#lifestyle disorder
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drpriya · 7 months ago
Menstrual related disorders are conditions that affect a woman's menstrual cycle, often leading to pain, heavy bleeding, or other symptoms that can interfere with daily life. Some common menstrual related disorders include:
Dysmenorrhea: Painful menstruation, which can include severe cramps and pain.
Menorrhagia: Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding.
Oligomenorrhea: Infrequent menstrual periods.
Amenorrhea: Absence of menstruation.
Primary amenorrhea: When a girl has not started menstruating by age 16.
Secondary amenorrhea: When a woman who has had normal periods stops menstruating for three or more months.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): A group of symptoms that occur before the menstrual period, including mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability, and depression.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): A severe form of PMS characterized by severe irritability, depression, or anxiety in the weeks before menstruation.
Endometriosis: A condition in which tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus (the endometrium) starts to grow outside the uterus, causing pain and sometimes fertility problems.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): A hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges, often leading to irregular or prolonged menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, and obesity.
Fibroids: Noncancerous growths in the uterus that can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged menstrual periods, and pelvic pain.
Adenomyosis: A condition where the inner lining of the uterus breaks through the muscle wall of the uterus, causing heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding and severe cramping.
These disorders can often be managed with lifestyle changes, medication, or in some cases, surgery. If someone is experiencing symptoms of a menstrual related disorder, it's important for them to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Treatment plans should be discussed with a healthcare provider to tailor the approach based on the individual's specific needs and circumstances. Get best treatments for menstrual disorders at best hospitals like Jaslok Hospital Mumbai.
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vedikrootsblog · 10 months ago
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ayurheritage · 1 year ago
Ayurvedic Prevention Techniques for Lifestyle Disorders
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In our busy modern lives, health issues caused due to stress, inactivity, and poor diets have become common. But in Ayurveda, there's a guide to help prevent these problems. Ayurveda, a traditional remedy for staying healthy, has tricks to tackle the challenges of modern life. The blog ‘Ayurvedic Prevention Techniques for Lifestyle Disorders’ will show you how Ayurvedic tips can fit into your daily routine. From simple habits to special treatments, Ayurveda helps keep you healthy and balanced. Together with the best Ayurvedic hospital in Dubai, let's explore how Ayurveda can be your friend in staying strong, happy, and well.
What are Lifestyle Disorders?
Lifestyle disorders, which are sometimes referred to as Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in health terms, constitute a group of various chronic diseases whose development is predominantly predetermined by one’s lifestyle. These are non-infectious and their manifestation is mainly from chronic exposure to various other factors including poor diet, sedentary lifestyle etc. Lifestyle disorders include types of diseases such as cardiovascular illnesses, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity phenomena and some sorts of cancer. Different from single causes’ disorders, lifestyle illnesses are multifactorial where genetic predisposition as well as environmental factors play a role and therefore respond well to modification of lifestyles.
The modern world is a fast-paced one, and this has led to the rise of lifestyle disorders in contemporary times. These health challenges are linked to sedentary jobs, the use of processed foods, and always being hooked up or connected to bots. Unlike some conditions, lifestyle disorders are preventable and controllable through intentional attempts to embrace healthy practices. With this knowledge of how daily decisions affect general welfare, people can actively reorient their lifestyles to minimise the risk of these disorders and attain lasting health and well-being.
What are the Common Lifestyle Disorders?
You may have heard about lifestyle disorders. Let us look at them in detail a bit:
Cardiovascular Diseases: These are conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels, such as heart disease and stroke, which are results of a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.
Type 2 Diabetes: This is a form of diabetes that is often associated with obesity, lack of exercise, and poor dietary choices.
Obesity: This is a condition of excessive body weight due to an imbalance between calorie intake and expenditure, often stemming from poor dietary habits and insufficient physical activity.
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): High blood pressure levels are mainly caused due to factors like stress, a high-sodium diet, and lack of exercise.
Sleep Disorders: Conditions such as insomnia and sleep apnea can be influenced by lifestyle factors like irregular sleep patterns and excessive screen time.
Metabolic Syndrome: A cluster of conditions, including abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol levels, often related to poor lifestyle choices.
Chronic Respiratory Diseases: Conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are often exacerbated by smoking and environmental factors.
How does Ayurveda help to Prevent Lifestyle Disorders?
If you find it difficult to prevent lifestyle disorders, we are here to help you with the best curative treatments in Dubai. Before that, read this blog as this blog is specially for you to understand and practice effortless Ayurvedic practices to stay away from common lifestyle disorders. 
Herbal Remedies
The Dincharya is the daily routine that follows nature’s rhythms in Ayurvedic principles. This practice involves several activities that are undertaken at a given time of the day to achieve physical and mental harmony. Waking up in the morning and doing some rites such as tongue scraping, oil pulling etc., are an important part of Din Chariya. This practice helps maintain overall wellness through improved digestion, balancing the energy system and developing a sense of discipline for lifestyle.
Ayurveda treats sleep as a significantly vital parameter. In Ayurveda, one of the three pillars that go along with health is nidra (sleep). Sleep, restful and adequate sleep is necessary for the process of revitalization as well as repair. According to the Ayurvedic guidelines, people are advised to sleep as early as possible (before 10 p.m.) and wake up in the morning hours. Sound and restorative sleep can be achieved by establishing a suitable sleeping environment as well as following relaxation practices, which promote physical and mental health.
In Ayurveda, vyayama or regular exercise is very important to prevent lifestyle disorders. The focus is on the inclusion of exercises that are compatible with one’s body constitution or dosha. Ayurveda advocates for exercise that balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas. For example, people with predominant Vata dosha can benefit by practicing grounding activities such as yoga while other individuals having a Pitta constitution often derive relief from cooling exercises like swimming. Physical activity provides a good defence against many lifestyle disorders by improving the blood system, metabolism and general vitality.
