#letting her be happy with him is like letting a kid put a plastic bag on their head
Grace / the nannies / pogo somehow managing to get Reginald to rent out a children's museum for the evening just once when the kids are like 5-6 (maybe for their birthday). They needed something to get all their energy out.
Five and Viktor in a big plastic fake tree reading books and then going to the fake supermarket, where Luther and Allison are playing house and forced Ben to be their kid. Ben wants to go to the theater where Klaus has put on a one kid retelling of the ugly duckling with no audience.
Baby Diego is either clinging to grace for dear life and not knowing what to do........or has made it his mission to sneak around and throw something at each sibling without getting caught. Five and Viktor are the hardest targets bc they have cooped themselves up in the tree.
Diego also sneaking off because he wants to play in the water zone but the adults told him not to. He comes back sopping wet but very happy. An adult has to get him changed.
Klaus comes out of the theater costume zone dressed to the nines and proclaims himself mayor of hargreeves-ville. No one listens. Five will be the only one to call him mayor for the rest of the evening. But not respect said title.
Luther ends up playing in the"boring" science kid zone for a while well Allison and Ben join Klaus in the theater.
Diego ends up in the tree but he very dangerously climbed up on it. He's stuck. No one notices till Klaus screams, causing everyone to try and get him down.
Five and Viktor end up in the theater. Viktor plays with the instruments well five becomes a butthole director to everyone. Klaus isn't having fun anymore and runs to the supermarket.
Most of them end up in the fake supermarket and have a big group play, assigning jobs and trying to actually get along. It goes as well as u would think. Klaus can't stop beep scanning things and annoying everyone with it. Five ends up enjoying fake arguing like a Karen too much and it genuinely starts to get on Allison's nerves along with the beeping. "I heard a rumor everyone was quiet!!" Then dead silence. Allison feels bad but let's it stay for a few seconds longer before "I heard a rumor that you guys could talk again~" she gives five a weak smile, hoping he doesn't explode. five gives her the biggest scowl and maybe even some tears. I think five HATES being rumored. Ends up running away from the whole thing.
Viktor has a bit too much fun going "should I get this one....ooor this one" it's two of the same toy steaks. He asks five witch one then ben. Both say the left. He gets the right.
Ben is the "manager" and is hating his existence. He ends up enjoying stocking the shelves and ignoring everything around him. Probably took a audio book cassette player from the reading tree and has been blocking everything out. Also him using his tentacles to sort things.
Luther was still in the science zone and bumps into a very upset five. ever the number 1 caring bro , Luther tries his best to comfort him. They end up away from everyone to play in a big fake rocket ship. Viktor eventually joins, holding a shopping bag with his lone toy steak in it.
Diego and Klaus end up doing arts and crafts and get covered in glitter.
They all end the day covered in glitter, wet, probably covered in stickers and marker. They need to be sneaked into the house so hargreeves doesn't see and quick to the baths (the security got it and the nannies and pogo got a ear full later) they were clean as a whistle by the time dinner rolls around.
They never have an outing like that again and barely remember it.
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deamare · 10 months
♡ ˚· @disgracedvessel asked:
Two years isn’t enough to make one accustomed to the damp and the dark. Abyss had been no more a home to Julius than a cave he might have found in the woods beyond the monastery’s walls, and he considered it nearly indistinguishable from the uncivilized wilds. But Ishtar is here now, and the shadows flee from her. It makes hell a little easier for Julius to stomach, and by now he’s made a habit of dragging her from one room to another as one might carry a lantern to fend off the dark, challenging every covetous and greedy look from the other rats in the sewer with the once-lost pride that had characterized his rule over the Grannvalean empire. It’s for the best, of course. By now, his savings have run out, and Abyss does not operate entirely on gold. Julius has pulled strings where he could to secure the tavern for a few hours one night, and it’s to this candlelit space that he leads Ishtar with his thin fingers over her eyes like a soft but frigid blindfold. The room has been cleared, each table but one shoved against the walls. Julius drops his hands away when they reach the centerpiece: a small, sturdy table covered in vibrant red cloth, with two chairs and a tarnished candelabra. “There are some people on the surface who still want you dead,” Julius explains, halfway apologetic, the rest a convenient lie. Truthfully, he does not know if Ishtar’s head is wanted the way his is, but to convince her that she must hide serves him in more ways than one. He smiles and steps away to pull her chair out for her. “So my gift to you this year must be restricted to this hateful place. You understand, I’m sure. I would be devastated if you were taken from me a second time.” He circles around to the other side and takes his own seat, lacing fingers together and resting his chin atop them. His eyes glint with the flickering candlelight, his smile is easy, charming, and still a little boyish. “What do you think, my dear? Privacy is the greatest gift here, I’ve found.” [[ // happy belated birthday from your broke ass king <3 ]
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Twice now has this day passed in silence. It had never just been hers before, and now that it is, she has only known it as a day of mourning. Another year that she lives, another year that they do not.
She tells herself that she does not need to feel ashamed to let it be otherwise.
And, if she is rather honest, there is a joy in her veins now that has grown foreign in that time. It thrums with the promise of a future unlike the one she had been sentenced to, with the warmth of a love she had thought long lost. Her steps fall blindly, one after the other, never questioning the direction of the hands that guide her.
Because hands that love her could never lead her astray, and she knows better now than ever before that such is true.
Fingers fall away from her eyelids, though Ishtar is still slow to open them. It is dim here in the way that all of Abyss seems to be, devoid of color and drenched in shadow, but she sees none of that. To her, this is a room full of more light than she has seen since she was young.
"Oh, Julius..."
With the grace of a woman bred for it, Ishtar takes the offered seat. She watches her lover in the candlelight, eyes softened with affection and lips turned with a smile. Mother's voice still whispers instructions, coaches her in all of the ways she is meant to keep the prince's attention. She hopes she will be forgiven for where she forgets them now, where the goddess facade cracks to reveal nothing more than a girl in love.
"It is lovely."
And she means it-- with all of her bandaged hope, with her heart that has spent a lifetime aching. For there is hope and a heart left at all, and with their entirety she is certain that this is a start of something better.
"After all this time, you still spoil me so." A hand settles above her heart. "Thank you... There is no gift greater than to be here, at your side once more."
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soobnny · 19 days
howl and sophie — han jisung x reader ; he realizes he’s in love with you (0.8k words)
advance happy bday hanji!
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“Do you guys ever think about how Howl spent his whole life—“
“Is Chan coming back already?” Jeongin questions, unknowingly cutting Jisung off as he impatiently checks the expensive watch wrapped around his wrist.
He’d lost a bet earlier and had promised to get the kids ice cream, and if you were to ask the youngest how long the boy’s been gone, it’s been around 23 minutes and 24 seconds, but he’d never admit to his impatience.
“Howl spent his life looking—“
“Sorry, I’m late.” Chan comes rushing through the door, crouched down to his knees the moment he’s inside with his dominant hand gripping a plastic bag from the convenience store.
He’s still panting when the boys swarm him, the youngest managing to catch the bag and veering off to the direction of the kitchen.
“Hyung!” Jisung calls out the eldest’s attention, and you notice your best friend’s features drop when Chan moves to break the fight in the kitchen as to who has which flavor.
“Hyung, don’t ignore me.”
He’s whining now, arms crossed and body unmoving from the space he’s occupying on the couch. Jisung has his tells when he’s getting sulky, his lips form a pout and his eyebrows furrow just a little—all tells so blatantly obvious on his face at the very moment.
Jisung should know better than to expect his friends to listen to him when there’s free ice cream and a limited stock of flavors up for grabs in the kitchen. They might be good friends most of the time, but they are not below putting their entire attention to making sure they do not have the worst flavor.
He’s still sulking, and you can hear his breathing getting a little louder, but their attention is still glued on the kitchen table.
You place a hand on his arm gently, shifting closer to the pouting boy. You know exactly what he wants to say, but you choose to ask him anyway.
“What is it?”
It’s comedic the way the pout instantly washes away from his features, instead replaced with a giddy smile as he angles his body to look at you properly.
Jisung’s always been cute in the way he could never hide how wide his smile gets.
Howl spent his entire life looking for his Sophie.
“Howl spent his entire life looking for his Sophie. Don’t you think that’s the most romantic thing ever? Especially when he tells her she might as well take a piece of his heart.”
You’ve heard him talk about Howl’s Moving Castle a thousand times now, but you let him ramble anyway. You’d lose nothing but your time, but it’s easily compensated with the way he’s smiling at you.
“Are you talking about that movie again?”
It’s Changbin who butts in the conversation when Jisung takes a deep breath in between his spoken 1000-word essay about Howl and Sophie. The older boy is seated on the bean bag in front of the pair of you, ice cream in hand as he monstrously takes a bite off.
“How he spent his entire life searching for Sophie?”
