crypticsketchpad · 1 year
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back on my alien bs since i don't think i've shared most of these species yet LMAO
tagarou i've already talked about a bunch, but here's some quick info about the others:
Ley-Eva: Giant, amphibious creatures inspired by terrestrial whale ancestors and poison dart frogs. Their language is composed of differently pitched sounds that are translated into colors when written.
Whistleworms: Essentially massive worms on a string but with legs. Called fuii-wiiw in their native language, their English name comes from their naming traditions, where individuals' names are composed of a short series of musical notes.
Selkies: Vain and aggressive by nature, selkies possess an extra layer of loose fur/skin that they wear like a coat (not pictured). Underneath the outer coat, they're similar to hairless cats, except that their lower jaw can split in two like a pair of monstrous mandibles.
might make separate info posts about these guys in the future! (i don't have half as much stuff about them as i do for tagarou, so i'll probably wait a bit)
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astraeaqutie · 1 year
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some recent stuffs ooooohhhhhh
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fragilityisavirtue · 3 months
Dovunque era lei, là era l’Eden.
Mark Twain, Diario di Adamo ed Eva 1883.
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
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sauolasa · 2 years
Euromazzette: "Eva Kaili non c'entra niente, se la prendono con lei senza sapere"
L'avvocato greco dell'ex vicepresidente dell'eurocamera nega tutte le accuse per la sua assistita; dal compagno Giorgi, interrogato, mezze ammissioni
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apropositodime · 2 months
Se una donna, in maniera educata, ma davvero troppo educata vi dice no, non significa che sta facendo la preziosa o che pensa che voi vogliate solo l'avventura, mentre lei no.
Figa Eva ma quanta cazzo di autostima in uno solo cervello!
No guarda in questo lungo periodo non ho la predisposizione alla conoscenza di nessuno. (verità)
No ti ringrazio davvero, al momento sono davvero innamorata della mia solitudine. (verità)
Lui (estratto da un messaggio di 50 righe. Più altri messaggi, dove la mia linea è sempre quella) :
" Accetto...ma permettimi una piccola replica bonaria.... Perché non darsi la possibilità di capire se effettivamente la conoscenza di un altra persona non possa farci bene e riempire di cose belle la nostra "solitudine".
A postumi poi decidere se rimanere effettivamente soli"
È una persona che conosco così, è una persona che saluto se la incontro per strada. Ma basta, cribbio.
A me non interessa minimamente.
Ma bo, perché non capisce?
Alla fine ha detto che non mi scriverà più, ma se cambio idea, potrò farlo io tranquillamente.😅
Speriamo che mantenga la promessa.
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iri-2 · 6 months
I Love You Like That
Rating: Not Rated Category: F/F Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Relationships: Mother Miranda/Reader Characters: Mother Miranda, Alcina Dimitresu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Angie, Eva
Miranda's dishes remain delicious as always, making you set aside the exorbitant prices demanded by the merchant who calls himself the Duke. Unlike other villagers, he doesn't fear Miranda's presence; he only cares about whether he's making enough lei. When he sees you beside Miranda, there seems to be something meaningful in his money-grubbing smile. You swear he continued to watch you both with amusement as you left.
This village is truly peculiar.
After lunch, Miranda quickly locks herself up in the laboratory. You have noticed this a long time ago. When she first joined The Connections, every time she finished lunch, she was always the first to return to the laboratory. You simply thought she was passionate about the research. But this time, her pace as she walks into the laboratory is not as steady as before. There is a hint of unease mixed in, as if she is running away from something. Is that you make her feel uncomfortable?
Miranda hides in her laboratory. Her frequent interactions with you have left her enthralled. As she sits at the dining table, once again gazing at you, the icy woman within her suddenly awakens, telling her to stay away from you. Her feelings for you would only interfere with her achieving her goal. She should rule over this village with authority, not allowing outsiders in or villagers out, just like her inner self. Many things that have happened recently are unfamiliar to her, yet they bring back the Miranda from over a hundred years ago, a time when she was mortal yet content. She knows that without Eva, she will never truly experience complete happiness, but when you speak to her softly, when you gaze at her eagerly, when you touch her gently, even the coldest ice can melt. This sensation unsettles the Mother Miranda, prompting her to avoid you. She doesn't allow it, she prohibits it.
You walk quietly down the road, contemplating your relationship with Miranda. Despite her refusal, she still considers you her friend. Well, friend is an appropriate term, isn't it?
Although you can't shake off the feeling that your presence is something strange for this village, you're not confined by that feeling and decide to interact with the villagers, maybe they'll get used to your presence. You simply hope so. But things run counter to your wish, as you pass by the houses, you are like a repulsive magnetic pole, the villagers within a few meters stiffen their movements, which is hard to ignore.
It's like an invisible hand pressing the mute button. Until someone breaks the silence.
As you pass by the statue in the center of the village, a girl peeks out from between the iron gates and gently calls out to you. "Miss, are you from the outside?" she asks in a hushed voice.
"Yes?" you nod.
"How are you still able to be out on the streets?" the girl asks anxiously.
"Sorry, what?" you ask, bewildered.
"Mother Miranda should have sacrificed you, if the rumors I heard are true. And I saw her buying a lot of things from the Duke, preparing for it." Her voice lowers even more.
"Mother Miranda? You mean my Miranda, no, I mean my colleague Miranda?" You blurt out something embarrassing.
The girl doesn't realize your little mistake, she glances outside quickly, making sure there's no one else, then pulls you inside. "Some say it's not auspicious for Mother Miranda to bring outsiders into the village, someone must've offended the Black God here. You must be a sacrifice to it." The girl says nervously.
Your brain is filled with confusion. "Wait, I don't understand. First, you also call Miranda 'Mother'? As they address it in the cloister? Second, who's this 'Black God' and why am I a sacrifice? I was brought here just for vacation," you feel like you're in some kind of cult story and decide to make a joke, and you emphasize the word "brought".
"You don't know? She's our priestess, she preaches to us, blesses our lives," the girl looks at you incredulously.
"Am I dreaming, or am I having some hallucination? If I remember correctly, Miranda is a scientist, who came to my organization for research." The girl's expression is extremely serious, no hint of joking, and you start to feel uncertain about what to say next, "She did bring me here in some unusual way. But what you're talking about, being a priestess or something, she never told me about it."
