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raemissigman · 4 years ago
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Creative Jumpstart will begin before you know it! 45 days of art lessons from the artists you know and love! ⁣ I’m so excited to be teaching again this year and can’t wait to begin my year with color. Join me and let’s paint a color story together! ⁣ Tap the link in my profile to learn more. Creative Jumpstart 2021 - Register today to save! ⁣ #creativejumpstart2021 #creativejumpstart #cjs #pocketjournallove #colocrush #allthecolors #colorstory #lovewhatyoudo #makearteveryday #arttoolsiuseeveryday #creativekickstartersilove #15minutesofartjoy #arttoolstellastory #acolorstory #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #creativecommunity #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVkAdNJQF9/?igshid=z0hbc2582ri7
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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So much love between these pages. Love of the process, love of the practice, love of all the magic that happens when we create in a journal meant for our eyes only. ⁣ Unexpectedly we discover beautiful things when we create in private. It’s those special moments when we find ourselves sharing after all. ⁣ Pocket Journals are my very special favorite journal of all time. Have you made one yet? To⁣ learn more tap the link in my profile. ⁣ #flattenthecurve #pocketdoc #pocketjournallove #stayingcreative #stayingconnected #pocketjournals #makearteveryday #arttoolsiuseeveryday #creativekickstartersilove #15minutesofartjoy #arttoolstellastory #trustyourart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #mixedmediaartmarks #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artjournalingmylife #artmarks #raemissigman https://www.instagram.com/p/CD3nMzkpi9_/?igshid=hqjbyo6djs3n
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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A little something with watercolor and my little three leaf stencil today. ⁣ I keep finding ways to make my little ATC stencils seem fresh and new, like using these little leaf stencils alongside of my own hand painted flower tops! So fun! ⁣ For more inspiration tap the link in my bio. ⁣ Be sure to hop over and check out how my friend @sandikeene is using these stencils! It’s absolutely gorgeous stuff! Oh that tiny watercolor set? That’s a custom set we make in the QuickStart Watercolor Travel Art Workshop! #stencilgirlproducts #stencilgirl #raesstencils #raesnewatcstencils #atcstencils #tinystencilsformypocketjournal #pocketjournallove #pocketjournals #lovewhatyoudo #makearteveryday #creativekickstartersilove #15minutesofartjoy #arttoolstellastory #letyourartexciteyou #artexperiments #watercolorbotanicals #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #makerofartmarks #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/CCddPamJJAM/?igshid=1nmidbrij3r1b
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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Watercolor Layers. ⁣ This is one my favorite ways to create a lot of color and pattern quickly. Layers of this sheer medium offer a peek at what is underneath and to me that adds to the magic. ⁣ Speaking of Magic I added a bit of Stencil Magic to this piece. I am using one of my favorite ATC Mark Making Stencils for many of the loose buds and florals in this piece. ⁣ To learn more about how to put your stencils to work for you tap the link in my bio. This is a “two-takes” style class that I co-teach with my friend @ so you’ll get double the knowledge, to, tricks, techniques, and inspiration! For more inspiration, tips, tricks, free prompts & challenges, or to take a class with me just tap the link in my profile. #stencilmagic #raesstencils #atcstencils #stencilgirlproducts #watercolorartmarks #watercolorbotanicals #watercolorexperiments #watercolormyway #experimentingevenwhenitsdifficult #arttoolstellastory #watercolorexploration #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #pocketjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #creativecommunity #iamamakerofartmarks #creativebizowners #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOS-XgpQTJ/?igshid=4z1s39sf6ndc
