#like I’m trying to find a fic and I just LOVE (sarcastic) to scroll by and see like ten stories about your weird ass incest fantasies
chuuyascumsock · 8 months
Ao3 user Woundilingus, what the fuck man. Can’t have shit in this fandom 💀 (or any fandom tbh).
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ador3sturniolo · 11 months
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An - omg I feel like I haven’t posted in a year what. Okay so earlier this week I went to a hockey game, and something happened while I was there and I wanted to write a fic about it. And I wanted to do Nate because I love Nate, and we need more Nate fics out there asap. And the song has nothing to do with the fic, it was the song I kept playing while writing this 😭
Paring - Nathan Doe X FemReader
Summary - You go to one of Nate’s hockey games
Warnings - Kissing, NOT PROOFREAD
Requested - Nope
I hadn’t realize how late I had slept in until I heard my alarm go off more than 30 times, most of which I had just sleep through. I check the time and see it’s a little past 3. Shit. I had so much to do and had it all planned out. I was to clean my house, get a gift for Nate, go grocery shopping, and decorate for fall. I’ll just eat some food while I’m out but right now, I need to clean up my place. I have u til 6:30 to get everything done on my list. Considering Nate’s game starts at 7.
I clean my house, lighting candles and turning on fairy lights I have setup around my house. I take a quick shower and put on my freshly clean clothes. I do a slick back bun, not trying to do anything fancy. I get into my car and make a quick stop at Starbucks to get a drink. I also did an online order for my favorite lunch place in town so it’s ready for pickup when I get there. I pickup my lunch and eat in my car as I drive to target. I put my Starbucks in the cup holder of my cart and push it too the food section.
I grab my list of food and start putting it in my cart. I decided to grab some cookie dough for me and Nate to back after his game. I go over to the floral section and grab a bag of white, blue, and purple pair and place it in my cart. I’m on my way towards check out when I spot the cutest pair of matching pj sets. There was a vampire, pumpkin, and ghost option. They were all so cute but I decided to get the ghost ones. I check out and go home to eat dinner and decorate.
I decided to make something, quick, easy, and delicious. I play my fall playlist as I grab my last year bin full of pumpkins, signs, pillows and blankets. It only takes me around 30 minutes considering I cleaned earlier. I looked at the time, with not much time left I had to get ready. I put the totes back and head to my room. I put on a pair of leggings and his hockey jersey that he gave me. I take out my hair and do two French braids. I take some face paint type makeup I have and write his number on my cheek.
I put on my shoes and grab his flowers and teddy I bought him earlier that week. I grab a blanket so I don’t get cold at the rink. I drive to the rink in only 10 minutes. I head inside and get a ticket. I’m greeted inside by the triplets. They all look over at me and walk my way.
“Finally, we’ve been waiting for like 5 hours” Nick says rolling his eyes
“Nick, we got here 5 minutes ago-“ Matt chimed in
“Oh hush.” Nick says, crossing his arms, clearly annoyed.
“I’m so excited to watch my boyfriend play!” Chris says clapping his hands. Nick, Matt and I slowly turn towards Chris, giving him a confused look.
“Fine, I can’t wait to watch her boyfriend play” Chris says sarcastically but rolling his eyes.
“That’s what I thought.” I say pushing Chris a little bit jokingly. We all walk to the rink, getting a rush of cold air as the door opens. I could feel goosebumps approaching my skin. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and sit down with the triplets. We sat and waited for the game to start. It only took a couple scrolls on insta before the players came walking out of the locker room and onto the ice to warmups. It wasn’t hard for me to find him, considering I had his number imprinted into my brain. Before I the warmups ended, I went to the snack bar and got myself a water and chips for me and the triplets. I head back just in time for the game to start. We all stand up and start to cheer, like the rest of the crowd. I only had my eye on one player the whole time. Every time he scored a point and I would jump up and down and scream for him. The three looked at me like I was insane but I didn’t care.
The game was over and Nate’s team won! We all wait for Nate outside of the locker room to finish up, but before he comes out I need to use the restroom. I come back not too long and see the brothers talking to a man I wanted to hug the first I saw him on the ice. He noticed me and started walking towards me. I ran up to him and gave him a hug.
“You did great tonight, I’m so proud of you.” I say giving him a peck on the lips.
“And these are for you.” I handed him the flowers and teddy bear, he then looked up at me with a smile that would make my heart melt.
“Thank you so much baby.” He said as he went to the side of me and wrapped his arm around my waist. He turned back and waved to the brothers as he started to walk with me out of the building. I help him load his things into my car, and we get inside the car after.
“So I had a really fun night planned out for us, but if you don’t want to do it, that’s okay and we can do something else.”
“It’s whatever makes you happy my love” I couldn’t help but blush at his words.
“So, my house is all decorated and I had candles going so it smells really good in there, and the house is clean so a bonus! And I was thinking we could make cookies and watch a movie together? And there’s also a surprise with that.” I say almost out of my seat from how happy I was.
“If that’s what you wanna do.” He says smiling back at me.
“Of course it’s what I want to do, but I wanted to know if u wanted to do it.” I say turning on my car, pulling out of the parking lot.
“I’m okay with anything you want to do.” He says looking out the window. I smile as I continue to drive back to my place. I pull into my driveway and get out of my car.
“Let’s take showers first tho.” I say unlocking my front door. He nods as I unlock the door and walk in. We take off our shoes at the front and walk to my room where my shower is.
“I’ll go first, I’ll be quick.” I say as I start to take out my hair. I hop in the shower and wash my face, get out, and wrap myself in a towel. I walk out into my room and too my closet, telling him it’s his turn on my way. He gets off the small couch I have in my room and head into the bathroom. I quickly get dressed into the pajamas I just bought for us. I sit down at my vanity and start doing my night skincare. I hear the shower turn off and with Nate walking out with the towel around his waist. He points at the pair of clothes on my bed.
“What’s this?”
“It’s yours, to wear! Tonight! To match with me!” I say turning around, show I’m in the matching set. He gives me a sigh but walks with it into the bathroom to get changed. I do a little clap of achievement, as I turn back around to finish my skincare. I hear the bathroom door open and see him walk out, giving me a sigh and looking down in disappointment.
“Hey! You look amazing! Don’t give me that I hate this energy, it’s supposed to be fun!” I say putting all my things away and getting up.
“I feel so weird in this.” He says throwing his hands like a baby
“Why? You look so cute!” I say walking towards him.
“Can I just take the shirt off? It feels tight.” He says scratching his neck
“Not yet! I wanna take a picture” I say grabbing my phone out. His arm wraps around my waist as I put the mode to 0.5x and turn on the flash. We smoosh our heads together doing a kissy face as I take the picture. I look at the picture to make sure it was okay then I put my phone down.
“Okay, let go make some cookies” I say kissing his cheek and walking out of my room. He follows close behind me. I grab a pack a Pillsbury cookies from the fridge and preheat the oven.
“How about you put on 6, and I put on 6” I say grabbing a tray from my cabinet.
“Good with me” He says giving me a smile
“Can I take my shirt off now?” He says whining
“Fine, Stop acting like a baby” I say as I start to put on my cookies.
We both finish putting on our cookies and put them in the oven. I walk over to my couch and turn on the tv.
“What would you like to watch?” I say looking up at him.
“I don’t know, you pick.” He says sitting down next to me
“Mhm, Corpse Bride? The Nightmare Before Christmas?” I say leaning back and laying my head on his chest
“Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Christmas movie.”
“No it’s not!” I say as I scoff
“It is tho!”
I shake my head and get up to go take the cookies out. I put them on a plate and organize them in a cute way. I bring the plate to the couch along with a blanket.
“Hold the plate while I put the blanket on us.” I say handing him the plate. I sit down, covering our legs and a little bit of my waist. He sets the plate down on the blanket.
“Do you like tonight?” I say putting my head on him again.
“Of course” He says kissing my head. I smile in happiness that I was able to make tonight special.
“I love you” I say lifting my head up.
“I love you more” He says giving me a peck on my lips
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0-r-a-y-0 · 10 months
hey pooks 😛 fic idea 😍 jasper and nick go get a christmas tree and drive around looking at lights 😋 is this a short request? yes. do i think you’ll make a fic that makes me wanna read it to my grandchildren when i’m 90? yes.
Christmas Tree— Romantic #13
In which: Matt and Chris leave it up to Nick to get a new Christmas tree. But he can’t do that alone, can he?
I actually fucking love this idea omgggg even though I didn’t make it that short 😛
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“Do you guys want to help decorate?!” Nick asked excitedly, barging into the room.
“You’re just now decorating? Thought you would’ve done that before Thanksgiving.” Matt commented.
“Low on motivation, high on Christmas spirit.” He shrugged. “Now you want to help or not?”
“Yeah, I got nothing better to do anyways.” Chris replied, getting off the couch and putting his phone in his back pocket. Matt only nodded, getting up as well.
“Also, I don’t know where the tree went. I looked everywhere and I found all the other decorations.” Nick claimed, opening a bin and taking out some of the decorations.
“We were putting it away last year and the stand broke, remember?” Matt explained.
“No? Why didn’t you guys tell me? We could’ve gotten a new one when they were on sale!” He says.
“It’s fine, how about you go get a new one.” Chris suggested. “Have Jasper take you, he’s coming over in a little bit anyways.”
Nick just stared at him for a moment before rolling his eyes. “Yeah, whatever, I’ll call him.”
Another twenty minutes of the triplets putting up random snowmen and fake snow all over the house, Jasper walks in. Nick walks up to him giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“You ready to go?” He asked.
“Please! Take me away from my idiotic brothers.” Nick joked, waving to his brothers before walking out the door.
“What kind of tree should we get? One from a store or like a real tree?” The redhead wondered, scrolling through his Spotify to pick a song.
“I don’t really think it matters, either way it’s going to be at a store and it’s just a tree that’s going to be up for a month maybe. But you better hurry and pick a song, I can’t stand listening to Taylor Swift any longer.” Jasper answered, staring ahead of him.
“Okay, okay!” Nick exclaimed, picking the first song he saw. “Ooo I love this song!”
“How do you have so much Christmas spirit?” He asked.
“Huh? Oh, I don’t know. Just do, I guess.” The other shrugged.
“Why didn’t you guys get a new tree when they were on sale? Christmas shit is always on sale after Christmas.” Jasper confirmed.
“That’s what I told them! I didn’t even know we needed a new tree until today!” Nick stated. “Straight people are so dumb.”
Jasper pulls into a parking lot and parks the car. “Agreed. Don’t understand how you put up with them.” He claimed sarcastically, unlocking and getting out his car.
“I don’t understand either.” Nick said, getting out of the vehicle and looking at the sky. “Damn, it’s only six and the sun is already setting.”
“Yeah, it’s like winter, dude. That’s what happens.” Jasper replies.
“Ew, don’t call me “dude”. You make it seem like we’re like bros or something.” The redhead grimaced.
“I mean, we’re going into a Home Depot, that’s like the straightest store ever, dude.” The tan skinned boy confirmed.
They both walk into the Home Depot, looking around and trying to find the Christmas trees. When they do, Nick takes the time to look at and inspecting all of them thoroughly before narrowing it down to the ones he liked best.
“I think I’m going to get this one.” He finally decided. “Looks like one we used to have when we were kids.”
Nick pauses for a second, thinking. “We just need one of those pushy things.”
“Pushy things? Carts you mean?” Jasper questioned.
“Well. We’re gonna need a cart too because we need to get more ornaments. But that other thing.”
“A platform truck?” The curly haired boy wondered.
“Yeah, that thing.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
They walk all the way back to the front of the store to get the carts and walking back to get the Christmas tree. Nick grabs the tree and sets it on the truck.
“Do you want to get the ornaments real quick? It’s just the next isle over.” Jasper asks.
“Yeah, we got to be quick though. I don’t want anyone trying to take my tree. It’s the last one.” Nick says.
The redhead follows the other down the isle and they grab a pack of ornaments, Nick taking the time to look at individual ones for him and his brothers. He grabs a shark for Matt, headphones for Chris, and an Edward Scissorhands one for himself. They walk back and quickly get the tree and walking to the check out.
“Don’t tell Matt and Chris, but I’m going to use our shared money.” Nick laughs, sliding the card and paying.
They load everything into the back of Jasper’s vehicle before getting in. “It’s so dark now. How long were we in there?”
“Uhhh, almost an hour.” The curly haired boy answered, looking at the time.
“I spent that much time looking at trees?” Nick inquired.
“No, mostly you walking around and looking at other decorations and me telling you that you don’t need it. I saved you like a thousand bucks.”
“Oh…” Nick trailed off, looking out the window. “Look at all the lights. More people need to go all out when decorating. I want to drive around and have all my senses stimulated with colors and bright lights and Christmas.”
“There’s this light show place not far from here. They go all out every year and do something different.” Jasper claimed.
“Oh my god. Can we go?” Nick lit up, immediately turning to look at him.
“Yeah, sure. We should get food first though.”
“Oh hell yeah! Taco Bell?”
“Yeah, okay. I’m good with that.”
They go through the drive through and get their food, now driving to the light show. From a distance, they were still able to see all the lights. It illuminated the sky and everything around it.
“So it’s a neighborhood that goes all out on decorating the outside of their house with lights? And we vote on which house looks the best and whoever wins gets like money?” Nick clarified, almost shocked with the concept.
“Yeah, I go like every year. Each house always does something different.” Jasper repeats.
“That actually makes me so happy.” The redhead smiles.
“I know it does, babe.” Jasper responded, laying his hand on Nick’s thigh as he continued to drive.
When they first get there, they notice cars driving slowly in front of them, taking the time to look at every house. Nick pulls up the website to vote for the houses, marking what would be his first three places.
The bright colored lights shine in their faces, Nick getting multiple pictures of Jasper for his photography account on Instagram, which seemed to only be filled with him lately.
They enjoyed looking at every house, Nick getting excited at the different themes. Some were the Grinch, Home Alone, and countless of other popular Christmas movies. But then, Jasper said.
“Hey, isn’t that that one guy? I don’t know his name but he’s from that Arthur movie or something, isn’t he?”
“WHAT?!” Nick yelled, sitting up to look where his boyfriend was pointing at. “OH MY GOD. It is! No way someone did an Arthur Christmas theme!” He exclaimed with joy.
He takes out his phone and takes a video of the whole drive past it, sending it to his brothers and just then seeing the multiple missed messages from them. Mostly asking where he was since he had been gone for so long. He simply just tells them about the light show and going to Home Depot then turning his phone off, enjoying the rest of the time with his boyfriend and the lights.
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could you do something like seungmin x reader got into an argument and reader don’t want to communicate so they lie about feeling sleepy but seungmin don’t want to them sleep knowing they still havent fixed their argument so he say something like “will this keep you awake?” then he started eating you out… kind of more an angry sex idk i hope this is okay to you i love ur fics!!
Thank you lovely, i hope i did your request justice :)
Seungmin x Reader
Genre: Sweet but Smutty
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Oral sex (female receiving) just some good old oral sex from Seungmin. If you are not 18+ you are going to need to close your eyes and keep scrolling.
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“Are you fucking kidding me, Seungmin” you said, leaving a message on his phone after he stood you up on your anniversary date night. 
You leave the restaurant where you had been waiting 30 minutes and hauled a cab hopping in. You gave him the address for the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, Seungmin. The anger bubbling in your stomach as the cab driver makes small talk. 
“You look lovely in that dress….on your way home from a date?” He smiled and was lovely; however, you were definitely not in the mood. 
“Well, I was supposed to, but I got stood up,” you say, looking out the window. The cab driver is silent. 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said, gripping the steering wheel. 
He continued driving to your apartment “here you go…I hope the rest of your night goes well” he smiled, and you paid the bill and exited the car. 
“Thank you for taking me home,” you say, closing the door. 
You turn and walk into the building. Just as you enter, your phone rings. “Seungmin”, you say as you hit the decline button. 
As you try to find your keys, you walk up the stairs and notice the ringtone. It’s the one you allocated to Seungmin. 
“What” you answered. No, hello, Seungmin knew he fucked up big time. 
“I am so sorry, chan Hyung needs me to record, “ he said, pleading. 
“And if chan Hyung wanted you to jump off a bridge, would you,” you said sarcastically.
“I’m sorry, Y/N…I’ll be home shortly” he still had no idea what he missed. 
“Don’t bother Seungmin…you can’t remember our anniversary” I could hear him take a short breath in. 
“Maybe chan Hyung can offer you his bed for the night”, I continued. 
“I-I I don’t know what to say….I am sooo sorry.” 
“Save it Seungmin…if you come home except to be sleeping on the couch,” you say as you hang up the phone. 
Ring ring
“Fuck hold up, chan Hyung…Y/N call me like four times,” I said, returning her call. 
“Hi, you’ve reached Y/N” why would she call and then send me to voice message odd. 
“Call again. Maybe she accidentally hit decline,” chan said through the speaker.
“What” was all I heard as she answered the phone. 
“I’m sorry, chan Hyung needed me to record,” I thought she might be angry because I didn’t answer her phone call. I looked at chan, who seemed taken aback.
“And if chan Hyung told you to jump off a bridge, " I knew I was in trouble here. I was trying to go through what I could have possibly forgotten. I checked the time fuck. It was 10:30pm. Maybe she was angry because I was late home.
“I’m sorry, Y/N…I’ll be home shortly”, chan started packing up. He must be able to hear her through the speakers. 
““Don’t bother Seungmin…if you can’t remember our anniversary” FUCK our 2nd anniversary is today, and I’ve done nothing for her. “Maybe chan Hyung can offer you his bed for the night” she must be so upset. I really fucked up this time. 
“I-I I don’t know what to say….I am sooo sorry,” is all o could get out. 
“Save it, Seungmin…if you come home except to be sleeping on the couch”, she hung up on me. I look over to chan Hyung, and I’m still in shock. I’ve done many shitty things over the last two years, but…this was heartbreaking. I’ve never forgotten a date night, let alone our anniversary. 
“Chan, I have to go…I fucked up big time….this is break-up worthy, honestly” I looked at chan, who looked confused.
“Uhhhh sure, I guess….what happened?….need me to come with?” The last thing I needed was to show up with chan. Y/N would flip and dump me on the spot. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I kinda forgot our anniversary,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. Chan paused. 
“Fuck”, he said, “you better go now…I’ll finish this up” I took off and ran outside to catch a cab home. 
You curl up on your king bed and just cry, you hear the door unlock, and there is a sense of relief that maybe Seungmin came home. 
“Y/N”, he repeats as he looks for you in the house. He opens the bedroom door as you lay there, pretending to be asleep. 
“Baby, I know you’re not sleeping,” he said, cuddling up. How dare he cuddles you after what he did.
“How dare you” you got up and moved off the bed. 
“What do you want me to do…..I’ll do it”, he begged. 
“Seungmin, we haven’t had alone time in 4weeks” going back to all those times, one of the boys would come over for dinner or stay the night. 
“I’m sure it hasn’t been that long” Seungmin was clueless about stuff like that. He loved the boys coming around. It reminds him of when he lived in the dorm. 
“Seungmin”, you put your hands on your hips. “I’m so upset with you… how could you forget our anniversary….you made me look like an idiot.” 