"Everything that was offered as a sacrifice never appeared again after entering the fields, but you come out of there unharmed," the girl's face holds a bit of hope. But hope for what? "I heard there are traces of lycans at the village border, it's her defense for the village, but it's also trapped us inside... If you can walk around freely, maybe we can..."
The gate behind you creaks open, and an old man with a shotgun slung over his shoulder steps in. "Elena! What are you doing?" then he looks at you, angry and sort of scared, "The outsider? Did you bring her into our yard? What if anyone else or Mother Miranda sees what you’ve done..."
"But father, she might be the hope we..." Elena is immediately cut off by her father's stern voice, "Go back to your room." Elena looks at you, her lips trembling, then turns and runs into the house. Her father stares at you, his hand gripping the shotgun strap tighter, poised as if to raise the barrel any second, "Outsider, you're not welcome here. Leave."
"I... I'll leave right away, just calm down." You almost make a gesture of surrender and leave their yard, closing the gate behind you.
It's not normal if you don't feel a wave of anger. You did nothing wrong. You shouldn't be treated like this. Miranda clearly still hides a lot from you. What did that girl Elena mean by her words?
"What did she tell you?" Miranda looks out the window. She has her back to you, hands gripping the window sill.
You recount Elena's words to her in detail. The air around Miranda suddenly chills, and you don't know why she looks taller. Instead of defending herself, she asks you, "Do you believe those nonsensical words?"  
Do you?
"Do you believe I brought you here as a sacrifice to the Black God?" she questions again.
"She said they've always been isolated, and from what I saw, it seems to be true. Perhaps that's the only explanation for why this village seems so peculiar." Did you respond directly?
Her knuckles turn white. "I haven't told you the truth. Originally I have a better way to tell you this, but it seems impossible now."
"Better than your fluctuating attitude. Listen, Miranda, I don't know why you were still willing to bring me to your hometown, and tell me about Eva after rejecting me, maybe because we seem to be good colleagues and friends. " When you mention "friends", Miranda's body seems to shrink abruptly. You walk towards her, hand attempting to touch her shoulder.
"You know, I've been preventing some irreversible things from happening all along." She thinks about how you have unwittingly stepped into her shattered, insane life and found yourself sinking deeper into this bottomless quagmire.
"I don't care who you are, I just hope you'll reveal your true self to me."
"As you wish." You see the fabric behind her cardigan tear, and black feathers protrude from the cracks, covering her beige cloth in an instant.
"Miranda..." Your hand freeze in mid-air. "This is the truth." Miranda's voice carries a steel-like coldness. " Yes, I am the priestess of this village, I am their Mother Miranda."
"The portraits I saw in some places, the goddess with black wings..." Images of the the details you once skimmed over in the village flash in your mind. That is Miranda...
Her figure almost blends into the dark night outside, only the faint lights in the room outline her, letting you know she is still there. But her words want to push you far away, "I’ve controlled the village for a long time. Those who resisted me were dealt with by myself. They were all nothing but my lab subjects, only useful for sacrificing themselves for my Eva." You can hear her gritting her teeth. "You’ve seen Moreau and Heisenberg, they were all subjects I once wanted to use as vessels for my Eva, along with Dimitrescu and Beneviento. I bestowed various abilities upon them, making them my assistants, and appointed them as the Four Lords to help me manage this village. And I joined The Connections just to find a way to resurrect my daughter. I don't expect ANYTHING unnecessary to happen." Her voice intentionally becomes cruel, coming from behind the dark feathers.
"So, you're saying I'm a burden to you." Your voice decreases, but you don't think it is due to the revelation that this woman is kind of the ruler of this place.
"You ARE my burden!" Miranda sounds fierce, her words are like sharp spikes, ready to shoot from the jet black feather clothes at any moment. "And I'm going to deal with it."
Her harsh words are her thorny shield, a way to protect her love for Eva, her only love. No one can understand her feeling of spending a lifetime trying to retrieve her daughter. She needs to block out her other feelings. She has to become ruthless to control the villagers, she must eliminate other thoughts in order to focus solely on her research. She rarely leaves the village, maintaining her sacred image within this small rural settlement. In her interactions with the outside world, with you, she remains to be high and mighty, making things difficult for you at every turn. In her inner world, there are only she and Eva, and everyone else is a blur. Once she thought you were just one of them. After enduring various forms of intolerable behaviors from her, you still chose to stay in the laboratory, assisting her in research. Miranda won't admit that she enjoys seeing you meticulously conducting experiments, she won't admit that she enjoys your company.
She suddenly turns towards you, her ten wings as black as the night, obscuring everything.
You don't know where you wake up, but it's not Miranda's warm bed. The only thing you can tell from the exquisite wine rack nearby is that it's a wine cellar.
Someone opens the door, and the light that streams in makes you squint. The person's footsteps are silent, as if gliding in. A woman's voice rings out, "Our guest is awake."
"Let me see her!" Another woman enters. As you adjust to the light, you open your eyes to find two women in gothic dresses and hooded cloaks standing before you.
"Who are you? What is this place? And where is Miranda?" You panic.
"Don't be nervous, we won't harm you, I suppose," the woman with dark hair says in a playful tone.
"Cass, isn't this the woman Uncle Karl mentioned, the one who makes Miranda unsettling?" The other woman with red hair seems excited.
"Really? I thought Mother Miranda had maintained her calm priestess demeanor for decades. How do you manage that?" Cass, the dark-haired woman, asks you curiously.
You have no idea what kind of situation you've gotten yourself into. A while ago, you were working in the lab, and now you're trapped in a strange wine cellar, surrounded by two women dressed more archaically than the villagers. What's even more confusing is about her—Miranda. You never doubted her true identity, not even questioning how she brought you to the village. Have you been too deeply immersed in her rejection, lost in her ambivalent behavior? Now everything that's happening requires you to understand and digest. You don't believe she really kidnapped you and offered you to some 'Black God'. You are convinced of Miranda's unusual identity. Oh, how you wish this was an illusion. But deep down, you hope some of her behaviors are real.
"So Miranda dumped me here and left you two to watch over me?" You can only accept the reality temporarily.
"In fact, it's not like that," the redhead says. "Mother said she was entertaining Donna and Angie when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Mother Miranda was standing there, not as calm and collected as when she usually comes for discussions but rather agitated. And she had someone unconscious with her, who seems to be you."
"She never used to bring the heretics herself, you're probably the first one she brought here in her arms," the dark-haired woman chuckles. "And you don’t look like a heretic."
