#like all he did was tell me to do maths and my brain decided to blank out bc it was funny -it was not for me tho
chicchanooliner · 1 year
The day i stop feeling embarrassed about the lack of knowledge in some areas In nephrology is the day I’ll be at peace
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riordanness · 9 months
fictional — [p.jackson]
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pairing: percy jackson x reader
wordcount: 2.1K
warnings: none
‘i put myself in another world, where i can be any other girl, cause i don’t really wanna face it. cause if it isn’t real you can pretend all you want…’
I sigh as the lyrics of ‘Fictional’ by Khloe Rose filter through my headphones. My head leans against the cool glass window of the bus, bumping my forehead every time the driver goes over a pothole.
Hey, call me crazy, but this is probably the most relatable song in existence. At least to me. Falling in love with boys from books and movies was basically my job at this point.
I had one, though, that meant more than all my other ‘fictional boyfriends’.
Percy Jackson.
I’d grown up with this character, laughed with him, cried with him, held fast and braved the storm with him. I’d adopted his personality, tried to be like his girlfriend, acted as if we were best friends, talked to him, dreamt about him, read and written fanfiction about him, anything you can think of. I am obsessed, and no, I’m not ashamed of that fact.
I’m five years running with this crush now, and it’s not going anytime soon. I let out another sigh as I realise, yet again, that this is impossible. He’s fictional, as much as it hurts to admit. He isn’t real, and I can’t live my whole life pretending to date and marry a fictional character. Life just doesn’t work like that. Sadly.
The bus pulls up at school, and I climb off, slipping my headphones into my pocket. I’ll probably get them back out during a boring lecture in one of my classes, but for now I’ll just keep the daydreaming at a minimum.
“Hey, girl.” Andie sidles up to me, nudging me with her shoulder. “What’s kicking?”
“Nothing,” I deadpan. “Unless you’re a goat, like Grover Underwood.”
Andie laughs, my sarcastic comment going right over her head. I love her to death, seriously, but the girl hasn’t got an ounce of sarcasm in her. She’s the most literal and honest person ever, but she’s also super sweet and sincere. So, sarcasm isn’t even a word she knows.
“I’m not a goat, silly,” she giggles. “But guess what?!”
“Yeah?” I am actually kind of interested. Andie usually has all the gossip (somehow), so her news tends to be pretty good.
“There’s a new guy in our class today,” she squeals. “Apparently he just moved here from New York.”
“New York is where Percy Jackson lives,” I say automatically. “I wanna visit there someday so bad.”
Andie rolls her pretty eyes. She likes Percy Jackson. I made her read the books, and she did, but just so that she knows what I’m talking about most of the time. “You and your fictional boys, I swear. This is a real boy, y/n! You need to get your head out of a book for once if you ever wanna meet somebody.”
I shrug. “Real boys suck though.”
And even Andie can’t argue with that.
I’m doodling in my notebook, half listening to Mr Mintar explain something about geometry. I’m not terrible at maths, so I figure I’ll just catch up if I need to. My brain doesn’t want to pay attention today.
I perk up, though, when I hear something new.
“Students,” Mrs May, our principal, announces. “We have a new student joining us today. Please be kind to Mr Jackson and show him around. Remember, you were once a new student yourself.”
Jackson? Like Percy Jackson? How cool is that, I thought to myself. I yank my headphones out of my ears and glance up.
A boy is talking quietly with Mr Mintar; who is probably explaining what we’re learning and where he’ll sit. We have assigned seats in basically every class, because a few boys in our grade are idiots, so I sit alone in every class. Apparently, other students are very likely to copy my work if they’re sitting with me, so the teachers decided to make me sit alone all the time. It’s kind of okay, though. Means I can do whatever I want with no one to tell on me for listening to music.
I watch as Mr Mintar talks with his hands, waving them a lot. The boy has his back to me. He has messy black hair, and he’s wearing jeans, converse and a blue hoodie.
Mr Mintar gestures at me, and I sit up straight. The boy glances quickly, nods at Mr Mintar, and I realise what’s happening. He’s being assigned to sit with me, which probably means I'll also be assigned his personal ‘welcome-to-our-school’ guide. Which means I’ll be forced to be this guy’s friend for the next few weeks. Yay.
The boy turns to face me, and I swear my heart literally skipped a beat. Now, this wasn’t like those dumb fanfics where a girl’s celebrity crush just so happens to turn up at her school for some stupid reason, and they fall in love blah blah blah.
This was an honest-to-goodness ‘what the hell is happening’ moment. The boy now walking towards me looks exactly how I’ve always pictured Percy Jackson in my mind. The same crazily messy black hair, loose and slightly curled at the edges, twisting around his ears and falling in his eyes a little bit. He has the same smattering of freckles on his nose, the same tan skin, troublemaker grin, the same glint of determination in his eyes.
And gosh, I’d know those sea-green eyes anywhere.
The boy slides into the seat beside me. “Hi,” he says softly. “You’re y/n?”
I can’t do anything but nod, and I try to not stare at him too hard.
“You’re supposed to be my guide, or something, I think.” The boy sounds apologetic, like he knows how annoying being forced to be a school guide is. “And I’m supposed to sit with you in all my classes.”
I nod again, a little dazed. Even his voice is Percy Jackson-coded. A slight rasp, a little accented, ugh.
I find my voice. “That’s cool. I’d be happy to show you around and get you into the groove of things here at East High.”
The boy smiles, and he has little crinkles at the side of his pretty eyes, as if he smiles a whole lot.
“Awesome. I’m Percy by the way.”
I blink at him, absolutely sure he’s pulling my leg somehow. “What do you mean?” I ask.
Percy frowns. “Like… my name? The thing that people call me? It’s Percy. Percy Jackson.”
I just stare at him.
“Did I do something wrong?” he asks.
“Your name is Percy Jackson?”
“Like the book character,” I add, surprising myself with the calm in my voice. Inside my head, though, I was screaming.
Percy’s brow furrows. “A book character? I dunno. Never heard of a book character called Percy, but there probably is. I don’t read that much. Dyslexia.”
I nod slowly. “Of course.”
Percy frowns again, then chuckles a little. “You’re weird. I like you.”
My tongue feels like someone’s deep fried it in the microwave. I try to swallow, and it’s nearly impossible. “So you’re not messing with me right now? You’re really called Percy Jackson, and you have dyslexia and probably ADHD, and sea-green eyes, and your hair isn’t dyed, and…”
Percy laughs again. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. What’s this about?”
I shake my head. “You wouldn’t understand if I told you.”
Percy raises his eyebrow. “Try me.”
It’s been a week since Percy’s arrival, and I’m still about 89% sure I’m dreaming. Not that I usually dream like this, but still.
I’ve spent basically all my school hours with Percy, as well as half my bus rides home, as his mum lives nearby to us.
The longer I know him, the more I’m sure that he’s real, that he’s actually here, and that he’s really, truly, Perseus Jackson, the not-so-fictional boy I’ve been in love with forever.
The weirdest thing, though, is the night after he arrived, I got home and all my Percy Jackson books and merch were gone. Mysteriously vanished. Even Andie doesn’t know what I’m talking about when I bring up PJO.
It’s like that movie, Yesterday, where everyone forgets about the Beatles. It’s like that, but with Percy Jackson. Oh, and obviously I have a real Percy to replace it; whereas Jack in that movie didn’t really have that.
Anyway, it’s crazy, it’s probably a hallucination, and it’s absolutely incredible. I’m spending every single day with my absolute favourite person in the universe, and he’s real.
The boy I’ve cried over, laughed over, loved for years… He’s here. He’s real. And he’s my friend.
“Marshmallows are not designed to be eaten alone,” I argue, pouting a french fry at Percy. “They aren’t even that nice anyway, but especially not when you eat them dry. All the powder, like, clogs up your throat and it’s disgusting. If you eat them on their own, you’re crazy.”
Percy laughs. “I hate them in my hot chocolates. They get all gooey and mushy, and… ugh.” He makes a face.
I roll my eyes. “You’re insane.”
Percy shrugs. “At least I don’t hate rice.”
“Hey!” I protest. “I have sensory issues! It’s not my fault the feeling of rice in my mouth makes me feel sick.”
“Hey, I know,” Percy says. “I was just kidding. I’m sorry.”
I relax. “It’s okay.”
I stare at him a moment, realising once again that this is really happening to me. That his pretty sea-green eyes are actually looking at me.
“What are you thinking about, love?”
“Huh?” I snap out of my trance, sitting up straighter. “What did you say?”
Percy smirks. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
To be honest, I barely remember. “Uh—nothing. Trying to think of what to do this afternoon after school.”
“You don’t have plans?” he asks.
I shake my head, and sip my chocolate milk. It tastes terrible.
“You’re going on a date with me, dummy,” Percy says, so casually I almost miss it. He leans his head back and throws a grape in the air, catching it in his mouth. It’s surprisingly attractive.
“Wait,” I say. “What?”
“You.” Percy points his finger at me, then himself. “Me.” He makes a swirling motion with his finger. “That new waterpark by the beach.”
I raise an eyebrow. “You’re asking me to go on a date with you?”
“You aren’t saying no.”
“No,” I reply, my voice soft, “I’m not.”
“Wow,” I say. “That’s an epic waterpark.”
Percy grins down at me, his eyes looking extra pretty in the afternoon sunlight. “You wanna race to the gate?”
I pretend to think about it for a second, then begin sprinting as fast as I can. I hear Percy gasp in laughter, then start after me. He catches me easily, his legs much longer than mine, but as he does, he scoops me up into a hug.
“Hey!” I shriek. “Put me down!”
I can tell he isn’t taking me seriously though, because we’re both laughing too hard. Percy eventually drops me gently on the ground. I can’t help but suddenly miss the feeling of his bare chest against me. I blink, and instantly shake those thoughts away.
“Buy me an ice cream and I’ll let you win all our races from now on,” I tease.
Percy scoffs. “Darlin’, you couldn’t win if you had a jetpack on.”
I try to ignore the flutter in my chest and roll my eyes. “Could so, and I don’t need any old jetpack.” I flex my nonexistent muscles. “You see these? I’m perfectly fine on my own, thank you.”
“Oh, oh yeah of course. Sorry, your majesty.” Percy has a stupid grin on his face, and I have an urge to kiss him right then and there.
And so I do. I grab hold of his shoulders, pull myself up onto tiptoe, and press my mouth to his. “I love you, Seaweed Brain,” I whisper into his lips.
Percy wraps his arms around my waist, causing the flutter to return, more greatly this time. He deepens the kiss, his head tilting downwards to accommodate my shorter height. His lips taste of the jellybeans we were eating earlier together. He had insisted on eating only the blue ones, of course.
The world around me blurs, and fades, and I’m left with only him, only Percy Jackson. His fingers on my waist, his mouth on mine, my heart in his hands. I am completely and totally his, as I’ve been forever, but now? He’s completely and totally mine too. My not-so-fictional boy.
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nyuoqi · 3 months
            — SO I MARRIED MY ANTI-FAN     ౨ৎ     SES
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OO7.    old times
✸ SYNOPSIS !  : congratulations! you have been invited to korea's #1 romance reality show 'We Got Married' where you will be living with your co-star like a married couple. but what will you do when you find out that your husband is actually your anti-fan?
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(626 words, not proofread)
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"MY MANAGER JUST TEXTED me that he will come pick us up for today's activities. " EUNSEOK mutters as he munches on his breakfast. 
the breakfast in question being a sugary pancake paired with pickled radishes. despite you telling your friends that this dish is not that bad, you must admit that it indeed, tastes terrible. never once in your 22 years of life have you ever thought that you will be eating such combinations for breakfast but here you are, munching down the food while pretending that it tastes nice.
besides how could you point out the terrible taste when your fake husband is clearly enjoying them. you can't just reject such act of kindness, can you?
"do you know what the activities would be? " you push your plate away from you and reach for a glass of water, thanking the heavens for giving you a way to escape from eating this hell of a breakfast.
EUNSEOK stays silent for a while as he types on his phone before nodding negatively. "he did tell me to dress up casually though, said something about how we have a costume time change into later. " his words a bit muffled as a result of him talking while eating. 
you chuckle at the sight, cute.
spending a day at your old middle school is definitely not what you think you will do with your future husband— maybe not really, considering the fact that he graduated from here unlike you who left to debut at an early age.
now with the both of you clad in your old school uniforms, you must admit that you're quite confused about how you didn't noticed EUNSEOK back then. he's an eye candy after all.
"for today's activity, you guys will be spending a day as a middle schooler. worry not, you will only do fun activities such as lunch times, recess, after school and so on. no classes nor learning! " the pd explains. both you and EUNSEOK cheers when the pd says that you will not be learning.
your first stop is the cafeteria. the both of you rushing to get in line which nearly ended in an argument— well at least not until EUNSEOK decides to make your heart flutter by saying ladies first.
settled down in your seats, you and EUNSEOK dig in your lunches while talking about old days.
"i don't want to make myself sound entitled but how have i never noticed you before? i'm pretty sure i knew everyone back then. " you asked, your chopsticks hanging mid-air. 