“I can not explain how sorry I am” you have had it up to here with Seungmin.
“I’m over it, Min. I’m going to bed…sleep here, or on the couch, I don’t give a fuck anymore” you toss back the covers and min moves to the other side. He gets off the bed and moves to get dressed into his sweatpants. 
“Please, you know I can’t go to bed with you angry at me, " he hopes into bed and shuffles over onto my side. 
“Baby,” he said as he started to draw circles on your hip bones. “Has it really been 4 weeks since I last touched you?” You knew the game he was playing; however, you did long for Seungmin’s touch, and tonight you were primarily excited about the fact you would finally get a second alone with your boyfriend. 
“Seungmin”, you giggle “, stop I am still mad at you” you continue to laugh as he places kisses behind our ear. “I’m tired, Seungmin”, you smile, knowing how this will end. 
“Well, I know something that will keep you awake,” he says, smirking as he moves under the covers and down, spreading your legs apart. 
He shimmies your underwear down your legs, and you kick them off the bottom of the bed. Seungmin then, without hesitation, starts to use his tongue to lick up from your whole to your clit. You shuffle down the bed to get more comfortable as Seungmin is just getting started. You lift the blankets up, and Seungmin stops to smile at you “forgive me yet?” The smug cunt thinks this is gonna be easy. You dope the cover, and he goes right back to licking up and down your vagina slit. You begin to squirm as he starts to suck on your clit. Seungmin was the only boyfriend you’ve had that’s ever made you cum. He was very enthusiastic when it came to sex, and he was quick to learn what you liked. 
“Mmmm”, you moan, then quickly cover your mouth. You don’t want Seungmin to head you are enjoying this as he might think you have forgiven his shitty action.
He slides up from under the sheets “was that a moan I just heard?” He grins. 
“Don’t flatter yourself, Seungmin” you can feel him inserting two fingers as he decides to go back down. You roll your eyes back and shut your mouth, gripping the bed sheets, trying to not make a sound. Seungmin pumps and curls his fingers inside you, so he’s hitting your g spot. At this point, your body is telling him everything. He once more comes up for air, still fingering you as he moves up to kiss your lips. 
“Enjoy, baby….tonight is all about you,” he says between kisses. He stimulates your clit with his thumb as he continues to pump his fingers inside you. 
“Ooh”, you moan “, Seungmin mmmm….p-please it fee—“ and just as you were about to finish your praise, your walls clenched around his fingers, and your cream spilled out of your pussy. 
Seungmin has a proud smile on his face “what would you like me to do next” you can feel your pussy juice oozing out. “Tonight is all about you…don’t worry about me.” 
“I want your cum on your tongue”, you whine. 
“Done,” he says, flicking the sheets back and sliding your bum to raise and arch your body. He runs up and down your vagina, using his fingers to roll over your clit. You twitch at how sensitive your clit feels. 
He attached his mouth this time but used a different technique. He used more of a kissing-like movement, using his lips to spread rather than his tongue. He sucks your flaps into his mouth and uses his tongue to lick them simultaneously. 
“Whatever you’re doing…don’t stop”, you praise him. 
Seungmin travels down further and sticks his tongue deep into your core. He started to flick it up and down. This helps him situate your spot. While he is alternating between that and sucking, you decide to stimulate your clit by rubbing it with your fingers increasing your chances of having a longer and stronger orgasm. 
“Min, I am so close”, you moan as he increases his pumping speed, pulling his tongue in and out of your core.
“OH GOddd,” you grunt as an orgasm wave creeps down your body. You don’t realise it, but you’ve shoved Seungmin's head feeling into your core making his nose and need the pressure to your clit to help you ride your high. 
“You make me feel so good, Min” you brush your fingers through his hair as he rests your bum back on the bed. 
“Did you want to clean yourself up….I’ll change the sheets” he says, wiping the arousal off his face. 
You get up on your knees and kiss his lips “thank you for my present”, he smiles and shakes his head as you walk into the bathroom naked to clean yourself up and get ready for bed. 
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lmao im sorry for making your blog a space for arguments, but, as the autistic engel anon, i am autistic 😭😭
i genuinely only sent that ask because that's how i myself am perceived by people and how i often end up feeling. the sarcastic "self-indulgent" was the thing that i thought would make it clear where im coming from.
i dont know if this is a language barrier sort of thing but i dont know why That would make people assume that i am not autistic, or why me making that kind of ask to comfort myself is suddenly turned into this kind of conversation lol
especially since i hear the term "loser" towards myself a lot (as well as its synonyms) from other people who don't understand me and don't believe that i could be autistic (because of being a woman, being able to mask well, living in a country that isn't educated on the topic well enough yet)
so like. idk! im sorry for saying something that anon found hurtful, but i think that across most communities that are jokes/sayings/etc that are okay for some people and aren't okay for others. so im sorry if what i said was indeed as hurtful as the other anon described it. i genuinely didn't intend to hurt anyone especially since i sent that ask after being mistreated by someone close to me and wouldn't want to someone else to feel hurt by it
and if that was the case for most people then maybe it would really be better to delete it? im not sure, but thank you as a writer for creating something so beautiful in response to my ask 🫶🩷
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Look! 🩷 My darling autistic engel anon. I loved your ask and the first thing I did in the morning was write a little something for it because I thought it was adorable, relatable and delightful. The fact that you came to me of all ppl with that prompt, then came to thank me and say that it’s beautiful?! means the world to me! I don’t want to delete it 🩷 Of course if the majority of people came to me with torches and pitchforks I might reconsider but it sure doesn't look like it, and I trust that those who didn't like it just scrolled past, unfollowed, blocked, you know, the usual. At the end of the day, this is just a silly little cock blog curated by an autistic dumbo :D
I’m here to provide myself and other people a romantic escape, I'm here to address all kinds of funny crazy thirsty tropes, issues, kinks, whatever through writing because it's a much more controlled and safe environment compared to real life. But I can’t please everyone and it’s a bit futile to even try, I'm not perfect. Someone might find my blurbs and fics too fluffy, for someone else they're too angsty, too kinky, too vanilla, too this, too that, insensitive, problematic, boring, evil, I dunno. What other people perceive as cute, beautiful and self-indulgent might be something completely different to others. We're all different and for me your ask happened to bring joy 💌
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rangergurlgleek1211 · 2 years
One Line Any Fic
Tagged by the lovely @ravens-words.
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! then tag 10 people.
A bad Day To Break Down (Tarlos)
As soon as Nancy hangs up, Carlos is dialing TK’s number, cursing in Spanish as TK’s voicemail kicks in. Trying two more times and still getting TK’s voicemail, Carlos quickly gets dressed, grabs his keys, and even takes his gun from the safe in their bedroom.
A Shock To The System (Tarlos)
“No, Mijo, this isn’t your fault. Please don’t be so hard on yourself,” Andrea soothed him, her motherly voice surrounding him like one of those warm embraces his mother used to give when he felt like everything was collapsing around him. That tone had always meant family, home, and safety to him, and TK had been sure he had lost it with his mother’s death. Until this moment. “He’s strong, my Carlitos. He would never leave this world knowing you were right here waiting for him. He has to be fine,” Andrea continued, her words sounding so sure, giving him the strength he needed. “Pray with me, Mijo.”
I Could Really Use A Hug (Tarlos)
TK doesn’t know how much time has passed when he notices his dad and Tommy come into the bunk room, hesitantly standing at the door but not approaching. They're having a quiet conversation he can’t hear. His dad eventually begins to start toward him but Tommy’s hand on his shoulder stops him as she nods to the left, looking at something or someone outside the room.
That first night TK,That night i told myself seeing you at the bar. "I'm going to Marry him." (Tarlos)
“Yeah babe, that night while I was leaning against the bar, I noticed you smiling and laughing with your new crew. I was in awe. I never thought I would find someone in Austin. I was at a loss for words until I walked up to you when your friends went dancing. I knew then I just had to ask you to at least dance with me........"
Actually TK He is My Ex-Boyfriend (Tarlos)
“Oh just spit it out!!, it can’t be that bad, He mess up your organised desk, or has done something to disrupt you being a control freak ” TK replied sarcastically, laughing as he finished.
Why Can't things ever be simple? (Tarlos)
“My team has, I’m so happy I found you and your both okay. Or just about. What happened here, mate.” Tk asks as he crouched down in front of the injured boy.
“ We ran into a coyote, we tried to run but max fell. I think he broke his leg.” Chris explained.
We're a family, we will always have each others backs! (Tarlos+Firefam)
“How the heck did I miss that memo Strand” Captain Jacobs booms from behind them.
Everyone jumped at his sudden appearance.
“ That explains everything much clearer now, especially since you struggle to do your job correctly,” Samuels exclaims.
Am I Not Good Enough? (Tarlos/2x06 Coda)
“Hey” Carlos tips Tk’s chin up to look at him “If it’s got you this upset, it’s not stupid”
Pulling away from Carlos, Tk looks back down and spills everything that has been on his mind all day. What his father said, what happened at the minefield and how he found the bottle of wine in the bottom cupboard while making dinner.
Why Does It Always Happen To TK? (Tarlos)
Not hearing Matt Talking to him, Tk interrupts “Sorry Matt, but I really need to get back to my table my boyfriends waiting for me”. Looking a little shocked at matts closeness Tk took a step back. Realising the predicament he’s now in, Tk tried to look for any kind of escape. Watching everyone around them having a good time, TK realised he needed to sort this out by himself, so TK moved around Matt to walk away from him.
A Blast From The Past (Tarlos)
Tk’s vision slowly started to come back into focus and the words around him became clearer. Tk felt tired. It had been years since he had a panic attack that bad. New York, Tk’s mind registered. Remembering it slightly and realisation dawned on him as he slowly looked around at the crowd who had gathered, looking for the cause of his panic attack.
Well that was more than a sentence. But i couldn't just choose one line from each paragraph lol. hope you enjoyed these snippets and want to read more.
Tagging : @sapphire11,@chaotictarlos, @detective-giggles, @noxsoulmate, @tarlos-spain. @beautifulhigh.
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treysimp · 2 years
Do You Wanna Make Out On My Couch? (Explicit Remix)
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Side: Ignihyde (Idia)/AFAB!Reader (Reader has a vagina)
Idia/AMAB!Reader Version
The time has come, lovely readers, for a spicy conclusion.
This is a continuation of the work "Do You Want to Make Out on My Couch (Part 4)". Said fic is also included below if you want to re-read the beginning or this is your first time seeing this work.
Reader not described other than their junk, and pronouns are not used for them.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, M/F sexual relations, handjobs, oral sex, questionable use of the word "smoocharoo", ask to tag for more.
SFW Works in this series:
Savannahclaw | Scarabia | Octinavielle | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Heartslabyul | Diasomnia
To skip straight to the action, scroll to the second picture of Idia, thanks!
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“…are you okay? Did you like… hit your head or something?”
Idia flatly questioned you, his shoulders shrugged up to his ears and his eyes narrowed into a suspicious glare. It was very him to be so blasé and sarcastic at the first sign of vulnerability, but you had to admit you were a bit hurt. You were putting yourself out there, you know?
“Are you really going to pretend that I am not into your cringe ass at this point? Who do you take me for?” You spat, crossing your arms with a huff. If he was going to play dumb, you were simply going to drive him into a corner until he couldn’t.
“Cringe? You’re cringe! You couldn’t even beat BloodScorne without my help, and you put it on easy mode!” He threw back, his glare melting into a sardonic smile that showed off the razor-sharp teeth behind his cool-tinted lips. “Fake gamer.” He finished with a shrug, looking ridiculously pleased with himself. 
“I can and have beat it! I just did that so you’d spend time with me, moron!” Oh this bitch, you were going to kill his skinny ass.
“Moron! Are you kidding me? You’re the moron! Asking me to make out with you out of nowhere when I’m clearly in love with you, how stupid can you get?” 
Your expression curled into a smirk equally as fast as Idia’s face fell in horror.
“So you’re in love with me?” You ask triumphantly. An eyebrow quirked in mock derision. You tilted your head to the side in faux-curiosity. And this guy says he’s a genius, pfft.
“Ah…” eyes wide, shoulders trembling and hair flickering pink at the tips, Idia suddenly finds the ground under his shoes incredibly interesting. 
You could barely hear him mumble, “What does it matter? You’re never going to reciprocate so…” he signed, "...why even try?"
You inhaled through your nose and out through your mouth. Okay, so it was the self-hate thing. You could work with that.
“Idia. Do you think I go around propositioning randos every damn day?” You say, your eyes crinkling at the corners at the idea. 
Part of why you both got along so well was because of how badly you both were when it came to relationships. It was a common topic of your late-night bitching sessions: 'what awkward thing did you do today?' or 'do you wanna hear this dumb thing I did as a kid' or 'wow I relate to this anime I just watched, it's about this loser gamer who gets a harem' (okay that last one was just Idia).  
His jaw snapped shut. Of course, he didn’t think you went around hitting on strangers! But how could… someone like you… and him…
“Why me?” He asked, “Out of all of your options how could it possibly be me?” He almost felt like crying in disbelief. If he were you... He would never...
“Because we have a lot in common. And because I like oblivious assholes apparently.” You say, rubbing your forehead. You felt a headache coming on.
Feeling driven into a corner, Idia stood in silence. He had imagined this scenario so many times, he had run the calculations in his mind over and over but they never gave him good results. Even in his fantasies, he failed.
Try as he might, Idia was quickly running out of excuses, and the intentional evenness of his voice was long-lost in his squeaky attempts at arguments. 
“Look,” you sigh, “I promise this smoocharoo won’t kill you.” You punctuate your sentence with a wink, which did nothing to calm down Idia as you gently tugged on the sleeve of his hoodie.
“Very funny.” He replies flatly. “I almost died, you know.”
You laughed, “Yeah, that would have been a shame.” 
“...I wouldn’t mind seeing you in that suit again though.” You mumble mostly to yourself, but Idia 100% heard you. 
Coincidentally, Idia was also suddenly overcome with the thought of how you would look in formal wear, like if you were to go to a wedding together - ah, no no no not going there! Shut the fuck up, brain Idia! SHUT UP! 
Noticing his distress, you took the opportunity to lean forward to rest your forehead on his. As you suspected, it felt like a furnace. You frowned. 
“Do you have a fever or something? Is that why you don’t want to kiss me?” He had already admitted to liking you, what's the hold-up?
Idia shook his head aggressively, flame hair splaying out frantically at his denial. He paused for a moment and took a deep breath, taking in your features and how soft your skin felt against his own. Your eyes gleamed in the dim light, teeth sparkling as you laughed at his frantic head motion and he was hit with a slight scent of mint from the gum he had given you earlier. What would you taste like? Would you also taste like that gum? 
Unthinkingly moving despite his previous over-the-top protests, Idia let that intrusive thought carry himself to your lips in a feather-light peck. 
Your eyes widened, but just as he was about to apologize for his sudden change of mind, you pulled him back in place.
Anime and manga said that kisses felt like marshmallows and tasted like lemon, but he couldn’t say he agreed. 
This one, right here right now? It was mint, and something else warm and wet and entirely unique, but certainly you. He inhaled through his nose as you both continued your soft and shy kisses. 
His hands threaded through your hair to pull you closer and he wondered if all of this was just a very realistic dream. You both separated for a moment, eyes half-lidded and breath coming out in short puffs that were lightly defined in the cold air. 
“Are you going to let me inside?” He asked, feeling newfound confidence pulse through him as he nibbled at your ear. 
He felt the sharp inhale you took against his neck, and he couldn’t help but smile. He was the one making you act like this. No one else. Just him. 
Pulling away from his embrace, you slowly nodded as you opened the door to Ramshackle to let you both inside. 
Idia followed you silently with his hands in his pockets. Despite how warm he felt, burying himself in his hoodie let him think for a moment. He wished you both were in his room right now instead. It would be way more comfortable than… this. 
He supposed that you’re not supposed to complain when the hottest commodity on campus is coming onto you, though. Not that he would dare. As much as he liked to complain, he did like you more… not that he would ever say it out loud.  
You physically pull Idia out of his thoughts when you push him onto the couch gently. He lands with a soft thud and a squeak of surprise. 
Idia really could be cute sometimes, huh? 
You climbed onto his lap, looking down at his face and slowly taking in all of his features. His kohl-lined eyes, his dark lips, the flickers and waves of his hair, you loved all of it. 
It was hard not to stare at him sometimes, his beauty was so otherworldly and yet somehow the only other person who took notice was a damn ghost! 
Not that you minded the lack of competition. 
“Idia…” you breathed, lowering your face down so that your lips almost skimmed his again, “...are you okay with this?” You asked. 
You had been incredibly forward this whole time, but you didn’t want this thing to be one-sided. As much as you would be disappointed, you would back off if he asked. You’ve waited this long, after all. 
Idia was silent, pointed teeth worrying over his lower lip. He seemed to be having a very heated internal debate, but you let him stew in silence for a moment. It was okay not to rush him, as much as you wanted to. 
Finally, with a look of determination, Idia placed his hands on either side of your hips and ground up against you, a whine slipping from his mouth while the rose color that had been dip-dying his hair began spreading slowly upward. 
“Haah…” he exhaled with a hiccup, watery eyes looking up at you pleadingly. 
“Please, don’t stop.”
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A smirk spread across your lips as you watched his face as he so desperately begged for you. He thought that he got to be haughty this whole time and you would still indulge him? 
Well okay, he was right but you would never admit it. 
“Hmm, I don’t know…” you say, grinding down even harder on his lap, pretending like you couldn’t decide what to do next.
Clawing at your hips, Idia bucked into you again, desperately seeking friction that he wouldn’t be able to get through the fabric separating you. Looking at the flush on his face you couldn’t help but think that you weren’t going to let this boy sleep tonight without having him scream your name.
Teasingly, you pull yourself from his lap, ignoring the whine from Idia and the way that his hand trails through your hair as he whimpers at the loss of your warm body from his own. 
Snapping open the button of his pants with a flick of your wrist, you opt to go a little showier and pull his zipper down with your teeth, earning a thick swallow from Idia as his eyes once again became as large as saucers.
“You look really good like this.” you chuckle, grasping his waistband to gingerly pull his pants from his hips. Idia obliged you, lifting his hips to allow you to slide the fabric down to his knees. 
You eyed the shape of his bulge in his pants, curiously smoothing your hand over the thin cotton of his boxers. Idia softly gasped, and you continued to trail your hands up his torso. Arriving at his collarbone and tracing it lightly, you gently move to push his jacket from his shoulders and lift his shirt so you could get a view of his chest. 
You weren’t entirely sure how you felt to see that he had a little tone to his chest and waist. Some people won the genetic lottery, you supposed.
“Like what you see?” came a shaky snark from above you. Snapping your gaze to his golden one, Idia’s face was clouded with an air of overwhelming smugness. You grabbed a light blue nipple and rolled it between your thumb and pointer finger in response, earning another harsh breath from him. 
“...yeah. I do,” you say, lowering your face to his unattended-to nipple to slowly run your tongue across it. 
“N-not fair…” he replies, uselessly bucking up himself at you, not able to find purchase in the threadbare fabric of your shitty couch. “Let me do that…” he pleaded, half-lidded gaze intensifying as he pulled you back onto his lap, making quick work of your blouse and jacket and throwing them to the side. 
