#like a comic or fic (i am not a writer though LOL)
98chao · 1 year
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another drawing of my au
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lovemybluebully · 30 days
Over My Dead Body
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Got writer's block on the fic I mentioned with X23 so I wrote this to keep my creative juices flowing. 😁 Hope you guys don't mind. lol I swear this was just going to be a little drabble, buuuuuuut I got carried away. It was just like, I have an idea! Oooh I have another idea! And then it just spiraled. 🤣 I suck at writing short fics. lol
Probably not my best work, but just a little silliness between these two guys. Another fic where Wade discovers Logan is ticklish and goes all out on him. I very much enjoy tickle origin fics. 🥰
Again some somewhat movie spoilers, but if you haven't seen the biggest movie in the world by now then that's your fault. lol Then of course the typical foul language and Deadpool's dirty mouth.
"Deadpool and Wolverine"-verse
M/M Tickle Fic
Word Count: 5,139
"Fucking give me that remote, Wilson!" Logan let out a teeth-bared snarl while chasing Wade comically around and around the couch like in a Scooby Doo cartoon.
"But baby cakes, I want to watch 'Touched By An Angel'! Wade snickered, managing to stay just one step ahead.
"Fuck that shit! This is the final round for the Flames in the Stanley Cup, and I am NOT missing it!" He finally caught up to Wade and took him down with a flying tackle of heavy adamantium as they both crashed to the floor and the tv remote went sailing out of reach.
Logan quickly scrambled to his feet as he made a break for it, but Wade successfully grabbed his leg to trip him as he hit the floor again with the merc now up and giggling as he ran to claim the prize.
"Yessss! Home run! And the crowd goes wild!" Wade mimicked the sounds of a cheering stadium while triumphantly holding the remote over his head. However, this was instantaneously followed by a loud growl from Logan as he charged his roommate like a bull and slammed into him harder than a Mack truck.
Wade didn't have time to yelp as his body went flying across the room though the remote had been knocked from his grasp and dropped to the ground, exploding the case open as the batteries all popped out. Logan reached down to pick it all up, shaking his head in annoyance as he walked back over towards the couch and tried to jam the batteries back in properly.
"Motherfucking idiot. Just sit your stupid ass down and take the L. I'm putting on the hockey game and that's that."
But Wade wasn't through yet. He was having too much fun with this! He was always trying to get Logan to roughhouse and play with him, but with the X-man being such a stiff it was hard to get him to let loose. Alcohol usually played a big factor in getting Logan to loosen his inhibitions and engage, but at the current moment he was sober as a judge. 
Pissing him off was the next best thing, and Wade loved a good chase and the physical contact, even if it was of the more painful variety. They had a rule about not spilling any blood inside the apartment, but he knew Logan could be pushed too far sometimes and forget about that so Wade would usually back off before he reached that point.
Though at this present time he had only antagonized him a little bit so he knew Logan would be able to tolerate him just a smidge more.
Logan's hypersensitive ears easily picked up the sound of the energetic man coming at him again as he turned around just as Wade plowed all of his weight into him to tackle him onto the couch. Wade quickly took the position to straddle the man's thighs and started making grabs for the remote as growling curses were hurled at him.
"Goddammit! You juvenile fucking moron! Just back off! The only way you're getting this is over my dead body!"
"Bet," Deadpool nodded and kept up in his efforts.
As they played slap-hands fighting to get a hold of the controller it slipped from their grip, hitting Logan in the face on its way down before sliding inside his collar down into his button-up overshirt.
"Nice going, captain loser. Don't worry, I'll get it!" Wade immediately went after it as he haphazardly began squeezing and poking around Logan's midsection as he tried to find the location of the remote hidden beneath the fabric.
As irritated as he was Logan now found that he had a new problem as his body started involuntarily reacting to the way Wade was grabbing at him. It was making his skin crawl. Shivers running up his spine as he began to writhe underneath the other man, trying to avoid the touches.
"Stop squirming, would you? You're making this way harder than it has to be. And I can't find the remote either," Wade teased, always managing to slip in inappropriate innuendos, but Logan was too occupied to make a sarcastic retort as he frantically tried to grab and get control of Wade's busy hands.
"Q-Quit it, shithead!" Logan gritted through his teeth as Wade just clucked his tongue and shook his head.
"Oh c'mon! Stop fighting it and just give it up!" Wade's words held a double meaning in this situation as his hands moved lower, giving the grump a particularly firm squeeze around his hips as Logan couldn't hold it in anymore. 
His back arched off the couch accompanied by a loud snort; his nose scrunched as a soft string of giggles tumbled their way out. 
Upon hearing that Wade immediately stopped what he was doing; practically frozen in shock as he stared down at the bigger male below him. After a few long, tense moments a slow grin of realization started to spread over his face and Logan was suddenly overcome with a feeling of immense dread at what was about to transpire.
"Did...Did you just giggle?"
"....No," was all Logan could say lamely; his uneasy mind not allowing him to come up with anything else as Wade only smiled more.
"Now here's the plot twist that I never would have expected. You wanna tell me what that was all about? Forgive me if I'm finding it difficult to believe that a hardened tough guy like you could possibly be, dare I say it.....ticklish."
Logan's eyes betrayed him as they widened in pure terror; his brain frantically trying to figure out a solution to get him out of this mess, but his silence told more than enough.
"Ohohoho, you are, aren't you? Well this just made things a lot more sexy...I mean, interesting," Wade stroked his own chin, pondering the situation while Logan finally regained his wit and was now on the rebound to try to deny it.
"What? Are you kidding? Tch! I am not ticklish. Where the fuck do you come up with such stupid ideas?" He made his best attempt to sound convincing, but Wade could easily see right through his bullshit.
"I gotta tell you that all sounds exactly like something a ticklish person would say. A pitiful performance like that isn't going to win you any Oscars," Wade smirked before his eyes then drifted back down to Logan's torso, "Oh dear. It looks like the remote has fallen inside your shirt. Whatever shall we do?"
Wade was gently tugging at the front of his shirt as Logan narrowed his eyes.
"Just get offa me and I'll get it myself. Quit looking for excuses to grope me, ya fucking pervert," Logan growled deeply with his characteristic hard-as-nails Wolverine glare, trying to be as off-putting as possible to hopefully get Wade to lose the notion.
"But it's so confusing when your mouth says 'no', but your eyes say 'yes'," Wade grinned, giving a light tickle to Logan's sides that made him flinch, "By the way, what do you want your safe word to be?"
"Touch me and I will cut your useless motherfucking head off, Wilson."
Wade laughed chaotically and shook his head.
"Now that's kind of a mouthful to say. You should pick something easier like 'umbrella' or 'avocado' or 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'-"
Logan realized he was running out of time for stalling and was now struggling to push Wade off of him before he could actually carry out this heinous act, but the merc simply shoved his arms aside and launched his attack, tickling wildly along his ribcage.
"Oh I get it! You don't want a safe word! Very kinky! I like your style! Well you did say the only way I was getting the remote was over your dead body. Who knew it was going to be death by tickling?"
Logan made a strained grunting noise as he steeled himself and began writhing about, still fighting to force Wade off despite the fingers running along his ribs. He in no way wanted to give Wade the satisfaction of making him laugh and would hold it in for as long as he could.
"Looks like we've got a tough guy, ladies and gentlemen," Wade grinned, momentarily looking out at the camera then turning back to his victim, "You know in all the fanfics I've read it's always the toughest guys that are the most ticklish of all. Look at you doing everything in your power not to laugh. How cute. Too bad you're not going to be able to keep that up. I pretty much wrote the book on 'lerring."
Wolverine had no idea what that meant but could hardly fathom the idea that he was going to have to listen to Wade's annoying jabbering and teases without being able to give him a piece of his mind. Because if he even dared to open his mouth it was game over and he was going to fucking lose it.
"So are you like one of those guys who are only ticklish around here...," Wade squeezed and massaged into his sides as an involuntary grin stretched across Logan's face while keeping his jaw clenched, "Or are you one of those head-to-toe ticklish kinda guys? I'm betting the latter."
While still keeping one hand digging into his side Deadpool now reached up to teasingly trace his fingers with a feather-light touch over Logan's ear and down his neck as the man wrenched his head away and scrunched up his shoulder to try to cover up that side of his head.
"Ooooh so sensitive. Am I going to have some fun with you. All we're missing is the sweet sound of your laughter. C'moooooooon just let it out already. You're not embarrassed of your laugh, are you? I'm sure it's wonderful. Don't be shy now, it's just the two of us here."
Every word that came out of Wade's mouth was slowly eating away at Logan's resolve along with his mental capacity to resist the laughter building up inside of him. Giving into Wade's demands was not high on his list of favorable activities, but he knew it was about to happen whether he wanted it to or not.
"You are one hard nut to crack, I'll give you that. But that's okay, it's just going to make breaking you even sweeter. Heheh, look how red your face is. You look like you're about to explode. I just need to find the right spot to poke that bubble and free you of your burden. Hmmm, I think I know where....," Wade smirked big time as he changed tactics to thrust his hands underneath Logan's arms and furiously tickle into his armpits.
The battle was finally over. Logan had fought for as long as he possibly could, but he just couldn't take it anymore. With Wade having honed in on one of his most sensitive areas he felt his lips make one last valiant effort to stay sealed as they trembled right before releasing his loud, pent-up outburst.
