but sfw should still get some love 😔
ooo and luckily! u caught me in this month because i just applied to an online school to study health IT so i can actually say imma be studying something! starting in January im nervous 👉🏾👈🏾 BUT CONGRATULATIONS ON UR GRADUATION
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kio-may · 3 years
Kio! I'd like to request for headcanons where Trey, Kalim and Jamil have to work on a school project with the reader. But the reader procrastinates a lot! How would the boys deal with it? Have fun~
Hello! Its nice to see you again :) thank you for the request! I had a bit of fun with it <3 hope you enjoy
(Ps i think i made kalim's a little short 😭 im sorry)
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He's used to helping his siblings with their homeworks and projects, so when you start procrastinating it's nothing new to him
Amused for a moment and then chuckles for a bit
"I have some things in mind in the meantime that may help"
Tries to help you with your procrastinating a bit
Engages you in things, tries to get you "in the zone" basically
Suggests some of Riddle's study tricks as well
Both of you end up having light conversation and before you know it
Yalls work is done 😳
I really feel like Trey would be amazing at helping people with homework or projectwork
He understands how grueling it can be sometimes
He's one of the more sympathetic ones so he doesn't judge you <3
Although it's scary sometimes how he manages to get you both back on track without you even noticing
He be built different
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Listen, the moment you're procrastinating, he's going to go wild
Calm before the storm
Calm before jamil's second overblot
When you start procrastinating, he's laughing and talking about how he doesn't want to do the work either
Both of you have a 50/50 chance on getting back on your work or breaking out a dance battle, no in between
In the case that both of you manage to get the work done, it's already pretty late and most of the time both of you were lazing about
Not the best study buddy he's trying please-
In the case that he does want to complete the assignment at hand and doesn't get distracted (once in a blue moon)
He'll try to cheer you up and promise you things if you complete a certain point in your work
"Let's complete our work till here and then we can have a few snacks!"
<3 good boy but not at projectworks hes trying KSNOSJS
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He's helped Kalim with his work so like Trey he isn't too surprised
Depending on how close you are, for example if both of you are somewhat good friends, he'll empathize a bit and share some of his experiences
"I remember having trouble with these things a while ago"
(Use this chance to deepen your bond babe-)
If you both aren't close he'll just probably think of using his unique magic on you. Bada bing bada boom /j
He'll help you with your half of the project work and encourage you to take breaks once you've reached a certain point, like Kalim does (figure)
Also gets you motivated to some degree if that doesn't work
He'll make light conversation and try to understand why you're procrastinating
Maybe he'll even tease you a bit to see if it'll keep you going
He'll also offer to do some other activities to help you try to engage yourself in the project work like Trey does
Overall very dependable (i mean yeah)
If both of you are somewhat good-close friends
He may even compliment you after you complete your half of the project
^If that isn't worth it idk what is
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narumika · 2 years
Hi there ! ! Do you still do match ups? If not feel free to delete this<3 but if you still do, can i get an enstars match up please ^_^ im introverted and quiet but i get very talkative when its about something ik very pationate about. I really like studying but there are times where i tend to procrstinatinate on schoolworks and end up staying up very late doing the procrastinated homework but its mainly bcs i cant focus on stuff when its morning cause people are awake and are distracting. I love drawing and listening to music, i dont rlly have a specific genre of music that i like, i just listen to whatever i find pleasing.
Random facts about me (i hope they help your matchup):
I find loud and distracting people annoying
I am an INTP and Aquarius
Im not good at small talk
I like spicy noodles and im not a fan of very sweet things so i prefer dark choco over milk choco
I watch anime and read manga
I talk to myself a lot
I hope anything i said helps :)) and sorry if there are any typos
i match you with ;
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bro is god awful at talking (especially in public) but is an amazing listener . he will listen to your 3 am rambles and act like everything is fine even though you should be sleeping!! he probably heard you talking to yourself and thought you were talking to a ghost or something. he listened in and was like damn this ghost is dry as hell. you two can share an annoyance with loud people, he gets anxious when they’re around tbh. he pushes you to not procrastinate (me saying this like i wasn’t earlier) and get stuff done quicker so it’s already over with. he probably procrastinates tho
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Y/N had been hoping to just cry her frustrations away peacefully in the empty classroom she’d managed to find. Of course, just like the rest of her day, even that simple dream went terribly wrong when the one and only Tsukishima Kei ended up being the person that found her. 
WARNINGS: crying, hurt/comfort, y/n is sad, mild implications of men being bad, 
A/N: salty boy spam is coming im sorry ahead of time
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This had to be the worst possible outcome, the worst case scenario, the most horrible thing that could’ve occurred— aside from the things that had led up to this, to Y/N finding herself crying in an empty classroom of the school long after the bell had rung. Though Y/N supposed she shouldn’t be shocked seeing as everything had gone wrong since the morning started, when she’d woken up late and missed the bus. Then she was late to class and received detention, then she’d realized she’d forgotten her homework, followed by that stupid boy who— Y/N tried to shake off these thoughts, not wanting her tears to continue falling at the reminder of just how horrid her day had been.
Everything had all piled up on her, and all it had taken was one minor inconvenience for her to simply break down crying out of pure frustration. 
And now, her friend— though he’d probably tell her they were barely acquaintances, Tsukishima Kei, stood before her. Though she had yet to experience his apparently cruel and teasing remarks, Y/N had a feeling that was about to change. Most says he’d accompany her on the walk home, or between classes, and Y/N liked to think the they’d built a pretty good friendship. Bonding through shared classes and study sessions, and of course the Karasuno Volleyball Club that she helped run as manager. He’d treated her with respect, for the most part, she hadn’t been entirely shielded from his teasing, though Hinata and Kageyama received the brunt of it.
Tsukishima stood at the entrance of the room, his hand still wrapped around the door knob as he stared at her with a blank look on his face. Y/N found herself wanting to laugh because of course Tsukishima Kei was the one who found her sobbing in an empty classroom after school. It couldn’t have been Sugawara, or Daichi, no. Instead it was the infamously cold-hearted Tsukishma.
He was having similar thoughts as he watched Y/N look up at him with wide eyes, reddened and brimming with tears, his grip on the door knob tightened. Though he maintained his carefree look, Tsukishima found himself panicking internally because why did he decide to tell Yamaguchi to go on without him? He was far better at comforting people, a skill he’d probably picked up because of how often he’d apologize for Tsukishima’s... crude words. 
Aside from his panic, Tsukishima was curious as to why she’d been crying.
And maybe worried. Not that he’d ever admit it. 
He opened his mouth to speak only for Y/N to begin speaking first, “I’m so sorry.” A nervous laugh escaped her as she swiftly wiped away her tears, as his brows furrowed, but Tsukishima shut his mouth as she continued, “I should probably be at practice, managing as managers do.” She exhaled shakily, hand coming to her forehead, “and I know you don’t want to deal with this— with me. You should go.” 
Wordlessly, Tsukishima shut the door behind him gently as he asked, “what happened?”
“Great I’ll— I’m sorry what?” Y/N tilted her head the boy, confusion flooding her as she watched him move towards her and take a seat on the desk across from her. 
“What happened?” Tsukishima repeated, his voice filled with disinterest as he adjusted his glasses. 
Slowly, Y/N shook her head, struggling to find words, “Tsukishima, you don’t have to comfort me or anything, I’m fine, really.” She wouldn’t deny that this seemed... out of character for him, and Y/N had a feeling that he was rather uncomfortable by her outward display of emotions. She was shocked he hadn’t started teasing her yet, simply sitting across from her and awaiting for her to enlighten him as to what happened.
When Y/N didn’t continue, he shifted on the desk, “allow me to rephrase—” Tsukishima cleared his throat, “tell me what happened.” Y/N quickly realized that he wasn’t asking, he was demanding an explanation. 
Y/N opened her mouth, just for her eyes to brim with tears as she looked up at Tsukishima, closing her mouth just to offer him a shrug, “I’m sorry—”
“Stop apologizing, idiot.” As soon as the words left his mouth, Tsukishima found himself grimacing, insults probably weren’t the best way to comfort people, but he didn’t know what else to do as he continued, “you didn’t do anything wrong.”
A laugh escaped Y/N as she rest her face in her hands, shielding her tear-streaked face from Tsukishima’s gaze as she replied, “you don’t know that.”
“Yes I do.” His hands comes to rest on her wrists pulling at them until they’re removed from her face, just for Tsukishima to see Y/N’s eyes brimming with tears, a flicker of shock on his face before he says, “the only thing you’ve ever done wrong is math.” She laughs once more, except this time it seems to be out of actual joy, before exhaling deeply as she met his eyes, opening her mouth just for Tsukishima to say, “I swear if you say sorry one more time.”
He releases her hands, and Y/N can’t help but feel sad due to the loss of contact, though she smiles at his words nonetheless, looking up at him. “Right.” She mumbles, moving off the desk to stand in front of him, “we should go to practice.” She decides not to ask why he’s already there, having a feeling that he wouldn’t tell her even if she did. 
Tsukishima nods, adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder as he follows Y/N to the exit of the classroom, just for her to pause as her hand grips the door knob. “Y/N?” He’s wondering if she’s about to start sobbing again when she releases the door knob in favor of throwing her arms around his neck and pulling his downwards into a hug. The boy finds himself frozen as she hugs him, shock having flooded his system.
When he doesn’t reciprocate the hug immediately, Y/N can’t help but feel her cheeks warm in embarrassment moving to pull away as she spoke, “sorry—”
Tsukishima’s arms suddenly find her waist and pull her closer as he scoffs, “what did I say about apologizing?”
If Tsukishima was honest, he’d heard that Y/N had gotten detention early in the day from one of his classmates, and he’d been shocked. He decided that when the school was at its emptiest would probably be the best time to make his move on the manager of the Karasuno Volleyball Club. Things did not go as planned. 
“Thank you, Tsukki.
But he was pretty okay with this outcome too. 
Tsukishima is silent for a moment, contemplating what to do next before deciding that if there was one thing he’d learned, it’s that food tends to solve most problems amongst members of the Karasuno Volleyball Club. “I’m taking you to get ice cream after practice.” 
“Clearly you need it.” Came his swift response, though Tsukishima had a feeling this wouldn’t convince her to go out with him, deciding to continue with the roll of his eyes, “and I happen to like hanging out with you.”
Y/N pauses, wondering if perhaps she’d heard the boy wrong, because if she hadn’t been mistaken that was almost a compliment. She quickly decides she’ll over-analyze their conversation later as she replies. “It’s a date!” Beaming up at him as she pulled away from the hug, much to Tsukishima’s dismay. Y/N’s cheeks warmed as she realized what she had just said, clearing her throat and looking away. “I mean, its not a date but—”
“No, it is a date.”
Y/N’s head snapped over to his, shock clear on her face as her mouth gaped open, while Tsukishima smirked, hand coming to the door knob. He pulled the door open, using his free hand to push his glasses further up on his face as he spoke, “ladies first.”
Yeah, he liked this outcome.
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A/N: so i was sad and decided if no one else is going to make me feel better than i’ll make myself feel better by writing about a 2D character comforting y/n 
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TAGS: @therainroguefanfiction​ @shawkneecaps​ @beifongsss​
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
Things Get Rough (Roderick Heffley x Reader Smut)
Request: "could u write a smut about sex with rodrick after a fight? plzz 😔 (sorry for my bad english, im from latin america)" ~ Anonymous
A/N: This Will Be My Last Free Fanfic. This was the last thing I am accepting as an unpaid fanfiction writer. Im sorry it took a little while, I've been busy. And honestly I was surprised that I had never done this prompt before??? Thank you for the request 💕
P.s. This is litterally so late I'm ashamed. When I recieved this request and decided to stop taking requests I was at a really dark place and yknow fanfic writing takes a back seat. So again, I apologize to anon and everyone that has supported me.
Warnings: Sex, yelling? Theres an argument.
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How could he? How could be just sit there, twirling his stupid drum sticks as he talked with his stupid friends about something even stupider? At first you thought he was planning something special to ask you. Like chocolates or flowers or a big banner saying something cheesy like: "Rock on to Prom with me?" All the other girls were getting asked!
And your boyfriend, just sat there. Prom was approaching quickly and if he didnt ask you soon, how were you supposed to coordinate your outfits? Did Rodrick even own a tux? You were doubtful. You sat next to him on the bench before the first bell, your blood boiling as the thought consumed you.
Did he even want to go to prom with you? Did he even want you? Did you mean anything to him? Clearly not if he's not going to ask you.
You watched him laugh with his friends before his head swiveled to your brooding gaze. That dumb smile of his still plastered to his face. He starred at you for a second before speaking.
"What?" He asked dumbly.
