Welcome to The Dumpster Fire
332 posts
Goes by Opal (24 She/They)Sometimes I write stuff. Sometimes I draw stuff. Even more than that sometimes if I’m feeling it I do requests. Huge nerd. Really into Baldur’s Gate right now. Former RP Blog turned place where I share my brain rot. Formerly known as detective-phxcker. (Hi, how ya doin', I'm dead no longer)Discord: opalescent (if you’d rather reach me there, I probably answer more frequently)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thr33-of-swords · 1 year ago
They gave Gale all the sexiest voice lines when you click on him. "Your desire?" "My pleasure." "Quite ready for you." "I have the magic touch." "Unleash me." "Ready and willing." The fuck, Gale, I'm trying to play a game here 🥵
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thr33-of-swords · 1 year ago
God I love it so much, can I just say didn’t someone like either do research or ask someone who knew better about the marriage traditions of waterdeep, like for funsies and they answered the rings were typically worn on the middle fingers or something to that effect? Like am I imagining that post because if thats the truth and I’m not imagining it like a crazy person then I’m quite sure he’s kissing tav’s middle finger when they accept his proposal and god damn it i love this wizard, its the little details that really shine.
I’m so normal about him I promise.
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thr33-of-swords · 1 year ago
Yesssss! Oh my god THIS!
as a druid class enthusiast, I love imagining Gale carrying Tav (audhild) around on his shoulders in raven form or him napping on his partner in bear shape.
Especially if Gale becomes a professor, it would be so fun if gale becomes the professor known for having so many pets but in reality it's just Tav visiting him for afternoon smooches.
Professor Dekarios is seen saying "my love,how's your day?" to a cat outside the academy.
"Yes, I promise I will finish up early and be on time." Professor Dekarios says to a raven at his window during class.
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thr33-of-swords · 1 year ago
I love Gale so much if I had the chance I'd tear apart mystra with my teeth
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thr33-of-swords · 1 year ago
Actually might start writing again but I read all the time pal
Reblog if you’re over 20 and still read/write fan fiction.
I’m curious!
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thr33-of-swords · 5 years ago
Behold my submission to @convin-secret-santa-2020
I was paired with @sheepishwolfy they asked for bickering that lead to boning and aftercare and I got more hooked on the aftercare😅.
This is my first work on Ao3. I hope to post many more! I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! I fought with my router and won!
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thr33-of-swords · 5 years ago
God yes!
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Little hello for DBH fandom =) Would you like to get a printed version of my comics? In english edition. Pls reblog or/and comment if so. If it’ll be about 20-30 comers - I’ll open preorder. (The zine is 18+, 30+ pages, +-10$)
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
connor: i’m proud to identify as morosexual. i’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. gavin asked me what model i was when it was written right there on my jacket and now i dream of kissing him under the moonlight.
gavin: *puts his gun to connor's head* p'ksssh!
connor, already undoing his tie: gavin you’re so fucking stupid.
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
Gavin: You ever get intimidated by people’s biceps?
Connor: *staring at Gavin’s guns* Uh huh.
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
A Not So Glorious Return
Hi Guys, It’s Opal. I’m sure a lot of you are mad and have been wondering where exactly I ran off to the past months. I’ll get to that in a second. Good ol’ detective-pxcker is running back with her tail between her legs here and I want to make it very clear that I am so fucking sorry and I fully intend to get this blog back on the regular.
Now as for where I was, well, a lot has happened for me. When I started this blog I was in college, since I’ve gone missing I have dropped out and gotten a job at a hospital because I thought I would be moving in with my fiance....I now no longer have a fiance and regret dropping out entirely. I just need some normalcy and some friends right now...I’m still not in a good way from that.
Any way I’m back, finally back and I have fucking missed every single one of you that have given this blog love and attention. I would never have gotten far if it wasn’t for amazing people like you.
- Opal
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
Gavin stood stunned for a moment before bringing his arms up, gently hugging the android. He gently pats the android’s back.
“Hey, no you’re okay it’s alright, We’ll uh...” He sighs. “We’ll figure this out okay? Just sit down, pet the cat for a second or two, try to calm down.” He says giving a small concerned smile. 
It was ernestly really relieving to hear that the android was recognizing this about himself. It sucked that it had to be under these circumsances. Perhaps they could figure it out. Right now Connor needed some form of comfort. Gavin wasn’t sure he could be the one that would give it. “I’m not mad at you, if that’s what you’re wondering. This is alright, I was hoping you’d realize this actually. Like I’ve said, I see you as more human than them. Bastards are fucking monsters” He raves a little, walking Connor over to the couch so he could sit the android down. “Like, I don’t see how they could intentionally do this shit to you, it’s fucking awful. That’s like willfully giving a person amnesia just so they can starta new job. It’s ridiculous.”
