#libra full moon march 28th 2021
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cosmicrew · 4 years ago
The keywords are what this Libra Full Moon is bringing to you/ what you will focus on following this Full Moon (March 28th) energy. I have used the Goddess Dream Oracle Deck to get your keyword & short affirmation you can use. Check RISING, sun and moon.
Aries: YOUR PATH. I walk my path with my heart wide open to see all the unseen wonders along the way.
Taurus: STRENGTH. I am strong and impervious to any negativity. When I connect to my inner strength all things are possible.
Gemini: PATIENCE. I am patient and understand that there is a right time for everything. I understand that sometimes I need to experience darkness in order to appreciate the beauty of the light. All is well.
Cancer: BALANCE. Through knowing darkness I can see light. I feel my own inner light growing.
Leo: PASSION. I am open to embracing my true life's passion.
Virgo: TRANSFORMATION. I am happy to do the work that is necessary to change my life for the better.
Libra: COURAGE. My heart is filled with love for myself and all beings. From this place of love I can deal with any adversity. I am strong.
Scorpio: INSPIRATION. I am ready to live my life to its full potential.
Sagittarius: LETTING GO. I am aware of my emotions. If an emotion is having a negative effect on my life or those of others, I can choose to release it.
Capricorn: DANCE. I feel deep gratitude for my life. I move my body with joy.
Aquarius: BRIGHT FUTURE (the darkest hour is just before the dawn). I will let my inner light shine.
Pisces: MOON LORE. I am receptive to the energetic changes of the lunar cycle. As far as possible I organise my life to be in harmony with its pattern.
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larimar · 4 years ago
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baroquehedgewitch · 3 years ago
✨2022 Celestial Events✨
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✦✧ Lunar Events ✧✦
🌑Jan 2nd New Moon in Capricorn at 18:35 UTC
🌕Jan 17th Full Moon in Cancer at 23:51 UTC ~ Old Moon;
🌑Feb 1st New Moon in Aquarius at 5:48am UTC
🌕Feb 16th Full Moon in Leo at 16:59 UTC ~ Snow Moon
🌑March 2nd New Moon in Pisces at 17:38 UTC
🌕March 18th Full Moon in Libra at 7:20am UTC ~ Worm Moon
🌑April 1st New Moon in Aries at 6:27am UTC
🌕April 16th Full Moon in Libra at 18:57 UTC ~ Pink Moon
🌑April 30 New Moon in Taurus at 20:30 UTC
⚪ May 16th Full Moon in Scorpio at 4:15am UTC (Sagittarius from 11:51 UTC) ~ Flower Moon ~ Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio visible in North America, Atlantic Ocean, western Europe and western Africa
🌑May 30th New Moon in Gemini at 11:32 UTC
🌕June 14th Supermoon in Sagittarius at 11:52 UTC ~Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon
🌑June 29th New Moon in Cancer at 2:53am UTC
🌕July 13th Supermoon in Capricorn at 18:38 UTC
🌑July 28th New Moon in Leo at 17:55 UTC
🌕 Aug 12th Supermoon in Aquarius at 1:36am ~ Sturgeon Moon; final Supermoon for the year
🌑Aug 27th New Moon in Virgo at 8:17am UTC
🌕Sep 10th Full Moon in Pisces at 9:58am UTC ~ Corn Moon, Harvest Moon
🌑Sep 25th New Moon in Virgo at 21:55 UTC
🌕Oct 9th Full Moon in Aries at 20:55 UTC ~ Hunters Moon
🌑Oct 25th New Moon in Scorpio at 10:49am UTC & Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
⚪ Nov 8th Full Moon in Taurus at 11:03 UTC ~ Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus visible in eastern Russia, Japan, Oceania, western North America
🌑Nov 23rd New Moon in Scorpio at 22:58 UTC
🌕Dec 8th Full Moon in Gemini at 4:09am UTC
🌑Dec 23rd New Moon in Capricorn at 10:17 UTC
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✦✧ Solar Events / Wheel of the Year Dates ✧✦
✨ Feb 1st-5th Northern Hemisphere Imbolc; Southern Hemisphere Lammas
✨ Mar 21st Equinox at 15:24 UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox/Ostara; Southern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox/Mabon
✨ April 30th Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus visible from southeast Pacific Ocean; southern South America
✨ May 1st-5th Northern Hemisphere Beltane; Southern Hemisphere Samhain
✨ June 21st Solstice at 9:05am UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice/Litha; Southern Hemisphere Winter Solstice/Yule
✨ Aug 1st-7th Northern Hemisphere Lammas; Southern Hemisphere Imbolc
✨ Sep 23rd Equinox at 12:55am UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox/Mabon; Southern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox/Ostara
✨ Oct 25th Partial Solar Eclipse visible over western & central Russia, Kazakhstan
✨ Nov 1st-7th Southern Hemisphere Beltane; Northern Hemisphere Samhain
✨ Dec 21st Solstice at 21:40 UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice/Yule; Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice/Litha
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✦✧ Astrological Events (Mostly Retrogrades) ✧✦
💫 Dec 28th 2021 Jupiter Moves into Pisces ➛ May 10th (positive for mutable signs)
💫 Jan 14th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 3rd February
