#libra gifts
diathadevil · 18 days
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Yeah okay I caved in and did some character sheets for Aideen.
First sketch is from tonight and the later two sketches I did 2 weeks ago when I initially got her design started and did the Klaus and Dee illustration, so if y'all see any inconsistency with the style or writing let's not talk about that shall we yeah.
There's so much stuff I wrote about her this past week to my friends I can only give y'all a fraction of what I wrote down here ;;;;;;;
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aphrostarot · 1 year
What Are Your Magical Gifts? Pick a Pile
What are your magical gifts/psychic abilities?
As this is a general collective reading, some things may not resonate with you or your situation. DO NOT try forcing it to fit. If you would like to book a personalized reading with me go to my profile and follow the instructions on my pinned post.
If you enjoyed this reading and wanted to support me further you can do so by tipping me in the link in my bio or by booking a personal reading with me.
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Pile One:
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What are your natural gifts?
Seven of Wands and the Six of Swords:
Your natural gifts lie in your ability to keep a level head through any obstacle that comes your way. You are very good at seeing the good in the bad and understanding the lessons that come with them. Because you have faced so many obstacles in your life, you have a deep understanding of who you are and the kind of treatment you are willing to accept. So, when people cross your boundaries, you are not one to shy away from confronting them about it. You stand your ground and are ready to move on from any situation that doesn’t suit you or your well-being.
What magical gift is ready to be claimed at this time?
The Hierophant and Nine of Swords:
I feel that these obstacles you have been facing in your life have been a direct result of you trying to stray from your soul's purpose in this lifetime. There are magical practices that have been in your family for generations, and there is a great deal of pressure put on you to continue these practices. However, it seems like this pressure scares you, so you run away from it and because you are running from your soul's purpose, Spirit, and your Ancestors are throwing countless obstacles in your path to try to get you to turn back to your destiny. You are a very stubborn person and some of this stubbornness is a trauma response that is triggered when you are afraid and the amount of pressure you are feeling to continue these practices scares you, which continues the cycle you are currently stuck in. So, the gift that is ready to be claimed right now is you continuing the magical practices your family has had for generations.
What action do you need to take to call this gift forward?
King of Wands:
The King of Wands represents someone who is a natural-born leader so, you could be a fire sign (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) or have significant fire energy in your chart. The action you need to take in order for this gift to come forward is to embrace this side of yourself. You have an opportunity here to take on a leadership role in these practices. You are going to be the one to shape how the next generation in your family views these traditions and practices them. Essentially, this means you have to view your participation in these practices differently because you can change how some of them are done and make them better suited to you and your mindset while respecting your ancestors at the same time.
How can you nurture this gift?
Queen of Pentacles:
The Queen of Pentacles is a homebody who plays many roles to make sure she keeps her family safe. What this means for how you can nurture this gift is that you need to make sure you are aware of the energies that surround you in your home. Be it the energies you welcome into your home via people and objects, or the energies you yourself bring into your home. Keep your focus on maintaining a safe and peaceful environment that your family and ancestors can thrive in.
What potential will you unlock once you claim this gift?
The Tower and Ace of Wands:
A new beginning is waiting for you to unlock your full potential. Your guides are telling you here that once you claim this gift, you will be releasing everything in your life that does not serve you and opening yourself up to this new beginning. The Wands in Tarot represent creativity, and the Ace itself brings about new creative pursuits. So, with this new gift, you will experience a spark in your creativity that will bring you new opportunities in a hobby.
Who will you be when you reach your full power?
The Emperor:
The Emperor is represented by Aries in astrology so, you may be an Aries or have significant Aries placements in your chart, maybe even an Aries North Node. When you fully embrace your power, you will turn into the person you were destined to be in this lifetime. That person is extremely confident and has an air of authority in everything they do in life. You are meant to be a leader in this lifetime. You are going to be someone who will pave the way to a new future involving these gifts that you have been ignoring for quite some time now. Not only that, but you have the potential for great success in this lifetime with these gifts.
Who Are You In Your Full Power Extended Reading
Pile Two:
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What are your natural gifts?
The Tower and The High Priestess:
The High Priestess is the card of intuition, it is the card of your inner knowledge. So, what this means alongside The Tower in terms of your natural gifts, is that no matter how dark your days may get, you will always be able to see the path ahead. You may be naturally inclined towards meditation, spiritual work, or prayer.
