#lex talks about the ex
Y'all I just remembered the funniest red flag about my partner:
There were two cats that lived in their house (not partners cats tho). Both frequently pissed and shat in my ex partners bedroom.
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thepunkmuppet · 11 months
apologies if someone has already made this type of post, because I’ve had the tag blocked for a couple days as I’ve only just been able to watch the stream, but here is all the new hatchetfield lore we learned in the hatchetfield halloween party livestream (sorry if I forgot something):
greenpeace girl’s name is harmony jones
in 2005, wilbur cross murdered douglas keane senior (duke’s dad), who was the sheriff of hatchetfield at the time. we have no idea why or how.
pamela foster refused to go to the hospital when giving birth, and hannah almost died in childbirth. lex psychically felt her dying, and activated her powers for the first time, reaching through the black and white and teleporting her outside the womb. by saving hannah, she apparently saved the entire universe
ted has died the most times out of any hatchetfield character but we all knew that. every time the world ends, he dies twice (main ted and homeless guy).
doctor laszlo, the doctor who sewed hannah’s finger back on in yellow jacket, is a mad scientist who claims to have “conquered death” and will feature in the possible NMT3 story “Frankenruth”.
bill has a literal soulmate, though we don’t know who it is (sylvia?? his ex-wife?? TED?? no idea)
in at least one timeline, becky and tom are engaged and have a baby called marie <3
hidgens is either haunted by the ghosts of the workin boys, haunted by evil creatures pretending to be the workin boys, or insane and hallucinating ghosts of the workin boys. they seem to be led by chad, who is confirmed to NOT be pokey in the workin boys short film, chad was genuinely just a guy hidgens liked, but it is unclear whether or not the chad the ghosts talk about is the real chad or something else.
tim houston has a crush on the “mature and totally cool” grace chasity
duke is getting married to someone else and my life is over and nothing will ever be okay again 👍
I will also transcribe the episode descriptions for the possible NMT3 episodes and other projects and post that in a bit :)
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Do you think after BruceQuest the bat kids + Oracle and Alfred (maybe or maybe not Batman)
all but blatantly cut contact with the Justice League?
Even if Batman forgives them for leaving him for dead even with all the evidence in front of them, they've still shown themselves wildly unreliable to even their own members
Unless the Justice League forces themselves into a Bat's conflict or other situation or the bats genuinely have no other option
Bats lean towards each other for help, next best thing is Young Justice or other heroes of their generation, and as last resorts, mercenaries or villains, maybe even ex-LOA members
The Justice league (including Batman if he sticks with em) are the last last resort and are the last people to learn of Bat-involved incidents, if at all
Maybe rogues outside of Ra's learns what BruceQuest was, how it ruined Red Robin's reputation irreparably and uses it to annihilate the League's PR by showing the truth to the world?
I know Mr Lex Luthor would lap that shit up
Especially if Batman is still on good terms yet Red Robin is still dealing with the aftermath years later
Everyone is pulling their hair out because Lex is doing an objectively good thing for the wrong reason and when his villainy is toppled again—
Red Robin isn't going to live his life like his repaired reputation is gonna last
Ooh. How would the Bats react to the JL post BruceQuest?
Cass, Steph, Duke, and Jason do not have a relationship or rely on the JL. Jason probably is already upset at the JL for a variety of reasons. All that would change if the batfam is Team Tim would be those batkids being colder to the JL. Maybe they also pull off pranks.
In the end, those Batkids would be the equivalent of hearing your sibling talking about their toxic workplace and hating those fuckers (who you rarely see/interact with) on principle.
For Damian? It's a toss-up. It depends on how he views Tim and the JL. If Damian wants to become Batman, he might see the JL as a necessary step for that. He might need to have several conversations with various family members and his friends (like Colin and Jon) to understand his own position and thoughts on the JL.
For Babs, I hc she helped them a lot with their systems and other work. She probably feels guilty about Tim (not believing/supporting him and his traumatizing trip he did alone). If she was also on Team Tim, she would pass all system management to Vic and maintain a slightly frosty professional distance from them. Her Birds of Prey would become aware that she helps them, but she only assists the JL in dire circumstances.
Dick would have mixed feelings about it. He kind of told other heroes that Tim wasn't to be trusted and that he was having a mental breakdown due to grief. Now, what they did with that information is not Dick's fault. They should have supported the teenager and understood that Dick was also crumbling under his grief/responsibilities. So, Dick feels conflicted. He wants to make it up to Tim, though, and probably maintains a more professional distance from JL.
Alfred is also guilty of not being there for Tim when he needed help and care. However, I like to imagine he makes very pointed comments at JL members when they visit for their direct actions in that situation.
I do think that the batkids join together to mutually say "fuck you" to the JL, but in their own ways.
Batman/Bruce is iffy. On one hand, people like to use the BruceQuest as Bruce's kick in the pants to be a better father. On the other hand, he does his whole Batman Inc shit and is in Gotham less. So, it depends on how you picture him dealing with that trauma and his relationships with his family. If he's doing the less local Batman stuff, then he's probably more with the JL (and thus not on his kids' side).
The Lex Luthor theory you have going on? Brilliant 👏
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hakethishere · 27 days
Where is Sam season 4 and post-Crisis?
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I know it’s been brought up before, but Sam is a core relationship and person to Lena’s past. They are best friends “sisters” even and I refuse to believe her disappearance isn’t a massive plot hole. Let’s consider a couple of key moments Sam should’ve been brought up.
First and foremost season 4 Lex being released from prison?? Hello, your best friend’s maniac brother is on the loose, maybe a phone call would work. The irony of Lena snapping at Kara for not being there for her while Alex and even Supergirl were was also not lost on me.
Second, Lena finding out Kara is SUPERGIRL!!! To set the scene Lena finds out the her best friend is a kryptonian while Sam, her other best friend, had a wild awakening for being one as well a year before! There is literally no one better to talk to about whatever she was feeling than Sam. Moreover not only was Sam a kryptonian and knew and saw Supergirl’s struggles, but Sam was Reign!!! and for a while both Kara’s friend and Supergirl’s villain. She had front row seats to Supergirl’s hypocrisy and her poorly played split personality. To top it all off Lena had lied to Sam for her own good in order to protect Sam and because she doesn’t really trust people which was obviously not the same situation as with Kara but still, we can see some similarities that they could’ve talked about. But instead of doing so, Lena builds an AI puts it in Eve Tesmacher’s body OF ALL PEOPLE to serve as her emotional support/sounding board. (I refuse to believe that actually happened)
Third, Lena brings Andrea back into her life?! If you ever had a best friend I’m sure you’d have some reticence before allowing said best friend to bring a toxic lying ex back into their lives for god sake. Like no matter what, that decision should’ve been double checked. I love the Lena backstory with Andrea it really thickens the plot, but if I was Sam I would’ve given Lena a quick reality check on why that was a bad idea.
Fourth!!!! Post-Crisis!!!! Okay so reality changed and let’s say maybe Sam and Lena never met. But Lena kept her memories, and as (a platonic best friend according to the writers) Kara checks/makes sure that Lena remembers their complicated history first thing after saving the world, why on earth prime wouldn’t Lena do the same with Sam if they are so best friends and so platonic. But let’s say they indeed didn’t meet, I have even more questions. How did the Harun-El come to life? Was Sam Reign? Did they save her and then just moved on? how did they even realize she was Reign. And if Sam was not Reign how in the world did she get to Earth and what in the world was with the witches of the cult popping up 5th season. Will Sam become Reign? is she dormant? I have so many questions that Lena, Alex, Brainy, Kara should have too!
