#lifesteal emoji
avio-emotes · 2 months
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lifesteal-headcanons · 2 months
Hello, new headcannoner here. Anyway-
I like to think the reason Clown and Branzy are Ashswag's parents is because he was created in a lab (KSMP) as one of Branzy's inventions, he's not fully human and is a glitch because of that.
Their memories were earased once they joined Lifesteal (hence Clown's kindness towards Branzy is different), so they kind of feel like their connected somehow but still has some hate for them (Lifesteal instincts).
-Anon Moon (if that's not taken)
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this was supposed to be a simple brush warmup. sighs.
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caryscat · 5 months
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vanivanvanilla · 2 years
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3/3 of the magma drawings; the woogie and vortex might be my fave
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fairys-enid · 1 year
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👑 👑 👑 \\ 🔶 🟠 🔶 // 👑 👑 👑
ft. coron, cywr, gwisgoedd, a scales am fy hun
ft. crown, wax, dresses, and scales for myself
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casinoquartet · 2 years
"So," Red says while leaning back in his seat, "How's makin' it to round two?"
"Ehhhh," Subz says as he fumbles into the room sparsely decorated with a "Losers' Bracket" sign, "I was put up against God. Not much I could do about it."
Red hums, "Seems about right. At least you weren't like Ash."
"I still won!" Ash yells out from the other room, despite trailing into the room the previous day, covered with blood after being mercilessly pummeled. At least Subz and Clown don't look as bad as the rest of them, even if both of them have seen better days.
Clown lets out a snort, "I mean, at least I beat out Tubbo the first round. I think that counts for something."
"You barely did," Red says as he recalls Clown barely surviving the previous night, "At least you didn't get swept first round...unlike me."
Subz lets out an amused snort before walking out the door again, "Yeah, sorry," He looks at a message on his communicator, "Uh. I gotta go, Joe invited me for tea. For 'Good Sportsmanship' or something like that. Cya."
All of them say goodbye as Subz shuts the door behind him.
Branzy huffs, "Man, why don't I get invited to anything like that?! I got freaking sacrificed for goodness sakes!"
"Listen, it was a little bit funny."
"Maybe to you, Red! But not for me!" Branzy says as he medical supplies for Ash, his campaign was the one with the most losses, after all.
Red lets out a snort, "At least your campaigners didn't lose too badly, unlike As-"
"I can still hear you!"
"You weren't supposed to hear that!" Red yells back.
It's hard to hear through the muffled wall, but they're pretty sure Ash said something about "kicking their asses if he wasn't recovering in bed."
Clown shakes his head, "On the bright side Branzy, your sacrifice helped me out in round 2!"
"Oh, shut up you two!" Branzy protests back, "I even lost in the redemption poll..."
"You and me both, Branzy," Red says.
Branzy takes a deep breath.
"You and me both."
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dropfromahighplace · 2 years
what if (we were all friends and we spent a year killing and betraying each other but now we’re sitting together above the void, an inch from death)
no but what if (we were there sitting together and we’re getting ready to jump, an inch from beginning again)
just what if, yknow?
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prob gonna just lurk for a while thumbs up emoji
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dittowascaught · 2 months
im bored and high (editors note i am sober but i started this when i was high) so heres my list of
Lifesteal SMP Season 6 members who I think can say the F Slur and if they say it
(Itemized by what order I remember them in)
(Also I colour coded their names)
Patch Notes: so apparently ro just was not on the list so i put him back i swear he was dawg i am never doing one of these in text form again
PrinceZam: Can say it, does not say it, but has probably said it before
Clownpierce: Can say it, would not say it
baconnwaffles0: Can not say it, says it regardless of what the woke left thinks
PlanetLord: Can say it, called Bacon it once
Kaboodle: She could. She wouldn't. But she could.
Pangi: He probably could, but he would refer to it with the cigarette emoji unironically
Derapchu: Can say it, ACTIVELY says it
Squiddo: I don't think she knows what it means
Reddoons: Can say it, doesn't say it
Ashswag: Can say it, does say it
JumperWho: Can say it, but when you hear it from her, which is rare, it sounds like a term of endearment
Pentar: Can say it, has probably only said it one or two times
Wemmbu: Can say it, frequent sayer
ChiefXD: I'd imagine he can say it, but doesn't use it
FlameFrags: Can say it, uses it as a term of endearment
rekrap2: Can potentially say it, but I don't think he ever would
Woogiex: Has probably offhandedly said it a few times casually. He can say it.
