#like 2013 - 2016 tumblr
undersummerstars · 7 months
You know that feeling you get when you revisit a fandom you loved years ago and get that nostalgic feeling when you read old fics or look at old fanart and remember those golden times?
And then there's the feeling you get when you come across a fandom that you missed out on or never really knew about until now and you read those old fics imagining what the golden times must have been like...
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veniceebitch · 7 months
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changed lives.
happy iliwys day 🤍
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nero-neptune · 4 months
i'm sure challengers is a good movie and everything, but like. that's mike faist right there. musical theatre mike faist of broadway and off-broadway fame. i keep expecting to see a gif of the man doing a little spin, or doing a little song and dance. having seen no evidence that he does Any of those things in that movie is leaving me a little off-put lol. jump around, boy!
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ne0npanic · 2 months
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slogan shirts 🤙🏼
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allatariel · 1 year
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It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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modernvintage · 7 months
Walking back in to an old fandom that was a haunted house when you left (dead, empty, no life) to discover it covered in gray vinyl flooring and farmhouse decor … sure is a moment.
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sussicaia · 1 year
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wait omg they made tumblr university real
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kvtnisseverdeen · 1 year
(and explain why in the tags!!!)
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orcelito · 2 years
Ok me realizing I first joined tumblr early 2012 in vocaloid fandom
Speed running through homestuck for a year. Then getting into persona December 2013. Which would then proceed to take over my life for the next like 9 ish years
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aintmyjewelry · 2 years
reblogging daredevil content on tumblr like it’s 2015
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robinniko · 1 month
If you would like, feel free to put in the tags the specific year you joined!
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whatsuphoneybee · 2 years
Everybody talking about how Cecil is peak Sexy Tumblr Man bc he's Skinny White Guy in a Suit
But nobody talking about how Cecil was also the catalyst for anti-Skinny White Guy in a Suit!
By the time WTNV and Cecil rolled around in 2014 people were sick of skinny white guys in suits!!! They wanted something different! and it sparked a lot of talk around the default white depictions of characters who didn't have canon designs.
There's this image by zenamiarts that depicts a lot of the popular human Cecil designs that started popping up as a result. You started seeing Cecil with long braided hair!! Cecil with a walking stick and chronic pain! There was Cecil who was a just giant floating eyeball. Cecil who could change his entire appearance at a whim. A very popular ask blog where Cecil was a Silkie Chicken. (Newer more modern designs also showcase the eccentric fashion Cecil is now known to wear.)
i mean Fuck. Cecil Palmer was the first male character I saw drawn in a skirt!! he was the first character I saw drawn as gender nonconforming and he got treated and drawn like it was a normal thing and i will never forget that.
was it the perfect depiction of diversity? nah. & it sadly seems like a lot of the surviving artwork of Cecil from 2013-2016 is 'Skinny White Guy in a Suit'. (the 2018 tumblr exodus might have something to do with that :( )
But!!! Cecil really did open the door for future audio drama character designs. (looking at u mr. jonathan the magnus archives)
Cecil is mr tumblr sexyman and always will be thank u
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ipso-faculty · 3 months
I, an intersex autistic, want to complain about an autistic flag
This time I'm not complaining about using the white infinity symbol of the Métis. I wanna complain about this flag, made in 2021 by Autistic Empire:
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This one upsets me as an intersex person. I get that the designers wanted to make a flag that's different from the neurodiversity flag, and that gold is a common choice for autism (Au = Gold).
The problem it's an icon on a solid golden yellow background, and that is Intersex Flag Territory.
For my perisex readers, these are intersex flags. The one on the left was made in 2013 by Morgan Carpenter so you'll hear people refer to it as the Carpenter flag sometimes:
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A common technique in deriving flags for "intersex plus X" is to replace the purple ring with another icon in the same colour. Like these! (Note the intersex autism flag.)
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So using the flag logic I'm used to for intersex flags, a rainbow infinity on a solid gold background means.... neurodivergent intersex!
I've talked to a few other intersex people who had the same reaction. It's kind of upsetting - intersex is so frequently invisible and sidelined at the queer table. My *emotional* reaction to the Autistic Empire flag has been "really, we intersex people can't have one thing?". (This is an emotional response not necessarily a rational response.)