“(Name), what ice cream flavor do you want?” There’s a call from the kitchen, and Jisung’s starting to pout again.
“Don’t worry, they just don’t understand the movie like you do.” You whisper in his ear, enough to solicit a laugh from the boy.
Then, when you expect him to continue, he grows quiet.
In all honesty, even Han Jisung doesn’t understand why. He thinks about this all the time, and he’s never had a problem talking to you, but now his head is blanking.
It isn’t until you take his hands in yours and encourage him to keep talking that he realizes oh—is this how Howl feels about Sophie?
This is a dilemma.
Jisung’s always known he’s had a crush on you, but the way you’d listened to him with a sweet and gentle smile on your face, with your attention unwavering, he’s suddenly painfully self-conscious about how much more he feels about you and how his hands are probably sweating from the sudden realization.
“Hey, I know another topic he never shuts up about.” Seungmin hums, having gone back from the kitchen. “His big fat crush on—“
“Chan was asking you what flavor you wanted, right?” Jisung suddenly interrupts, eyes flickering between you and Seungmin, the kitchen, then back on you.
“Come on, (name). Let’s get some ice cream.” Then, he abruptly gets up from his seat and pulls you to the direction of where there’s only two pieces of ice cream in the plastic bag.
“What was Seungmin say—“
“Here. Take this.” He all but shoves the ice cream in your hands, smiling a little too sheepishly before hurrying to shut Seungmin up.
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loveinhawkins · 2 years
Steve doesn’t notice the answering machine for several weeks.
His time is split between the hospital and donating food and clothes; and when he’s not doing that, he’s helping put up missing posters for people’s loved ones.
It’s only when both Max and Eddie are discharged that he has a moment to even catch his breath—when, half-dozing on his feet, waiting for a microwave ready meal to heat up, he notices the blinking red light in the hallway.
He feels like he’s still in a dream when he presses ‘play’, hears his mother’s voice. There’s people talking in the background, the echoing, constant chatter of a hotel lobby. She’s laughing at something someone must have said before the answering machine kicked in.
She sounds… happy.
“Steve? Steve?” The rustle of the receiver getting briefly pressed to her blouse, a muffled, “Just a minute, hon, he might still pick up.” Then, clearer: “No, you must be out. All right, Steve, it was just to let you know that we’ll be home a little sooner than we—yes, I’m telling him, what do you think I’m doing?”
Steve’s thoroughly grateful that he’s listening to a message, and no response is required—can only stand there, jaw slack, at just how light his mother’s voice is.
“A couple of work things fell through,” she continues with a breeziness that probably means several major ‘things’ went disastrously wrong, work related or otherwise. But it doesn’t sound like she cares all that much; if anything, she sounds excited.
“So I thought we could—well, I don’t know how late we’ll be, but if you’re not too hungry, we could just order some pizza, lazy dinner? Plain cheese for you, right?” The distant ring of a bell on a counter. “Steve, darling, I know we haven’t been—” She cuts herself off with a sigh that’s gone too quickly for Steve to parse.
He hasn’t ordered a plain cheese pizza since he was 12 years old. But she’s trying, he thinks. She’s trying.
“Oh, we’re just checking out. What? No, I thought you had that bag. Oh, well, just—sorry, Steve, see you tonight. Love y—”
The message ends.
In a daze, Steve replays it once, twice—it’s on the third re-listen that he hears the mechanical voice intone what date the message was left.
See you tonight.
He inhales sharply just as the microwave beeps, and then he’s out the door, leaving the food to congeal.
He knows the route they would have taken. Plays it backwards in his head as he drives. Can see them in his mind’s eye taking the exit that leads into Hawkins—his mom berating his dad for not using his turn signal.
He finds the road. Stops. Gets out and presses his hand to the tarmac. He can feel it under his palm, like a scar.
The gates spread, at the end.
There’s no proof, nothing he can point to and say there, that’s what happened to them. Not a trace.
But he knows.
He knows.
“Okay, what’s up?” Eddie asks him three days later.
It’s almost funny, how little things have changed. Steve keeps waiting for a knock at the door, a just kidding! There’s no harried phone calls from their work, so they must have taken extended leave or—he doesn’t know.
He’s never going to know.
“Nothing,” Steve shrugs. “Just thinking if the kids want popcorn now or later.”
Eddie’s suspicion melts away with a snort; it’s too easy. “Stupid question—the answer is always now.”
“Yeah, yeah. Second cupboard on your left, Munson, knock yourself out.”
“What am I, the maid?” But Eddie’s already reaching for the popcorn, opening the microwave door with a clunk, and then there’s an abrupt silence.
Steve realises why a second too late. “Shit, I—sorry, lemme just—”
He picks up the plastic tray full of mouldy pasta and throws it in the trash—feels a prickle of shame as he does so.
It’s stupid that this is the thing that makes his breathing catch. So fucking—senseless.
“Steve,” Eddie says haltingly, like he somehow knows this isn’t just about being absent-minded.
“Don’t,” Steve says.
He knows that’s practically a signed confession already. But Eddie nods and even cleans the damn microwave without a word of complaint. Because the popcorn still needs to be done, and the kids are waiting, and they’re pretending, Steve thinks.
They’re all just pretending.
He loses himself in washing up, makes the water run hot and doesn’t wear gloves, lets his skin scald. They’d all ordered pizza, and Steve had hidden every slice he’d taken, torn them all up and stuffed them into a napkin.
He stops when he comes to a large plate with a floral trim.
Would she have picked this one? he wonders. The pizza would’ve looked pretty, served up on that.
And then, as quickly as that thought came, another takes its place. How dare she? How dare she think that a fucking lazy dinner would fix everything? Did she think he’d just forgive her, forgive them both, just like that?
But she never got the chance. He’ll never get the chance to—
A sharp, stabbing pain. Steve turns off the faucet automatically, sees that the plate has smashed in the sink. A shard of china in his palm.
Eddie’s voice echoes in the hallway. “Um, I called Wheeler? Uh, Nancy. She—she took them all home.”
“Cool,” Steve says, voice tight.
He knows that Eddie has entered the kitchen when he hears a shocked hiss. “Dude, what the fuck? You’re bleeding, wait there, just—”
It’s not a deep cut, Steve thinks numbly. He doesn’t know why Eddie is worried. But he lets him fuss, lets him gently pry the remnants of the plate away, lets him wrap a bandage tightly.
“Hey,” Eddie says. His voice is soft. “Whatever it is, we’ll fix it, ‘kay?”
Steve can’t look at him. Clenches his jaw.
“We will, you hear me, Harrington? I promise.”
Steve shakes his head. “Can’t fix—” he gets out before his throat closes up, and when he glances back, Eddie’s eyes are wide and fearful.
“What?” he says sharply, and he looks almost nauseous, like he suspects he’s about to be told that the monsters are back, that they have never even left. “What the fuck do you mean? You’ve got to tell me, man, just—”
Steve makes an anguished noise that feels like it comes from somewhere in his chest, and Eddie freezes. He considers Steve for a long moment.
“Okay,” he says, a wary placation. “Can you… um. Can you show me instead?”
Steve blinks. He flexes his hand, uncaring of the cut, and jerks his head to the hallway.
Eddie stares. Frowns. Then leaves.
He figures it out, of course he does. Steve just stands there, hears the click of the answering machine. He closes his eyes.
This is all that’s left; these are his scraps. A sigh he’ll never understand. An aborted, “I love you.” It had never come easily to her, but it had left her freely then.
A hand on his shoulder. Steve opens his eyes.
Eddie looks stricken. “Steve,” he whispers, then stops like he doesn’t have the words.
Steve can’t blame him. Neither does he.
“I didn’t—I didn’t know,” Eddie says. “Steve, I didn’t—”
“They were coming home,” Steve says stupidly, feels a bit like he’s twelve years old. “They were—Eddie. They were gonna come home.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, and it leaves him all in one breath. “Oh, Steve. C’mere.”
Steve falls against him, muffles something that’s half a cry, half a scream against his shoulder—and mourns the loss of a conversation he will never have.
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curseddollfaye · 6 months
“baby can you call me back?…it’s so lonely in my mansion”
drug dealer bf! gojo x reader
✩ intro for our lovely couple , a look into the beginning of their relationship to start off! 😋 enjoy! ✩
ᥫ᭡ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! ty! please let me know what you think! ^.^ requests are currently CLOSED ᥫ᭡
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“Mmmm I think I want…the pink one” Your eyes basically sparkled as you look at the selection of diamond earrings in front of you. Your sunglasses pushed up and out of your face. A array of bags on one arm, and a drink on the other. Iced matcha latte with caramel cold foam. Fresh French tips tapped against your cup as you hummed a happy tune to yourself.