Manepear: Can't say it. Sorry he reminds me of the cishet guys from my old school (endearingly)
Mapicc: Can say it, no doubt has said it to Zam without hesitation
roshambogames: He can say it, probably does say it, its debatable
SpokeIsHere: Can say it, says it only to close friends during bits probably. If he just met you he probably wouldnt say it but if hes just with friends you would probably hear it be screamed at someone from a mile away
hannahxxrose: She doesnt strike me as a slur sayer but tbf I dont know her well
Leowook: Can say it, he has definitely looked somebody in the eye and said it right to their face
Poafa: Im not sure if he can say it, probably doesnt
Midmysticx: Can say it, maybe to her close friends she says it. Not often though
4CVIT: Can say it, doesnt say it because he thinks he cant
Jepexx: Can say it, says it often
YeahJaron: He PROBABLY could, but if he could then I dont know if he knows he could. Likely would not say it.
TheTerrain: Can't say it, does not say it
ECorridor: Can say it, has said it once before, and only once
SB737: Can't say it
Spepticle: Can probably say it, does not say it but he totally could
MinuteTech: He can say it, and he does, but I imagine he would limit himself
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lifesteal-headcanons · 3 months
whenever people observe clown for a little too long they notice he looks a little..... weird. like, when he stands he looks like he should be on all fours, he has that critter energy. the same scary vibe of when you see a four-legged animal standing on its hind legs in the middle of the night yk??? just has that uncanny valley effect
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crowskullls · 3 months
Lifesteal smp can you say gay rights pleading emoji
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hi same person as the dream mask :clownpierce: anon we now have a screenshot of a lifesteal chat message that's just Mapicc saying ":cash:" because when I brought it up we realised :cash: isn't an emoji
so we made it one
(same anon as from this post)
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ssseriema · 1 year
bro i don't know SHIT about lifesteal and likely never will (i will not let myself start ANOTHER series i can't finish i will not) but ur art is so ffuckgif skringly i lobve it
i think one of them is called Zam??? and there's an emojihead or smthn???? idk but it's dope from what i'm seeing !!
zam..........hess so silly..... and ill... hes so diseased,... hes really good at emotional storyteleling hes also the dumbest girl alive. i think the emoji head youre referring to is roshambogames hes the hands guy. coolest videos ever but on livestreams he will say the most perplexing shit. i lvoe lifesteal smp...........
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spacedykez · 2 years
stares at you. do you have any tips on how to make a good lifesteal propaganda post (am struggling with how to format all the information)
okay. sorry it took me a bit to think of an answer to this but uh i will do my best to give advice??
Don't overcomplicate things. As tempting as it may be, avoid making references to things that you haven't directly explained, because that just ends up being confusing.
Keep things readable. I'm used to doing this for my fics, so I just translate that to the propaganda posts, but break things up into small paragraphs. Even if you have information that COULD be one paragraph, if it starts to get too long then add a paragraph break. Maybe this is just an ADHD thing but I find it easier to read things with lots of shorter paragraphs rather than fewer, longer ones.
You can type things very informally/casually if you'd like (no punctuation, numbers instead of letters, abbreviations like LOL, emojis, etc) but I would say it's generally a better idea to keep things a bit more formal (in terms of writing. I'm talking about formal vs informal writing, to be clear. Not like, being professional).
Know your audience. These posts are being written to get people into Lifesteal, and it's best to assume that your audience has no prior knowledge of Lifesteal*. It's probably safe to assume that they know the basics of what Minecraft is and what SMPS are, so don't waste time explaining that. But, for example, if you were going to mention Branzy and Clown's casino. Take a few sentences to explain what that is, because your audience probably won't know about it.
Pick out a few things you want people to know about your Lifestealer, and stick to that. Don't overwhelm your reader. For example, with Branzy, I wanted people to know three things. One: he does redstone. Two: he likes traps. Three: he isn't a fighter. So I briefly explained each of those things and gave a few videos/projects of him that best showcased those things.
Tell me why I would want to watch your lifestealer. All of this is great, but why do I care about this guy? Make me want to watch your guy.
Optional advice, and this is totally a personal preference, but I love when posts are color-coded. Right here in this post I've highlighted in green the main takeaways of each bullet point!! Also, I like to color in links, they just look neat. Again, this one isn't a neccessity but it's fun to do!!
This one's for my writer friends, and I don't think I'm going to be able to explain it very well, but I think propaganda posts work best when you write them in a friendly, welcoming tone. If you don't know what I mean, feel free to ignore this. But I like to write them as if I'm talking to a friend. "Hey, hi, I really like this thing, and here's why I like it, and here's why you should too! And here's how you can watch it! Look, I put it in a neat little list for you, isn't that exciting? I know, I love it too!" (this might be an adhd thing not sure lol)
*You do not have to explain the heart system. I have a post that will do that for you. It will be linked on the masterpost for this project (which is unfinished because not all the propaganda posts have been written).
Anyways, I hope some of this helps you!! Now get out there and show off your blorbos ^-^
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qsmp-slime · 2 years
sigh emoji
does anyone happen to have a playlist of mapiccs lifesteal videos or at least know what order theyre in /silly
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