He stared at you unashamedly, hands drifting behind you to unsnap your bra (but not without a bit of a struggle, which made you giggle and made him bite your neck lightly in annoyance). 
Idia’s hands fell to his side as he stared at you openly. It felt like he was trying to burn this image into his mind forever. You rubbed at your neck anxiously, feeling embarrassed at his prolonged gaze. Snapping back to the present moment, Idia gingerly reached for your chest and began lightly massaging. 
As impossible as it seemed, he was getting even harder below you. Idia curved at the waist to reach you as he mirrored the actions you had taken upon him earlier, giving one nipple the softest of kitten-licks at the other busied itself twisting and pulling on the other. 
Your breath was growing short. It was embarrassing to be like this, embarrassing to see how he was looking at you, but you couldn’t help but want to pinch yourself, flashing back to all of your wet dreams that had paled in comparison to this moment. 
Idia leaned forward and pushed you onto your back slowly, keeping a palm on the back of your head to be sure that you didn’t hit it. 
“Let me taste you… I’m dying to taste you…” he said, sharp teeth gleaming in the low light. You nodded slowly, he could probably ask to kill you at this point and you’d let him.
Making quick work of your bottoms, it suddenly felt significantly colder with the lack of fabric covering your body. You struggled not to cover yourself, but Idia’s hungry gaze and the lick he spread across his lips were certainly helping to distract you.
Feeling warm puffs of air on your navel, you felt a sudden enticingly warm wetness trailing down to right above your pussy. You could hear Idia’s breath speed up as you felt a soft kiss being placed on your lower lips, a scrape of pointed teeth catching them gently. 
Your breath hitched as Idia’s mouth traveled lower, tracing your lips thoroughly with surprisingly dexterous flicks of his tongue. You looked down at him in awe, hand covering your mouth as you panted from his motions.
“It’s even sweeter than I thought,” he said with a chuckle, sparing a piercing glance at you from between your thighs. “Don’t cover your mouth like that, okay?” 
You nodded and lowered your hand just in time for Idia to slowly press a single digit inside of you, his smile widening as he looked at the way your body shook from his actions.
“Mine… you’re mine, right? Right now… all mine…” his words sounded slightly feverish, but you couldn’t help but notice how harshly he was palming himself through his boxers while he continued his motions. 
“I-idia…” you whispered, he lifted his head from watching himself push his fingers in and out of you and looked at you in surprise like he had been caught red-handed.
“Yes?” He said, not stopping his movements for even a second, he might even be pressing harder than he was a moment ago. 
“I want…” you trailed off. What did you want?
“I want to feel you, inside… please.” 
Idia’s eyebrows shot up to the sky as he finally paused his motions. He swallowed thickly and nodded, pushing his boxers down and kicking them (and what little of his pants were around his calves) off of him. 
You had to take a moment to stare. His cock was thickly veined and long, the bloom of the head was the same blue as his lips. You thought you wanted him a moment ago, but you needed him now.
Idia began moving forward towards you, but you pushed back against his chest firmly. Looking at you in confusion, you cleared your throat to explain yourself.
“Let me ride you… please?” You whimpered, looking him straight in the eyes.
Idia did everything he could to not just fucking cum on the spot.
Nodding his head dumbly, Idia stumbled backward and situated himself with his thighs spread and his knees hanging off the couch. His gaze bore into you, and you felt like you might faint.
Gathering all of the bravery you could muster, you climbed in his lap and ground back and forth on his swollen length. Idia’s hand dug into his scalp, and it seemed like he was doing everything he could to not slam you down like a fleshlight and start pounding you right there. You internally decided that you wouldn’t mind if he did, though.
Taking a breath, you grabbed his dick and teased it at your entrance, both of you gasping in tandem at the first contact.
You pushed him back and forth for a moment, teasing the both of you before you were in too deep.
“Will you…” Idia grunted, “just fuck me already.” He continued, “If this takes much longer I…” a strained hiccup, “I’ll just get on top myself…” 
Well, now or never you guessed.
You slowly began lowering yourself onto him, and you felt like you got even wetter when you watched the way his eyes were glued to watching himself slowly sinking into your body. 
Body shivering at finally taking him to his base, Idia laced his fingers through yours and curled up to give you soft kisses on your neck and cheek.
“You okay?” He whispered.
“Yeah, it’s just…” you breathed in hard through your nose, “it’s just a lot.”
Idia started looking smug again, which you took as your cue to start moving, in an effort to wipe that superior look off of his stupid sexy face.
Rocking your hips slowly, you began experimenting to see what felt best. You moved slower, faster, lifted yourself off of him less, more. 
The squelches of your bodies meeting would have mortified you in any other situation, but seeing the sweat drip down Idia’s face while he bit his knuckle left you feeling some kind of way.
You started pulling him out almost completely and then slamming yourself down on him, relishing in how this motion made you both moan loudly in tandem. Idia’s nails were leaving perfect crescent moons on your hips as he gasped and tried to grind up into you every time your body was close to him.
Seemingly having had enough of you setting the pace, Idia pushes you over, your back firmly against the couch and his back to the air of the lounge.
He sets upon devouring your mouth with his, grabbing your right leg behind the knee and pushing it over his shoulder. 
Having you just where he wanted, Idia begins messily pounding into you. Your gasps and calls of his name only spur him to go faster, harder. 
Idia rested his forehead on yours as he split you open within an inch of your life. You felt like a prey animal being hypnotized by the snake that would soon swallow them, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Gasping your name and you screaming his in turn, you felt a final slam into your body with a prolonged grind, and Idia cried out a final time. With a couple of weak thrusts of his softening dick, he pulled out of you slowly, keeping eye contact as he did so. 
Smoothing his stray hairs from his sweaty face, you felt like you could almost see the hearts in his eyes at the current moment.
“How did… I do?” He nervously questioned, leaning his forehead against yours.
You sighed, it was pretty damn hot, but you were going, to be honest with him.
“Play with my clit more next time, and then maybe I’ll cum.”
The color drained from Idia’s face.
“S-shit, yes! Okay!” He nodded feverishly.
“….wait. NEXT TIME?”
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And there we have it babes, both sides of Idia are now posted.
What do you want to see next? More new dorms? More NSFW continuations of previous chapters?
Let me know, and thank you all for being so sweet and supportive.
Love you, reader!
Requested tags: @stygianoir @naniky
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral) x Dream - Poly Relationship
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Dream is not too happy with the flattering comments sent Y/N and Corpse’s way.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request and I’m so sorry you’ve had to wait so long to see it turned into a fic but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
“You know, if you’d stop screaming you’d be able to hear us, right?“ I sarcastically remark, earning myself a scoff from Karl.
“I’m sorry, how about you try to find yourself in this situation with this fucking ghost Suzanne. Yeah, fuck you, Suzanne.“ He doesn’t even get to finish his sentence properly before he screams, probably startled by the ghost he just insulted. 
I cackle to myself, “Trust me, I wouldn’t be able to find myself in such a predicament even if I tried.”
Playing Phasmophobia with Karl, Dream and Corpse has become my favorite hobby while I use my vacation days off of work. I don’t have the budget for an actual vacation just yet, so this is what I consider to be the closest thing to it - gaming. Obviously, I will go on a vacation when there’s a bigger bang to my buck.
This content creator thing is working fairly nicely so far, I’m not complaining. To be completely honest, I never would’ve thought I would be making money from this and I never counted on it. I did it for fun and relaxation until my boyfriends convinced me otherwise.
Yup, you heard that last line correctly.
“Yes, yes, Y/N’s very respectful towards ghosts. They definitely didn’t cuss out the poor old man ghost the last time we streamed. No way.“ Corpse interjects, making me gasp in faux offense. 
“In my defense, he was being an asshole! You and Dream weren’t any better either. Regardless, I stay as respectful as possible. Don’t wanna piss off the dead.“ I explain, scrolling through my chat and donations.
“Yeah, just as respectful as the people making passes in your chat.“ Dream contradicts me sarcastically, causing me to raise an eyebrow at his comment.
“Are you talking about that dude with the ‘roses are red bla bla bla’ comment? I saw him too.“ Corpse asks, jumping onto what Dream said.
Oh for the love of God...
“You’re not one to talk, Corpse. Your chat is just as thirsty as Y/N’s.“ Dream laughs, getting Corpse to drop him a quick ‘Fuck you‘ midst his own laughter.
I, on the other hand, seem to be the only one with a head left on my shoulders seeing as how these two have kinda, sorta forgotten that we’re streaming. Oh, and that Karl is here. “Are you both watching my stream? Focus on yours! Get out!“ I scold them, hoping I come across as pissed and not desperate. I really hope no one digs into this any deeper than they need to. It wouldn’t be pretty if they did.
“First of all, all we have to do is peer over your shoulder to see your chat.“ Dream says, too matter-of-factly for my liking and a bit too cockily for my annoyance level to not rise at least a little.
“Second of all,“ Corpse continues, “You can’t chase us out of our own apartment! It’s yours as much as it’s ours.“
I smack each of them lightly on the back of their head, causing them to let out a sound of complain and dare to ask...
“What was that for?!“ 
And they said it in sync, that was funny
“Really? What was it for? For being little tattle tails, that’s what!“ I narrow my eyes at them, knowing full well that it has zero effect and that it only entertains them, contrary to what my intention is.
“I didn’t say shit! Dream started it!“ Corpse complains, raising his hands up in surrender or to possibly shield him in case I decide to swing again, “And still, you shouldn’t be mad at the guy! He was just looking out for us. Although a bit jealous, his intentions were nice. He meant well.“
The two fist-bump as a way of Dream showing Corpse his appreciation for standing up for him in protection of my wrath. 
“Oh, yeah!“ I grin at them menacingly - now that does manage to scare them, “Yeah, he’s a real keeper, just not for secrets.”
“It slipped! I’m sorry!“ Dream whines, attempting to fish me and sit me down in his lap but I swat his hands away.
“No excuses, Clay!“ Even Corpse lets out an ‘oof‘ in response to that one. I don’t call Dream by his real name unless he’s really fucked. Which he currently very much is.
Before he could beg for forgiveness, however, another voice rings through our headphones, “Wait, wait, wait...Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on here?!”
Oh shit, Karl’s here....I forgot
.....and we’re streaming....
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341 notes · View notes
httpdabi · 3 years
Tumblr media
Word count: 6,5k
Genre: Smut, romance, no quirk lol
Warnings: 18+, a little bit of choking, a little bit of daddy kink, rough sex, dom!dabi , jealousy kinda, unprotected sex, alcohol
Credit to the owner of the pic!!
✨Friends to lovers fic✨
Throwing your phone across the room, deep breath coming out of your mouth. The fact that he was coming back today made the time pass so slow it was painful. You were glancing at your phone every now and then checking what time it is, knowing he should arrive around 17PM. Rolling down on your old bed, you took a good look of your room.
Pastel pink walls, white bed, small working table in the left corner of the room. Beside your bed were photos taped on the wall. All those photos woke a memory in you. Some of the photos were of you and your friends, but most of them were of you and Dabi.
Your childhood best friend. You will never forget the day you first met him. Shy little Touya not wanting to play with your dolls. I’M A MAN. He screamed back then, throwing the doll away, making you cry loudly. You will never forget how scared he got in the moment you started screaming around, trying to hush you down somehow. He did everything he could hoping his parents won’t hear.
Yours and Touya’s parents were literally best friends, visiting each other almost every day. Having to face him so often, you two almost had no choice then to become friends. At the beginning none of you were impressed by each others company. But how both of you grew up, you were becoming closer and closer. At some point, you two became inseparable.
When Touya started getting piercings, you were so jealous. You wanted to get that Certilage piercing just like him, but your parents were so strict even the thought of it made their hair get up. Of course Touya being Touya, he didn’t give a two shits about their decision. Picking you up one day after school and brining you to his friend that did his piercings too. That night both families were fighting. His parents lecturing him how he is such a bad influence to you, and your parents screaming on you how you’ll never get married with piercing like that. Saying it’s not ladylike.
,, If no one marries her, I will’’ Touya said, making your heart flutter, and everyone else in the room laughed loudly, finding it cute how he was protecting you.
Of course, growing up both of you went different directions in your life. Moving out of your parents place was best thing that happened to you. Having that freedom you never had before, you were appreciating even little things.
Dabi moved out in another city, saying he never wanted to live in his hometown anyway. Of course, there wasn’t a day that he didn’t contact you. But having him so far away made things much harder for you. The only positive thing about him moving to another city was the fact that your huge crush on him would melt down, at least you hoped so.
You were so in love with him. How could you not be ? Having him around so much, such a handsome and good guy, you simply had to develop feelings toward him.
Walking downstairs, you heard Enji laughing loudly at something your father said. You visiting your parents home again, while Todoroki’s were also there, all of you waiting for Dabi to return. It made your heart warm up again, missing moments when all of you were spending time together so often.
Making your way toward kitchen, you opened the fridge looking for something to eat. Not that you were hungry, you were simply bored and something had to kill that boredom.
Taking the milk pudding, you opened it and took one spoon. You tried to multitask somehow, with one hand you were eating the pudding, while with other hand just scrolling your instagram feed.
Suddenly, a head placed on your shoulder, trying to see what you were looking at. Your parents always did that. They had to know why you were always holding that damn phone in your hands.
,, Dad, this is private, I’m not a child anymore’’ you whined, pushing your fathers head away. You hated when he does that, privacy is privacy and it has to be respected.
,, I didn’t know you were into daddy kink’’ a familiar voice whispered, making you flinch in surprise. Turning around you immediately jumped on the person standing behind you. Dabi laughed, placing his hand around your waist hugging you strongly, before he pulled you up in the air.
,, You little piece of shit, I missed you so much’’ you said hugging him back, not paying any attention to your parents in the background.
The rest of the day was all about Touya. How he was, what did he do, does he have a girlfriend and so on. Of course he liked to be the center of the attention, talking about everything. Not that you were complaining, you were sinking in every word that came out of his mouth, admiring him as always.
At the end of the day, your parents made plans that this week all of you should meet and have a super cool bbq like in the old times. Which meant one big ass sleep over, with Todoroki’s. Those nights were always amazing, so much food, so much sweets and of course so much alcohol for grown ups. That was the reason why Rei and Enji slept over after all. All of them would simply get wasted.
Dabi decided he will sleep at your place, since he never saw your new apartment, all of them agreeing, knowing that there’s a lot he probably wanted to tell you.
First both of you went to his old home, placing his suitcase and taking just few stuff to bring over. He didn’t want to waste any time, since his parents were still at your place, and he really wanted to finally see your new apartment.
Placing his bag in his hallway, he immediately went inside your living room, looking around, commenting what doesn’t look good and how he would decorate it much better. He opened the fridge, feeling like home and took one ice cream out of the freezer. Making his way toward your couch.
,, So, where’s that piece of shit called Kai’’ he asked, biting the chocolate on the ice cream. You were confused a bit, since you broke up with Kai long time ago.
,, Didn’t I already tell you? It’s been six months since we broke up’’ you laughed out. How can it be possible that you left your dear Touya uninformed about your love life.
,, Oh, that breaks my heart.’’ He said sarcastically. ,, What happened?’’ he added licking the ice cream.
,, Well, he cheated on me’’ you lied, sitting down beside him. Well, technically he did cheat on you, but the reason behind it was because he found out about your feelings about Dabi. He found out that he was only being used to forget your one sided love. Not that you didn’t like Kai, you did find him attractive, but you couldn’t force yourself to do with him stuff every couple did. Which made him cheat on you, hoping he will make you step further. But at his surprise you did something every normal person would do, broke up with him.
You did feel disappointed that you two had to part your ways like that, but you also understood him and with that you couldn’t force yourself to hate him or be that much hurt.
,, He didn’t deserve you anyway. I have no idea what did you see in him. Dude looks like he fed a whole Village in Africa, no offense ‘’ he said, making you laugh.
,, Anyway, we are invited to Mina’s birthday this Saturday’’ you said placing both of your legs on the table.
,, Aren’t we having a bbq that day?’’ Dabi asked as he placed the stick of his ice cream on the table.
,, Yeah, but we can still go tho. They’ll be really happy to see you again, I told everyone that you are back’’ you said, as he placed his head on your lap. You smiled, knowing how much he loves when you play with his hair.
,, Sure, we can do both. I am glad I’ll see them all again’’ he said making your stomach twist out of jealousy. You knew how much Yua and Akari liked Dabi. Of course you were friends, but the fact that all these two had their eyes on him made your blood boil. Even Mina was into him, until she found a boyfriend recently. They didn’t know that you liked him, but you knew very well that they weren’t happy that you had him by your side all the time.
After telling you about the city and all his experience, you two decided to go to sleep since it was already 2AM. You went to the bathroom to change into your silk pajama, coming back only to find Dabi in your bed wearing only shorts.
,, I really wanna get some tattoos too’’ you said looking the tattoos over his chest and arms, wanting to touch every single one of them.
,, Do it’’ he simply said, placing his arms under his head. You just rolled your eyes on him, he knew very well that you weren’t that brave.
,,You can sleep here, I’ll crash on the couch’’ you said ready to stand up. He was a guest after all, and for him you would sleep on the floor if he asked you to.
,, Of course you’re not’’ he said grabbing your arm and pulling you in the bed beside him. Wrapping his one arm around you.
,, Don’t get all cold with me suddenly’’ he laughed while covering both of you with your covers. Of course, you two slept together in one bed before, it wasn’t something unusual. But knowing how you feel about him, you knew that with every move like this, your feelings will grow back even stronger then they were before.
,, Touya, we aren’t children anymore’’ you said, trying to wiggle out of his grip.
,, That’s exactly what I was thinking about. Might as well do stuff adults do’’ he said jokingly, making you push him even harder. Making sure you are smiling he just held you stronger repeating that he was joking.
Once you realized that he won’t really give up, you just gave in, preparing yourself for one sleepless night with him.
Dabi placed your leg over him, slowly caressing your tight while telling you about some nonsense like he did before until you would fall asleep. Once he thought that you fall asleep, you felt his long arms around you and his lips on your head.
Having him so close to you, he didn’t know what effect he had on you. For him it was just one normal night, while for you it was something you won’t be able to keep out of your mind next upcoming weeks.
The next days it was like before. Dabi was spending more time at your place as he did home. You two would spend time together, playing games, going grocery shopping together, visiting cafes and so on. You even saw Akari in one café, and of course she was all over Dabi. You couldn’t watch it, she was touching his arm so recklessly, and the fact that he wasn’t doing anything about it didn’t’ help either.
Excusing yourself, you said that you felt sick. Dabi wanted to follow you home, but Akari was insisting how he should stay, since they didn’t see each other for such a long time. Not wanting to make any scene, you just told him to stay, not to worry and left them.
On your way home, you felt terrible. It wasn’t anything big, but yet you overacted there and had to leave. But you simply couldn’t watch or hear anything more. You were the one that was supposed to touch him like that. You wanted to touch all those tattoos, and even tho you were his best friend you couldn’t find the courage to do it. Yet, stupid Akari did it without a problem.
Knowing that Dabi will probably just come back to your place, you made your way toward your parents house, not ready to face him somehow. In that moment you wished you didn’t gave him your spare keys. You didn’t want to wait for him and think about what they were doing.
