#lifelike videos
neturbizenterprises · 11 days
Transform Text to Video Using Deep Brain AI Avatars!
Deep Brain AI is revolutionizing video creation by enabling users to transform text into lifelike videos effortlessly. With a diverse selection of over 100 realistic AI avatars representing various ages, ethnicities, and roles, we can create engaging content in just minutes.
This cutting-edge technology is especially advantageous for industries like finance, healthcare, and education that demand quick and captivating visual solutions. Discover how Deep Brain AI empowers us to enhance our storytelling capabilities while saving time and resources in the process.
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ai-innova7ions · 11 days
Transform Text to Video Using Deep Brain AI Avatars!
Deep Brain AI is revolutionizing video creation by enabling users to transform text into lifelike videos effortlessly. With a diverse selection of over 100 realistic AI avatars representing various ages, ethnicities, and roles, we can create engaging content in just minutes.
This cutting-edge technology is especially advantageous for industries like finance, healthcare, and education that demand quick and captivating visual solutions. Discover how Deep Brain AI empowers us to enhance our storytelling capabilities while saving time and resources in the process.
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aurosoul · 10 months
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zenosanalytic · 2 months
The Moedyssey - The Touch LIFELIFE Remix(Mitch Murder) - Jase Kovacs
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lvlupmike · 1 year
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Lady By The River. GOW.
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rustchild · 7 months
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zombiekombi-if · 2 months
Zombie Kombi
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An interactive story by @josru
The cities are barren.
Not a soul has been seen navigating North America's metropolitan landscapes in years.
The undead are considered soulless, anyways.
In the late 2040s, zombies have overtaken the greater part of North America. You live on the outskirts of San Francisco, in an old, beat-up, secondhand Volkswagen Minibus. Also known as a Kombi (not sponsored).
You've been alone for as long as you can remember. Your elderly parent is long gone, and you have yet to meet another person, let alone one you're sure can be your ally.
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Play as male, female or NB/GNC.
Choose your hunting level. Pick between amateur, alright, and advanced.
Romance one of four potential options (or keep them as friends, adversaries, or enemies, depending on your choices)
Choose your path:
Discover what happened to the world, causing it to be filled with the undead, by traversing to the city.
Find out about the first owner of your Kombi. (#??? videos found so far.)
Navigate conspiracies about a local settlement that seems too friendly.
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Howard "How" Ngam
A mid-thirties, quiet, skeptical Thai-American man, How Ngam hates everyone and everything that's happened to him. He's the previous (read: not the first) owner of the Kombi- imagine his surprise when he stumbles upon you, living in a place he was sure he left locked and empty, meant to be his personal solitude.
He isn't the easiest to talk to, but his bristly attitude has it's purpose in this world. He's discovered a lot about the city, and How could take you there, but he's protective of those he cares about, which might include you.
Appearance: Tan-olive skin, deep-set eyes with wrinkles and dark circles, wide nose, prominent lips, shaggy, ear-length black hair, brown eyes, and stubble/mustache going on. About 5'8", fairly lean, some muscle. He's usually wearing a hand-me down, dark green jacket, and a copper-toned beanie. Heavy worker boots. Non-descript pants and shirt.
Dylan Chase
A late twenties, Half-Irish woman, Dylan is always searching for a greater purpose. She's scared, but determined to find herself in the midst of the apocalypse. You could worry that she's read too many self-help books, but she knows herself. Even if she can be a bit harsh about it.
Dylan wants more than anything to be caring, to prove to others that she's not a bad person. She lives in a well furnished settlement, where lack of resources seems to never be an issue. The guilt of being there, when everyone else is suffering, eats at her, but you could soothe her feelings, if you wish.
Appearance: Pale, warm toned, freckly-orange skin, hooked nose, sharply defined, thinner lips, deep red long hair past her shoulders, (basically think of a tomato), green wide eyes. About 5'6", very skinny, long runner legs with muscular calves. Despite the cold of San Francisco, Dylan runs hot and wears jean shorts, cropped shirts, or athleisure like hoodies and leggings.
He's a zombie. Gloor's skin is a pallid green-blue, with splotches of beige that reminds you he was human at one point. There are chunks of skin and flesh missing from his body, but he persists on, in the way the undead always do.
He can barely hold a fully fledged sentence with you, but you can tell he doesn't mean any harm. There's something lifelike in his eyes as he stares with you, a strong purpose held in his pupils, untouched by the typical fog that zombies carry. It's even more obvious in the way he seems to still have fine motor skills: he's capable of writing a few letters for you, if you want him to.
