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Thinking about open spaces today. As I continue to unpack and reorganize the studio into a new space, I continue to be amazed. What seemed like a scary and challenging task a few days ago has instead been enlightening. I have embraced the new, let go of the old and kept a positive attitude toward working with unfamiliar spaces. _________ Sometimes the idea of open spaces can be daunting. In real life and in art. Especially for an OCD mark maker like myself. I like to fill spaces. It’s just what makes me feel good. I can’t wait to get into the new studio and do more. _________ Come make a pocket journal with @sandikeene and I today! Tap the link in my profile to learn more. #pocketjournalsforever #loveyourownart #artjournallove #vintagebookturnedartjournal #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife https://www.instagram.com/p/Btn9HUzAcu8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u9ylfkzxep09
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Beautiful beginnings. _______ When I begin something new I feel this great rush of excitement and my first thought is “I have to share this with others and maybe they will feel excited too. “ I guess I just have this deep rooted need to share “the love of making.” I want others to feel happy when they create like I do. And I want them to look forward to new beginnings and new ideas. I think maybe that’s the hope of most makers. ________ #iamamarkmaker #makerofartmarks #sharetheloveofbeingamaker #artmarksandwords #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #artmarkscards #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #beginningsofsomethingnew https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMjX23Acr1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12h9w3cypeoyc
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My studio is my very special place. I spent years working in a tiny corner of my living room before I had a room to call my own. _________ Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for the space I have, and as I grow as an artist and as a person I am constantly shifting and changing the tiniest of details in this room. Reorganizing shelves or swapping out art on the walls or adding color and pattern through collected bits from my travels. ⠀ ⠀ _________⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ But this week I took a big step. I added this bright pink rug and I love it so much. Somehow this room feels cozier than ever now. _________ Fun fact: Right on that stool is where I sat and wrote most of my upcoming book. Use the link in my profile to find out how you can get a copy for yourself. It won’t be long now! ⠀ ⠀ _________ #iwroteabook #studiolove #artstudio #raesstudio #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #bekindtoyourselfandyourart #createeveryday #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #artistsofinstagtam #artmarks
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Two little red heads. One might even say twins. _________ Experimenting with color, exploring face studies, and adding lots of Art Marks-all of which make me very happy! _________ Having fun alongside of @sandikeene with a bit of #artistsplayingtag . Her faces are delicate colorful works of art. Check her beautiful feed out and be prepared to be inspired! _________ #iwroteabook #trustyourart #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #bekindtoyourselfandyourart #createeveryday #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #facestudies #artmarks
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A teeny tiny page or two today. _________ Sometimes I sit and leaf through my Pocket Journal just because it makes me happy. Thank you to everyone who has been sharing their lovely journals made in class. We so enjoy seeming them! Have you made one yet? Join @sandikeene and I @raemissigman for this wildly popular workshop. Use the link in my profile to learn more. _________ #pocketjournals #trusttheart #createeveryday #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #artmarks
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So for all of you that have been asking, this is my bin of what I call “little papers” that I use to make all of my sweet Pocket Journals. _________ People ask me all the time about things that make me laugh. Not because they are funny so to speak but because my answers seem so silly to me-like something a “real” artist would never say. Like “why yes I do save used menus, napkins, and metro maps to make my art journals with...” ⠀ ⠀ _________⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ But when I stop to think about the bigger picture I realize that I am a real artist. Maybe not a professionally trained artist, or an artist with a degree, but real yes. I am as real as they get. And by that I mean I have a big extended family that I’m involved with every single day which means I stay up late and wake up early just so I can make art. It means I scrimp and save to buy my supplies because college tuition and music lessons and new washing machines come first. (So yes I save the paper bag my lunch arrived in today.) And it means I mess up a lot. I try things, I fail, I try again. But through these failures I have discovered many happy things- like how old menus and paper bags make the best Pocket Journal pages ever. _________ By the way have you made a Pocket Journal yet? I co-teach this wildly popular class alongside of @sandikeene and there is a link in my profile if you’d like to learn more! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ _________ #pocketjournallove #pocketjournals #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #bekindtoyourselfandyourart #createeveryday #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #artistsofinstagtam #artmarks
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So something crazy happened today. I worked on a page in my “big” journal. I’ve been avoiding this journal for weeks because I love working small and suddenly this one seems so very big. _________ But this is what happened-I opened the book to flip through the pages for inspiration and realized I only had a few pages left. If I could finish those few pages then this amazing vintage book would be full of color and pattern. So I did one. (The one on the right.)!And you know what? It was fun. _________ Do I miss working big? Well yes and no. This book of Shakespeare’s Sonnets is only about 8.5 by 11 so this size doesn’t really pull me in anymore, but show me a 5 foot canvas, and now that would capture my attention. What do you love most -working big or small? _________ #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart # vintageartjournal #bekindtoyourselfandyourart #shakespearessonnets #createeveryday #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #vintagebookturnedartjournal #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #artistsofinstagtam #artistswholoveinstagram