Also annoying me is how Autistic Empire presents their 2021 flag on their Autistic Pride Day page beside the history that Autistic Pride Day started in 2005, which apparently gives people the idea that the Autistic Empire flag was created in 2005.
Best I can tell, this was the 2005 flag that Aspies for Freedom created. I know it was a rainbow infinity on a white background but I'm not 100% this was their design. (If you know please let me know!)
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These oldest ND/autistic flags I can find with clear provenance are from 2013 and 2016:
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The Autistic Empire design was created in 2021 by taking a 2016 neurodiversity infinity symbol design and sticking it on the gold background.
The prospect of solid gold backgrounds taking off as an autistic flag theme is scary to me. I've seen how queer Métis now have to explain that the Métis queer pride flag is not an autistic flag.
In my eyes, it fits into the greater trend of autistic flags being insensitive of other minorities' flags (see: the Metis flag). I think we as a community need to do better about this.
My fellow autistics I beg of you when doing flag designs: - google image search - has your idea already been used? Search the keywords you want before making a mock up - also text search on google and tumblr: <keywords> and <flag> - consult recommendations on how make an infinity symbol that does not look Metis - Wikipedia's list of flags by colour combination - once you have a mockup, return to google image search and this time search using the mockup - if you get feedback that your flag design is too similar to another group's flag, use this feedback. The person who is giving you the feedback might be upset, and if so, try to look past their tone and work past any defensiveness you may feel Edit to add: I'm keeping a list of autistic & ND flags that don't use the Metis infinity nor use a solid gold background here. If you know of more please let me know! <3
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kjupchurch-xx · 13 days
12 Years In The Making - Tumblr Request
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"Love, remember, we're having dinner tonight, don't make plans." Hugh yelled from the bathroom as he was shaving his face. 
I smiled, "I know, babe. I haven't forgotten. I'll make sure I'm free and finished up with my interview before 7." I said as I re-checked my dress. 
Tonight, was Hugh and I's tenth wedding anniversary. Normally, we'd be on a trip like we did every year for our anniversary, but I had just celebrated the premiere of a movie I'd been filming for the last year, so that halted our anniversary vacation plans. Our kids were visiting with Hugh's mother, Grace while she was in town, so we had the house to ourselves for the night. Hugh's older kids, Oscar and Ava were going to be joining us for dinner tonight. 
In 2012, Hugh and I met whilst working on a movie set together and immediately began dating. I was 22 and he was going on 44 years old. He'd been divorced from his ex-wife for about 9 months at that time. His kids were around 7 and 12 at the time. We married in 2014 with a quiet beachfront ceremony in Australia, surrounded by our immediate families, his children and a few of our closest friends. Our ceremony was more intimate than anything, with Hugh tearing up seeing me accompanied down the beach by my father. 
In 2015, we found out we were expecting our first child, Hugh's first biological child. Our daughter was born in early 2016. Our second daughter was born in 2019, with our son being born in 2022, just two years ago. Our kids were now 8, 5 and 2. Despite being a huge blended family, he knows I would never be caught dead driving a mini van or a "mom car". While he drives the luxury SUVs, mom still drives the Audi RX8 and occasionally a Dodge Charger if I have the babies in the backseat. 
I was shaken from my thoughts by a kiss on the cheek, "You look beautiful, baby." He said softly in my ear as he smiled at me. 
I blushed, "Thank you. Where are we going tonight?" I asked, knowing he would never tell me, but always hopeful that he'd slip up one day and spoil a surprise. 
He smirked at me as he shook his head, "Now Darling, you know if I told you where we were going, it would spoil the surprise." 
I playfully rolled my eyes, "How am I supposed to know where to meet you after my interview if I don't know where you're taking me to dinner?" I asked, trying to catch him up once more. 
He chuckled as he pressed a kiss on the top of my head, "You're meeting me at the first place I took you when you moved to New York. That is the only hint I'm giving you." 
Stefanos. Stefanos was the first place Hugh took me for dinner once I'd officially moved in with him, in 2013. It was a beautiful, high-end Italian restaurant. He'd picked it because he knew Italian was my favorite type of cuisine. 