Appearance: Green-blue skin, brownish-grey hair that's mostly all fallen out, brown eyes. No nose, lips receding. 6'2", surprisingly wide in the middle due to his ribcage. He's wearing an old, dilapidated suit, and a wrinkly dress shirt, and torn up pants.
Alia Jacobs
Named after Saint Alia of the Knife, Alia is a mid-thirties, black woman that absolutely adores pop culture and trivia. She's a massive, optimistic nerd, and maybe one that's a bit obsolete in this current time- nobody really cares to get into escapist fantasies the way she does. Either way, she's got a cabin filled with comics, old video games, and DVDs. You wonder where and how she's collected so much paraphernalia, and mainly why-  and she's willing to share that with you if you don't judge her.
Appearance: Deep cool toned skin, natural loose afro to about the end of her neck, brown eyes, slight smile lines, prominent lips, straight nose. 5'3", pear shaped, hourglass body. She wears billowy, silky tops, and well structured cargo pants. She wears a lot of jewelry like rings, bangles, and earrings.
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hardly-an-escape · 2 months
prepared | Buck/Tommy | 576 words | rated M
He’s just not sure what to expect from himself, once the pants come off.
Buck isn’t sure what to expect when he finally gets into Tommy’s pants.
Like – a dick, obviously. And probably a pretty nice one, based on how Tommy walks and carries himself and what Buck’s felt pressed to his hip when they’ve been making out on the couch (and up against the Jeep… and in Tommy’s home gym… and leaning on the kitchen counter with the edge of the granite digging into the small of his back…)
And Buck is no stranger to dicks. He’s happily familiar with his own, in many different contexts, and years’ worth of travel and locker rooms have made him passably familiar with the existence of other men’s dicks. And there’s porn, of course. He’s been watching some guy-on-guy stuff lately, just to, you know, get an idea of what to expect. It’s pretty good. It’s hot, for sure, but it doesn’t do that much for him in and of itself. At least not until he sort of half-closes his eyes and listens and projects Tommy’s face onto the muscly guy on his laptop screen. Imagines Tommy’s voice, Tommy’s moans and dirty talk and –
Fuck. Yeah. He needs to get into Tommy’s pants now, if not sooner.
He’s just not sure what to expect from himself, once the pants come off. It’s one thing to watch videos of random dudes jacking each other off, and another to experience it for yourself; much the same way, he’s pretty sure, that you can practice CPR on a hundred lifelike dummies, but the first time you have another human being’s ribcage beneath the heels of your hands, your whole life will be flipped completely upside down.
Buck wonders, briefly, if Tommy could flip him completely upside down. He thinks maybe he could. He’s pretty sure those pecs and biceps aren’t just for show.
The fact is, you can’t prepare for the things you don’t know how to prepare for, and no matter how he tries, Buck is not prepared for the first time Tommy leans back on the couch unzips his jeans and shoves them down around his thighs and look at Buck with his blue eyes, dark with lust and just the tiniest hint of trepidation.
Buck is not prepared for his mouth to absolutely flood with saliva at the sight of the bulge in Tommy’s boxers. He’s not prepared to be pulled face first into Tommy’s crotch by some invisible force, like he’s some kind of horny electromagnet and a switch has just been flipped. He’s not even remotely prepared to pop a boner so fast that he gets dizzy for a second, just from the sensation of burying his face in the crease of Tommy’s groin and inhaling the clean, masculine scent of him like a drug.
“Wow,” he hears himself say under his breath. “Uh. Wow.”
“Yeah? Good wow?” Tommy asks, and Buck knows he isn’t imagining the slight note of uncertainty in his voice. So just to make sure Tommy knows just how goddamn excited he is to be kneeling in front of where Tommy is sprawled, bronzed by the sunset pouring in through the bay window, he makes deliberate eye contact, and slowly lets his tongue fall out over his bottom lip, and sucks at the head of Tommy’s dick where he can see it’s already making a wet spot on his underwear, and makes it even wetter.
“Yeah,” he says, voice muffled with cotton and arousal. “Good wow.”