"She didn't even give Mother any instructions. She just pushed you onto Mother and said, 'Alcina, take care of her,' then vanished. That left Mother quite puzzled, so she ended up locking you in the wine cellar as usual." The redhead vividly describes the scene, as if she were there herself.
"How did you manage to make the stone-hearted priestess flustered, outsider?" The dark-haired woman leans in to observe you. You vaguely feel she's not entirely mortal either.
"Cassandra! Daniela! Why are you still here? Mother told you to behave and not run around when we have guests," a blonde woman enters.
"Bela, do you know she's the one who made Mother Miranda so different?" Daniela's big smile still hangs on her face.
"I do. Mother just discussed how to deal with her with Donna. In fact, they were also at a loss." Bela replies.
"Wait, can I say something?" You can't help but speak up, "I know Miranda is your priestess, but from what you just described, she didn't intentionally abandon me here, is that right?" Warmth floods your heart, along with a chuckle, even though they're still shrouded in unpredictable facts.
"That's right. Mother decided to let you stay in our castle until Mother Miranda returns to decide what to do with you," Bela says.
"Um, since this is a castle, can I not stay in the wine cellar? Can I sleep in a fancier place, like the living room floor?"
You are led into the foyer by the sisters. When they levitate, you feel like your eyeballs are about to pop out. "Come on, startled little thing," Daniela tugs at your arm. Sitting on the sofa in the foyer are two ladies. One has a towering figure you've never imagined, dressed in a white silk gown with a wide-brimmed black hat. Bela tells you she's their mother, Lady Dimitriscu. The other lady is in mourning attire, veiled in black, with only her ears and hands exposed. You're informed she's Lady Beneviento, accompanied by a doll named Angie. When you decide not to be surprised by anything today, the doll speaks up."The Bird Lady’s favorite!"
You see Lady Beneviento gesture to quiet Angie down.
"You truly are a miracle. No one has ever elicited such a reaction from Mother Miranda in all the years since she lost her daughter," Lady Dimitriscu speaks as she sizes you up.
"How many years has Eva been gone from her?" you ask sorrowfully, knowing how much Miranda loves her daughter.
"It's been a century. When I first met her, she wasn't as distant as she became in the following decades. Perhaps it was because her hope for Eva's resurrection was greatest at that time. But after countless failures, she became more and more indifferent, sometimes even cruel. Besides accepting volunteers, she would tie the heretics to the operating table and complete her experiment, which was when the rumors of lycans began. For those decades, her life was only about preaching and experimentation, and nothing else could move her." Lady Dimitriscu tells you with grief. "You're the first."
You cannot imagine how much pain Miranda has gone through. The Spanish flu took away her only love, causing her to isolate herself for a hundred years. You finally fully understand her various ambiguous behaviors before. There's something pulling her true self, restraining her, forcing her to suppress her emotions and desires. Who could treat her like this? Only herself.
You get lost in your thoughts for a while until Angie sharply calls your name, which brings you back to reality. You see Lady Beneviento gesturing something to her doll, then Angie speaks with a soothing voice, "Miranda has helped us a lot, and I'm grateful for that. I'm willing to do something for her. But in recent years, she's become increasingly reluctant to appear in public eye, you know, she's almost like Donna now." Angie's voice suddenly becomes sharp at the end of her statement.
"With her help, I have three daughters, Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. That's the happiest thing for me. I hope she can find her happiness too, just hoping the process isn't so painful. I'm looking forward to sharing the joy of raising daughters with her." Lady Dimitriscu smiles, but her eyes look bitter at the three girls teasing around Lady Beneviento and Angie, one slightly reserved, one ready to quarrel with Angie and start a chase, and one teasing her sisters.
"In any case, we really enjoy our lives," Lady Dimitriscu concludes. Bela can't stop her sisters and Angie from quickly leaving to play, so she awkwardly sits beside Lady Beneviento, letting go of Cassandra's cloak in her hand. Lady Dimitriscu shares a lot about their experiences with Miranda.
"I didn't know about these things before. I was attracted to her, even confessed my feelings to her, and then she rejected me." You tell them about your laboratory life with Miranda.
"Perhaps you are the new variable in Miranda's experiment," a deep, slightly hoarse voice comes from behind the black veil.
At this moment, the three wind-like women return to the living room, all saying in unison, "Miranda is at the door!" They've watched her hesitating to knock on the door for several minutes.
You realize you have to say something to her now. You really hope Miranda can find her true self. It's something you can do.
You open the door and see her standing there in a subdued manner, her hands twisted together uncomfortably.
"Hey, this doesn't look like you're the village's priestess!" you step forward and gently place your hand on hers. Miranda looks up, surprised to see you opening the door. There's a hint of panic in her blue eyes, "Oh." Then she seems to try to calm herself down. She releases her hand, letting yours slip away naturally. "Aren't you afraid of me?"
You come a bit closer to her, "No." "Even if I tell you my true identity, the things I've done, including abducting you." Miranda tries to bury her unease in the pebbles on the ground. "No, Miranda. You don't need to be flawless," your hands cover her cold cheeks, making her look up, meeting your eyes, "I know I can't completely understand your pain, but you're allowed to have other feelings. You've just kidnapped yourself, thinking your love for little Eva should be everything. But accepting others' feelings for you doesn't change anything, my dear. You're the village's priestess, people should love and respect you, not fear you. The wooden goat would prefer neighbors who play and laugh with it, rather than being lonely in a solemn shrine. It would also want to see the world outside the mountain." You see waves in her eyes. "Allowing yourself to be whole won't stop you from finding Eva. If Eva wakes up and sees her mother is so different from the last time she saw her, will she feel strange and sad?" "I...never thought about these things." She closes her eyes, feeling your thumb brushing away her tears.
"It's okay, Miranda. You can try, so the villagers won't be afraid, and the Four Lords can find their friend Miranda, rather than having a chilling superior-subordinate relationship."
"What about you?" Miranda asks softly.
"Me? I'll do my best to help you achieve your wish, to have Eva by your side again."
"I have a simpler wish." You've hardly ever seen Miranda smile like this. She puts her hand on the nape of your neck, pulling you towards her, planting a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Hey, Miranda." You tuck a strand of her dark hair behind her ear.
"Do you know crows are actually colorful in the eyes of other birds?"
"Didn't the Megamycete tell you?" you chuckle, embracing her.
