#like I know that happened during the twilight era too
agenttommykinard · 2 months
imagine if fandom would treat buddie vs bucktommy the way of twilight fandom
Team Edward vs Team Jacob
I want merch, SNL skits, academic essays, fanfictions that become best selling books with character names being changed and later full length movies made after it
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panlight · 7 months
I know I've mentioned this before, but sometimes I think it's a blessing that SM hadn't really read/watched much Vampire Stuff before she wrote Twilight.
Don't get me wrong--there are definitely times where I'm very frustrated by this, where she misses a key moment that someone more genre savvy would have taken full advantage of. The main character being turned into a vampire in such a clinical way removes so much of the intimacy and eroticism of vampire lit, for example. Or the way she didn't give her vampires any weaknesses and how that makes it so much harder to raise the stakes and put them in any real danger. Or to feel bad for their cursed existence because like . . . it actually seems not that bad without all the weaknesses and limitations.
But It's a blessing in a way because it allowed her to come up with characters like Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle. MOST of the sympathetic, 'good' vampires in fiction end up being like Edward. This brooding vampire who hates what he is and probably has some kind of Dark Past (Edward's vigilante era in his own opinion) but wants to be good but oh, the endless midnights! And obviously that's a compelling story; these tropes are used so often because people ENJOY them.
But then you have Emmett, who is a 'good' vampire too and just . . . doesn't care. He's nice. He'll protect you. But he's also killed people. Whoops. Probably felt bad about it at the time. Probably still feels a little bad if he thinks about it now. But he's not brooding about it. He's generally pretty happy and fun and doesn't take things too seriously. Normally this would be a 'bad' vampire or at least morally gray vampire but as written by SM, he's clearly intended to be a good guy. Just one of the bros who happens to be a vampire.
Then there's Carlisle, who had every reason to be the brooding vampire who hates himself (was actively hunting vampires when he was turned! son of a pastor! alone for centuries!) but instead he . . . just got on with it. Also I think his success with vegetarianism is in itself kind of unusual and refreshing for the genre. I know lots of people think he'd be more interesting if he had killed people but as someone who read Twilight during a marathon read of other vampire fiction the fact that he HADN'T was actually what made him interesting to me. It was bizarrely . . . hopeful? It's the kind of thing that someone actually vampire genre savvy probably wouldn't have done.
Likewise Esme just being this white suburban midwestern vampire mom and playing it 100% straight. This isn't some commentary on how vampirism is a shallow perversion of motherhood or whatever, Esme IS the mom. She does mom things. It's taken seriously. She's not some sinister Other Mother, she is genuinely loving and gentle and motherly and again, I feel like someone genre savvy wouldn't have played it that way.
Anyway, yes sometimes I long for more typical vampire stuff in Twilight, but sometimes the lack of genre knowledge worked out in its favor.
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sapphicseasapphire · 6 months
Miscellaneous Cryptid au lore bits that are too short/too specific to make it into individual posts!
If you want more information about any of these, feel free to ask! I’m always willing to ramble about my Little Guys haha!
(In no particular order)
• Sky’s wings are too big to fit through doors. He will 100% for sure run into people in a crowded street. Because of this, he stays behind when the others go to villages. This gets incredibly lonely for our friendly little bird boy so eventually it’s decided that someone has to stay with him. This leads to one on one bonding between Sky and everyone in the Chain! (Except Time)
• Four can control water, earth, fire, and air, but not particularly well. Jack of all trades is a master of none. That being said, each individual color is a master of their element, so when separated, they are a FORCE to be reconned with. Their diminished power as a whole is a huge source of frustration for them, but I can’t let them be too powerful.
• After the their adventure is over, Time lives out the rest of what would have been his mortal life with Malon, then he takes care of his children, and his children’s children. But eventually he’s just… lived too long. His humanity falls away and he becomes more and more of a God and stops interacting with mortals almost entirely. Except when the other Links are born in their own eras, Time looks after them Father Time style and if they fall, he rewinds to before they were injured (their last “save point”) and pushes them to a better path. (Game over. Continue?)
• Even if someone is born with the blood of a God, their powers need to be awakened. This usually happens in a moment of desperation. For example, during Time’s adventures, he meddled with the flow of time so much that it became his dominion. Twilight’s powers awakened when he was like two years old. His parents had been killed by monsters- monsters that were now looking for him. And in his desperation, he looked to a squirrel in the tree above and he copied it. The monsters lost track of him, ignoring the animals of the forest. Time was gifted, well… time… because against a falling moon, it was his last hope. Twilight was gifted shape shifting because he had no other chance of survival.
^ Hylia doesn’t count because she was one of the original Goddesses. Many of the Zeldas, while they do possess the blood of the Goddess, have not had their awakening. Yet.
• Warriors will sometimes blurt out random sets of data without being prompted. He’ll ask to run calculations on things that no one has ever asked him to. And while the others might find this confusing, it’s his way of expressing his interests. Of learning more about the things that he likes, of telling people about the things that he likes. This happens rarely, but when it does, Sky drops EVERYTHING to talk with him, so excited to see him opening up.
• The Legend of the Godkiller is a very idealized and not very accurate retelling of Sky’s final battle against Demise. It paints him as a very confident, willing knight of the Goddess. Full of righteous anger and absolutely thrumming with power. In the story that Time knows, Sky wasn’t even scared. He knew he was capable of killing Demise, and he wasn’t even surprised when he was cursed. This is… far from the truth.
• Yeah, Time knows about Sky’s curse. But what’s he gonna do? Confront him about it? Tell the others? And risk drawing the wrath of the Godkiller? Absolutely not.
• Wild is more sentient than he lets on. He understands more than the others might think. He’s a little chaos gremlin who gets so easily distracted and acts more like a wild animal than a person, but he’s very smart. He couldn’t do long division but he can tell that… something’s not right with Sky and the Master Sword. The others haven’t caught on yet.
• Hyrule is so incredibly timid by nature. He’s used to being hunted: first as a fairy, sought for his healing magic, and then because of his blood curse, sought by monsters to bring about the revival of Ganon. Because of this, he’s incredibly shy. Until one of his companions gets hurt!! Then he’s ALL BUSINESS and he speaks with the authority that one might expect from a fairy so powerful.
• Speaking of that! At first, no one knew he was a fairy! He was afraid that they’d bottle him (they had other bottled fairies in their pouches when he’d first met the others, so it was justified). He kept up his glamour until he physically couldn’t anymore. The others knew he was a magic user- he tended to fight less with a sword and more with his spells and had an affinity for healing, but they didn’t know JUST how powerful he was until his glamour fell apart.
• Hyrule’s glamour can change the way that people see things, but it cannot change the physical shape of something. (Except himself, because his body is mostly magic anyway). For example, he could hide Four’s horns, but if you were to touch the top of Four’s head, you’d still feel them! He can make Wild look like a Hylian, but that doesn’t make their antennae go away. This is why Sky can’t go into towns: his wings may be invisible, but they’re still there, they can still feel pain and can still bump into people and walls. So… he can’t fit, unfortunately.
• The best swimmer (aside from Legend, Ravio, and Wind) is Sky. Which is weird, right? One might think that those massive wings would slow him down. But he has the Water Dragon’s Scale! Everyone’s so surprised when he starts racing people and WINNING. When he jumps out of the water in a spiral spin. Legend can call him a cheater all he wants, but he’ll be a hypocrite for it. He can’t say anything about using magic items to bolster abilities.
• Legend and Wind go from enemies to best friends in the course of like a month. They bond over a war and the ocean, and their connection is strengthened by the conflict that they’re both familiar with. Honestly a big reason that Legend warms up to Wind is that Ravio is fond of him. Also it’s actually impossible to hate Wind. Also he went to Outset that one time and was ablel to better understand Wind’s perspective.
• Wind dies a little bit inside every time Aryll or his grandma call themselves a Sea Monster. But he doesn’t have the heart to correct them.
• Ravio was never really afraid of Wind himself. More so… afraid of the monster that he had the potential to be (Ku). When Wind was never corrupted, Ravio had no reason to hate him! So they became friends during the War of Eras.
• Ravio joins the Chain very late. But we love him anyway.
• Twilight has little nicknames for everyone. If he calls them by their actual name/their title, they’re in trouble.
• Four only splits around Sky, Warriors, Hyrule and Twilight at first. Actually, the first person they split in front of was Sky but that was an accident. Once they determine that it’s safe, they start doing it around the others… slowly but surely…
• Post God Reveal, Legend and Four join Sky in the “distrust Time” corner
• Time wields Wars’ sword because Wars has deemed him the most powerful. Because of this, Warriors will go with Time when their adventure comes to an end. (This way, neither of them have to face eternity alone).
• I know I made a whole big long post about what happens to Mer if they don’t soak, but I neglected to say that all that will happen to Aquili too, just to a lesser extent. Wind needs to soak as well, just not as often as Legend and Ravio do.
• Mer cannot assume their natural form if they have anything on their legs/feet where their tail would go. Ravio’s… not wearing anything under his robes. And Legend… isn’t wearing anything under his skirt. Being barefoot definitely isn’t ideal but it’s better than the alternative: being unable to soak and drying out. Now, they could simply remove their shoes/pants, but they’re traveling and often in battle and they don’t always have the time to shed their clothes. If they need to jump into the water? They jump into the water.
• During Legend’s adventures, him being Mer was a secret. (The Zora were already antagonistic- imagine what they’d do if they knew he was a war mongering Mer!) This is why he needed flippers or a magic item to be able to swim- something on his feet or something magically imbued to keep him from transforming.
• For Sky, Link and Aepon are generally completely fused, but there are certain events that can force an imbalance between their influence over him. For example, if he’s hurt and takes a heart potion for healing, the body is healed, his Link half is healed, but is Aepon half is still weakened. The others might notice that he acts differently after taking a potion and he just seems very… unwell. Distressed, panicked. But also, he has both Aepon dreams and Link dreams. And depending on their frequency and severity, they can affect how he acts when he wakes, at least until both halves are sufficiently awake.
• When Sky’s Aepon half is more dominant, he is actually legitimately a bird. He doesn’t speak, he just chirps and squawks and trills like a bird. He looses all sense of personal space. And he’ll LOOSE IT if his feathers are touched.
• Sky can’t see well at night but he has a much greater endurance for looking at bright things.
• Hyrule hangs out around Sky as much as he can because Sky can’t take heart potions and also his bones are literally hollow and can break a lot easier than the others’
• Hyrule is a GIFT to this world and I don’t draw him enough.