EUNSEOK furrows his eyebrows, "you don't remember me? " he mutters, making you panic slightly, "i'm sorry but what do you mean by that? "
"oh nothing. it's just that we actually participated in the same maths competition, i was in my 2nd year while you were in your 1st year of school, you won and i was the runner up. " despite him smiling while telling you that information, the fire and sirens going off inside EUNSEOK's brain says otherwise.
you cover your mouth with your palm, "oh my god, you were in that competition? how could i not recognise you? " you pout, "i remembered the runner up being a guy but i thought he looked different. but well, i guess it was you all along. "
EUNSEOK laughs through his gritted teeth, "haha, i had quite a glow up, didn't i? " he jokes.
you are still in awe at the unfolding scene in front of you. "i can't believe that after all these years we would reunite with each other as husband and wife. it's almost as if it's fate! "
"yeah, fate. " EUNSEOK swears he can feel his right eye threatening to twitch but he contains it for the sake of the rolling cameras.
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TAGLIST (closed) : @ujisworld @leileixq @renjunsversion @marshwatz @seunghancore @yipyipmorals @wonychu @renjuneoo @secretiny @haowonbins @https-yeonjun @vixensss @luffysgfforevaa1 @beomgyusonlywife @st4rryhae @woniepop @gisellessgf @yang2k @jeeluv @billiondollarworth @keilovr @nyiaswrld @meowbini @asahilvr @brachioswrld @chuutaroo @sinsgaybutthatsokay @sokkszn @samvagejkflxhrt @itsactuallylina @woonagi-lemon @icewons @fae-renjun @nujeskz @wantluv @lilyluvszb1 @addorations @lotties-readings @sanasour @dutifullyannoyingfox @haechansbbg @woongiez @kaelysian @niinaspeaks @en-verse @yyangj3lly @ffixtionista @astro-doll-the-star @mizuhasgurl @lovaeri
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angelliicc · 21 days
xo, call me
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“so if its feeling right
why should we say goodbye?”
a/n hi guysss!! im back bc i finished my exams this week. im deadass tired and trying to not fall asleep. anyways enjoy
warnings not proofread, mentions of ex bf
| the final bell rang in bio, making your way to math class. you usually stayed on the 3rd floor, waiting for all the chaos on the staircases to die down. you wore a black sweatshirt, jeans, along with your black converse. you hair was half-up half-down with a red bow. as you were walking to math, your ex found you in the hallway. he had always been very clingy, never understanding.
“hey there pretty girl.” he said to you as he followed you down to the first floor. you got icked out immediately.
“leave me alone please.” you told him, attempting to walk faster.
“not when you look this beautiful.” he said, as he grabbed your arm to make you stay close to him.
“dont touch me!” you said in a stern tone, immediately making sure he released your arm. thankfully by your surprise, a girl was watching the whole time.
she had auburn hair that was up half-up half-down and went above her shoulders, green eyes, and freckles. she wore a hoodie with green parachute pants.
the way she saw the situation, she was immediately worried, so she decided to step in.
“the fuck you think you’re doing?” she said to the guy.
“talking to the prettiest girl i know.” he replied, looking straight into your eyes.
she wrapped her arm around your neck and shoulder. “a girl thats taken.”
you looked at her, “wait wh-?”
she gave you a look, basically telling you to shut up in a nice way. then it clicked.
“what your mouth next time you’re around her, or ill kick your ass. got it?” she repeated defensively.
the guy wasn’t scared, but annoyed. he left in defeat, a scoff leaving his mouth as he rolled his eyes.
“hope you didn’t mind. i didn’t like the way he talked to you. im ellie.” ellie said.
“no, thank you. i really appreciate it.” you told her.
on the outside, you looked fine. but on the inside, you we’re freaking out. not because of fear, but because of how brave she was. she did that, for you. for your safety. you blushed at the thought of her defending you again.
“how do you know him? seems like a bitch.” she asked, as you both walked down in the hallway.
“ex-boyfriend, sadly.” you replied. “but once again, i really thank you for helping me out there. do you mind if i get your number?” you didn’t think twice as the words left your lips.
“oh no, not at all.” she said as she handed you her phone to put your number in. “thanks”
“see you again sometime?” you asked nervously.
“yeah, see ya.”
your brain was still trying to comprehend and process what the fuck just happened, as everything happened so fast.
a few hours later the school day ended. you decided to text ellie.
r: “hii”
e: “heyy, how ru?”
r: “im good wbu?”
e: “tired”
r: “same.”
e: “dyk if you have any classes with me?”
r: “no not really, whats your schedule?”
ellie then sent a photo of each block that she had, 1-7.
r: “we have math and history together”
e: “i can finally have someone to talk to, lol”
r: “sameee”
e: “hey about earlier, sorry if i pushed a boundary i didn’t know about. i just didn’t like the way he talked to you, it just made my blood boil. if you don’t wanna talk to me anymore, i completely understand. i wont take it personal.”
r: “nonono, i really liked it that you stuck up for me. no ones ever done that for me before. and i do want to keep talking to you. you seem like a really cool person.”
e: “thank you, thats one of the best compliments ive received.”
r: “im gonna head to bed, but ill see you tomorrow! good night”
e: “night 💫”
as you put your phone away, it was hard to fall asleep. all you did was think about her. she was on your mind for that entire night. because what you both had, felt right.
weeks went by, and you guys became an incredible duo. you both were always together. you knew what made each other smile, happy, laugh, cry, become sad, and so much more.
finally, it was hoco week. you already knew what to wear, since the theme was ocean. as you got to school, ellie asked you the question that every student asked their peers. “are you going to homecoming?”
“yeah, i really wanna go. i already have my outfit. i dont have a date, but its fine.” you told her.
the bell rang, signaling for students to get to their first class. “ive got dance, ill see you later tho.” you told her
“peace, i got bio-med.” she replied.
block 1 officially ended, giving students a 15 minute passing period. you sat outside, waiting for ellie. “wheres this girl?” you thought. suddenly, a crowd began to form. you turned around and saw ellie standing infront of you, with a poster and flowers. everyone had their phones out, recording your answer and reaction.
your face lit up in shock, with you hands covering your face. will you be my supermodel for the weekend @ hoco? the poster said. “she remembered my fav artist, sza. and my fav flowers.” you thought. “yes!!” you said as you ran up to hug her.
“im not done.” she told you in your ears as you gave her a hug. “will you be my girlfriend?”
this moment couldn’t be real. it was all a dream. you were on cloud 9. you wanted someone to pinch you. “of course i will.” you replied as you gave her a kiss on her lips.
i’ve been everywhere, seen everyone
but what we got feels right.
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asterr1sk · 3 months
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math homework ⭑𓂃 part 1 ⭑𓂃 part 2
⊹₊ ⋆ hong seunghan wc: 831 genre: friends to lovers, confession, pining, slight angst, suggestive
a/n: i'm missing seunghan again. i really hope he's doing fine
it's becoming unbearable to be alone with seunghan in the same room. it has already been a week since you started questioning your feelings for him. it meant nothing. it was definitely just the moment. maybe you always thought about it, but never at this point. you decided to keep your distance from him this past week. you didn't even think about his feelings about you being distant.
he was racking his brain over what he had done, which likely made you uncomfortable or annoyed. he wanted to thank you for tutoring him, as he achieved a high score. your help kept him focused, and he had never been this motivated, especially in math. he tried to talk to you every day after class, but before he could find you, you were already gone.
you were two seats behind him in class. you regretted sitting behind him. he was in your view, so no matter what you do, he’s there. you kept looking at his spiked earring. 
“y/n, the subject’s already done. we can go home now.” your seatmate poked your arm to get your attention and left. seunghan caught you glancing at him, which made you panic. you quickly started stuffing all your things into your bag before he could approach you.
“hey, y/n. i was wondering if you could help me again. please talk to me,” he said as you stared down at your bag and looked up at him. he definitely looked upset. of course he would be. why was it easy for you to ignore him? did he mean nothing to you?
“sure,” you answered. he was happy that you were willing, but he still sensed something was wrong. “if it’s okay, we can go back to my dorm.” he smiled lightly, and it was true that you missed seeing him smile. in response, you nodded. he took your bag so that you wouldn’t carry anything. 
you were back in the room that started everything. you sat there quietly with your things neatly on the table while you waited for him to get snacks. 
“okay, so i still have the food that you like." he placed it in front of you and then sat down. you just realized now that you didn’t listen to the lesson earlier, so what were you even going to teach him? “you know what? i don’t think i could help you with this. i didn’t listen because i was distracted.” you said and laughed softly. “well then, i guess it’s my time to teach you. i’m sure you will catch up. you’re good at these things.” he teased you. he was moving closer to you, and thoughts were out of the window. how could you even focus now that he’s right beside you? 
hours went on, and although you did listen to him, the words left the other ear. you then realize that the room was silent and seunghan was staring at you. 
“please tell me what made you distance yourself from me. the whole week i was trying to think about what i did wrong. i didn't know what to do. it hurts me to see you ignore me so easily. i need you here with me,” he said, then thought maybe he was making you uncomfortable with all this. “forget what i said. i let my emotions get me,” he said, backing away from you and avoiding your stare. 
“it's not that it was easy for me to not think of you. it was just that you occupied my mind all the time.” you put your hand on his cheek. “i'm sorry, i didn't know any better to handle this. it was overwhelming to think that.” you took a deep breath and sighed. “i liked you,”
he looked into your eyes and put his lips on you, pulling you closer. “you have no idea how much i wanted to do that for so long,” he said, breaking the kiss and smiling ear to ear. that smile is something you want to see every day. 
 “may i?” he asked while tugging on your shirt. you nodded in response. “i need your words, princess.” he lifted your head with his finger on your chin and came so close to your face. you could feel his breath on your lips. “just touch me already.” you grabbed his hands and let them rest on your waist. you swore you were never this needy. 
his hands finally went under your shirt, and they were warm. “sit on my lap,” he said, pulling you by the waist. you cupped his cheeks as he kept squeezing your waist, moving slowly to your hips. “stop teasing me, seunghan,” you whined while he just laughed at how cute you were. “i want to take my time as much as i’m desperate to fuck you already. i want to see you melt,” he whispered in your ear, pushing you down on his lap. “god, you’ll be the death of me.”
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kpopcafeeee · 9 months
Could you do a smut oneshot of Johnny been a tutor of any subject to help yn(if you could do her as chubby/curvy would be great, but if not is ok), and they have moments of a lot of sexual tension so one day johnny just says “if you do it correctly i’ll buy you a sofa but it you get it incorrect i can give you a kiss”, and yn does it incorrectly so they kiss and they start making out.
Sorry about all the details
New sofa
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Paring: tutor!Johnny suh x chubby fem! Reader
Genre: tutoring au, smut, fluff, one shot
Warnings: smut, kissing, cussing, biting, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it people!), one sex scene, degration, oral sex (fem receiving), Johnny loves ass in this story! (No anal tho sorry!), dumbfication, pet names for y/n= baby, y/n calls him sir
Summary: you and your tutor have some sexual tension and need to you get rid of it so Johnny came up with the best idea in his brain.
A/N: when I saw this I was so shocked and I was so happy too I love when people request things but this is a one shot so have fun and enjoy this!!! (Don’t shoot me if it’s bad pls😅)
MDNI 18+ only
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You and your tutor have had a lot of tension in the room since the last incident that ended up with an awkward Johnny and you making a c+ on your math test. So when Johnny decided to help you again it was a relief from what happened.
“I’m on way with the textbook now” he says as he hops in the and starts to drive to your apartment complex, “okay see you later” you say smiling like a puppy in love.
When he arrived at your place with a textbooks in his hand, you smiled “hey” you said “hi” he said as he walked past you to your living room, placing his textbooks down on the coffee table and sitting on your sofa that you desperately needed to get out of the apartment.
“So what did you make on the test?” He asks “I made c+ if that’s okay” you say nervously “that’s perfectly fine at least you didn’t make F” he says reassuring you that it was okay. “Well let’s get started shall we?” He said rubbing his Hand Together “right” you say chuckling.
20 minutes into studying you almost gave up “y/n that is not” he says smirking and erasing your mistakes and redoing it correctly, “this is how you do it” he says seeing how you wasn’t paying attention.
“Well since you think you know everything Mr.suh how about you do my test then” you say sitting back on the couch and rolling your eyes “well Mrs.y/l/n I can’t now pay attention” he says making you roll your eyes again.
“I have an idea” he says looking at you “what is it?” You say raising your eyebrow at his now mischievous smile “if you get this answer right I will take you to buy the sofa you always wanted but you couldn’t get but-“ he says “but what?” You say confused “if you get it incorrectly I can give you a kiss” he says “su-“ you but before you can even get the word out he says “if you want too” he says like lightning. You chuckle at his suggestion “yeah” is all you say before you get to solving the problem.
You wanted to get it the question wrong for some reasoning and you couldn’t get the thought of Johnny on top of you making out with you.