Of course your parents were more then happy to welcome you home. Since you moved out you didn’t sleep at their place that often. But they knew something was wrong, not wanting to bother you, they just let you be.
Once again the night was sleepless for you. Dabi did contact you, asking if you are ok and if he should bring something to you, but once you saw that Akari posted him on her Instagram story, you couldn’t even force yourself to text him back.
You knew that It was so childish of you, he didn’t even know how you feel about him, yet that something small would upset you so much. But your feelings were getting better of you. The whole night you were rolling around in your bed, thinking if he’s home yet, if they are fucking somewhere. You were thinking what would have happened if you just stayed. If you did, he would probably just leave home with you.
Waking up next morning, you wanted to kill yourself. The soreness in your eyes didn’t help either. You saw few messages from Dabi, asking where you are, yada yada. Seeing that it was sent around 4am, you tossed your phone across the bed. Did he stay that long with her ?
You slowly stood up and made your way toward the bathroom, brushing your teeth before leaving home. Your parents were insisting that you should stay, and spend the rest of the day with them. It was Saturday anyway, so you’ll be here later anyway.
But you didn’t want, you had to clean your apartment a bit together with your thoughts. Also it was Minas birthday today, so you had to get ready before you leave for the bbq and her birthday.
Opening the door of your apartment, you saw Dabi’s shoes placed beside yours. Slowly tip toeing, you found him in your bedroom asleep. You slowly closed the door, and started cleaning quietly, making sure not to wake him up.
You wanted to lay down beside him, and simply cuddle yourself close to his body, but because of the thought of the last night, you also wanted to grab his hair and force him out of your apartment.
Of course, once he woke up, you couldn’t be mad at him anymore. You had to act it up, and just ignore what happened, after all how could you explain to him why were you even mad ? Dabi left your place around 16PM, leaving you all alone with your thoughts once again. You whished you could tell him how you felt, you wished he would understand.
When the time came, you wore your light purple spaghetti strap dress. Since the evenings were still kidna cold, you decided to wear your oversized black cardigan that was the same length as your dress. Covering just enough.
After doing your make up and straightening your hair, you placed your small bag over your shoulder and wore your overknee lace up boots before you left. The cardigan was bothering you a bit, since you knew how hot it usually gets when you’re in club, but once the wind brushed your naked tight, you didn’t mind it anymore.
Once you got at your parents place, you helped them with all the preparing. Your mom didn’t let you prepare the food, being scared you’ll ruin your dress. But you still helped with plates and all the alcohol. Placing everything on the table outside.
When they arrived Enji and your dad immediately started with the bbq. Rei and your mom were simply enjoying the evening and sipping on their wine, waiting for their food. While both of you and Dabi were simply on your phones. Once again you were upset, all of them complimented your looks, everyone but him. Piece of shit like he looked any better, whit his simple white shirt and jeans.
He looked so beautiful without any effort, the tattoos on his arm totally visible.
You took the wine from the table filling your glass, drinking it fast down. Just the thought of Akari and other girls being all over him was driving you crazy. You had to prepare yourself.
,, Slow down doll, I don’t want to spend the rest of my night holding your hair in the toilet’’ Dabi said taking the now empty glass away from you and laughing a bit.
,,Don’t worry about me, I’m capable of taking care of myself on my own’’ you said taking the glass back and filling it with wine again. Who does he think he is ?
When the meat was done, both of you ate and drank a bit before leaving. Dabi didn’t want to drive since he also had plans to drink. Enji was insisting on giving you a ride, but you two didn’t want to break his fun, after all the club wasn’t that far away.
,,So, who will be there tonight?’’ Dabi asked you, taking the box of cigarettes out of his pocket and lighting one cigarette.
,, Mina of course, Yua, Himari, Ryohei, Hiro, Akari and Kai’’ you said, placing your hands in the pockets of your cardigan.
,, We should make your little Kai jealous, what do you think?’’ He said, placing his arm around your shoulders.
,, Nah, no need’’ you said looking down on the floor.
When you arrived the club was already full of people. Thankfully Mina waited for you two in front of the club, not wanting for you two to waste your time looking for them. You gave her the present that you and Dabi bought few days ago and graduated her. Knowing that Mina is in relationship with Hiro, so the hug she gave Dabi didn’t bother you so much.
Once you got inside, you greeted everyone and ordered your drinks. Of course Akari was giving all of her attention to Dabi, trying to get as close as possible to him.
None of you wanted to wait, so all of you ordered your drinks. You ordered Malibu with cherry juice, you were up for something sweet. Since the sweet drinks kick in much faster and that’s exactly what you needed. Dabi ordered whisky, while Kai, Hiro and Ryohei ordered pure Vodka. Rest of the girls ordered Wine.
,, Hey’’ you heard very familiar voice close to your ear. You turned around sipping on your drink, welcoming Kai with a small smile and nodding your head.
,, How are youu?’’ he asked loud enough for you to hear. Body too close to your own in your opinion.
,, I am good and you?’’ you simply answered finishing your drink, asking yourself why is he starting this random boring chat. Realizing that your friends were eyeing you and your ex down, you smirked to yourself. If they only knew, how little shit you gave about him.
,, Let’s go get another round of drinks’’ you said, and made your way toward the bar, while Kai was following every step you made.
,, You look beautiful tonight’’ Kai pointed after you ordered what everyone was drinking. Well, at least someone appreciates your effort tonight, you thought to yourself.
,, Thank you, you look cool yourself’’ you said already trying your drink, while giving the money with your right hand to the bartender. He didn’t look bad at all, wearing black button up shirt, one part of it tucked in his jeans. His typical black convers shoes. He looked good.
Once you two got back, placing all the drinks on the table, you could feel Dabi’s eyes on you. You weren’t sure if he wanted to tell you something, so you took his Whisky and went to him.
,, What is it ?’’ you asked giving him his drink.
,, Nothing at all’’ he replied eying you down. He was about to say something more, but Akari interrupted him, saying some nonsense. Not wanting to watch them together, you just left them, making your way toward Ryohei, Himari and Kai on the dancefloor.
All of you were dancing. Jumping around and waving your body to the sound of the music. You realized that Kai was trying real hard to get you to himself, but sadly your drinks didn’t hit you that much yet. Still the only person that was on your mind was Dabi. You wanted to look at him, and see what’s he doing, but you were afraid once you turn around you’ll find Akari all over him again, or even worse making out with him. It would definitely ruin your night.
After few more drinks, you finally started getting tipsy. While Mother Mother was playing, you and Himari were jumping around, making your way back toward the table to get your other drink that was already there, you two were screaming at each other ,, My daddy’s got a gun, My daddy’s got a gun, My daddy’s got a gun, you better run’’ moving your body crazily just as the music was.
,, Cheers’’ Himari screamed, once both of you placed a bit salt on your hand. Licking the salt of your hand, both of you drank the tequila fast before sucking the lemon. Making the weird face, both of you laughed preparing another shot.
Making your way back to the others, both of you were going crazy to the beat of the song you loved. With a new drink in your hand, you didn’t think about the consequences. After all the music was just so good, you simply had to drink.
Dancing around, you felt a body pressed against your. Tilting your head to the side, you realized it’s Kai standing behind you, trying to get as much of you as he could. At that moment you didn’t give a fuck anymore, just giving in and dancing with him. You saw Himari and Mina laughing at you, thinking you two will get together.
,, I’ll go smoke one fast, wanna come?’’ Kai asked. You simply shook your head giving him a sign that you'll simply wait and found yourself once again dancing with Himari. You were glad Himari was there, since without her you wouldn’t have much fun as you had now.
,, You are fast’’ you said, feeling Kai’s body behind you again. Slow down by Chase Atlantic started playing, no better song for grinding your body against someone else. Moving your body slowly, you felt his hands holding your hips firmly.
,, Are you sure you aren‘t into daddy kink doll?“raspy and deep voice made you twitch in shock. ,, What’s wrong? Didn’t expect me ?’’ he added, holding your hips stronger, not giving you any chance to move away from him.
You felt like there was no need to answer him, since Mina bought you another drink you were already busy sipping on your drink . After all, all you wanted to do was drink and get wasted in that moment anyway. So you moved your body from the side to the side, enjoying how close his body was to yours.
Realizing that you drank your drink, Dabi took it form your hand and gave it to the bartender that was passing by anyway. Turning you around to face him, he took your arms and placed them around his neck, while his own arms found their way to your waist.
,, Wasn��t the plan to make Kai jealous?’’ he asked. You could feel his hot breath on your ear. Tilting your head a bit to the left, you closed your eyes and gave him a small nod with the biggest grin ever.
The grin was long gone once you felt his hands over your ass, squeezing it tightly. ,, Then why am I at the end the jealous one ?’’ He asked giving you one more squeeze. Drunk like that you forgot about your friends and what might they think.
,, Is this how you treat your daddy?’’ he added, not giving you a chance to even progress the last question he gave you. You were never into daddy kink, but coming from his lips, you were ready to call him daddy as much as he wanted.
,, I want.. drink.. haha’’ you said laughing, hoping he will get you another one, since you weren’t capable to do it on your own anymore.
,, We are going home’’ he said. He was already tipsy on his own, but nowhere drunk as you were. He told everyone that you two are leaving, not giving you much time to greet them. Seeing disappointed look on Akari’s face made your night. IN YOUR FACE YOU BITCH ASS HOE
Dabi helped you wear your cardigan, and placed your bag over your shoulders, before he placed his hand around your waist helping you walk a bit. Well, you could walk, but with his grip around you, it was much easier.
,, I thought you could take care of yourself’’ he said once you two were outside. He placed you on the nearest bench, just to light up his cigarette before he pulled you up once again. You placed your arm around his shoulders, bragging about how you can walk perfectly fine.
,, Stop pissing me off doll, you’re hard to hold’’ he said as his grip was getting stronger.
,,Or what ?’’ You laughed, taking the cigarette from him and placing it between your lips. You don’t smoke usually, but alcohol took over you. Dabi laughed surprised, not used at the sight of you smoking.
,, My little Touya, you weren’t even born when I started smoking’’ you managed to say, while he was just laughing at the nonsense you were telling him.
Dabi didn’t know what he should do first, hold you firmly or pull your dress down, scared it was to high up for everyone else to see what’s under it.
,,Now, behave yourself, we are almost home’’ he said pulling your dress down a little, and throwing the almost done cigarette from your lips on the floor.
At his and your surprise both of your parents were still outside enjoying their time. You threw your arm up in the air ready to greet them, but Dabi stopped you fast enough. It’s not like your parents have anything against you drinking. But he wasn’t in a mood to talk with them about anything tonight. And he knew very well that drunk like that you were more then ready for a chat with them.
,, Already home?’’ Enji screamed once he saw you two. You were ready to brag about how you wanted to party a bit longer, but Dabi once again stopped you, telling them how you didn’t feel good that much.
,,What’s your problem man ?’’ You hissed at the party breaker that was pulling you upstairs to your room. Looking how your parents prepared your room made you grin. There was a mattress beside your bed prepared for Dabi.
,, They really think you’ll sleep down there’’ you grinned.
,, Obviously’’ Dabi said, placing you slowly on your bed.
,, Now, change into your pajama while I’m brushing my teeth’’ he said slowly, making sure you understand every word.
With alcohol in your system, you just lain down to rest a bit, before getting all the power and will you had to change.
Pulling your dress over your head, you started looking for your pajamas. Seeing Dabi’s shirt on the floor, you felt satisfied and just wore it. Standing there in the room, you thought if it’s his shirt he wore today, or just the one he got himself for bed. You would rather sleep naked than in a shirt he just wore in the club. Even the thought of the smell of all the smoke and alcohol made you feel dizzy.
Taking the part of his shirt, you pulled it close enough for you to sniff it making sure it’s not his shirt from clubbing.
,,What are you doing doll? ‘’ You froze. Looking to the side, you saw him leaning on the doorframe while smirk was formed on his lips. Luckily there was enough alcohol in your system to feel embarrassed in that very moment, since the view of you sniffing his shirt was weird as fuck.
,, Can’t get enough of me ?’’ he added getting closer to you. ,, You have to wear some shorts, or I’ll really be forced sleep on the mattress tonight’’ he added looking you up and down, while you just stood there speechless.
,, Come here, let’s take off your make up’’ he said, placing his hand on your back, leading the way to the bathroom.
Once you were in the bathroom, Dabi pulled you up, making you sit on the washing machine. Slowly helping you wash your teeth. Swinging your legs playfully, Dabi almost poured the water he prepared for you on the floor. Placing the glass to the side, he took your legs and wrapped them around his waist. Even tho you weren’t sober, you could completely understand the position you were in. Taking the wet wipes he started cleaning your make up carefully. You just closed your eyes enjoying his touch on your face, while he was giving his best to do it gentle as possible.
Sudden feel of a skin brushing over your nose made you open your eyes. Seeing his face not even inches from yours, made you froze. His nose brushing against your own, before you felt his soft lips against your own.
,, You are driving me crazy’’ he said, placing his forehead against yours. Not thinking twice you placed your hands on his cheeks and pulled him in for another kiss. At first you knew that he was surprised since he just stood there, but after a short second you felt him smile into the kiss, leaning in and wanting more.
With his hands under your, or better to say his own shirt, he was moving them up and down slowly. The touch of his hands rubbing your naked skin softly made you want more of him. Pulling him closer with your legs, you placed your hands on his chest , wanting to feel everything you could.
Pulling your head back breaking the kiss, you attacked his neck, leaving wet kisses all over it. Touya pulled your body up, placing his hands on your ass, making his way toward your room. Making small breaks while pushing your body against the wall trying to kissing you like his life depended on it.
Once he placed you on the bad, he didn’t waste any time, hovering over you and kissing your neck. Wanting everyone to know to who you belong to. He wanted to make sure the next time you see Kai, he will know that Dabi is the one that’s dicking you down.
,, I know you couldn’t stand the sight of me and Akari, but grinding on Kai like a little whore, making me all jealous was really unnecessary’’ he gasped between kisses. Pulling the shirt over your head he threw it over the room, leaving you only in your panties. ,, especially in that little dress of yours” he added, as he looked over your half naked body.
,, Fuck you, what did you expect of me, I was mad’’ you moaned out once you felt his lips on your breast, sucking and biting it.
,, Well.. guess what’’ he said, still sucking your boob, while squeezing the other one.
,,What?’’ you breathed out, eyes closed while enjoying his lips on your body.
,, Daddy will punish his little naughty girl’’ he said, once again leaving wet love marks all over your chest.
,,Touya, I’m really not into daddy kink’’ you said, your hands deep inside his hair.
,, But I am’’ he said, his head in front of your, making eye contact with you. ,, And tonight I want everyone to know who your real daddy is. I want everyone to know who you belong to’’ he said, wrapping his hand around your throat. ,, Do you understand me ?’’ he added.
,,Yes’’ you whispered, not breakig the eye contact.
,,Yes what?’’ he asked as his hand started to apply pressure to your throat. Not being used to choking, you couldn’t really manage to give him the right answer. It wasn’t the kind of choking where you felt like passing out because of the lack of oxygen, but you were still new to it.
,,Yes daddy’’ you managed to say somehow. Satisfied with your answer, Dabi moved his hand away from your throat, leaving small kisses over the same spot where his hand left small marks.
,, Such a good girl’’ he said, pulling your panties down. Licking his lips, as you were exposed to him. The fact that you were so valuable to him, and knowing how much power he had over you was turning Touya even more on.
Not wasting any time, he spread your thighs further apart, his head leaning down to run his tongue through your folds. Feeling his tongue piercing on your clit, something you always wanted to feel, made you throw you head back into the pillow, while grabbing Dabi’s head pulling him closer to yourself.
Licking you around your opening, the warm and hot feeling of his tongue, mixed with cold feeling of his piercing was making you shiver. You could feel him smirk against your core as he saw how much effect he has on you. You moan as his lips and tongue move against your folds, eating you out like it’s his last meal.
,,Touya please’’ you moan out, as he sucks roughly on your bundle of nerves, causing your body to jolt up, as your fingers grab his messy hair.
Flicking his tongue roughly and tugging your clit, his hands were holding your thighs firmly, as his light blue eyes were focused on you. It doesn’t take him long to make you cum all over his mouth, his name falling from your lips shamelessly. Climbing over you, he kissed you passionately, making you taste yourself on his lips.
Pulling away from the kiss, you started kissing his tattoos, something you wanted to do long time ago. Especially since he came back. Dabi breathed heavily, his head hanging low, while you were under him kissing every little line that covered his body.
He gave you the time you needed, exploring his body as much as you wanted. But once he felt your small hands pulling down his shorts together with his boxers, and licking the tip of his already erected dick, he had to stop you. At your surprise, even his dick was pierced.
,, Another time doll’’ he said, pulling you up. ,, I’ve been dying to fuck you since forever’’ he added, slowly rubbing the tip of his dick around your core. Without any warning his slammed his whole length inside making your scream both in pleasure and pain. Wiggling a little, trying to move just a bit away from him, hoping the pain will go away. But Touya couldn’t let that happened, now when he finally had his dick deep inside you.
,,Just relax baby’’ he said not moving, letting you adjust to his size. Placing soft kisses all over your jaw, then slowly moving out of you, only for him to slide back in, so slow that you could feel every vain of his dick move, together with his piercing rubbing your walls.
Dabi was moving so slow, grinding his hips against yours, as his fingers were rubbing your clit gently. Sliding out of you only until the edge of his head remains, before moving slowly again in, repeating the same move all over again. Only God knew how much he wanted to break you.
,, Touya’’ you moan out once he wraps his fingers with yours, placing your left arm above your head, while his right fingers were still rubbing your clit in circles. Your legs shake as you wrap them around him, another orgasm hitting you hard.
Dabi moans with you, as you squeeze his dick while riding of your orgasm. With you having your second orgasm, he couldn’t hold himself any longer. Your warm walls around him coated in juices were driving him crazy. All the soft and slow moves were forgotten, making his motions now much deeper and intense. Pulling out till the end and slamming recklessly into you again. Groaning in pleasure, he was slamming into you with a speed you could only imagine.
,, Touya, slow down’’ you moaned, closing your eyes, still sensitive from your second orgasm. ,, I don’t think I can take it’’ you added, trying to catch your breath.
,,Of course you can take it. Look at you, you’re taking it right now doll’’ he groaned, holding your hips in one place while fucking you hard like no one ever has before. You were a moaning mess, with every move your moans were louder.
,, Oh God, Touya’’ you moaned, fingers still connected to his. Grabbing his back with your left hand and digging your fingers inside his skin.
,, You’re takng it so well love’’ he said, groaning as he felt the pressure of your nails digging into his back. ,, Go ahead, scratch my back as much as you want’’ he added kissing you sloppily.
Once he started rubbing your clit again, you found yourself digging your nails into his back like a wild cat, finding comfort in it. ,, Touya’’ you moaned his name out as both of you were coming closer to your highs. You could feel his dick twitching inside of you, his moves becoming more deeper and jankier. His eyes were shut, while your body started shaking once again. Once again you felt your orgasm pulsing through your stomach, and there you were again squeezing his dick not being able to control yourself as you moaned his name over and over again. Dabi continued fucking you , his groans getting louder and louder, feeling your walls getting tighter and tighter while you were milking his dick down, he released. Emptying his seeds deep into you.