What magical gift is ready to be claimed at this time?
Nine of Wands and Knight of Wands:
I want to start off this question by saying that my Throat Chakra is feeling very blocked with this pile and this question in particular. What this tells me, is that you may be feeling very blocked when it comes to your communication. You are struggling to communicate with the people around you, or maybe even your spirit guides. It’s almost as if your guides do not want you to know what your gift is at this time, they believe that you are not in the right headspace to claim this gift. All that they are willing to tell you about this gift at the moment is that it has to do with perseverance and being a free spirit. You will have an ability coming forward when you are ready, that allows you to persevere through any situation and to be fully confident in yourself. You will not care what others think once this gift is claimed. Not only that, but you will be the ultimate free spirit.
What action do you need to take to call this gift forward?
Seven of Pentacles and Nine of Swords:
There is something that has happened to you in your life, either in the recent past or when you were younger. Whatever it is, you have been struggling with it for quite some time and feel like you have nobody to confide in. You may have been having nightmares recently, or just been stuck in your head thinking about this thing. This is why your guides are saying that you are not in the right headspace to claim this gift. You need to work on healing yourself from this thing before you can accept this gift. The Seven of Pentacles tells you to make plans for your future and to have patience. There is something you need to do to clear the blockage in your Throat Chakra, whether that be going to therapy, journaling, singing, talking to a friend or family member, etc. you need to work on making a plan to heal yourself and then follow through with that plan.
How can you nurture this gift?
Queen of Pentacles:
There is strong earth sign energy in this pile (Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo), particularly, Capricorn energy, maybe Capricorn moon or mercury? The Queen of Pentacles is a nurturing, loving figure who provides stability. Usually this stability is financial, but this tarot card can also refer to emotional stability, or stability within the home. She comes out here to remind you to focus your attention on creating a stable environment within your home—physically and metaphysically. Your guides are saying that by doing this, you will be one step closer to maintaining this gift in your life.
What potential will you unlock once you claim this gift?
Strength and The Empress:
The Empress is the representation of the divine feminine. What this means for you and the potential you will unlock once you claim this gift, is, you're tapping into your inner feminine power and completely owning it. Now, a lesser known side of the Strength card is its gentle, nurturing strength. Most people know the brute strength and power that comes with this card, but there is another side, and that is the side that you will be channeling from when you fully claim this gift. You will be the full embodiment of a nurturing and gentle, yet, powerful person. You will be in full contact with your sensuality and your happiness. Furthermore, you will not struggle to be kind to yourself once this gift is claimed.
Who will you be when you reach your full power?
The Luminaries:
Not all, but some Tarot decks have an artist's card that is specific to its deck. The Luminaries is the artist's card of this deck. This card depicts a trio of friends, Atlas, Conrad, and Dhara, who are overlooking a city with light. They represent the many sides of humanity and the nature of existing. This card coming out tells you to listen to your inner voice, that all the answers you seek are within you. What this means for this reading in particular is that once you are in your full power, you will be someone who never questions their inner power and intuition. You will be in full contact with every side of yourself and will be a very wise person.
Who Are You In Your Full Power Extended Reading
Pile Three:
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What are your natural gifts?
Three of Pentacles:
I want to start off by saying the energy that came with this pile was very energetic and chatty. So, I believe that many of you could be or have strong Gemini influence in your chart. With the Three of Pentacles coming out, you are very good at working well with others. It is something that has always come naturally to you, and it may even excite you. You shine when you are around people who share the same goals as you and with whom you can bounce your never ending ideas off of.
What magical gift is ready to be claimed at this time?
Ace of Cups and Eight of Swords Reversed:
There is a recurring theme of entrapment in your life. You may find yourself stuck and struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel quite often. You may even find yourself being trapped in toxic relationships with people who try to take your power away from you. This magical gift that is ready to be claimed at this time, is a new beginning for you, one filled with light and love. This gift will bring you out of these situations and make sure you never find yourself in one of them again.
What action do you need to take to call this gift forward?