You get done with the problem, Johnny grabs the paper to check to see if it’s right or wrong and when he’s done checking the paper he tells you it’s wrong.
“You answered incorrectly baby” Johnny says before pulling you into a kiss that eventually turns heated, with johnny on top of you “s-shit baby” he says pulling away from the kiss”s-sir” you say whimpering making you more wetter than you were before.
“Shhhh let me take care of you” he said while sliding down to your heat “dam baby you leaking through your shorts” he said smirking knowing he caused this to happen, pulling down your shorts along with your panties. you whimper when the cold air of your apartment hits your cunt, “mmm let’s see if your pussy sweeter than your perfume” he says looking up at you like a deprived man.
He dives into your heat eating you out like a starved man sucking on your clit, you were a whimpering mess “s-shit s-sir” you say whimpering, grabbing his hair making him groan sending vibrations to your clit, his tongue coming close to your pulsing heat, sticking his tongue in and out of your heat. “I-I’m gonna cum” you say squirming around.
“Cum on my tongue then baby” he says stuffing his face back into your heat sucking fast while rubbing his raging hard boner on your couch to get himself off “f-fuck I’m cumming” you say cumming around his tongue, while riding out your high and turning your brain into mush.
“F-fuck” he says sit upright on the couch your cum glistening on his chin, pulling down his jeans to let his rock hard cock out and jerking off tilting his head up and turning his head to you “wanna ride?” He says licking his lips “mhm sir” you say like a bitch in heat “then come sit on my lap baby” he said patting his lap.
Sitting on his lap and holding his cock above your soaking cunt and putting sliding it into your cunt “s-shit baby” he says tilting his head back against the couch “mmm f-fuck sir” you say rocking your hips against his pelvis. Slapping your ass and groping it “love this ass” he says against your neck, hair sticking to his forehead. Speeding up your pace “s-shit baby” he says biting the space between your neck.
whimpering so loud that anyone by the door can hear and can tell what’s going on. Johnny groans “I’m going to cum baby cum with me” he says rubbing the ball of nerves on your clit harshly “f-fuck sir mmm” you say whimpering kissing him harshly before feeling a familiar knot growing quickly in your lower stomach “d-dam baby I’m gonna cum” you say “cum on my cock then baby” he says fucking up into “s-shit” he says cumming painting your walls white cum mixing with your cum. while you fall limp against him.
You sigh “you’re still buying me a new sofa right?” You say tiredly against his neck he chuckles “sure baby” he say smiling at how cute you were
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xreaderbooks · 9 months
Reward | Leo Valdez
Summary: Reader has had enough to worry about without her boyfriend coming to ask her for help with a homework assignment.
based on this request
Warnings: Language, Aged-up, fluff, making out like constantly, very slight angst, readers bad at math (cuz i'm bad at math and i cant fake it for the fic)
Word Count: 1.8k
PJO/HOO Masterlist | Navi | Masterlist of Masterlists
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"You want me to help you?" A quizzical look befell your face as you look up from your spot under the shaded tree. You sat by the edge of the lake, you were taking a quick break hiding from the younger campers who wanted to train with you as you were a crowd favorite with the new arrivals. You just needed a recharge, a moment away from the energy that overexerted you. "Of all people?"
Leo rolled his eyes, "Who else?"
You snorted, "Cabin 6 is that way." You pointed and nodded your head in the direction of the Goddess of Wisdom's cabin, filled with the brightest minds and much better options to help Leo with his current request.
"C'mon baby, please?" Your boyfriend pouted and lowered his chin to gain your favor with his golden brown eyes that, you were afraid to admit, made you weak. 
"But I'm tired and I want to take a nap, using my brain will probably kill me at this point." 
He knelt with outreached hands, you allowed him to hold both of your palms in his own, you should have known better. He used his strength to pull you up from the ground and brought you to his chest, his hands settled on your hips. 
Instinctively you looped your arms around his neck and rolled your head to the right, tilted perfectly for him to mold his lips to yours. And he did, pecking chaste kisses onto your lips, pleading with you to join him in Bunker 9.
"I suppose I could be persuaded," You nudged your nose against his. 
The moment you arrived inside the bunker and saw his work table, normally filled with scattered tools and mechanical pieces that were in the process of being fixed or tweaked, was now littered with papers. 
Leo's homework was divided into five different sections that had their respective piles. "By some miracle, I finished everything else, now all I'm missing is this." He reveals papers that were held behind his back.
"Math." You skim the equations on the document in your hands, nothing on this page was anything you would be able to help him with. 
The smirk on his face made you glare at him and fold your arms stubbornly, "Yup," Leo rolled two chairs over to the desk that felt like your new timeout spot. 
"Honestly, I feel like I shouldn't be subjected to torture because you decided to take courses over the summer." 
"What happened to 'you die, I die'?" He reiterated the phrase you had spoken to him as a sort of mantra during the war. Your jaw dropped at the use of them being thrown back in your face and quickly shut it close. 
"In the face of war!" You exclaimed and shrugged it off, "Just for that, you can die alone."
"I did, it wasn't my vibe," He twirled a strand of your hair, and let it fall back into place, stepping back with a hand on his hip leaning the other on the table. "Aren't you testy today?"
"It's been a day, the kids were hard to gather and once I had them riled up they wanted to learn this specific trick they've seen me do but how many times can I let them down gently and tell them they need to learn the basics- drills that they've repeated hundreds of times, that some still aren't getting and will possibly die if they get caught by a monster if they don't get-" You inhale deeply, "So what do I do? I let them learn the hard way to get it through their heads that it's not as simple as it looks and I've only managed after years of fucking practice. And you know what?"
"What?" You wanted to smack the amused smirk off of Leo's pretty face. 
"They didn't pick it up like I knew they wouldn't, now they hate me but still wanna train with me because they still want me to teach them. My body is sore, I'm tired and I hate you for making me do homework," You pout. 
He approaches you with caution, slowly caressing your cheeks in his hands, he presses his lips against yours that were currently being smushed together by his hands. It was a quick but meaningful kiss, only for him to say "I'm going to fail if I don't get this done."
"Leo!" You push him away from you. "What the hell do you mean, you're going to fail, you've been cooped up in here all summer!"
A sheepish smile and pink-dusted cheeks appear at your sudden outburst, he chuckles nervously knowing he just put the cherry on top of your already bad day. "I've been behind on a couple of assignments and I've finished most of them already, I'm mostly caught up"
"Mostly?" You were going to strangle him. You haven't spent much time together lately because of his homework. He decided to take summer classes to get ahead, and he's been busy ever since. You were constantly teaching the younger campers, and helping out around camp, whether in the infirmary or setting up activities to keep busy and you loved it but you missed your boyfriend. 
"But Nyssa had this project she'd been working on and I couldn't help it."
You rolled your eyes and sighed, you couldn't be upset with him- not completely, you understood how hard it was for Leo to stay focused on a task that wasn't something he could physically tinker with, but there had been moments where you wanted to just be with him in his presence and you stopped yourself from going to him knowing that you'd only be a distraction. 
"I promise this is the only one left," He takes your hand and leads you to sit on a chair then sits in another one next to you. 
"I'm so annoyed with you right now," You snatch the paper and look over the equations. 
An hour and a half into the 50-question work packet, you and Leo moved to the mattress lifted by wooden pallets used for shipping crates. 36 out of 50 equations were done, with work shown, Leo had barely any trouble working on it as he was naturally good with numbers you weren't sure you were needed at all. 
You solved a couple for him when he got bored and started leaving trails of kisses from your cheek to your neck and shoulder, you were sure the answer was right and took a break, though when he pulled out of his dazed and loving state he looked over it and kissed you deeply.
"What was that for?" You asked in a whisper. 
"A reward," He held your chin with his forefinger and thumb, pecking your cheek. "For helping me with my homework."
"Well, if I don't help you get this done, who will?" 
"Malcolm and I are pretty tight," Leo has a deep stare on your lips, his thumb swipes your swollen bottom lip. "You've also got eight of them wrong, Mi Amor." 
"I did nine of them," You did the math- that you weren't good at in your head, piecing together that you indeed sucked. "Why'd you ask me to help you, if you knew that I couldn't do math."
"I wanted to be around you, it's been a while since we've been alone." He toys with the bracelet he gifted you on your first anniversary, five charms for the five years you've been together since you confessed your feelings at age 17 after the war ended. You met at age 15 when Annabeth brought him to camp, and the rest is history. 
"I'm still annoyed at you, you know, just because I've let you kiss me a couple of times doesn't mean-" He cuts you off with another kiss like earlier, catching you off-guard, intense and full of feeling. You immediately kiss back, not having the willpower to not, succumb to the charms he begrudgingly has on you. 
You deepen the kiss by entangling your hands in his hair pulling his impossibly closer, it was a synchronized dance at first, the years of being used to the pattern of each other's kiss being shown in the heavy minutes of your mouths moving together in passion. It soon became heated, teeth clashing, tongues moving sloppily, mouths chasing each other after breaking apart two seconds at a time for breath. 
Leo gently laid you on your back, breaking apart to take off his shirt, the moment it slipped off you brought him down to you, he fit perfectly between your legs. You gasp at the sensation of him grinding against you. He parts his lips from yours, to which you whine softly. He licks a stripe from your neck to your jaw and sucks until he's satisfied with the way you sigh and rock your body up and clutching onto the blades on his shoulders on his back. 
He repeats licking, sucking, and kissing soft kisses as an apology for the spots he bit until you were sore.
You pull away from him and flip your bodies so that you are on top, you grab his wrists and pin them to the top of the pillows to see his reaction and wanting to be in control for a while. You gave him the same treatment and brought your body lower so that you could kiss all over his chest and back up. 
You sat up to breathe fresh air, straddling him and releasing his hands only for him to intertwine his hands with yours and play with your fingers. He bucks his hips up playfully, and you jump slightly, your eyes widen for a second, and your lips turn up in a grin. 
"You've gotten better at not... you know," You hint at the control Leo's gained with his fire powers. Heated makeouts like this were often interrupted by the smell of smoke or his skin feeling feverish. 
He lets go of your hands and places his larger hands on your hips, you ignore the butterflies that flutter in your heart and stomach at the way he rubs up your waist and hips. "My hair was steaming earlier, I was hoping you didn't notice, thankfully you didn't or this would've been awkward."
"It's not awkward when that happens Leo, it's a little funny, to be honest, part of the reason why I love you." You tell him earnestly, "Nothing's awkward with you, you're my best friend." 
"I love you," Leo responds with unwavering eyes on yours. "I'm sorry for the time we lost."
"It's okay, we were just making up for it." 
holy gods, I haven't read this series in forever 
I feel like it's a crime to admit I haven't read the new book yet, i'm rereading the series and waiting for the episodes to come out before i watch the show so im going in timeline order... just wanted to let y'all know. oh, and also i haven't fully read the trials of apollo which i know has info on where the HoO people are at in their lives that i'm not aware of...
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youling-the-ghost · 27 days
sfth incorrect quotes pt.10 because school's kicking my ass and I need my daily dose of brainrot to survive
AJ: Go fuck yourself. Sam, smugly: Sure, but only if you watch Tom: It doesn’t have a bone. Sam: Then why is it called a boner? Luke: Look, do I consider myself attractive? Yes. But would I have sex with my clone? Also yes.
