#like ‘nobody owes anyone anything’ but like why do u only do things if u think ur obligated to cause u owe it to them just be a decent pers
farmlesbians · 6 months
ghosting someone after a date is something like wildly unfathomable to me which is why i’m still kinda like…. ouchie ow owie over it a couple months later like what do u MEAN??? how can u do that to someone so casually idk maybe i’m too sensitive but how can u treat people u have met so disposably (not a word)
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thecoolerliauditore · 11 months
HEY ANON! Idk what it is but im feeling super duper extra forgiving and kind today so I've decided to actually type up a response to that ask but im answering it like this cus i don't wanna subject my followers to having to scroll thru what u wrote 👍
stuff below the cut (heed the warnings in the tags)
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this is the context, for those curious
FIRST OFF this is so so so SO not okay to send to anyone but ESPECIALLY not a stranger on the internet. Anon you are so lucky I am as comfortable as I am reading and talking about depression/suicide and (I hope) you didn't send this to someone who it could potentially trigger and that I am as normal as I am and not someone who would respond to this callously.
This is such a jump from "i don't draw good", nobody on this website is your therapist or your parent and nobody owes you the time of day to hear you vent. You really don't deserve a response at all but I am doing this because 1. I am nice and very very bored and 2. I believe I used to kind of be like you so I'm somewhat sympathetic.
That being said re: the 'draw more' comic
Anon not everything is about you or directly addressed to you. The message of that comic isn't to just draw more (if anything, mindlessly grinding art isn't the most productive studying you can do once you reach a certain skill level imo), it's to illustrate your mindset and why it's flawed.
The artist in that comic is frustrated with their own progress and skill only because they cannot see the 100x amount of work their more experienced counterpart put in. That doesn't mean their own effort doesn't matter, it just means they have no sense of scale and don't understand why, when they've done so much, they aren't as skilled as those around them.
It's this mindset that inevitably leads to the assumption that other people are just born more talented or didn't have to work as hard for their skills when they certainly did (this might not have been what you intended to say but using words like "life is unfair" paints a very specific impression). Which is. Frustrating, you could imagine, for those of us who have pushed through that period of growth only to be met with "oh woe is me, not blessed by the art muse like your holiness".
I put that there because your message reminded me of it. The last thing it's meant to be is a direct message towards You to Draw More.
re: learning art
My guy nobody is happy with their art straight away. I wasn't happy with my art for like. 6 years.
Learning art is as much of a mental battle as it is a physical one. The improvement over time chart is something I've tried to keep in mind for years when it comes to those "dip" periods in which it suddenly feels like you suck.
I've seen quite a few people touch on it in recent years but the first time I saw it was in this Sycra video.
Just like a bad mental health day due to seasonal depression I found it much easier to bear once I could sense a 'dip' period incoming and braced myself for it. I even.. kind of learned to enjoy it and accept it as part of my growth process because it was a sign I was going to improve enormously in the coming month or so. but that might just be me lol.
Eitherway, hope this helps 👍speaking of that though
re: depression/suicide/mental health
Let's be honest with ourselves here there is something much deeper going on with you in your life if Drawing Pictures gets you feeling suicidal.
Art isn't this all or nothing thing, you're allowed to take breaks for years and then come back fresh, you're allowed to start drawing at age 98. There's no expiry date on it. It's not professional gymnastics.
What I'm trying to illustrate here is that art is clearly a symptom of a bigger problem in your life that has you taking this attitude with yourself and the way you talk is doing anything but helping your case. You know what's especially unhelpful tho is venting to faceless block man artists on tumblr about this who don't know your personal circumstances or like.. who you are at all. seriously.
This is a problem you're going to have to fix yourself. "seek therapy" is the stock standard answer that we would all love to accept but that isn't realistic for alot of obvious reasons. I can't say what would work for you but personally I'd advise looking to online free mental health resources (forums like reddit are a last resort but if you can find the right space for that then what works works).
If you want an artsy spin on it I'd recommend literally any number of artists' youtube videos on their artistic journeys and their own struggles with impostor syndrome, insecurities, depression, etc. Off the top of my head I recall Jazza has made a few over the years and i adore these marco bucci videos in particular.
The bottom line is that you're going to have to help yourself, Anon. You can't expect others to make themselves smaller to make you more comfortable, you have to create that space for yourself.
We can all uplift each other but no one's going to respond kindly if you come out of the gate downplaying everyone else's efforts.
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laviesepoursuit · 8 months
when you realize clichés are just hard hitting truths
i have always stayed close to my journals. i have always loved to chronicle and i have always been a nostalgic person. the (3?) years since my last post have significantly changed me and marked me. it's so interesting how i never prided myself on being a writer; i prided myself on being introspective and reflective. but today, i really appreciate how well i was able to capture who i was back then, the way i expressed myself in those posts. it was like jumping in a time machine and landing in the mind of my younger self. i only wish i had chronicled more.
i've become a fan of lists as of late. here is a summary of my last few years:
started therapy - one of the best decisions of my life
lived the hardest week of my life and said goodbye to the most important person in my life
fell in love with who i thought was the love of my life (again haha)
bared all and faced rejection of the deepest, most intimate kind (the most painful yet in my life)
embarked on the hardest solo trip of my life (despite it being the easiest country to navigate thus far - solely due to my poorly state of mind at the time)
been the kindest to and proudest of myself that i've ever been in my life
if there are any takeaways here, it's that i've lived a lot of personal "superlatives" in the last few years. overall, i'm proud of the way that i push myself to experience the things that scare me. i'm proud of what i do in spite of fear, because i definitely have a lot of fear in me. i'm proud of how much i love and care about people, even if it hurts me. i'm proud of how i try to lead with kindness and empathy. i'm proud of how deeply i feel, and i love how i have been able to bottle these sentiments into photos, blogs and journal entries.
life has knocked me on my ass more times than i'd like to admit, even in the time since the inception of my tumblr. i've done a lot of work on myself to make sure i get back up each time, and to make it easier to do so. over the years, i've learned that these damn clichés hold so much truth and i need to stop thinking they're cheesy or insubstantial. so, here are some heavy hitting clichés that have profoundly resonated with me/changed how i think:
you don't owe anyone anything, even if they feel entitled to it
nobody owes you anything, you are not entitled to anything; you are responsible for your own happiness and emotions
no one can make you feel inferior without your consent (thank u, Eleanor Roosevelt)
you can't pour from an empty cup
what you dislike in others is what you dislike in yourself
boundaries, boundaries, boundaries
life is short, live it to the fullest
i could write a whole dissertation on the meaning behind each of these clichés, and maybe it would serve me to actually do so one day. in the meantime, i'll leave them here as a reminder to myself, for whenever i forget my own agency and feel a little helpless. we are only here for a finite number of years, so why not collect as many experiences as possible? feel as many emotions as possible? expose ourselves to as many literal and metaphorical colours as possible? c'est sûr que la vie se poursuit - ça veut dire qu’elle s’arrête pas. donc, il faut en profiter le plus possible.
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nini-and-her-heart · 11 months
d, you've been my friend for years. you knew about my past when u met me. this is why this hurts more than it should. because i trusted that you'd be better, smarter, and kinder than them. but now i am heavily debating if that is true. u knew of my past about being used, discarded, and replaced as if i am nothing. and yet, you did the exact same thing. the d that i knew would be the first one to tell me how much of a jerk the other guy was. and now, in this case, u are that 'other guy'. u got what u wanted from me and then u dipped the moment someone better came along. i know better than anyone how the world is inherently unfair. but i still can't stop beating myself up about it. bc how is that fair, d? how is it fair that i couldn't move on from what i've had w u but u are ready to move on to someone new it's because everything was one-sided, wasn't it? u didn't feel for me the way that i felt for u. and knowing u, you would be too prideful to admit that u messed up. bc u are obsessed ab being the good guy that u actually forget how to be a good guy. answer me this: u decided to go out w someone new to put a hard stop on whatever the 'thing' we had because u cannot control your urges around me thus u can't be a normal friend to me. but like, why can't u just control your urges AND also not insult and hurt me by dating someone new when u know i am still not over u? so it's either
a) u are using this new girl as a rebound or b) u never felt the same way as i did and u only pretended u did so that u could get sexual stuff w me either way, both are messed up but u wouldn't admit to that bc that would make u a 'bad guy' and u know what the crazy thing is? i would've forgiven u no matter what because i would put our friendship above everything BUT ONLY IF u at least have the decency to give me the truth! i cannot move on because i feel like i don't deserve the truth! u know how much it means to be to be told the truth no matter how painful it is because that is better than being lied to. sure, u might think that u were honest w me by admitting that u are going out w someone but that is not the entire truth. i needed the ENTIRE TRUTH. i need to hear it from u so that for once, i have liked someone who doesn't lie to me. i thought u were better, d. the d that i knew from 2016-2022 would be calling out the d that i talked to awhile ago. but u couldn't do it. bc u know that would be admitting that u really never felt the same way for me. and that makes me feel like crap. that makes me feel even more unloveable and easily replaceable. i already felt that about me based on everyone's behavior towards me. i didn't need u to add on it further. ... and now what? i cannot be your friend like this because it hurts. but i also cannot lose u. i can't take another loss this year. i have lost so much already. do u remember that period where we removed each other on every platform and we weren't speaking? i don't want to have to go through that again. you mean so much to me even w/o the romance and the intimacy. but i feel like i am left w no choice bc everything that reminds me of u hurts like a motherf*cker. i keep getting images of u w her and it makes me sick to the stomach. i wanna cry. i wanna throw up. i couldn't eat, sleep, or even function. i don't wanna leave my bed bc being covered in a blanket is the safest place i feel like i have. everything around me feels like it can hurt me because it feels like u cut me open. AND IT HURTS THAT IT FEELS LIKE U DON'T CARE. bc u can go around and be normal while this is happening to me. again, the world is unfair and nobody and nothing owes me shit. but come on. do i not mean anything to u? if not as a potential lover, maybe even just as a friend? as someone who's been w u for many years? someone who listened to u vent ab your family, friends, work, and other things? do i not deserve time to grieve for u before u hit me in the face w the reality that our lives are just completely different? i need answers but i feel like i'm just in denial bc i already know the answer i just refuse to believe it bc i want u to say it to me yourself. i deserve that. i hate the fact that the only person that can help me and comfort me rn is the same person who inflicted this pain to me. oh, and that's another thing! the last time we talked prior to today, u were giving me comforting words like, "u are a strong girl, u got this!" as if u didn't put me in this place to begin with! what the heck was that about? i don't know what i'm supposed to do. i haven't stopped crying for days now. i should be better at this but why does it feel this specific one is something that would wound me forever? i need YOU. i need you as my friend. i have other stuff i'm dealing w on top of our problem but i can't come to u about it because it hurts. i want what's best for u and what would make u happy. i want u to get everything you've ever dreamed of. as your friend. .. but i'm sorry if i cannot help but feel bitter about it. u made me feel like liking u was one of the best choices i've ever done when it comes to picking guys. but why does it feel like i still made the same old mistake no matter how much thinking and work i've done about this? why?
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strawberrybabydog · 3 years
idk i think it matters when people say they choose their kintypes because thats frankly just, not what being otherkin is and its a different thing entirely. the watering down of terminology is a big issue in the community and its KFFs who have made the community so hostile in the first place
just wait until u find out about otherlink or copinglinks turned kintypes LOL
it rly doesnt matter. theyre still alterhuman and they dont owe u an explanation for the cause of their identity. im not even talking about KFFs here either. maybe its not what Otherkin is but there's other brands of alterhumanity it could be. ppl with chosen alterhuman identities rly don't hurt the alterhuman community at all simply by existing. i guess yall forget that my own dogness started as a copinglink/hobby thing. i'm really not interested in getting into a watered down "dysphoria VS no dysphoria/transmed VS tucute" debate because i really don't care that much about how other people identify themselves. they owe me nothing and their identities are none of my business.
kffs also dont rly have anything 2 do with this so idk why u brought that up but cuz that post (which btw i am not even OP of lol) is only talking about Otherkin. kffs do not choose their kintypes they just have comfort characters, roleplay, or faceclaim typically. but ngl im really tired of that topic. new info in it is never brought up and nobody can figure out a solution. talking shit is fun and all but it's really repetitive, and its seemingly the ONLY topic that Otherkin want to talk about anymore when they talk abt community issues. i get that we're all mad and we all want to air our grievances but if u want to actually be constructive about alterhuman issues, being mad at people who can't hear us and definitely do not care about us is not the route u should be taking. and if u dont want to be constructive i just dont know what to tell u other than that it's not super nice to be venting in people's inboxes without prior asking if that's fine
if u want to talk about a topic that actually matters and we can actually change, a lot of alterhumans are really scared of joining the alterhuman community (joining discords, forums, creating a tumblr, etc) because of the amount of aggression shown by many members towards people who fuck like 1 minor thing up, or how everyone is constantly on the edge of their seat ready to argue with ANYONE and like nobody is chill. or they want to express their alterhumanity in an alternative way & they dont want to be torn to shreds for that, have their identity picked apart by strangers only to be told that their identity isnt ""valid"" enough. the intergenerational trauma of the grilling days is real whether we pretend it's there or not, and it's still hurting people.
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gingerthesimp · 4 years
Heartless monster
Nate Jacobs x Reader
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Warnings: kinda toxic relationship, slight cursing, mention of rape, drug use, violence and some smut at the end
Summary: Nate and y/n have been dating for a few months. She´s the complete opposite of every other girl her boyfriend has dated before. And when she wants to make it public he doesn’t approve, so she decides to make him jealous. Seems like her plan worked...  
Nate <3: im a mckays right now. i will pick u up a bit later.
“Fucking idiot!”, I muttered under my breath after taking a hit from my mango flavored puff bar. A million thoughts coursed through my head, “Is he really at McKay’s? What does later mean? IS HE TALKING TO OTHER GIRLS?” This is the real me. Insecure, nervous and possessive. I’m not the cocky bitch everyone sees in me.
 I tried to call Nate a few times but of course he had other things to do. After lying on my bed and waiting for him to call for another 20 minutes I decided to get up and go to Fez’ shop since he is one of my best friends. I was sure at least he would be happy to see me. 
 “Mom? I’m meeting a friend of mine. See you later.”, I shouted after putting on my shoes. My mother was currently in a little midlife crisis and didn’t want to communicate with anyone and I respect that. 
 The walk to Fezco’s shop didn’t take long and I honestly really enjoy walking in the dark, even if I was risking getting raped or even worse. 
 “y/n! What are you doing here?”, Fez exclaimed after I opened the door to the little gas station and before coming up to hug me. “Oh you know Fezzie, I was bored again.”
 Fezzie. He absolutely despises that name but still lets me call him like that. 
”Well, feel free to stay here if you want then.“, he invited me. We then shared a little blunt and talked about random shit like always. After what seemed like an hour or so we saw a white truck pulling up in the driveway.
 “Wait....that’s Nate‘s car!“, I remembered. He picks me up sometimes with it so of course I would remember. But I didn’t say anything.
Instead one of the maybe dumbest but also greatest ideas came into my mind. I started kissing Fez on the neck. "Please, just make out with me. I know it`s weird but I need your help right now.“, I pleaded. The ginger haired boy looked like he wanted to say something but then decided to just play along. Fezco put his arms around my waist and started shoving his tongue inside my mouth. 
Suddenly I heard the door open. “Y/N WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!” , Nate Jacobs shouted while looking likes he’s about to explode. His jaw clenched and his fists balled. Me and Fezco stopped kissing and I turned to Nate, smiling innocently, “Why are you so furious? It’s not like I have a boyfriend or anything, right?” “Oh y/n, you are going to regret this very soon!”, he stated angry. And now Fez decided to speak up, “Calm down man, it’s not like she owes you anything.” “Don’t tell me what to do! Nobody asked for your opinion anyways.”, Nate exclaimed before punching my friend right in the face.
 I decided to step in before it could get worse, “NATE STOP! IT WAS MY FAULT! HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING!” Nate chuckled a bit before answering: “Well sweetheart, looks like you should`ve thought about that before practically fucking him in front of me.” Now I got really mad. FUCK HIM? We weren`t even close to doing that. Just as he wanted to hit Fezco another time I grabbed his arm. “Please stop hurting him. Do it for me, if you really love me.” Seems like my words made him realize he’s doing a mistake so he left Fez alone. Instead Nate grabbed my wrist harshly and I could only shout a quick, “I’m so sorry, I will explain later” to Fezco before getting dragged out of the shop.
 “Why did you make such a scene?”, I asked irritated. Nate just huffed clearly annoyed and didn’t speak to me until we reached his truck. “Get in.“, he ordered while opening the door for me.
 After a while he finally spoke up, “Why?“. “I don’t want to hide anymore, Nate. Why can’t you just tell the truth? Tell everyone that we´re in love?” I asked on the verge of tears and looking at my boyfriend for the first time today. “I do love you, y/n. I really love you. But I just can`t. We’re very different, you’re not like the other girls I’ve dated before.” “You can`t? Or are you just a fucking pussy? Scared of what daddy´s gonna think of you when it turns out you´re dating an outcast? Fuck you, Nate. I don`t need you anymore. You´re a stupid little spoiled boy who knows nothing about life.”, I screamed and when I tried to slap him he pinned my arms above my head with one hand and started choking me with his other one. “If I was you I would be careful with my words. I invented you. Nobody knew your name before me, so don´t be a ungrateful whore.”, my boyfriend whispered in my ear and just as I couldn´t breathe anymore he pulled his hands away.
 I pushed the passenger door open and exited the vehicle. “You´re a heartless monster, Jacobs!”, I cried with tears streaming down my face.
Then I ran home. 
-time skip 30 minutes-
I was scrolling through Twitter when I suddenly got a facetime call from Kat. I´m pretty close with her but she doesn´t know I´m dating Nate. 
When I accepted it I saw that she was filming my boyfriend, they were at McKay´s party and he was standing in the middle of the livingroom, talking about me. “I wanted to tell you all that me and y/n are dating.”, he shouted and clearly everyone in the room was as shocked as me when I heard what he said. “And we´re truly in love. y/n is an amazing girl and none of us actually deserve her. So if you can´t accept the fact that we are happy together you better shut up!, and with that Nate exited the room. 
Kat flipped the camera and looked more then surprised, “What the actual frick y/n? When did you plan on telling me that?”
I explained everything to her as fast as I could and then got up and ran to McKay´s house.
I felt the need to apologize to Nate for everything I did tonight. I was a real cunt.
-time skip 3 minutes-
When I got there I just saw him getting into his truck, “Nate wait!” He turned around and looked at me surprised, but I could see the little smirk that formed in the corner of his mouth. 
When I got to him I kissed my lover hard on the lips and he kissed me back. It was a long, passionate kiss. “I´ve been waiting to do that the whole day.”, he admitted and we got in his car. 
On the way to my house Nate put his hand on my thigh as always. But suddenly I felt it moving closer and closer to my clothed core and a moan escaped my lips. “You like that?”, he asked, giving me a playful wink. I could only nod when he put his large hand under my miniskirt and pulled down my red lace panties. 
When he stuck one of his calloused fingers in my tight hole and started rubbing my clit with the other ones I reached for Nate´s soft brown hair and gripped it as hard as I could. He quickly parked on the nearest free space and let`s just say it was a very long night.
omg guys! that`s the first fanfic i`ve ever written. i know it´s not the best but i still hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! anyways, feel free to send me requests on what i should write next. :)
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uwuyangin · 4 years
a promise well broken (minho x reader)
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✩ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: if anyone was certain of one thing, it would be the fact that both you and minho were a two in one deal. never would somebody see one and not the other. since the beginning of your friendship, you promised each other that no matter what, you would never lie. pinky promises were forever right? that is until you meet hana, the one person that had the potential to tear you and minho apart.
✩ 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫 + 𝐚/𝐧: this is a request! bff to lovers! plot ahead. cussing as well so be warned. song rec: i hate u, i love u by olivia o’brien & gnash. thank you for requesting this, lovely! 
the autumn of twenty-eighteen was the worst year of your life.
why? because that was the start of your first year being a freshman in college. nobody had warned you about the university life, and it always looked so easy. then came week two where you learned the hard way that the readings actually were important. or that you should never leave your laundry in the laundromat without supervision. again, these were things you had to learn as an adult and it sucked.
but, you’ll never forget the day you met him; lee minho. 
you had accidentally spilled coffee all over his white shirt in that over-crowded starbucks down the street from your apartment. he had joked you owe him a new shirt, however he then laughed at his silly remark. hearing that laugh made your heart melt in a way you couldn’t describe. nonetheless, you offered to buy him his drink of choice, to which he denied. instead, he asked for your time and the rest was history.
you two were inseparable ever since. even when you needed to study, minho would drop by and annoy the hell out of you. it had become such a routine that you would be surprised if he didn’t accompany you to anything. in a way, you were dependent on him as he was to you. some would say this was unhealthy, but you admitted to yourself a long time ago that a life without lee minho was not a life wanted. 
however, because life was never perfect, you couldn’t expect your relationship with him to be. because you were utterly in love with someone you never thought you could have. so much so that your heart swelled at just the idea of him and that damn smile. his tsundere personality attracted you the most because that only made the intimate moments more meaningful. like when he would hold your hand in public if you were anxious, or the way he complimented your work ethic. those small, simple gestures filled your stomach with butterflies. as much as you loved him showing you affection, it also broke your heart because it always stirred up false hope. and nothing hurt more than that. 
you wished you could confront him on this. you hated hiding anything from minho. it was your number one rule between each other; no secrets, no lies. he always had a deep-rooted insecurity of being lied to, and you promised him that you would never do that no matter what. you’ll never forget the way he looked at you then; full of trust and happiness. each night when you lay awake in your bed, your chest clenches at the thought of telling him you’ve been surpressing these feelings. would he rejoice or be disappointed? it was a risk that you weren’t willing to take.
that promise meant everything to you. apparently minho thought otherwise.
it had been exactly one month since you met park hana. minho introduced the two of you after walking out of his calculus class. he had made a new friend, which didn’t surprise you because who wouldn’t want to be friends with him? however, at the sight of her, your stomach dropped. she had locks of honey brown, obviously artificial but beautiful nonetheless. her eyes always shone with a light you never thought you’d see. she was outgoing, intelligent, and funny. god, she was so funny that she made minho roll over in laughter at a study session that was supposed to be explicitly between you and him. you envied her. you wanted to love yourself the way she did, but everytime you looked in the mirror, you would only see flaws. what would minho see in you that he wouldn’t see in her? 
you tried to be her friend, you really did. on multiple occasions, you invited hana to coffee or to the movies, and she always declined. if you brought it up to minho, he would only shrug it off that it wasn’t serious. this didn’t cease your uneasiness towards her, though. it could just be your jealousy speaking but you knew yourself better than that. 
you were going to try again, though. if she meant something to minho, then she meant something to you as well. 
you lay on your bed with a small smile, scrolling through your phone to find minho’s number. a simple face time would be fun as you didn’t feel like texting. you also really wanted to see his face. after finding his number, you tapped on it and felt excitement rising in your system. it was only a video call but this is what minho did to you. as the phone rang, you were met with disappointment as you noticed that he wasn’t going to pick up. that wasn’t like him as he typically picked up within the first three rings. 
“what the heck? ugh,” you grunted to yourself, heading over to text message. 
you were tempted to text him alone about your idea of hanging out, but you knew that if you were going to make an effort for hana, you would need to text the group chat. you began to text out your plans, sending it with a large grin. 
you: heyyyyyyyyy bishes! i’m thinking of heading to the mall later today, and i’d love to hang with y’all. what do you say?? maybe we can get dinner as well. i finally don’t have homework lmaoo 
soongiedoongiedori: aw can’t today :( hanging out with sungie
hana: same, i’m busy! maybe next week? 
you: ok :’) </3
releasing a sigh, you felt your excitement deterioriate. you weren’t expecting them to turn you down so quickly, especially minho. you knew it was wrong to be upset at them for being busy but you couldn’t help how you were feeling. hana did suggest next week . . . that would have to do for now. 
as you sighed once again, you heard your door swinging open. you snapped your head up, hoping it was minho pranking you, but you were only met with your roommate, yeri. 
“whoa, calm down. i’m not gonna kill you,” she joked. “i was just checking to see if you’ve eaten today and if i should buy takeout.” 
groaning, you shook her head and hung an arm over your head. this made it clear to yeri that you were upset, making her concerned. you two were close since the beginning of the school year. normally you were a cheerful person. if you were acting like this, then something was definitely up. 
“what’s wrong?” she asked, sitting beside you on your bed. 
you peeked out from behind your arm only to drop it and sigh for the third time. that’s all you could really do at this point. 
“well, it’s going to sound dumb-”
“no it’s not. stop doubting yourself, now tell me what’s up.” yeri interrupted.
you rolled your eyes but smiled a small smile. “i texted minho and hana to see if they wanted to hang out today but both of them are busy. it just really sucks because i feel like every time i make an effort for hana, she doesn’t make an effort for me. i’ve tried telling lino this but he thinks i’m being dramatic. am i being dramatic?”
yeri hummed at your response, furrowing her eyebrows. you watched in silence as she pondered about the scenario in her mind. this put you on edge because she didn’t immediately reassure you it was nothing. she must’ve seen something fishy as well or else she wouldn’t be thinking about it. or you were assuming the worst.
“they’re both busy?” she checked. 
you nodded, making her shrug. “i wouldn’t think much of it, (y/n). what’s the rule between you and him again? no secrets, no lies or something like that? i don’t think he would lie to you.” 
that was true; nobody took that rule more seriously than minho. for a moment there, you felt guilt because you knew it was wrong to immediately doubt his intentions like that. hana as well. yeri inspected you for a moment as she took in your composure. surely her advice should’ve been enough to warrant ease, however, you were still stiff.
“i’ll go to the mall with you,” she offered. “i was thinking of stopping in sephora or something. i’ve been meaning to go for awhile but never had the excuse.”
you snapped your head her way and bit back a smile, trying not to be too enthusiastic. “really? you’re not just saying that, are you?”
yeri nudged you playfully before standing. “of course not. now get up and ready, or i’ll regret my decision.”
“did you really have to buy all three palettes? they look the exact same!” 
yeri rolled her eyes as the both of you exited the store with you holding one bag, and her with two. you had only been there for twenty minutes and you already spent more than you would’ve liked. then again, you didn’t really care because you were looking forward to this for awhile. friends that enable each other stay together, right?
“well, that’s where you’re wrong. this one is peachy nudes, then there’s the golden nudes, and this one is neutral nudes. seriously, (y/n), don’t underestimate the power of nudes.”
the both of you let out a laugh, leaning into each other for support. yeri had made this experience way more fun than you thought it could be. not one thought of minho or hana had entered your mind. the mood was lifted tremendously as you strolled through the mall, window shopping at a few stores until you found the one you wanted to shop in. however, as you were going to enter a store, your stomach did a little growl. 
“whoa, calm down tiger.” joked yeri as she patted your stomach. 
“i guess i forgot to eat today . . . do you wanna stop by the food court before we continue shopping?” you suggested.
she nodded, realizing that she was hungry as well. “i think it’s this way.” 
nearing the corner, you continued on towards the food court with excitement. mall food always had a different vibe to it and you were very much looking forward to devouring some lo mein noodles. as the food court came into view, your walk began to speed up. the excitement that was building up inside of you halted as yeri stopped in her tracks, causing you to run directly into her back. 