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46snowfox · 9 months
Kino Chaos Lineage Capítulo 1
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[Prólogo Scarlet]
Lugar: Mansión Scarlet, Habitación disponible
Yui: Entonces elijo a Kino-san…
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Kino: Hm, así que yo. Dime, ¿por qué me elegiste?
Yui: Pues, por una corazonada…
Kino: ¿Qué demonios? ¿Eliges a la persona que estará a tu lado por una mera corazonada? Eva ha de tener nervios de acero.
Yui: (Por más que reclame no tengo cómo rebatirle, de verdad que no ha sido más que por mera intuición.)
Kino: Fufu, bueno, no importa. Ahora que me elegiste… las cosas se pondrán divertidas.
Yui: (¿Qué será? Acabo de sentir un escalofrío recorrer mi espalda… Es solo mi imaginación, ¿no?)
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Yui: (Todos se retiraron tras la elección de mi vigilante.)
Yui: (Aunque me pregunto si Kino-san tendrá razón, tal vez no debí elegir a mi acompañante tan al azar.)
Yui: (Más importante, la historia que me contaron ayer…)
Yui: (Dijeron que por más que me tuvieran en su poder desconocían cómo convertirse en el rey supremo.)
Yui: No parece que vayan a matarme, pero ¿qué sucederá de ahora en adelante…?
*knock knock*
Yui: ¡Ah…! ¡Pase!
Yui: (¿Quién será?)
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Kino: Veo que despertaste. ¿Cómo te sientes?
Yui: Igual que siempre…
Kino: ¿Ah sí? Pues que bueno. Avísame si te pasa algo. No me causes problemas.
Yui: Entendido…
Yui: (Problemas eh. Desde la perspectiva de Kino-san no soy más que trabajo extra.)
Kino: Por cierto, debes de haberla pasado mal ayer, ya que todos intentaban capturarte.
Yui: Pues sí. Apenas había abierto los ojos y ya me encontraba en medio de un campo de batalla.
Yui: (Ese ambiente arrebatadoramente tenso… Me pregunto qué clase de batallas ocurrirán de ahora en adelante. Solo pensar en ello me abruma.)
Kino: Pareces estar hundida en tus pensamientos. Eso no será bueno para tu salud… Ya sé, ¿quieres salir un momento?
Yui: ¿Eh…? ¿Salir?
Kino: Estar todo el tiempo encerrada ha de ser asfixiante, por eso es mejor cambiar de aires.
Yui: (Tras todo lo que dijeron ayer pensé que no me dejarían poner ni un solo pie afuera… ¿Me equivoqué?)
Yui: ¿De verdad puedo salir? Reiji-san podría enojarse…
Kino: Solo caminaremos por los terrenos de la mansión. No pasará nada si no nos descubren.
Kino: Además, las palabras de ese cabeza dura tampoco son ley.
Yui: Pero…
Kino: Te digo que no pasa nada. ¡Vamos, andando!
Yui: ¡Ah…! ¡Espere, Kino-san!
Yui: (A juzgar por lo sucedido ayer creo firmemente que desobedecer a Reiji-san desembocará en un gran problema.)
Yui: (¿De verdad estará bien hacer lo que nos plazca?)
Lugar Afueras de la mansión
Yui: Wow, que brisa tan agradable…
Yui: (Estaba nerviosa, pero me alegro de haber salido. El viento nocturno es reconfortante…)
Yui: (Además, cuando llegué no pude darme el lujo de apreciarlo… pero el exterior de la mansión es realmente precioso.)
Yui: (Más adelante hay un bosque. Este lugar está rodeado por la naturaleza, es precioso… Si tan solo no estuviéramos en medio de un conflicto.)
Yui: Muchas gracias Kino-san. Ya me siento un poco mejor.
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Kino. …Es hasta lamentable lo mucho que bajas la guardia.
Yui: ¿Eh…?
Kino: Mira que agradecerme por hacer algo tan ínfimo como esto, que tonta eres.
Kino: Pero… ahora finalmente podré succionar tu sangre.
Yui: ¡¿Kya…?!
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Yui: (Duele… ¡Es demasiado fuerte…!)
Kino: Vamos, quédate quieto. Si te mueves ni yo sabré en dónde terminaré clavándote mis colmillos.
Yui: ¡¿C-colmillos?! ¿Acaso… desde un principio planeabas succionar mi sangre…?
Kino: Por supuesto. No puedo succionar con calma tu sangre en la mansión, pero aquí nadie nos interrumpirá.
Kino: Siempre me interesó saber cómo sabía la sangre de Eva.
Yui: ¡N-no! ¡Si haces eso moriré!
Kino: No morirás por perder un poco de sangre. Aunque no sé si terminaré bebiéndola toda.
Yui: ¡…!
Kino: Fufu, linda expresión. Ya veo… así que esta será la primera vez que succionen tu sangre.
Yui: ¡…! Mi brazo… me duele… Kino-san…
Yui: (Pensé que era una buena persona… Sabía que no debía relajarme con un vampiro.)
Kino: Escucha, voy a perforar tu cuello con mis colmillos. ¿Qué tan doloroso crees que será?
Yui: …No… lo hagas…
Kino: Que reacción tan inocente, me alegro de haberla visto. Vamos, saborea por primera vez la sensación de los colmillos. Nn… Nn…
Yui: Aah…
Yui: (¡…Duele…! Mi cuello me arde…)
Yui: (Mi sangre sale de mi cuello… No me gusta… esto…)
Kino: Wow… que potente… Es mucho más dulce de lo que imaginé. Es como un higo, podría volverme adicto.
Yui: Por favor… ya suélteme…
Kino: ¿Cómo podría soltar una delicia como esta? Ahora será desde aquí.
Yui: No, basta…
Kino: No me detendré. ¡Nn… Nn…!
Yui: Uuh… Aah…
Yui: (¡No, duele…! Que alguien me ayude…)
Yui: (Un vampiro succiona mi sangre… ¿Así es como moriré…?)
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Yui: ¿Uh? ¿Qué…?
Yui: (Ese lugar…)
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Yui: (Sí… es verdad… Esto no basta para matarme.)
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Yui: (Porque ya han bebido mi sangre una cantidad incontable de veces.)
Yui: (En la mansión Sakamaki, todos han—)
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*sonido de algo rompiéndose*
Yui: …Aah… Aah…
Yui: (Lo recordé… Yo—)
Yui: (Yo soy Yui Komori.)
