#like aghh i love that edit!!!!
onfirekittyturtle · 2 years
I was scrolling on the clock app and AGH!
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Someone's used old art I drew! I'm freaking out!
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i love ffxiv so much fr
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#generally i feel very deeply n that's both a good n bad thing#usually i don't really have opportunities to be idk as open or unrestrained abt it as i would be (in regards to affection)#i love fiction.. i forgot the word but yk it helps like. yk let it out healthily bcs i'm also rlly just a creative person at heart#WHY IS WEIGHT OF THE WORLD INSTRUMENTAL PLAYING IN MY HOUSE HAHA WHY R ALL THE LIGHTS OFF WTF#AGHHHHH I'M SHY OH MY GOD FUCK WAIT WHEN IT COMES TO ANY SORT OF LIL STUFF LIKE THIS W ANYONE AT ALL#MY FRIEND PLACED A MESSAGE IN OUR MESSAGE BOOK 🥺#this was.. oh my god last month 18th i haven't placed ffxiv much at all recently that i've only noticed now#THATS SO CUTE MWAHH i love my friends vv much 😭🫶🏼 ok but wait hermes OH NO I WAS GNA RAMBLE ABOUT HIM AGAIN ^^#AGHH I CANT CONCENTRATE WHY IS WEIGHT OF THE WORLD PLAYING..... IM CHANGING IT THIS IS TOO EMOTIONAL????#i love the songs i placed in the orchestrion so much#i might edit it sometime bcs uh 'from the heavens' is too. idk too strong for the rest of the songs i think#1) neath dark waters; 2) your answer; 3) and love you shall find - i love this so goddamn much btw fuck terncliff; 4) from the heavens 💀;#5) voice of no return (guitar) - my fav automata ost; 6) pilgrimage; 7) kaine (final fantasy main theme version) - too ethereal oh my god;#8) radiance!!!!#tbf actually 'your answer' & 'radiance' r battle themes too. along w 'from the heavens' though i'd say they're all rather elegent in a way#i rlly want to put 'apocalypsis noctis' somewhere.. i don't listen to it too often nowadays but it'll always be one of my favs.#& i rlly wna put 'dragonsong' :<< that song is v special to me with heavensward n all. the lyrics r so romantic n beautiful#'he who continues the attack' is so fucking good. i have lovely memories w apollo with the 'the measure of [] reach' songs hehe#'fragments of forever'!! under the stars w alisaie 🤍 oh my god i Need to put 'shadowbringers' n 'tomorrow and tomorrow' somewhere :((#'a fierce air forceth' & 'a fine air forbiddeth' from my favorite frontlines map. apollo n i always got so many kills n were rlly good ehe#'vamo'alla flamenco' dnc's one of my fav classes n. i love ffix. 'bedlam's brink'.. iconic emet-selch my man. 'the heavens' ward' GRRRR#it's so epic though! 'wind on the plains' n rlly just the other bozja n zadnor related stuff. sm memories. it means a lot to me#'tomorrow and tomorrow - reprise'.. cried the first time it played with alphy in around eulmore. 'dangerous words'; god i love shb#'the queen awakens' i love delubrum reginae so fucking much. n then 'endwalker - footfalls' & 'flow'.. oh fuck .#AGHH THE OTHER NIER SONGS TOO :(( N THE RAIDS. EDEN'S PROMISE AAAAA FUCK FUCK I MISS RAIDING SO MUCH#'hic svnt leones'.. the memories 💀 n the aglaia osts hehe I DONT HAVE. SCREAM FROM PANDAEMONIUM N IN THE BALANCE#THERE'S TOO MUCH SONGS IM EVEN ONLY LOOKING THROUGH THE ROLLS I HAVE HOLY SHIT#shiva n tsukuyomi n endwalker n the auspices n the primals n all the dungeons n the tribes n city states n EVERYTHING FUCK
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chrissv4mp · 4 months
bf!matt sturniolo hcs🤍
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author's note: was a little obsessed with the chris one, so.... here's some bf!matt hcs
warnings: none!
edit: i couldn't wait a whole week to post this, so it's a little present 4 u guys🫶🏼🫶🏼
🤍- HUGEEE hug guy over here!! especially hugs from behind omgg🤭 (and just any type of physical touch)
🦈- whenever his hands aren't occupied, then they're all over you / intertwined with yours.
