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planet-gay-comic · 11 months ago
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The Warrior and the Butterfly It's not the grand triumphs or the shining victories that define the essence of the human spirit, but rather the small moments of joy and wonder that find their place even in the darkest times. Like a warrior who, despite the scars of battle, admires the grace of a butterfly, so too can we master the art of finding delight in the simple, precious things of life amidst the greatest crises.
It is the ability of humanity to find joy in the simplest and tenderest things amidst tragedy that demonstrates its strength and humanity. The butterfly becomes a symbol of hope, a beam of light in the darkness that comforts the warrior and gives him the strength to keep fighting, not only for victory but for the beauty of nature and the value of life itself.
Text supported by Chat GPT-4
Images generated with DALL-E, overworked StableDiffusion SDXL-1.0 (DreamDiffusionXLSD) with inpainting and composing.
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otaviogilbert · 1 year ago
What You Truly Value in Life | Walt Hampton
Explore the essence of what truly matters in life with Walt Hampton in this insightful video. Discover the values that shape your journey, inspire your choices, and bring meaning to your existence. Join the conversation about leading a purpose-driven life filled with fulfillment and happiness.
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educationislight · 11 months ago
Prioritizing Values: Family, Love and Life #determination #courage #action #embracefear #inspiration #FamilyFirst #LoveAboveAll #LifeValues #Priorities #CherishMoments #UnconditionalLove #FamilyBond #LifeBalance #CoreValues #EmbraceLife
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bloggingwithnadya · 1 year ago
Mistake is learning process to elevate our lives value and a natural selective to remove any negative surroundings that has been engraved in ourselves. Learn it, and move on from it. You will realize that mistake won't stop you to be better version of yourself.
#lifevalues #confident #motivation #mistake #failure #healthy #justdoit #mentalhealth
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warvictimsfund · 1 year ago
🌟 Reflecting on the profound words: 'The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation.' Dive into our latest video where we explore this thought, inspiring us in our journey to aid war victims. It's more than time; it's the impact we create. Join us. #LifeValue #CharityImpact #HelpingWarVictims
Watch, be inspired, and take action: [Video Link] ✨
Please Visit Charity Fund "Helping War Victims: Link
#Inspiration #Charity #MakeADifference
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cocoladde · 2 years ago
The Art Of Choosing
Seringkali kita dihadapkan pada beberapa pilihan dalam hidup. Mulai dari hal yang sederhana hingga yang paling rumit. Ada banyak sekali hal yang memengaruhi pilihan-pilihan kita. Salah satunya adalah life value. Life value adalah nilai-nilai kehidupan yang ada pada diri kita. Ia adalah hal-hal baik yang terpupuk baik secara sadar maupun tanpa kita sadari. Mengapa life value penting ? Karena ia mengambil peran dalam keputusna yang kita ambil
Contohnya, saya pribadi memiliki 3 life value utama. Spiritual, keluarga dan kontribusi. Life value spiritual membuat saya memahami bahwa apa-apa yang kita perbuat di dunia tak pernah bisa lepas dari nilai agama dalam bersikap, bertindak pun juga mengambil keputusan. Agama menjadi landasan kuat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Nilai yang kedua yaitu keluarga. Bagi saya keluarga adalah yang utama. Semua hal yang saya raih saat ini tak pernah luput dari peran dan doa kedua orang tua yang kasih sayangnya mampu menembus batas apapun. Yang terakhir adalah kontribusi. Guru saya pernah berkata bahwa buah dari semua kebaikan dan pelajaran yang kita dapatkan dalam hidup sesungguhnya tak ada nilainya jika kita simpan untuk diri sendiri.
