#lightkeeper posts
Sooo Lavinia? Thoughts? And if you could, is there anything you'd change about how they handled her character?
Ooh. Hm. Alright, full transparency, not the biggest Lavinia fan. And it's a shame really, because her route and her character did have a lot of great potential to it. My main issues were how the general plot with the flower charm felt recycled from Ezra's route (not the writer's fault, it likely wasn't planned for her to have a route at the time it was written), but it still felt kind of cheap. Also wasn't a fan of the way the lore and underlying plot of the series was glossed over. Yes, I'm aware that the purpose of Lovestruck was romance first, but when the rest of the routes focus a lot on the plot, having one that doesn't really makes it stand out in all the wrong ways. That and the way Lavinia was characterized left a lot to be desired. As an immortal powerful queen, you'd expect her personality to reflect that. However, throughout the route, she felt more like a whiny teenager going through a rebellious phase. Which sucks because again, she had so much potential. Still, I mean no disrespect towards Lavinia fans, she's clearly very popular so maybe it's just an us thing. But I'd much rather read Ezra's route, and I'm saying that as a lesbian lol
I can appreciate how positioning a "villainous" character like Lavinia as a love interest helps us see the main cast from an opposing point of view, to showcase their flaws and a contrasting side to them, likely poising to make a statement on morality. It often was very entertaining to see everyone butt heads! I was really curious to see how she would have grown from villainous to perhaps virtuous, so I'm disappointed we'll never know now.
I have to agree with Lightkeeper in that a lot of Lavinia's route seems to borrow from Ezra's. Their relationship dynamics certainly resemble each other. Both began adversarial and argumentative, and through those arguments the LI warmed up once FMC earned their respect. Though Lavinia's feelings for FMC shift from respect into devotion when FMC proves she's a rare individual who extends her compassion and benefit of the doubt, and even faith in her ability to become a better person. EAA's overall theme of the transformative power of love rears its beautiful head once again. (At least, I hope I'm remembering their dynamic correctly.) Maybe upon closer reading, and a long overdue reread, of both routes, I'll be able to better appreciate the differences between Ezra's and Lavinia's romances.
Taken by itself, Lavinia's characterization was fun, as your sort of archetypal delinquent/bad girl hiding heartbreak this time with a fairytale twist, but it was sadly that—just sort of archetypal. Considering she's a centuries-old entity with fairy blood lacking a piece of her heart, I think it would've been really cool to see that reflect in the way she relates to and is seen by humans. Ethereal, whimsical, dangerous? Creepy and unsettling, imposing and mysterious and utterly alien. A force of nature rather than a petulant, brooding rebel without a cause. Anything to justify her fearsome reputation and the main cast's prejudice against her? (Unless that was based off nothing but hearsay, as it was with Ezra, which could have been the entire point! but that would undermine the theme of her story as outlined by her route summary)
Put simply, I wanted to see her character concept taken further, particularly her fae heritage, which would have made the route more fun for me in a few ways. This would have 1) more heavily foreshadowed the Titania twist and made the reveal more satisfying; 2) raised questions about nature vs nurture (after all, what is Lavinia's major?); 3) distinguished it more from Ezra's story, which is about a fundamentally good person whose reputation is smeared by a third party, and made it about someone whose bad reputation is deserved and who must earn her redemption; and 4) allowed us to witness a struggle to reconcile who Lavinia initially is with the image (FMC's image?) of an ideal partner, and from that starting point, watch her become that more suitable partner.
But this is a university setting, and a fluffy romance story. If molding the Ice Queen into a figure you'd be more likely to meet at university was the goal, then I would've liked to see some clearer justification for or exploration of why she's this emotionally stunted for an ancient queen. Something to do with her missing heart shard? Maybe that was coming down the pipe. Again, we'll never know.
Overall, I wasn't terribly fond, since I do have pretty specific tastes and I readily admit that I have my own strong biases. I'm sorry to disappoint anyone looking for a more wholly positive viewpoint! But I'm glad there are people who do love her.