"Hmph!" You huffed before plucking yourself up from you seat and walking away. Rodrick's smile dropped. He looked at his friends and shrugged.
You tried to avoid him the rest of the day, which was hard because you had social studies together second period, and usually he copied your homework. But not today. Today you sat far, far away from that heartless jerk. He watched you enter with a dumb smile, expecting you to sit next to him as usually. But you turned the other cheek and sat across the room. Rodrick looked confused, he looked at the chair next to him and back at you with a sheepish scowl. That fool.
You hid at lunch so he wouldn't find you, and you decided to walk home that day so you wouldn't have to suffer an awkward ride home from him. You didn't need his charity. As you walked, you heard the faint putter of a certain vehicle. You knew that sound a mile away. You tried to walk faster but it didnt help, soon that stupid spray painted fan was right on your tail.
"Hey..." Rodrick called from the drivers side, "why are you ignoring me?" He called.
"I'm not ignoring you." You spat with your head help high in defiance.
"Yeah you are! You've been ignoring me all day!" His head swayed back and forth from the road to you. You continued to ignore him. "Aw c'mon Y/N! At least let me drive you home!" You didn't speak. "Please, just talk to me! I'll do anything!" He whined like a sad dog. "Did I do something wrong again? Just tell me, I'll fix it!" You stopped and starred at him with rage burning in your eyes.
"If you really cared about me, you'd have already fixed it!" You shouted beforr stomping off again.
"Fixed what!? What did I do!?" Rodrick cried after you with a sad and fustrated huff. He watched you turn the corner to your house disappear inside.
That night, you cried into your pillow as you though about him. You wiped away mascara stained tears as you starred fondly of a picture of the two of you together. That was the night he first ask you out, after his band played a show. Suddenly you heard a tapping at your window.
Rodrick stood there in your backyard, tossing pebbles at your window. By the time you opened it to call down to him, you watched him stumble back in surprise as he tossed down a rock that more than likely shattered the glass. Lucky you.
"What do you want!?" You hissed ar him.
"I'm sorry!" He shouted.
"Shhhhhh sshhut up! Everyones asleep!" You shouted, in a hushed tone.
"I'm sorry! I..I brought you some flowers!" He hushed back, holding up a handful of harshly picked and bruised flowers he definitely got from his mother's garden. You sighed.
"Fine...come up." You walked back to your room and watched Rodrick climb up the tree beside your window and crawl like a turtle into your room with a loud thud. "Do you even know what you're apologizing for?" You scoffed at him.
"For hurting your feelings?" He asked as he stood from his place on the floor.
"No!- well, yes, but do you know how you hurt my feelings?" He took a look pause.
"No." You huffed in disbelief.
"Prom, Rodrick! You never asked me to be your date to prom!" Yknow, that sounded a lot more dramatic and heartwrenching in your head. He starred at you for a moment and then slowly he face scrunched up in confusion.
"What?" He asked, slowly walking towards you. "You're mad at me, because I didn't ask you, my girlfriend, to prom?" It sounded worse when he said it. He turned your head and crossed your arms.
"...yes." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he shook his head.
"But your my girlfriend, so obiviously we're going together!"
"Well how am I supposed to know that, you never brought it up!"
"Neither did you!"
"But you're the one thats supposed to ask me to the prom! You're supposed to prompose!" You shouted.
"Why would I when I thought we were already going together!?"
"Because its what your supposed to do!" You didn't realize how close he was. You didn't realize how much taller he was than you or how his hands reached out and grabbed your face. You didn't have time to move until it was already too late. His lips were on your lips and your hands were in his hair and his hands let go of your face to wrap around you in a passionate embrace.
His chest heaved as he took deep and powerful breaths in between kisses. You shuffled back as you fell on the twin bed behind you. You moaned as his hands reached up your pajamas. His cold fingers ran across your warm flesh and his hims began to buck against yours.
Soon clothes were flying and your heart raced frantically. You craved him, unable to think of anything but him, anything but this. Right here, right now. Horomones raged on as he frantically unbuckled him belt and threw his pants down. His erection sorung free, eager and ready to please you. He slid a condom over his length and without missing a beat, leaned over you for another fevered kiss before entering. You gasped and threw your head back as it began. Your hands clawed at his back as he started to thrust into you. At first it was nice and steady but they got harder and faster as the tention built inside you.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck and let out helpless grunts and moans of your name. His muscles tensed as you felt him get closer and closer to his limit. Just a little more, just a few more sloppy, deep thrusts and you were done for. He reached a hand down to pleasure you further as his angle changed, hitting you perfectly. You came undone and around him. His jaw dropped and he gasped as a few more thrusts pushed him over.
"I-I'm gonna-" he groaned before spilling himself into the condom. The two of you were left panting, sweating messes, as per usual. You cleaned yourselves up and shared a few sweet kisses to calm your nerves before settling into one another's arms.
"So black and red?" You asked eventually, Rodrick still panting.
"Huh?" He huffed.
"Our colors for prom, black and red?"
"Oh...oh yeah that sounds nice."
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rebellioussinner09 · 4 years
Who’s in Control?
Sub Kuroo x dom Fem Reader ❤️
If there’s one thing Kuroo prides himself for is that he knows he has good stamina.
Actually good was an understatement, he knows he has *excellent stamina* not only for playing volleyball but also for bedroom activities.
And Not to mention he was rough and unforgiving when it comes to sex(at least thats what he tells himself)
And he definitely uses that gift for his own advantages,
I mean he himself witnessed on how Y/N would just loose her mind from his Overstimulation or just his thrusting in general.
And a lot of their friends and peers often jokes about on how Y/N handles Kuroo’s attitude. Because as they quote “kuroo seems to be the type of guy who’s into bdsm”
*because lets be real He wasn’t called scheming captain by his team for nothing*
And Even Kenma and Bokuto would join in on that playful banter that Kuroo needs to tone it down sometimes so that Y/N can at least breath and have a chance to keep up with him.
Kuroo would only nod and smile to those comments because oh how wrong their assumptions were.
Because if the roles had been reversed, Y/N was literally 100x worse when it comes to teasing and sadism.
His teammates cleary hasn’t seen Y/N’s all dominant glory when she’s the one taking the reigns on their relationship.
And Kuroo totally had his first hand experience on this;
There was a time where they made a bet on who could last a week on teasing before the other one break, and Y/N won that bet fair and square cause not once did he saw her Crumble, she just shrugged off Kuroo’s efforts in teasing like it was just nothing.
And the dirty talk
*oh god the dirty talk*
If kuroo had a filthy mouth that calls out degrading terms when doing the deed, Y/N was more of a sweet smoth talker that would coo and whisper sweet nothings on your ear and somehow that was 10x worse cause man that girl knows her way with her words.
She would babble out on “how much of a good boy” Tetsuro has been and on how proud she is of him while she bounces herself up and down on his cock.
At that; Kuroo can practically pinpoint the moment he realizes and accepts he is no match for a dom Y/N
So he only whimpers in response as she digs her claws at the back of his shoulders as she continue the activity on riding him.
“Who’s my sweet boy now?” Y/N asks, her fingers slowly tracing the veins on Kuroo’s biceps.
“I am” Kuroo pants desperately “I am baby please- you’re killing me”
But the girl in front of her only raises a brow back at him, she growls loudly as her hand went up to grip Kuroo’s neck
“Now that’s not one way to adress me” she demands as she squeezed the lining of Kuroo’s adam’s apple
“Mommy” Kuroo moaned below her “Im sorry Mommy please”
With a satisfied smirk, Y/N realeses her hold, she leans down to her partners eye level to give him a passionate kiss on the lips
“Ok baby. You can cum now”
As if on command, Kuroo bucks his hips against her core as he splurted his load deep inside her
“Fuck” he hisses between his teeth.
By the time he was finished, he gives Y/N a sturdy glare “You’re killing me” he groans
But his girl only giggles in response “That’s what you get for picking a fight with Bokuto today”
And that was only Level 01 of Y/N being a dom.
Level 2 was way more intense and extreme because it involves a certain strap on toy that Y/N bought online
And to be honest Kuroo was a bit hesistant at getting pegged at first, because no way in hell was he agreeing on shoving up a dildo up to his prostate,
but the protest died on his mouth the moment Y/N pushed him in all fours over towards the bed.
“Awww but baby you take me so good” she purrs as she gently tugs of Kuroo’s boxers from his waist.
“Surely a big boy like you can handle a little strap on now would you?”
Kuroo lets out a deep growl as Y/N prods a finger into his hole to at least stretch it out before she pushes the toy in
“Y/N-“ he warnes
“Yes baby?”
He was about to retort a complaint when he feels the silicon material pushed up against his p-spot
“Fuck” he curses as he grabs a fistful the sheets below him
“You okay?” Y/N asks once she was fully in.
“M’good” Kuroo breathes “Just take it slow on me baby please”
But Y/N’s definition of slow was quite the opposite cause she rutted in him almost quickly as he lets the 7 inch toy slide in and out of him.
The overwhelming sensation of being full and the constant hitting of his prostate was too much for Kuroo’s liking.
He was too absorbed in processing the foreign object against his hole he was surprised Y/N’s hand made its way into his neglected cock.
She gives it a few gentle strokes before she pulls away to trap her arms into Kuroo’s neck.
“Straighten up” she orders lowly “Look at yourself in the mirror”
And Kuroo was quick to obey as he takes his full form on the reflection in front of him.
He was on his knees on the bed while Y/N relentlessly pounds him from behind.
“That’s it baby look at how much of a slut you are” Y/N snarls as she tugs him upward again so he can get a full view of his lower abdominal muscles and his cock that is leaking out pre-cum
The pleasureable feeling of him getting fucked and the degrading words from Y/N was just enough to send him into the edge that he even almost pulled out an aheago face right then and there.
And of course Y/N’s quick eyes didn’t miss that;
“Look at the mirror when you cum” she tells him roughly “Let me see that face you make”
So he does, one quick glance into his messy reflection he’s already cumming hard. He takes and jerks his cock out of sudden reflex all in as he maintained eye contact with himself through the mirror.
And fuck does the sight before him will live rent free on his mind from now on. 😂😂
3rd and Final Level was Y/N’s style of Exhibitionism and Public Sex.
Now in their relationship its no secret that kink is somehow Kuroo’s teritory.
Once his horny in public, Him and Y/N are known to be possibly hooking up in a nearby stall or bathroom or even the storage room if they’re inside the gymnasium.
That’s what all the team knew, It was always Kuroo who initiates the first move, But what they didn’t knew is half of those sexual activity was Y/N s idea.
(At least Kuroo has the decency to at least let them do it in a secluded place where he knows is private but at the same time the possibility of anyone walking in on them excited them both so honestly that was the whole point of it so it was definitely a win win situation)
But what Kuroo doesn’t know is how his girlfriend managed to get turned on in broad daylight and in the middle of the library during a study session
(And one thing about Y/N ; if she’s the first one to get turned on; Don’t even try to think of domming, Kuroo learned that the hard way)
So here she was eyeing him up and down with lusty eyes as she drew little circles around Kuroo’s thigh
“Y/N stop it” Kuroo snaps as he gently slaps the hand away.
“Want you” Y/N breathes unto the shell of his earlobe “You’re so sexy today”
Kuroo sighs in annoyance, he then dips his head down so he could give her a small kiss on the forehead
“Hold on a little longer baby” he reasures “When we’re done with the homework we can have a little detour inside one of the classrooms”
Y/N pouts at the idea of having to wait a little longer “But I want you now”
Kuroo gives her another kiss “I know. But they’re like 50 other people here with us”
At his statement Y/N gives a sly smirk.
And Kuroo was quick enough to piece the puzzles together “Baby dont you dare-“
But it was too late, Y/N reacted quickly on knocking few of her books down to the floor catching the attention of few other students from across their table.
She mumbles a quick apology before she kneels down to retrive them.
And by retrieve it was her kneeling infront of Kuroo’s legs to palm his bulge against the fabric of his pants.
“What are you doing?” Kuroo growls “Get up”
But Y/N wasn’t taking any hints and continued to fundle with his balls “You’re already hard babe” she comments “I know you like this. You like me blowing you out inside the library while they are peolple around us”
At the suggestion of blowing him, Kuroo’s breath hitched; “Y/N Im serious” he says “Not here”
Y/N lets out a sarcastic scoff “It will be fine” she assures as she zips Kuroo’s fly down to free his aching cock “Just dont make a sound”
Without another word, she envelops Kuroo’s long shaft into the depths of her mouth.
Kuroo lets out a soft whine as he takes a quick look at the surrounding around him, luckily no one has took noticed of them yet and he thanked the Nekoma high school library for having closed tables that covered their lower halves.