I have a LOT MORE to say about these guys but this is just off the top of my head right now. Also I don’t want to spoil story elements! But let me know if you have any questions or want more context! I have short stories written about like half of these.
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icomeandg0 · 30 days
“More than one” part 2!
Linked universe x reader (s) (Female)
Warnings: confusing.
A/N: I didn’t think the other post would get so much, thank you all<3
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“She’s awake!”
“An explanation is due.” Legends voice cuts through the silence earning a huff from Wild, “Can this wait until…later?”
“You can’t blame us for being curious, you did leave while we were sleeping—“
“And brought a girl with you!”
Sky and Wind chimed in, Wild wasn’t going to get a rest unless he told them, always on his arse he swears—
“Fine! I’ll tell” Wild clears his throat before sighing, “You see, she’s this girl from my era, she’s very important to me and she’s…one of the best things in my life and I plan on making sure she’s safe and by my side. Y/n L/n is her name and, goddesses if anything happens to her I would never forgive myself…” Wild says tenderly, he was very fond of you.
“Eugh, I asked for an explanation not a sappy, love story.” Legend takes his chance to tease Wild, “You’re the one that asked” Wild retaliates.
“Y/n huh? Must be a common name, I had a Y/n. She was certainly…Something.” Warriors voice grew a bit quiet as he looked off to the side, however no one really paid attention. “Yeah, I have a childhood best friend named Y/n” Four says, “Really? Me too!” Sky says, “The Y/n back at mine is such a sweetheart, city gal on the outside, country on the inside” Twilight spoke with a smile.
“Well I’ve got you all beat! My Y/n’s the best, she’s on of the best people I’ve met during my adventure!” Wind grins, “How about you, Hyrule? What about your Y/n?” Hyrule scratched the back of his head sheepishly, “Well, I never met a Y/n during my adventure so…can’t really comment”
“Jeez, if this Y/n girl makes all of you like this I hope I never meet a Y/n” Legend huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “How about you, old man?” Twilight asked, Time only sighed and opened his open eye. “I don’t see how this is relevant to our current situation therefore we must shut it down and focus on the subject.” Everyone went quiet after Time spoke, they all looked a bit ashamed but none the less changed the subject.
“Sheesh, must’ve been a harsh break up for Time…” Legend whispered over to Sky who felt remorse for the eldest hero.
“When she wakes up we’ll need to ask her a few questions, hopefully she can provide a few answers.” Time says earning a nod from Wild, “I’ll do the talking”
Soon their ears twitch as they hear shuffling coming from Hyrules tent. Soon it opens to reveal you inside, “Holy Hylia! I’ve been robbed—kidnapped too! Give my stuff back you thieves!” You point at the group in front of you, clearly you haven’t processed the fact that your Link was there.
“Y/n! You’re awake” Wild got up to his feet to help you up since you were on all fours which could re open the wound on your side.
“Link? What the hell are you doing here? Did you rob me?”
“No I didn’t rob you, nor did they—look just come. We need to talk, alone.” Wild looks at the boys, once he earned a nod he took you by the hand and led you away.
“So what’s this all about—woah!” Wild immediately wrapped his arms around you, “oh by the three, I’ve missed you so much” Wild buried his head into your neck as you giggled softly and hugged him back.
“Heh, I’ve missed you too” Wild moves his head so he’s looking up to you now, “How did you get here?” “Crazy story really! You see…a portal sucked me in while I was out trying to find you a couple weeks ago.”
“Weeks? You were here for that long, alone?” “Nah! You see I have this really cool girl group I travel with and wanna know something? They’re all Y/n’s!” You exclaimed making Wilds eyes widen in astonishment.
“Really?” “Yeah! There’s TPY/n, HWY/n, OOTY/n, SSY/n, LAY/n, LOZY/n, FSY/n, WWY/n. Bit of a tongue twister but when you meet them they’ll greet you properly”
Wild felt a bit overwhelmed of the thought of meeting more Y/n’s but he nods either way, if the others say their Y/n’s were as lovely as they described then he’ll be fine! "Anyways, do you know this place? what about you tell me what happened before, you were unconscious and wounded when I found you"
"I was? Damn, let me try and remember..." You thought for a bit before speaking again, "We found a village nearby and it was called Agoir city, it must be the capital of this land because it has a massive castle. Me and the girls were shopping around like usual until WWY/n had to go ahead and steal something and get caught. Since we all looked the same they probably thought we were a thief family or something along those lines. OOTY/n told us all to split up so we wouldn't be taken, I ended up with TPY/n but those guards were quite literally right up our asses so we had to fight a few"
"I'm sure violence could've been avoided"
"Nope! but then they all attacked me so they landed a few blows and..I don't remember the rest" You finish explaining, Wild nods, "That was helpful information, really was. I'll tell the others but- There was this dragon that was...protecting you" "Oh...That's a relief she wasn't taken...Where is she? Is she back at the camp?" You asked, Wild shook his head. "We left her back where we found her-" "You did what?!"
Wild closes his mouth and looks at you with his blue eyes that were filled with confusion, "Okay...Okay, Link I need you to come back with me to see if she's still there, please." You hold your hand out which he takes with no hesitation, "Yeah, okay. Just gotta tell the others first." "Others?" "Yeah, You woke up in a rush you probably didn't process the fact that there were others back at camp." You sighed softly as he begins to pull you back to them all.
"Oh woah! So you all are Links? That must be confusing...?" You tilt your head as you look at the lookalikes, you could tell the differences of each Link but being surrounded by them all is making you realise...This bitch is attractive in every universe, (Besides from Wind but he still a cutie.) "It did but we got our own names to call us by" They went around in a circle to introduce themselves, after Time introduced himself he opened his mouth once again.
"Is it true? that there are other Y/n's here?" Time asked a bit on edge, "Yup! Somewhere in Agoir city, I plan on taking Wild with me if that's alright with you" "No."
Wild gulped as Time's voice was stern but you didn't falter, "Well with all due respect, mister but I don't think that's something you have control over. I need Link to help me save my friends and considering it's his duty to do so I don't think it's very wise to intervene." You spoke, a hint of sassiness in your tone...most of the boys shared one thought.
'Yup, definitely a Y/n'
"I wasn't going to deny...I was going to say we were all going to come along too" Time finishes making you sheepish, "Sorry..." You scratch the back of your head and he only chuckles lightly before getting up, "C'mon boys, pack up everything so we can leave as soon as we can"
To be continued…
And that’s a wrap! Hope you all enjoyed, don’t worry next chapter is all about the Y/n’s I promise but if you don’t understand I’ll put down who’s who for the Y/n’s.
I’ll put up a poll later on today, but I hope you all enjoyed this.
TPY/n = Twilights era
HWY/n = Warriors era
OOTY/n = Times era
SSY/n = Sky’s era
LAY/n = Legends era
BOTWY/n = Wilds era (who was in this story)
LOZY/n = Hyrules era
FSY/n = Fours era
WWY/n = winds era.
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tw1l1te · 6 months
Heyy you fabulous writter! You've had me hooked ever since I first found a post of yours and I don't know if you're taking writing requests but if you are...I'd like to humbly request you to write this idea?🙏
Essentially I think it'd be really cute having a small one-shot of the LU boys in twilights hyrule and them meeting his S/O. His S/O can either be a simple farmer who grew up in the same area or the idea of someone he met on his journey who also had animal turning 'abilities'/features comes to mind so they understand each other more than most. IDK if it's a silly idea or not I just thinks the boys reactions (especially time teasing twilight and such) would be Hella cute! Anyways thanks and keep the good work up! 🫡
- Anon🧋
Yesyesyesyes living out my cottage core dream with mr. cowboy teehee
Twilight was getting giddier by the second as he approached Ordon, and the boys could tell. He was clenching and unclenching his fists, trying the keep the nervousness at bay, but how could he do that when he was about to see you. His beloved.
"I don't think I have ever seen you this jittery before, Pup. What's wrong?"
Twilight was about to answer him when they hear a loud gasp.
Twilight turns to see you on a tree above them, clad in what seems to be.... his old tunic? You jump down, hopping down branch by branch before landing inches away from Twilight.
"Oh by three- you're home! I missed you so much-"
He shuts you up, by pulling you in for a kiss, months of love and desperation melting onto you.
You had to pull away to avoid creating awkwardness for the others, "Alright, easyyy cowboy. Now why don't you tell me about your lil' friends?"
Time raises an eyebrow at him, clearly interested in your character.
"Oh! I completely forgot t' introduce myself! I'm Y/n, mister hero's partner."
Time nods, holding out a hand to shake.
"I'm Time, a... friend of Link's. We all met on his recent adventure."
You nod, squinting a bit at him, then eyeing the rest of them. You walk around them slightly, eyeing their garb and equipment a bit before nodding back at your boyfriend.
"They're Links too, aren't they?"
Legend jumps slightly at that, "How did you-"
You smile at him, "I gotta good nose."
Twilight shakes his head, chuckling "Alright, lets go back to the village before you start figuring everyone out."
You jog up to him, animatedly waving your hands, rambling about Colin and how good with swordsmanship he's become. Before you could continue rambling, Wind asks, "How'd you two meet?"
You and Twilight pause, looking at each other before responding.
"Oh, y'know, I met him on his quest during the Twilight Era. Stinky do-wait, they know, right?"
"They're too nosy for their own good."
"Right, so. I met him while I was in my alternate form. Fell on top of me from a brittle tree-"
"-Wait, you have a wolf form too?!" Wind exclaims, running up to you.
You snort, this kid's funny.
"Nah, that's hero's spirit and all. It's better if I show ya."
You focus for a moment before you feel the shift, still uncomfortable but so much less painful than the first time it happened, oh so many years ago.
Opening your eyes, you can feel your senses sharpen, everything intensifying tenfold.
"A fucking fox???!?!! Twilight, your wife is so cool."
"Not my wife yet, but thank you."
You walk up to Wind, cooing at him. He hesitantly pets your fur on your head, earning him a soft purr from you.
You walk up to the rest of them, just looking at them. You give a few extra sniffs to the pink-haired one, him smelling like hare.
Shifting back, you walk back to Twilight, your fur coat retreating back into your skin. You give him a peck on the cheek, continuing your way back to the village.
"Y'all coming or what?"
Twilight breaks out of his lovestruck trance, following you. Time walks up to Twilight, muttering to him,
"I can tell you've got a thing for foxy personalities."
"Oh, shut up."
