#liar trilogy
lotus-flower-ebola · 4 months
Some possible Liar’s Story sketches I found on Pinterest
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On the subject of taking long detailed post I have written before and just keep it short with the main point:
“Baz fell first but Simon fell harder” you don’t know that. Baz became aware first, and even then he doesn’t tell you at which point he fell in love. He tells you when he understood what he felt. Maybe he himself doesn’t know when he fell… at the same time Baz realizes, Simon is trying to figure out the same thing. He’s desperately trying to figure something out (he already knows Baz is a vampire). He thinks he was obvious in hindsight (Baz not knowing Simon was into him is a clear sign of a lack of vibe-check) and that his following Baz around was part of him being obviously into Baz.
It’s like his first meeting: both feel the incredible pull. Baz has a better understanding of the situation and shows restraint. Simon is desperate to touch him but he can’t fully understand the depths of what’s going on. It’s like both Simon and Baz can see a well. Baz stares in horror as he figures out that thing at the bottom is water, paralyzed by the belief he’s not allowed to have any of it, but unable to pull away. Simon stares in frustration as he doesn’t know what’s at the bottom, and he’s unable to figure it out… until finally, he can no longer fight the urge to jump in. And as he feels the wetness against his skin, he finally realizes: this is water.
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For some reason, I get the same vibes from The Inheritance Games and We Were Liars. I think it's something about the old money and the mystery that seem the same.
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kazz-brekker · 1 year
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clotpolesonly · 6 months
mister impossible chapter 10 i am kissing you with tongue
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galamerapple · 7 months
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narrator: he was, in fact, not fine
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being a truly devious fan is falling in love with a new set of characters every book knowing the book is centered around how their life either ended or went to shit
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tomsmusictaste · 2 years
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Deaf Havana // The Past Six Years + The Worlds End (2013)
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mercyking · 1 year
top 10 Gary King headcanons I've had for so long I keep forgetting they only exist in my head:
Gary kept a journal/diary in secondary. He wrote song lyrics, quotes from school, things he wanted to remember. Its cover is bent because he’s stuffed it full of papers he and his friends scribbled on during class.
Gary stashed items like a squirrel. As in, cutting into his mattress to hide cigarettes (as well as other, more illegal substances). Gary learned how to sew for this purpose: he'd cut into and sew-shut pillows, stuffed toys, etc.
Gary used Compact Cassettes to record himself singing/playing musical ideas he didn't want to forget.
Gary never applied to university (I believe he meant it when he said “there was nothing we were going to miss about school”)
Back to the cassette tapes. I like to imagine that some of these music sessions were cathartic/vent. Sometimes in the form of lyrics/music he'd created, a lot of the times as covers of songs he really identified with. Given the emotional content, he hid these tapes very carefully.
Autism. ADHD. Autism and ADHD. He stims with the rings, he stims with the trench coat (WHOOSH), he stimmed by holding cigarettes in his fingers/mouth. Also, Sisters of Mercy is a special interest (maybe The Golden Mile, too!!)
Immediately after the accident, Gary disappeared off the face of the Earth for a while. Really, he was staying at his mothers and not leaving the house.
Back to the topic of sewing: Gary gave his trench coat hidden pockets. These were for back-ups of things he did not want to run out of, mainly money and pills. For secrecy's sake, these pockets were teeny-tiny. He also sewed them shut, knowing he could easily tear them open them with his teeth if need be.
The above habit developed after secondary, when Gary began to get smart about avoiding A) getting busted for having drugs on him B) having his stuff stolen
The hidden-pockets thing might serve as an in-universe explanation for how Gary got hold of the shoelaces he ties during the opening credits (since the opening scene clearly indicates that shoelaces are not allowed at the ward Gary's in, but the commentary says that the changing sequence happens in his room at the hospital)
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weather-advisory · 1 month
Wow.... Really, that's all I have to say.
You kick your broke boyfriend that you've been economically supporting out for cheating on you out
And your reasoning for that being okay is that he can just get with any man he wants? Leave you and just go running to the next rich horny guy willing to pay rent?
Your opinions of him are really on the ground, aren't they? Jesus, no reason he was miserable with you, do you even acknowledge that he has feelings too?
Well you clearly have a lot more to say than Wow. Anything else?
It’s not like he was completely helpless. I said he had a job himself. Photography is high demand and expensive, I bet people pay arms and legs for that stuff.
He did that stuff when we were together why would he be any different when we weren’t. If he was so okay with sleeping around when I was waiting for him, it shouldn’t be a problem now that I’m not.
I’m- yeah, ‘course he has feelings, just..just not for me. Doesn’t matter anyways it’s over now. I don’t care what he does…
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nineliars · 2 years
@maureen johnson
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arisushanti · 1 year
YES, i have watched hour long video essays about this specific piece of media
NO, i have not consumed said piece of media
YES, i will be able to break down the entire plot, character arcs, and history of its production for you
NO, i still refuse to consume it and you will have to hold me at gunpoint to do it
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coelura · 11 months
rewatched catws as my before bed treat and let me tell you it did NOT drive me crazy this time ! 👍
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tyrianlynch · 2 years
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Call down the hawk
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alethiometry · 1 year
new genre of show unlocked: not interesting enough for me to watch every episode myself, but still interesting enough that i would watch a multi-hour recap video about it on youtube
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