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kiwi · 22 hours
I love Joe Cool Cat!! Question: did you use a particular pattern as a base or follow any specific set of design principles?
omg thank you for letting me talk abt puppets, i have been rabid
i followed this video to make the head shape and mouthplate (joe cool cats head is just flatter than the example, and i shaved down the jaw mouthplate a bit so that he has sort of an overbite, which left room for me to add fangs)
for the rest i winged it! its all stuff i found around the house so some of the materials arent ideal. the skin is felt which doesnt move well and makes him kinda stiff, so next time i definitely want to try fleece or fake fur
however the felt worked really well for the hands! its two flat hand shapes sandwiched together with a wire skeleton in between so theyre posable, like kermit the frog's. if you plan to make posable fingers though you should really use armature wire instead of random wire lying around like i did :( one of his fingers is broken already but it had a great grip before it busted. his other hand isnt attached to his vest at all, the fingers are just strong enough to hold it on his own! this leaves space for movement as the middle of his arm flaps around and makes him more lifelike
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his body is just a simple rectangle of fabric made into a tube (like the sleeve of a shirt) and his arms are attached by safety pins so that they can be removed and replaced. the pins are hidden by his vest, which is also detached so that it can move naturally and allow for repairs. i learned that by looking at the notes from the jim henson team on display at the puppet museum in atlanta! :•) definitely a must visit if youre able
design wise, hes based on the vibes of the band The Stray Cats, especially their songs Stray Cat Strut and Nine Lives. id like to add more patches and buttons on his vest (the little pin he's wearing is made by covering a sewing button with fabric). the vest itself is a single piece with holes cut out for the arms because i was not about to follow a clothing pattern
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things i would replace or do differently next time:
- more flexible fabric on the head. stiff felt doesnt work well!
- use stronger wire specifically meant for posing in the hands
- make the arms a little shorter and attach the pole by the wrist instead of the elbow. i wanted him to be kinda long and skinny but overdid it, and i thought i was clever by making the stick come out of his elbow. his movements look cool but hes tricky to maneuver, especially when trying to raise his hand to his face (arms too long and the stick often gets in the actual puppeteer's way)
- try using a little less hot glue and a little more sewing for ease of movement and repair
anyway yeah ive been super into learning about this stuff lately and im working on a blinking puppet next! i might be doing a small puppet show next month if i finish the other members in joe cool cat's band. if anybody has questions or wants to talk puppets dont be shy pls! im already talking my roommates ears off about it lol
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hellenhighwater · 11 months
Your sculptures that you're working on and posting videos are so so so cool. I especially love in the human figures the way your knowledge of anatomy and form work together to make them feel so lifelike. The way they're posed is so natural feeling and it's super cool
Thank you! I'm enjoying it a lot--I have to be mindful of the fact that clay can really only be so unsupported before it collapses, so a lot of the time I'm choosing a pose because it gives what I hope will be a solid structure.
The first guy came out of the kiln and he's so depressed! I'm thrilled about it. His other wing is a separate piece and I've had to make some fairly elaborate architecture to support it through firing, so it's taking longer.
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animated cards??
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Recently a friend pointed out these lines that Crowley says in TWST' prologue (in reference to the ghost camera):
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The key point here is this: "When the photographer and the subject grow closer, their photographs grow animated like videos..." In-universe, he is explaining the camera's magical properties and why it is dubbed the "ghost" camera--because of the lifelike images it produces... Images so lifelike that they can literally move!! But... what if... that means we'll someday get cards with animated/moving illustrations??? Or I animated/moving illustrations if we like reach a certain affection level or uncap level with a card??????? 🤡 IT FEELS POSSIBLE IF WE EXTRACT FROM CROWLEY'S WORDING... Might be something cool to see for, say... Twisted Wonderland's 4th anniversary? ;)) lmao wishful thinking
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mookymilksims · 4 months
ULTIMATE Realistic Money overhaul | Roleplay Guide | The sims 3
TYSM for 600+ subscribers on Youtube!
Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel! In today's video I'm going to show you how to overhaul the sims 3 economy, how to have complete control over your billing system, and how to have a more realistic money exchange mechanic! We will also be exploring how to go about a much more realistic renting/mortgage system. This guide has been a long time coming, it's very simple and beginner friendly, but to find all the mods it would take to set this up would be a pain for anyone trying to revamp their sims economy. I've playtested this mod setup for a couple of years, and I can never go back to the original EA economy and billing system. All of these mods work with each other in a synergy circle, they compliment, play off of, and enhance one another. All links will be included in my tumblr guide, and the comment leading to my tumblr guide will be pinned in the comments below. I recommend following alongside the guide and the video, especially if you do not speak english, so you can translate the guide to your native language, while still being able to follow along the video! If I am talking too slowly for you I highly recommend everyone to increase the video speed to x2, and slow it down at certain parts you need extra focus on. Don't worry, I won't be offended at all by this, I do it myself for tutorial videos.
First - Overhaul the sims economy.