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cutthroatcarnival · 8 months
Revered Deity, Unknown Hero (1/10)
This is a special one! Thank you @bokettochild for allowing me to write a fic using your God of War!Warriors idea! It was super fun to write. :)
Read chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Find it on AO3 here!
Divine and Draconic Differences
The skies were clear and the weather was pleasant as the heroes congregated outside of Wild and Flora’s Hateno home. It was peaceful, a nice and welcomed reprieve from the era before.
Wind, a still growing teenager, was overflowing with energy, tugging around an equally as eager Hyrule, to explore everything possible. He had his spyglass out, sweeping across the vast land of the Wild Era. Every so often, he’d hand his spyglass over to the traveler to allow him a go.
His telescope was focused on a chasm far out, watching the remaining wisps of gloom fade into the air. Mesmerized by the red-purple, he didn’t fully register the white-blue on the edge until it had blocked his view.
“Wild! What the fuck is that?!” Keeping his focus on the serpentine creature in the sky, he heard Wild approach his side with the familiar sound of him activating his slate’s scope mode.
“That’s Naydra, one of the dragons.”
That… didn’t look like a dragon. Dropping his spyglass from his eye, Wind fixed Wild with a stare. The scarred hero stared back.
“Don’t look at me like that. There’s three dragons, they’re all servants of the springs. Naydra happens to be the servant of the Spring of Wisdom, which is,” he grabbed Wind’s shoulder and spun him around, pointing to a mountain peak covered in snow, “right on that peak over there.” Wind moved his gaze to the mountain peak, following Wild’s finger. He could see the vague shape of pillars.
“Huh… so you have dragons too? They look different from mine.” Wind began walking back to the rest of the group, who had been listening in on the conversation, no matter how hard they tried hiding it. Wild took a few seconds to decipher the information, and ran to catch up with the sailor.
“What do you mean “you too”? I didn’t know anyone else had dragons!” Wind shrugged.
“Like I said, mine are different, like Valoo. He was a sky spirit I met during my first adventure. And the only one that didn’t try to kill me.” He plopped down next to Warriors, who offered the young hero one of the apples he had.
“Still! Does anyone else have dragons?” All hands went up except for the smithy, who looked utterly confused as he mouthed dragons over and over, eyes swirling different colors.
“In my defense, all of my dragons wanted to kill me.” Hyrule exclaimed, being seconded by Time, Twilight, Warriors, and Legend.
The five heroes delved into further conversation about their draconic enemies. Wind wiggled into the group, chattering about the gleeoks he fought. Wild chimed in about having to fight gleeoks as well, explaining about the King Gleeoks residing in hard-to-reach locations.
“The dragons I know serve Hylia.” A few grimaced at the mention of the goddess, but the dislike was outweighed by the curiosity of Sky’s dragons.
“The three of them were assigned to watch over different provinces of the Surface. They also protected the sacred flames, and held parts of the Song of the Hero.”
Wild was immediately upon Sky, spitting out questions with very little breaths between, all centered on what they looked like, if they had any powers, and anything of the sort.
“Of course they have powers, they guard and protect the Triforce. Even the gods wouldn’t be able to reach it with them guarding the key to it.
Gods and Goddesses were a touchy subject. Some were openly hostile towards them, others in the middle, and some revered them. Yet, the topic always raised an interesting thought; just how many are there?
“Do you think there’s more than just Hylia?” Came Four’s voice, eyes shining a curious violet.
“There’s the light spirits in my era,” Twilight rested his chin in his palm, “Ordona, Lanayru, Eldin, and Faron. They protect the regions they share names with.”
“Oh, and the Golden Goddesses! They’re the ones that submerged Hyrule!” Wind piped up, leaning against Warriors, who grimaced as the sailor’s sharp elbow dug into his thigh.
A soft hum emitted from Time, who had been running his fingers along his markings, a pensive look across his face. Wild bounded off of Sky, and settled next to Twilight.
“I know of one! Legends talk about a Fierce Deity… they say that if one dons his armor and mask they gain godlike power.”
Time gave a sharp inhale, and his fingers dropped from his face.
Others shook their heads, either not having any other gods, goddesses, or deities in their time, or having the same ones as someone else.
“Not anymore.”
Eight heads turned towards Sky, who had found a stick and was whittling absentmindedly, a stormy look across his face. They all shared a few glances- curiosity, and a little bit of fear.
‘Not anymore’?
“Oh! There is another- the Deity of War.” Hyrule broke the silence, fingers tying blades of grass into circles while his gaze rested on the other heroes.
“Isn’t that the same as the Fierce Deity?” Twilight cocked his head.
Legend scoffed.
“Many think that, but”, he stood up and turned so he was facing all eight heroes, “they are different. He’s the Deity of War, exactly as his name implies; a powerhouse on the battlefield, calculated and quick. The Fierce Deity doesn’t focus on war, he focuses on ferocity, on power, on courage. It’s in their names, it really is that simple.”
The veteran launched further into an explanation about the two, pointing out the similarities and differences, both surface level and deeper. Pointed ears all upright, revealing without words how invested they were in this newly learned-about deity.
Wild shot up out of his seat and ran to the house, slamming the door open, sounds of rustling and clanging could be heard, and the heroes remaining shared concerned glances. The current era’s hero came racing back out- not bothering to shut the door- with a book in his grasp.
“Legends Throughout the Ages” read the title of the book in intricate gold. The book itself seemed to be in good condition, missing the normal wear and tear they had seen on other things in the champion’s era.
“I know about him! Flora was talking about some books she had found in the castle,” he thumbed through the pages, “and she thought I would like this one… Aha!” Wild smoothed the book to lay flat on pages marked with blue fabric scraps.
On the pages were long paragraphs of stories and legends of the deity, exploring where he originated from and what eras his legends came from. Taking up a sizable portion of the right page was an image.
“Hey, he kind of looks like Warriors!”
Wind grabbed the book from Wild and pranced back over to the captain, who only raised an eyebrow at him, his now finished apple set off to the side. The sailor raised the book next to Warriors and basked in the ‘oohs’ when they realized that their youngest was right.
The picture and the captain looked nearly identical; only differentiated by the gold and blue markings on the deity’s face, blank eyes, and the color of the armor- a vibrant gold- and the tunic- a pale cream.
Snatching the book, Warriors scanned over the page, lingering on the photo a little longer.
“I don’t see it.”
That caused an uproar, as Wind and Wild both pounced on the captain, claiming that he was wrong and everyone could very well see it, while Hyrule just looked at the captain like he had grown a second head. The others groaned quietly.
There goes the relaxing day they were hoping for.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
I've been reading the asks about Warriors, and I have been wondering if he swears around the kids. Cause on one hand, he is stressed 25/8 and a captain and the others have probably heard worse already, on the other he is a mom and a captain and is tries to be a good role mode.
Also, following thought. Does he swear in other Languages that others don't speak or does he also uses non-swears.
(Also, does he let other think he swears/that they learn swears but actually he's saying things like 'chicken' and 'bubbles')
I don’t know which specific Warriors you’re talking about, because I write quite a lot of different versions of him, but I’m going to assume you mean like normal LU Warriors so I’ll answer this based off how I characterize him in You’re A Part Of Me because that’s how I personally characterize regular ol’ LU Wars :)
First question: Does he swear around the kids?
For the most part he tries not to, but he doesn’t always succeed. During the war of eras he definitely had a lot less control because of how much stress he was under, so he swore around Mask or Tune more than a few times, but he definitely never swore AT them and he tried to get Mask to stop saying ‘fuck’ all the time (he wasn’t the most successful, and he barely even tried with Tune). Nowadays he doesn’t swear around the younger members of the chain if it can be avoided, and he’s so used to hearing Tune swear that he doesn’t always consciously register it when he hears Wind say bad words so he only corrects him 25% of the time. He doesn’t watch himself as closely when he’s hanging around Twilight or Time so he’ll swear pretty freely around them. He is a man who always thinks before he speaks, he’s very careful of EVERYTHING he says (when he’s in a good mental state, obviously he’s not the best at thinking before he speaks when he’s having a breakdown), but sometimes properly expressing emotions or emphasizing things is hard for him to do without swearing
2. Does he swear in other languages?
100%, especially when he’s super frustrated. Sometimes after a long day of things building up and then one little inconvenience happens, a guy just has to scream ‘fuck’. And he’s not always going to take the time to think about what language the people around him understand, he’s gonna shout the first version of it that comes to mind. I also think he’s the kind of guy to grumble about things under his breath and i can see him doing that in other languages too
And for the last one: Would he say random words in other languages in the tone one might swear in to potentially trick the others into thinking those were swear words so the others would then repeat those words thinking they’re swearing when really they’re not?
Absolutely. And Wind is definitely the one who mimics him angrily muttering things like “bubbles” under his breath
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theprismyyy · 4 months
Yellowjackets + Twilight
Resume: I don't know...I like Twilight and I like Yellowjackets....do I need to explain anything else???
Tw: Brief descriptions of violence (nothing too deep), hybrids, mentions of bullying and not belonging or fitting into a social group; I think that's all, It hasn't been reviewed either and probably won't be, I'm too lazy
(English is not my first language)
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Shuana Shipman---- Ok, let's start with our dear Shauna, I think it's public knowledge that this girl would DEFINITELY be a wolf, like... are there any doubts about that? Just look at this girl, she exudes puppy energy, that being said...wolf (or werewolf, whatever) Shauna!!! I can imagine her starting to show signs of transformation really early, as if she was a little precocious with it, maybe between 10/11 years old, but as she was really very young the transformation never happened, but like I said , signs, lots of signs, like she became excessively more temperamental, getting irritated by the smallest thing and she even punched another child at school because he tried to steal one of her crayons (this girl's parents went through difficult times at that time), also her body temperature was crazy, she was so, so hot that sometimes her mother told her to stay at home, since if any teacher felt this they would probably call the doctors for this girl, she was like a pot of tea steamy, also hair, this girl started having a body hair outbreak and that's okay, body hair is completely normal, but in her case? I'm really talking about an outbreak of body hair, as if it grew so quickly and so suddenly in the most random places, as if this poor baby had to constantly shave a single, isolated, very dense tuft of hair that had grown on his elbow during the night, it was literally from one day to the next 😭😭 I think she probably had this headache for a long time until the symptoms finally calmed her down and then suddenly disappeared, it worried her parents because it happened for a solid year and then all of a sudden it just stopped. , until she was 14 years old, when suddenly, without any previous symptoms, She was at home when she felt a mind-boggling pain in her spine that soon spread to every bone in her body and poor thing, she destroyed her own room, as if she was struggling and bumping into things, knocking everything over while literally screaming in pain and no one warned her that the first time could be so painful (in fact it varies completely from person to person 😀). Anyway, when she finally manages to transform, I personally see her being big, like...really really big, I know that in Twilight the wolves are already huge, but as we saw in the case of Seth Clearwater, character played by Booboo Stewart, young wolves tend to be smaller than adults (obviously), so here's the thing, I can see her being a lot bigger than most other young wolves, but still smaller than an adult, I also think she would be the most feisty among the young people and also the one with the most brute strength and may or may not end up accidentally hurting others sometimes... poor thing, she's just a very big dog who sometimes has no idea of her own strength and size😫 She is also a beautiful and proud wolf with brown fur, as if she has a dark brown fur with a beautiful transition to a lighter brown, almost camel in the belly area, she also has a lighter pattern in the fur in the center of her face. and near the muzzle.
