#like a checklist or a growth list
vers-1 · 2 years
I made a collage with a friend at her club thing. Vv fun Actually. I didn’t kno where it was going, but the end result is very nice
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avokaidoll · 10 months
⑅ Self Discipline ⑅
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Self-discipline is like having a personal cheerleader in your head, helping you stay focused and achieve your goals. It's the ability to control and direct yourself, making choices that align with your long-term objectives rather than giving in to immediate impulses. Think of it as the secret sauce for personal growth, productivity, and success. It involves setting priorities, making conscious decisions, and consistently putting in effort to reach your desired outcomes. Self-discipline empowers you to stay on track, overcome challenges, and ultimately become the best version of yourself.
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Let's break down the essence of self-discipline in dfrnt aspects of your life
1. Morning Routine Magic:
Your morning routine is like crafting a daily sanctuary. Beyond skincare, imagine incorporating moments of tranquility like yoga or a quick workout. It's not just a checklist; it's setting the stage for a day of conquering.
2. To-Do List Love:
Your to-do list is a dynamic tool, more than a mere inventory of tasks. It's a glam planner, outlining your roadmap to success. Writing down your ambitions transforms them into tangible goals, making the conquest all the more empowering.
3. Snack on Goals, Not Junk:
Goals aren't just targets; they're your daily sustenance. Instead of mindless snacking, consider each accomplished task as a delicious victory bite, satisfying your hunger for achievement.
4. Wardrobe Power Moves:
Dressing for success isn't a superficial act; it's about embodying confidence. Your outfit becomes a statement, shaping your mindset for the day. It's akin to wearing a tangible boost of self-assurance. I want you to wear for the day you want, not the day you have !!!
5. Breaks Aren't Breakdowns:
Taking breaks is a strategic recharge, not a sign of weakness. It's not about slacking off but strategically powering up. These moments are not breakdowns; they are breakthroughs, allowing you to return with renewed sparkle. So don't beat yourself up when your really need the rest :)
6. Learn, Don't Stress:
In the face of challenges, see them as opportunities for growth. Self-discipline is not a pursuit of perfection but a commitment to a journey of continual learning. Remember, nobody is born with all the answers; it's about evolving.
7. Consistency is the Glow-Up Secret:
Consistency is more than a routine; it's the highlighter of your life's narrative. It infuses your journey with an extra pop, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. Even on tough days, maintaining consistency becomes your guiding light.
8. Celebrate Small Wins:
Every step toward your goals, irrespective of size, is a cause for celebration. It's not just recognizing achievements; it's throwing a confetti party for yourself. Celebrate not just the destination but the entire journey.
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9. Consistent Routine:
Envision self-discipline as a daily sanctuary, akin to your skincare routine. Skipping it is like neglecting a crucial step in your beauty ritual. Embrace it daily for a consistent, empowering glow.
10. Setting Goals:
Picture self-discipline as the GPS that is guiding you to your dreams. Establish small, attainable goals as waypoints on your journey. These goals serve as markers, leading you steadily toward your grand aspirations.
11. Prioritizing Tasks:
Think of self-discipline as your wise older sister, advising you on what truly matters. Prioritize tasks that contribute to your glow-up, whether it's acquiring a new skill or taking care of your well-being.
12. Resisting Temptations:
It's important to saying no to that extra slice of cake when you know you're full. Self-discipline aids in resisting temptations that might divert you from your goals, whether it's procrastination or unhealthy habits.
13. Building Habits:
Like establishing a routine of daily water intake, self-discipline helps in cultivating positive habits. These habits become second nature, contributing to your overall well-being and success.
14. Time Management:
Imagine self-discipline as a magical time-turner. It assists in managing your time wisely, allowing you to balance academics, self-care, and the pursuit of your passions effectively.
15. Learning from Mistakes:
Self-discipline is forgiving; it encourages learning from mistakes rather than dwelling on them. It's a compassionate guide, acknowledging that growth comes from understanding and overcoming challenges.
16. Celebrating Achievements:
Consider self-discipline your personal cheerleader. It not only recognizes but actively celebrates your achievements, big or small, in your journey of self-improvement and success.
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Visualize self-discipline as your personal superhero cape, guiding you through the journey of glowing up and being super productive. You're on the path to becoming a true girlboss.
Keep shining doll !
Xoxo signing off,
Angela ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
ps: this is my first post I hope it was informative enough as I am also in my own journey of being better mentally and physically and I see self discipline as something essential for that to happen.
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meefy · 2 months
Diverse Autistic Characters in Akagami no Shirayukihime
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I could go on for hours about my dislike of how autism is, for the most part, portrayed in popular media - the butt of a cruel joke; autism representation by a non-Autistic actor; or centered around the plot of the story itself, where it boils down to the Autistic person "overcoming" their autism or some outside force "fixing" it (or, semi related, an Autistic character being shoehorned in as a token minority).
I think that's one of the reason I love Akagami no Shirayukihime so much. While none of the characters are confirmed as Autistic, the ones that are quite blatantly Autistic-coded are so diverse and so welcomed by the cast that it's both sweet and refreshing to see.
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I have talked at length about Ryuu and why I love his character so much, so I don't want to get into it too much here because I've said most of what I want to say. He is, at first glance, the "typical" popular culture depiction of autism: the male child savant who has no friends, can't socialize, and has the niche restricted interests in science that seem to characterize every big Autistic character in media. But it doesn't take long to see he is so much more than that! His interests in poisons has granted him a field of study and work where he thrives and does what he loves day in and day out. His mentor, Garak, supports him and treats him as an equal, and looks for opportunities for him to grow - as does everyone around him, including Shirayuki.
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Ryuu's time in Lilias was so beautifully depicted. The years he spends studying and working there are not him masking his Autistic traits or "beating" them; they are years of him feeling safe and supported enough to test his comfort levels and branch out because he knows he won't be mocked or scorned for it. He has found an environment where he thrives because of his Autistic traits, not in spite of them. And so, as of most recently, we see that he wants to remain in Lilias to continue his studies there because of this. His growth is not reduced to finally acting neurotypical; Ryuu being Autistic has not changed. But he has found others who share his passions, who support him, and who encourage him without changing who he is.
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I also want to touch on Kirito specifically, because he is one of the few people Ryuu's own age who interacts with him. Kirito is too young to hold back his questions about Ryuu's behaviour. Why is he running away from a crowd of people? Why has he never had a snowball fight? But Kirito doesn't dwell on Ryuu's quirks; he accepts them, moves on, and focuses on what the two have in common - which is what I would hope for any Autistic person, myself included.
What is particularly special to me about how Autistic characters are depicted in AnS is the diversity. Too often I see Autistic characters depicted in the same way, like the author read a WebMD checklist and created a character around said list. Autism is a spectrum, and with that comes two ends of the spectrum.
Which brings me to Lata.
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Although I haven't explicitly mentioned at length Lata + autism the same way I've discussed it about Ryuu (and although I could write a whole essay on it), I do want to go in a bit more depth because his overlap and contrast with Ryuu is exactly the kind of Autistic representation I live for. Ryuu actively wants to work to help people; Lata seeks to work in solitude. Ryuu is open and generally friendly with others, Lata is blunt and evasive. Ryuu's expressions are generally flat (and his voice monotone in the anime); Lata is quite expressive (even if he doesn't smile often, and neither does Ryuu). Yet we see certain similarities between the two; for instance, both have their own niche hyperfixations that they absolutely live for, and neither is totally at ease in crowds.
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But leaving Ryuu out of the equation, one of my favourite things about Lata's character is that none of the Lyrias crew seemed genuinely bothered by how he acts. Like, even Obi's teasing is, by and large, in good faith. They're just like "Oh, that’s just how Lata is..." and move past it. Most recently in Chapter 133, Shirayuki is visibly happy to see him. And related to that, the other scholars always go out of their way to include and invite him to their outings - to their banquet celebrating the successful germination of the phostyrias, or to see them blooming in their lab. Even if he always declines, and they probably know he will always decline, they ask. Speaking on a personal note, I am like Lata and really, really hate parties or any large gathering; so people (understandably) stopped inviting me. And that hurt; even if I knew I'd say no, and wouldn't go, people actually thinking of me meant a lot more than they likely realized.
So, seeing representation of people actively trying to invite and include their Autistic comrade means so much to me.