“hey-” you started but yeri whipped around, shushing you. her hands grabbed onto your arms and dragged you to the side where you were no longer out in the open.
“what are you doing?” your voice was not loud however it still wasn’t at yeri’s liking as she shushed you again.
“(y/n), look over by mcdonald’s. isn’t that minho . . . and hana?” 
your heart stopped as you heard those words, immediately looking where yeri had instructed you. there sat minho and hana, laughing obnoxiously while sharing a meal. you watched the way she fed him a fry, with him then returning the favor. your heart tugged at the sight because that was something you guys always do to each other. it would then follow with you offering him a bite of your mcflurry and then booping him on the nose with the spoon. the tension grew as you saw him reaching for the spoon of his mcflurry, raising it out towards hana.
“please, please, please. do not pat it on her nose,” you whispered to yourself.
tears welled up in your eyes as you watched the way she took a bite, then giggling as he gently patted her nose with the spoon. that was the icing on the cake and it’s all it took before you turned your body around, rushing to the exit. 
yeri called out to you but you weren’t listening. the scene that played before rewound itself in your mind like a vhs tape. and you would pause at the way he looked at her, like she was so special. those glances were always reserved for you. was he tired of you? did he know how much he meant to you? he broke your one rule, the one thing that meant everything. your friendship was based on this and yet it was now abandoned. your breathing became labored as you tried calming down, staring at the ground with wide eyes and endless tears. never did you think minho would betray you. maybe it was naive to think like that.
“(y/n), wait up!” puffed out yeri as she met up with your figure at the exit. her chest heaved from the run she had to do to catch up.
neither of you spoke as yeri tried to find the words. “i’m sorry.” her voice was soft, almost afraid of breaking you any further.
nearly a week had passed since the incident at the mall. and you would be lying if you said you were alright.
every night you were reminded of what minho did to you as he sent you texts relentlessly. the spamming began after day one with him asking if you wanted to come over. when you didn’t respond, he continued to blow up your phone to see if you were okay. all the missed calls and texts drove you insane because you wanted so badly to reply. but you weren’t going to give in so easily. he hurt you in ways you couldn’t describe. it didn’t help that you were helplessly in love with him. seeing him give affection towards another female was inevitable, but you never thought it would hurt like this.
you weren’t surprised when you didn’t get any notifications from hana. you wanted to believe so badly that she was a good person but something felt off. you didn’t want it to be your jealousy speaking but you also didn’t want to be in denial either. this felt wrong because you and minho had never been so separated. but with each passing second, you felt yourself growing further part from him. you continued to drown in your depressed thoughts until a knock on your door interrupted.
“oh, you don’t sound so excited to see me.” joked a familiar voice as they stepped in, closing  the door behind them.
you grinned, immediately sitting up and opening your arms for your friend, han jisung. the boy wasn’t shy in returning the hug, laughing at your brightened expression.
“sungie! what are you doing here? you didn’t even think to call me?” your voice was nothing but playful, nudging his arm in the process.
jisung took a seat beside you on the bed and chuckled. as he made himself comfortable, he spoke up. “i felt like being spontaneous.”
the air was always light when it came to jisung. he was able to make everyone feel welcomed despite his social anxiety. the contradiction always made you love him more, as a friend of course. you admired him for a moment, feeling somewhat calmer. it was obvious to jisung that something was wrong, though. minho might’ve told him to check up on you because if you were ignoring him, then he knew you wouldn’t let him into your home. but jisung could also tell from your face that you weren’t okay.
“hey, what’s going on? you can tell me.” 
his sudden change from bubbly to concerned shocked you, making you freeze in your spot. you hadn’t even noticed the smallest of tears that were forming in your eyes, finally being able to unleash any form of disappointment that you were holding in. jisung was not prepared to see you falter so quickly as he reached forward, holding your hands in his lap as he let you cry for a moment in silence. as soon as you were ready to catch your breath, you laid the truth on him.
“minho lied to me. and to make matters worse . . . he lied to me with hana.”
jisung was taken aback at those words because minho? lied to you? there’s no way. he snorted, shaking his head as he was in disbelief. however, as he studied your expression again, he noticed that you were still crying. the boy clenched his jaw as he was now visibly angry. he knew how much that rule meant to you and minho, as it meant something to jisung as well. he was there when minho got his heart broken, when he was the one who was lied to. and now minho had completely ignored that because of someone he barely knew. you didn’t deserve this, no one did. 
“(y/n), i’m so sorry.” much like yeri, that’s all he could say. 
because he knew how much this hurt you, and there was nothing that he could say that would change how you were coping. he wanted to ask what happened, but he also didn’t want to push you. 
“why are you sorry? it’s him that should be sorry.” you replied bitterly as you wiped at your eyes. 
you thought you looked pathetic, but jisung thought the opposite. he couldn’t even imagine what you were going through, and he always knew how close you two were. deep down he also knew how you felt about minho. this was more than just your best friend lying to you, no. 
ring ring ring
the sound of your phone ringing made you snap out of it, immediately searching for it so that you could read the caller id. once you had it in your hands, your eyes widened in shock.
“it’s hana . . . should i answer it?” you whispered.
“sure, but i don’t know why you’re whispering.” you reached over and swatted his arm at his sass.
without thinking much of it, you swiped right and pressed the phone to your ear. jisung didn’t think that you would actually do it, considering you had neglected minho’s calls. although he did believe it would be easier to speak with hana as you weren’t as close with her. after holding in your breath for a long second or two, you released out a greeting.
“mhm, (y/n)-ah. i’m glad you picked up. i’ve been meaning to talk to you.” 
something about the way she spoke didn’t sound genuine, and jisung could notice it from a mile away. you furrowed your eyebrows as he pointed at your phone, mouthing the words ‘speaker phone’ to you. you decided to risk it as jisung would be your witness for whatever would go down. you switched it to speaker.
“oh, hi hana. what did you want to speak with me about?” you said straightforwardly. 
there was a chuckle on the other end that sent chills down your spine. “i’m not stupid, (y/n). i know you saw minho and me at the mall together. i don’t blame you for acting the way you are, i would probably do the same.”
both you and jisung looked at each with wide eyes. you didn’t expect her to be so blunt with her thoughts, however you were expecting something bitchy. biting on the inside of your cheek, you listened to her continue.
“i mean, you should be jealous. minho asked me on a date, and he told me he loves me. we are now dating, and we are very happy. he’s very happy. and now that we are together, i’m telling you to stay away from him.”
you could feel the fresh wave of tears pooling in your eyes as you heard her read out your worst nightmare. minho was in love with someone else, and to make matters worse, it was with hana. everything inside of you clenched painfully as you felt your heart sink to your stomach. this was way worse than having minho lie to you. you prayed to any god or deity that the situation couldn’t get any worse than it already was but they refused to listen to you. the universe was against your idea of sharing love with minho as it did everything in its way to tear you two apart. you should’ve kept count of the time you had left with him until he was taken.
but hearing her say that you needed to stay away from him wasn’t an option in your head. you can handle him lying, and being in love with someone else. it hurt, god it hurt so badly, but you could handle it if it meant he was happy. you would rather have minho happy instead of not having him at all. you were passionate in that belief, and you weren’t going to let hana tell you otherwise.
“i wasn’t asking, (y/n).” her tone was more intimidating than before, yet you held your ground.
“i said no. i’m not budging on this, hana. i’m not letting him go.” you protested.
there was another pause in between the conversation, and you thought you had won for a second. but hana was always a step ahead of you, planning her attack head-on like she had rehearsed every possible outcome in her head.
“why are you still holding onto him? you’re just a burden, don’t you see that? he’s only pitying you. now that he has me, he doesn’t need to keep having you around. you should learn to take a hint.” 
she spat her words at you, shooting her venom in your most sensitive spots. for a moment, you had entirely forgotten that jisung was still in the room. you tried not to let her words get to you, but they did. hearing that he was only pitying you sent you over the edge as you hung up the phone, throwing it at the floor angrily. your hands formed into fists as you closed your eyes, trying to catch your breath. but with each inhale, you felt as if you were suffocating. you wanted to wake up from this terror but you knew it was just a twisted reality. you didn’t even notice how your form was shaking from overwhelming emotions until jisung had reached over, pulling you closer into a side hug. he was just as speechless as you, if not more.
he shushed your cries, knowing it was the only thing you could do.
a few hours had passed at this point, and you didn’t even notice how you fell asleep with jisung. normally you two would split between the floor or the bed, but it was clear that you were exhausted. the afternoon had turned into nightfall, your open curtains inviting the moon. if you weren’t so out of it, you would’ve admired it’s beauty. you peered over as jisung was curled up beside you under the sheets, one arm wrapped loosely around your shoulders and the other over his face. he was such a good friend that you didn’t know how to thank him. he did not need to stay here by your side yet he did. he would never admit it, but he was incredibly selfless. as you tried adjusting your sight, you realized your eyes were puffy from crying, and it honestly hurt to try and focus in the dark.  you laid your body back down, snuggling deeper into your comforter before trying to head back to rest. without warning, your door swung up to reveal a worried minho.
“what the fuck is this?” 
his voice boomed through the room, causing you and jisung to bolt upright out of bed. your attention turned to a frantic looking minho clutching his phone in his hands. there was a vein popping out on the side of his neck from how stressed out he was, and his hair was disheveled from constantly running his hands through it. anyone would be able to see how fucked up he was over this. not to mention minho was worried sick because you still were not answering your phone, and now jisung wasn’t. when he called yeri to check up on you, she revealed that jisung had slept over. minho was furious, but for what?
“why haven’t you been answering your phone? do you know how worried i’ve been about you, i thought you died!” he started, then pointing his finger at jisung. “and you, what the hell do you think you’re doing in (y/n)’s bed?”
jisung gulped in fear as he avoided eye contact, trying to find the words to reply. never had the older male raised his voice like that at anyone, much less jisung. minho could be scary when mad, but you weren’t going to let behave like this. you believed he didn’t have a right to be so upset. because you weren’t going to let him do this to you, act like he was the victim and that you hurt him. he hurt you first, didn’t he see that? or was he really that blind? 
“first off, i don’t need your permission to have anyone stay the night so don’t talk to him like that. two, i don’t need to answer to you or anyone else but myself.”
minho chewed at the inside of his cheek, a death stare focused on you. “excuse me?”
“i said that i don’t need to answer to you. shouldn’t you be with your girlfriend anyway? it’s obvious you care more about her than you do about your friends. go, we don’t want you here.” you sneered at him, placing your hands on your hips firmly.
“what are you talking about, (y/n)? i don’t have a girlfriend. you’re not making any sense-”
“do not lie to me a second time!” you yelled.
both jisung and minho froze as they heard you raise your voice. minho knew what you could be like when you were furious like this, but he never thought you would be like that with him. it hurt a little as you stared at him like so sternly, so unwelcoming. for once in your friendship, he felt like he was trespassing. that shouldn’t be an issue between you two. minho tried to process his thoughts until he caught your words again, repeating it over and over in his head. guilt began to settle within him as he pursed his lips, thinking of saying something. however, nothing came out. all he could do was stare at the ground with shame digging itself into his skin. you deserved better than this. minho promised you so many things, and he had broken every single one. it was ironic, really, for someone who feared a broken heart. 
“(y/n),” he started hesitantly. “it’s not what it seems. let me explain.” 
you snorted while rolling your eyes. “really? because from what i remember, you promised me. you promised me you would never lie to me, or keep secrets from me. you lied to me!” 
your throat became thick as you tried swallowing any sobs that were bound to come up. you had pent up all of your frustration that this was finally the time you let minho have a piece of your mind. you wanted to scream at him, fight him, and hurt him. but all you could do was unleash the pain you had been holding in. 
“i never thought you would do this to me, minho. i never thought- i never thought you could just give up this friendship to someone who barely knows you! i always pictured you’d be with someone kind and full of love but she is a monster, don’t you see that minho? she is a bitch and-”
“wait, wait, wait. are you talking about hana? why are you saying these things about her? i know you’re upset with me, but don’t pull her into this.” he defended her, folding his arms across his chest.
your heart sank a little further as he didn’t immediately deny the fact that they were dating. instead, he defended her actions, and her role as his girlfriend. you were devastated; so it was true. you should’ve seen it coming, but you never thought it would be this soon. 
“hyung, (y/n) is telling the truth.” jisung tried to interfere, nevertheless, minho glared daggers at him.
“i’m not speaking to you right now. quiet.” he demanded.
his voice was eerily calm, making jisung cower in fear. you were not going to do that, though. you were going to stick up for yourself and the hell that hana had unleashed onto you. there is no way that minho could be so dull to not see the true colors of this girl. or maybe you were far too used to overestimating him.
“why is it that when it’s her word versus mine, you automatically defend her? am i not your best friend? i feel like i mean nothing to you anymore.” 
minho scoffed. “you’re being overdramatic. hana means a lot to me as well-”
“no, it’s obvious she means more to you. do you know what she did to me today, by the way? she told me to stay away from you, to never see you again or else. does that sound like someone you want in your life, lino?” 
you waited to hear reassuring words from your best friend, but instead, all you heard was the love of your life pushing you out of the way. his nostrils flared slightly in anger as he clenched his jaw, and his instinctively formed fists. never had he thought to raise his voice at you, but that was pushed away when the words left his mouth without control.
“you listen to me, and you listen carefully, (y/n). i don’t want you to ever speak of her like that ever again,” he pause to take a deep breath.
“it’s really low of you to be this jealous that you have to tear down the people that matter to me. i thought you were better than that.” he clicked his tongue, giving you a stare of disappointment. 
you couldn’t decide what hurt more, the fact that minho defended her or that he didn’t believe you. jisung wished to speak up and to let his friend know the truth, but he didn’t want to be scolded once more. the silence in the room was chilling, leaving goosebumps to arise on your arms. this had to be fake; this wasn’t the minho you knew and loved. tears had fallen past your eyes and onto your scorched cheeks. that sinking feeling returned to the pit of your stomach as it swallowed you whole. minho stared back with just as much intensity, knowing he hated seeing you cry especially when he was the cause. but he refused to back down from his word. instead he shook his head, turning around to walk out the door. you could hear the slam of the front door from your room, making you jump in fear. you were still unable to move from your spot as shock filled your system. did that really just happen?
you hadn’t even noticed the way jisung chased after his hyung. he pushed his short legs to run faster until he was now out of your apartment and near the parking lot. minho was walking rather fast with his stance intimidating but the younger boy didn’t care. he needed him to know the truth, and to know that you weren’t exaggerating.
minho felt a shove at the lower end of his back, causing him to trip a bit in front of him. when he whipped around to view who it was, a growl slipped his lips.
“yah, do you have a death wish?” jisung was not surprised to hear that.
“no, but do you? do you know what (y/n) has been going through ever since this hana girl entered your life? hm? do you? she’s telling the truth, i was here with her when that call took place.” 
minho chuckled bitterly. “i can’t believe you’re on her side here. i thought you were my friend.”
jisung’s eyes softened, showing just how upset he was over this. minho was not prepared for what came next, however, as the dongsaeng questioned every motive he had. 
“i am. and do you know what i value most in our friendship? no secrets, no lies. isn’t that the same promise you were supposed to keep with (y/n)? and here you are, breaking that promise. trying to validate what you did is inexcusable, man. why would she lie?”
the older of the two was at a loss of words as the guilt he faced earlier returned. it swirled around his body like an uninvited wind, reminding him how cold he felt in the situation. there was no reason for you to lie, so why was it that you would make something up like this? that’s the thing; you would never make this up. the realization was beginning to settle in him as minho came face to face with reality. he had hurt you, and made it out to be your fault. he took the side of someone he barely knew over you. over his best friend. over the love of his life.
“shit,” he muttered while throwing a hand to over his face.
this made jisung smile sadly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “maybe you should fix this. just maybe.” 
letting out a groan, minho cursed at himself. he had fucked up so badly. jisung was quick, though, to ask a question that was still clearly in his head. “are you really dating hana by the way?”
minho shook his head and scoffed. “no.”
minho glanced up from his solemn expression and nodded.normally he would come back with another scary remark but he didn’t have the energy to do it. he made his way back to your apartment with each step being heavier than the previous one. owning up to his mistakes wasn’t something he was used to. never had he hurt this badly before, so he was bound to face something completely new. taking all the courage he could, minho opened your door to see a vacant front room. yeri must’ve been somewhere else, which he wasn’t complaining about. no doubt she would’ve chewed his ass out. minho continued on until he was right outside your door. as his hand went to turn the golden knob, he heard a heartwrenching sound.
you held a hand over your mouth as you sobbed in your bed, your body curled up to offer any form of comfort it could. the words of your best friend replayed over and over until you could no longer bare it anymore. you were broken into pieces, scattering yourself so that they would be hard to find. but minho had the power to put you back together, despite how long it would take. 
you felt a body weigh down beside you on the bed, immediately reaching its arms around you. as your eyes fluttered open, the sight of him was made aware, making you sob harder. minho shushed you, combing back your hair from your eyes as he held you in place. you didn’t fight him, you didn’t scream at him, no. you let him hold you so that he could mend your broken pieces back together. this was his damage he had caused, it only seemed right to take care of it. 
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry.” 
you shook your head almost instantly. “you’re just saying that. don’t lie to me-”
“i’m not. hey, look at me,” he whispered.
your eyes met his again, making you shiver. it had been so long since you were this close to him. it felt familiar, like home. because that’s what he was to you. nothing could ever change that, even if he had crossed you. 
“i will never lie to you again. you mean so much to me.” 
unlike his tsundere personality, his voice was soft as it wavered in the air. those words alone made your heart begin to beat again with a sense of excitement you thought you lost. that excitement began to build as he grew closer, his face fearlessly nearing yours. his eyes never left yours, and you felt the overwhelming urge to close the gap between you. and so you did.
your lips molded against each other in a way you couldn’t describe. you were exploring new found territory, having experience something you never deemed possible. it was gentle, but powerful. his hands caressed your lower back as he held you closer to himself, chests up against each other. fireworks were an understatement. it felt like the universe was finally aligning again to ensure your happiness. it was a comforting hug that let you knew everything was going to be alright. it was minho showing you that you were more than hana would ever be. 
as he drew back, he pressed his forehead against yours. he couldn’t help but to say the words he had been holding back on ever since the day you met.
“i love you, (y/n).”
your eyes bulged as you looked at him in disbelief. these were words you were wanting to hear for so long. but were they genuine? or to make you feel better? you grew defensive before letting your heart speak any truth.
“i don’t need you to patronize me, minho. if you’re just saying that . . . “
“i’m not. i sincerely love you, (y/n).” 
“what about hana?” your insecurities were back at it again, and doubting anything that minho had said to you. you heard him chuckle as he responded coolly. “i was never with hana. i love you.”
a smile broke out on your lips. “no secrets, no lies?”
“no secrets, no lies.”
soooooo this is really shitty and im really sorry :/ I’ve been writing this for so many weeks and this is all i got out of it lmao <333 might make a part two with smut HA let me know if y’all want that thanks for the request @minholuvs
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Doppio - Frog Princess
Fairy tale AU and lots of love for my small man.
Doppio dragged his feet across the garden, restless and desperate. He sighed and whined to himself, taking the opportunity of being all alone to voice his pain and concerns, something he was never allowed to do.
"Aww jeez... This prince life isn't made for me..."
He huffed again and tugged at his very uncomfortable, gold adorned collar that was almost suffocating him.
Doppio looked around him, sure enough, the tall trees surrounding him did a great job at hiding him from the potential workers on the castle grounds that could possibly be looking for him.
He could finally have a little moment for himself and sneak out, maybe to cry to himself a little bit.
"O-ow... That still hurts..." The boy whined and rubbed on his bruised fingers, the results of angry professors punishing him for each mistakes he made. "I'm no good, I can't do anything right..."
That's right. Prince Doppio was a clumsy and anxious boy who lacked capacity in every domain. He always tried his best and obeyed every and each order, he wasn't undisciplined, oh no, young Doppio was a good boy.
He was just bad. He hardly managed to keep the required straight stance for more than ten seconds, was better at petting the horses than at riding them, couldn't follow etiquette at all, or protocol, was extremely forgetful and sadly, mother nature did not grace him with the strongest physical traits a young man his age was expected to have.
"Tch... Trish was so popular everyone courted her and she was so easy to marry, but me... No one would want to marry a good-for-nothing like me..."
He angrily kicked some rock and held his back that cracked at the movement, in pain, squeezing his eyes shut and sobbing at the sore feeling. That last lesson of fencing went so terribly wrong, how did the others do it?
"I'm so tired... Why meee...?"
"Huh?" Doppio was startled at the very sudden but intriguing croaky sound and approached its direction near the pond.
He couldn't see anything at first, but then a tiny little creature jumped out of its hiding place. Doppio's honey eyes widened and he quickly wiped his warm tears, crouching down towards the animal.
"A frog!" He exclaimed happily, almost like a small child, new to the world. "Hi! You're so tiny, what's your name?"
He knew very well the animal couldn't respond to him with actual words, but just the feeling of having even a one-sided conversation soothed a bit of his loneliness down. He cupped his hands together to invite the frog in, and the animal obliged by jumping on them.
He looked down and observed the chubby little creature. It had the cutest, roundest eyes, almost sparkly in the dim forest light, its green color was so bright and homogenous, there weren't any marks or patterns that frogs usually had on their skin. Even its limbs were tiny and soft, Doppio couldn't help but pet it with one careful and shaky finger.
"O-ooh! Oh my god!" He squealed uncontrollably. "You're so squishy!"
"Ribbit ribbit!"
The quiet and high-pitched croak felt so pleasant to his ears, it meddled with the sound of the water next to him and made him feel so much at peace. He loved to hear that cute sound and how the frog's belly puffed up like a balloon with each croak.
"What are you? A boy or a girl? I'd say you're a girl because you're super pretty and have a tiny voice."
"Ribbit Ribbit! Ribbit Ribbit!"
Doppio gasped loudly. "D-did I get it right?! Oohh yes!! That's so cool! Well... Not like I would have minded if you were a boy... Or both... Wait, do frogs have genders? Oh it doesn't matter."
The young prince felt like this frog was currently the only thing keeping him sane. He had no one else to talk to, there was no one who actually cared for his own well-being and he had no friends.
The only real person to actually show him some kind of recognition and love was none other than the King Diavolo himself. But even his sweet words and affection seemed somewhat back-handed and laced with pressure and severity.
"You know, you're lucky, little thing..." Doppio started with melancholy. "You don't have to worry so much about your life... I'm bad at everything and I'm all alone... I don't know what to do..."
"Ri-rib, ribbit!"
"Even if a nice princess wanted to marry me, I would turn her down because she would deserve better... Sometimes I wish I could disappear..."
Doppio's eyes softened on the small frog. That's how sad and pathetic he was. Talking his problems out with a frog.
"Why do I feel like you actually understand me...? Thank you for listening to me and being my only friend."
Without even thinking, he lifted the small frog and brought it towards his face, giving it the tiniest of pecks. He smiled at how weird the feeling was, the animal was cold and slightly humid, a bit sticky too which he did not mind surprisingly.
He sighed and looked up mindlessly before his eyes were suddenly striked by a blinding flash of light.
"Wh-what the hell?!"
The light flashed brighter and brighter, coming from the frog in his hands. What was going on?
Doppio could only drop the creature and shield his eyes with his arms desperately as the frog sparkled like a thousand fireflies and grew in size.
The boy squinted his eyes shut and fell back right onto his butt before he felt a strong weight pressing on him, the mass eventually pinning him down onto the ground.
"U-uughh..." He groaned and rubbed his head, a sharp headache from the harsh light hitting his sensitive eyes still slowly fading.
He looked down only for his eyes to widen like saucers. He couldn't believe what he was currently witnessing and thought that maybe he went blind from the flash and was hallucinating right now.
The weight on top of him revealed to be the figure of a girl laying unconscious. He couldn't see her face buried in his chest, but he could make out her beautiful hair, smooth skin tone and the very frilly green dress she was wearing.
And that wasn't just any dress either, the golden ornaments, the tulle, the silk, the lace, the satin... That was an expensive dress, was she...could she be... A nobleswoman? A baroness? A...
...A princess?
"A-aah..." The girl moaned quietly before pushing herself up, not without struggle and Doppio gasped.
"A-are you okay signori-..." The boy could barely finish his sentence and only mumbled open-mouthed nonsense.
He was beyond mesmerized at the beauty who had just ever-so-slowly lifted her face up to look at him. Her shining wide eyes, her innocent glossy lips, her rose dusted cheeks and her hair framing her perfect face made him believe he just stumbled into some sort of forest Goddess.
"Ah-I... U-uuhm.. Y-you...uh.. W-ah-...eh... I-I'm..." He stammered awkwardly, his brain melting like ice in summer as his face and ears burned a crimson red, his breath catching in his now dry throat.
"Ah! My stars!" The girl gasped as she hovered over the immensely flustered prince. "I am so sorry! I must be crushing you!"
The young girl fretted anxiously before trying to scramble over on her knees and straighten herself up to give the poor man some much needed space, but as soon as she did, she was hit with a wave of dizziness and lost balance again. Doppio was quick to sit up and catch her against his chest, wrapping careful arms around her.
"A-are you okay, miss? What happened to you? What's going on?" The boy asked worriedly, regaining his composure slowly.
"Ah y-yes... It's just... It's been so long since I've been glamoured..."
"You've been... Glamoured?" Doppio couldn't be more confused than this, but the girl explained further as she leaned back slightly.
Her name was Y/N L/N, daughter of the King L/N. Many years ago, she had been the victim of a curse cast by the one and only sorcerer Dio, who was overcome by fury and rage against anyone affiliated with the Joestar Empire, or those who refused to become one of his pets, casting spells after spells, and curses after curses.
"He turned me into a frog and swore to me that nobody would ever come to save me from my demise... But you..." Y/N looked up at Doppio's honey eyes and couldn't help the tears pooling at her eyes.
She was free, at last.
"I was all alone... And you came here... My savior..."
Her soft voice cracked with thick emotions and she stared into Doppio's golden eyes with soft ones, her vision blurred by warm tears. Doppio gasped lightly, moved by her story and she shyly wiped her tears.
"A-ah, forgive me! How shameful of me, to weep in front of a prince like this... I'm just.. So..."
"No, princess, don't apologize." He gently held her wrists to pull them away from her timid face. "You have the right to be overwhelmed... Nobody's here, besides... I cried too, earlier, in front of you. Nothing wrong with showing your emotions."
She sighed dreamily at his gentle words and soft touches, the now more confident boy stirring her heart. "What is your name, my prince?"
"Doppio." He gulped, stiff as a rock at her saccharine gaze and tone. "Doppio Vinegar."
"You're a good person, Doppio..." She breathed out, her words dripping with warm sincerity. Doppio's heart could only skip beats at each and every one of her actions.
The boy may be clumsy and bashful, he surely wasn't dense. He well knew he was deeply falling in love with this frog princess, but something in him told him she may not be completely disinterested in him either, despite his overall appearance and personality.
But maybe, just maybe, it was because she didn't know him enough. She didn't know this extent of his foolishness, how worthless of a man he truly was. This was the perfect opportunity for her to just push him away and run back home, only to never see him again.
But against all he could have ever expected, he was completely shaken out of his low self-esteem filled transe when he felt her leaning her delicate hands and head against his chest, closing her eyes and relishing in his warm hold still on her.