“Of course ma’am, would you like me to take anything else out of the show case?” The jewelry sales associate offered you a wide customer service smile. Who wouldn’t with the amount of money you were charging to the black plastic card tucked away on your heart juicy couture bag. The commission the man was about to make was nearly enough to make him the happiest person in the damn store probably.
“I’ll let you know if anything else catches my eye! Thank you!”
“Don’t you think you’re going a little overboard?” Your friend Utahime pipped up beside you. She had her own set of shopping bags. But not nearly as many as you. She had watched you run that debit card the entire day and she was shocked at how it kept approving.
Well. She had an idea.
Your new boyfriend Satoru Gojo
Utahime watched you hum and tilt your head as you looked at her with a glossy pout on your lips.
“Whaddya mean Ime?”
She laughed at your response and shook her head. “I mean won’t Satoru mind with how much money you’re spending?” Utahime was never not worried about you. Haven been your bestfriend since you were in Kindergarten she knew you like the back of your hand. You weren’t the type to date any guy. So it shocked her when 2 months ago you told her you had a boyfriend. Sheepishly admitting that you had really been dating him for 3 months prior to her finding out. Telling her that she wanted to make sure he was a solid guy before introducing him to your friends. Even though Utahime was familiar with the white haired man. They both grew up in the same neighborhood, Saturo was always the kid in their street that every knew. Every wanted to be friend with Satoru Gojo. Everyone’s PARENTS wanted to make friends with his parents. They came from money, not that Satoru didn’t work for his. It’s just what comes with generational wealth.
“Satoru mind that I’m spending his money?” You snorted back a laugh and took a sip of your cold beverage. “He’s the one that gave it to me babe. And I quote ‘Whatever you want baby’ “ You grin as the associate finally came back out with your earrings wrapped and tucked in a velvet black box. He slipped it in a bag quickly and handed it to you. Your receipt tucked neatly away in its contents.
“The one day I don’t go to a dumb party that Choso throws and you’re telling me he invites his stupidly handsome rich friends?” Utahime grumbles. “I have a bone to pick with that blonde hair runway model”
“You mean your boyfriend Choso?” You tease as the two of you make your way out of the store. Finally enough having done enough shopping for the day. You truly wanted to run back to your apartment and wait for Satoru finish whatever it is he was doing so you could finally snuggle him.
And fuck him too of course.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” Utahime’s cheeks got red. By the looks of the way she’s fighting that smile off you concur and give her a wide smile telling her everything she needs to know. She’s not hiding her crush on you two’s mutual friend that good.
hmm I wonder what time saturo is going to be back…
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Going back to your apartment went smoothly. You gladly put all your new stuff away in your very large closet (thanks to Saturo who insisted moving you into a better place. He said it suits your lifestyle more now. You nearly sunk to your knees at his confession)
You managed to eat something really quickly, shower, shave, and do your skincare with enough time to spare before-
“I’m back gorgeous!” A happy man announced as he stepped foot through your door. Keys dangling on one hand using his own spare to get inside.
You were in the middle of applying your coconut bliss body butter on your arms when you hear him. An excited smile appears on your face. You haven’t seen him since he went back home earlier in the morning and it wasn’t fair! You deserved his time more than anyone :( , it’s obvious he spoils you way too much but to be fair it’s his fault!
“Baby!” You run to him. Looking absolutely delectable in a long sleeve black shirt and some sweats you swore he’d stolen back from you. His clothes were always way too big on you; he was a tall man, not that you wet complaining. His sunglasses were still on his perfect face but the grin that graced his features was enough for you to jump into his arms. You were wearing some tight booty shirts he had bought you, stating that you looked too good in them. Resulting in the only pair you previously owned to be torn.
At least he replaces them tenfold :D
You inhale his scent. You missed him so much. Your heart feels warm. Because truthfully you loved this man. He treated you so sweetly without expecting anything. His love for you was apparent in the past few months. Indescribable feeling of cloud nine and you never wanted to get out of it. His actions, his words, and overall the way he heard you, understood you, and cared for you. Satoru Gojo was a man of his word, keeping you safe and loved was his number one priority.
In the past dealing with assholes was what you were used to, not by choice of course. But after a while you started to despise the idea of finding that someone until he came along.
“You okay pretty girl?” You open your eyes, you didn’t even realize you had closed him. His large hands had came down to hold you up by your ass. Fingers pressed snuggly into the soft skin. Your tits pressed against his chest. Your arms around his neck already scratching that spot in his scalp that always makes him melt.
“Better now that you’re here” You lift your head up from his chest slightly amd purse your lips to ask for a kiss. Satoru gladly obliges and leans down shaking his head slightly and chuckling to himself. His girl must’ve missed him so much. However will he make it up to you?
“Well thankfully your hot sexy boyfriend is here to keep you all warm again hmm? Fuck you smell so good, you know I love it when you wear that coconut shit” Satoru leans down and inhales deeply from your neck. He feels his boxers start to tighten up a little bit. That combine with the way your breasts pressed up against him. He hasn’t touched you all day!
“Take us to the couch-ahh!” You scream as your boyfriend manages to toss you up over his shoulder effortlessly. Your ass right next to his face, he wastes no time giving your left ass cheek a harsh slap before his palm rubs to smooth the red forming skin over. Instinctively you feel your legs squeeze together. Bastard.
“Nah I think we’re going to bed baby girl”
“Damn no hi, hello, how are you?” You snort as he carries you down the hall and pushes your bedroom door open.
“You think m’not gonna converse with you baby? Don’t hurt my feelings you know me better than that” He sets you down on the bed gently and looks down to stare at you.
Your pretty lips swollen from the way he always eagerly sucks your bottom lip when he kisses you.
Those fuck me eyes yours always had his head dizzy.
You slowly rose to your knees as he stood at the edge of the bed. Your hands trailed up under his shirt as you (almost) managed to reach his height. Satoru started down at you, admiring all your prettiness, of course. His hands leaned down to your ass again and he softly started to grope you.
“Take this shirt off, it’s in the way” You mumbled in annoyance.
He snickered at you teasingly.
“Patient baby, I wanna have a conversation with my favorite girl remember?”
“Boo, you whore”
“Your whore though remember?” Satoru removes his hands from you and painfully backs away from your touch. Leaning down really quickly to press a kiss to your forehead. Basically having to force himself away from your touch before he ends up pounding you to sleep in the bed.
Patience HE has to remind himself.
“How was your day today?” You watched him take off his shirt, leaving him shirtless. He then proceeded to take stuff out of his pockets, his pack of cigarettes, his keys, his familiar bright blue flame lighter you had gotten for him as a souvenir from the beach. He swears it’s the best lighter he own and states it’s lasted him so long. The last item he pulls out is a bag containing a pre rolled blunt. You’ve smoked with him once or twice but it really wasn’t your thing, you left that all for him. Despite having the best discount on some of you ever needed any (it was free, Satoru would never charge his pretty girlfriend a dollar for some shit he could cover, a man dedicated to making sure you’re straight).
You sit back still on your knees. Your hands behind you as you watch Satoru walk over to your window and crack it open. His hand already flicking the lighter to spark up his blunt. Bringing the end of it to his lips. He winks at you as he inhales and exhales. Repeating it 3 times before he finally fills his lungs with that familiar sting. Blowing it out and relaxing from how long of a day he’s had. He works hard for his shit, he deserves it.
“It was good, got my nails done, went shopping with Utahime”
Satoru scoffs and his hazy eyes look at you as he laughs.
“Be nice! You act as if she’s your mortal enemy!”
“She’s hated me since like 4th grade. I’m telling you babe I think she needs to get laid immediately before she prunes up or something”
“By who? Choso?”
“Might as well be, I’ve seen him stalking her Instagram” Satoru loves gossiping with you as well, which made your relationship that much more entertaining. Sometimes he’d listen to you talk about drama that’s going on, and he’d always join in with you. Always taking your side / perspective as well. Because Satoru agreed with you without second thought.
A personified munch , in two ways.
You store the new information tucked away in the back of your head to tell Utahime, already picturing the wide smile she’s going to try to hide whenever you tell her Choso was looking through her insta.
Satoru puts his half smoked blunt out on a tray near the window that you had just for him. His muscles relaxing and the stress of the day finally disappearing from his body.
“Enough about Utahime, I’m tryna spend some quality time with my favorite girl. Gonna show me all the pretty thongs you bought later yeah? Lemme see those pretty tits first baby…”
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Your lights were turned off, the window was cracked open letting in the cool cold air in as it makes its way into your warm bedroom. The only light really was the moon shine.
Your headboard obnoxiously hit against your wall, and your bed noisily creaked from the speed in which Satoru was snapping his hips into you.