💫Jan 19th Uranus Ends Retrograde
💫Jan 29th Venus Ends Retrograde
April 3rd Mercury at superior Solar Conjunction
💫 May 10th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 2nd June & Jupiter moves into Aries ➛ Oct 28th (positive for cardinal signs)
💫 June 5th Saturn Retrograde ➛ Oct 23rd
💫 June 28th Neptune Retrograde ➛ Dec 4th
💫 July 29th Jupiter Retrograde ➛ Nov 24th
💫August 24th Uranus Retrograde
💫 Sep 9th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 2nd October
💫Oct 31st Mars Retrograde
💫 Dec 29th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 18th January 2023
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✦✧ Dates for Viewing Planets/Meteors ✧✦
⋆⁺。 Jan 3rd & 4th Quadrantids Meteor Shower (Above average shower; runs from Jan 1st-5th; peaking on the 3rd) Near Constellation Bootes
🔭Jan 7th - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation (19.2 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Western Sky after sunset
🔭Feb 10th Venus at greatest brightness
🔭Feb 16th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (26.3 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 April 22nd & 23rd Lyrids Meteor Shower (Average Shower; runs from April 16th-25th) Near Constellation Lyra
⋆⁺。 May 6th & 7th Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower (Produces more meteors over Southern Hemisphere; runs from April 19th -May 28th) Near Constellation Aquarius
🔭June 16th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (23.2 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 Jul 28th & 29th Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower (Average shower; runs from July 12 - August 23rd) Near Constellation Aquarius
⋆⁺。 Aug 12th & 13th Perseids Meteor Shower (Runs July 17th to August 24th) Near Constellation Perseus
🔭Aug 14th Saturn at Opposition (at its brightest)
🔭Aug 27th Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation (27.3 degrees from the Sun) Visible low in Western Sky after sunset
🔭Sep 16th Neptune at Opposition (most likely still invisible without telescope)
🔭Sep 26th Jupiter at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Oct 7th Draconids Meteor Shower (Minor meteor shower; runs October 6th-10th) Best viewed early evening, near constellation Draco
🔭Oct 8th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (18 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 Oct 21st & 22nd Orionids Meteor Shower (Runs October 2nd to November 7th) Near Constellation Orion
⋆⁺。 Nov 4th and 5th Taurids Meteor Shower (minor meteor shower runs from September 7th - December 10th) Near Constellation Taurus
🔭Nov 9th Uranus at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Nov 17th, 18th Leonids Meteor Shower; (1st since 2001; runs November 6th-30th) Near Constellation Leo
🔭Dec 8th Mars at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Dec 13th & 14th Geminids Meteor Shower (Biggest Meteor Shower, runs December 7th-17th) Near Constellation Gemini
🔭Dec 21st Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation; visible in Western Sky after sunset
⋆⁺。 Dec 21st & 22nd Ursids Meteor Shower (Minor shower, runs December 17th-25th) Near Ursa Minor
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imagineastrology · 4 years ago
🍀 Full Moon in Libra! 🍀
28th March 2021
The Moon rules our emotional state, depth and instincts. The New Moon is an energetic peak- our emotions will feel like a volcano erupting- remember to ground yourself when you feel yourself becoming like this.
New Moon themes: Protection, healing old wounds, celebration and divination.
Full Moons....
💚 Address issues that feel out of place.
💚 Brighten up and throw light on new ideas, thoughts and perspectives. Trust these new, bright and bold bolts of information! :)
💚 Will affect sleep, will take people longer to drift off..
Full Moon facts!
🥒 Recovery is faster during a full moon.
🥒 Casinos give away more money to winners during a full moon!
🥒 Many studies have shown that crime rates increase during full moons.
🥒 Your sleep worsens during the full moon.
Full Moon in Libra tips! 🍀
🍀 Ensure your thoughts are kept positive and in alignment with what you want- remember the full moon energy will support you - positively or negatively. The full moon will always be opposite to the month’s sun sign, forming an opposition. However, Libra’s charm and grace will assist you in choosing the best way to compromise!
🍀 This moon will be forming an opposition to Chiron and Venus, highlighting wounds related to relationships, romance and areas you hold value to.
🍀 This Full Moon in Libra can make you feel more creative! Trust your intuition and make something.
🍀 Major Libra placements, eg. Sun, moon, ascendant will feel the extremities of the positive and unfavourable traits of Libra (for example, being indecisive and co-dependent)
🍀 The Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn) will feel this New Moon Energy more intensely.
🍀 We will feel more confident when breaking toxic habits or relationships.
🍀 Be honest with yourself.
🍀 There is a focus on relationships, you may want to be around people and talk more.