Terlepas dari itu semua kita harus memahami bahwa setiap pilihan memiliki porsi resikonya masing-masing. Untuk itu sebisa mungkin ketika diharuskan untuk memilih usahakan kita berada diantara pilihan-pilihan yang baik. Terakhir, hati kita tidak ini sangat sensitif ia mudah sekali terbolak-balik. Jadi, pastikan sebelum dan sesudah memilih kamu berada pada sandaran yang tepat ya! Semoga bermanfaat.
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kadaryanto97 · 5 years ago
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Dasar Dasar Psikologi Sosial Penulis: C. George Boeree Penerjemah : Ivan Taniputera Penerbit: Buku Bijak, 2020 ISBN: 978-623-9243-02-9 Dimensi: 15 x 23 cm | Soft Cover Tebal: 240 hlm l Bookpaper Original Harga Rp135.000 diskon 20% Rp108.000 Sinopsis Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan Informasi tentang bagaimana manusia berinteraksi dengan diri dan lingkungannya, dan apa yang menjadi masalah dari interaksi tersebut, serta bagaimana pemecahan setiap masalah yang menghangnya, buku ini adalah jawaban yang kuat buat Anda. Akan ada banyak solusi, ilustrasi menaruk, pemecahan tepat sasaran, dan tip menarik sehubungan bagaimana berinteraksi secara sosial maupun secara psikologis. Buku ini sangat berharga karena memuat dasar-dasar relasi kehidupan manusia. Jadi, siapa pun Anda dan apa pun konsentrasi studi Anda. kalau Anda masih menjadi manusia, tentu akan membutuhkan buku ini. Manfaat buku ini bisa dirasakan dan diimplementasikan secara langsunf dalam perikehidupan manusia, dan Anda pun bisa memperbaiki kualitas hidup Anda bersama buku ini. #dasardasarpsikologi #psikologi #pengembangandiri #motif #action #lifevalue #principle #motivasiinstrinsik #subconscious #lifeplanningcanvas #humandevelopmentbooster #sfh #pemudabawaperubahan #pelajaranhidup #olahraga #dasardasarpsikologiolahraga #psikologiolahraga #filsafatpendidikan #bukupsikologi #cinta_pustaka #psikologisosial #jualbukupsikologi #psikologimasyarakat #kesejahteraanmasyarakat #fakultas #akademi #perti #maba #kkn #skripsi https://www.instagram.com/p/CCtJPf8pbjZ/?igshid=rdfy0nqdo8z0
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227200 · 3 years ago
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What's going on with Shawanna Vaughn @erena6687 @silentcryny? #politics #leadership #communityfirst #communitybuilding #womenleadership #socialjustice #lifevalues @nathanielevans22 #changeyourmindset #newleadership https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbu-3IegPye/?utm_medium=tumblr
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surissoul · 3 years ago
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Personality Change!
Does the change in our personality, change a situation?
A question raised at a gathering by an eminent person to encourage the participation of the audience
My share of the answer was as below 👇
Rather it is those situations that we face, bring a change in our personality
Remember the transition period from teenage to adulthood, from fun times to the responsibility
That's a change which introduced us to a life of life & career
In the event of entering the marital life, family care, planning and sharing the love brings a change in us
The challenges faced in managing to run the family and balancing the career responsibilities refine us to evolve
Senior age comes with its package of joy, sorrow, self-doubts, self-pity and of course the wisdom
Personality shift at this age matters the most where the mind power holds the trump card
Apart from the age-based life transformation on personality, few serious situations do bring a radical change
This is the change that we must focus more on since there's a higher chance for an undesirable personality to set in
Every moment bring a change in our personality
Some are evident, many merge
To my knowledge, personality change is a default process in our lifestyle 🙏🏼
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ahmed-shaarif1145 · 4 years ago
Anything worth it will always have an initial aggresive phase that makes it seem like things are too difficult or you can't do it, stick around and move past that phase and things will workout for you.
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payalkarnik · 4 years ago
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Are you listening or just hearing? Effective listening not only resolves majority of life’s interpersonal issues, but also makes you more likable! Here are few easy-to-implement tips on how to be a charismatic listener.