🦈- loves whenever he has free time to cuddle with you / just spend even a minute with you. he loves your presence☹️
🤍- buys you flowers every time you come with him to the store, no matter the price of them. (even if he thinks $9.97 is entirely too much for a bouquet of roses..)
🤍- adores seeing you in his clothes.
🦈- like, you walk into the living room in one of his hoodies, "matt, do you know where my phone is?"
🦈- matt doesn't even give an answer to your question, he just continues to sit on the couch and gawk over you.
🦈- you're having an argument with a random girl from your college? he's on his way to back you up.
🦈- you're involved in sports and have an important game? he's already on the bleachers!!
🤍- he shares his airpods with you!! (best bf award goes to matthew sturniolo!!)
🤍- matt loves driving late at night and just listening to slow, quiet music with you.
🦈- he'll quite literally drive to a beach that's more than an hour away & just lay on the front of the car to watch the stars with you.
🦈- big astronomy guy over here as well! he loves the space and just stars in general. he'd geek out whenever he'd see a constellation.
🤍- the biggest sucker for forehead and neck kisses and is constantly showering you in them.
🤍- (speaking of showering....) matt loves warm showers/baths with you and will offer to help wash your hair bc he knows you hate whenever you feel a knot in it.
🦈- just imagine him running his fingers through your hair super gently & carefully untangling the little knots in your hair AGHH
🤍- whispers little 'i love you's' & praises in your ear whenever you guys are laying in bed together ☹️☹️🫶🏼
author's note: I LOVE THIS SMSMSM this might be my favorite thing i've written so far ahhhhh
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 6 months
Celebrity crush
jack hughes x youtuber!reader universe
note: i love this one, it's just cute and short!
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“Do we have to watch ‘Nowhere Boy’ again?” a very annoyed Jack asked his obviously excited girlfriend, before he continued, “We just watched it last month.”
“Yes. But that was a recreational watch, this is a watch for research.” the girl said, already pulling up the familiar movie, knowing Jack will cave, he always caves for her.
“What research do you have to do?” the younger brother asked from the kitchen, for one of his trips to get food, between playing his video game.
“So glad you asked Luke!” she said, turning her body to face behind her at the boy, her boyfriend rolling his eyes (as he usually does) his head falling into place on the couch cushion behind him, as Y/n continues, “It’s the end of the year, and with the end of the year comes my ‘crush recap’ podcast episode. It’s my favourite time of year!”
“I didn’t know that was why we were watching this! I don’t want to watch a movie were the entire time you just note everytime he does something hot!”
“That is not what I do.”
“Who are you taking notes on in this one.”
“Who do you think?” the girl says, giving her boyfriend an ‘are you serious’ look, as she turns back to the TV abd turning on ‘don’t worry, darling’
“What I mean is Harry Styles and Florence Pugh, so which one?”
“This is good for you, two birds one stone.” Y/n replied, impressed he remembered who was in the movie. But thinking more of it, she did not shut up about it in the months leading up to the movies release (and many months after the release)
Sitting in the living room, Y/n was recording a podcast. Both the boys were at practice, leaving the girl a good time to record.
“She is so hot! Ahhhhhh!!…. I’m sorry, the Julian Baker thing is really getting out of hand. But like I’m in love with her so I don’t know what you want from me.” Y/n mumbled, looking as if she just got caught red-handed. Which she had, she was just too busy to notice.
“Who-Wha-” Jack said, before giving up and walking into their shared room to get ready to shower off the practice.
As Jack walked into the living room, looking for his girlfriend he comes to find her sitting on the couch. Blushing. This was nowhere out of the realm of ordinary for Y/n, but never this much.