AJ: Is the plural of milf/dilf milfs/dilfs or milves/dilves? Sam: Milfs. Tom: Milf/dilf is an acronym, you can't change the spelling to milves/dilves. AJ: Wait, they're acronyms? What do they stand for??? Luke: Mom in late forties, dad in late fourties. Luke: I learned that from the movie called M.I.L.F that I saw the trailer of in theaters probably 5 to 7 years ago. Tom: Mom/dad I'd Love to Fuck. AJ: WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK— AJ: I NEVER REALIZED IT WAS ACTUALLY HORNY! Luke: Oh, is it not mom in late fouries? Sam: What? No! It isn't! Luke: THE MOVIE TRAILER LIED TO ME! Tom: Luke... Luke: THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T THINK CALLING PEOPLE MILFS WAS ALL THAT BAD BECAUSE IT STOOD FOR SOMETHING HARMLESS IT JUST HAD A SLIGHTLY SEXUAL CONNOTATION! Tom: I am entirely unsurprised that this is coming from you. Luke: AJ, DOES IT MAKE SENSE WHY I CALLED THE DIARY OF A WIMPY KID MOM A MILF NOW BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS LITERALLY JUST A DESCRIPTOR WITH FUNNY CONNOTATION! AJ: The word milf has been ruined for me. Sam: THAT'S ITS DEFINITION, IT CAN'T BE RUINED THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS! Tom: Y'all are dumbasses. Tom: I am the left brain, I am the left brain. "I work really hard until my inevitable death" brain. You've got a job to do, you better do it right and the right way is with the left brain's might. AJ: I LIKE OREOS AND PUSSY- Sam: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming? Tom: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"? Luke: Ya know...it might be. Sam: How do you tell someone that you wanna have sex with them in a polite way? Tom: Excuse me Mx. Would you give me the honours of indulging in sexual activities with you? Luke: What the fuck is wrong with you two? at the supermarket Sam: All right, the last item on the list is "virgin oil." Sam: Sam: Wow. Imagine being an item and still being called a virgin. Tom: Capitalisation is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.." (It was then that Junyu realised...he accidentally turned on NSFW only and that's why the quotes have been so horny.) Sam: Hey! Wanna hear a joke? Tom: Sure. Sam: Your life! Tom: Actually, my life isn’t a joke, jokes have meaning. Sam: Tom, no. AJ: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry? Tom: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition. (in reference to that one guessing game where AJ forgot how math worked) Luke: It's locked. You got a lock pick? Tom: Yeah- Sam: *kicks down the door* Luke: They can't make me admit France exists, right? Legally, that's not allowed. Luke: Sure, if France was REAL I'd say I liked it. Luke: But who's to say. AJ: I think France isn't real. Tom: AJ, you used to live in France. AJ: And??? AJ: You gave me up, you let me down, you turned around, and deserted me. Sam: But did I make you cry? AJ: *cries on the spot* Sam: ...Shit. AJ: Why's it called an oven when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food? Tom: ...What??? AJ: What’s your biggest fear? Luke: I am incredibly arachnophobic. AJ, under his breath: You don’t want spiders to get married? Tom: Luke, I think we have a problem. Luke: What, the fire? Tom: No, the- wait, what fire? Luke: Oh forget about it, this sounds more interesting. Sam: Hey Luke, can you give me the opposite of these words? Sam: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down. Luke: Never, Going, To, Give, You- Luke: The fucking satisfaction. Luke: Inside you, there are two kidneys. Luke: I’m gonna steal them. Tom: So my therapist was talking to me and she said that I really just need to break down my walls and let people in. Tom: So I’ve decided to break the fourth wall. Tom: *looks at camera* Hi there. I use humor as a coping mechanism.
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crystalandparrot · 4 months
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RC9GN x Reader
Part 1, Part 2
“Hey, (Y/n),” Bucky spoke, spooking said girl out of her stupor as the two walked to school.
"Huh?" (Y/n) question.
"How come you only ever talk to me? I'm sure other students would love to hear your ideas." Bucky said optimistically.
"You really think so?" (Y/n) asked, eyes shining.
"Maybe not, all of them-"
(Y/n) deflated, causing Bucky to wave his hands frantically.
"But that's because they're not for high schoolers! I mean the home alarm, your staff, those goggles on your head—"
"Hey, these goggles help me log important information and — okay, I see your point." (Y/n) deflated again.
"What if you made something to impress them?" Bucky asked with a snap of his fingers.
"Something to impress them..." (Y/n) thought out loud. "Oh! What about my mechanical spider limbs?" With that, eight mechanical limbs popped out of (Y/n)'s hoodie, lifting her off the ground and flipping her upside down.
"You look like Invader Zim," Bucky chuckled, walking past the, once again, deflated girl. The arms retracted suddenly. With quick thinking, (Y/n) flipped and landed on her feet, surprising Bucky. "Do you know any more cool moves like that?" He asked.
"I prefer to show off my intelligence rather than physical prowess. Sure it's nice to have the ability, but my superpower relies solely on my brain!" (Y/n) said as she pushed open the doors to the school.
"Then you should put that brain to good use," Bucky held out his hand for a fist bump.
(Y/n) reciprocated the fist bump and the two parted ways. (Y/n) walked to her science class, which she always had for 1st period on Mondays. Mrs. Driscoll greeted her with a grin.
"(Y/n)! Any new inventions?" Mrs. Driscoll asked with stars in her eyes. She puppeteered her late husband's skeleton to 'talk', "Your inventions are positively humorous!" Mrs. Driscoll laughed and smacked Jerry's chest.
(Y/n) smiled and placed her satchel on Mrs. Driscoll's desk. As she did so, Randy Cunningham and Howard Weinerman happened to walk in. "Mrs. Driscoll, I present to you," (Y/n) held up a small box with a crescent-moon-shaped attachment, "the, still in Beta, the C.R.A.V.E.S, a system that, when placed against the user's teeth," (Y/n) put the device against Jerry's teeth. The machine beeped, "it tells you exactly what they were craving! For example, your husband was craving...scallops?" (Y/n) looked at the device in question.
Mrs. Driscoll sighed lovingly, "That was my Jerry."
(Y/n) shivered, she tucked her device away and walked to her seat at the back of the room.
"Who's that shoob?" Howard whispered to Randy.
More students began trickling in when Randy leaned close to Howard, "I have no idea, but she's pretty smart."
"A smart shoob is still a shoob," Howard said, pointing his pencil at Randy. Inside Randy's bag, the Nomicon quietly blinked red from behind its Math book cover, facing the direction of (Y/n).
As the final student, Bash (fashionably late as always), trickled in, Mrs. Driscoll began writing in the blackboard. "Welcome back, students!” She puppeteers her husband once more, “I hope your Spring Break was a bone-afide success!”
“Ha! Word play.” (Y/n) chuckled to herself. She sat at the back of the class, the two seats next to her empty while all the other seats were taken.
“And as a Welcome Back, I’m assigning your first projects of the next semester!” Mrs. Driscoll announced.
The students all groaned with the exception of (Y/n), “Oh, goody!”
“And since the school board has cut funding for the science department…again…this time you’ll be working in groups of three.” The words seemed to echo around the room. None of the students (with one exception) listened to the rest, as they were too busy deciding who to add to their group. Friends will be split, enemies made, alliances formed in blood… “You can now find your partners-“ with that, hell broke loose. Kids jumping over tables, holding back their friends to prevent a steal, throwing dangerous objects. It got to a point that Mrs. Driscoll hid herself and her husband under the desk.
“Cunningham! Save me!” Howard screamed as he was pulled into the wave of students.
“Hold oh, Big H!” Randy, without hesitation, jumped into the sea. His leg caught the strap of his backpack as he jumped, forcing the contents to be spilled all over the floor. The Nomicon hummed and blinked as students stepped and kicked it to the back of the room, the mask caught in its pages. With all of the abuse, the cover even came off, revealing its true cover to the world.
With a metallic THUD, the Nomicon hit the metal cabinet next to (Y/n). The girl let out a noise of surprise and looked up from her notebook. The Nomicon blinked softly as (Y/n) picked it up. Her hands traced the delicate patterns on the hard leather book, the feeling not uncomfortable to her hands like she imagined it would be. With a bit of remorse (Y/n) held the book away from her, “Oh, exotic book, what secrets you must hide—but alas! It is my code of honor to not open a book that does not belong to me…unless of course bought or received from a trusted source.”
The Nomicon flashed red, humming loudly.
(Y/n)’s eyes shone, “Maybe there’s an exception for glowing mystic books,” (Y/n) ran her fingers over the pages that begged to be opened. The Nomicon’s flashes got faster and louder, its pages flittering as they waited to be opened.
“Has everyone found their partners?” Mrs. Driscoll asked.
(Y/n)’s head shot up and with a sigh, she tucked the Nomicon into her satchel, the flap open to make for an easier grab. “Soon, my precious.”
In the middle of the room, Randy and Howard sat, rubbing their heads in pain. “Oh, good. Randy and Howard, you’ll be joining (Y/n).” Mrs. Driscoll announced once she saw they the three were, in fact, without partners. “(Y/n) has the highest grade in the class, so even you two should get a decent grade.” She chuckled.
“What?! But she’s a shoob!” Howard moaned.
“A shoob with the highest grade in the class! Howard, we can use this!” Randy whispered, excitedly. Both of the friends grabbed their bags and walked to (Y/n) at the back of the class.
“I don’t follow.” Howard whispered.
“We’ll act like total shoob’s, say we don’t know how to do the project, she’ll get annoyed with us, do the project and — BOOM, automatic A.” Randy smirked. The two sat down and a sudden flash of red distracted Randy. He looked down, spotting his Nomicon in (Y/n)’s bag. He nervously chuckled, “I-is, is that my book?” Randy asked, pointing at (Y/n)’s satchel.
“Huh?” (Y/n) looked down, at her bag. “Oh, it flew to the back, I didn’t know who it belonged to.” (Y/n) gently took the book out and traced the cover again. Shaking her head, she handed it back to Randy, “Where did you get it? I’d love to read it sometime, I’ve never seen anything like it.” (Y/n) spoke quickly, enamored by the book.
“Oh, it’s nothing just a little family history book. Old baby pictures, family trees—Really boring stuff, I’ll just take it off your hands.” Randy hurriedly took the book back, and shoved it in his own satchel. The Nomicon flashed brightly and loudly, angry at the turn of events.
“You bring family history books to school?” (Y/n) asked flatly.
“I-it’s for our History class! Some extra credit thing that you definitely don’t need!” Howard back his friend up, grinning awkwardly.
(Y/n) looked between the two skeptically, “Right…” with a quick hand, she opened her notebook to a fresh page and began writing, “So, ideas for our project?”
“Yes! Our project!” Randy grinned, winking at Howard.
“Totally love that project! I can’t wait to…do our project!” Howard added in a fake excited voice.
(Y/n) sighed out of annoyance, “You don’t know what the project is, do you?”
“Not. A. Clue.”
(Y/n) gripped the bridge of her nose, “Super,” she gritted out through clenched teeth. “Cool, cool, cool. Cool, cool, cool.” She angrily closed the notebook and stood. “Why don’t I work on the project and you two do the report? All you have to do is write what the robot does AFTER I give it to you.” (Y/n) commanded as she pointed to Randy and Howard.
“But what do we—“
“You write down what it does!” (Y/n) took a deep breath, “I will give you a list of what it does. All you have to do is write a well written report.” (Y/n) began walking out of the room, “Even though my robot will be A plus guaranteed,” she whispered cockily.
“Those who are building, go to Mr. Smith’s metal shop for your basic design! Everyone’s who’s writing a report please go to the library!” Mrs. Driscoll announced after seeing (Y/n) leave.
“Automatic A—“ Howard started, raising his hand.
“Here. We. Come!” Randy punctuated each word with the next step in their secret handshake. They ended with their signature turn and pose.
The Nomicon angrily blinked, catching Randy’s attention. Picking up his bag, Randy held up a finger to Howard, “Give me just one second,” he whispered. He ran out of the room and into a Janitor’s closet. “Alright, Nomicon, I only got a few minutes before Driscoll realizes I’m not in the library, so be quick about it—“ the Nomicon flew open suddenly, causing Randy to lose consciousness and ‘Vloomp’ into the Nomicon.
Randy screamed as he fell through the artistic clouds and through the painted leaves on the two dimensional tress. With a couple of bounces, Randy finally landed against a tree trunk. “What the juice, Nomicon?!”
A painted scholar walked through the trees, smiling at Randy. Or at least, to the person behind him.
A painted ninja stepped through the trees behind Randy and walked up to the scholar. The ninja gave the scholar a piece of paper, and folded his arms. The scholar read the paper and nodded at the ninja. The trees fell backwards, blending into the floor as more of scene became exposed. The scholar walked to his small house. The sun rose and fell in flashes, showing how long the scholar was in his house. The sun rose once more, staying in the air as the scholar left the house, this time with a small box. He presented it to the ninja and began talking. No words or letters left his mouth, the only thing Randy could hear was soft flutes as the scholar spoke.
The ninja waved his hand and took the box, smokebombing away. The trees on the other side of Randy fell, blending into the floor, further increasing the scene. There was a small town with a large flying serpent terrorizing the village. With a puff of smoke, the ninja stood in front of the serpent. He opened the box and pulled out a smaller box with a button. The ninja looked at the box in question then pressed the button…nothing happened. He pressed it again and again…still nothing. The serpent AND the townsfolk all laughed at the ninja as he sulked. Colorful words flew out of the box and presented themselves over the ninja’s head.
“Neglect the brain and the heart becomes vulnerable.” Randy read aloud. “Uh, that scholar clearly sabotaged the ninja! I mean, who gives someone a box that doesn’t do anything?” Randy asked.
The ninja and scholar looked at each other unimpressed. The ninja pulled out his sword and the scholar…why is he holding a Bō staff? The two quickly ran to Randy and simultaneously attacked him.
With a gasp and a bump to the head, Randy left the Nomicon. He rubbed his head and looked behind him to see the shelf he bumped his head on.
Randy peeked his head out of the Janitors closet and rushed out before anyone could see him, bag in hand.
“Someone get the Ninja!”
Randy gasped at the sudden cries for help. With no one in the hall, this was the perfect time to put his Ninja suit on.
“Looks like it’s Ninja o’clock!” Randy reached into his bag…except…
Randy’s heart fell into his stomach as his hand missed the soft fabric of the mask. He glared down at the bag, and upon not seeing the mask immediately, Randy overturned his bag and emptied the contents. The only object that was matching to the mask in color was the Nomicon.
“Sweet cheese, I lost the Ninja mask!”
I swear I can hear the music starting and cutting out at the end. Also if you saw the lesson in the first chapter before I edited it, no you didn’t.