Side notes to that argument I have:
Lena saying every one of her friends has betrayed her in the past when Sam never did
There’s some sort of excuse the writers could give, like if Lena already had a best friend that was there for her in every sense of the word while making big sapphic eyes at Kara and going through a sapphic tragedy when Kara lied to her then well that couldn’t have been platonic could it?
Ruby and Esme. There’s absolutely no way Lena did not think of Ruby especially when Esme came around I just refuse to believe so.
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bumblesimagines · 8 months
i think we cuddled.
should we talk about it?
- Lexi Howard
should we talk about it?
i think we cuddled.
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
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There were many ways to fuck up in life. 
Pull an all-nighter knowing you've got an exam the next day; Pick a fight with someone twice your size; Talk shit about your boss while they're within earshot; Knock over your grandmother's ashes. Or, as you had spectacularly done, sleep with an ex-girlfriend's younger, nerdier sister in her house and her room. Granted, it was inevitable sleeping in her room considering Cassie and Lexi shared a bedroom, but it remained part of the grand fuck-up. 
Throughout your whole life, Lexi Howard had remained strictly off limits. Your beloved twin sister, Maddy, had set strict ground rules for how you were to interact with her friends and by extension, Lexi which ranged from never flirting with them to never laying an even slightly suggestive finger on them. You'd followed the rules to a T during middle school and ninth grade but then Cassie Howard showed her interest and Maddy could only give in and allow it. Like most of Cassie's relationships, it crashed and burned in just over a year. 
Cassie loved hard and with her whole heart but if she felt even just slightly abandoned or ignored, she leaped into the arms of whichever interested guy was closest to her. It'd been a whole ordeal that'd nearly threatened Cassie and Maddy's friendship until you managed to calm the waters and enter a genuine, and somewhat awkward, friendship with Cassie to keep the peace between the girls. By then, you had become pretty acquainted with Lexi, even going as far as calling her a friend. Which made everything about your situation worse.
"Should we talk about it?" Lexi's meek voice asked from the bed, the covers and blankets scrunched in her balled-up hands. Her big, doe-eyes watched you get dressed and you couldn't quite tell if her reddened cheeks were from embarrassment, shame, or lingering alcohol in her system. Horrible, it was horrible. Lexi should've lost her v card to some smart loser who was head over heels for her, but instead, she got you. 
"What is there to talk about? We got tipsy, I drove you home, I think we cuddled, one thing led to another, and shit happened." Her lips pursed and her gaze fell onto the covers. You winced and slid on your shirt. "I don't want to be mean, Lex. I think you're great and you deserve better. You probably expected the big day to be roses and candles and an expensive dinner with someone from Harvard or Yale who would be ready to pop out the engagement ring right after. I'm sure you'll find that person eventually, though."
"What... What makes you think I expected or- or wanted all that?" Lexi frowned and you wondered what great sin you had committed to get into this situation. "Maybe- Maybe I did envision it being with you. What would be so wrong about that? I mean, you're single and-"
"Cassie would be furious, and not to mention how Maddy would react. She'll get mad on somebody's behalf and it'll be hell for both of us. It's just- It..." You sighed heavily, running a hand over your face. "Maybe if I had met you first... things would've been different, Lex. But I didn't. I dated Cassie and that breakup was a fucking mess. It wouldn't be fair on her to storm back into her life like that. I'm sorry."
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titanrpg · 9 months
you got a minute? I need a favor
Hey everyone, it's Lex. Happy New Year to you and yours!
Today, I have a huge announcement about Titanomachy RPG and its future. This month marks 3 years since I joined TTRPG Twitter. I've met so many incredible people and learned so much from y'all. Your support has allowed me to take one HUGE step in my life. 
I recently moved to Maryland from Florida to get some basic human rights. I also left my job of 7 years to try and live unburdened by selling hours of my life to some random rich guy. And now, I'm taking Titanomachy RPG full-time.
Here I am, already having taken the leap. I have some money saved up, yes, but ultimately I am trusting in the generosity of others to help me build out a life I can truly love.
So yes, this is a Patreon announcement. And there's a link to Caltrop Core below (if you want to make a one-time contribution). But before anyone exits this email, I want to talk about all the cool stuff everyone can expect from me, regardless of Patreon status or donor status. I have a lot of exciting things coming in 2024, like:
a NEW open license d12 system called DODECA!
physical copies of my games becoming available via Indie Press Revolution, starting with NIGHTHAWKS!
more consistent game & system releases
seeing more of my work in some upcoming Evil Hat projects (look for me in the Girl by Moonlight stretch goal zines)
prints of "prayer to curse ron desantis", bunny girl osr posters, and perhaps shirts/hats/merch?
ttrpg workshops IRL in the Maryland area
and much much much much more!!
Now, here's the link to my Patreon before I forget: https://www.patreon.com/TitanRPG
I have an AWESOME founding patron bonus. There are 3 tiers of membership, and no matter which you choose to join today, you'll get a pre-release PDF of GOLDEN BEETLE PLAYGROUND, my Medabots-inspired TTRPG built on Caltrop Core EX.
This bonus is ONLY for people who join this month. After January, I'll take it down to work on the game further (and eventually do a full release later this year). 
For tiers 2 and 3, I'll be releasing one short RPG every single month. These games will remain Patreon exclusives until I can put proper polish on them (or the patrons vote to release their favorites).
There's a bunch more goodies and details on my actual Patreon page. Click that link to see!
Eventually, I'll be putting merch up on that page, so even if you can't support with a monthly pledge, you'll be seeing posters, shirts, hats, all that very soon!
These days, I'm on tumblr every so often, but no other social media. Patreon will be my dedicated page for updates, game mechanics, design discussions, everything! Even if you join at the $3/month tier, I want to provide a ton of value, starting with GOLDEN BEETLE PLAYGROUND!
Click here to see the three membership tiers and support a trans game designer today!
Thank you for your support over the past 3 years. I hope to remain worth of it for many more years to come.
All my love,
Lex Kim Bobrow
Publisher, Titanomachy RPG
P.S. Here's the link again. Take a moment to check out the page please, and if you can't contribute, please tell your friends! I've lost touch with so many people after leaving Twitter, so any help in getting the word out is 10000000% appreciated!!
P.P.S. If you could reblog this post ASAP, I'd really really appreciate it. Thank you!!!