🥒🍀🐢 Lastly, try to remain open-minded. A beneficial time for any kind of physical therapy or rejuvenation. Resting the mind is also vital during this period. It will feel easy to be overwhelmed and worried, remember to focus on things that calm you down
Let me know in the comments what you will be reflecting on! ✨💚
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astrologylunarfish · 4 years ago
Full Moon in Libra! 💋🌑⚖️
This full moon is occurring on March 28th 2021 at 12:48pm mst at 8 degrees Libra. The sun Venus and Chiron are all conjunct and opposite to the moon. The need for love and to feel accepted and wanted will be strong. We will also feel a lot of scar tissue from past hurt surface and it may be that those subconscious insecurities are making you feel “off”. Or maybe that you feel pulled to extremes to combat those feelings. You may want to fill your cup with the wrong things if you aren’t conscious of what is surfacing. The key here is balance and grace. Libra is here to offer a balance. There is a a ability to heal really beautifully with the karmic wounds that come up from Chiron’s presence. Think about what you are wanting or what you are trying to pursue during this period and find the roots so that you can process it. You also may be called to help someone else that has gone through what you have. Relish in the love and beauty of all this Venusian energy. Indulge in self care and things that make you appreciate yourself. Surround yourself with things that you enjoy being around. But make sure to take your rose colored glasses off when you need to. 💕
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snarkywrites · 4 years ago
Tarotscopes – From February 28th through March 6th, 2021
Tarotscopes – From February 28th through March 6th, 2021 Feel free to check Rising Sign, Sun Sign and Moon Sign.
Aries – Take your time to meditate on any pending decisions with the Full Moon in Virgo earlier in the week. The Two of Swords in your reading shows you are close but need to consider the final steps.
Taurus – As the Queen of Wands Reversed this week you are on your way to establishing your power and dominance. But introspection will suit you more. The stressful energy you might be facing now will need you to be more centered so you can come out on top once again,
Gemini – There is a lot you can do now with these planets in air signs, but you seem to not feel like you have the magical touch. With the Magician Reversed it shows only you are holding yourself back. Trust yourself.
Cancer – This is your moment to heal, to reconsider the things in the past as well as relationships that have held you back. The Three of Swords in your reading shows you will use this Full Moon to find what empowers you. Logic over emotions.
Leo – As we continue to feel the presence of the Aquarius stellium, you might not feel as connected to who you are. The Star Reversed shows you need to get in tune with the qualities that make you so special. Shine brightly and do not dim your light for anyone.
Virgo – The Full Moon in your sign will bring you back to focus on the things you have been neglecting. Confidence bursts are to be expected especially with the Nine of Pentacles in your reading. You are on the right path, continue to put in the work for more fruitful rewards in the future.
Libra – Get ready to embark on a journey as the Knight of Wands this week. You are bold and feeling fearless but this is also a reminder to remain focused and don’t be too impulsive.
Scorpio – With the Chariot Reversed in your reading you might feel apprehensive of the upcoming changes happening. This is your sign to trust the process and leave the anxiety behind. Go with the flow because the road ahead will be positive for you in the long run.
Sagittarius – You will feel like you are in your happy place with the Six of Cups in this week’s reading. Who knows, you might even reconnect with someone from the past or a memory that brings you joy.
Capricorn – There is a lot to process now as you do the work and continue to sweat. Those tears you shed will soon turn into smiles with the Nine of Cups in your reading. Your effort is not going to waste, you just need to remind yourself to be patient since you are manifesting your happiness.
Aquarius – As the Queen of Pentacles this week you are feeling wise and in control. You are working hard to get things done. People admire and respect you so keep up the good work.
Pisces – With the Two of Cups Reversed it is fitting that this card will appear during the Full Moon in Virgo. If your relationships have not been favorable for you recently, this is your reminder to trust and love yourself first.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years ago
2021 Astrological energy shifts and Dates
Listed below are the dates of planetary ingresses, retrogrades, moon phases and sabbats. The entire year is below the read more. 
If you want more details on transits, aspects and moon phases I post them in detail at the start of each month!
6th ☾♎ Last Quarter Moon  
8th Mercury enters Aquarius Venus enters Capricorn  
13th ☾♑ New Moon  
14th Uranus Stations Direct!  
15th Chiron Stations Direct! (Every celestial body at this point is Direct!)  
19th Sun enters Aquarius  
20th ☾♉ First Quarter Moon  
28th ☾♌ Full Moon  
30th Mercury enters Retrograde (until Feb 21st)
1st Winter Crossquarter | Imbolc Venus enters Aquarius  
4th ☾♏ Last Quarter Moon  
11th ☾♒ New Moon  
18th Sun enters Pisces  
19th ☾♊ First Quarter Moon  
21st Mercury Stations Direct  
25th Venus enters Pisces  
27th ☾♍ Full Moon
4th Mars enters Gemini  
6th ☾♐ Last Quarter Moon  
13th ☾♓ New Moon  
15th Mercury enters Pisces  
20th Spring Equinox | Ostara Sun enters Aries  
21st ☾♋ First Quarter Moon Venus enters Aries  
28th ☾♎ Full Moon
4th ☾♑ Last Quarter Moon Mercury enters Aries  
12th ☾♈ New Moon  
14th Venus enters Taurus  
19th Sun enters Taurus  
20th ☾♌ First Quarter Moon  
23rd Mars enters Cancer  
27th ☾♏ Full Moon Pluto enters Retrograde (until Oct 6th)
1st Spring Crossquarter | Beltane  
3rd ☾♒  Last Quarter Moon  
4th Mercury enters Gemini  
9th Venus enters Gemini  
11th ☾♉ New Moon  
13th Jupiter enters Pisces  
19th ☾♌ First Quarter Moon  
20th Sun enters Gemini  
23rd Saturn enters Retrograde (until Oct 11th!)  
