#lgbt petition
mediocrephd · 5 months
If you're in the UK, please sign this petition!
Currently, as a non binary person, I'm not able to get married or a civil partnership as myself and my gender. I'd have to be deliberately misgendered in all the paperwork and in the ceremony - in front of everyone. I'm also unable to get my passport, driving licence, and other official documents to reflect my correct identity. I can't even be officially recognised as trans, even with a gender recognition certificate, because the UK doesn't recognise non binary as a valid identity!
Please Reblog this to get as many signatures as possible! :)
Thanks! :)
Petition: Recognise nonbinary people's genders in law and in identity documents
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chairmansans · 7 months
Howdy y'all.
My former high-school AP Chem teacher is being horrifically targeted by libsoftiktok and the GOVERNOR OF TEXAS because he wore a dress to spirit day at the school he teaches at now. He's been put on administrative leave because the school admin caved into the demands of the far-right mob. Please sign the petition to get him reinstated! He's a wonderful teacher and I wouldn't be the scientist I am today if it wasn't for him.
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catskincass · 1 year
UK folks!!
There's some new 'guidance' for schools in the works, which aims to force teachers to inform parents if a child is questioning their gender, or identifies as trans.
This would also involve refusing to acknowledge a child's gender identity without express consent of the parents AND the personal approval of the head teacher.
I can't stress enough how dangerous this will be for trans and queer children in the UK. Some of you may remember Thatcher's Section 28, a piece of legislation designed to "prohibit the promotion of homosexuality".
Practically, this bill legalised homophobia and orientation-based discrimination for years.
THIS guidance for teachers will be worse. This guidance directly targets trans children and puts them at risk of discrimination, harassment and abuse by the people supposed to protect them.
Below is a link to a petition you can sign to counter this guidance. If you can, PLEASE write to your local MP. If they are labour, it is likely they will have opposed Section 28 when it was released and, if enough determination is shown CHANGE CAN HAPPEN.
We cannot let this guidance get a foothold.
We cannot endanger trans children.
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notvv0ltz · 10 months
❗🏳️‍⚧️ Petition to help Russian trans people to get German humanitarian visas
As you know, basically Russia has banned any way of transitioning for trans people and *fully* legalized conversion therapy. This month the government also has claimed that the "LGBTQ movement" should be on the list of extremist groups (lol what)
German queer activists (Quarteera) have created a petition to the Bundestag that suggests the ability to live in Germany for trans people from Russia. However, 50,000 votes are needed for it to be considered.
This is not the change org shit. This petition CAN work. Use translator if you need, it takes just 5 minutes to sign it. It is also highly advised to share this.
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eziojensenthe3rd · 6 months
82,970 so far. Go a sign it already
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something people arent really mentioning about the we didnt start the fire cover is that as part of it fall out boy are giving away a trip and vip backstage tickets to their boston show, and to enter you have to sign a petition asking for support of the lgbt community or donate to one of three organisations, including the bands charity fund, the human rights campaign and everytown for gun safety. so i dont think its that bad.
enter here
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destielmemenews · 10 months
Hello! I don't know who i should connect to about this.
You may be familiar with the general situation of trans and generally queer people in russia. Since the start of war in Ukraine, the law, that was in force for about 10 years and banned "LGBT propaganda" for minors (in fact, it banned any information to teenagers and any materials that are in any way related to queer people and potentially accessible to minors) was changed to a complete ban on “LGBT propaganda”.
In October of this year, russia completely banned documentary and medical transition for transgender people and significantly restricted their other rights. More specifically here: https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/07/25/vladimir-putin-trans-healthcare-ban-russia/ On November 30, the russian Supreme Court classified the “international LGBT movement” as an “extremist organization.” What this means exactly is explained in detail here: https://meduza.io/en/cards/russia-has-banned-the-so-called-international-lgbt-movement
The activist team “Quarteera” has started a petition calling for easier access to refugee status for trans* people from Russia in Germany (e.g. the possibility of applying for refugee status for people already in Germany without having to travel to russia to submit documents).
🟣 The petition can be read and signed here until December 18th: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/content/petitionen/_2023/_08/_22/Petition_156274.html
Residents of other countries can sign too. I would be very grateful if you would sign the petition and help spread the word.
The petition is in German, but anyone can sign!
According to Wikipedia, the group behind the petition is involved in numerous educational activities and demonstrations that aim to help LGBT+ Russian migrants and their families in Germany.
"Quarteera is a Russian-speaking non-profit volunteer LGBT registered association in Berlin, Germany. The association was officially registered in April 2011 and calls itself the "Russian-speaking group of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people and their friends in Germany"."
Quarteera's website (in Russian)
An informational Reddit post about the situation.