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sanriokamabodo · 1 year
college!bf douma
A/N: im struggling w writers block + had a heavy day so i decided to write smth i conjured up instead of a request!i will be back in business soon my sweets!heehee<3 if y'all want a part two feel free to ask djdjd
CW's: hes kinda sleazy in the beginning, reader sucks at math. suggestive themes>:) douma is goth in my college au bc i said so. the day i proofread is the day i die!
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A psychology major with a minor in religious studies. Doesn't practice any religion himself but finds the subject interesting nevertheless.
Barely studies but somehow manages to pass with flying colours.
That one hookup you regret with all your might, let me elaborate;
Douma tutors math and it's no coincidence he slept with majority of the people he tutored.
No, you're not an exception. Cute try though!
Something about Douma's piercings, his choppy hair that he probably cut himself and his 'don't give a fuck' attitude managed to dissolve your IQ and last bit of self respect around him.
He knows how to give you just enough attention to keep you interested, but little enough for you to purposely screw up your math tests for an excuse to see him.
Yes, he mocked your intelligence by asking if rats ate your brain or whether you were just born this stupid, but the way he ruffled your hair as he fake-pouted at you made something bubble in your stomach.
It's no surprise you ended up with Douma in the men's restroom, a hand smacked tightly over your mouth that day.
You weren't allowed to ride the high of having hooked up with the hottest guy on campus for long.
Throughout the night you were bombarded with messages from your friends, all of them being about Douma. Why didn't you tell them? Was he good? ... Was he big?
You thought your heart was going to thump out of your chest. Sweaty hands refreshing the messages five, ten, twenty times.
This had to be a sick joke, right? Was this Douma's true nature?
About to throw your phone away in defeat, it vibrated once more. You didn't want to look but curiousity got the better of you.
[Douma, 11:06]: I think we need to talk.
Your chest thundered with anger at the message.
[Y/n, 11:07]: You think!?
[Douma, 11.07]: I know you don't owe me anything, but can we please meet somewhere?
[Y/n, 11.08]: I don't feel like showing my face today, thanks:)
We're you being dramatic? Maybe a little. But you were an introverted person. Being known by everyone on campus wasn't on your to-do list, and the reason why just made it that much worse.
[Douma, 11.08]: Text me your adress, I'm coming over.
[Y/n, 11.09]: No.
[Douma, 11.10]: Please, give me a chance to set things straight. I'll fix it, I promise.
You pondered for a moment. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? You texted him the address of your dorm and within an hour you heard a knock on your door.
Opening the door Douma stood on your doorstep, looking rather apologetic. You waved him inside, a thankful smile grazed his lips.
"I like what you did with the place."
"Shut up."
"Fair enough." He nodded.
"I did tell my friends we hooked up." He said, making you scoff. He threw his hands up defensively, before you could say anything.
"But! But! I didn't want them to tell everybody else..! They know I like you... a lot."
A small blush across up your cheeks at the sudden confession.
"You like me?"
Now you've done it, Douma started rambling.
"I get really fucking dumb about crushes. I wanted to text you all the time but I didn't want to come across as creepy. I thought we could just... hook up and I would forget about my stupid little crush and of course it just made me like you even more, because c'mon you're hot as fuck." He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose dramatically. "So what I'm trying to say here is that I would really like to make it up to you because I'm really fucking sorry and I would also really, really like to take you on a date and have a fresh start, please?" A shy smile painted his features.
You laughed. You were stupid if you were to deny him like this, especially considering you really liked him too.
"I'd love to go on a date with you."
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kharmii · 3 months
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A collection of Dabi, Hawks and Geten interactions.
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Geten sneezes, and Hawks decides to turn up the temperature for him to 30C (86F).
Hawks: I'll turn up the heat.
Soon, Dabi walks in, finds it too hot, and turns the thermostat down to 10C (50F).
Hawks: Dabi, your child is upset. If it's too hot, please go to another room.
Geten: *sneezes*
Dabi: Is the ice guy feeling cold? Is it a gag?
Geten: If you are too hot, it's also a gag then!
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Hawks: It's okay, come on. Let me hold you and keep you warm.
May I take off your coat? I'll take mine off too...
Ahh....Human skin feels warmer.
Dabi: (intensely, lighting up his arm with blue flames) I'll hold you all together in this embrace. (He's jealous, LOL!)
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Hawks: It's unusual to run into each other in a restaurant.
Do you use a spoon? ......
Geten: *shakes head side-to-side meaning 'no'.
Hawks: (observing Geten's rough hands while thinking) Stiffness in his fingers, chilblains and chapped skin. Is it a risk of his meta ability?
Hawks: Don't mind me. *sits down*
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Self-conscious, Geten hurriedly makes a wall of ice facing Hawks so he can gobble down food without being watched. A childhood memory comes back to Hawks while he observes Geten.
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"You always eat it like that," someone says while Child Hawks sits in a corner bolting down food.
Hawks: Are you okay? It's safe here.
No one will take it from you.
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Hawks: (Repeating what the parental figure told him in a flashback)
There is no one to threaten you so it's okay. (What am I doing?)
Geten: (in between bites gobbling food) But I'm nervous. If I hesitate, he'll come. I don't want to see you.
Both men start gobbling down food and someone says, 'hurry up'. Dabi approaches in the background like............?
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Hawks and Dabi being confused about Geten's gender.
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(Hawks is trying to teach Geten math)
Hawks: Incorrect Hmm Was the multiplication too fast?
Dabi: Terrible. That kid's brain is frozen in time. He grew up in a muscle-brained field, like a muscle-brained chickpea.
If you don't teach it to the muscle-brained, you'll be a muscle-brained person forever.
Which one has the better vocabulary and muscle brain?
Geten: *snarling* (Imagining grabbing Dabi in his fist) I guess it's special.
I'll teach you with my brain muscles.
Hawks: I admit I'm a muscle brain! *chuckles*
(Background in last left panel shows little figures of Dabi and Hawks that might be Pez dispensers. Caption says: Detonerat Candy Hero Villain Series. It's even used on the strategy board at executive meetings!)
Dabi: Twice doesn't count. Hawks, me and Hawks have increased by 48,372,596 and we're going to kill you now. How many people are there, including the main body?
Hawks: Did you figure it out?
Geten: 96745194 so where do you calculate it?
Hawks: Quick answer! Correct! Amazing Geten!
Dabi: I see, my teaching methods lacked specificity.
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Dabi: Incorrect answer! It's one because everybody but me is burned.
Geten: It's zero. Everybody but me is frozen. (Must lack self awareness enough to not realize he himself is a one).
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(Geten and Dabi go into a knock-down drag-out fight in the background)
Hawks: Sorry, the two Team Violet goofs have messed up again...
(League of Villain members burst in)
Twice: It's time for treats kids!
Toga: The Grand Commander gave me a cake!
Spinner: I also got some of ReDestro's wine.
Mr. Compress: Eh, what happened to this room?
(Someone in the background tells Skeptic to calm down)
Hawks: ...........
Toga: Lets eat Hawks-san too!
Twice: *looks at a picture of Shigaraki*
Shigaraki! There's plenty for you too, don't worry! I'll eat it!
Geten: Freeze!
Dabi: Burn!
Hawks: Hawks observed everybody being so lax every day that he doubted the Paranormal Liberation Front's motivation.
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(Dabi starts out explaining intimacy with Geten who is naive about it)
Dabi: The point of the affair is....I don't know, but I'll tell you it's special.
Geten: (writing a memo) For future reference, I see you like that phrase.
Dabi: Remember feelings in your heart are the most important thing. There's no point just having sex. You might as well use the hard floor.
Geten: I see, that's quite nice for you.
Dabi: Actually, my body is weak because of the burns. I have no idea.
Geten: You've been pretty blunt, so that's why the standard of judgement is your feelings. It's difficult... I don't have enough experience to gauge someone's feelings in sexual matters, although I may be able to fight.
Dabi: What? It's an easy victory. My heart.....
If you're having fun and the other person is moaning. I agree that I killed him.
*Opens comic book*
In other words, Episodes 265, 266, and 267.
Actually, with me (fighting Hawks) Number 2 (hero)
Worldwide release.
(Hawks walks in on Dabi pointing out the part of the My Hero Academia manga where Dabi burns Hawks' wings off. He started out talking intimacy and ended with a sick joke).
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Made a screenshot of this food advertisement featuring the three (and their preferences).
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(It's suggested in fanon that Dabi can't hold down food well and is prone to motion sickness).
Art credit: 九わん - pixiv
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spacebarbarianweird · 8 months
The Dhampirs of the Sword Coast - Chapter 2
Part 2 of Astarion's daughter adventures and consequences of releasing 7000 vampires into the Underdark.
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Alethaine and Theris are rescuing Tara and returning her to Gale. Both dhampirs aren't that smart as they think they are.
Read on AO3
Link for Part 1
Thanks @queenofthespacesquids for beta-reading!
The List of Chapters
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Alethaine Ancunin looks around the corner and sees the gang of smugglers playing cards. The whole room reeks of vomit, dirt, and cheap rum. The scent makes the young dhampir nauseous - cursed be her sharpened elven-vampiric senses!
“Aren’t you afraid someone will steal our possessions?” Theris whispers.
As they decided to look for the kidnapped cat, the dhampirs had to hide their traveling bags in a safe place. The tiefling didn’t have much stuff, meanwhile Alethaine felt almost naked, leaving her prized things behind.
“My sack is conjured with necrotic magic. If anyone dares touch my stuff, their pathetic hands will fall off!”
Theris gives Alethaine an accusing glance. “You could have warned me!”
Alethaine grabs their right horn.
“Did you touch anything, Theris? My books? My scrolls? The cleric’s ring I stole from the self-righteous bastard?!”
“You told me you hadn’t stolen from him! That you just insulted the poor man and were convicted for four months!”
“Yes! And after I’d been released, I got inside his place and stole the ring as compensation for my sufferings!” Alethaine lets Theris go. “Did you touch my things, devil?”
“Hey! Is someone there?” a bearded smuggler stands up from the table, spilling his bottle of rum.
“Fuck”, Theris drags Alethaine into the corner. “There are too many of them!”
“Eight. I counted.”
“Eight? It’s four times more than us!”
“Congratulations, Theris, you know the basics of math!”
Alethaines sits down behind the huge wooden crates and then checks if Theris’ horns aren’t visible to the smugglers. The room is lit with dim light but thanks to their darkvision, both the elf and the tiefling can see perfectly well.
“It’s a bad idea, Alethaine,” Theris grows serious. “The cat doesn’t cost that much! Well, unless it is a misfortunate friend who was permanently polymorphed. Or this cat owes this Gale guy money. Anyway, no one is paying a fortune for a pet! Besides, I don’t trust wizards.”
“Theris, my parents knew him in the past… He is an honest man!” Alethaine trails off. “Well, at least I was told so!”
“I am sorry, Alethaine, but WHEN did your parents know him?”
Alethaine counts the years, doing mental math. When was the Year of Three Ships Sailing? She has heard about that adventure numerous times. When her mother and father were kidnapped by mind flayers, got parasites in their brains, had to fight against the cultists, monsters, illithids and even a powerful vampire lord, her father’s master. Mother, Tiriel the Barbarian, could talk about those months for hours - recalling every small detail, every person she met back then, including her companions. As for Alethaine’s father, Astarion barely could tell anything coherent as if his mind hadn’t regained the ability to hold memories. The older Alethaine grew, the more often she noticed the dreamy look in her father's eyes when he talked about his first weeks of freedom.
Later she realized Astarion, probably, barely remembers the exact events happening to him because he was too busy falling for Tiriel. And even all those decades later her parents behave like love-struck adolescents. Alethaine used to take it for granted when she was younger but now she thinks her parents are very lucky to have each other. Be it a destiny or just a weird turn of events - doesn’t matter.
Tiriel the Barbarian and Astarion Ancunin are a perfect couple.
“Forty-five years ago”, Alethaine finally replies.
Theris curses.
“For your information, I can speak Infernal.”
“Oh, really? Then I shouldn’t limit myself anymore. Alethaine, fourty-five years may be nothing for a fairy but it’s a hell of an amount of life for a human! I am sure the archwizard doesn’t remember knowing your parents! This cat isn’t worth the effort. I am out!”
A loud thump attracts the dhampirs’ attention.
“I swear! There is someone behind the crates!
“Shit”, Theris curses again.
A drunk bard wobbles to them, hugging his viola as if it was his dearest friend.
It probably is.
“Oh look!” Before the drunk manages to say anything else Alethaine raises her hand and whispers.
The bard falls down, snoring loudly. The other smugglers pay little to no attention, too busy with drinking and playing cards.
“What are you doing?!”
Theris kneels in front of the smuggler and starts loosing the straps around his body.
“Theris, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“A-ha!” Theris releases the viola. “What a beauty, hope this awful drunk man treated you well” He caresses the instrument, then looks at Alethaine. “And what did you think I was doing?”
Alethaine spares Theris the details of her thinking process.
“Forget it.”