26th ☾♐ Full Moon Lunar Eclipse  
29th Mercury enters Retrograde (Until 22nd June)
2nd ☾♓ Last Quarter Moon  
10th ☾♊ New Moon Solar Eclipse  
11th Mars enters Leo  
18th ☾♎ First Quarter Moon  
20th Jupiter enters Retrograde (Until Oct 18th)  
21st Summer Solstice | Litha Sun enters Cancer  
22nd Mercury Stations Direct  
24th ☾♑ Full Moon  
25th Neptune enters Retrograde (Until Dec 1st)  
27th Venus enters Leo
1st ☾♈ Last Quarter Moon  
10th ☾♋ New moon  
11th Mercury enters Cancer  
15th Chiron enters Retrograde (Until Dec 19th)  
17th ☾♎ First Quarter Moon  
22nd Sun enters Leo Venus enters Virgo  
24th ☾♒ Full Moon  
28th Mercury enters Leo Jupiter retrogrades into Aquarius  
29th Mars enters Virgo  
31st ☾♉ Last Quarter Moon
1st Summer Crossquarter | Lughnasadh  
8th ☾♌ New Moon  
11th Mercury enters Virgo  
15th ☾♏ First Quarter Moon  
16th Venus enters Libra  
20th Uranus enters Retrograde (until Jan 22nd 2022)  
22nd ☾♓ Full Moon  
30th ☾♊ Last Quarter Moon Mercury enters Libra
7th ☾♍ New Moon  
10th Venus enters Scorpio  
13th ☾♐ First Quarter Moon  
15th Mars enters Libra  
20th ☾♓ Full Moon  
22nd Autumn Equinox | Mabon Sun enters Libra  
27th Mercury enters Retrograde (Until Oct 18th)  
28th ☾♋ Last Quarter Moon
6th ☾♎ New Moon Pluto stations Direct  
7th Venus enters Sagittarius  
11th Saturn Stations Direct  
13th ☾♑ First Quarter Moon  
18th Mercury stations Direct Jupiter stations Direct  
20th ☾♈ Full Moon  
23rd Sun enters Scorpio  
28th ☾♌ Last Quarter Moon  
30th Mars enters Scorpio  
31st Halloween!
1st Autumn Crossquarter | Samhain  
4th ☾♏ New Moon  
5th Venus enters Capricorn Mercury enters Scorpio  
11th ☾♒ First Quarter Moon  
19th ☾♉ Full Moon Lunar Eclipse  
22nd Sun enters Sagittarius  
24th Mercury enters Sagittarius  
27th ☾♍ Last Quarter Moon
1st Neptune stations Direct  
4th ☾♐ New Moon Solar Eclipse  
10th ☾♓ First Quarter Moon  
13th Mercury enters Capricorn Mars enters Sagittarius  
19th ☾♋ Full Moon Venus enters Retrograde (Until Jan 29th 2022) Chiron stations Direct  
21st Winter Equinox | Yule Sun enters Capricorn   
23rd North Node retrogrades into Taurus  
27th ☾♎ Last Quarter Moon  
29th Jupiter enters Pisces
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seafoamreadings · 4 years ago
week of march 28th, 2021
aries: with aries season now in full swing, the intensity in your sign continues. there are two conjunctions with chiron still in your sign, and mercury moves into your sign by the end of the week. it is a good time to communicate your traumas and practice whatever healing techniques you know. if you wish to get to the bottom of a painful memory or experience, consider doing so this week. even if the work is not completed, the start of it is auspicious with these transits.
taurus: for you this week is soul-work week. avoid hidden enemies, whether they be people or your own demons or thought patterns. but, this doesn’t mean avoiding all forms of discomfort. true growth might require confronting difficult and unpleasant facts.
gemini: in the latter part of the week there is some fairly notable activity of your chart ruler mercury. you have maybe strange visions, and then a fresh mind. your social group has many lessons to teach you leading up to this reset. do not ignore their advice or omens.
cancer: the week kicks off with a full moon, and then becomes (or continues being?) distinctly aries-ish in nature. it’s not necessariy comfortable for you but it is *healthy* for you... like maybe broccoli, or certain exercises, but in a more emotional way.
