#like am i going to look at every interaction they had in the earlier seasons differently now?
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multifandomangel · 10 months ago
yesterday i saw an edit of early seasons hotch and jj to the song “teacher’s pet” by melanie martinez and… i don’t know how i feel about it… like am i mildly interested in this ship now? maybe… BUT IT FEELS WRONG CAUSE THE EDIT THAT GOT ME ONTO IT WAS LITERALLY TO A SONG ABOUT A SUPER MANIPULATIVE AGE GAP RELATIONSHIP
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eddiediazismyhusband · 6 months ago
hey everyone
just getting on here to have a conversation about some things that i need to clear up.
so for starters, i’m going to come right out and say that i’m taking a break from tumblr… lately i have been subjected to seeing multiple thinly veiled posts about me floating around and i cannot sit by and allow myself to be treated like that
that being said, i am taking this break to focus on my mental health; 911 used to be a comfort show to me- somewhere i could just go to and watch whenever i needed to be picked up, because even if the show was still forcing certain storylines/arcs, they at least made some sense for the characters and didn’t rely on completely rewriting and ignoring their history within the narrative.
911 is no longer that for me anymore. tim minear and the writing team have ruined any and all enjoyment i got from earlier seasons due to continuing KR’s trend of completely retconning the narrative while simultaneously blatantly dragging us along by dangling buddie canon over our heads with a stick only to immediately snatch it away at the last second.
today’s “first look” article only further confirmed my suspicions that tim had no intentions of leading to buddie canon.
i see the takes/theories about what the article could mean, but we have made theories such as this every year only for it to not go anywhere; nothing had indicated that s8 will be any different.
for starters, tim is bringing back a known problematic actor to play a problematic character that tim continues to retcon, despite the fandom being outspoken about how insane this is. instead of listening to the fandom, instead he has them continuing to develop their chemistry-less relationship saying that they are going strong.
secondarily, tim wrote out a beloved poc character in order to keep this problematic character around- something that i think the fandom has moved on from a little too quickly
thirdly, we continue to be told that eddie will be making progress each season, yet we never actually see that progress happen, and if we do, never in a way that is actually in character; on top of that, we have fans begging for his character to be ruined simply so that his character arc will be sexualized due to it involving two conventionally attractive men.
this fandom no longer feels like a safe space for me mentally and i hate that… i am devastated at the thought of no longer interacting with my mutuals, but i cannot engage with content that showcases the real-time decline of a show i used to adore before the creators decided to ruin that enjoyment.
so i am taking a bit of my break; i dont know how long nor how permanent of a break this is, but i need to put my mental health first.
until next time (whenever that may be)
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stars-n-spice · 11 months ago
Thoughts on s3 ep 12!
Ooh boy, finally got the chance to watch this baby, y'know how it goes: spoilers and inconsistent, incoherent screaming under the cut-
Ayo when the FUCK are we going to get a Clone X reveal HUH???
Emerie seeing Omega again :(
"For what it's worth, I'm glad you're safe" - "Am I?" FUCK
PUTTING OMEGA IN THE VAULT?? okay but I want to see her interact with all the other kiddos :(
Emerie is so going to do something to help the kids and I'm so scared it'll end with her sacrifice
Hemlock I hope you choke
EUUGHHEHH so happy they didn't time skip so upset that they didn't show us the conversation Crosshair had to have with Wrecker and Hunter about what happened to Omega but like,, I'm disappointed but not surprised
The angst potential and then it was just,,, Wrecker being grumpy and Hunter being like, "okay, well let's just move on and figure something out"
I mean, I guess I'm happy they aren't fighting or whatever but still
fuck,, Crosshair's hands,,, I was just waiting for one of them to like,, grab them or something like,,
Crosshair not telling them he knew somewhat how to get to the base because he's terrified of going back
baby what the FUCK did they do to you there???
aaahh,, that whole conversation was painful
Every time he's in frame with his brothers he seems to shrink?? Like after this episode I went back to watch random clips from the earlier seasons in Korean and Hunter didn't look as small/short as he does now???
Tell me I'm not going crazy,, I swear this man gets shorter everytime I see him and his waist gets skinnier
"Sparkling personality" IM-
waauughhh I love Phee's ship,, the colors the shapes,, it's like a little fishy or something,, fucking love it
FUCKIN ADMIRAL RAMPART!?!?!? i was not expecting that
Burst out laughing when they showed his face though,, and for some reason I thought he looked like Jordan Klepper
Was absolutely cracking up over all the interactions between Rampart and the boys,, fucking,, manhandling him like a rag doll?? The banter between him and Cross? fucking gold
PHEE'S PILOTING??? OMG - Hera would've loved it
Also love how she gave them like,,, zero warning,, not even a "Hey, you might wanna strap in" I love her
I love Phee I love her I love her I love her
My jaw was like,, on the floor the entire time they were in that transport,, the fucking animation,, the action,, all of it aaggghh
Even my mom's cat who is an absolute menace stopped biting me for once to sit and watch that whole scene
"Wrecker, remember plan 55?" - "*silence* OH yeah!!" - WRECKER MI VIDA
wonder what the fuck Rampart is yapping about
this episode wasn't as painful as I thought it was going to be and idk if that was a good thing or not
Disappointed, yet not surprised, but I still had fun <- could literally be applied to a lot of TBB episodes
but like,,
I can't believe it's almost over
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they're toxic + mike is gay and in denial
Why Mileven is shit - a submission-based essay, part 1/3
Mileven - a currently canon het ship from the Stranger Things fandom between Michael (Mike) Wheeler and Jane (Eleven) Ives/Hopper/Byers/IDK
12 years old girl raised in a lab is thrown in a relationship with the first boy she ever meets. They constantly fight, lie to each other and develop a unhealthy co-dependent bond. The boy has a close ambiguous relationship with his male best friend which leads a good part of the fandom thinking that he is actually gay. People who stan this ship constantly throw homophobic slurs to this male best friend and some even argue that they hope he dies of AIDS next season
Where do I even begin. I do not care what anyone says the chemistry is not there. Another cog in the Should Have Never Been Written As A Couple machine. What made them cute in earlier seasons was their platonic dynamic and Mike's kindhearted nature to help her. It is hilarious this is apparently their "flagship" and "main" couple when they have the least amount of chemistry and the poorest written out of the others. They are not their best selves together, not only hurting themselves, but the people around them. Mostly Will, which is clear as day in Season 4. At the end of Season 4 I am so to the nth tired of the same shit different shovel with them. I am probably too gay to see The Vision fans of them see, but I do have eyes and it looks to me like they've been slowly crumbling. There is no foundation for their relationship they were barley friends a week before Mike kissed her and then she vanished for a year. They maybe had a little bit of interaction between closing the Gate and Snow Ball. Kissed again. Then spent all summer making out and ditching their friends until El comically broke up with him. Their relationship is exhausting to watch. The drama eats up too much screen time. I am tired of watching them hurting themselves staying together. There is no meaningful conversations since maybe Season 2. In Season 4 what could have been one ended poorly and the other interrupted comically. They've dragged out the Mike saying "I love you" story line, seemingly concluding it while El was being strangled in a Mind Scape trying to save Max who was also in said Mind Scape being slowly to tortured to death. Said confession prompted by using Will's own veiled confession disguised as El's an episode earlier. Plus Will using his own words to encourage Mike to help her. He did to help her, but that was painful to watch there was so much going on! Then they expect me to believe they're better than ever afterwards when there is nothing to indicate that? I need them to break up please free them. Free me. I am over it bro.
My propaganda is *drum roll*. Season 4. That's it. I am putting faith in the other haters to submit something coherent. I do not have the energy unfortunately. It is shit now, but would be even more shit if they finish the show endgame. I do not care about them. I want focus on the supernatural plot!! I want focus on characters and conversations that don't revolve around or circle to their relationship! I don't want to see another character to become a mouth peice for Opening Their Eyes and What Really Matters and they'll "Work out." I am exhausted of third parties putting more effort into Mileven than Mike and El themselves. I want them to be their own people because they come off miserable together. They both vocalize their pain and no one that ships them cares! I have never in my years of watching shows have seen such a terrible,boring and annoying couple championed as much as Mileven. Every other canon couple in the show is miles better, yet are over shadowed. They are holding together by Elmer's glue and popsicle sticks. Them being boyfriend and girlfriend means nothing to me when the chemistry is not there. Final propaganda- Most of the more vocal fans are homophobic and go out of their way to harass others.
Two incredibly written characters that have so much potential outside of a relationship. seriously their relationship is absolutely erasing all and any personality that the show gave them separately. That and they're just incredibly toxic, el literally met mike almost first thing after living in a lab her entire life, she has no reason to start a romantic relationship, especially at that age. mike is also super insecure, and using el's love towards him to ease said insecurities. incredibly unhealthy on both sides how this became the main ship of the show absolutely BAFFLES the fuck out of me
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purpledaisiesthings · 1 year ago
Warning: I deeply apologize for all the bad quality GIFs you're about to see.
Ok, so I do understand Scott had a thing with Kellet (and they're probably gonna bring up that storyline again 😒), but tbh I'm not really a fan. I'm not big on off-screen romance development and theirs was developed off screen🤷🏾‍♀️ plus honestly I just like seeing Scott and Cam together on my screen Lol 😄 (they're hot 🤭). I'm always glued to the screen when they show up.
Also, Raines and Vo are cute but I'm also not a fan. Sorry 😬
Anyways, the moment these characters were introduced I saw something there. They had an immediate chemistry that set the tone of their future interactions. They butted heads in the beginning. Then he disregarded the advice of her previous FBI superior and kept Vo in the team. In that first episode, I already learned so much about Scott's character and his leadership of the team because of his interactions with Vo. And as the episodes came, we saw more of the depth of their scenes/interactions together and how much similar they actually are.
I definitely harbored (and still do harbor) a desire for them to get together romantically, but it was just me in my shipper heart having my usual shipping delusions. It wasn't until S01E16 that I feel like my shipping of them was validated. I don't care what anyone says, that was a Vo/Forrester ship episode Lol 😄
That episode was a Vo centered episode.
It was an episode where Vo was dragged into a case by an old friend Nick who she later found out to be involved in the very crime they were investigating.
Now, Vo was obviously questioned and had given all the info she could on this guy. But Scott still chose to ask again which ok, it makes sense as he is her boss.
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But then he chooses to ask her again. This time, he asks directly if she had a romantic relationship with Nick. Again, I guess since he's her boss he would need every single info on their connection in order to determine if she's compromised. Right? I get it.