“Oh, so you do have a dirty mind, after all!”
“Who said I didn’t? Can you play it?”
Instead of answering, Theris kisses the viola. “Oh, we are going to sing the lewdest and the most scandalous songs together.”
Alethaine takes his response for the yes and looks at the smugglers. Three women, two men, three people who could be both or something else.
And then Alethaine sees the cat.
The brown pet has been locked in a parrot cage in the opposite corner of the room. The cat is fast asleep on her back and for a moment Alethaine thinks the animal is dead but then she hears its heartbeat.
Alethaine doesn’t have any desire to fight the smugglers. She just needs to take the cat - and then run  from this wretched hole of a place.
“Theris, I need you to be the bard.”
“Oh, my cousin, I thought you would never ask.”
“Just … distract them! Do your worst! I'll take the cat and we’ll flee back to the city.”
“Alethaine, let’s be clear. You want me to play something merry or, you know, be the bard?” Theris takes out the viola bow and brushes along their inner thigh.
Alethaine suppresses the urge to shove the bow up to their ass.
“Just distract them! Women, men, I don’t care! Whoever you prefer.”
Theris raises the bow as if it were a sword and settles the viola on his shoulder.
“Aletaine, I am pansexual. Everyone is in danger!” With these words, Theris jumps over the crates and leaps onto the smugglers’ table, making a little dance.
The smugglers stare at him in shock, like being splashed by a bucket of water. They reach out for their weapons but before they manage to attack Theris starts playing.
It’s something cheerful like a pirate song - a strong melody that attracts the attention of all the smugglers. Theris plays the viola with their eyes closed, completely taken away by the act.
Alethaine is struck with the realization that  Theris is truly talented.
Theris’ lips are moving in time with the music. The tiefling taps his feet and his tail violently wags.
And then the dhampir sings.
Their voice is deep and strong, and he masterfully combines couplets in Common with Iluskani rhymes, weaving the song like a spell. He sings of peasants fighting with guardians, of fair maidens casting spells on men. Of the Trackless Sea and its cruel wonders, of blazing Hells and devils, of Feys and Feywild.
Alethaine has to concentrate to distract herself from the music. She is sneaking in the dim light, carefully measuring her every step, approaching the cat locked in the cage.
And the creature is anything but a cat. It opens its eyes feeling Alethaine’s presence, unfolds its bird wings and yawns demonstrating sharp fangs.
“You are a Tressym!” Alethaine gasps.
“I am very well aware of what I am,” the Tressym says. “My name is Tara. And who might you be, etriel?”
“Hm… An unusual name for Tel’Quessira but I can see that you are an elf to the same measure I am a cat. An understatement, am I right, etriel?”
“Your owner… sent us… sort of”
“Owner? Etriel, Gale is not my owner. Tressyms know no masters,” the Tara turns her head. “And I suppose the performer is a companion of yours? He has a talent, I must admit, etriel. But I’d suggest we don’t lose any more time. Do you have something to pick the lock?”
Alethaine takes out her Burglar's Pack from the hidden pocket of her jacket. The first lockpick breaks immediately.
And the second. And the third.
“Hurry up, etriel, I think the power of art is sobering them up.”
“Why do you keep calling me like that? I am not an elven nobility.”
“I am not aware of your social status and preferences,” Tara says.”But I assumed it would be correct to call a woman of your kind etriel.”
“Fuck, I am out of lockpicks!” Alethaine curses. “Damn”
“What is that girl doing there!” a smuggler bellows.
“I am sorry, Tara” Alethaine uses all her dhampir strength to pull the parrot cage. Both the chain and the hook break immediately. The dhampir grabs the small door and breaks it down.
Tara crawls out and settles herself in Alethaine’s arms. The Tressym is so fluffy the dhampir wants to squeeze her.
“We need to go!” Theris yells, snatching a dagger. “Thank you for listening,  my dear audience! I take cash, thank you!”
“Did you fucking see it? She broke the cell like it was made of paper!”
“She probably used some potions”
“Etriel”, Tara asks. “Any chance you know the FLY spell?:”
“Pity. I am afraid I won’t be able to enjoy freedom for very long.”
Alethaine looks up. The wooden ceiling is pretty high, probably ten feet above the ground. Unless there is a troll or a giant on their side…
“Theris, climb up!” Alethaine yells on top of her lungs and steps on the wall, quickly rising up to the ceiling.
The world turns upside down. Her hair brushes along her body as if having its own gravity.
“It’s a vampire! Fuck!” the smugglers scream. Theris pushes one of them aside, jumps up and Alethaine grabs his right hand, pulling the tiefling to her.
“Oh, etriel, you are a dhampir. That’s very convenient.”
The smugglers snatch their daggers and swords.
“Catch her!”
“Bring the fire!”
Alethaine sprints. She hears loud voices and steps behind her but she doesn’t pay much attention to them.
“Oh, that’s the cat!” Theris points at Tara.
“It’s a Tressym!”
An arrow switches right in front of Alethaine’s face. Then another one scratches Theris’ tail.
The elf jumps on the floor and pushes the crates to block the passage. Theris almost bumps into them, failing to predict Alethaine’s action.
The narrow hallway leads outside - Theris breaks out of the old shabby door with his leg, landing on an unfortunate sentry who has been standing right there.
“We need to part!” Alethaine yells, pushing the tiefling sideway.
“Yes, children, I shall meet you in the tower! Worry not, you are very welcome there”, Tara unfolds her bird wings and soars up.
It’s much more difficult to run along the street - the paving stones hurt their feet, she keeps bumping into the crowd, almost steps on a gnome, and has a bruise after an encounter with a half-ork’s elbow.
Cursed be her short height.
As Alethaine gets closer to the center of the city people in the crowd get more civilized and fewer in number. The elf slows down, hoping to play “a maiden in distress” in case the smuggler hasn’t lost her track.
But no one is following.
Alethaine leans on a wall. Her strength quickly recovers and she feels capable enough to run another sprint through the city, but her legs hurt and her head is dizzy.
She needs to find the archwizard. Instead of any coherent address, it simply says “The wizard’s tower” as if that was enough.
Well, the wizard towers must reek with magic.
“Detect magic” is a simple skill, even non-mages can do it. But it requires concentration which has never been Alethaine’s strong side.
And besides, Waterdeep has many magical places.
Alethaine wanders around a bit, trying to sense the presence of magic. Once or twice she catches the trail like a cat looking for food but she quickly loses it.
A strong tap on a shoulder startles her so much she snatches the dagger out of her boot, ready to gouge out an eye of whoever is behind her.
“Fuck!” Theris takes Alethaine by her wrist. “I have only two eyes, you know? And I value them both!”
“Nine hells! Theris, I have weak nerves, but I'm good with daggers! Next time, you'll be left with either no tail or no eye.Or both!”
“And what about asking ‘who is there’? What if it’s your favorite cousin!”
“It’s much safer to slice a throat than ask what they want.”
“You are a dangerous woman.”
“I am!”
Theris contemplates a bit and then asks. “So… What are you waiting for?”
“What do you mean?”
“I am flattered you waited for me but I was sure you would go get your reward”
“I haven’t found the tower”
Theris looks at her dead serious and then bursts out laughing.
“What? I’ve never been to Waterdeep before!”
“Which part of the freaking-highest-wizard-tower-in-the-whole-city part you didn’t understand?” Theris finally blurts out.
Alethaine turns her head where Theris points.
The wizard’s tower is on the other side of the street.
“You are going to die without me, Alethaine,” Theris says.
“I’ve been doing fine. Relatively.”
They cross the road. The wizard’s tower doesn’t look particularly intimidating - just a tower. It could belong to a local guild or a lower nobility.
The Tressym is nowhere to be seen.
“Is it dumb to get there empty-handed? Of course, it is,” Theris contemplates the closed door. He knocks a few times but even their dhampiric hearing doesn’t catch any sound. “I suppose no one is home. We needed to tie that cat up. Now we won’t be able to prove we’ve saved her in the first place!”
Alethaine looks around, hoping no one sees her and steps on the wall using her Spider Climb.
“What are you doing? There are so many protective runes that we could be turned into dust! Feydust, I hope, but still.”
“Come on! I see the open window!”
“Alethaine! I am not feeling comfortable breaking into the wizard’s tower!”
“Good! More money left for me!” Alethaine sits down at the windowsill.
She looks inside and see a huge hall with the floor somewhere far beneath
A library.
She can see thousands of colorful volumes. They stand in neat rows begging to be taken and read.
And there is so much magic in them Alethaine doesn’t need to concentrate to feel it.
The young dhampir has never seen so many books in one place. Moreover, she has never seen so many enchanted folios.
Something inside her stirs. Knowledge. Wisdom.
Alethaine has never truly learned using skills. She was born like this with skills for necromancy and just a bit of fey magic thanks to her ancestry. It all comes to her naturally without needing much thought.
But as with any magic, her potential craves to develop, to grow.
It’s a literal hunger.
Alethaine steps on the walls and goes up to the ceiling. The library is empty but she senses a few protective spells mostly on shelves. Pity. Whatever a person Gale Dekarios is, he will hardly allow her to touch any of his priceless books.
With loud panting, Theris gets inside the library.
“Oh great. The magic library. Every book must be cursed. If this blasted cat doesn’t show up, I am out!”
"It's a Tressym."
"I don't fucking care! I don't want to be turned into a sheep!"
A soft cough from beneath attracts their attention.
An old man in a violet robe goes inside the library with the sleeping tresuum in his hands. The wizard has a short white beard and shoulder length hair. He has neither a wizard hat nor a staff to turn the intruders into sheep.
"Young people, I would terribly appreciate it if you climbed down from my ceiling so we could talk like civilized people. My name is Gale Dekarios” he waves. “And whom do I have the honor of meeting?"
Tag list
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yuikomorii · 1 year
Ayato is slowly turning into the new “Yui” (she still gets hate too but yk less than other years) of the Diabolik Lovers fandom and I really thought the fandom was healing -jokes on me-
The way they complain about Ayato being too caring now inducing that he’s turning into a simp reminds me of the same people who complained about Yui for not fighting back and calling her weak for that. Let’s just let everyone enjoy whatever characters they want WITHOUT TRYING TO RUIN THEIR FUN ‼️
Also, why did Ayato even get so hated anyway? He was always one of the least horrible ones and right now, after all his development, I don’t find anything so unlikeable about him. He tries to see the good in others despite having such a past full of suffering. If I hear anyone say “because he’s too caring/dumb/immature” I will riot because why would it be bad to be caring with your girlfriend? He isn’t even as immature as people say. Isn’t this the same guy who took responsibility for things that were none of his business but he did so just to help others?
And don’t get me started on the fact he isn’t dumb at all. He’s an idiot because he’s uneducated but his brain power is above average. I played Reiji’s route awhile now and there was this chapter where Reiji helped Yui study for her math test but only after a timeskip she managed to get a right result while in Ayato’s after story, there was the same scene but with different characters and Ayato was able to learn very fast after Yui explained to him and even she found that amazing about him because he started getting all answers right. After I got interested in young blood, I came to the conclusion that he was the only Sakamaki brother who found something suspicious about the ceremony and planned to investigate it. I recall a few other moments but I’m curious to hear if you got a favourite one.
I hope this ask wasn’t too long ;w; I tried to fit my thoughts in but it’s ok if you don’t have time to answer it soon ^^
// So many languages in this word, but you decided to speak FACTS!
The reasons why some people start hating on certain characters, are incredibly embarrassing. Just tell me you didn’t pay attention to the story, without actually telling me that you didn’t pay attention to the story.
They had previously complained about him being too bratty and arrogant, but now that his true side has been revealed, they are still dissatisfied since he is not the "edgy and complex" vampire boyfriend they wanted him to be. Do you like such characters? Good for you but only because you have a preference towards those, doesn’t mean you should tell others how much their bias sucks… it’s just so uncalled??
As you said, something I have always found admirable about Ayato is his ability to be pure-hearted, despite his background. I can’t say anyone got much love yet… Beatrix was strict but she canonically loved both of her children, Christa was mentally ill and had her crazy episodes but it was shown that she still loved and cared for Subaru, and then there’s Cordelia, who truly didn’t show or feel any sort of love towards any of her children. In DF, I’m sure she regretted her actions but saying that she loved Ayato, Kanato and Laito would be an exaggeration. It’s no surprise that the triplets turned out so twisted when they didn’t get a taste of affection or kindness AT ALL. And Ayato’s side goes beyond that, since he literally was the piñata of so many characters.
In YB, he was used as bait, betrayed, and brutally knocked down by ghouls, as well as beaten up to the point of almost getting killed.
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In Ayato’s character book, it was confirmed that Cordelia threw him in the lake every time he didn’t study. He had several near-death experiences as a result of her, and she frequently whipped and beat him up.
In the DF prologue, Carla and Shin sent the wolves to especially attack Ayato, not Yui, but Ayato thought they were going after her, so he sacrificed himself for her and used himself as shield so as she wouldn’t get hurt. He got severely injured that in some routes it takes a lot of time until he wakes up from the coma.