Jekie Taylor----Ok...agora Jackie foi quem realmente me deixou pensando, pois eu estava muito em conflito entre a humana Jackie que já era a melhor amiga de Shuana e descobriu seu segredo e isso a levou a cair de cabeça nesse mundo maluco de lobisomens e vampiros, basicamente o que aconteceu com Belle e Edward... mas neste caso seria mais Belle e Jacob... ou melhor, Jackie e Shauna. Mas também gosto muito da ideia da Vampire Jackie e que o que levou a sua transformação foi o mesmo motivo que levou a sua morte na série, mas neste caso todo o cenário do acidente não existe, mas ainda existe todo o problema com Shauna, talvez Toda essa briga tenha acontecido durante uma festa do pijama na casa de Shauna e ela saiu com muita raiva durante o inverno gelado lá fora, e ela sabia que não deveria fazer isso, mas ela estava com muita raiva, e Shauna sabia que não deveria deixe ela. para fazer isso, mas ela também estava com muita raiva e os dois estavam sendo tão mesquinhos com isso, eu só sei que estava frio e ficando tarde e muito escuro, ela estava desesperada, tão exausta e sentiu seus pés queimando em toda aquela neve porque depois Depois de caminhar tanto tempo foi como se aquelas botas grossas de frio não estivessem mais adiantando, ela desmaiou de tanto frio em algum momento e felizmente (ou não, dependendo do seu ponto de vista), foi encontrada por um vampiro, não outra pessoa. cruel como Victoria, mas alguém bom e gentil como Carlisle Cullen, que a salva levando-a para casa e embrulhando-a da melhor maneira que pode e tentando fazer com que sua temperatura corporal volte ao normal, mas ela já está muito fraca e parece irreparável, então ele sabe que se não fizer alguma coisa essa menina vai morrer e então ela toma essa decisão, a decisão de salvá-la, ele a transforma. Sobre Jackie como uma vampira e recém-criada, acho que todo mundo que assistiu Crepúsculo sabe que os recém-criados podem ser muito perigosos e instáveis, então assim que Jackie acorda o vampiro que a transformou assume um ótimo trabalho de reeducá-la. , para que ela aprenda a se controlar, além de ensiná-la a caçar se alimentando apenas de sangue de animais, o que sinceramente acho que seria super difícil, como se ela fosse mesmo teimosa e instável, ela não quer faz isso, se alimenta de humanos, mas o lado vampiro e faminto dela quer, quer muito 😈😈😈; No meio de tudo isso temos não só Shauna, mas também toda a polícia da cidade procurando pela jovem desaparecida Jeckie Taylor, pois ela não voltou para casa após a briga com Shuana, falando em Shuana, a pobre menina se sente tão culpada e ela está TÃO DESESPERADA, porque em circunstâncias normais ela simplesmente sentiria o cheiro de Jackie, mas agora ela simplesmente não consegue sentir o cheiro dele em lugar nenhum, para ela é como se Jackie tivesse simplesmente desaparecido do mapa, porque mesmo que fosse apenas o cadáver dela ela Eu ainda seria capaz de sentir aquele odor estranho e desagradável, mas agora que Jackie é uma vampira, seu cheiro mudou completamente,não de um jeito ruim, mas não é mais a mesma coisa e nossa pobre Shuana não tem ideia porque ela NÃO SABE que Jackie agora é uma vampira. Em relação à aparência de Jackie, ela permanece basicamente a mesma, os olhos do vampiro são algo que só aparecem realmente durante a alimentação, então não há preocupações em tentar escondê-los, quanto aos olhos dela...inicialmente, durante sua menstruação como recém-nascida, eles foram criados. eram de um vermelho carmesim profundo, mas depois de um tempo, quando ela começou a se alimentar de sangue de animais e aprendeu a se controlar, seus olhos adquiriram um tom âmbar vibrante, mas ela ainda precisa usar lentes de contato, quanto à pele. ela. trabalho em peles pretas e 2. o próprio filme nos mostrou que isso não é realmente uma regra, pois vimos vampiros indígenas não-brancos, cuja pele permaneceu em seu tom original;
Lottie Matthews---- I'll be brief about Lottie actually, I don't know if I have much to say... Her whole family is made up of vampires, but as the Twilight movie itself shows us, vampire children are a danger, uncontrollable and hated by other vampires, so I imagine Lottie's family being like Edward's family, for example, except the "step-siblings" part staying with each other, but more like a small group of vampires who were coming together and forming a family in their own way, This leads me to conclude that in this case Lottie would be adopted, probably on one of the luxurious trips...maybe to a big city like Vegas or something...Lottie was young, hungry and desperate, so she tried to steal a purse to get some money, turns out fate made her decide steal the purse of the beautiful woman who happened to be a vampire and they were even tempted to suck her blood as a tasty drink...but for some reason, something clicked inside them and what was supposed to become a tasty snack became a daughter (??). Lottie was a very well looked after and educated child, she also received all the necessary psychological support, but when she reached a certain age her parents decided to turn her into a vampire, hoping that somehow this could help her with schizophrenia, as many other people were cured of other things by being turned, unfortunately for them psychological conditions. are not included in this, but the transformation made her much more stable than she would be as a human, in fact the medicines no longer work ☹️, she has some delusions from time to time, but nothing that makes her dangerous to anyone or herself; Speaking of which, I see her ability being something like mind control, which would be a great irony of fate due to the fact that she often has no control over her own mind but is capable of controlling those of others, so she can create illusions in her mind. people's minds and make them susceptible to her wishes, as if she told someone to jump off a cliff and the person actually jumped. 😁 I also think that she has already fed on human blood, because her parents feed on human blood, but at some point she simply realized that she actually likes animal blood more, in fact, the main reason her parents are never at home is because , as I said, they feed on human blood, but the treaty with wolves prohibits vampires in the city from killing and feeding on humans, as well as transforming them, so her parents combine the need for food and the taste they have for expensive trips, also all the staff in Lottie's house are human and she likes them all very much and treats them like family too since they are the ones who spend most of their time with her ☺️ (Wow... this should be brief, but anyway lol)
Laura Lee---- Sorry to my Laura Lee lovers but our beautiful girl is not even a Werewolf and certainly not a Vampire, she is a beautiful human, in fact I think her family would abhor vampires, as demonic dark beings created by Satan to bring destruction to the world...that being said, I see Laura Lee's family as fervent believers and also one of the oldest and most respected families in the small town, also one of the few groups of humans who know about the existence of vampires, who just don't try to expose them because of an agreement that was sealed a long time ago by Laura's ancestors, this agreement prohibits Laura Lee's family from trying to expose them and guarantees them a certain protection, yet her family hates them and their parents They had always taught her never to trust a vampire. This Poor Baby Was So Terrified During Her Childhood That She's Scared To Death Of "Big, Bad" Vampires 😱😱, but that of course changes when she meets a beautiful vampire, Lottie Matthews...cough-cough gays...Anyway, I honestly see her pulling out a wooden cross and pointing it in Lottie's direction and when she prays in the name of God... and poor Lottie looks like: 🤨🤨❓️
Lottie: “I don’t want to drink your blood, I don’t eat trash😒🙄”
Laura Lee: "Phew... she doesn't eat garbage😊😊.... She doesn't eat garbage?🤨🧐😥"
In the end our beautiful girls become super friends, Lottie would love to throw Laura Lee over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and take her for walks, as if Lottie would just take her to the most unusual places and once took Laura Lee to a dog house that is literally TWO towns away just because she could 🫠🤗 (also a possible relationship because it would be super cute)
Natalie Scatorccio---- NOW WE HAVE ARRIVED AT THE PART I WAS MOST ANXIOUS FOR!!!! I have a crush on her🫠🫠🫠. I was super excited to get to Natalie, because in my eyes she wouldn't be a werewolf or a vampire, just, she would be BOTH, I see her as being a hybrid of both species; now, listen, LISTEN because to me this makes perfect sense and not because of favoritism or anything like that, BUT I see how her mother being a werewolf and her father a vampire, their relationship has always been toxic since adolescence and completely repudiated by their respective families, until Natalie's mother got pregnant, her father hated the news and disowned her the moment he found out about it, he wanted Natalie's mother to find a way to take away this child, but she couldn't courage...and as I said, they were both extremely toxic for each other and even though he hated this baby, he also never left, as if the two were constantly coming and going, they weren't good for each other but They didn't end things either, and with the birth of baby Natalie and both having been disowned by their families, they ended up settling into this horrible, dysfunctional and totally toxic "family". That said, Natalie is a hybrid, just like Bella when she was pregnant with Renesmee, I think Natalie's mother suffered a lot during her pregnancy, she was afraid that her daughter would be an aberration, like a vampire child or something, but when Natalie was born she seemed...normal(??) she didn't present anything of either species, which was a shock since inside her belly she was literally sucking the life out of her mother little by little (her mother was only able to survive because she was a werewolf, since if she had been an ordinary human she would certainly have died), anyway, Natalie was a very healthy and normal little baby, unlike Renesmee, Natalie didn't have accelerated growth or anything like that, she grew up like an ordinary child and her vampire side only came to manifest itself together with her werewolf side during her 14 years of age; she never even showed antecedent symptoms or that showed that at some point she could transform, in fact her first transformation into a werewolf happened while she was high and the few and only symptoms she felt before that, she thought were because of drugs😭😭 poor baby really thought that the unbearable pain in each of his bones was because of the drugs lol, anyway she transformed while smoking in the forest, it was crazy, she knew about her own parents, but as far as she knew she was normal, so she was so scared when it happened, coupled with the fact that she was high it was even more intense, I think she walked a bit like a wolf and then slept near a tree😫, After that day her vampire side also blossomed, she didn't feel the desire for human blood as a newly created vampire, but she felt a LOT of animal blood desire, as if her two origins collided and generated this, as for her eyes, luckily the werewolf genes they were stronger in this case, causing no change in their color, another thing is that she can easily feed on both human food and hunting, she can hunt both as a wolf and as a vampire, but regardless of which form she takes. do that her snack is the same, some poor animal... in fact she doesn't have a vampire ability, since her wolf transformation is already equivalent to that☺️ In wolf form, she would have a beautiful and soft light coat, which mixes shades of white and cream, she also has blue eyes and she is so majestic, also thanks to her vampire genes she is much faster and more agile than a common werewolf would be.