He then turns his gaze back to Y/N who was busy bobbing her head up and down on his cock.
He groans again as he feels her tongue move up to the base then around to his frenulum.
“Fuxk” he curses under his breath as he feels the building organsm ripping away through his stomach down to his shaft.
“baby I’m gonna cum” he whispers as he wraps a hand on her hair to guide her head up and down.
With another quick swish of Y/N’s tongue, Kuroo lets a harsh yelp as he involunarily thrust his hips into her mouth to ride out his orgasm.
Y/N pulls away with a loud pop as she gracefully wiped away the cum stains around her lips
“See?” She mused “that wasn’t so hard now was it?”
He fixes her a stern glare “oh fuxk you” he says as he took in the mess they made.
If they keep doing random stuffs like this; Kuroo’s gonna need a change of pants and possibly change schools. (His reputation as a volleyball captain would clearly be damaged) but when he tooks in the sighs of his girlfriend’s smirk and lewd face in front of him, Kuroo wouldn’t trade it for the whole world.
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uwuowotf2waslife · 4 years
The mercs with an s/o who is on the autism spectrum? If you want to
 as a person with diagnosed autism( ASD that later changed to SCD but concidering my countrys lack of proper diagnosis and non-existant support when i was growing up, im not sure,it might was a result of chronic abuse or i was a really weird kid) its my duty to answer this ask,
always know that you are perfect with all your imperfections 
just because maybe your brain is wired different it doest make you less of a person
you are poetry
-my boy has adhd ( probably undiagnosed until he was examined by Medic) so you two might have a little problem at the begining.
-he might be the closest to a jack russel in human form, but he cares about you and is willing to sit down and do his research so he can understand you and your struggles. He isn’t a hypocrite, he is a hyperenergetic bundle of daddy issues and is sure he will annoy you from time to time, he annoys pretty much everyone except his mom on rare occasion, he is a hanfull and he knows that years now. But he also has come to understand that everyone has struggles and little things that make them more special than others.
-if you have problems with communication , he’ll be your mouth .Problems with sensory overstimulation? he will escort you to the safest place and hug you tighter than he thought hes capable of. People mistreating or bullying/insult you? the bat is in his hands and his ready to hit home runs on their balls. You might not be the perfect couple, you will struggle like every couple and have fights and arguments, but he is ready to phase every difficulty that comes on your way. He loves you and he is here for the ride even if its bumpy.
-( I and i think a big part of the community claim he is actually autistic) Probably the most tricky of the mercs, since at one side he might completely relate/understand you and the relationship go smoother than soft butter on bread, or he might have problems communicating the relationship problems with you.
-as all relationships you two must sit down and communicate your problems. Believe me he isn’t mentally retarded ( a horrible misconsumption ive seen being thrown around), yes he is stubborn and can’t read social cues to save his life, but he is a loyal beefcake with a golden heart hardened by a lifitime of war. He knows he isn’t the perfect man, he has nightmares and panic attacks on the regualr after so much trauma in his life. But he also knows that if he S/O needs him, it doesnt matter if its a small or big thing, he is ready to go through hell and back to make them happier or more comfortable 
-you can’t stand loud noises? copy that privet, he will stop yelling/ screaming around you. Certain things make you uncomfortable/ anxious? hes at your side and he is ready to snap necks...you have his heart and his adoration, he ain’t a coward or a pansy, you’ll win over any challenge that comes your way like the absolute unit you are and he is there to assist
-fresh from the start they can recognise you have autism, i lowkey think they might be ( actually in young adults asd and mild schizophrenia can be mixed and confused by not good qualified doctors, its been years since i read that study so correct me if im wrong) or have really good gut insticts. Either way, they know you are struggling and trie in subtle ways to help you
-did an important call without stuttering? hug and smooch on the crown of your head, completed all your work/homework? they will cover you in stickers and cuddle you in their pillowfort, stood up for yourself? my girl theyll make a huge cupcake tray and youll two will eat while watching sappy disney films
- you won’t struggle as much, i see them as more easy going than other members of the team. But they also have big issues that may create problems in the relationship that you both need  to work on. They are more than a handfull and they aren’t unaware of it, they spended years locked inside their own head doing god-knows how vile and harming things to their mentality and body, they can’t believe they are alive and they wake up every day next to the most beautifull human being they have come across their lif, ( Y/n). You will bond slow but strong , you are their sunshine and theyll make sure their sunshine shines no matter what they have to do
( lowkey i think is canon he has some form of high-functioning autism, just hide its behind the southern warm and soft hospitality)
- when you confess, he hugs you ( a big thing coming from him since i dont consider him a touchy fella)  and returns the confession that he is too. He knows each person experiences different so he won’t press you for explanations or description of what you have is excactly. He just assures whatever happens, he is there to help you with
- doesn’t really change how he views you, but he takes the initiative for things like talking to strangers, calling to order or things that you struggle with, but he doesnt baby you. You are an adult person and will be treated as that, even if sometimes he feels he needs to “help” or “protect” you
-one of the most  easy going of the mercs, but his work is his priority so there will be long arguments about it. He understands your frustation, but he is a workaholic years now before you came in his life and can’t bring himself to change that. His work is his routine, the only comfort he knows and the only place that accepted him for who he is. But, he will be more elastic and have more breaks/ days off even if it means the project will be finished an hour or two later, unless it has an urgent deadline. He knows he can be very cold and emotionless, he is an engineer, not a spy for that reason. Furthermore he has his own times when he is stubborns or has an anger explosion because something broke/didnt meet his expectations or got way too invested into something that turned to be worthless/ uselless so he isn’t the one to judge if you are in a sour mood or you have your own “ explosion”. After all said and done, late at night when you are both alonein his workshop he will just cradle you in his arms and make a silence promise to always be there for you through thin and thick ( as we say to go through 40 waves and 40 more ) because you are something that no machine or creation can emulate or recreate, you are ( Y/N) and you are the love of his life.
-arguably one of the three more knowledgable of the mercs in the topic of mental health department. Being raised in an orphanage i doubt he didnt had at least a dozen other kids who had from high to moderate to severe autism ( during the 20th century it wasnt uncommon for people with autism to be thought less human or that the family of said people couldn’t provide for them in severe cases so theyd be dropped on orphanages and psychiatric hospitals)., so he has some first hand experiene with what autism is. It isn’t something for him in all honesty, after so much trauma and hardship in his life he is at peace that peopleare different and their brains are rarely wired the same
-he also know he isn’t ideal, he acts really stupid when he is drunk and his alcohol consumption alone is a very big problem for any relationship he ever had in his life and i doubt he is the image of psychological perfection, but he also knows that if you are willing to keep him around you have seen him wasted out of his mind, he is more than willing to put up with anyof your quirks or difficulties.
-you want to stim? go ahead he’ll leave the room/the house so you can stim to your hearts content, you want to stay? sure thing lass, hell sit in a corner and drink a bit while you have your thing. Work/ school/ home life is stress full and you are in the verge of a breakdown? he has already wrapped you like a burrito and he is holding you while you cry/vent, you dont want to be touched at that moment? hell take you to an open field and you can blow things up to get all those feelings out of you. He isn’t ideal, he is at peace with that, but now that you appeared in his life, you became the apple of his eye. He’ll cherish you and protect you both as body but as a mind and a soul for whatever shit life throws at you, he was never one to back down a challenge.
-due to the language barrier and his nature as a quiet man it’ll take him some time. If you bring it up he’ll simply nod and run to Medic or Spy for translation. He isn’t shy to do a doctors worth of research so he knows what he has to deal with, he knows his english is broken and would prefer to have a migraine over the amount of books hes read than make you feel uncomfortable. Probably will ask advice from Medic ( the most qualified on the team) untill hes satisfied he knows enough.
-probably the sanest of the mercs, but he isn’t perfection. He had to endure famine and death from very early in his life, always be the stone his family anchored on and most people on his life, so he has his own big problems. At one side he is used to so many things, he is somewhat indiferent. You aren’t harming anyone nor its life threatening, so it doesnt really change what he feels about you. All people have flaws, noones perfect and if they do think they are perfect, they are very, very wrong. I won’t lie to you, some times hell get confuse with your behavior or will get tired of being the “ anchor” of the relationship, but he will never admit it. He survived the Gulags and years in Siberia, this is nothing but a walk in the park for him. He isn’t a fuckboy, he doesn’t want you just for some fuck and then hell forget you exist, he is much more sentimental than he appears to be. He beginned this with you because he sees you more than a body, he sees you as someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with even if itll be a challenge, he was never a quiter and he wont be now.
- don’t expect much communication help from him, unless its in russian. But whenever you feel the tiniest bit of self-doubt or anxiety his arms are open to embrace and warm you with  his love. He might was raised among anarchy and war, but he is a gentle giant with a heart bigger than Russia herself. He knows you two will struggle especially on the communication domain but he is willing  to do what it takes to make your life easier/ less challenging. He came here to stay, only if you allow him 
-Arguably the most medically qualified of the mercs, but considering the era of his studies hes at least rusty on modern terminology and general understanding of what autism is. Nontheless his a doctor ( with or without a medical license) and i doubt he ever followed the rules of ethical and unethical medicine. He is a healer primeraly and he can’t claim to be the most mentaly stable of the team.
-he might be many things, he knows hes at least crazy by normal standards and has made extremely questionable choices in his life,but he cares for the people he is close to, lovers and collagues alike. He won’t try to ‘change’or ‘medicate’ you; unless you specifically ask him for, like yes he has defied any sort of ethical medicine and has played god many times in his life, but he knows that if he changes you, you won’t be ‘you’. You will be you still, but nothing more than a lobotomized version of yourself and he fears that. Let’s be real, he probably choosed you because you are a smart individual ( that includes both street and book smarts alike) so if he “killed” your smart he would essentially kill you and this doesnt sit well with him.
-feeling down? no worries, the doctor is here ( afterhe finis hes re-connecting snipers new kidneys). Stressed? Archimedes will be your own personal cheerleader and the rest of the flock won’t let you all stressed and alone while Medic is working. In the simplest of works,he wants you to know that  he might be a madman on the field and the medbay, but he is also your lover and that means he cares about you. He doesnt care if act a lil strange or you have some special things about you, guess what? he doesnt cares. H e never cared and he will never cared, all the greatest minds had something  special about them and you are no exception. He chosed to have a relationship with  you and you accepted the love request of a surgery-happy maniac , im sure he is beyond equiped to handle you in all aspects. He might not be the most touchy but he will make his point across that you are someone who means wayy to much for him to change
- ( i highly think he is autistic, just the way hes potrayed in most fanfics he acts lowkey autistic, mostly in the communication and sociable part) growing up in the middle of nowhere probably he has never even heard ‘autism’ as a word , so his very lost. (another headcanon of mine is that he is also iliterate) You need to explain to him what autism is and how it affects your life. He has a non-pleasant expression on his face, because he realises most things that you say what that “autism”is and the thing it has are things he actually  has and felt throughout his life. He looks like hes having a religious expierience and when you are done he only nods and hugs you almost mechanically.
-he will need some time, not because ofyou, but because of him. You might think he is breaking up with, butin reality he just needs some time alone to sit down and think about all the things you said. Its one of the biggest revalations he has experienced on his life and it has hit him like a wall of bricks.
- after a few days he will return to the base and will ask you to meet with him on the most secluded of his snipers nest. While you prepare for the upcoming breakup, he actually showers and wears somet hing nice for the first time in a while. He goes out of his way to make the sniper nest a bit more “ comfortable” even bribe spy into giving him one of his fancy wines. Once you go up the nest and you two meet, he is the most clingy he has ever been and almost drinks the whole bottle out of pure anxiety. Once his tipsy enough he actually confesses that from the things you said, he found out hes also autistic. Que him basically clinging you like a broken koala baby while half-sobbing to expell all the tension he  has inside him. Please pet his hair and rub his back,he will melt and quit his rugged manly man persona for that moment. He needs you there, he needs your soft touch to ground him while his whole life comes crushing down and a weight he never imagined is being lifted from his shoulders.After that, its quaranteed you two won’t be seperated ever again, he needs you to ease all this pain he has gathered from his troubled life and he will provide you the world and the stars.
- he knows what autism is( as a spy he should know about human psychology/mental disorders just to know how to impersonate any person with or without issues) and he is a very observant man. He has above average attention span and knows how to read body language so he has figured you are autistic a long time ago. He is just waiting for you to open up about it or confess it, but he also knows the social stigma around autism so he keeps his mouth shut because he really doesn’t want you  to feel uncomfortable or ‘naked’ in front of him
- i heavily headcanon him to be at least depressed/having an ugly anxiety disorder or even a dissosiative disorder considering a big part of his life is carefully crafted theater , so he can’t say he is any more better than you.Furthermore he never really cared about what society thinks about mental ilnesses, whos here to judge who sane and not? he has seen so much shady things behind closed doors of “ pure” people he has lost all respect for what society thinks its normal and what is weird or not acceptable. Yes he follows the rules of “good” society but thats more of a habit than a need. Plus have you seen what the good ol’ society behind close doors? yap youll need a good bible study and some church to wash away the sins.