"Prince Doppio... I feel so safe when I'm in your arms... I'll forever be grateful for granting me my deepest wish..." She lifted her head just enough to look at his blushing freckled face, his mouth agape. "How could I ever reward you?"
Was she... Really serious? Nobody has ever told him they felt good around him. Nobody has ever felt safe around the small and skinny man that was Doppio. Could he be strong enough for her?
Well one thing was positive, he didn't want to let her go, and if he had to eat razor blades to protect her, he would do it without batting an eye.
She actually wanted to, or at least seemed to, stay with him. She felt grateful, for him, of all people!
He hoped she wouldn't hear his heart go feral in his chest. She would do... Anything for him? Could he be selfish? Could he ask the inimaginable? Would she say yes? He wouldn't force her but... He would love to think about himself only, just this once in his life.
He had nothing to lose.
He gently grabbed both her hands in his surprisingly big ones, squeezing gently and rubbing his thumbs over her soft skin, as if to want to imprint his love onto her.
"Ma-... Marry me, Princess Y/N!" He confessed with loud yet clear determination. "Please, be mine! I will cherish you like my most prized treasure, you will never be alone and feel unsafe again! I promise my entire life to you, please promise me yours!"
She widened her eyes at his sudden assertiveness and his strong, meaningful words. The pink boy in front of her shook her heart in so many ways, and she had already lost everything to Dio in the past. She had absolutely no reason to deny, now did she?
The girl smiled bright and slowly pulled her hands out of his grasp, only to immediately wrap her arms around her hero's neck, nuzzling her face against him lovingly.
"Yes! I accept... my sweet Doppio."
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writerpeach · 4 years
Roommates: Part Two
IZ*ONE Hyewon & Eunbi x Male Reader
10875 words
Categories: smut, threesome, oral, rough sex, mommy kink, dirty talk
Read on AFF
Read on AO3
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“We only have one shot at this. Let’s make it count.”
Detective Kwon took point on the operation. Her primary focus was staring at rows of monitors in the back of a large unmarked van parked stealthily miles away from the destination. Overhead shots were displayed on the largest monitor, giving a full view of the target area - a luxurious white mansion housed the patriarch of the Goda clan, given the information Eunbi received was correct. 
You lost track of how many hours you had occupied, only accompanied by Detectives Hyewon, with newly dyed blonde hair and Eunbi inside a hot van, waiting for just the right moment to strike. Your job was to give any details that would be helpful and to help confirm identities. 
The surveillance van had more technology in it than your entire University’s expensive computer lab. Extensive audio feeds, LCD monitors everywhere giving as many angles as possible, speakers, and multiple laptops that could power a space station all created the perfect portable setup. Eunbi sat up front, monitoring everything, and aiding in preparation. 
“Team one, do you copy?” Eunbi asked over a bluetooth headset she wore on her right ear. 
“Yes, boss. We have eyes on the back entrance. Nobody has gone in or out since we’ve been here.”
“Team two, what do you have for me?” 
“Can’t see much. There’s been no movement on our end.” 
“Keep a lookout. I don’t want anyone getting spooked.”
“Yes, boss.” 
“Team three?”
“Our drones are in the air, but the fog is killing visibility. Can’t get a good visual so we’ll have to almost exclusively rely on thermal. ”
“Do what you can.” 
“This better work,” Hyewon said, shifting in one of the backseat chairs nervously. 
“Dojima has been our information expert for years, he wouldn’t fail us now.”
Eunbi took a long deep breath as she pulled up cameras on two large screens, showing views on both front and back entrances and views of each team awaiting orders.
“On my mark, breach and clear. We want him alive,” Eunbi said.
The simultaneous thud of doors being forced open boomed through the van’s speakers, speeding your heart rate up. The audio feed went silent for a second before being replaced with windows being broken, voices shouting, and inaudible commotion. You expected more. No gunshots, no more yelling. Everything was silent. 
“Team one, what’s your status? I need an update.”  
Nothing but radio silence filled the van as you collectively held your breath and waited for an answer. 
“Detective Kwon, there’s nobody inside. Place looks lived in but it’s been cleared out.” 
“Son of a bitch!” Eunbi hissed. 
“All rooms are clear, Detective. There’s nobody here.” “Those motherfuckers set us up. Check for hidden exits. I want this whole place checked.” 
“What do we do now?” Hyewon asked. 
“We’re back from square one. We figure out they knew we were coming, and where we go from here.” 
“Team three, I want you to stay overnight in case they decide to come back. Team one and two you’re dismissed.”
Eunbi took her headset off and angrily tossed it away, sighing in frustration. 
“Sorry I couldn’t be of any use, Detective,” you said. 
“Don’t be sorry, if anything you got us to this point to begin with,” Eunbi replied. 
“Back to the office?” Hyewon asked. 
“No, that’s the last place I want to be right now. It’s late and we’ve been here all damn day. For nothing.” 
Eunbi rubbed her temple as she sank back in her chair. 
"I've got a cabinet full of alcohol if you wanna crash at my place, boss,” Hyewon said. 
Eunbi hesitated before answering, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. 
“That sounds like exactly what I need. We’ll deal with this on Monday, let’s get the fuck out of here.” 
Hyewon keyed in the security code to her place and you and Eunbi followed her inside, slipping shoes off at the entryway. You sat down on the couch next to Hyewon while Eunbi took a moment to look over the place. 
“You’ve decorated since the last time I was here,” Eunbi said, wandering and looking aimlessly.
“I have company now, I can’t live like a slob, boss.” 
“You really don’t have to call me boss outside of work. Unnie will be fine.” 
“Okay, unnie.”
“How has everything been going?” Eunbi asked, directing her attention towards you. “I know we said it would be just for a month, but with everything going on I’m afraid it’s going to be longer. I seem to be really bad at keeping my promises.”
“It was awkward at first, but Hyewon is very easy to talk to and get along with. I won’t mind living longer here, Hyewon has been very accommodating, I’ve even picked up a few cooking tips from her.” 
 Eunbi smiled. “That’s good to hear. Hyewon loves to cook as much as she loves to eat.”
“She’s really good at eating,” you said.
“Yes, she really is,” Eunbi said with a smirk as she sat down. Hyewon caught on quickly and got up embarrassed, heading into the kitchen to fetch drinks. 
“Unnie, what are you in the mood to drink? Beer, wine?” 
“Something strong,” Eunbi replied. 
“How strong?” Hyewon asked. 
“Strong enough to slap me across the face.” 
“Uh, we have Tequila. Is that strong enough?” 
“Yes, that’s perfect.” 
“Ok, but I’m making cocktails, I don’t want anyone to get carried away.” 
“Make mine a double then.” 
Eunbi drifted her gaze over to you as she sat down and crossed her legs, flashing a flirtatious gaze.
“Have you settled into living with Hyewon?”
“Mostly. There haven't been any troubles at all, she’s very easy to live with.” 
“That’s very good to hear, she’s such a sweetie.” 
“She is.”
“Unnie, stop being nosy!” Hyewon whined as she brought a tray of drinks and set it down on the black coffee table in front. 
“I was just trying to see how you’ve been treating our guest.”
“I have been nothing but an understanding host, isn’t that right?” 
“Of course. Hyewon has been wonderful.” 
Grabbing a drink and taking your first sip, you coughed at how strong it was, but soon the burn down your throat became refreshing. 
“I hope we can find whoever tipped us off,” Hyewon said. 
Eunbi rolled her eyes. “Please, can we not talk about work for once?” 
Hyewon nodded apologetically. “Sorry, unnie. Of course.” 
“This is really good,” you said, taking another large sip. 
“It is. Our Hyewon really is multi-talented.” 
“It’s not that big of a deal. I learned a few things in culinary school.” 
You could feel the collective stress leaving the room as the three of you indulged into the strong drinks Hyewon had prepared. Shaking the glass a few times to evenly spread out the ice you took another drink, getting used to the taste. 
“Now that I’m drinking, I guess I should be responsible tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch if that’s okay,” Eunbi said. 
“The couch?” Hyewon repeated. “There’s a spare bed, you don’t need to do that, unnie.” 
Eunbi tilted her head. “Spare bed? If I remember correctly your place only has two rooms, right?” 
“That’s right. Two bedrooms, but we’ve been sharing the bed at night,” she said, as she realized what she was admitting halfway.
“Oh, you have been?” Eunbi laughed. “That explains why you’ve been coming in late more often,” she teased. 
Hyewon turned red. “U-unnie! That’s not what I...I’m gonna go make another drink.” 
She hastily got off the couch as Eunbi filled in the gap, scooting over as she finished her drink, placing it on the coffee table.
“She’s always been like that.” 
“Like what?” you asked. 
“Shy and adorable, ever since I met her. We’re all adults here, so there’s no shame in talking about it.” 
 “Everyone has their limits about what they’re comfortable about I guess.”
“That’s true. I’m just an open book.”
Hyewon returned and refused to make eye contact.
“Ah, Hyewon, I forgot to bring anything to sleep in tonight. Can I borrow some clothes?” 
“Clothes? Don’t you usually sleep naked, unnie?” she responded. You nearly choked on your drink.
Eunbi smiled before she responded. “You’re right...but I’m just a guest here. I have to look presentable.” 
“Why? He’s already seen you naked before hasn’t he?” Hyewon teased back.
“Guess you got me there,” Eunbi replied with reddened cheeks. 
You sat there listening as the two beautiful detectives playfully teased each other back and forth while you nursed your cocktail, trying not to let it hit you all at once. It was tempting to go for another drink given the day's events, wanting to forget the failed operation. Finishing your drink and chewing on a piece of melting ice you rested it on the coffee table. 
The living room clock showed it was just after 1 a.m. Still rather early or late in the morning depending on your perspective.  
"So, Hyewon,” Eunbi said.
“Yes, unnie?” Hyewon perked up. 
“I don’t think we’ve properly thanked our mutual friend for everything he’s done for us.” 
Hyewon put her drink down. “We do owe him a lot. Even though nothing went as planned today, we never would have gotten to that point to begin with.”
The two women shared a look that was directed at you. “Keeping me safe is enough thanks, ladies.” 
“Oh no, that’s just part of our jobs,” Eunbi said. “I think we personally need to show our appreciation.”
Eunbi began caressing your shoulder, and you were thankful that you had been drinking already. 
“You’ve been so helpful, and we should return the favor.” 
“That’s not really necessary,” you humbly said. 
“Oh, but it really is,” Eunbi said, scooting closer to your body, gesturing for Hyewon to do the same, who changed places to your left side. Syncing their movements each woman moved and straddled one of your thighs as your heart started racing. 
Eunbi made the first move, cupping your face and hesitated for a moment. Her gaze lingered on you as she leaned in and your lips merged, filling you with the sweet taste of her as the warmth of her soft lips pressed against your own.
“If you insist, Detective.” 
“Detective? That’s much too formal,” Eunbi said as she caressed your hair.
“Eunbi is fine,” she paused. “But what I really like to be called... is Mommy.” 
“Oh god, not this again,” Hyewon spoke out in annoyance. “Not everyone wants to call you that.”
“Maybe not everyone...but you’ll call me mommy won’t you?” She asked as she turned her attention towards you. 
“I’ll call you anything you want. Mommy.”
Eunbi gave one more kiss against your lips, deeper and with more hunger. Not wanting to be left out, Hyewon tilted your head towards hers and gave you a chaste kiss of her own, the contrast in their lips enticing. Eunbi had thinner lips, Hyewon’s lips were plumper and fuller, while both had an incredible softness and warmth with their own distinctive unique taste. 
The two of them looked at you as if deciding what they wanted to do, pondering their moves. Eunbi didn’t need much time as she removed her shirt, and the purple lace bra that covered up her huge full breasts became the focus of your attention. 
“You can touch mommy all you want,” Eunbi said and you didn’t need to be told twice, running your hands up her body, feeling the tightness of her toned tummy as your hands wandered on their own to her chest, fondling her massive breasts through her bra. 
Not wanting to be outdone, Hyewon removed her own top, her much smaller, but no less satisfying breasts were visible. With a quick movement of her fingers, her bra was unclasped, and bare breasts exposed as she cupped them, enticing you to dive in. 
Starting at Hyewon’s sensitive neck you peppered her soft skin in kisses, hearing her softly moan as you moved down her chest, leaving a trail just below her collarbone. Looking into her eyes for a second you squeezed her breasts before bringing your lips to her nipples and sucking, hearing her sweet moans as you sucked on her soft pale tits. 
Eunbi couldn’t handle being left out, and out of the corner of your eye you could see her slipping out of her bra, her pale tits exposed stopped you in your path. 
“You like mommy’s tits better don’t you?” Eunbi playfully asked, giving out a moan as she pinched her own nipples. You sucked Hyewon’s tits for a few more seconds before hastily switching your interest to Eunbi’s chest. 
“Unnie, you’re playing dirty,” Hyewon complained.
“I can’t help what I was born with,” she smirked, proud at how much bigger her breasts were. You planted several kisses on each of her pillowy soft tits and Eunbi ran her fingers through your hair, smiling sweetly. Licking stripes up her cleavage you flicked your tongue against each nipple, teasing each just a bit before sucking on them, letting out a noisy slurp. 
“Mmm, baby, that feels good.” 
Hyewon looked on patiently, trying to stave off her jealousy. You couldn’t help but moan as you sucked Eunbi’s tits, playing with her sensitive pink nipples and burying yourself into her deep cleavage, a warmth you didn’t dare leave. 
“Mommy’s tits are so amazing,” you said, slurping on her hardened nipples and watching her pleasure as you did so, biting them gently as Eunbi gasped in pleasure. Alternating sucking on each of Eunbi’s delicious breasts you kept them in your mouth until her pink nipples became swollen and glazed with your wet saliva, keeping yourself fed with the taste and softness of her flesh and the way her pretty pink nipples fit perfectly in your mouth. 
Nothing would keep you from sucking on them, not wanting your mouth to leave them but also not wanting to leave Hyewon out. 
You feasted on each pair of scrumptious tits and gave them equal attention, moving back and forth between the delicious chests of each busty woman and didn't want to stop until your lips were numb. 
“I still can’t get over how big they are,” Hyewon said, the envy in her voice obvious.
“Yours aren’t that bad either, Hyewon,” Eunbi responded. 
“You’re just trying to make me feel better, unnie.” 
“I’m not, you agree right, baby?” 
“Your tits are really nice too, Hyewon.” 
“Nobody can compare to yours though, I can't even fully get my hands on them,” Hyewon pouted. 
“It just means there’s more of them to go around,” Eunbi grinned, as if sending an invitation. Both of you teamed up on Eunbi’s tits, each taking one of her swollen breasts in your mouth and sucking, causing deep moans to escape from her. Hyewon was gentle while you devoured Eunbi’s tits, hungrily slurping and biting as if you were trying to satisfy your insatiable hunger for her big milky breasts. 
Keeping your tongues and lips all over Eunbi's swollen pink nipples they became drenched in the combination of your saliva, her pretty moans were music to your ears, earning more with each second that passed. 
As much as you loved teaming up to taste Eunbi, you soon became their focus, feeling the wet smack of their warm soft lips as each gorgeous woman took their time to kiss you, leaving their taste locked on your lips. 
If that wasn’t enough, they turned and playfully kissed each other, leaving you to patiently watch every movement as their lips smacked loudly and both grabbed a handful of each other's supple bare breasts. 
The two lustful vixens switched it up and turned the tables on you. Both took a side of your neck and planted their lips on your skin, sucking both sides of your neck deeply with the intention to leave love marks. 
The two warm mouths pressed on your neck sucking heavily entranced you into a daze, and you barely felt a hand cupping your crotch, too crippled by their effect on you to see the culprit. 
“Mommy can you feel your cock getting hard for us," Eunbi whispered, blowing hot air into your ear that made you shiver. 
“We both want to make you feel good,” Hyewon said. 
Giving your crotch a good firm squeeze, your lap was soon empty and the action kept on moving right in front of you. Running their hands all over each other's tight bodies, Eunbi made quick work of stripping Hyewon to her panties, and Hyewon returned the favor as they both knelt in front of you, eyeing the bulge in your pants they had created. 
With Hyewon to your left and Eunbi to your right, they gave each other a playful look before working together to unbutton your pants, working quickly and yanking them off with your boxers, your hardened shaft introducing itself and throbbing freely. 
Eunbi jumped the gun and took the liberty to play with Hyewon’s chest, earning a moan from her as she sucked on her round pale tits, taking her first taste of the night and sending even more blood flowing to your already stiff erection. 
"Have some confidence, Hyewon, your tits are yummy."
“Now go on, Hyewon, show us what you’ve learned.” 
Hyewon nervously smiled and leaned forward, taking your cock into her cold delicate hand and wrapping her fingers around it. She licked it more naturally this time, starting at the base of your shaft and dragging her wet tongue upwards until she reached your swollen tip, swirling around it mindlessly and giving a wet kiss on it. 
Eunbi followed her lead, her tongue on one side while Hyewon mirrored the other, both women painting your hard shaft with their wet flattened tongues, before ascending on your tip and licking up against it, causing you to groan.
The two beautiful women on their knees for you wandered their tongues all over your shaft, not missing a spot before syncing back up and licking your swollen head, both hitting all the right spots, their touch driving you crazy. 
"F-fuck," you moaned to their delight, going crazy at the intense pleasure already. You felt a hand fondling your balls and jerked abruptly, earning a pretty smile from Eunbi. 
"They feel so heavy and full," Eunbi said as she kissed each one, grazing her cute nose against them. 
Hyewon looked for approval, meeting the gaze of Eunbi. Without another word Hyewon licked her lips and parted them with your sensitive tip, taking you into her radiating warm mouth. 
You moaned loudly at the softness of Hyewon’s plump lips as she sucked your tip gently, eyes looking up. Eunbi watched as Hyewon sucked you off, the pleasure of her wet mouth enveloping your shaft. 
“You’re getting good at this," Eunbi said as she smiled. She brought her mouth to your balls, blowing her hot breath against your sack before delicately kissing and licking them. 
"I love how sensitive you get," Eunbi said, licking turning into sucking as her soft lips tenderly slurped your balls one at a time, the double pleasure from each woman overwhelming your senses. 
Hyewon's lips slid deeper, her tongue licking your underside as Eunbi's lips sucked your balls more forcibly, covering them in saliva as she rested a hand on your thigh, stimulating you more by digging her nails into your skin. 
It was as if they were competing to give the most pleasure, not wanting to back down. Eunbi took your cock into her needy familiar mouth, sucking with such force you felt like you might pass out. Hyewon did not keep her mouth empty as she mirrored Eunbi’s earlier movements, gently sucking on your balls, both women eagerly to milk you dry it seemed. 
“Fuck...you’re both amazing at this,” you groaned, and you were met with faster movements.
The difference in experience and techniques was immediately apparent. Hyewon's lack of expertise allowed her to take things slowly, but she couldn't take more than half your cock down her throat, instead focusing on sucking you off more sensually. 
Eunbi was the opposite, proudly able and willing to take all of your cock down her warm throat, deepthroating with ease and sucked rapidly and messily. Both were pleasurable, and feeling the contrast of both as they switch back and forth, practically fighting over your cock drove you insane. 
“Don’t be selfish, unnie, " Hyewon whined as Eunbi devoured your cock down her throat, sliding her lips in long smooth strokes from base to tip, showing off her lack of gag reflex. She was so messy that saliva spilled out of the corners of her mouth and dripped down to her huge tits, the sight arousing you even more.
You held the back of Eunbi's head and pushed her down your base, moaning needily as her throat tightened, slurping on every inch of your shaft while Hyewon kept her mouth full of your heavy balls, trying to learn how best to pleasure them. 
"Mommy loves this cock," Eunbi hummed, and in response Hyewon forcibly stole it from her, the elder shooting a deadly look. 
"Do you really think you can make him cum with this lousy blowjob?" Eunbi hissed, as she went back to work on your balls, lathering them up with her warm saliva and slurping loudly. 
Hyewon sucked faster as a response, moving past her usual threshold and gagging as a result. Eunbi eyed her, watching her take more and more until her lips almost met your base, but retreating at the last moment as she coughed. 
"It's okay, Hyewon, not everyone can be as good as me."
Hyewon cursed under her breath, only motivated by her unnie’s pitiful attempts to incite and dove back in. She didn't care how much she gagged, Eunbi wasn't going to show her up. Starting halfway, Hyewon took as much as she could before retreating, reaching a new point each time. 
"You must like choking on that dick, huh? You sound really pretty when you gag on it, I think you could use some help though," Eunbi said as she grabbed the younger girl by the head and forced her down your base, increasing her gagging sounds and your pleasure. 
Hyewon’s eyes went wide as Eunbi fucked her throat with your cock, not used to her mouth so completely stuffed that she couldn't help feel overwhelmed. 
"Breathe through your nose, baby," Eunbi cooed as she roughly shoved her down all the way at the end of your cock, causing you to gasp and groan loudly. 
"There we go, that's how you do it. Mommy is a good teacher isn’t she?” 
Eunbi smirked as she continued her relentless use of Hyewon’s mouth, not letting up for a single moment, testing her gag reflexes and making her take you as deep as possible until she signaled that she had enough. 
"Unnie!" Hyewon yelled as she gasped for air, wiping drool off her chin and using it to jerk off your cock. 
"This is what you wanted right? To prove you were better?" 
Hyewon ignored her and focused on your cock, licking it wildly.
"Prove it then. Finish him off," Eunbi encouraged. 
Hyewon didn't back down even though she couldn't stop herself from gagging, she was determined. Her soft plump lips kissed the end of your base as your cock hit the back of her throat, but she didn’t give up.
Hyewon bobbed her head as she worked her magic in between your legs, slurping and sucking the life out of your cock. Eunbi was more than content to take a backseat, gently massaging your balls as she watched on. 
"There you go, baby, doing such a good job. Empty those heavy balls and suck him dry," Eunbi demanded. 
Hyewon looked straight ahead with a mouth full of cock, her innocent sparkling eyes glued to your own as she was prepared to drain you. Her wet full lips were sealed tight around your shaft, the sounds of her slurping every inch to try and earn your approval was far too much. 
"Ah, fuck, Hyewon. I'm gonna fucking cum."
The duo smiled as you felt your limits being hit, your breathing weakening, and your balls tightening. 
It wasn’t much longer as you felt your climax arriving, tightly grabbing the back of Hyewon’s head as you throbbed inside her mouth and erupted, flooding her throat with copious amounts of your hot cum. 
Your orgasm took over your body as you continued pumping your thick load into the back of Hyewon’s throat, grunting with every spurt that released from your shaft. 
Hyewon handled it well at first, but the more you came the more difficult it became for her as your load began spilling out of her mouth, too much for her to contain. 
"Amateur," Eunbi said. "You shouldn't waste a single drop of his delicious cum.”
Your intense orgasm mercifully came to a halt and Hyewon's lips squeezed tight around your still throbbing shaft, ensuring everything had been milked out of you. 
"There was so much, holy shit," Hyewon said while trying to talk with a mouth full of cum as she removed her lips from your cock, sliding her fingers around your shaft to make sure nothing was left. 
"Show it, baby. Show us how much you made him cum."
Hyewon complied as she opened her mouth for all to see, revealing a thick white pool that had been deposited on her tongue. 
"Swallow it," Eunbi demanded. It took more than one gulp, but Hyewon tilted her head back in satisfaction and opened her now empty mouth, displaying her wet pink tongue to confirm your load was now inside her stomach.
"Good girl," Eunbi purred as she began cleaning up drops of cum that spilled out of Hyewon’s mouth. 
"Mommy has to do this because you couldn't handle such a huge load," she sighed, licking your shaft clean of every spilled drop, taking your tip into her warm mouth and sucking it clean, your sensitivity arousing her. 
“How was it?” Eunbi asked as she made sure to not miss anything, jerking your cock off slowly as your body trembled with the aftershocks of your climax. 
Taking a moment to catch her breath, she licked her lips before answering. “Yummy.”
Letting go of your cock Eunbi licked her lips and fingers clean, sucking on them lewdly with each one making a loud pop. 
"Hyewon and I are going to have some fun in the bedroom. Come join us when you're ready."
It took a while to finish gathering your senses, catching your breath as you clutched a pillow to your chest. You rested on the couch for several minutes, waiting for your breathing to stabilize. 
Aiding your recovery you downed a glass of ice water in one go, taking another deep breath and as you let it out you heard a sound in the distance that broke the silence. A loud, feminine moan, that you couldn’t quite figure out who the owner was. 
The closer you got to the bedroom the louder the moaning got. Opening the door to your room and the bed you shared with Hyewon left you with an empty dark room as you closed the door and headed down the hallway, down into Hyewon’s actual bedroom. 
“Oh fuck!” you heard crying out behind the shut door, feeling your heart beating faster as the voice became unmistakable as belonging to Hyewon. 
Taking a breath you gently grabbed the handle and turned it as you were greeted with an unforgettable sight. 
With just one lamp illuminating the room on the left side of the bed, you walked in to find a set of panties left in the middle of the floor and found Hyewon’s naked body sprawled out and holding on to the headboard for dear life. 
Neither of the two women noticed your arrival. Eunbi was too preoccupied with having her head buried in between Hyewon’s naked thighs, rubbing at her core and devouring the writhing blonde. 
“Nice of you to join us finally,“ Eunbi said as she held onto Hyewon’s flushed thighs, eating her pussy out like she had skipped an entire week's worth of meals. The sight of Eunbi making Hyewon an absolute mess brought your erection back to full hardness right away. 
“Since this bed doesn’t get used anymore I figured it was a good place to start since you two haven’t defiled it yet.”
“Hey!” Hyewon protested, but any further complaints were drowned out by her whimpering moans. 
“It’s a shame I left my handcuffs back at work,” Eunbi said. “You’d really be squirming right now.”
Eunbi continued her assault on the younger woman’s body, her tongue deep inside Hyewon’s pussy and lapping up all her juices liberally leaking from her spread thighs. 
“Are you just going to stare at my ass all day?” Eunbi asked annoyed. 
“Is that an option?” You fired back playfully.
“No. Don’t make me be the only one doing the work here.” 
“But you’re doing such a good job, I’d hate to distract you.” 
“Enough. Mommy wants that cock.” 
It had been far too long since you had fucked Eunbi, and you weren’t going to keep her waiting as you climbed the bed, staring at the view before doing anything else. Kneeling behind her tight round ass you quickly tugged her thong off her full curvy hips, down her toned legs, and tossed it away.  
You felt hypnotized by the pink glistening flesh in between her thighs, giving Eunbi’s ass a firm squeeze, her velvety cheeks felt so good against your palms as you lined your cock against Eunbi’s opening, feeling the heat radiating as an invitation.
“U-unnie, that feels so good,” Hyewon moaned, gripping the headboard even tighter. You prepared yourself to enter the oldest of the two busty women, spreading her thick thighs and looking down at her wet pussy that looked so damn inviting. 
Running your cock up and down Eunbi’s pink wet slit, you took a deep breath before pushing in slowly and parting her wet flesh with your cock, being met by her intense warmth as you entered Eunbi once more, the feeling of her pussy even better this time. 
You groaned needily as your tip disappeared inside Eunbi’s warm walls, and then pushed deeper inside her until you were halfway inside. She looked back, her eyes telling you to get on with it already. In one stroke you used your hips and gave Eunbi what she wanted, your whole shaft was inside her warmth, the slick of her walls gripping tight around your shaft and refusing to let go.
You watched Eunbi make an absolute mess out of Hyewon as you held to her perfect wide hips, slowly began pumping inside her, feeling her pussy swallowing your cock and lighting your senses on fire as you began to fuck her from behind. 
