#leverage redemption season 2
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kajaono · 10 months ago
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Thinking a lot about Paul hearing the trigger being pulled and his first instinct is to grab Eliot.
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lemissingmask · 2 years ago
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[ID: Sketch in dark red of Parker and Eliot from Leverage Redemption. Eliot is on all fours and wearing a cowboy hat, looking under a desk while Parker uses him as a step to step up into the desk. End ID]
The fact that Parker uses Eliot as a step to get onto a desk when she could very easily jump or flip or something onto the desk on her own…it’s so very them.
Also not long after he got hit in the back with a big ol’ plank of wood. But that’s just a Tuesday for Eliot 🤷
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richardsphere · 11 months ago
Leverage Redemption Log: The Crowning Achievement Job
Alarms still going off, Sophie is slow to leave cause its getting a bit emotional, her and Elliot are split from Parker and Harry by a safetydoor. --- Parker and Harry are going to gain access to the security room, Breanna tries to get the code from Curator Dunbar, (which not only lets them free Sophie and Elliot, but also get access to camerafootage of Arthur being a Crim)
Elliot suspected that Arthur was going to try something (because he knows Billy hates Sophie?) Breanna is proud of herself for the simple pickpocket. Harry is in the vents and almost manages not to have a panic attack.
Harry is unconcious in the vents and for some reason the FBI is in London now (not only do they not have juristiction, even if you were to somehow get them involved they wouldnt be able to teleport across the ocean) --- Arthur is playing the "reformed crook" Sophie is doing arts and crafts with Elliots wallet (his words not mine), Breanna pretends at being Harry, actual Harry is back in the vents.
We're out and clear but Sophie wants to stay (the crown is still in the museum after all) Im siding with Elliot and Harry here TBH.
--- Oh she called her mom. (Thats notable because Sophie refered to her as a "stepchild" at least once) Breanna loses valuable time pretending to be Elliot, but gets to keep the car in place.
She's not looking to take down Ramsey, she's looking to talk to (and possibly take down) her Sophie (i thought that was blatantly obvious, but apparently thats supposed to be a twist) The one benefit of having every agency on the planet in one place is things get so muddled you can claim to be from 5 agencies at once and nobody's knows whats even going on.
Oh the cops in the Hanover wing are drinking tea, guess its time for that good old biochemistry again. Team is arrested to give Arthur overconfidance issues. Commercial break --- Right so he never needed to worry bout those pressure sensors cause they're beneath the little black-cover thingy.
Oh its the other teams... thats cool. Sterling is section chief now (remember, last we saw him he was only head of a taskforce or department), and he's covering for Sophie in his own ways.
Hardison makes an end-of-season cameo (turns out his spacebuddies forgot to make a second rocket for the return trip. Time to heist NASA)
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kajaono · 10 months ago
Love how Parker used to push Hardison off buildings and thought that was flirting. Nice parallel here
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Leverage Redemption S2E10: The Work Study Job
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sugarandspicer · 1 year ago
ok I need to know: has Eliot Spencer tried the curly girl method and how did it go? because I am convinced that his hair is naturally curly and I need them to stop straightening it/brushing it out. every time it gets wet, it gets wavy and I just… ::fans self:: imagine if his hair looked like this ALL THE TIME
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FURTHERMORE, what am I supposed to do with the knowledge that sometimes this man puts tiny little beads in tiny little sections of his hair just because. he likes to feel pretty.
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kajaono · 10 months ago
I love Eliot focused episodes so much. Kane is always the hitter but he is so good when he is allowed to open up and show Eliot’s emotional side
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lemissingmask · 2 years ago
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[ID: Sketch of Eliot bracing himself on a tree with one hand while the other is clasped behind Dr. Paul's neck, pulling him into a hug. End ID]
I've been toying with sketches/attempts to sketch this scene since I saw the ep, and now because today is a >_< day gave up working from home to actually try a proper art. I'm adding Swamp Monster suit to my list of things I don't know if I ever want to draw again...