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Lastly, I want to talk about Shirayuki. It's not terribly often that Autistic representation in media is a female character, let alone the lead character. I know I am not alone in thinking Shirayuki is Autistic, but I do love its subtlety unless you know what to look for. The long running theory that there is a "girl" autism (versus the stereotypical "male" autism that is most commonly diagnosed and seen in popular culture) is absurd; autism is a spectrum, and just where some Autistics are reclusive, have a flat affect, and exhibit quirky behaviours and interests, there are plenty that are the complete opposite, or somewhere else along the spectrum. In many respects, this describes Shirayuki; she seems to have no trouble making friends, attending parties, or showing emotion.
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And yet, she has the intense focus in herbalism and pharmacology that mirrors Ryuu's in many respects; she just does not express that interest in the same, "typical" Autistic way. She reads her textbooks to relax and spends time in a garden (the latter of which is, stereotypically, a perfectly expected behaviour for someone of her gender). It's easy to forget that, much like how Ryuu ran away from the crowd on his first day in Lyrias (a depiction of an Autistic shutdown), Shirayuki ran away from Zen when her feelings for him became too overwhelming. She asks Zen for a comfort object of his when she leaves for Tanbarun, much like how many Autistic people have a particular tangible object that gives them comfort. Shirayuki is also blunt; she tells Prince Raji to act more like a leader she can be proud of, and rebuffs the knight who insults Ryuu at the beginning of the story - her low rank does not deter her. Autistic people are sometimes known for apparently "not understanding" power dynamics and rules (which I doubt, as do most Autistic people - I think it's more likely that the rules and dynamics are simply unfair, and created and upheld by neurotypical people) - Shirayuki's behaviour certainly seems to fit this. She is not rude by any means...but where it might intimidate many others, a person's title does not keep her from speaking her mind. In many respects she reminds me of myself!
I could go on and on about this topic - and how different Autistic traits are present in different characters - but I'm comfortable stopping at Ryuu, Lata, and Shirayuki (at least for now), and reiterating that media like AnS proves that diverse Autistic characters can exist without being a punchline, can grow throughout the story without shedding their Autistic traits, and can be accepted, supported, and loved by others for who they are. This series is dear to my heart, and this is but one (albeit huge) reason why!
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grey-sorcery · 1 year
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What is Witchcraft? Basics of Spellwork Checklist for Potent Spellwork Witchcraft Research Tips Threshold Theory
What is a spell log?
A spell log is a way of recording the spells you have cast. Typically it is a form of some variety that is kept in a notebook, google doc/sheet, or other program. These logs have a few key features such as:
Time & date
Timeframe for expected results
Brief description of the spell
Target of the spell and means of association (Taglocks, gnosis, thresholds, etc)
Correspondences used 
Spirits worked with
Spell purpose
Means of manifestation
Divinations about the spell
Noted results
Note the last point. After a spell has been cast, it is important to keep track of its results in order to learn and improve. 
Why is using a spell log important?
When first getting into witchcraft, a spell log will be invaluable. The purpose of a spell log is to keep track of each spells details in order to ascertain:
How effective a spell was
Details required to effectively cancel or reverse a spell
Areas within a spell that can be improved for future spell design
By approaching your spellwork as objectively as possible, growth will be easier to obtain. When first starting a spell log, it is important to remain aware of your cognitive biases in order to record accurate readings. While this may seem to invalidate your practice, the more it is practiced, the more it will validate your practice; that is, if it is practiced thoroughly and effectively. 
How to design a spell log
In addition to the details for spell log listed above, you can also keep track of other details such as:
Planetary hours
Gestures used
Psychic experiences
Divine interactions
Dreams related to the casting
Emotions channeled during the working
Conceptual influences for the spell creation/purpose
Psychological impacts during or afterwards
The object focus of the gnosis used for casting
Any biases held
Social impacts
Weather, temperature, location
Steps taken in preparation for the spell
Media that the spell was taken from or inspired by
Sigils used
Astrological map of the time of casting
With all of these variables recorded, it will be much easier to reflect on a working and deduce areas that can be improved or aspects of the working that hindered the spell from manifesting. For example, if a spell was cast to increase your income, a basic spell log may look like this:
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From this spell log, assuming the spell did not manifest as intended within the projected time frame, we can see that the means of manifestation and the target are very vague or not stated. The correspondences used also overlap or don't entirely mesh with the intention and purpose of the working. 
Here is a detailed example Google doc spell log
Can you Identify some reasons why their spell did not work as intended? How do you think this spell can be improved upon? You can type out your responses here if you’d like.
Spell Log Templates
Here are some spell logs that I have designed using Procreate, as well as a link to a Google doc spell log that you are all free to use. 
Google Doc Spell Log
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I also can do commissioned spell logs! DM me for details. (Typically $30)
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em-dash-press · 2 years
How Traditional Publishing Works for Novel-Length Manuscripts
Your future as a writer may seem murky at best. It's difficult to dream beyond your latest notebook or Google Doc if you don't know how publishing works.
Today we're going to talk a bit about that! This post will be for publishing longer manuscripts. Eventually, I'll make another one for publishing short stories.
Step 1: Finish That Manuscript
You may have heard that you can start contacting literary agents or publishers after you have a decent chunk of your manuscript done. While there are a few here and there that could be fine with that, it's best to always finish your manuscript before querying begins.
How do you know when it's finished? I'll write more on that later, but for now here's a basic checklist:
Edit your story for flow, character development and pacing. This may involve storyboarding again or even talking through your book with a friend.
Edit your work for line-edits (spelling, punctuation, etc.)
Give your work to a beta reader! That could be your partner, best friend, family member, etc. They'll have a fresh pair of eyes for things like plot holes, confusing arcs, unfinished story lines, and tension that never resolves.
Double check that your themes get resolved.
Step 2: Draft Your Query Letter
I already made a post showing how to draft a query letter and the answers to common query questions, but here's a summary: you need a good query letter for your finished manuscript. They're the first impression an agent gets of you and your work.
Query letters always include:
An introduction to your work (the title, the genre, the word count, a one-sentence summary)
An explanation of the plot (don't hold back—it should include your beginning, middle, and end, plus any tropes and themes)
Comparative titles (novels in the same genre as your work that were published in the last ~2 years or less)
The reason why you wrote your novel (what makes you the best person to write about that theme/plot/character growth, etc)
Step 3: Find Your Agents
There are a few ways to find agents and you can try different methods throughout your querying journey.
Use QueryTracker to find agents by genre, availability, location, etc. Then track your queries with the same website to find out who's read your work, who's rejected it and who wants to get in touch. (The free version does most of this, but there's a paid version for people who want to hardcore dedicate themselves to querying).
Check out those comparative titles—authors almost always thank their agents in the Acknowledgements section. Start a running list and note their publishers.
Search Twitter for agents who are open to queries. It may seem strange, but most agents have Twitter accounts and announce when they're open or closed to queries. You can always follow them on your personal or writing account, but you can also search for them by looking up hashtags like “open for queries" and “submissions are open.” If you want more details, check out this great resource for more hashtags and strategies. Note—you should never direct message an agent on Twitter. Always contact them through their preferred methods, usually located in their bio or pinned tweet (if they’re open to queries).
Step 4: Sign With an Agent
This step can take weeks, months, or years. Every writer’s querying journey is different. Sometimes the market isn’t right for a specific genre or storyline. Other times, you may need time to revise and polish your manuscript or shelve it entirely for a more developed idea.
Searching “amquerying” on Twitter is a great way to read other writers’ experiences. You’re not alone if you’re frustrated, exhausted, tired, or just plain sad. It’s hard to get rejections and try again when you’re likely the only person who currently believes in your specific manuscript.
Agents have to pick projects based on what they want to represent, but also what they can sell. If your story is too new or different, they may pass until it’s more culturally relevant or more popular with readers.
When an interested agent offers representation (likely after requesting a full manuscript), ask plenty of questions to get to know them. You don’t have to accept the first agent who comes along. They should align with your vision for your book and who you want to reach with it.
When you do sign with an agent, celebrate! It’s a big step that you should recognize! Lots of hard work and dedication went into getting an agent, and it’s only the start of your publishing journey.
Step 5: Look Forward to Your Book Deal
Your agent has a few roles. They’re supposed to look out for your best interests with publishers and all the legal aspects that come along with book deals.
But first, they have to land a deal. That means they write pitch letters or decks and send them to publishers they think will be the best fit for your manuscript. Letters are more common, but pitch decks are more necessary for writers of children’s books and graphic novels who have pictures integrated into their work.