– Pathfinder
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nedlittle · 2 years
so i work for a small regional museum. remotely, i should add. the museum itself is about 2000km west, so i've never actually been there but i research and write articles about local history for them. and because the town was only formally settled in the 1920s and a lot of the museum's supporters are older, the majority of the history i write about is within, or just outside of living memory. this means that people will comment on our posts with memories or connections of their own. they'll tag their friends and family and say 'remember this?'
a few week ago, i wrote a week's worth of posts about immigration, largely displaced persons in the aftermath of the second world war. there was an outpouring of memories and people tagging their family members and sharing them. our notifications were blowing up with people saying "thanks for writing about my uncle" and "i knew them when i was young, but i never knew their story" and "she looks so beautiful here" and "our families used to get together for dinners, i'm still friends with his daughter."
regular people, non-historians, are inclined to think of history as a monolithic past leading up to the present; an easy timeline of textbook names and events. and we think of museums largely the same way. you have the louvre and you have the smithsonian and maybe a modern art museum or a niche museum for skeletons or canoes or one specific guy. museums are reserved for the big things, but they're also for the little things and people that will never be in textbooks.
and i'm thinking about the way people responded to those posts, seeing their own history remembered with the same reverence as the big stuff. maybe you never knew the people being written about, or maybe you did, and for a few days, they are alive again, and your neighbours and your classmates and your councilmen are remembering your family, and they are alive.
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petrichorium · 2 months
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❝ sail away with me ❞ ❝ ask me again in the morning ❞
— a lightkeeper and her emperor of the sea {pluvi x shanks}
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smilestrawbunny · 4 months
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Amidst the darkness, your light shines new possibilities… Lightkeeper, our queer horror/romance, has gotten updated! The new update includes:
-3 new CGs, 1 new sprite
-Edited writing
-Added the Lightkeeper Art Book, a PDF of concept art and doodles from the team!
-Added “Story Mode,” which removes the button mash segments for people who want more of a classic VN experience.
-Added different difficulties for the button mash segments.
-Added a web browser version!
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telleroftime · 4 months
He's bald! He's bald and he's bullying people that have hair!
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AKA, It's 3.20 am and I'm experimenting. At the moment I like his face shape and the marking, but the starfish thingies? Yeah, I'm not set. I have an idea though. I could make clumps of the lionfish thingies so they look relatively star-shaped.
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elsewhereuniversity · 2 years
Hello again Archivist!
I swear, I'm going to start charging for delivery. I'm not really sure how, given that I don't know what the person who keeps giving these to me looks like, but I'll figure it out. Here's another letter from our mysterious individual.
A piece of heavy cream paper, slightly rough at the edges like it was handmade rather than mass produced. The writing is in an elegant, loopy cursive, written in midnight blue ink that shimmers slightly when it catches the light. Also, the student offering you the note has a bit of dark blue ink on their left hand. It could have come from the note being wet when they got it, but none of the letters are smudged.
For Lorn, formerly Lightkeeper Lorn,
A sign found in the warped images produced by trying to to play a disc which was once a home movie of a family's ocean vacation. One of the Spring Court Gentry ran their fingers over the disk in contemplation of its silvery surface, and now the original sunny Pacific Ocean has been replaced by fog and restless, roiling water, with only a single light to guide the watcher from the depths.
Your vigil did not go unnoticed, nor did your departure go unmourned. The one for whom you waited gave everything to get back to you, and lost who they were in the process. Their body rests now, in a peaceful grave on foreign shores, purchased by their earring. They were not entirely unmade by the brine. Take comfort in that.
Though many things are too far gone to ever be mended, and what the Unsea takes does not return, there are those whose feet can walk from the foam-flecked beaches with some of themself intact. We advise a course or two in chemistry, while you're re-acquainting yourself with the rest of the world.