"HAHAHaahaha! AhahahahaStop! Stahahahap ihihhit!" Logan hollered as he managed to shove Wade's hands out of his pits, though they immediately latched onto his waist and dug right in. Wade was beyond pleased with this turn of events.
"Ahhhh there it is. And it's just as adorable as I imagined. See? Nothing to be embarrassed about," Wade's grin encompassed his whole face as he didn't let up and kept kneading his thumbs right above Logan's hips.
"I wahahahasn't embahahaharrassed, ya dehehehense fuhuhuhucking prihihihiiick!  Gahahahahaa! Just didhihihidn't wahahahaha-wahant to gihihihive you the sss-satisfahahahaction!" Logan struggled to speak clearly through his laughter as he twisted and squirmed, trying to wriggle out from under the other man.
"Well mission failed, my little stud muffin. I can't believe you've been hiding your ticklishness from me all this time. Think of all the fun we're going to have together now!" Wade exclaimed with pure glee as he moved back up to the ribs now that he was receiving the reactions he wanted, making Logan cackle uncontrollably.
"Fuhuhuhuhuuuuck!! Okaahahahay! You gohohohohot meheheee! I'm tihihihicklish! Now fuhuhuhuhuhuck ohhohohoff!" Logan's hysterical proclamation was accompanied by a series of hard snorts, making Wade's face light up even more.
"You're a snorter?! Oh that's just so precious! How can you expect me to fuck off after hearing that?! Nononono, I think I will keep fucking on, thank you very much! Besides if I stop now then this will be the shortest tickle fic ever written!" He increased his speed, probing between every rib bone as he played his friend's sides like a ticklish piano.
Logan surprisingly laughed even harder, wheezing for air as he continued letting out a snort every few seconds with his burly arms pitifully clamped as tight as he could against his sides. Nothing was stopping the devilishly dexterous fingers of his hyper roommate though.
"Wihihihilsonaaahahahahah.......sssstooooohahahahahahooooop! I'll....I'll gihihihihive you ohohone lahahahast chaaa-EEEHEEHEEHeheheheheheeh!" Logan literally squealed much to his chagrin as he broke into high-pitched giggles with Wade switching spots to now claw mercilessly at his stomach and waist.
"Oh I've never heard a Wolverine squeal before. It's just the gift that keeps on giving. Definitely going to need that as my new ringtone. But hmmm, I think this could be better...," Wade mused as his fingers kept scratching over the buttons going down Logan's flannel shirt, no doubt hindering his tickling efforts if only a little.
In the next second he grabbed Logan's overshirt and pulled hard in opposite directions to pop all the buttons as the remote was finally freed and clattered to the floor. The mercenary smirked as he saw that Logan wasn't wearing anything underneath as his hairy, heavy-muscled torso was now on full display.
Logan was grateful that it had all stopped and the remote was now nowhere near him as he leaned his head back and tried to catch his breath.
"........Fuck......Okay.....You win you win. Just take the fucking thing.....and go ahead and watch your stupid ass shoHOHohOhOHOhoW! NAAAAHOHOHOHOOOOO!!"
Logan had thought it was over, but his momentary sparkle of hope vanished instantly as Wade paid the controller no mind and lunged for him again.
"Ahh yes, that's much better! Now I can really get my hands in here!" Wade smirked in delight with his fingers currently buried and wriggling into Logan's armpits while the feral man roared with deep belly laughs before fizzling into helpless wheezes.
"Ohoho you're very tickly here, aren't you? Bet you wish you would've chosen a safe word now, huh? Or not. Maybe you're enjoying this. Is that it? Don't lie to me now."
"I'm gohohohohonna fffffff-aaahahahhahahah.....fuhuhuhucking k-kihihihill yooooou!" Logan wheezed out as he weakly smacked at Wade's arms and haphazardly kicked his legs around.
"Awww don't be mean, peanut. I just can't get enough of the sound of your laugh. That's not a crime, is it?"
Logan couldn't remember having ever been tickled like this. It had been so long since he'd been this close to anybody, and his memory of such things was pretty fuzzy of anything that happened before his regrettable incident. After those events he'd become even more withdrawn and had fallen deep into depression from the unbearable guilt he felt, confident that he never deserved to be happy again.
And then this annoying little fucker appeared at that bar one day and dragged him on the wildest, most fucked up adventure he could ever recall being on. If at the beginning of all that someone had told him that Wade and he were going to become great friends then he would have laughed right in their face.
But it did happen, and Logan was taken-aback to finally be around someone again who actually cared about his well-being. Someone who wanted the best for him and to make sure that he knew that he mattered. Someone who wanted nothing more than for him to be happy.
And Deadpool was always trying to make him laugh. The look of genuine happiness on Wade's face was unmatched whenever one of his jokes managed to land and make Logan chuckle. The X-man seemed to smile a lot more these days, but laughing was still a rare occurrence for him, which is why Logan was so defensive against the tickling that was currently causing him to do so.
But could he say with complete honesty that he truly hated all this? The answer irked him a little bit because it was no, he didn't hate it, but he was conflicted because he still didn't think he should be allowed to feel pure joy again. 
He felt that guilt come up again when he admitted to himself that laughing like this actually felt good. He didn't deserve to feel good. Ever. But obviously Wade had a difference of opinion on that. Wanting him to smile. Wanting him to laugh. Wanting him to let go of his guilt and be happy in this universe that undoubtedly wouldn't be here without him.
"Don't think I forgot about this little sweet spot!"
Wade brought him out of these thoughts rather quickly once he began scribbling all ten fingers over his taut, bare stomach as the Wolverine tossed his head back in howling laughter with his eyes squeezed shut and tears forming in the corners of them.
"Coochie coochie coo! Awwww wittle Wolvie is so ticklish! Yes, he is! Yes, he is!" The merc cooed playfully, knowing all these teases were key to breaking down Logan's mental barriers. And it was working as Logan finally stopped feeling sorry for himself and just gave into it all.
"W-Waaade nooooo! Aahahahahahaah! Cuhuhuhut it ohohhohout! Pleeheheheheeease!"
The merc cocked his head in amusement, having never heard Logan even come close to begging for anything before.
"Oooooh this really is a killer spot, isn't it? Is this rock-hard belly of yours the most ticklish of all? How ironic," Wade mused while absentmindedly squirming a finger down into his navel, making Logan buck strongly and shriek with unrestrained giggles.
"Shihihihiiiiit! Aaaheehehehehehee! Noohohohooot in thehehehere! Fohohor fuhuhuhucks saahaahaakeheehehehehehahahah-st-stoohahahahop tihihihickling! You're kihihhihillin' meheeheehee!"
Wade's stomach did a little somersault at how vulnerable Logan was now being with him. It was all he ever wanted was to see his friend let go of all his anger and self-loathing of the past and surrender himself to the present day. 
Logan was laughing freely now. He wasn't grinding his teeth and trying to hold anything in anymore and he even stopped really fighting to get Wade off of him.  His face and chest were flushed, tears running down his cheeks as he just laid there in a squirming heap with his wide-open mouth releasing endless peals of laughter and pleas for mercy.
In all honesty Wade didn't want to stop just so he could keep Logan in this state for as long as possible where he was freed from the prison of his own mind, though he knew that he'd have to let him go eventually. Still not quite this second.
"Stop? But I couldn't possibly! Look how happy it's making you! I'd be an asshole to rob you of that! Lucky for you I'm such a good friend, huh?! Tickletickletickletickle! Laugh it up, buddy!" He kept ruthlessly tickling his heaving belly while his other hand slid up to creep back into his armpit, rendering Logan into a powerless wheezing wreck.
"Nohohohooot fahahahaaair! Baahahhhahahaha! Wahahade pleeeease! I cahahahaa-cahahaan't tahahake anymohohohore! Uhuhuhuhuncle!"
Between Wade's unrelenting yapping and Logan's loud fits of laughter they both failed to hear the sound of the front doorknob rattling right before it opened and in walked Dopinder with several plastic bags of take-out in his hands.
"Hello? Your UberEats order is here, Mr. Logan. I've got your hot wings and your pizza rolls and your-AAAH!!" Dopinder let out a scream as he rounded the corner to find Wade straddling and feeling up a howling, red-faced and bare-chested Wolverine. 
Upon hearing the terrified cry Wade immediately paused what he was doing as he looked back over his shoulder like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"Uhh heeeey Dopinder. Ummm.....This isn't what it looks like.....," he had a guilty look on his face, but quickly revealed his facade as he broke into a devious grin, "Just fucking with you! It's totally what it looks like!"
"And-And what exactly does it look like?" The younger man dared to ask despite his better judgement.
"Well you see Dopinder when two men start living together they begin to develop these feelings; feelings that cause them to get these strong urges that they just can't ignore and-," Wade's tirade of nonsense was cut off as Logan took the opportunity to give him a hard shove and flip him over the back of the couch between pants for air
"Fucking idiot. Don't...freak out, kid. The asshole....was just ticklin' me...is all," Logan breathlessly grunted while moving to take a normal seated position on the couch as Wade then popped his head up from the back.
"That's what he wants to call it. Wanna get in on this action, Dopinder?"
"Oh uhh hehe, n-no thank you. I actually have some more deliveries to get finished. Ermm, next time perhaps," he stuttered nervously as he gingerly placed the food down onto the coffee table in front of them and began to make his exit from the apartment.