This process can take a while. Don’t expect to sign a book deal overnight or even in the first month. As long as your agent keeps up communication with you about the process, you’ll know you’re in good hands.
Things That Will Be in Your Book Deal
Your Contract
Contracts include all the information related to your deal. Your agent will use it to potentially negotiate for more money, better control over your film rights or foreign publication rights, and basically all the little details that go along with those things.
Your Advance
When writer’s sign a book deal, the get a check. That check is called your advance. The advance is a sum of money that the publishing house or imprint gives you for the right to publish that book. It could vary from $1,000 to six figures, but new authors (and especially women and people of color) typically get around $5,000 for their first book.
Smaller amounts will arrive in a single check. Larger amounts are split into multiple checks spanning the time from your signing date to publication.
Your Royalties
Every time your book sells a copy, you’ll earn royalties on that sale. However, writers don’t see royalty earnings until those royalties out-earn their advance.
If you got the average $5k advance, you’ll have to sell enough books to earn $5k in royalties before you see routine checks in the mail for royalties after that point. Your agent will negotiate your royalty percentage during…well, negotiations.
Step 6: Figure Out the Pre-Production Details
You’ve signed your book deal—throw a party! Then it’s time to get to work.
Your agent will connect you with an editor, who then sends you an editorial letter after reading your manuscript. It will contain everything they think could improve plus their marked-up copy. You’ll dive into structural changes if necessary, but mostly line edits. 
You don’t have to agree with everything your editor suggests. It’s still your book. However, they know the industry the best and will want your work to succeed as much as you do. Talk things out and come to a compromise, but stay true to your book’s intended purpose throughout editing.
Your publisher’s legal team will go over your edited copy when it’s close to perfect to ensure there are no issues. They typically find things like the use of song lyrics that you haven’t bought the rights to and mentions of real persons or brands that may result in lawsuits.
Next, your design team will work with you on potential cover designs. interior layouts, jacket versus hardcover designs and blurb placement. They have most of the say over your final cover, but your agent can go to bat for you if you think the options are truly ugly.
Next, you’ll come up with a marketing plan. Imprints and publishing houses typically have marketing teams and publicity experts that work with authors. You’ll talk about which stores will sell your book and which websites will get ads based on your target reader audience’s known shopping habits/website preferences. Ads on social media and your involvement with posting about your book will also come up.
Proofreaders and beta readers are also part of this stage. They’re the fresh sets of eyes every writer needs to know if their readers will understand how they wrapped up their themes, character development paths and plot. They’ll point out when things don’t make sense, need more expansion or could be cut as they read through your Advanced Readers Copies (ARCs).
Step 7: Marketing and Blurbs
A bit more about the marketing stage—your agent has a hand in this too. Based on their previous or current authors, they may have personal connections with influencers and big names in the book world. They’ll send those people ARCs and ask those people for blurbs if they think those famous people have audiences who would be interested in your manuscript.
You can also talk with your agent about getting blurbs from similar debut authors in your genre or only authors from marginalized communities, depending on your priorities. The only time they might say no to this idea would be if your preferred people hardly have audiences or if their audiences have shown interest (via book sales) in other genres.
Your team will decide other things like:
Who gets your ARCs
If you’ll send some ARCs through contests
Which retail stores will stock your book
If you’ll pitch your book to get sponsored by big book clubs
If you’ll pitch for your book to be included in book subscription services
Where you’ll post digital ads and for how long
 How you’ll create marketing campaigns with sites like Goodreads and other book sites popular with readers
Most writers also have to market their book on their personal Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter accounts. You’ll likely only get out of this step if you’re already an established author who can sell books without blinking (think: James Patterson or Nora Roberts).
If you need help putting together a posting plan, your marketing team and agent can help with that. Most publishers request that their writers’ develop online followings because it creates personal, instant connections with readers/allows for free advertising via posts/generates direct feedback.
Step 8: Negotiate Your Media Rights
Most writers negotiate their media rights after landing a publishing deal. The publisher needs to know that your work has a chance of being picked up as a movie or TV show. Debut authors have a lot to prove, unless you’re one of the rare writers who snags a movie deal alongside a mega-advance because your work is once in a generation.
Your agent will negotiate this for you and possibly let you keep your media rights. If you keep them, you can sell them separately later on. When you or your publisher is ready to sell, production company scouts will see the announcement on book deal websites. They may contact your agent to negotiate with you before you start selling copies, but it may happen after your book has shown promise on the market for a while too.
Step 9: Sign Copies of Your Books
About a month before readers can buy your books, you’ll get copies to sign! Prepare your hand and wrist, because this step surprises most writers. If you have more than a handful of books to sign, you’ll need to pace yourself.
Still, this is an exciting step in your publishing journey. Take lots of selfies and enjoy the moment!
Potential Step 10: Start Your Book Tour
Big names in the book world get book tours set up by their publishers. Debut authors often don’t. If you want to do a book tour, talk with your agent early in the process. They can work with your publicist to schedule a few speaking engagements, but you’d mostly be in charge of contacting bookstores to reserve an hour or two for signing books and meeting with readers.
If your publisher does want you to do a book tour, regardless of whether you’ve been published or not, they might pay for your transportation and accommodations. It depends on your unique situation. 
This is a very brief, not super specific outline of traditional publishing. I hope it gives you some perspective on the process. After landing a book deal, it can be a year or more before your debut day arrives. There’s so much happening behind the scenes—but now you know a bit more about it.
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lorinplayspalia · 8 months
Your Order is Served Quest Checklist
A friend suggested I make checklists for this quest line. Keep in mind that you might not craft a gold star dish on the first try, so you may need to collect much more than what the recipe calls for. (It took me at least 4 tries to make a gold star Oysters Akwinduu.)
If cooking is difficult to you because of lag or server congestion, you can always have a friend help you. (I will even help if you are on the NA server, just lmk.) You will need to start the cooking so you get the dish, but it will use whoever is using the station's ingredients, so plan accordingly.
In addition to the ingredients, you will need 2 mixing stations, 2 ovens, 2 prep stations, and 1 stove.
[ ] Gold Star Oysters Akwinduu 1 Oyster Meat 5 Salt 1 Spicy Pepper 1 Tomato 1 Onion 1 Wild Garlic 1 Heat Root 1 Butter 1 Chapaa Meat
[ ] Gold Star Muujin Bahari 1 Butter 2 Wheat 2 Corn 3 Salt 1 Chapaa Meat 1 Mushroom 1 Spicy Pepper 1 Onion 2 Spice Sprouts 1 Wild Garlic 3 Muujin Meat 3 Plant Fiber 3 Cooking Oil 1 Vinegar 1 Egg
[ ] Gold Star Petit Fives 2 Sugar 2 Butter 1 Egg 1 Flour 2 Sweet Leaf 1 Milk 1 Fruit 1 Corn Raw materials list & where to get each item under the cut.
1 Oyster Meat - From unopened oysters found on the beaches of Bahari Bay, simply open the oyster like you would a zeki capsule.
8 Salt - Purchased from Zeki's General Store for 10 Gold. In total: 80 gold.
2 Spicy Pepper - The seeds can be purchased from Zeki's General Store for 170 gold. They are harvested after the first 6 days of growth, and then every 3 days for a total of 4 harvests.
1 Tomato - The seeds can be purchased from Zeki's General Store for 80 gold. They are harvested after the first 4 days, then every 2 days for a total of 3 harvests.
2 Onion - Onions can be purchased from the Daiya Family Farm for 120 gold each, so 240 gold. The seeds can be purchased from Zeki's General Store for 20 gold (total: 40). They are harvested after 4 days of growth.
2 Wild Garlic - Foraged from Kilima Valley and Bahari Bay. May also be purchased from Zeki's General Store for 30 gold (60 gold total).
1 Heat Root - Foraged from Bahari Bay cliffs.
4 Butter - Purchased from Zeki's General Store for 40 gold, for a total of 160 gold.
2 Chapaa Meat - Hunted from Chapaa or purchased from Zeki's General Store for 26 gold, for a total of 52 gold.
2 Wheat - The seeds can be purchased from Zeki's General Store for 25 Gold (total: 50 gold). It is harvested after 4 days. Additionally, you can purchase it from the Daiya Family Farm for 130 gold, or 260 gold.
3 Corn - The seeds can be purchased from Zeki's General Store for 30 gold (90 total) and are harvested after 5 days of growth. Additionally, you can purchase corn directly from the Daiya Family Farm for 160 gold (total: 480 gold).