Oh, and Archivist, the faint form of a grey wanderer in the mist behind the Lightkeeper whispers to us of words yet to come. Lord Ceranes is no particular friend of ours, so we offer this free of charge: his time will come, and your wait will end. Take heart from the end of Lorn's vigil. All good things to those who wait.
The Council of Heralds
P.S. To those who have inquired; Unfortunately, unless the electronic in question is particularly sentimentally linked to you, AND it was touched as part of a Deal, we cannot ensure that any resulting fortune will be about anything in particular. It's really not that direct, guys, we're sorry.
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chaosgenasi · 1 year
i'm assuming taliesin is either going to return or not as “our” lightkeeper for the circle of needle & thread—and in case of the latter, i just think it would be so fun if something happens during the intro/outro tonight which leads to his absence in future circles/potentially opens up a new mystery
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wintershades · 2 years
The Mighty Nein Reunited has only intensified my desire to see Fjord become friends with Gladys, the keeper of the Mother’s Lighthouse.
Give this half-orc a grouchy grandmother figure to charm and annoy! She’d offer him such heartfelt, practical advice, and then she’d tell him to get the fuck out.
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softboyscully · 1 month
ptown my beloved. nothing better than being in a lovely seaside town surrounded by gay people
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liighthouse · 2 years
@terrafound // continued from x
A ship crash. Meredith’s eyes widened, and her mouth went dry. Did he mean… the boat sort of ship? But… no boats were meant to crash on these shores. The lighthouse was supposed to protect them. She was supposed to protect them. It was her duty. And yet, here this stranger stood, still damp and clearly disoriented, because his ship had crashed.
Had she failed?
Meredith had faltered, caught in thought, but only a moment passed before she regained her composure and her instincts took over. “Oh, of course — come in, come in!” She ushered him inside, closed the door behind him, and gestured to the chairs beside the kitchen table. “You can take a seat, if you’d like. I’ll fetch you something warm to drink. You’re welcome to a blueberry muffin as well, I’ve just made them.” They sat on a dish on the table. “Are you cold?”
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rou-luxe · 4 months
Ikevil AU - Elbert mermay + Alfons lighthouse keeper
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it's awfully cramped in there.
◇ lighthouse keeper alfons + another elbie doodle
rumor has it that the lightkeeper is more alluring than the siren he harbors... (i'm sorry could you blame me)
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I put more mer traits on here than the first one 😭 BLORB!!
◇ really bad quick lighthouse keeper alfons doodle (when I say quick, I mean quick.)
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◇ he got caught in oil ☹
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◇ give him all your shells. right now. 👁
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◇ tags
everyone who wanted to be tagged. I'm considering the likes on that post too. hope I didn't miss anyone...
@ynkfva @bakersgrief @consumeroflemoans @forever-untrusting @mxrmaid-poet
@pinnacle-pixel @xc092000 @floydsteeth @jhannasworld-blog @aqxxla09
@silkkorchid you already saw all of this but yk 😇
happy mermay everyone
(uh oh what do I do for pride month do I draw them kissing...)
good luck with your exam season if you have them. have elbie and alfons for good luck. exam season is not stopping me in the slightest
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quinn-of-aebradore · 6 months
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Since I've seen some folks being interested and the fic itself is still a work-in-progress, I thought I'd give a little introduction for the Essek and Caleb in my Candela Obscura AU! The above are their designs as I put together in Hero Forge and of course, here is them drawn by Maddy!
Essek in this world is an occultist who was raised in a very devout Ascendancy worshipping family in Briar Green. While he attended Briar Bank College, he was contacted by EONS and began doing work for them. As that connection went on its course and eventually came to a disastrous ending, Candela made contact with him as a way of damage control, with Lightkeeper Yussa Errenis taking him in as a ward, sort of, which led to Essek meeting—and eventually joining—the Circle of the Nein. He is currently retired from field work and serves as Lightkeeper to the Circle of Pearl.