In Kino’s LE route, he burns Ayato alive and beats him up afterwards.
Last but not least, he got the Adam curse when he was a child and that’s so painful because it basically means drowning in a state of despair and insanity, until getting to taste something similar to that fig.
final YB chapter
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Didn’t count the emotional and mental abuse but the physical one was INSANE. Despite so much torture, even if some of his actions were wrong too, most of the time he continued to value his life and to be empathetic and forgiving to those who mistreated him.
Let's not forget that we're talking about vampires here, who will always be more wicked than humans because, although not inherently evil, they still have a predator instinct, but what's truly fascinating about Ayato's character is that he has such a good soul in spite of learning from an early age that there is no kindness in this world. It's no surprise that Karlheinz was taken aback.
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Moreover, I thought everyone was aware that Ayato isn’t actually stupid?? A bunch of his dumb moments are merely used for generating laughter and they’re not meant to be taken seriously. People also need to understand that the Japanese audience loves this kind of characters. They consider him an idiot in the affectionate way, because the lack of knowledge and gullibility make him endearing in their eyes. They don’t think of him as a genuine idiot. After all, nobody would like a character who’s completely dense.
It’s true that he’s impulsive and uneducated, which leads to him making dumb choices but I agree that his brain works faster sometimes than the one of other characters.
One of my favorite scenes is the one in which he eavesdropped on Cordelia, hearing that she only gave Karl children for attention, and he was the only Sakamaki who rapidly succeeded in connecting all of the dots, regarding all of Karl's victims and him being the root of all evil, which was the best revelation reaction in DL. I also enjoyed how, while all of his brothers rushed to kill Karlheinz (except for Laito, who had no battle scene in his route), Ayato was the only one who was like, "I won't kill you because I'd lead your plan to success in that case," and he only killed him after Karl wanted to harm Yui. If you haven't played DF, I recommend saving Ayato's route for last because it provides the most satisfaction.
Don't be concerned about the length! I believe I wrote a lot as well haha, but that's because your ask was so interesting to read! You made some excellent points, and I'm glad you're one of those people that can comprehend a character! 🥹🩷
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pepperonijem · 2 years
i. the gentle indifference of the world || all my love
"I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world." - The Stranger; Albert Camus
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Summary: He's cool, smart, attractive... and completely out of your league. But that won't stop you from falling head over heels for him. Pairing: high school!bucky x f!reader Warnings: steve is a little ooc but just roll with it Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: yay!! welcome to the first chapter!
back to library || next chapter
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If you had listened to the rational voice in your head when your dad broke the news to you, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
If you had started making a list of things to pack, if you had called either of your two best friends immediately after, if you decided to be sane for 12 minutes, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
However, hindsight is 20/20, but in terms of foresight? You shouldn’t be allowed near the driver’s seat of any vehicle. Because instead of making any of the simple rational decisions after your father mentioned the possibility of moving across the country, you chose to sit down at your desk and write a letter. Fountain pen in hand and a candle burning beside you, for 12 minutes you were a character in a Jane Austen novel. Probably Lydia Bennett of all people, but a Jane Austen character nonetheless.
And that letter was how you found yourself in this situation – mortified and surrounded by whispers and stares, but worst of all, the icy blue glare of James Bucky Barnes was fixed on the pretty pink card in your hands.
A simple “no thanks,” and that was it, but why did it feel like time stopped? One word was enough to crumble your fragile heart and you froze right in place. It wasn’t until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you that you began to breathe again, and blood rushed back into your brain enough for you to see Bucky turn the corner and disappear.
Once you finally felt your heartbeat return to normal, you looked around to see the empty classroom you were in and you let out a sigh.
“You ready to tell us what just happened?” one concerned voice asked. Wanda’s voice was always gentle, always cheerful, usually loud, but the softness in her tone this time tipped you over the edge and you felt the sting of fresh tears in your eyes. She knelt down to look you in the eye as your other friend, Steve, helped you to sit at a desk.
Another sigh and you finally began to explain. “My dad said we might be moving in a couple of weeks,” you started, feeling your heart sink at the looks of hurt on your friends’ faces. “So I guess part of me panicked and I decided to tell Bucky how I felt.”
Now it was Steve’s turn to let out a sigh. The ever wise, ever charming Steve, who could see the end of any problem. His sigh was not out of pity, but out of frustration. “You know you could’ve called us right? We could’ve talked this through, came up with a better way to do this.” You knew that Steve and Wanda would not have let you go through with the idea if you had called, but you appreciated the fact that he didn’t say that.
“I know,” you began to argue. “But I don’t know, part of me… hoped he would say yes.” You didn’t miss the way Steve and Wanda’s eyes went wide as you mumbled the end of your sentence. “At least anything but whatever the hell happened today.”
You knew Steve was holding himself back. In his head he runs through every scenario before he acts, actually somewhat calculating underneath his calm, charming exterior. He knew this was the most likely scenario, but he would never tell you that, so he lets out a sigh instead and turns his attention to the math equations written on the whiteboard. 
Wanda on the other hand was a reactor. Her heart was on her sleeve and her anger at seeing her best friend upset was clear in her furrowed eyebrows and shaky voice. “I just don’t get why you keep wasting your time on him,” she confessed. “He’s too dense for his own good and he’s not particularly nice either. He’s smart academically, but stupid in every other way. He’s really not worth it.”
Steve turned around, surprised at Wanda’s outburst. “Wanda,” he called out. “Aren’t you friends with him?”
Wanda scoffed in response. “What about it?” she answered back. “You guys are stupid too, but we’re still friends.” A beat of silence passed as the three of you stared at each other, unblinking, before laughter broke the stillness. It was moments like this that made you pause to appreciate the two people you called your best friends. Although life had its ups and downs, the downs never lasted long, not when you had two loving friends to pull you right back up.
You stood up, a renewed sense of pride and determination filling you up. “You’re right Wanda,” you exclaimed and she gave you a thumbs up in return. “Boys are stupid.” Steve and Wanda shared a look of surprise.
“Well that’s not–” Wanda began to protest.
“I’m not stupid,” Steve started a little too loudly and boldly. “I wouldn’t have turned you down.” 
He finished his sentence softly as he watched you walk out of the classroom door. Wanda placed a comforting arm around Steve’s shoulders. “I wouldn’t have turned you down either Steve,” she teased as Steve shoved her to the side playfully.
Despite your renewed sense of pride, the quietness of your study period left you too much time to think and you found yourself lost in a sense of nostalgia as you sat at a table in the library.
The first time you met Bucky was still painted clear as day in your mind. 
You were a freshman searching for solace amidst the chaos of high school on the first day and you had found yourself in the library. Until now, it was a place of peace for you, but especially so on that first day. 
Running your fingers along the aisles of books, you found one that you wanted to read. The Stranger, by Albert Camus, sitting right at the top shelf, pushed just a little too far back for you to be able to wiggle it out. You let out a sigh, and rolled up your sleeve, embarrassed that your next plan of attack was to climb the shelf to be able to reach the book. You braced yourself, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath, when a baritone chuckle snapped you out of your thoughts. 
You had opened your eyes to see an arm  reaching past you to grab a book off the shelf– your book. In your head you cursed his long legs and arms, but as you met eyes with the boy, you felt your heart sink down to your toes and shoot right back up and suddenly you didn’t want to read a book that was so nihilist anymore. Meursault may not have found it, but love suddenly became something that mattered.
He waved the book in your direction and you had to force your attention to his words and away from his face. “Were you trying to get this?” he asked.
“Huh?” you blinked before looking down at the book you were no longer interested in. “Oh, yeah, I was but, I don’t know if I want to read it anymore.”
He hummed and nodded in response as he inspected the book. “The Stranger,” He read. “Is it good?” 
“Yeah, if you’re into stories about life having no meaning,” you explained, suddenly flustered at the way he seemed to take your words seriously.
“I see,” he replied. “Then do you think life has no meaning? It seemed like you wanted this book pretty badly.” The weight of his question startled you as you tried to stammer out a response but before you could get anything significant out, his watch beeped and he was already turning his back to you. “Thanks for the book recommendation,” he called back, waving the book in the air.
That day, James Barnes stole not only your book, but your affections. 
For the next four years of your life, you found yourself loving him from a distance. You’d see him in the hallways, in class, but you could never bring yourself to say anything to him and you resigned yourself to this distance. It was lonely, but it was safe, and that was good enough for you… until today.
Now, after breaking that distance, you wished you never did. It was easier to never know how he felt about you, to be in love with the memory you had of him rather than be crushed by reality. 
The final bell finally rang and you were more than ready to head home. Outside the quiet bubble of the library, the school was cheering, the drumline playing in the main hall and everyone shouting cheers to the football team, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to celebrate your senior homecoming game with the rest of the school. Instead you found Wanda and Steve and made your way home.
“Welcome home!” 
The sound of your father’s voice filled you with warmth as soon as he opened the door, the joy in his greeting briefly making you forget the events of the day. He wrapped you in a tight embrace, still smelling of spices from his day spent at the restaurant, and led you and your friends into the house. 
Once inside, your dad gave your friends a confused look. “Isn’t tonight your last homecoming game? Shouldn’t you be at the game?” He questioned as the three of you kicked off your shoes and set your backpacks down by the door.
Wanda looked over to you as she answered, “Nah,” she replied with an easy smile. “The real party is here.” Your dad let out a hearty laugh in response, which the three of you mirrored. 
“I had made way too much dinner for just the two of us, so it’s perfect that you guys are here,” your dad put his arms around Wanda and Steve who cheered in response.
“Well, once I found out you were making the world’s best lasagna, how could I not invite myself over?” Steve said. The way your dad beamed back at Steve made both you and Wanda chuckle. Steve was both an extremely talented artist as well as an extremely talented cook, and your dad absolutely adored him for it. He was always welcome to the family dinner.
“Careful, dad,” you chimed in. “Between Steve and Wanda, there might not be any left for the two of us.” Your dad laughed in response as Steve rolled his eyes and Wanda nodded. As you settled into the table, you realized your dad wasn’t exaggerating at all when he said he made way too much dinner. The table was lined with lasagna, roasts, vegetables, and lots of side dishes, enough for a feast. “What’s the occasion dad?” You asked as you looked around the table, trying to decide what to eat first. 
Your dad set his silverware down before explaining. “Well,” he began. “To be honest, I felt somewhat bad.” 
“About what?” you asked, your mouth full of lasagna. 
Your dad chuckled as he continued, passing you a napkin. “As I’m sure you’ve explained to your friends,” he gestured to Steve and Wanda. “I accepted the offer to help start the new restaurant. I thought about it some more, and I felt bad that you would have to uproot your whole life right at the end of high school.”
You looked at him, urging him to continue.
“So I contacted my friend from college, the one I meet with for lunch sometimes, and he said that his son also goes to the same school as you and since they have a spare room, he’s offering to take you in for the year.” 
“No shit,” Steve exclaimed in response as Wanda nudged him under the table, giving him a look reminding him to keep his foul language to himself, but your dad just laughed it off.
“That means I get to stay right?” You squealed. “I don’t have to leave?”
“Yes, that’s true,” your dad confirmed. “But it’s only for the year. At the end of your school year, you can move up with me, or if everything goes really well, I’ll be back home early.” He let out a sigh of relief at seeing the way the three of your faces lit up. Ever since you were little, you, Steve and Wanda had been inseparable. You would walk to school and back home together, you would have sleepovers and every meal was spent together. Your dad felt that tearing you away from them right before you would have to separate for college anyway was cruel. 
He cleared his throat as he continued. “I know the situation isn’t ideal, and that you’ll probably miss me so so so much,” he teased. “But I know you’ll be in good hands while I’m away.” He smiled fondly at the two boys sitting around the table who were looking at you with nothing but adoration in their eyes.
The rest of dinner went by quietly. Polite talk here and there, but an overwhelming effort to avoid discussing your father’s move, which was at the end of the week, settled among the four of you. It wasn’t until after dinner, after Wanda had left to go home, that you finally got to process your feelings with Steve who stayed behind to help clean up.
“Steve, you really didn’t have to stay,” You sighed as you leaned against the counter beside him as he turned on the faucet in the sink. “I don’t mind doing the dishes.”
He gave you the same winning smile that he gave your father earlier. “Please,” he began. “It’s the least I could do… you’ve had a long day.” He cocked his eyebrow at you, reminding you of the unopened note that now lay on top of your desk in your room. “How are you feeling?”
You grabbed a dish towel, helping Steve dry the dishes he washed, not wanting to meet his eyes. “Like a salad.” Steve turned to you with a confused chuckle, waiting for you to elaborate. “Don’t laugh, Wanda taught me this. I feel so many things right now but I can’t really condense it all into one thing.”
Steve hummed thoughtfully before continuing. “Okay, well what’s the lettuce right now? The biggest thing you’re feeling.”
“Hmm…” you thought. “Sad, that my dad is leaving. I’ve never been away from him that long.” 
“Okay, what about the chicken?” You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, appreciating the way Steve ran with your simile.