No bills
First we need to get rid of the EA billing system. This is because we are going to add new mods that introduce much more realistic billing and rental mechanics. This also eliminates some core issues with the EA billing system. Such as having a large piece of land, but a tiny house, and your bills being upwards of 40k every couple of days. Utilities not being calculated properly. And being billed more because of your more expensive items on your lot. Since we are also overhauling the sims economy, the original EA calculations wouldn't make any sense anymore.
EVM Career Wages
This mod adds a much more realistic financial wage system. Since we have now removed EA bills, our sims wages need to be able to reflect the more realistic economy we are going for. Gone are the days of every Sim earning a fortune with a mere $45 per hour entry-level job. This mod adjusts the wages across all career levels to align with real-world standards, creating a more immersive gameplay experience.
With EVM Career Wages, climbing the career ladder feels genuinely rewarding as higher pay accompanies each promotion. This encourages players to strive for advancement and invest in their Sims' professional growth. Additionally, when paired with the UC mod, promotions become more challenging to attain, placing greater emphasis on the player's decisions and strategic gameplay.
Camo fairer priced groceries and books
Camo tweaked goods
Revamped Economy Essentials:
With Camo's Fairer Priced Groceries and Books alongside Camo's Tweaked Goods, the Sims 3 economy undergoes a significant transformation. These combined mods slash the prices of commonly purchased items, bringing a newfound sense of realism to the game. No longer will a single egg set you back $11; now, it's a mere $2, making grocery shopping a more authentic experience. The same principle applies to book prices, ensuring that essential items are now more affordable for Sims across the board.
This overhaul becomes even more impactful when paired with the Savvier Seller mod, which ensures that prices are not only reasonable for your household but also for the entire neighborhood. This adds a more balanced and lifelike economy, where every Sim can afford the necessities without breaking the bank.
taxi charge
simsmathew subway charger
Realistic Transportation Fees:
Combining the Taxi Charge and Simsmathew Subway Charger mods introduces a new level of realism to transportation in The Sims 3. Each time your Sims opt for a taxi ride or subway journey, they'll incur a small fee. This adds a layer of financial consideration, prompting players to rethink their Sims' commuting habits.
Immersive roleplaying opportunities emerge as players strategize the best way to navigate their Sims from point A to point B. Whether it's opting for eco-friendly methods like walking or biking, or planning a journey that involves a mix of walking and subway rides, every choice impacts your Sims' budget and experience.
This deeper level of engagement allows players to connect with their Sims on a more personal level, experiencing the journey alongside them and enjoying the rich scenery and interactions along the way. Now you'll be pushed to experience y
Ani tax collector
New Billing System:
The tax collector mod essentially allows you to create your own billing and taxing system. This mod introduces a scripted computer interface with customizable settings, allowing players to seamlessly implement various taxes and fees. From water and electricity bills to health insurance premiums and car payments, Sims will autonomously be directed to settle these financial obligations once the tax settings are activated.
For an added layer of realism and roleplay, consider situating these computers at opened rabbithole like the city hall. This not only streamlines your Sim's outing tasks but also enriches the gameplay experience, allowing players to engage in more dynamic and immersive storytelling.
I'm going to go in game and show you how I achieve this effect for a very quick and easy tutorial.
So because we turned off the EA billing system, we need to create our own bills, to still simulate having to lose money through our gameplay. You can place these new tax computers on an opened city hall rh lot (if you don't care for aesthetic then I recommend placing these in the basement), or another community lot altogether. Please note that if you place these computers on a cityhall RH lot, and you enable UC mod on that lot, you should lock the doors leading to the tax computers. This is because with SonyaJu's UC version, the sims working on the lot will be pushed to use the computers which will result in all of your sims being sent to pay their taxes throughout the day. You can lock community doors using Nraas Go Here, or nona lock community doors mod as an alternative.
Now that we have set up our computers, you click the settings and rename the computer. Rename this to any bill you want to pay. Here I am setting up a, Water, Electric, Phone bill, Car note, and Car insurance computer. Now I can click on tax collector > settings > edit multiplier.
Water = 0.8
Electric = 0.4
Phone - 0.2
Car note = 0.5
Car insurance = 0.6
these multipliers automatically calculate what you currently have available in your sims household funds, and deducts the "tax" based off of the multiplier. This adds a more logical calculations to what each individual household could actually afford, without being too overbearing on your funds loss. This make a much more realistic and immersive billing system actually possible in the game, that fixes a lot of the issues with EA billing system, and matches the new sims economy we have created with this combination of mods.
