apothequery-blog · 5 years
“ Why do you love me? “ -Primrose to Alfyn
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☀╎         SHE THOUGHT HERSELF UNLOVEABLE- so broken, so tainted that no one could love her. Had he been asked at the start of his journey- maybe he’d have seen the truth in how she felt. The stigma against her profession was something even he had to unlearn, he who prided himself on accepting most anyone.
He held her, cradled against his chest, her head rested where his heart beat. They didn’t look at each other, they couldn’t; she was afraid to admit things eye to eye, he couldn’t bear the expression of pain on her porcelain face.
          “Lots of reasons.” He mumbled shortly, taking a long breath into the roots of her hair. That didn’t cut it. She deserved to have them listed out, as many as she wanted, as many as he could find. “You’re brave. You’re strong. You ain’t afraid of anything, an’ you don’t let anyone push you around. Despite your hardships, you’re kind, you’re funny ‘n cute as a button...” He trailed off, reciting by rote the laundry list of things he loved and adored about her; from her prowess, to the most minute details of her posture and personality. And, at the end of everything; “Bu’ most importantly... Cos you’re Prim.”
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
rp sentence starters - 5 w’s 
“ Who are you? “
“ Who are you really? “
“ Who was that? “
“ Who’s there? “
“ Who am I? “
“ Who cares? “
“ Who knows? “
“ What’s going on? “
“ What are you? “
“ What just happened? “
“ What do we do now? “
“ What are you doing here? “
“ What do you know about me? “
“ What do you know about them? “
“ What the hell? “
“ What happened to you? “
“ What happened to us? “
“ When did this happen? “
“ When did you get that bruise? “
“ When did all of this start? “
“ When are you going to start telling the truth? “
“ When did you first start lying to me? “ 
“ When can I see you again? “
“ When’s dinner? “
“ When are we gonna get there? “
“ Where am I? “
“ Where are we? “
“ Where are we going? “
“ Where are you going? “
“ Where have you been all this time? “
“ Where have I been? Uh… See… I can explain… “
“ Where were you when I needed you? “
“ Why did you do that? “
“ Why are we doing this again? “
“ Why are you doing this? “
“ Why did you hit me? “
“ Why did you kill them? “
“ Why do you hate me? “
“ Why do you love me? “
“ Why don’t we ever talk anymore? “ 
“ Why do I love you? “
“ Why did you do something so stupid? “
“ Why are you up so late? “
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
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// SO SO SO SO HERE’S THE COME BACK POST- hmu if you’re interested in keeping any threads/ships/AUs that we had together before I fucking died!!! Hmu if you wanna do more stuff!! Hmu if you wanna hmu!!
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
shieldingfaith replied to your post
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
destinysecho replied to your post
welcome back gracu!!!
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// THANK YOU!!!!
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
aeberstolen replied to your post
HOLDS YOU!! we missed you ;v;
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// HI I’VE MISSED EVERYONE TOO!!! I’m alive!! I’m well!! I’m here to hopefully write again!!! 
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
She clicked her tongue at him in mild scolding as he grinned and made himself wince. He was too swollen for that, though it made her a hypocrite to think it. Still, she put the cold cloth to his other cheek, the one she didn’t maintain a hold on, as if to quietly correct his behavior.
And he placed a scraped and on her arm, a touch so gentle and caring despite the brawling it was capable of meting out.
“It does make you a little bit stupid,” she confirmed. “And it does make me a little bit irritated.”
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Primrose sighed. “Because I don’t need to be protected. Not anymore.”
Maybe at some point in her life, she had. Maybe if he’d known her when she was fifteen and wandering alone. Maybe if he’d somehow been in Sunshade all those years ago, she could have used that protection.
“If you feel the need to fight for my reputation, then have you considered giving me a voice in that? What if I want to get in a fight too?” she was partly teasing him. “We’d fair a lot better in these brawls with two of us, and I’ve got more knives to pull than you do.”
Still. It was awfully noble of him. And no one had been noble for her in a while. She didn’t need it, but sometimes it felt nice not to have to take care of herself every waking moment.
“The kicked puppy look is cute on you, but I think you’re better without the black eye.”
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☀╎         SHE DIDN’T NEED TO be protected. That much was right, and he averted his eyes as she spoke. But she’d fought so many battles, for so many years, and he saw it in how guarded she was; she deserved to be protected, even if she could fight for herself... But he kept that to himself. Those were feelings for another time. He knew if he said anything, she’d clam up, and he was sort of enjoying having her tend to his boo boos.
          “If you wanna brawl ‘longside me, I won’ object.” He joked, laughing quietly as he brought his eyes back to her, “But forgive my soft heart if I don’ let ‘em bleed out.” His hands could never kill someone, but he knew Prim’s knives could- not that she would over something petty. Or... Maybe she would. He didn’t quite know.
He raised a hand to touch his face, hissing at the sting of the bruised and battered skin. “Well, good thing is... It’ll heal up quick enough. Hopefully I’ll be back to my same big ol’ bear self soon enough.” He reasoned, “Bad news... Ophilia is going to lose it. I’ll have to try ‘n convince her not to heal it right away, I’m guessin’.” 