“Who has you blushing this much?” the boy asked, coming to look other the older girl’s shoulder, only for him to bot be able to get a look as Y/n quickly turns off her phone. Now this was weird, she never has a problem telling him who her celebrity crush this week is, so why not now?
“It’s nothing.”
“Why won’t you show me.” he questioned, pouting slightly in hopes of getting her to crack.
“‘Cause it’s nothing.” she replies, her eyes following Jack as he rounds the couch.
“Really?” he asks, in a rhetorical sense, bringing his hands to her sides where he knows she’s ticklish. Wary of his hand placement the girl responds with, “Yes. Really.”
“‘Cause I don’t think so!” He announced, bringing one hand to reach for his girlfriends phone, while the other begins to tickle the girls sides.
“No! Jack! Aghh, stop!” Y/n struggles out, laughing and trying to wiggy out of Jack’s grasp. Yet, she’s to late as Jack grabs her phone, standing from the couch and running into the kitchen. Y/n recovering then running after him.
“Me?! I made you blush like that?” the boys yells, rewatching the edit of himself that previously had his girl a blushing mess.
“Shut up! Give me that!” the girl says, back to being said blushing mess, while grabbing her phone from the younger boys hand.
“Aw, am I this weeks celebrity crush?” Jack teases, following Y/n out of the room.
@inejghafawifesblog @dancerbailey3
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jackhues · 8 months
Ig edit of buttercup soft launching Connor?!
aghh i love this!!
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liked by penguins, buttercupsfriend, _connorbedard & others
buttercupcrosby: it's been a minute
mackinnon29: just post his face loser, we all know who it is -> userone: WAIT WHAT'D I MISS?? -> buttercupcrosby: nate you idiot, it's not the spam -> mackinnon29: ohhh
usertwo: i'm freaking out! baby crosby has a boyfriend!! AHHH!!
kevinkorchinski: how long did it take for him to make that heart? -> buttercupcrosby: you have no idea. AND IT'S STILL CROOKED!!
penguins: we're just gonna hide this from old man sid -> buttercupcrosby: pens admin a real one
ryangraves27: i thought you were twelve -> buttercupcrosby: blocked.
e.malkingeno71: i'm not allowed to say name, am i? -> buttercupcrosby: no -> userthree: geno please tell us!!
userfour: why do all the players know and not us?? 😭😭
send stuff in for my ig edit night!!
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An idea for Knives x fem!reader
The reader is her classmate who's been pining on her for a year. She knows that Knives dating Scott, and she hates him (for obvious reasons) It also takes place on the SPTO version, so maybe the reader feels some kind of satisfaction hearing that Scott (seemingly) dies. Now they come visiting Knives and comforted her. They became close to each other and eventually dating
Speaking of that I'm in the works of headcannons for Knives and a female reader, with the vibes of like Nana and Hachi so I hope you enjoy that once it's out while waiting for your headcannons. But I'm definitely adding this to the list, I'm currently editing stuff and trying to list all my requests that haven't been fulfilled so I can fix my planned stuff. Anyways, thank you so much anon! I hope your day or night is going well, sending much love. <333
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fictionfixations · 5 months
hazbin hotel songs tierlist imo (1-6)
It feels like with every new episode comes me having to update my favorite songs agh. note that i am very biased
For episode 1-4, it was
Loser, Baby (listening it just made me grinning despite the fact that it has more adult lyrics then poison)
Poison (loved it. then saw the episode with it and loved it more)
Stayed Gone (3 and 4 can be switched around either way imo)
Respectless (self explanatory)
Whatever It Takes (i dont like it that much but thats more because its not the type of song i enjoy, but some parts are enjoyable 'iLL BE YouR KEEPer / arMor')
Hell is Forever (hate Adam but the song was a literal bop. plus charlie's little recap of the first song is included in this which fun)
Happy Day in Hell (it is a good song. but you know when you hear a song so much you start to hate it??)
It Starts with Sorry (not that its bad. but like. i didnt like sir. person i can never remember the name of.)