-eventually when you confess to him,he doesn’t really act. He knows its a heavyemotinal moment for you but he can’t open up for his own problems, at least now. But he will embrace you for now and say all the sweet words you need to hear...untill the same time he gets drunker than he can and confesses to you in french all his psychological troubles while he cries on your chest. He won’t let go unless he wants to vomit and he will cling to you for dear life while he experiences one of the ugliest meltdowns he has experienced in the last decade. Probably will wake up with a monster of a hangover, but once he feels you wrapped around him and feel your heartbeat on the bones of his back something will meltin him. He will gather whatever strenght he has, turn around, give you one of the most genuine smiles he has ever given in his entire life and peck your lips bore he starts whining and requiesting you to either kill him or fetch medic. Perhaps one day hell say all the things he wants to say in you mother tongoue but for now, just know he will cherish you and love you like the most exquisite poetry that has graced his life
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typicalmidnightsoul · 4 years
Prythian Valley - Chapter 1
 New person of interest: Helion Daye.
Here’s a question how far would you go to hide a secret, to protect it? How far would Helion go to hide a secret? What if the secret wasn’t a thing but a person and what if he wasn’t protecting something horrific but a…relationship? As Nesta and Audrey are coming out late from cheerleading practice hoping to just relax in Nesta’s hot tub will a chance situation rock her to her core and question her loyalties?  Cassian always knew Nesta carried burdens but he was angry at God for giving her burdens to carry which weren’t hers, burdens which made her cry in the dark in school when he was coming back from football practice.
One last question....How young can a criminal be? 
Prologue here
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Helion Daye, 9 years older than Nesta and like an older brother to her from the age of 3. They were nerds for life and he was a much respected former student of Velaris High. When Nesta moved from LA to Prythian Valley with her mother it was Helion who got special permission from the principal and showed her around his old school. Helion was now a part time university lecturer, owner of Daye Publishing and part time party boy.
 But he had a secret, one that went back to his younger days when he was a sophomore. No one could know, because if they did then it would mean nothing to him, but to the other keeper of the secret…
She would be destroyed.
 Her name was Mrs Clarissa Vanserra; she was an English and Art teacher in Velaris High when Helion was in school. She had started teaching when she was so young, only 22, and when Helion stepped in her English class he almost dropped to his knees.
 She was so beautiful, but what struck him the most was… she was helping a boy with tissues, a boy who his friends had been bullying outside. She turned to him and he almost crossed the distance and kissed her. He found out she already had children; her eldest was a 3 year old, the same age as his little Nessie. And as one thing led to another they had an illegitimate relationship, an affair.
 She was ashamed of it, because she was married and as Helion later found out it was an abusive marriage. He tried to tell her to leave him but she wouldn’t hear of it, she had children with this man.
The affair never truly ended… he had to leave for Uni as his mother in LA had got him into one of the best ones in the country.
 But Clarissa was carrying Helion’s child. She knew it was his. And she told him she… she told him she aborted it because it would only stop him from achieving his dreams. After he left Clarissa thought that was the end of her and Helion’s story but she was wrong.
  Nesta came out of double geography stretching her limbs Luna next to her, Feyre and Amren were exchanging homework apparently.
Nesta was about to walk up to them when she saw…
“Helion!!” She ran to him and he picked her up spinning her around, he laughed as he set her down,
“Hey Nessie,” he chuckled,
“Hellcat what are you doing here?!” She asked,
“Well I wanted to see my old school, and try outs for the football team and its new captain is being picked, I’m also now an advisor for the school newspaper so you’ll be seeing a lot of me.”
Feyre and Luna gave him a hug and he said, “Where’s Mrs Vanserra’s new class, it’s not the old one. I needed to talk to her about the placement of the newspaper office.”
Nesta was confused but Eris came up behind her saying, “My mom’s old class is now a biology lab, her new one is in the second floor.”
To most people Helion was glad to see Eris but Nesta could see the tightness in his eyes when Eris came up to them. He nodded and headed upstairs.
Nesta gave Feyre a hug and told her to tell mom she’d be home late with Audrey.
Feyre nodded and headed off to her last class.
 Audrey and Nesta were packing up their stuff. They had spent more time after practice to choreograph a new routine for the upcoming matches. They headed upstairs to return the locker keys to the janitors office. He had let them stay earlier do long as they lock up and leave the keys in his office. As they were returning they went past the new newspaper office,
“Damn!” Audrey whispered, “Helion’s done a good job.”
Nesta nodded and they went to the back entrance that led to the parking lot. As they went past Mrs Vanserra’s office Nesta froze stopping Audrey.
Before Audrey could gasp, Nesta put a hand over her mouth.
Because there… there was Helion and Clarissa Vanserra standing a breath apart, Helion tracing the skin on her hands whispering something to her.
Nesta made up different circumstances, maybe he was blowing something out of her eye, or she could be hurt, or maybe she had a panic attack and Helion was comforting her.
But as Helion picked up her hand and intertwined their fingers pressing a kiss to the spot below her ears Nesta could no longer kid herself. They had an affair.
Audrey pulled her out and to their car.
As Nesta started it Audrey said, her voice hard, “tomorrow 6am at the office, are we going?”
“You bet your ass we are.”
Helion was setting up the new office, when Nesta and Audrey stepped in. Audrey shutting the door and leaning on it to add another layer of soundproof and defence.
“Hey girls, it’s a bit too early but I guess if you missed me-“
“How long?”
He raised a brow, “Pardon?”
“How fucking long Helion have you been sleeping with Clarissa Vanserra?” Nesta ground out.
His face drained of any colour and he swallowed, “How-how-“
“We saw you after school yesterday.”
He let out a strangled breath and dragged a hand through his hair, then turned to Nesta taking her hands in his and sitting her down on a chair,
“Nes, listen it’s not-“ she snatched her hands away, he took them again a pleading look taking over his eyes,
“You want the truth, I’ll tell you all of it,” he took a deep breath, “ I was a sophomore, Feyre’s age and she was a new teacher, we fell in love Nesta, she had a notebook and she wrote stories in them and I fell hopelessly in love with her words with her, it’s like what you and Cassian have”-she growled-“forget I said that, anyway, she loved me back but she had children, and she was married, an abusive marriage albeit but she wouldn’t leave her children. And then I left for uni but every time I visited the valley I’d meet her and we’d…”
He shook his head, “Nesta please don’t tell anyone. No, please don’t”
“Why?!”She was crying now, “Why not?! You have an affair with a married woman with the mother of my best friend, why can’t I?”
“Because I was there!” He shouted,
Nesta looked at Audrey and back at him, “Where?”
“When Amarantha died, the day she died, the night she died, I was there, we heard someone laughing and talking and… i was there with Clarissa.”
Nesta exchanged a look with Audrey who was suddenly furious,
“No! Nesta had to protect Feyre and now you!”
Helion looked startled, “Why? What happened with-“
“Not now,” Nesta said, “We will keep your secret Helion. But you know we have to tell Luna, she won’t tell anyone either. But why can’t we at least tell Eris or-or”
Helion stood up gathering Nesta’s hands in his, tears slipping down his face,
“We had underage sex Nesta, and I got her pregnant. She had an abortion later but… the cracks are still in our relationship from it. Do you understand the gravity of this situation? I, a 15 year old got a 22 year old teacher pregnant. She could lose her job, I could go to jail, and she could too. Please.”
Nesta stumbled back as Audrey slid down the door hands in her hair.
“A child?” she whispered and Helion nodded.
Nesta nodded, “You have our word Helion, we’ll keep your secret.”
Audrey opened the door as Helion thanked them,
They left telling Luna to meet them at Pop’s.
Luna slurped her milkshake in shock.
“I cannot believe it. And we are not allowed to tell Eris?”
Nesta shook her head.
Audrey leaned back into the booth and groaned.
“What if Eris hates us?”
Audrey and Nesta hadn’t ordered anything. They’d just came in and started rambling. Pop Tate came over,
“What can I get you girls?”
“Turkey club burger, chilli fries and my large regular milkshake for me Pop,” Nesta answered.
“Chicken club, curly fries and my regular milkshake,” Audrey said as Pop smiled at them and hurried off.
“Stress eating?” Luna asked.
Nesta waved her off.
The TV blared quietly in the background as Nesta turned her head.
“A washed up truck was found late yesterday night-“
“Pop can you turn it up please?” Nesta asked as Pop did so.
“By the sheriff’s office. If this red truck belongs to anyone then it can be claimed from the sheriff’s office. Now moving onto todays main headlines…”
 Nesta’s face was etched with horror, as was Luna’s and Audrey’s. Nesta put on a fake smile and turned to Pop,
“Hey Pop, could you pack ours up and also pack in Feyre, Elain and Jonah’s regulars and Mom’s double chocolate milkshake please?”
Pop nodded and gestured to Demi who was preparing the orders.
Nesta let out the staggering breathe as Audrey dialled up one of their friends.
“Leo? We need you to take Jonah to Chicago tomorrow.”
Audrey looked at Nesta. Nesta nodded.
“They found the truck.”
Nesta rushed in as Elain seemed to be making coffee. Feyre and Jonah were at the table. Jonah was Nesta’s half-brother, the loving result of her mother’s affair. Jonah wasn’t that fond of Feyre or even Elain for that matter but he loved Nesta, a love that went really deep. He was in middle school and his best friend was Cassian’s sister, the youngest Narenz: Nyx Narenz.
She slammed down their takeaway and said, “Go eat in your rooms. Don’t come out and Mom will never know you had takeaway for breakfast.”
They all exchanged looks. Then they all ran to their rooms, grabbing the paper packages.
 Nesta strutted into her mother’s study.
But her mother was already staring at the TV screen. Hand over her mouth in horror. She walked up to her mother wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t worry Mom, we’ll sort it out.”
Her mother started shaking her head, “No, no I have already got you involved way too much. I will not allow you to-“
Nesta shook her slightly, “Hey mom, I’m doing it either way. Plus I’ve got everything planned out.”
“I can’t put this on you. I need to protect my baby boy, need to protect you.”
“You’re handling things on the inside. Let me handle this. Besides he’s my brother too you know.”
Before she could answer, the doorbell rang. Nesta took the remote and turned off the TV telling her mother to stay here.
She walked down the hallway to the main door and flung it open.
Her eyes narrowed,
“What do you want?” she snarled.
 Cassian swallowed and asked himself if there was a time of day where Nesta did not look fucking gorgeous.
Her hair was pulled into a long sleek ponytail, and she wore a tight long sleeved sheer meshed crop top with a red dragon print. It showed a black bra underneath and was paired with a black mini skirt and black gladiator heels.
He put on a cocky grin and said,
“Your sister said she needed a ride because Rhys’ car is in servicing.”
She snorted, leaving the door open, “Feyre! Your chauffeurs here!”
She turned back to him, “I’m picking up Nyx at 7:30 for the slumber party, all right with you?”
He nodded, “Who else will be there? Nyx hates all of us and hasn’t really told either of us three who’s coming?”
“Nyx doesn’t hate you, the three of you are just annoying, and I don’t disagree with her. And to answer your question, Roxy and Alec are coming.”
Cassian chuckled, “Ouch, no wonder you’re her favourite.”
She rolled her eyes and made her way back to the study. But Cassian knew Nesta and he could see her shoulders sagging from the burdens she carried. He could see a scared little girl behind those stormy eyes today and that terrified him. But before he could dwell on that matter Feyre bounded in and dragged him to his car.
Cassian bumped fists with his crew and went to take a long shower. As he came out he saw Nesta in her cheerleading outfit, rummaging around in her locker. He stalked over to her leaning against the adjacent locker.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Nesta Archeron. What’s the residential ice queen doing so late at school,” the next part wasn’t intended to be cruel but the jealousy Cassian harboured at the fact that Nesta wasn’t his leaked through him as he whispered, “Or shall we say who’s heart is she breaking?”
She slammed her locker shut and as she looked up at him he faltered. How did he not notice? Shit.
Her eyes were red, and her voice sounded slightly broken.
“Are you done Cassian?”
She swallowed and out a hand to her mouth running past him to the toilet.
 All Nesta could see was…memories of the blood on her hand. Of the bleach as she used it. As she burned her mother’s old rug because of the red stains on it. She remembered the gore and as much as she tried to push it away it just kept coming back.