You know a hug is intense when you have to brace yourself on a tree for it.
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thefirsthogokage · 2 years ago
If I could talk to Eliot, I'd tell him that for someone who says he's accepted he's irredeemable, he sees awfully not ok with it. If he was, he wouldn't care about being useful. It wouldn't look like his heart broke by resigning himself to believing he's just a monster doing good.
I'd tell him that the Eliot who did those things in the past is dead and gone and that he needs to stop thinking of the two of them as the same person. He was pulled out of it. He got his humanity back.
Nate helped him. Sophie helped him. Parker helped him. Hardison helped him. The people they helped helped him. They all killed the Eliot he used to be. He's not that monster, not do I think he could be again. And if you can't go back to who you were, you are truly a different person.
Just because you can't make up for what you have done in the past, that doesn't mean you can't turn around and be a person worthy of love and being seen in a different light.
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You guys went all in on becoming better people and you brought me along for the ride.
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richardsphere · 11 months ago
Leverage Redemption log: The Belly of the Beast Job
So i didnt feel like doing the usual "stop and go" watching format i usually do. I just felt like turning on the show and watching it. I'll admit that for a second i legitimately thought i was watching the wrong show
Lovely episode, sort of a combination of Harry's Debut episode ("amateur tries crime and auditions for Leverage by accident") and the Futures Job ("Team is forced to run con by proxy"). I really like how they get to joke about some of the series conventions (every alias is a reference? Oopsie this girl watches Dr. Who.) Everyone running around in the background doing their usual stuff. Breanna has a musical number.
Parker as a Lockpicking Lawyer type "overly special-interest youtuber" makes sense on a level that is hilarious. Like this is definitly what would've become of her in an alternate timeline where her original dad was slightly less deserving of a gasleak explosion. Not much to say, If this reboot ever has a big "last dam job" type plot i look forward to seeing Jenna and Keith have an episode with Hurley and the Sleep-inducing accountant.
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reinanova · 1 year ago
Harry walks in on Parker kissing Eliot to comfort him (or vice versa) and he backs out of the room in a panic because this poor precious child is unaware of polyamory and the leverage OT3. So, in support of the Bro Code, he goes to Breanna and asks her to send a message to Hardison so he can talk to him.
Now Breanna, the wonderful little sis she is, asks Harry what’s so important that he feels the need to contact Hardison immediately. So Harry confesses that he just saw Parker cheating on Hardison with Eliot and that he needs to tell Hardison about it.
You cannot tell me that Breanna, our gay ace gen Z icon, is not aware of her brother being in a polyamorous relationship. And okay yes, maybe she “accidentally” found evidence of their relationship when she “accidentally” hacked into their phones but that’s hardly her fault. That was just the proof for her suspicions.
Back to Harry. Breanna is just holding back laughter at Harry’s obliviousness and of course she’s here for the drama (and listening to Hardison rant about the interruption) so she sets up a video call with Hardison, secretly sharing the video screen to the room Eliot and Parker are in.
So Hardison shows up on the call, visibly busy with lots of chaos and going ons behind him and is all, “Breanna, what’s wrong?”
And then Harry is all, “Hardison, I gotta tell you something” and tells him what he saw and is very apologetic that he’s informing Hardison that his girlfriend is cheating on him.
Hardison stares into the camera like he’s on The Office, visibly annoyed before going “Really man? Really??? You interrupt me while i’m dealing with [lists like five things he’s got going on right now] for this?”
And then turns to Breanna and says, “You let him call me for this?”
And she gives no fucks about it and just shrugs and is all “I thought it would be funny.”
Now Harry is growing more and more confused and he’s like, “Umm excuse me, are we just ignoring the whole girlfriend cheating on you thing?”
At this point, Parker drops in from the ceiling or something behind Harry and is like, “It’s not cheating when they’re both my boyfriend.”