Caleb, on the other hand, was born outside Newfaire in Tottergrass but grew up in South Soffit after his family lost their farm and moved to the city to find work. In his teens, he was offered an internship at EONS and spent time assisting in their labs in more ways than one, leading to his first exposure to The Flare and bleed. While on track to receiving a scholarship to Briar Bank College, he suffered a breakdown—the circumstances of which EONS has burned from the record and even Candela is unsure of—and spent several years in Greyslate. Whilst a Circle was in process of an investigation at the Sanatorium, Caleb escaped and soon found his way to Candela, becoming part of the Circle of the Nein as a professor soon after. He is currently retired from field work and serves as Lightkeeper to the Circle of Amber.
The fic I'm currently working on takes place after their retirements, though I have plenty of ideas about the events before that and of their backstories that I may turn into their own fics down the road. Which is why certain details are omitted here. If I remember to, I'll maybe post a snippet for WIP Wednesday this week :3
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crimetimesteadicam · 8 months
ok @morporkian-cryptid tagged me to do this fic author interview so here we go...
if you would like to do this, i am officially tagging you, yes you, right now. tag me back so i can see your answers
1 How many works do you have on AO3?
i got 40
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
sorry like none of these are lupin iii. a blight on my lupin iii blog
Wabisabi (991 kudos) - Spirited Away. idk it's short and cute, read it
BONES OF BLACK MARROW (952 kudos) - Homestuck. the infamous cyoa cannibalism sex fic. scrolling through the things people say about it in the bookmarks is always so funny
Cum mortuis in lingua mortua (925 kudos) - Homestuck. no clue why it has so many kudos lol it was like the first long thing i've ever wrote (a whole decade ago??? jesus). it's a d&d/discworld joke
Vanitas vanitatum (914 kudos) - Homestuck. the same d&d/discworld joke except the LI is turbo depressed. notable for being the only fic i ever outlined and edited and that's why it whips
Supermassive Retinol Overdose! (677 kudos) - hey look, a lupin fic made it on here!
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do when i have something meaningful to say besides "thank you!" i don't have a lot of thoughts about my own work so therefore i tend to not respond if there's not a direct question :( my head is empty. i always respond to every single comment on the last chapter of longfics though because i'm always impressed people read that far lol. genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading all that
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
idk uhhhh i wrote a series once where two of the main couples break up at the end, but it wasn't really angsty
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
they all end pretty happily
7. Do you write crossovers?
if i did it was so long ago i don't remember it
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
no but people used to send passive aggressive hate about my art in fics once in a while. hasn't happened in like 2+ years
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes. every kind. EVERY KIND
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
a bot will sometimes scrape my high kudos homestuck fics and plant them on a junk ebook site
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah i think like 7 of them got translated into russian and do numbers on ficbook.net
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
in the past me and my friend would sit around a laptop and scream laugh write our way through crack fics
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
right now it's jiglup and fujilup
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i finish almost all my WIPs because i'm a freak. if i don't finish a WIP it's because some dramatic life event happened. this has only occurred two times
15. What are your writing strengths?
im a funny binch
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
i don't outline or edit or re-read any of my fanfic. i just type it and then eyeball it for typos and then post it. i COULD outline and such to really make the narrative nice and tight, but i don't find it very fun to do (for fanfic) and this is like, my relaxing wind down hobby. i just wanna have fun haha. the only reason my fics like, make sense, is because i write at least one ending scene first thing and always aim for that, and also i write out of order so i kinda know the route of the story
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
it's fine if it makes sense to do it there as a narrative device
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
h-hetalia crack fic.....
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
once i figure out how to draw zenigata it's over for you bitches. luzeni hours on da clock
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
for lupin iii fic, i like Lightkeepers the best
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Gas Station Stream of Consciousness Post
Gas Stations as Liminal Spaces
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I've had quite a few hyperfixations in my day - ATMs, laundry detergents, credit cards - so my current one pertaining to gas stations is fitting considering my affinity for liminal spaces and the dedication of this blog to them. Liminal spaces are transitory in nature, hence their portrayal in online circles through photos of carpeted hallways, illuminated stairwells, dark roads, and backrooms, among other transitional points.