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doug-meat · 1 year
more people need to talk about matt dahan and his genius underscoring in nightmare time. like to name off a few of my favourite moments (these might not all be 100% correct bc i have a bad memory but i appreciate matt dahan nonetheless)
in almost every episode there’s musical references to the opening/credit song - ex. we hear the hatchetfield ape man motif before we even hear the song the hatchetfield ape man. same with one thousand eyes and the web i spin for you i believe
similarly there are lots of character motifs - show stopping number often plays when hidgens is onscreen, and when he discusses working boys that motif plays
keywords are often met with motifs too - i can remember a couple ultimatums that were accompanied by the join us and die instrumental
in watcher world there are lots of not your seed references, and during really tender alice and bill moments matt tends to play the “why does it hurt to love you” bit
adore me plays a lot for linda during honey queen
one of my personal favourites - when we first meet roman in honey queen the nibbly ditty plays as underscoring. like come on that’s genius.
in abstinence camp when boy jerry is hiding mary and noah’s bodies matt plays a slowed down version of virginity rocks
in yellow jacket when hannah’s driving her go kart around the new apartment matt plays janes a car
if i remember correctly hannah gets what if tomorrow comes motif a lot in yellow jacket
same with lex she gets the black friday motif a lot
also in yellow jacket when otho’s about to take hannah over matt plays let it out
yellow jacket just generally gets a lot of tgwdlm underscoring references whenever otho’s on screen
there’s almost definitely more so if you can think of any SAY IT but. matt dahan is a musical genius with what he does with jeff blim’s motifs for underscoring and to think that at least during the first nmt episode he like totally improvised the backing music… ugh he’s so amazing
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ac3may · 1 year
“ the wag diaries ”
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How You Met
~ Millie Bright ~
• for the first time since you were sixteen you were single
• and you had anticipated it'd stay that way for at least a year
• but when millie bright walked into your life all the hesitancy in the world couldn't stop the inevitable
• growing up in a single father household in Kingston you had been raised a Chelsea fan
• no matter how much your toxic Brummie boyfriend turned baby daddy turned husband turned ex tried to switch you Villa
• having gone through a recent divorce and sexual awakening you were trying to navigate your new life as a single mum of three
• with inherited new funds and incoming child support your first instinct was to do something spontaneous
• something you never could have before
• with your youngest barely able to hold his head up
• your eldest daughter a football fanatic nonstop talking about the upcoming world cup
• and your middle girl obsessed with all wildlife, and a particular new interest in sea turtles, the answer seemed obvious to you
• hopping online you had one goal and within an afternoon had secured flights to spend the entire summer in australia
• for your family being in australia and not watching the Women’s World Cup would have been a travesty
• so you secured tickets to the first England group game and the final
• within a week of arrival you were all sat in matching jerseys, front row, awaiting the England vs Haiti kick-off
• flags and signs waving in the air ecstatically it was no surprise your littles were noticed
• by the cameras
• but also by the team themselves
• Georgia directed her celebrations first to her family and friends, but secondly to the two young blondes going crazy goalside (aka your daughters)
• after the match all the lionesses made their way around the pitch, spending extra time in the fan section where the four of you collected a number of signatures
• the absolute adoration on the captains face as she caught your eye for the first time was unmissable to her best friend
• Rachel joining her side immediately to distracted and entertain the kids beside you
• having gone through a somewhat recent breakup herself Millie had found herself a bit of a player in recent months
• so when her charm isn't so quick to work with you she falters
• somehow your total oblivion is even more adorably endearing to the older blonde
• it’s not intentional of course, you simply hadn't had enough experience flirting to recognise it
• especially from an International footballer!
• you agree to spend her recovery day with her, knowing just how many irreplaceable memories it'd create for your kids (and maybe you a little too)
• spending the day behind the scenes at australia zoo with the lionesses was more than you could have dreamed
• football for Kolby, animals for Ayla, and twenty-three football players all dotting attention on Lex
• other than exchanging numbers at the end of the day nothing romantic happens that day
• but Millie was unable to ignore her obvious attraction to you
• texts between you becoming increasingly common and tickets to all matches being offered
• it took longer than either would've liked but eventually Millie found a free hour and a teammate willing to babysit
• a sunrise beach walk with coffee in hand was too romantic for even you to ignore the signs of
• somehow you became groupies, discovering the country while following the team to every game
• falling for Millie came surprisingly easily
• watching the way she bonded with your children was heart melting
• and just a glance in your direction had you pinching yourself
• how was this your real life after the shit deal you'd been dealt so far?!
• she felt the same way though, not believing someone like you had walked into her life and xoukd be interested in her
• semi-final celebrations were moments of dreams
• neither of you being found too far away from the other at the after party
• ending the night on the beach, both a little tipsy, laid watching the stars, you finally share your first kiss
• the labels of your relationship not coming at quite as happy a moment
• england had just come second in the world cup and you couldn't be prouder, especially after coming to know the girls personally
• but with captaincy resting on her shoulders Millie couldn’t help but be disappointed in herself, despite her pride team in the as a whole
• finding a quite moment to pull the older girl away from the post-match madness and media you held her as she finally allow the mask to drop
• as you held her crying in your arms you still found her the most beautiful person you'd ever met, you knew you had to make her yours
And here it is! The first blurb of the Wag diaries!!
Let me know what y’all think! Is it something you think you’ll be interested in??
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chimcess · 6 months
Waterlog || pjm (3) (teaser)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Olympic Swimmer!Jimin, Ex Olympic Swimmer! Reader, Swim Coach!Reader Genre: Strangers to Friends to Lovers!AU, Coach!AU, Swimming!AU, HEAVY Angst, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, fluff, eventual smut, I'm so soft for these two it's crazy. Teaser wc: 391 Synopsis: After a car accident ends her athletic career, Y/N has slowly started rebuilding her life again as a high school swim coach. That’s until she gets a request from an old friend and finds herself back in the spotlight as the new coach of Olympic swimmer, Park Jimin. Warnings: toxic relationship (not reader and jimin), arguments, cheating (not reader and jimin), talks about previous child abuse, anxiety attack, strong language, crying, emotional abuse (not reader and jimin), mentions of depression and mental health, lots of angst in this one, finally making some progress though, age insecurity, mutual pining, lots of side character development in this one, they really are so sweet together, jimin just being the nicest boy in the world, so much PDA, physical touch is his love language 👀👀👀, more in the official posting...
Release date: April 6th, 2024 at 6pm EST
masterlist || playlist
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Jimin and I said our goodbyes and I promised the blue haired boy I would call him in the morning to set up another meet up. He called it a group date, something neither Jimin nor I disagreed with, but it did make me feel queasy. Depending on how our conversation goes, we may never spend time together outside of training. I felt like I was going to vomit.
“Let me drive?” Jimin murmured as we parted ways with the couple. 
I nodded, digging in my purse to find them. “Mind reader, I swear. Get out of my head, kid.”
He snickered, “Who says you weren’t in mine, granny”
The queasiness dissipated and I felt like I could breathe a little bit easier now. Being alone with Jimin had never felt this nerve wracking before, not even the first time we met, and it was hard to explain all of the thoughts and feelings going through my head. We were finally having the talk, but I had never imagined it going this way. Handing him the keys, I elbowed him in the ribs.
“Whoops,” I mocked. “You know me and my bad eyesight, kiddo.”
“Watch it,” He hissed, rubbing the spot. “Don’t want you breaking anything. You know you have frail bones.”
I laughed, “Don’t make me give you a knuckle sandwich, punk.”
Sliding into the passenger seat felt less daunting after the light hearted exchange. Still, my blood was pumping as Jimin clicked his seatbelt in place. I had no idea when the conversation would shift into murkier waters, but I needed to start thinking about what to say to him. 
Denying my feelings would only make things worse, and I did not think the younger man would believe me. In fact, he would be offended that I thought he was dumb enough to get bamboozled in the first place. Lying did not seem like the right call anyway. My feelings were not something to feel ashamed about, but they were very frightening. 
“When is later?”
I gasped, startled out of my thoughts. We had been driving for over ten minutes already. Time seemed to slip by when I was lost in my own head. Jimin apologized for scaring me but repeated the question once I reassured him that I was fine.
“Now,” I mumbled. “I guess later is now.”