"Don't think I'm not holding you to that," Wade teased, making his former cab driver blush and dart out through the door as Wade chuckled and nudged Logan in the shoulder, "Hehehe, did you see how flustered he got? I'll bet he's even more ticklish than you are."
"Leave the kid alone, Wilson. You'd probably kill him. He doesn't have a healing factor like I do," Logan snorted, bunching up his shoulders as Wade lightly ran a finger across the back of his neck.
"Ohh I can be gentle if I want. But I'm pretty sure you're the kind of guy who likes it rough," Wade teased as he moved around to the front of the couch to sit next to the other man, surprised to hear Logan let out a low chuckle.
"Was that a laugh? Nice to see you finally start to appreciate my elite level of humor. Maybe I won't have to start with the daily tickle sessions after all."
Logan made a face at that and lifted his brow.
"Daily? Yeah fuck no, that ain't happening. Once in a while......fine. But I don't think I could take it every day," he mentally shivered thinking about what Wade just put him through.
"Tell you what, you start laughing a little more at my jokes and I'll consider it. But no fake laughing! Because I can tell the difference! Especially now that I know what your real laugh sounds like and let me tell you it's going to be hard for me to get enough of it," Wade experimentally grabbed his knee, giving it a firm squeeze and digging his fingers in around the kneecap as Logan instantly wheezed out a laugh and quickly wrenched the hand off of him.
"Alrihight! I get it! Promise I'll try!"
"I guess that's all I can ask of you. Of course I'm still making it my mission to find everywhere else you're ticklish, and what other really bad spots you have.....unless you just want to tell me," Wade suggested with a grin as Logan just smirked right back.
"Now where'd be the fun in that?"
"You know, you are so right, you smug little honey badger. I gotta say though I'm liking this mood you're in now."
"Well it's your fault. Ya tickled me so bad I couldn't even think straight. Seems like you pushed all the negative thoughts right outta my mind," Logan confessed as Wade began to reconsider his earlier promise.
"Is that so? Hmmm maybe those daily tickle sessions are a good idea after all...," Wade teased just to watch Logan squirm at the thought again.
"I don't think so, bub. Besides, look what ya did," he gestured to his wide-open shirt, pointing at all the areas missing buttons, "You ruined my favorite fucking shirt, dickhead."
"Hardly. You've got like twenty of the exact same one. That's all you ever wear," Wade was quick to point out as Logan just shrugged with a smile.
"So? What's your point?"
"My point is you're a walking fashion disaster. But okay, I'll try not to be so rough next time. We can do the gentle stuff if you prefer. So for research purposes can you tell me how you feel about feathers, hm?" He grinned as he saw Logan shift uneasily in his seat.
"You're gettin' a little crazy now, Wilson."
"Oh c'moooon, just imagine a nice, fluffy feather teasing that big ol' neck of yours.....circling your little tummy button....stroking the backs of your knees.....threading between all your toes....I can't imagine that your feet were spared of your adorable weakness."
"Oooh! What about raspberries?! Those are fun! Bet it would drive you insane if I blew them on your belly. How about we test that out really quick?" Wade took a deep breath and started leaning towards him with his eyes locked onto his stomach.
"Alright cut it out!" Logan's hand caught him by the face and shoved him kind of hard, though couldn't stop himself from chuckling as he shook his head, "Fuckin' hell, you've seriously got a career in how to mentally torture a guy."
"At your service," Wade tipped an invisible hat as he then surveyed all the bags of food on the table in front of them, "So what did you order all of this for?"
"I told ya I was gonna watch the hockey game. Can't watch it without some proper snacks now," he reached into one of the bags and pulled out a tall can of beer as he popped the pull ring and took a long drink out of it while the other man began removing the take-out boxes.
"Chimichangas? Since when do you eat chimichangas?" Wade looked over at him questionably upon opening one of the containers as Logan gave him a half-smile.
"I got those for you, dumbass. Thought maybe you'd wanna hang out and watch the game with me." 
Wade was left momentarily speechless, truly touched by Logan's unexpected gesture.
"Well.....yeah of course. I'd love to. But how come you didn't ask me earlier?"
"Didn't get a chance to because you started bein' an idiot and going off about some other stupid show....'Touched By An Asshole' or something. What kinda pervy ass show is that anywaahaahaays?" Logan giggled, rubbing at his ribs where Wade had now just indignantly poked him.
"It's 'Touched By An Angel', you disrespectful twat. And it's a national treasure. But besides the fact that I've seen every episode, I didn't really want to watch it. I was just trying to get a rise out of you. You seemed tense," Wade admitted as Logan only shrugged and sipped from his beer can.
"When am I not?"
"Umm...Right now. Honestly I haven't you seen this relaxed in.....ever. Even when you're drunk sometimes you're still pretty moody," Wade pointed out as Logan took it in and knew he was right. He'd literally been forced into laughing off all of the burdens that he had carried for many years. His mind currently free from all the adverse feelings and troubles that he'd been endlessly plagued. 
The effects were likely not permanent but at least for the time being he felt good. Having to suffer through a vicious tickle attack to achieve that was more than worth it he decided.
"Hmph. Yeah. I guess you're right," a smile broke across Logan's face as he punched Wade in the shoulder, "Thanks asshole."
"Any time. And if you ever change your mind about the daily ticklings then I'm your guy," Wade was glowing from the actual genuine appreciation he'd just received from the normally cantankerous Wolverine.
"Heh. We'll see," Logan smirked as he bent over to pick up the remote off of the floor and turned on the television ahead of them, switching channels until he found the right one, "So do ya even like hockey?"
Wade nodded enthusiastically.
"Love it so much that I've never watched a game in my entire life," he said matter-of-factly before clapping his hands in excitement when he saw Dogpool trot into the room, patting the spot on the couch next to him as she jumped up.
Logan sighed as he handed his roommate a beer, realizing that the next few hours were going to be filled with Wade obnoxiously asking questions about every little thing that happened in the game. Though he couldn't help but smile as he watched the man-child start happily eating the chimichangas while simultaneously feeding little bits of them to his unusual looking dog.
Truth be told they all were an unusual bunch. Not just the three of them, but Blind Al, Peter, and Dopinder, to name a few. All these people that Wade had brought into his life and openly shared with him. Not to mention without Wade's intervention he never would have met Laura; someone he found he made a fast connection with and was now someone he cared deeply about.
Really Wade had rescued him that day. Rescued him from himself and gave him another reason to keep on living for. He felt his heart warm as he looked over at one of the side tables where Wade kept a framed photo of all of their friends; only now it was a new picture that included Logan, Laura and Mary Puppins in it.
Logan's smile grew as he reached over to pat the dog on the head before Wade made a whimpering noise and leaned his own head towards him to receive the same affection. He chuckled and obliged for a few moments before getting a wicked grin on his face as he snatched the hair piece off of Wade's head, prompting a momentary yelp of pain from the scarred man.
As the merc rubbed at his head while glaring over at him Logan found it impossible not to start laughing while jokingly dangling the toupee up in his hand. Wade then promptly broke into a smirk that told him he was dead, though even with that warning Logan made no attempt to escape.
Wade easily knocked him onto his back again to mercilessly tickle his sides while at the same time making the Wolverine shriek by blowing those promised raspberries into his stomach. And they tickled just as badly as Wade had said.
Yes, they were an unusual bunch, but they were his whole world now. And Logan was never going to let them down. Over his dead body.
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tizeline · 5 months
Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
So I have a rather uh disorganized way of telling the story of the TSAU, I jump back and forth in the timeline quite a bit depending on what part of the story I wanna tell. Overall I improvise quite a bit, and because of that I can't be 100% sure what will be depicted in the story and what wont. But I might as well share some little tidbits of lore that are probably not gonna be mentioned in the main story (though they still might who knows lol)
So uh. April and Kendra are exes. Kinda. They were pretty close friends when they were younger and decided to become a couple when they were like 9 or something. This lasted for a grand total of.... 2 days, maybe? Then they had a huge fight about something silly like, I dunno, Kendra hacked April's tamagotchi as a prank and she got mad so they broke up and they've had major beef ever since.
Draxum made Mikey wear some type of artifact or gear that supressed his mystic powers as a kid for his own safety. Mikey started showing an incredible talent for the mystic arts at a very young age. Draxum was excited about this for all of 5 seconds before realizing that Mikey is a VERY small child with NO impulse control and he's definetily gonna turn himself and the rest of the family into glitter unless Draxum finds a way prevent that from happening until Mikey has the chance to develop an understanding of consequences. (He's learned to control his powers well enough to not need them by the time of the main-story, so he no longer wears the supressors)
Donnie's whole villain-act he puts on is partially a coping mechanism. He grew up never knowing anyone like himself (unless you count Splinter, I suppose) so the only times he saw himself represented in anything was characters in comics and shows and such. There were plenty of anthropomorphic reptile characters in the media he consumed, and Donnie clunged to anyone or anything that he could at least somewhat relate to. Problem is, a lot of these anthro reptiles were like.... y'know... villains. It's pretty common for super heroes and stuff to fight evil mutant reptile creatures, and even stories with only anthro characters reptiles tend to be charactarized as more villainous. Granted, turtles specifically usually don't get this treatment, but it still had quite an effect on Donnie as a little kid that most characters similar to him would be viewed as evil, which caused him to internalize that mindset. So turtle tot Donnie basically went like "Yes! This is what I am! A villain in someone else's story! It all makes sense now! This is a healthy mindset to have!" and just kinda embraced the role that human society had given to him because he didn't really know how else to deal. (Things changed after meeting April and he found out that there might actually be humans out there who might treat him like a person and not just a freak of nature! He still plays into the villain-persona, partially for fun and partially as a coping thing, but he doesn't have nearly as a negative view of himself now as he did as a tot)
And last, but certainly not least................ Draxum owns a Lou Jitsu body pillow (PURELY for research-purposes, NO other reason!)