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Gas stations are posted online as well; images of their fuel pumps or neon signage photographed through a rainy car window communicate their liminality and the universal experiences they provide to all of society. Perhaps they are the ultimate specimen of a liminal space. The machines they are created for, automobiles and tractor trailers alike, themselves are tools for motion, vestibules that enable travel and shipment across long distances at high speeds. Cars and roads are liminal spaces, albeit in different formats, and gas stations serve as their lighthouses. Vehicles at filling stations, therefore, are in a sense liminal spaces within liminal spaces within liminal spaces.
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The uniqueness of a gas station as a liminal space, however, is its intersection with the economics and aesthetics of capitalism. Gasoline (and diesel fuel) is a commodity, downstream from crude oil, merely differentiated by octane ratings. Some argue that minute distinctions between agents, detergents, and additives make some brands better than others. Indeed, fuels that are approved by the Top Tier program, sponsored by automakers, have been shown to improve engine cleanliness and performance, but this classification does not prefer specific refiners over others; it is simply a standard. To a consumer, Top Tier fuels are themselves still interchangeable commodities within the wider gasoline commodity market.
The Economics of Gas Stations
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The market that gas stations serve is characterized by inelastic demand, with customers who reckon with prices that fluctuate day in and day out. This is not to say that consumer behavior does not change with fuel prices. It has been observed that as prices rise, consumers are more eager to find the cheapest gas, but when prices fall, drivers are less selective with where they pump and are just happy to fill up at a lower price than last week. In response, gas stations lower their prices at a slower rate than when increasing prices, allowing for higher profit margins when wholesale prices fall. This has been dubbed the "rockets and feathers" phenomenon.
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When portrayed as liminal spaces, gas stations are most often depicted at night, places of solitude where one may also enter the adjacent convenience store and encounter a fellow individual who isn't asleep, the modern day lightkeeper. The mart that resides at the backcourt of a gas station is known to sell goods at higher prices than a supermarket, simultaneously taking advantage of a captive customer, convenient location, and making up for the inefficiencies of a smaller operation. It may come as no surprise, then, that gas stations barely make any money from fuel sales and earn their bulk through C-store sales. This is a gripe I have with our economic system. Business is gamified, and in many cases the trade of certain goods and services, called loss leaders, is not an independent operation and is subsidized by the success of another division of a business, a strategy inherently more feasible for larger companies that have greater scale to execute it.
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Nevertheless, most gas station owners, whether they have just one or hundreds of sites, find this method fruitful. Even though most gas stations in the US sell one of a handful of national brands, they operate on a branded reseller, or dealer, model, with oil companies themselves generally not taking part in the operations of stations that sell their fuels. The giants do still often have the most leverage and margin in the business, with the ability to set the wholesale price for the distributor, which sells at a markup to the station owner, which in turn will normally make the least profit in the chain when selling to the end customer at the pump. This kind of horizontal integration that involves many parties lacks the synergies and efficiencies of vertical integration that are so applauded by capitalists, but ends up being the most profitable for firms like ExxonMobil, who only extract and refine oil, and on the other end of the chain merely license their recognizable brands to the resellers through purchasing agreements. Furthermore, in recent years, independent dealers have sold their businesses to larger branded resellers, in many cases the ones from whom they had been buying their fuel.
A Word on ExxonMobil's Branding Potential
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The largest publicly traded oil company in the world is Exxon Mobil Corporation. It is a direct descendent of the Rockefeller monopoly, Standard Oil, which was broken up in 1911 into 34 companies, the largest of which was Jersey Standard, which became Exxon in 1973. This title was generated by a computer as the most appealing replacement name to be used nationwide to unify the Humble, Enco, and Esso brands, decades before AI was spoken of. The latter brand is still used outside of the United States for marketing, arising from the phonetic pronunciation of the initials of Standard Oil. In 1999, Exxon and Mobil merged, and the combined company to this day markets under separate brands. Exxon is more narrowly used, to brand fuel in the United States, while Mobil has remained a motor oil and industrial lubricant brand, as well as a fuel brand in multiple countries.