Both of you stayed in the same position, trying to breath normally. His thumb gently rubbing your hand, as he placed kisses all over your bruised neck.
,, You have no idea how much I wanted to be with you’’ he said between the kisses. ,,I’m so in love with you doll’’ he breathed out, making you feel butterfly’s inside your stomach.
,, Are you?’’ you asked, tilting your head just enough to look at him.
,, Don’t act like you didn’t know already’’ he said smiling, while brushing his nose against your cheek. Of course you didn’t know.
,,Fuck you, I was dying here for you, thinking my love is just one sided’’ you said hitting his chest lightly. ,, I even dated Kai hoping I’ll forget you somehow’’ you added hitting him once again, making him laugh a bit.
,, Don’t mention his name. That’s the past. You belong to me now, only me’’ he said, grabbing your jaw and kissing you. You were always his anyway.
,, All yours, Touya’’ you said, kissing him back-
,, Are you kids awake ? ´´ Enji’s head peeked inside your room, finding his eldest son naked on top of his best friends daughter. Making him choke on the air and forgetting the actual reason he was looking for you two.
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Kid!MC/Teen!MC Needs someone to go to Parent Teacher Interviews for Them and Guess Who’s Available?
The brothers being bad babysitters/dad figures is something I love very much, I bet you all could already tell that considering the Fic/Headcanon series I have going on. I would just like you all to know that Asmo’s section is based on a true story. Anyhoo~ onto the Headcanons!
Why? Why Him? (Lucifer)
Is MC really dumb, or are they just a kid? No one knows.
Obviously MC asked Lucifer, the only competent one in the house, the most professional, hard-working, controlled-
MC got their things together and gave Lucifer the run down on their teacher(s) before Lucifer got too absorbed in extolling his own virtues in an intense internal monologue.
News flash Lucifer, this isn’t a Shakespeare play, you can’t have a dramatic monologue or soliloquy about how great you think you are
At the actual meeting, if MC is in there, no, MC is not actually in there. Lucifer will speak to the teacher as if MC isn’t there. As someone whose not a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down kind of person, Lucifer expects the teacher to behave the same and not spare MC’s feelings.
Feelings do not deserve to be spared if MC is being a nuisance. No fake-kid/little sibling of his gets to be the class idiot!
If MC’s doing very well academically, he expects to be pointed at projects or tests they’ve done and the grade on it. It really makes him proud to see MC doing well.
Even if they’re not the best academically, if they’re not failing and they’re doing well in other aspects of school, he’s proud.
If MC really struggles in a school environment and just hates it there but they’re still keeping their head above water, they get a head pat of approval.
On the drive home, if MC came with him to the parent teacher interviews and everything went well, he just happens to turn onto the street that has a Baskin Robin’s or something of that caliber.
If they didn’t go, he picks something up on the way back.
No fun treats if MC is being a disruptive little heathen in class, no kid under Lucifer’s care is going to be the class Mammon. Not on his watch.
MC was busily stuffed their face with the treats that were gifted to them. Lucifer had to hold himself back from rolling his eyes at the kid’s blatant disregard for basic table manners when it came to sweets.
“Is everything the teacher said true?” Lucifer asked, MC looked up at him with a smile.
“Good, good.” Lucifer held out his hand and patted them on the head. “You’re doing well. Keep it up.”
“Geez,” MC mumbled as they continued to stuff their face. “Can you get anymore affectionate?”
“Don’t be sarcastic, MC. It’s uncouth.” Lucifer said sternly. “Besides, I’ll have you know that many people enjoy my headpats. I’m quite affectionate.”
“Really now? Name one person.”
Lucifer opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He and MC stared each other down, one pair of eyes much more nervous than the other. Spoiler, MC was still calmly eating their treat as they maintained eye contact.
“If you’re reaching for Cerberus, you’ve already lost.”
…his pride was under attack. Right in front of his desert…
“You’re grounded.”
“Worth it.”
*Rides by on a Skateboard* School is for NERDS (Mammon)
Pff! Stupid human! He’s not goin’ to some lame parent teacher conference-
Wait! What’s with that face?! Ugh… fine. MC’s gone and forced his hand with those damn puppy dog eyes…
Mammon does not dress up for this event, he dresses like he would every day, maybe throw on some designer stuff to let all the parents and teachers know he’s hot shit.
If MC goes with him, he pulls up in his beloved car and takes up two parking spaces (pure evil.). Every parent present already hates him, but at least the other kids there are impressed with MC’s sweet ride. MC would have gained some street cred if Mammon hadn’t managed to trip up the stairs to the classroom in front of everyone.
He’ll act way to casual with the teacher, turning the parent chair backwards and sitting down so he can lean on the seat.
Mammon gets bored crazy quickly while the teacher lists and explains all the stuff the class is learning, so his eyes begin to wander to any and all displays in the classroom. Projects, annoying posters, class pet, anything is more interesting than this teacher’s explanation.
When MC finally becomes the main topic of the interview, he’s all ears. MC’s doing great in school academically? Ha! Nerd! Maybe giving MC a playful noogie and interrupting the whole interview wasn’t a good idea, but whatever.
If MC’s failing anything, or just isn’t that gifted when it comes to grades, it’s very much a “Aw man me too” from Mammon.
This teacher is speaking with the Great Mammon, the first demon in RAD’s history to fail three semesters in a row. If this teacher thinks bad grades will phase him, they’re dead wrong.
Grades don’t mean anythin’ about smarts anyway! I mean, look at him! He’s a fuckin’ genius but he can’t get through a history test without sobbing even though he LIVED THROUGH MOST OF IT.
MC gets treats no matter what’s up in class. Though, if MC didn’t go with him, he’s likely to forget and just order something for the two of them when he gets back home.
“Goddamn teachers and their rambling!” Mammon whined, grabbing a slice of pizza from the open box on his coffee table. “You owe me, MC! Ya really do!”
“Yeah yeah yeah.” MC said, they leaned over and rolled a pizza slice into a pizza-scroll then proceeded to eat it like a veggie roll. “How do you think I feel, listening to them every day? You know how long it takes to get to the actual class material?”
“Five years?”
“Ugh! Five years if I’m lucky! I swear, I know more about my teacher’s grievances with like… five of my classmates than I do about trigonometry, and guess which one’s on the test next week?”
Mammon winced in sympathy, then remembered he was supposed to be whining and went back to it. “School’s shit and a waste of money, ya should drop out as soon as you can and help me run my new business.”
“You mean your pyramid scheme?”
“It’s not a pyramid scheme, MC! It’s legit! It’s a multi-tiered marketing-”
“It’s a pyramid scheme.”
Everyone else must have been sick or something for MC to have asked Levi. He’d flat out refuse to go otherwise.
So, Levi couldn’t exactly go to the interview in his usual “I haven’t left my room or changed clothes in eight weeks” look. With the help of MC, he was able to find his military uniform at the back of his closet.
Asmo nearly fainted when he saw Levi in the uniform, not because “oooo, a man in uniform~”, it was because the outfit was so crumpled and wrinkled that it made it physically painful to look at. No time to iron and wash, the conference was in an hour!
Levi (and MC if they went with) rolled up to the school in a less than impressive ride, but one look at the uniform and all the other people present went “yep, time to be respectful (tm)”
For the first time in his life Levi was more intimidating than Lucifer! And he wasn’t even trying!
When the teacher starts explaining the course material, Levi spaces off in horror as he realizes he remembers literally nothing from school (AND HE’S STILL IN SCHOOL!) all that’s running through his head is “A squared + B squared = C squared” and “the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”.
The actual interview was the least interesting part of the trip, the real stuff happened when Levi passed by some art on display in the hallway and something caught his eye-
Those colours… that hair… that adorable smile..!
Levi immediately started fawning over the art class fanart and by sheer coincidence, one of the kids walking through the hallway happened to notice.
The kid asked MC if their… parent and or guardian liked anime. MC responded with “obviously.” Levi then asked the kid if they drew his adorable Ruri-chan. The kid said no, and that they drew the My Hero Academia fanart a few rows down.
Levi was absolutely floored that there were two anime fans in one class, then his entire world shattered when MC explained there was more anime art inside the art room and other classrooms.
H-hang on… did that mean that… a lot of people here… liked anime..?
Levi needed a while to process. No snacks on the way home…
Levi and MC were sat in the back of their Uber, Levi, the Avatar of Envy himself, was having his entire sense of reality warped. S-so much anime fanart… in a school of all places..! What did this mean for the future of anime?!
“Levi. Stop.” MC sighed. “If this were an anime, the camera angle would be doing that thing where it’s right on the bridge of your nose and dramatic music plays in the background.”
“S-so many kids in your class like a-anime huh..?” Levi stuttered, weakly trying to smile. “Must be nice..?”
“Oh, that’s just my class. The other classes and grades have their fans too.”
“Oh… really?”
“Levi,” MC stopped looking out the window and looked at the otaku that was having a full scale silent mental breakdown. “Anime isn’t even a niche interest anymore. It’s a pretty casual thing to watch now. At least a third of my class watches- Levi?”
“Levi?” MC waved their hand in front of their spaced out demon’s face. “Leviiiii? Okay he’s dead.”
The Know it All (Satan)
Ah, a smart choice, MC. Satan would be glad to help further their education. He’ll do everything in his power to make sure that the human’s brain is fed all that sweet sweet knowledge.
Satan can’t dress himself normally, MC had to coax him into a suit jacket, but he still only wore one sleeve.
MC was coming along to the interviews whether they wanted to or not, it’s important to hear what they need to improve on from the teacher themselves after all.
The two arrived pretty early, so Satan asked MC for a tour of the school. It was pretty tame until they reached the library. Satan was horrified at the state of some of the books…
Their spines lined with duct tape… pages missing and torn… someone apparently used a taco as a book mark…
The first thing Satan does when it’s time for his interview is demand the teacher take better care of the library, even though they’re not the librarian. MC tries to explain this, but Satan is too distraught to listen to reason.
He enjoyed hearing about the course material, but he made it known if MC thinks the assignments are too easy that they need to be given more challenging work. THEIR BRAIN NEEDS TO BE STIMULATED DAMN IT.
It was up to MC to either agree with Satan and nod to the teacher, or make frantic eye contact with them to try and communicate “NO DON’T PLEASE”.
Similar to (ugh) Lucifer, as long as MC is doing their best, he’s happy for them.
…but if they are in any way in the running for valedictorian he is HELPING THEM WIN.
He decided to stop at a cafe or bookstore to let MC pick out a “congrats on surviving your pitiful school” present after the interviews.
MC gleefully perused the shelves of the bookstore, there were so many books too look at…
“I’ll buy you as many books as you’d like, MC, just,” Satan shuddered slightly. “Promise me you won’t treat them like those poor library books…”
MC put their hand over their heart. “I swear on the duct taped book spines that I will never treat a book like that.”
“Good… good…” Satan breathed a sigh of relief and went back to looking at his book about cats.
“Are you… reading a Warrior Cats book..?” MC asked tentatively.
“Yes, why?”
“Satan, put that back.”
“I Will Seduce the Teacher For the Sake of Your Grades, Don’t Worry.” (Asmodeus)
Oh MC dear! He’d be delighted to go! Just let him get ready~
Asmo may not be the best choice, but he was at least going to be the best dressed person at that conference. (And MC just had to come too so all the other parents could be jealous of how well coordinated their outfits are)
He teased MC a little by saying he was going to flirt with their teacher to make sure they passed the class, but he was just kidding! …but he made sure to ask if their teacher was cute, he needed to know!
While waiting for his turn, Asmo flirts with some of the single parents, if he doesn’t see a wedding ring, they’re fair game.
Once his time slot arrived, MC realized that Asmo is one of those “my child has done and will do nothing wrong ever” types. This may have ended up working in MC’s favour if they were a class nuisance.
If MC is doing very well in sports, clubs, grades, anything, Asmo is fawning over them and gushing to the teacher about how great, smart and adorable they are.
Asmo surprisingly does not exactly flirt with the teacher, he was just teasing MC after all. But um… if MC’s teacher just happens to be cute and young, he may turn up the charm, just a little. Enough to make the teacher giggle and make MC cover their face in embarrassment.
After the interviews Asmo will probably schedule a nice day out for the two of them, shopping, a movie, mani pedis, something fun!
The real weird stuff happens in the months after the interviews… if Asmo did lightly flirt with the teacher, MC gets quite a few questions about their guardian. Questions that ask if Asmo is single in not as many words…
Oh lord, MC’s teacher developed a crush on Asmo.
Nail painting night was supposed to be a fun occasion, but MC was hopping mad and embarrassed. Asmo didn’t seem to notice as he continued to paint the little human’s nails.
“And then I told Phenex to get lost. The nerve of that little monster, right MC?” When MC didn’t reply, Asmo looked up and tilted his head. “MC?”
MC’s angry face would have been much more threatening if they weren’t just so adorable, but it was getting the message across.
“Asmo.” MC’s glare deepened. “My teacher wants to know if you’re single.”
Asmo blinked a few times, before he hit his tongue to keep from laughing. “Really now~. I knew they’d be madly in love with me-”
Oh My Demon King is That a BAKE SALE?! (Beel)
Of course Beel said yes! He’d gladly go to MC’s parent teacher interview!
He even put on a nice outfit :D he ended up looking a bit like a secret serviceman guarding MC, the tiny president.
Beel stopped for McDonald’s on the way there, all the other kids were so jealous of MC when they stepped out of the car eating fries.
But a little something something caught Beel’s eye when he and MC walked into the school… was that a… bake sale?
MC quickly explained that the bake sale was fundraiser for their class trip that year and the snacks weren’t complimentary. He had to pay.
And pay Beel did. He cleared out the entire table. MC’s grade’s overnight trip was going to be decadent as hell. That was no longer a crowd funded thing, that trip was privately funded by a tall buff ginger secret service member and this tiny in comparison child.
Kids are incredibly blunt, just like Beel, so when a random kindergarten kid wandered over, looked up at Beel, and very knowingly said “you’re very tall”. Beel was like “yeah”. The kid then said “what’s it like being that tall?”
Beel’s response to this kid’s question was to pick them up and hold them for a few seconds before placing them back down. For just a few moments this kid knew what it like to be over 6’4. Of course, more kids swarmed in and asked to be picked up.
Sure it was cute, but Beel now has an army of kids ranging from kindergarteners to third graders.
Finally, the conference actually began. Beel snacked the entire time and dutifully listened to everything the teacher had to say.
After the interviews are over, he checks with MC to make sure everything the teacher said was true and that they weren’t lying. If all was well, the two made their exit.
They stopped at Wendy’s on the way home.
“I’m so full…” MC groaned, Beel held up a massive cookie.
“So I can eat this?”
“No. Gimme that.” MC took a very defeated bite out of it. “My stomach says no but my mouth says yes…”
“I don’t want you to get a stomachache, MC,” Beel said worriedly. “No more snacks.”
“It’s a little late for that. It’s past nine and I’m still eating, there’s no way I’m getting to sleep at a reasonable hour.”
“Oh…” Beel mumbled. “I may have not completely thought this through.”
“*Snore* Huh? Wha? MC’s Grades? Uh… Fuck…” (Belphie)
MC must be failing a class or something because why on earth would they pick Belphie otherwise.
They ask him to go while he’s delirious from just waking up from a nap, he sort of half nods and mumbles some gibberish before going back to sleep.
MC had to basically carry his ass to the school. Belphie drooled all over them in the waiting room, and when it was their time to go into the interview, Belphie had to be manually put into the chair and slapped awake.
He barely listens, he just sits and nods along with whatever the teacher is saying. The teacher could say MC brought an alligator to school and he’d just go “uh huh…” “mmmph… yep…” “really now?” then yawn.
The only thing that could possibly get Belphie to be interested is if MC is studying space. If they are, than boy howdy is Belphie suddenly interested in their education.
Other than that? *snore*
If MC is in fact failing or doing poorly, MC’s teacher asks to see another one of MC’s guardians at a later date. Their plan failed miserably.
MC drags Belphie out of the school and yells at him for not helping them. Belphie, still sleep delirious, tries to press the snooze button. MC does not have a snooze button.
“Belphie!” MC shouted, shaking the Avatar of Sloth awake. The House of Lamentation’s resident bastard was somehow sleeping standing up outside. “HOW COULD YOU?!”
“Eh?” Belphie half-snorted and looked around confused. “What’d I do? Where are we?”
“At my school! You said that you’d go to my parent teacher interviews!”
“…MC I don’t think I’d pass well for you.”
“Sheesh,” Belphie murmured while he rubbed the remaining sleep from his eyes. “You humans are so noisy.”
MC looked up at their dearest demon friend, and gave him their best glare. “I’m going to take all your fancy temperature changing pillows and switch them with normal pillows you traitorous bastard.”
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itadorisgf · 3 years
Hello! I dont know if your event is already full or not because your last update was a few hours ago. If it still has a slot for one more, may i please request megumi touching you (not in a sexual way, just like platonically / romantically) to get your attention? I think this was from the first promt. Thankyou!
— fushiguro megumi + touching you to get your attention
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⤷ anonymous asked: Hello! I don't know if your event is already full or not because your last update was a few hours ago. If it still has a slot for one more, may i please request megumi touching you (not in a sexual way, just like platonically / romantically) to get your attention? I think this was from the first prompt. Thank you!
note: this turned into a whole fic…the part where gumi touches you to grab your attention is rather brief, but i still hope u like this!!
ft. fushiguro megumi
warning: gn!reader, second-year!reader, fluff, blood, pre-relationship so pining!reader
⤷ the flower shop
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You are going to kill Gojo-Sensei.
Your mouth flattens into a tight line, brows pinching together to form a deep crease, as your grip on your phone tightens. The bright image pulled up on the screen of your handheld device is the cause for your ire. It’s one of a series of images that Gojo-Sensei has sent to your group chat with your fellow Second-Years of Fushiguro Megumi looking worse for wear. Though the images are all rather blurry, you can clearly make out the injured state Fushiguro’s in: his uniform is dirtied and his face is scraped up with what looks like fresh blood streaming down from his hairline. You’re sure Maki will get a kick of Fushiguro getting his ass handed to him, but you’re more concerned about Fushiguro’s current physical state.
He must not be too severely injured if Gojo-Sensei is texting you Second-Years pictures of Fushiguro all beaten up. This should help alleviate your stress, but it doesn’t. Your gut still churns uncomfortably at the thought, at the image, of Fushiguro injured, seriously or not.
You exit the images to view the chat. You roll your eyes at Gojo’s text message, which accompanies the many pictures he sent of Fushiguro.
Gojo-Sensei: Look who got beat up!!!
As a teacher, he really shouldn’t sound so thrilled at the prospect of his student getting injured, but then again, Gojo-Sensei’s not exactly a respectable teacher in your eyes. Your eyes scan the rest of the messages from your classmates. Given the time difference, you would guess that Yūta is most likely busy with his day right now all the way on the other side of the world, hence his lack of response. You make a mental note to shoot him a text soon and check in on him. You know Yūta well enough to know that he’s probably running himself ragged. Toge’s in the middle of a mission right now, which only leaves Panda and Maki available to reply to Gojo-Sensei’s message.