She puked her lunch into the toilet and then felt strong warm hands hold her hair back. Long soothing strokes were made on her back and she managed to say,
“Cassian you can’t be in the girl’s toilet.”
“I think I can handle detention for being in here for you puking.”
A few minutes later she was washing her face in the sink. She steadied herself as she gripped the sides. Cassian put a hand on her lower back and guided her outside.
“You need some fresh air.”
She sat on back step that led to the parking lot.
Cassian kneeled in front of her, her eyes were still red.
“Nesta please tell me, what happened?”
No answer, just silent sobbing.
“Nes please. Or I’ll tell Feyre and Elain and let them handle it. You need to tell someone or you’ll break down again.”
Nesta shook her head profusely, “No, no, please it’s just… I can’t handle these secrets, Helion having an affair with Eris’ mom for so fucking long, he-he had a baby with her, he-he had sex with her when he was 15. And got her pregnant. Even though the baby was aborted I and he was at the river when Amarantha- and then there’s Jonah-“ she broke down sobbing.
Cassian waited a few seconds letting it set in. Helion the school’s former golden boy had an… affair? With a married woman?
He pulled Nesta into his arms.
They stayed like that for a long time before Cassian asked,
“What about Jonah?”
She opened her mouth to answer before her phone buzzed.
“I need to go. Mom’s worried.” She picked up her stuff, and as she walked away from him he said,
“I’ll give you a ride-“
“No, it-its fine.” And as she walked away he could’ve sworn he heard,
“Thank you Cassian.”
 Coming up Next:
 Nesta crossed her arms at her mother,
“Jonah is going to Chicago with Leo and that’s final. Leo will take care of him, she would never allow anything bad to happen to him.”
Her mother opened her mouth but the study door burst open,
“You can’t take Jonah away from me!” Nyx pleaded at Nesta.
But Jonah held up a hand and stepped toward his older sister.
There was fear, Nesta realized in her 14 year old brother’s  silver eyes as he looked up at her and asked,
“Is it because I killed Tomas Mandray?”
 Tags:: @skychild29 @aesthetics-11 @perseusannabeth​ @awesomelena555​
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tori-beanie · 5 years
Here we are again with part four! Y’all get it right? Idea by FanartFunart. Check em out.
This is the longest part yet! I hope you all enjoy it!!!
Soulmarked Part Four
Logan was in eleventh grade now, a junior in high school. It was nearly Christmas break, so he had turned fifteen a bit more than a month ago. That meant it had been ten years, and the boy only had one of his four marks colored. Virgil… Virgil was a good soulmate. Logan helped to keep him grounded, and since he had joined public school, Logan also helped him with homework. However, he was still missing three of his soulmates. He had to meet them sometime, but Logan was impatient. He wanted answers and he wanted them as soon as possible. The boy was lost in thought, not noticing as he once again rain into a boy. He had to stop doing that. However he looked down at the freshman in confusion before looking down and seeing a red line fill in on his arm. It was the one closest to his wrist.
However as he rubbed his nose, he looked over the freshman. Logan recognized him as being part of the drama club. He was actually supposed to be the lead for this year’s play, Newsies. Ironically the reason Logan knew him? He was part of tech crew with Virgil. His first soulmate did the makeup, and Logan worked with the lighting. However he had never really interacted with Roman, hence why his soulmark was only appearing now. He offered a hand just has he had done to Virgil, the corners of his mouth moving up in one of his rare ‘smiles’.
“Hello. Roman O’Ryan correct? My name is Logan Foley. This is our first proper meeting. I believe you are one of my soulmates. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Patton Foster was fourteen, and still had only grey, black and white. Where was his soulmate. Where was the one person he was supposed to spend his life with? He just felt alone. Patton tried to stay happy and bubbly, but he had nobody. His colors were still being kept from him! What did green look like again? What was purple? What was red or yellow or blue? Patton couldn’t remember anymore! He let out a soft whimper as he sat in the bathroom before shaking his head. No, he had to stay positive! His soulmate would come to him one day. He couldn’t lose hope. He had to stay positive…
Patton struggled a lot with things. He had to pay close attention to labels, as he couldn’t tell things like flavors just by glancing and seeing if the wrapper was a certain color. Art was a struggle, as he had to be very careful when choosing colors. His teachers went easy on him, as it seemed he was the only colorless person in the freshman class. He had to do an assignment on Blue in his psychology class, and ended up getting all the right facts, but accidentally drawing everything in brown because he wasn’t being careful enough. The teacher didn’t subtract points, but being laughed at wasn’t fun. Patton could only hope that his soulmate would show up soon. He didn’t want to be alone, to be without colors forever. He wanted to see the world, to see how bright things could be in their proper shades. Yes. That was his wish.
The first thing Roman registered was that his nose hurt. The second was that this big was vaguely familiar. And finally, that his ears were popping. Huh. The Junior was holding out a hand, and as Roman finally register his words, he reached forward and gripped it tightly. However instead of shaking it like a normal person, Roman dropped to a knee and kissed the back of his hand. Logan seemed to be rather confused. However the dramatic boy just kept that grin on his face as he stood.
“Logan? Ah yes, a name fit for a tenuous such as yourself! And you already know of me! I see I’m rather popular then? Ah no need to fear! I promise I will offer you as much time as you need with yours truly!”
Roman was proud of his speech, even if Logan seemed a bit confused. However be just nodded, taking his hand back. However he wasn’t allowed to get a word in edgewise before Roman continued to speak.
“Oh I was on my way to meet Declan! He’s another one of my soulmates! Come along fair sir, and you can meet him as well! He is rather amazing, even if he isn’t as grand as me!”
Yes, Roman was doing his best to keep Logan interested, grabbing his hand and dragging him through the hallway. He was just excited, and tended to not really listen to reason when he was like this. Logan didn’t seem to be objecting, just allowing himself to be dragged along behind Roman. Yes, this would definitely be an interesting day.
Roman dragged Logan through the school until they reached an almost never used study area. Logan didn’t come here often, liking to study his material at home and simply email a teacher if he had questions. However Roman yanked him to a table containing one other person. Oh, so there was yellow… Yes, it really was interesting.
De gasped as a burst of light appeared above Romans tattoo, and made its way to color part of Declan’s face. Dark blue filled in an open book, making the solid black of the pages able to be read now. ‘Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.’ The phrase was written in the book, and Logan looked to be interested in it. What seemed like a ribbon bookmark stretched up to his cheek, small blue stars above his eye and on his jawline coming to appear along with the book. It was rather beautiful. De finally looked up from his shoulder, looking Logan in the eye. That same dark blue… It really was a beautiful color.
“Declan Shea. Nice to meet you.”
“Logan Foley. And I assure you, the pleasure is mine.”
When De looked, he saw a black stripe on Logan’s arm fade to a rather pleasant looking yellow. His was the closest to Logan’s elbow, next to a purple colored one. That meant Logan had met another one of them too. Yes, Declan wanted to know more. He needed to know more. He needed to meet Purple. Maybe they would color another part of his body. Yes, De certainly hoped so.
He had been with Roman for years, keeping him safe and entertained. However when it came to Drama, Declan didn’t want to be on the stage. He wanted to be away from the eyes, but help at the same time. He was an assistant director. De was mostly in charge of props and making sure everyone was still doing their jobs. Honestly it was a wonder that he hadn’t met Logan yet. But he was usually in the lighting booth. And De never liked to go out of his way. Lights were doing fine so he never saw a point. Now he wished he had though. That was then though. And this was now. And in this now, he would take as long as he could to lead Logan. Who he was, what he liked… Anything he would be willing to share. And hopefully afterwords, he could meet Purple.
Virgil had spent the day at home. He had gotten sick the night before. And texted Logan to let him know. His soulmate was going to get his homework for him and meet him back at Virgil’s home later.
But he was late.
Logan was nothing if not punctual. Where was he? Had something happened? Had he gotten hurt? Lost? Hurt and lost!? Virgil took a shuddering breath. He needed to calm down. Logan had been helping him with his anxious thoughts, but they still got pretty bad when he was alone. However as he was calming himself down, Logan knocked a precise five times before letting himself in. But immediately Virgil noticed something different. He was very perceptive.
“Red and yellow? You met more of them? How were they?”
Virgil was clearly nervous, as he didn’t know if his soulmates were going to care about him. Logan only grinned, filling him in on how he met the pair before adding on.
“They want to meet you. I didn’t tell them much, but when you’re ready Virgil, they would like to be able to see you themselves. You don’t need to now. Take all the time you need.”
Thank god Logan was so calm. He had been scared about being forced into a room with them so soon, but Logan had planned ahead. This was why he was a great soulmate.
“Uh, yeah. I’ll meet them. But like not now. Not soon. I don’t think I could do that…”
Logan nodded before handing over Virgil’s homework. They would work on it as a distraction and talk later. Logan would help him through this, just as he would help with anything else. Patience and determination.
General Tags: @your-friendly-neighborhood-enby @heathers-dorkness-0923 @midnight--fox
Soulmarked Tags: @fanartfunart @logan-sanders-is-my-binch @dragonsworn05 @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @astraheart04
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teenremus · 5 years
dog days i
sirius black x reader
word count: 2760
warning: too cliché probably
a/n: my time-jump thing isnt working im highkey confused because its still on my other fics but not,,, this one? im so confused tumblr give me my lines back i have to use a screenshot
part two
The Whomping Willow had always been your spot, a place where you could go, unbothered, even by the swinging branches themselves. To the amazement of other students, the tree didn't make an effort to throw you out of range when getting too close, you were even allowed to lean up against it.
When others came into the picture, attempting the same as you, they didn't have quite your luck. They were slapped around and pushed away, falling on their arses each time and you just watched from your place underneath it. It was said that you'd bewitched the Willow, forcing it to let you lie there almost every day, but the reality was you hadn't done a single thing. You weren't sure why it let you get so close while you worked on your homework, but it did.
You had figured it out accidentally, running around the grounds away from Lily as you held her newest love letter from James Potter. She was ready to throw it away without giving it a second thought, but you knew just how pure his intentions were, and believed he was right for her.
You were too busy laughing and looking behind you to notice where you were going, and paid no attention to Lily's screams telling you to stop, she'd been doing exactly so for the past two minutes but only jokingly. They were getting louder and less playful, and you didn't realize where you were until you tripped over the root of a tree.
Laughter had died out and you pushed yourself onto your hands and knees, you had dropped the letter below you. You turned your head looked up to see the Whomping Willow giving you what you could only describe as a menacing glare, or that's what you had interpreted it's details as, as fear took over your body and you froze.
It was quiet, as you waited for it to make a move to remove you from it's bark. It's branches waved back and forth in the air as the wind shoved past, pushing your hair out of your face. You took small and slow movements as you stood, holding the letter again. You didn't break the contact your eyes held with the branches.
Lily still stood a safe distance away, one hand reaching beneath her robes and gripping her wand for precaution. She took one step towards the tree, and after her second step the air became stiff. The branches had their own control and stopped swaying peacefully, and stood straight mimicking the hairs on the back of your neck.
She hesitated, but stepped again. One branch swung down and pushed her aside, not too harshly but enough to knock her down with a groan.
"Lily!" You called, watching as the wood retracted to it's usual place. You ran forward without care if the Willow was going to hit you or not.
At her side, you asked if she was okay. However, it was as if the world had gone entirely mute and she had forgotten about you as she just stared into the hole of the Willow tree.
You followed her gaze, shaking your head and extending your hand as you stood to pull her up with you. "Let's not worry about it, Lily, we got lucky."
Lily shoved her wand back in her pocket. "Strange..."
After that incident you had taken it upon yourself to study the Whomping Willow, and much to your surprise you seemed to be the only one that could get so close. It had become your own little tradition to seek out the tree when you wanted to be alone, and never came a time where you weren't welcomed.
You sat on a particularly large root now, legs crossed out in front of you with your charms book resting on top, you used it's hard cover as a surface for the paper you scribbled on.
Boisterous laughter broke your train of thought and disrupted your writing, the letter you were writing became smudged by the sudden flinch in your hand mid stroke. You looked up and saw two boys, one Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff jumping around and pushing each other as they arrived to the grass area.
"Oi! You looking to get slapped around? How'd you get up there?"
You glanced up with hooded eyes as you lifted your parchment and shoved it between two pages of your textbook. It was time to go, you had been compromised, and Potions would be starting soon.
It was your belief that you could only get so close because of intent, that's what the Whomping Willow saw in each student. It was magical after all, and you were sure that it wasn't only here to threaten student's lives, but protect them as well. It hadn't been your intent to hurt the tree when you ran towards it unknowingly, you didn't come to mock or prove your strength as a challenge with it, it was a mistake. The Willow must've seen that, or else you wouldn't be there.