Six of Wands and Eight of Pentacles:
There is something in your life that you are working on, and your guides are saying that this thing is the key to you claiming this new gift. They are saying that once you complete this goal you are working towards, you will be fully ready for this gift to enter your life. Now, what you need to be doing right now, is to focus heavily on achieving whatever it is you are working towards. Success is in your future with this thing, maybe even public recognition of some sort, all you need to do is focus and keep working at it.
How can you nurture this gift?
The Lovers:
One of the lesser known meanings of the Lovers is making choices. It represents the choices that we make in life as we grow and follow our heart. So, in terms of nurturing this gift, you need to make a choice and I believe that choice for some of you is for you to focus on inner healing and inner love. Ultimately though, it is only you who knows what that choice is that you need to make, so, only take what resonates.
What potential will you unlock once you claim this gift?
The Star:
The Star is the card of pure optimism, of healing, and of growth. It is the card directly after the Tower in the deck, so, it represents that period of rebuilding from the ground up and that hope that comes when you are looking forward to your future. The potential you will unlock when you claim this gift is, you are turning into someone who has healed many of their emotional and physical wounds and continues to focus on their healing journey. Someone who looks towards their future with so much optimism.
Who will you be when you reach your full power?
Knight of Swords:
In your full power, you will be a very strong individual who is not afraid to make decisions and who makes difficult decisions look easy. You will be a social hit, people will admire you and how far you've come in life. You will have this aura of confidence because of all the choices you’ve made in life that have gotten you out of some pretty dark times. Not only that, but you have this ability to just forge ahead no matter the obstacles, and this is something that people will admire deeply about you. You will be a natural leader and a hero of your own story.
Who Are You In Your Full Power Extended Reading
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thescorpionmonarch · 1 year
A solar eclipse, friday the 13th, and a lunar eclipse close to Halloween are in October.
Spirits want to be heard. Spirits want to help. Spirits are heartbroken by seeing us in pain.
If you have not been checked for a bad behavior yet, you will very hard.
This month has extreme cut off vibes from people, situations, jobs, or vices.
It also has extreme nagging or getting pushed into new relationships, situations, habits, or jobs.
Extreme pushes from commitment or into more commitment
The spirit world is very chatty/social this month. The veil isn't only thin, things are being manifested at a faster rate.
Watch for empathing off of spirits if you aren't into spirits "hopping on" to you like your a horse.
----Some groups do practice that, example voudouisants are into dancing until their vibration rises that a lwa can use them to communicate or pass messages.
Some of you may feel you have the nature for that, but enthusiastic consent for self is self love.
More physical incidences can be seen or heard by spirits to get your attention to pass a message. Many spirits crave big change.
"You aren't alone. Ask Us for help."
Bonfires on both eclipses are a very good idea. Play music, dance, and eat around it. Manifestating with this is very potent.
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ambivartence · 2 years
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♌️ & ♎️
commissioned by @lonelystreetlight for @chanstopher 🎂🥳🎁🎈
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thelovereader · 2 years
Your Venus sign & your love language
numéro trois
Air signs 🌫
Gemini 🕊
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You are an inquisitive and vibrant lover. Talk is definitely not cheap when it comes to your style in love. Being a mutable air sign, adaptability is important when it comes to courtship. You value a relationship that will keep you mentally on your toes, and one that provides a lot of variety. Love is mentally felt for you and you may even find yourself leaning towards the sapiosexual spectrum where you see the mind of a lover first over their physical attributes. These are the kind of casual lovers who love a flirty sparring match. Staying up late playing scrabble between drawn out French kisses and back tickles. Gemini rules the hands after all. You value a partner who can talk as much as they can listen. Your greatest gift is how much you can learn about your partner and you show this through light heartedness and genuine sense of humour. Sweet and a little sassy.
love language ~
Words of Affirmation | Being a Mercury ruled sign Gemini’s require a lover who uses their words to express their love. Thoughts surpass feelings in this relationship and having a lover who can convey their love with their words or speech is essential. You value the ideology surrounding your relationship. Having your beau write you a beautifully worded love letter would be something highly cherished in your heart space.