Having experienced Eunbi in this position already you knew she liked it rough, giving her plump ass a loud slap as you thrusted deep, using your hips to establish a fast and steady rhythm. 
“You’re so fucking tight, mommy,” you said, giving her ass repeated spanks as you began pounding into her pussy, the wet flesh wrapped around your cock squeezing even tighter with every thrust. 
Eunbi wasn’t able to moan freely as she slurped and feasted on Hyewon’s delicious pussy, but you could tell from the way her body reacted to you that she was in love with what you were doing to her. 
It was hard to comprehend what was happening. Pounding into Eunbi as she ate out another woman was heavenly, and it helped that the same woman was one you had slept with already and had become very close in every sense of the word. Hyewon was certainly dripping between her thighs, but the juices coming out of Eunbi’s tight hole certainly matched the youngest, allowing you to thrust as deep as you needed into the older detective with ease.  
It didn’t take long until a trio of moans filled the room, the wet squelch of Eunbi’s hot flesh being driven into harshly caused her body to slam against Hyewon’s sensitive clit, turning her into an even louder, needier mess. 
Eunbi felt even tighter than when you had fucked her in the interrogation room, her pussy so hot and tight and wet around you just wanted to ravage her until neither of you could walk in the morning. 
"Baby, your cock feels amazing inside me. You like mommy’s tight pussy?" Eunbi asked. 
“Y-yes, mommy. You’re so wet. “ you moaned and in response and upped your pace even faster, her pussy gripping your shaft so tightly it almost hurt. 
The smack of your hips against Eunbi’s voluptuous ass was the sound you loved to hear, causing her soft flesh to ripple beautifully in time with each thrust, drilling into her with such aggression that caused the bed to shake in protest, earning higher muffled moans from her and giving one more slap on her beautiful ass.
“Mommy loves being spanked, don’t stop baby.”
“Unnie, you’re such a slut,” Hyewon teased, as you gave harsh hits to Eunbi’s soft bottom, trying to leave your handprints on both cheeks. 
“Me? Because I know what I like? If I remember you were the one who jerked a guy off you met at work for not even five minutes.” 
“Hey! I was curious and he was cute. It’s not my fault.” 
“Not so innocent are you, slut?” Eunbi fired back, slurping on her folds and bringing two and then three fingers deep inside her cunt, eating her out without a care in the world other than shutting her up.  
“Oh fuck unnie! I-I’m so close,” Hyewon whimpered, holding on to Eunbi’s head, desperately chasing her orgasm as she rocked her hips against her face, only encouraging Eunbi to furiously rub and slurp on her clit.
“Oh god..u-unnie, I’m cumming!”
With Hyewon practically screaming Eunbi’s name, you continued drilling Eunbi’s tight pussy, sending waves of pleasure through her all the way to Hyewon’s body as her thighs quivered around Eunbi’s face, as her toes curled and she came hard all over Eunbi’s pretty face. 
Eunbi licked up everything that leaked between her legs, cleaning her folds and licking every inch of her stained thighs before Hyewon gently pushed her away off her.
“U-unnie, you’re so good at that,” Hyewon breathlessly said.
“I’m good at everything I do, baby,” she confidently smirked. 
“Now rest up, Hyewonie,” she said as she looked behind her. ”As good as you feel inside me, mommy wants to ride your face.”
You didn’t want to retreat from the comforting warmth of Eunbi’s pussy, but given the alternative was having your face warmed with her powerful thighs it was quite worth the sacrifice. 
Before using your face as a pillow Eunbi lifted herself into position, giving you a chance to admire every curve and inch of her immaculate beautiful skin as she sat down and locked her warm thighs around your head.
“You’ll make mommy feel good won’t you?” 
“Of course. Anything for mommy.”
“Good boy,” Eunbi replied as she pushed her weight down and smothered you with her succulent pussy, her aroma intoxicating you as breathed hot air against her core and explored her folds with your tongue, licking her juices clean. 
“Mommy tastes so good,” you moaned as Eunbi gyrated her hips and you felt her delicious juices smearing all over your lips, not missing a drop of her nectar. 
While you fucked Eunbi’s tight hole with your tongue, she grabbed onto your head, pulling at your hair to shove you deeper inside her pretty cunt, leaving you sucking and licking her pussy, licking, slurping on her folds to give her the pleasure she deserved. 
“That mouth feels so fucking good, baby,” Eunbi said as you looked up at the pleasure you were giving her, feeling her thighs squeezing tighter as she rode your face faster as you explored and stimulated every inch of her pussy.
Meanwhile, Hyewon stirred back to life, and while you alternated between trying to breathe and pleasuring Eunbi, you felt a cold delicate hand squeezing your cock, wrapping tightly around your shaft as she began stroking you slowly. 
“I can’t believe you’re still so hard after cumming in my mouth,” Hyewon said, jerking off you at a slow rate. 
“We just must turn him on that much,” Eunbi replied, her playful words quickly turned into lustful moans as you drove your tongue deeper into her cunt as her slick continuously leaked into your mouth.
You wondered her sculpted body with your hands while you continued to be smothered by her beautiful thighs. You grabbed onto her wonderful breasts, taking a handful and squeezing, pinching her hard sensitive nipples as she closed her eyes and her breathing hitched. 
You could sense the tension in her body as you made out with her pussy, sucking her clit harshly. Juice leaked everywhere, drenching your tongue and lips as she tugged on your hair harder, trying to force you deeper inside her wet hole. 
“F-fuck, baby, mommy’s g-gonna-”
Looking up at Eunbi you slurped her pussy loudly, still playing with her tits as you felt her thighs squeezing around your head as they vibrated violently and she came all over your face, gasping and moaning breathlessly as you were drenched in her delicious sweet nectar. 
You helped her ride out her orgasm as the grip her thighs had on your head weakened, still trembling and shaking as she looked down between her and giggled at the mess she left deposited all over your face. 
"You're so good with that tongue, baby. You made mommy cum so hard."
Eunbi gently climbed off your face and immediately crashed on top of Hyewon, their breasts mashing together as the older initiated a make-out session as you were able to breathe again. 
“Now, do you think you can handle that dick?” Eunbi asked. 
Hyewon pouted cutely. “Unnie, he’s fucked me before.” 
“But you were in control the whole time, and I’m sure he was gentle. Do you think you can take his cock when he’s pounding your tight little pussy with it?” 
Hyewon scoffed. “I’ll be fine, unnie.” 
“We’ll see. How do you want her, baby?” 
You didn’t hesitate for a second before you answered, knowing just how you wanted her. 
“Bent over. I want you to watch me fuck her, mommy.” 
“I’d be happy to, baby,” Eunbi responded, giving Hyewon one more lustful kiss. 
“You heard him, Hyewon. Hands and knees,” Eunbi ordered. 
Hyewon obeyed without delay like the innocent pup she who always obediently listened to Eunbi at work, this was no different. Her palms and knees placed flat on the black silk sheets, Hyewon laid her head down, lifting her scrumptious ass in the air. 
She wasn’t as curvy as Eunbi, her thighs were a bit slimmer but her skin was just as soft, and her body wasn’t lacking in any way. Hyewon’a pussy was tighter, something Eunbi would kill you for saying had you the courage to admit it. 
You could taste Hyewon’s anticipation as you lined your shaft up with her pussy, her pink pussy ready and waiting to be filled. As you ran your cock through Hyewon’s soft wet folds, you gasped at the feeling of her wet flesh as you pushed against it, groaning at how tight she was as you entered her pussy. 
Pushing in deeper and earning a loud needy moan, you felt the tight clench of her walls squeezing the life out of your cock. Hyewon’s much tighter pussy and lack of experience being penetrated meant you really had to take your time so you didn’t hurt her, but you had a feeling she was going to enjoy the fucking she was about to take. 
“She’s fucking tight isn’t she?” Eunbi asked, positioning herself behind your body as she draped an arm around your chest. 
“She is. I feel like I can barely fit.”
"The first time I fingered her I could barely slip one finger inside. Make sure you stretch out her nice and wide.”
“I will, mommy.” 
Not wanting to disappoint either woman you pushed in deeper, parting Hyewon’s pussy wider as half of your length rested inside. When she was on top it was easy for her to take as much as she wanted to, but being bent over in this vulnerable position you felt there was much more resistance, her almost uncomfortable tightness struggling to take you all in. 
“F-fuck, you’re so big,” Hyewon cried out, as she tried adjusting to your length, Eunbi smirking proudly at the struggle she was facing already.
“He is right? Are you sure you can handle him? He’s going to be able to fuck you much deeper in this position.”
“Unnie, shut up. I can handle it,” Hyewon snapped back. 
“Well, you heard her. Fuck her, baby.” 
Not even letting your cock enter the deepest part of her pussy, you placed your hands on her soft supple asscheeks and you established a gentle rhythm, using your hips as you slowly fucked Hyewon from behind, her wet walls squeezing you with the tightest grip possible. 
“Oh fuck…” she moaned loudly. 
“Take it nice and slow,” Eunbi whispered into your ear. “And when you think she’s ready, fucking pound her.” 
“Yes, mommy.” 
Encouraged by her instructions, you took things at a slow pace, savoring her wet flesh wrapping around your shaft, Hyewon whimpered and whined and moaned needily as you pumped slowly inside her. 
“How’s that pussy feel, baby?” Eunbi asked as she began peppering your neck with delicate soft kisses. 
“It feels really good, mommy.” 
Even halfway inside Hyewon felt so tight and warm, her heavenly soft flesh squeezing your cock as you gave short, shallow thrusts, building up the pace. 
“You feel so good inside,” Hyewon moaned, as you moved your hands to her hips, watching your cock disappearing between her supple ass. With every thrust it became easier to move in and out of Hyewon, stretching her tight little hole little by little, making her wetter at the same time. 
Words couldn’t describe how tight Hyewon felt, even after a few minutes of moving in and out her she still was a tight fit, her exceptionally tight pussy suffocating your shaft. You used your fingers to rub at her clit, creating whinier moans to escape her lips as you created more wetness around your shaft, aiding your penetration. 
Soon after you were able to stretch her out enough to be able to take more of you, and you let out a satisfied grunt as you fully entered her, bottoming her out with your cock as you withdrew, leaving half of you impaled inside her tight warm cave. 
“H-harder,” Hyewon softly whimpered, her words barely audible. 
“What was that?” Eunbi asked. 
“I-I want to be fucked harder,” Hyewon said.
“Speak up, baby, we can’t hear you.” 
Hyewon took a deep breath. “Harder. Fuck me. Harder,” she said, every word this time crystal clear. 
“You heard her, baby. Go wild.” 
You hadn’t heard a better set of words all day. Growing frustrated with the slow tedious pace, you were happy to be able to fuck Hyewon at your whim, quickly settling into a much more natural pace that you were used to. 
Hearing the pleasurable sounds of flesh against flesh as your hips smacked against Hyewon’s ass, you took advantage of being able to freely fuck her, squeezing her hips as you slammed into her tight hole. 
Hyewon scrambled to grab handfuls of the sheets as you opened her up, her moans increased alongside your speed. 
“She said she can take it, baby, so make her take it. Every inch.” 
You grabbed onto Hyewon’s arms and pulled them behind her, holding her delicate wrists as you fucked her hard from behind, her body being pulled upright just a bit as you went wild and hammered into her cunt. 
You made sure to be deep as possible in this position, as Hyewon’s ass jiggled with every thrust as did her breasts, her cheeks clapping together rhythmically as her whines and whimpering moans grew louder and deeper as did the harsh smacking of flash together. 
Eunbi swung your head around so she could plant deep kisses on your lips, taking some of the focus away as you pounded away into Hyewon’s pussy, pistoning your hips without a care as sweat began dripping down your forehead. 
“Keep pounding her, baby. Don’t stop fucking our little slut until she can’t walk straight tomorrow.”
You felt Hyewon tighten at Eunbi’s use of the word slut and wanted to test it out yourself. 
“Do you like when I fuck you this deep, baby?” you asked. 
After moments of groans and gasping Hyewon responded. “Y-yes, your cock feels so big inside me. I feel so filled.”
“You like being fucked like a slut?”
Hyewon tightened again. “I-i’m not a slut! Not like, Unnie-” she protested. 
“You’re not? If I remember correctly you sucked my cock the first week I moved in here.” 
“It was because you were always hard in the morning! I felt bad for you.” 
Eunbi laughed. “Felt bad, or felt horny?” she said. 
“U-unnie! I’m not a slut!” 
“That’s not what your body says right now. I can feel how fucking wet you are, Hyewon. Your tight little pussy loves my cock.” 
“I-i just wanted to help out. To return the favor, that’s all-” 
“Then you won’t mind if I stop fucking you and fuck Eunbi instead?” 
“N-no! Please! I’m already close, please don’t stop!” 
You dropped her arms and they collapsed against the mattress. “Admit it then.” 
“I-i can’t, I’m not-”
You slowed down your pace considerably, Hyewon whimpered even more. 
“P-please, baby! I’m almost there.”
“Then maybe you should admit it. We both know you’re not as innocent as you pretend you are,” Eunbi said.
Hyewon pondered for a moment as you barely moved inside her. “Fine. I-I’m a slut. I loved sucking your cock in the morning, and I loved when you came inside me.” 
“Was that so hard?” Eunbi asked. “Do you want him to cum inside you again?” 
“Then tell him, baby.” 
“P-please cum inside me! I want you to pound me and fill my tight little pussy!” Hyewon begged. 
You smirked and resumed your harsh pace, running your hands up her tight sweaty body and cupping her breasts, squeezing them and feeling her hard nipples brushing against your palms as you drilled yourself into her. 
“I’m gonna cum!” Hyewon abruptly said as you felt her walls squeezing you the tightest they ever had. 
“Then fucking cum,” you growled impatiently in response. 
You took a bit of pride in seeing Hyewon like this, her innocent demeanor completely broken down and replaced with lustful desire and need. 
With your hands full of her wonderful warm breasts, you felt her pussy pulsating around you and Hyewon screamed as she came all over your cock, her voice hitting an octave you didn’t even think it could go as her juices saturated her thighs, your shaft, and the bedsheets underneath. So much for not defiling the bed, you thought to yourself with a snicker. 
Her body weakly shook as the aftershocks fired off like bullets, each wave of pleasure threatening to make her whole body collapse. 
“Your turn, baby. You better fill her up,” Eunbi demanded. 
You were already on the brink, and with Eunbi’s words along with the look of desperation Hyewon shot at you, there wasn’t much you could do to hold out. Teetering on the verge of exhaustion, you gave everything you had as you hooked both of Hyewon’s arms and brought her upright, feeling her sweaty back pressed up against your chest as you pounded her pussy. 
“Take it all, baby. Take all my cock you fucking slut,” you hissed, the words seemingly appearing out of nowhere as you buried yourself deep inside Hyewon’s dripping cunt. Without anything to grab on to, Hyewon was at your mercy, fucking her with the last remaining shred of energy you had, your carnal desires fueling your urge to absolutely ruin her. 
Without another word you came inside Hyewon, feeling a sense of relief as you sent your thick hot cum inside her, throbbing and groaning with every single spurt until she was pumped full of your plentiful load. 
“You did so well,” you whispered to Hyewon weakly, as you released her and she collapsed to the bed in front and you followed as you pulled out, your sticky cum staining her thighs as you equally gasped for air. 
"Look how much you came, baby," Eunbi said as her view was on the semen dripping out of Hyewon as you crashed on the side of the bed next to her, struggling to breathe with any kind of regularity. 
"Don't move a muscle, Hyewon," Eunbi ordered, as she bent down between her thighs, and began licking her clean. 
"U-unnie," Hyewon softly whimpered as Eunbi cleaned up the mess you had just left inside her, slurping your load directly from Hyewon’s freshly fucked pussy and greedily swallowing it all, rekindling the fire in your loins and bringing you back to full hardness, something Eunbi took notice of. 
“Don’t relax yet, baby. You still need to give mommy your cum.” 
Hyewon crashed to her side exhausted as you laid down in anticipation of what Eunbi had planned. 
"Mommy wants to ride that cock," Eunbi said as she pounced on your body and you felt her naked thighs straddling your waist, caressing your sweat misted skin and smiling sweetly. 
"Just relax and let mommy do all the work."
Her gaze relaxed you as she kissed you again, this time more lustfully, biting your lower lip and holding on. She grabbed your cock, slickened with the juices of both women and stroked it carefully, teasing her silky wet folds with it. 
“You’re still throbbing for me, baby. Does mommy turn you on this much?” 
“Yes, mommy. You’re so sexy.” 
“I’m glad you think so, baby,” Eunbi said shyly, still teasing her warm flesh with your leaking cock. 
“What do you like about me, baby?” 
“Your pretty eyes. Your sexy hips. Your amazing tits. Your soft thighs. I love everything about you, mommy.” 
Eunbi blushed. “You’re so sweet, baby. I hope you still have some cum stored up in those balls. Mommy wants to ruin you.” 
“Please do, mommy.” 
With your tip still aimed at her tight entrance, Eunbi lifted her hips up and slowly sank down onto your cock, parting her wet flesh and impaling herself. She took the first few inches of your shaft at first, and then slipped every part of you inside her with ease as if showing off and moaning freely at being so full. 
“Oh fuck, baby,” Eunbi moaned loudly, resting her delicate soft hands on your chest. You grabbed onto her waist and stared at her magnificent figure, your mouth drooling over every sinful curve of her body so sculpted to perfection as you eagerly anticipated her next move. 
“You’re so wet, mommy.” 
“All because of you, baby,” Eunbi replied with a charming smile as she began slowly moving her hips, taking you in and out of her body at a delicate pace. Your mind went numb at the warmth and tightness enveloping your shaft, her pussy gripping on tight as if to tell your cock it wasn’t going anywhere but inside her. 
Eunbi threw her head back as her pace increased and she created a steady rhythm, rolling her hips as she rode your cock, taking you to the hilt with every bounce. She was in control in more ways than one, not for her comfort but for yours, only giving as much pleasure as she dictated you needed. 
With her pretty hands still resting upon your chest, her nails began digging into your skin as the look in her eyes became more devilish. 
“Mommy loves your cock,” she said as she picked up the pace, her warm thighs smacking against yours, as you felt mesmerized by the way her huge breasts bounced.
Eunbi grew tired of her sensual nature and began slamming herself against your shaft, her tight cunt dripping juices each time she was filled to the hilt, She became more and more aggressive by the second, leaning her body forward to kiss and lick your neck before blowing hot air in your ear. 
“Hyewon might get to fuck you while you live together, but mommy owns this cock. She’s just borrowing it when I’m not around.” 
“It belongs to you, mommy.” 
“Don’t either of you forget that,” she said as she violently rode your cock, her warm skin slapping against your own flesh as her cunt was repeatedly penetrated as deep as possible, riding with vigor as her ass plump bouncing wildly against your cock. 
“Mommy needs these balls drained, baby. You’ll give mommy your cum, won’t you?”
“Y-yes, mommy. I’ll do anything you ask.”
“Yes, mommy. Anything.”
“What if mommy wants to keep riding you after you cum?” 
“Then mommy can keep riding me as long as she wants.” 
“You’re a good boy, aren’t you?” Eunbi asked as she grabbed your hands and placed them on her tits. You nodded and squeezed them both, playing with her hard nipples with your fingers. 
“You like mommy’s tits, don’t you?”
“I love them. Your tits are so amazing, Mommy.” 
Liking what she heard, Eunbi grabbed the back of your head and brought her chest to your face, smothering you with her delicious breasts. The soft flesh of her heavy tits against your face felt so comforting and heavenly, you never wanted them to leave. 
“Oh fuck, baby, mommy might cum soon.” 
You loved every moment, every sensation sent through your body. You didn’t mind Eunbi using you to get off, you wanted nothing more but to please her. 
Eunbi rode you so hard that you were sure the bed was going to break, clearly enjoying vigorously using your cock. 
“Unnie, don’t break him,” Hyewon teased as she rested her tired body up against Eunbi, burying her face into the crook of her neck. 
“All rested up for round two?” Eunbi asked. Hyewon tiredly shook her head. 
“No, I just wanted to play with these,” Hyewon said as she felt up her chest, cupping her breasts softly and giving a gentle squeeze, stealing the large mounds from the comfort of your face and into her own hands.
“Don’t be selfish, Hyewon,” Eunbi said. The two exchanged saliva as their lips met and tongues clashed, Hyewon giving into the older woman. 
Eunbi’s juices vigorously flowed out of her cunt, the added stimulation of Hyewon’s hands exploring her chest, pinching her nipples brought her new uncontrollable pleasure that she couldn’t hold back any longer. 
“Is mommy going to cum?” Hyewon asked, surprising the room by warming up to the use of Eunbi's insistent title. 
“I am,” Eunbi softly said, laughing at Hyewon’s use of the word. 
“Cum for us, mommy,” Hyewon innocently said, and it seemed to trigger Eunbi’s second climax of the night as she slipped into a euphoric trance as all her senses were shaken, tightening around your cock and leaking enough juices to almost slip out of her. 
Once she came down from her high, you felt the enthusiastic bounce of her hips as she intended to draw out your own climax as Hyewon still clung to her body. 
“I forgot how needy you are after you cum,” Eunbi teased. “I-i’m not-” Hyewon protested, proving the opposite as she kissed Eunbi’s shoulders. 
“Are you close baby?” Eunbi asked as she grabbed your hands and interlocked your fingers with hers, pinning your arms above your head. “If not you will be,” she smirked. 
“Cum inside mommy,” she demanded as she gave her all, slamming herself down with the only intention to drain you. Her hair was out of place, sweat dripping all over her body, making her jiggling breasts look even more appetizing, she had never looked sexier. Eunbi was in total control of you, and you were going to finish inside her whether you wanted or not, not that you ever would have rejected that idea. 
You laid there helplessly as Eunbi rode your cock without mercy, her sweaty thighs slapping against your own as you struggled to gather your senses, waiting for the inevitable as the pressure in your abdomen grew. 
“M-mommy, I’m gonna cum,” you cried out, every syllable difficult to form as they left your lips. Her eyes lit up in anticipation. You didn’t hold on anymore, not that you could, but you stared into Eunbi’s eyes and the lustful look that demanded your release sent you over the edge. 
“Cum for mommy,” she said as if those three seductive words were the final bit of permission you needed. You groaned needily as your throbbing cock exploded inside her, filling up her walls as she drained the final spurts of cum left just for her, somehow equally as much as you had given Hyewon. 
“Such a good boy,” she said as she kissed your forehead. You wondered if she was going to keep going, keeping you to your word of not stopping but mercifully she seemed satisfied. 
Giving you a few moments to rest she slowly and gingerly lifted her body off of your cock an inch at a time, the three of you watching the dripping thick load leaked between her thighs, the result of your combined juices seeping out. 
Hyewon looked in awe. “I can’t believe you can still cum so much. “ 
“I have that effect on people,” she proudly boasted. You laid there barely able to move, twitching as you felt their mouths returning to your cock, lips and tongues cleaning up your shaft and running all over your drained balls. 
Moments after you passed out from exhaustion.
The morning after was a blur. You arose before anyone else, still wondering if the night before was a wonderful dream that you unfairly never acted out. The mess of stained sheets and naked limbs surrounding you and the weight of both gorgeous women perched on your chest thankfully meant everything became a reality, but you still pinched yourself just in case. 
"Good morning…" you heard a voice softly say sleepily.
"Good morning, mommy," you responded as you saw Eunbi waking up. 
"I love when you call me that," she said as she left sweet tender kisses on your chest. "It turns me on so much."
"Did you sleep well, mommy?" you asked, repeating the word.
"I did, baby, thanks to you. I'm still wet though, just thinking about you."
Eunbi’s pretty fingers ran through out of place strands of your hair, playing with them. 
"And it looks like you're excited this morning thinking about mommy," she said as she grabbed your cock and stroked slowly. You moaned at her touch and she smiled devilishly. 
"Maybe mommy should jerk you off right here."
"We shouldn't wake her."
"Hyewon? She'll be out for a while, you really did a number on her."
"Still, I'd hate to disturb her."
"How about a quickie in the shower while she rests?” Eunbi asked. 
"Now that's a great idea." You carefully removed yourself from underneath Hyewon, trying not to wake her. Eunbi literally grabbed you by the dick and led you to the bathroom, letting the water get as hot as it could before stepping inside. 
You didn’t know what it was about both women that seemed to love their scalding hot showers, but you weren’t going to question it given the view in front of you. 
Not long after you wettened you hair, Eunbi turned the shower into her own erotic show as she soaped up her voluptuous body and lathered up her massive tits. Knowing you couldn’t divert your eyes she played with her own nipples, pinching and pulling on them as she moaned and you quickly felt yourself growing hard as a rock. 
“You like watching mommy get clean?” Eunbi asked as she bit her lip. Before you could answer the shower door opened and Hyewon joined the fun. 
“Hey! You started without me,“ she frowned. 
“You looked so peaceful, we didn’t want to wake you,” Eunbi said. 
"Nice excuse, unnie. You just wanted his cock to yourself."
"You caught me red-handed. And what happened to mommy?"                        
Hyewon blushed and turned shy. 
“Just clean me, " Eunbi said. 
You couldn’t help but feel they were teasing you, soaping up each other's bodies and kissing each other at the same time as the water ran down their flushed skin. As always, Eunbi felt the need to up the ante, using her knee to spread Hyewon’s wet thighs and grinding against her core. 
“F-fuck, mommy-” Hyewon moaned. 
“You wanna ride mommy’s thigh don’t you, baby?”
“Y-yes, mommy,” she desperately responded, trying to force any bit of friction she could against Eunbi’s muscular toned thigh. Eunbi allowed it for a few moments, finding it cute how needy she always was as she brought her fingers to her breasts, playing with Hyewon’s swollen sensitive nipples before grabbing her hips and ceasing her movements. 
“You shouldn’t cum before our guest does,” Hyewon whined but didn’t voice a complaint. 
She grabbed Hyewon by the ass and pulled her towards her body, their wet soapy breasts mashing together. 
“Yes, mommy?” 
“Follow my lead.” 
Eunbi knelt on the shower’s tile floor, Hyewon quickly followed, both stroking your cock. Eunbi angled her body to the side as the water ran over your chest. Soaping up her tits even more, she grabbed your cock and placed it in between her soapy cleavage, wrapping her breasts around your shaft. 
She didn’t move yet, and Hyewon caught on quickly, matching her position on the opposite side with her wet breasts smothering the other side of your shaft. You realized what exactly was about to happen, and nothing could prepare you for it. 
They flashed each other a look, and the moment they started moving together you absolutely lost it as they created friction, sandwiching your cock in between the heavy warm flesh of their tits.
“Holy fuck,” you moaned, and they both let out gasps at the result of their sensitive nipples grinding against each other. As if that weren’t enough, Eunbi leaned in to take a kiss from Hyewon who returned her advances, as the two messily sucked each other's faces. 
You had no doubt in your mind that this is what heaven was like. 
“Like that, baby?” Eunbi said.
“You have no fucking idea.” 
They both giggled and watched as you lost your mind even more. You didn’t dare close your eyes for a second, keeping your eyes glued to the way their perfect tits assaulted your cock, struggling to keep your composure as the intense pleasure spiked through every bit of your body. 
“Fuck, I’m not gonna last very long.” 
“Mommy wouldn’t expect you to.” 