Bruises like this could be carried with pride, and on top of that maybe he deserved to carry it a little while. A reminder that... Fights shouldn’t be picked lightly, that maybe he should consider looking a little bit more into protecting himself with something more than an axe and his friends.
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
Alfyn was dazed. Prim could see it, and it caused her some concern. She fell into place beside him and, worried, reached out and took his hand–
…And something struck like a clock chime in her. Inexplicable and deep. Primrose blinked and her grip on his wrist tightened for a moment. She didn’t know what it was that pulsed in her but she felt like she’d forgotten what she was doing here in the first place.
But he asked her to go on a walk with him. Wherever that was.
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“…Yes,” she said, answering quickly and without really thinking. “Yes, I’d like that, actually. Let’s go for a walk…”
She didn’t know where they were going, but something in her gut told her that it was good. That Alfyn should go there. That she should go with him.
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☀╎         HE FELT IT TOO- when her hand touched his, though she moved to stop him; something changed, flicking like a switch on something old and forgotten, but not forgotten to him. He moved her grip easily, twisting her hand around into the palm of his, holding it tightly and sparing her a knowing smile. Nothing held him back now, rooted to the place between Orewell and the path of Riverford.
          “Come on, then.” He said, voice now quiet as he pulled her along, into the creeping forest overhead. The beaten trail was lit with torches, but Alfyn led them away from that; into the underbrush, where brambles and bushes tugged at their hair and clothing- yet, seemed to shy at his presence. The darkness pierced by the lantern at his waist, the glint of wildlife as they regarded strangers, then fled without trouble. The creatures here were once gentle, something spoke to him, and he trusted it. Nothing he’d made had been made with malice, that was something learned.
He helped her over a fallen log here, a mossy bolder there, walking to an unmarked path, and soon; coming upon a beaten one. The tall grass parted obediently before a crystal walkway, winding through a trail of over sized plant life, an array of flowers and herbs that shouldn’t have been able to grow in the same field much less the same climate together. “...I don’t think it’s too far from here, right?” He mused aloud, with brows furrowed, confused. What was near by? He remembered the trail, but not what lay beyond...
Then, the trail wound one last time; and the clearing ahead lit with an ethereal glow. A pond with shimmering waters, illuminated up the cliff side by a series of pools and water falls that disappeared from view. Full, deep red roses bloomed from withered buds at their arrival, thorned vines shifting away from the edges of the pond, relinquishing their protective stance.
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
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// I think this is going to be the notice post for a short... Not hiatus. I’m sure I’ll still lurk since I Cannot Physically Stop Myself from snooping, but a short break. I need to get my creative mojo back since I’ve been in a strangle hold, so I’ll be back!!
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
@lonewolfthief truth+ do you think I'm chaotic
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☀╎         “DO Y’THINK YOU’RE NOT?”
          “I think you like chaos a lot, and you like the cover of chaos. I wouldn’t exactly... Peg ya as a chaotic person, but it certainly comes with your trade!”
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
My muse is hooked to a lie detector. Send "Truth!" + a question for them to answer honestly. If they lie they get shocked.
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
Your portrayal is so good, I love seeing you on my dash. Alfyn is such an adorable teddy bear.
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// I’M CRYIN’ IN THE CLUB thank you so much....
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
beep beep how’s my portrayal ?
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
“A little earthy, but no. You just taste like you.”
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“Can I have another~?”
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☀╎         “HAH! COURSE YOU CAN...” He didn’t chase the topic any longer- not when the lady wanted another kiss. He leaned down again, pressing her lips to his- as per request!
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
Cyrus allowed the other to work, noticing how weird it felt to simply not have an eye in that socket. He could only wonder what Therion was doing at the moment, however he knew what he was probably still doing as he saw him doing it earlier.
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{CYRUS} —- “Therion is likely off tricking people with my looks in an attempt to steal their leaves while they aren’t looking. If I get my body back and I find myself in jail I must ask that you and the others help me out.”
He’s going to have to give Therion a stern talking to later. One would think it would be smart to not roam about stealing things in someone else’s body, but apparently Therion either didn’t care or wasn’y aware of that fact.
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☀╎         ALFYN CORKED THE PHIAL, dropping it back into his satchel and dusting his hands off. Something was quite satisfying of administering the treatment himself, he’d have to offer to help more often.
          “Oh, don’ worry none Professor...” He chirped, “I’ll go hunt him down an’ bring him back. Y’won’t end up in jail.” He hoped, at least, that Therion wouldn’t be foolish enough to get caught... But Cyrus did lack the dexterity and strength that Therion used to get away from guards. 
...Yes, it’d be bad indeed for Therion to get caught. Alfyn reslung his satchel over his shoulder, taking a few steps to leave and go look for the thief in scholar’s clothing. “You keep thinkin’, Professor.”
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apothequery-blog · 5 years
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“Mmmm~ You sure do taste like a mollycoddle druggist with a sack of weeds. Must be the real deal.”
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☀╎         “ARE YOU SAYIN’ I taste like weeds? I don’t chew anything, promise.” 
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