1 Mushroom - It can be any mushroom, so I recommend the mushrooms foraged from Kilima Valley.
2 Spice Sprouts - Purchased from Zeki's General Store for 30 Gold (60 gold total), or foraged from Mirror Fields or Leafhopper Hills in Kilima Valley.
3 Muujin Meat - Obtained by hunting Muujin. A tip I have for hunting them: Go to the cliffs above Statue Garden and chop the trees. Muujin will run into trees, so chopping the tree will "release" them so to speak.
3 Plant Fiber - Obtained from chopping trees or bushes.
3 Cooking Oil - Purchased from Zeki's General Store for 20 gold, or a total of 60 gold.)
1 Vinegar - Purchased from Zeki's General Store for 200 Gold.
2 Egg - Purchased from Zeki's General Store for 24 gold, for a total of 48 gold.
2 Sugar - Purchased from Zeki's General Store for 20 gold, or a total of 40 gold.
1 Flour - Purchased from Zeki's General store for 10 gold.
2 Sweet Leaf - Foraged from Bahari Bay.
1 Milk - Purchased from Zeki's General Store for 30 gold.
1 Fruit - This can be Blueberry or Apple. To get blueberries: You will receive 5 blueberry bush seeds from completing Badruu's friendship level 3 quest. The blueberries are harvested 4 times. To get Apples: One seed is received after completing Nai'o's friendship level 3 quest. Another is received for completing Zeki's level 3 friendship quest. Apple trees can be harvested 4 times.
As always, let me know if I have forgotten something.
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motleyfolk · 2 years
Craft/Lifestyle Bookmarks
Since tumblr mobile tags play up, just compiling all my bookmarks here, so I can use it on mobile and find things easier. None are like fact-checked, using them as inspo or starting points. Some are taken from solarpunksoup’s soup.
Last updated: 14/12/23
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Make Your Own Socks
Mega Cooking Help
Random Life Skills (how to unclog toilet n stuff)
Upcycling Jumpers
Misc Recipes/Craft Stuff
Baking With Brain Fog and/or Arthritis - Includes tips for other disabilities
Solarpunk Masterlist - Cool SP list by @evilautisticsociety​
Journaling Prompts - Inspo if you don’t like writing diary entries and wnat other ways to journal.
More Journaling Prompts
Unfuck Your Habitat - How to clean your house, get rid of shitty habits in a gender neutral, inclusive of the mentally ill, students, full time job-ers, etc that fts small or large challenges, simple cleaning checklists, etc.
The Order of the Good Death - The current western funeral practices are bad for the community and environment, this site discusses that and gives you several ways to change it, from small personal to wider community.
New Year Resolution alt mindset
How to keep yourself warm in cold houses or outdoors
Mental/Physical Health
You feel like shit. - Simple interactive, flow chart questionnaire to help you identify why you’re feeling like shit right now and to make sure you’ve done basic self-care. *
the quiet place - 90 second relaxation exercise on stepping back from social media *
Pixel Thoughts - Put your worry in a star and watch it disappear in 60 seconds. *
Meditation Basic Instructions - Helpful detailed guide on meditating.
A Soft Murmur - Ambient Sound Mixer
Baking With Brain Fog and/or Arthritis - Includes tips for other disabilities
Self Care Checklist
softheartclinic - Cutesy self care fun
Scarleteen - Inclusive sex education website
The Analog Brain - Helps with executive dysfunction, figuring out if this is an impulsive decision. Lil question tool thingy
Taking care of your spine
Year Ahead Tarot
Anatomy of a Spell
Basics of Spellcraft
Magic Circle for Spellcasting
Seeds of The Future Spell
Spell Design
Spell Dictation
Writing Spells for Beginners
Grimoire/Shadow Work/Exercises
Dig Through The Ditches
Grimoire Prompts and Another and Another
Home Brews
Make Your Own Folklore
Shadow Work Prompts
Organising Study Materials
Quantifying Your Craft
A neurodivergent witch's guide to starting a grimoire
Misc Resources
Witchy Resource Doc - Includes books, websites, yters, ingredients, etc.
Online Research
Research Jumping Points Inspo
How To Ward and Another
Recommended Reading  
Cailleach’s Herbarium - Scottish Folk Practitioner, lots of Scottish based history, folk magic, folklore, etc.
What is Sympathetic Magic - Infographic and links
Historical Scottish Beltane
Witchcraft on a budget
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thuzyblog · 10 months
Learn About Yorkie Poo Dog Breeds and Interesting Facts
There is a cute mix breed called the Yorkie Poo that comes from the Yorkshire Terrier and the Poodle. The Yorkie Poo comes from crossing two smart and well-liked dog breeds. It has become a popular pet in many homes and hearts. Their small size and lively personality make them a hit with families, single people, and older people. Even though they are small, they have a lot of personality and charm.
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List of things about Yorkie Poo
Looks: Small and tight, with curly or wavy hair.
Smart, playful, and affectionate are some of its traits.
Popularity: Rising quickly because people like it.
The person is friendly, outgoing, and sociable.
10 to 15 years of life.
The color of the coat can be black, white, tan, or gray.
Is the Yorkie Poo dog a mix of different dog breeds or a new breed? The Yorkie Poo is a mix of different dog breeds.
How to keep a Yorkie Poo healthy
Protein-rich kibble is important for their energy and muscle growth.
Fatty acids, such as Omega-3, help keep their skin and coat healthy.
Calcium: They need it to build strong bones, especially puppies.
The environment:
Safe places: They like to explore, so a safe yard or area is very important.
Comfortable bedding: So they can relax and stay warm.
Interactive toys: To satisfy their need to play and learn.
Take care of them by giving them lots of play and mental stimulation on a regular basis. They love attention and affection.
Brush their fur three times a week to keep it from getting tangled. If you need to, take a bath once a month. They should always wash their face, especially the area around their eyes. Twice a week, check and cut your nails.
How to get ready for life with a Yorkie Poo
Make sure you're ready to commit for a long time.
Yorkie Poos need to be cared for and watched all the time.
Early on, make training and socialization a top priority.
Equipment you need:
Harness and leash that can be adjusted. Good dog bed. Interactive toys.
A lot of diseases:
Patellar luxation: Getting regular check-ups with your vet can help find this problem early.
Dental disease: Getting your teeth cleaned regularly and chewing on good toys can help.
If they have an ear infection, make sure their ears are dry and clean.
Vaccinations: Your Yorkie Poo needs to be vaccinated against rabies, distemper, and hepatitis.
How to get a Yorkie Poo or adopt one
Locations: It's most popular in cities in the US, UK, and Canada.
Prices range from $800 to $1500 on average, depending on the family tree.
Community: There are a lot of Facebook and Instagram groups for people who love Yorkies.
Checklist for adoption:
Health in general: Always check the health in general.
Vaccination status: Make sure they have all of their shots up to date.
Medical history: Make a list of all the health problems you've had in the past.
Knowing the Yorkie Poo's unique traits and needs will help you have a happy and loving relationship with this cute dog breed. Whether you adopt or buy, this little bundle of joy brings is truly unimaginable.
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3rseo · 11 months
SEO Optimised Content in your Blog attracts more clients!
In the dynamic realm of digital information, the power of well-crafted content is unparalleled. At 3R SEO & Marketing, we take pride in not just creating content, but in crafting meaningful narratives that resonate with audiences and drive SEO success. Today, we’re thrilled to showcase ten exemplary blog entries that we’ve meticulously penned on behalf of our clients as part of our commitment to their SEO growth journey.
Discover the power of SEO-optimized content with 3R SEO & Marketing! Dive into our portfolio of ten exceptional blog entries from August 2023, meticulously crafted to enhance our clients’ SEO success.
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Explore diverse topics, from relationship guidance to property assessments, fire safety to home extensions. Each blog showcases our commitment to creating informative and engaging content that resonates with your audience.
1. Access Counselling
Here is the insightful blog authored for Access Counselling, a beacon of guidance in relationship nurturing. Our collaborative effort has resulted in a blog that offers invaluable insights into selecting the right pre-marriage course in Dublin. This piece delves deep into the significance of aligning courses with couples’ needs and values, underlining keywords like “pre-marriage courses Dublin” and “choose the right pre-marriage course.” As readers explore this blog, they’re invited to explore the world of healthy relationships and successful marriages through the lens of Access Counselling’s expertise.