Learn how to be a charismatic listener with Payal Karnik, one of the best life coaches from singapore.
For more: https://payalkarnik.com/
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ingridvictoriamua-blog · 6 years ago
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“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly”. ~Morticia Addams -— Hair and makeup by me~ @ingridvictoria_mua ✨ - - - #lifevalues #oddlife #oddone #blackandwhite #pleasantvillemakeup #theaddamsfamily #neilgaimansandman #death #deathbecomesher #blackandwhitemakeup #nolamua #ingridvictoria_mua #nolamakeupartist #neworleansmua #neworleansartist #neworleansmakeupartist #hairandmakeup #nolalife #followyournola #summertime #summerheat #stayindoors #chimeralashes #falselashes #falseeyelashes https://www.instagram.com/p/BzqFu8fldVr/?igshid=2vcohqpwrdcu
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maxyeo · 3 years ago
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"Life's Too Mysterious To Take It Too Serious" - Mary Engelbreit Everyone values life differently but no one is immortal. Some, no matter what happened, will always soldier on. Sadly, some people reached a height where they can't get back to and became depressed in everyday life. Besides suicide, We can't choose How we Die, But We definitely can Choose How We Have Lived. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗪𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗻 𝗗𝗼 𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝘀 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗠𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁... P.S. "You Can't Connect The Dots Looking Forward; You Can Only Connect Them Looking Backwards. So You Have To Trust that the Dots will Somehow Connect in Your Future." - Steve Jobs #Life #Lifes #TooSerious #WhySoSerious #JustRelax #Values #LifeValues #LifeChoices #LifeChoice #Different #DifferentWorld #Decisions #Immortality #NoMatterWhat #SoldierOn #WhateverItTakes #HowWeLive #BeLegendary #Greatness #Depression #AllMenMustDie #WhatWeCanDo #CherishEveryMoment #LastDay #DoItNow #ConnectingTheDots #TrustTheProcess #HaveFaith #Believe #Belief https://www.instagram.com/p/CbF8anDhQl4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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joananeves · 4 years ago
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O maior valor da vida não é o que você obtém. O maior valor da vida é o que você se torna. Jim Rohn #change #changeyourlife #great #greatful #greatness #value #lifevalues #lifestyle #livethelittlethings #livelife #lifequotes #bettertogether #betteryourself #begood #goodness #becomebetter (em Pataias) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLMrFwwH64LDdQrDdYvYbFgOa58zNVF4KAddZ80/?igshid=2mw3b5lm1np4
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227200 · 4 years ago
Time to make a move...The poem will explain more. #freestylepoetry #poetry #contest #creativity #expression #release #sharing #lifevalues https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ4UeblA9DF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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surissoul · 4 years ago
Woman of substance👍
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A woman of substance
Two dots when connected it may form a straight line or a curved one or even a zigzag formation
How skillfully the fingers draw the line define the final shape!
There are millions of women out there who have skillfully connected the two dots of family and profession
One such woman who not only connected those dots of life efficiently but artistically gave life to those lines
A living example of "perseverance & dedication" she found the meaning of Life in her passion to draw lines that connected to produce "real to life" art forms
In everyone's life, there shall arise moments that will encourage to steadfastly pursue one's passion
When that passion become the profession to uplift their lifestyle as well showcase their skill to the 🌎
One gets motivated to share their skill and enrich the lives around
Temples, Monuments and Heritage structures come alive on a whiteboard by the artist's heart, soul, mind & fingers meticulously drawing the fine lines
A home, A workspace, A gallery, A wedding hall, A reception counter or any other humans space will go alive with one of her "masterpiece" frames decor
Close to 24years of bringing out the artistic skill in hundreds of young minds and a decade of encouragement to matured minds to find their skill in drawing
Priya Natraj's creative life journey can be visited at
"We live life once why not live to find the artist in Us"
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