And Eliot also pops up and says, “I should hope I’m able to kiss my girlfriend when our boyfriend isn’t around to kiss us.”
After Harry recovers from his mini heart attack after getting startled twice by Parker and Eliot, he’s like, “Cool, cool. Wait, what??”
But Eliot and Parker have already wandered off and Hardison is distracted with his stuff and Breanna shrugs at Harry before picking up her laptop and leaving to go catch up with Hardison while she has him on the call. So Harry is left standing there in confused but supportive spirit.
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jaysfishpit · 11 months ago
harry can’t be fully betraying them right????? double cross????? 👉👈 please?????
god but what a big fucking swing it would be to have him fully turn i respect the hell out of it
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qwanderer · 1 year ago
Still finding ways in which the Loki s2 finale really cements the unity of the ice prince.
I immediately saw how the visuals of that last scene firmly tied MCU Loki in with the original octopus god concept maybe even more tightly than comic!gos!Loki, which is impressive.
But then this morning I was talking to Loki and he was being all self sacrificing and "I know what I want" and in a tree watching over folks sadly so I was like "hey! Maybe be more Hardison for a minute? Hardison is better at being happy and wanting things right?"
So he's Hardison. In a satellite. Watching over folks sadly.
Ah, yeah, no, you're the same guy.
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kajaono · 10 months ago
And Parkers name tag said: "Alice"
We got a return of Duchess Charolette AND Eliot’s sandwich!!!
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kajaono · 10 months ago
Parker and Hardison are on a date and Eliot is the one cooking the date food for them?!
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lemissingmask · 2 years ago
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[ID: Sketch in red hues of Eliot adopting the weirdest guy ever alias during The Big Rig Job, smiling slightly with his shoulders hunched, and both hands in his pockets, with two bad guys standing behind him looking at him with bemusement, end ID]
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[ID: Sketch of Eliot in the weird alias from The Big Rig Job, looking slightly sad, slightly confused and just generally odd. End ID]
I cannot get over Eliot’s bizarre brief alias from the big rig job. I am invested in this random dude’s life so much - I would watch the hell out of a film about him and his voyage of self-discovery in the wake of the revelations about Skippy the dog.
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richardsphere · 11 months ago
Leverage Redemption Log: The Work Study Job
Ultraviolet catastrophe is indeed a great bandname.
Girl walks in, "how could you"... im putting money on plagiarism? (its the only crime i can think of a student could figure out. Sure he could be working on a quantumphysics/nucear radiation based weapon for the military, but a student wouldnt know) Pressed continue, im right. Stage fright/anxiety. As someone who has never been diagnosed with anxiety but has some pretty anxiety-esque tendencies... this will be a hard episode for me. --- Skipping over the "client meeting" bit, cause nothing much happened there (besides the obvious) Back at the theatre Breanna has the powerpoint. Turns out, not only is he a fraud he's also a climate-change denialist (not because he doesnt believe in it, lobbyists just pay him).
Turns out Harry used to go to this school (he also used to do "little yellow pills")
Harry and Breanna are ideologically seperated? (i dont think they are, Harry isnt saying "the system works", for godssake he's on team leverage AKA team fuck the system) but we're gonna be force-fed some BS here. But Breanna is being really harsh here. Like all Harry is saying is "I have connections here, and I have built up enough credit with 'donations' that these doors are open to us".
Harry: Look guys, The slow option exists and any crime involved in getting her her research back could permanently destroy the girls legitimately and ultimately cost her the very future we're trying to get her back. If we steal it from him and she gets her stuff back, he'll just claim she stole it from him. Sad Parker: But I love crime! Harry: Ok you can do a little crime, as a treat.
Sophie is calling the shot: We'll at least give the official route a chance. (She does not seem to be under any illusions it'll work but have to get started somewhere) --- I agree with Sophie, "ultimate frisbee" is a dumb name for a sport.
Dean Alreadyforgothisname drops a tech billionaire, which feels like either someone we'll return to later in the episode or a future mark.