2. New Home Surveys
Read this blog we’ve created for New Home Surveys, a dedicated authority in property assessments. This blog distinguishes between the terms “snagging checklist” and “snag list” within the context of new home inspections. In a comprehensive exploration, we shed light on the nuanced meanings and usages of these terms, emphasizing keywords like “snagging checklist,” “snag list,” and “new home inspections.” As readers delve into this blog, they gain clarity about crucial aspects of property assessment, all while appreciating the depth of knowledge that New Home Surveys brings to the table.
3. Diamond Shine Cleaners
Here we share five key tips for achieving a high standard of cleanliness in a Dublin office. These suggestions include selecting appropriate cleaning products, using them correctly on different surfaces, and implementing effective cleaning methods like dusting before vacuuming and adopting a top-to-bottom approach. The importance of maintaining a regular cleaning routine and paying attention to details, including frequently touched areas and commonly used office equipment, is also emphasized. The benefits of professional cleaning services are highlighted, particularly their role in fostering a positive work environment. The article also promotes the use of eco-friendly cleaning products and the preventative and health-boosting benefits of regular cleaning.
4. ePower
The blog post for ePower discusses the growing electric vehicle (EV) market and the need for EV chargers at service stations. It notes that these locations are ideal for chargers due to their accessibility. Fast-charging options, which can charge most EVs in under 30 minutes, are highlighted as crucial. The post concludes that installing EV chargers at service stations is key to supporting the shift towards electric mobility.
5. Flame Stop
The blog article for Flame Stop Ltd. underscores the criticality of fire safety in data centres in Ireland, extending beyond merely cybersecurity. The piece highlights three main facets of fire safety: Mitigation, Detection, and Suppression. It recommends the use of fire-resistant materials in construction and insulation, strict housekeeping measures, and frequent equipment maintenance checks. It stresses the value of early detection systems and swift suppression systems. Prevention is key, with careful management of combustible materials and strict housekeeping emphasized. Regular upkeep of electrical and mechanical equipment and thorough fire safety training for all staff is also advised. The article concludes that comprehensive fire protection provides data centres with financial security, data integrity, a good reputation, legal compliance, and peace of mind.
6. Greenoak Construction
Greenoak Construction’s blog post emphasizes the benefits of house extensions in Dublin and tips for a successful project. They highlight their commitment to quality workmanship, ensuring that extensions not only add value but also blend seamlessly with existing structures. Their process is designed to be stress-free, with dedicated project managers handling everything from initial consultation to construction. Greenoak Construction also uses energy-efficient construction solutions to promote sustainable living and reduce energy bills. They recommend clients to clarify their purpose for the extension, set a realistic budget, think long-term, and choose a reliable partner like themselves for the project. The company prides itself on client satisfaction and comprehensive solutions, aiming to transform homes into spaces that resonate with clients’ lifestyle and aspirations.
7. Kildare Tarmac & Asphalt
The blog post “Crafting Stunning Pathways: 7 Tips for Idyllic Rural House Walkways” on Kildare Tarmac & Asphalt’s website provides valuable advice on creating beautiful walkways for rural homes in Ireland. It emphasizes the importance of thoughtful design, use of quality materials like natural stone or concrete pavers, and harmony with nature. The blog suggests optimal pathway placement to enhance scenery, aesthetic night-time lighting, and attention to kerb details for an overall stunning look. Customization is encouraged to reflect personal style and resonate with the property’s theme. Kildare Tarmac & Asphalt, serving Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Westmeath, Wexford, Wicklow, and Louth, offer expert Paths & Kerb Laying services, guiding clients through the creative process. The blog concludes with testimonials praising their services and contact information for a free estimate.
8. New Style Driveways
The blog post on New Style Driveways discusses how to design an easy-to-maintain tarmacadam driveway. It emphasizes the importance of careful planning, which includes assessing personal needs and preferences, and considering the size of the driveway. New Style Driveways is a local Dublin business experienced in managing projects of various sizes, specializing in tarmac, asphalt, paving, and concrete. The company also provides quality driveways, patio installations, decking, and fencing. The article mentions that with proper care and regular maintenance, the lifespan of a tarmac driveway can be substantially extended beyond the average range. Furthermore, the company offers a no-maintenance tarmac driveway option, which is completed with a silver granite cobble border. The post concludes by encouraging potential customers to get in contact for a free consultation.
9. National Training Centre
The blog post on the National Training Centre (NTC) website outlines the cost and other details of obtaining a Pilates Instructor Certification in Dublin. It highlights the fact that becoming a certified Pilates instructor can be a rewarding career path, but also emphasizes that it requires a significant investment of both time and money. The total cost for the certification program is €2,750, which includes the course fee, examination fee, and course materials. This comprehensive course covers in-depth theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and professional competencies required to teach Pilates effectively. It also provides students with a nationally and internationally recognized qualification. The post concludes by stating that the cost of the certification is justified by the quality of the training and the potential income opportunities it presents.
10. Universal Hair Clinic
The blog post on Universal Hair Clinic’s website emphasizes the importance of consulting a trichologist for hair loss treatment in Dublin. It notes that generic advice and over-the-counter products often fail to provide satisfactory results, as they don’t account for individual factors like genetics, nutrition, and underlying health conditions. The post warns against relying solely on online recommendations, which may lack scientific validation and be influenced by commercial interests. Trichologists, as professionals specializing in hair and scalp issues, offer accurate diagnoses and personalized treatments. They provide guidance on proper hair care practices, nutritional advice for hair health, stress management techniques, and can diagnose various hair and scalp conditions. The post recommends researching and reading reviews when choosing a trichologist, considering their qualifications and experience. It concludes by asserting that hair loss should be treated with the same seriousness as any other health issue and highlights the services of Universal Hair Clinic in Dublin for expert trichologist consultations.
These blog entries stand as a testament to our commitment to creating informative, engaging, and SEO-optimized content that bolsters our clients’ digital presence. As you immerse yourself in these insightful pieces, we invite you to explore the worlds of our clients. Let these blogs serve as a reminder of our dedication to enhancing SEO-driven content creation, paving the way for our clients’ success in the digital landscape.
🚀 Ready to boost your digital presence? 🚀
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your digital presence and attract more clients. Contact us today to embark on your SEO growth journey with 3R SEO Consulting!
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vrankup · 1 year
Unveiling the Secrets of SEO: Tips to Get You Started.
Hey there It's your best digital marketing agency in dwarka, vrankup! let's get real about social media reporting and those KPIs that guide the ship. We're keeping it simple and AI-free, so buckle up, and let's dive in.
KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, might sound like some techy jargon, but think of them as your compass in the vast sea of social media. They're your trusty tools for measuring how well you're doing, without drowning you in a sea of AI gibberish. Picture this – you're on a road trip, and KPIs are like your road signs, showing you the way and telling you if you're headed in the right direction.
First up, we've got **Engagement Rate**. It's like the popularity meter of your posts, measuring how many people are interacting with your stuff
Then there's **Reach and Impressions** – these are like the speakers at your party, making sure your music is heard. Reach tells you how many folks saw your content, while Impressions count how many times it was displayed. They're like the footprints of your content, showing you how far it's traveled and who's checking it out.
 It measures the percentage of folks who clicked on your links after seeing your content. Imagine you're a street performer – your CTR tells you how many people dropped a coin in your hat after enjoying your act. A high CTR means your content is intriguing enough to make people want more.
The conversion rate is like the grand finale of your social media show. It's the percentage of people who actually do something meaningful after clicking your links – like signing up, subscribing, or making a purchase. This is where your audience goes from being spectators to active participants. It's like turning your audience into die-hard fans who want to join you on tour.
Let's not forget **Follower Growth** – it's like keeping track of your party guest list. Are new people showing up at your social media bash? This KPI helps you see if your content is attracting fresh faces or if it's time to switch up the tunes.
Audience Demographics are like knowing the tastes of your partygoers. It's about understanding who's vibing with your content – their age, gender, location, and interests. Imagine you're a DJ, and you know exactly what tracks will get your crowd dancing. Audience Demographics help you customize your content to match your audience's preferences.
Last but not least, we've got **Sentiment Analysis**. This is all about the vibes people are giving off. Are they cheering, booing, or just nodding along? It's like having a backstage pass to the crowd's emotions. Sentiment Analysis digs into comments, reviews, and mentions to give you a sense of how people feel about your brand.
In a nutshell, these KPIs are your party essentials for social media reporting. They're like your party checklist – making sure you're engaging, getting noticed, and turning bystanders into party animals. Engagement rates, reach, CTR, and conversion rates – these are the tools that help you host the best social media party in town.