NOW lets add episode 5 and 6. i forgot that new episodes were coming and then i saw on my recommended lucifer and i was like 'nahhh thats just clickbait'. and then i had to do a double take like 'no wait iSNT IT--'
Hell's Greatest Dad (my new favorite. if lucifer vs alastor wasnt so funny then this would be 2nd. reminds me of that one duet in camp camp that i adore too. also i LOVE electroswing. lmfao the 'you could almost call me dad' head turn. the accordion interrupting the piano. also is it just me or is the 'pure angelic power' really loud like holy shit idk why it startled me so much)
You Didn't Know ('dOnt You KnoW tHAT, heLL is FOREVer' that part had no right being such a bop wtf, and can we talk about lute's VOICE?? ALSO the fire reflecting in sera's eyes when she's trying to convice emily, oh my god)
More Than Anything (kid charlie. AND ALSO 'im grateful youre my daughter more than anything' just struck me. ALSO ALSO the 'ive been dying to find out who you are' and everything else after that was so heartwarming.)
Welcome to Heaven (I FORGOT ABOUT THIS SONG. it was ok but also 'and everyone is hot!' not saying this is better then the previous songs in 1-4 but this is a different list of songs from 5 and 6 only. it'd probably be under happy day in hell)
also. villains singing are bops, which AGHH. they insult characters i love but i dont care because their voices are so. nice wtf man. like lute WHAT. (if they make valentino sing though i dont even care if the song would be good because fuck him yknow?? not literally, blegh)
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yuseirra · 10 days
Ah...aghh...I'M SHAKING, I love that novel. It's finally getting SOMETHING. Maybe there's a chance of it getting an anime series and it's definitely going to get translated into English right? I can say for SURE that it's one of my favorite fantasy novel I've ever read e v er, it has several parts (it's ongoing) and I like the second part the most so far because the protagonist for that section is really unique. He's one of the sweetest character I've seen, I like him because he's a good boy. Although that's not all there is to him though. I can't wait to see that part being turned into a comic. Now everybody will be able to see how interesting and endearing of a character Josua is, he's very artistic, fragile, complex, naive, insane, sweet, lonely, caring and strong-willed, the whole plot was a journey of self-acceptance and growth and love. A lot of fun things happen there and the fantasy elements of the story was intriguing too!
Some time ago, I got an ask asking what this novel is like after having drawn a fanart of the novel, I held it off to reply back to it properly when I had the time but I ended up never getting back to it (I'm so sorry ;v;) well, if it gets a webtoon it should get an english edition right? so now you'll know why I love it so much!! I'd love to share a lot of my thoughts on it when it comes around. I really hope it goes well because the original work is very good. It's so worth it, I thought the piece was written beautifully and the lore was compelling. It's STILL incomplete though, this series has been going on for over 20 years with like a 10 year hiatus in between (thankfully I picked it up AFTER the hiatus was over.)
I'm glad there's something I will be able to look forward to seeing!! I HAVE to see Demonic being animated. It will suit that story so well. If the webtoon turns out to be a hit, I feel it'll have a solid chance for it to have one because it was like, my favorite thing!!(I have A LOT of favorites!!)
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
agHH HI!! thank you for the ask!! okok!! I'm going to quickly rammble about one of my fave shippy shots of Jackie and Viridian I've made this year!
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og post is here!
I made this shot back in January - I really like how soft this shot is- I like how I was able to get the reflection of Jackie and Viridian's bodies in the water. At the time of making this set- I was playing around with custom locations in AMM and took this shot at the pool at Kompeki plaza!! I took this shot before I learnt about custom expressions- was just using custom poses and screaming at my pc because I wanted to make these two smooch but didn't know how to properly at the time- but then... then happy yelled when I got this shot!! A few other shots from the kompeki pool can be found here!
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messylustt · 1 year
Hello!! Just wanted to say I love love love your writing!! That Miguel series had me in a chokehold...