"You think it broke?"
"A tree can't just break, you git."
A clock began to methodically chime and your eyes were drawn to the castle of a school. Lunch was over now and passing period was just beginning.
The boys began to turn around and walk, just as a branch extended and pushed the Ravenclaw down before retracting. It left a hint of a smile on your face as you collected your books thrown to the side and followed their trail to the school, listening to the Ravenclaw's complaints.
When reaching the school the two had turned down their own hall and you continued towards the dungeons, regretting not dropping off your charms book in your dorm before the class had started. It was feeling heavy and you were already late, you could tell as an owl squawked at you from the side of the hall and a sneer from an old painting.
Slipping through the wooden doors, the class turned and stared for a short time before realizing it was only you. Slughorn met your eyes but continued to teach his lesson at the front, prepping the class for their potions. You scanned the room quickly for an empty seat, to which you only found one at the front of the room next to Sirius Black.
He had been moved there from almost the second that first term started, too much noise was made in the back with his mates, Peter and James, and now they were all scattered throughout the room permanently. James was also in the first row, just on the complete opposite side, and Peter sat in the back.
You really had nothing against Sirius, but you didn't know what to expect when you slid into the stool next to him. He looked at you silently, eyes dropping down to your robes almost immediately. Making assumptions, you were sure. Not only because of your y/h colors, but from the small dirt stains from the tree and ground you had been up against a few minutes prior.
Slughorn's speech ended and you caught on to what he was saying, enough to know what precautions to take. You knew what to do with the help of your textbook, flipping to the right page slowly but surely as the other students grabbed their ingredients. Sirius stayed and scrubbed his cauldron without a word.
There was a tall figure shadowing you slightly, and you turned to see the disappointing expression on your Professor's face.
"This isn't the first time you've been late to my class, miss y/l/n," He chastised, "This calls for another detention."
"I know, Professor. See you on Friday," You gave him a thin-lipped smile. It annoyed him, his only response was a sigh and a shake of his head as he walked off.
Sirius raised an eyebrow as he set his scrub brush down on the table, "You know, if you stopped being so late, I reckon you could get out of these detentions."
You looked at him in slight disbelief, you really had expected him to ignore it, and now here he was giving you advice just to poke fun? "Pardon me?"
"Where do you run off to anyway?" He leaned forward, resting his head in the palm of his hand. "Shrieking Shack? Black Lake?"
What you had mistaken for arrogance was him trying to be funny, you realized, and it worked as you smiled and shook your head. "I would reckon so if I had gone mad. You realize none of this is your business, yeah?"
"I want it to be."
You rolled your eyes and stood up from your stool, off to grab the ingredients. "Only in your dreams, Black."
He continued to stare down the back of your head as you tucked glass jars in the space between your arms and your chest, clutching them. Until his head was pushed forward, he was so unprepared he almost hit the rim of the cauldron. He turned behind him to see Peter and James giggling as they rushed to their seats, and just as he rose from his seat with a determined and mischievous glare he was shot down.
"Mr. Black!"
Tumblr media
The school hours had ended not long ago, and instead of books and quills in your possession, now all that you had was a letter stuffed in it's envelope. As you looked down at it, weaving it between your fingers, you realized just how bad your hands were shaking with nerves.
Your quest was to the Owlrey, the time it took to get there was tiring, especially with the steep path once you got to the rocky hill the tower was on. Trips were taken before and at first you had believed they would get easier, but they never did, the path only became memorized.
On your way you stepped past a pile of well-past brown leaves absentmindedly as you flipped over the letter and looked at it's dedication. The y/l/n's.
Behind you, you heard the crunch of fallen leaves and a few sticks tucked under the pile and you froze where you stood, looking behind you but you could see nothing past the curve on the spiral trail. Holding your breath, you could hear the sounds of heavy footsteps getting closer.
You slinked behind a boulder on the side of the hill, keeping your back pressed up against it as you waited for the student to pass. It was more than likely they didn't know you were here, either, and just on their way to deliver a letter of some sort. You remained curious, nevertheless.
Their steps became clearer and you waited, becoming more nervous than you knew you needed to be. A building anticipation as you began to pray to dear Merlin it wasn't Malfoy or Snape, but then you figured Malfoy was far too stuck up to get his hands dirty with a mere owl. He'd have one of his followers do the work for him, which was much less threatening.
A figure passed and for a second you swore it was Snape, first recognizing the long, jet black hair. But this student's was more free rather than slicked back and looking like it was glued to his head. Their hands were stuck in their pockets and they kept their eyes up, looking at the sky. You were able to catch their features, as well as the Gryffindor house colors on his tie.
An overdramatic, but playful sigh left your lips and your arms fell to your sides, "Are you serious?"
You surprised him, you could tell as he turned around and had his eyebrows pulled together in confusion for a short second, just before it turned into one of pride as a cheeky smirk took over, hoping you wouldn't notice that you caught him off guard. You knew you did.
"'Fraid so, darling. You waiting up for me?" Sirius cocked an eyebrow and walked down to where you were, still up against a rock. The steepness of the hill only made him taller than he already was, towering over you.
"More of catching my stalker," You corrected.
"You're hiding behind a boulder."
"You're following me up a mountain."
His mouth fell open as he failed to come up with a rebuttal to defend his actions, and it was your turn to smirk as you bumped your shoulder with his and continued on the trail. He was quick to turn around and follow your actions once again, slowing down when he reached your side.
Sirius kept his eyes on you, and then they fell to the letter in your hands that you kept on the opposite side of you, almost as if you were hiding it from him.
"Don't see why you're suddenly so curious to know of my whereabouts outside of class," You told him, enough courage filling your chest to ask such a question outright.
He cocked his head, "We've developed a rapport, wouldn't you say? Enough for me to feel free to irritate you as much as I please."
Scoffing, you shook your head and looked down at the yellowing grass. It was pushed down from all the times students, like yourself, had walked on it. At one point in time you had questioned why Hogwarts hadn't replaced it with stones, and then you realized the steepness of the hill was enough of a trek, rocks would just act as marbles.
"And I'm interested in you."
"Interested?" You echoed, you hadn't spoken much with Sirius, and told yourself there was no way he could catch feelings this soon. That day marked the first time you had spoken to him in class as well as out of it.
"Of course, it's not a everyday you meet someone as mysterious and secretive as you, love."
You exhaled relief. He was just curious. The two of you finally met the Owlrey structure, stepping on to the smooth concrete with scattered feathers all around, some still falling from the birds in the sky.
"I wouldn't say I'm mysterious, but I do like my privacy," You playfully glared at him as you walked backwards through the open doorway just to face him.
It was much darker inside even with the open spaces for the owls to get in and out, there was no definite life source other than the sun which was currently covered by dull clouds. Unlike outside, feathers here were grouped together and piled high, but swept out of the way for some space to walk. Owls sat in their respective spaces and watched the two look up and marvel at the building.
You searched for your own, Jives. He had a particular brown spot covering his left wing and a white line that swirled on his stomach. It was hard to miss.
Silence took over the two of you, only listening to the flutter and hoots of the owls around you. Sirius watched as you looked up and brought two fingers to your lips, a loud whistle echoing off the concrete.
Jives peeked his head out of where he was perched in one of the compartments, swooping down and landing on one of the sills at eye level. His head tilted as he watched you step over a pile of feathers and approached him, you stroked his feathers as you whispered the address to him.
Sirius waited patiently, body up against a pillar next to an owl that he shared a glance with, and then a shrug. When he looked at you again, your owl had taken off and you rested your head in your arms as you watched him go.
"Pen pal?" He questioned as he sauntered up beside you, mimicking your stance as he looked up at the sky. The birds circled and perched themselves on the roof of the Owlrey, their feathers floating down slowly but surely just out of your reach.
"Parents," You corrected him.
He hummed. For a second he didn't say anything. "What's it about?"
You whipped your head to him with raised eyebrows, "You saying it's not normal to write your parents?"
"Not for me." You rolled your eyes, turning around and beginning to leave the building. He followed you out the doors, stepping over the feathers. "Why so secretive? Planning to take over the school? You a death eater? Madly in love with Inverse Pinocchio?"
You couldn't stop the laughter that bubbles in your throat as you shook your head. "All of the above."
He laughed as well, catching up beside you. "I don't suppose you'll be letting up any time soon."
"You're getting better at this."
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softforcal · 6 years
oh my god hello I've been reading all your stuff lately espc. the HP stuff and I'm so dying over it would you be up for doing a ravenclaw!michael and slytherin!ash with slytherin!reader?
-okay so you and Ash have been Slytherin buds since first year
-the two of you are on the Quidditch team together and you’re a force to be reckoned with
-you two are such a great team and everyone knows it but Ashton has never made a move because you’re just best friends
-then you meet Ravenclaw Michael and he’s a fucking cutie
-like, i feel like Slytherins would be the most chill with dating Ravenclaws because they can be super smart and mischievous too
-so you begin hanging out with Ravenclaw Michael and Ashton definitely notices
-one day you and Ash are studying together and Michael comes and sits down with you two and Ashton’s just like “aren’t you the kid who never studies but still aces his tests?”
-yup. thats Ravenclaw Michael for you. super smart but just dicks around 24/7 and never studies but aces everything and everyone hates him for it
-”yeah, i’m Michael.” he introduces himself ”so what are you two studying?”
-Ash is not down for studying help from Michael
-he’s not down for how close Michael is sitting to you
-he’s just. not. down.
-you and Michael chat and laugh together and he actually helps you with your studying?
-he leaves and you turn to Ashton like “he’s actually so chill, like i never would have figured this out without him.” meanwhile Ash hasn’t done any of the homework because he was too busy glaring at Michael the whole time
-you’ve never been that interested in anyone else before so for Ash to have an actual threat? this is not good.
-so Ashton goes to one of his classes and notices Michael and goes and sits next to him and is like “what are your intentions with Y/N?” and Michael laughs because “what the fuck.”
-so they begin talking and Ash is super defensive but Michael is just like “she’s a cool girl.” and then Ash is like “she’s more than cool. she’s a fucking angel.”
-and then class is about to start and Ashton gets up to go sit in the back but the teacher is just like “no, Irwin, stay seated next to Mr. Clifford today, you might actually pay attention.”
-so Ashton has to sit next to Michael the whole class
-at first he’s kind of pissed about it
-but he starts to warm up to the Ravenclaw next to him
-because Ravenclaw Michael has this really weird sense of humour but it really resonates with Slytherin Ash
-but at the same time, it’s clear they’re both into you
-so Ash is still sort of aggressive about it
-the rest of the week, Ash sees Michael around and he is civil about it but doesn’t purposefully strike up a convo with him
-then Slytherin has a Quidditch game and they whip Gryffindor’s ass
-so the afterparty is going to be lit
-Ashton gets there and finds you with Michael
-there are a few non-Slytherins at the afterparty but it’s not common practice to invite non Slytherins so this is a bit of a slap in the face
-because Ashton was looking forward to having you all to himself as he always does at afterparties
-after parties are always where the two of you get hella rowdy together (there was that one time you grinded for a bit but you both ended up taking a breather because neither of you wanted to fully commit to it or get awkward about it)
-anyways so there’s Michael and Ashton is just like: fuck me, i gotta do something
-so he approaches and is just like, “come dance.”
-and he grabs you, you grab Michael and then you’re all in the makeshift dancing pit
-Ash is an ass man and he’s not about to just do this awkward triangular dancing shit that people sometimes do
-so he spins you around until your back is to his chest and his hands settle on your waist and you laugh, because you two are buds so he’s allowed to pull this type of shit
-and now Michael is in front of you and he’s grinning at the whole thing because Michael is a straight up chiller and he don’t care about Ashton’s weird possessive shit
-you’re having a good time with your boys and then Michael moves closer and leans in to tell you something in your ear because its fucking loud
-”you know Ash is super into you right?” he asks
-when he pulls away with a grin you make a face at him because surely you didn’t hear that correctly, but Ashton’s grip tightening on your waist is like… woah. he totally is
-and you’ve always been into Ashton but assumed he’d make a move if he was into you, but he never did, so hearing that he is into you is a mind fuck
-also because you’re into the Ravenclaw boy in front of you
-but… you’re kinda into both?
-okay so now what?
-and Ashton is already pressed against your back… so… you pull Michael back to your front
-the best sandwich you’ve ever had
-you feel Ash’s breath on your neck and Michael is so close, his lips are inches from your cheek
-and you’re a Slytherin.