Catch you later,
Digital marketing agency in Dwarka | Digital marketing company in Dwarka, vrankup
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nimbus-cobra · 1 year
5 Leisure Activities That Will Certainly Aid You Increase Your Creativity and also Productivity
Leisure activities are not just a method to pass time yet can additionally have a considerable impact on our mental and physical wellness. Engaging in a pastime can aid us alleviate stress and anxiety, enhance our emphasis, enhance our problem-solving skills, and also increase our imagination as well as productivity. However, not all hobbies are developed equal, and some are more valuable than others. In this post, we will go over 5 pastimes that can help you touch right into your innovative capacity and increase your productivity.The first leisure activity on our list is journaling. Making a note of your ideas and ideas can assist you clarify your reasoning as well as organize your top priorities. It can likewise serve as a tool for self-reflection as well as individual growth. An additional pastime that can boost your imagination is digital photography. Recording pictures can help you see the world from a various point of view and also inspire you to think outside package. The 3rd leisure activity on our checklist is horticulture. Often tending to plants can be a reflective and calming activity that can help you clear your mind as well as enhance your focus. Fourth, we have reading. Reviewing can subject you to originalities and also perspectives, widen your understanding, as well as promote your creative imagination. Last but not least, we have crafting. Taking part in a creative activity like knitting, paint, or pottery can assist you develop your creative skills as well as increase your self-confidence. These pastimes are excellent methods to have a good time while additionally enhancing your psychological and physical health.
Read more here https://puzzlescompendium.blogspot.com/2022/08/help-with-word-search-puzzles.html
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Self-Care, Burn-Out, Failure, & Growth
With 2022 winding down, and my stress levels at an all time high, I've been reflecting with amusement on how my primary goal for this year was to focus on self-care and how badly it's been going.
Oddly enough, beating oneself up over one's healing process is decidedly unhelpful.
On the surface, it sounds easy. And with the awareness of mental health struggles, it might even sound noble. The reality is that self-care is very, very difficult. It can't just be me.
All of my self-worth is tied to my usefulness to others. How is what I'm doing beneficial to others? How is what I'm doing considered productive? Even my desire to improve my mental health is tied to others. I'm doing poorly; I need to work on that...As is, I'm a burden to others. Self-care was turned into a checklist that I marked off with gusto.
Rarely did it actually help. Lately it's been feeling a lot like failure; but now I'm not so sure. Change doesn't happen overnight. I'm a 30 year old perfectionist with a long history of anxiety, OCD, and bucket loads of trauma. There's a lot for me to unpack. A lot to untangle in my head, alongside learning this new skill of self-care.
So...not failure, so much as learning. I've been more aware of my struggles, and my mindset, and my intentions. It's been trial and error. Baking is relaxing if I'm doing it for fun, and if I don't add the "I should bring this to work to share with my coworkers -- now this loaf needs to be extra good!"; writing is enjoyable if I don't think "I need this to be perfect so people don't judge me!"; reading is nice if I don't think "I need to finish this and finish that, because my friend wrote it, or I want to get involved in this conversation, or to knock more titles off of my to-read list."; watching shows or films because I want to and not because "I need to finish, need to be up to date!"; I want to be more involved with the community but it quickly turns into "I need to create this server, join this fest, do this and do that."
Last week I hit my breaking point. I took some mental health days off work. I told myself -- repeatedly -- to not feel guilty for missing work, and to not feel obligated to work on writing. To not rush around doing housework, or feel bad if I don't do housework. Over and over I told myself to just do whatever I felt like doing. No rush. No pressure. Everything else could wait for 2 friggin' days. Just...chill out, for once!
And lo and behold, it helped!
The worries crept in, but I smacked them away. "No, we're not doing that today." I still did a lot. I'm always happiest doing something. I accomplished various tasks, but it wasn't for anyone. I drafted a few unfinished rec lists. I made more work on my AO3 bookmarks. I dove headfirst into typing up Harry Potter astrology essays. Wherever my whims led, I followed.
It was refreshing! I had fun! I felt good for the first time in a long time.
How I can hold the worries at bay long term, I don't know. I have realized I need to scale back on my obligations. Admit defeat for my own betterment. Free up my time to focus on what I'm passionate about. Remembering that not second of every day has to be useful or wasteful, with no in between.
Maybe I've not yet "achieved" great self-care, but I also haven't failed. It's a process, a journey. One I'm actively working on. I'm trying. I'm learning. That's growth, however small.
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ecombootcamp · 1 year
How Ecom Bootcamp will help you to boost your Ecom Business?
Ecom Bootcamp is an internet based program intended to assist business people and entrepreneurs with figuring out how to begin, develop, and scale a fruitful internet business. To assist participants in increasing their sales, enhancing their marketing strategies, and optimizing their operations for greater efficiency and profitability, the program provides comprehensive training and support.
Ecom Bootcamp can help you grow your e-commerce business in the following ways:
Complete instruction: Ecommerce topics like product selection, sourcing, pricing, listing optimization, marketing, and more are covered in depth at Ecom Bootcamp. You might be able to learn more about the e-commerce industry and how to make better business decisions from this.
Expert advice: The program is run by seasoned e-commerce entrepreneurs who have built and grown their own businesses successfully. They can assist you in avoiding common pitfalls and accelerating your growth by providing helpful insights and advice based on their own experiences.
Community that is helpful: Additionally, Ecom Bootcamp provides access to a supportive community of entrepreneurs with similar objectives. Networking, learning, and sharing ideas can all benefit from this resource.
Resources and tools that can be used: Templates, checklists, and software recommendations are just a few of the useful tools and resources in the program that can assist you in streamlining your operations and maximizing your marketing efforts.
In general, Ecom Bootcamp can be a useful resource for anyone attempting to establish or expand an e-commerce company. The program can assist you in increasing sales, improving marketing strategies, and optimizing your operations for greater efficiency and profitability by providing comprehensive training, expert guidance, and useful tools and resources. Also read our blogs to get best and in-depth knowledge.
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12 Questions on How to Scale a Landscaping Business | Dan Platta Home Service CFO
In this episode of the Untrapped Podcast, Keith Kalfas interviews Dan Platta, the Home Service CFO and founder of Best Dan Bookkeeping. They discuss key topics such as managing chaos in business, the importance of having the right team, effective organizational strategies, and Dan's journey from the corporate world to entrepreneurship. The conversation touches on the significance of recruiting top talent, leveraging checklists for operational efficiency, and the biggest lessons learned from past mistakes. Dan also shares his vision for future ventures and insights on balancing business and personal life. Throughout the episode, actionable advice is provided for small business owners aiming to scale and improve their operations.
  "Find good mentors and learn from their mistakes"   Dan Platta
Topics Covered:
Revenue and Services: Dan's Business Insights
Organizational Strategies for Success
Recruiting the Best Employees
Top Influential Books
Overcoming Entrepreneurial Fears
Advice for New Entrepreneurs
Short-Term Goals and Business Philosophy
Customer-Centric Business Philosophy
The Importance of Zero Attrition
Big Hairy Audacious Goals
Overcoming Business Challenges
Lessons from Business Mistakes
The Value of Good Bookkeeping
Key Takeaways
Revenue Achievement and Service Diversification:
Dan Plata discusses achieving nearly $4 million in revenue, emphasizing the importance of offering diverse services such as window cleaning, pressure washing, maid services, bookkeeping, recruiting, and marketing.
Key takeaway: Diversification can lead to higher revenue, but managing multiple services requires robust organizational strategies.
Importance of Support Systems:
Dan highlights the critical role his wife plays in his success, even though she isn’t directly involved in the business.
Key takeaway: A strong personal support system can significantly boost business performance and personal well-being.
Organizational Strategies:
Dan stresses the importance of checklists and to-do lists to maintain accountability and ensure that employees stay on task.
Key takeaway: Simple organizational tools like digital checklists can streamline operations and prevent errors in repetitive tasks.
Recruitment and Quality of Employees:
Dan learned to recruit high-quality employees rather than hiring quickly to fill positions. By finding the best candidates in advance, he ensures that he can select from the top talent when needed.
Key takeaway: Continuous recruitment and having high standards for employee selection can improve service quality and business growth.
Influential Books:
Dan recommends "The E-Myth Revisited," "Peak Performance," and "Leadership and Self-Deception" as pivotal books that have impacted his business approach.