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Travel Pocket Journal. Taking a few moments as the sun rises to make my mark. An Altoid tin full of tiny mark makers is all I have with me and it is perfect. _____________ Inktense blocks, old stubs of China markers and a small pencil. _____________ _____________ #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #bekindtoyourselfandyourart #embracetheuglyinyourart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #vintagebookturnedartjournal #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #artistsofinstagtam #artistswholoveinstagram
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Happy and honored to come home to this amazing article it speaks volumes to who I am. _________ And I had a great time chatting with my interviewer as we laughed about so many things that finally made sense. _________ And I share lots more shots of artwork, all bursting with art marks of course. Thank you Ricë (@ricefz) for making my story shine! _________ #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #bekindtoyourselfandyourart #embracetheuglyinyourart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #vintagebookturnedartjournal #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #artistsofinstagtam #myartmarksstory
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Just as I left it before heading to Africa. She is waiting patiently for me. _________ Colors and patterns are swirling around in my head, each one reminiscent of the sights that surrounded me in Kenya. _________ Art is a fickle thing sometimes. Just like the heart. _________ #embraceallyourartforwhatitis #trusttheart #bekindtoyourselfandyourart #embracetheuglyinyourart #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #vintagebookturnedartjournal #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #artistsofinstagtam #artistswholoveinstagram
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Some days it’s easy to get lost in the marks. Some are intentional while others find their way into the piece organically. I’m experimenting with some darker colors today, which is always a challenge for me. _____________________ I’ve been playing a little bit of art tag with @sandikeene and enjoying the freedom of exploring new ideas. I loved Sandi’s last post where she incorporated bits and pieces of Gelli prints. She must know that those are my favorite. Can’t wait to see what colorful happiness she explores next. _____________________ #raeandsandiplayarttag #artexperiments #creativeartlife #markmakingjourney #createartmarkseveryday #artmarksandwords #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife
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“Sometimes we need to look to our own art for excitement and inspiration.”- Rae Missigman ___ Why is it that sometimes we second guess our thoughts and actions when it comes to making art? ___ I used to do it all the time but now - not so much. And maybe for some of us it isn’t every day and maybe it isn’t something we do consciously. Something that was a huge factor in helping me get past those feelings and into a place where I have learned to trust my own process and my own art is getting off of social media. ___ I don’t mean off off. But I do mean hugely limiting what I allow myself to see and therefore be influenced by... ___ ...I have learned you have to let go of outside inspiration to be more reflective on your own. I want to enjoy my work (even the ugly stuff can be enjoyed) and I want to spend time creating not questioning my process. Are you learning to look to your own art for excitement and inspiration? ___ #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #trustyourownuniqueartprocess #loveyourownart #artjournallove #vintagebookturnedartjournal #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #artistsofinstagtam #artistswholoveinstagram
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Even in the littlest of things- a maker of marks. _____________________ Pretty pops of color and art marks are my favorite part of my branding and packing. _____________________ #marchmeetthemaker #makerofinstagram #artmarksandwords #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #artmarkscards #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #pocketjournallove #pocketjournalcollection #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife
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Playing around with oil pastels and acrylic paint again today but mostly loving the wet on wet acrylic marks. They are thick and chunky and bleeding into one another and I love it so much. ___ Loving this game of art tag with @sandikeene. We each are experimenting and exploring art in new ways and as the mood strikes. I love how Sandi used words in her art this week. Amazing! Let’s see what she does next. ___ ___ ___ #artjournallove #vintagebookturnedartjournal #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife
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A little mono printing, a little pen work, and numbers. . My numbers come in the form of marks. It is a calming habit of mine to count the marks as I create them. Creating can be stressful. It shouldn’t be, it should be freeing, but sometimes we put pressure on ourselves to do more, be better, keep up, learn new things, and so we wind up creating out of our comfort zone. Sometimes I like to get back to the basics and just do what I love, like counting marks. What calms you down when you’re creating? . #BirgitKoopsengelliprintchallenge #artexperiments #creativeartlife #createartmarkseveryday #artmarksandwords #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife
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I continue to experiment with what is difficult. For me that means faces. _____________________ 99% of the time my face experiments never turn out as I envision them, but that doesn’t always mean they turn out wrong. When I was working on this little piece my thoughts were on my upcoming trip to Africa and all of the color and pattern that I imagine seeing when I travel to Kenya. In those thoughts and through the mark making somehow this face was born. She reminds me that wonderful things can you come from the imagination. _____________________ @sandikeene and I are going back and forth with an art experiment where we explore new concepts and ideas in art. My explorations have been random at best, each one born from a single mark or thought. Sandi has been uncovering the beautiful combinations that can be discovered when you pair watercolor and acrylic paints. I love her last piece where she layered beautiful gradients of color with hundreds of tiny marks. So much detail and texture! I’m tagging you now Sandi and can’t wait to see what you do next. _____________________ #maketimeforwhatyoulove #raeandsandiplaytag #artmarksandwords #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #ilovewhatimakeanddo #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #kenyaboundfortheloveofmusic #experimentingwithfaces #facesarebeautiful #lettingthemarksleadtheway
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