In fact, Natalie's case is very complicated, the constant feeling of not fully belonging to either world made her prefer human company much more, it's also not like she could actively interact with other wolves or vampires, since she would be considered a mistake, an outcast, an abomination and several other horrible things, so she is basically a lonelier person in that sense, she also had to learn everything about being a vampire and a wolf on her own, as she never had her parents to teach her.
Misty Quigley---- Ahhhh our beautiful unbalanced baby Misty, she is definitely a werewolf, look at her...she is literally a puppy...that being said a wolf, from a large family of proud wolves, she would also have a beautiful cream coat, it would be so soft and I think it's even a little curly in some places, like near the paws, length of the tail and on the chest; Werewolf Misty would also be a great silly cub, she tries to fit in with the other young wolves, but she is so clumsy, like she has two left paws and every time the other youngsters let her participate in races or games she always finished her off. tripping over your own paws or a branch, falling and knocking someone down in the process😭😭😭 One time the poor thing was having so much fun and thinking she was doing really well and she really was, for the first time she was fitting in and everything with the others, until she tripped over a tree root during the run, she was a little further behind the others but the fall was so bad that she skidded and "ran over" two other young wolves with her own body, this was generally a "mass pile-up" since those she knocked over bumped into others, so they all ended up knocking them down each other, this ended with some sore limbs and filthy dirt and mud☹️ After that, no one allowed the baby to participate anymore and she became more excluded.
Taissa Turner and De Palmer---- Both would be wolves, a proud and powerful couple I would say, they also both had a imprinting and since then they have been inseparable, their families don't exactly support it, but they also can't do anything about it since imprinting is something almost sacred among wolves, even this kind of thing between wolves of the same sex is not something very common, not because It doesn't happen often, but because it's usually not very exposed (sorry, but I imagine the wolves being a bit sexist and homophobic). Speaking of their coat, I see Van as having a dark gray coat with a mixture of light gray and Taissa with a completely black coat, black as night, Tai would also be much larger than Van, this makes her physically more strong, but Van's size makes her more agile, they would also play a lot of fights while transformed, but they are not really aggressive, although I think that sometimes they can accidentally take the game a little seriously, that ends with Taissa whimpering like a puppy in the corner while Van lies down next to her, licking the back of her ears as an apology for biting Tai's tail.☹️☹️ (my poor babies)
© 2024 theprismyyy — please do not copy, translate or repost any of my works without my permission.
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phantasmeels · 9 months
Another Zelda Theory: The Seven Sages in the Era of Myth
Save for the numerical discrepancy (the seventh sage shown in-painting was likely the Zelda of that era, as she is most often the Seventh Sage/Maiden in the other games), the Seven Sages spoken of in the backstory of A Link Between Worlds and the six Sages seen in Twilight Princess might be the same group.
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The ALBW paintings and backstory also seem to explain how the Triforce location changed from where they were seen at the end of Skyward Sword, from the Hylia statue to within the Temple of Light in the Golden Land/Sacred Realm.
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Now, this is pretty damn early in the timeline, so it's likely that the six sages seen in Twilight Princess + the Zelda of their original era are the very first of their profession in Hyrule, the original sages gathered specifically to seal away the Triforce when it was clearly too dangerous for it to remain out in the open, given the bloody conflicts that were sparked in pursuit of it. They would also be the constructors of the Temple of Light which would hold the Triforce. The original Rauru would have been one of these first sages, and they would much later construct the Temple of Time on the remains of the Sealed Temple of Skyward Sword as an additional measure after the events of the Interloper War spoken of in Twilight Princess.
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Additionally, I hypothesize that items like the Moon Pearl and Magic Mirror found in A Link to the Past are the creations of the original Sages, tools which they developed in their research about interacting with the Sacred Realm in order to successfully seal away the Triforce there. These tools allowed them to enter, safely traverse, and exit other dimensions/realms, as well as seal up entrances to those other dimensions/realms if they needed to. This is further supported by the existence of the Mirror of Twilight, which the Sages clearly know how to operate and likely created it in the first place.
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This all leads me to next ask, then, 'why do five new sages have to be awakened in Ocarina of Time?' My answer to that is that when Ganondorf got his hands on the Triforce of Power in that game, his minions entered the five temples of the game and, quite simply, destroyed them upon invading said temples. He did so to the two sages of the Master Sword in The Wind Waker, who also happened to need awakened replacements to restore the Master Sword, so I wouldn't put it past him. Not to mention what he did to one Sage during his botched execution in Twilight Princess. (Damn, the sages have it really rough in this series.) Thus Link needed to awaken the next generation of sages throughout Ocarina of Time.
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Also, it's worth observing that the role of sage doesn't necessarily always have to do with managing the Sacred Realm. There's the case of the sages being the shrine maidens watching over the seal of the Four Sword on Vaati in Four Swords Adventures akin to the same role of the Maidens in A Link to the Past. This shows that there are varied and flexible uses of the sage profession depending on the situation. It seemingly always comes down to petitioning the divines, preparing for the future, empowering and preserving sacred swords, sealing away evil that can't be destroyed, and maintaining safe boundaries between realms/dimensions.
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Oh, and apparently the old men who give you swords in the original Legend of Zelda, and the one who guards the Triforce of Courage in the final dungeon of The Adventure of Link count as sages too, according to Hyrule Encylopedia. I don't regard those books as strictly canon, but I can easily see this being the case. This means we can add the keeping of sacred objects and important weapons, as well as testing a next incarnation of the Hero, to the potential duties belonging to the sages of this era.
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One other thing to add, I find it interesting how A Link Between Worlds adds to the sage system in the lore, showing that the seventh Sage/Sage of Time doesn't necessarily HAVE to be Zelda, just that typically Zelda is the best fit for it. Also, it looks like the Chamber of Sages in the Temple of Light is capable of just...rebuilding and re-arranging itself as needed. I guess being a more metaphysical kind of structure enables easy alterations.
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Image Credit: All but one are from Nintendo's official artworks and in-game screenshots. The black and white Interloper illustration is from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess manga adaptation by Akira Himekawa, which by the way is excellent and you absolutely should read it.
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brendathedoodler · 2 years
Ooh I love this concept, can tell me I guess some differences between the journey you thought out so far?
Most of my focus so far has been on the differences in their previous adventures and how it might affect their interactions with each other, rather than any specific plot points on the journey itself. I do have some ideas, though!
First: the meeting. All the links are tossed through a portal all of a sudden and end up in an unfamiliar era with each other. Some handle it better than others.
Wind has seen enough portals in his life to know how this usually goes. Yup, another adventure. He’d been expecting it, since his last adventure had just ended.
Hyrule takes it very well too, especially once he sees Sky and Time. He recognizes them both from a few years prior. For him, anyway. The war across ages was almost 20 years ago for Time, and a mere 3 months for Sky. Poor Sky was just settling down from the war and was in the middle of a much needed nap when the portal yoinked him.
Twilight had a moment of panic when he couldn’t find Midna, but soon she’s back to resting in her spot on his shoulders and he can focus on the situation at hand.
Warriors is cautious and staying back, letting the other links interact with one another first before he joins. He’s used to danger, and doesn’t trust the others at first.
Wild panicked right away, since he couldn’t feel his loftwing anywhere. They’re soul bound, so he knows full well that his loftwing isn’t anywhere near them. His loftwing was his guide since the day he lost his memories, so having that comforting presence taken from him isn’t something he handles well.
The one who takes it the worst is Legend. His adventure took him through many different dimensions (all of which had been put in danger through Zant’s attempt to conquer the Twilight Realm), and his experience with portals is not good at all. He’s quick to lash out at the others, grief stricken and fearing that he’s lost everything all over again.
Beyond the first meeting, there are a few distinct plot points!
The first revolves around Wind. Being the youngest but having the most experience is a tricky thing. Wind is used to people underestimating him. It happens time and time again; every new adventure comes with a new set of people asking him if he’s too young for this. Having his fellow heroes go out of their way to protect him irks him when normally it doesn’t.
Another scene is meeting Marin. By the time this happens, they’ve passed through a few eras that the others recognize, and Legend has stopped showing so much animosity towards the others now that he knows he’ll be able to return home. Legend likes to be a bit mysterious, and hasn’t revealed much about his girlfriend, but he has dropped some hints about her. They arrive at Legend’s place, and he leaps into the pond next to his house. Before he can hit the water, a very large mermaid snatched him out of the air and drags him under (much to everyone’s alarm). He surfaces a moment later, telling them to stop gawking and put their stuff inside, he’ll join them in a minute. Legend doesn’t surface for another half hour, but when he does emerge from the pond, he introduces everyone to Marin! Immediately everyone is teasing him. He’s very easy to get a rise out of.
There’s plenty of other little scenes, but that’s all I have for now.
(Have a pic of Marin and Legend in his mermaid form, taking place sometime during his adventure)
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plagueybirb · 13 days
This weeks news, more of my little Sheikah Monk Kohga AU! We're talking about a couple other characters!
First off, Impa and Purah! They're still the same, except for one thing: Kohga basically raised them. He picked them up somewhere when they were really little, and basically just said "you're mine now" and brought them to Kakariko. They grow up, Impa becomes the Sheikah Chieftain, Purah goes into her science experiments still. There is exactly one difference to their appearance. The ends of their hair are stained black, as per a certain uniform regulations from when they were just little tiny gremlins attacking people's shins with sickles :)
They grew their hair out eventually, obviously. Impa cut hers off, but Purah kept the dyed black ends for certain reasons. So when Link meets Purah as her small child self, yeah, her hair is pretty much mostly dyed black because that's just how her hair was at that age.
Now, moving on. Sort of. ANYWAY.