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Side note: After asking her, he moves closer to her (2nd gif) and then that stare down he gave her (3rd gif)? ooof...that was hot sorry 🔥
Earlier in that episode he was telling Raines that he didn't have to trust Nick because he trusted Vo. But then what did he do again? He's talking to Nick this time and tries to get info on whether or not him and Vo had dated, even after Vo had told him nothing like that happened. Bare in mind that Vo already discussed Nick with him three times. THREE times.
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Too much? Just to know if Vo was romantically involved with this dude? If he wanted to know if Vo was compromised with Nick, aren't there other reasons aside romance that she would be. Like maybe she's returning a favor. The funny thing is Vo had actually mentioned earlier that she owed him a favor because he's saved her a few times in the past. I mean, that would also be a good enough reason for Forrester to follow up on if he actually thought she was compromised. If she feels she owes him, she might also feel obligated to cover up for him, right?
I thought this was all so suspicious 🤔. That episode definitely solidified my shipping for them. Also, I'm sorry but the storyline for Vo and Forrester being together will be so much more interesting. I'm not even going to dive into that discussion and the different romantic tropes that could come from that lol.
Bonus GIF from the episode: their stares.
Look at the first GIF below, and just watch how Forrester watches her get up and follows her with his head as she walks out 😆. Then the second with them staring at eachother just oozing hotness 🔥😜
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I must admit I haven't caught up to the latest episodes from season 2, but I do know there's a new character that has joined the team, Damien Powell. He happens to be an old friend of Scott's and also Vo's new love interest. I don't think Scott knows about them hooking up yet but I am very curious to see his reaction to this in season 3. Hoping I would get some sort of concern from his end. But at the very least, I should get a scene with just them two talking about it.
Can't change my mind, these two should be together.
Again, I am sorry for the bad GIF quality. I tried Lol.
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sporksaber · 9 months ago
I really like the idea of korra running away earlier than she does in the show, but first, I want to talk about how fucked her situation kinda is.
[I'm going only off season 1, I don't like 3 or 4. Just wasnt my thing. I am going to bring up the red lotus stuff tho]
First off, when the white lotus show up to see if she's the avatar they are 100% looking down on her family. They seemed like they disliked being in the southern water tribe at all, and like they were completely dismissive of the idea that the avatar would be there.
Korra is then taken from her parents and confined in a fortress far away from away of the villages (as you can see when she goes on the run with nala and how far away the mountains are) [headcannons further down]. She can only leave with permission and there isn't anywhere for her to go if she wanted to leave.
They bring in bending masters to teach her, and talk up the importance of who she is. She has to stay because it's her duty, just as it's their duty to protect her. She is the avatar, that's her entire being.
Headcanon time
1. The fortress would've taken time to construct, but not long enough that korra could of moved there for training once she got older. This is proven bc the first kidnapping attempt by the red lotus happened 13 years before the events of book 3, so korra would still be 4. So either A) they forced her to go as soon as it was constructed, or B) they convinced Korra it was her duty (it's very easy to manipulate an excited 4 year old) and had her convince her parents to let her go.
2. The white lotus were always very cold to korra. She was a very energetic kid who did not match who they wanted to be and they hated it. And, much like teachers who hated when students got perfect scores despite not paying attention in class, they weren't happy when she excelled at every bending test they threw her way.
3. Sokka and zuko hung around for awhile after she was first discovered and katara was called to be her teacher. Korra really liked them, but they were always kind of off around her. But following sokka's death shortly after the battle with the red lotus, Zuko no longer came by.
4. Katara was an amazing teacher. She had taught hundreds of students and knew just how to cater to Korea's needs. The red lotus didn't like how lenient she was. Eventually, to try and prove that katara was not teaching the right way, they told her to teach korra healing. They didnt think she'd be able to as she'd never shown any spiritual aptitude. But korra still excelled. After that, they decided she didnt need any further water bending training.
^everything above is I think two years old.
A note on number 3, this would've been when korra was 4, so she doesn't really remember it. Nor does she really remember anything before being discovered as the avatar.
I really do think a lot of korra's aggression can be explained by the white lotus basically trying to make her "learn her place" and making her training more and more forceful.
Also, I think korra should have been wierder. Besides maybe some guards, no one around her is her age and she's never had a friend before. Like, they really couldn't have even arranged for her to meet with her cousins? Just completely cut off her interaction with everyone but her teachers, I wouldn't be surprised if the guards weren't actually allowed to talk to her.
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monzamash · 11 months ago
just don’t understand why u keep saying you’ve gone off daniel because of ‘what he said/did earlier in the season’ yet ur perfectly happy to write for lando who also made questionable comments idk just feels hypocritical. what made landos comments ok but daniels so horrid lol it makes no sense 👍 if u want to be a daniel hater just come out and say it instead of being all coy about it and pretending like ur not being weird about it cause u say u won’t write for him and then u update ur layout and put up a picture of it lmao so which is it
i don’t know if this is the same anon that’s been sending me shit every second day for months about this - i’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say it’s not because of the way you’ve typed this out but the message is still the same and this is the last straw.
i don’t hate daniel. if you look at my last post i said that he’s a big part of why i fell in love with f1. he was also the reason i started this blog so just because i’m not writing for him now, doesn’t mean i hate him. it’s not as black and white for me as it seems to be for you.
writing doesn’t define my blog - its something i do when i feel like it and most of the time i’m either chatting with you guys on here or supporting other writers. it was a fun escape but lately it’s been the opposite of that.
people may not like this but in my opinion daniels comments were significantly more damaging than landos vague response to a question that nobody could factually corroborate. i don’t think i’m alone in thinking that. daniel straight up said the one thing i personally hate the most when someone’s defending an abuser which is, “well [insert name] has always been good to me so…” that’s what upset me the most and now i have no desire to write for him. that is simply how i feel and if you don’t agree/understand, it’s all good. try and find other blogs who do share your views. makes life a lot easier.
anyway, did daniels comments make me want to erase every trace of him from my blog? no but i made it clear that i wouldn’t be writing for him for the foreseeable future and if anything changed, i would give people the heads up. what i absolutely won’t be doing is caving in to bullies who hide behind a shadow on the fucking internet who say i that i should delete my blog and myself while i’m at it.
so the context of why i made a header with daniel in it was that i thought including him would allow people the chance to bounce if they don’t want to read any daniel fics or interact with a blog that had a lot of daniel content in the past - people hate him and have made sure to tell me how fucked i am to still have his fics in my masterlist. thats the sort of hate that really gets to me because i’m so proud of some of those fics and spent a lot of time on them. that’s one reason why I won’t ever delete them but it’s also because there are daniel fans out there who hopefully feel like they can still interact with me even if we don’t share the exact same opinion. i don’t want that to change.
another thing to note is that this header was up for like two seconds and the fact you saw it must mean you’re just stalking my page? are you checking in to call me out the second i do something wrong? and you think i’m weird? alright lol
lastly, saying i’m being coy and weird isn’t fair - i’ve been honest about where i stand and even when i’ve been unsure, i was still being upfront and owning the fact that i didn’t know what direction this blog would take after all that. so if what i’ve said in this post or in the past isn’t enough for you, then just leave please. literally leave me alone because i don’t want to do this anymore.
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midnightpillsnacking · 1 year ago
[Loulou*di S3V2 L 3-9] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:ARK Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-9
Setsuna: Hey, what did the situation earlier mean? Do you know?
Rui: It’s nothing to concern yourself over.
Setsuna: I’m curious. After all–
Rui: That was just an impulse from the mention of Anthos*.
Setsuna: But…
Rui: Ageha speaks the truth. The flower is not much of an outside threat even during the window when it is at its most potent. Furthermore, internal wounds are barely noticeable when the situation is stable.
Setsuna: Internal…wounds?
Rui: Take care that you head off in the right direction. But that aside, the tea must have scalded you earlier on.
Setsuna: Not at all. Anyway, Mahiro–
Rui: That conversation ends here.
Setsuna: …
Rui: There’s no need for you to mention Yuuki Mahiro the next time you see Ageha.
Setsuna: Is it okay to break my promise with Ageha then?
Rui: Why did you even make such a promise with Ageha in the first place?
Setsuna: Hm? ‘Why’?
Rui: You’re not plotting something with Ageha, are you? As far as I know, you two had no interaction when we were at the training academy.
Setsuna: Are promises something you only make with people you’re close with?
Rui: Considering the risks, the question is why would you make a promise with someone you don’t know and what can you hope to gain from it? It’s beyond my comprehension.
Setsuna: Risk?
Rui: You let slip a job that has yet to be publicly announced. If anybody knew that word of it reached Ageha, you’ll be first one to be suspected by Anthos*. Are you okay being branded a traitor?
Setsuna: A traitor? Will Mahiro doubt me?
Rui: Likely.
Setsuna: I don’t want that.
Rui: That’s why I’m telling you to stop.
Setsuna: Okay, I understand. Thanks.
Rui: No need to thank me.
Setsuna: Huh?
Rui: ?
Setsuna: Just now, you looked just like him. Like Ryoga.
Rui: Kagekawa Ryoga?
Setsuna: Your aura is a little similar to his. When I talk about Mahiro to Ryoga, he makes a face like he’s kind of irritated.
Rui: I… don’t really care about Yuuki Mahiro, or Anthos* for that matter. Besides… (winces)
Setsuna: What’s the matter?
Rui: No, it’s nothing.
Setsuna: Hmm… Then, I’ll be going.
Rui: Setsuna.
Setsuna: I didn’t get burned so I’m okay. Bye-bye.
(Setsuna leaves.)
Rui: (winces in pain) What is this…? I don’t care about Anthos*, yet… why do I…
(Sound of a device being activated.)
Staff Member A: Medical team. What’s the–
Rui: Why was Yashiro Setsuna here?
Staff Member A: …The notification didn’t arrive on time. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Rui: Please answer my question. Why was he here?
Staff Member A: I apologize.
Rui: The application for all personnel to be vacated should have been accepted.
Staff Member A: You’re right.
Rui: Then why?
Staff Member A: I will explain shortly. Please calm down. He sometimes is allowed to be away from the facility as part of his retreat. His cultivation programme is different from the other members.
Rui: In other words, he’s more of a guest than we are.
Staff Member A: We made sure that his schedule wouldn’t allow him a chance to meet you. Apologies.
Rui: He mentioned that he came for maintenance that was scheduled earlier than usual. Does that have something to do with Anthos*’ appearance on Dream Drama Festa?
Staff Member A: Yes, we were doing some adjustments for his condition.
Rui: My understanding is that Dream Drama Festival is traditionally held every year outdoors. Am I correct?
Staff Member A: Yes.
Rui: For the sake of clarity, how about Loulou*di’s offer?