I have been meaning to start writing fanfics myself. Any advice or suggestions?? Like do you get any inspo or just kind of write??
thank you sweetheart!! AGHH
and as for advice/how I kinda write — for me I need to let ideas flow, so starting WITHOUT a layout plan works better for me, coz I can find my foothold and see where I want the story to go by starting with dialogue, scenery descriptions etc.
im sure you know that writing is very personalised so it’s more about finding how you work (everyone is different)
but ig just having a rough idea of where you want to go is always good, especially for long fics, shorter stuff you can be a bit looser coz you won’t be doing any call backs necessarily.
for el trato I obviously chose the whole “deal” scenario and started with WHO the reader would be…her role/why she’s there…her personality tho I made up along the way (knowing i didn’t want her to be too bold (since she is the only human there) or overly shy (to the point where you’re like nobody acts like that)
(I hadn’t thought I’d add so much action + the masked men when I started so it just kinda evolved as I wrote — again just write down anything even if you aren’t sure on it just WRITE IT DOWN— you can always edit/delete stuff after)
Im sure this is very generic advice, but this is how I’ve found that I write best and I just KNOW you’re gonna smash it writing fanfics <3
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shinozaki-ayumi · 7 months
Sorry for so many questions but I have no one else to ask:
What REmake do you think is the best so far?
What RE game are you hoping to be REmade the most?
What do you think the next non-remake game will be like and about?
(Love ur blog btw, I check it all the time like old ladies read newspapers)
Omg that last part is so flattering you have no idea 😂 I’m happy to answer questions!!!
My personal favorite of the remakes so far is RE2, I love the characters and music and atmosphere and everything about it. BUT after playing the original it became really glaring to me what wasn’t done “properly” — mostly the way the A and B scenarios had no real continuity between them, and how most of Leon and Claire’s interactions were cut, that was disappointing. So I think the best executed remake is RE4, because it really felt like an upgrade in essentially every way.
EDIT: WAIT I CAN’T BELIEVE I FORGOT RE1. RE1 REMAKE IS MY FAVORITE REMAKE. That game is absolutely loaded with atmosphere and cool visuals and great music and AGHH I love it so much. Idk how I forgot that one!!!
And I am DYING for a Code Veronica remake. I really enjoy the story in CV and I’ve read the novelization and enjoyed that a lot too, but the game is definitely outdated and has its… quirks? I think it’s the most in need of a remake. I also feel like Steve has a lot of potential as a character and I really would like to see how a remake would handle modernizing him!! Especially after how they fleshed out Ashley as a character in 4R, I want to see another widely disliked character getting some love!
As for RE9… I honestly don’t know what to expect from it. I definitely want them to avoid repeating the RE5/6 mistake and stick to survival horror. I feel like that’s what they do best and I’d be really sad if RE becomes an entirely action-oriented series again.
I also would like to see one of the core female protagonists take the center stage again, Claire especially. I adore Leon and Chris is great too but I’m a bit tired of them both at this point lol. There was a “leak” awhile ago that claimed 9 would be about an older Claire somewhere out west, with folklore-themed monsters of some sort (like skinwalkers sort of??). I don’t believe leaks unless there’s hard evidence, but I’d really love if we got something along those lines!
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raz-writes-the-thing · 8 months
It's a lot to send cuz I got like 40 edits in this collection 😭😭 here's one of my favorites
From the movie L.A without a map
Lovely- what a pretty boy. Perhaps I’ll trade you one of my favourites
I haven’t seen Spies of Warsaw yet but this is the edit that convinced me (I say as if I needed convincing).
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nico00235 · 2 years
What're your thoughts on Spicynoodle? Or are you more of a Dragonfruit? Or are you more of the Traffic light trio?