You were correct in your assumption that Maki would be pleased with the pictures, her text asking if Gojo-Sensei managed to get a video of Fushiguro getting beat up. Panda echoes that sentiment by responding with arrows pointing upward underneath Maki’s text. Your thumbs hover over your keyboard, contemplating if you should reply or ignore the chat.
“Is Fushiguro alright?” You hit send before you can overthink and toss your phone onto your nightstand. When your phone loudly pings, you scramble in the dark to grab it, unlocking your phone to view the response. You flip onto your stomach, burying your face into your pillow with a loud muffled groan.
Maki: Aw, are you worried about your lover boy?
You should’ve never confided in Maki about your small crush on Fushiguro. Well, it’s not like you were the one to bring it up. When Maki had casually slipped into your conversation that it’s gross how much you resemble a lovesick puppy around Fushiguro, you were taken aback and attempted to refute her observation. However, your best friend knows you like the back of her hand and bluntly stated that it’s obvious you’re pining for Fushiguro. You winced when she told you that. Was it really that obvious? The pointed look she gave you in return confirmed that yes, it was that obvious. Luckily for you, Fushiguro is one of the densest people you know when it comes to the realm of romance so to your knowledge, he’s still completely clueless to your feelings.
Your classmates all know of your feelings for the First-Year, but they don’t meddle in your love life. The most they do is tease you or give you knowing looks, which you brush off as quickly as you can while you try to rein in the resulting heat that floods your face. No, it’s not your classmates you have to worry about. It’s your idiot of a Sensei who has nothing better to do with his life than to concern himself with his students’ love lives despite being the strongest Sorcerer there is. If you could, you’d sock him right in the gut for the number of times he’s attempted to push you and Fushiguro together. The awkwardness that came from those experiences still makes you want to crawl into a hole whenever you think about it for too long.
The vibration of your phone in your hand draws you out of your thoughts. You grimace when you read the text message.
Gojo-Sensei: Don’t worry!!!! Your lover boy is alright, but I bet he’d feel better if you checked in on him. ;)
You can clearly envision Gojo-Sensei’s glee on the other end of the phone. The man feeds off of embarrassing his students. You opt not to respond anymore, clicking out of the application and turning off your phone. Gently placing your phone onto your night stand, you tug your comforter up to your chin and close your eyes for the night.
Perhaps, you will check in on Fushiguro later.
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“Oi, quit zoning out.”
You groan in pain when Maki sharply jabs you in the stomach with the end of her wooden bo staff. She gives you an unamused look when you toss a harsh glare her way.
“I’m not zoning out,” you mutter, readjusting your grip on your respective staff to continue the light sparring session you and Maki are engaging in. She doesn’t bother to restrain herself from rolling her eyes as she counters your strike, easily knocking your staff out of your hands. You’re quick in your attempt to grab your staff again, but Maki cleanly sweeps your legs out from under you, sending you crashing face first in the dirt.
“Right, and Mai and I have a wonderful relationship,” She sarcastically says, digging one end of her bo staff into the ground and leaning her weight against it. “He’s fine, you know? You shouldn’t worry so much about him. You should be more worried about me kicking your ass.”
You loudly whine when Maki brings him up and flop onto your back to gaze up at her. “Who said I’m worried about Fushiguro?” You childishly huff, propping yourself up and leaning back onto your forearms. Your expression scrunches up in distaste as dirt uncomfortably sticks to your sweaty skin.
Though you’re attempting to deny it, of course, you’re worried about Fushiguro. Although Maki already knows how you feel about the First-Year, you’d rather skirt around the subject and pretend that you’re much better at hiding your emotions than you actually are.
“Who said anything about Fushiguro?” Maki innocently cocks a brow, but smirks to herself as you murmur a low fuck underneath your breath. Damn, you walked right into that one.
“I hate you, you know that?” You deadpan, staring straight into Maki’s eyes.
“Yeah, I hate you too.”
The corner of your lips twitch up into a hint of grin as Maki offers you a hand, pulling you up onto your feet.
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You wrap up your training session not long after that since Maki claimed that she didn’t see the point in continuing to spar if you’re not going to give it your all. “There’s no fun in beating someone over and over again,” she sighed as you were knocked to the ground for what felt like the hundredth time that day. You gave her a half-hearted glare in response to that comment.
Freshly showered, you’re now lounging on one of the benches placed near the dorms, occupying your time by scrolling through social media. You try to convince yourself that you’re hanging around outside because you want to enjoy how nice the day is, but you, and everyone else, know better. Fushiguro, and presumably Gojo-Sensei, should be coming back from their mission soon. Although you know that Fushiguro wasn’t seriously injured, you also know that the tight coil of worry in your stomach won’t go away until you see it with your own eyes that Fushiguro is, indeed, okay.
“Senpai?” The sudden noise startles you and you scramble to sit up straight. You unconsciously smooth out the creases in your clothing as you meet the eyes of the person who called you.
“Fushiguro,” you breathe out, relief heavily laced in your voice. You push yourself off the bench to stand on your feet and quickly scan his form for injuries, brows furrowing when you see the numerous bandages littering his face. It’s only when Fushiguro shifts underneath your intense gaze that you realize how long you must have spent staring at his face. Great, now he’s going to think you’re some sort of creep, you think to yourself. “H-how are you feeling?”
You internally wince at your slight fumbling over your words. You’re just glad nobody else is around to witness this encounter, Gojo-Sensei and Maki would find way too much delight in your distress.
Fushiguro brings a hand up to rub at the back of his neck. A hint of redness seeps out from underneath his bandages, staining his cheeks, as he reflects on how badly his simple retrieval mission turned out. He’ll leave it up to Gojo-Sensei to explain to your class about Itadori and how he’s Sukuna’s new vessel. He wonders how you all will take it.
“I’m fine, Senpai,” he replies, grimacing as the pads of his fingertips run along the gauzy material of the bandage firmly wrapped around his head. Heat floods his cheeks when he looks up to see the genuine concern in your expression. Fushiguro’s thankful that the bandage on his cheek manages to partially conceal the flush of his skin. “Really.” He adds on for extra emphasis. You still look unconvinced, but you nod along as if you actually believe Fushiguro’s words.
“Well, that’s a relief. I was worried about you when Gojo-Sensei sent us those pictures of you all bloodied up,” you say with a sheepish grin.
“You were worried about me?” Fushiguro questions with a slight raise of his brow.
Oh fuck. For a moment, you say nothing: frozen completely still as your brain attempts to process the fact that you just told Fushiguro, to his face, that you were concerned about his well-being. Maybe, he’d interpret your words in a friendly way. Perhaps, he would think that you were just being a good upperclassman and looking out for him. If you were lucky, Fushiguro would think nothing of your comment.
“Senpai?” A sudden weight on your shoulder pulls you out of your internal panicking. Fushiguro’s hand lightly rests on your shoulder as a concerned expression lies on his face. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Fushiguro,” you assure him. There’s still a slight frown in place, crinkling the bandage stuck on the corner of Fushiguro’s mouth. You inhale deeply in order to muster up as much courage as you can for what you’re going to do next. “I promise.” Your voice softens as you gently place your palm over the back of Fushiguro’s hand.
Fushiguro stills underneath your touch and you have to restrain yourself from giggling at the intense redness that floods his cheeks. His flush deepens even more when you find yourself unable to completely suppress your amusement, your quiet laughter filling the air. He’s quick to draw his hand off of your shoulder to rest by his side.
“Good. I’m going to go rest in my dorm now. See you later, Senpai.” His words nearly slur together with how fast Fushiguro spits them out. You don’t even have the opportunity to say goodbye in return as Fushiguro swiftly turns around and rushes inside of the dorm building.
He’s awfully cute when he’s flustered, you muse. A silly grin crosses your face unconsciously as you attempt to sear the image of Fushiguro blushing into your memory. Maybe, your feelings aren’t as unrequited as you think.
“Ah, young love.”
You jolt, spinning around to face the owner of the voice. Your grin falls as soon as you make eye contact with the individual.
“Gojo-Sensei,” you deadpan. Your brow twitches in annoyance at his elated expression. Knowing him, he probably eavesdropped on your entire conversation with Fushiguro. “If you took any pictures or videos, I am going to kill you.”
His grin only widens at that.
“Too late.”
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
The Great Escape
A/N: So this was requested by an anon and I had so much fun writing it, I think it's the longest fic I've ever written so I hope you enjoy! (Also, reading back over this, I realised I've mentioned Vision and Jarvis in the same story which I know isn't possible but I cba to change it because I love them both...even though they're technically the same...)
Word count: 2458
Summary: The reader tries to sneak out to a party, but Tony, Steve and Bucky are onto her.
“Are you coming tonight or what?” Your friend asked at the other end of the phone.
“Yes, yes I am. I’m just thinking of ways to escape without being caught.” You replied.
“You’re not in a prison, just walk out of the front door,” they said.
“I wish it were that easy. Tony’s already said no to me going so he’s gonna be on high alert. Don’t worry, I’ll find a way,” You said.
“Okay, meet me outside the party at 9, no later. Good luck, agent Y/L/N” your friend teased.
“Shut up, I’ll see you later.” You hung up the phone. It was half 5 in the evening and it took about 45 minutes to get to the party by walking. You decided you were gonna attempt to leave at quarter to 8, so you would have time to escape without being seen and enjoy a gentle stroll to the party.
“Everyone normally eats dinner about 6, then they tend to go off and do their own thing. This should be a doddle, right?” You thought to yourself.
At 6, everyone sat round the table together to eat.
“So, what’s everyone doing after this?” You asked, trying to work out everyone’s movements.
“I’ll be working on my latest model,” said Tony, shovelling a load of pasta into his mouth.
“I’ll be in the gym, pumping iron,” said Bucky.
“Vis and I have got a date night booked,” said Wanda. Sam made gagging noises next to them.
“Are you gymming too, Steve?” asked Bucky before spilling pasta sauce on his leg.
“Nah I did my workout earlier. I may chill with a film. Fancy joining me, Y/N?” He asked.
Shit. That backfired.
“Oh, uh, thanks but I can’t. I said I’ll phone some friends tonight.” You said, thinking quickly.
“Surely that won’t take long though, would it?”
You paused. Tony looked at you suspiciously.
“You know Y/N, she won’t shut up once she gets talking to her friends.” Peter piped up. You relaxed.
“Yeah, exactly. I’ll be up there for hours.” You said.
“Aren’t they all going to this party you talked about?” Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh, no, not this lot. This is the nerd group I’m part of, they don’t party.” You said quickly. Tony grunted but said nothing more.
Once everyone finished eating, you raced back upstairs to find an outfit. Once you had gotten changed and done your hair and makeup, it was quarter past 7. Half an hour before you were due to leave. You were sat on your bed, scrolling through TikTok until half past 7.
“Sod this,” you thought. Waiting around for any longer would heighten your anxiety so you decided to put your plan into action now.
You left your room and decided to scan all exits of the building to see which one was the best option to use.
“Sir, I don’t mean to alarm you but Y/N seems to be acting pretty suspiciously,” Jarvis informed Tony. Tony was in his lab working on his latest project.
“What do you mean suspicious?” Tony asked.
“She’s wandering back and forth around the compound.” Jarvis replied.
“Maybe she’s just taking a walk.” Tony said.
“Sir, she’s wearing make-up.” Jarvis informed him. Tony stopped what he was doing.
“Makeup? She never wears makeup unless…” Tony stopped in his tracks.
“Jarvis, does Y/N appear to be scanning all the exits?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And does she look dressed up?”
“Yes, sir.”
“That little minx.” Tony said. “Jarvis, get Steve and Bucky up here please.”
“Of course, sir.”
A few minutes later, Bucky and Steve appeared in Tony’s lab.
“What’s up?” asked Steve.
“I’ve got a mission for you both. Y/N is trying to sneak out of the compound to get to this party of hers tonight. I’ve got eyes on her through Jarvis but I need your help to stop her leaving.”
“Tony, she’s just going to a party. What’s the big deal?” Bucky asked.
“The big deal is that she’s 16 and she’s going to a big party where there will be loads of people and most likely alcohol...or worse. Plus she’s already asked me if she can go and I’ve already said no so now she’s disobeying me.” Tony said.
“Oh. Right.” Bucky replied.
“Here are some ear pieces, I’ll stay here and tell you where she is and you go and stop her from leaving,”
“Roger that,” Steve said. “Mission: Trap Y/N is go.” He saluted Tony and left the room with Bucky. Tony sighed.
“Alright Tony, where she at?” Bucky asked quietly.
“Jarvis, I need eyes on Y/N.” Tony said.
“Sir, she is currently heading to the north exit.”
“North exit guys,” Tony spoke into their ear pieces.
“I’m closer, I got this.” Steve said. He quietly ran to the north corridor and saw you walking to the exit.
“Hey you, finished your phone call already?” He asked. You jumped and turned.
“Oh, uh, yeah, um, I was just going for a walk.” You said.
“Oh sweet, I’ll join you.” Steve said.
“Oh, um, well I just wanted some alone time,” you said, hinting at him.
“I’ll be quiet, I can do with some fresh air too.”
“Actually, on second thoughts, I really need to pee so um...yeah…” you said, jogging past him and back upstairs.
Shit. Back to square one.
You gave it a minute then decided to head to the east exit.
“Guys, she’s going east.” Tony informed the boys.
“On it,” Bucky responded.
He was closer to the door than you were so he decided to open it and lean against the threshold, as if he was just admiring the garden. You turned the corner to see him stood with his back to you. You froze in your tracks.
“Dammit,” you thought to yourself. You tiptoed backwards and headed for the south exit instead.
“Nice work guys, she’s going south now.” Said Tony.
“My turn,” said Steve. He, once again, appeared the same time you did.
“Oh did you pee? Fancy going for a walk now?” He said behind you. You rolled your eyes and turned around.
“Hey, um, yeah I did, but um I’ve changed my mind I don’t actually wanna walk anywhere now.”
“But you’re heading for the exit?”
“Uh, yeah, um...I...I got lost.” You said, shrugging.
“Lost? You’ve been here for 16 years…”
“Yeah, um, bit forgetful it seems,” you laughed nervously, “alright well back I go.”
You walked past him. Once you knew you were out of sight, you headed for the final exit to the west of the building.
“Alright guys…” Tony began.
“Going west, got it,” Bucky finished. He headed in your direction and deliberately walked straight into you.
“Whoa, watch where you’re going.” He teased.
“Sorry Buck,” you responded.
“Where exactly are you going?”
“Just going to get a drink then back to my room,” you lied.
“....dressed up like that?” He asked. You blushed.
“Um, yeah, we decided to dress nicely for our call earlier. Bit of a treat, you know?” You said.
“So...what are you doing at the exit if you’re getting a drink?”
“Thought I’d go around the outside to get some fresh air before entering the kitchen.” You lied, again.
“Without me?!” Steve said. You jumped.
“Oh uh, hey, um, yeah I changed my mind again.”
“Well can I at least join you this time?”
“Oh, uh..”
“What do you mean this time?” Bucky asked.
“Well I found her at both the north and south exits and she couldn’t decide whether she wanted to go for a walk or not. I offered my company and she said no.” He said.
“Maybe that’s why she said no.” Bucky teased. You giggled a little.
“So how come Steve caught you at the north and south exits and I caught you at this one and the east exit?” Bucky asked.
“Oh, I...um...I...wait, how did you know I was at the east exit?” You asked.
“Because we have eyes everywhere, Y/N.” Tony said, appearing behind Steve. He held up his tablet that contained Jarvis’ map. “I told them to follow you.”
“What? Why?” You asked.
“Because, you’re sneaking out to that party. Don’t think you can outsmart Jarvis now, Y/N.”
“Damn you, Jarvis.” you mumbled under your breath.
“I have been programmed to protect everyone in this compound, especially children.” Jarvis said over the speakers. Bucky, Steve and Tony all laughed.
“Oh very funny. I’m not a child.” You said, sarcastically.
“No you’re not, but you’re also not 18 yet which means you’re still legally under our care. And when I say you can’t go to a party, it means you cannot go to a party.” Tony said, taking a step towards you.
“But Tony, if I miss out I won’t be one of the cool kids.” You said.
“You live with all the cool kids here.” said Bucky, you rolled your eyes at him.
“I can’t believe you disobeyed me and tried to sneak past even Jarvis.” Tony said.
“I’m sorry for disobeying you, I really am. I just...I need to go to this. People are waiting for me.” You pleaded.
“No. Maybe I would have considered it if you didn’t break my trust. But now I want an apology.”
“I just said sorry.”
“No no, I want a proper apology.”
“What do you mean by a proper apology?” You asked.
Tony took a step towards you and you subconsciously backed away.
“Come here.” He said, sternly. You looked to Steve and Bucky for help but they just kept a poker face. You stepped closer to Tony.
“Now, I need to make sure you mean your apology and that you’re not going to break my trust again. Any ideas on how I’ll do that?” Tony asked.
“By putting a Jarvis tracker on me….oh wait,” you said, sarcastically. Bucky chuckled. Tony cleared his throat.
“Keep talking like that and this will be much worse for you.” Tony said.
“What will?” You asked.
“This.” Tony said. In one swift motion he had swooped you up and pinned you to the ground, careful not to hurt you in the process.
“What the hell?!” You complained, now trapped under Tony.
“I’m not going to stop until I know you’ve learned your lesson.” He informed.
“Stop what??” You asked. He pulled your arms up and pinned them above your head. He then took a single finger and wiggled it into your armpit. You instantly started giggling.
“Nononono wahait shit plehease,” you giggled.
“Not until I know your apology is sincere.” He said, wiggling another finger into your armpit.
“Please please please I am sohohorry,”
“No you’re not, not yet.” He said. With that, he let go of your arms and stuck both hands into your armpits. You pulled your arms straight down, trapping his hands in the process.
“WAIT NO PLEASE!” You screamed as he tickled deep into your armpits. Bucky and Steve both awed at your giggling mess.
"Come join, agents. You deserve some down time too.” Tony said to Steve and Bucky. They exchanged a look and smiled before walking over to you.
“NO NO NO NOT YOU!” You screamed, watching them approach. Tony was still tickling your armpits so Steve sat to the side and started kneading your hips. Bucky grabbed your legs and went for the back of your knees. You yelped and screamed and arched your body violently.
“Not until you’ve learned your lesson.” Tony repeated.
“I HAHAHAHAVE!” You cried.
“What do you think guys? Has she?” Tony asked the others. They both said “no” in unison. “Right then,” Tony continued.
He removed his hands from your armpits and started tickling your neck. You hunched up your shoulders and squealed. Steve noticed you were trying to pull Tony’s hands away so he shuffled up next to your head, grabbed your arms, pinned them above your head again and sat on them.
“WHAT THE HEHEHELL?!” You screamed, now unable to protect yourself from Tony. Steve gave an evil laugh then proceeded to drill his fingers into your armpits. You screamed louder than ever and frantically tried to twist away.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEASE!” Tears started forming in your eyes as the boys tortured you. Bucky adjusted himself so he was now sat on your legs. Having just taken your shoes off, he was now tickling the soles of your feet.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE I’M SO SOHOHOHORRY!” You yelled through the laughter. Tony felt your legs trying to move and looked over his shoulder to find Bucky holding your toes and scratching at your soles. You screamed loudly again and fell into silent laughter, your face going bright red.