I smiled as I pulled him in for a kiss, "I've gotta go or else I'm gonna be late." I mumbled against his lips.
He smirked against my lips, mumbling back, "You can be fashionably late, love. I would love to ravage you right here." 
I giggled, "As much as I want to, and you know I have a hard time turning you down, I have to go... but, later tonight, I promise I'll make it up to you." I said seductively while slowly grazing my hand over the crotch of his pants. 
He laughed, almost shivering at my touch, "This is why we have three kids." He said nonchalantly. 
I laughed as I grabbed my keys to head towards the door of our home, "Alright, I'll see you at 7." I said, smiling as I walked out of the house. 
I quickly finished up my interview, noticing it was now 6:30, which meant I had to haul literal ass to Stefano's to get there by 7 to meet Hugh for our anniversary dinner. I grabbed my keys and wallet and began sprinting towards the elevator, then towards the parking garage where my car was parked. 
I managed to make it to Stefano's right at 6:59 on the dot to see Hugh standing outside of his SUV, looking at me. I quickly shut the engine off and jumped out, "I am so sorry I'm almost late. The interview finished at 6:30, traffic downtown was a nightmare." I said almost anxiety ridden from the traffic. 
He giggled, "It's okay, love... But I lied to you. We're not eating at Stefano's." He smirked, trying to keep a straight face. 
I looked at him almost wide eyed, "Why did you make me rush to Stefano's then?" I asked, getting a bit annoyed. 
Traffic and anxiety were not my friend, clearly. Luckily, my husband knew this and never took it personally. 
He chuckled at me as he walked up to me and kissed me, "Because you kept insisting that I tell you where I was taking you." He said cockily. 
I sighed, chuckling as I rolled my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck, "Okay, I learned my lesson. Now seriously, what are we doing?" 
He pulled away from me and walked towards his SUV, "Get in and I'll take you to the actual place we're going." 
I shrugged my shoulders, "Okay." I said as I grabbed my wallet out of my Audi, locking the car and getting into his SUV. 
Hugh drove for another 10 minutes, while his free hand interlocked its fingers with mine. The ride was filled with him happily singing along to songs on the radio. I noticed we were pulling up at an event venue and looked over at him. 
He knew I was going to, considering he was smiling at me as he parked the car. "What are we doing, Jackman?" I asked, almost suspiciously, raising one brow at him. 
He chuckled cheekily, "We're doing another press interview." He said casually. 
I squinted my eyes, "This is not a very good surprise." I said sarcastically. 
He rolled his eyes, shutting the car off and getting out, "Just come on." He said, mocking annoyance. 
I got out of the SUV as he came over and linked his arm with mine as we began walking towards the entrance of the venue. 
"Is this seriously a press interview?" I asked, noticing all of the cars in the parking lot. 
He nodded, "Okay, it's not a press interview. We're going to Ryan and Blake's wrap party, but I promise, I am taking you to dinner afterwards." He said as we continued walking. 
I sighed. It was our tenth wedding anniversary. As much as I loved and adored Ryan and Blake, I wanted to celebrate my anniversary. I didn't care to be celebrating everyone else tonight. This was out of the ordinary for Hugh, but with how busy he'd been with the press for Deadpool & Wolverine, I'm not too surprised our anniversary had slipped to the back burner. 
As we approached the entrance, his grip on my arm tightened as he pulled me closer, wrapping one arm around my waist. As we entered the venue, I immediately spotted Blake and Ryan, and a group of people I hadn't yet recognized or paid much attention to. There were pictures of Blake's new film, It Ends With Us plastered near the stage area. 
Blake and Ryan approached us, "About time you two made it. We were getting ready to post your numbers on a billboard." Ryan joked. 
Hugh and I laughed, "Thanks for coming, you too. I know it's your anniversary, you can blame him for the poor planning." Blake said sympathetically as she shot Ryan a glare. 
I smiled as I hugged her, "It's okay. Thank you for having us." I said, hiding my disappointment. 
"Mommy!" I heard yell as I felt two small arms wrap around my waist. 