Which leads me to my next part. I pay all of these bills monthly in my game. This adds a much more immersive and realistic experience, and I even have to keep an eye on my sims budget throughout the month, like in real life. Sometimes, I may have to sell things or find any way to make extra money to pay my new bills, or pick which bill I have to pay if I can't afford them all. I give myself consequences if I can't afford certain things. When I show you how to use the new renting system, I'll even roleplay getting evicted as a consequence if I can't afford my rent.
Enhancement Miscellaneous Mods:
The collection of these next mods serve to either rectify the Sims economy hiccups or introduce a fresh layer of roleplay, prompting players to reassess their spending habits and EP career choices.
Some of these mods make purchasing certain items actually reusable like bubble bath products and painting supplies. While others make certain careers have higher payouts which makes the wages for that career make more sense and become more satisfying so you'd actually want to work at it. This also enhances rags-to-riches playthroughs, rendering them more intricate and gratifying.
For instance, with these mods combined, the necessity for pets to rely on manually refilled food bowls instead of random props elevates pet care to a level akin to caring for a toddler. This makes having a pet a lot more impactful in your household, as well as financially.
In general, all of these mods balance back out certain EA default settings, which slowly begins to push together a more and more realistic economy.
I will place the mods you want to add on the screen, and all the links will be provided in the tumblr guide.
speedo higher concert payouts
bubble bath runs out
pet bowl needs food
Nona always more gigs 3 times money
wildflowernerf per value
Double money highchancs faster mooch skill
painting needs supplies
painting costs money
government benefits and service
This mod is tailored to amplify the immersive experience of playing as lower-income households in The Sims 3. This mod introduces a plethora of meticulously scripted game mechanics designed to add depth and realism to the struggles and triumphs of impoverished Sims.
One standout feature is the ability to establish child support payments, calculated with precision based on the target parent's income. This introduces a compelling dynamic for players who wish to roleplay scenarios involving relationships with wealthier partners, where child support checks become a lifeline for sustaining the family's livelihood, as an example.
Furthermore, Sims can now apply for various forms of assistance such as health insurance and Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT), opening up new avenues for navigating the challenges of financial hardship within the game. These additions inject a newfound sense of complexity and realism into rags-to-riches playthroughs, providing players with additional gameplay mechanics to consider and explore. You'll find yourself embarking on a journey of resilience and resourcefulness as you guide your Sims through the highs and lows of economic adversity in the game.
If you are following my guide step by step consider applying these tweaks to the xml's.
As an added note, I no longer add a health insurance tax collector computer, as with MonocoDoll's new GA mod poorer sims can get affordable health care, and sims who do not qualify for this have a good job where I imagine the job offers it's own health insurance instead. So because of this new mod addition, this eliminates the need to set up health insurance payments for my households.
Second - Career's addon's
Gamefreak's check for work
job overhaul
lemonaise 50 jobs offer
These mods revolutionizes the Sims' job acquisition process, enhancing realism and depth. This also enhances the effectiveness of attending university. Without a degree, Sims may struggle to secure certain jobs and will always start at entry level.
The mod introduces a comprehensive interview and application process, typically lasting about an hour in-game, during which Sims disappear into the rabbit hole. Sims can attend resume building and interview classes to improve their chances of employment, mimicking real-life strategies. Uploading a resume, particularly a University Life degree, significantly boosts job prospects.
Maintaining cleanliness, hunger, and a positive mood is crucial as neglecting these factors decreases the likelihood of job offers. The "check for work" option allows Sims to scout for job openings beyond the replaced job hunting UI.
Lemonaise's 50 Jobs Offer expands job opportunities, reflecting the realistic scenario where obtaining desired employment may require starting elsewhere. Just as in real life, a degree does not guarantee the desired job immediately, necessitating patience and flexibility in career pursuits.
This mod combination adds layers of realism and challenges, making Sims' lives more expansive and rewarding. Achieving dream jobs becomes a testament to perseverance and hard work, enhancing the sense of accomplishment for players.
Ani's job board
Ani's Job Board introduces a WA-inspired board object that fills the gap left by missing opportunities in UC mod. With UC's scripted behaviors for work, some autonomous opportunities were removed. However, this mod remedies the situation by providing Sims with a platform to browse and undertake additional work and school opportunities. Now, players have the autonomy to choose whether to pursue these extra projects, adding depth and flexibility to their Sims' lives.