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Taglist: @ownthesunshine @screamertannie @lovelytaes-blog @pernesianparapio @tae-with-some-suga @sumzysworld @chimmisbae
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Let me know if you want to be added/deleted from the taglist. -Lex
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romanreignseater · 1 year
Diced Pineapples
Jey Uso x Black Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; pussy eating, fingering, cum eating, and anal play.
“The lyrics speak for itself, this is exactly how Jey Uso feels about his girl in the summertime 😋.”
A/N: Everyone is in their Jey feels, so I had to hop on the bandwagon 🤭. He’s just so sexy, but anyways hope you guys love the story 💕!! (Masterlist up tomorrow).
GIF: @jeysuso
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Shorty so fine, pussy so fresh.
Diced pineapples that my baby tastes the best.
I nearly lost my mind, guess it was a test.
Swept her off her feet and went and bought her ass a Lex.
Paid it off cash so I never wrote a check.
Leave my cars at her crib I'm just stuntin' on her ex.
A hot summer day, chilling in the ATL. My handsome baby to my left and a strawberry daiquiri in my right hand.
Even though my babies, the Usos, lost their tag titles earlier in the year. They’re still the greatest tag team ever.
“I needed this sun baby.” You look over to your man admiring his big hazel doe eyes, his stunning dimples, and cheeky smile. “You deserve this sun handsome.”
Blushing like crazy, Jey covers his face. He was never one to take your compliments, always feeling like you were the perfect one in the relationship. Your perfect brown skin and eyes, your curvy body, and gorgeous face. But, you remind him everyday that he’s the most perfect and beautiful man you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“Enough with the compliments, whatchu drinkin’?!” His eyes slightly close due to the beaming sun. “A little strawberry daiquiri. Something to cool me down.” He smiles and lifts off of his chair to place a quick kiss to your lips. “Tastes like strawberries.” “I know.” You languidly lay your tongue out to reach your straw and sip on your drink. His eyes watching you intensely, the sexual tensions already rising…
You rise out of your lounge chair and sway your hips back and forth, as Mr. Main Event watches your ass bounce during every step. You reached the sliding door and enter your shared lavish house.
“Damn… I gotta have that tonight.” Jey clapped and rubbed his hands together.
Pussy's excellent and I know it sound a mess.
I love to make her toes curl as I'm lickin' on her flesh uhh.
Sex all night couple shots of Ciroc.
Crib on the water got LeBron up the block.
Money ain't the thing baby welcome to the Mark.
Diced pineapples talking diamonds by the jar.
A can of Dole diced pineapples exits the fridge and lands on the white marble kitchen counter. You placed your empty glass in the sink and pull out a can opener.
The lid of the can pops and your red stiletto nails clasp onto the juicy, yellow fruit. You moan as you bite into the decadent fruit. The juices fall in betwixt your voluptuous breasts.
Just as you moved to clean the juice from your tits, a hand grabs your wrist firmly.
“Let me get that for you.” Jey turns you to around, so you face him. He dips his head down and slides his tongue across the expanse of your cleavage slowly.
Your head lolled back as you reveled in the feeling of his rigid tongue. Lost in a sensual trance, you were led out of it as Jey’s voice boomed though you.
“Them pineapples taste just like you baby, real sweet… just how I like it.” His lips practically kissing your ear as he whispered into it.
“So, you want a taste or what big boy?!” Your hand wrapped around his chin, admiring his wet pink lips he just licked.
“You already know I do.”
Bitch so bad got me wishing I could sign her.
Uniform Isabel Marant when you on the team.
Double MG them other niggas fell off, baby girl I just wanna see you well off.
Your thighs spread across the counter and your man’s head lodged in between them. Your cunt made lewd noises, as Jey’s tongue glided across your pussy. The pineapples once in the can, jotted atop your sweet cunt.
“Mmmmm, fuckkkk. Lick that pussy daddy, eat it… it’s all yours.” Your voice hoarse as can be, with the way your man was devouring your pussy. His mouth open wide as he smooched your lips. Sliding his tongue crazily back and forth; swirling and curling it around your sensitive clit.
He places large and wet kisses onto your cunt. Strings of your essence pulling from every drag of his lips. Your pussy beating at every kiss, wanting more, but you knew Jey was an impatient man. Closing your thighs shut to stafe off that euphoric feeling, almost reaching your high.
“Hurry up and take your ass to the couch, you got five seconds.” Jumping off the counter and sprinting to the plush white couch in the living room. Knowing how Jey likes you, you begin to arch your back sensually.
You hear Jey let out a “fuckk”, as he admires your pussy spread wide open. He pulls his shorts off and you feel the couch dip behind you.
Feeling frisky, as Jey placed his hands on your hips, you arch your back deeper wanting to feel every stroke he gave you. “You so fucking nasty, you been waiting for this dick.” You looked back at him, ogling his taut brown member standing up at attention. “You gonna fuck me or n—.” Your body flings forward as Jey rams into you. Your hands quickly fall to the throw pillows and you hold onto them with dear life as Jey begins his brutal strokes.
He pounded into your devilishly, destroying your pussy until it reaches its wits end. Your wig twirled into a makeshift ponytail as he hit those long, deep strokes. “OH MY GO—DDD, don’t stop baby, don’t stop.” His sweet ministrations already a lot, but his thumb soon reaches your blushing asshole.
Your back dares to try and release its arch, when Jey pushes it back down. “You wanted to arch your back like crazy, then you gonna take this dick like crazy.” Jey rubs your hole and enters without warning. His finger abuses your hole and his dick stretches your pussy to new heights.
Jey’s grunts turn into softer moans as your pussy squeezes his dick with might and your hole closes around his long finger. “I’m gonna cum.” “Me too baby, wait for me I’m almost there.” You mouth open wide as he mercilessly pounds into your cunt extra hard, not slowing his pace. His finger exits your hole and rubs your sweet clit.
“Let go baby, let go.” Your pussy squelches as you began to squirt all over his thick thighs and all over the couch. Jey’s hips stutter as he releases into your gaping cunt. You both let out a sigh of relief. Jey then flips you onto your back and scoops up his cum flowing out of you.
His two fingers danced underneath the sunlight as he paraded them toward your open lips. You took his cum into your mouth without hesitation. You swallowed his juice and rolled your tongue out to prove you did it.
Smirking with a fond appreciation, Jey’s head lowers once again as he fingers your pussy, so you can push more of your sweet mixed juices out. He dives into your pussy once more and eats the cum that leaves your cunt.
What a nasty man….
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @alyanarossi @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce @harmshake
*Sorry for releasing so late, I hope it’ll leave you busy with sweet dreams 😭❤️!!
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secondgenerationnerd · 3 months
oops I mean any timkon headcanons??
Yes! Sorry I have been in a mental funk the last week lol
In a Bby mood so I’ll talk do some with their daughter, Gracie!
Tim was the one who nutted up and asked Kon out, but Kon proposed.
They dated about a year, year and a half before getting engaged?
Honestly most people don’t realize they’re dating because they still bicker like best friends.
They go on double dates with Bluepulse
Damian, Jon, and Milagro take every opportunity to tease their older brothers about whatever they can. Kon occasionally says it’s just because they’re jealous. “Easy, Konathan, you sound like Lex—“ “Take that back, Jonner!!!”
Kon is absolutely happy to be a house husband, and usually uses the time pre-Gracie to help out Ma and Pa. He still does once she’s born, can’t deny Ma her great-grandbaby
When they have Gracie, who again is born via surrogacy through their shared ex, the titans have never been a happier team. If Asha is Omega’s practice baby, Gracie is the Titans.