Staff Member A: For the time being, none has been made.
Rui: It would be better to have an understanding with a head start.
Staff Member A: We have not received any information in detail since yesterday.
Rui: Understood, doctor. Thank you.
Staff Member A: Don’t mention it. On another note, has he given you any trouble lately?
Rui: Not particularly.
Staff Member A: Then, has anything happened the past few days that has caused you distress?
Rui: Why do you ask?
Staff Member A: The medical research team has been carefully monitoring your brain waves. 
Rui: I think I heard about that being possible through the seed implanted in the body.
Staff Member A: Exactly. Over the past few days, your ERP[1] has been showing waveforms that have not been observed until now.
Rui: That’s…
Staff Member A: ERPs are thought to halve when facing inhibitory stimuli and secondary stimuli. The measurements recorded from the seed are still somewhat of a mystery to unpack, and with the possibility of noise…
Toki: (in the distance) Rui-san?
Rui: Toki-bou.
Toki: Oh, there you are. I thought I heard you talking. What are you doing here? …Who is this?
Rui: A member of the emergency staff from the medical facility.
Toki: Oh. One of those people butting in just because I’ve been complaining that I haven’t been feeling so good lately, right?
Staff Member A: As mentioned, you appear to be doing well.
Toki: But of course. Rui-san and Ageha-san are with me here, after all. Right, Rui-san?
Ageha: Just what are you all gathering here for?
Toki: Ageha-san!
Ageha: I leave for a minute and come back to this… (to the staff member) Hello, thank you for your hard work. 
Staff Member A: You look like you’re in high spirits as well.
Ageha: Thank you. It wouldn’t have been possible without such a serene environment.
Staff Member A: About… Yashiro Setsuna’s case–
Ageha: I don’t really understand what’s the point of this meeting, but could we just end the correspondence once and for all? Actually, this is the first time the three of us have seen each other today.
Toki: Exactly. We finally got to get together, so please don’t get in our way.
Ageha: I was just thinking about enjoying some precious time with this modest happy few.
Staff Member A: Heard loud and clear. We hope for nothing less than the best for both your body and mind.
Ageha: Thank you very much. Then, please excuse us. 
(Ageha ends the call.) 
Ageha: (sighs) Seriously. Those fools from the research facility… How many times must I tell them to stay out of this?
Toki: They don’t even respect Ageha-san’s instructions. They should all just be sacked.
Ageha: You’re being lively as always today.
Toki: Right? It’s ‘cuz I took a nap and rested up a lot!
Ageha: Mm. It’s good that you’re following instructions.
Toki: (giggles) 
Ageha: If you’re well enough for it, let’s go have a meal. Go and change.
Toki: Okay!
Ageha: Rui bought some souvenirs this afternoon. The sweet things are what you requested, right?
Toki: You managed to buy them? Yay! …Rui-san?
Ageha: Rui.
Rui: … Sorry, did you say something?
Toki: Ageha-san said you bought souvenirs for me.
Rui: Ah, of course. Cake, pudding and macaroons, right?
Toki: Eh? All of them?
Rui: I wasn’t sure which would be the best choice. I couldn’t pick just one. Do you not want all of them?
Toki: I’ll eat everything! Rui-san, I love you!
Ageha: Toki, before that, go freshen up.
Toki: Got it, I’ll go change my clothes now! (leaves)
Ageha: Let’s head back to the living room. 
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: I don’t need an explanation or excuses. I knew you were sneaking behind my back and talking with the medical research team. For now, just focus on humoring Toki. I’ll take responsibility for–
Rui: Ageha!
Ageha: What’s with that face?
Rui: Right back at you. Why are you looking at me like that?
Ageha: Ah. Unfortunately, I can’t see my own face without a mirror.
Rui: Ageha would never turn around for me. He would move forward even if it meant trampling me. He wouldn’t normally cross paths with me, much less turn my way. Up until now, there wasn’t a single time when those things–
Ageha: You… Do you really want to be stepped on so badly? You truly are a freak. Listen well, Rui. This isn’t reality. It’s the inside of an ephemeral dream.
Rui: Ageha…
Ageha: It won’t be long before we will leave. We have to take up our responsibilities as Loulou*di. But now… in this moment, we’re inside a special dream. Peering from inside an isolated illusion. This is a nice, relaxing dream.
Rui: Stop it.
Ageha: Listening to the sound of the wind, feeling the ebbs and flows of an invisible stream… In the arts, such a serene feeling would be poured into music, written onto a music sheet with the heart still weighing heavy. If I think about all the smiles the sound I create will bring, I believe that even now, I will be able to leave behind my greatest song. There won’t be a second for–
Rui: Ageha!
Ageha: (sighs) Your wish will surely be granted soon. I will disgracefully flail and struggle to breathe, and then finally die. My body will cease as a beautiful corpse, mounted on a magnificent frame, and placed as a grave marker[2]. That’s what you want to see, isn’t it?
Rui: That’s…
Ageha: I will wait for that day. This must have been the path Chihiro sprinted on.
Toki: Ageha-san, Rui-san! Let’s have tea!
Ageha: Let’s go, Rui.
Translator’s Notes:
ERP likely refers to ’Event-related potential’.
Ageha’s word of this album is ‘bohyou (墓標, meaning gravestone)/bouhyou (妄評, meaning unfair criticism)’. Unfortunately I was unable to discern which is which between this drama track and the previous one where he mentions it again in his long monologue in the art museum. I don’t believe the context changes a lot but I thought it was important to highlight this recurring word used.
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shoutabe · 29 days ago
SUNCHOKE 쇼우타 → 이명수
shouta's not going to lie, he's been having a pretty rough day. for some reason, he's been unable to access his usual social grace. it all started when his alarm failed to ring and it ruined his morning routine. since then, conversations have not come easily, making every interaction he's had extremely awkward. not to mention that, he also learned that he didn't score as high as he thought he did on his most recent exam, making him wonder what he had a hard time comprehending. then, he got caught up talking to his professor about his grade, and was quite late to the first soccer practice of the season as a result.
because of that, he had to stay behind to do some extra running drills as a soft punishment for being somewhat scattered; unfocused.
he's felt so disorganized and thrown-off, it's stressing him out a lot, and what's adding to this is, he agreed to meet up with myungsoo after everything, but he no longer has time to stop by his dorm to clean himself up. now, he's mad-dashing his way toward their meeting-place; still dressed in his disheveled soccer kit. despite everything, he's trying his best to keep his head held high. he doesn't want to show up to his date in a rotten mood, but he won't lie, it's starting to get difficult to not crumble under the weight of his emotions. it makes him feel extremely pitiful.
shouta's always been extremely sensitive like that. his feelings take a massive toll on him, whether he likes it or not; even when it's very inconvenient.
he finally makes it to the restaurant they settled on earlier, and when he catches a glimpse of myungsoo waiting outside, he feels both comforted, and embarrassed. all at once, shouta takes in the sight of how handsome—how stylish—he is, but before he's able to fully appreciate it, he immediately compares it to how he looks. i'm so lame, he thinks, a meek half-smile tugs at one corner of his lips as he wanders toward him. "hey..." he begins, adjusting the backpack he has draped over his shoulders. "m'sorry i'm a little late. practice went on longer than i thought it would."
there's a deflated vibe about him, even if he's trying so hard not to show it. truth is, he's never been good at faking smiles. "i don't mean to, like, change plans last minute, but... is it okay if we just grab a pizza and go home?" shouta sighs, looking up toward myungsoo. "i... clearly am not ready to go into such a nice place."
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bahamutgames · 6 months ago
August 2024
As I'm writing this. It's 12 AM on September 1st. So I think it's fair to assume I prooooobably won't be beating any other games in August unless I decide to bumrush something RIGHT NOW... But I don't wanna do that.
Usually when there's so few games for one of these posts, I'll save them and combine them with next month until I have a chunkier collection... But I don't wanna do that. Guys. This is the SpongeBob one. I'm finally gonna talk about SpongeBob.
Stardew Valley (February 26, 2016) - PC
OH MY GOD YOU GUYS IT'S STARDEW VALLEY! Yeah, farming games aren't usually my thing, but this one was a little different and required my attention for personal reasons. For starters, it's my mom's favorite video game of all time! She plays any farming game she can get her hands on, but this one is absolutely her #1. So I had to check it out for her. And also, because she loves it so much I took her to the Stardew Valley Festival of Seasons concert a month or so ago. I had only played a little bit of the game to get familiar with what music I could the day before the concert, but I enjoyed what I played and loved the music at the concert so much, I decided to go ahead and keep playing. Now, these games don't really "end" in a traditional sense. But I figured my goal for SV would be Grandpa's Review because my mom and people on reddit suggested it's the closest thing the game has to an ending.
And, ultimately, yeah I loved this game! Where to begin with the positives? I think it has some REALLY lovely sprites, the game never has a screen that doesn't look good (certain beds exempt). Environments look great, some scenes and areas are genuinely gorgeous like the jellyfish festival, I think a lot of the characters have really cute designs, and the whole game just feels nice to look at. Like I said earlier, the music is FANTASTIC! It's all very pretty and every season's music is wonderful to listen to. My favorite songs are probably from the mine though, they're all so somber but really nice. And my personal favorite song over all being 'A Golden Star is Born' from the Community Center quests. Speaking of the mines and community center, I actually think these things are what made this game so approachable for me. Farming games are great and cute, but I've never made this much progress in any of them (the closest being A Wonderful Life on GC maybe.) But I think having some surprisingly in depth combat with multiple weapon classes, equipment, and fucking parrying?? In the farming game??? Okay... And also having something of a story mode with rebuilding the community center and trying to find the perfect ingredients for each bundle really helped me press along in the game rather than getting stuck. Like, it gave me a goal to work towards whereas most farming games are truly endless. If that makes sense? I'm also shocked by the sheer amount of content in this game, I barely scratched the surface of what there is to do over the 2 years I played it. The characters are all cute (for the most part I don't fw Shane), I love seasonal cycles, I love all the hidden easter eggs and stuff, I love Korbus, I loved the cute festivals, I loved Leah my hot artist wife. There's a lot to love in this game.