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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Mixing it up with juicy layers of Botanicals and Art Marks. It’s so much fun to experiment with different stencils to see how they pair together. I always discover something new! ⠀⠀ Swipe to see which of my new @stencilgirl_products ATC stencils I am using today as @sandikeene I continue to challenge one another to create unique and interesting designs with different mediums, like watercolor and texture paste. ⠀⠀ I mentioned in another post that I love to use my stencils in part. This is a great example of that technique. Adding bits of the whole is a great way to really get creative with your stencils. ⠀⠀ Today’s bits: portions of the leaf stencils turned flower, the berries from another stencil where I excluded the root base and sketched lines using the oval lines Art Marks stencil (or as @SandiKeene likes to call it- the Chinese lantern!) ⠀⠀ Are you feel inspired by our two takes? Tag me if you’re creating with my new ATC stencils so I can see what you’re creating and share the love. ⠀⠀ Stay tuned for more two takes, ideas, and inspiration! Tap the link in my profile to learn more or grab your own set. ⠀⠀ #stencilgirlproducts #stencilgirl #raesstencils #raesnewatcstencils #atcstencils #tinystencilsformypocketjournal #pocketjournallove #pocketjournals #lovewhatyoudo #makearteveryday #arttoolsiuseeveryday #creativekickstartersilove #15minutesofartjoy #arttoolstellastory #trustyourart #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #makerofartmarks #artjournalingmylife #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/CBfqueZjWZb/?igshid=188w68sktxw8p
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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Just watercolor bouquets filling up a page. ⠀⠀ Some days I have to approach art as if it were nothing more than a warm up. Some days it ends in muddy puddle. And some days I get rainbow filled bouquets of Art Marks and flowers. ⠀⠀ Nothing special or fancy or fine art about it. Just painting my heart out and enjoying the magic of watercolor. ⠀⠀ For more inspiration, tips, tricks, free prompts & challenges, or to take a class with me just tap the link in my profile. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ #watercolorartmarks #watercolorbotanicals #watercolorexperiments #watercolormyway #experimentingevenwhenitsdifficult #arttoolstellastory #watercolorexploration #trustyourart #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/CBI8tNppMBR/?igshid=gvu6o1mpp170
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
Some days are just meant for making all the scraps of collage paper. ⠀⠀ Tissue paper and watercolor. Delicate, fragile even, but oh so worth it when it dries. ⠀⠀ I hope today finds you happily creating! If you’d like to learn more about this beautiful medium, join us in the classroom for Quickstart Watercolor, a class I co-teach with @sandikeene . ⠀⠀ And for more inspiration, tips, tricks, free prompts & challenges, or to take a class with me just tap the link in my profile. ⠀⠀ #watercolorartmarks #watercolorbotanicals #watercolorexperiments #watercolormyway #experimentingevenwhenitsdifficult #arttoolstellastory #watercolorexploration #trustyourart #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/B_cf5Gsp8ed/?igshid=fp47s7kyik52
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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I had an art date via FaceTime with my friend @sandikeene a few days ago and we discovered it was much easier and way more fun to create together. ⠀⠀ In the current light we both have been struggling with feeling creative, motivated, cheerful so we thought a few moments together online painting might help. Well we didn’t paint, in fact we didn’t make finished art at all. All we actually did was cut, fold and stitch papers for our new Pocket.doc folio but the conversation and the company made those simple tasks so enjoyable. ⠀⠀ We didn’t have an agenda, no plan for what we would finish or talk about, we just wanted-needed-to be together, even if it meant virtually. ⠀⠀ Let me tell you it was the best thing we could have done for our spirits. We hung up feeling much more cheerful and refreshed. If you haven’t reached out to a friend lately do it. It will make all the difference. ⠀⠀ These painted pieces began life as one sheet of paper that I painted at random. No design, just lots of puddled paint marks and colorful leaves and stems. I love these cut up so much more than the whole! These are headed to my Pocket.doc. ⠀⠀ Staying creative. Staying connected. ⠀⠀ #flattenthecurve #pocketdoc #pocketjournallove #stayingcreative #stayingconnected #pocketjournals #lovewhatyoudo #makearteveryday #arttoolsiuseeveryday #creativekickstartersilove #15minutesofartjoy #arttoolstellastory #trustyourart #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artjournalingmylife #artmarks #raemissigman https://www.instagram.com/p/B_H0JeIJjCB/?igshid=tdmzr617772c