She has Cassie’s powers and let me tell you, Tim questions every choice he’s ever made
They call her “Sunshine” and “Peanut”
To her they’re “Daddy Timmy” and “Daddy Kon” or just “Daddy”
They are very hands on dads. And she could have been a very spoiled kid, but she grew up being influenced by Mar’i, aka her role model
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burritowitch · 2 years
Okay so can we talk about how hilarious it is when Lex Luthor is a good dad to Kon? Like man made a clone son of his ex and said ex turns out to be a shitty dad to the clone son while lex luthor, known supervillain, is just a good dad.
Like: kon is feeling unwanted at clarks place so he just. Heads over to lex's and gets fathered while hes there. Kon gets bounced around like a child of divorce for a while before he ends up spending his time between the kent farm (ma and pa are literally the most important ever) and lex's rich guy penthouse.
Whenever lex and clark get into arguments about kon, lex is the one to actually think about whats best for kon long term. Lex doing lame dad shit with kon, trying to take him fishing and birdwatching and shit.
Just. The comedic potential.
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bratdykebarbie · 2 months
everyone uh guess what
I started talking to a girl on Lex a couple weeks ago and we hung out a couple times at the beginning of the month
I was not sure how I felt about the premise of being in a committed relationship bc I didn’t feel like I was over my exes “enough”
and we had kinda settled on the idea of an intimate friendship
but I had a revelation over the last week or so—
life is short and only temporary, I can’t heal by refusing to let myself be cared for, and love is the only thing in the whole world that truly matters—
and I couldn’t justify letting this chance slip away
so on Friday night I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she said yes 🥹
I’m so happy I feel like my heart will come out of my chest
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duhragonball · 4 months
Dragon Ball AF Lore
Last night I reblogged a thing about Xicor, the imaginary villain of Dragon Ball AF, the imaginary sequel to Dragon Ball GT. There were some cool responses to this, but I didn't want to reblog the entire post all over again, so I thought I'd carry the discussion over here.
@brotoman-exe : #so do they ever explain why Goku cheats on his wife in this set up?#(to be clear Im guessing it was likely a stolen dna Superman 4 thing just having fun)
My understanding was that the West Supreme Kai faked her death and then came back as a bad guy. She somehow obtained a DNA sample from Goku and used it to impregnate herself? The end result being that Xicor is the biological son of Goku and the West Supreme Kai, even though Goku himself had no idea of any of this.
Of course, it's impossible to cite sources on any of this, since I'm talking about made-up details from a made-up show. It's entirely possible that there are other versions of the AF legend where Goku cheated on his wife like a jerk.
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What I always wanted to know was how the West Supreme Kai survived the fight with Kid Buu five million years ago, and why she laid low for so long.
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But now that you've brought up Superman IV, I can't stop thinking about the raw chicken thigh Lex stuffed in that little lockbox. This is my new DBAF personal canon.
@scarabats123: #As someone who wasn't alive in 1994#let me tell you Xicor and AF was THRIVING in the 2000s up into the early 2010s#hell even now some people make nostalgic fanart of it#Everyone knew about Xicor and Evil Goku and that blue bald dude
It really is bizarre how long the AF mythos has persisted. I think Dragon Ball Super was the final nail in the coffin for any true believers that were still left, but by the time DBS came out AF had already established itself as this weird little thing in its own right. It's like Bigfoot. I think everyone knows it's not real and doesn't make a lot of sense, but the idea is too much fun to discard completely.
@mozillavulpix: definitely think there's a lot of information here that's wrong, but I wasn't in the fandom in the 1990s to confirm any of it But the one big thing is...I'm pretty sure 'Dragon Ball AF' was originally supposed to stand for 'April Fools'. Like at one point someone somewhere started the name just because it'd be hilarious to trick people into believing something with a name so obviously-fake if you were paying attention. But when people started believing it they came up with their own theories on what it meant. kanzenshuu also says the rumours probably only started around 2002-2003 https://www.kanzenshuu.com/rumor/dragon-ball-af/
There were some factual errors, but the one that stood out to me was the notion of Toyotaro creating Towa and Mira, since I'd always heard Toriyama created her for Dragon Ball Online. And I've heard of the Goku Black/Xicor parallels before, but I'm pretty sure that's more of a coincidence than anything else.
I also found the 1990s to be a little too early for AF rumors to really get started, so I went back to that Kanzenshuu article you linked to and read it again just to check. This time, I ran across the link to the message board discussion about the "SSJ5 Goku" image that seems to have started it all.
Apparently, this was all discovered back in 2012, but I don't think I ever heard about this until now. Someone found the "AF Goku" image in an issue of the magazine Hobby Consolas, cover dated May 1999.
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It looks like the magazine just published reader-submitted fan art, and this particular one was credited to David Montiel Franco of Alicante, Spain. Forums member Raykugan published this information in February 2012, and then Derek Padula contacted the artist and published his findings on his blog "Dao of Dragon Ball".
David Montiel Franco, as it turns out, has his own blog, af-dragonball.blogspot.com, where he appears to be promoting his Dragon Ball AF fancomics. And apparently, the guy in the image is not Super Saiyan 5 Goku at all, but an OC named Tablos.
So it appears that the true original DBAF was a fanwork created by Franco prior to May 1999. Everyone else was building onto his creation whether they knew it or not. The alternative is that Franco is stealing the credit from the true artist, but that seems like a weird thing to still be holding onto after all these years. I mean, if he wanted clout, you'd think he'd do more self-promotion than this. By now, everyone would have heard of his claims to be the creator of AF. So I think he might be the real deal.
Anyway, it definitely ties DBAF to the year 1999, although I have a feeling the rumors didn't really pick up steam until 2002 or so, as U.S. fans became aware of a sequel series to Z and wondered what might follow after that. There may have been rumors in other countries that got earlier access to GT, and there were surely American fans in the 90's who knew more about GT before it was localized. But at least the concept of AF was around in the 90's, even if it was the tail end of the 90's, and even if it was very obscure.
But that's AF in general, not Xicor. I get the sense that Vintagegeekculture seemed to conflate Tablos with Xicor, and that's probably an understandable mistake to make, since Xicor was probably invented as a response to what was thought to be SSJ5 Goku. So Xicor must have come later, but how much later?
I guess what bugs me is that there ought to be someone who would claim credit for the character, the way Franco claimed to be the artist of the DBAF image. It's kind of fascinating how Xicor is out there and no one's trying to act like it was their idea.
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idabbleincrazy · 2 months
Not Whole Without (1/2)
Fandom: Smallville
Rating: E
Pairing: Clark/Lex, Clark/Bruce (unrequited) , Lex/Bruce (past), Clex+Bruce
Characters: Clark Kent, Lex Luthor, Bruce Wayne, mentions of JLA
Word Count: 1892
Warnings: voyeurism, exhibitionism, Good Guy Lex, canon divergent, Lex knows the truth, kink discovery, blowjob, dirty talk, deep throating, come swallowing
Summary: Trust Lex to know just what they all need.
A/N: from @leatafandom 's prompt: Kink Discovery +   Lex and Clark let a third party watch them. It could be that they just kiss and do a little over-the-clothes touching. Or they could go all the way with an audience.