Tony looked at Steve and they both stopped instantly, but you were still screaming. They looked over and realised Bucky was still going, tickling both of your feet simultaneously.
“Buck, ease up now, don’t kill her.” Steve said.
“Oops,” said Bucky, climbing off your legs. Steve got off of your arms but Tony was still sat on your waist.
“I….I...I really am sorry, Tony.” You breathed out.
“I believe you,” he said. “Will you do it again?”
“Absolutely not,” You giggled softly.
“Good.” He climbed off of you and helped you up.
“What time does this party start?” He asked. You looked at your watch, it was now half 8 .
“In half an hour,” you said.
“Go and fix your hair and makeup. I’ll drive you there.” He said.
“Really?” You asked.
“Yes, really. I was too hard on you earlier. But you’re still only 16 so I’ll be collecting you at midnight, okay?”
You stood up and smiled at the three of them. Then you thought for a moment.
“No.” You said.
“Excuse me?” Tony responded.
“I’m not gonna go. I want to spend the night with my family.” You said. Bucky clutched his heart and let out a long “awww”, which made you giggle.
“Movie and snacks?” Tony asked.
“Movie and snacks.” You agreed.
You all walked back down the corridor together.
“So, does this mean you’re definitely not going for a walk?” Steve teased. You laughed and elbowed him in the ribs. He put his arm around you.
“Wait, let me get changed into something more comfy,” you said, running up the stairs. When you came back down, you got your phone out and messaged your friend.
“Sorry, can’t make it, got caught. See you another time.”
You then placed your phone on the side and sat down between Tony and Steve.
One by one, the other avengers slowly joined your little film group. It really was the perfect family night.
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What are your personal favourite fics? :D
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Great question! A perfect excuse for us to reach out to our members and ask them for their personal favourites and thanks to our collective recs, we're about to unravel a list of some real gems for you and hopefully therein you'll find a few favourites of your own.
want you in my room - beethechange | E, 13k, Complete
As they watch, Tall Guy takes his beanie off, revealing a mess of thick, shiny brown hair. He runs his hand through it to shake out the hat hair and Ryan feels like he’s stuck in an Herbal Essences commercial, except he’s the one making inappropriate lustful noises.
Ryan adjusts his snapback, determined. He is, after all, wearing his very finest basketball shorts, without even a single hole at the hem, and the knowledge puts an extra spring in his step. “I’m gonna climb that dude like a tree,” he tells Curly.
guidance for sailors, lost at sea - varnes | T, 6.2k, Complete
“I’m not the mom,” Shane says, drowsily appalled.
Ryan raises his eyebrows. “I didn’t say you were the mom,” he soothes, sincere in the way that Ryan kind of always is, even when he’s being sarcastic. “I just said they reacted to you as if you were the mom.”
“It’s -- that’s the same thing,” Shane protests, but quietly, because he has a tiny ghost perched on his hip and he doesn’t want to wake her. It. Whatever. It’s kind of hard to tell, because they don’t look like people, exactly, more like -- outlines.
Actually, ironically, what they really look like is people covered in sheets, round at the top and kind of vague at the bottom, but Shane has stopped trying to say that because Ryan gets mad about it. He thinks it’s disrespectful.
Shane thinks it’s disrespectful that he was made step-parent to a bridge full of baby ghosts without anybody asking him, but sure. Pointing out that they look like sheets is the problem.
You can run away with me anytime you want - PhyllisDietrichson | E, 12k, Complete
But sometimes Ryan scrolls through Shane’s instagram when his socials go quiet and their text convo takes a long pause and Ryan knows it’s because Shane is off camping somewhere, and Ryan can’t deny that he feels the tug of his absence.
we were wrecks before we crashed into each other - uneventfulhouses | E, 24k, Complete
Cleo’s smile is soft. “Shane told me his memory. What’s yours?”
“Less about memories,” Ryan says truthfully. “More about the future. Where we’ll be and such.”
Arching a brow, she drops her arms, so she clasps her hands in front of her hips. “Where do you think you’ll be?”
Ryan laughs. “Dunno.” He isn’t brave enough to say that he does know that Shane will be there, somewhere, wedged between the regular, the obtuse, the breathtaking, the wild. The generic and the extraordinary. The weird and the wonderful.
or; this week on Weird and/or Wonderful World, Shane and Ryan visit a record shop.
Hold Your Breath, It Gets Better - beethechange | E, 10k, Complete
Ryan stops short in the doorway of his bedroom, banging his shoulder against the doorframe in his haste, because he’s too late. Shane’s kneeling in front of the bottom drawer of his bedside table, peering down at the contents, hand frozen in a hover like he’d been about to reach in. His face is a blank mask.
“Ah. I keep the batteries in the top drawer. Not. Not the bottom one.”
“Yes,” Shane says, cocking his head to the left in puzzlement, and then he pauses for a fraction of a second too long as he considers his words. “I can see that the batteries are not in the bottom drawer.”
darling it’s a faded notion - varnes | E, 28k, complete
The sun is too bright and Ryan’s whole body is alight with something that is eating him all the way up from the inside out, but he keeps his eyes open and he makes himself look, and he tells himself that once he finds Shane, he’ll think about it. Once he finds Shane, they’ll make a plan. Once he finds Shane, and only then, he’ll let himself have the thought he’s been swallowing down like bile since he came to: that they didn’t fall.
They were pushed.
OR: Ryan and Shane get cursed by a ghost, and now they can’t be not-touching. It’s … not great.
open all your doors - apologeticallybourgeois | E, 8k, Complete
Shane was almost sure that Ryan didn’t actually cast a spell for it to happen, if only because the price he’d have to pay would probably be counted in, like, human limbs instead of a couple of small animals.
The Leading Man - breathtaken | E, 95k, Complete
All things considered, he could definitely do a lot worse than this: a performer-owned and -operated, queer-positive, crossover film studio, promising creative input right from day one – directing, cinematography, [...] it’s everything he wants.
He just has to get his dick out for it.
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Euneirophrenia: The peace of mind that comes from having pleasant dreams
Maelstrom - liminalweirdo | E, 40k, Complete
Here’s the thing about driving halfway across the country to see someone. You can’t really deny, after that, that you’re pretty much head over heels for them.
The Denial Twist - beethechange | E, 35k, Complete
“This is kind of surreal,” Shane says, taking a sip of his tea. It’s piping hot and delicious, except it tastes like hot chocolate and not like tea at all. “Sort of—Wonka-esque, right? Or Alice in Wonderland.”
“If you’re aiming a shot over the bow about my height you can fucking forget about it,” Ryan says, watching with interest as Shane’s cup refills by itself. “But yeah, it’s surreal. Literally, because dreams aren’t real.”
Shane’s unsettled by the comment. It sets alarm bells ringing in his head but he doesn’t know why. He just wasn’t expecting Dream Ryan to be so, well—so on the nose.
Or, the one where Shane and Ryan have some really weird dreams and perhaps, eventually, some sex.
Collide - needywitch | E, 35k, Complete
Ryan is desperately in love with his best friend.
what's the point of this again? - touchinghearts | T, 9.3k, Complete
When Ryan invites Shane back for a holiday week to meet his family during a big reunion, it doesn’t even occur to Shane that it could be a big deal.
Lost a fic? Check out our fic found tag, and if you still can’t find it, send us an ask!
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Fact Check
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Request: I love all Reid don’t get me wrong but there’s just something about early seasons awkward soft and shy Reid that’s just too perfect! I love the idea of the reader always asking later on in the day if he could finish the fact ramble someone cut him off on as they were finding it interesting and him just beaming. Or him being self conscious about being lanky or smth and reader confesses how attracted they are to him and he just smiles so big and confesses right back
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! We love an early season, awkward Reid! This was definitely a heavily (not really) researched fic for me because I had to make sure everything coming from baby Reid’s mouth was nothing less than accurate 😤 Hope it’s cute enough, fluffy enough and everything you ever wanted from this request! Enjoy!!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!reader
Category: Fluffiest of fluffs
Content warning: None
Word count: 1.7k
It was the second day in a row where everyone was piled with paperwork to complete. You were working vigorously to complete your share by the end of the day. The last thing you wanted to worry about during the weekend was taking home case files to complete them by Monday. You looked around to see if everyone else had the same mindset as you. As you suspected everyone was nose deep in files, except for Dr. Spencer Reid.
As always he had finished early and was just sitting reading one of his many books he brought with him to work. He had his adorable reading glasses on and his long fingers were scrolling down each page as if it was nothing. Sometimes you wished you could read 20,000 words per minute so you could have some leisure time at work.
Your thoughts were interrupted and so was your gaze as you turned to look at Morgan who let out a big, exaggerated groan. You knew how much he hated paperwork out of everyone on the team. He got up and stretched to release some tension from sitting down for several hours.
“I hate paperwork,” he mumbled.
You chuckled. “Join the club.”
“You know, you wouldn’t be piled with paperwork if you didn’t procrastinate so much when it came to doing paperwork, you wouldn’t feel so scared by it,” Spencer said without looking up from his book.
Morgan scoffed. “I’m not scared by it, Reid. I just hate doing them, especially as many as we have.”
“Actually, a lot of the time procrastinators avoid the task at hand because they feel physical pain associated with said task. A great example would be someone who procrastinates tackling a mathematical or scientific equation because just thinking about it hurts them. The parts of our brain which feel pain actually-”
“And it’s time for my coffee break,” Morgan said before leaving his desk.
You looked over at Spencer and saw the excitement of spewing facts about procrastination leave his eyes. He went back to looking down at his book and continued to read. While he was telling Morgan his procrastination fact, you were intrigued. You too struggled with major procrastination.
You truly loved hearing him ramble on about random facts though. You felt more educated about a wide range of topics not even your best college professors could touch on. You always caught him after work to ask for him to finish his fact and he was always glad to tell you the rest. He looked so ecstatic every time you asked and his precious cheeks would turn a little pink. It was as if each time you asked, he didn’t expect you to.
“Psst, hey, Spence,” you whispered.
He looked up at you. “Yes?”
“Does the parietal lobe actually feel pain when we’re scared about something we’ve been procrastinating?” You asked.
“The parietal lobe is quite an expansive part. The centre of the brain controls how a person identifies objects, interpreting touch, understand spatial relationships and feeling pain. Since we have identified what we fear, that part of the brain now associates it with pain automatically. To make ourselves feel comfortable again, we naturally avoid whatever we’re procrastinating,” he explained.
You gawked at him with awe. It was quite entertaining hearing him spit facts out as if he was an audiotape of a textbook. He looked embarrassed again and began to stray his eyes away from yours to avoid your stare. To be fair you shouldn’t be staring at him with such intensity anyway.
“That was very interesting. Thank you for that, Spence,” you said as you looked away from him.
“Any time, Y/N. Glad you like them,” he said.
When he said that you could just hear the smile in his voice. You giggled silently to yourself. You were happy you could make him feel as if he had a sense of belonging when his facts weren’t needed for a case.
“Hey, Y/N. How many case files you got left?” Elle asked.
“About 20,” you said.
“23 if you’re not rounding,” Reid chimed in.
“What the doctor said,” you replied.
Elle chuckled. “Well, since you’re 23 files away from being done, would you be interested in any coffee to speed the process up?”
You let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. “Do I ever.”
“You know coffee can actually stimulate a sense of anxiety, which I don’t think would be handy right now considering you’re almost done,” Reid said.
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you, Dr. Coffee addict. Besides, in your world Y/N is almost done, but in our world she’s going to need a coffee to keep going. How do you take it?” Elle asked as she stood up.
“Two sugars with milk,” you said.
“You should try switching out milk for cream. Cream actually makes coffee stay warm longer because-”
“And I’ll be right back,” she said as she walked away.
You looked over at Spencer who went back to reading again. You were going to ask him to continue, but thought it was best to ask him after you were done your case files. If you neglected them any longer your fear of having your weekend ruined would become a reality. Unlike Morgan, you were ready to kick your fear of doing case files to the curb.
At the end of the day, you packed up your things to leave. You ended up finishing all your casework and could finally look forward to the weekend. You walked out of the bullpen towards the elevator. To your pleasant surprise Spencer was there still.
“Hey, thought you left already,” you said.
He turned his head around to look at you. He had taken his glasses off and you could see his big, hazel eyes clearly. His face was so inviting with his awkward smile and rosy cheeks. You couldn’t understand why anyone would shut down his eager fact spilling with a face like his.
“No, I, uh, decided to stick around a bit,” he said.
“Great. I just wanted to say how right you were when you said cream makes your coffee stay warm longer. My second cup was warmer way longer than my first. Why is that?” You asked.
His awkward smile turned into a beaming one. “Well, it’s because cream thickens coffee, so it slows the process of evaporation. By slowing the initial evaporation process, you avoid losing a lot of heat altogether.”
“Oh my God, I’ve been drinking coffee wrong my whole life?” You rhetorically asked.
“Actually not your entire life because according to American Academy of Pediatrics the proper age for coffee intake is 12 or older with the average intake being between 85 to 100 milligrams per day,” he said.
“It was rhetoric and sarcastic, but that is one fact I did sort of know,” you giggled.
He blushed. “Sorry.”
You pressed the elevator button. “No, it’s fine. I love hearing you tell facts, so I don’t mind.”
You looked at him confused. “Why what?”
“Well, I-I mean, um, no one really asks me to continue a fact,” he said.
“Well, I’m not them. I enjoy learning through you,” you assured him.
The elevator doors opened and you both walked in. You two stood fairly close to each other in an empty elevator. You looked over at Spencer, but he didn’t look at you. He was looking straight ahead, trying his best not to make eye contact with you. His face was even redder than before. You cleared your throat, but he didn’t even move his eyes over to you.
“Are you okay, Spen-”
“Out of curiosity, Y/N, do you actually enjoy talking to me?” He asked as he turned to look at you.
You nodded. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, you just seem as if you’d rather talk to Morgan or Elle over me,” he said.
You chuckled. “Is that your profile of me, doctor? If so, it’s weak. I love nothing more than hearing your facts or informing me of something new in your world of expertise. I really like talking to you.”
He looked at you wide-eyed, almost stunned. You don’t think once in his entire life he felt as if his rambles were appreciated somewhere. You were glad you could let him know that they are and that your ear was always ready for them.
“I wouldn’t expect you to find someone like me great to be around. I ramble, I’m awkward looking and lack a bit in understanding social cues. You’re more uniformed and I just thought you’d like people in your circle to be the same way,” he said.
“Spencer, I have no idea how Gideon even got you into the field with profiling skills like yours. I think you’re amazing mentally and physically. The social cues could use some work, but everything else is darn near perfect,” you said.
A wide smile flashed on his face before he tried to hide it by pressing his lips tightly together. He looked at the floor for a few moments. You had probably broken Dr. Spencer Reid. If he had nothing to say you had messed some wiring up.
He looked back up at you. “I… I think you’re amazing as well in every way possible.”
You giggled. “Is that a fact or a guess?”
He chuckled. “Um, uh, a fact.”
The elevator doors soon opened and you both stepped out. You looked at him as you pulled out your car keys from your purse. He fully embraced his big smile as he still tried to avoid eye contact with you. At least you broke him in one area.
“How about we fact check your fact about me and go get coffee sometime. Only with cream and sugar, of course,” you said.
He looked at you and nodded. “I’d like that.”
“Great, I’ll call you,” you said as you waved him goodbye.
He waved at you as well as you both turned your backs to each other to go your respective ways. You were giddy about your future date with Spencer. Half because you thought he was an amazing individual and wanted to know him on a deeper level. Half because you wanted to know what new facts he could tell you. Either way it was going to be a grand time for both of you.
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treysimp · 2 years
Do You Wanna Make Out On My Couch? (Explicit Remix)
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Side: Ignihyde (Idia)/AMAB!Reader (Reader has a penis)
The time has come, lovely readers, for a spicy conclusion.
This is a continuation of the work "Do You Want to Make Out on My Couch (Part 4)". Said fic is also included below if you want to re-read the beginning or this is your first time seeing this work.
Reader not described other than their junk, and pronouns are not used for them.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, M/M sexual relations, handjobs, questionable use of the word "smoocharoo", ask to tag for more.
SFW Works in this series:
Savannahclaw | Scarabia | Octinavielle | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Heartslabyul | Diasomnia
To skip straight to the action, scroll to the second picture of Idia, thanks!
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“…are you okay? Did you like… hit your head or something?”
Idia flatly questioned you, his shoulders shrugged up to his ears and his eyes narrowed into a suspicious glare. It was very him to be so blasé and sarcastic at the first sign of vulnerability, but you had to admit you were a bit hurt. You were putting yourself out there, you know?
“Are you really going to pretend that I am not into your cringe ass at this point? Who do you take me for?” You spat, crossing your arms with a huff. If he was going to play dumb, you were simply going to drive him into a corner until he couldn’t.
“Cringe? You’re cringe! You couldn’t even beat BloodScorne without my help, and you put it on easy mode!” He threw back, his glare melting into a sardonic smile that showed off the razor-sharp teeth behind his cool-tinted lips. “Fake gamer.” He finished with a shrug, looking ridiculously pleased with himself. 
“I can and have beat it! I just did that so you’d spend time with me, moron!” Oh this bitch, you were going to kill his skinny ass.
“Moron! Are you kidding me? You’re the moron! Asking me to make out with you out of nowhere when I’m clearly in love with you, how stupid can you get?” 
Your expression curled into a smirk equally as fast as Idia’s face fell in horror.
“So you’re in love with me?” You ask triumphantly. An eyebrow quirked in mock derision. You tilted your head to the side in faux-curiosity. And this guy says he’s a genius, pfft.
“Ah…” eyes wide, shoulders trembling and hair flickering pink at the tips, Idia suddenly finds the ground under his shoes incredibly interesting. 
You could barely hear him mumble, “What does it matter? You’re never going to reciprocate so…” he signed, "...why even try?"
You inhaled through your nose and out through your mouth. Okay, so it was the self-hate thing. You could work with that.
“Idia. Do you think I go around propositioning randos every damn day?” You say, your eyes crinkling at the corners at the idea. 
Part of why you both got along so well was because of how badly you both were when it came to relationships. It was a common topic of your late-night bitching sessions: 'what awkward thing did you do today?' or 'do you wanna hear this dumb thing I did as a kid' or 'wow I relate to this anime I just watched, it's about this loser gamer who gets a harem' (okay that last one was just Idia).  
His jaw snapped shut. Of course, he didn’t think you went around hitting on strangers! But how could… someone like you… and him…
“Why me?” He asked, “Out of all of your options how could it possibly be me?” He almost felt like crying in disbelief. If he were you... He would never...
“Because we have a lot in common. And because I like oblivious assholes apparently.” You say, rubbing your forehead. You felt a headache coming on.
Feeling driven into a corner, Idia stood in silence. He had imagined this scenario so many times, he had run the calculations in his mind over and over but they never gave him good results. Even in his fantasies, he failed.
Try as he might, Idia was quickly running out of excuses, and the intentional evenness of his voice was long-lost in his squeaky attempts at arguments. 