First of all, I want to say that I'm very picky about my ships, usually most of them have things in common that I begin to relate to each other over time, either because of their dynamics, their history together, etc
And well, you asked my opinion so I'm gonna RANT about them
How do I tell people that I dream about this two like I use the oxygen to breathe,, 30/10, literally one of my fav, I JUST LOVE THEM, i love their dynamic and I also love how, even if the interactions are small they are still very sweet and enjoyable!! Im writing them a fanfic, i make edits of them in my TikTok, man, they are my life (sometimes when I feel drawING fluff I think of them immediately being all cheeky and cute with each other)
Not my kind of cup,,, i see them as cousins/siblings but I think their dynamic as ship is PRETTY GOOD, they work very well together and I wouldn't be surprised if they gave hints about the two of them in the series, however, as I said, they're not my type but I still support them and I have little drawings of them saved because I think they are cute, but still, they have my 7/10
Traffic light trio
LOVE THEM, THEY HAVE MY BIG 11/10, if they are already good as a separated team (like, MK with Red Son, Red Some with Mei and Mei with MK) all being together brings me joy, I always wanted do draw them because they have a pretty chaotic dynamic but i can't find the right topic or pose or scenario for them, and as for the Chimerashipping I just LOVE THEM, THEY ARE ONE OF MY FAVE POLY ROMANTIC SHIPS
Yeah, that's all..
I'm sorry, I love to rant about my ships eueheueyeh
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ragnar0c · 1 year
Read some fanfics yesterday and found a mlm fic of two characters from a show I loved a lot 😭 so grateful bc I thought no one else shipped them RAGHH
I read the first part, and got super inspired to write again. So I organized what I had so far... and technically I have drafts for the first five oos chapters (completed drafts?? No way but each has an idea of what I want) Each draft has about 10 pages and... if my brain works right maybe I can finish them in a batch...
Treat it like drawing maybe? Who knows.
BUT tbh main focus should be editing chapter 1 bc I did some writing exercises and think I can do better AGHH.
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mysteclipse7 · 1 year
I really love series that have their own little rules of their world and way of doing things and lore and stuff. It’s the kind of stuff with little sounds or things that happen that if you weren’t already invested and knew the context, you’d be confused. I’m thinking like Summertime Render with all the little details to the shadows. It’s all just cool!!
*edit* so on that topic because I have more thoughts!
We have like – the camera sound effects, the flash, the pixel effects and then the entire general concept of it. Once we have a handle on how it works, they don’t explain it any longer, and it becomes this natural, second-nature thing. I think it’s just so cool to have that, I think that kind of feeling really makes the story feel more immersive and almost personal or special? It’s something different from your own world you are gathering a comfortable understanding of, and it’s done in such a way that you could believe you’re just in that world with your innate/inherent understanding of the rules.
It’s the kind of thing where if someone else just started watching from like, episode 14 or something they’d be very lost, but you have this comfortable connection with it now. It’s like you yourself can be a part of it in a way, as someone who understands the rules of their world. But not a part of it in a self-insert kind of way, more just a general immersion way?
And I think it works especially well when from the outlook it doesn’t look like anything too unusual. The setting in Summertime Render is what just looks like a regular modern setting, but with these subtle things making things slightly off but while rapidly making you familiarise yourself with it.
I just. I REALLY like the way Summertime Render does it for some reason?! I’m not even really a fan of the series, I liked it, but not much more. But something about those subtle details that you just grow to understand such as the pixelated effects, how you see the characters deal with these things on a daily basis, etc just gets me.
I’m struggling to think of another series that just hit the way Summertime Render did for some reason. Possibly Shadows House or ReZero?
It’s just. It’s tight! It’s so smooth! I love the way it’s done aghh!!!
I think it’s also maybe partially because it’s like... it’s only really one tiny thing. Yeah the shadows are this full thing and there’s an entire story ongoing about it, but it’s not a fully thought out world-building kind of thing like other stories. I’m not meaning one is superior over the other either, I’m just trying to think of why this one felt so interesting to me.
I guess it’s also just something different and fresh from my perspective. It’s something that is not a full encompassing part of daily life, but is something that became a small but significant part of daily life and it was done in the most subtle and interesting ways that are specific to itself. Like the pixel sound and visual effects – that’s something that became *owned by* the concept of the shadows in this universe. And yes it’s never really actively talked about or spoken directly about, as it’s just the way they’ve chosen to showcase how things work.