-if you were a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff you might pussy out, but nope, you a Slytherin. hiss hiss bitch
-your arms go over Michael’s shoulders, keeping him close while you grind back against Ashton
-yeah, you can feel Ashton is hard
-and it’s a bit of a shock
-but then Michael brushes against your front and he is too
-so like holy shit.
-your heart is racing
-”we should get out of here.” Ashton says
-Michael hears him “fuck, i agree.” he says
-they both look at you
-you know Ashton has a private room because he’s the Slytherin Quidditch captain and Slytherin has a whole favouritism thing.
-”yeah, let’s go.” you say you take your arms away from Michael and Ashton pulls the two of you through the crowd
-a few Slytherins give the three of you an odd look
-but you get up to Ash’s room without anyone actively bothering the three of you, Ashton ushers you both in and closes the door, locking the three of you in
-you’re like fuck this, im a Slytherin so you push Michael against the wall and start kissing him while Ash comes up behind you again and moves your hair, lips attacking your neck
-Ashton is pressing against you pressing against Michael so it’s two snakes keeping a Ravenclaw pressed against a wall
-Ashton is definitely sucking some marks into your neck and the close proximity to both is driving you wild
-you begin to try to take off Michael’s shirt but he stops your hands, “you’re not in charge here Kitten.” he states
-Ashton practically groans from behind you and you realize, you and Ash might be the Slytherins here, but that in no way means that you are going to be one of the ones with the power
-Ashton lets up and then the two of them are backing you onto the bed
-in that moment, looking at Michael and Ashton, you realize that despite their differences, they can work together
-but they still have a competing mentality, that much is obvious when they both try to pull you to the end of the bed and then look at each other
-and of course these two assholes arent about to actually use words to declare who is doing what
-and they both want to be the main dom
-finally Michael gives in and gets on the bed next to you, pulling up your shirt and muttering “like tits better anyways.” while Ashton pulls off your pants and panties
-you don’t know who to focus on, Michael with his lips on your chest or Ashton between your legs
-but damn, these boys are good at what they’re doing
-a super strong orgasm and as you’re coming down and they’re taking off their clothes, Michael is just like “socks are good for orgasms.” and Ashton is just like “of fucking course you’d know that.” “im a Ravenclaw you dick, i know a lot about sex.” “thought all Ravenclaws were virgins.” “pfff fuck you.”
-”so how are we doing this?” Ashton asks you as he pulls off his shirt
-basically he’s asking if you’re DPing or Spit Roasting. fam. please know what these are. but maybe don’t look them up if you don’t.
-im lame today so i’m just going to say choose your preference
-if you choose DP, Ash is the ass guy fam. its canon.
-but if you choose the Spit-roasting… well, turns, but Ashton goes second if you know what i mean.
-god why am i so awkward today
-so the three of you are lying there after and Ashton actually starts talking to Michael and they actually are being civil
-being so confused
-”so what is this?” you finally ask
-”what do you want it to be?” Michael retorts
-”i mean, it would suck if this is just a one time thing.” you answer, stretching your body out and groaning as one of Ash’s hands goes to rest on your stomach as he turns to look at you
-”doesn’t have to be a one time thing.” he says
-”definitely not.” Michael says as he gets up and moves between your legs again, holding your hips down
-round two is just as good as round one, better even
-they are both power doms
-but they stay out of each others way
-and Michael has super kinky ideas on how to achieve optimal pleasure
-maybe having a kinky Ravenclaw in bed isn’t the worst thing
-Ash is shook at some of his suggestions actually working
-life continues and the three of you hang out a lot
-but there is still this weird competitiveness
-like both of them want their hands on your thighs when you’re all studying
-lots of sex in Ashton’s room
-people are so confused to see Michael around the Slytherin common room so much
-especially with you and Ash
-after a really intense fuck marathon you’re all lying down and you’re just like “are you both my boyfriend?”
-”yes?” Michael answers, you both look to Ashton who is just like “fuck it. yeah. we’re dating.”
-i feel like this is one where they’re both dating and sharing you but they are not interested in each other
-like they can stand each other but other than that its kinda meh
-and then one day someone says something bitchy about Michael and Ashton snaps
-you are super shook because you did not expect him to be protective of Michael at all
-but he is
-Michael teases Ashton about it and Ashton is just like “fine, i won’t stand up for you next time.”
-but of course, a week later the same thing happens and Ash once again stands up for Michael
-he just can’t help it.
-Michael is more openly soft on Ashton but everyone knows Ash is soft on him too
-this is just cute.
-like Mashton hasn’t been a ship i’ve ever paid much attention to. but this was fun
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benhaardy · 6 years
constellation || b.m.
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(what a man ^)
REQUEST: Hello! Could u do a college!bri with reader in which she’s like majoring in something completely different than Bri but they have a mutual friend (could be Roger) and Bri is so infatuated with her because her major is more like arts and stuff and idk lots of fluff?
A/N: eeeeee i loved writing this smmmmm i really hope yall like it even though it’s prettttttyyy specific tbh lol but if you don’t like arts or whatever bri is still a cute lil loverboy in this just imagine him but with your own work? writing or music wise or anything else really. i hope you enjoy cause i lovvvveed writing this. absolutely loved it. i use that phrase too much. anyway, i just really really liked this one it took me like two whole days to do it lol sorry that took awhile and to people w other requests i got u im still workingg on yalls.
requests are clooooseeed at the moment and i am currently working on the ones i have. you can still send them in but they will not be done/started until i am finished with this batch.
the “rings” / “halos” mentioned aren’t like an angel halo w the circle floating above. its like the paintings that depict the virgin mary? i’ll link a pic right here.
as always, tried to make this as neutral as possible for the reader, but it is fem!reader. there might be something pertaining to height…? but i doubt its anything substantial lol shoutout to y’all tall peeps.
this can be read as normal queen or borhap!queen.
happy new years folks! hope y’all enjoyed yours as i have enjoyed mine. hope you enjoy this fic like i did too lol :p thanks for sending this request in!
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: one fuck word. fem!reader. p fluffy. was beta’d halfway, but proofread. APOLOGIES i don’t know much about space or the sky or stars… all info i got about constellations were from this website (lifesaver lol i really hope its accurate). i’m writing this at 4 am, all worth it lol i looooved this story. anywhere here’s constellation *pulls out guitar*
You stepped back to observe the basic outline that you drew on the canvas. It was a shell of what you wanted to actually paint, currently, but in a few hours, it would be quite the opposite. You moved the easel and canvas around so it wouldn’t be against the light of the large panels of glass surrounding you in what was supposed to be a breakfast nook which you had converted into your art “room”.
You were ready.
You took a deep breath and went to grab an old shirt that you could put on before painting. Going through the kitchen, then the foyer, then the stairs, you went straight to Roger’s room, a place where you could find a crappy ripped, and possibly faintly sweat-scented top to throw on. Your favourite flatmate wouldn’t mind, now would he?
You rummaged through his drawers, careful not to make a mess of his nice shirts or the ones he wore to gigs. Finally, you found an old Hendrix t-shirt that was already splattered with paint. Perfect. You took off your shirt, threw on the new one and put the old top in the laundry.
As you went down the stairs, you heard a noise that sounded like it came from the kitchen. It was probably one of the dogs messing around with your canvases. Quickly, you jogged towards your art room, where a familiar blonde boy was crouching down, viewing the propped up half-finished painting that was drying. There was a tall, curly-maned man shuffling through your masonites.
“Uhh…hello?” You said, confused. Who was this? Obviously, there was Roger, but he hadn’t brought anybody home except for the occasional girl. Rog stood up from his place and the other man had turned around to look at you, sheepish.
Your best friend came around the easel to hug you around your neck, a cigarette in his fingers and your arms around his waist. “Hello, love,” he said. He let go and moved to face the new guy watching both of you. “Y/N, Brian. Brian, Y/N. Brian, this is my closest friend and she loves painting. Y/N, I’m in his band now! Smile!”
You exclaimed, “Oh my god, Rog! That’s amazing!” You were glad his endless practice and jam sessions were working out. Roger was back to looking at your other paintings. Now, you faced Brian. “Hey, Brian. What do you play?” you noticed his hand still on the hardboards. “What were you looking for?” you questioned.
“Oh, sorry.” Brian took his hand off the boards. “I play the guitar.” You made a mental note of that. “I just noticed this one up on the front here… Is this Rog?” He pointed to the first board, which was a painting of Roger from the shoulders up. He had a halo of fire surrounding his head in a circle and he was looking up above. The background was of the night sky, the constellations Leo, Phoenix, Lynx, Hercules, Draco, Vulpecula, and Auriga around him, multitudes of small stars smattered in the blank spaces.
“Yeah, it is. It’s part of a new series I’m doing. It’s my friends and constellations that relate to them. I saw the stars in a book and I thought it looked great so, yeah. It’s fine if you want to take a look.”
Roger was shuffling through who-knows-what when he added, ”Bri majors in physics and all that—the stars.”
“That’s so cool! I’ve always been interested in space and such but my passion has always been in the arts. I major in fine arts.”
Bri smiled and nodded, still examining the painting of Rog and tracing the constellations. “This is gorgeous,” he whispered to himself as you were distracted by Rog giving his input on one of your other paintings.
You positioned yourself in front of your easel once more, the boys off to the living room to practice with each other. You primed your canvas, mixed your colours, and set out your brushes. A picture of your subject was taped up on the canvas holder of your easel and the book of constellations was set up on the table next to you. Roger and Brian’s session was great background music for your painting time. You found yourself tapping your foot to the beat.
A few hours later, your painting was done. It was modelled after one of your classmates in your European History class. You stood back and put your hands on your hips. You painted her from the side, sitting on her calves. She wasn’t wearing anything, her chest only covered by a wave of water that led up to another halo surrounding her head. She was looking down at her hands, clasped in her lap with the constellations and stars above her. Her curly, caramel brown hair was splayed out behind her and upon her shoulders, droplets of water among them. You were quite pleased with your first (somewhat) nude where you captured the curves of her body true to what she looked like.
You heard Roger and Brian finish up their set and go into the kitchen. The fridge door and cupboard opened and closed. They walked into your space, Roger with a towel around his neck and Brian a little more disheveled than before. Brian’s top buttons were undone, exposing two necklaces. “Hm,” you thought as you watched him drink from his glass of water standing in the doorway, “Hmmmmmmmmmm.”
Your best friend went around and looked at your artwork. “Damn, who is that?” Roger asked, clearly interested in who your painting was of. He took a sip of water.
You took the picture off the easel and replied, ”None of your concern, Rog.” You shook your head, snickering along with Brian.
Brian walked to your other side and viewed your painting himself. You looked for his opinion on his face. “Wow, Y/N,” he mumbled, “Aquarius, Cassiopeia, and Eridanus are they?
“This is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. The way she looks, so sensual yet innocent. Wow, Y/N. This is great,” he said quietly.
“Thank you, Brian. That means everything.” Brian smiled at you, bashful.
A new friend (and basically, new flatmate) was made that day.
A few months had passed. Smile had been doing great. Roger, Brian, and you were close as ever. Often, you went to their practices and sketched your surroundings, often Roger drumming or Tim singing. You loved seeing Brian’s vibrant smiles but him still paying careful attention to his playing. You would sit at the bar and sketch, or do homework, or just drink. Roger’s cheeky grin and Brian’s reserved but bright twinkle were always there for you up on that stage.
You were at the park with Bri at his invitation while Rog was off with his girl and Tim was somewhere doing something else. He met you with a blanket, his physics textbook, and a few writing utensils and you met him armed with a sketchbook and a bunch of pencils. It was a sunny, British summer day. You greeted each other and found a tree to sit under. Brian spread out the blanket for both of you and you sat down.
Much of your days with him weren’t always so silent. You had helped each other study often. He was often at your side when he was done practicing with Rog, the adrenaline that coursed through him making him seem like a child, a contrast to the calmness of your art process. After shows, he would be so talkative, willing to speak for a long time about anything and everything. You two would frequently be the only two left at the bar after a gig, Roger giving you his customary sly smile behind Bri’s shoulder as you conversed into the late hours.
He loved hearing of your endeavours in art and your classes and never failed to ask to see the new drawings of the new. Usually, you were shy to show other people what you had made but you just had this openness around him. You knew if he had any judgments he would say them in a constructive manner but he never seemed to put too much attention on your mistakes, rather being a “fix it and move on” type of person.
You liked him a lot, really. It didn’t help at all that he was intelligent and attractive and helpful and just a great guy all aro— never mind. Check off all of the boxes for “things you want in a man”. You tried not to pay attention to it too much.
Both of you were off to your own devices, buried in your work. A slight breeze came about, feeling wonderful against your skin. You looked back at Bri sitting against the tree, the wind shifting his hair and his book in his lap. You went back to your own thing.
