#leverage redemption 2x01
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kajaono · 10 months ago
And Parkers name tag said: "Alice"
We got a return of Duchess Charolette AND Eliot’s sandwich!!!
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amuseoffyre · 7 months ago
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"We should steal something" - Leverage 2x01 & Leverage: Redemption 1x01
aka Parker's method of cheering Sophie up
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pumba2205 · 3 months ago
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Ich habe gerade geschaut Leverage: Redemption 2x01 "The Debutante Job"
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eg515 · 2 years ago
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amanitacaplan · 2 years ago
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Leverage: Redemption | 2x01 - The Debutante Job
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alchemypanda · 2 years ago
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Leverage Redemption 2x01 The Debutant Job || Eliot drops the bag Parker
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years ago
did anyone else notice that this is a parallel to the beantown bailout job??? because I did and I can’t stop thinking about it
not “bike of crime” parker trying to convince her mom sophie to start stealing with them again
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beingfacetious · 4 years ago
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Leverage 2x01 | Leverage: Redemption trailer
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blaineandsamevanderson · 4 years ago
What's in your WIP folder?
Oh boy, that’s a big ask! I tend to start writing a fic and get distracted. Some of these are super old and I keep meaning to get back to them, but the muses are fickle.
Hawaii Five 0
On the Right Track Babe ~ When a case leads to an undercover assignment, certain things are uncovered (Mcdanno)
Untitled ~ Danny works a detail at Honolulu Pride cuz he figures if there’s gotta be a police presence at Pride that some of the cops should be part of the community (Mcdanno)
9-1-1/9-1-1 LoneStar
The Date ~ Buck gets ready for a date after his shift at the firehouse...and a hot guy show to pick him up. Hot guy is Dylan, the hot EMT played by Nyle DiMarco on a Station 19 episode where they were fighting wildfires in CA. (Buddie)
Chopped ~ Buck competes on a firefighter edition of Chopped (Buddie)
BBQ ~ Carlos takes TK to a family BBQ (Tarlos)
Untitled Buddie Soulmates fic ~ When someone falls in love, they are marked, a signal appearing on their skin to commemorate that their heart was connected to another. Many couples bore marks for one and other, but only in rare occasions, do they wear the same mark. When two people loved each other and were true soulmates, they shared a mark. (Buddie)
Special Report ~ The news runs a story about the Tsunami on the anniversary (Buddie)
Untitled ~ Buck offers to go as Josh’s plus one to a wedding (undecided ship)
Untitled ~ Eddie hurts his hands and is frustrated. Buck is a good friend and lends a hand ;) (Buddie)
Untitled 9-1-1/Prodigal Son Crossover ~ What is says on the tin
Glee (All Blam)
Running Mates ~ When Blaine Anderson becomes the Democratic nominee for the presidency, he has to pick a VP. A Glee/West Wing fusion
Let’s Marvin Gaye ~ So, idea: In Senior year, Artie decides to get some more directorial experience by making music videos of his friends covering songs. One in particular is a hit, Blaine and Brittany’s cover of Charlie Puth/Meghan Trainor’s song Marvin Gaye…but unlike the actual video, they don’t share a kiss. Both Blaine and Britt have their own storylines in the video, Sam and Santana acting as their respective partners, culminating with kisses like in the video…though Artie doesn’t fade to black fast…It quickly goes viral :)
The Smell of Fresh Cut Grass on Sun Soaked Skin ~ Summer before S2, Sam’s family has just moved to Lima and he’s making extra cash by doing yard work. Gets hired by Mrs. Anderson and he and Blaine meet.
The Most Magical Place on Earth ~ Sam is called to a meeting by Blaine's parents. They sit him down and say that of all of Blaine's friends, Sam is the most reliable, the most trustworthy and the nicest. So they have chosen (maybe even hire) him to keep an eye on Blaine because Blaine tends to go crazy when he takes this annual trip. Cooper couldn't handle him. Kurt couldn't take it. But they think Sam can. When Blaine does his annual week-long trip to Disney World, Sam goes with him. Oh what could possibly happen?
Mutual Admiration ~ Famous male model Sam Evans is on Ellen to promote his new GQ magazine spread and when asked about celebrity crushes he reveals he’s crushing on Broadway star Blaine Anderson.
Friends, Love & Homecoming ~ S2 AU ~ Post 2x03 – Sam joined glee in 2x01 and is not dating Quinn. Not dating anyone at McKinley, cuz he’s with Blaine. When Homecoming rolls around, he wants to take him, so he tells the club. I want reactions!
Drunk on A Plane ~ After being left at the altar, Blaine decides to use the Honeymoon tickets himself. AU ~ where Sam never moved to Lima and he and Blaine meet later in life.