Libra 🕊
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You are a romantic and idealistic lover. In no uncertain terms you are right in your comfort zone with this placement. Love to you is how you seek pleasure and fulfilment in daily life and you adorn this like a sweet dusting of sugar on top of a sponge cake. Venus is the natural ruler of Libra and at every turn you’re seeking harmony, and companionship within a relationship. You may find you are naturally inclined to partnership as Libra is ruled by the 7th house of romantic and business partnerships. This is the kind of love of two soul mates who act as mirrors of one another. You may even find you blend into your partner as Libran’s are inclined to follow the lead of those who they are energetically entangled with. You value a sparkling social commitment where you can communicate your ideas and seek pleasure.
love language ~
Gift giving | Being Venusian at your core the pleasure seeking side will always play a strong part in courtship. Libran’s love to give as much as they love to receive. Romance is seen as a celebration and luxury is essential in maintaining the equilibrium. Potentially the most Pollyanna-ish of the signs Libran’s are always seeking a good time with their lover. A classic date night with pink roses, candles and silk sheets is favourable.
Aquarius 🕊
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You are an altruistic and independent lover. There is nothing an Aquarius values more than a lover who refrains from putting them in a box. It’s in their nature to keep their romantic interests guessing. Being a fixed air sign you may be quick to hold yourself back from revealing too much, playing to your objective minded strengths but once you’ve made up your mind on someone you’ll seek to grow and revolutionise your relationship. After all, Aquarius’ original ruler Saturn is all about slow movement and restriction. Love should be unpredictable in the best way possible. This is the kind of love between two old friends who have slowly found themselves in a relationship, free of conformity of rules. You’ll run to run off freely into the night hand in hand.
love language ~
Acts of service | A humanitarian above all else, you are all about giving back in your relationships. Being contained to the 11th house, the act of friendship and the group wants almost outweighs the need for a lot of alone time. You’ll value a lover who you can socialise and share common goals with. It’s important you’re both serving the greater good at the heart of your relationship. You could even be the type of lover who can remain good friends with an ex or romantic companion.
images via pinterest.
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yeoldemothman · 9 months
Happy holidays @milladraws ! I'm your @nagamas Secret Santa :)
I love Robin/Libra, they're just the cutest, so of course I had to draw them for you! I hope you like them 🩷🩷🩷
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badbitchzodiac · 1 year
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A Libra will tell you, it's called balance! ♎️ Tag a bad one and check out our store today! 💕
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777astrology · 19 days
Special Gift Givers
Buys your Fun Interests
Buys your Necessary Interest
Buys Frequently
Buys High Quality
Buys to Send Message
Smallest Thoughts:
12. Capricorn/Saturn (1/5)
11. Aries/Mars (2/5)
10. Scorpio/Pluto (2.5/5)
Small Thoughts:
9. Aquarius/Uranus (3/5)
8. Taurus/Ceres (3/5)
7. Pisces/Neptune (3.5/5)
Big Thoughts:
6. Gemini/Mercury (3.5/5)
5. Sagittarius/Jupiter (3.5/5)
4. Leo/Sun (4/5)
Biggest Thoughts:
3. Virgo/Chiron (4/5)
2. Libra/Venus (4.5/5)
1. Cancer/Moon (4.5/5)
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pie-bean · 2 years
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Happy birthday Kiki!!
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asteroidgalore · 1 year
Pandora (55) is about all the gifts received from people. An old wives tale says you should never buy your own first tarot set because the first tarot set is probably the foundation of your evil.
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ultravioletrayz · 7 months
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This is awesome what the heck 😭🫶
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walkwithmegirl · 9 months
Feel guilty when my brother spends his hard earned money on gifts for me and I'm too poor to get him something back
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thescorpionmonarch · 1 year
Astro forecast
Did you all know that Friday the 13th and a solar eclipse in Libra are next to each other this month? (Oct 14th)
Yeah, this weekend has very strong energy influences.
To start new stuff, projects, or relatonships under this transit is huge. Big lessons here. Or big goals being set. Huge cleanse needed before you can start something new.
Like grieving over a very recent loss and celebrating the lottery 24 hrs apart. Emotion ranging from very low points to very high points swiftly.
People who deal with hypomania or mania (Bipolar) need to be cautious and on point with the self care.
2 polar opposites becoming one. In businesses, platonic bonds, family, and relationships
Gonna see people and groups getting along when you don't expect it. They found something in common that was birthed through their union. Many will be curious observers or judgemental about it. Many will be inspired by it. You'll love whom you thought you couldn't love or you will observe or hear stories about it. You can team up with anybody you want regardless of self doubt or naysayers.