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @min-play​
I’m Min! I’m an animator and storyboard  rti t who also posts comics and fan art online. So far, I have worked on the Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and LEGO Monkie Kid. I run on AAA batteries.
Check out our interview with Min below!
How did you get your start in animation and storyboarding?
Fanart! My hyperfixations kept me drawing and posting online since I was around 16. Later I dropped my Computer Science degree to study animation. After graduating, I worked as an In-between Animator, Key Animator, and Storyboard Artist. My fanart of a couple funny skeletons played a big role in getting hired.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating content that you know now?
It’s ok to make mistakes. All the flaws in a drawing make it look much more interesting. Also, it’s a lot more fun than spending ages perfecting one line.
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Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
I always get 3 different flavors of art block (that I remember):
Art block from perfectionism
Sometimes there’s this self-enforced pressure that what you make has to be of a certain standard. Gotta loosen up and forgive yourself for not meeting an imaginary quality. Do it for the fun of it. Instead of thinking’ needs to be better,’ think ‘eh good enough lol.’ It’s cool to strive for improvement! Just don’t do it to the point it becomes self-deprecating.
Art block from burnout
Art hibernation! It’s ok to take breaks. Not every waking moment needs to be productive. Treat yourself to something yummy, hang out with people you’re comfortable with, or pick up a new anime series. Take the time to get some well-deserved rest.
Art block while drawing as a full-time job
Switch your ‘drive.’ If you’re running off on passion or interest as a motivator for work, that’s great! I do too! But also, it’s finicky. Set up routines for when that high runs out. I have a ‘Do task’ mode where I play a song or a movie I already watched on loop in the background (sometimes for weeks on end). I don’t know why but it helps me concentrate. Last week, it was the movie Cars.
These are personal methods and may not work for everyone, but I hope it helps!
What are 3 things you can’t live without as a creator?
Music + Noise-canceling headphones + Big blanket = Comfort force field
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What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
Does blacksmithing count as a medium? I’d like to try it out at least once, though.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
To connect with other creators more. Especially writers. They are so powerful.
Warm tones or cool tones?
Cool tones! Especially this one particular blend of blue and green.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
So maaaanyy. At the top of my head, though: @northpen​. I am obsessed with their vivid-imagery writing style, and immaculate characterizations. Their character banters always have me in a gigglefit. They have this fic I binged in one sitting and left me crying and empty in a good way.
Thank you for such amazing answers, Min! You can check out more of Min’s creations over at @min-play​!
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allwaswell16 · 2 months
Do you have any advice for overcoming perfectionism when it comes to writing? I'm so intimidated by all the fics that have come out lately and am not sure my writing can hold up, especially since English isn't my first language.
Anon, I definitely deal with my own kind of perfectionism, but pretty early on in my fic writing journey it became about what I myself was trying to write and not what anyone else was. I think a lot of it was because I have a writer friend I write everything with who does not give a fuck lol and I think she rubbed off on me eventually.
There are times when I get stuck on something, and I'm someone who has to edit in the moment...I'm not a race through the first draft kind of person, but it's always because I want it to be exactly what I want it to say.
I just want to encourage you to write for yourself as much as possible! I have some ideas for you to try though to maybe help break through the trepidation you're feeling...
A quick deadline will force you to write and not have time to think about it. My first thought is @wordplayfics which I did the very first round of when there were like 8 of us or something lol. But I think what it really did for me was to just start typing. Because you only have a week to put out the fic. It would also give you a nice community of writers and I know they have a Discord if you'd want to join that.
Another idea for you that has to do with English being your second language...find someone whose first language is English to read over the fic for you. It wouldn't even have to be someone who is doing a thorough proofread and beta, but just someone to catch the English errors. And joining fic fests that have a built in community can really help you find someone to do that if you don't already have a friend like that.
And I want to leave you with one final thought, the audience will never be as hard on us as we are on ourselves. They are happy to have more fics in their favorite fandoms! And it's important to keep that in mind! I think this comic by @stuffman says it best...
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eldritchmochi · 3 months
Hey Mochi! I'm writing my first smut fic (my dnd party has a romance going on and its consumed my thoughts so drastic actions are being taken). Do you have any tips or tricks? You're writing in coping skills specifically is just so so good in sex scenes and I'm curious if theres anything you've noted helps when writing that sort of thing
MANY TIPS except maybe not actually ive been doing this for so long that a lot of it is second nature and also a LOT of it is just... normal ass writing advice lol
but for ur consideration:
🔥 HOT TIP #1: dont be afraid to use ur characters names. similarly dont be afraid to use the same word for other nouns, like body parts, tools, etc. it is a lot easier to keep things clear and flowing when you, as the writer, arent trying to use a synonym for everything, so that your readers don't have to do math lady meme faces trying to figure out what limb is whose
🔥 HOT TIP #2: this is hard for a lot of people i know that i am a weirdo who basically transcribes video when writing, but the better you can visualize whats going on in ur scene, the more effective your description of movement and interaction will be, ESPECIALLY with stuff in close contact like smut (or fight scenes, or dancing, and so on).
🔥 HOT TIP #2a: if you are in a situation where you can comfortably just.... watch porn, i highly recommend this, not only to help visualize how bodies act and move during sex, but to broaden ur scope of sex acts. i spend an absolutely wild amount of time watching teaser clips of all sorts from indie models on twitter and my ph algo is absolutely *fucked* lmao. same as visual artists should use reference as needed for their art, so should writers, and ur not gonna be able to write *everything* from personal experience
u can also absolutely use other smutty mediums for reference, like comics or illustrations, photographs, or yeah writing, but if you are not a particularly visual thinker, having some sort of specifically visual reference to base stuff off can be very helpful, from what some of my writing bros have shared
🔥 HOT TIP #3: vocab is really *really* important in smut. i have Opinions on words for junk and jizz and all that, but when it comes to writing, the words you use *gotta* match your characters voice. its super subjective, especially in fanfic, and can definitely be fluid depending on the situation, but it has to be consistent with your characterization across the board, with strong internal logic
equally important are the words you *don't* use--if your pov character is stuck up and nervous and a little prudish like the way i tend to write essek, using euphemisms or otherwise talking around the gross specifics can really emphasize that characterization and lead to really vulgar turns of phrase hitting super hard (ie esseks internal monologue going "caleb could spit in esseks mouth and essek would thank him for it" or whatever it was is incredibly striking because so much of esseks desire is not explicitly voiced)
you can legitimately use any kind of dick+ vocab and make it land when its paired with the right character and situation, though the weirder you go the harder it is to make it work
🔥 HOT TIP #4: write what you find hot. if u write shit u specifically are horny for, it will shine thru and people will go nuts for it. follow ur weird lil heart, have fun with it, yes-and with ur dick in hand and ur smut will be fabulous
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celestie0 · 16 days
Girl I was balls deep in my attempt to make fanart for u a couple months ago
Like I had the reference pictures collated and I sat my ass down and picked up an pencil with the intention of actually drawing something after ages
cause basically I became a lil sad cause I felt like I forgot to draw bc last year in school I took an external art subject and it didn’t occur to me that doing a hands on subject through distance study wasn’t the brightest idea
anyway that fucked me over and led to me dropping and taking up fucking legal studies 😭
Even though I’m a bit more STEM based I can still fw the wordy subjects but not this someone pls save me why am I being assessed on the bi cameral structure of parliament
saur yh I’m super lazy as is with anything so that situation just put me off drawing and art completely
congrats to me setting every world record for yip yapping and going off track
ummm yh for context it was like my 10th read through of the kickoff chapter 6 scene that compelled me to collate a bunch of reference pics that ranged from twitter smut comics to bathroom sinks and eventually I gave up because anatomy is a bitch
I changed into a dress with the same type of neckline I think reader was wearing bc of the way it tucks under her boobies and I was this close to just shamelessly positioning myself in front of the mirror to make my own references
then ofc I got distracted by a half baked portrait of Rose from titanic that I drew when I was like 15 and ended up drawing a two hour long remake of the same picture
only for my friend to tell me it looks like Mary Shelly’s ghost
Should I know who that is
To be fair it looked nothing like her but I mean it was an improvement from thinking all my ability just went poof and I drew better when I was 15
never the less I was somewhat disappointed with the product and I haven’t drawn since
wait I wanna show u actually lemme try
the Mary Shelly in question
do these links work I’m scared I’m gonna accidentally leak personal details or my whole camera roll lol
also IM NOT AN ARTIST don’t judge me peeps I’m just a girl idek how to drive yet
I feel bad every time I send an ask I feel like I’m force feeding u Ellie babes u have the patience and commitment of a saint
I want to 😞🫶 but alas prospect of fanart from me will most likely never see the light of day
that crack scene in ihm was tempting tho everything u write is just so visual
♥️ mwah my gorgeous gorgeous writer wifey
hellooo my dear PLS the ramble of this ask is legendary and i found it very entertaining xD
ouuu the dress that reader wears in ch6 of kickoff is actually based on a dress that i own, here's some pictures of it!! i'm curious if the dress you have is similar!! but yea this is the official outfit reference hahah
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looking at it now it's kind of a mild sweetheart neckline lol n yea def tucks under the boobs very nicely xd i was actually gonna sell it on depop a couple months ago when i did a closet cleanout but i was like nahhh i gotta keep it bc it inspired that scene
taking your OWN reference pictures sounds so badass. and its ok babe it's the thought that counts haha <3 i feel u about the losing passion/talent in art thooo aaa i used to draw too but ehh hobbies fizzle
ahh i can't see the cloud photos :(( but anywho thanks for the yap my dear!! i ate it up. also side note but i'm so glad my writing comes off visual to you!! i always worry there's not enough description in my scenes so that's reassuring to hear. much love!