Nraas Careers
Nraas Careers is a mod that expands the possibilities for Sims by enabling custom careers and establishing a homeworld university. While the details of setting up a homeworld university can be explored in another video, this guide focuses on how this mod integrates custom career opportunities with UC. With Nraas Careers, players can seamlessly bind custom careers to EA careers, unlocking a wealth of new professional paths for their Sims within the game. What this means in basic terms, is that UC works by adding a number of objects sims use on a lot, to increase their work/school performance. If you are playing as a custom career, UC won't know which objects can increase that careers performance if the career hasn't been bonded to an EA career.
Sonja's UC
Sonja's UC is an enhanced iteration of Zerbu's UC mod, designed to optimize the original mod's scripting for improved performance and stability. While still a work in progress and subject to occasional issues, this update enhances the main features of the mod, resulting in faster and smoother gameplay. Sims now spend less time deliberating their actions, experience reduced lag before heading to work, and are not as rigidly constrained to complete tasks. Instead, they are encouraged to take breaks and socialize, mirroring real workplace dynamics.
Although ongoing testing is underway, I recommend trying out this version as it also introduces additional modded script objects to careers. Setting up the mod in-game is straightforward and can be easily demonstrated.
zoeoe flower arranging
pheobejaysims take sims to court
pheobejaysims betting
On the Screen, will be a selection of miscellaneous mods that enrich your gameplay experience by introducing custom playable careers and intricately scripted mechanics.
With these mods, you can immerse yourself in diverse professions such as modeling, flower arranging, or managing a home-based Etsy-style knitting business. Additionally, you have the opportunity to delve into the legal world as an attorney or explore the unique avenue of earning money through litigation against other Sims and establishments.
For those inclined towards risk and excitement, Phoebejaysims' Betting mod allows for a full-time gambling lifestyle, leveraging specific store objects to enhance the thrill of the game.
These mods significantly expand the scope of gameplay possibilities, offering players a plethora of new career paths and immersive money mechanics to explore and enjoy.
Third - Biggest gameplay changes and fixes
Bank mod
Otherwise known as the non-core global banking mod, this mod is a game-changer in how you manage money in The Sims. This mod allows you to establish a bank account for your Sims, complete with essential banking functionalities like deposits, withdrawals, and money transfers.
I'll guide you through setting up a new renting and mortgage system in-game, offering alternative perspectives on cash handling, including household funds versus bank account funds. Additionally, I'll show you how to separate all Sims' incomes and present an edited version where the bank account resembles a debit card in your Sims' inventory.
Let's dive into these transformative features that will revolutionize your Sims' financial management experience.
How to make a bank account.
Simply click on a computer, whether on your home lot or community lot. Navigate to online banking interaction > Open Account. $25 will be deducated automatically, and you will have a new bank account in your sims inventory.
How to create a landlord.
Simply select any sim you would like to be your new landlord. Using Nraas MC > Make Active, you can then open a bank account for the selected sim you've chosen to be your landlord.
How to pay rent.
Once the bank account has been sucessfully opened you can go back to your original active household. Then select the bank account in your sims inventory > Transfers, if you are friends with the landlord then select "Sims you know", if you are not friends with them then select "in your neighborhood". Navigate the list to find your new landlord, then send them your rent or mortgage for the month.
How to separate income.
Using this banking system I separate my sims money by having their bank account as their debit card and their household funds as their cash on hand. I typically, split up the funds reasonably between everyone's bank account in the household. This leaves $0 in the household funds. Once a sim is done with their work day, the exact amount of money they made for the day will go straight into your household funds. From there, I deposit that money into their bank account. It only takes a couple of seconds and is very simple.
As an added note, when sending the sims out and about in the world, I'll need the money from their account in the household funds so that they are able to spend money. So I quickly withdraw a random amount of money I think they will need for the outing, allowing them to actually buy what they want from the community lots. For extra immersion, consider adding a deco ATM machine, to simulate where your sims would be withdrawing their money from.
Just as promised, I told you how I would roleplay an eviction process, using this new renting system. If my sims cannot pay the rent, and they ask their landlord to an outing, if the landlord does not have a good time then I only get 1 sim month to leave the home or pay rent for both months. If the landlord does have a good time, then I imagine they allowed me to skip my rent payment for that month. If I still don't have rent money by the end of the month, I move my sim to a 10x10 empty lot somewhere in the world, and have my sim live out of a tent, or shady motel (set as a base camp), until I can afford to move into another home. If I choose to live in a motel, while the base camps are free to stay in, I create a custom role titled "Motel front desk", open that sim a bank account, and then pay them $100 weekly, while this is still a payment it is much cheaper than my sims rent that we couldn't afford, and still allows me to roleplay money being lost. If I don't have to be completely homeless then I won't, if I have $0, then I will.
nraas consigner
nraas register
Nraas Consigner and Nraas Register are essential mods that address the shortcomings of the register systems in the base game. Consigner enhances gameplay by introducing the option to make all items consignable, simulating a realistic thrift store or pawn shop experience. Meanwhile, Register adds extra checks to ensure Sims are correctly assigned, along with providing additional population controls beyond the capabilities of Story Progression. Whether or not you utilize other mods, these fixes are indispensable for enhancing your gameplay experience.