leo: all the aries energy is good for you as a fellow fire sign. it is good even in a way that is easy. actually, if you’re trying too hard, you won’t even be able to access it. so for this week make it your goal to let everything come to you and/or fall into place on its own.
virgo: topping off what is a distinctly aries-type week, by the weekend your ruler mercury joins the party in that sign. it is not an energy you are necessarily familiar with, but to the best of your ability it is in your best interest at the moment to “act like” an aries. at least, embrace the good qualities of an aries and work to temper the less desirable ones... like your “temper” which may find itself rising at little provocation.
libra: you’re relationship-oriented anyway, and this week in particular is relationship-focused as pretty much all the astrological activity of interest occurs in aries, your 7th house. so is that bad or good? it depends on you.
scorpio: while you may not feel the strongest affinity for aries people (although some of you do!) whether you are conscious of it or not you have a link with the mars energy. all the aries activity this week, therefore, applies to you too, in a strange subconscious (or superconscious!) way.
sagittarius: it is a week of fire. that likely suits you just fine. the caveat though is that there is some neptune involvement, and other than that is a *lot* of fire. do not burn through the fuel that you have too quickly. save some for later.
capricorn: another intensely aries week, this can feel like a slog (or a hike, or a trek?) for you up a mountain. but capricorns do very well in mountainous terrain and actually many of you would have no satisfaction from a flat, easy life.
aquarius: use this week to journal, write, and share news (and gossip?) with your siblings, cousins, and neighbors - people whose lives are connected to yours but whom you may sometimes neglect in favor of other types of relationships. yes, that can include yourself.
pisces: high levels of aries activity combined with mercury joining neptune in your sign just before moving into aries, your second house, means blessings in money matters. you’re a financial genius or magician, so don’t let the vibe go to waste. make a solid investment in something important to you, watch frivolous spending, and notice if any unexpected gifts come your way.
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saturniandevil · 4 years ago
March 2021 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast’s March 2021 video. Dates are based off of US Mountain Time, so it may be earlier for those in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Going into this month we’re still feeling the effects of the Saturn-Uranus square (♄8♒□♅7♉ at the moment), the Aquarius stellium in February, and Mercury in the shadow of his retrograde period. In general more mutable energies will give us some more options & adaptability this month.
We also have the Sun & Venus together in Pisces as March begins. Venus is exalted in Pisces, but she’s also combust the Sun, hidden under its light and metaphorically being burned “under the beams.” Some interpretations mean this transit may manifest in a more internal or behind-the-scenes way. The 1.6-year Sun-Venus cycle will reset as they reach an exact conjunction and Venus enters the “heart of the Sun” late in March.
March 3rd - Mars enters Gemini For current events, Chris notes that Mars has been conjunct, square, or otherwise aspecting Saturn during different lockdown situations, and this sign ingress seems to represent a conclusion to that chapter. Now Mars will be making trines to Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius, giving us more flexibility. His new landlord, Mercury, is conjunct Jupiter as well, giving us a kind of clear path through difficult terrain. Things may destabilize when Mars enters Pisces in the second half of the month.
March 10th - Sun conjunct Neptune at 20° Pisces (Not pictured, but this is one of three Neptune conjunctions we’ll see this month. It may be a good time to understand what Neptune in Pisces really means.)
March 13th - New Moon at 23° Pisces Venus (19♓) and Neptune (20♓) will be close to an exact conjunction around this time, and both will be within 4° of the Sun & Moon as well. Kelly and Austin agree that this will be a more pleasant New Moon than what we’ve seen but not necessarily materially productive. Think “psychic adaptability.” Chris also notes that we’re also about midway between eclipses (the next ones coming up in May and June) during this lunation. Slow down and feel what’s in motion around you.
March 15th - Mercury enters Pisces Note that this places Mercury in exile (detriment). Mercury will square Mars--whom he’s ruling at the moment--around the 23rd-24th, an aspect that will keep popping up during the year. He’ll also conjunct Neptune around the 29th. Mercury wants to separate and order, but Neptune likes to blur boundaries. We may be overwhelmed emotionally, but abstract art like music and poetry can be especially powerful around this time. Austin compares this transit to switching to sonar for navigating deep underwater--not the solid ground Mercury usually operates on.
March 20th - Sun enters Aries (Spring Equinox) Start of the new solar year! AFAN calls this International Astrology Day :P
March 21st - Venus enters Aries Note that she’s in exile (detriment) here. How do negotiate between our ambitions and our relationships?
March 21st - Mars trine Saturn (Also not pictured, but as a more constructive Mars-Saturn dynamic we can see small changes that work towards the long game. Mars is in  somewhat erratic position (Gemini, conjunct the North Node, ruler Mercury in exile) during this aspect, but Saturn may provide a bit of stability.)
March 26th - Sun conjunct Venus at 8° Aries This conjunction resets the Venus-Sun cycle, and Venus is on the far side of the Sun (away from us). Think of the Sun looking out at the cosmos through the lens of Venus--the divine archetype. A few days later comes a Libra Full Moon.