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Mobil originated in 1866 as the Vacuum Oil Company, which first used the current brand name for Mobiloil, and later Mobilgas and Mobilubricant products, with the prefix simply short for "automobile". Over time, Mobil became the corporation's primary identity, with its official name change to Mobil Oil Corporation taking place in 1966. Its updated wordmark with a signature red O was designed by the agency Chermayeff & Geismar, and the company's image for service stations was conceived by architect Eliot Noyes. New gas stations featured distinctive circular canopies over the pumps, and the company's recognizable pegasus logo was prominently on display for motorists.
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I take issue with the deyassification of the brand's image over time. As costs were cut and uniformity took over, rectangular canopies were constructed in place of the special ones designed by Noyes that resembled large mushrooms. The pegasus remained a prominent brand icon, but the Mobil wordmark took precedence, which I personally believe to be an error in judgement. This disregard for the pegasus paved the way for its complete erasure in 2016 with the introduction of ExxonMobil's "Synergy" brand for its fuel. The mythical creature is now much smaller and appears only at the top right corner of pumps at Mobil gas stations, if at all.
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Even into the 90s and the 21st century the Pegasus had its place in Mobil's marketing. In 1997, the company introduced its Speedpass keytag, which was revolutionary for its time and used RFID technology, akin to mobile payments today, to allow drivers to get gas without entering the store or swiping a card. When a Speedpass would be successfully processed, the pegasus on the gas pump would light up red.
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When Exxon and Mobil merged in 1999, the former adopted the payment method too, with Exxon's less iconic tiger in place of the pegasus.
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The program was discontinued in 2019 in favor of ExxonMobil's app, which is more secure since it processes payments through the internet rather than at the pump.
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What Shell has done with its brand identity is what Mobil should've done for itself. The European company's logo was designed in 1969 by Raymond Loewy, and is a worth contender for the "And Yet a Trace of the True Self Exists in the False Self" meme. In recent years, Shell went all in on its graphic, while Mobil's pegasus flew away. I choose to believe that the company chose to rebrand its stations in order to prevent the malfunction in the above image from happening.
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ExxonMobil should have also discontinued the use of the less storied Exxon brand altogether, and simplifying its consumer-facing identity to just the global Mobil mark. Whatever, neither of the names are actual words. As a bonus, here is a Google map I put together of all 62 gas stations in Springfield, MA. This is my idea of fun. Thanks for reading to the end!
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junemermaid · 6 months
Writing patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
1. "He won't be coming back. You know that, don't you?" Xia Dong spoke behind Mu Nihuang. (Flowers in Dreamland Weather, Nirvana in Fire, Mu Nihuang x Xiao Jingyan x Mei Changsu, ot3 porn that grew a backstory)
2. This is the story: in the holy heart of the world, a heretic kneels down, and entreats the exalted dead for power. (Servant of the Spiral, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus, SH/Final Fantasy X fusion)
3. On the day that is going to define the rest of his life, Alec jerks awake to the gentle chiming of his phone and proceeds to fall off the couch. (Talking With Strangers, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus, university AU w/ fake marriage)
4. Magnus stepped off the coach onto the grizzled asphalt of the tiny bus station and thought, not for the first time, You're out of your head, Bane. And the next bus service out of this place is the day after tomorrow. (The Stair Into the Sea, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus (& Maia), The Novel about ghosts and lighthouses and second chances)
5. Magnus stepped out of the bathroom, clad only in a towel, anticipation prickling his throat. (the black honey of summer, Shadowhunters, Alec x Magnus, porn with a tender D/s vibe)
6. Far across the ocean, in a kingdom whose name is lost to time, there lived a young prince. (The Underwater Heart, SH, Alec x Magnus, fairytale AU)
7. Isabelle has a problem. Like a not insignificant number of her problems, it starts with a kiss. (Bramble, SH, Clary x Isabelle, canon divergent first kiss w/ complications)
8. Magnus weaves through the crowd, a tin mug held high in each hand. Alec watches his progress as he ducks around a server with a flourish of apology, a quick, glittering smile. (From the Green Shadows, SH, Alec x Magnus, SH/The Witcher fusion)
9. Magnus collapses into the pillows with sticky, boneless satisfaction, limbs going every which way. Alec presses a damp kiss on his brow. "Be right back." (is it bright where you are, SH, Alec x Magnus, tough pillow talk)
10. On his thirtieth day as a lightkeeper, Alec woke to find a girl in the parking lot. (The Birthday of the Sea, SH, Alec & Maia, side story to The Novel)
God, I really haven't written much in the last few years. The oldest of these was posted four years ago! (The counterpoint is that I have several long-running longfics right now, which means a smaller number of stories.)