Exciting Update Alert!
@olomaya on Tumblr is currently developing an innovative new renting system for the game, which promises to offer Simmers a wide array of options for money roleplaying. This upcoming system represents a significant evolution in gameplay mechanics, potentially replacing older systems and providing fresh opportunities for immersive financial management.
Stay tuned for a comprehensive guide on this mod, which will delve into its functionalities, compatibility considerations, and potential replacements for older mechanics. Until this mod is developed, playtested, and released, I'll be using this system that I have set up and just showed you guys in this video!
So this concludes everything that I wanted to show you guys! You now know how to set up a more realistic billing system. Renting/mortgage system. You've learned how to add and roleplay more complex money gaming mechanics. You've overhauled your wage system, as well as your cost of living economy in the world. And none of these are too overbearing, with just a little bit of set up, you'll have an ultimate realistic economy and money system in your sims 3 from now on! Thank you all for joining me, thank you for 600 subscribers, and thank you for your love and support! I'll see you all in the next video!
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sagesparrow394 · 23 days
Mariana’s been struggling recently. She and her boyfriend of two years, Foolish, recently broke up. They’re on okay terms, but it’s very awkward. What makes it even more awkward is the two still live together. Mariana has plans to move out, but finding somewhere to rent in her budget has been hard.
He’s started playing video games more often to get his mind off of things. Eventually, he downloads a strange dating simulator called ‘Zip Bomb’, where your romance options are a colourful cast of inhuman characters.
Mariana chooses to pursue the character ‘Slimecicle’, a cute guy who is a humanoid slime. As she plays, she gradually realises that this game’s AI is… smart. Rather than picking from restricted dialogue options, Mariana is able to type or connect a microphone and give her own. Slimecicle remembers what she tells him, no matter how personal. He also doesn’t respond with generic pre-written dialogue, it’s all too specific to their conversations. Mariana is taken aback when Slime starts to talk like he knows he’s in a game, but brushes it off as the game having a purposeful meta twist. This assumption gets solidified when Slime begins to access her files.
Mariana starts to become borderline obsessed with the game. He knows it’s all fake, but after such a difficult break up, he’s desperate to find some kind of romantic connection anywhere - even if it’s a fictional crush on a pixelated slime guy. Slime’s funny, he’s sweet, he’s protective… and just so lifelike.
It doesn’t take long for Foolish and Mariana’s other friends to notice how reclusive she’s getting, how she’s spending literally all her free time outside of work shut in her room and playing this game. They decide to hold an intervention, telling her that her relationship with the game is not healthy and she needs to get back to interacting with real people. Mariana reluctantly agrees to delete the game.
When he goes home, he sits in front of the computer, preparing to delete it… but he can’t. He can’t delete Slime without saying goodbye. He opens the game, and there Slime is, a grin on his face. Before Mariana can even say anything, Slime is shushing him, saying he needs to show him something. An audio file downloads itself onto Mariana’s computer: ‘DoNotReadMe.wav’. It’s a love song - a few of the lyrics are a little ominous, but overall Mariana finds it really sweet. His heart breaks, knowing what he has to do now.
Mariana starts trying to explain to Slime that she has to delete the game. It’s hurting her in the long term. She needs to reconnect with the real world. She needs to be with someone who’s real.
Slime doesn’t say anything. There’s a long pause. Mariana can’t even bear to look at the screen, she can’t make eye contact with Slime.
Come on, Mariana, this is stupid, she tells herself. You don’t need to feel bad for this, for him, he’s not even real…
She finally looks up
To see Slime’s hands have reached out of the screen, gripping the sides of the monitor
Mariana screams, falling back off his chair and onto the floor as Slime pulls his head and torso out of the screen.
“There! I can be real for you! I can be anything for you, Mariana!” Slime’s bit-crushed voice chirps as he continues to pull his pixelated form out of the computer, and as Mariana stares up at him in horror
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JRA Animatronic Thoroughbreds [And One Pony]
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Hello, I'm Mod Horse and for my first post this year, I'll be sharing these AMAZING animatronic horses created to promote the JRA [Japan Racing Association].