March 28th - Full Moon at 8° Libra The Sun & Venus are still conjunct at 8° Aries during this lunation. The ruler of this Full Moon, Venus, has just finished her reset deep within the Sun. Additionally, Mercury (19♓) & Neptune (21♓) are still approaching a conjunction. Relationships with other people, romantic and otherwise, are a big focus here. We also have grand with to Saturn (11♒) and Mars (14♊). An easy aspect, but with both malefics--we’re looking at the problems with clear insights.
March 30th - Mars conjunct Neptune (He’s coming off a conjunction with the North Node which connotes a kind of insatiable hunger, while approaching a trine to Jupiter that broadens our perspectives.)
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queenofmoonstonetarot · 4 years ago
March 28th 2021 Full Moon In Libra
Full Moon in Libra
we can feel the effects of the Full Moon in Libra 3 days before & 3 days after.
Aries/Aries Risings, The Full Moon in Libra is happening in your 7th house of partnerships & committed relationships. It looks like during the 3 days before & 3 days after the Full Moon in Libra takes place that if you are currently seeing someone things will be going very well romantically. Also there is this feeling of taking steps towards officializing a relationship/becoming steps in a relationship. Relationships are blossoming at this time for Aries.
Taurus/Taurus Risings, The Full Moon in Libra is happening in your 6th house of day to day work. Make sure to look at the 3 days before & 3 days after the Full Moon in Libra taking place on the 28th of March. It looks like you could be completing a chapter in your work life/completing something very big in regards to your day to day schedule. Saturn will be in your house of career & Mars (the aggressive planet) in your 2nd house of money & finance. A new better paying job/raise is to come Taureans.
Gemini/Gemini Risings, The Full Moon in Libra is happening in your 5th house. Saturn in Aquarius in the 9th house associated with promoting big ideas/innovative projects. Romantically if you are in a relationship things will be going very well, if you are single you could find out someone is romantically interested in you. The 5th house is the house of creativity, relationships & self expression. At this time creative endeavors can happen.
Cancer/Cancer Risings, The Full Moon in Libra is happening in your 4th house of home & family life. Make sure to look at the 3 days before & the 3 days after the Full Moon in Libra on the 28th of March. Mars in Gemini in your 12th house of all things hidden. This means you may be looking for a new home? Buying a new home at this time? Started thinking about changing something in your home? A major psychological healing that will be taking place on the Full Moon in Libra, possible healing of old wounds from your past at this time. This time you could make plans to spend time with your family & or reaching out to family at this time.
Leo/Leo Risings, The Full Moon in Libra is happening in your 3rd house of communications, learning, siblings & short distance transportations, you can feel the effects of the Full Moon in Libra 3 days before & 3 days after. Saturn will also be in your 7th house of relationships/business partnerships. At this time you could be selling & buying stuff with a partner, business deals are starting. A collaboration with a project is coming. A energy of news will be coming this Full Moon in Libra.
Virgo/Virgo Risings, The Full Moon in Libra is happening in your 2nd house of material wealth, finances, income. You can feel the effects of the Full Moon in Libra 3 days before & 3 days after. Saturn & Aquarius in your 6th house of day to day routine & Mars in Gemini in your 10th house of career. Virgos I see you getting a raise, getting a bonus, financial acknowledgement & or financial recognition. You are getting a significant return on the time invested in for the work you have done. Very good financial news.
Libra/Libra Risings, The Full Moon in Libra is happening in your 1st house of identity, I would look at the 3 days before the 28th of March & 3 days afterwards. Your mentality is shifting, looking back to your relationships (friendships & or business partnerships) in October of 2020, a new sense of self & identity is happening to you as a relationship that may have started or was close to you in October 2020.
Scorpio/Scorpio Risings, The Full Moon in Libra is happening in your 12th house of spirituality, dreams & introspection. Saturn in Aquarius in your 4th house of home/family & Mars in Gemini in your 8th house. There is a decision of walking away from a job at this time, you are doing this that you want to do something bigger. A time of emotional healing, things are being released at this time & spiritual healing.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Risings, The Full Moon in Libra is happening in your 11th house. It is a great time to get together with friends. Saturn in Aquarius in your 3rd house of communications & Mars in Gemini in your 7th house of relationships. You could be presenting something you have been working towards to the public/work, & getting acknowledgment/recognition. Connecting & socializing with others at this time. Lots of flirtatious energy with others.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising, The Full Moon in Libra will be happening in your 10th house of career. A very high point in your career, or in your professional life. I feel there is a promotion coming or a new job presenting itself. I see you climbing up the career ladder. Open acknowledgement for your hard work.
Aquarius/Aquarius Risings, The Full Moon in Libra will be happening in your 9th house of the higher mind, belief systems & travel. Enlightening moment is happening to you 3 days before & 3 days after the 28th of March. Your belief system is expanding. You are completing a learning journey (school) or a course of spiritual studies.