Key takeaway: Reading and learning from comprehensive resources can offer new perspectives and practical strategies for business improvement.
Facing and Overcoming Fears:
Dan reflects on his fear of leaving the corporate world to become an entrepreneur, but realized the risk was worth the learning experience.
Key takeaway: Overcoming initial fears and making calculated risks can lead to greater opportunities and personal growth.
Mentorship and Learning from Others:
Dan advises new entrepreneurs to find good mentors and learn from their mistakes to avoid common pitfalls.
Key takeaway: Leveraging the experiences of successful mentors can shorten the learning curve and provide valuable insights.
Prioritizing Customer and Employee Satisfaction:
Dan’s goal is to build a business driven by customer demand and employee satisfaction rather than solely focusing on financial targets.
Key takeaway: Focusing on creating value for customers and providing a great work environment for employees can lead to sustainable business growth and profitability.
Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG):
Dan's major life goal is to combine his passion for business with his love for outdoor activities by creating a mastermind group for business owners that includes outdoor adventures.
Key takeaway: Aligning personal passions with business goals can lead to a more fulfilling career.
Handling Mistakes:
Dan admits that growing his business too rapidly and spreading too thin were significant mistakes but valuable learning experiences.
Key takeaway: Learning from business missteps is crucial. Scaling should be done thoughtfully to avoid overextension and operational disarray.
Understanding and Leveraging Financial Data:
Dan emphasizes the importance of having impeccable bookkeeping to make better business decisions and ensure financial clarity.
Key takeaway: Accurate financial data helps in making informed decisions, which is essential for managing growth and ensuring long-term success.
  Connect with Dan
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-platta-30736b31
Connect with Keith
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keithkalfas/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thelandscapingemployeetrap Website: https://www.keithkalfas.com/resources Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@keith-kalfas
  Resources and Websites: 
🙋♂️Get My Free Landscaping Business Startup Video Series Here👇  Here https://www.keithkalfas.com/Landscaping-Series
Landscaping Course https://keith-kalfas.mykajabi.com/store/8bFERMcs
LANDSCAPING BUSINESS  How to Guide: https://www.keithkalfas.com/16
Get Jobber: https://getjobber.com/im/ambassador-referral/?gspk=a2VpdGhrYWxmYXM4NTIx&gsxid=Rs6pwtznLDcs
Get Ballard: https://www.ballard-inc.com/
Easy Budgeting Blueprint: keithkalfas.com/budget
Smartphone Video Creation Guide: Keithkalfas.com/smartphone
Identifying Your Superpower: Keithkalfas.com/superpower
Become An influencer And Monetize Your Expertise: https://www.keithkalfas.com/influence
Multiple Ways to Monetize: https://www.keithkalfas.com/multipleways
Build Your Website: https://durable.co/    Promo Code: keith30
Check out this episode!
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Best Amazon Dropshipping Services for Small Business Owners in the USA
Amazon has become a leading platform for entrepreneurs and business owners seeking automation and growth. However, many struggle to manage their eCommerce businesses effectively due to time constraints, lack of experience, or the complexities of handling day-to-day operations. To bridge these gaps, expert Amazon services can provide valuable support by offering tailored strategies that suit both long-term growth and exit plans.
Amazon’s growth, especially post-pandemic, continues to make it an attractive platform for investment. A survey by eMarketer projects U.S. holiday spending to reach $282 billion in 2024, a 28% increase from the previous year. This demonstrates the continued success of eCommerce platforms like Amazon Seller Central.
For entrepreneurs considering dropshipping, professional managed services are invaluable. Just as an experienced race team helps optimize performance, a managed Amazon service allows business owners to hit the ground running without trial and error. By partnering with experts, owners can avoid the learning curve and start generating consistent revenue sooner.
How Amazon Dropshipping Works
In Amazon dropshipping, sellers list products from suppliers without holding inventory. When a customer makes a purchase, the seller buys the product from the supplier, and the supplier ships it directly to the customer. This model allows sellers to avoid upfront inventory costs and purchase products only after a sale has been made. Additionally, returns are managed by coordinating with suppliers, ensuring efficient refund processing.
Dropshipping is low-risk with the potential for quick growth, making it an ideal option for many entrepreneurs. Prime Summit Solutions offers a checklist-based approach to ensure compliance with Amazon's policies and optimize store performance.
Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)
FBA differs from dropshipping in that Amazon manages the entire fulfillment process, including storage, shipping, and customer service. Prime Summit Solutions offers comprehensive FBA services, handling everything from product research to listing management. With FBA, businesses benefit from faster shipping, higher net profit margins, and quicker payouts compared to dropshipping. This model allows sellers to focus on growth while Amazon takes care of logistics.
The Benefits of Managed Amazon Services
Managed companies like Prime Summit Solutions provide expert support, helping small business owners optimize their eCommerce operations from the start. By leveraging expert knowledge, entrepreneurs can avoid the hassle of learning from scratch, saving valuable time and increasing their chances of success.
For long-term growth, services like white labeling and private labeling can help sellers build unique brands, eventually creating more attractive exit strategies. Prime Summit Solutions provides assistance in all areas of eCommerce, from dropshipping and FBA to brand development and Amazon automation, ensuring smooth operations at every stage.
Payments: All earnings are paid directly to your bank account by Amazon.
Profit Margins: Dropshipping margins are typically 10-20%, while FBA margins range from 15-30%.
Financial Reports: Detailed monthly reports are provided for accounting purposes.
Return on Investment Guarantee: Prime Summit Solutions offers a legal money-back guarantee if you don’t achieve a full ROI within a specified period.
To get started, business owners can reach out to Prime Summit Solutions through their website for a free consultation. Their Amazon automation services are designed to support business growth and maximize profitability.
For more details, visit: Prime Summit Solutions
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9 WordPress Technical SEO Issues You Need to Fix For Better Rankings
WordPress is dominant in the CMS market with nearly 65% market share, making it the go-to platform for bloggers, small businesses, e-commerce sites, and even major news outlets. Its widespread appeal comes from its ease of use, customizable features, and vibrant community support. To maximize the benefits of WordPress and ensure optimal performance, following a technical SEO checklist is essential. This checklist helps address critical aspects of SEO, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and proper indexing, ensuring that your WordPress site ranks well and delivers a superior user experience.
What sets WordPress apart is its built-in SEO capabilities. Straight out of the box, it provides clean code, semantic markup, and an organized structure that search engines can effortlessly crawl, boosting your content’s chances of being indexed and ranked in SERPs. For those looking to enhance their SEO further, partnering with an experienced SEO Agency in Chennai can provide additional expertise and tailored strategies to maximize your WordPress site’s performance and visibility.
However, even the best platforms have their limitations. As a site auditor specializing in WordPress, I’ve found that targeting key technical areas can quickly enhance SEO performance, drive traffic, and increase RPMs (revenue per thousand impressions). Focusing on these factors can unlock significant growth opportunities for any WordPress blog.
1. Set Up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for Your Website 
Setting up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for your website is a game-changer in tracking and understanding your online audience. Begin by creating a new Google Analytics 4 property in your Google Analytics account, and then generate your unique measurement ID. Once you add the GA4 tracking code to your site, you'll unlock powerful real-time insights into user behavior and interactions. With GA4's advanced features, including seamless integration with Google Tag Manager, you can effortlessly manage and track additional events without the hassle of constant code adjustments. For those seeking expert assistance, exploring Digital Analytics and Tracking services in Chennai can provide specialized support to optimize your GA4 setup and enhance your data-driven decision-making.
2. Fix Passing Core Web Vitals On WordPress
Improving Core Web Vitals on WordPress involves several key steps to enhance your site's performance and user experience. Start by optimizing images and videos to reduce their size and load times. Use a caching plugin, like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache, to speed up your site's loading speed. Implement lazy loading for images and videos to ensure that they load only when they come into the viewport. Minify and combine CSS and JavaScript files to decrease the number of HTTP requests and reduce file sizes. Additionally, consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to deliver content more quickly to users across different regions. Regularly check your site’s performance using tools like Google Page Speed Insights or Lighthouse to track improvements and make necessary adjustments.
3. Remove Internal Permalink Redirects on WordPress
Internal permalink redirects can clutter your WordPress site and impact both user experience and SEO. To clean up and remove unnecessary internal redirects, 
Identify Redirects: Use a tool like Screaming Frog SEO Spider or a WordPress plugin such as Redirection to identify internal permalink redirects on your site. These tools will help you pinpoint where redirects are happening and which ones are no longer needed.