You positioned on your side. A leg thrown on top of Saturo’s. Your neck and chest littered with purple marks. Your hair was a little messy, and your thin lace purple panties pulled to the side. Revealing your swollen pussy. Your boyfriend’s cock stretching you out nice and wide. Breathless whines leave your swollen lips. The man’s hands held both of your tits in his long slender fingers. The fat of your boobs slip in between his fingers from his harsh grip. Occasionally rolling your nipples in between his fingers. Pulling and tugging making them even more sensitive. As if he wasn’t just sucking them desperately 30 minutes prior as he fucked you with his fingers. The sound of your squelching pussy while he plays with your clit and curls his fingers feel inside of you just like you need. The vision is always engraved in his head every single time.
“Ahh! Fuck, ‘toru!” You look down to where you’re both connected. Your man grunts in response and lets out a hiss as he reaches your g spot just right with his swollen mushroom tip. The angry red tip bullying your plush velvety walls. He wore no condom, which you both knew that was not a good idea , neither of you were ready for a child so it was a little reckless. But cumming inside of you was his favorite part. Tied with cumming on your face or inside your mouth.
Cumming on your ass
He shivers at the thought and reaches down to grip your hips. A shudder escapes down his spine.
“Doing s’good for me baby fuck…” You feel his lips near your ear. His breath fanning down your neck. “It’s all for me? Hmm? Tell me, say it you fucking slut” Satoru demands. His right hand leaves your hip and grips your jaw to turn your head to look at him. Intense blue eyes stare back at yours. You’re struggling to keep your eyes open as your head bobs furiously while you try to keep it still. His pace is unforgiving. He needed release so much, but most of all he needed you to come for the third time.
He was a selfless lover, you always came at least twice before he even came once! Mouth, fingers, and then his cock. That the goal everytime before he pounds you into the mattress.
“It’s all for you!” You wail and squeeze your eyes shit. Pursed lips feigning for a kiss, you feel his tongue trace over your plump lips before he sucks your bottom lip into his mouth.
“Should spank that ass raw for tryna run from me earlier while I eat my pussy, should’ve played with that swollen little clit till your legs went numb” You feel your stomach tighten at his words. A band inside you is about to snap and you know he’s not that far behind.
The intensity of it all is almost too much, but just right. That perfect balance that only Satoru Gojo can provide. He was your own personal drug, and as cliche as it sounded his words flowed into your veins and released serotonin that had you almost too fucked out to speak. You respond the only way you know how;
“Should’ve fucked my tits, would’ve squeezed them around your big cock and stuck my tongue out for you-“ You gasp and toss your head back on his shoulder. Your eyes rolling back. “Ahh! S-Satoru! Please , please, please” You inhale deeply , tears prickle your eyes from pleasure. A pressure wraps around tour throat as Satoru uses you as leverage to fuck himself harder and faster into your tight cunt.
If that was even possible.
“So fucking naughty- oh fuck..s-so perfect for me. Could fuck you everyday baby…s’what you deserve for being so perfect f’me.”Saturo is pussy drunk as he keeps talking to you through the orgasm that’s sneakily approaching.
“Yes please! Wan’ you inside me all the time- ahhhhh!”
You scream and arch your back. Reaching down to your pussy and rubbing your clit , causing your legs to spasm and you swear all you see is white. Your toes are curled and you know after this you’re gonna be an overstimulated mess. You’d be surprised if you even make it past Satoru carrying you to the tub for some after care before you passed away from tiredness.
“Gonna come inside you baby, gonna claim Whats mine” He spits at you roughly. His balls tighten and before he knows if he’s shooting his hot cum deep inside you. Riding you both through your orgasm and continuing to spill his load and fuck it back inside you. Your soft pussy spurting some of it back out, not being able to keep all of it inside you.
“Fuck I love you so much” Satoru says after a few moments of silence.
“Gonna make you my wife one day I swear” He grins and lets out a breathless chuckle. His famous grin spreading across his lips. His lips find your forehead. He’s still inside of you, but it’s more comforting this way before he has to pull out and clean you up.
“6 months and you got me so fucking whipped for you , you know that? Did you do some of that witchy woo woo stuff and make me in love with you or something? That’s what it feels like when I’m around you” Satoru says honestly. Rubbing soft circles on your back. Your breath evening out.
“Whenever I’m around you I’m at complete peace…I don’t know if I ever knew what that feeling was before you….Eh, I’m being sappy because I’m tired I think” He laughs and shakes his head.
“You good baby? I’ll run a bath for you Im a few minutes” Yawning and scratching his head Satoru kisses your cheek. Slowly pulling out of you. Watching his spent leak out of you.
Then soft snores erupted into the silence. A content smile on your boyfriend’s lips.
You had heard none of what he said but it didn’t make it any less true. He meant every word, and he’d say it a million times over and over again without getting tired.
Because truthfully , you had his heart in your palm. Ball was in your court no matter what. He knew he was never leaving and he only hoped you felt the same. Maybe you would grow old with him just like he saw whenever he was sleeping.
6 months and you’re driving Satoru insane with how much he needs you already.
“I’ll just tell you tomorrow…” Reaching over to snatch his phone he watches it light up, his eyes meeting the bright light as his brightness was turnt all the way up. His lockstreen a picture of you wearing a light pink juicy couture track suit. A clip in your hair, posing in front of the Hello Kitty food truck that came to the city. He had taken you and brighten you everything you even stared at for longer than a second.
(Bought one of everything from the whole truck for you is what I’m tryna say)
He quickly sets at alarm for 30 minutes from the current time 1:30 am , so he could clean both of you guys up and maybe order some late night food.
Satoru pulls the covers over both of you and hold you from behind. His arm tucking around your entire body.
Satoru Gojo hopes he can fall asleep this way for the rest of his life, truly.
For now he looks into the present and what’s in store for the two of you.
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clairewritesjjkxreader · 10 months
Sukuna’s Wife and Yuuji’s Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) scenario
Request/Inquiry from @aikothingdream:
“It would be funny to see Yuuji also not like his teacher hitting on Onee-chan”
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Life as a cursed spirit’s “bride” was hilariously boring. 
Gojo described your cursed energy as below average, you had zero martial arts training or talent, and Sukuna threatened Gojo and Yuuji not to put you in danger. 
Yuuji was often busy training, studying, or hanging out with his new classmates. You were happy that he had people to look after him in your place, but without a job or a class to attend, you were a parasite.
To alleviate your guilt, you did everyone’s laundry (minus their unmentionables, even Yuuji's, who furiously insisted he was old enough to wash his own underwear–kids, they grow up so fast *sigh*), mopped the hallways, wiped the windows, and other chores. 
You just finished rearranging the clothes in your cabinet for the second time today. 
You sprawled yourself on the floor like a starfish. 
Free food, no rent. Everything was paid for here. This should’ve been the ideal life, but you were so booooored.
Spurned by the desire to fill the void, you went to the kitchen. No one was around. Of course. 
You searched the cupboard, but only found a half-eaten package of cookies. The fridge had a can of whipped cream on the verge of emptiness and some strawberries.. 
Shutting the fridge close with your hip, you chomped on a cookie and a medium-sized strawberry then sprayed a swirl of cream in your mouth.
“Guess who’s back with treats! I–ah.” Gojo Satoru stopped at the kitchen doorway, a plastic bag full of sweets hanging from his hand. 
A silence fell over as you saw each other. 
He stood there, quietly as you stared, frozen with a mouth stuffed with sugar. 
You: (⊙o⊙)
Gojo: ( ._. )
Gojo: …
Gojo: …pft.
You: …!
You forced yourself to chew faster, but expectedly, the thing that was supposed to be in charge of you and your brother burst into maniacal laughter.
“Oh, man. I gotta take a picture.” He pulled out his phone. 
You wanted to say something, but there was too much stuff in your mouth! 
Gojo continued laughing between clicks and flashes until you started choking like a pelican who swallowed too big a fish. 
In an instant, he was behind you, arms wound tightly around your abdomen. “Please don’t die. It would be too pathetic!”
“Aurgh..!!!??” Translation: You think I wanna go like this, you a&%****!?
With one, strong squeeze, Gojo forced the food out of you. 
“That was close! Good thing I was here or who knows what would’ve happened.”
“Not going to say anything? What’s wrong, nee-san?”
Feeling a vein near popping, you coughed out, “I believe I asked you not to call me that.”
“You’re so cold. Megumi and Kugisaki call you that. Even the second years!”
You had a couple of things to say, but considering that he technically saved your life, you opted to keep them to yourself. “Thank you for the help, now please let go. I’m going to clean this up.”
But as you said this, your knees buckled and his arms shifted to stop you from falling.
“Aw, don’t be like that.”
A giant knife flew towards Gojo, stopped only by his infinity. 
You both turned to find Yuuji standing by the door, panic and shock on his face as he gripped hard on his right arm responsible for throwing the blade. 
“I-I didn’t know how that happened, I swear!”