Ahara, diet is also a foundation stone of Ayurveda for maintaining health without diseases. Ayurveda dietary doctrines are based on individual constitution, referred to as Prakriti and the balance of doshas. You must include fresh, seasonal and locally grown foods in your diet. Foods are classified according to taste (rasa), heating or cooling properties (virya) and post-digestive effects in Ayurvedic medicine. Many lifestyle disorders can be prevented by following a balanced and personalized diet to support digestion, build the immune system, and avoid imbalances.
Panchakarma can be called the process of detoxification and rejuvenation in Ayurveda. It includes five treatment methods called the Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshana. The removal of accumulated toxins by panchakarma and the restoration of balance in doshas. This method of detoxification is essential in the prevention and treatment of lifestyle disorders because it eliminates deeply rooted toxins as well as enhances general health.
Herbal Remedies:
Ayurveda utilizes herbs to prevent and treat several health conditions by their healing power. Herbal remedies are customized based on one’s dosha, imbalances and individual needs. The most common herbs such as turmeric, ginger, ashwagandha and Triphala have shown anti-inflammatory effects along with being adaptogenic detoxifiers. These herbs correct the already existing imbalances and act protective against lifestyle disorders. The herbal formulations recommended by Ayurvedic practitioners support digestion, enhance immunity as well as contribute to better general health.
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tenshi-net · 4 months ago
i fucking hate emotions
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doctorl3cter · 2 months ago
no, I cant sleep without your goodnight.
no, I can't sleep if we argued.
no, I cant sleep if you're mad at me.
no, I can't sleep if i miss you.
no, I cant eat if you're mad at me.
no, I cant eat if we argued.
no, I can't take care of myself if we argued.
no, I cant stay more than thirty minutes w/o you.
no, I cant function without you.
no, I can't be ok if you're not ok.
no, I can't stop depending on you.
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bladeechan · 2 months ago
Me genuiely tweaking when I have to socialize (I hate humanity)
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jiraikuromi · 2 months ago
i really dont want to eat...pls save me
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the-real-loser-otaku-girl · 17 days ago
I hate how anxiety is normalized so much it makes people not understand how hard it is to live with
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bpdjirai · 6 months ago
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being a NEET isn’t fun. at least in my experience it isn’t. i constantly feel like a burden on my family, i’m regularly judged by those around me for not at least working part time, and i have no money in my bank account for anything, really. you’re considered a leech in the eyes of the public, and internally you start to believe it too. it’s not that i don’t want to work, it’s that i’m disabled and have a hard time even getting out of bed in the mornings. i’m autistic and i have back issues that won’t let up. people don’t care about these things though, they look down on you anyway. they say you’re just complaining, they tell you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get to work. but it’s never that simple. i don’t know, i wish society had more sympathy towards NEETs. we aren’t all lazy, we just have a hard time working for various reasons.
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byler-alarmist · 1 year ago
Do people know most paper receipts are harmful to their health?
I'm going to get up on my soapbox for a minute, but do people realize how pretty much everyone is being overloaded with endocrine disruptors like BPA/BPS on a near-daily basis??
I don't think many people understand that ever since most of the world transitioned to thermal paper receipts (cheaper than ink), almost every receipt you handle from the gas station to the grocery store to the Square terminal printer at the local co-op is coated with Bisphenol-A (BPA) or its chemical cousin Bisphenol-S (BPS).
These chemicals have not only been proven to cause reproductive harm to human and animals, they've also been linked to obesity and attention disorders.
Not sure if your receipt is a thermal receipt? If you scratch it with a coin and it turns dark, it's thermal.
BPA/BPS can enter the skin to a depth such that it is no longer removable by washing hands. When taking hold of a receipt consisting of thermal printing paper for five seconds, roughly 1 μg BPA is transferred to the forefinger and the middle finger. If the skin is dry or greasy, it is about ten times more. 
Think of how many receipts you handle every day. It's even worse for cashiers and tellers, who may handle hundreds in a single shift. It is also a class issue, since many people who work retail and food service are lower-income and will suffer worse health consequences over time from the near-constant exposure.
Not only that, receipts printed with thermal ink are NOT recyclable, as they pollute the rest of the paper products with the chemicals.
People don't know this and recycle them anyway, so when you buy that "green" toilet paper that says "100% recycled"? Yup, you are probably wiping your most sensitive areas with those same chemicals (for this reason, I buy bamboo or sugarcane toilet paper as a sustainable alternative to recycled paper).
This page from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has some good links if you want to learn more.
As consumers, we need to demand better from our businesses and from our governments. We need regulation of these chemicals yesterday.
If you are a buyer or decision-maker for a business, the link above also contains a shortlist of receipt paper manufacturers that are phenol-free.
If you work at a register, ask customers if they want a receipt. If they don't and you can end the transaction without printing one, don't print one!
As a consumer, fold receipts with the ink on the inside, since that's where the coating is. Some more good tips here.
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ashen--nightmares · 1 month ago
ugh i love blocking people
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tapiokauwu · 3 months ago
I don't crave death. I crave salvation.
But I know I won't reach it in my life, so I can only put my last hope in death.
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popcornandskittles · 10 days ago
How I feel going to another app (My entire personality changes)
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aromantic-yandere · 2 months ago
them: "I'll always care about you :)"
me: *shows signs of mental illness*
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oshidorifuufu · 5 months ago
emotions all over the place, constantly…
they’ve spilt all over the floor, i dont have enough energy to clean it up
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bladeechan · 2 months ago
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