“The chicken… Happy.” You finally gave Steve a small smile. “Happy that I get to stay here with you and Wanda.”
Steve smiled back at you. “I’m happy about that too. How are we supposed to be a trio if it’s just me and Wanda?” 
You rolled your eyes playfully as you swatted his arm with the dish towel. “Steve, you and Wanda have enough personality for 13 people. I’m sure you would have found a way.”
He pouted in return, rubbing his arm where you swatted him before slipping back into a smile. “Not true, but whatever,” he relented. He was glad that the trio would remain a trio, but it got him thinking about what the future holds for the three of you. College was never really something you all had discussed in depth. Mostly just vague hypotheticals about what decorations to get for the apartment you’ll share and the kind of classes you’ll all take together. But in every future he could imagine, the three of you were always together.
After that night, the rest of the week passed by in a messy and teary blur, with Steve and Wanda coming over every day to help you pack. Well, “help” was a strong word. They mostly sat on your bed and looked through your knick knacks while asking for snacks. They were also very unhelpful at trying to convince you to “Marie Kondo” your room, as they called it.
Wanda tried convincing you that maybe you should leave your giant stuffed avocado behind, to which you adamantly argued against because she won it for you at the school carnival last year. Steve asked why you still kept your report card from fifth grade in a treasure chest, to which you responded by showing him the teacher’s notes, “Had to separate her from Steve and Wanda. They distract each other and draw pictures on their math homework. Always laughing and smiling in class :)”
Going through your whole room with them was a lot less embarrassing than you had expected, and by the end of the week, you were ready to go with only the essentials packed. Steve and Wanda came to see you off, helping your dad pack your things into the car and they each gave you a big hug before letting you go.
Your dad laughed at the scene, watching the three of you get teary eyed even though you would still see each other every day at school. But when he finally drove off and saw you looking wistfully out the window, he felt a pang in his chest and it reminded him how much he’s going to miss you as well. 
The drive was fun as it always was with your dad, but as he parked in front of a huge house in a very wealthy neighborhood, the grin on your face grew even more. The homes in this neighborhood were much bigger than your own, and you figured you should enjoy yourself while you’re here. Your dad took your hand as the two of you walked to the front door of his college buddy’s home, telling you a silly story about their adventures together in university.
“Oh, I’m so excited you get to meet him,” your dad exclaimed as he rang the bell. “I heard his son is actually in your grade, so maybe you already know him.”
You looked at your dad curiously. “What’s his name?” 
But before your dad could respond, the door swung open to reveal none other than–
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
How about Smile Precure villains with smart but shy S/O? Romantic or platonic depends on the character.
A/N ~ Sure! I only did Joker and Wolfrun, bc they’re the only ones I write for(I decided not to write for Akaoni anymore). Hope you enjoy!
~Joker and Wolfrun with a Smart but Shy Parnter~
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Fandom: Smile Precure!
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Characters Included: Joker and Wolfrun
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: Akaoni slander
~Smile Precure! Masterlist~
Guide: The purple dialogue is Joker, the blue dialogue is Wolfrun, and the uncolored dialogue is Reader.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
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~ Joker is quite the smart man himself, but not the type that you are. You’re good at math and science, he’s just good at messing with people’s heads. So he’s impressed by your knowledge.
“I must admit my dear, you are quite the smart cookie.”
“Oh… yeah. I guess I’ve always been smart.”
“No need to be embarrassed. It’s quite impressive.”
“Oh… thanks.”
~ He finds it a bit of a shame how shy you are. He believes that someone with as big of a brain as you should be showing it off. And that just what he encourages you to do. He always tells you how you should go out and show your knowledge to the world.
“Look Joker, I don’t like attention. So I don’t want to go show off or whatever.”
“But you deserve it! Most people don’t have the brain capacity to store so much knowledge. In fact, maybe you should help them become smarter. You should try Akaoni first.”
“Well, you’re not wrong. Akaoni could use- wait, no!”
~ Joker tries his best to get you out of your shell. He mostly does this by asking many questions, getting you to talk more and more until you begin rambling. He finds it adorable how flustered you get once you’ve realized how much you’ve been talking.
“-and I find this theory interesting because- oh wait. How long have I been talking for? Oh gosh…”
“It’s alright, my dear. I don’t mind. Now, what were you saying?”
“Wait, are you getting me to talk on purpose?”
“Of course not! Now, why do you find that theory interesting?”
~ When with others, he often brags about your knowledge for you. He lets people know how incredibly smart you are. He only lets up once you let him know how much he’s embarrassing you. He apologizes, but still believes you deserve to be known for your smarts.
“You lot don’t have the brains to even comprehend (name)’s knowledge. Just hearing their intelligence would put you into a coma!”
“Joker… please.”
“Honestly, they could defeat the Pretty Cure without even lifting a finger! They could just outsmart them!”
“Oh gosh…”
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~ For the most part, Wolfrun couldn’t care less how smart you are. Knowledge isn’t something he worries about. But, while he won’t admit it, he’s pretty impressed, and even intimidated by your big brain.
“Hey, when did we get grapes? Whatever, guess I’ll eat them.”
“Wolfrun no! You’ll die!”
“What? What are you talking about? It’s just grapes.”
“Grapes are deadly to dogs!”
“Ugh. I’m a wolf, (name).”
“Wanna risk death?”
~ He finds it almost offensive how you barely talk, despite how much you have stored in your mind. If he didn’t know you so well, he’d think that you were using your shyness as a cover. But still, sometimes he fears that you’re planning something.
“What are you planning in that big brain of yours?”
“Planning? I’m not planning anything.”
“You sure?”
~ Unlike Joker, he doesn’t try to get you to talk or become less shy. He just lets you be. He honestly prefers this, because that way, he can do all the talking. He likes to talk.
“I mean, I know Akaoni’s stupid, but come on! Even a five year old wouldn’t make that mistake!”
“Haha! Yeah.”
“Huh. You know, you really don’t talk much more than when we met.”
“Oh, yeah. I’m just not a big talker.”
“Eh, not like it matters. Anyway,-“
~ Like mentioned before, Wolfrun can be a bit intimidated by your knowledge. He automatically feels this way when anyone is better than him at anything. So while he doesn’t like being proven wrong, he knows not to challenge your brain.
“C’mon, (name). There’s no way that’s true!”
“Wolfrun, I’m telling you it is!”
“No way!”
“Do I need to remind you how often I’m right?”
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listofwhyyouloveher · 5 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do the gang(Separate) with a reader who’s like Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg from Ride The cyclone if not then it’s fine🫶🫶
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Summary: The Outsiders x Ocean O'Connell Rosenburg!Reader Warnings: none Author's Note: haven't really watched Ride the Cyclone, so if there are mistakes so sorry! You were, arguably, not like the rest of the gang. Top of your grade, probably even top of your school! A stickler for rules and your own sense of righteousness. So people were obvious shocked when you were hanging around with one of the gang.
Pony heavily admired you, sure you were a little rough around the edges and harsh around more people, but your brain and wit drew him towards you. Recently his math grade had been slipping and so he pleaded with you to tutor him. It didnt take much convincing, so you found yourself at the library on a chilly afternoon. He was trying to do a quadratic function and you were getting pissed at him for not knowing this ‘basic’ math. “Come on Pony, what’s 15 squared?” You rubbed a hand over your face in frustration. “Uhmm..” He stared at his paper blankly, fiddling with his pencil. “You know what, I think we’ve done enough math for today.” You said, getting up out of your chair. He looked sort of sad but just nodded his head. “How about we go get some milkshakes?” You asked, swinging your jacket over your shoulder and offering him a kind smile. He brighted instantly and nodded excitedly. JOHNNY CADE Johnny never liked school, never. It was too much work and he found more pleasure in hanging around with Dal. But when he saw the photo of you under ‘most likely to be successful’ in his yearbook that was delivered, he knew he had to talk to you. He started showing up more and more often, hoping to catch a glimpse of your face. You were in 3 of his classes and he was damn near obsessed with you, he watched all your movements and body language just to try and get close to you. He knew that you studied every night at the library, so one day he went there by himself. You were sitting at a table with your textbooks splayed out in front of you. He didn’t know what to do so he just walked past you trying to sneak a peek at what you were doing when you stopped him. “Hey you’re in my math class, right?” You smiled up at him and he nearly fainted. “Uh, yeah.” He nodded awkwardly. “Well, I can see you’re not doing anything. Why don’t you tell me what we did in class last week? I was sick” You asked him, pulling out a chair next to you. He sat down excitedly, happy that he finally got to talk to you. SODAPOP CURTIS Soda was a popular boy, he had looks, girls but not the grades. You were ‘popular’ in the sense that when people talked of a valedictorian, they talked of you. It was quite a shock when Sodapop walked up to you during your lunch. You were on the grass, textbook in one hand and a sheet of paper in another, trying to do your work when you looked up to see Soda standing over you. “Hey,” He said sitting down next to you. “Hi,” You replied curtly, already disassociating from the conversation. “Do you mind if I copy your homework?” He asked, pointing at the sheet of paper in your hand. You shoot him an unimpressed look. “Ballsy, but no.” You return to your work, scribbling notes quickly. He huffed a laugh before patting your head and getting up, walking away to his friends. You glared at him as he walked away, fixing your hair before returning to your studies.
STEVE RANDLE Your car was busted, so you decided to take it into the shop to have it fixed. The man working it was a nice young man named Steve that seemed more interested in what your plans were that day than anything. You pulled out your textbook to work on your homework when Steve shouted at you. “Don’t you get tired of doing schoolwork all day?”  You rolled your eyes. “Don’t you get tired of fixing busted cars and shooting blanks 'cuz you’ll never find a girl to fuck all day?” You asked, a devious smile on your lips because of the banter. He laughed, “Damn girl, now I really want to know what your plans are.” He nudged you and you laughed.
TWO BIT MATTHEWS You worked at the drive in, well not really. You did your school work at the drive in and occasionally filled up people’s drinks. Two-Bit was a regular customer that you started seeing after you begun work there, he would always take more drinks than he paid for. One time you watched him fill up his drink cup and then grab another one to fill up. He watched you stare at him, almost challenging you to do something, but you just returned to your homework. He took a sip of his two different drinks before coming up to you. “You not gonna do anything ‘bout the fact that I’m stealing?” He teased you. You gave him a sarcastic smile before putting your pen down. “Don’t get paid enough to care.” He nodded in agreement before looking down at your schoolwork. “They pay you to do all that work?” He countered and you rolled your eyes. “I’ll get paid more in the future,” You huffed, “Besides, not like your getting paid enough to talk,” You bite the end of your pen before doing that same sarcastic smile. He laughed and walked off. DARRY CURTIS You had been one of Darry’s friends in highschool. Friend was used loosely because he was a senior and you were a junior. You were just in the same social circle as him, smart girls who use jock guys for their cars and money and jock guys who use smart girls for their brains and mild-mannerisms. When you saw Darry again, 2 years later, putting up the roof on your house you were in shock. “Darry?” You ask, putting down your school bag on your porch. He looked down at you from the roof and waved lightly. “Y/n? I remember you,” You nodded, almost expecting it to not be Darry. “Never expected to see you…here” You gestured at the roof. “Why’s that?” He knew the answer, but it sometimes felt good to get assurance that he actually had a shot in life. “Thought you would’ve made something of yourself. Gone to college, football and all that shit.” You shrugged. “Yeah well, I’d rather see my brothers go make something of themselves than have them live in poverty. I’d also rather not be doing all the work you’re doing” He pointed at your school back. “Fair enough,” You unlock your door, but before going in you stop, “After you're done, would you like to come in for something to drink?” You asked him. “Would love to” He shouted down at you before returning to his work, “‘S long as you don’t bore me to death with English homework.” DALLAS WINSTON Dallas hated little preparatory girls like you, absolutely despised their stupid attitude and dumb rules. On the days he, rarely, went to school (usually because there’d be some fun thing to do or Johnny asked him) he made it his personal goal to piss girls like you off. So when you were sitting in front of him in class, he took his chance. He started throwing balls of paper in your hair and even one time an eraser. You inhaled, trying to contain your anger but another paper ball hit your head. You slammed your hand against your desk and turned around at him abruptly. He was in the middle of making another paper ball when you turned so he froze. “Cut that out, dickhead” You hissed, eyes narrowing in anger. He laughed. “The teacher’s going to explode if she hears a little prep girl like you say something like that.” He teased, voice low as to not distract attention. You leaned closer to him and he leaned closer to you, almost like a stare-off. “I’ll fucking slit your throat if you talk to me or do any shit like that to me again, you fucking jackass” You spit, knuckles turning white from how hard you were clenching your fists. He raised his hand in surrender but with a small smirk on his face. “Alright, alright,” He paused, “How about, I stop and you come with me after school,” “And get kidnapped by you? Hell no.” You said, turning back. “Suit yourself,” Dallas snickered before ripping out more paper to annoy you with. You let out a frustrated growl before turning back around. “Fine, I’ll go with you for 1 hour.”
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