Squares Filled: Oral sex or Phone Sex, Location: Balcony, Kink Discovery, Having Feelings for the Other Person in a One-on-One Mentorship ( @julybreakbingo ), Surprise Encounters ( @fandom-free-bingo pride edition)
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Clark couldn't hold back a groan of hunger as he found himself with a lap full of a very aroused Lex Luthor. The latest business party had finally wound down, the last guests finally escorted out the door to their own lavish accommodations, either one of the hotel suites in the building next door, or to their personal housing elsewhere in the city. Well, almost the last. Clark heard a clink of ice in glass and his grip tightened around Lex's hips, his eyes flicking towards the sound that had wafted in from the balcony.
"Lex, Lex, wait." Clark tried to nudge Lex away from where his mouth had attached to his throat like a limpet. "Bruce is still here. He's out on the balcony, and watching."
"Let him." Lex wiggled on Clark's lap, his very evident arousal pressing against Clark's stomach, hot through thin layers of fabric. He reattached himself to Clark's throat, teeth and tongue working hungrily over unmarkable skin. "He knows where the door is if he wants to leave. Hell, he could even take a flying leap. I'm sure he's got a gadget or two somewhere in his suit."
Clark let his head fall back against the couch, somehow unable to tear his gaze away from where Bruce Wayne stood, those piercing blue eyes unwavering as he observed the couple, glass of scotch now set on the table by the balcony doors. Instead of his erection flagging at the knowledge of someone witnessing Lex practically dry humping him, his cock hardened faster than he thought possible.
Six months since Clark had finally agreed to join the Justice League, and it wasn't Ollie's endless cajoling that made him relent - no matter what the blonde thought - it was Bruce. He was so like his Lex, and so different. The man had enraptured him, though not enough to tempt him to stray from his lover; he and Lex had been meant for each other since he fished him out of the river and breathed life back into his body. No, before that, maybe, back when his brand-new parents had picked up that scared, broken little boy and his inadequate father, and the little toddler that he was reached across the cab of the truck and brushed chubby little fingers over that too pale face in hopes of lending comfort. 
He loved Lex, more than he could put in words, even if it had taken years of ups and downs for them to finally, finally open up to each other. But, he couldn't ignore this growing thing between him and Bruce, and every patrol, every sparring session he had with the older man, only strengthened this confusing bond. He knew he should probably look more towards the other team members for advice and learning the ropes of superhero-ing, but there was no one he trusted as much as Bruce. Except maybe Diana, but she had her own mentoring thing going with Kara, and she was often unavailable to him in Themyscira. Bruce was the only comfortable option. 
He knew it couldn't be easy for Lex, seeing his current partner spending so much time with his ex. Lex had told him all about their time together in school and about their relationship when he'd come to get his opinion on joining the JLA. He knew a part of Lex's fragile heart still bore a scar from there time together. And yet, Lex had refrained from bad mouthing the Wayne heir - unlike the vitriol that had spewed over Oliver - and supported his decision to let Batman take him under his wing. 
All of this was why he knew he should push Lex away and wait for Bruce to leave the penthouse, and exactly why he couldn't. He wanted to see what Bruce would do, how he would react to seeing his ex-lover pawing at Clark, see how far the brunette would let them go in this show before he broke, one way or the other. And, honestly, if Lex didn't want him there, he wouldn't be. He would have been politely escorted out like the rest of them, and seen safely on his way back to Gotham. It made Clark curious, and slightly more at ease, to sense that Lex had a reason for leaving Bruce right where he was. 
So, Clark didn't even bother to hold back the next groan that Lex dragged out of him as slim, nimble fingers brushed over his chest, nails scraping over a budding nipple through his shirt. Keeping one eye on Bruce, Clark wrapped a hand around the back of Lex's head and pulled him down into a deep kiss. His cock throbbed when he saw Bruce blatantly adjust himself in his slacks, his arousal heightening at the proof that the other wasn't as unruffled as he seemed at first glance. 
Breaking the wet kiss with a breathless pant, Lex trailed his mouth along Clark's jaw up to his ear, teeth nipping harshly at the fleshy lobe. 
"You like it, don't you? Knowing he's watching. Seeing you like this, all ravished and horny. Seeing me making you this way. Is he hard, Clark?"
"Uh-huh", Clark whimpered out his affirmation. He clutched Lex tighter to him, thrusting up against Lex's own bulging crotch. He knew he should be more surprised at how turned on he was by having an audience, knew he was raised to believe sex was a private matter, but he couldn't find it in himself to be embarrassed. Later, maybe, but not now. Not when it was Lex, and Bruce. 
And with that, Lex slid off Clark's lap to kneel between his legs, his hands caressing up Clark's thighs as his head dipped down to his groin. Clark moaned at the pressure of Lex's mouth against his cloth-covered erection, that slick tongue dampening the cotton as the bald man teased him. His gaze flicked back over to Bruce, watched the brunette slip almost soundlessly through the sliding glass doors into the room, the door closing behind him with a quiet whoomph of air. 
Bruce broke eye contact only for a moment as he crossed the room to where a large leather chair had been set up directly across from the couch. Lex had set this up, after all, it seemed. That chair was usually in their media room, and now it was ensconced in the shadows of the low-lit living room, barely visible without enhanced eyesight. The tech-billionaire sat back in the plush chair, his gaze locked on the tableau before him, his hand creeping down between his legs to rub at the sizable bulge distorting his expensive slacks.
Lex's hands quickly worked open Clark's belt, fingers deftly undoing the button and zipper of his pants, and Clark whimpered as he lifted his hips up for his lover to pull both slacks and boxers down to his knees, his cock twitching and leaking out a large drop of pre-come as the cool air hit its heated length. He wasn't sure if he was comforted or upset by the knowledge that Bruce couldn't see much more than his face and the back of Lex's head from the position he was in. 
"Lex, please." 
He tore his gaze from Bruce and his slow-moving hand, green locking onto a lighter blue as he met Lex's upturned stare, the heat in those steely eyes confirming that this wasn't just for Clark's sake. Lex wanted Bruce to be reminded of what they'd once had together, just as much as he wanted him to know what he was missing out on with Clark. Lex wanted Bruce to break, too, it seemed. Unsure whether this was still such a good idea, Clark nodded down at Lex, unable to stop tonight's events even if he wanted to. 
Lex flashed his shark smirk and closed his lips around the head of Clark's cock, tongue flicking out to lap up the pre-come that oozed from the slit. Clark groaned and fought the urge to thrust into the mouth that teased him, knowing it would be over too soon if he did. And, much as he wanted to come, a larger part of him wanted this never to end; wanted the three of them locked like this for eternity, Clark caught between the attentions of these two dangerous, beautiful men, their arousal filling his senses. Wanted Bruce to never be able to take his eyes off him and Lex, the erotic image they made together; Lex's head between his legs, slowly bobbing, Clark's chest heaving for breath he didn't really need, his hand curving around that smooth, bare skull, not guiding, just needing to touch, to tether. Wanted Bruce to forever be torturing himself with teasing touches of his own hand, seen in stolen glances when Clark needed the reassurance that the other was still there. 
Inevitably, Lex's mouth sinks down on his aching cock; Clark can feel the tip pressing against the back of Lex's throat, can feel his nose brushing against the skin around the base of his throbbing length. Lex sucks around the mouthful, cheeks hollowing as he quickens his pace.
"Oh, God, Lex." Clark shifts his hips, needing to press just that little bit deeper on Lex's next downstroke. He's never loved and hated Lex's deep-throating ability more than at this moment. His moan of pleasure has prompted Bruce into increasing movement in his shadowed alcove, and Clark feels another thrill of arousal course through him. "Fuck, baby, feel so good. Gonna make me come, Lex."