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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Painting with watercolor is all about the experiment for me. ⠀⠀ I love all the mixing of different hues and finding new ways to make color tell a story. Today it’s all about the greens and pinks! ⠀⠀ Join @sandikeene and I in Quickstart Watercolor as we explore this beautiful medium. Link in profile. ⠀⠀ #watercolorartmarks #watercolorexperiments #watercolormyway #experimentingevenwhenitsdifficult #arttoolstellastory #watercolorexploration #trustyourart #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/B8jFo8oJD3z/?igshid=v1yhyzzov7ei
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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Pocket Journals and Watercolor and Art Marks forever. ⠀⠀ You can learn more about this amazing journal in the wildly popular workshop- Pocket Journals- that @sandikeene and I co-teach. As with all of our co-taught classes you will get two takes and two styles as we share our love of working small. Tap the link in my profile to learn more and sign up today. ⠀⠀ #somethingprettycoolisintheworksoverhere #inspireyourself #paintfromtheheart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #pocketjournallove #pocketjournals #lovewhatyoudo #makearteveryday #arttoolsiuseeveryday #creativekickstartersilove #15minutesofartjoy #arttoolstellastory #letyourartexciteyou #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artjournalingmylife #artmarks #raemissigman https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Gh1A-JlC8/?igshid=4jn4msmj927p
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
Just some colorful crunchy paper to brighten your day! ⠀⠀ This little part of my paper stash is one of my favorites. It’s all hand painted. Either with a brush or using the @gelliarts printing plate. Most of these will be cut up and used in my pocket journal. ⠀⠀ I get asked a lot if I make copies of my work before I cut them up. Yes and no. Actually sometimes is a more accurate and honest answer. ⠀⠀ This one question made me think a lot about how I make art work with my life. ⠀⠀ I like using original papers 99% of the time because it forces me to think and create new and original work all the time. Also - and this is the honest part - I forget. I am busy. My life is full. I make art when I can and that rarely means that I have time to curate or plan how my art will unfold. ⠀⠀ I used to get hung up on wanting to have the perfect routine, the perfect IG feed, the perfect plan for my art but it didn’t take me very long to realize that was never going to work with my life. ⠀⠀ So most of the time I am content to paint something new instead of using what I already painted. My new normal is to just do what feels right. Our current life situation has reminded me that time is precious. I want to focus on being present, joyful, and true to who I am as a person and an artist and stop worrying about what I am not. #pocketjournallove #pocketjournals #lovewhatyoudo #makearteveryday #arttoolsiuseeveryday #creativekickstartersilove #15minutesofartjoy #arttoolstellastory #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artjournalingmylife #artmarks #raemissigman #gelliarts #monoprinting #gelliprinting https://www.instagram.com/p/B-UiZKoJK5p/?igshid=f2gm50ndwtih
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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What’s on your art agenda today? ⠀⠀ No matter where the day takes you enjoy the process. In today’s climate it’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of news and social media so it’s important to make time for self care and the things that uplift you. Happy Weekend to you all! I’ll just be over here painting with my watercolors! ⠀⠀ For more inspiration or to take a class just tap the link in my profile. ⠀⠀ #watercolorartmarks #watercolorbotanicals #watercolorexperiments #watercolormyway #experimentingevenwhenitsdifficult #arttoolstellastory #watercolorexploration #trustyourart #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/B-RtAXdpOH6/?igshid=1blh5335ctnq1