Pisces/Pisces Risings, The Full Moon in Libra is happening in your 8th house. You could be receiving fantastic news in regards to money at this time. Saturn in Aquarius in your 12th house of all things hidden (the news will be unexpected) & Mars in Gemini in the 4th house of home/family life. Unexpected news in regards to your home. You could be completing a legal process, behind the scenes in regards to home & residence.
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sunbeams-and-honey · 4 years ago
March 2021 Transits Masterlist
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I’ve added a visual aide so that all of these transits make a bit more sense in regards to timing. Clicking on each transit listed below should take you straight to that post. If any of the links aren’t working, please let me know so I can fix them! Have a wonderful March!
1 - Saturn square Uranus - 1st-2nd March
2 - Venus sextile Uranus - 3rd-4th March
3 - Mercury conjunct Jupiter - 4th-5th March
4 - Sun conjunct Neptune - 10th-11th March
5 - Venus conjunct Neptune - 13th-14th March
6 - Sun sextile Pluto - 16th-17th March
7 - Venus sextile Pluto - 18th-19th March
8 - Mars trine Saturn - 20th-23rd March
9 - Mercury sextile Uranus - 21st-22nd March
10 - Sun conjunct Venus - 22nd-29th March
11 - Mercury square Mars - 23rd-24th March
12 - Mercury conjunct Neptune - 30th March
13 - Venus sextile Saturn - 30th-31st March
14 - Sun sextile Saturn - 31st March
Moon Transits (full moons, eclipses, etc):
15 - New Moon in Pisces - 13th March
16 - Full Moon in Libra - 28th March
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witchcraftmagazine · 4 years ago
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Balance has arrived https://www.magicalrecipesonline.com/2021/03/libra-full-moon-sunday-march-28th-a-new-chapter-for-relationships.html #magicalrecipesonline https://www.instagram.com/p/CM_ncBeHZdL/?igshid=158v0on59ennr
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bookfreaky · 4 years ago
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Full moon in Libra, 28th of March 2021.
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suniastrology · 4 years ago
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Full Moon in Libra
Today, March 28th 2021, there is a Full Moon in Libra where you can see results from work what your put on your relationships - personal or business. During this full Moon period (3 day before and after Full Moon) its important to find a right balance in your relationship. Harmony and good communication with your marriage, love or business partners could bring great benefits in this area of your life. Such attitude may also bring you success and satisfaction when signing contracts, agreements, closing deals or in sales. Legal matters (if it’s the case) can also be accomplished in your favour, especially, if you been following the rules of ‘fair -play’. 
 Be loving, kind and show understanding to get the most of this   fruitful Full Moon energy!
Best wishes,
suni astrology
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getyourblisson · 4 years ago
Full Moon in Libra - March 28th, 2021
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Moon dates are based on UTC, so there may be some fluctuation on the dates based on where in the world you are located.
 Keep in mind that signs listed with the Full and New Moons may or may not coordinate with traditional insights and practices, such as astrology.  Since I use a different perspective to consider the sign that the moon is in; that does not always coordinate with traditional astrology guidelines for what sign it is in.
March 28th Full Moon in Libra
 Each Full Moon tends to bring with it, disruption.  It is a time that is naturally turbulent and can trigger rebellious energy.  People are more prone to pick a fight, or to get triggered into reactive and aggressive spaces.
 This Full Moon continues to emphasize the importance of us learning our lessons. This energy shows, that our lessons are strongly connected to standing in our own power; and being aware of where we are turning our power over to others, and where we are standing in victim spaces and allowing others to take control over our lives.  It is during this Full Moon, that vies for power can turn deadly; but we can use destructive plans to not only learn, but to transform their destruction into new possibilities.
 Endings are inevitable; and this Full Moon reinforces the concept that we cannot go on living the way that we have been.  We need to learn how to work together in loving and harmonious ways. If we are going to create abundance that is enough for all of us, then we must be willing to teach and learn from every person in our life.  We must learn that we cannot turn our power over to others; that seek to do nothing but destroy all that is good, and to rule in tyranny and strict control.
 I know that if each one of us digs into our soul roots, that we can understand that many of us have gathered on this Earth, at this time, to correct the choices of our past; where, in our passiveness, we turned over our power to those that are not standing in their soul self.  We allowed ourselves to become consumed by earthly things and pleasures; and set aside our values.  We chose separation and conflict, instead of unity and harmony.  This is our mission.  It is to choose differently than we have before; so that we do not continue to condemn all of life to these master slave patterns, and the illusions and distortions of this world.
 This Full Moon is also a Supermoon at Perigee.  This means that its influences are magnified further, due to its close proximity to our Earth.  Whenever there is a Supermoon and/or the moon is at Perigee, we will see the exposure of the lies that we have been living in.  What has been hidden, will rise to the surface.  We will be shown, how and where we are being deceived.  There is no escaping the lies, manipulation, and deception. Those that have used this to maintain control over others, and to keep them from learning and remembering the wisdom and mistakes of the past; only need people, to stand up in unity for what is right, in order to bring their collapse.  This Full Moon will show us, that we have many lessons to be learned right now.