Weird stuff in politics with these themes will come up too. Many groups joining over political motivations and human rights as well as environmental protection.
Many bonds that were expected to fail or separate or dissolve contracts will do a 180. They recommit to old contracts that they used to doubt or they sign new ones with the same people.
Some of you have twinflames that have a story or upcoming story like this.
--- Not all twinflames have to be romantic BTW.
Seeing therapy based on relationship or group therapy being suggested or followed through. Some may have a healing specialty in this topic from a psychology or spritual/intuitive point of view.
I hear animals are a good example of those whom you wouldn't expect to get along are getting along.
"They got married to who?"
"You signed a contract with who?"
"When did that happen and how?"
"I did not see that coming."
"I thought you hated each other (or hated that group"
"You converted to what?"
"You made a deal with whom?"
"Diverse networking"
"Can I get a amen?"
"You just like to pull success out of your ass?"
"Tell me your story"
Movie sugestion. "Ernest and Celestine". Really good movie. Very cute and very emotional. Also has a strong political element. Original is in French, but they do have a dub.
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alyjojo · 10 months
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Gift Ideas For Your Libra - December 🛵 2023:
What they want: 4 Swords & Ace of Pentacles
What they need: Ace of Cups & Knight of Wands
The thought behind it: Queen of Wands & 6 Pentacles
Main Energy: King of Wands rev
Gift ideas for Libra:
Some of your Libras are fresh out of shitty relationships, not all. Some are dealing with financial issues, needing to save money and pull back from spending too much. Some are simply lacking in confidence right now, possibly hiding away or being hermity, there’s a valid reason for all of it. I also see possible illness here, if so holidays with them could be postponed or delayed. You love them, and want them to feel powerful, confident, and beautiful/attractive, because you feel/know that they are. Cheer them up! 6 Pentacles is here showing an equal give & take, like a have-to thing, or they’d probably bow out of it, gift giving for them is a forced thing this year, for many. Go cheaper, or smaller, but still nice/good quality. Or agree to this on both sides, let them know “no pressure”.
1. Ulta, the makeup store, has all sorts of expensive perfumes/cologne, skincare and beauty products, but they also have cheaper “sample” sizes that Libra could try out some of and maybe like or maybe not, you could throw together a DIY basket of sorts with little things for self care & beauty, especially if it’s something you know is great 💄
2. They need a wingman, a friend, some need a new love interest, an opportunity to shine & flirt, whether they actually end up with someone or not. You could just offer to go out and split the bill on admission/drinks etc. Or you buy now and they do it next time, but make it a thing, like Friday night Girls Night, essentially giving them a reason to get dressed up & feeling good, searching for something new & getting them out of the house, because that’s what they need. The gift itself would be more “inspiration” or encouragement even, friendship, than an actual gift, unless you’re buying. Little gifts can be incorporated.
3. Anything that makes them feel good, you know your Libra. Some of them might like fuzzy gloves, some may like silk, others may like leather, clothes & accessories are what I’m getting the most. A spa certificate. Getting their nails done. Spray tan. Anything that makes them feel attractive, alluring, and confident inside, because for whatever reason, they’re just not feeling it right now, or they’ve taken a hit to their confidence and it’s hard for them to get out of that mindset. They would rather skip out on holidays, but might come around for fun, self-care, or the possibility of something new around the corner. Hype them up 🙌
4. I’m hearing a separate story for health/mobility issues specifically, something that helps them move around their day-to-day easier. These may not even be actual “gifts”, but more DIY things to help them around the house, like handles installed on something by the side of the bed to help them stand up, or IKEA shelves at waist height if they can’t bend down low. A walk in shower. A grabber for things like produce at the bottom the fridge. Still helping them feel more confident, just in another way.
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tenderparting · 1 year
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Birthday gift from my daughter today was a set of photos from her most recent Mother Earth photoshoot; this one made me feel like I am stepping into a wonderful new place. Perfect tone for celebrating my birth day ♎️⚖️
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badbitchzodiac · 1 year
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Yup, that about sums it up! ♎️ Tag a bad Libra bitch & check out our store today! 💕
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