I chuckled as I looked down to see our middle daughter hugging my waist, "Hey boo, where's grandma Grace?" I asked her as I rubbed her hair. 
She shrugged, "She's talking to uncle Shawn." Our daughter said as she pointed over to Shawn Levy, who was in fact chatting it up with my mother-in-law, as she held our two year old son on her hip. 
I giggled, as Hugh asked her, "What about daddy? You didn't miss me?" He playfully pouted. 
She giggled as she playfully shook her head no, still holding onto my waist. 
Our 5-year-old was a bit...scared of daddy after seeing him on the set for Deadpool and Wolverine. She truly believed daddy had claws that come out of his hands when he's upset, which has been hilarious and a bit aggravating convincing her that Daddy indeed does not have claws that come out of his knuckles. 
I stooped down to look at her, "You better give daddy a hug." I said playfully, trying to sound firm. 
She shook her head no, "Mommy, daddy has claws that come out of him hands." She said as matter of factly. 
Hugh tried hard to not show his laughter as he watched our interaction. 
I shrugged, "I know he does." I nodded, "If you don't hug him, I think they might come out. Quick, hurry!" I said dramatically to her, lightly pushing her towards Hugh. 
Ryan was having a hard time holding his laughter back as he watched me interact with my daughter, while Hugh shot me a glare, trying also to not laugh as our daughter nervously walked over and hugged her dad. 
Hugh shook his head at me as he picked her up, "Baby, daddy does not have claws. Your mommy just says that because she's got them and doesn't want you to know the truth." He said sarcastically as he stuck his tongue out at me. 
As we walked further into the venue, I began noticing the people in the crowd. I saw my family, Hugh's siblings, his mother of course, a bunch of our friends, my step children, etc. 
I looked towards Hugh, "Did you fly my family here for Ryan and Blake's wrap party?" I asked almost in disbelief. 
He smirked, "I flew your family here for your gift, baby." 
I looked at him, puzzled. "I'm so confused right now." 
He chuckled as he sat our daughter down, "I've got to go give a speech for Blake. I'll be back." He said quickly as he walked over towards the stage, grabbing a microphone, tapping it to make sure it's on.
Our daughter ran to play with the other kids as my family approached me, showering me in hugs. My family did not live in New York, they lived further down south. Hugh always made sure to fly them up for any special occasion. He knew it meant the world to me whenever he'd include them in anything we did. 
Hugh began speaking into the microphone, "Hello everyone. " He said with a smile, "Tonight, we're here to celebrate the premiere of Blake's new film." He continued as he smiled towards Blake and Ryan. "I just want to say, I appreciate each and every one of you for coming tonight. Planning this event has been stressful because I did not want to risk my wife finding out." He smirked towards me, laughing nervously. 
I looked up at him, shooting him a glare. So he couldn't plan something for our anniversary, but he could take the time to plan something for our friend's movie release. I noticed Ryan and Blake looking over at me, snickering. Hugh noticed my glare as he continued giggling nervously. 
"My wife thinks she's here to celebrate Blake's movie." He said as he smiled cheekily at me, "But actually baby, we're here to celebrate our anniversary." He said sweetly as my glare faded into an over-emotional expression. "Ten years ago, I married this beautiful, sexy, gorgeous woman. I met her twelve years ago to this very day, and I fell madly in love with her." He paused as I began to tear up. Our oldest daughter, who was 8 walked over and held my hand. 
I shook my head in disbelief that I'd actually thought he'd forgotten to plan something special. "Baby, this party is for you. You are an incredible mother to our children. You are an incredible wife. I am so blessed to be married to you and to share this life with you, even if you are difficult to deal with sometimes." He joked, causing me to chuckle while everyone began laughing. 
He smiled at me, "Come here, baby." He said as he motioned his hand for me to come up on the stage. 
I blushed shyly as I walked up towards the stage, taking his hand. "I love you. Happy 10 years, baby." he said sweetly as he pulled me into his arms, smiling at me. 
I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you too. Happy 10 years...and to many, many more..." I said as I pulled him in for a kiss.
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curiositypolling · 6 months
no, I don't know what happened in 2020 either
(I also don't remember half of these despite being here since 2013 ngl)
pls reblog for sample size etc
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