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fictionfixations · 1 year
man im gonna miss the owl house.
its a fucking masterpiece. that ending. Its all wrapped up in a nice and pretty bow and im so happy and im actually crying its precious to me like how gravity falls was, and amphibia (i admit im not the biggest fan of amphibia, with as fear of bugs and also holy shit thats a lot of 'filler' thats technically not filler because they DID have to wait like months to be able to venture outside but eHHH) gravity falls and its entirety was precious and nothing can match watching it for the first time amphibia was pretty and quirky with characters i genuinely cared about and the world building was cool and the owl house is a whole... IT HAD GAY, it had magic, it hAD BOOKS, it had so much stuff that i really liked and im so happy about it. and all of their endings made me cry and im still crying shut up oh my god and i didnt watch the episode like yesterday because i forgot and got distracted (haha sorry) and i want to make something to never forget but i already have the amity necklace, the season 1 poster (because season 2 had sold out by the time i checked sob, huNTeRRR) AghH but its in a pretty bow now and i have nothing to write about it. the perfect show honestly has to be the one that there's nothing that you can add to it because its perfect.
theres nothing that makes me want to add on to it, nothing to build out angsty and sad scenes (i mean it had everything i wanted LMFAO. anything else would have to just be like either a drabble, or like canon divergence and therefore hunter pov. because i am the writer who mainly writes male pov, clap clap) AND IM HAPPY FOR HIM HE HDWUISAHDIUA oh my god i just saw the flapjack grave oh my god it just spawned a new set of tears (I HAVENT FINISHED WATCHING THE CREDITS I HAVE WORDS TO SAY)
OH MY GOD AMITY (THEY ALL LOOK NICE. also can i backtrack and talk about how gus reunited with his father, with the illusions of multiple hims and then his dad was just hugging them all and that made me so happy??) also back track further LUZ WAS ROCKING THAT TITAN STYLE and she still has the litlte marks on her eyes (it was probably makeup though maybe? i dont remember if she had that after she turned back i dont think she did? idk) OH OH OH DARIUS (thats abomination coven guy right. oh my god i forgot what their rank was already LMFAO) NAD AND AMITYS DAD ?????? RAINE YOU LOOK SO PRETTY EM(ira? I FORGOT HER NAME. I JUST REMEMBER ED AND EM NAMES ARE FAILING ME RN) OH MY GOD THEIR DESIGNS next thing you know on youtube: nolstalgic the owl house lofi HOLY SHIT IS THAT GUS?
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YEAH THATS HIS PALISMAN- HOLY SHIT ??? OH MY GOD EDA. AND SHES WEARING RAINES EARRING THING *SOB* AND HER ARMS A HOOK. OH MY GOD I LOVE HER /P AND THE LIGHT GLYPH im rewatching this so many times im so happy, this is like a literal timeless show in my eyes (like how you can watch gravity falls over and over AGHHH)
OH DEAR STEVE--- its just so perfect and im repeating myself and AGHHHH also can we talk about how they taught the collector what mortality was? i think thats the right word (i was about to say morality haha) LUZ JUST BRRR but like halfway through i remembered that papa titan (like the one from. i think it mightve been the first of season 3...? like when they go through theres that waving guy who sounds like hes running and panting and yelling 'hey' in the background, and i remembered 'OH IS IT HIM') and just oh my god *exaggerated hand movements*
oH MY GOD (and i know thats not the actual light glyph we had before- i know this because i tried drawing it once)
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i need to take a moment before i cry again my hands are shaking. im going to miss this show. i really hope i can find out what to write in the future (AHAHA unintentional pun to the episode 'in the future') EDIT: NO ITS FOR THE FUTURE, IM SO DUMB ahhh i want to immortalize it. i have this bad habit of forgetting things easily (on the plus side, YEAHHHH i can finally put my half a semester of spanish classes to use for luz!!)
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