“Look,” you sigh, “I promise this smoocharoo won’t kill you.” You punctuate your sentence with a wink, which did nothing to calm down Idia as you gently tugged on the sleeve of his hoodie.
“Very funny.” He replies flatly. “I almost died, you know.”
You laughed, “Yeah, that would have been a shame.” 
“...I wouldn’t mind seeing you in that suit again though.” You mumble mostly to yourself, but Idia 100% heard you. 
Coincidentally, Idia was also suddenly overcome with the thought of how you would look in formal wear, like if you were to go to a wedding together - ah, no no no not going there! Shut the fuck up, brain Idia! SHUT UP! 
Noticing his distress, you took the opportunity to lean forward to rest your forehead on his. As you suspected, it felt like a furnace. You frowned. 
“Do you have a fever or something? Is that why you don’t want to kiss me?” He had already admitted to liking you, what's the hold-up?
Idia shook his head aggressively, flame hair splaying out frantically at his denial. He paused for a moment and took a deep breath, taking in your features and how soft your skin felt against his own. Your eyes gleamed in the dim light, teeth sparkling as you laughed at his frantic head motion and he was hit with a slight scent of mint from the gum he had given you earlier. What would you taste like? Would you also taste like that gum? 
Unthinkingly moving despite his previous over-the-top protests, Idia let that intrusive thought carry himself to your lips in a feather-light peck. 
Your eyes widened, but just as he was about to apologize for his sudden change of mind, you pulled him back in place.
Anime and manga said that kisses felt like marshmallows and tasted like lemon, but he couldn’t say he agreed. 
This one, right here right now? It was mint, and something else warm and wet and entirely unique, but certainly you. He inhaled through his nose as you both continued your soft and shy kisses. 
His hands threaded through your hair to pull you closer and he wondered if all of this was just a very realistic dream. You both separated for a moment, eyes half-lidded and breath coming out in short puffs that were lightly defined in the cold air. 
“Are you going to let me inside?” He asked, feeling newfound confidence pulse through him as he nibbled at your ear. 
He felt the sharp inhale you took against his neck, and he couldn’t help but smile. He was the one making you act like this. No one else. Just him. 
Pulling away from his embrace, you slowly nodded as you opened the door to Ramshackle to let you both inside. 
Idia followed you silently with his hands in his pockets. Despite how warm he felt, burying himself in his hoodie let him think for a moment. He wished you both were in his room right now instead. It would be way more comfortable than… this. 
He supposed that you’re not supposed to complain when the hottest commodity on campus is coming onto you, though. Not that he would dare. As much as he liked to complain, he did like you more… not that he would ever say it out loud.  
You physically pull Idia out of his thoughts when you push him onto the couch gently. He lands with a soft thud and a squeak of surprise. 
Idia really could be cute sometimes, huh? 
You climbed onto his lap, looking down at his face and slowly taking in all of his features. His kohl-lined eyes, his dark lips, the flickers and waves of his hair, you loved all of it. 
It was hard not to stare at him sometimes, his beauty was so otherworldly and yet somehow the only other person who took notice was a damn ghost! 
Not that you minded the lack of competition. 
“Idia…” you breathed, lowering your face down so that your lips almost skimmed his again, “...are you okay with this?” You asked. 
You had been incredibly forward this whole time, but you didn’t want this thing to be one-sided. As much as you would be disappointed, you would back off if he asked. You’ve waited this long, after all. 
Idia was silent, pointed teeth worrying over his lower lip. He seemed to be having a very heated internal debate, but you let him stew in silence for a moment. It was okay not to rush him, as much as you wanted to. 
Finally, with a look of determination, Idia placed his hands on either side of your hips and ground up against you, a whine slipping from his mouth while the rose color that had been dip-dying his hair began spreading slowly upward. 
“Haah…” he exhaled with a hiccup, watery eyes looking up at you pleadingly. 
“Please, don’t stop.”
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What little self-control you had left hanging by a thread snapped when you felt Idia grinding into you from below. You had a pretty good track record of holding your lust at bay so far, but feeling the quickly stiffening bulge in his pants made you grow harder in-turn, and you weren’t sure how much patience you had left.
“Idia,” you groaned, grinding yourself down on him, desperately trying to memorize the pathetic look on his beautiful face.
“What do you want me to do?” You said, unable to hide the ecstatic smile that spread across your face.
Idia’s eyes were closed as he pushed even harder up into you, a slight sheen of sweat on his skin. You stroked his cheek to grab his attention, and he blearily returned your gaze, golden eyes shining brightly. 
When he saw you looking down at him, he gave you that classic smug smile that always made your heart skip a beat, and his grip tightened on either side of you. 
“Oh? Now you want to hear what I think? That’s not very like you.” he said breathily, trying to keep himself from melting into a puddle at the sudden influx of physical affection.
“Can I touch you?” You asked, grinding down with a smooth sway that made Idia choke. He murmured the quietest ‘uh-huh’ you ever heard in your life. Grinning, you hopped off his lap and began unzipping his pants as fast as your shaking hands would allow.
After finally unbuttoning, unzipping, and pulling his pants down (with Idia helpfully pushing his hips up to help with a whine) you could see the proper outline of him covered by his boxers. 
Swallowing thickly, you pushed his boxers down in a rush to answer the curiosity that was gnawing away at you.
His dick was veiny and so, so firm. He was long and lean with a tip that matched the blue of his lips.
You had to have him.
With as gentle a hand as you could manage in your excitement, you stroked the silk softness of his dick with the pads of your fingers. Relishing in the shiver that crossed his body, you idly played with the trail of hair from his navel to his bush. Idia’s hand swatted you in slight annoyance and you couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction to your teasing.
“God, you’re so fucking annoying,” Idia groaned with a slight buck of his hips. “Are you a sadist or something?’ 
Stroking his velvet skin up and down and up and down, it felt like you could feel the blood rushing to his length in real-time as you watched his balls twitch from the pressure. Maybe you were a sadist? Only because he was so cute like this, though.
You didn’t want to rush him, but you also had to feel him as soon as you could.
“Idia, can I fuck you?” You whisper into his ear as you continue your soft strokes. You idily wondered if that Idia’s eyes might get stuck with they way rolling into the back of his head from the sensation.
“Ah… you... yes… please…”
You squeezed him just a bit harder, “Idia, louder.”
“Please, please fuck me!” He gasped, hips spasming to chase the high of your tight grip. You laughed and kissed him on the forehead.
“Alright. Turn over Idia. Show me yourself.”
Hair fully burning pink, Idia rose to his knees, finally pulling off his shirt and hoodie to get them out of the way. Positioning himself ass out, presenting himself to you... he was gorgeous. 
How many times have you pumped your hand over yourself thinking about this? You licked your lips and lightly traced his hole with your finger, feeling a thrill at seeing him pucker from the touch.
Idia looked back at you pathetically, eyes watery. You swallowed audibly, fuck. How long were you going to be able to keep this up?
“If you’re going to keep teasing, I’ll just top instead,” he said with a huff. 
His trying to talk back to you was so precious considering how much of a quivering mess he was. You couldn’t wait for him to make good on that promise, but not today.
You spat on his asshole and began massaging the slick around him. You spent time just barely dipping your finger inside of him every so often. Just enough of a pressure on his soft muscles to make sure that he kept whining. 
You could hear him whimper your name every so often, and each time he did you weren’t convinced that you would cum in your pants right there, but you bit your lip firmly. 
If you were going to cum anywhere… it was…
“God, will you fuck me already?” Idia snapped, sassy voice trying to cover his quivering legs as you had graduated to slowly pumping your first two fingers in and out of him.
Giggling, you leaned over his back and licked the shell of his ear enticingly, “Would you prefer I go in dry, gorgeous?” 
Idia gasped quietly in response, but you could feel him tighten around your fingers. Okay, filing that idea away for next time too.
Finally freeing your dick from your pants, you immediately got around to tracing your tip across the creases of Idia’s ass. His moans were getting louder and his words were increasingly babbled and frantic. It was a combination of your name, begging for your cock, insults, and absolute nonsense. You couldn’t wait to fuck the brains out of him.
Slowly easing yourself in, you felt like you were being sucked in by each soft inch of him. He was so hot, so tight, just like he was made for you.
“You okay?” You asked. Idia nodded wordlessly, his eyes screwed shut as you saw a single bead of sweat fall from his forehead.
“You feel so good… do you want me to move?” 
“P-please! Please move!” He groaned, pushing his ass as far into you as he could, desperately seeking every inch of you he can fit. Well, it was rude to keep him waiting, right?
You slowly began snaking your hips back and forth in a slow rhythm, digging your nails into Idia’s hips as you licked your lips at the sight. 
You wanted to see him come undone on your cock, you wanted him to beg for you, god you wanted to see him in every position you could bend him in and get him covered in every fluid he would allow. 
You didn’t realize how much your mind had wandered until you noticed just how much noise Idia was making. His hands were balled up on the couch below you as his moans became higher and higher pitched with each swing of your hips. 
You leaned forward to kiss between his shoulder blades and wrapped your hand around his dick, looping your thumb and pointer finger around his balls like a cock ring. 
With a sadistic grin, you whispered to him, “Do you want to cum, baby? Do you think you deserve it?”
Idia’s head shook wildly from side to side.
“No, I don’t-! I don’t, but I need it, please! God, I hate you!” He sputtered, uselessly pushing his hips forward into your hand. 
You chucked as you loosened your grip and began pumping his length in earnest, matching the pumps of your hand to your increasingly messy thrusts.
“Then cum.” You whisper, leaning in and biting a meaty bit of his shoulder, pistoning your hips desperately as you chase your release.
You felt Idia’s balls tighten as his release sputtered forth to cover your hand. You immediately withdrew it and pulled out to pump yourself above him, using his cum as lube to get you to your finish.
With a groan, you came on his lower back. Your eyes half focused from the overwhelming sensation of just how fucking HOT that all was.
Slowly lowering yourself Idia again, you kissed across his shoulders and whispered sweet nothings into his ear. 
His chest was heaving, and while he wasn’t moving, his little chirps and moans and ‘thank yous’ made you relieved to think that he enjoyed it as much as you did. 
Leaning back on your gross couch, you spend a moment catching your breath before finally hopping to your feet. 
You went to your counter and grabbed a spare paper towel. Hissing through your teeth at the sensitivity of your dick as you cleaned yourself off and then tossed the rag into the trash.
Grabbing a new towel and wetting it slightly under the sink, you went over to gently clean up Idia as well. You smoothed his sweaty hair from his face, and this might be the most beautiful you had ever seen him. Leaning over to give him a light kiss on the nose, you smile fondly at your dumb nerd.
“Hey…” he says pathetically, smiling up at you with a sweet and exhausted face.
“Hey,” you reply, gently cleaning him up.
“Same time next week?” You tease, causing Idia to slap your shoulder.
“Fuck you,” he murmurs tiredly.
“Maybe next time.” You counter, softly kissing him on the lips and dragging him to bed after dressing him in a pair of your pajamas so you can both hold each other for the rest of the night.
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Cringemaster Idia is here, babes! Next chapter I will post is the AFAB version.
For what it is worth, both are written completely separately so you will experience a very different sex scene in each version (the opening is the same though).
Love you readers, let me know who you want to see next!
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callivich · 3 years
This took me a while because I am terrible at coming up with prompts, but I wish you would write a fic where, Lip and Mickey acknowledge that they are friends and are important to each other. 🖤👬 I loved your post-anniversary fic and I just need more mickey & lip content!
Aww, thank you so much, I’m so glad you enjoyed the post-anniversary fic. So, here’s a little sequel to that, set the morning after:
(This is canon-divergent as I’m changing it so either Frank doesn’t die or they aren’t informed until after this.)
Lip (8:42am): need me to come and get one of you to pick up the ambulance?
Mickey frowns at the message on his phone that had woken him up. It’s too early for this. Ian is, of course, already awake and….changing into his running clothes? Ugh. “Your brother texted.” Mickey mumbles, watching Ian pull on a t-shirt.
“You’re awake.” Ian smiles at him and throws himself on top of Mickey, kissing him softly. “Happy first day of our second year of marriage.”
“Mmm, yeah. Same to you. You seriously going on a run?” He hooks his fingers into the waistband of Ian’s shorts and begins to pull them down.
“Yeah, only because I thought you’d want to sleep for longer. Was gonna come back, wake you up nice and slow and then-”
“Well I’m awake now, no thanks to Lip.”
Ian fumbles for his own phone, smiling as Mickey’s hands go lower, he reads the message that Lip had sent to both of them. “I’ll go.”
“Nah, man, go run. I’ll pick up the ambulance. Haven’t got any pick-ups till 11, so,” he smacks Ian’s ass, “we can start this second year of marriage off with a bang. Literally.” He wiggles his eyebrows and bites his lip.
Ian smirks at Mickey’s cheesy line and kisses him, “Sounds good,” before rolling off him, and pulling his shorts back up. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Don’t shower when you get back. I like it when you’re all sweaty.”
Ian laughs as he leaves. Mickey grins as he thinks of the fun they’ll be having later.
Grabbing his phone, he fires off a quick text to Lip - (8:50): meet you out front in half an hour?
Lip (8:50): k
Mickey showers quickly, pulling on a pair of jeans and one of Ian’s hoodies, and drinking the cup of coffee Ian had left him on the counter in the kitchen - next to a note that says ‘🖤 love you :) 🖤’ Fucking dork, Mickey thinks, but he smiles and shoves the note in his pocket.
Lip is already waiting for Mickey when he makes it outside. In the past, he would dread spending any amount of time alone with Lip. But as he slides into the passenger seat, he finds that he doesn’t feel as annoyed as he usually does and Lip’s stupid smirking face doesn’t make him want to throw a punch. Maybe it’s the promise of sex with his husband that has put him in a good mood? Or maybe he doesn’t hate Lip as much as he thinks? Nah, that can’t be right.
“Morning. Surprised it’s you up this early and not Ian. Thought you’d be worn out after last night?” Lip begins the drive towards the Southside, his fingers tapping on the wheel.
“You really wanna know if I’m too tired after getting railed by your little brother?”
“Mickey.” Lip groans, “Fuck no. I was asking if you were hungover. You were wasted.”
“Oh. Nah. M’fine. Ian’s gone for a run. He was gonna let me sleep in but you woke me up with that text.”
“Hazard of having a baby, you forget everyone else isn’t awake at the crack of dawn everyday.”
Mickey shrugs, and they fall into a comfortable silence, and he notices that he’s still not feeling that familiar sense of annoyance that he usually does with Lip. He’s definitely going soft. Ian’s fault probably. He supposes that Lip has been alright recently - helping with the wedding anniversary as though it was no big deal, acting like it was normal that Mickey had asked him for help. There were no sarcastic comments or dirty looks like Mickey was intruding in the Gallagher family. No, he just asked what he could do and helped round up the other siblings to help too. He treated Mickey like he was part of the family. Even Mickey can reluctantly admit that. Even if it is through gritted teeth.
“Thanks for…y’know, driving us home last night and helping me organise the party.” Mickey is staring out the window, his voice low. He doesn’t know why he’s saying this, but he knows Ian would like that he did. And maybe there’s a tiny part of him that likes that he can say this and it doesn’t feel awful. “Especially after that…uh…fight.”
Mickey’s words take Lip by surprise and he’s speechless for a moment. He supposes this is as close to an apology as Mickey would ever give him. And to be fair, Lip knows he needs to say sorry too. But he realises he can’t quite say it either. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter. And it won’t happen again.”
Mickey snorts, “Don’t know how you can be sure of that.”
“Well, Ian said - and I quote - ‘hit my husband again, I’ll fucking kill you’. So. Yeah, ain’t gonna happen again. At least from my end. And he’s right. Shouldn’t be getting into it like that with family.”
Mickey is silent for a moment, sneaking a quick glance at Lip. “He said that?”
“Ok. Then, yeah, I won’t hit you again.” He says it easily, with a firm nod. “Probably. If you don’t do anything to piss me off.”
Lip rolls his eyes, “Yeah, because it’s me who’s the annoying fucker.”
“Glad you can admit that.”
And he can’t believe it, but he genuinely laughs at that. Lip can count on one hand the times he actually found Mickey funny. Most of the time he thinks he’s a dick, but lately….well, there’s been moments when he’s not been that bad and, dare he say it, he’s actually not minded being around Mickey. Sure, these have also been countered by moments when he absolutely wants to kill him but there are less and less of those. He must be adjusting to the fact that they’re family now - Mickey’s not some scary, dirty kid from the neighbourhood anymore, he’s not just Mandy’s brother, he’s Ian’s husband. He’s Lip’s brother-in-law. And that means something. So, yeah, he’s gonna treat him like a brother, like family. (As much as he can that is, because Lip isn’t a saint and sometimes Mickey really is very fucking annoying.) But he’s gonna try. That’s the important thing. And it seems like Mickey is going to try too.
“You’re a dick.”
“Yeah, well, got a reputation to uphold. Can’t let you think I’ve gone fucking soft or some shit.”
“Wouldn’t ever think in a million years that the guy who planned a romantic surprise anniversary party for his husband with accordion music and dancers was soft.”
“Fuck off.” But there’s no heat in his words, he’s just got a pleased look on his face. Probably thinking back to the night before.
They get stuck in traffic - due to roadworks where there seems to be less work and more standing around going on. Mickey checks his phone and scrolls through the pictures he took last night, that get steadily and steadily blurrier as the night goes on. It really was a great night. He feels his face flush in happiness just thinking about it. He can’t wait to get home.
Lip is tapping his fingers on the steering wheel again, Mickey notices he looks tired. He thinks back to Lip’s admission that he’d slipped up and had beer, and wonders if he’s had another slip. He could ask him straight out, Ian probably would, but that feels like a step too far. So he decides to hint at it.
“Everything alright with you and Tami?”
“Oh, yeah, you know….just a lot going on.”
“Right.” He shifts in his seat, glances towards his brother-in-law, and sighs. “Yeah, lot of difficult shit going on. Stressful shit.”
Mickey thinks he’s going to have to say it but apparently it’s obvious what he’s thinking. Lip stops tapping the steering wheel. “You fishing to see if I want a drink?”
“Do you?”
“I….sometimes. A bit. I’m going to meetings so.” He shrugs, avoiding Mickey’s eyes.
“Tami know?”
“Sort of.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“There’s just been so much going on. We’ve kinda talked but not properly.”
The traffic starts to move and soon they are almost at the Alibi. “Talking…communicating. All that shit, it fucking sucks but it’s important.” Mickey feels awkward talking to Lip like this, but strangely it doesn’t feel too uncomfortable. “Don’t put it off, it’ll be worse the longer you wait.”
“I know.” Lip pulls up in front of the ambulance. “Thanks.”
“Whatever.” He peers at Lip cautiously. “You’re not gonna tell me you love me again are you?”
“Was hoping you might not remember that considering how drunk you were last night.”
“You’re soft as hell. I’d stick around to make fun of you but I gotta hot date with my husband.” He moves to get out the car, “Thanks for the ride, man.” He gives Lip the finger and a cheeky smile as he walks over to the ambulance, shouting “see ya!” over his shoulder.
For the ask meme: I wish you would write a fic where….
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