Just a few more moments was all you could handle, the warmth of both of their breasts squeezing and massaging your cock was too much. You throbbed in between them as you groaned loud enough to echo around the shower walls as you filled up their cleavage with cum and painted their pretty faces and they proudly wore your warmth on their features. 
The two shared a series of giggles before Eunbi licked your sticky warmth off Hyewon’s face, the younger returning the favor before licking each other's faces clean, kissing each other with cum-stained lips and eagerly swapping your load. 
They kissed your depleted shaft as you weakly leaned yourself against the shower’s cold tiles, forcing your eyes open as Hyewon rode Eunbi’s thigh to completion and Eunbi gushed all over Hyewon’s slim fingers in a matter of moments. 
The three of you dressed and dried off in relative silence, recovering from the events of the past 24 hours. 
“What happens now? With the case?” you asked. 
“We don’t exactly know ourselves. We’ll have to figure out what happened, what went wrong, and if our information was inaccurate. This is a huge setback,” Eunbi said.  
“We’ll be spending most of next week recovering from this. And we were so close too,” Hyewon frustratedly said. 
“It can’t be helped, these things happen sometimes and we’ll have to prevent it from happening again,” Eunbi reassuringly replied. 
“No more talk about work. How about some breakfast, Hyewon?” 
“Right away. How does pancakes sound?” 
“Amazing,” you said.
“Make an extra batch. We’re going to need to save up our energy for later.”  
“Hey. It's me. No, they don’t have any idea. Fucking idiots. Their operation was a failure in every possible way.” 
“No, it was thanks to you too, boss. Yes, the account number is still the same. I can’t show you my gratitude enough, I’ll be able to pay off these fucking loans finally. “
“I’m not sure, I’m sure they’re scrambling like chickens with their head cut off. I’ll be able to find out more on Monday. Yes, I’ll be careful. I’ll see you in a week. “
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I have a very tragic question. What if Emma died by fighting demons & her close friends/family witnessed her die (ofc that includes Norman...)? Can u imagine how her friends/family would react to her sacrifice?
Yay it's sad headcanons hours!!!
Norman: Dead. Destroyed. Seeing Emma die in front of him would literally be his worst nightmare coming to reality. He'd probably be not accepting she's gone and would keep shaking her corpse for a long time, screaming, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face, begging her to come back. Don has to take him by force away from Emma's body because he just won't leave her. After the event, he spends a week at home alone, not allowing anyone near him. Nobody knows what he did during that time. But I believe after some time he will find the strength to keep going on, and return to relative normality. He knows that there's people who needs him: be it the habit of being a leader or his innate kindness and altruism, but he knows he can't abandon his family. And he has swore not to leave Ray on his own. So he keeps living. He constantly tries to keep his mind busy, not allowing himself to indulge on painful memories, which will lead to him constantly overworking himself (it takes an inhuman amount of work to distract that big smart head of his). He tells himself that's what Emma would have wanted, that he has to keep living for her. But a certain light has left his eyes, and it will never come back. He will blame himself for her death for the rest of his life, never being able to let it go.
Ray: His immediate reaction to Emma dying in front of his eyes is not as strong as Norman's: maybe it's because he's already experienced many near death experiences with her, but he isn't taking that she's dead. He waits for her to get up, frozen in disbelief. For the first time in his life, his fast reflexes and incredible observation skills just can't keep up with what's happening around him. Why is everyone screaming? Why is Norman crying? Emma cannot be dead, that's impossible. Emma is too strong to die. Everyone needs her, and he knows she would never abandon them. But then what's happening? Why doesn't she get up? With Emma dying, time stopped moving for Ray. He can't put himself to do anything. His life has lost any meaning. He's shocked. He's furious. He's desperate. And soon enough, he just stops living. He knows that's not what Emma would have wanted, and he feels sorry for that; but he's not strong enough to keep going on. I think there's kind of a deep meaning to his reaction? Thanks to Emma, Ray started living: he started thinking that happiness, freedom, love attended him in his life, when previously he only saw death. Now, with her dying, he has once again lost all of it, and all that's left is emptiness. I don't think Ray would kill himself because that would be REALLY disrespectful towards Emma, but I think he would essentially just let himself exist, and stop living. His family would try to cheer him up as much as possible, but with time it becomes evident it's all useless. However, they keep hanging out with him, as they don't want to leave him alone, and he really appreciates it. But his family loving him and him allowing himself to love them back is just another part of Emma's legacy, and it hurts in its own way. Norman insists for the two of them to move in together, and Ray doesn't oppose, but in his life there's now this gigantic, empty space that is impossible to fill, and that crushes him more and more every day, slowly consuming him.
(Oh my God I've made myself sad?? Jk forget about it, if Emma died Ray would party.)
Gilda: When Emma dies, Gilda's world falls upon her. She can't believe it. Her first reaction is similar to Ray's, but in her case rage fastly takes over the other emotions. Emma shouldn't have abandoned her family, the children that so much looked up to her. Emma had no right to betray Gilda, to leave her alone. Of course it's just a defense mechanism, and Gilda doesn't really believe that, but right now that's for her the easiest, most immediate reaction in order to not let the pain kill her. She's losing sight of what's the meaning of living, now that Emma's gone, fastly falling to desperation. Eventually Don will be able to bring her out of her state, and show her that there's plenty of things that make life worth living. I truly believe these two have an amazing relationship, and they would be of great help to each other with coping with the grief. Gilda is going to be ok, because that was the most important thing for Emma, for her friends to be happy.
Don: Let me get this straight: he's as desperate and lost as everyone else. He just lost one of the most precious people in his life and he's absolutely destroyed. He cries a lot, on the spot and the days and nights after. Emma was a big model and inspiration for him, but before that, she was a dear friend like no others. However, I think between him and the people before listed he would be the most functional one although the pain. He's broken, but he still manages to get up and push the others to move forward. Now that Emma is gone, he knows that somebody has to take her place; and even though he knows there's no one like her, he can at least try to be the support the children need. His family needs him, and he owes it to Emma. After Emma's death he will be the most helpful guide to help the others overcome the grief- which is sad in its own way, because if he helps everyone, then who helps him? I hope these kids will get therapy.
Anna and Nat: Shocked. Desperate. Heartbroken. They're young enough to see Emma as an older sister and old enough to fully feel the pain of her death. Hopefully they will be able to recover.
GF children: They're all so confused and lost. They can't understand what's happening. More than Emma's death, which is hard to process on it's own, they're shattered by their older siblings reactions. They would be upset indeed, but I believe children have a magical way to cope, and they will eventually be able to overcome the pain. They're the ones that best cherish Emma's memory, truly believing that she lives in their hearts and in their happiness. They become the greatest cheer up and drive to keep living for the older ones.
Phil: Heartbroken!!!!!! Miserable! Inconsolable! Emma's death deeply signs him. It takes him weeks to fully recover. After that he will try acting as normal as possible, especially for his younger siblings, but he'll never manage to be as cheerful and thoughtless as he used to be ever again. His childhood died with Emma.
Oliver: He cries a lot. Since Emma was younger than himself, he loved her as a younger sister, and when she dies, he blames himself for failing to protect her. However, he will do his best to reassure and help the others. Goldy Pond's experience taught him that it feels better to keep yourself busy, so that your mind won't have the time to linger on the pain. It isn't the best coping mechanism for him to handle the trauma with, but he indeed was of great help to fill the leader space Emma had left behind.
GP group: Upset. I like to believe that with the time they spent together at the bunker, they started loving Emma as a sister, rather than looking at her as a leader or a hero. That made her death all the more dreadful. Emma's death brought back once again the horror and desperation of the hunting ground, the pain of losing the family you loved. Having it suddenly brought back after such a long time was horrible: multiple people had breakdowns, with many thinking that such suffering is destined to haunt them forever. Eventually, with the support of their family they will help each other to get out it. Group therapy guys!!!
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Kou [After Story]
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ー The scene starts outside by the lake
Kou: Oooi, Yui! This way!
Yui: Ah, yeah! I’ll be right there!
Kou: This lake is so pretty! The water is crystal clear!
Kou: Also, look! The sky is reflected on the water’s surface, dyeing it a beautiful blue color!
I can take a picture while we’re here, right?
Yui: ...Fufu.
Kou: Whaaat? Why are you laughing? Did I do something?
Yui: No, that’s not it. I didn’t mean it like that...
Seeing you have such a good time is making me happy as well.
Kou: Oh, that’s it? Of course I’m happy!
After all, there’s such a beautiful blue sky spread out right in front of me!
Yui: ( He’s right...I’m underneath such a pretty clear sky together with Kou-kun... )
( I feel blessed too. ) 
Kou: Say, Yui. Let’s look at the photos in the shade of the trees over there.
Our collection has grown quite a bit already.
Yui: Yeah!
ー They walk towards the shade
Kou: Let’s see...
Yui: Wah! So pretty...
Kou: These...If I recall correctly, we took them in the country we stayed at up till recently, right?
There’s not a single cloud in sight, it really just screams ‘the blue sky’!
Yui: Ah, this is a picture of the sunset.
We took it right as the sun was setting, so the blue and orange hues are mixing together, it really is beautiful.
Kou: You’re right.
I still like the blue sky the very best, but I’m quite fond of this sunset as well.
Yui: Really?
Kou: Yeah. It feels like the boundary between day and night, giving off a mystical vibe.
Yui: Mystical...
Kou: Ah. You just made fun of me a little, didn’t you?
Yui: I-I didn’t!
Kou: I wonder~? What you’re thinking always shows right away on your face, you know.
Yui: I swear I didn’t...! I was just wondering what exactly a ‘mystical’ vibe is like...
Kou: Whatever~ 
Yui: Geez...Hm?
Kou: Ah.
Yui: I-Is this...a photo of me!?
( I’m asleep...Which means... )
...You took this in secret?
Kou: Ahーah, I’m busted, huh?
Yui: Come on! Kou-kun! Taking pictures of me in secret is so mean!
Kou: Sorry, sorry~ But your sleeping face was just too cute, you know...
...Say? Forgive me? ...Nn.
Yui: Nn...
...Guess I have no other choice.
Kou: Ehehe. Thank you!
Since you’ve forgiven me...Ey!
ー He lays his head on her lap
Kou: A lap pillow...You don’t mind, right?
Yui: ...It’s embarrassing.
Kou: Who cares? We’re the only two people here anyway. Right?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Kou: Ah, but you make the cutest expressions when embarrassed, so can I take a picture?
Yui: N-No way!
Kou: Eeh~ That’s a shame.
Yui: ( Geez...Kou-kun... )
( But...Right now, he seems very precious like this... )
Kou: Ah, look at this picture.
Yui: Which one?
Kou: This one. I wanted to take a picture of the starry sky, but it wouldn’t show up very well...
I guess this old camera we got just doesn’t cut it?
Yui: You got this one from a cameraman you knew through your job, right?
Kou: Exactly. When he gave it to me, I never thought I would actually use it one day.
But right now, it has really proven its worth.
After all...There’s tons of skies inside this roll of film.
Yui: Yeah...You’re right.
ー Yui looks up at the sky
Yui: ( Ever since we left Kaminashi City... )
( We’ve been traveling around the world. )
( Visiting various places, experiencing different emotions (1)... )
( And every time we look up at the sky, Kou-kun will happily press the shutter of this camera. )
Kou: ...Why have you suddenly gone quiet?
Yui: No, it’s nothing.
Kou: Really? Okay then.
Being able to spend time together with you under the blue skies...
And resting my head in your lap like this really puts me in the best mood.
Yui: K-Kou-kun...
( Hearing him point it out again made me embarrassed. )
Kou: ...That just leavesーー There we go. 
Say, Yui. I’m a little thirsty...
Yui: Eh!? ...Ah, yeah...
W-Will this work...?
Kou: Yeah...Perfect.
I honestly never thought a day would come on which you willingly offer yourself like that.
Yui: That’s...I mean, right now I really have no reason to push you away...
Kou: ...!
...Geez...Don’t come complaining to me later after stirring me on like that.
Yui: Eh? Did I say something?
Kou: Not reallyー...!
Yui: Kyah...!?
Kou: ...Thanks for the meal~
ー Kou bites her
Kou: ...Nn...Nn...
...Nn...Haah...Your blood really is so delicious...
Yui: ...
( How strange... )
( I could have never imagined this when Kou-kun sucked my blood for the first time... )
( But right now...I think I want Kou-kun just as badly... )
( I feel at ease...Just by having him by my side ) 
Kou: ...Nn...Hah...You’re kind of out of it today.
Yui: Eh!?
Kou: Make sure to fix your attention on me (2)...Nn. 
Yui: ...!? Ow...Kou-kun! You bit me on purpose just now, didn’t you!?
Kou: You’re at fault for spacing out. That proves you had something on your mind, right?
Yui: Well...
Kou: See, I got it right! ...I’ll make it so you can’t think of anything or anyone but me.
Yui: Ah...
Kou: ...Nn...You’re so cute...Yui...
ー The scene shifts to the town
Kou: Today was so much fun.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( Personally I found it rather embarrassing though... )
Kou: Huh? Your face is red, you know? Could it be...You’re recalling what happened earlier?
Yui: ...!
Kou: Bull’s eye, huh? You really are so cute.
Yui: O-Oh come on! Stop teasing me...!
Kou: Fufu...
Yui: ( Uu...How embarrassing... )
Kou: Hey, Yui.
Yui: Y-Yes?
Kou: There’s actually one more request I’d like to make while you’re embarrassed anyway.
Yui: A request...?
Kou: Let’s hold hands.
Come on, you don’t mind, do you?
Yui: Ah...
Kou: There’s nobody who would recognize me here.
Yui: Yeah...You’re right.
Kou: Hooray!
Yui: ( Kou-kun seems happy...When he’s happy, so am I. )
Kou: ...Hm?
Hey, Yui! Look at the display over there!
Yui: Eh...?
Something on the public TV screen (3) caught your eyーー Ah!
( Kou-kun’s on TV...!? )
Kou: I wonder what they’re saying about me?
Yui: U...Uhm...
( I did learn this country’s language a little but...Hm... )
...The Japanese idol...Mukami Kou...has gone missing? ...I think.
Kou: Heeh...They’d actually report it all the way over here as well.
Yui: ( Right... )
( To Kou-kun’s fans, it must seem as if he has suddenly vanished off the surface of the earth... )
Kou: ...
Yui: ...
( I’m sure the people who liked him must be extremely sad... )
( ...I wonder if we did the right thing...? )
Kou: ーー I don’t have any regrets.
Yui: Eh...?
Kou: I bet you were thinking if we did the right thing while looking at the screen, weren’t you?
Yui: Uu...
Kou: You’re such a fool.
Yui: A-A fool...?
Kou: You said that you’d prioritize me over anything and follow me.
I feel the same way.
I left everything behind too. ...Except for you, Yui.
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: Well, there’s of course times where I wonder how Ruki-kun and the others are faring...
However, I will no longer hesitate. As long as you are with me, I won’t have any regrets either.
So...Don’t worry.
Yui: Kou-kun...
You’re right. I don’t regret my decision either.
Kou: Mmh! Let’s head home then?
Yui: ...Yeah!
( Together with Kou-kun, we can overcome any hurdle )
( I strongly felt so the second we leaped into the air together. )
Kou: Are we done shopping now?
Yui: I think we got everything we needed, so it should be fi...Ah!
Kou: What’s wrong? You forgot something?
Yui: I forgot to buy pasta...
Kou: Ehー! But we actually got our hands on some clams! But we can’t make vongole bianco without pasta!
Yui: Sorry! I’ll quickly go back!
You wait here, okay?
Kou: You’ll be fine by yourself?
Yui: Yeah. It’s right there.
Kou: Okayー Come back soon, okay?
Yui: Mmh. I’ll get going then.
ー Yui runs off
Yui: Phew. I successfully bought the pasta.
( Thank god I remembered before we got home... )
( Kou-kun’s waiting for me, right? I better hurry ba...Hm? )
Did this store always look like this...?
( Re-opening...It got a complete overhaul and became a jewelry store. )
( They’ve got a bunch of cute accesories out on display... )
( Ah... )
( This ring is so pretty...! )
( The blue is almost likeーー )
???: Hmm~ So this is the kind of stuff you like?
Yui: Eh!?
Kou: Geez~ I came looking for you because I was worried you were taking such a long time.
Yui: Ah, my bad!
Kou: It’s fine, really. Something caught your eye, right?
However, I didn’t expect to find you glued to the display window of a jewelry store~
I guess you’re finally reaching that age (4) as well, huh~? 
Yui: T-That’s not it...It just happened to catch my attention...
Kou: This ring? 
Yui: Yeah...Look at this blue gemstone inserted in it...
I thought it looked a lot like the color of the sky we saw together yesterday.
Kou: Yeah, you do have a point. It’s a clear, beautiful cerulean hue.
Yui: Right? It’s super pretty, so I was captivated by it...
Kou: Hm...
Ah! Your birthday is coming up soon, isn’t it?
Shall I buy it for you?
Yui: Eh?
I-It’s fine!
Kou: Eh~? Why?
Yui: We...should be careful with our spendings for now.
( We decided to choose where we’d settle after visiting various places. )
( So right now, we are living off the money Kou-kun had saved up through his job. )
Kou: Are you sure? I’ve got plenty of savings, you know?
Yui: That might be the case but...
I mean, that ring is really expensive, right?
Kou: Hmm, it is but I’d say this is a normal price for a ring?
Yui: Still, right now we shouldn’t.
Kou: So you basically don’t want a present from me?
Yui: T-That’s not true...! I’d be happy with anything you’d give me. But...
I’m still in no position to receive such a wonderful ring...
How to put it, I want to have grown to the point of feeling worthy before you gift it to me...
Kou: Hmm...?
Well, I figured you’d say something like that though.
Yui: I’m sorry for stopping by here.
Well, let’s head home then.
Kou: Yeah...
But, I still...
Yui: Kou-kun, what are you doing? You might get yelled at for taking pictures!
Kou: Ehー? Really? But it’s so pretty, you want to preserve a memory of it, no?
This makes for a proper blue sky as well after all!
ー The scene shifts to their home
Yui: Dinner’s ready!
Kou: Uwaah, it smells incredible! The pasta you make really is the very best, Yui!
Yui: Fufu, you still haven’t tried it, right? You might be even more impressed once you have a taste!
Kou: Oh!? Someone’s brimming with confidence, huh?
Yui: Today’s dish turned out extremely well.
So I’m sure you’ll like it as well.
Kou: Really? Let’s hurry up and eat then! Thanks for the meal!
Yui: Thanks for the meal.
Kou: Nn...Nom, nom...Yeah, it’s good!
Yui: Really!?
Kou: Yeah!  No wonder you were so confident in it!
Yui: The clams were being highly recommended at the market today after all.
This has to be the dish I’m the most proud of so far...!
Kou: The taste might be the best amongst all the plates you’ve made as well!
Yui: Fufu, I’m glad.
Kou: Well, I’ll happily dig into any dish you make though.
Mm~ All done!
Yui: Eh? You’re already done?
Kou: Yeah, so...Seconds, please!
Yui: Fufu. I made sure to prepare lots for you, so one second please.
Kou: Hooray! I can probably go for two more plates!
Yui: Hang on tight, okay?
Kou: Roger!
Kou: Thanks for the meal~
Yui: Thanks for the meal.
Kou: Ah, I’ll handle the clean-up.
Yui: You sure?
Kou: You made me such delicious vongole bianco after all.
Let me do this much, okay?
Yui: Thanks, Kou-kun. I’ll be counting on you then, okay?
Kou: Yeah, leave it to me! ...Ah, you know, Yui.
Yui: Hm?
Kou: You really did like the ring we spotted today, no?
Yui: Hmm, I did think it was lovely. It was such a beautiful blue color after all.
However, I...
Kou: Okay, okay, stop! I know. You don’t want it (5), right?
Yui: Yeah...I don’t want anything.
I mean, I’m already so happy just to be living together with you like this.
Kou: I feel the same way.
I really am glad you’re here with me.
Say, let’s continue living happily together from here on out, okay...?
Yui: Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to the bedroom
Kou: M-neko-chan said there’s nothing she wants but...
I still want to do something for her...
...Besides, a ring holds a special meaning...
Okay, I’ve made up my mind...!
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: ( ...Hm, I just need to check the seasoning of the soup and then it’ll be ready, I suppose? )
Kou-kun! Dinner will be served soon!
...Huh? No response...
( Lately he’s been cooped up in our room quite often. )
( He never quite did that in the past, so I wonder what has gotten into him? )
ー The scene shifts to the bedroom
*Cling cling*
Kou: Geez, I never thought things would end up like this...
Ahー I can’t do it...!
Kou: It has improved a bit compared to my first attempts, but it’s still no good.
They said even a beginner should be able to pull it off, but this isn’t my cup of tea...
Ever since I was young, Ruki-kun has been telling me that I’m too careless of a worker...
Kou: But...I have to...bring this to a good end so...
Oh? It’s actually looking decent? Maybe I got the hang of it?
Okay then! Gotta keep going like this!
I told myself I wouldn’t give up, so better give it my all!
Besides, I’ll definitely finish it in time...!
Yui: ( ...Kou-kun’s late... )
( Lately he’s been leaving the house on a whim more often. )
( I wonder if he’s out again? )
( Whenever I ask, he just says he’s going on a walk or something like that... )
( I wonder if something happened...? )
ー Kou enters the room
Kou: I’m backー
Yui: Ah! Kou-kun...! Geez, I was worried because you just wouldn’t come home!
Kou: Ahー My bad? My stroll got a little prolonged, you could say?
Yui: Ah...Right.
( If something were up...he’d for sure talk to me about it...Right? )
I’ll make dinner now, so hang on, okay?
*Chop chop chop*
Kou: Heey, Yuiii~
Yui: What’s wrong?
Kou: I’m totally starved!
Food, quick!
Yui: Fufu, it’s almost ready so wait just a little longer?
Kou: ...Don’t wanna.
ー He sneaks up on her
Yui: Wah...Wait, Kou-kun...!?
( He wrapped his arms around me from behind...!? )
It’s dangerous to do this while I’m cooking, you know?
Kou: But I’m home now...
Yet you won’t pay attention to me at all.
It’s boring.
Yui: Well...I’m making dinner right now, so it can’t be helped...
Kou: Then you don’t need to make food.
Yui: ( Says the person who was crying about being hungry just now... )
Kou: But, well...
Yui: ...Hm?
Kou: This kind of makes us seem like newlyweds, don’t you think?
Yui: Eh!?
ー Yui drops something
Kou: Ahaha! You’re way too shocked!
Yui: But...!
Kou: But it’s the truth, right?
Yui: Uu...
Kou: Then, let’s do something that fits the image of newlyweds!
Yui: Eeh? What will you do then...?
Kou: Hmー ...Taste-test the food?
Yui: ( Pretty sure he just wants to have a bite... )
Then...Can I ask you to taste the soup?
Kou: Leave it to me!
Yui: Uhm, I’m pretty sure the spoons are over there...
Kou: Wrong, right?
Yui: Eh? What am I getting wrong?
Kou: You’ll feed me, won’t you?
Yui: Eeh!? Really!?
Kou: We have to act like newlyweds, so that should be a given!
Come on, you hold the spoon.
Yui: ...We’re actually doing this?
Kou: Of course! Come on, aaaahn~
Yui: ( ...This is embarrassing...But... )
S-Say ‘aaahn’...
Kou: ...Nn...Mmh~ It’s good!
Yui: Really!? I’m glad!
Kou: Then it’s my turn next, right? Okay, open wide!
Yui: Eh? ...I’m fine...
Kou: Why are you being so modest? Come on, say ‘aaahn’!
Yui: A-Aahn...
Kou: Fufu~ Well done.
...How does it taste?
Yui: I-It’s good...I guess...?
( To be honest, the flavor was the last thing on my mind... )
Kou: Then are you done cooking now?
Yui: Yeah. Seasoning the soup was the last task on the list.
Kou: Okay! Let’s hurry up and eat!
Yui: Good idea. I’m hungry too.
ー They move to the table
Kou: I’m digging in!
Yui: Thanks for the meal.
Kou: Nom...Nn...You knowーー
...Whoops, I shouldn’t talk with food in my mouth, huh?
...Nn...You know, Yui!
Yui: What’s wrong? Was it not very good, perhaps...?
Kou: Ah, that’s not it...But aren’t you forgetting something?
Yui: Forgetting something?
( What could that be...? Did something happen? )
Kou: Hahー By the looks of it, you’ve completely forgotten.
Geez! Get a grip on yourself! Tomorrow’s your birthday, remember!?
Yui: Ah...Right.
Kou: We’ll go out to buy whatever you want to eat tomorrow, so don’t forget!
Yui: No way...It’s fine, really.
Kou: Don’t say that! We have to properly celebrate your birthday.
I’ll buy your favorite food and even prepare a cake!
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Kou: ...You don’t seem very happy though? ...You don’t like me celebrating your birthday or something...?
Yui: Oh no! That’s not true! It’s just...I didn’t think you’d say that so, I...
Kou: Stop! I’ll listen to the rest tomorrow, so don’t say it just yet!
Yui: R-Right...
( My birthday...I never thought Kou-kun would celebrate for me. )
( I’m looking forward to tomorrow...! )
Kou: That being said, we gotta head out early in the morning tomorrow to do the shopping. 
So you better hit the hay soon?
Yui: Eh?
Kou: I’ll clean up too, okay?
Come on, you should hurry and get ready for bed!
Off you go!
Yui: Wah! Hold on, Kou-kun!?
( I wonder what has gotten into him...!? )
Kou: Goodnight!
Yui: Y-Yeah...Goodnight?
ー He pushes her out of the room
Kou: Phew...I guess the coast is clear now...?
Kou: ...
ー The scene shifts to town
Yui: ( Kou-kun acted a little off yesterday... )
( But today he seems to be his usual self...I guess? )
Kou: Yui, give me your bags.
Yui: Eh?
Kou: It’s heavy because you bought a lot, right? I’ll carry them.
Yui: Ah...Thank you.
( Kou-kun’s so nice... )
Kou: Are you sure you bought everything you want to eat?
Yui: Yeah, this is plenty! I was able to buy it all so...thank you.
Kou: Really? There’s really no need to hold back though.
Yui: ( Kou-kun says that but...I bought quite a lot already, I think...? )
( I wonder if we’ll be able to finish everything... )
( I have to make sure we can preserve whatever leftovers we may have. )
( I suppose I could turn the fruits into a jam...? )
Hey, Kou-kun...
Wait...Huh...? Kou-kun...?
( He’s gone...Don’t tell me ,did we get separated because I spaced out...? )
( Oh no... )
For now, I’ll look around these parts...!
ー Yui starts running around
Yui: Haah...
( What now...? He’s not here either... )
Kou: Ah! M-neko-chan!
Yui: ...Kou-kun!!
Kou: Thank god! I was wondering where you had run off to!
Yui: I’m sorry. Seems like I blanked out for a bit.
Kou: I’m sorry too!
Yui: No way, you don’t have to apologize.
It’s because I got lost in thought...I’m to blame, I truly am sorry!
Kou: ...Fufu~ We’re so weird! We’re both apologizing, huh?
Yui: But, I...I was shocked when you were suddenly gone...
Kou: I started panicking when I realized you were gone too, you know?
Either way, I’m glad I found you. Let’s head home holding hands so we don’t get separated again.
Come on, give me your hand.
Yui: Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Kou: Ta-dah! It’s time for the long-awaited cake!