Elliot is stealing the camerafeed for Breanna, But gets spotted by someone who redirects him elsewhere to fix whatever needs fixing. Parker complains that college campusses, campussi? Campi? are too easy. The one way to prevent Elliot from kicking your ass: Be someone he genuinely likes and/or pities. (he's gonna be evil isnt he? Obligatory third act twist) Harry cant distract this guy too long, They find the stuff (its behind the whiteboard) but while Parker manages to hide Breanna is found --- Breanna, when a mark says "oh you're the janitor" your response is "yes let me just take the trash out", confirm their suspicions and biases. But now that you've failed the slam dunk exit time to flatter his glasses and ego, (and bait him with a new, promising student he can plagiarise next) He tries to bait her with an impossible question, but she sees through it and exposits that she actually knows what she's talking about. But breanna has made herself an opening next monday --- So he's looking to "sell" (techcically lease) the patent to this clean fusion research to an oil company.
Mr "genius" doesnt seem to understand what "installed backwards"means.
Breanna stalls and redirects the oilguy, Floyd is about to interfere with Elliot. Harry is going to request the hearing,
Floyd is suprisingly happy with Elliot. Are we shock-therapying the Oilcorpo?
Oh Floyd has friends (presumably the actual backbone staff of the institution, secretaries, accountants etc.) --- Ok so its a secret Illuminati order of janitorial staff. I've seen this joke before but also, dont mess with the janitors man. They know where the bodies are hidden as well as where to hide yours.
As far as taking Gray down, Elliot just won the fucking lottery.
Meanwhile Harry gets what amounts to an out-and-open admission of corruption from the Dean. (Rule number 1: Never admit to your crimes where Leverage is near. They have recorders in their ears. The Dean's job priviliges are hereby revoked.)
"we need all the crime". Simple line but it works. 8.6/10 --- New plan: Convince Gray that the girl stole the research from a third party and its way more valuable then he thinks.
Breanna tells Emma to help Sophie
Sophie on a greenscreen doing a Ted Talk, Elliot plants a book with Sophies thesis in the library.
Gray just entered the suplycloset/Sophies Lair. Sophie, you could've waited 1 minute, given him the time to steal stuff on camera and strengthen your futures.
--- Time to feign Tech Billionaire Status (that guy from earlier is getting dropped again) HARDISON IS PLAYING THE SPACEBILLIONAIRE! I am loving this. They really realised exactly how much leniancy a greenscreen gave them to work around this guys schedule. the legit look of glee on Sophie's face when she realises Hardison is joining this con. She (character) doesnt even need to fake it. (i dont want to presume on the feelings of the actor)
Hardison, you ducked up your coverstory in the first line. A tech billionaire admitting that their people did the work not themselves? God if only we lived in a world where that really happened. (i mean an ideal world obviously wouldnt have billionaires in the first place but one step at a time)
Gray has taken the bait. Sophie boner-baits him into a rush decision.
Problem with a violin scam, what if they have an actual buyer lined up. --- Ok so list of problems: Getting Emma in the room, Goading Gray to over-extend. Getting rid of a billionaire's security. thats 1 big problem and like, 2 quarters of a problem. (Emma is the legit issue, anxiety sucks)
Huh this tech billionaire is actually rather open minded and sensible. Ah they let him realise they're conning him to move the guards out of play.
All the janitors working together to funnel this guy into his doom. Gray tries to prevent Emma from meeting the Tech Billionaire just in time for commercial break. (he's about to gloat on a wire, while the billionaire is locked in a box with a functioning speaker hearing him admit everything) --- Oh yeah the billionaire went to school here, he's been in Gray's class and knows enough science to know that when a professor claims to have all the answers rather then admit "i dont know that, i'll look into it" from time to time its a big red flag. Obviously fuck billionaires, but on the scale of fictional billionares this guy is pretty good.
"I have Tenure" "We have a Harry".
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