Attitude problems - closed
Connor RX900 stepped confidently into the Detroit police station, casually scanning every face he passed by as he searched for his new assignment, moving further in. He was specifically looking for a certain individual by the name of Gavin Reed who had made quite the reputation for himself, with multiple disciplinary warnings and a record for inappropriate behaviour towards androids, not to mention an almost blatant disregard for his superiors. RX900 had been sent in to fix this.
“Hey, can I help you-“ A police officer tried to ask helpfully but Connor walked right past him, his eyes locating and locking on Gavin. He took a moment to take the man’s appearance in, staring coolly at the way he was sat at his desk with his feet resting on top of it. The android could already tell just by his expression that this was going to be an interesting assignment.
“Gavin Reed.” The RX900 greeted the man with a neutral expression, sticking out his hand. “My name is Connor, I’m the android sent by Cyberlife to assist you on your cases from now on and assist you with your behaviour.”
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
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i don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship | OTP | My sun, moon, and stars | Why I wake up in the mornings | Tin man and Trash can Toxic. Unhealthy. Won’t last long. I don’t get it.
Connor has heard them all and then some. Comments about his relationship with Gavin from colleagues and friends…Hank. He knows that he shouldn’t be bothered by them but words have their way of getting under his skin, planting doubts in his mind.
But for every negative comment he hears, he remembers Gavin’s hand clasping his, warm and comforting. For everytime he hears how wrong they are for each other, he hears Gavin’s soft laughter at night, when they both can’t sleep or if the other needs respite after a nightmare. For everytime they tell him Gavin’s not good for him, he remembers Gavin’s awkward apology and his own, as they are both at fault in their own way. He too has pointed his gun at another person.
At his weakest points, when the doubts are too much too handle, he comes to him with honesty in his words. Knowing that Gavin understands, knowing that he is not alone in this.
And he knows, for the short time he is in this world, Gavin is worth it
They are worth it. Send me a ship? ; u ;
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
Gavin wasn’t exactly the type to be still, deep in thought. To be most specific, he paced, quite frequently, and when he didn’t pace, he tapped his foot or rolled the tips of his fingers along something. Anything to be moving in some way. 
The Detective was quite restless, left in his apartment with his thoughts meanwhile his partner was being evaluated, honestly, probably rather unfairly. It sucked that Connor didn’t have a legal say in his own fate in this sense. The android was so much more than machinery, they had made him that way, made all androids that way. Why was it such a shock that they would take as they’ve been given upon creation?
It was frustrating. Just as frustrating as insisting that there was no real worry in his capture and torture, and even then, when he was freed he came to scold Gavin for leaving him in that dingy basement. Connor always would feel more than he let on. Maybe he... No, we’re not going to think about what just happened in the bedroom. 
Gavin rubbed his hands down his face and stepped away from the door, opening it. If he was going to be awake he might as well have another excuse for it and make some coffee. 
Had Connor really...ugh. He couldn’t outrun it just...why? Of all notes the android could have left on, he had to leave in one of the cheesiest ways imagined? Gavin wasn’t sure if he wanted to slap him or kiss him more. God, that smile had killed him. The genuine happiness that he saw for a split second. God, he could drown in those icy blue eyes.
He pinches the bridge of his nose squeezing his eyes shut. He leans on his kitchen counter over the cup of coffee. 
Connor would be the death of him, he was sure of it.
The knock interrupted his thoughts, actually, it jolted him from them. Nothing quite drags the mind from its thoughts like scalding hot coffee splashing onto one’s hand. “Ah fuck” He hisses.
“One minute” He called back to the door, quickly grabbing a hand towel and mopping up the small spill, dabbing it off his hand as well, making sure he hadn’t burned himself before leaving the towel on the counter and opening the front door.
Attitude problems - closed
Connor RX900 stepped confidently into the Detroit police station, casually scanning every face he passed by as he searched for his new assignment, moving further in. He was specifically looking for a certain individual by the name of Gavin Reed who had made quite the reputation for himself, with multiple disciplinary warnings and a record for inappropriate behaviour towards androids, not to mention an almost blatant disregard for his superiors. RX900 had been sent in to fix this.
“Hey, can I help you-“ A police officer tried to ask helpfully but Connor walked right past him, his eyes locating and locking on Gavin. He took a moment to take the man’s appearance in, staring coolly at the way he was sat at his desk with his feet resting on top of it. The android could already tell just by his expression that this was going to be an interesting assignment.
“Gavin Reed.” The RX900 greeted the man with a neutral expression, sticking out his hand. “My name is Connor, I’m the android sent by Cyberlife to assist you on your cases from now on and assist you with your behaviour.”
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
If Gavin had responded at all, it had come out as a rather meek whisper. He shoved the door shut after the Android left, leaning back against it, his head meeting the wood.
What even was that?
Had that really happened or was Gavin just exhausted? What was he getting himself into here. Connor just...had he?