Sukuna spoke from his cheek. “You damn blue-eyed bastard. How dare you touch my wife so shamelessly?”
“Excuse me?! I just saved her from cho–” 
“Yuuji!” Embarrassed, you pushed yourself out of Gojo’s embrace and walked towards your brother. “Welcome home. Do you have any requests for dinner?”
“I’ve been craving curry rice since this morning.”
“I think we just ran out. I’llgocheckthestorageroom!” Flustered, you rushed out of the kitchen, forgetting your own mess. 
Yuuji quietly went to mop the food you choked out.
Gojo sighed. “Yuuji, what should I do, I don’t think your sister likes me.”
When Gojo met his student’s gaze, it held a surprising sharpness. “???”
“Thank you for taking care of us,” Yuuji’s normally cheery tone was flat as he spoke, “but please don’t bother my sister too much.” 
Later that evening, in Fushiguro’s room…
Gojo: Megumi, why is everybody so mean to me?
Gojo: (˃̣̣̥ᴖ˂̣̣̥)
Megumi: Please leave. 
A/N: I tried to have more fun with this one so I was more liberal with my style. Anyway, I got a few more requests, the products are coming soon!
@shadowywizardarcade @hannya-exists @nineooooo @lilachaeyo @pumpkindudeishere @jessbeinme15 @fluffy-koalala @cringeycookies @frogzxch @isimpfordanielpark @marvelsgirl4ever @sanzusmom @sheccidoscar @marvelsgirl4ever @alastorhazbin @satosuguswife @lumaniii @leahlovesreading @blackstaw @nineooooo @boba--12
Other snippets of this au are found here.
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luveline · 2 years
for the kisses before dinner au — steve has a bad/hard day with the kids and you help him feel better <3
thank you for your request! kisses before dinner au ♥︎ dad!steve x mom!reader | 4k words
Getting home from work is your favourite part of the day. Sometimes it's to see your three girls, all ecstatic, bouncing-pff-the-walls-happy to see you, and sometimes it's to see Steve's face. The relief of getting his partner back. 
"Hey," you call as you open the door, two grocery bags in hand. Steve always says he doesn't mind making dinner, but it doesn't really seem fair to you that he never gets a break, and tonight, you're the one who's going to cook. 
"Mom!" Ave shouts immediately. She appears at the top of the stairs and sprints down them. Your heart does a flip at her carelessness.
You can't help nagging. "Ave, babe, can we please walk down the stairs? I don't want you to slip," you plead, words softening as your six year old wraps her arms around your thighs. You bend to give her a quick hug. "Hi." 
"Hi, mommy."
"Where is everybody?" 
"Well," she says, and you know from her tone you won't like the story she's about to tell, "Bethie tried to eat the washdables and dad tried to give her a bath but Dove hit her face on the laundry box, so…" She peers up at you with wide eyes. She's got her dad's comedic timing. "They're upstairs." 
"You want to do mommy a favour? Put these on the kitchen floor?" you ask, offering the grocery bags. She takes them. They're very heavy. "You can drag 'em, Ave. Let me go check on your sisters and I'll be right back." 
Ave smiles like a champ and leaves for the kitchen, two plastic bags rustling as they slide across the floor behind her. You rush out of your shoes and up the stairs, checking the bathroom first. The window is fogged with steam and the floor is covered in tiny wet footprints. Your troupe isn't anywhere to be seen. 
You follow Dove's weak grizzling to Beth's bedroom, nudging the door open with your foot. 
Steve is making a very valiant effort to dress Beth and comfort Dove at the same time. He looks up from where he's sitting on the floor and all the tension on his face drops, his relief palpable. You don't want to get mushy about him being the best father in the whole world, but he is. You'd die for him in a heartbeat, and that makes this sort of stuff easy. 
"Hi, babies," you greet, arms already out to take Dove.
If you could, you'd take Beth instead, because getting her dressed is a much more difficult job than calming Dove down, but Dove craves your attention every second of the day, as babies tend to do. If you don't pick her up she'll start screaming. You've learned from experience.
Steve offers her up with an extreme amount of care considering she's not a baby baby, she's eighteen months. You heave a satisfied sigh. There's something about how warm kids can be, your own kids, that puts you at ease from the moment you hold them. 
You and Steve used to kiss like idiots when you got home from work. You remember when Avery was a baby, and you'd get home and she's be laying on her play matt, you and Steve could watch her from the sofa cuddled up together, putting off laundry and dishes and bath time because it wasn't the end of the world if you didn't get to them. These days, you have to stick to deadlines and chores. If you don't, the house turns to a mess, and it makes everything that much harder on you both. It's best to stay on top of it. 
So while you'd love to sit yourself down in Steve's lap and have him rub your back, you don't. You barely say hi to one another. He finishes getting Beth dressed and you break out the mom-ese, bubbly talking at Dove in the hopes she'll talk back. Dove follows after Beth — they're both so quiet. Avery's the chatterbox. 
"Hi, baby, I missed you," you croon, face plastered over with a smile. "Have you been good for your daddy today?" 
She sniffles at you. True to Avery's report, there's an unfortunate mark spreading across her brow denoting where she'd hurt herself. You kiss it gently. 
"Poor baby, you got an owie. Aw, sweetheart, mommy's gonna have to wrap you up in bubble wrap, aren't I?" 
"We could put her in a hamster ball." Steve suggest, pulling Beth's shirt down over her tummy.
"We could," you agree. 
Dove doesn't understand and it doesn't matter, anything at all cheers her up if you say it sweetly. Pleased at being the centre of attention no doubt, she drops her face into the crook of your neck. She's likely tired from crying, and it's not too far from her bed time. 
Dove settled, you navigate Beth's tea set spread out across the floor and sit on the end of the bed, not far from Steve's position. You reach out, stroking the wild mess of hair at the back of his head. He hadn't showered, which means today has been a hard day. 
"How are you, handsome?" you murmur, sliding your fingers deeper into his hair to scratch lightly at his scalp. 
He stops where he'd been helping Beth into a sweater and drops his head toward his shoulder, turning at the waist so he can see you. "Tired." 
His eyes slip closed, a momentary bliss. "Your kids are evil," he continues. 
You look past him to Bethie, who's quiet. She's always quiet, but this is near silent. She shifts from one foot onto the other. It's like looking into a shy little mirror. Beth has always looked more like you than Steve. 
"Bethie," you hum, "are you okay?" 
She pulls her sleeves over her little hands and frowns. Steve sighs and straightens up, forcing you to take back your hand from his hair. 
"I'm not mad at you, Beth," he says. 
Her face crumples up. You have the energy to find it adorable, but Steve's so tired he can't summon much more than a hug for her. She twists up into his arms. 
"I'm sorry," she whines. 
"It's okay," he promises, patting her back in a slow rhythm. "Now you know why me and mom tell you not to chew on them, yeah? They aren't food, my love." 
My love. It would sound odd coming from Steve if he didn't say it as gently as he does. 
Speaking of food, Avery has not appeared. You tilt your head to one side, and you question yourself on if you're hearing what you think you are. The fridge beeps when it's left open too long, and you're ninety eight percent sure there's a beeping sound coming from downstairs.
"Are you okay?" Steve asks. 
Beth steps back and wipes her cheeks with both hands, nodding. 
Steve replaces her hands with his own and wipes her sticky skin tenderly. When her cheeks are dry, he frames her face with both hands and smiles at her until she smiles back. 
You're not surprised when she goes in for another hug. 
"It's okay, Beth," he says again, "you're not in trouble." 
Beth has a huge guilty conscience. You wonder sometimes how she's turned out so different to Ave considering they've been raised with the same amount of devotion, and you worry that maybe she's been given a little too much sheltering. That being said, Avery had, to your regret, suffered from time to time in place of your and Steve's ineptitude. Nothing that has ever left a mark, but small things you'd wished you'd known. How the majority of her crying had been because she needed burping (so much burping), or how owning a pair of hairdressing scissors does not make you a hairdresser. Sheltering seems fair. 
You love your girls. You want them to be happy more than anything and you don't mind sheltering them, even if they all end up shy and clingy. 
You love clingy. 
"Stevie, I'm gonna make dinner tonight, okay?" 
"Thank you," he mumbles into Beth's hair. 
You frown deeply. He really needs a break, and it's only Thursday. That's one more day until the weekend. 
You lean down, Dove pressed to your chest with both arms, and kiss the top of his head. "I need to call Jessica, and then we'll have dinner. Do you want to go lie down? Take Bethie with you and cuddle?" 
"What do you think, pretty girl?" he asks her, pulling his face from her hair. He strokes down the side of her face with the first knuckle of his index finger. You can practically feel the sensation from watching, the light, fluttering tickling feeling. 
You and Dove ditch their lovefest and bump down the stairs together, one careful step at a time. 
In the kitchen, Avery has made a mess.  