Yui: (¿En dónde estoy? ¡¿Qué fue lo que sucedió?!)
Kino: …Oye, no me digas que ya te rompiste. La diversión recién ha empezado.
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Yui: Usted… ¿Quién es?
Kino: ¿Ah? ¿A qué viene eso ahora? Me presenté junto a mis hermanos, ¿recuerdas?
Yui: ¿Hermanos…?
Yui: (¡Es verdad! ¡Reiji-san y los demás! Cuando me desperté estaba en una iglesia y luego me trajeron hasta acá—)
Yui: (¿Por qué ahora Yuma-san es hermano de Reiji-san y Shu-san? Además, ¡¿qué es todo eso del “rey supremo”?!)
Yui: (¿Qué está pasando? No entiendo absolutamente nada…)
Yui: No estamos en Kaminashi… ¿Es el mundo demonio? ¿O acaso es otro lugar?
Yui: ¿Esa mansión le pertenece a la familia Sakamaki? Pero entonces, ¿qué hay de esa iglesia?
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Kino: Sakamaki… ¿Acaso has recuperado la memoria?
Yui: ¿Mi memoria…?
Kino: Te diste cuenta de lo descabellada que es esta situación, ¿me equivoco?
Yui: Sí, así es.
Kino: …Aah, supongo que ya no tengo motivos para guardar secretos.
Kino: No imaginé que tus recuerdos volverían al succionar tu sangre. Esto estaba fuera de mis cálculos.
Yui: ¿Quién es usted…?
Kino: No tienes que ser tan precavida. Volveré a presentarme, mi nombre es Kino.
Kino: Soy el príncipe cero de Karl Heinz.
Yui: ¿De Karl Heinz…?
Yui: ¿…eh? ¡¿Eeeh?! ¡¿Entonces eres hermano de Ayato-kun y los demás?!
Yui: ¡Jamás pensé que tendrían otro hermano…!
Kino: Bueno, soy un hijo ilegítimo, es normal que no lo supieras.
Kino: Debido a ciertos motivos no me criaron para heredar la corona, soy a lo que llaman “un bastardo”.
Yui: Ya veo…
Yui: (Toda la situación familiar de los Sakamaki es complicada, no es extraño imaginar que haya un hijo ilegítimo de por medio…)
Kino: Lo aceptaste más rápido de lo que imaginé, bueno, eso acelera las cosas.
Yui: (¿Realmente es hijo de Karl Heinz…? Nunca antes había escuchado algo sobre él…)
Kino: Se nota que no me crees. Aunque es normal, a fin de cuentas soy un hijo no reconocido.
Kino: Soy un bastardo que no fue criado para heredar la corona.
Kino: Si quieres puedo mandar a volar algo usando mis poderes para que me creas.
Yui: ¡¿Eh?! ¡No necesitas llegar a tal extremo, te creo…!
Kino: Ya veo, que bueno que me creas.
Fin de las opciones
Yui: ¿Pero qué hace usted aquí…?
Yui: Para empezar, ¡¿en dónde estamos?!
Kino: Cálmate. Además, no seas tan formal conmigo, quiero que seamos amigos.
Yui: Ah… Entendido. ¿Entonces qué tal si te llamo Kino-kun?
Yui: Oh, permítame presentarme otra vez. Me llamo Yui Komori. Hasta ahora he estado viviendo en la mansión Sakamaki—
Kino: Ya lo sé. Vives junto a los hermanos Sakamaki y eres la única e inigualable Eva, ¿verdad?
Yui: ¿Eh? ¿Cómo sabes eso?
Kino: Bueno, eso no importa ahora. La situación actual es el verdadero problema.
Kino: Creo que ya lo sabes, estamos en una ubicación desconocida y todos están actuando extraño.
Yui: S-sí… Aunque hasta hace nada no me lo planteaba.
Yui: Parece que mis recuerdos fueron modificados. Me había olvidado por completo de todos.
Yui: Solo pensaba en que durante mucho tiempo estuve dormida en la iglesia y que yo era Eva, a quien los demás debían robar para determinar quién se ganaría esta batalla y se convertiría en el rey supremo.
Kino: Hm, también alteraron mis recuerdos. Imagino que pasó lo mismo con los demás.
Kino: Me implantaron la idea de que en este lugar… hay que pelear para convertirse en el rey supremo.
Yui: La batalla para convertirse en el rey supremo…
Kino: Bueno, afortunadamente pude recuperarme gracias a esto.
Yui: ¿Un celular?
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Kino: Sí, mientras jugaba con él terminé abriendo mi e-mail y gracias a eso logré recordar varias cosas.
Kino: Aun así, no tengo ni idea de en dónde estamos y como no hay internet no puedo usar mi celular.
Yui: Ya veo… Eso significa que no podemos contactar con el mundo exterior…
Kino Exacto, por eso no me hubiera servido intentar trabajar solo. Y por eso mismo me adapté y examiné la situación.
Yui: Entiendo… ¿Eh?
Yui: ¿Entonces por qué succionaste mi sangre?
Kino: Porque quise darme un gusto. Olías tan dulce que no pude controlarme.
Kino: Nunca había bebido una sangre tan especial, quise darle una probadita.
Yui: ¡¿Solo por eso?!
Yui: (Aunque no puedo culparlo, sé que mi sangre es especial para los vampiros.)
Yui: (Todos los hermanos Sakamaki han succionado mi sangre por la misma razón, así que no tiene sentido enojarme con él…)
Kino: Tu sangre es de primera clase. Es bueno que no se la tengas que dar a cualquier vampiro.
Kino: Sabía mejor de lo que esperaba. Creo que nos llevaremos de maravilla.
Yui: S-supongo.
Kino: Dicho esto, unamos fuerzas. En estos momentos somos los únicos que han recuperado sus recuerdos.
Kino: ¿No crees que deberíamos ayudarnos?
Yui: (Es cierto que me siento desolada ahora que todos han enloquecido.)
Yui: (¿Pero realmente puedo confiar en Kino-kun…)
Yui: (…No, actualmente no estoy en posición de dudar.)
Yui: Está bien… Unamos fuerzas y superemos esta situación.
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Kino: Fufu, pues decidido. Cuento contigo.
"Sostuve la fría mano que Kino-kun me tendió.
Una tierra desconocida en donde los recuerdos de todos han sido alterados.
Mi ansiedad aumenta al no saber qué es lo que está sucediendo.