 As we look at this influence, on this Full Moon, we see that those that unfold the lies, and discover how they have been manipulated at this time; are likely to be in rebellion.  The restrained and captive, will no longer tolerate being silenced.  This will be a powerful time for people to speak up about the injustices; and yet, the only way for things to change, will be if they make their voice heard in loving ways, and yield their power wisely.
 It is during this time, that only by speaking up through the soul self; will we have the power to create positive results from our efforts.  Those that choose to riot, lash out, and misuse their power; will see harsh consequences for their choices.  Personal responsibility and accountability are required at this time.
 This is very important, because those that allow others to sway them into doing things that they know are not right; especially for the sake of material gain, will end up devastating not only their own life, but the lives of those that they care about. Allowing others to persuade us into poor choices, will only keep them stuck; and make it harder for them to get out of the situations that they are in.  Personal accountability is so important right now; and the more that we act responsibly with ourselves and in our own life, the more we encourage others to do the same.  While we need to be in unity with one another, we do not need to follow the crowd that leads us into a greater demise.
 In the Northern Hemisphere this Full Moon is known as either the Sap Moon, the Crow Moon, or the Grass Moon.  Under these names, we see that this is more of an introspective time; that encourages us to come into greater understanding of one’s own self.  It is a time to gain a better understanding of who you are at your core; and the deeper impacts of the choices that you have made in your life.
 There can be a great and strong desire to break free from our past; and to learn how to create new ways of living that provide us with greater inner peace.  There is a desire to want to celebrate life, instead of feeling its heaviness.  This is a wonderful thing to do and honor at this time; because it is too easy, to get lost in the burdens that we carry.  At this time, we will do best if our tendency to rebel, comes through personal awareness and increasing our wisdom.  When we increase our awareness and wisdom of what we need to operate in the world, and how the world functions; we automatically create a greater inner peace and remove the need to go into destructive rebellion.
 This is a wonderful time to do some deep soul searching; and to gain a stronger understanding of how to live in the soul self, while in this world.  This time favors being in observation, to be able to see with greater lucidity; and to see through the eyes of the soul self or God. It offers us the opportunity, to realize the wisdom of being able to live free, peaceful, and in harmony with our inner self.
 In the Southern Hemisphere, this Full Moon is the Harvest Moon.  Under this influence, we will see that it has a very soulful and Divine energy with it.  This is a time, where we are likely to see people living simply and freely.  They are not as likely to be pulled and tugged by world affairs; for they have learned to create greater self-sufficiency and have learned to have joy in the simplest of things.
 Under this influence, God’s presence is strong, and the soul is soaring.  It will not be a good time for communications, logical thinking, or contracts; however, it will be very favorable for dreaming, brainstorming, and creative thought.  This part of our world is holding sacred energy; and they are not for sale.  If they stand with this energy, they will be able to stand strong against those that seek to pull them out of this space. They have much to gain, as long as they do not allow others to pull them out of sacred space and Divine principles.
 I welcome you to stand in your own power, and do not turn it over to others.  What if no one and nothing had any power over you?
 I welcome you to be aware of where you do or have turned your power over to earthly things and set aside your values.  What if your values provide you with more than any earthly things?
 I welcome you to stand up for truth and integrity; and to not accept the lies and attempts to manipulate from others.  What if aligning with truth and integrity, is the lesson that we need to learn right now?
 I welcome you to be personally accountable; and to encourage others to do the same.  What if breaking away from a crowd that is headed in a destructive direction, sets your life on a favorable course?
  For those in the Northern Hemisphere
 I welcome you to gain a stronger understanding of who you are at your core; and the impact that your choices have had on your life.  What if this opens you to taking a new path, with more favorable possibilities?
 I welcome you to break free from your past.  What if breaking free from your past, provides greater peace in your present?
  For those in the Southern Hemisphere
 I welcome you to embrace the soulfulness of this energy.  What if you let your soul soar freely?
 I welcome you to be a part of holding sacred energy in our world. What if standing strong in sacredness, allows others to also break free; and brings healing to our whole Earth?
 The Code Journey ~ 2021 Edition
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astrologylunarfish · 4 years ago
March 2021 Happenings! ✨
Overall March is for rest, reflection and restoration. We are deep into Pisces and require a lot of introspection to prepare for spring. March is here to make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and taking note of the year you have had. We are wrapping up to begin a new astrological year.
March 3rd: Mars moves into Gemini-actions pick up the pace in terms of variety and stimulation
March 13th: New Moon in Pisces-dreamy mystical new moon capable of a lot of love.
March 15th: Mercury moves into Pisces-communication becomes more about feeling and senses.
March 20th: Sun moves into Aries-new beginnings, re birth, start new projects. Overall there is a bold sense to start anew. Also the Spring Equinox.
March 21st: Venus moves into Aries-our values and how we show our love will become impulsive and bold and feel impatient.
March 28th: Full Moon in Libra-looking for a balance between self and being impulsive and with people close to us and sharing ideas.
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