You blink. "Ave," you moan, "what are you doing?" 
"I'm putting stuff away, mom, what does it look like?" 
She's sarcastic rather than cruel, there isn't a drop of attitude in her whole body. 
"It looks like an explosion," you say. 
"I'm putting stuff away," she insists. 
She's dragged a chair to the cupboard, there's canned food all over the counter, there's a busted bag of macaroni elbows on the stove, and the fridge has been open so long the lights inside have turned off. 
You have to laugh. "Do me another favour?" 
"What do I get?" she asks. 
You pretend to think about it, humming to yourself. "Hm, let's see… a kiss?" 
She shakes her head. 
"A hug?" 
She shakes her head again. 
You tip your face toward Dove's, who babbles an incomprehensible suggestion. "I don't know," you murmur, "I don't think that'll work." 
"What won't work?" Avery asks, a plastic wrapped head of broccoli in her hands. 
"What if… We have cake and ice cream after dinner?" 
"Friday treat?" Avery asks, gasping. 
"But on a Thursday!" you agree, turning your excitement to Dove. "My lovely girls deserve something sweet, I think. And your dad, too." 
Avery narrows her widened eyes into a more 'grown-up' expression, playing it cool like Steve pretends to sometimes. "What's the favour?" 
"You and Dove watch some TV while I make dinner?" 
"That's easy," Avery says.
You beam at her. "Thank you. You're such a good girl. Come here, give me some kisses before you go." 
You kiss Avery until she's groaning about slobbery cheeks and send her and Dove into the living room with a sippy cup of juice and two secret cookies, hoping to distract them for a while. You clean up Avery's mess, and you admit to yourself that she wasn't doing a bad job. Really it was sweet of her to even try. You make dinner, and while the veggies are sautéing you call your boss, Jessica. 
You don't explain, only ask if it'll be okay to take one of your holidays. She's not thrilled to give you one, but she knows you have three girls. 
And so, you have the day off tomorrow. Steve can take a breather. 
You pull the table away from the wall and plate up everybody's dinner one by one. Rather than shout, you do the rounds. 
Avery and Dove are snuggled up together in the middle of the big couch.
"Dinner's ready," you cheer, sweeping Dove into your arms. "Let me go get daddy." 
"I'll do it!" Avery says.
She runs up the stairs and you turn back to the kitchen. Dove hates her high chair, so you elect to have her in your lap, even if that means you don't actually get to eat anything. When Avery appears she's jubilant, hand in Steve's and pulling him through the door. 
"Hey, troopers," you say absentmindedly, focused on spooning mashed veggies into Dove's open mouth. 
"Stevie, listen, I got the day off tomorrow," you say. 
"You just-" You lift your gaze to meet his. "You looked so tired." 
He stands by the side of your chair and drops a slow, sweet kiss into your temple. "You didn't have to." 
You kind of did. You don't want him to get sick, or — honestly, it's not even about overworking himself. You want him to be happy. Happy, and not overwhelmed. 
You savour the short squeeze he gives your neck. 
After the most pathetic dinner you've ever seen (seriously, your family are sapped), you get cake and ice cream in three bowls and line your girls up in a row on the couch. Nothing steals their attention more than sugar and Sesame Street.  
Finally, finally, you can talk to Steve. 
He sits in the armchair. 
You come to stand in front of him, not shy, but tentative. "Could I-" 
"Shut up. Don't even ask me, or I'm gonna be furious." 
You smile like an idiot and sit yourself down in his lap, careful not to put all your weight on him. He rolls his eyes and twists your around until your back is flush with one of the armchair's arms, legs hanging off of the other, ribs to Steve's stomach. 
"Stevie," you mumble, cupping his cheek, "you okay?" 
You cup his cheek in your hand, tugging his face closer to your own. His arms curl around your waist and he hangs onto you like a life raft. 
He looks as though he might brush it all off. Then, eventually, he confesses, "God, it's been never ending today. Dove- She smashed that weird paperweight from my mom, like, ten minutes after we got home from dropping off the girls, and then she screamed bloody murder when I wouldn't let her touch it." He lets his head rest against yours. "Then the school called me because Avery forgot-" He sighs. "I forgot to give her clothes for soft play. So we had to get back in the car, and you know how much she hates that car seat. She's been miserable all day, and I didn't eat until you made dinner so I've been miserable, and I hate when I'm like that because it's not her fault. I'm lucky Beth's been so quiet, but then she started eating pens, so..."
"It's not her fault, but it's not your fault either. Don't feel guilty about things you have no hand in, honey." 
His voice goes weak. "I don't want to be that fucking angry dad who's mad and miserable." 
"You're not. You never, ever could be," you say, laughing softly. You scratch his jaw. "I won't say they can't tell when you're upset 'cause we both know they can, but I can promise they know it's not permanent." You angle his face carefully to the girls, where they all sit happy as clams, lips sticky and smiling.
"Angry dad," you repeat. "Babe, you're barely mad. You're tired. It was a bad day." 
"Wasn't all bad. Thank you." 
"We are a team," you whisper, pronouncing each word emphatically. 
"I know. Thanks for being my team," he says. 
You rub your cheek against his collar. "Sorry today sucked, handsome. I swear tomorrow's gonna be better. You don't have to get up in the morning, I'll do drop off and breakfast, and then when you do get up we'll," — you kiss his neck — "spend the whole day doing nothing. Or, you'll do nothing. I'll do laundry." 
"I have to clean the bathroom." 
You kiss his neck again. "I'll do it. Don't worry, baby. I got you. I got you completely. You can write me a list, if you like, but I don't need one. I'll do everything." 
He whines into your neck dramatically. "I don't know how it gets this bad." 
You give him another kiss, another, folding love into each one. 
"I mean, I've been doing this- We've been doing this for six years. Six years," he whispers pointedly, "and I still can't perfect it." 
"Families definitely aren't supposed to be perfect." You suck in a quick breath. "I mean, mine is. My girls, my guy. You're perfect." 
"Is there something you need me to do tonight?" you ask gently. "Do you want to go shower?"
He starts to torment you, hands rubbing all over your back and arms, face a heat smushed to the top of your head. "I need you to stay here. Can't remember the last time I got to do this."
You wiggle your feet over the armrest. You're not sure, either. Too long. 
He pushes against your stomach. When you're pregnant Steve's hand may as well be glued to it. Now, though, it's just soft. You'd be insecure if he weren't so loving, and loud about it; he worships you and your body unabashedly. 
You don't know how you feel about having more kids. It's too complicated to hash over tonight, you'll give yourself a migraine. You want more, you want as many as Steve wants, and Steve wants a football team, but you struggle through every pregnancy. Avery's had been terrifying, Beth's had been exhausting, and you'd been so sick and weak during Dove's that Steve had genuinely sat you down and made sure you knew you never, ever had to do it again if you didn't want to. For any reason at all.
But you look at your girls and you get this awful panging longing for more. And wouldn't Steve just adore a baby boy? Wouldn't you?
"You know, we have a pattern going," you say. 
Steve smiles. "What pattern?" 
"Two and a half between Ave and and Beth, two and five months between Beth and Dove. If we had another one, there would almost be two and a half between them, too. If we tried now, I mean." 
You're not just saying it to lift his mood, and you're not saying it because you definitely know what you want, but it's a conversation you wouldn't mind having. Steve's excited smile is a bonus.
"You want another one?" he asks. 
You stare into his eyes. "I'm not sure, but you do. Right?" 
"You know I do, but it's… it's your decision, it always is." 
Hasn't he told you that a thousand times by now. "Is it really only mine?" 
"You're the one who's at risk. You're the one who has to carry her." 
"Her," you say. "You're so sure it'd be a girl?" 
His laugh is warm where it kisses your cheek. "Pretty sure that's my only mode." 
"I'd want a boy, if we had another one. A boy who looks exactly like you. He would be the most handsome little boy in the world." 
"We can't have more that look like me," he argues, sounding like himself for the first time tonight. "Don't you think two's enough?" 
"No." Easiest answer ever. 
"Seriously? Dove glared at me earlier and it was like looking in the mirror." 
"I love your face, Steve. You know that? I really, genuinely, think you're the most beautiful person I've ever met. Of course I want our kids to look like you." 
Steve raises a hand to your neck and kisses you. You don't remember to close your eyes, he's too quick, and when he pulls away he laughs. "Shut your eyes, weirdo," he demands. 
You close them. For your efforts, Steve gives you a handful of quick, close-mouthed pecks that slowly soften, your favourite kind of kissing without getting too handsy.
His lips are a little bit chapped. You make a note to smooth him over with some chapstick tonight, and you laugh at yourself for making a note. 
"What?" he asks amusedly, words reverberating into your lips and tickling you. 
You don't want him to be insecure. "Just happy, Steve. So happy it's awful." 