Lex is becoming noisy, now, low moans of pleasure and the sounds of wet flesh being suckled twine with his own increasingly loud grunts and half-spoken pleas for more. Clark can feel his climax looming, the tell-tale tingling building in his spine as he looks between these two incredible men who fill so much of his waking - and sleeping - thoughts. He can hear the susurration of fabric against flesh, Bruce's and Lex's, and it's the realization that both of these beautiful, intelligent, amazing men - men who could have anyone in the world at the snap of their fingers - are hard for him, that has him thrusting his cock down Lex's throat and gently holding him there as he cries out his orgasm. 
Lex swallows it all, suckling his pulsing shaft until Clark collapses back against the couch, his hand stroking softly over the curve of Lex's bald pate as he licks him clean. It's only the scent of his own release that lingers in the air as Lex pulls off his cock and carefully tucks it away; neither man has come yet. Clark's still hard, his stamina always leaving him ready for at least one more round, despite the intensity of his orgasm. 
Lex clambers back up onto his lap, kissing him soundly and sharing the lingering taste of himself. As he explores the cavern of that wet, perfect mouth, his hearing is tuned to Bruce, expecting the brunette to leave as silently as he always does when he's not hyping up his public persona. His heartbeat never recedes, still occupying the chair across from them. 
Lex stands, tugging Clark fluidly from the couch. Pulls him towards the hallway leading to their room.
Lex doesn't stop, merely turns his head to smirk back at Clark. 
"You didn't think we were done yet, did you?"
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sitpwgs · 2 years
books read in 2023
hi, hello! inspired by a few mutuals, i decided to do a reading thread of 2023! you can find my goodreads here, and my bookstagram here! as always, askbox + dms are open if have any questions or would like to chat about books!
book lovers by emily henry (reread; ★★★★★)
convenience store woman by sayaka murata + translated by ginny tapley takemori (★★★☆☆)
a wish in the dark by christina soontornvat (★★★★★)
so you want to talk about race by ijeoma oluo (audiobook; ★★★★★)
highly suspicious and unfairly cute by talia hibbert (★★★★☆)
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid (reread; (★★★★☆)
if not, winter by sappho + translated by anne carson (★★★★★)
when you wish upon a lantern by gloria chao (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
this time it's real by ann liang (ARC; ★★★★★)
love, theoretically by ali hazelwood (ARC; ★★☆☆☆)
hell bent by leigh bardugo (★★★★☆)
everything i know about love by dolly alderton (reread; ★★★★★)
the fraud squad by kyla zhao (★★★☆☆)
masters of death by olivie blake (★★★★☆)
enter the body by joy mccullough (★★★★☆)
the stranger by albert camus (reread; ★★★★★)
you'd be mine by erin hahn (★☆☆☆☆)
a hundred other girls by iman hariri-kia (★☆☆☆☆)
bloodmarked by tracy deonn (audiobook; ★★★☆☆)
fearless by mandy gonazales (★★★★☆)
the roommate by rosie danan (★★☆☆☆)
wuthering heights by emily brontë (book club pick; ★★★★☆)
the nanny by lana ferguson (ARC; ★★☆☆☆)
the writing retreat by julia bartz (ARC; ★★☆☆☆)
exes and o's by amy lea (★★★☆☆)
not here to stay friends by kaitlyn hill (ARC; ★★★★☆)
chloe and the kaishao boys by mae coyiuto (ARC; ★★★★☆)
isha, unscripted by sajni patel (gifted; ★★☆☆☆)
conversations on love by natasha lunn (★★★★★)
meet me at the lake by carley fortune (ARC; ★★★★☆)
emily wilde's encyclopedia of faeries by heather fawcett (★★★☆☆)
where echoes die by courtney gould (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
vintage contemporaries by dan kois (gifted; ★★☆☆☆)
how to be perfect: the correct answer to every moral question by michael schur (audiobook; ★★★★★)
half a soul by olivia atwater (★★★★★)
ten thousand stitches by olivia atwater (★★★★☆)
longshadow by olivia atwater (★★★★★)
between the world and me by ta-nehisi coates (audiobook; ★★★★★)
infamous by lex croucher (ARC; ★★☆☆☆)
the lord sorcier by olivia atwater (★★★★☆)
the latch key by olivia atwater (★★★★★)
made of stars by jenna voris (ARC; ★★★★☆)
when broadway was black: the triumphant story of the all-black musical that changed the world by caseen gaines (audiobook; ★★★★★)
leave it to the march sisters by annie sereno (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
once more with feeling by elissa sussman (ARC; ★☆☆☆☆)
moorewood family rules by helenkay dimon (ARC; ★★☆☆☆)
fleabag: the scriptures by phoebe waller-bridge (★★★★★)
fake dates and mooncakes by sher lee (ARC; ★☆☆☆☆)
vera wong's unsolicited advice for murderers by jesse q. sutanto (gifted; ★★★★☆)
emma of 83rd street by audrey bellezza and emily harding (ARC; ★★☆☆☆)
how to read now by elaine castillo (★★★★★)
constellations by nick payne (reread; ★★★★☆)
ching chong chinaman by lauren yee
devil in winter by lisa kleypas (★★★★☆)
the passing playbook by isaac fitzsimons ( ★★★★★)
infinite jest by david foster wallace
our wives under the sea by julia armfield (★★★★☆)
mrs. nash's ashes by sarah adler (ARC; ★★★★☆)
study break: 11 college tales from orientation to graduation edited by aashna avachat (★★★☆☆)
the love match by priyanka taslim (★★★★☆)
a lady for a duke by alexis hall (★★★★☆)
love and other consolation prizes by jamie ford (★★★☆☆)
spoiler alert by olivia dade (★★☆☆☆)
all the feels by olivia dade (★★☆☆☆)
ship wrecked by olivia dade (★★☆☆☆)
float plan by trish doller (★★★★☆)
yellowface by r.f. kuang
the ex hex by erin sterling (★★☆☆☆)
the kiss curse by erin sterling (★★★☆☆)
siren queen by nghi vo (audiobook; ★★★☆☆)
chloe and the kaishao boys by mae coyiuto (reread; ★★★★★)
wandering souls by cecile pin (gifted; ★★★★★)
heavy vinyl, vol. 1: riot on the radio by nina vakueva & carly usdin (★★★★☆)
heavy vinyl: y2k-o! by nina vakueva & carly usdin (★★★★☆)
never ever getting back together by sophie gonzales (★★☆☆☆)
book lovers by emily henry (reread; ★★★★★)
miss aldridge regrets by louise hare (gifted; ★★★☆☆)
if the shoe fits by julie murphy (★★★☆☆)
blackmail and bibingka by mia p. manansala (★★★★☆)
murder and mamon by mia p. manansala (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
icebreaker by hannah grace (★☆☆☆☆)
alone with you in the ether by olivie blake (reread; ★★★★★)
beautiful country: a memoir of an undocumented childhood by qian julie wang (★★★★★)