Master Ordona has a second in command. Technically also a canon character to the series, but they just don't exist in the BOTW/TOTK era. But they're one of my favorites so I say they appear in the current era now. Taller than Link, but still easily the shortest person in the Yiga Clan by far. ((Assuming Link is 5'2"/footsoldiers are 5'9" or so/blademasters are around a solid 7 feet tall) yes I did math for those heights, Link was the measuring stick)
They're a very behind the scenes sort of fellow, and since I'm going with a more Twilight Princess inspiration for this AU, I'm gonna say this version of the character is much more in tune with the Twili side of things. Mainly that the sunlight sort of hurts them if they're not careful about sticking to the shade or other dark places or staying covered up. They're perfectly fine during sunrise or sunset though, so long as it's not too bright. It's just a sort of condition that pops up every couple of generations randomly (occasionally a parent and child can both have it at the same time, but its uncommon enough to be of note) but it comes with some nifty benefits. Ironically, to stun opponents, they throw down a little something that creates a giant flash of light and then just leaves.
Not important, but they're very much musically inclined. Like, scarily so. Borderline magically musically inclined. Perhaps it's a past life thing.
Why are they second in command? Because Master Ordona likes knowing things, and this guy just always seems to be lurking and listening just out of sight wherever they happen to be needed most.
Also mostly sentimental reasons. "Keep your friends close and your maybe/maybe not kid who's siblings got picked up/raised by the enemy closer" and all that. Who knows. All anyone knows is that the second in command is incredibly young to be in their position, but that apparently runs in the family.
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cafecourage · 8 months
Pinky Isn't Suffering
Chapter 6
Previous chapter - Next Chapter
Reminder these chapters happen between Enno cant get their crap together on @luimagines
                Finally, the group was blessed with a few days of peace after one fight after another. They were in Warrior’s Era and near the kingdom's capital. It still wasn’t enough to bring up the moral. Everyone was tired. Plan and simple.
Well... Some people seemed to be emotionally tired. Between the changes in realities, the story of the Fierce Deity, and for Twilight, finally realizing how he was acting towards Pinky while with Greyson, it was a lot for everyone involved. The two of them couldn’t really find time to sit down and talk. There was just never a time to get her alone.
He still felt the stinging sensation in his right forearm.
The mark…
There was no doubt in Twilight’s mind that he did the right thing, if only because he knows everyone is safe. He’d rather be the one marked than anyone else.
  Twilight’s mind wanders to the Skyloftian. Does he have a mark? Why did Enno ask about the voice? If Time heard the voice, wasn’t it a common thing then? Twilight should ask. He really should. But in side-eyeing the knight of Skyloft during these few days of chaos, he noticed Sky looked like he could go into hibernation.
Except he was sleeping this whole time. Ennohasn’t been sleeping at all either. He knows this for a fact. Despite Wind’s and Hyrule’s efforts during their cuddling sessions, they were always up, taking the night shifts letting everyone else sleep. Of course it didn’t take long for everyone else to figure that out. From what he saw, the Veteran had sat with them at the fire, the mask still at their side. 
Time was still suffering from the blow to the head. He had been getting better but there were days where the head pain got too much for him.
  Twilight hated this.
He hated that his family was so tired. In so much pain. And that there isn’t much for him to do to fix it.
  Twilight’s spiral was cut off by the Captain, who took charge in Time’s stead. “I think this actually might be closer to Castle Town I thought.” His eyes scanned the field they’ve been walking through.
“Good.” There was a checklist of who was hurt, what needed to be purchased, and how many rooms they may need. “Our main concern should be getting whoever is wounded to an inn or something. We are lucky Hyrule could heal anything major.”
“The Queen can help us there.” Warriors never really talked about his Era, other than that it had a pretty chaotic war. “Let’s just hope that there aren't any events.”
  “He means that the nobles would want an excuse to party.” Legend popped up on his other side.
“How’s everyone holding up, Vet?” Warriors asked, seemingly planning out their best strategy for any answer given.
  “We’re ok for now, but it’s your hyrule. So it’s your call what to do.”
That seemed to not be what Warriors wanted to hear. He sighed. “Ok.” He covered his face, rubbing his temples. “We’ll go to the castle. Just- expect the nobility to throw a ball as soon as we step foot in castle town. No one other than me I’d required to join.”
Legend scoffs. “While I would love to do that, I know from experience how nosy nobles can be. They won’t leave us alone if we didn’t go.”
Twilight didn’t know much about high society. His Zelda purposely left him out of a lot of the politics and appearances because of his background. The amount of balls, galas and masquerades he has been to can be counted on one hand.
Twi knew that he was there to support Warriors, but it ended up being the fact that more than half of the group was still healing or resting that made Twilight considerably anxious.
Why must nobles be so nosy and picky about who the Hero of Courage hangs around? They don’t have any say with what happens in this adventure despite what they think.
Yet here he was, making an attempt to touch shoulders and socialize. He is happy to have a break. Twilight wondered if he could just leave, thinking back to Zelda and her crash course on high class customs. Honestly the only reason he was still there was to see the darling girl he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about.
 And… and maybe a dance… or two…
“Who’s got you looking like a love struck puppy?” Enno joined him in the corner looking just as tired as he was with socialization.
 “Wouldn’t you know by this point?” Twilight had given up keeping this crush a secret at this point. It seems like the whole world knew about his crush even before he did. “There’s a lot about her that is making me go love sick.” 
“Go off, I guess,” Enno leaned next to him on the wall. “Please tell me all about it.”
“You're just using me to ignore your own relationship issues.” Twilight wasn’t about to be teased when someone was just as bad as he was. He figured he was better off pointing out what he sees. Enno just rolled their eyes and stuck out their tongue. Twilight ignored their childish behavior and looked back out to the crowd. 
“Where is the mask?” He whispered, crossing his arms. 
Enno paused, almost like their brain was trying to process the info. “It’s…safe. Why?”
“I don’t trust it.” It was as plain and simple as that and honestly- “Frankly, we should get rid of it.”
“It’s just a trapped God.” They yawned out. “He can’t be that powerful.”
“You never wore the mask.” He tsk’ed at the audacity. “He is a lot more powerful than you think. He knows about all of us.” 
Did Twilight have proof of that?
No, he didn’t. But that's besides the point. Twilight didn’t want Pinky anywhere near it.
Enno sighs. “You worry too much Twi.”
“Who else is going to worry if I don’t?” He shot back sarcastically.
“Cap was getting annoying ‘bout it.” They physically began to nod off.
“Hey.” Twilight gave them a small shake. “Don’t fall asleep on us.” 
Enno slapped his hand away but he didn’t stop holding them up. “You should take care of yourself.” 
“Don’t point a finger at a mirror now.” Enno focused their attention back in the crowd. “Instead, maybe you should play hero and save a princess or something.”
Twilight was confused at their words. Not understanding the reference, he looked out into the crowd.
And goddess above, his breath hitched at the sight.
There she stood, looking straight from one of the fairytale books he would read for the kids. Twilight's jaw goes slack and he didn’t realize he was staring until Pinky was right in front of him. He even didn’t register she was walking because the dress she was wearing made it seem like she glided across the ballroom. 
“You look…” His brain wasn’t working at this point. He tried to scramble to find the right words. “Wow…”
She blushed and bashfully began twirling a piece of her hair. “Thank you…”
A cough breaks the bubble as Enno starts to inch away. “I’m gonna dip.” 
Twilight was completely far gone. Enough so that he almost didn’t register Enno had spoken at all. “Don’t die.”
Pinky rolled her eyes but wasn't able to quip back. Twilight gently took her hand, bent down and kissed the top of it. “May I have this dance?”
“I…” She glanced down at her feet then to the dance floor, not knowing what to say. “I… don't know how.”
“Trust me.” Twilight gave her the softest smile. “I won't let you be embarrassed in front of everyone.”
That seemed to melt her as she finally relaxed and nodded. Twilight had a plot in his mind and slightly in his head. Slowly, he guided her away, away from prying eyes and listening ears.
Twilight felt lucky that the gardens were open. Through twists and turns, Twilight saw that when they got there that evening in the basking of the setting sun, there was a fountain in the middle, surrounded by bundles and bundles of rose bushes. Under the starry night, when he turned back to Pinky, the moon hit her in a way that made her look like she was glowing. For the second time that night, Twilight’s breath was stolen away. Twilight pulled her closer, placing one hand on the small of her back and the other taking her hand. The orchestra was far enough away that they could still hear it.
Twilight took the lead, letting the music guide him. The fountain’s water and muffled music were the only sounds that filled the area.
It was only the two of them that existed at that moment.
…The world.
…The adventure.
Nothing mattered at that moment.
“You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress.” Twilight slipped out a small growl. “Ravishing even.”
Red dusted her cheeks. “Well, aren't you just laying it on thick?” She lightly teased back.
It was his turn to turn red. “It’s the truth though. I’m just saying it how I see it.”
“Oh…” Pinky looked away shyly, before glancing up at Twilight again.She brushed off some of the dust on his shoulder. “You also clean up quite nicely. You're very handsome in that suit.”
“Warriors did it.” Twilight sighed, twirling her before bringing her back in.
“Well then… I’ll be sure to thank him later.” She was getting more confident with teasing him, but her face fell. “But… Twi?” Pinky looked down as if to find the right words. “Can I ask about what happened a few weeks ago?”
Twilight tilted his head as he pulled her into a slow spin. What exactly was a few…
“You mean with Greyson? Or the mask?”
“Both if I’m being honest.” Pinky’s blush only grew. “You called me your mate.”
Those few words made Twilight pause. It felt like ice water was dumped on him. “I- uh… Look, if your uncomfortable with that-“
“No!” Both of them were shocked at her outburst. “I mean… I don’t- I don’t mind…”
Hope quickly bubbled up and brought back warmth in him. He leaned in. “You don’t?”
She nodded and relief just flooded back into him. “Thank you” Twilight dragged Pinky into a hug. “I swear I’ll do things right.”
“You don’t need to do things right.” She whispers. “Just hold me.”
 Twilight could do that…
 He could do that with no problem.
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shade-pup-cub · 7 months
Febuwhump 2024, Day 9: Wind & Chain - Bees
Fandom: LOZ/Linked Universe
Summary: Determined to at least have a sip of alcohol after being told no, Wind sneaks a bottle of honey mead, not knowing that interior of the bottle was coated with raw honey. Wind knew he was allergic to bees, but not their honey... He should have listened.
CW: underaged drinking (a single glass), allergic reaction, closed airway
“Wind, put that down.” Time’s ‘Disapproving Dad’ voice was firm, face showing no give in what the youngest wanted to do.
Wind rolled his eyes dramatically. “Come on! It’s one swig!”