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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I can’t bear to waste paint. So here I sit, in the studio, saving all the extra left over paint from my palette. ⠀⠀ I know it sounds cliché but it’s true. Paint is expensive and aside from that it’s beautiful. So I use it up. I pull out a journal or magazine and I just brush all that extra paint onto the pages. No rhyme. No reason. Just getting it off the palette and into a book where I can revisit it later. ⠀⠀ I will come back and add Art Marks, collage, journal a few words, and sketch and draw over this paint. The best part is that I always end up liking these “throw the paint on any which way” pages more than the ones where I try to recreate this colorful block like style. Good things happen in the studio when you just let go and do what feels good. ⠀⠀ What are you doing in the studio today? ⠀⠀ Tap the link to read more about my art journey, take a workshop with me or discover even more inspiration. ⠀⠀ #paintyourartout #raepaints #pocketsizedpainting #abstract #layersoftexture #raemissigman #artmarkspainting #iamamakerofmarks #makingmymark #pocketjournallove #pocketjournals #makearteveryday #creativekickstartersilove #15minutesofartjoy #arttoolstellastory #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/B-PPoKFJmrD/?igshid=h4jjj87l11xe
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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Do you have a favorite object or thing you like to paint over and over again? ⠀⠀ I will never tire of botanicals. Any shape, form or medium just give me all the plants and flowers. I love reading about them, scouring photographs of different species, and haunting all the botanical gardens I can find. Someday I hope to stumble upon beautiful vintage botanicals memorabilia. Someday. For now I will just keep painting. ⠀⠀ Fun Fact: My favorite plants to draw or paint are ferns! ⠀⠀ For tips on favorite supplies, free art prompts, 30 Day challenges and more inspiration- or to take a class just tap the link in my profile. ⠀⠀ #watercolorartmarks #watercolorbotanicals #watercolorexperiments #watercolormyway #experimentingevenwhenitsdifficult #arttoolstellastory #watercolorexploration #trustyourart #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/B-E2MpVJrlx/?igshid=d0sulzdx4j4y
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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Starting the New Year out with a juicy stack of Pocket Journals. ⠀⠀ My journals get pretty chunky. This image is of two mostly filled books. I love to rotate journals when I work. I usually have two or three going at all times. I will choose one at random when I get the urge to create. And I don’t typically work in order of the pages. I just flip through until a page strikes me and I begin working at that point in the book. I love this strategy because as I flip through I am inspired by the finished pages that are intermingled throughout. ⠀⠀ How do you work in your journal? Do you go page by page or choose a page at random? I’d love to hear! ⠀⠀ You can learn more about this amazing journal in the wildly popular workshop- Pocket Journals- that @sandikeene and I co-teach. As with all of our co-taught classes you will get two takes and two styles as we share our love of working small. Tap the link in my profile to learn more and sign up today. ⠀⠀ #somethingprettycoolisintheworksoverhere #inspireyourself #paintfromtheheart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #pocketjournallove #pocketjournals #lovewhatyoudo #makearteveryday #arttoolsiuseeveryday #creativekickstartersilove #15minutesofartjoy #arttoolstellastory #letyourartexciteyou #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artjournalingmylife #artmarks #raemissigman https://www.instagram.com/p/B6yBCbgJCzU/?igshid=1vw73b18wnu84
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raemissigman · 5 years ago
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Feeing all the love for my gold and black pens today as I work over color in my Pocket Journal. ⠀⠀ Current favorites include : @sharpie @mujiusa and @uniball_uk ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ You can learn more about this amazing journal in the wildly popular workshop- Pocket Journals- that @sandikeene and I co-teach. As with all of our co-taught classes you will get two takes and two styles as we share our love of working small. Tap the link in my profile to learn more and sign up today. ⠀⠀ #somethingprettycoolisintheworksoverhere #inspireyourself #paintfromtheheart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #pocketjournallove #pocketjournals #lovewhatyoudo #makearteveryday #arttoolsiuseeveryday #creativekickstartersilove #15minutesofartjoy #arttoolstellastory #letyourartexciteyou #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #artjournalingmylife #artmarks #raemissigman https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vUYD9JB_N/?igshid=cl23ssnq36xe
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