I think these show I tend to start in medias res, or else with a distinct image or line—the hook, as it were. I am also amused that two of these have Alec waking up, and a whopping four start with Magnus and some kind of movement. The two fantasy/fairytale stories pull back a bit to establish worldbuilding and backstory first.
Overall, this is a reminder to finally rewatch Shadowhunters and get serious about finishing at least some of my WIPs in that fandom. Had I but world enough and time.
Tags for: @electricshoebox, @lynne-monstr, @faejilly, @neekerbreeker, @pikkugen, @sleepsonclouds, @lightwormsiblings, @frudence, @vaynglories, @circumference-pie
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ask-everafteracademy · 3 months
Hey guys, can we chat?
I started this blog almost two full years ago (which is insane to me). Honestly it’s been so exhilarating being able to make content and speak about something so near and dear to my heart with people who share the same passion as me. I’ve met so many wonderful people in this fandom who have stuck with me (special shoutout to the one and only @arinlangdon) and this blog has been one of the greatest experiences I’ve had while being online. I feel like the way I’m wording this could make people nervous so I want to clear the air
The blog is not over, nor is it being taken down
This post is mainly to answer some questions I’ve been getting, and also to explain myself. If my co admin decides they want to make their own statement I’ll leave that up to them, but here is mine
Why haven’t you been posting?
The main reason this account hasn’t been very active is simply due to a lack of motivation. We have so many ideas for this blog (an email, Pinterest boards, Google docs, even Spotify playlists) but just not enough source material to run with them. On top of that, we feel like we aren’t getting that much traction on our posts, which really puts a dent in our moral. That’s not a ploy for pity, obviously people can’t help if they aren’t interested in a story from an app that’s been dead for two years. We can’t force people to still care, and we’re not expecting it from anyone, but it doesn’t change the fact that it sucks
What does this mean for the blog?
Honestly, I’m not sure. I feel like with all the effort we’ve been putting into our bigger ideas it’d be a shame for it all to go to waste. Plus I do enjoy interacting with whoever stops by and posting our silly headcanons or random thoughts. I think the best answer I can give is content will continue to be posted, just not constantly. I do have to take into account that I’m going to college next month and I need to prepare to take my next steps in life so I’m not sure how much I’ll be online at all, but I do want to try.
When are you going to [answer BLANK or post BLANK]?
EVERYTHING WILL BE ANSWERED/FINISHED IN TIME! This blog is run by two people with jobs and lives outside of tumblr so we’re not going to be online constantly. We’re running exclusively on our passion for the story and fandom and pure spite of V*ltage. For me personally it depends on what time I have and if I’m motivated to write (and more often then not I’m channeling that motivation into my book), but I can assure you that we are still here and we will give you the answers you’re craving… just not right now.
In conclusion, yes this blog will still be active, unlike some companies we care deeply about the story that has been given to us and we want to continue to honor it as best we can. We just need some time to collect ourselves.
Thank you for listening to my long rant and for supporting us through this whole crazy journey. I love you guys, keep dreaming <3
- Lightkeeper (Blaire)
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