But like every game it isn't perfect. Just the way it is. And I have 2 specific issues with this game that come down to how you interact with NPCs. The first issue: Your Dog. Why can't I do ANYTHING with this damn dog? I can pet it, and sometimes he gives me things. But I can't play fetch, or take it for a walk, or even buy it presents? IT'S MY DOG!! I think even potentially having heart events as you become better friends with your pet could be super cute. Though I guess they don't do this because there's a lot of pet variety. The second issue: Your Partner. I've seen other people complain about this and I TOTALLY agree. Your partner just doesn't do enough. When you ask them out or propose there's basically no fanfare (maybe that's how it is irl too for all I know lmao) And once you're married, they are just GONE. They don't have a daily schedule anymore, you very rarely see them working, and there isn't much you can do together. Sometimes they make you coffee or feed the animals but it's just so sad to me! I think they should have some sort of daily schedule that just incorporates being at your house MORE rather than doing nothing. Maybe having more dates would be nice after you're married? Maybe having you two go to the festivals TOGETHER??? Mayhaps? Idk I just do kind of feel like marrying Leah ruined her life lmao. I probably would've changed her story specifically so that she still occasionally goes to her house to use it as an art studio for work.
But that's pretty much all I have for Stardew. Yeah, I get it now. This game is adorable. And I will certainly come back to continue playing it eventually (there's still ONE LAST community bundle left to do). But for right now, I'm happy to call it here. If you're interested you can see my farm here! And if you're curious, I finished the game with 4 candles on Grandpa's Shrine! Neat!
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Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (October 29, 2003) - Gamecube
So, recently I said to myself "man it's been a while since I've watched the Spongebob movie." That was a dangerous start to a larger rabbit hole. For context, I ADORE that movie. And even though I like Spongebob, I wouldn't consider myself to be a huge fan of it or anything. But then I thought "well, why not watch Season 1-3 all the way for the first time so I can watch the movie as a finale?" Which lead to "man it's been a while since I played the Movie game. I loved that as a kid. Which led to "holy shit don't I own Battle for Bikini Bottom on gamecube? Why haven't I played that yet?" And... well, now I've done it all, boys. I'm a regular spongebob expert. And you're gonna read my thoughts! Basically the way I consumed it was SpongeBob seasons 1-3 > Battle for Bikini Bottom > SpongeBob Movie > Movie Game. But I'll start with the game afterthoughts, then I'll treat you all to a rare afterthoughts about a show, rather than a video game.
So, Battle for Bikini Bottom. I know this is the one that EVERYONE loves... And honestly, yeah I love it too lol. I think it's a SUPER cute game that captures the chaotic energy and feel of the show INCREDIBLY well. The original plot is really cute and absolutely feels like a special they would've made, and I'm glad they bothered making an original plot at all because they easily could've just made it... idk, nothing? And even for a bit of a SpongeBob newbie like me, the novelty of actually getting to run around all the locations is not lost on me. Like actually seeing stores from Spongebob in downtown, or even visiting stuff from one episode like Rock Bottom (even though I thought the level sucks imo, I just liked that episode a lot lol). And seeing them replicate gags from the show genuinely got a lot of laughs out of me. Like a bridge falling from the plane, or the bus coming out when you go to the vending machine. It's cute and is clearly filled to the BRIM with love for the show.
And the gameplay is just fun, simple platformer goodness! I liked having 3 playable characters with their own unique abilities, though I do wish Sandy could've been fleshed out more. It's got nice collectathon energy, the visuals are bright and colorful, and the soundtrack is surprisingly killer. Particularly the main theme to the hub world has been stuck in my head since beating it and the Poseidome theme rules. Probably the best aspect of this game though to me is the boss battles. They're all great (except maybe having to hit robot plankton with the homing bubble, he's SO FUCKING TINY STOP MOVING-) But seriously I think the way they handle the bosses are great and having the talking fish commentate over the bosses RULES! And like, was actually a little insightful. I remember getting hit trying to deal damage to the first boss and when the fish was like "I don't think Spongebob will be winning that way" I immediately knew I was doing it wrong. Idk, it's small and maybe would be annoying in other games but it works here.
So yeah they game is lovely and filled with that wonderful Spongebob charm. But it's not perfect. Particularly they couldn't get all the voices, which wouldn't be the end of the world if the replacement voices weren't insanely off lmao. Mermaid Man in particular is just nuts. Some of the levels aren't that amazing either. Like the Kelp Forest is REALLY dark and hard to see. Rock Bottom was INSANELY confusing and I'm still not sure how to navigate most of it. And the audio mixing in this game could be DEMENTED! Idk how to show it to you but if you ever get near a waterfall in this game... Good lord. The sound of that waterfall will be SO LOUD and completely drown out all other noise. It's filled with weird super loud ambient noises like this. And while I think Spongebob's health being underwear is funny, idk why health is even in this game because getting hit by an enemy once just sends you FLYING. A single hit of damage is basically a guaranteed death because you'll be knocked back so insanely far and fast that you almost always fall off the stage. It's nuts. The game also just isn't super polished in every area, and I think the sequel really improves on some aspects like how special moves are done as well as how it handles its generic collectibles. But, like, this game was so cute and so well done and so funny. I couldn't stay mad at it. What a surprise treat this was!
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The Spongebob Squarepants Movie (October 27, 2004) - Xbox
But, the whole time I was playing BfBB I kept thinking "oh man this gets recycled in the movie game and it's SO much better there." I played this one as a little kid and I ADORED IT!! Just like I adore the actual movie. So after rewatching it, I was stoked to come back and play my old childhood copy of it again :)
And boy howdy was I wrong, this game is not as good as Battle for Bikini Bottom. Yes, it certainly does do the things I said earlier better. I like that it has RPG elements where you can actually upgrade special moves and health, that RULES. And I think making the generic collectibles work like EXP rather than currency for more of the main collectibles is cooler. But... idk man, this one is rough.
So, this game was made in like a year. And it shows. Instead of the charming in engine cutscenes from the first game, this instead uses stills from the movie where the narrator tells you what happened over it. These are worse than you remember. By the time you reach the ending, they full on don't even have screenshots from the movie and have to make their own using stock assets and what seems to be drawings done in paint? Take a look, it's bizarre.
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Particularly that last one. Notice the stray pixels inside Spongebob's eyelashes. Is that where the fill tool failed to color in the edges? Or how about the miscolor around SpongeBob's mouth. It's INSANE this is in the final game. Again though, this game was made in a year. This is almost certainly Nickelodeon's fault for not giving them access to the movie for... some odd reason.
And it's not just this, cutscenes that do use animated models tend to just have them idling while occasionally moving to talk. I don't think Mindy even has a full model cause she's only ever seen over her magic mirror. The game is also full of a lot of repeated missions, like enemy fights or platform challenges or ring challenge and time challenges. And the first game had this too, but it had a LOT more missions to do so you could better pick and choose your battles. But here you need basically every goofy goober token. Which forces you to do a lot of the game's worst levels.
There's other oddities too, like Dennis using a seemingly scrapped design during his rematch. Hasslehoff obviously not being able to return for it. But let's move onto some of its positives because no game is truly awful.
Aside from the Patty Wagon stages, the actual levels themselves are good. The platforming levels are a lot of fun, the tub slide levels are okay, and the bosses are generally all good and creative I'd say. I think there's also some other polish made over the first game like tons of hidden extras like concept art or alt costumes. I also think Goofy Goober Tokens are a cleaner mcguffin than golden spatulas if that makes any sense at all. It's improved visuals and they actually got back EVERY voice actor. Including Mindy. Which doesn't mean much cause most of the cast never talks in this game. But it's cool they pulled it off! Music is fantastic, the final boss theme is genuinely such a banger. The desert theme rules. This games OST still really holds up and I may prefer it over BfBB still honestly. I also think the enemies are a little less annoying than BfBB.
Yeah it's odd. I don't think it's a TERRIBLE game. But man I'm shocked I finished it as a kid. It's clearly rushed and didn't get the time that BfBB did. And ultimately I think being more polished can't save it from the slideshow cutscenes and the annoying amounts of grinding you have to do to beat it.
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Spongebob Squarepants (May 1, 1999)
Okay, so that's the games. But what are my thoughts on the show? I've seen some episodes of it as a kid. I had some VHS tapes I believe and we would rent episodes from the Library. But I didn't have cable so most of these episodes I hadn't seen before. And certainly not all at once like this. Which was very interesting to finally do. Again, I watched the first 3 seasons and then the Movie.
Thoughts? Yeah SpongeBob is a funny as fuck show! I think it has a great premise that's actually very unique. Taking place completely underwater with aquatic characters. The cast is all great, I love Spongebob and sometimes I really fuck with Patrick. Sandy is great, and Plankton + Karen may be some of the best characters but they're not in it enough, especially Karen. And personally I kind of don't fuck with Squidward (he's responsible for his own problems 99% of the time don't let revisionists tell you it's spongebob and patrick fucking with him he's not relateable) and Mr. Krabs is basically a straight up villain. They're still funny. And it also has some nice visuals, the animation is great and I particularly think the skylines with the flowers are super cute. And they do a lot of odd things I wasn't expecting like a TON of live action and really surreal junk.
Actually, one of the most surprising parts of the show to me is how WEIRD it is. It's a BIZARRE series. With lots of weird closeups, some INSANELY weird visuals and surreal(?) jokes. To a true SpongeBob fan that's probably a really weird thing to notice but. Idk I just wasn't expecting it to be so random. But it does it well. Like the seahorse episode where randomly for one shot SpongeBob has a mustache and it's never addressed. And the fucking Gorilla. You know the one.
But my favorite kinds of jokes from the series, with pretty much no contest. Is when SpongeBob gets mad at people. When he snaps it creates the best scenes in the series. Like him getting mad at Squidward when he's jobless, or when he cusses out Mr. Krabs when he's crushing on Ms. Puff, or the absolute best and probably my favorite scene in the whole series: LISTEN HERE YOU CRUSTACEOUS CHEAPSKATE!! SQUIDWARDS BEEN LIVING AT MY HOUSE- ect ect. It's so good. And they save it, they don't use it often so when it happens it's out of nowhere and so funny. The show is just so funny and there's very few moments where it's boring or not hitting.
But yeah it's certainly not perfect. I can't remember exact moments but there are some jokes that feel oddly mean spirited or even inappropriate like a few suicide jokes. And sometimes the characters can be so stupid it's nerve-wracking. But it's a kids cartoon that's par for the course lol.
Then there's the movie. This is a whole separate beast. The finale to the series (or at least the first 3 seasons.) And it's pretty much the perfect movie. It keeps all the same funny and chaotic energy. But it's somehow not too over the top, like it's still respectful for the big screen while still being insane. And I of course love stories with big stakes in universes you wouldn't expect and this absolutely delivers. I love Plankton being an ACTUAL threat, and Karen gets some nice jokes here too. I love SpongeBob and Patrick being heroes and actually dealing with some crazy threats. Dennis is cool. The whole premise with the crown and Plan Z is great. And even though the movie is constantly jumping between multiple stories it doesn't feel scattered or weird or poorly paced. It's really well done. And I LOVE that they do some of the different animation styles by actually going to live action places towards the end and even fighting a live action enemy. And the whole scene with the tear of the goofy goober is so sad and so well done. And I love SpongeBob having a real adult problem where he wants to be manager and no one takes him seriously.