Was the Android flirting or was he just tired.
His cheeks burned red long after the Android had left. He should stop pressing like this. He shouldn't push this. He lets Purcy hop down from his arms covers his face his his hands, knocking his head back off of the door once more.
Attitude problems - closed
Connor RX900 stepped confidently into the Detroit police station, casually scanning every face he passed by as he searched for his new assignment, moving further in. He was specifically looking for a certain individual by the name of Gavin Reed who had made quite the reputation for himself, with multiple disciplinary warnings and a record for inappropriate behaviour towards androids, not to mention an almost blatant disregard for his superiors. RX900 had been sent in to fix this.
“Hey, can I help you-“ A police officer tried to ask helpfully but Connor walked right past him, his eyes locating and locking on Gavin. He took a moment to take the man’s appearance in, staring coolly at the way he was sat at his desk with his feet resting on top of it. The android could already tell just by his expression that this was going to be an interesting assignment.
“Gavin Reed.” The RX900 greeted the man with a neutral expression, sticking out his hand. “My name is Connor, I’m the android sent by Cyberlife to assist you on your cases from now on and assist you with your behaviour.”
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
He starts to drive the second she buckled in. “What would give you that impression?” He mused, glancing over at Isles briefly. His gaze darted back to the road soon after. “I mean you’re totally right, but what gives that away?” 
"I don't even drink that often, but it's just been one of those weeks, rookie. It's one of those weeks where I swear I'm about to put Anderson to shame the second I clock out. You feel me?"
Isles hums in response, her head lying on her desk, trying to will her hangover away. She hasn’t had one in a while and this one is hitting her hard. “I can barely hear you due to the raging headache going on in my head right now, but it sounds like you and I are getting fucked up on alcohol tonight.”
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
“Yeah, well, I’m going to be honest, I never would have thought having an android as a partner would have grown on me this much...” He adds, looking up at the android again.
“If they have issues with your performance. I can tell you right here its a mistake...You’re the best partner I’ve had, and I earnestly mean that.” He opened his mouth to continue and then stopped himself. “I guess what I’m trying to get at here is, good luck. I know that people at that station are really...pissed bout you being there. If they actually worked in a timely manner maybe you wouldn’t make them look so bad...I know that I probably would be dead if they hadn’t brought you personally I can’t say that they’re right to complain about you. I-” He stops again. “Thank you...for that. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for being a huge piece of shit on your first day. You’ve seen me in tons of bad places by now... and somehow you still deal with it, which is more than anyone else has done...For what it’s me, you’re more human than most of them.”
He lets out a long sigh. and looks down at the cat again. He felt vulnerable. Too vulnerable in fact. He was worried, he was especially worried about the android.
Attitude problems - closed
Connor RX900 stepped confidently into the Detroit police station, casually scanning every face he passed by as he searched for his new assignment, moving further in. He was specifically looking for a certain individual by the name of Gavin Reed who had made quite the reputation for himself, with multiple disciplinary warnings and a record for inappropriate behaviour towards androids, not to mention an almost blatant disregard for his superiors. RX900 had been sent in to fix this.
“Hey, can I help you-“ A police officer tried to ask helpfully but Connor walked right past him, his eyes locating and locking on Gavin. He took a moment to take the man’s appearance in, staring coolly at the way he was sat at his desk with his feet resting on top of it. The android could already tell just by his expression that this was going to be an interesting assignment.
“Gavin Reed.” The RX900 greeted the man with a neutral expression, sticking out his hand. “My name is Connor, I’m the android sent by Cyberlife to assist you on your cases from now on and assist you with your behaviour.”
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thr33-of-swords · 6 years ago
[ I'll go ahead and ask the ones I really wanna know from you, Gavin :> ] 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? 59: Do you like the snow? 58: Favourite weather? 28: Have you ever been cheated on? 14: Do you miss someone? 11: Do you like someone? 31: Does somebody love you?
#61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Just gonna call a spade a spade and be honest here, yeah, it is. Pet names are cute but I prefer to keep it simple. Call me babe, baby, honey, and I'm yours honestly.
#59: Do you like snow?
NO. God no. Sure it's pretty and all. But then it gets dirty, slushy and disgusting and worse yet, then it freezes and you hurt yourself trying to get out of your car late at night.
[Mun lives in Northeastern PA and has very strong feelings about winter right now]
#58: Favorite weather?
Thunderstorms and Dry Lightning
#28: Have you ever been cheated on?
Yes. With him three years, thought I knew him to be better than that. I was even gonna marry that son of a bitch.
#14: Do you miss someone?
Every day. Will I talk about it? No.
#11: Do you like someone?
Hahah, you're super nosy, aren't you? Yes, I do anon...and God do I hate myself for it.
#31: Does someone like you?
No, no they don't if they know what's good for them. I pity them if they do because I don't even like me.
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