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spectralsleuth · 9 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
This is such a sweet and fun ask!! Thanks so much! I enjoyed seeing other authors answering this it’s so hype to get it myself.
1. This is hard to answer, because this year I tried to do something different with every fic I posted. When I got a concept I very pointedly didn’t shy away from it because it seemed difficult, or I thought I might be bad at it, so there’s something that makes me proud with each one. IF I HAD TO CHOOSE THOUGH I’m going to cheat and pick two.
What it Will Be I’m proud of this because it fell out of me SO EASY. I felt like the process of writing it was a testament to how hard I’ve been working at improving all year, and it came together very quickly and very well. I’m also proud because I incorporated @heckitall ‘s comic page to base it off of, and I’d never tried writing fic for a visual media like that. It was super fun!
On the OTHER end of the spectrum is Case of the Hidden City vs Lou Jitsu because it is VERY technically and narratively complicated and is by far the most ambitious thing I’ve ever written. It’s very hard, but I am VERY proud because I haven’t QUIT it. It’s not complete yet, but it is a good amount of the way there and I’m excited to finish it. Probably once I’ve recovered from surgery lol.
2. This sounds insincere maybe, but I really am happy with the engagement I get on my fic. I really do write my fic for me, and while I love to make sure as many people who want to read it can find it, at the end of the day I don’t like assigning people homework! I went through my whole works list and scratched my head and really tried to think of there was anything I wanted to plug, and I don’t think there is!
I guess I’ll post my lowest viewed, my Swanatello fic! @tangledinink ‘s AU I’m sure everyone’s familiar with lol. I knew that one would be lower when I posted it, if only because it has prior required reading (Swanatello). But I wrote it mainly because the AU was starting to reach a critical point and I REALLY wanted to write fanfiction of how I fantasized an ending might be, so I could go back and read it for comfort. I love Odette and the lore Kayson made for his AU, so I’ll plug this only because I think some people may have missed it!
3. Three works!! JUST THREE?? AUGH.
little kid with a big death wish
By @remedyturtles ! This made me leak tears the whole way through, so huge CW’s obviously. Not only was it one of the best fics I’ve ever read, but I got the privilege of seeing how talented Rem is behind the scenes a little and saw how they write and work and I really want to emulate them going forward. One of many all timer fics for me, for sure, I’d love to read any original fiction they put out.
The Whispering Forest and Other Tales
By @sroloc--elbisivni and @kithnkin ! I love love LOVE the feudal Japan fusion, the research, and the perfect blend of Usagi Yojimbo’s universe with what the Riseverse would have been like in this era. Even the little segues into what they’re wearing and eating is endlessly fascinating to me. Every single character is written to be the best and most interesting version of that character I could imagine. Theres Leosagi, there’s a PB&J murder mystery, there’s spookiness- AND Raphael Hamato gets wifed up!! WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT? I love people that write a fully fleshed story that could be a standalone universe, without losing ANY of the flavor or humor or narrative of the original source material.
And last is I’m Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now
@tangledinink has such a good grasp of family and writing, and realistic portrayals of what would HONESTLY HAPPEN if you discovered literally any aspect of the ROTTMNT narrative. Not even taking into ACCOUNT the turtle nonsense, how do you unpack a family that’s been devoted to destroying a magic monster and sacrificing themselves, or a Dad that fought in a death match battle royale for over a decade, or a RIVAL CLAN OF NINJA? All the characters are written SO WELL, and Kayson does a fantastic job of never letting the characters or story fall into cliche tropes. Their characters are always super detailed, to the point where I really feel it if they’re hungry or hurt or itchy. Which is a weird thing to point out but they make sure you really FEEL the situation. Also like, turtles in highschool? Body dysphoria? My CO-CEO of Hamato Yoshi???
What a great year!! I had so much fun in fandom this year and made a lot of friends.
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azulas-daddy-kink · 5 months
I know dunking on Zutarians is fun and all, but can we please talk about Tyzulaians? Cause they are almost as delusional, if not more than, Zutarians. Maybe they might have been friends when they were kids, but all of Ty Lee's interactions with Azula in the show are clearly that of someone deathly afraid of their superior snapping, and therefore kissing ass much as possible. For fucks sake, the advice Ty Lee gives to Azula during that Ember Island party in regards to getting boys is what she uses to placate her. And even though basically every single piece of post-Sozin's Comet media has all but said that she loathes Azula to the point that she eventually overcame her fear of her so she could hunt her down, Tyzulaians still cling to their ship.
And have you seen the ridiculous handwaving they do in regards to Azula's dream world showing her have a male love interest? I've even seen edits on TikTok where they blurred out Ruon-Jian.
Also, just like Zutarians like to call anyone who disagrees with their ship racist and sexist, among other things, Tyzulaians call anyone who disagrees with their ship lesbophobic, even if the person doing the criticism are queer themselves.
I know that Zutarians have engaged in mass delusion ever since Korra made their ship explicitly fanon, but I really wonder what is going to happen once we get hard confirmation that neither Ty Lee or Azula are queer, or if or both them are, Tyzula is not thing on one or both of their parts? Especially in regards to Azula stans that are also hard-core Tyzula shippers considering the current comics writer got death threats by a crazed Azula stan that made her wary of writing a comic involving Azula for quite sometime?
Yes, please, Anon!
I am always down to call out the toxic Tyzula shippers, and have done so on this blog several times.
I've seen everything you're talking about more times than I can count. The lesbophobia accusations, the copium, and essentially gaslighting themselves into believing their ship is/was canon and that Azula is 100% a lesbian.
Just today, I witnessed them claiming that SOKKLA is a self-insert ship beloved by men who identify with Sokka. Probably the worst case of projection I've ever encountered in this fandom, considering Tyzula shippers are pretty much all just baby gays self-inserting as either Azula or Ty Lee (usually Ty Lee). From what I've seen, Sokkla shippers are mostly women so we're definitely not inserting ourselves as Sokka lol nonsensical.
"Just write a self-insert, you cowards!" - decries a discord user named "Azula kisses women". Absolute clown shoes.
Their favorite thing to do though, aside from going out of their way to bully people who like other ships, is deny canon by saying Azula's interest in Chan was "comphet". Yes, comphet is a real thing but can we be honest with ourselves and say that was not the intent of the writers? No one was gay in a 2005 children's cartoon. And even if Chan was comphet, where does the supposed interest in women come in? If anything, this is an argument for her being asexual or aromantic, because Azula has never shown romantic interest of any kind toward another girl.
But when you criticize this and point out the obvious flaws, they again just say you're lesbophobic, which is their go-to when someone doesn't agree with them.
Honestly, at this point they are just as bad as Zutara shippers, if not worse. And you know why they're acting this way? They're losing and they know it. Sokkla grows stronger by the day, has the best fics and art, and a thriving, supportive community. They're lashing out because they feel threatened... which is actually insane, considering neither ship is canon, and shipping isn't a contest. It's supposed to be fun! Tyzula shippers are straight up ruining the Azula fandom with their toxicity.
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4, 5, 7, 14
(Okay I really liked these ones fyi)
4. Rank the main 7.
  Ooh tough one. I guess right now, in order of favorite to least favorite, I’d have to go Sodapop, Two-Bit, Steve, Johnny, Ponyboy, Dally, and then finally Darry. But it’s pretty close, and the order changes day by day honestly- I like all of them a lot, y’know? I guess the only one I don’t think about too often is Darry. I still like him and think he’s a really well-written character- I just don’t have a lotta original thoughts about him, is all, whereas I do about all the others. 
5. What are your fave ships?
  In a truly shocking turn of events, I, a frequent draw-er and writer of Stevepop, am going to say Stevepop. I dunno, something about them just makes me happy. Reminds me of like…daydreams I had when I was twelve and crushing on my best friend, and trying to get her attention by doing stupid things and whatever…god I don’t really know how to explain why I like it. Before this fandom I didn’t usually ship things, to be honest. But I guess when I did it’d be stuff like Jesslake in Infinity Train, where it’s the sorta thing that can be seen as platonic or romantic. I reckon Stevepop scratches a similar itch in my brain lol
  But I also really like Marcia x Two-Bit, which I haven’t really talked about here much- They had good chemistry, y’know? I oughta draw something about them sometime
  And then finally there’s my DIY crack-ish ship Soda x Steve x Evie. I like them! It’s all the things I like about Stevepop, plus there’s a cool girl in the mix! I love cool girls! More folks should think about them i think
  I do like other ships okay too- like the Tarry crowd has dragged me in, and sometimes the Jally crowd does too, along with Purly and occasionally Johnnyboy. I’m not an active participant, but when I come across it, I sorta mentally nod and say “nice”, you dig? They’re like…my ship-in-laws. Or like…milk duds and hershey bars- candy I still enjoy, but reach for only after I’m out of milky ways and twizzlers.