Cruise Ship Coincidence ~ Future fic slightly AU (no Klaine engagement or Samcedes stuff or they broke up already). During a cruise, Kurt and Rachel bump into newlywed Blaine and Sam, who are on their honeymoon after haven’t saw them in years
Untitled Bake Off AU ~ DCTV characters on Bake Off (Captain Canary, Winnara and others)
Stretch Right Up and Touch the Sky ~ Camp STAR is one of the North East’s most popular science camps. Every year, young minds arrive to learn and explore. Unfortunately, a few weeks before the camp was to open for the season, a large explosion in one of the labs and the ensuing fire made the camp uninhabitable. Not wanting his campers to miss out on their summer, Owner Harrison Wells called up Joe West, Owner of Camp Superflarrow, who he knew was looking to expand the science discovery program at his own camp. (Captain Canary, Winnara and others)
Untitled Beach Town AU ~ Beach Town AU: Sara Lance (16) and her sister Laurel (17) are invited to spend the summer at the summer beach house of Laurel’s friend Oliver (17). There, they meet a variety of people, townies, other vacationers, etc…and one townie in particular, Leonard Snart (17) catches Sara’s interest :) (Captain Canary, Winnara and others)
Untitled Actors AU ~ An AU where the Legends of Superflarrow characters are actors playing heroes (or part of the crew for the tv/movie) and Sara is one of the heroes and Leonard is one of the villains and their chemistry inspires the writers to give his character a redemption arc… (Captain Canary and others)
Captain Cold Comes to National City ~ Based on a thread started by this tumblr post: I’ve got it! Due to the Oculus’s destruction, Len Snart is blown through the time-space continuum. He awakens in a universe not his own, with a girl in a red skirt… not to mention a red cape… standing over him (Captain Canary, Winnara and others)
Legends of Tomorrow
A Tale of Two Snarts ~ A familiar face returns in an unexpected way (Captain Canary)
Land of the Lost ~ The Legends try to figure out how they’re going to fix time and find a lost friend along the way. Spoilers for the Season 2 Finale!!!! (Captain Canary)
Rewinding the Clock ~ In the Marvel world, even old age isn't a constant...
We’ve Come A Long Way From Where We Began ~ Picking up where Infinity War ends….
Star Trek
Georgia Time ~ A follow Up the The Journey Home and Beyond set right after Kirk et all graduate but before they ship out. (McKirk maybe?)
Teen Wolf
Finding Home ~ After the Battle of Beacon Hills, life goes on. (Thiam & Mahealahey & Others)
Model Behavior ~ Isaac gets a job as an Abercrombie greeter (before the ban) and Danny's his trainer. (Mahealahey)
The Full Moon Job (Crossover with Leverage) ~ An alternate version of Teen Wolf Season 6. Wet after the pack pretends to leave Beacon Hills, but after that, all timelines are chucked, characters are brought back and fun is had (Thiam & Mahealahey & Others)
Stay All Day in the Sun ~ When Theo isn't around, the pack starts to wonder where he's going off to.... (Thiam & Mahealahey & Others)
Untitled Actors AU ~ Liam and Theo are actors on a hit tv show. Their characters are enemies with crackling chemistry, but no one suspects it cuz they’re together off screen (Thiam)
Untitled Actors AU 2 ~ What if Danny was one of the cast of a popular show about werewolves? Possibly called Teen Wolf, for the fans of the Meta and, in Season 2, they bring in some new characters, including one played by Isaac. Their characters aren’t supposed to have too much interaction initially, but soon everyone sees the chemistry… (Mahealahey)
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cakeandpi · 4 years ago
Parker to Sophie, Leverage 2x01: “I know what will make you feel better. We should steal something.”
Parker to Sophie, in the Leverage Redemption preview: “We should steal something.”
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alittlebitbrave · 4 years ago
quick someone gif the parallel of 2x01 Parker saying “let’s steal something” to Sophie and then the “we should steal something” from leverage redemption
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thieves-never-say-die · 2 years ago
Let’s go steal the burden of proof
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readinginthereadyroom · 4 years ago
I’m on leverage s2 and they just gave the show an opening sequence. it’s okay tho I think eliot got the short stick when it comes to job descriptions.
also nate’s no longer drinking (lev 2x01). he’s my least favorite character and he was becoming...boring. one note. drunk and doesn’t care. angst angst angst. I’m not a criminal and sophie not divulging that she has the second david (lev 1x13) is awful terrible LYING and I’m too catholic and guilt-ridden and divorced (but still married) to be in like like with her now.
basically I’m saying he’s a child. he gets all petulant when he’s not in control of which jobs get chosen (lev 1x07), he puts his team in jeopardy with all his “functional alcoholic” nonsense (lev 1x12), and he lied to maggie when they were still married about the events surrounding their son’s death.
disgusting. letting her hob-knob with the insurance company that denied their son’s experimental cancer treatment. made her look the callous fool. it’s gross, it’s disgusting, I hate it.
anyhow good for sophie moving on. she deserves it. and I hope nate becomes more palatable as a character (his redemption arc would be an amazing story) cause working for a big insurance corporation for 20 years makes him kinda the worst thief out of all of them.
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hihogandalfaway · 2 years ago
Yeah, it turns out that they were actually saying 'debut' (per captions), even though 'debutante' is the title (Leverage redemption 2x01 The Debutante Job)
Why the fuck is 'debutante' not pronounced any differently to 'debut' like it's already got a silent letter why add four more to mean literally the same thing when this dumbass frankenstein language is already full of these idiot words that you can't pronounce correctly from reading I have seen this word dozens of times and now you're telling me that. The Added. Four. Letters. ARE FUCKING SILENT?!!!
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eg515 · 2 years ago
age of the geek, baby 😌
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thieves-never-say-die · 2 years ago
I’m forever in love with Breanna
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