Here you go. This is your slice.
Yui: Wah, thank you!
Kou: You really are a maiden at heart to choose strawberry shortcake~
Yui: ...What do you mean?
Kou: ...That it’s cute.
Yui: ...!
Kou: Geez~ You always start blushing right away...
You really are like a strawberry, you know? I’d love to eat you...is what I would say, but!
Right now, the real strawberries get priority.
I’ll give you mine!
Yui: Eh? ...But...Then you won’t have any.
Kou: I’m fine. You’re the star of today after all!
Yui: ...Fufu, thank you!
Kou: Fufu~ Ahー I guess I might as well sit next to you instead of across then.
Kou: Pardon the intrusion~!
Yui: Well then...It’d be a shame to let the cake go to waste so let’s give it a taste?
Kou: Ah! Wait!
Yui: W-What’s wrong? You’re suddenly shouting...
Kou: You know, we have to do that! That!
It’s a birthday cake, so we should put a candle on top and have you blow it out!
Yui: Ah...I guess so?
Kou: Of course! That’s a given!
I’ll give it to you after I’ve put on the candle so hold on tight, okay?
Kou: Hmー Here, all ready!
Yui: Thanks!
( I’m pretty sure I haven’t blown out a candle since I was a child... )
Kou: Well then...Will you blow it out soon?
Yui: Yeah! Okay...Here I go?
ー The lights go out
Yui: ( Wah! It’s pitch black! )
Yui: ( Eh...? He grabbed my arm... )
Kou: Happy birthday, Yui.
Yui: Kyah...!?
Kou: Fufu! Mission complete!
ー The lights go back on
Yui: Geez...Everything went black all of a sudden, it spooked me.
Kou: I’m sorry, I wanted to surprise you.
Yui: ( Speaking of which, he said ‘mission complete’, but what does that mean...? )
( A ring...!? )
Kou-kun...This is...
Kou: Yeah. It’s my present to you.
Yui: ( It looks like the one we saw at the jewelry store the other day... )
( But the shape seems a little different... )
Kou: Hmm...I thought I did a pretty good job though.
Well, the fact that it’s a little oddly shaped is its charm, a selling point!
Yui: This, did you perhaps...?
Kou: ...Yeah, I made it myself. I’m no good at handiwork, so I couldn’t do a very good job though.
Yui: You made this ring for me...!?
Kou: Yeah, I sure did!
I actually wanted to give you something and went to go buy the one they were selling at the store. 
However, it got sold right before me.
Then when I told the people at the store that I wanted the ring no matter what, they suggested I would make it myself.
That’s how I got them to teach me how to make a ring this whole time up till today.
Yui: Up until today...The whole time...
( Then all those times he was gone lately. )
( Or when he suddenly disappeared earlier as well... )
Kou: Also, look at this!
Kou: This was my first attempt, but it barely even looks like a ring, huh?
...Look, it’s just an iron scrap, don’t you think?
I really gave it my everything.
Yui: Yeah...I can tell, don’t worry.
Kou: Also, I realized.
Yui: What did you realize?
Kou: That you probably wouldn’t have been happy, even if I got to gift you the ring which was up for sale.
Up until now, I always thought that it was natural to return the favor when a person gives you something.
...However, now I no longer feel that way.
Yui: ...
Kou: I don’t want anything in return.
Because I already know that something much better exists beyond that.
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: So, even if the appearance is a little shabby, this is the proof of my love for you!
Yui: Yeah...Kou-kun...I...
( Oh no...The tears are... )
Kou: ...Fufu, you’re so happy it’s making you cry?
Yui: Yeah...I’m overjoyed...! After all...You made this for me...!
Kou: Ah...
...Mmh. Thank you.
Yui: ( Kou-kun said the shape is a little strange but. )
( It’s such a lovely ring... )
( And above all, I’m happy knowing that Kou-kun made it himself. )
( I can tell just how much effort he put in... )
I’m happy...Kou-kun, thank you. Thank you so, so much...!
Kou: Ahー Come on, dry your tears?
Yui: But...Uu...
( I can’t...stop these tears... )
Kou: Well, I’m happy knowing you like it this much too though...
Oh, geez! Lift your face?
Yui: ...!
Kou: ...Done crying?
Yui: ...Yes.
Kou: Your crying face is cute too though. ...Nn...
Kou: ...Hey, scoot closer...
...Even your tears are sweet, huh? ...Nn...
Yui: ...Kou-kun...
Kou: ...Nn...Haah...
Yui...I love you...
...Thank you for being born into this world...Nn...
Yui: ( I love you too, Kou-kun... )
( Thank you, Kou-kun... )
ー The scene shifts to the outside
Kou: ...Yeah, we’re having lovely weather today as well.
Oi, Yui! This way!
Yui: Wait, Kou-kun!
You walk way too fast...
Kou: Sorry, sorry~ The sky just looked so pretty.
I couldn’t sit still.
Yui: I do understand how you feel...The sky is so clear after all.
But even so, leaving me behind is just mean!
Kou: Like I said, I’m sorry! ...So forgive me?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Wah...Kou-kun embraced me... ) 
Kou: Hm...In the light, you can really see the flaws.
Yui: ...Hm?
Kou: I’m talking about your ring. It didn’t quite catch my eye yesterday though.
But the shape is a little crooked, don’t you think?
Yui: It’s not.
Besides, I will never take this ring off again.
After all...This ring is the proof of your feelings.
I could search far and wide, I wouldn’t find a single ring in this whole world quite as lovely.
Kou: ...Really?
Yui: Yeah! For sure!
Kou: I see...
Kou: Hm...
Yui: Kou-kun?
Kou: ...Right. Won’t you let me slip that ring on your finger one more time?
Yui: The ring?
Kou: Yeah.
Yui: Yesterday, I gave it to you in the dark after all.
Kou: And there just so happens to be such a beautiful sky.
I want to put this ring on you.
...Underneath the blue skies I admired for years.
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: ...Can I?
Yui: Yeah.
Tumblr media
Kou: ...Ever since I was born, I have seen a lot of things.
I went through a lot of pain, and experienced many hardships.
Yui: Yeah...
Kou: But, I met Ruki-kun and the others, as well as that man...
I learnt about a blue sky which isn’t confined by a circle or a square.
And...I found you.
Yui: Mmh...
Kou: I thought I had nothing left, but right now, I have you.
That is all I need. I don’t want anything else.
I swear on this misformed ring, underneath the sky...
I love you...Yui.
From here on out, for eternity...
...How about you?
Yui: ...Me too...I love you...!
Kou: Yeah...Thank you.
Let’s be together forever.
I love you, Yui...
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Literally she says ‘to be emotionally moved by various things’ but that sounded rather stiff in English, so I translated it a little differently. 
(2) Literally he asks her to ‘point her consciousness/awareness towards him’. 
(3) I actually have no idea what these are called in English but they’re the large TV screens which may be attached to buildings or put out in public to display important events, etc. In Japan, these are super common in big cities but here in Belgium - for example - you rarely ever see them. ^^;;
(4) Kou uses the term 色づく or ‘iro-duku’ which is often used to refer to the ripening of fruits or the reddening of leaves during fall time. I assume in this case, he wants to imply that she is becoming more mature. 
(5) The verb 要る or ‘iru’ literally means ‘to need’, but it is often used to reject something as well, in which case ‘want’ seems more fitting in English. 
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idiot-children · 4 years
did somebody say u h h more roman angst?
(sidenote: i Very Much Enjoy the headcanon that Janus can make people tell him the truth That Is All)
(i also don't have a title because i'm lazy)
"Roman, I'm sorry."
Roman sat stubbornly in front of his door, listening to Janus's knocking getting louder and louder.  He scoffed.
"Roman, I'm telling the truth, just, please listen to me, talk to me, I was upset, I didn't mean it."
"I'm sure you didn't."  He muttered, burying his head in his knees.
"Oh, Roman, please don't get like this, childishness doesn't suit you."
"Your... your stupid hat doesn't suit you," he snapped, grasping for insults, "leave me alone."
Janus sighed and massaged his temples.  "I'm not leaving until you talk to me face to face."
There was a pause.  The door slammed open to reveal Roman, red-faced with puffy eyes and a glare that would have ended the conversation in three seconds flat if looks could kill.  
"What do you want?"
"Really?  No witty nickname or insulting quip?  You must be feeling off."  Janus smirked, face falling at the lack of a response.  He sighed.  "Listen.  I told you already, I didn't mean it.  You're nothing like your brother.  I was upset, you have to understand that-"
"I don't have to understand shit."  Roman spat.  "You're evil!  You're a villain!  You're deceiving and manipulating Thomas, so he-"
"Yes, yes, I heard you the first few times.  Do you have anything else to say, or are you just going to continue throwing baseless accusations at me while I try to apologise?"
"I-" He paused.  "Maybe?  Are you leaving yet?"
There was another tense moment of silence, before Janus finally had enough and walked towards the prince, grabbing him by the wrist and looking him directly in the eyes.  "Roman," he asked, slowly.  "Are you okay?"
The answer was quick and monotone, like he wasn't expecting to speak at all.  "No."  He looked up in shock and stared angrily at the snake, who was looking insufferably concerned for him.
"Why not?"
"I'm scared that Thomas doesn't respect me anymore-!   Wha- what witchcraft is this?  Cease your trickery at once!"  He yelled, trying as hard as he could to pull his wrist away but to no avail, and now sounding more frightened than angry.  
"I'm sorry," Janus murmured, sounding genuinely apologetic.  "It has to be done."
"It- does- not-!" Roman was shouting now, tugging on his arm and almost pleading with his eyes to be let go.  "Unhand me!  I do not owe vulnerability to the likes of you!"
"Really?  Then, please, enlighten me, who can you be vulnerable with?"
"Nobody- stop!"
"Why not?"
"I'm supposed to be the protector.  I shouldn't be giving them more problems to deal with."  His voice cracked as he spoke, using his free hand to wipe tears from his eyes before they dared to fall.  "Deceit, please.  I don't want to talk about it.  No- it's not even relevant!  You're evil!  You're making me lie for your- your own sick enjoyment?"
Janus sighed.  "You and I both know that isn't true.  I don't even think you believe it yourself."
"Oh, I believe it alright, you're a villain, and I hope Thomas-"
"Why are you lying to me, Roman?"
He paused.  Hesitated.  Tried desperately to cover his mouth with his free hand but found it unable to move.  "Because- because I don't have anything else!"  he sobbed.  "Because I needed a villain and I'd rather villainise you than get attached again!"
Janus blinked.  He let his grip on Roman's wrist loosen, not being surprised when he yanked his arm away from him.  "Get... attached?  Again?"
Roman's fear was almost tangible.  He nodded slowly, barely knowing what to say.  He considered just insulting him and leaving, but-
But he had nowhere to go.  He didn't want to see Patton.  Logan didn't want to see him.  And he didn't exactly feel like increasing his anxiety at the moment.  So he settled for attempting an explanation. 
"I- uh-  You-"
Maybe Virgil was here.  He was certainly feeling like it.
"You complimented me!  You were nice to me!  I- I just... felt wanted.  And don't think I didn't know you were manipulating me!  I knew!  Of... of course I knew.  I just couldn't help it.  I liked you."
"I don't want to hear it!"  He snapped, wiping away tears before they dared to fall.  "Do you think I didn't see the irony in being the only one to get along with the liar?  Do you think I didn't know you were spitting out empty, fake, shallow compliments just to get me on side?  Did you think I was surprised when you told me you were only flattering me because you needed to?  No!" 
The poor prince was crying now, unable to stop the flood of angry tears running down his cheeks.  Janus couldn't find the words.
"I knew all of that.  I'm just... stupid.  And alone.  And unwanted.  And you made me feel... less like that.  I knew you didn't really think any of that.  But I could dream.  I'm allowed to dream!  That's all I'm good for!"
"Roman," Janus walked hesitantly forward, cupping Roman's face with one hand.  The lack of resistance surprised him slightly.  "You aren't any of those things."
"Don't." He growled.
"The others still love you."
"You aren't alone."
"Stop it!"  He yelled, pulling sharply away and staring him down.
"I said stop!"  Roman shouted, finally cracking under the stress and slapping the former dark side so hard that he stumbled into a door, knocking his hat onto the floor.  It was silent for an agonising few seconds as Janus realised what had happened and Roman tried to pretend that it hadn't.  Roman was the one to break the silence.  "Look, I'm sorry-"
"No, I'm sorry."  Janus responded curtly, dusting off his outfit and standing up.  "I've never been good at empty comforts anyway.  Go to Patton if you want that kind of thing."
Roman blinked.
"Listen.  I'm not going to pretend I meant any of the things I said at the time, because lying to you wouldn't exactly be helpful.  But I am going to tell you that I'm sorry.  And that isn't a lie.  I mean it."
The prince just sat on the end of his bed, not even bothering to hide his wreck of a face.  Janus walked closer, but kept a respectful distance.  Just in case.
"Empty compliments won't help, so I'll talk facts to you.  You're insecure, you have awful self-esteem issues, and you have an over-reliance on the concept of black-and-white morality.  You're incredibly arrogant and self-aggrandising and it's increasingly obvious to everyone around you that you use that as a way to hide your crippling self-doubt from anyone who might actually dare to ask you what you're thinking."
"Way to make a guy feel good..." He murmured, rubbing his arm.
"But!" Janus continued. "You are passionate in everything you do, no matter how much you may doubt yourself. You assert your opinion and make sure you're heard, even if everybody else is against you, and sometimes even if it isn't even your own. Even when you're only acting to hide your feelings, your acting is sublime, and I have to admit that I could learn something from you. You are an asset to Thomas's personality. You are incredibly important to his mental health, considering that you literally represent all of his desires, and that puts a lot of strain on you. You are flawed. As are we all. But you are not as bad as you make yourself out to be."
Roman smiled weakly, still unable to look him in the eyes.  Janus picked up his hat and placed it carefully over his tangled bedhead, winking.  "My hair takes very kindly to wearing a hat all the time."
He playfully put a finger over his lips.  "Don't tell."  Roman rolled his eyes and mimicked the motion.
"Well, I'll take my leave, then."
He was just about to exit the room, when Roman looked up, giving what seemed to be (and Janus would know) a genuine smile.
"Thank you.  For this, I mean.  I needed it."
"Oh, really, it was nothing-"
"No, I mean it."  He continued, seriously.  "Thank you, Janus."
Janus hesitated, one hand on the door.  Then smiled.  "Won't see you soon."
"Yeah.  You too."
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bandomslayed · 3 years
I’m not saying you should focus more on racism, I’m just saying that that’s something that the community as a whole needs to focus on and try to repair, I’m sure they all already know that people don’t like their ships. If that’s an issue, then groups can have a strict age limit. Easy solve. The other things are things that can be taught and learned but with hostility all that’s going to happen is a deeper divide. You said you wanted to argue with people about the things you don’t like that they do in this community. I’m paraphrasing, but why not instead want to educate them. No one will ever react well to feeling like they’re being ridiculed or patronized. People worth spending your time on are the ones you can talk to without it being a shitshow. We’re having a dialogue. I’ve felt this entire time like everything I say, someone is going to search for one thing to deliberately misinterpret or magnify unnecessarily when, if there’s something that they have an issue with, it could be a perfect opportunity to educate me instead of people being hostile. I’m college educated and can think critically, I’m moderately well spoken, I’m open to instructive criticisms and discussing things that aren’t agreed upon so I’m just sort of confused by the fact that what I’m saying is being picked apart by other anons and to a degree, you. You all want to change my mind about age gaps, despite me being with someone older irl and feeling safe and genuinely valued for the first time in a relationship in my life so why do you think that calling my dead grandpa names, redirecting the conversation and then kinda mocking me when I attempt to understand wholly and agree with some of the things you’re saying? That’s not going to convince me or anyone else. It just makes people feel defensive. Reiterating here that I’m not saying YOU specifically need to talk about racism more, and I’m not trying to diminish your experience or anything like that In just saying that those topics (discrimination of any kind, abuse of any kind) in the community are things we should be discussing instead of ships we think aren’t comfortable. I feel uncomfortable with relationships in real life and in rp all the time but that isn’t up to me to say it’s wrong or bad. It’s no ones right to tell any two consenting adults that what they’re doing is wrong. But it is a human right to tell someone when they’re being insensitive, and that’s a flaw in the community that people can be educated on and learn to handle with more sensitivity and knowledge but we’re never going to reach that point if we’re all just hostile and cruel to one another. Also reiterating that I’m not using personal examples to get cred, I just like examples because I think using them shows where I’m coming from so that any person who wants to have a dialogue can have a frame of reference for why my opinions are what they are on any topic. If I’m wrong, or insensitive, or just kinda dumb I want to know that but simply telling me I’m wrong or insensitive or dumb doesn’t teach me how not to me. And this doesn’t just mean me, I mean the whole community. It will never improve if we all just talk about the things we don’t like and give no feasible solutions.
alright i see what you want so let me switch to my white pleaser voice and deliver since you're so keen on being patronizing and in the same breath, acting like me taking what you say "the wrong way" is the problem. in bullet points so next time u come back to keep going at it u can pinpoint exactly what it is i misconstrued because u will do it anyway.
you're asking the community as a whole to care more about racism but you're talking to me who's leading the conversation in the first place. i understand you didn't imply i specifically should care more about it, but you're still using racism to discredit my point of view on age gap relationships being an important topic to discuss as well, and watering it down to just me not liking people's plots when that is not the message.
nobody is telling anyone how to live their lives. im bringing awareness to the fact that this culture is not okay. it's dangerous to our young. it NEEDS to be uncomfortable to you (you, plural) to invite to this so called critical thinking.
im not saying your partner doesn't have a right to be loving or grandpa and grandma had abuse masked as a good relationship. im saying, since it needs to be spelled out with no room for misinterpretation; the culture behind someone 10+ years older finding it completely okay to pursue someone that much younger — especially when we're talking 18 - 30 age range — needs to be looked at more closely. it's not safe in general. do exceptions exist? absolutely, but the whole two consenting adults point is a terrible one to make when at 18, you're considered that when you're still essentially just a child.
a strict age limit, which most groups adopt now, does little to actually prevent age gap relationships within roleplays. moreso, uneven power dynamics within plots being glamorized. my boss is not over 5 years older than me, but he is my boss. kpop boybands don't have age gaps of 10+ years in groups, usually, but there is a leader most times acting like a father figure, not to mention korean culture is heavy on emphasizing age-related hierarchical order, so a literal still wet behind the ears child establishing a romantic connection with someone who is not their equal? dangerous.
now let's halt. i already told you, i don't give a shit about respectability politics. it is not my job to be nice and educate anyone. and i don't mean just on this blog... most of you whites have come to assume and expect, even, that poc will be subservient, docile, and always willing to switch and nicely explain to you why the very core of the way you think about the world because you grew up sheltered w/e is not the whole picture for everyone. the worst part? most of them do. most of them do put their thinking caps on and write these novel worthy, intelligent, respectful, calculated think pieces only for the white in question to turn around and still deem it aggressive, etc. i don't do that. that is labor that most of you do not deserve.
the implication that there are feasible solutions for these problems that don't require for people to literally rework their entire mindset is naive at best. what am i supposed to do? be like nooo don't be racist, racism is bad BECAUSE it hurts people. i think all of you are old enough to know that by now. you definitely have enough internet exposure to know that, even if you grew up in all white sundown town america.
i explain my points. i actually explain my points more than the average person, yet here we are still saying im not doing enough to educate those around me as if it was my responsibility to change the way people think with sugar spice and everything nice so they feel their hand is held and it's safe to make a mistake that will consequently hurt other people as many times as they need to make it to finally grasp the reality of it and be able to just... not do that in the future. when no. no. when you hurt me, im allowed to react emotionally, not intellectually. when im angry and upset and still explaining why, its YOUR job to swallow it down and listen to what im saying, because YOU hurt me. i don't owe you civility (again; you, plural). i especially don't owe you civility when ive given you nothing but in the past and the end result is still me being an aggro freak who doesn't care for your precious feelings.
you're also assuming things. for example, assuming that im mocking you specifically when i really have not done that. if im going to mock you, im going to reply to your anon and say "okay stupid", then yeah, im mocking you. otherwise? don't assume im directing anything at you.
we're having a dialogue and this whole time all you've done is tell me to stop talking. your messages have all, in essence, said, if people want to date other people who have a shitton of years on them, that is not a problem and you look prettier talking about something else. yes, that's also paraphrased. you didn't say that, of course, but why are we still here if not because you feel personally scrutinized over the reaction to the life examples that you willingly provided?
nobody is trying to change YOUR mind, you're just not willing to consider that your age gap relationships that have been beautiful and loving and safe coexist within a culture that is wicked. a person who's 10+ older than me, 24, has no business seeing me as a potential partner. it's not appropriate. yet if they do, and i also see them as a potential partner, there's nothing inherently evil about that specific instance. it is the circumstances (past), that lead to this kind of thinking in the first place what im asking everyone to analize and understand. and it does matter. it matters as much as racism, abuse, ooc mistreatment of rp partners. again, issues do not queue and wait for something to end so they can begin anew. every conversation i choose to have i consider worth having. you're free to stay out if you don't deem it important.
you're exhausting me thinking by turning my inbox into ap debate we're achieving grand things sooo hope this helps 🖤
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end-of-reset · 4 years
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Written Special, A Blast From the Past
3-year-old Chara finds the only adult in the house injured.
This is NOT NECESSARY for understanding the story, it is just for fun, and it was a blast to write baby Chara’s thought process. They are very silly and very adorable. Let me know if you liked this!
TWs: blood, injury, hospital mention, pregnancy mentions
”Appa” is their dad and “Halabeoji” and is their grandfather. 
He was taking WAY too long to get that drink. 
No drink took this long. And if it did, it had better be a really good drink. Like the canned stuff that Chara wasn’t allowed to have anymore because they “set the floor on fire” and “ate an entire book” and “banged on the piano for five hours” like those were bad things.
Okay, eating the book wasn’t such a good idea. It made their stomach hurt. But that’s the reason normal drinks exist! They don’t end with obscene energy highs and book eating.
Chara slapped their hands on the wall. Bang, bang, bang. Their irritation grew more and more with each slap of their tiny hands. “HAaaaaalll-AAAHB-OHHHHjeee…” The wall rang hollow. No grandfather. No comfort.
Chara wiggled in place, bouncing their upper body until the springs creaked. All this noise, and still nothing? Sheisse.
Chara tried bouncing one last time. The springs creaked weakly. Ugh! It was the bed’s fault, really. It didn’t bounce, it didn’t make as much noise... But the crib was for little kids, and Chara was one of the big kids now. 
Just not in size. M-e-t-a-p-h-o-r.
This big kid bed wasn’t exactly fun, though. It didn’t have the little bars like the crib did. Chara got to gnaw on those bars and hit toys on them. They could be SO loud using those bars! This new bed just had pillows and those tasted like spit after too much chewing. Boring!
Chara stood up. “WHERE ARE YOUUUU. HELLO?”
No answer.
Chara tried again, and again, and again, shifting through all the languages they could use so far. “<WHERE ARE YOU?>” They repeated. 
Nobody came.
Chara frowned. “Where are you?” they tried using their inside voice, but there was no answer. If Chara used the inside voice, people HAD to answer. Otherwise, what was the point of the inside voice? 
…No, really…. why didn’t anyone answer? 
Halabeoji told Chara that everyone was gone because the new babies were trying to come early. Just like Chara, but even earlier, and there’s TWO of them, so the hospital had to make them them stop. The grown-ups all thought Chara didn’t know the babies were coming out of Mother, but Chara knew. They read about it. The babies were gonna be squeezed out and look like little raisin people. Everyone looked like raisin people at first, and then they get stretchy when they grew up. Would Chara get stretchy and tall, too? Must investigate later.
Hmm... The only other person in the house was Chara’s sister. She was stuck in her room, probably pouting. She was being all grumpy again! And she’d even got a DRESS as a gift from Halmeoni. Mother didn’t like that very much, but Chara could see their sister’s eyes light up over the frilly piece of fabric. Sure, it was pretty and looked like it tasted like candy, but could it make noise? Could it talk? If not, it was useless. 
But she liked it.
And yet, not even the dress could save her mood once Mother went to the hospital. Maybe ‘cause the babies were getting all the attention. It was always about attention.
“MIN-MIN!” Chara yelled. “YOU THERE?”
No answer.
Chara took a deep breath. “MIN-MIN…. MINNIEEEEEE…. MIN-MIN MINNIE MIN MIIIN……..”
She finally had enough after a round of this.  “What do you WANT?!“ she yelled, her voice coming back high-pitched and angry despite the muffling walls. 
Chara heard a door slam. Uh, oh, Min-Min sure was lucky Mother and Appa weren’t home. Or she’d be in big trouble for that.
Hey…why didn’t Halabeoji say anything? He didn’t like loud noises, either… and he didn’t like when Min or Chara were yelling.
Chara hit the wall again, mindlessly. Well. Since nobody was coming, Chara would come to him.
They slid off their bed, wobbling slightly when their feet hit the ground. Walking still felt a little funny sometimes. Their legs weren’t used to holding their body upright all the time.... Crawling was easier and it looked like Chara was a bug, which made it even more fun. 
They could pretend to be a spy bug and steal Min’s dolls for future torture and/or chewing. The dolls were brightly colored and smelled like fruit, okay. There was fruit somewhere in the darn things… And someday, Chara would find it and eat it.
Chara dropped down from their bed and scrambled to the door, pushing it open and peering out. 
Schweigen, silenco, chimmug...
“Haaaaalaaaabeeeeoooojiii?” They tried again.
“Stop YELLING!” Their sister yelled herself- oh, was that i-r-o-n-y?- and kicked her wall loudly. She was across from Chara’s room, so they saw the wall shudder with her tiny, weak little kicks. Later they would show her how to really kick a wall. She probably wouldn’t listen, because she never did, but they could at least say they tried.
Sigh, why were big sisters LIKE this? 
“Where is he?” Chara asked. “He not answering!”
“Why would he wanna? You ANNOYING.”
“No, no, Min-Min, yooooooou’re in-se-cure,” Chara stuck their tongue out. “Un-sich-er...”
“Whazzat mean...”
“I-N-S-E-C-U-R-E~ It means you-”
There was a muffled scream. Probably into her pillow. She did that a lot when she was having a tantrum. She didn’t know that she should be biting the pillows instead of screaming into them. Biting felt much better sometimes.
The wall shook one last time before everything went quiet.
Chara pulled themself to their feet.
They looked around and walked down the hallway, wobbly on their legs but managing to remain standing.
Hmm. The house was NEVER this quiet. Maybe Chara could listen... and try to hear him. Like a dog. Like the neighbors giant dog that was Chara’s actual best friend (unlike Grandmother’s cat... the one that hated Chara.) Chara’s nose wasn’t like a dog’s nose, but maybe if they tried to listen…
Chara cupped their hands around their ears.
This was more like a dog. They pretended to be a dog like this a lot. 
They’d probably sneak up and surprise Halabeoji when they found him. Maybe not TOO big a surprise, but a little fun one.
As they listened, there it was- haggard breathing. Chara put their hands down and scurried after the noise, sticking their tongue out and imagining they were tasting the air, like a snake. A dog-snake, that was cool.
The scent of metal hit them first- straight up their nose, so intense they thought their tongue was ACTUALLY tasting it. Chara slowed, closing their mouth. Metal....