7. What are your fave non-romantic relationships? (This can be close friends, familial, enemies or even just acquaintances)
  Two-Bit and Pony! I like them a lot. Their interactions in the book were some of my favorite parts. That line when Two-Bit was worried about Ponyboy using that broken bottle on the Socs…ugh that part was great. I remember reading it for the first time and just sitting there thinking about how much I liked that detail.
  Then on the opposite side of the coin, Steve and Pony lol. I LOVE how Pony doesn’t initially like Dally or Steve, and yet Dally’s chill with Pony…but with Steve the disdain is mutual. Jk I don’t think Steve really hates Pony- but he definitely thinks Pony’s kinda annoying. I like the idea of him watching out for Pony anyways though, like at school especially now that Soda’s not going.
14. Tell us five of your headcanons you basically see as canon
Sodapop has ADHD and maybe (?) dyslexia, but it’s the 60s so he won’t find out till he’s well into adulthood
Marcia gave Two-Bit her real number, and was disappointed when he didn’t call it. I like to imagine they end up remeeting at some point and going out together- even if that’s kinda unrealistic lol
Steve hated Dally when he first rolled into town, because Dally was everything he really wanted to be- tough, cool, and street-smart. And he was also scared of losing Soda, who thought Dally rocked- because Dally’s from New York and rides in rodeos! Eventually they became buddies though when Dally gave Steve a compliment or something. Not even a particularly good one- something like “Hey you ain’t bad at fighting”- just barely enough for Steve to feel like Dally’s earned a little bit of his loyalty. Might write fic/make a comic for this- it’s kinda niche but I think the idea is funny
Steve and Soda secretly listen to the Beach Boys at the DX. They can’t tell anyone because it’s not tuff to like a dumb California band. And Ponyboy would like the Beatles if he listened to them, but he doesn’t, so he won’t realize that until years after Beatlemania has died down
Steve is not just a Ponyboy hater but also a horses-in-general hater. He thinks horses are scary and unpredictable and that cars were invented for a reason. He was secretly relieved when Mr. Curtis stopped Soda from riding rodeos, because seeing Soda on a crazy horse gave him mad anxiety. Pretended he was sad though for Soda’s sake
Thanks so much for asking!! I loved answering these so much lol, definitely let me know your thoughts too on ‘em!
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oceangirl24 · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks @mrsmungus for the tag. ❤️
❣️How many works do you have on AO3?
13 total, including three fanart art gifts. The only writing I have is my current work. I'm bringing the old FFN stories over on another account.
❣️What is your total AO3 word count?
834,995- 1 million before the year's end would be nice.
❣️What fandoms do you write for?
So far only Boy Meets World. The fanart gifts have been in other fandoms.
❣️What are your top five fics by kudos? Autumn in Philadelphia Trilogy- 243
Flashbacks- 109
Christmas to Last a Lifetime- 94
Not too shabby for such a massive series with an OC as a main character.
❣️Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Eventually.
Ever single comment is incredibly important to me and I don't always have the spoons to respond the way I want to. Rather than rush a response, I wait until I can give it my full attention. There are times, however, when certain comments appear to go answered for months. Those are comments from people I am in touch with privately and have already thanked. I will respond to those in time as well.
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Darkest Night without question.
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
At this point, probably Christmas to Last a Lifetime.
❣️Do you get hate on your fic?
Is having someone throw a tantrum in your comments hate?
The writer who did this was upset over how the first part of AiP ended because they did not read the tags or summary. They also complained about my OC being better than theirs and whined about liking Audrey more as though at 11 years old I created with Aud malicious intent to hurt them 20+ years later. 🙄
This was the person who also tried to push me out of the fandom, harassed me, and stole my work.
So, hate, no. Immature, entitled behavior, yes.
❣️Do you write smut?
No it's not my thing to read or write. My story is canon compliant and I'm staying true to the content of the show as well. Since it's a 90s kids' sitcom, situations were only dealt with to a certain degree.
❣️Do you write crossovers?
Technically. lol The AiP trilogy is a crossover with BMW and its sequel show, Girl Meets World, but since it's in the same universe I don't count it.
I am in the works of doing a real crossover that I'm really excited about, hopefully soon.
❣️Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. See the hate on fics response.
I debated how much to say since my socials are still being monitored but you know what, I don't care.
This person stole big chunks of my work from three of my stories and readers have noticed. That's how I became aware of it. Two readers brought it to my attention and just recently another mentioned it also.
I've dealt with it thanks to my dear friends who have had my back through this year + long ordeal.
And ngl, it was satisfying to see her panic and meltdown when the report was submitted and rush her ending. The subsequent attempts to cover her tracks have been popcorn worthy as they have been both comical and pathetic.
Anyone who knows me will tell you I'm too nice and give too much benefit of the doubt which is why no one outside of my friends' circle has seen the massive report on the theft and harrassment.
However, should you dear [REDACTED] try it again, I'm holding onto that report and won't be so nice the second time around. It won't be your friend who's been asking for the link since December 8th that I'll give it to either.
❣️Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge.
❣️Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not yet!!! But soon and I'm so excited.
❣️What's your all-time favorite ship?
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As for canon ship, they change all the time, but currently it's
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❣️What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
At this point it's looking like Birthday Wishes. lol I mean, I have it outlined to the end and the next chapter is almost ready to go, but I'm prioritizing Saudade and have little time for BW, unfortunately.
❣️What are your writing strengths?
I'm not sure. May be characterization? Possibly world building and character development.
❣️What are your writing weaknesses?
Conciseness. lol Also SPAG editing. My brain skips words like crazy when writing and even editing. No matter how many times I go over things, I miss so much.
❣️Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I avoid this personally because I know enough that I'd mess it up. And I only know Swedish which isn't really a language that figures into my work naturally.
As for fics I'm not writing, it really depends on how it's done.
❣️First fandom you wrote for?
Boy Meets World. First published was Labyrinth.
❣️Favorite fic you've ever written?
Ah, how to chose. Autumn in Philadelphia trilogy. I can't get anymore specific than that. lol
No pressure tags to play for: @axolotlsupremacyowo @tsunderesalty @amberlide @winterlovesong1 @justanotherpersonwhowrites @obscureobsidiandraws @stealing-your-kittens @bees-and-sunshine @ligercat
If anyone would like to be included in the tags, please let me know and I'll be sure to get you next time.
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laufire · 5 months
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april reading meme!
We Will Devour The Night by Camilla Andrew. The version I read is available in the author's ko-fi (aninkwellofnectar), and the final version will come during fall of this year. I've talked about this saga before (The Essence of the Equinox), and I still recommend it to those of us who like complex characters (especially female characters), gothic horror, and lush prose. This is a sequel, and I like it even more than the first instalment. It gets deeper into the darkness of the world and it's an amazing read. The third and final part has started been posted on ko-fi as well, for anyone interested.
Why Does He Do That? Inside The Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft. I wish I could make everyone read this book. It wouldn't fix everything, because it runs against a lot of people's deep-seated belief systems, but maybe it would make SOME of them start second-guessing those beliefs... Anyway. A MUST read in terms of abuse and intimate partner violence.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. I read the book for the first time about 15 years ago, and only reread it now. I loved it even more than the first time. The atmosphere, the revenge tale, the love story between Catherine and Heathcliff, all the ways these families' lives affect the others, how you have to parse through Nelly's account of events... I still wish I could hit Lockwood in the head with a stick lol. Just once. Not even too hard! But hit him in the head, I would xD
Batman: Huntress/Spoiler - Blunt Trauma. One of those "it could've been so good if it was good" comics. It would've had to NOT been written by Dixon, of course. His ideas about these two characters are palpable here. He's met real women and girls, I know this, but he's completely failed to take anything from these meetings into account to understand them as people. And boy, does it show in his writing.
Green Lantern: Willworld. I've had this comic in my list for aeons and I moved it up when I found out its author would be writing Jason's upcoming ADITF "what if" story starting July. I really liked this one, and how it showcased Hal's character. It's not a guarantee I'll like his Robin Lives run, because comic writers have biases and blind spots and huge gaps in their knowlege regarding certain characters, but "he seems to be a good writer" is already a huuuuge leg up compared to most modern Jason content lol.
JLA: World Without Grown-ups. This was interesting because I've watched the Young Justice (cartoon) version of this premise, which is VERY different, from the villains to their goals to the handling of the crisis (since the cartoon had an established teen team), down to the emotional beats (the Zataras). They're too different to be compared, tbh. This one was quite fun though, and it made me feel very fond of Bart. Also Tim's parasocial relationship with Jason's memorial made an appearance LOL.
Colin Wilke's appearances. I am MOURNING this kid. He has like 9 appearances (and a couple of them are barely a few pages) but each one is gold. Bring him back. Make HIM Damian's best friend. Integrate him in the storyline!! His character and his dynamic with Damian had so so much potential. I am definitely going to include him in my fics.