The petition
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samodivas · 2 months
Petition: Make the Republic of Bulgaria recognize same-sex partnerships!
If you are an EU-citizen, please take a minute to sign this petition
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cassolotl · 5 months
UK petition: Recognise nonbinary people's genders in law and in identity documents
It's that time again. There was no active UK parliament petition about nonbinary identities being recognised in law, so I made one.
The UK government has repeatedly acknowledged the existence of nonbinary people, but it has repeatedly refused to grant recognition in law and systems. Nonbinary genders should be recognised on: - Passports - GRCs - Marriage documents - Death certificates
[ Sign here ]
Deadline: 11 October 2024
Signatures: 54 of 100,000
See a graph: here
Who can sign:
Anyone living in the UK, regardless of citizenship
Anyone with UK citizenship, living anywhere in the world
No one else! Don't fake your postcode or whatever, it'll invalidate the petition
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fayrobertsuk · 2 years
X Marks the Spot
Okay, UK Citizens, we're giving this another go. Sign and/ or share, please (if you're not UK-based, PLEASE share). It went pretty much as you'd expect last time: decent public support, got to debate stage, some lovely speeches from supportive MPs, then… random shit about women's prisons and sports from people unwilling to do anything to address the actual issues in prisons and gendered sports. 🙄
So behold, we're going to try again to join the increasing numbers of countries out there who allow an X or similar on the passports and driving licences of nonbinary folk.
(And we'll keep bloody trying until the UK rejoins the 21st Century.)
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themainspoon · 1 year
There is currently an open petition to the New South Whales Legislative Assembly to amend the law to allow Transgender and Non-binary individuals to Self-ID. Currently NSW is the only state which doesn’t have Self-ID laws in place (Queensland is actively in the process of implementing them, and the bill is currently awaiting “royal assent”), and still requires that individuals undergo Gender-Affirming surgery beforehand. This should not be the case, NSW is actively lagging behind the rest of the nation in regards to Trans Rights. But if this petition gets enough support, there is a chance we could rectify that.
IF YOU DON’T LIVE IN THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WHALES AUSTRALIA THAN DO NOT SIGN THE PETITION, IT IS FOR NSW RESIDENTS ONLY, AND IF TOO MANY PEOPLE FROM OUTSIDE THE STATE/COUNTRY SIGN IT THAN IT COULD BE INVALIDATED! I understand if this upsets some of you who want to help secure trans rights abroad as well as at home, but please understand that you would not be helping, you would actively be causing problems and standing in the way of progress. If you want to help, please reblog this post so that more people see it, increasing the odds of other NSW residents seeing it and being able to sign it.
Thank you.
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iridescentsky29 · 1 year
Sing this petition to call a general election!!!
Trans rights!!!!!!!
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cakedpie-pathologic · 4 months
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THE GIRLS! they kiss... and are in love...)))
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OH AND ALSO! You can use that as a matching profile image. If you want...
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mxactivist · 2 years
Two important UK-based petitions to sign and/or share
These are official petitions on the UK government/parliament website. You can sign these if you're a UK citizen (living anywhere), or if you're living in the UK (regardless of citizenship).
At 10,000 signatures, these petitions get a response from the government - usually providing crap justifications for why they're not going to do the right thing. At 100,000 signatures, it gets debated in parliament and that goes on the public record, and that can be used in future legislative decisions.
Petition 1: Do not remove LGBT content from the Relationships Education curriculum
We believe kids should learn about this at an early age. I am sure there are many parents who want their and other children taught about LGBT issues in primary school.
There is a petition to remove this content, which we believe is discriminatory. LGBT people exist, they have the same rights as the rest of us and kids should know them and accept them without judgement or issue. Despite what their parents might believe.
The queerphobic petition has over 185,000 signatures, whereas the good one has under 20,000, as I write this:
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Click here to sign. Click here to see a nice graph of the signatures.
Petition 2: Reverse the decision to block the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill
The government are being super transphobic, by blocking Scotland's 6-year-debated law to make it easier to live a dignified life as a trans person. This petition opposes that transphobic decision.
I want the Government to reverse their decision to block the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill, as this legislation contains important provisions for the LGBT community in Scotland. We are a United Kingdom, and the UK Government should not block devolved legislation.
Click here to sign. Click here to see a nice graph of the signatures.
If you're in the UK, please consider signing! And if you have followers in the UK, please consider reblogging.
Thank you. 🏳️‍⚧️💜
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frostralia · 6 months
Hi Friends! I created a petition to remind members of the 🏳️‍⚧️ community that they matter. Think of it as sort of a group open letter of support. I would appreciate it if you'd give it a sign
🩷 Frost
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smashing-yng-man · 7 months
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ADD YOUR NAME: #Justice for Nex: Demand the removal of education officials who promote the politics of hate.
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