That could be something scary. Or it could be their grandfather playing. Either way, they were on edge until they reached the kitchen. They turned the corner, and-- OW! Chara stumbled , catching themself on the wall. They turned to look at what nearly tripped them... some legs?
Chara let their gaze travel up the expanse of the long, long legs. When their eyes reached the white button-up, they knew who it was. Their grandfather’s fallen body- facedown and still.
Chara frowned.
“Hello! Hello,” they repeated, grabbing his pant leg and shaking it. “Hello? You are asleep during drink time! S’pposed to be back now!”
He didn’t answer. Chara moved forward, stopping stiffly as red filled their vision. Ah, that was blood? All around his head and the floor… smelling so intensely of sweet metal. 
And their feet felt warm.
Chara looked down.
Chara had never seen so much blood. And now it was ON them. Huh. Was it supposed to be so… Thick? It felt warm between their toes, its copper scent wafting up to their nose and filling it with the strong scent of pennies. Chara didn’t know that much about bodies or about blood, but their mind still shivered slightly from the pervasive feeling of wrongness. 
“Blood... ‘s blood.” Chara mumbled. Blut, pi, ketsueki... “Bleeding is bad… That how things die.”
What should they do? Tell Min-Min? No, she would just scream. Screaming wasn’t fun unless Chara was doing it. Min always had to be dramatic about it... Tears and everything. 
Chara paused, remembering something they read. 
“If you bleed lots, you die forever…”
Then he’d go away. Chara didn’t want that! They liked him and his stories and big hands and big shoes the size of Chara’s whole leg. Maybe if it was someone else. If Min went away, that wouldn’t be too bad, because she was always whiny. Was there a way to replace her with him? Wait, then everyone would be sad because Min-Min was dead. Chara didn’t want that, either. Hmm.
He was still breathing, right? So he wasn’t dead, but hurt. Maybe he broke a bone in his head.
Chara kept watching, squinting. If he was dead, then his SOUL would be showing. It wasn’t, so he had to still be alive...  
If only they could see it. Chara didn’t know how to see SOULs yet. This is why Mother should be teaching them! What if someone else died or bled in front of Chara? They needed to be able to DO something about it!
Maybe there was something else Chara could do.....What could help? Maybe the hospital. Hospitals fix people who might die. Did that mean the auto shop where Auntie worked was a hospital? Must investigate later.
Chara stepped back. The hospital was HALFWAY across the village... it was a WHOLE four kilometers away. Chara could maybe walk that distance if they tried really, really hard, but they couldn’t drag Halabeoji ALL that way. He’d get blood EVERYWHERE, and people would want to ask about that! Then everyone would ask about how Mother was doing, and look at how BIG Chara’s getting, what’s their favorite color- all DUMB questions.
No, walking wouldn’t work. Chara needed to call someone for help... They had to call the emergency number that told the hospital to send an ambulence to their house. If they made the call, the people would be here really quickly, and they’d probably want to talk about boring stuff, but at least they’d get Halabeoji to the hospital and fix him before his SOUL fell out. 
Or his brain. Whichever came first. 
Chara looked around the kitchen. There, there it was- The house phone had been carefully hung up on the wall a good five feet from the ground and away from the easily-climbable counters. Chara eyed it. They’d only used that phone once. One time. Uno, ichi, il, eins...
Hmmm... All the other phones they’d used were flippy ones. Those phones were all dead and didn’t do anything. As long as Chara “didn’t throw them across the goddamn room AGAIN” then they got to play with them.
That rule was dumb. These phones didn’t let Chara call anyone any other way. They had to be used as noisemakers if they were meant to be of any use!
Though… it was fun to pretend to talk to someone about how smelly big sisters were.
Especially when the conversation took place in front of a big sister. Oh, hello, friendly dead snake that Chara found in the basement that will make Mother scream later, did you know lil’ Mini Minnie Min-Min took foooooreeeeever to be potty trained? Guess who learned how to use it at 2 and a half years. No, obviously it wasn’t Min, she could never! Hey, hey, Did you know the word for snake in German was schlange? It sounded like a bad word. What if Min knew there was a schlange within 20 feet of her? She’d cryyyyy…
Yup, phones were easy stuff. And the number for phone emergencies was the easiest. 
Chara scurried over to the neatly organized table and grabbed an adult chair.  The one made out of sticks, not wood blocks, because the others were too heavy to push. Chara had tried. They could knock over the high-chair, but it made lots of noise and then Chara got yelled at. The kind of yelling that you aren’t allowed to yell back at.
They dragged it over to the well, grunting with exertion. Their legs were already feeling wobbly, but nothing like they used to. That’s because Chara PRACTICED until their legs got big and strong. They were gonna use their feet to break watermelons someday, like the lady on TV did. Chara puffed out when the chair was in place, eyeing their handiwork with a smug smile. Okay, stairs. Good.
They climbed up onto it and swiftly grabbed the phone. It was a smooth oblong object with glowing little numbers… so tiny and bright…
Chara blinked. A little light shone from the number screen at the top. The lights were very pretty. This must be the look of a phone that was alive. If they opened it, would it bleed, too? Would it light up even MORE? Chara raised their arm, about to throw it down- No, NO, wait! No, they needed it ALIVE.
For now.
Hmm. Last time they called Mother and Appa using this phone, it was because they learned how to say bad words in French (a gros mot) and wanted permission to say them to Min-Min.
Puis-je dire à Min de casse-toi....
The answer was no. Even though French was REALLY hard and Chara could barely learn it! Those two didn’t understand just HOW important it was that Chara said the bad words to Min. Sigh. Grown-ups...
And after that, they put the phone high out of Chara’s reach! Such a shame. It’s a good thing Chara was so strong and knew about chairs. 
Chara pressed the buttons. They made fun noises, so fun that Chara almost kept pressing them just to hear the little music notes. Music was fun... this phone was like a tiny piano with far fewer keys! Keys that called people if you put in the right numbers.
It rang for a single moment, then a voice rang out of it. Calls rarely took longer than a few rings here.
“Emergency services, how many I help you?”
“Hi.” Chara blinked. “I need am-buuuu-lens. You gotta send one.”
There was a pause. “U-um. How old are you, sweetie?”
The person must’ve realized Chara was little. They tried to make their voice sound deeper so they sounded bigger.
“Don’t need it for me. It for Halabeoji. He down on the floor and his head bloody.”
“….Have you told your Mama or Papa?”
“No. Them both at the hospital with you, making sure the babies don’t come out too fast.” Chara paused. “That would be bad,” they added, in case the phone person didn’t know. Sometimes grown-ups didn’t know simple things. That was okay, as long as they didn’t waste Chara’s time for TOO long.
“Yes, it would, um.. I’ve got your location, is this where you liv-”
Chara didn’t let the person finish. They didn’t need the other person telling them the score. They recited their address themself.
“Oh! Yes, that’s right. You must be ██████’s oldest, right? Mina…?”
“I’m Chara.” Chara frowned. Mother’s real name wasn’t important. “Did you get the ambulens?" 
"But… Chara is 3...?”
“3 and three-twelves. Cuz it’s been three month. Twelve months in year.” Chara knew math. This impressed people. They could also count to 100, which also impressed people, because grown-ups found simple things very impressive when they were not at all. Still, Chara made sure to count whenever they thought an adult needed to be reminded of just how many numbers Chara knew, which was often.
“...Y....Y-yes. It’ll be there very soon. Could you answer some questions while we wait?”
“Yeah, okay, as long as they good quest-ons. U-s-e-f-u-l.” They better not be silly questions or stuff about Chara’s age. Chara being 3 was not important! They would be 4 in a year and even older the next. So boring! “Don’t wanna talk ‘bout useless stuff. Did you know useful only got one l even though it "full”?“ 
"That’s nice, honey…. u-um. they’re good questions, don’t worry.” The person didn’t acknowledge their observation. Probably just jealous that Chara noticed it first. 
“Okay…. Um, is he breathing? Can… You tell?”
Chara thought for a moment. They couldn’t hear anything, and they couldn’t cup their ears right now. Had to do something else. Something smart.
Outside, people licked their fingers to feel the wind. And breathing was just mouth wind.
They licked their finger and put it by his nose. It was weak, but they felt a warm gush of air against the wet skin.
Chara grinned. Breathing meant he wasn’t dead yet. (And yet, the not-dead phone didn’t breathe? Must investigate later.) “Yes. Slow and heavy. Should I roll him? He bigger than ANYONE ever.”
“No, you don’t have to do that, sweetie.”
“Next quest-on.”
“...” Was that a giggle? “Okay. The injured person is bleeding, right?”
“Yup. From his head.” Tête, cabeza, meoli, kopf..
“…Well… do you think you could put a clean towel on his head and push down as hard as you can?”
“…I gotta be a band-aid?”
“…Yeah, basically.”
Chara looked around. There were some towels hung up on the wall- the clean ones were always put on the wall, kind of like they were being displayed. Chara walked over, grabbed, and pulled until one came down. “Gotta towel. Gonna be the band-aid.
“Good! See if you can find where the bleeding is, okay? Find where the blood is coming from, if- if you can, if you can’t, you should go get your sister-”
“Hold on.” Chara put the phone on his back. So it wouldn’t be on the floor. They crept closer, ignoring the blood squelching between their toes.
‘Go get your sister...’ HAH. Like Min would do anything. 
Chara couldn’t see anything from the back. It wasn’t nice to pull people’s hair, but they grabbed a handful from his scalp anyways and pulled with all of their might. Blood dripped down their grandfather’s forehead. An oozing gash sat up against the crown of his scalp, smeared blood surrounding it. Chara wobbled, their arm tiring quickly from the weight of his head. They shoved the towel underneath him and let his head back down, breathing heavily once the pressure on their arms decreased.
They huffed, picking the phone back up.
“Big cut on his front head. I can’t push that, so I put towel under. His head too heavy.”
“So his head is down on the towel? Is the towel bunched up?”
“Okay, that’s good. You did a great job.”
Chara rolled their eyes. They didn’t need to be told the obvious.
 “ Try to press down on the back of his head, so the cut presses into the towel.”
“Okay.” Chara did so. “Next.”
“So, um…How old is the injured person? Is he your uncle…?
"He’s a grandfather. He’s 71.”
“Is he your Papa’s Papa?”
“...sure.” Chara wrinkled their nose. “Those are wrong names. But sure.”
“...” Another pause. Sheesh. “When did you find him like this?”
“Now. He said he gonna go get a drink and then didn’t be back. So I yelled and he didn’t come. So I went and find him.” Chara looked at his fallen body. They slid out of the chair, wobbling their way over to him.
“Do you know how long he’s been injured…? It’s okay if you don’t.”
Chara patted his shoulder. Just in case he could feel it. He might need the comfort. Since he didn’t get his drink.
“It was the noon when he gone outta my room. That’s drink time. I watch a Ger-mun video three times. The video ten minutes… So ten three times. Thirty minutes. Then I yelled at him to come. He didn’t. Then I went and found him and got phone after I made stairs.”
"I see, to reach the phone?”
“Well, yeah,” they scoffed. “I not allowed to reach it. But this 'merg-an-cee.”
“It is, you did the right thing!” Ugh, this person didnt need to tell Chara that. “Okay, so… Does he have any health issues that you know of? You don’t have to answer if you don’t know.”
Jeez, this phone person thought Chara knew NOTHING!
“Uuuummm… He hadda take medicines for his blood. Medicines not helping his blood right now. That blood is still on the floor.” Chara paused. “Nobody but him getsta eat them red pill thingies. I asked.”
And adults said they knew how to share. But Chara didn’t get any of the pill candy? Psh. H-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-i-c-a-l.
“Are you alone? He’s the only adult there, right?”
“Min-Min is in her room being grumpy. She not big enough to be grown-up yet.”
"Oh, that’s so cute, is that what you call your sister?”
Chara grumbled. “You said only good questions.” Why was everyone always so interested in BORING stuff? Min was never gonna go away. What Chara called her was normal. None of this was anything COOL and it certainly wasn’t helping Halabeoji die slower! 
"Y-you’re right. You are Chara, right?”
They rolled their eyes. “Yeah.” Chara tried not to sound annoyed, because maybe the person on the phone was being polite. Maybe these were mandatory questions everyone had to answer. But they were still bad questions and the person deserved to feel bad for them. “When’s help gonna be here?”
“Soon. Go unlock your front door, okay?”
Chara stood up and scurried out of the kitchen and to the front door. They tried to reach up and grab the handle, but it was locked tight with the white doorhandle helmet that made it hard to grab and open. They fumbled with it for a moment, their face tightening as they tried and failed to get ahold of the knob.  “I can’t. It got the lock helmet thing.”
"Okay, so… they’ll have to break in. Don’t worry, Joe’ll fix it!”
Everyone loved and knew Joe, the village’s architect. He build and fixed everything. His beard smelled like tanning solution and Chara didn’t like him because he tried to talk to them like they were friends. Chara wasn’t friends with people who smelled.
They chewed on their lower lip, deciding not to comment on the whole Joe thing. Chara would just avoid him when he came. He was apparently used to kids liking him, because the last time he came and Chara avoided him, he acted like his feelings were hurt. Baby.
“Should I tell Min-Min?”
“Probably… You should also get ready to go. Put some shoes on, okay? And-”
Chara raised a hand to their mouth. “MIN-MIN, THE DOOR’S GONNA BREAK!”
She shoved her door open. “-WHAT?!” 
Chara took a few steps back into the hallway, meeting her gaze with their own.  Oh, she was wearing the dress. Why did she have to lock herself in the room to wear it? Nobody was here to call her a baby for wearing it. Except for Chara. And they had better things to call her.
“What did you say??” Her voice rang down the hall, her hazel eyes wide. Chara knew they were hazel because Appa never, EVER shut up about what pretty eyes Min had. They looked like FUNNY eyes right now. Her expression was funny!
Chara pointed at the door. “911’s gonna break the door.”
Min looked at the door, then back at Chara, her brows furrowing. Pretty eyes didn’t hide the big brows that everyone in this family had, haha. “What? Whazzat mean? You gonna– you got us in trouble?!”
“Nooo. I did good things only.” Chara scoffed. “You gotta put shoes on. We gotta go to the hospital.”
“Huh?” She brightened a little. “Are we gonna go see the babies?”
“I’unno. I called 911. People gonna break the door down and take us, probably.”
Min’s expression dropped. She looked around, then back at Chara, as if this as a joke. “Wh…”
“But be calm. Calm is good.”
She did the opposite of calm. She started to shriek. “Why’re we gonna go? What’s going on?!” 
The person on the phone kept talking. “Is that your sister? Tell her to get ready to go, too.” Oh, right, Chara still had the phone.
They raised it up. “I’m telling her.”
“Y-You’re not s’pposed to use the phone. You’re gonna get in trouble for that,” Min pointed at Chara, her voice shaking. “You made a joke, right? This is a mean joke. Tell the people not to come, I don’t wanna go!”
“We gotta go!”
“No! You’re tryna make trouble!”
“No, I’m tryna stop Halabeoji from dying.” Chara shot back.
"Yeah, right,” Min scoffed, starting towards Chara. She was trying to replace her fear with anger, and it wasn’t going to work. Chara wasn’t afraid of her anger. Chara was afraid of normal things, like Joe the architect and Grandma’s cat.
Chara raised their voice. “STOP there or you gonna be upset. Don’t come into kitchen. He got blood everywhere.” They scurried backwards into the kitchen, grabbing two shoes from the kitchen pile with one hand.
“Nuh uh-” Min-Min started as she rounded the corner. Her voice cut off, her feet stopped moving.
Her eyes were frozen on Halabeoji’s fallen body. Chara shrugged, holding the phone up to their face. “I TOLD her she was gonna cry. And now she gonna cry. I TOLD her.”
Min’s voice started to rise. “AAAAAAA-”
The door splintered, then shattered. Oh, the help was here!
And Min just screamed even louder. Typical!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 
An entire ambulance ride with a hysterical sister wasn’t exactly Chara’s idea of fun. They tried to pay attention to the adults talking, but Min-Min held onto their hand like she was afraid they’d fall out of the car and splat on the road.
Chara sighed.
“Gonna be fine,” they told her. “Crying don’t do anything, anyways. Faster they help, faster things fix.”
She kept stammering, unable to get a solid word past her tears. Big, globby ones that made her face sticky and red. “Buh–buh— but- b-blood– his blood–” 
“You have blood too. Blood isn’t scary.”
“It is when it’s outta people! It’s supposed to be INSIDE! Outside means-- means-- people’s hurt!” 
Chara shrugged again. “He gonna get better. Crying not gonna make him get better faster. Going to hospital make him better faster.”
“I don’t wanna be h-here, though...” Min sniffled. “I wanna go home…”
“You gotta be grown-up to go home alone. You also small.” Pequeno, klein, jag-eun...
Min hiccupped.
“And you gotta clean up all blood if you home alone.”
“I- I don’t want that...”
Chara nodded. “Good. Cause you here. Away from blood.”
Min swallowed, struggling to take a deep breath. She really did try, but Chara couldn’t help but think of a gasping fish while they looked at her.
“I–I didn’t want this…”
“…well, duh. Nobody want this.” Except maybe cats. Chara wasn’t yet sure if cats were evil or if it was just Grandma’s cat. They could see him cursing Halabeoji. If he did, Chara was gonna tell EVERYONE.
“No! Not that!” Min wiped her eyes. “I told Mother I didn't like both them coming over because they talk to you always! I didn't know h-he w-was gonna... gonna diiiiee…” she sobbed again.
Chara stared. “The two... different things.” 
Hmm... Chara held up two fingers, one from each hand. “Left is you thought. Right is him get hurt. No connection,” they held both fingers in front of Min. “If connection was there it would be like...” they held up two fingers from their left, their favorite hand. “This.”
Min’s eyes followed every movement of Chara’s fingers, then dropped down to her lap. She seemed to have understood, but she wasn’t answering... did Chara not explain right? Maybe they should try again, in German-
Min wiped her eyes. “I didn't really want anything like this…” Her new dress was all crinkled from her crying, but she didn’t seem to notice. She sure was upset! Min always cared about things like that. She liked looking nice; it made her happy. Maybe looking bad was part of why she was so sad.
Chara looked up at her and smoothed down some of her stray hairs, much to her confusion. She had the same straight, dark hair that Appa had; a nice black color with no stray hairs or flyaways to be seen. It was pretty. Chara had dark brown hair that was probably supposed to be straight and shiny and pretty, but unlike Min, they didn’t like when people brushed it. When Mother brushed Chara’s hair, it hurt, so they yelled, and they didn’t let anyone but Halmeoni brush their hair. Maybe Min wanted Halmeoni to brush her hair, too. Maybe she was feeling l-o-n-e-l-y. “You look good,” they said, encouragingly.
Min just stared at them. “Whuh.”
Chara insisted, “You don’t look bad.”
“Don’t be sad. You look good,” Chara asserted even harder. Why wasn’t Min cheering up? She looked GOOD. That was important, right!
“That’s... that’s not... that’s not about it! It’s... it’s.... cause they don’t like me!” Min glared, her eyes flashing briefly. “They only like YOU cuz you talk to them better!”
“They like you too. They got you dress. Cuz you wanted dress.” Chara stared. 
“Yeah, but... but....” Min trailed off, looking down at the rumpled skirt.  Min complained all the time about not having dresses or skirts. Mother always said they made her look like an infant and she was a big girl now. After all that complaining, she finally got her dresss, and she STILL had to complain? U-n-s-a-t-i-s-f-i-e-d. “...I messed up the dress... they’ll hate me lots for that, too....” 
“Water isn’t messing up. Tears made of water.” Chara pointed at the wet spots where Min’s tears had fallen. “Will wash out. Get clean. It don’t matter. If you wanna do stuff with them. You gotta learn more talking. It’s not hard.”
“Yeah, it IS.” She sniffled. “You learn stuff fast! I’m normal!”
Chara hesitated- normal?- but continued speaking soon after. 
“You gotta repeat stuff until it gets sticky in brain. Easy.”
Min stared at them, her face still red, but her tears notably disappearing the longer she talked. “O…kay….”
“I will teach! Practice and get good!”
“First! Ways to say thank you for the dress you got on. You know other words for dress? Deuleseu, vestido, kleid-”
“I don’t wanna know other words for dress.” Min frowned. She pulled on the skirt half-heartedly. “It just makes me know I got it on more. I didn’t mean to wear it out… Mother’s gonna be mad.”
“Looks good, though?”
“…yeah… Mother never lets me wear stuff like this. Cause it’s childish…”
“She call me that lots. But I here. Not gone. So she not hate childish stuff THAT much.” Chara pointed at themself, grinning. “AND she gonna have more babies. Childish stuff GOOD.”
Min smiled a little. Just a touch.  
Her tight grip loosened. Chara hadn’t held a conversation this long with her in a while. It was nice, actually. So was the light touch of her hand. Hmm, maybe big sisters weren’t so bad after all… Must investigate later…
“Here’s how Min will say 'thank you for the dress’, okay? Repeat after me-”
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 
“Good, good, good, good, good, good…” Chara hummed, walking down the hallway with Min and one of the ambulance people. Chara couldn’t tell any of them apart in their matching uniforms. This one had a beard. That was something.
Chara pulled a hesitant Min most of the way, right up until they both saw Appa sitting in one of the beige sofas, his elbows on his knees. Min let go, bolting ahead.
She ran directly into Appa’s big ol’ arms. He was built like the same trucks he helped build, except he was much more hairy than your average truck. “AAAAA-” Min started crying again. Why did seeing their father make her start crying again? Jeez.
Chara just watched, scoffing. She was crying AGAIN. After they had calmed her down and everything! The dead snake with the dead phone was going to hear All About this once Chara could check and make sure the basements rats hadn’t yet eaten the body.
“I’m so sorry, Minnie, this must’ve been so scary,” Appa lifted her up, holding her while she cried into his shoulder. “It’s going to be okay, sweetie…”
Chara wandered to the table in the waiting room and picked up a magazine with a woman in a swimsuit (which was just fancy underwear) on the cover. “Live your best summer with new swimmers ear drops-”…. Do people swim in ears?
Must investi-
“Are you okay, Chara?”
They looked up at Appa. He noticed their clothes before they could respond.
“Oh, god, is that blood on your overalls?”
Chara lifted their feet up, curious Their overalls were too big for them, so the bottoms dragged on the ground whenever they walked. Normally, this made fun noises, but today…? It made wet, heavy sounds. The bright blue was stained with dark red where the denim trailed into the blood puddle. Huh, Chara hadn’t even noticed until now. No wonder their feet felt sticky.
“Not MY blood,” they said, shrugging. “Halabeoji got blood on floor. I stepped in it. Feet got wet. Sticky, too…”
“You… You stepped in it? Why?”
“…” Chars shrugged. “Accident.” Did he think they paraded about in it on purpose? ...Now that the thought was in their mind, that wouldn’t be a bad idea... besides SOULs, blood was the second most important thing to humans being alive. Something there was probably a-r-t-i-s-t-i-c.
Appa exhaled. He ran a hand through his dark hair, his gaze still boring into Chara. They ignored it, looking back at the magazine and turning it upside down in an attempt to find the Swimming Ear.
His voice drew them back out of their thoughts. “Chara…Did you really make the call?”
“Yeah. 911 is the help number. Min wasn’t gonna do it.”
“I’m SORRY…” she wailed.
“No, no, it’s not your fault,” he rubbed her back. “Shhhh….”
“Who told you about call?” Chara blinked. “It was private...”
“Nobody can have any secrets around here. The tech who took your call was absolutely hysterical. She wants to meet you, by the way.”
Meet some weird stranger with bad questions? “No, thank you. Let Min see her.” 
“I DON’T WANNA,” Min yelled. 
"It’s fine, sweetie, you’re fine-” Though he comforted Min, Appa’s face didn’t look happy or proud. He had a scared face on. Hm. Maybe he was scared for his own dad? Chara patted his knee- as high as they could reach. Comforting. Consolador. Tröstlich. Kaiteki-sa.
“He alive,” they said. “Ambulens said he hadda stroke. But he live and well and learning.”
Appa exhaled. “I see…..”
“...Whassa stroke?” Chara followed up.
“It’s when your brain doesn’t get enough blood….”
“Oh.” Chara thought. “Cause his blood on the floor?”
Appa’s face was turning an odd shade of green. Chara tilted their head, smiling.
Someone in a white outfit approached from the hallway- the same bearded person that escorted the two. “Hey, I heard what happened, man! I’m so sorry! I’ll keep you as updated as I can, yeah?”
“Thanks, Dan.”
So this was “Dan.” All the grown-ups knew each other. How did they remember all those names? Did you get names tattooed on your eyes in code when you grew up? Or did your name brain get bigger? Hmm.
Appa kept going. “Do you know what exactly happened? I heard a stroke...? He has blood pressure issues, but... I didn’t expect them to be THAT bad.”
“Dan” nodded. “Yeah, this stuff happens quick. It’s nobody’s fault, really. As far as we know, it’s ischemic, and Chara called for help soon after he fell, so he should recover well from it. The bigger issue is the head wound. During the stroke, he fell and cracked his head open-”
Min shrieked again. “AAAAAAAAAAH–”
Appa gave “Dan” a nasty look. Chara giggled into their hand.
“...Sorry. But the good news is, because he was found so soon, he hasn’t even been bleeding long enough to go into shock. They’ll give him an IV of tPA, some stitches, and treat him for the concussion, but unless something goes horribly, suddenly wrong, he’ll be fine.”
While “Dan” was talking, Chara took their shoes off and started to squeeze the blood out of the bottom of their overall legs. Nobody noticed until it was too late.
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kyovtani · 3 years
hey babies! i’ve decided to answer the asks about back to life one and two like this because ive received so so so many and you guys blew me away so answering every single one of them is the least i can do to show you guys just how grateful i am. thank you so much for giving both parts SO much love, i love and appreciate you guys and the support you’re constantly sending my way with my whole entire heart <33
– THANK YOU SO SO MUCH BABY !! this was the very first ask about back to life and it’s honestly the cutest thing ever! I hc Kyoutani to be rally understanding of things like anxiety and depression, generally mental health so that’s why it was easy for him to understand the reader’s situation and mindset! 
BACK TO LIFE!!!!!!!! MY HEART!!!!!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO GOOD!!!!! i was really excited when you started posting about it!! i can't wait for part 2, i wanna know how they fix this!
AAAH !! thank you so much for the love and support baby!!!! I really hope you enjoyed part 2 just as much, sending you lots of smooches MWAH
AAAH YOU GUYS !!! this made me so happy !!! thank you so much and I hope part two met your expectations and you enjoyed the ending MWAH!! 
thank you for the food <33
YOUR KYOTANI FIC AHHHHHHH my heart can’t handle this
Was overwhelmed by the hurty that I forgot to say how much I ADORE your characterization of Kyoutani. fdjkhgjkgdr
THANK YOU SO MUCH !! honestly- that means the world to me, probably the best compliment you can give me :((
Back to life was so good OMG 😳😳 HELLO??? You're amazing
Thank you so much, my love! it honestly is everything to me when you guys tell me such sweet things I love you so much MWAH!!
the new fic did not help me with my insecurities now i’m just frustrated and insecure. great writing tho.
honestly- same. when I wrote this, I lit indulgent every bit of my mind working into this fic and thats why it means so much to me ?? so youre not alone, my love; but thank you so much <33
The way I panicked at the end of the fic thinking there wasn’t gonna be more to it, holy shi that fox was so good I almost cried thinking they were just gonna end things like that 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I’d NEVER end a fic like that- I hate bad endings and cannot stand cliffhangers but the formatting didn't give me another choice im sorry for the heart attack baby kfhflashsj but am glad you liked it!