But in particular the ending of this movie is so special. SpongeBob realizing that being a kid is fantastic and him gaining insane power from it is so goofy and him becoming a guitar wielding wizard who uses his music to free everyone is SO RANDOM AND CHAOTIC AND SO SPONGEBOB!! And the whole Goofy Goober rock scene just absolutely rules and the speech before hand makes me so emotional. I fucking love this scene it's one of my favorite "final battles" in a movie I guess you could call it. Please watch it if you haven't seen it in a while. It's better than you remember.
And having SpongeBob prove himself and become manager, it's basically the perfect ending. I love it. The series is good, but this movie is perfect. It's the perfect finale. And it's still my favorite SpongeBob thing in the series even now.
But yeah, that's my thoughts on SpongeBob. I honestly never considered that I'd do something like this so this was a real surprise and treat for me. But I loved doing it. SpongeBob is really good and I basically haven't stopped thinking about it. Not helped by the fact it turned out to be the series 25th anniversary this year, so I cannot escape the series at the moment. Idk. SpongeBob was good. I enjoyed this. But I don't think I'll be doing this for any other shows, at least not any time soon. It was all just a delightful coincidence that I had access to all this media without even needing to pirate it all at the same time. But again, I'm glad it happened. Happy Birthday SpongeBob!!
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salesflying · 1 year ago
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The saying “The Only Constant Thing is Change” also implies on your professional life. The saddest part of life is that when it is changed it doesn’t prompt you with a message like “Do you want to save changes”? It would have been so convenient! Right?
Unfortunately, that’s only in fantasy and in practical life you need to be smart, clever and honest with whatever you do and whoever you deal. You can’t keep a temporary relation with people you spend your whole active day with. If you haven’t guessed it I am talking about people from your workplace. I started this topic with the word “Change” as you change your job due to several reasons but can’t undo the changes you have done in the past. So you need to maintain a congenial relationship with the company and the management even if you are quitting the job.
Embrace change in your professional journey with wisdom and grace.As a seasoned Business Consultant, I understand the intricacies of navigating transitions. Learn the art of leaving your job on a positive note by avoiding common pitfalls.
Whenever you decide to quit a job, never behave like you getting freedom from a place you never going to return. Your previous company is like an attachment to your life. It will always show-up on your resume and your skills and capabilities will get verified only through your previous companies for any kind of job you are looking for. So whenever you are quitting the current position, choose your words wisely.
So, let’s make a checklist on ‘THINGS NOT TO SAY WHEN YOU QUIT A JOB’
This is my last day
Remember, when you play a game for days n days on your gaming device but suddenly quit it due to boredom. That thing doesn’t work in professionalism. You need to be fair and give your company a suitable time to find a replacement for you so the company’s routine is not disturbed and everybody is happy. Instead, interact more with your management and colleagues leaving the company on a good note.
The Management here is bad
This is a negative statement and it directly puts you and your company in a bad spot as management is like two sides of a coin. It co-relates on the manager-employee relationship.
I was never appreciated
You were getting a paycheck and that was your appreciation. If only you were getting de-motivated by your boss then that’s a different issue but if you were looking for special treatment like announcing and praising you in front of the team or pats on your back, then you should have discussed that earlier. Appreciation is not necessary to be mentioned when you present, always keep that in mind
The thing wrong with this profile is
Hold your horses and stop acting like a donkey! You are quitting the job but that doesn’t certify you to become a designation critic or a free advisor. Just thank your boss for the opportunity he/she gave you and found you eligible for the post
This company is going nowhere
This and relevant statements like these are actually classified as ‘nasty’. It is like you had a great time on the ship and now running away when it began to sink. Just have a contrast approach and wish all the success to the company in the future. This makes a good lasting impression instead of a frown on the face of your employer whenever your name is mentioned after you have gone.
To be honest I know that every employee who leaves the company gets diplomatic and becomes ‘politically correct’ about their answers. You just need to remember ‘Never say Never’ as you don’t know at which point of your life you need your company to be referenced or you may also need to join it again so always be good enough and don’t burn the bridges.
As a commitment to your success, I offer free consulting services to guide you through this pivotal phase. Whether it’s crafting the perfect resignation message or strategizing your next career move, I’m here to assist you. Embrace change with confidence, maintain fruitful relationships, and step into the future with the assurance that every move counts. Your career is a canvas – let’s paint a picture of success together.”
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indigodatum · 1 year ago
More Evidence!
As we got Orange back into the mix a few episodes ago I had a theory, and every time they're around I get more convinced that I am absolutely right.
Orange is not in Deerland after the events of Season 1.
From Season 2 Episode 4 as they talk with Mrs. Frye she's clearly discussing Larks and Birdsong and their response is that it sounds bizarre. From the beginning of Season 1 Larks seemed to be a known quantity to all of the Department. The fact that they have no idea what any of the implications of this could be says to me they're in a much earlier point in time
Now as we see them again they mention that they're now sure that there's Department business in Deerland. Sure everything that we've seen of them suggests that they operate on instinct and intuition, but that doesn't sound like they know anything about a Jasmine Control to know she's the same as the missing girl they're pursuing.
In new episode there's a reference to the movements of the thin-head or earworm as looking odd "in the twin moons' light".
Then, after running into the earworm, they want a coffee, an espresso, but cold and nicotine and are unfamiliar with the fact that iced coffees are totally a thing and vapes are a bit of an alien concept to them and Lena, our waitress, still labors under the belief that she can use vapes to actually quit nicotine, all of which tracks with my memories of about a decade ago.
Everything about this episode really seems to confirm that idea concretely, but I bring it up because my theorizing up there is nothing but a foundation for my real speculation. Olivia had always been a part of this group going out to the State Park in Scarlet's memory.
Back in Season 1 when Scarlet first mentioned that she had some kind of history with variance she brings up that she was out with "A close friend, Darryl, and... someone else." First time I heard it I thought she was just unsure of how to describe the 4th member of the party, but the second time I think I thought that she was trying to hide their identity. But after we got into Season 2 I started a relisten, and I don't think that she properly remembered who was out there with her.
Then when Jasmine went on her first Jaunt she went into Scarlet's memory and she *knew* that she saw Scarlet despite never having met her, and then the second person she later confirmed was Violet, then she was convinced that Ivory Torment, the doppleganger, had followed her into the narrative pause of the Jaunt because someone with her face stepped out of the Jeep. We're told this is all impossible, but this is a job where everyone regularly interacts with fictional and semifictional entities. With all else occurring this slipped through the cracks of discussion. (Besides, there was flirting to be done)
When we get Scarlet's view of sitting in this memory, she says it feel like she'd always been friends with Jasmine. Now given the way nostalgia plays high in the powers and effect of Birdsong and the Larks I thought it was just how everything plays with your memory, but what if she's just accessing memories that'd been fucked with before pushing them aside.
As Jasmine got trapped and we ended Season 1 I wondered how she was going to act in the past now, but we discovered she's actually in a memory, but not like on a jaunt where she's watching from afar and not interacting. With that revelation I started racing my mind to figure out how the memory, the dream, was going to explain her introduction to this group
Later, again in Estranged from Grace, when talking with the garage band the response is not to say that she's so much older, a "decrepit twenty something" in the words of Nadia. They discuss how she was a prep and "in different social circles". This implies that she's somehow the same rough age cohort as the kids. Same as Nadia and Alex.
Almost identically, Lena has her own thoughts about her. Lena's been putting together the breadcrumbs of variance that get things grabbed out at the State Park. She notes that the "gay girl" was one who went totally missing. So did the teen from Guatemala, but I don't think we've run into them yet.
I think all of this means we'll get to the end of the season where our Trio and Orange will meet up. Jasmine/Olivia will find a way to conceal the exact nature of how much interaction Alex and Nadia had with all of it, and so that only she gets the full mind wipe, while Alexa and Nadia are just made to forget how they knew her because she works out that's how it always had happened. Orange clearly didn't report much of it, though, but Orange doesn't seem one who loves paperwork and reporting. We know this because Olivia is grabbed as an example of someone with zero exposure to Variance. Which, considering both how Scarlet mentioned that queerness is its own form of Variance and Jasmine's line, "She's bi, I'm bi, everyone is bi!", suggests that even more of her life has been concealed from Yellow's plan. The question is whether Orange intended on messing with the plan or if the universe just enjoys messing with her.
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aaliawrites · 2 years ago
Rocks of ages split in two.
There is only what is down to earth with you.
A hike.
A northwest landcape I trust you know.
You lead me off the path and I follow.
Later when we find the trail and map and confess that knew were there -
You and your wicked blue eyes,
(" Well. That wouldn't have been fun. The other way was longer" ).
An initiative to spend time together.
I fake acting shocked but am actually pleased.
I know by now. Meeting every 2 years as we do. This high school version of flirtation that gets me.
You fake tackling me and call me cute.
I swerve the advance in pleasure.
I tell you I want to glue plastic toy trolls and gems to all the green rocks and formations.
A village surprise to find in the forest.
Cute it is.
You know all the land of this island after 4 decades - the changing of seasons, the Indian reservation, the hidden Arbutus beaches, the hidden caves of Maxwell.
Deeper down we go into the land itself. Descending ropes and metal ladders, cave upon cave.
I yell off the scared parts of me.
Death meditation as messenger
Laughter as medicine.
In the cool damp feel held and safe.
A quiet I resonate with monks.
We fall into meditation.
Then we fall into shop talk, contact.
Your old days in the States.
Blindfold performances with curtains and audience interactive sexuality. Living for weeks in canyons.
Down there in the dark, you ask me how that blindfold dance was for me.
The one from the festival with the other man.
That I shared vulnerably I thought was you.
"Creative. Fluid. Caring."
I realize I just described my sensuality.
We pause in silence.
I get cold.
You tell me to sit in your lap.
I want to do more than that.
I give you may hands instead.
You tuck them into your armpit.
As you have before walking me to my car.
Oh, Canada - I wouldn't survive another winter here again.
I dance with the rocks in the dark as you speak.
Open eyes in the pitch.
Nothing to see, only to feel.
We crawl back up the ladder towards light.
Metal ascending into another kind of blindness. Disoriented by day light.
Lush landscapes as scaffolding.
I stop to lock eyes with a stag. A moment together, a pause across the green planet.
He bounds on.
(I fed a tame deer blueberries by hand earlier this morning at a meditation center.)