the other black girl by zakiya dalila harris (audiobook; ★★★★☆)
check & mate by ali hazelwood (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
if i'm being honest by emily wibberley & austin siegemund-broka (reread; ★★★★★)
always never yours by emily wibberley & austin siegemund-broka (reread; ★★★★★)
do i know you? by emily wibberley & austin siegemund-broka (reread; ★★★★★)
romeo and juliet by william shakespeare (audiobook, reread; ★★★★★)
joan is okay by weike wang (★★★★☆)
technically yours by denise williams (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
first position by melanie hamrick (ARC; ★☆☆☆☆)
the boy from kyiv: alexei ratmansky's life in ballet by marina harss (ARC; ★★★★★)
the boy you always wanted by michelle quach (ARC; ★★★★☆)
woman, eating by claire kohda (★★☆☆☆)
immortal longings by chloe gong (ARC; ★★☆☆☆)
heartburn by nora ephron (★★★☆☆)
a merry little meet cute by julie murphy & sierra simone (★★☆☆☆)
the deal by elle kennedy (★☆☆☆☆)
the mistake by elle kennedy (★☆☆☆☆)
the score by elle kennedy (★☆☆☆☆)
the goal by elle kennedy (★☆☆☆☆)
the legacy by elle kennedy (★☆☆☆☆)
open water by caleb azumah nelson (★★★★★)
painted devils by margaret owen (gifted; ★★★★★)
playing for keeps by kendall ryan (★☆☆☆☆)
the final revival of opal and nev by dawnie walton (★★★☆☆)
the missing of clairedelune by christelle dabos (audiobook; ★★★★★)
happy place by emily henry (reread; ★★★★★)
iris kelly doesn't date by ashley herring blake (ARC; ★★★★☆)
ghosts by dolly alderton (★★★★★)
you don't have a shot by racquel marie (gifted; ★★★★☆)
thank you for listening by julia whelan (audiobook; ★★★★★)
if you still recognize me by cynthia so (gifted; ★★☆☆☆)
imogen, obviously by becky albertalli (gifted; ★★★★☆)
for never & always by helena greer (ARC; ★☆☆☆☆)
all the dead lie down by kyrie mccauley (gifted; ★★★★☆)
one hundred days by alice pung (ARC; ★★☆☆☆)
much ado about nada by uzma jalaluddin (★★★★☆)
thieves gambit by kayvion lewis (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
deep in providence by riss m. neilson (★★★☆☆)
the burnout by sophie kinsella (ARC; ★★★★☆)
small worlds by caleb azumah nelson (ARC; ★★★★☆)
we ship it by lauren kay (★☆☆☆☆)
foul heart huntsman by chloe gong (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
the memory of babel by christelle dabos (audiobook; ★★★☆☆)
pride and prejudice and pittsburgh by rachael lippincott (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
a british girl's guide to hurricanes and heartbreak by laura taylor namey (ARC; ★★★★☆)
the reunion by kit frick (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
queer by william s. burroughs
when grumpy met sunshine by charlotte stein (ARC; ★☆☆☆☆)
the storm of echoes by christelle dabos (audiobook; ★★★☆☆)
will they or won't they by ava wilder (★★★☆☆)
fiona and jane by jean chen ho (audiobook; ★★☆☆☆)
business or pleasure by rachel lynn solomon (★★★☆☆)
teach the torches to burn: a romeo & juliet remix by caleb roehrig (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
a man called ove by fredrik backman (audiobook; ★★★★☆)
exciting times by naoise dolan (audiobook; ★☆☆☆☆)
the hobbit by j.r.r. tolkien (audiobook; ★★★★★)
the year of magical thinking by joan didion (★★★★★)
such a fun age by kiley reid (audiobook; ★★★☆☆)
tis the damn season by kimi freeman (ARC; ★☆☆☆☆)
a very nice girl by imogen crimp (audiobook; ★★☆☆☆)
bliss montage by ling ma (audiobook; ★★★☆☆)
the raven boys by maggie stiefvater (reread; ★★★★★)
freshwater by akwaeke emezi (audiobook; ★★☆☆☆)
the dream thieves by maggie stiefvater (reread; ★★★★★)
i'm not done with you yet by jesse q. sutanto (gifted; ★★☆☆☆)
blue lily, lily blue by maggie stiefvater (reread; ★★★★★)
the raven king by maggie stiefvater (reread; ★★★★★)
bellegarde by jamie lilac (gifted; ★★★☆☆)
red, white & royal blue by casey mcquiston (reread; ★★★★★)
some mistakes were made by kristin dwyer (gifted; ★★★☆☆)
beta read (★★★★★)
dogs of summer by andrea abreu lópez (audiobook; ★★☆☆☆)
in these hallowed halls: a dark academia anthology edited by maria o'regan and paul kane (ARC; ★★★☆☆)
together we rot by skyla arndt (★★★★☆)
stay with my heart by tashie bhuiyan (ARC; ★★☆☆☆)
before we say goodbye by toshikazu kawaguchi & translated by geoffrey trousselot (ARC; ★★★★★)
the dead romantics by ashley poston (★★★★☆)
the seven year slip by ashley poston( ★★★★★)
you, again by kate goldbeck (★★☆☆☆)
serpent & dove by shelby mahurin (gifted; ★★★☆☆)
harlem after midnight by louise hare (gifted; ★★★☆☆)
witch of wild things by raquel vasquez gilliland (gifted; ★★★☆☆)
the luis ortega survival club by sonora reyes (gifted; ★★★★☆)
blood & honey by shelby mahurin (audiobook; ★★★☆☆)
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde (audiobook; ★★★★★)
for the throne by hannah whitten (audiobook; ★★★☆☆)
the wake-up call by beth o'leary (★★★★★)
the book eaters by sunyi dean (audiobook; ★★★☆☆)
the moth keeper by kay o'neill (★★★★☆)
a fragile enchantment by allison saft (ARC; ★★★★☆)
just kids by patti smith (audiobook)
cult classic by sloane crosley (audiobook; ★★★★☆)
the atlas paradox by olivie blake (audiobook; ★★★★☆)
the goodbye cat by hiro arikawa (gifted; ★★★★★)
the appeal by janice hallett ( ★★★★☆)
the twyford code by janice hallett ( ★★★★☆)
wildfire by hannah grace (★★☆☆☆)
the roaring by t. katarina tayler (★★☆☆☆)
curious tides by pascale lacelle (audiobook; ★★★★☆)
the tempest by william shakespeare (audiobook; ★★★★☆)
murder on the orient express by agatha christie (audiobook; ★★★★☆)
canadian boyfriend by jenny holiday (ARC; ★★☆☆☆)
better than fiction by alexa martin (★★★☆☆)
the christmas appeal by janice hallett(★★★★☆)
kaikeyi by vaishnavi patel (audiobook; ★★★★☆)
finale: late conversations with stephen sondheim by d.t. max (audiobook; ★★★★☆)
cleopatra and frankenstein by coco mellors (★★★★☆)
the undertaking of hart and mercy by megan bannen (audiobook; ★★★☆☆)
how to stop time by matt haig (audioboook; ★★★☆☆)
the wake-up call by beth o'leary (reread; ★★★★★)
the break up tour by emily wibberley & austin siegemund-broka (arc; ★★☆☆☆)
bride by ali hazelwood (arc; ★☆☆☆☆)
the getaway list by emma lord (arc; review withheld due to st. martin's press boycott)
same time next year by tessa bailey (★☆☆☆☆)
the mountains sing by nguyễn phan quế mai (★★★★★)
normal people by sally rooney (audiobook, reread; ★★★★★)
the night circus by erin morgenstern (reread;★★★★★)
funny story by emily henry (arc; ★★★★★)
les misérables by victor hugo (★★★★★)
272 notes · View notes