Kino-kun parece haber entrecerrado sus ojos y esbozado una sonrisa al notar mi estado.
Sus ojos parecían un par de lunas crecientes y solo lograban despertar mi preocupación—"
[Capítulo 2]
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miyakohirawa · 7 months
oii! gostaria de compartilhar minha situação e pedir ajuda. 🤕
bem, sou uma cristã e me converti no final do ano passado. antes disso, eu "praticava" a lei da suposição, mas assim que decidi aceitar Cristo, acabei deixando essa prática de lado. com o passar dos dias, comecei a ler a bíblia e a entender melhor a história de Adão e Eva. a parte em que a cobra fala sobre eva poder ser como Deus me deixou confusa... no início achei bem irônico e engraçado, mas depois comecei a me questionar se isso não se aplicava ao meu caso com a LDS. sei que tudo isso pode parecer bobo, mas tenho sido atormentada por essa dúvida há muito tempo. eu tenho medo de desagradar a Deus, o meu Deus cristão. fico me perguntando se Ele está me reprovando por querer manifestar as coisas por mim mesma, e com esse pensamento de "achar que sou como ele" como é dito na história... também confesso que nunca li todos os livros de neville, mas mesmo sabendo que ele cita versículos bíblicos, sinto esse medo de estar fazendo algo errado.
estou de férias da escola e minha família está passando por situações difíceis, pois minhas duas avós tiveram AVC ao mesmo tempo. essa situação me afetou profundamente, juntamente com a solidão e outras questões pessoais, que me fizeram ficar desanimada, sem esperança, e nem conseguia levantar da cama direito. inicialmente eu cogitei a possibilidade de curar as duas mudando de realidade, mas depois me achei sem noção por querer usar esse ""pensamento ilusório"" então logo deixei isso pra lá. eu não tinha saúde mental nem paciência para mais nada. não estava me comunicando com Deus e falhei no relacionamento com Ele. parei de praticar a lei da suposição por criar várias crenças limitantes devido ao tempo que fiquei sem me aprofundar no assunto novamente (também por falta de interesse). fiquei paralisada por um longo tempo, sem fazer nada. agora, estou em um melhor estado mental e decidi trabalhar para mudar, buscar evolução e me movimentar para compreender algo que talvez eu ainda não saiba. sinto que sua ajuda pode ser essencial pra mim.
não quero deixar de praticar LDS. sinto que ainda não enxergo o que pode ser necessário. quero tentar equilibrar minha fé cristã com a lei da suposição e saber se isso é possível. eu sei que a lei não tem religião, mas a questão é simplesmente o padrão de pensamento de "ser como Deus" que me faz sentir mal e achar que Ele está me incomodando pra eu deixar somente ELE agir sobre a minha vida...
olá. Eu compreendo o seu pensamento e entendo sua dúvida, adimito que também passei pela mesma situação. Já te digo que é possível equilibrar sua fé cristã com a LDS, ainda mais porque Neville Goddard também pregava o cristianismo, de forma diferente da comum. A frase de que somos Deus vem da ideia de que temos uma parte de Deus dentro de nós, e que podemos ter o que quisermos através Dele. Na lei da suposição nos espelhamos em Deus, a vontade Dele é feita por Ele sem pensar em limitações, mundo físico e coisas assim, Ele simplesmente faz a vontade Dele, assim devemos fazer também, manifestar nossos objetivos através de nós mesmos, pois dentro de nós, Deus está. De qualquer forma, seguindo as crenças da Lei da suposição, tendo religião ou não, manifestamos inconscientemente tudo ao nosso redor, mas a ideia central é essa mencionada anteriormente, então é claro que independente da religião podemos manifestar qualquer coisa. Por fim, faça o que te fizer bem, se quer equilibrar sua fé cristã com a LDS, vá em frente e esqueça esses pensamentos que te limitam, dando a ideia de que você não pode manifestar sendo cristã. Sugiro que se quer entender melhor sobre isso, leia mais os PDFS de Neville, eles estão disponibilizados aqui no meu perfil, onde rebloguei um post da @thwbk47, nesse post, tem os livros principais dele. Esqueça as crenças limitantes, você pode tudo. Manifesto melhoras para suas avós, estão todas bem e com saúde.
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altairtalisman · 6 months
Emmet's Bio
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"All these lives, her trust... do none of these mean anything to you?!"
More details about Emmet is under the cut
Name: Emmet Ilagorta
Age: 833
Height: 181 cm
Birthday: 8 Secuna 1032 (Khra'ia)
Orientation: Cisgender Heterosexual Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Dullahan (formerly elf)
Title: The First Dullahan
Country of Birth: Balwirk
Likes: Ice cream, beef pot pie, soda, The Third Dullahan
Dislikes: The Eighth Dullahan, the Unois Empire, racism, gambling
Hobbies: Carpentry, cooking
Personality: Noble, just, and polite, he adheres to a high moral code and does his best to ensure that everyone is treated equally regardless of race, even his enemies (except The Eighth Dullahan)
Style: Wears a long vest that has a chain fastener with the Ilagorta family symbol embossed on them, loose pants and a pair of navy blue boots along with a pair of gloves to hide his title scar. Prefers neutral colours to complement his hair, also wears a Hirdiellese mask with a four-pointed wine-coloured star painted in the middle of the forehead
Status: Dead (DOD: 4 Primna 1865)
Abilities: Shadow manipulation, proficient with ice magic
Background: As the only child born to the noble Ilagorta house, Emmet was raised to be in charge of his family affairs by the time he was 60 years old and was groomed to be one of Balwirk's next generation of leaders. When he turned 103, he was acquainted with the Domanra family and developed a relationship with Eva, their second daughter and made plans to marry after they turned 150
In 1149, there were whispers of a radical group of elven researchers who sought ways to preserve life even after their heads had been severed from the neck. As a leader, he was expected to investigate deeper into this issue. During his investigation, he received an anonymous tip to investigate the Sofénaiths which he followed through. Before he could properly investigate, he was knocked out and woke up to the sight of his body, his neck severed and with a bright cyan flame blazing out from it
The researchers then cheered at their first success, carving a 1 onto the back of his left hand all while covered in blood and surrounded by dead bodies, much to Emmet's horror. While restraining him with magic-draining chains, the Sofénaiths explained that they were trying to find a way to cure both their daughter and Gerald's illnesses, and they were truly apologetic that a high ranking noble would be part of their experiment
Leaving him trapped in a room, he could only spend his days attempting to free himself from his chains. Many years later, Gerald joined him, threatening to kill his own father the moment he escaped. The first thing Emmet noticed was the tree branches that came out of the Fourth Dullahan's neck, green flames adorning the tips. Emmet attempted to calm his new 'roommate' down, but was attacked by Gerald and in the process, Gerald had managed to tear his skin off using nothing but his teeth. In response, Emmet tackled him and thus marked a period of uncomfortable silence until Brianna and Cain joined