Grumbling, Wind sat the pint of ale that he had been eyeing all night. He sat down as if he was a sack of potatoes being dropped into the chair next to Legend. He crossed his arms over his chest, giving the best mean-mug pout he could give.
“Got caught?” Legend snickered.
“What do you think? I’m a pirate, we drink!”
Warriors leveled the kid with a look. “Does Tetra allow you to drink?” Wind lowered his head.
Twilight ruffled the sun bleached curls, asking, “Why do you wanna drink so bad anyway? There isn’t anything overly grand about it and getting drunk can get messy.”
The youngest looked around the room, everyone relaxed and laughing, enjoying the rare chance to do nothing. “I guess… I don’t know. I just want to, to say that I have. To be like you guys!”
Eight heads turned towards him.
“Like us?” Sky asked first. “You think all of us drink or have drank before?”
“Haven’t you?” Wind tilted his head curiously.
Sky softly smiled. “Skyloft has a strict tradition of the first time you drink any alcohol, it is on your wedding day. It is part of the ceremony. The groom holds the cup for the bride to drink from, then the bride holds it for the groom.” He looked a bit too dreamy while talking about it. He was probably imagining his and Sun’s wedding that was going to happen the next time they made it back to Skyloft.
“Drinking is a big thing in my era.” Wars leaned back some in his chair. “You drink when you eat, when you have friends or family over, during formal gatherings and galas. Gets rather bland after a while.”
Wild did his own head tilt, but it was very wolfie like. “I wonder if that’s how it was pre-Calamity. I had a memory of being at a royal event and trying not to laugh at the face Flora made when she would sip the wine.”
“Have you had any since you woke up?” Wind was now interested in the others' thoughts.
“Today was the first time.”
“Aaand?” Wind bounced slightly in his seat. Wild gave the most stoic face, shoving the drink in his hand into Twilight’s chest. That answer was clear.
Taking a large swig of the new pint, Twi gave the same gesture to Wild with his empty pint. “I was raised by Humans, not Hylians, so I have a higher drinking tolerance. Especially since our drinking age is sixteen. What about you, Old Man?”
“Never.” The uproar that followed his answer had Time laughing. “We don’t have true alcohol in my era, but I have been drunk on multiple occasions.”
Still laughing, Wind asks, “On what, then?”
“Cryptic bastard.” Legend mumbled. “Only the nobles can afford anything worth the damn. Besides, I’m not old enough. Unlike Twilight’s early start, our drinking age is twenty-one.”
“So Fable drinks?” Warriors smiled, knowing he was going to get under the Vet's skin. “I’m sure she’s fun to be around after a few drinks.”
“Warriors, stay clear of my sister.” Legend growled.
“Sister? Wait, Fable is your sister?!”
With the new information being loudly discussed, Four and Hyrule made their way to Wind’s side. Four nudged the younger’s arm. “Drinking won’t kill you unless you are being irresponsible with it.”
“That’s anything in life.” Hyrule added, still laughing at Wars and Legend. Both had landed on the ground in a friendly rough housing fight.
Well into the night, Wind couldn’t sleep. He was homesick and nothing he did was helping him to keep his eyes shut. The others were no help with hoe some of them snored so bad they could wake the dead. He counted Seagulls in his head, but that just made him miss home more. Giving up, he quietly grabbed an extra treat Wild left in the room. It was thick caramel covered apple slices with a drizzle of dark chocolate.
With a bit more of a full belly, Wind yawned, but his mouth was now lined with the thick caramel and it stuck to his teeth. Something to drink would do the trick!
Tip toeing back to his bag, he snagged his canteen. Only issue was that there was nothing inside. Sitting that back down he looked around. They hadn’t restocked on water, teas, milk or anything else that served as a hydrator. But they did have a few bottles of mead…
‘Just a sip to get my mouth cleared.’ He kept telling himself.
A bottle of Honey Mead and a small cup later, Wind darted to the bathroom that joined the two large rooms they had rented out for the night and locked the doors. Looking at the bottle, it had a big honey bee on it. He hated bees!
Biting his bottom lip, he uncorked the dark bottle, poured half a glass and smelt it. His nose wrinkled at it, but it still smelt sweet from the honey. He shrugged and had it down in one. It had a subtle burn, followed by the smooth sweet honey.
He should have read the back of the bottle. Yes, the initial drink was made with honey, burning away the properties that Wind was allergic to. On the back it said that extra honey was added after distilled.
The door knob from the opposite room jiggled. “One minute!” Wind loudly whispered.
He was about to be caught. He put the cork back in the bottle, rinsed the cup out and was about to rinse his mouth out when he felt it. It was getting harder to swallow, harder for air to be breathed. He looked into the mirror, seeing the signs of an allergic reaction: neck and face puffing, skin reddened and splotchy, hives forming on his cheeks. The panic set in quickly, knocking over the glass he drank out of and it shattered all across the floor.
“Wind, are you okay? What just broke?” It was Wild.
“W-Wi-” He couldn’t get the other’s name out. His eyes watered in fear as he reached the door, fumbling to unlock it. He swung it open and was met with a very worried Wild.
“Wind! Holy Hylia, what happened? Did you get stung by a bee?”
Wind wasn’t even going to ask how Wild knew of that allergy. He took Wild’s wrist and pulled him into the bathroom. He wheezed as he presented the bottle he had drank from.
“You drank this?” Wild spun the bottle around, looking for anything he needed to know. “Shit Wind! It has raw honey in it.”
‘Am I gonna die?!’ Wind asked in sign.
“Not on my watch. Sit down, I need my slate.” Wind was grateful for the urgency behind Wild’s movements and his stealth. Last thing Wind wanted was one clothes, Time specifically, to wake up and see what had happened.
Though it was only a few seconds, Wind could no longer get air in. When Wild arrived back at his side, he slipped off the seat of the toilet, crashing into Wild.
“Wind? Damn it!” A pink fairy was released from Wild’s slate and she fluttered above the two until she swirled between Wind’s face and chest. He took in small breaths, eyes still as wide as saucers looking up the other.
Wild pulled out a Hearty Potion as he situated Wind into a sitting position. “Drink.”
Wind shook his head no. ‘Not one of those. We haven’t restocked!’
Wild rolled his eyes, pulling out a Fairy Tonic instead. “Drink or I’m forcing it down your throat.”
Wind saw the fire in Wild’s eyes and didn't go against him. He took a few sips until his throat loosened enough that he could drink the whole thing. He gulped in air greedily, leaning heavier into Wild’s side.
“How did you know?” He softly asked.
“Know what?”
“That I am allergic to honey and to bees?”
“As the designated cook, I needed to know if I should avoid making certain things. Your Granny told me about your allergies and your dislike the first time I got to see your world.”
They sat there letting Wind gain his composure again before they needed to go back to bed. When that time came and the glass was cleaned up, Wind grabbed hold of Wild’s hand, silently asking to not be left alone. How could the Champ say no? He couldn’t. And if anyone asked about why Wild and Wind were sharing a bed, the answer was that Wild had a nightmare.
“Who drank some of my mead?!” Warriors asked as they packed up the rooms.
“No one drank your nasty bottle of honey mead.” Legend waved a dismissive hand.
“Vet, did you drink it?”
“I just said it was nasty and you think I did it?”
As the two bickered over who did or didn’t drink Warriors alcohol, Time stood next to Wind and asked in a softer tone, “Wind, did you have anything to do with this?”
Wind turned his eyes up towards the eldest all innocently, saying, “I’m allergic to honey.”
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They totally get off with the sneaking around, too. tim tells alex he'd love to keep this up, but only bc alex seemed to really enjoy himself and definitely not bc he's absolutely addicted to his cock at this point (nothing has been enough, he suddenly stops hooking up with random assholes bc none of them are good enough and he sends them off still needy and frustrated) and alex agrees bc he likes being able to finally break tim down and make him a mess
I say this idea gets 100 times better if tim and alex sneak off during filming and get caught fucking by brian and jay
real. so real. tim and alex still tsundereing at each other while theyre literally constantly sneaking away from work to fuck? so fucking real. constantly snipping at each other on set like everyone else cant see whats happening. 'calling for five' when they just got on set- like jay and brian won't notice. like they haven't seen alex taking tim aside night after night, the two of them arriving to rehearsal together, late, with flimsy excuses for why.
jay and brian cracking jokes every time the two of them are stuck alone on set abt what alex and tim must be up to that slowly turns into wondering and theorizing abt how hey, what if they are? they sure have been gone a while. wouldnt that be funny. it kinda works when you think about it, huh. h uh.
and theyre both Thinking About It (maybe sorta kinda talking abt it in a liiiittle too much detail to just be guys being dudes making jokes being bros and giving each other kinda sorta little bro handjobs and dudely manly kisses on the lips abt it) and then theyre on set and tims wearing what jay keeps calling his slut jeans and theyve been running the same goddamn scene for like an hour (six lines tim has six entire lines and hes said them more than brians gotten to open his mouth at all alex has to be banging him or doing weird psychosexual director shit with him this is like objectively silly) and jay sneaks out from behind the camera to whisper twenty bucks says alex tells us to take five in the next minute in brians ear and hes right.
and tim says hes going out for a cigarette all bitchy and huffy and alex snarks at him and stomps out the front door like it doesnt also lead outside and jays 👁👁 at brian w his big stupid eyes the entire time (not a subtle bone in that boys body bless his fucking heart) and he goes so we're gonna go after them right you wanna see if theyre actually doing it right . alex fucks guys in his car a lot cuz of the hatchback i bet theyre out there . like if theyre fucking . and brian caves "but only if we're not weird about it" just for them to stand there staring for a couple minutes too long and be obviously hard when brian (red, hands in his hoodie pocket so it hangs lower, averting his eyes) knocks on the window and coughs and goes uh, my neighbors are uh. home? and like up? and opening their bli- and they both scramble out and alex tries to ?? lecture them ?? like he has any right ?? (hes ?? hard ??? too ???? he blew off filming first ?????? is brian in the fucking twilight zone ????????) until somebody tim probably pipes up that maybe they do this conversation inside?
ends up being the right decision seeing as jay cant stop telling alex hes kind of hot and jay wasnt expecting him to top and does he still keep condoms in his car or was that like a slut era thing and he didnt know tim was his type man jays kinda jealous honestly are they like exclusive bc jay was totally thinking abt hitting th- alex shoves him against the wall when they get inside and asks if hes fucking kidding or what bc he doesnt have any right to be a shit abt this and jay just looks down at his dick and then back up like :3? and brian thinks ur cute together. just sayin lol. and alex short circuits when he puts all of that together at once
didnt mean for this to get like fic length whoops
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summertimemusician · 2 years
Thinking about The Original Attempted Calamity Hero and Ganondorf again and the implications of the Calamity even existing in the first place.