Access Your Redirect Plugin: If you’re using a plugin for managing redirects (e.g., Redirection or Yoast SEO), go to the plugin’s settings in your WordPress dashboard. Review the list of existing redirects.
Remove Unnecessary Redirects: In your redirect management tool, locate the redirects that are obsolete or redundant. Delete or deactivate these redirects to clean up your permalink structure.
Update Permalinks: If a redirect was set up due to a permalink change, ensure that the new permalink structure is properly updated in your posts or pages. Edit the post or page to correct any outdated permalinks.
Clear Cache: After removing redirects, clear your site’s cache to ensure the changes take effect immediately. This step is crucial if you are using a caching plugin or CDN.
Monitor for Issues: Keep an eye on your site’s performance and user experience after making these changes. Check for any broken links or errors that may have arisen from removing redirects.
4. Fixing Link Targets on WordPress
Ensuring that your link targets are properly set is crucial for maintaining a seamless user experience and optimizing SEO.
Review Link Targets: Examine your website’s links to determine where they lead. Check if they open in the same tab or a new one, depending on their purpose. Internal links typically should open in the same tab, while external links might be set to open in a new tab.
Edit Link Settings: On WordPress, if you encounter a situation where a WordPress link is not working, go to the post or page editor where the link is located. Select the link you want to edit, and then adjust the link settings. For internal links, ensure the target is set to open in the same tab. For external links, consider setting the link to open in a new tab to keep visitors on your site. This adjustment helps ensure that links function correctly and enhance the user experience on your WordPress site.
Use HTML Attributes: For custom link management, you can directly edit the HTML of your content. Use the target="_blank" attribute to open links in a new tab or window. Ensure that this is used sparingly to avoid annoying users with too many new tabs.
Update Link Behavior: If you’re using a content management system or plugin that handles links, check its settings to ensure links behave as expected. Update configurations to fix any issues with how links are targeted.
Test Links: After making changes, test your links to confirm they open in the intended manner. This helps avoid any user frustration from broken or incorrectly targeted links.
Monitor User Experience: Continuously monitor how users interact with your links. Use analytics tools to track click behavior and make adjustments as needed to enhance user experience. A Digital Agency in Chennai can help optimize these strategies by leveraging the latest tools and insights to improve online performance.
5. Fixing Broken Links on Your WordPress Website
Broken links can negatively affect both user experience and search engine ranking. To restore your WordPress website's broken links
Identify Broken Links: Use tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider, Google Search Console, or WordPress plugins like Broken Link Checker to find broken links on your site.
Update or Remove Links: For links pointing to outdated or incorrect pages, update them with the correct URLs. If the linked content no longer exists, consider removing the link or replacing it with relevant content.
Redirect Broken Links: Set up 301 redirects to guide users and search engines from broken URLs to their intended destinations. Use a plugin like Redirection or manage redirects via your server’s. htaccess file.
Fix Internal Links: Ensure that internal links point to existing pages within your website. Update or replace broken internal links to maintain site navigation and user experience.
Check and Test: After making corrections, test your links to ensure they work properly. Use browser tools or online services to verify that no broken links remain.
Monitor Frequently: As part of your regular site maintenance, check frequently for broken links. Set up automated checks to catch and address issues promptly.
6. Improving Internal Anchor Text for Better SEO and User Experience
Internal anchor text plays a crucial role in both SEO and user navigation. To enhance your internal linking strategy.
Use Descriptive Text: Ensure that your anchor text is descriptive and clearly indicates the content of the linked page. Avoid generic terms like “click here” and instead use specific keywords related to the target page.
Incorporate Relevant Keywords: Integrate relevant keywords naturally into your anchor text. This helps search engines understand the context of the linked content and can improve your site’s SEO.
Maintain Natural Flow: Anchor text should fit naturally within the content. It should provide value and context to the reader, guiding them to additional relevant information without disrupting the flow of the text.
Avoid Over-Optimization: While keywords are important, overloading anchor text with keywords can be detrimental. Aim for a balanced approach that emphasizes relevance over keyword density.
Diversify Anchor Text: Use a variety of anchor texts to link to the same page. This diversity helps avoid the appearance of keyword stuffing and provides a more natural linking pattern.
Ensure Relevance: Only link to pages that are directly related to the anchor text. Users may become confused by irrelevant links, which can also lessen the impact of your internal linking strategy.
Check for Broken Links: Regularly review and update your internal links to ensure they are not broken. Use tools to identify and fix any dead links to maintain a smooth user experience.
Monitor User Interaction: Analyze how users interact with your internal links. Adjust your anchor text strategy based on user behavior and engagement metrics to continually improve navigation and relevance.
7. Optimizing Sidebars for Enhanced User Experience and SEO
Sidebars are a valuable component of your website, offering opportunities to enhance user experience and boost SEO.
Prioritize Relevant Content: Display widgets and links that are directly relevant to your site’s content and user interests. This could include recent posts, popular articles, or related content to keep users engaged.
Incorporate Search Functionality: Add a search bar to your sidebar to help users easily find content on your site. Make sure it’s prominently placed and easy to use.
Promote Key Actions: Use the sidebar to highlight important actions, such as newsletter sign-ups, social media links, or call-to-action buttons. Ensure these elements are eye-catching and compelling.
Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your sidebar content is mobile-friendly. On smaller screens, sidebars often move to the bottom or become collapsible. Test and adjust to maintain usability and effectiveness on mobile devices.
Improve Load Times: Keep the sidebar’s content lightweight to avoid slowing down page load times. Optimize images and minimize the use of heavy widgets or external scripts.
Enhance SEO with Keywords: Include relevant keywords in sidebar widgets and links. This can help with on-page SEO by reinforcing the content theme and improving keyword relevance.
Utilize Analytics: Use analytics tools to track sidebar performance. Monitor metrics like click-through rates and user interactions to understand what’s working and make data-driven improvements.
Maintain Clean Design: Ensure the sidebar design is clean and uncluttered. Avoid overwhelming users with too many widgets or links. A well-organized sidebar enhances usability and aesthetics.
8. Reinforcing E-E-A-T in 2024
In 2024, reinforcing Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness is crucial for boosting your website’s credibility and SEO. Here’s how to enhance these elements:
Showcase Expertise: Highlight the credentials and qualifications of your content creators. Publish high-quality, well-researched content that reflects deep knowledge in your field.
Build Authoritativeness: Gain backlinks from reputable sites and collaborate with industry leaders. Maintain a strong online presence through thought leadership and expert commentary.
Foster Trustworthiness: Ensure your website has clear contact information, privacy policies, and user reviews. Maintain transparency and address user concerns promptly.
Update Content Regularly: Keep content current and relevant to reflect ongoing changes and trends. Regular updates demonstrate commitment to providing accurate information.
Leverage User-Generated Content: Encourage and showcase authentic user reviews and testimonials. Positive feedback from real users enhances credibility and trust.
9. Addressing Accessibility Issues on Your Website
It is imperative for inclusion and compliance that your website be made accessible to all users, including those with impairments.
Implement Alt Text for Images: Provide descriptive alt text for all images to help users with visual impairments understand the content.
Verify Keyboard Navigation: Verify that a keyboard may be used to navigate across each interactive element. Test your site’s functionality to confirm that users can access all features without a mouse.
Use Clear and Readable Fonts: Choose fonts that are easy to read and provide sufficient contrast between text and background. Ensure that font sizes are adjustable for better readability.
Provide Text Alternatives for Multimedia: Offer transcripts for audio and video content, and provide captions for videos to accommodate users with hearing impairments.
Design for Screen Readers: Use proper HTML markup and ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles to ensure that screen readers can interpret your site’s content accurately.
Maintain Color Contrast: Ensure there is adequate contrast between text and background colors to aid users with color blindness and low vision.
Test with Accessibility Tools: Use accessibility evaluation tools like WAVE or Lighthouse to identify and fix issues. Regularly test your site to stay compliant with accessibility standards.
Follow Web Accessibility Guidelines: Adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure your site meets industry standards for accessibility.
Technical SEO Path to Success for WordPress Users
Achieving technical SEO success with WordPress requires strategic optimization. Focus on site speed, mobile responsiveness, and clean code to boost performance and rankings. Regular updates, SEO plugins, and audits are essential. For advanced solutions, consider a Search Engine Optimization Service to elevate your efforts and ensure your site is search-engine ready.
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