The white thoroughbred and his pony friend were displayed at the Shiodome in Tokyo during 2019, while the chestnut was/is displayed at the Equine Cultural Affairs Foundation Of Japan. The black horse and the bay horse featured models astride them [I believe the white one did as well, though I'm having difficulty finding images] and were featured at Tokyo Station, evidently. The description of this video featuring the black and bay states they had "warm breath and twitching skin" included, which would be a hell of a feature!
I've linked the videos featuring these gorgeous creations in motion in the paragraph above, so definitely check them out! They seem to have been reused and refeatured here in there across the time between their rollout and now, so there's quite a few different photos of them out there.
They're incredibly stunning and they are truly lifelike, a difficult task on anything less than a feature film budget. Or maybe anything less than the JRA's special events publicity fund! They've funded some truly amazing collaborations and events, one of which I'll be sharing sooner or later, work schedule allowing....
Mod Horse
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One topic that I do not agree on with other “critical Swifties” is the Kim Kardashian controversy.
I saw a tiktok today by a critical fan called “The Swiftologist” and their opinion on thanK you aIMee was that Taylor is being whiny and that she’s made too many songs about this fued. Many people share this sentiment.
Everyone who follows me knows that I am critical of Taylor. However, when it comes to the Kardashian fued, I think she is completely justified in writing these songs and feeling the way she does.
Firstly, let’s do a thought experiment: If one of your friends created revenge porn (i.e. a lifelike figure of your naked body) of you, featured it in the music video of a song where they refer to you in degrading terms and lied about you consenting to the songs humiliating lyrics while creating the narrative that you’re a snake/liar, would you ever truly move past this?
Think about the consequences of this event:
The Twitter hashtag
The Instagram comment flood
Not being taken seriously by the Grammys for the next two albums
A deep sense of betrayal from people she assumed were her friends.
Losing social standing and public favour.
A few caveats: Now we know that these things were relatively inconsequential because in reality, she didn’t lose her career. She was able to continue creating music and touring. We also know that for a normal person, these things wouldn’t matter because she is still surrounded by millions of dollars, mansions, love in the form of her partner, family, and friends. But we have to remember that happiness is a relative concept. To her, this would’ve been a gut wrenching period. It transformed her character.
I will also admit to personal bias. In 2016, if you were a Taylor Swift fan, you were in the trenches. It was bad to the point where a lot of us would get made fun of or bullied at school for it. At the time, it looked like Kanye and the Kardashian clan had won. People either thought Kim was telling the truth OR people just didn’t care whether Kim was telling the truth because it was simply cool and trendy to hate Taylor Swift. Perhaps I view Taylor as justified because I remember the fiasco all too well and underwent personal social pain as a child who liked her music.
The petty side of me salutes Taylor in going after Kim and telling her story. If Taylor mobilises her cult of a fan base to tear down the Kardashian Empire, this will be a good thing.
And most importantly, who doesn’t love white billionaire on white billionare crime?
At the very least, a talented capitalist taking down an untalented capitalist makes for an exciting show.
Are you not entertained?
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
(my first thought after the stone tablet ask)
The acolytes watching their creator burn all their written stories and fanfiction out of embrassment after realizing they can never write something legible to tyvat's citizens:
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Gif is literally any teyvat person who sees u with ur writing book out 💀 (bc no computers :P)
For reference i think they mean this one
tbh writing and other creative talents r my fav (besides language obv) to explore in sagaus
like bc its such a cool connection to the OG concept of sagau (actually being a video game that's just self-aware part)
like if them being a video game/creation is their whole livelihood, id think other creative skills would matter a lot to the citizens of Teyvat/allogenes
visual art like drawing/sculpting seen as most lifelike magic or something to them, so like anything u draw kinda comes to life in teyvat
writing is literally like the magic lifeblood of their planet (lines of code? like maybe thats why) and also bc it can be read by anyone
im abt to post smth abt that soon, abt how if we take teyvat this way, they literally have never read/seen a full-length novel (just really small short stories really)
so ur fanfics must seem like CLASSICS LMAO (ur 50k unfinished angst fanfic is like a webtoon for scholars and romance readers alike bc "its a romantic epic this is incredible your majesty!"💀)
tysm for the ask!! sorry i didnt see this sooner, some asks get flooded out by the longer ones T-T srry again!
tysm for the meme too, hehe theyre my fav gift from askers besides any random ideas you guys have
Safe Travels Deafening Dreamer,
♡the beloveds♡
srry abt the short posts loves! longer coming soon! :)
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks
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