(Warning, this post has spoilers for basically all of the Zelda franchise and is pretty long, if there's a game or thing you did not read but would like to like the manga then please turn back, or stick around if you don't care lol)
I know there's a lot of theories about him floating around, that either he was half Gerudo, part of the Zonai tribe or at least half Zonai and Zonai raised or even Ganon himself because for some reason something might have happened to that era's Link, but that's a fairy better released at another day. But can y'all imagine being the guy back then? I don't think we discuss this enough to be honest.
So far, almost all of Ganon's incarnations have been at least somewhat mortal before BOTW, with the exception of obviously Demise who was a deity, and the whole thing with the Four Swords Adventures portion of the timeline that kind of itches at me that it has time travel involved though that's yet another fairy, but almost every single one of them started as a human even if they do get more and more animalistic over time. What with Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker's Ganondorf being by far the most human, but during the second part of Ocarina of Time and later on Twilight Princess they descend into Beast Form, which is a power boost yes but definitely a downgrade as it doesn't leave him as sane or cognitive, given that at the end of Twilight Princess Ganon returns to human form to fight Link rather than remain in that form. It's telling that he much prefers being human to being a feral boar.
Then we have OG Zelda's Ganon, the general downfall timeline Ganon that is, from A Link to The Past to Oracle of Seasons/Ages to A Link Between Worlds to the very first Legend of Zelda and Link's Adventure, it's clear that Ganon has fully descended into a feral state and that whatever bit of humanity there and cognition as a result was, he very rarely talks in LTTP, in a LBTW he's at his most coherent when Yuga fuses with him, by the OG Zelda he doesn't speak at all and twice in that time frame he had to be revived rather than come back on his own like his more human like iterations can if they wait and chill for a couple hundred years. He's basically no more than a feral animal, he isn't interested in ruling Hyrule, he's very darn interested in destroying the hero and making Hylia herself suffer and definitely doesn't care about burning Hyrule to the ground and killing anyone in his path if that does the trick, whatever sanity there was is too far gone.
Stick with me here, I'll get to the point.
It's an interesting descent and detail to pivot and follow after. It's obviously a result of Demise's corrupting divine fury and curse, you know what's technically a similar case? Zelda.
I think we can all agree that Zelda isn't Hylia, she's Hylia brought to earth or at the very least her vessel if we go by Breath of the Wild, because Zelda praying for herself wouldn't make any logical sense otherwise even if by order of her father, with no memories or rememberance of what she was, just that she is the holder of Hylia's divine power and her will and responsibility to protect the people and specially the Triforce/Light Force the Original Three left behind. No Cost Too Great you could say in the words of the Pale King from Hollow Knight, the only time she remembers in full is in Skyward Sword, it's confirmed that Zelda gets Hylia's knowledge and maybe even her memories after praying in the springs and it doesn't matter if she's just a vessel to her power or a reincarnation or if this is a Cú Chulainn situation where she is Hylia yet isn't (Schrodinger's Deity?), and her behavior shifts a bit then, not by much but it's definitely noticeable if you look at the text.
What if it's a similar case for Ganon? Zelda is what you get when you don't have the memories, when you take something barely comprehensible with a though process you can't even begin to understand with an intense capability for emotion that's practically suffocating and compress it into a mortal form to start again as a blank slate and it mostly remains that way. Ganon is what you get when the memories slowly seep back in as well as the intense, overwhelming, all consuming divine rage and fury and wish for vengeance seeps into a mortal vessel that very obviously can't fully hold it, couple that with Demise's curse and you have a cocktail for disaster, Ganon was doomed from the start just by being Demise's vessel, man never stood a chance. Though there's no way to say wether he fought against the influence or not, that's something we are unlikely to ever know since we only play and read from Link's and Zelda's perspective.
The Calamity and Malice is the result of when that divine fury breaks out, when there's a break in the already spilling over and cracked goblet. But it couldn't have broken on it's own you know? We see that cursed enemies were always a thing in Zelda games and as far back in the timeline as Skyward Sword it already existed, remember that corrupting and harmful 'water' at the Ancient Cistern's basement? The cursed enemies and dark crystals there? Possibly a leftover of Demise's power after the original break through the surface as seen in the First Hero's manga, a prototype of Malice, hence why Ghirahim was sniffing around there for a way to bring him back, it's the only other place in the franchise after BOTW we see a prominent number of cursed enemies, and the Malice is clearly a thing that can learn and evolve, it can possess enemies and technology, it can revive the dead and control it and possess people too and create beings from it (remember the Phantom Ganon in OOT and PH guys), but it's not a discernible pattern, we didn't know much about it at all until recently and that right there? Is some terrifying lovecraftian/ancient mythology thing.
Because we clearly see it puppeteering scattered pieces of Sheikah Tech in the form of the Blights, possessing the Divine Beasts and the Calamity Ganon form in BOTW, Tears of the Kingdom shows us how Ganondorf's corpse is still around and clearly was revived, like a lich being corrupted from it's own energy. It's not Ganondorf doing anything anymore, it's the curse, it's Demise's Will, and as his corpse has not fully perished yet it likely is but a puppet to it.
It was not a pattern anyone could have predicted much less the hero back then, would he and his Zelda have an inkling about the pattern of Ganondorf always reincarnating and maybe have tried to do something about it early? Absolutely, heck maybe Ganondorf was even sane enough to fight back and try to go off script. Would they have predicted that some kind of freaky kill switch would actívate to keep his reanimated corpse going only powered by the original curse Demise set up, which is basically fueled by pure divine will for vengeance on the one with the spirit of the hero who bested him not once but twice and the goddess that twarthed him at every turn from throwing that little green glad bastard at him with a sacred sword to seal him to basically sabotaging the Triforce so divine beings cannot use it and fury so strong it transcends time and space if we count games like Cadance of Hyrule and Hyrule Warriors (which we are doing here by the way) being a thing and presumably happening in different worlds? Absolutely not.
Honestly I see people compare BOTW and AOC Link to the guy back then and how they should have done better in game and that BOTW Link failed not living up to the standard he set up and how he stopped talking under the pressure and I'm just, y'all ever pause and think he wasn't anymore prepared than you people? Maybe I'm remembering it wrong due to sleep deprivation, I haven't slept well in months and woke up in a cold sweat at 3am to start writing this down but just- He didn't have Shrines to prepare him, he didn't have the Divine Beasts back then to weaken the Calamity before they were built by the Sheikah with presumably Zonai aid (and oh boy to I have thoughts and headcanons on that) and that would have taken time, it was basically just him, Zelda, the other races and Fi as the Master Sword (or heck even without her, we all know it always takes any Link time to get the Master Sword in the games, he likely didn't pull her out straight away like how presumably BOTW and AOC Link did) holding the fort against Malice enhanced monsters and likely revived undead because we know even while sane the previous Ganon's were definitely not above doing that.
So it was most likely a Phyrric Victory, the few times we hear about things that happened to previous heroes, is that we either don't know what happened to them at the end of the story (which is extremely concerning if you ask me because something should have been recorded right? They should have at least recorded how Zelda got her powers to give other Zelda's a better point of reference that just stay in a spring and pray to yourself apparently) Or that they just straight up died (The Hero's Shade being OOT Link, The First Hero being left behind rather than being able to ascend with the other humans to Skyloft, OG Zelda's previous Link most likely being killed in an attempt by Ganon's cult to revive him or to seal him away again), and we don't hear what happened to him or Zelda or the original Champions. History is written by the victors after all, Hylian history has a tendency of erasing details, take from that what you will.
TL;Dr My headcanon is that him and his Zelda were unwittingly cataclysms to the Calamity being unleashed in the first place, and that's why we don't hear much about what happened to them and, since 10000 years have passed there was likely a lot of time for erasure and cover up to happen by the crown. And that the man himself would be very proud of his descendants for being able to deal with at least part of the problem he unintentionally caused and surviving even with worse odds in spite of being better prepared unlike him who most likely died even if BOTW Link and AOC Link should get at least one sucker punch in if they're told that wasn't even the original goods they thought they dealt with as a treat if we go the LU route, in this essay I will-
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khaopybara · 6 months
hi!! what are your wishes for gmmtv part 2??? :)
hi anon! funny you ask this bc i started filling my bingo card as soon as i saw the news that part two will (possibly) happen two tuesdays from now. this got too long, so i put it under read more.
for starters, of course, firstkhaotung's new series. this is what i'm looking forward the most since they fooled us during part 1. i really need to see them getting on that stage to announce a series instead of school rangers. mafia or romcom or mafia romcom, i don't care. i know they can pull it off whatever they give them (though i hope they finally graduate, or at least don't make them high schoolers again. i'm sorry, i'm not on the the eclipse s2 bandwagon).
still in the fk area, i'm hoping they'll get solo acting projects, too. give them all the acting gigs. make first tay tawan's brother, let khaotung act with his beloved p'gun!
i'm hoping for more gls, foolishly. i saw on twitter, i think, that chaoplanoy (who wrote gap) rted the date that part 2 will happen soon and apparently gmm has the rights of one of her novels (us) since 2022? so maybe that's finally coming.
i really just wanna see more gmm girls getting the spotlight bc i don't think we appreciate them enough, but they are like good good! so fingers crossed that maybe, at least two more gls will come out this year (bc i'm gready).
also, i'm now a devote of the words of viewjune. their chemistry is amazing and their acting is also so good (i talked before about how view has blown me away with aylin), so genuinely, i hope we get another show with them as protagonists.
i really need force to portray a character like akk from enchante again, so maybe another forcebook romcom (i think they excel in that genre, it fits both force and book so well).
i'm hoping for another earthmix series, too, since mix is finishing school soon, but who knows really.
now, this isn't exactly a wish, but apparently mark finished filming the mock trailer of the series he's going to be the protagonist of, and many people think that's the beginning of the markohm era (?) so i hope that's true and he's not just teasing us. mark surprised me a lot in last twilight (the one person i didn't get angry at in that show), so i'll take everything they give us with him.
so long story short, anon (sorry about that), fk's series + solo acting projects for them both, more gls, forcebook romcom, more gls, viewjune mains in a series, more gls, earthmix, more gls.
thank you for asking, btw. it's the first time anyone has asked me anything of the sorts (you can see i got a little excited hence the length of this answer), so i was glad externalizing my wishes.
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