He then learnt that Brianna was their newest survivor, which angered Emmet as it meant that countless of lives were lost in order for the survivor count to reach nine. He had also learnt from Brianna that both Charles and Eva went missing shortly after him, which made him feel responsible for their unknown fates. Eventually, they were able to escape thanks to Addyson stunning the researchers with her sound magic. He was then reunited with Charles and Eva, who had both survived the experiment
After they killed the researchers and ended the experiment, they kept the notes and studied it despite their distaste towards the entire act. Aileen was able to identify the flaws in the research notes, which cultivated in the alarmingly high mortality rate. Together with Eva, Hywel as well as Ilias' existing research on arcane magic, the trio was able to create a ritual that tapped onto Ratein's ley lines which made it safer to turn someone into a dullahan. Afterwards, they destroyed the original notes such that no one could ever attempt the cruel methods used to create dullahans again
Brianna and Danielle then pointed out that the very notion of turning someone into a dullahan was unthinkable, and sought to get an unanimous consensus that under no circumstances should the 16 turn others into dullahans unless the individual in question was prepared to bear the curse of being one. Emmet wholeheartedly agreed, not wanting such an incident to ever happen again
While his family welcomed both back with open arms despite being dullahans, public opinion towards them were unfavourable and they were forcibly stripped of their nobility. He tried to convince the other noble dullahans to appeal to the public, but their appeals fell short. He was also surprised to learn that the Domanras started to oppose his relationship with Eva due to their dullahan status, but didn't publicly disown her likely to present themselves as family-oriented despite the 'unfortunate circumstances'. They decided to go ahead with the marriage and were considered officially married on 24 Secuna 1206
For the next few centuries, Emmet spent his time running a soup kitchen for the socially disadvantaged in Balwirk, regardless of species. He was very aware that his wife was turning numerous beings into dullahans, but said nothing about it as he trusted that she did it for sympathetic reasons. However, when news of dead dullahans started to surface, he had to question Eva to ease his own worries. When she denied knowledge of the killings, he started to wonder if Gerald, who had a strange fixation towards his tree, had something to do with the killings. At one point, Eva shared that while captured, Berine was unusually firm in insisting that Cain had something to do with the experiment. While troubled, Emmet decided that it was best to chalk things up to coincidence and focus on helping the Balwirkians
In 1694, news of Hywel's mysterious death reached Balwirk followed by Finbar's death in 1701 and Dylan's in 1702. This troubled him as it was starting to resemble a hunt for all the original dullahans, but didn't have time to process his thoughts properly as the Balwirkian War raged. During the ambush on 18 Rexim 1706, he caught Gerald siding with the Unois Empire and confronted him about it. While he merely wanted to immobilise Gerald with his ice magic, the Fourth Dullahan was determined to kill him by all means necessary, forcing him to fight him to the death and coming out victorious. Before freezing and shattering Gerald into many pieces, the latter laughed and said that he regretted not tearing Emmet's entire skin off his face. He added that Emmet was a fool for failing to realise that Cain was the reason why the Unios Empire became what it was then
Emmet decided to apologise to Gerald for everything he had to endure ever since he developed the fatal Respiratree Disease and shattered Gerald. With the war lost, all he could do was to retreat and hope that majority of his fellow dullahans were still alive. He then fell through a teleportation portal that he recognised to be Hugh's, promptly dropping him into a room where Danielle and a fatally wounded Eva were. Using her telepathy magic, she informed him that Cain was the reason why the empire was created, supporting Gerald's final words. Danielle then explained that due to the wounds Eva suffered, yon was unable to heal her and she didn't have long to live. Emmet understood and decided to stay by her side until she passed four days later in 22 Rexim 1706
He had informed the Domanras about Eva's death but was shocked to discover that they had disowned her the moment their marriage was officialised. With no one to turn to given that his own family died in the war, he could only continue with the soup kitchen especially since West Balwirk saw an influx of East Balwirkians. In late Secuna 1758, he received news that the Domanras had been murdered, with a letter addressed to him insisting to not look further into their deaths and accept it. Emmet, fed up with all of the secrets both friend and foe seem to have, decided to organise peaceful protests against the Unois Empire in hopes that Balwirk will unite once more
In 1764, Giselle had approached him and tried to get him to spearhead violent protests, something which he was reluctant to after recalling the Balwirkian War. He only caved in eight years later in 1772 after Addyson informed him saying that due to his popularity and a hidden weapon stash that Finbar hid, many Balwirkians regardless of side were extremely willing to take violent means to get their point across
Due to the high number of rebels, Emmet's soup kitchen was eventually unable to accommodate full scale meetings and had to move into the orphanage in 1838. Able to plan in a relatively safe location, the rebels were able to unite East Balwirk, Crex, Lindow and Nantrax together over the years but still weren't enough to go against the empire's military. The turning point came in Dia'ae 1863 when Noah suddenly returned to Relnivon in his true form and caused mass destruction within the country
Due to the sight of a free wyvern openly rebelling against the empire, the dragon captives followed suit, which started a domino effect that led to the Relnivians to openly rebel against the empire. West Balwirk had also seized this window of opportunity to launch another rebellion against the empire, forcing the Unois Empire to divide its resources against three fronts. In order to advance, Emmet, Giselle, and Addyson entered Relnivon to provide the Relnivians with support, which meant working alongside Noah
After Giselle's death in 31 Dia'ae 1864, Emmet worked harder to organise more rebellions so as to further dismantle the empire's power, which resulted in him getting drunk on more than one occasion to take the edge of. This led to the accidental reveal that Gerald had also betrayed the dullahans during the Balwirkian War, though the only being who knew about it was Berine, who pretended that he said nothing about the topic
On 4 Primna 1865, he and Addyson had managed to corner Cain, who was prepared to kill them both at the cost of his own life. Despite their best efforts, Cain proved to be a competent fighter despite his inability to use magic. Emmet, who wanted to capture Cain alive so that he could face his misdeeds, attempted to freeze him the same way he did to Gerald. However, in the midst of freezing Cain, the latter had detonated a bomb that would kill everyone within range. Realising that Cain had never planned to leave the war alive, he decided to freeze himself along with the Eighth Dullahan in an ice prison in hopes of containing the explosion...