Batman: Li'l Gotham. (plus the two stories introducing it in Batman Annual #27 and 'Tec Annual #11). A couple of things conspired (including me finding out there's a version of Colin in this lol) and I ended up reading it while I was sick. It's mostly fun fluff (as opposed to just corny fluff) and a quick read without much meat in it, but a few things nudged the inspiration muscle and Dustin Nguyen's art is adorable.
Batman Tales: Once Upon a Crime. I liked this one more than the above! It follows in that universe (a Gotham where everything is smaller and cuter lol), mixing it with some fairy tale vibes. Pinocchio!Damian is A Concept. Although my favourite story was "The Snow Queen", with Mister Freeze. The art goes into a whole other level in all of these, but especially that one.
Batman: The Chalice. Bruce Wayne receives the Holy Grail. I read this one in my list of Talia appearances and hers is the part that interested me: Ra's wants the Grail to make her immortal, like him, and Talia tells him that she has no desire to live forever. Her words are "Having lived my life in your company, the prospect of eernal life is not the attraction for me it might be for another." There are A LOT of things you can read into that sentence, and one of them, to me, is the idea that death to Talia would be an escape from Ra's, which is... interesting. Sidenote: this one was written by Dixon, who once in a while gets his wired crossed and is not wholly terrible with female characters xD
Ghost/Batgirl. I hadn't heard of Ghost before but I'm kinda curious after reading this mini run. I found a lot of the concepts it worked on (resurrection, mind control, etc.) quite interesting, although I ended up feeling the execution didn't delve too deeply into them. It's an story I might want to reread and pick apart at some point, though.
JLA: Tower of Babel. Yeah, THAT arc lol (also part of my Talia-reading). I also read JLA Secret Files and Origins #3 (in May, though), which shows Talia's whole thoughts on it as she steals the plans + some of the consequences the whole thing has for the other bats whose teammates no longer trust them (Dick, Tim, Barbara) + the wording of Bruce's contingency plans (which btw includes acceptance of lethal methods against Clark lol)... he certainly got off easy after this añsdlkfjasdf. Honestly, imo, the most selfish, cowardly thing he did was walking out before the JLA could tell him they'd voted him out. I know he and the comics probably won't frame it like that afterwards, but that's how it felt to me. The very least he could've done is face his teammates.
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daboyau · 5 months
Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
@friendlyneighborhoodterrapin oohhhh I love this question!! It is so fun. You always have the best asks. 💚💚💚
so I am going to take this time to ramble about both The Rise Hunger Games AU and the Leave AU. I tried to avoid any big spoilers but no guarantees!
RHG au: 
Okay so for a while there I was totally delusional and convinced myself I’d write a full length fic focusing on each individual brother. I had names and a very very brief plot for each. This is 100% not happening, so I’m going to share those names. They were actually supposed to reflect the previous brother who had gone before them. (Which is partially why Donnie, who is after Raph, has the fic title ‘Turning a New Shade of Red’)
Turning a new shade of red(donnie)
Shadows of us are still dancing(leo)
Coming like a storm into your town (mikey)
We don’t burn the way you’d expect (raph)
So this isn’t totally canon so much as just a fun little thing I have in mind when writing, but you might occasionally see brief mentions of a failed uprising/attempted rebellion. This is a reference to the Hunger Games canon books, but like an au where they failed really early on and the rebellion never got off the ground. This won’t have any bearing on the story but it’s just a fun little background thing I think about sometimes and call it the secret timeline. Canon THG characters will continue to never be mentioned or important to the story lol. 
Talk of SA here but.
Okay so you remember how Finnick was getting pimped out in the original Hunger Games? That is definitely happening. Nothing will ever be explicit but you’ll notice little things mentioned offhandedly, like how Yoshi refuses to let Raph come to the Capitol after he turns 18, or how Cassandra’s victor ceremony really put an emphasis on her transition to womanhood, so on and so forth…. And Yoshi’s whole…everything before he returned to District 4. It’s another way to show how the Capitol views their victors as commodities and playthings. A lot of interactions Donnie and his fellow tributes/past victors have with people from the Capitol are meant to make readers feel at least vaguely uncomfortable. (Iiiif I’m doing it right.)
Leave AU: 
Okay so in this AU, despite living with Draxum and getting training, they aren’t doing much with mystics. Why? Because right now Draxum is focusing more on teaching them ways to develop and deepen their mystic reserves as opposed to actually using them. (Think meditation and katas and stuff like that.) This is for a couple reasons. One, because he believes they’re too young to be able to safely handle that sort of power. Two, because it’s a power and control thing. Three, because he needs them to store up as much mystics as possible so they can recover when he extracts the mutagen/empyrean from their blood. This might get mentioned eventually in the fic, but basically they go through these monthly/bi-weekly blood draws because the compound they were created with is naturally occurring within them, so Draxum essentially has an unlimited (if slow to harvest) supply of it on hand to experiment with. (Hope that made sense!)
Fun fact, Draxum actually had a lot of potential to be a really good parent in this AU. It’s mentioned sometimes, how he was strict but kind and gentle with them when they were younger. This is because at first, he really did intend to raise them differently after he realized he’d made a miscalculation in mutating babies instead of ready-to-go older warriors. So he was reading them bedtime stories and tucking them in and allowing them to have toys, even though he did want to start training them as warriors once they reached teenage/adulthood. In this AU, though, the counsel of heads decided to take more of an interest in his work than they do in canon and start applying a lot of pressure on him to produce results. So his long term project had to shift gears and become more focused on results instead of childrearing much sooner than he would have wanted. He’s doing it for the good of all yokaikind, though, so even though he may not like it he is able to be cold and distant with his children experiments and view them mainly as weapons. 
Draxum absolutely has a favorite kid. I have many thoughts and reasons for this that I am resisting the urge to ramble about here. (Luckily @boots-with-the-fur-club lets me ramble to her when I need to get it out of my system!) So in order of most to least favorite, it is:
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raylangivins · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
thank you @acorrespondence for tagging me in this! i love shiteing on about writing :)
How many works do you have on ao3?
33, which shocks me because for some reason in my head the number's permanently at, like, 8.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I mean currently it's beatles rpf 🌝. But also Check Please (specifically jackparse, I have absolutely no interest in anything else), Wolf 359, The Social Network, Community (although none of these are an ao3 due to I wrote them when I was 15), and some random one hit wonders.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
live through this, and you won't look back - Jack/Kent, Check Please
if being afraid is a crime, we hang side by side - Kepler/Jacobi, Wolf 359
baby, it's all relative - John/Paul, Beatles
Time May Change Me - Mark/Eduardo, The Social Network
Five Men Roy Ruined For Jen - Jen/Roy, The IT Crowd
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, always, unless I forget!! I don't know why I wouldn't like, if people are reading I am genuinely excited and grateful for that. Why wouldn't I tell them? (I'm very bad at thinking of things to say which aren't just "I'm glad you enjoyed it", but I try).
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think lately you've been feeling so good i forget my future (in which jack and kent go to prom) is pretty grim not even because the ending itself is the worst but also it foreshadows so much worse to come. Most of my jackparse fic is them as teenagers because I love that "the worst is yet to come" doom that constantly hangs over them in those years. Also one and one and one is three (in which john/paul/yoko have an emotionally fraught threesome). I hurt my own feelings writing that one lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Not one of the recent ones, I can tell you that! Although it depends if you mean fluffy or happy by my own metric because EYE think the best happy endings are the ones you have to work through some angst to get. So if you're looking for fluffy, probably Five Men Roy Ruined for Jen; if you're looking for a journey that ends in happiness, then I'd say wouldn't it be? nice makes me feel euphoric at the end.
Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a couple bitchy comments but generally no.
Do you write smut?
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Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've only written one and it's where Jean-Ralphio from Parks and Rec becomes the Eleventh Doctor's companion in Doctor Who. It's cute, I still like it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God, I hope not. Although, I did have someone once finish a fic I abandoned on ff.net without really asking me first, which I thought was both flattering and hilarious of them. So true, babe. Write the finished fic you wish to see in the world!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think someone translated one of my old Gossip Girl fics on ff.net, also. I can't remember what language it was though.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'm not opposed to it.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
All my fave ships are pretty much variations on the same dynamic with a few exceptions. It's comical how consistant I am about this without even trying.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Tbh I never truly rule anything out. There's a post-canon Justified fic that has lived in my head for years, that I mostly haven't written because it's a lot of work, and I don't really care about sharing it that much it's mostly just for me. There's a Dawson's Creek Pacey genderswap fic I dream of writing, but likely will never bother. There's a beatles fic where Paul can talk to instruments that I actually wrote 20k for but it's so dogshit I can't bear to try to fix it so it's going to just sit on my computer forever probably.
What are your writing strengths?
I hate this question, I'm so bad at identifying these things. Vibes? I think I'm good at dialogue but that's mostly because that's what I start with, so it's like the bones of most of my fics. I've been told I'm good at like being thoughtful to all the different characters in fic even if it's not about them or their POV, which is always a nice thing to hear.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Physical descriptions probably. I don't care about them very much and therefore I don't put as much effort into them as I probably should. Also, I write chronologically so most of my endings are slightly lazier than the rest of the fic.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't know. I've never tried it. As a bilingual person, seeing people who are not bilingual completely miss the nuances of that is actually really irritating. Especially as someone who speaks Portuguese but grew up in an English speaking country, reading TSN fic was so specifically annoying. And don't even get me started on the concept of "untranslateable" words and "saudade".