Sweet licks. Doe eyes. Soft heart.
Becoming kind to their kind.
This whole month on the island fyll of visual deja vu. The kind I remember as if it happened in the past, only its occuring now. I've met you before and many of the other characters too.
We've already had this hike.
We've already fallen together.
I've known long ago.
As if a dream, by day.
I look down at my feet and find a large brown feather.
Twice in Bali, my best friend who has visions, told me she saw a feather in my body, the size of my torso, while floating me in water dance.
I had no idea what she meant.
I picked it up - this is the feather.
I tell him about her. I can't hide anything.
I put in down my shirt and keep walking.
I imagine it as a quill for all my untold stories I can now begin to write.
I balance it on my hand and follow you.
Navigator, paraglider.
I think of my parents passed, and all their gifts of flight.
My hanggliding dad. My kite-making mom.
We make our way from the smallest of spaces into the vast expanse of the ocean.
I can't quite absorb the contrast.
We sit and you tell me you thought you saw someone in the field across from us flying a kite, then they disappeared. Signs from them.
You dive naked in the ocean.
(What former lovers do. God I love an outdoorsman who doesn't give a fuck).
I don't join.
I sit with my feet in the water and contemplate the sun.
I sit with my feet in the water and contemplate your existing partnership.
Morality, integrity, loyalty.
The values I value.
Karma as capital
For future incarnations.
I sit and feel like I'm shrinking.
I stare into the sun to burn out my thoughts.
You get out and contemplate the tidepool.
How they used to be filled with creatures as a kid. Now they're empty.
You say you need to get home to feed your kid dinner, the 15 year old.
You pull on your shirt, a safety pin tucked in the back neck "for splinters, for..."
(you rattle off the uses.)
I stare. "God, and he's handy too."
I laugh the laugh I cannot help.
Fake falling on my blanket.
As I hit on you.
My heart unfurling.
"Goodbye S."
5 years ago, when we first met, you were just out of a long relationship.
I was 29. I knew you had a kid.
This year now there's a new woman.
A good woman
As a good man.
I met her at the opening circle of the contact festival this year
And thought vividly 'she looks cool, amazing'.
And seconds later you introduced her as "my amazing partner'.
I don't know what to make of the preminitions.
I sit alone with my nuance and gray and all the timing that constitutes our lives and living and creating and loving and family and responsibility and twinkles in eyes and seeing what's unseen and feeling what's there in the air, and what's unspoken, what's unseen.
What's light as a feather.
That languages we share.
I sit by the ocean alone after you leave and voice note the friend with the feather about you. Pick blackberries by my car for dinner. Drive off to ecstatic dance to burn off the energy.
To continue the dance of life.
I share a present contact dance with someone new.
He mentions your name.
Says you're a good man.
I agree.
Me on my way slowly to becoming a great woman.
One whose body holds the same origins of contact programming, from the same studio, our dance lineage.
One who will follow you down ladders into the unknown recesses of the great silent holding earth.
Who would stop wandering
And become still
In your mountain.
If only to become real
With you.
Thank you for searching for the light and dark together.
Thank you for seeing (and feeling) me.
~ A
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jazzywazzy89 · 3 years ago
Bonnie and Enzo was just a rushed mess. He first showed interest in Caroline and Damon’s mom, and then switched to Bonnie, it was honestly the epitome of ‘we don’t know what to do so just put him with Bonnie’ but as usual they couldn’t let her have anything so they killed him off. They always gave her such safe love interests which is why I liked Bamon and Bonkai, the latter more so than the former simply bc tvd does this weird thing were they’ll make all the characters Damon sympathisers/defenders. One of my fav things about Bamon was the provocation they brought out in one another and it seemed like once the writers clocked it they made sure to have Bonnie become Damon’s best friend who found a way to defend his actions and decisions. Which is also why Bonkai worked for me bc there seemed to be a real opportunity for the writers to show this equally toxic and destructive, dark relationship where they both forced the not so good parts of each other out, something tvd rarely allowed to be shown with Bonnie.
So, basically I didn't miss much with Bonenzo. I am in no way surprised that they killed him off because as you said, Bonnie can't have nice things.
I feel like even with the provocation was shown with Bamon in earlier seasons it was used to prop Damon and demonize Bonnie which is why a large amount of the fandom disliked her so strongly, well that and because she's black but that's another post. Then when they're dynamic gained popularity the writers absolutely clocked it and turned her in to a Damon prop because Damon was the one who had win out over every male on the show. Which was why he was supposedly the root worthy brother over Stefan. Which is why he got to kill Kai. Which is why he got Elena. They wouldn't allow him to actually lose and hated to see him undermined in any way which is also why he didn't honestly have much character growth at all. Stefan was actually more developed and they did it by trying to undermine and destroy his character for Damon's sake and accidently made him more nuanced as a result.
You're absolutely right about Bonkai. Most of my knowledge of them is from clips but in every scene you saw the potential and Bonnie developed as a character in all of their interactions and we got to see that underlying darkness a lot of us had been waiting seasons to see, come to the surface.
The problem is those writers honestly had not idea how to write dark ships. If you think about it, even DE and KC weren't possible without neutering Klaus and Damon and dumbing down Caroline and Elena, because they refused to let these characters go there without involving half ass redemption arcs and because they hated the idea of their pets looking bad when honestly it would have been more enjoyable all around if everyone got to explore their darkness full on no apologies at different intervals, especially Bonnie.
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conjured-osteon · 2 years ago
{-Kicks rocks an mumble grumbles- I SWEAR this account was fully intended to have more activity but I'll be going on a Hiatus till further notice. If curious, I've added more under the cut but to keep it short'n'simple; Rough start to the year that only continued hasn't helped my creativity an instead stressed me out. (Triggers in the Tags, just in case.)}
{Starting this explanation on a softer note, I find myself having a hard time focusing on my lovely characters an this blog. Not to say I'm intending to get rid of it! But when you get nervous trying to reach out to others or don't get responded to it can be a bit disheartening an I never know what to do as a plan B. (Plus I know we all have lives outside of this. I'm just an unfortunately nervous person an sometimes the Logical Thinking gets bopped by the What If's) But I also have Bouncing Interests so at times my drive will go from full throttle to Zero without any warning because something else has gripped me like a vice.
I have been desperately wanting to work on the blog but as mentioned above, lack of interaction kills the motivation an leaves it kinda stressful cause I dunno what I can do to do better, especially when not wanting to be a pester or bother anyone. Otherwise I HAVE met some wonderful people who are a delight to chat/plot with and I am so, so, so sorry I've been inactive the past month :'D I take responsibility for that radio silence of mine.
And onto rougher notes... New Years Eve I had to say goodbye to my childhood dog. She lived a good, long life an it's still upsetting not seeing her around after nearly 15 years. Holidays already grate me so the addition only made it worse and then some other details surrounding it just, made it especially bitter for me. I've suffered depressing/anxiety fueling dreams involving her almost every night since. Following as a few days ago; one of my cats passed away. Another example of old age but losing a pet never comes any easier over the years.
Around December is when my mental state really started taking a nosedive, one I thought was going to be a temporary thing seeing as I was working odd hours for events from my usual shifts, not resting or eating properly Truth be told I'm bad at that in general bUT, grieving over the approaching vet visit on top of other stressors that came during the Holiday season. A part of the mindset I was thinking it would pass was due to the fact I don't register things that have happened/are happening immediately, an so I just guessed I was having one of my delayed responses from other things and handling present stress... Cept, it continued on in waves for several weeks in comparison to a day or two. Aaaand earlier today while I was working, I got so stuck in my own head, so tightly wound up by meaningless thoughts, arguments with not purpose and physically over stimulated into self directed aggression by getting MF'in' hiccups that I ended up reaching out to a Cr!s!s Hotline when I found I couldn't even make myself contact friends/family. My strongest Rational and Logical Thought was I needed to talk to someone before my predicament made itself truly hazardous. Immediately after, I called my partner so he'd be aware. I'm doing better at the current moment, quite chilled out actually an I fully intend to bring this all up with my Therapist this week.
I hate worrying others and I falter to express what's going on due to the always hovering thought of I'm just looking for attention, or I'll be ruining another person's day because I'm being a child. Something I've struggled with for a long time that I'm hoping-- Trying, very hard to work through.
Soooo yeah- I guess this is me saying I need to step back for my mental health. I'm still so bummed out by having to do this but I really, really want this to be a fun space I can look forward too at the end of my day without my own nagging negativities getting in the way of it.
DMs will continue to be open but I'll be much more MIA from here than I was prior, this time with reason behind it.}
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lunaekalenda · 4 years ago
𝖓𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊
eren x fem!reader
suggestive conversations, teacher x student mention, smoking, alcohol, mention of love triangle, reiner doesn't have an easy life, characters are aged up and they correspond to the last season, modern au, eren being a tease, nsfw once they get to the party, dirty talking, reader may have a degradation kink, slapping, finger-sucking cause that's my sign, neck grabbing, rough composure, really long fic and really long warnings, size kink, wall sex, consensual relation, reader is tiny next to eren, kneejob (does that exist?), use of words like fucktoy, doll, slut; dom!eren x sub!reader, goddess i’m getting scared bc of the quantity of warnings, unprotected sex (don’t be like eren), oral (m receiving), consensual filming,, author is horny half of the drabble, please correct me in any errors! sex scenes are really bad written sorry
a/n: yeah... i don't know what i'm doing someone pls tell me to stop. as always, very welcome criticism and minors please do not interact!!
"Jaeger, Eren." The teacher says his name and he gets up, loose clothes and his lazy bun on the back of his head giving him that attractive visual he has. Girls look at him with interest and boys with envy. After all, they all want to be like him, date him, be his friends. Be near him is something to be grateful for half the university students. What a bunch of idiots.
His tall body reaches the professor table, were he leans on, receiving the paper that acredites his graduation. A smirk on his face, directed to your young teacher, makes your friend Pieck sigh on the chair next to you. "He has for sure fucked her." she says. You look to the teacher expression, a smile just for him while he raises just the corners of his lips to her. You look to the paper on your hands. It's your last day. You're finally graduating. University is just another closed door for you. The last people take their diplomas quickly, the teachers giving their typical emotional discourses before releasing you to the campus yard. Reiner gets closer to your group, his arm around your shoulders as he smile for all of you.
"Today. Tonight." he corrects himself. "There's a party and, as the captain of the Waterpolo team, I'm the host." he says, a smile on his lips reaching his kind eyes. "You're all invited, of course. VIP invitations" Winking to all of you and gaining a giggle from Pieck, Reiner moves his head to a whistle. Bertholdt calls him from the door of the swimming pool, and Reiner leaves, smiling at you.