UR THE BEST WRITER WTF?? WHEN DO U THINK PART TWO WOULD BE UP... and does kyoutani flirt with sora 😣💔
YOU GUYS- NOOO- pls my heart made a loop :(( I love you so much :(( thank you baby and I think now you know what he does with sora MWAH
@kawakuto said: hi hi zade!🤩 (ajdjs idk if you remember me but i moved main blogs and I was @/gukooky before LOL) THE KYOUTANI FIC ANDJWNS I DIDNT EXPECT THE END WAHHHH🥺🥺 it was so well written omg I loved it!! (wtf kyoutani, you said we were going slow what if I wasn’t ready to call u my boyfriend wtffff😔😔 pain.)
AAAAH OFC I DO REMMEBER !! hope youre doing well baby !!! and thank you SO much for your sweet words, I honestly appreciate them so much :((<33
pls I’m in love with your writing. You write kyoutani so well so now I’ll always be grabbing at any crumbs you send my way 🥵
thank you so so so much baby!!!! these kinda words always hit me right at the heart, I appreciate them so much and I love you sm much
bb i love ur kyoutani fic sm :(( ur rlly so talented <33 i look forward to pt 2 ^3^
thank you so much baby, sending a smooch your way mwah 
zade that kyoutani piece im in so much pain why would u do this to me 💔💔💔💔
believe me when I say It hurt me even more than you </3
I just finished reading part 2 and it waS SO GOODAJSFHJLFG you did amazing!! (n˘v˘•)¬
Hi! New nonnie coming through :) First time I'm writing something because I'm such a nervous wreck but I just had to
Mister kyotani pls rail me thanks 🐱
THANK YOU AAAH YOURE SO CUTE !!! I truly appreciate this with my whole entire heart so thank you so much baby, hope you have a good one mwah
Wait did he do anything with Sora?
nope!! they just went to the party together but in my mind he didn’t even hug her and she didn’t try anything else, too, simply bc she knew how in love he is with reader!!
YOUR MINDDDDD!! THE KYOU FIC WAS SOOOO GOOOD!! Omg i hope you do a part 3 😭😭
i have a Little sequel which is really really soft but I'd love to write some more for it! 
@soranihimawari said: Part 1 & 2 with kyoutani was amazing as always Zade! I really liked the ending. This was such a fun read. I was wondering who’s else would be sharing the apartment with Kyoutani. What made you choose tattoo artist Iwa & Oikawa? Those two made me chuckle with the way they came in like that. Hope you have a great day/evening/late night/etc.
aaah thank you so so much, baby!! I truly appreciate your sweet words, youre the cutest! regarding your question: You shares an apartment with Iwa, Oikawa and Yahaba (who also works at the tattoo studio!) and i don't know to be really honest- I just like the thought of these three being really good friends so after contemplating whether or not to go with iwaoi or matsuhana, I ended up going with those two dorks! hope you have a good one baby mwah!!
How long did it take you to write the entire two parts? Like wow that’s alot👁👄👁 i adore long fics though
oooh- hm ?? tbh i don't really know ?? I can’t remember ?? I think it took me about a month or like three weeks since I did write it all in one go yk? it was the only WIP I worked on during that time and it felt SO relieving to publish it! 
AAAHHH the kyou fic was a masterpiece bb!!! ❤️❤️
thank you so so so much baby!!<33
U LITERLALT WRIYE KYOU THE BEST ABSOLUTE BEST. he’s so aggressive and demanding but he still is willing to show someone special his vulnerability. I LOVE READING STUFF ABOUT HIM FROM U
AAAAH thank you so much- you guys have no idea how much these kinda comments mean to me- I love you so MUCH MWAH 
I just read the first part of "back to life" an it had me speechless so many times, almost cried at the end, it's honestly so well written. I'm off to read part two. Have a nice day 🐰
sdoalfsla thank you so much baby! I hope you enjoyed both parts equally as much and thank you for all the love mwah!!<3
Hana is a baddie
SHE IS!! she’s literally the baddest bitch to ever exist ft. saeko ofc but nobody acknowledges it </3
@tonhwa said: I’m in love with the way you write kyoutani pls. Even your previous fics on your old account ( if you don’t mind me mentioning it ) are so fucking amazing. GOSH YOU CHARACTERIZE HIM SO WELL AND THE PLOT IS ALWAYS SO JUICY AND INTERESTING I CANT HELP BUT GO BACK AND READ IT. and then you release this fucking wonderful piece and I feel like it’s my birthday even though it’s already passed LOL ty ily have a wonderful day I’m sobbing tears of happiness
YOU GUYS PLEASE- the fact this made me tear up when I first read it- thank you SO much honestly. knowing you guys enjoy my characterization of my favorite character is honestly everything to me so thank you sm I love you baby have a good one!!<3
I’ve been on this app from high school, and now I’m a college grad. I have to say I’ve never sent a message to anyone I’ve followed. But that tattoo artist! Kyou fic, part 1 and 2 are 😩💕 *chefs kiss* you are one of my favorite writers I’ve ever followed since joining this app. You NEVER disappoint!
-💕 a very satisfied reader
thank you so much baby!! aaah this is honestly so so sweet :(( thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me such a sweet thing, I appreciate it and you so much mwah!!
i love kyoutani and he obvs deserves his dick sucked 🤧🤧 but i catch him posting up with other girls I DONT CARE THE SITUATION he gonna catch these hands for a real one 👊🏼👆🏼🤜🏼🥊🥊 kidding 😐😐😐 he’d body me
pls the way this had me chuckling like crazy bc same sajlskjpw he can get mad all he want but he better stay his pretty ass where he is- by my side  😌
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sapphirewolf1122 · 5 years
True Nature (part 2, final)
Part 1 | Part 2
Word Count: 4,788
A/N: Thank you to everyone for all the likes and comments! I haven’t received reactions like that for one of my fics in a long time, so please know it was greatly appreciated. It may have even help me with my writing rut that I’ve been in. I hope you enjoy part two!
Bakugo was really fucking confused. 
What the hell had gotten into you? At first, when you had started hitting him, he thought you had been worried and were angry at him for not contacting you. But then you had pushed him away and screamed at him…because he was fucking sick?
But something about the way you had screamed at him didn’t seem like anger. It looked like you had become incredibly sad. If you know what’s good for you. What did that even mean? Was it a threat or a genuine warning?
For the next two days, Bakugo stayed away like you had asked. He was still on leave due to his injuries from the raid. But he wanted so bad to get back out there. A couple of the fucking bastards had gotten away and it was believed they’d taken something with them. Something that could really hurt a lot of people.
At one point, he called Kirishima, to see if he had any advice about what to do with you.
“Yo. Bakubro, to what do I owe the pleasure?” came his best friend’s voice.
“Who the fuck even talks like that, Shitty Hair?”
“Yours truly. How’re you doing, by the way? Word is you had to go to the hospital after that raid.” Bakugo couldn’t help feeling a little touched at the sound of Kirishima’s concern; not that he would ever tell him that. 
“I’m fucking fine; I just strained my arms a bit too much during the Goddamn fight. They made a way bigger deal out of it than it was.”
“Knowing you, you probably went well beyond your limit.”
“Whatever. I didn’t call you to talk about my fucking well-being. I called you cause I need…advice…”
“Whaaaat? The great Bakugo Katsuki needs advice? About what, might I ask?”
“Shut the fuck up, Shark Week. It’s…about a girl.” Bakugo went on to explain what had happened. When he finished, Kirishima was silent for several moments. 
Finally, he said, “To be honest, bro, that sounds very strange. For once, it doesn’t sound like you did anything specific to provoke the screaming.” Bakugo went to protest but Kirishima spoke over him. “From what I can tell, seeing you hurt must have triggered some sort of trauma within her. Maybe she thought she couldn’t handle it again so she pushed you away.”
Bakugo hadn’t even thought of that; he felt like a fucking idiot. Kirishima had always been better about other people’s emotions though. “So what the fuck should I do?”
“You said it’s been a few days, right?”
“Then maybe she’s calmed down and you can go ask her about what happened. But don’t be too rough about it; make sure you’re gentle about it. I know that can be difficult.”
Kirishima just laughed. “Good luck, bro. Let me know how it goes.”
With that, the red-head hung up, leaving Bakugo still unsure about what he should do. For several minutes, he sat and thought, trying to figure out the best way. Finally, with a growl of frustration, he decided to just go fucking do it. He got up and practically ran out of his apartment.
When he got to your store, he walked in and looked around for you. Catching the eye of one of your employees, they just shook their head and pointed up. With a nod, he walked back outside and climbed the steps to your front door. 
Taking a deep breath, he knocked. After several moments of silence, he knocked again, louder this time. By the third time, he was practically pounding on the fucking door. He kept at this until it finally flew open and revealed you, standing in your pajamas and glaring at him. You also seemed to be holding a blanket in your hand.
“I fucking told you to stay away, Bakugo,” you said angrily. Your voice sounded hoarse, as though it hadn’t been used much in the past couple of days. 
“And I will. Once you fucking tell me what’s going on,” Bakugo shot back. He was trying to keep his voice even but the sight of you had really thrown him off. His heart was pounding.
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.” You went to shut the door but he caught it. 
“Yes, you fucking do! Because I don’t know what I fucking did wrong and it’s all I’ve been able to think about for the past two days! Is it about how I didn’t call after I got hurt? Did I upset you?”
That seemed to catch you off guard. “I…no….well, yes, I was mad, but that’s not—”
“Then what, ___? What’s wrong? You can tell me.”
You shook your head vehemently; he saw that your eyes were starting to fill with tears. “No, I can’t. Trust me, it’s better like this.”
“It’s better that I never see you again? Like fuck it is.”
“Bakugo, please, you’re making this harder than it already is.”
“Why the hell does it have to be hard?” He had begun moving closer to you.
“Because it just is…it’s just how my life is and it’s better if—”
“Don’t you fucking dare say that again. Just tell me why, and I will go.”
“No, just leave it!”
“I won’t until you tell me wh—”
Bakugo stared at you, speechless for several moments. Did you just say that you loved him? He watched as the tears in your eyes finally spilled over. “What do you mean? How could you possibly—”
“It’s my quirk.”
He blinked. “You have a quirk?” The blonde had always just assumed that you were quirkless. 
You laughed bitterly at that. “Yeah, I do. Though it should be called a curse, because that’s all it’s done: curse me.”
“…is my quirk? Not sure there is a name for it but put simply, the people I love are affected whenever I get injured or sick. For the most part, it’s just minor effects, small symptoms of whatever happened to me. However, the more I love someone, the more they’re affected. If I fall in love with someone, it can become so great that the harm doesn’t even affect my body anymore, only theirs.”
“So you pushed me away because…” Bakugo felt like he was being very slow on the uptake right now.
“Because, in the days after the raid, I got sick. And when you finally came back, you were sick too, with what appeared to be the same symptoms. I have worked too hard over the years to make sure nobody is ever affected by my quirk again. I had hoped that pushing you away would stop….my…feelings.” You suddenly seemed very aware of what you were saying and your face suddenly turned very red. 
Bakugo couldn’t help a small grin from playing out on his face. But then something else you said made him frown. “Wait, how could you possibly manage not to love anyone? You would have had to—”
“Completely isolate myself? Yeah, no shit. The only contact with people are my employees, whom I barely ever speak to, and my customers. I learned how to become completely aloof. It got to the point where people simply stopped trying to get to know me.”
Bakugo really looked at you now. He saw the sunken look in your eyes and the incredible sadness that, while it seemed to have receded in the past weeks, always marked your face. Softly, he said, “Please tell me what happened.”
You looked up at him then, the tears still falling down your face. After several moments of silence, you nodded and stepped back into your apartment, opening the door wider as you did. 
“It’s a long story. You might as well come in.”
You told Bakugo everything. When you finished your story, the two of you sat on your couch for a long time in silence. You thought that maybe, now that he knew, he would finally have the sense to leave and let you forget about him.
However, when he did finally speak, it was of something completely unexpected. 
“You know, I’ve never been very good with emotions. I’m very bad when it comes to knowing how I feel about people…let alone what they feel about me.” A small smile was playing on his lips as he spoke; you had no idea where he was going with this. He continued, “I’m not good at letting people in. Ask my entire high school class. How I managed to make friends with those fucking idiots is beyond me. I think I just finally accepted that they weren’t going anywhere no matter what I did.”
At that moment, he met your eyes. “I think that’s what you’re going to have accept about me.”
Now you were scared and went to protest but he spoke over you. “Like I said, I’m not good at knowing how I feel about people. It usually takes them making a bit of an impression on me and let me tell you, you’ve left a fucking impression.”
You just stared at him, dumbfounded.
The smile suddenly disappeared; he now looked very serious. “After everything you’ve been through, I understand why you would want to keep people away. In fact, I think you’re probably one of the bravest people I know for it. But you have to understand this: you can’t expect people to stop feeling things for you just because you want to protect them. It’s not fair to them.”
You managed to find your voice. “You don’t seem to get it…”
Growling with frustration, Bakugo practically yelled, “NO, you don’t seem to fucking get it.” He leaned in close to you and grabbed your face, angling it up towards him. Looking into your eyes, he hesitated for only a moment before he kissed you fiercely. 
Your first instinct was to resist but something ignited inside you, something that you had thought never would be again, and you were kissing him back. You kissed him with the desperation of someone who hadn’t felt the love or touch of another human being in years. You started to rise, and as you did, you accidentally bumped foreheads with Bakugo, causing the two of you to break apart.
Laughing slightly, you said, “Sorry, I’m a little out of practice.”
The blonde smirked at that. “Well then I guess we better keep practicing…” He leaned in to continue the kissing but you stopped him.
Breathlessly, you asked, “Are you sure about this? Because once we decide to keep going, we can’t go back. I am falling in love with you and you could end up paying for it.”
“Bring it on.” And with that, he was kissing you again. Pushing you back down on the sofa, his lips would make hot trails down your neck and jawline and then he would go back up. You couldn’t be close enough and without realizing it, you started to pull his shirt off. 
Pulling back from you for a second, his hair messy from your hands winding in it, he asked, “Should we take this somewhere more comfortable?”
You nodded and with that, he took your legs and wrapped them around his waist. Then, while continuing to kiss you, he carried you to your bedroom.
You and Bakugo had been together for almost a month now. Despite how doubtful you still were that this could ever work, you were happier than you had been in a very long time. Perhaps than you had ever been.
Katsuki (calling him that still made you giggle) went back to work after his wounds had healed and he had been cleared. He was still working with the other district to find the villains who had escaped the raid. But he came home almost every night to you, only excluding when he had night shifts or if he had to stay at his apartment.
You did still make sure to be more careful now. You wore more protective gloves while working so as to avoid burns and did any cooking with extreme care. And as the days passed, you were actually starting to think that everything would be okay.
You should have known to trust your instincts.
That night, the two you had made plans to meet at his apartment. You left the cafe to your employees, waving at them pleasantly as you walked out. They were still not used to this new side of you and just stared; you had the thought that maybe you should do something for them. 
Taking out your cell phone, you texted Katsuki that you were on your way. That was another new accessory; before, you hadn’t really needed a cell phone and had relied on your work phone. It had only made it easier to isolate yourself.
As you walked, you took in the city around you. There weren’t really a lot of people out tonight but you enjoyed watching those who were. Many were walking alone like you but there were couples or even families here and there. Your eyes kept travelling down to the clasped hands and yours tingled at the thought of soon having Katsuki’s in yours. 
Because you were people-watching, you weren’t really aware of what else was going on around you. So you didn’t see the figure appear out of one of the alleyways until it grabbed you. Your gasp was covered by a large hand; the other arm was wrapped around your torso. This didn’t stop you from trying to struggle and scream but the hand kept you muffled all too well. 
“Calm….the fuck….down, dammit. If you don’t….want anybody else to get hurt….you will stop…struggling,” snarled your captor in your ear as they wrestled with you. At the threat of others being hurt, you did stop struggling. 
“That’s a good girl,” said the voice. They continued to pull you deeper into the alley. As they did, you saw other figures appear as well. In total, there were three. The one holding you finally stopped moving you and spoke again. “Now, I am going to release you again. Continue to be a good girl and nobody else will get hurt. Understand?”
You only hesitated for a moment before nodding, glaring at the other two sneering at you. You couldn’t really see their faces but you could see the glint of their eyes and flash of teeth. 
“Good.” As promised, the hand was removed from your mouth. “Now, we’re going to ask you a few questions.”
“What makes you think I have anything you want? I’m just a bookstore owner.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, darlin’,” said one of the others. “We know you’ve been….fraternizing…with one particular hero called Ground Zero…”
You tried to keep your face passive and even tried to force out a laugh. “What makes you think a big time hero like him would have anything to do with me? And what the hell do you want with him?”
The third one piped up now; his voice sounded high and squeaky. “He’s the reason our hideout was completely destroyed and we lost our comrades, as well as most of our weapons. We simply want to make him pay.”
“And don’t try to play with us,” said the one holding you. “We’ve seen the two of you together.”
“So you guys are stalkers too? Man, you just do it all, don’t you?” 
You thought you heard the squeaky-voiced one hiss. “Enough! Tell us where he is!”
“You think I know where he is at all times? He’s working! Besides, you’re the stalkers. Shouldn’t you have figured out where he lives by now?”
“It doesn’t matter,” said the second. “Once he knows we have you, he’ll do whatever we say.”
Your heart contracted but you hid your fear by saying, “If you really think that, then you don’t know Ground Zero at all.”
“We’ll see about that.” Suddenly, you felt a great blow to your head and pain lanced through you. As you began to black out, your only thought was of how much that would hurt Katsuki. 
Bakugo woke to a horrible pain reverberating in his skull. As he came to, his hand reached to the back of his head, where he felt a hard lump that had formed. Realizing that he must have been attacked, he leapt to his feet only to see that he was in his apartment. He doubled over as the sudden motion caused more pain to shoot through his head, his vision blurring.
When it finally cleared, he searched his apartment for any intruders but nothing was out of place. He frowned in confusion. An intruder wouldn’t have come in for the sole purpose of knocking him out, that would be fucking stupid. Unless….as the realization hit him, his heart jumped into his throat and he scrambled back to where he had woken up, fumbling to find his phone. 
When he turned the screen on, he sighed in relief when he saw that there was a text from you. However, that immediately faded when he read it:
If you want to see her alive, you will come alone. No cops and no costume.
Under that, an address was listed. Upon reading it, Bakugo’s vision filled with red. Oh, he was going to fucking kill these bastards. And he had a pretty good idea of who it was. Fine, if they wanted to go toe-to-toe with him, he’d give them what they wanted. 
But he wouldn’t go in being stupid; he would make sure you came out alive. He texted back that he was on his way. Then, as he walked out the door, he dialed Kirishima’s number. 
“I need your help.”
As you became conscious again, you felt that you were sitting in a chair, your hands tied. Knowing better than to struggle, you focused on the voices that were coming from somewhere else in the room. You recognized them all as the voices of your captors. 
“He’s on his way…” That was the one who had grabbed you.
“Finally…and when he does, we’ll blow him to high heaven,” came Squeaky.
“Don’t underestimate him. You saw him back at the hideout; he may be young but he’s powerful.” First one again. 
“Ain’t nobody can withstand bullets though, not without some kind of absorption quirk,” came the second one who had spoken in the alley.
“What if we use the serum, huh? He won’t be shooting no explosions then,” said Squeaky.
“No, you idiot,” growled First. “We have to bring that back to the boss. It’s the only bit of our stalk that survived and y’know he’ll have our heads if we lose it.”
“It might be our best chance though. Who put you in charge, anyway?” asked Second, sounding annoyed.
“I worked directly with the making of the serum; I am responsible for making sure it stays safe and that means we don’t use it.”
“You’re just hoping to get in the boss’ good graces,” Squeaky accused.
“Don’t you?”
Wow, these idiots aren’t very good at working together, you thought. You continued to listen as they argued, trying to figure out how to get out in time to warn Katsuki. They had said he was on his way but maybe you could still warn him.
You tried to work at loosening your bonds but that didn’t go unnoticed by your captors and one of them yelled, “Hey! Stop that!” 
You looked up to see a man striding towards you. You barely had time to register that he had drawn back his hand before he slapped you. As your head was snapped to the side, you worried at how little it stung. 
You glared into the man’s face. He had long dark hair and was so tall, you had to crane your neck. When he saw your face, he seemed confused.
“I put a bit of my quirk into that. You should be bleeding,” he said. He was the one who had grabbed you.
Before you could respond, you heard an angry shout come from outside. Your heart pounded as you recognized it. No Katsuki, please.
Immediately, the three villains grabbed their weapons and fanned out. They each aimed at the door from different angles. It really did seem like he planned to come straight from there, the idiot. You went back to struggling against your bonds, getting desperate now. Even the thought that your struggling was probably causing them to cut into your skin, and therefore his, didn’t stop you. 
Suddenly, the door was blown forward. As it did, you saw that Katsuki was practically riding it inside, using his explosions to propel him. You watched as he barrelled into the villain who had slapped you. When he did, he used the momentum to flip above the villain’s head. The door had managed to flatten First to the ground.
Katsuki landed facing you and he gave you a grin that seemed more than a little crazy. You noticed that he had a cut along his cheek; that must have been what First meant. And what had caused the explosion hero to scream in anger. 
“Hey babe, sorry I took so long.” First started to move beneath him and the blonde immediately grabbed him and lifted him into the air. “Are you the fucker who hit my girlfriend?” he asked angrily. Then with the aid of an explosion, he sent the villain slamming back into the ground. As he did, you thought you heard something ping and roll away. First lay unmoving. 
A movement behind the hero caught your eye. “Katsuki, watch out!”
He immediately spun around but it was too late. One of the villains, who looked distinctly reptilian, had gotten up and raised his gun. As Katuski spun to face him, the villain let several shots loose.
“NOO!” you screamed, a sob ripping its way through your throat. 
When the shots stopped though, the blonde was still standing. You watched for the blood to start blossoming and for him to collapse but he seemed to be looking at something in his hands. The two villains who were still standing stared in shock. “How’s that possible?” said the reptilian villain, which you realized was Squeaky.
Absurdly, Katsuki turned to you, a frown on his face. “Is there something you forgot to tell me about your quirk?”
“What?! That’s what you want to talk about right now?! How’re you not dead?” you yelled, tears streaming down your face. 
He held up something in his hands. From what you could tell, it looked like a smushed piece of metal. It took you a second to realize what it must be.
“Is that…?”
“A fucking bullet? Yeah. I just got shot like ten times and not a single one harmed me.”
“Are you saying…my quirk…”
The explosion hero grinned. “Only way to be sure is to test it.” And with that, he jumped into action. As he rushed the villains, they tried to shoot him again but it was a waste of bullets. As he neared the villain who you deduced must be Second, the villain dropped the gun and a fight ensued.
As you watched, you suddenly felt a pair of hands touching your arms, causing you to jump. “Sshh, it’s okay. I’m going to untie you,” came a whisper behind you. 
When you were released from your bindings, you turned to see a red-haired man giving you a sharp-toothed grin. It didn’t take you long to realize who it was. “Red Riot?”
“Please, Bakubro’s girlfriend can at least call me Kirishima.”
“But what are you doing here?”
“I’m in charge of getting you out of here while Bakugo distracts the villains. Come on!” He reached for your hand but you pulled back. 
“No, you have to help him!”
Kirishima glanced behind you, a look of amusement on his face. “Um…I don’t think he needs my help.” He pointed.
Turning around, you saw Katsuki breathing heavily over the slumped forms of the last two villains. Upon seeing this, you ran to your explosive boyfriend, yelling for him. He turned to you, his crazy grin softening as he saw you. 
You jumped on him, hugging him tightly. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? What the hell were you thinking?”
You felt him laugh as he hugged you back. “I was thinking that there was no way hell I was going to let those fucking bastards hurt you. And I’m fucking fine. Look, not a scratch on me!”
He set you down and stood back, holding his arms out. His clothes were completely torn but on closer inspection, you saw that he was right. The only injury he bore was the scratch on his cheek from when the villain had hit you; you reckoned that there was probably a lump somewhere on his head too.
Still…”How is that possible? Your power is explosions, not invulnerability.”
“No but I think yours is.”
“Have you not been paying attention? All my quirk does is hurt people.”
“Yeah, when you’re the one who fucking gets hurt. But what if it also helps the person by making them unable to be injured any other way? Every quirk has its drawbacks and that’s the only part of yours you’ve ever seen.”
“So you’re saying my love…protected you?”
His grin widened even more. “Hell yeah!”
A smile of your own was forming on your lips when you heard a rustling. Suddenly, Squeaky was rushing at Katsuki with what looked like a syringe in his hand. “If we can’t kill you, then how about we take away your quirk?!” he screamed. 
Without thinking, you rushed forward, grabbing Squeaky’s wrist that held the syringe and twisting it. It clattered to the ground and you proceeded to twist the villains arm behind his back. Immediately, Katsuki and Kirishima knocked him out together, with punches powered by their quirks. 
You threw him to the ground, breathing heavily. You looked up to see both heroes staring at you in amazement. “What?!” you exclaimed indignantly.
“That was so manly,” said Kirishima.
That just caused all of them to burst into laughter. Turning to Kirishima, Katsuki teased, “Guess I’m the fucking Unbreakable Hero, now, huh?”
The red-head made a face. “You think you can take a few bullets and that suddenly makes you unbreakable? It takes more than that.”
“Oh, yeah? What did you have in mind, Shark Week?”
As they continued to banter back and forth, you bent down to pick up the syringe. Inside it was a clear liquid. How about we take away your quirk. That’s what the villain had said. Could it be…had another serum been made?
“___, what is that?” Katsuki’s alarmed voice broke through your thoughts.
Looking up at him, you said, “This is a quirk-removing serum, Katsuki.” Your voice trembled with emotion. 
“Yeah, so? Give it to me, I’ll take it in to the police.” He held out his hand.
Shaking your head, you held the syringe closer to you. “Do you know what this means? I could finally be rid of it. I don’t have to hurt you or anybody else ever again.”
“But didn’t you just hear me: it protects me, too.”
“Can I really accept the risk? All it takes is one accident and I could really hurt you. Even kill you. I want it gone, Katsuki!”
The blonde sighed and looked at his friend, who just shrugged his shoulders. Turning back to you, he nodded. “Fucking fine, but before you do, can I just try a couple of things first? You know, for research purposes!”
You frowned. “Try what?”
Katsuki looked around and then picked up a large pole. Handing it to Kirishima, he said, “Hit me with this. As fucking hard as you can.”
“Dude, I am not hitting you with a fucking pole.”
“Oh come on, you fucking chicken. Do it, Shitty Hair! Or are you not manly—”
The sound of the pole hitting Katsuki reverberated through the building, causing you to flinch. But when you looked back, you saw that he was fine.
“You call that a fucking hit?! That didn’t even hurt! Let’s try something else!”
“Seriously, dude?”
As the two schemed, you couldn’t help but smile at their antics. Looking down at the syringe, you tightened your hand around it and stashed it in your pocket. You would not be swayed so easily but you had to admit, the true nature of your quirk wasn’t too bad.
A/N2: I apologize for the unimaginative bad guy nicknames. I was struggling with better descriptive ones and finally just gave up.
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