It can be done well, but often isn't. Also, if you give me a bunch of text in a language I don't know, my brain is just gonna skip over it, so it's often redundant when it's more than, like, a sentence.
First fandom you wrote for?
First fic I published was for Gossip Girl, but when I was like 11 I wrote what was essentially a Life With Derek canon-divergence fic in a copybook that I showed to a teacher in my school.
Favorite fic you've written?
All of them. But some that have not yet been mentioned on this post:
kissing just for practice - Jack/Kent (idk, I set out to do something specific with this fic and I really felt I did)
i want every other freckle - si-5 ot3 kind of (this fic means so much to me)
tomorrow i'll miss you - mclennon before sunset au (before sunset is one of my favourite movies and i worked really hard on this one)
i thought i knew one, what did i know? - paul's girlfriend catches john and paul together (this one makes me crazy and i'm the one who wrote it lol)
tagging: @softbrah @jeanharlowseyebrows @scurator @wurmzirkus @coyotesuspect @midchelle
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90stvqueen · 9 months
I was tagged by @tunemyart in 20 Questions for Fic Writers like a week ago and I just now saw it so THANK YOU FRIEND
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Xena: Warrior Princess (14 works)
Abbott Elementary (10 works)
The X-Files (2 works)
Stranger Things (1 work, is an outlier adn should not be counted bc I wrote it to meditate on internalized homophobia and not bc I ship it)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
say it again (Stranger Things LOL)
remind me tomorrow (Xena)
succ (Xena)
Fritole (Abbott)
No Matter What (Xena)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! It depends on how swamped I am with life stuff, but I like responding to comments because for me, writing is about starting a conversation and building community and connecting.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Depends on how you define angst but probably the fic with the angstiest throughline (like, it starts angsty, stays angsty, ends angsty) is glory glory glory to the night that shows me what i am (Abbott Elementary). But I think the best angst I've written is probably After (also Abbott) because it's a smutty slow-motion trainwreck.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
take these years of mine (Abbott) is probably the happiest thing I've ever written, period. remind me tomorrow has the happiest ending (and is the most lighthearted) of all my Xena fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but sometimes I get demands for more or for specific plotlines. I worry that if (and WHEN) I don't follow those requested/expected plotlines, there might be some pushback.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Almost exclusively. Although I've been branching out a little more. But yeah. Mostly F/F, some F/F/M and F/F/F, also a decent amount of gender fuckery in various configurations. I would say my smut leans more vanilla, but I've written some kink, and there are definitely elements of kink in some of the vanilla stuff, too.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not write crossovers. Maybe someday. But probably not, unless it's purely for the lols
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God I hope not! Not that I'm aware of!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Somebody asked me if they could translate my fic once, but I don't remember what the fic was, and I don't think it ever actually happened. Would love that, though!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Lots and lots. My first big foray into cowriting was with @angelsarenamederika, with whom I wrote a massive amount of trans!Mulder X-Files fic that we never posted anywhere but was an absolute blast to work on. I'm also working on a 5+1 piece for the Work Wives (Abbott) fandom with @the-frankenman-writes, @this-barbie, @katiehoughton, @wolf-government, and @vanillabeanwrites. OH AND! @deirdresart adapted Eromenas into a comic and it's AMAZING.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I refuse to answer this question. I WILL FINISH ALL MY WIPS SO HELP ME GOD
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and interpersonal dynamics and internal reflection (or, in unreliable narrators, lack thereof)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Stealing @tunemyart's response word for word here: Action, movement, and description of setting. I'm really trying to get better about grounding the characters in the world around them instead of some nebulous room. Also writing action without getting bogged down in unnecessary details. It's hard!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Maybe if you know the language and it serves the story or the way the story is being told. Never say never, but it's not something I usually do, because I don't ever really have a reason for it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter lol
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Right now, it's After. I worked so hard on it and I learned a lot writing it and I found a community (partially) because of it! I think it's just a really satisfying, angsty/bittersweet read, start to finish. Honorable mention to Eromenas (again plugging the comic here) and five times it was quiet and once it was loud.
This was fun! I'm tagging the people I've already tagged in this (my dear friends and collaborators) and anyone else who might want to do this <3
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gerryrigged · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @vellaphoria! ♥
How many works do you have on AO3?
14 total, 4 on my gerryrigged account.
What’s your total A03 word count?
27,558. A good number of my pieces are quite short ficlets. I don't have a big portfolio of work - I've been in fandom for quite a while, but almost entirely as a lurker. For a handful of years, almost all of my writing output was in RP.
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now? Just DC, mostly Bats for the time being. Previously, hockey rpf, Star Wars, K, X-Men: First Class, and One Piece.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
hgjkldsf, most of these are on my other account, but:
[redacted] - ~10k, ~1700 kudos, hockey rpf [redacted] - ~3.5k, ~900 kudos, hockey rpf [redacted] - ~600 words, ~600 kudos, hockey rpf Hold It Up To The Mirror - 2.3k, 347 kudos, DC Comics [redacted] - ~300 words, ~300 kudos, One Piece
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I want to, because commenters are lovely and I appreciate them so much! And I try to, I just...don't always succeed >_>💧 or, looking at it from another perspective, I'm just very behind on them!
I adore people's comments and re-read them with fair frequency, and I do love interacting - but I also tend to get over-excited/anxious and then end up just turning the comments over and over in my little paws admiringly like sparkly gems instead of replying. Or, for another example, I got a bunch of lovely comments on my timeloop dicktim fic, but haven't been able to psyche myself up to reply because I still haven't been able to get out the promised follow-up fic, ha 🙃
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, probably Hold It Up To The Mirror. I left poor Dick and Tim in a really fucked up situation there, and it would absolutely have to get worse before it got any better. I do envision it getting better, though - despite where I end fic sometimes, I'm a sucker for eventual happy endings, especially for my OTPs. so I'm usually imagining a future path where things improve, even if it would be a (very) rough road to get there.
freefall (and the aftermath thereof) also left off on a pretty angsty note, but I give the edge to Hold It Up To The Mirror because of how bleak it is.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm not sure how to quantify this, lol, I would say most of my happy endings are pretty happy. For fluff factor, maybe my latest, let your heart be light, because that one just revels in the shmoop.
Do you get hate on your fic?
Not so far - fingers crossed it stays that way!
Do you write smut?
Yes, sort of? Like. I have written it, and I would certainly like to write more. But I consider myself very amateurish/unskilled at it, so I'm embarrassed of it and mostly it doesn't see the light of day. Guess I need to spend more time practicing! 😅
Do you write crossovers?
Nope, not a huge fan of writing crossovers or fusions myself, though I'll read them occasionally. When it comes to fandoms, I tend to only have one hyperfixation at a time, and mixing two different ones doesn't really appeal, at least in terms of what I myself am driven to write.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of - fingers also crossed it stays that way.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? It's been requested before, but I never saw the results XD
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not so far, though I'd like to! The closest I've gotten would be writing out closely collaborated scenes in RP, which can in some cases read like a fic.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh no, if I was forced to consider all of my fandoms at once, I'd have no idea. For DC, it's definitely DickTim. (It was Tim/Kon before this most recent immersion in the DC fandom, when I started to dig into Bat comics more holistically and DickTim reared its head up and swallowed me whole.)
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hm, I don't know that there are any in particular that I would firmly put on the shelf. The ones that I more generally doubt are all the ambitious long-fic ideas >_> because I suck at those. But they still exist as goals of mine, so I won't jinx any of them here!
What are your writing strengths?
.......Humor, maybe? Oh, I've been told I'm good at conveying tone and character voice through prose, and at putting together memorable or hard-hitting turns of phrase. Possibly structuring emotional arcs? 🤔
What are your writing weaknesses?
Elaborate run-on sentences. Descriptions, especially of setting details such as locations, clothing, etc. (hence why these things are often missing in my fics, lmfao). Purple prose. Over-editing. Overuse of implication/ambiguity/metaphor to the detriment of clarity. Stringing multiple scenes together, scene transitions in general, over-arching storyline plotting and all the other difficult parts of writing longer more plotty pieces. The 'stage'-blocking of physical movement, and how much/little of it needs to be described to be effective. Research - I am way too prone to just handwaving and going ehhhh, something something fill in the blank here, you know what I mean >.>
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done this a couple times, but usually only short lines. Sometimes it's for effect - the POV character might not understand the language, so it's as impenetrable to them as to most readers. Or it's a line most English-speakers would be able to parse due to cognates/related languages, but it's just funnier or feels better in the other language. Or in like anime/manga fandoms, it might be a line in Japanese that most fans/readers would already be familiar with. Usually though I've just been Google translating, and have been kindly corrected on grammar etc. in the comments before, haha.
First fandom you wrote for?
well. that would be in like. middle school lol oh god. I think it was a Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing crossover hghkldjfskl. That or Dragonball Z. Thankfully my recollection of my FF.net account name has been lost to the sands of time.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
hm. I don't have strong feelings on this; I usually end up looking at my past fic with a critical eye. Maybe the little gen Dick & Tim ficlet I have on my other account? I wouldn't say it's my best, by any means, but that one kind of wrote itself in a fever state when I hadn't written anything in literal years, so I'm very fond of it for breaking through a creative block and being my first toe into writing for the DC fandom proper.
oh, and if you haven't been tagged yet and would care to play: @deepwithintheabyss, @annerp, and @the-alice-of-hearts?
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