He doesn't kiss you anymore than that. You're hoping you can entice him for at least a few more, but Beth has other plans. She slides down the couch and slinks to the armchair, looking very polite as she pauses in front of you. 
You and Steve have the same reaction. Rampant affection. 
"Hello, gorgeous," you say, holding out your arm. 
She struggled to climb up into your lap. 
"I haven't seen you very much today, have I?" you ask, helping her sit on your tummy where Steve's hand had been before. "Are you okay?" 
"I'm okay," she says sweetly. 
"Yeah? You have ice cream on your lip, you want me to wipe it away?"
She nods heavily and closes her eyes. You share a mischievous glance with Steve, and then you lean forward and kiss the corner of her mouth. 
"There," you say when you pull away. 
"Mommy," she mumbles giddily, "that's not wiping." 
"Sorry, I just missed you so much. Think I can have another one? Would that be okay?" 
"Leave some for me," Steve complains. 
Beth ignores him. "You can have-" She trips over the words but keeps going anyhow. "Can have as many as you want, mom." 
"I can?" you ask, delighted, barely waiting before you're pulling her into your chest to press soft little kisses into her chubby cheek. 
"Oh, she's my shy girl," you murmur at her lowered chin. "She's so shy. She has such a pretty face I just can't help it, I gotta kiss it." 
Steve noses along your ear. "'Cause she looks like you." 
You pinch his waist until he's threatening to roll you off him. 
"I'm serious." 
"Think of Beth," you say deadpan, before sinking right back into mom talk. "Me and my girl are having kisses and he's just jealous, right Bethie?" 
"Right," she says. 
Steve groans at such a terrible betrayal and deflates in defeat, his thighs sliding underneath you. "Whatever." 
You take pity on him quickly. Dove will side with you unquestionably, but Avery's about justice, so you psst at her until she turns your way, and you mouth, "Kiss your dad, pretty please" with raised eyebrows. 
She practically throws herself off of the couch and hurtles to the armchair. She's super tall for her age and she doesn't need any help at all to climb up. There's not much room but she makes it work, kneeling on the armrest beside your head, hands vying for her dad's arms. 
He looks up in surprise. "Hey, Avey." 
"Kiss?" she asks. 
Steve simpers. "I knew you were a good egg. Get off of me, mom." 
"No way," you say, squirming in his lap. 
Dove notices what's happening and makes her way to you with an expectant smile. Soon, you've whipped her up into your lap and Steve is submerged in his girls, hands and arms and kisses all over him. 
"Love you, dad," Avery says.
"Love you," you say, pleased with her amazing timing. 
"Love you, daddy," Bethie says, her ear to his heart. 
Dove raises a socked foot up toward him like it is the most important thing she's ever done, a signal for wanting tickles. He has to pull his arm out from where it's sandwiched between you and Avery, scratching the bottom of her foot until she's giggling infectiously. 
"I love you," he says. To all of you, presumably. 
This doesn't last as long as it should. 
"I love you all," he clarifies, "but one of you is crushing my leg." 
It's absolutely you. He's kind for not saying it. 
"Wanna move to the couch? I'll go get us some blankets," you offer, brushing hair from his eyes fondly. 
His eyes squint together ever so slightly. "That would be nice."
requests are open for more of this au <3 pls consider a reblog if u enjoyed cos im an attention seeker and they make me happy, thanks for reading!!! <3
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allthelovehes · 6 months
Easter Egg Hunt
Summary: Just a little blurb about Harry and Y/N having an easter egg hunt with their little niece.
Pairing: Harry x reader
Word count: 1.3K
Warnings: Pure fluff
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold @harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla @hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
Support my work by joining my Patreon!
A/N: My plan is to post content every weekday for the next four weeks so bear with me lol. We are starting off slow ;)
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“Let's get these.” Harry says as he picks up a bag of small Easter eggs. He is so excited for this year's Easter as Gemma's daughter, Hailey, is finally old enough to go hunting for Easter eggs.
“Those are way too small for her.” Y/N says and points at the package he has in hand. “Here, try these. They're just the right size.” She then hands him another bag that has bigger chocolate eggs.
“These will look huge in her tiny hands.” He laughs and puts pack in their cart. “What else do we need?”
“Baskets.” Y/N says and starts to push the cart towards the next aisle.
“I'll grab a few. Do you want the wicker ones or plastic?”
“I think we should go with plastic they last longer.” She looks over at him. “And then we can still use them when we have kids.”
Harry's head snaps up to meet her eyes. “Really?” His voice cracks as he asks.
“Well yeah, I mean one day. We talked about this and I thought that was the plan.”
“We are, but I didn't know if you were ready to talk about having kids.” He says as he picks up some of the plastic baskets.
“It's not like we have to do it right away. But we should be thinking about it. We should probably start looking for a new house before we start a family.”
“Y/N.” Harry says, stopping her from grabbing any more candy and pulling her into his chest. “Are you serious? Are we really going to start looking for houses and have a family?”
“If that's what you want.” She smiles up at him and then looks back over at their cart. “Do you think that's enough candy?”
“Oh god, Hailey is going to eat all of these and then throw up all night.” He laughs and wraps his arm around her shoulders as they make their way back towards the cashier.
“I'm sure Gemma will have enough common sense to not let her eat them all at once.”
“She is her mother's daughter, so I wouldn't be so sure.”
Y/N giggles and shakes her head. “Maybe you're right, but she's a kid, they're supposed to have candy.”
It's Easter morning and they are on their way to Gemma's house for the big hunt. Y/N is holding the basket in her lap and playing with the ribbon while Harry drives. He's been watching her out of the corner of his eye and is smiling the entire time.
“What's on your mind, love?”
“How cute our kids are going to be. Hailey is such a cutie and I can't wait until we have one.”
“Yeah.” Harry sighs. “Me too.”
“Have you thought anymore about moving?”
“I have. I'm not sure if I want to live in London anymore. I was thinking we could find a house near Gemma, so our little one can grow up with their cousin.”
“Harry, that would be so sweet. I bet Gemma would love that.”
“Me too.”
“Okay, so after Easter we should start looking.”
“Deal.” Harry smiles and pulls the car to a stop.
Gemma is standing in the driveway with a smile and waves to them. Little Hailey is standing beside her, excited to welcome her favourite uncle and aunt.
“Uncle Harry!” Hailey yells as she comes running towards them. Harry jumps out of the car and kneels down with his arms wide open for her. She runs straight into his arms and wraps her little ones around his neck.
“Happy Easter, Bunny.” Harry says and hugs her tightly.
“Where's my hug, sweet girl?” Y/N says with her arms outstretched.
“Aunt Y/N!” Hailey smiles and lets go of Harry. She walks over to her and gives her a quick hug. Y/N wraps her arms around her and picks her up to carry her inside.
“Wow, you're getting big, aren't you?”
“My mummy said I'll be as tall as you soon.”
“Oh, did she?” Y/N laughs and nods her head.
“I can't wait. I can't wait for the egg hunt, and then the chocolate.”
“Are you sure you're not excited about the chocolate?” Y/N laughs and sets her back down when they get into the living room.
Harry goes into the backyard after he greets Michal. Anne and Darren are supposed to arrive any second now and knowing how excited Hailey is, he wants to have the hunt set up so they're ready to go. He scatters the eggs and hides a few little stuffed bunnies for Hailey to find.
“Look at my pretty girl.” Anne says as she enters the living room. Hailey's face lights up when she sees her grandma and she rushes over to her. 
“Hey, baby. How's my beautiful girl doing?” Anne picks her up and kisses her cheek.
“She's excited for the egg hunt.” Gemma says. “You're the last ones here, so let's get it started.”
“Where's Uncle Harry?”
“He's setting up outside. Are you ready?” Y/N explains and Hailey nods her head as she squirms in her grandmother's arms. Anne carries her outside and Harry greets his family. Most of the treasures are hidden in plain sight as Hailey is only three, so he didn't want to make it too difficult for her.
“Ready, Bunny?” Harry says as Anne puts her with both feet on the ground.
“Yes!” She beams before her little feet start running towards the first egg she sees. Everyone takes a seat and watches Hailey scurry around the yard, picking up every egg she can find. Harry makes sure to stick close to her, in case she trips he is right there to pick her up. Every time she finds an egg she runs over to show someone. When she finds a small bunny she squeals and runs over to Y/N to show her.
“Oh wow! That's a really good find.”
“Thank you.” Hailey smiles and then takes off again.
When all the eggs are found, Harry brings the basket full of candy inside and Hailey sits down on the floor. All the adults gather around her and watch as she digs through her basket. She picks up each egg, inspects it, and then sets it back down. Her little tongue is sticking out as she concentrates. She does the same thing with each and every egg. She's so focused on finding the biggest one, not even the chocolate is tempting her.