"I'll see you there?" he asks, a huge smile on his face. You can't help but smile back at him while you nod. Reiner leaves running the yard and Porco smiles at you, a joke about to escape his lips. You two have been friends time enough to know every single expression of the other.
"He does like you." he says, instead. Something serious for the first time in your friendship. Someone hits him with a paper when he was about to add something.
"You're finally out." Porco's big brother, Marcel Galliard, who works as the waterpolo trainer, takes his brother by the arm. "And out of the pics if you stay here, come on." He takes Porco with him, both of them leaving in Reiner's direction. Pieck smiles at you, about to comment something about Reiner, and you search your phone. It isn't there. Fuck.
"Pieck, I've lost my phone." you say, her face changing to a concerned expression. You touch every pocket and every place you've could have put it, without gain. Even she searches on the little handbag she's carrying. You remembered to take a pic with Pieck on the terrace and had to fix your shoes. You probably forgot it there. "Shit. Is the Uni still open, right?" Pieck nods quietly. Annie turns around to look at you. "Coming back real quick, wait for me here, please."
You make your way upstairs to the latest floor of the Univeristy, a terrace where teachers liked to go and smoke or drink their coffees between classes. "How can I forget my phone there? Am I dumb?" you think for yourself. There are just a few stairs left. You find Armin on your way. His short blond hair and his big blue eyes are recognizable everywhere.
"Congratulations." he says, that gentle smile on his face. "We finally graduated." You smile at him back, nodding.
"We did, Min." you say. Armin was in the same class as you, and he's really nice to you. Being paired in a couple works has made your friendship grow little by little, and you can consider him a friend now. It's ironical how he's Eren's best friend, even when the two of them have been seen parted for a while. He looks at you, his eyes following your way. "You go to the terrace?" he asks. You nod. He hums and looks upstairs, as if he was making sure something.
"Forgot something there, but it will take a minute." Armin nods and you keep going. Opening the big door, that is casually still open, the wind shakes your hair and your dress. You see your phone on the chair you sat earlier, while taking the pic, and you're fast to take it. Fortunately, it does have battery and it seems as nobody has touched it. You turn around, ready to go down to meet your friends, when you listen femenine giggles and sound of wet kisses. Gross. Is somebody using the rooftop to fuck? In the university? You shake your head. But your legs don't move. Your head searches unconsciously the place where the voices are coming from. You want to know who they are. Another giggle. Another kiss. A quiet sigh, the sound of fabrics. "Come on, move, move." You say to yourself. The woman speaks. "Now that you graduated..." Isn't that your teachers voice? With a student? You remain silent, trying to hear him. You hear a sigh. A manly and long sigh.
"Now that I graduated I have no reason to come here." You know that voice. That deep, raspy tone and that way of talking. Your brain searches quickly who does that voice belong to.
"Come on, Eren." even when you where about to figure who was the mysterious boy, she says his name. You move your hand to cover your mouth, your phone ringing in that moment. Pieck's ID showing on the screen. "Fuck, fuck." you try to silence it in vain. They heard you. Eren sighs, a long sigh that is followed by high heels steps. She's searching you. You're there, on the middle of the rooftop, and she's going around, near the door, no way to escape for you. You search quickly a place to hide. Then, he talks again. "They probably left, hm?" he says. His tone is way deeper now. "But we should as well. Search another student next year. I won't come back here for you." he says. With angry steps, she leaves. You can see her shadow from behind the little maintenance shed. You hear then calm steps, a lighter and the combustion of a cigarette. Eren palms the shed metallic roof, scaring you.
"Having fun spying the others?" he says. The smoke comes out of his mouth when he kneels next to you. "I can bet you're wet with just hearing us making out." you look at him in his green eyes, without avoiding his gaze. He raises a brow, putting the cigarette again between his lips.
"This is a public space. It isn't for you to bring every single girl you want." you say. Eren lets out a little laugh.
"I had the teacher's permission." he says, jokingly. "Who do you think you are to question her permissions?" his lips part, letting the smoke escape quietly. He gets up, his tall body resting against the structure. He's attractive, and he knows it for sure. But, the moment he opens that damn mouth of his... He loses all his attractiveness and charm. You take your phone, ready to go down with your friends.
"I hope you have a good future, Eren Jaeger. See you."
"Later, baby. On Reiner's party." he says, a little smile on his lips. "I guess he had invited the girl he likes." you didn’t like that joking tone. 
"And why the hell would he invite you?" you ask. Eren slides his eyes down your body when you get up, your light dress moving with the wind, your hair getting messy and your challenging eyes looking directly at his. He entertains himself on your legs, how they looked smooth and good under the dress. And, surprisingly, he finds himself thinking of the sweet thing upper, covered by the dress and your underwear. 
"Because I'm on his waterpolo team." he says, his green irises going back to yours. Damn, true. He’s the point of the team. The offensive. The strongest one between them. 
"Then I hope we don't see each other." you say. Eren gets closer to you, smoke leaving his lips while he smiles jokingly at you again. You can smell the tobacco from your position, but you don’t want to move. You want to show him you can also keep his gaze. That you’re not intimidated by him.
"I'll be searching for you." he whispers. "After all, you stayed up here to see who I was making out with. Maybe you're jealous. But don't worry, i'll gladly show you what I did to her" You raise a brow this time, giving a couple steps back to put distance. You cross your arms on your chest. Eren smiles, taking the cigarette away from his lips.
"Search another girl. I'm sure a lot of them want your attention." you say. That makes Eren smirk. He walks a couple steps back, his back resting against the shed again. He throws the cigarette and steps on it. 
"You have a strong personality, not like all the others. I like it." his eyes are on yours, and you're not afraid to keep the visual contact with him. "You're different." he says. You take a couple steps near him, heading to the door. Palming his shoulder, you smile.
"Good job reading all that cliche books where you took that phrase. Now, I have to go." his hand grips your wrist. With a shake, you get free and, false smiling at him, you leave. Your heart is racing while you go downstairs, Eren is still on the terrace, giggling for himself. He found such an interesting one. You keep going downstairs until you reach the yard, Pieck's black hair and Annie's bun can be seen. You walk towards them, your phone ringing on your hand. It's Pieck again. She sees you a hangs up, walking towards you.
"You took forever, y/n" she says, showing you her phone. "I calles you a hundred times. What were you doing?" she asks. You don't want to discover the teacher and Eren and less on the campus. "I'll tell you later." you say. Pieck told you to have dinner and get ready for the party at her home, so the two of you start to walk, waving your hands at Annie, who was waiting for Armin. Eren comes out of the university as well. His gaze finds yours and he smiles at you, but it isn't a sweet smile. It’s a teasing one. You turn around and follow Pieck.
"Eren? I told you those two had something!" she says. You're tying your shoes while she applies rimmel on her lashes. She looks beautiful, with that golden tight dress that shines when she moves. You wanted to go with your graduation dress, but she quickly corrected you. "No, no, that dress is too beautiful for this type of party. You have to show what you have." she said. She lended you a red dress that fits you. It is beautiful, and you look good on it. She turns around. "Were they in the middle of it? What happened!" she asks. You blush.
"They were just kissing, i think. They kinda broke up." you say. Pieck nods quietly and looks again to the mirror, taking blush to her cheeks. You explain her that Eren talked to you after that.
"Oh, so he's going to the party?" she asks. You nod. "Porco told me he wasn't that interested, so he'll probably pass." You really hope Porco is right while you two walk to Reiner's house, a big duplex near the campus. You can hear music and people talking from the corner of the street. Reiner opens the door for you.
"Y/N!" he says, quickly hugging you. Pieck waves her hand at him. "Come on, girls, enter." he lets you in. There isn't a huge amount of people. Jean and Connie from the Waterpolo club are playing beer pong and Bertholdt is serving some drinks. You look around, but you don't know if you want to find him or make sure he isn't there.
It seems like Eren isn't there, for your luck. Bert gives you the drink you asked for and you thank him. There's a couple people talking near a speaker, another ones are playing on Reiner's TV and another ones are dancing. Reiner smiles.
"If you need anything, the rooms and the living room are up. There's a bathroom in that door and another one upstairs." he says. You smile at him. "I'll be around here if you need me." he says. You nod and he disappears, giving your arm a soft squeeze. Pieck tells you that she's going outside and you decide to stay inside. The juice with a little bit of vodka is kinda strong, but it tastes sweet. You hear a hum near you.
"What are you drinking?" you roll your eyes, turning around. Eren's tall body is there, smiling at you. He looks into your cup. "Juice?" he asks. You raise a brow.
"Do you care?" he lets out a melodious laugh. "Don't you have friends?" you can almost feel all the gazes in you. Envy gazes, surprise gazes. You know they're commenting. "How did she get his attention?" "Sure he's playing with some bad toys" You look at Eren.
"I do. But my interest tonight is in you." he tells. "After all, you deserve private representations of what we were doing, since you were that curious."
"Get lost, please."  you ask him. He smirks. Taking your cup, he smells it. He gives it back to you.
"Don't drink that much." he says. You look at him. Is he now giving you orders? Taking the cup to your lips, you drink under his gaze. He raises a brow when you take the cup away from your mouth. You weren’t going to get orders and less form a dork like him. Surprisingly, his thumb takes a drop that slides from your lips. He licks it.
"Tastes sweet." it's all he says, before disappearing. Did he just licked it? You put the cup on a near table and follow him outside. He's lighting a cigarette. He smiles at you when you arrive.
"What was that. What you did inside." you ask. He laughs.
"We can't waste alcohol, can we?" he says. He walks closer to you. His bun is still low and loose, and he's wearing his waterpolo team t-shirt with ripped black jeans. A big 5 in his t-shirt. The number he uses on the water. "Do you smoke?" he asks, offering you the cigarette. You shake your head. He raises a brow. "Wanna try?" he asks. You're not into that type of things but, maybe, the way his green eyes challenged you makes you nod. You want to show him you're capable. He gives you the cigarette. "Want me to teach you?" When he ended the phrase, you're coughing. He laughs. "Such an impatient girl, hm?"
 He takes the cigarette again, taking a puff, his lips right on the spot you stained with gloss. He gets closer. "Let me show you." his lips touch yours quietly and you feel the smoke flowing between your mouths, entering yours. You’re unable to move, even when he’s kissing you. It feels nice, feels warm and soft against your mouth, the smoke entering right from his parted lips. You want more. More of him. He parts. "Breath out quietly." Why are you following his orders now? You do it softly, his gaze on your lips while you do it. "Good girl." 