Former Appearance:
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astraeaqutie · 1 year
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crypticsketchpad · 1 year
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tagarou deep cut designs (feat. ley-eva big man in the last pic)! i wanna draw all the idols as tagarou but ive only gotten to these two lol. plus bonus splatfest reaction pic; not mad, just incredulous lmao rip frye
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godeatershq · 2 months
mw fcs?
Vamos para a listinha de rostos que eu adoraria ver por aqui: Taylor Russell, Thomas Weatherall, Taylor Zakar Perez, Julia Dalavia, Rish Shah, Jessie Mei Lei, Lee Dohyun, Megan Suri, Laura Harrier, Eddie Liu, Greta Onieogou, Prajakta Koli, Ayo Edebiri, Michael Evans Behling, Courtney Eaton, Kit Connor, Woo Do Hwan, Michael Cimino, Ella Purnell, Halston Sage, Savannah Lee Smith, Liv Hewson, Felix Mallard, Daniel Ezra, Madelyn Cline, D'pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, Will Poulter, Alva Bratt, Yandeh Sallash, Joshua Orpin, Henry Zaga, Josh Heuston, Greg Hsu, Mason Gooding, Evan Mock, Rachel Sennott, Rain Spencer, Ruby Cruz, Mint Ranchrawee, Mackenyu, Tati Gabrielle, Nicole Maines, Lexi Underwood, Anthony Keyvan, Jeff Satur, Alex Fitzalan, Eva Reign, Zión Moreno, Brianne Tju, Chloé Hayden, Apo Nattawin, Samantha Aucoin, Medalion Rahimi, Archie Renaux e Sohan Pague.
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ginnyrules27 · 1 year
To clarify about the ships in your Choosing series, yes, all the ships. Existing and new.
Gotcha! :D
Whoo, hold on to your hats people cause this will be a long one. Putting a read more after this so I don't spoil it for people who don't want spoilers but at this point, people know the characters are coming lol :D
Ships: (edited due to errors in original post)
Existing characters:
Phillip Jr/Melody
Evan/Hermie Bing
OC Who Shall Not Be Named/Audrey
Kitty/Roland Hood
Lucy/Bobby Hood
Hadie/Alex Charming
Celia/Cyrus (an OC who's only been named, he's one of the Hun kids)
Neal White/Grace Hatter
Dizzy/Lacey LeGume
Locklyn/One of the Stabbington Cousins (I hc their names 'Switch' and 'Blade')
Strat/Gillian LeGume
Georgia LeGume/Rick Ratcliffe
Derek/Piper LeGume
Edmund/Paige Hatter
New Characters/Next Gen:
Okay I think that's everyone...@descenderwithanamethyst did I forget any ships?
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jartita-me-teneis · 4 months
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➖Eva Cárdenas, la esposa de Alberto Núñez Feijóo, se enfrenta a una querella por su reciente adquisición: una lujosa casa en Moaña, Galicia, valorada en más de 600.000 euros. PLADESEMAPESGA denuncia que la ubicación y las obras de esta "mansión" son ilegales, contraviniendo la Ley de Costas y el Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de la Xunta de Galicia. Según la plataforma, la vivienda no estaría conectada al alcantarillado ni cuenta con depuradora o fosas sépticas legales.
➖A pesar de las resoluciones favorables de la Comisión de Transparencia de Galicia, las gestiones para obtener documentación legal han sido infructuosas. La Axencia de Protección da Legalidade Urbanística y la Valedora do Pobo no han respondido a las solicitudes.
➖Además, Cárdenas posee múltiples propiedades de alto valor, acumulando un patrimonio que ronda los 4 millones de euros, incluyendo lujosos inmuebles en A Coruña y Oleiros. Junto a Feijóo, suman once propiedades, levantando serias dudas sobre la legalidad y la ética detrás de su fortuna.
➖Es imperativo que las autoridades investiguen y actúen conforme a la ley para asegurar que naduie, por poderoso que sea, esté por encima de las normativas que protegen nuestro entorno y nuestro patrimonio común, aunque esta demanda no se base en recortes de prensa con bulos. ¿Alguien duda que si esta casa fuera de Begoña Gómez ya estaría siendo demolida? ¿A qué esperan nuestros imparciales jueces para investigar el patrimonio de @NunezFeijoo y su pareja, Eva Cardenas? #LaParejaDeFeijóo #LeyDeCostas #JusticiaParaGalicia
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"El Sueño y la Pesadilla: Brasil y su Danza Eterna entre el Bien y el Mal"
Hoy quiero compartirles sobre "El gran conflicto" y utilizaré como referencia este hermoso país: Brasil
Brasil se encuentra en el top de los países con más seguidores de Cristo. Con aproximadamente un total de 185 millones de cristianos. Lo curioso es que Brasil también se encuentra entre los países que más le adora a Satanás en Latinoamérica, porque pasa esto muchos se preguntarán.
Toda la humanidad se halla ahora inmersa en un gran conflicto entre Cristo y Satanás, en cuanto al carácter de Dios, su ley y su soberanía sobre el universo. Este conflicto se originó en el cielo cuando un ser creado, dotado de libre albedrío, se exaltó a sí mismo y se convirtió en Satanás, el adversario de Dios, y condujo a la rebelión a una parte de los ángeles. Satanás indujo el espíritu de rebelión cuando indujo a Adán y Eva a pecar. Observado por toda la creación, este mundo se convirtió en el campo de batalla del conflicto universal, a cuyo término el Dios de amor quedara finalmente vindicado. Para ayudar a su pueblo en este conflicto, Cristo envía a su Espíritu Santo y a los Ángeles leales para guiarlo, protegerlo y sostenerlo en el camino de la salvación.
Apocalipsis 12:9- Arrojaron del cielo al gran dragón, que es la serpiente antigua, es decir, el diablo, llamado Satanás , que se dedica a engañar a todo el mundo. Él y sus ángeles fueron lanzados a la tierra.
Hebreos 1:14- Porque los ángeles son solamente espíritus que sirven a Dios, y él los envía para ayudar a toda la gente que Dios habrá de salvar.
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