“Y/N?” Brian spoke up after a while.
“Yeah?” You replied back, still focused on your drawing.
“Could I watch you draw? If that’s alright with you. You pick out the perfect colours and compositions and everything. It’s fascinating. Everything just comes together exemplary.” He spread his hands out at “exemplary.”
“Of course, Bri,” you said, flattered. “Of course.”
Bri moved closer to you, pretty much right behind your shoulder. You flipped to a new page in your book and set to work. He watched your pencil as it flew across the paper, depicting a sleeping dog with a couple that was sitting the next tree over. You could feel his eyes settle upon your face momentarily, heat rising up to your cheeks.
“You know, Y/N. You make a pretty funny face when you’re drawing,” he laughed. Brian played with a piece of grass absentmindedly but still paid attention to your drawings and now your eyes.
“Oh yeah, Bri? What’s that face you’re speaking of?” You took a look at him. He pursed his lips and pushed them out to the left; he drew his eyebrows together and pretended to draw in thin air. You giggled together at his silly (albeit, quite realistic) impression of you.
“To be fair, you have one too, when you’re playing,” you teased.
“How so?” Bri acted like he was offended.
“Well, I can’t really do it and nor is it as severe as mine… but when you play, it’s as if nothing else in the world matters to you but in a good way. It’s like, ‘Who cares about uni? Who cares about anything else?’ You kind of just look like it’s you and your guitar against the world, right? It’s quite nice, watching you play,” you said, voice getting quieter as you continued.
“It is true. Us against the world.”
Two weeks had passed. Rog went out with his girlfriend after a session with Bri so you were left alone with the guitarist. He was in the living room making up his own compositions and writing songs like he normally does while you stayed in your little studio. A little lamp was clamped to the table next to your easel so you could have a soft light on your canvas. You painted until Brian came in, standing at the threshold.
“Hello, love,” you said gently. You set down your brush and stretched.
“Hi, babe,” he replied back, advancing forward.
You remembered what you were going to show him and in a split second, you practically screamed, “No, Bri, wait!” He put his hands up and froze in his spot. “Just stay there, okay? Close your eyes.” The guitarist lowered his hands and obeyed.
You quickly moved to take the painting on your easel and prop it against the wall alongside the other drying ones. You looked through the finished paintings and came across the one you were looking for. After grabbing it, you set it up once more. The finished product after hours of work was finally on display. You came back around Brian and guided his towering self to your normal space in front of your painting spot. “Open your eyes.” He did.
You both looked at the piece of artwork in front of you. There was a large smile on his painting self’s face and his eyes were closed. His head was tilted back, up at the stars surrounding him. Bri’s curls were framing his face, small stars speckled throughout them. A ring of water was around his head. “Cancer, Circinus, Leo Minor, Lyra. Pyxis, Telescopium, Camelopardalis,” he said, so quiet you could barely hear it. You watched as he admired the painting of himself, one that you put so much work into to make special.
You nodded. “It’s you, Bri. That’s what I was drawing in the park. I was just doodling but I looked at you and you just looked so—pretty?” You both laughed at your words, but you continued on. “That’s the word. Pretty. With the sunlight and everything, the grass was so vibrant… you were glowing! I couldn’t help it, so I drew you for reference. And then I painted you,” you said, calm and shrugging your shoulders. “I thought it was fitting, you in space, looking like you were at home. I wanted to incorporate something music and the closest thing I could do was Lyr-“
“Oh my goodness, Y/N. This much thought? You didn’t have to do any of this, I’m so grateful, I love it so much! But I’m just Brian, I don’t deser—”
“I wanted to do this, Bri. Trust me. You listened to me rant on and on and on about how my what I was doing didn’t look good, or what I was drawing, or how I was drawing something. You are so encouraging and attentive and just amazing, Bri, I couldn’t help it. It was really no problem. You deserve it. And there’s-there’s one more thing.” This was it! You weren’t really planning on telling him your feelings after showing him your piece but now here you were.
He asked, oblivious, “What thing?” Bri was beaming at his portrait and now beaming at you.
“I really like you, Bri. A lot. You’ve been there for a lot and we’ve supported each other and I just-” He hadn’t said anything. The same surprised look was still on his face. Fuck. “And I mean, like, you know, I j-“
He seemed extremely taken aback at your declaration but his face melted into tenderness. “I like you too, Y/N.”
You exhaled, “Thank god!” Both of you laughed, the shared relief between the both of you evident.
Brian leaned in and you closed the gap. His lips felt amazing against yours after all this time waiting and the moon shone softly upon you both as you shared this moment.
Brian :
Cancer: The Crab ~ his astrological sun sign
Circinus: The Compass ~ helps people find their way, ever helpful
Pyxis: The Compass ~ mariner’s compass, i feel like he j knows himself really well and he’s a water sign so lol
Telescopium: The Telescope ~ self-explanatory lol
Leo Minor: The Little Lion ~ his hair. roger got the “big” lion by default so i gave bri the little lion!
Lyra: The Harp ~ closest thing to music
Camelopardalis: The Giraffe ~ :pppp
Roger :
Leo: The Lion ~ his astrological sun sign
Phoenix: The Firebird ~ he fiery
Hercules: The Strong Man ~ i’d like to think he would request this himself once he saw the series of pieces you were doing.
Draco: The Dragon ~ why not, plus i feel like he’d like it
Vulpecula: The Little Fox ~ he got the foxy moxy.
Auriga: The Charioteer ~ apollo and his chariot, rog is the sun <3
Lynx: The Lynx ~ not a very easily seen constellation, so you need good eyesight to see it. i thought it was ironic because of rog’s bad eyes LOL
The girl in the painting (you know who you are :)):
Aquarius: The Water Bearer ~ her sun sign
Cassiopeia: The Queen ~ self-explanatory hah
Eridanus: The Celestial River ~ water, relates to sun sign
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bewareofthorns · 6 years
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jeepers! meet rowan ‘ro’ sharpe, tenant of room 3b, college student tentatively majoring in history and wholesome all-american boy learning to stand on his own.  this is legiterally the worst ™ intro, but it is also everything i applied with! 
·      ☆ ⤻ logan shroyer. meet ro sharpe. he is/are a 20 year old history student, who’s been residing in apartment #3b for a year. usually , you can catch him on the subway listening to a whiter shade of pale  by procol harum and their roommates insist that he reminds them of rumpled sheets, sunlight streaming through a half-opened window and tangled earbuds. the libra has been described as candid & guarded but since he’s known as the all-american, i guess we’ll just have to wait and see .
a brief intro
think basic white boy. now more basic. even more basic. if ur at fuccboi, ur going in the wrong direction. 
he is absolutely the kid in high school that you wanted to hate, but that you couldn’t. his parents raised him right and that frustrates others around him to no end.
he’s as american as apple pie and just as sweet. if you met him in his native environment, he’d probably be somewhere in between a state fair and a football game. picture like any movie where the underdog leads his team to state. that was him in senior year.
he had a mom and stepdad and two little siblings that he left behind in ohio. (and sometimes, though he hates to admit it because it sounds like something a coward would say, he wishes he had never really left them.)
the world is bigger than he thought it was. and there’s times when he’s in the apartment and people are walking by that he can’t help but be a little afraid.
on social media, if you scroll back in time, before the apartment, all his posts before got is pictures of these two little kids and like football cleats and like terrible shaky videos of performances he did with the awful band that he made with his friends. he never thought he was going to go to new york city for college. he never thought- that this would be his life.
the drama that goes on, the messiness of the rest of the people who live in the apartment—as much as he never expected it to be, this is a vibrance that sucks him in, that has a hold on him that he can’t really explain. there’s a joy to it, of course, an intenseness that he can’t deny. 
just a fish out of water here in the city. part of him wants to go back to when he just had one girlfriend for like four years and they were going to go to college together and get married and he was going to be an actuary or a tax auditor or something. part of him still believes that he will– 
but he also knows. he loves this life. he’ll never be able to go back. 
1.       His mom and his bio dad never got married and, while his dad did his best to be around while he was really young, his job eventually took him away to nyc and both of them agreed it would be best if he didn’t look back.
2.       though he remembers missing his biological father terribly at first, he was young enough that it hardly mattered. within the next few years, his mother got married, ro was adopted by his stepfather, and he would get two new half-siblings. 
a.       by the end of the first year of the marriage, ro had already taken to calling his stepfather ‘dad’. after all, it was his stepfather who took him out to backyard and taught him to play catch. it was his stepfather who helped him with his math homework and bought him christmas gifts. it was his stepfather who was there. and to ro, that was all that mattered. 
3.       he never once thought his childhood was missing anything. he took bass guitar and swimming lessons; he played on the local baseball team and, then, after deciding it wasn’t for him, joined the football team. he had a good group of friends and even did fairly well in school.  
4.       it wasn’t until he got into high school that things started to fray at the edges. after pulling a prank at school and getting into trouble, his stepfather sat him down and asked if he were acting out bc he missed his real father. he hadn’t been– at least, he hadn’t thought he was, but, when the gate was opened, he admitted that he wanted to at least meet the man who he had so few memories of. 
5.       so he did. and it went okay. There were no hard feelings. They agreed to keep meeting up.
6.       ro was lucky, though. as he was forced to navigate through this complicated relationship with his father, he was able to escape the perils that usually plague teens in  high school. 
a.       he was smart enough to talk with the academically-inclined and creative enough to hang around the arts kids, but his true saving grace was his position on the football team. he was good at it— enough that by his junior year, he had gotten an offer to join the reserve team for his dream school. it was a good scholarship and it also allowed him to pursue the degree that he was interested in (econ and math). 
7.       but despite accepting the offer almost immediately— he never ended up actually enrolling. Because he had also secretly applied to a nyc college to spend more time with his bio dad who lived in the region. And when he got accepted, he just knew-
a.       i don’t think he understood what he was getting into. the college he is going to has technically a better reputation than the state school he had originally wanted, but he just wanted– to know his dad better. to have a real relationship with his dad before it was too late.
b.       it weighs heavy on his mind that he threw away the larger college scholarship, the chance to be with his friends, the football offer — all just to spend some time in nyc for the more frequent opportunity to he feels guilty, as if him just being here is some kind of betrayal to the family that raised him. 
8.       lastly, ro absolutely calls his mom and stepfather every week, but still finds himself struggling to hold a conversation with his father. They don’t meet up as often as he thought they would. School takes up too much time for him. And his father is always working. And though his father is the one paying for his rent and also a chunk of his tuition, he still longs for a better connection.
9.       he’s really just a small town boy from ohio and here, where it seems like everyone parties and engages in a rock star lifestyle, he’s incredibly out of his depth. he’s sweet and he’s young and he’s responsible. he’s not here to spiral out of control or be number one  he’s just here to learn what it means to be a student. And also… if he can, someone’s son. 
fun facts
       he skateboards. everywhere.
       he doesn’t drink coffee.
       he stopped drinking soda when he turned 17 for a dare and never picked it up again.
       he knows how to knit.
       he’s a hardcore romantic. his mom took two tries to get it right, but she got it right.
        Did he have a high school gf that lasted for almost the full four years? You betcha. Did they break up because he went to NYC? You got it. Is he heartbroken over it and trying to fill the void? Done and done.
       In the apartment, he’s definitely trying to be the voice of reason. That’s not to say he can’t get down with the best of them, but he’s also always trying to get things under control.
        Since he’s 20, that also means—he’s not very good at standing his ground.
WANTED CONNECTIONS are fckn everything. 
exes, crushes, fwb, mentors, enemies (petty or deep-rooted... but i dare u to hate him). my literal fave r weird shared communal space plots. 
someone who will buy him contraband since he’s underage !! he swears he’s responsible
someone who he gives life advice to (in all of his iDiot 20 yo boy brain glory)
someone who gives HIM life advice to counsel him through being an idiot 20 yo boy 
someone who he caught doing something outlawed in the building
smoking? parking your bike in behind the potted plants? look we all know ur growing something behind the succulents but i don’t want to know okay. 
I was sticking my head out the window and you were draining water onto the pavement. Dude I see you. My god. We all have sinks. 
our mail keeps getting switched up ?? look ??? idk ???
We do our laundry at the same time every week and there’s just NOT ENOUGH MACHINES and its super weird bc like. we  never talk elsewhere about it. but every week we show up with full baskets at the SAME TIME
I know you keep ur door unlocked and so like. we’re friends. you won’t mind if I just pop in to use ur dish soap. i like ran out. 
KEEP UR NOISE LEVEL DOWN U HEATHEN. IM STUDYING. are u singing? is that a cat’s yowl? are u… Look IF YOU DON’T i’ll put a hole thru ur door.
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