That was hot. You can't deny it. The way he passed the smoke to you, how he looked at you. Oh, goddess. He smiles, stepping on the cigarette. Your legs feel like jelly and your heart races when he gets closer.
"You liked it?" he asks, a sweet purr on your ear. You nod. You did. Now you get why everyone is always around Eren. He's naturally magnetic, attractive. He’s the type of person that bewitches, that makes you follow his orders even when you don’t want you. He can make you weak for you from just a single peck. "I know more tricks with my mouth than passing smoke" he says. That makes you cringe a little, get down of your bubble.
"You're so dirty minded." You say. Maybe he was starting to attract you, to make you fall for him. You won't. You need to go out. Far from him. Far before you fall.
"I was starting to have fun." he whispers. You start to walk, heading to Reiner's house again. Eren follows you quietly. You've seen enough romantic films to know every single way he has to take you to his bed. You sigh. Inside, a lot of people is dancing. You also want to. Eren follows you quietly while you enter the improvised dance floor, a empty space between two sofas, moving to the song. It's hot inside Reiner's house, a stupid amount of people dancing together, bodies close and teasing movements. Maybe Eren tries to seduce you outside, but it is your time to make him beg for you. Moving your head and your body, you see him from th corner of your eye. He's there, behind you, his hands tingling. He wants to touch your body, that tiny red dress and that velvety skin. He wants to mark that exposed neck with his bites, tangle that hair with his fingers, feel you against him. You take one of his hands, putting it on your hips. He swallows.
"You're not that brave now." you whisper, without letting him hear you. His other hand finds your belly, going up to the low cut of Pieck's dress. His hand touches your skin, making you gasp. He gets close. "You won." he whispers on your ear, his hands sneaking, touching every showing skin he finds. You smirk, turning around. You're not aware of Reiner's sad gaze. "I won?" you ask. He smiles, his face getting closer, as if he wanted to kiss you. "Hmh." he hums. You smile at him, letting your body meet his really close, making you feel every part of Eren’s body. You raise a brow. "There's evidence of my win." you joke, Eren's lips curving on a teasing smile.
"You should take responsibility of your trophy." he feels your hands on his arms, making him sigh. He takes your hand and guides you upstairs. "Wait, Eren, wait!" you ask him. People look at you, going head to the second floor, your hand jailed on his. Almost everybody knows now what you two are going to do. "Eren, everybody will..."
"Let them talk. We can have a good time while they spend their last braincells making rumors." he says. He's kinda right. You shouldn't care of what people say or what people think. "But it is Reiner's house." you tell him. He smiles. 
"He lets me use the guest room to sleep. It's almost my room. My brother doesn't really like my company, I guess." he says. You feel bad for Reiner. He's such a sweetheart with you, and everybody thinks he likes you. And there are you, about to make out with Eren on his house. But you're drunk of him, of his smell and his skin, his deep voice and his green eyes. You can't help. You need him. He opens the room and lets you in. You don't have even time to see the room, feeling his lips on yours as soon as he closes the door, his hand sneaking behind your back to lock it. One of his arms rest above your head, against the wood, and the other pulls you closer to his body from your low back. His hand grabs your ass roughly, making you jump a little. He giggles against your mouth. His lips taste like tobacco and mint bubblegum. He parts.
"Are you drunk?" he asks. You shake your head. You take his hair on your hand, trying to make him cover your mouth again with his. He gives you a peck. "You want this?" he asks. Your hands search his chest, defined muscles under the team t-shirt. 
"I want you, Eren." you don't even know who you are. He has you crazy, begging for him and his kisses, feeling his hotness in your body. You want it. You want him. "Please.". His superiority smirk covers your lips again, your body arching to feel his closer, the grip on you harder, his other hand still on the door. He parts your lips quietly, the softer action of all he has done until now. You feel his tongue caressing yours quietly. It feels nice. His hand takes the border of your red dress, lifting it, asking for your consent. You nod at him, his hand moving it to your waist. He parts to look down, your underwear on his vision camp. He passes his tongue on his lips while his eyes scan that cute black panty you’re wearing. He likes it. Simple, something a cute innocent girl like you would wear. The thought arouses him. He’s going to ruin you, the sweet little girl that seems too tiny for him.
“What a precious panty, doll.” he hums, his knee going up until it meets the black fabric. Then, with a smirk, he makes pressure up, your body feeling his knee hot and hard against your wetness. You gasp and he smiles. “Such a desperate fucktoy.” he whispers, his lips near your open ones, your sighs every time he moves his knee against you. He likes that expression on your face. The way your cute lips are open in silent pleasure signs. He would love to watch them open around another thing, but he takes his free hand to your mouth, his long thumb caressing your lips before entering your mouth, pressing your tongue while you keep making that expression that has become his favorite. “Suck.” he asks. You obey, your mouth gently sucking his thumb, your tongue playing circles around it. He keeps that game on your cunt, making you lose your concentration on sucking his finger. He puts his knee down, you feel the emptiness between your legs. He takes his phone, tobacco pack and a lighter from his pocket, putting them on the near bed. Then, he takes your hands, guiding them to the fabric of his jeans. You understand what he wants and take the button off, then, unzipping his pants. They fall around his ankles, his muscled legs and his underwear is revealed. He sighs when your hand finds the bulge. You look at him again, spreading kisses on his jaw. His hand covers yours while you try to sneak it in his underwear. He sighs when he feels your cold hand against him, fine and elegant fingers taking his shaft softly. His head rests against the arm on the wall, your kisses going down his body. When you were about to kneel, he takes you up again.
“I’ll let you take a taste of it later.” he sighs again, your hand squeezing harder, making him gasp. His hand closes around your neck, not hard enough to choke you, just a grab. A way to make you know who’s in charge. He kisses you. “Now.” he says, out of breath. His fingers take your panty, sliding it down your legs. He looks at your half- naked body, the dress covering just your thorax. “I want to fuck you right”. He takes your body, pinning you against the wall, your legs around his waist and your hands gripped to his t-shirt. He takes his hand down, the other one holding you in place. His hand strokes his shaft a couple times, also making sure you’re ready enough to take him, before starting to put it in. He feels excited. How your body seems so little between his and the wall. How you’ll struggle to take all of him in. His cock twitch in anticipation. He can’t wait to be deep in you, to know how much of him can you take, but he wants to make it right. Make this something you’ll beg for. Make him feel superior. He pushes slowly, feeling every squeeze and every movement your walls make against him. You moan and he lets out the deepest groan. He doesn’t wait that much to move against you, even when he’s not fully inside, your lips parting to the sensation of him caressing your insides. He puts you against the wall, making the hold easier for him. He thrusts into you with such a power and strength that you feel your head dizzy. He keeps moving, lewd sounds and mixed heavy breaths leaving your mouths. He feels how he’s going deeper and deeper. He smirks.
“That’s it. You’re taking it so good, like the cockslut you are. You struggled to take all of me in that little cunt, all stuffed by me. Such a doll, hm?” he says, out of breath. You nod while he keeps moving against you, you hand taking his hair as his mouth bites your neck. “You were a brat this morning, a fucking tease, but now you’re behaving like a good girl.” he whispers, before bitting you again. One of his hands sneak to the part you two are connected, and he caresses you gently, his fingers knowing perfectly were to touch. You gasp. “You like it, don’t you?”. Your back starts to hurt a little, the wood door is too hard to be resting against. Eren doesn’t mind, his muscles flexed while he keeps moving you up and down his length. “You’re about to, hm?” he asks. “You’re squeezing me. Hard.” He groans. It's true, you're feeling it as well, the knot on your belly that announces your end, pleasure maximized by Eren’s fingers. His lips cover yours, a strand of spit connecting your mouth when he parts, your mind unable to make a coherent sentence. You take your hands to his back, helping him with your movements, reaching your end faster. He isn’t going to edge you. He feels merciful today. He’ll let you cum after all you did for him, after how good you’re squeezing him, after the pretty expressions you made. You fall on his arms with a long sigh,  juices dripping down the two of you as you keep shaking on his arms. He smirks. "Oi, you came really hard." He puts you down on the floor again, quietly sliding out of you. He's still as hard as he was. "I'm that good at it?" he asks. Then, he grabs your jaw, making you look at him. "Or maybe you're just a slut for me?" 
You blush. You did. He knew where to bite, where to touch and where to thrust. You couldn't help, he’s good at this. He pats your head softly. "Now, in reward, since you didn't wait for me, you could use that pretty little mouth you used to tease me this morning in something more interesting, hm?" he asks. You know what he's asking for. Before you kneel, he sits on the bed, tying his hair again while a cigarette hangs from his lips. Then, he pushes softly by your shoulders. You hear him inhaling the smoke. Taking his phone, he makes you look at him, pulling your jaw quietly. “Do you mind if i film you?” You shake your head. Filming is quite interesting, and hot, definitely hot. “Promise me that those videos will never leave your phone”. He smiles, a soft and genuine smile, offering you his hand. You shake it. 
The image is quite hot, your face resting in his tight and your hands caressing him, while his parted lips let go moans mixed with smoke. He takes two fingers to your mouth, the other hand taking the phone. He films your hands, your expression, his words.
"You look pretty with your mouth full of my fingers, but I prefer another thing, doll." he says, quietly pushing your head, making an intrusion in your mouth. He sighs. "Fuck. Show the camera, pretty." You try to wipe the tears away and he caresses your jaw, making you look to the phone filming you. “Show it how you suck me.” You think about him, watching this video in the loneliness of his dormitory, no light, his hand sneaking into his pants. "Do it alright and we'll be done in a second." he says, taking a puff again. He smokes too much for your preference. His fingers, still full of your saliva, impact against your ass. "Faster, doll." he asks. Slap again. Again. You feel your skin tingling under his slaps, hot and red. "I would also like to ruin that pretty ass you have." He grabs it this time, the camera pointing at his big hand squeezing your buttock. You keep sucking under his sighs and gasps, helping yourself with your hand. He smiles. "That's it, I'm already." he moves his hips against you, strong enough to make you feel it. Tears come again to the corners of your eyes as he keeps moving, stronger, the camera pointing everywhere while he loses himself. "You want it? Should I let you have it on your mouth? Or maybe on your pretty face?" he gasps at the thought of your face full of his seed, and maybe that's what makes him pull it out and paint you. With a final sigh, Eren pauses the video, putting out the cigarette against an ashtray. You rest again near his legs as he looks at you. His hands grab your neck again, making you sit on his lap. “You should clean that mess. Don’t want everybody to know how much of a slut you are for me.” he says, his fingers outlining your lips. “And I’ll keep this.” he says, taking the panties he throw away earlier. “You know where to find me if you wanna get them back. Or maybe give me new ones.”
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