“Hailey, what are you doing?” Gemma asks as she sits down beside her.
“Trying to find the bestest egg.”
Y/N is helping Anne in the kitchen to prepare the Easter brunch. They are keeping an eye on the ham in the oven while the rest of the food is on the stove. Darren is sitting at the island drinking his coffee while Harry and Michal are setting the table.
“Mummy, it's hard!” Hailey whines and pouts her lips.
“What's wrong, sweetheart?”
“I can't open it.”
“Let's save it for after we have some proper food.” Gemma tells her, taking the chocolate from her hand and putting it back in the basket. She sets the entire basket aside and helps her up off the floor. “Go wash your hands and then we can eat.”
After a big brunch and a lot of candy, Hailey is getting tired. She's lying down on the sofa with her head in Y/N's lap, nearly falling asleep. Harry sits down next to her with his arm draped across her shoulders.
“I can't wait for us to have a little one like her someday.” He whispers into her ear.
“Me either.” She smiles and leans her head against his shoulder. “You'd be the best daddy.”
“And you'll be the best mummy.”
“We'll be great together.”
“Yes, we will.” Harry says and kisses her cheek.
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waynes-multiverse · 5 months
Plastic Hearts – Part 22
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Pairing: Director!Dean Winchester x Actress!Reader
Series Summary: Los Angeles, 1985. Y/N’s a young actress without any success, hopping from one failed audition to the next until one desperate mistake brings her to her breaking point. Dean Winchester, on the other hand, is a grade A asshole and washed-up director at the end of his career, known for his godawful slasher movies in the 70s and his love for blow, booze, and women. Lost in the toxic Hollywood life, their paths cross when one hopeless little wrestling show changes their trajectory.
Chapter Warnings: +18, language, injuries, hospitals, jealousy, drug use, angst, smoking everywhere 'cause it's the 80s, girl fights, a whole lot of FLUFF
Word Count: 6.9k
A/N: Thank you guys so much for all your comments last week! So happy to bring these two idiots back to your screens of choice and give them an ending they deserve! Now, buckle up! We have some bitchy moments in this one 👀😇
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22. Girls, Girls, Girls
The gym smells of blood, sweat, and tears tonight. More so than ever before. The tensions run high.
It’s the first live taping since the show’s official cancellation. The first three matches have already run their course, the rest of the women joining Dean in his office, using the platform as the perfect viewing room. It’s like an NFL suite at Super Bowl. Everyone’s drinking, celebrating, and has gathered here to watch the biggest match of the night:
Red Sparrow vs. Liberty Bell
Usually, the green-eyed director would be bothered by the constant chatting, shrieking, and yapping. But tonight, he could care less as he passed the director’s crown on to his spawn, leaving Claire to man the booth and direct the show on her own, putting her AV skills to the test.
After all, the show’s already canceled. What’s the worst that could happen? Might as well let a rebellious teenager call the shots. Who gives a shit! Isn’t it awesome to be this carefree?
“Can you guys keep it down?” Claire hisses with an annoyed roll of her eyes, her shoulders tense with stress as she tries to concentrate on the monitors. “I’m trying to direct a show here! I can’t fucking hear anything!”
Amused, Dean chuckles. Now, his daughter finally knows what it’s like to be in his shoes. He’s tried telling everyone for ages that these women are fucking annoying and that being a director ain’t easy.
While the women are busy talking up a storm and pay attention to the match, Dean sneaks to his desk and opens the first drawer. He pulls out his pack of cigarettes, but it’s not a smoke he’s in the mood for. To his surprise and shock, however, the little bag of white powder he hides in there is gone.
Did he put it somewhere else?
Frantically, he starts opening every drawer, moving stuff in and out of them. He rummages through his folders on his desk, sees if he placed it there somewhere, but it’s nowhere to be found. His green eyes then dart to his kid and an eerie feeling settles in his stomach. Surely, Claire didn’t take it, right?
Like father, like daughter, it echoes through his mind.
He always loved the fact that his kid was so much like him – the love for good movies, the humor, the sass, the sheer unabashed talent. But not in that regard. God, does he hope she didn’t inherit his drug addiction, too.
“Claire?” Dean knows he has to be careful in his questioning, not wanting to alert the other women in the room to the pressing issue. But his daughter skillfully ignores him, too focused on her current task. “CLAIRE?!” he barks loud enough to rattle the entire office.
Yeah, okay, that wasn’t as smooth and inconspicuous as he had hoped, but he’s fucking panicking on the inside, alright? He has entered worried dad mode.
Don’t act so fucking surprised, okay? He has evolved like man is supposed to do.
In all honesty, Dean wanted to get completely clean two weeks ago. As soon as Y/N waltzed into his office and slept with him, he swore he’d never touch the toxic and nasty stuff again. He was done, and this time, it’d be final. No going backsies. But he had one teeny-tiny baggy left, and well, he hates to be wasteful. So, his plan was to slowly stop and keep the withdrawals at a minimum. And it worked great so far. It hasn’t snowed in four fucking days.
“What?!” his kid grunts back, audaciously annoyed.
“Did you snoop through my drawers and take my smokes out?” Dean asks her in his best dad voice. He’s gotten quite good at it since he practiced it over the last few weeks.
Do your homework!
Eat your vegetables!
Tell that fucking boyfriend of yours to stop sneaking in through the window, or I’ll get my gun!
“No, I don’t smoke!” Claire huffs without missing a beat and doesn’t take her eyes off the monitors even once.
Dean believes her. Usually, when she lies, there are a few seconds of thinking that pass by before she comes up with a reasonable excuse. Not that he buys any of them, but whatever. This time, though, she answered right away, and he knows she has no idea what he’s even talking about.
So, did he misplace it? You’d think he’d be more careful with drug storage, but sometimes it’s a glass of whiskey too many, and stuff gets lost. Did he leave it in the car? Is it at home?
But then it dawns on him. Joanna.
The blonde storms into his office, forcing the director to look up. Her mascara is smeared across her cheeks, her hair disheveled and overall she seems upset and out of breath.
“I need my own goddamn dressing room,” Barbie demands. “I can’t get ready and in the right head space with all of these women down there. I’m the star of the show. Some of us need peace and quiet to wash the shit of the world from us before they have to fucking perform!”
“Whoa, whoa, easy, alright? Sit down,” Dean tells her calmly and gestures to the seat in front of him, where the blonde immediately plops down with an exhausted huff. “You can get ready in my office tonight, okay? You want a drink? You look like you need one.”
Jo nods with a sniffle and accepts the flask he’s offering her, almost downing the whole thing.
“What’s going on? You good?” Dean checks. Usually, he wouldn’t care about the blonde’s feelings, but since she’s up against Y/N tonight, he wants to assure himself nothing goes wrong.
“Yeah, it’s just… Sam.” She scoffs and takes another swig. “He’s got a new girlfriend. His secretary, Jessica.” The blonde rolls her eyes at the name. “Who knows how long he’s been fucking her. Our divorce isn’t even final.”
Dean nods understandingly as he rises from his chair and pats the blonde’s shoulder. “I know. Divorce is shitty. You’ll get through this. Trust me.”
“Shit…” Dean mumbles.
He left an emotionally vulnerable woman alone in his office with a bunch of booze and drugs. How could he be this stupid and reckless? He doesn’t even suspect Jo took the coke on purpose. She was probably looking for a smoke and stumbled upon it, thinking, “What the hell? My day is already shit, maybe this makes it better.”
Dean knows because it’s usually what he thinks as well when he’s at his lowest. How do you think he got addicted to drugs in the first place, huh?
Here’s how: two divorces and a failing career.
The green-eyed director snaps out of his thoughts and turns to the room full of women upon their calling, all of them looking quite panicked and worried. It’s like a fox got loose in the coop.
His brow furrows as he approaches the booth and big windows, trying to see where the concern is coming from. “What? What’s going on?”
“I think there’s something wrong, boss,” Donna informs him. “That’s not the fight they’ve practiced during training. They’re going off script.”
Fucking shit…
“Dean, what the hell is going on?” Billie cocks an eyebrow at the director, but he can’t get himself to focus or reply as his green eyes are glued to the match downstairs.
Dean’s too cynical to believe in a God and has certainly never prayed before, but tonight he can’t help it and utter a quiet prayer, hoping for a goddamn miracle.
His heart is racing as he watches the match unfold. There’s nothing he can do about it. Nothing can stop it. It’s like watching a fucking car crash as a bystander on the sidewalk.
Looking at Y/N’s face, he can see that she’s panicking as well and getting scared. It breaks his goddamn heart. The actress tries to talk to the blonde and get through to her but to no avail. Killer Barbie is on a mission, and her target is clearly Y/N.
And then, it all happens fast. Jo throws Y/N onto the mat and grabs her leg, raising it up by the ankle. There are tears in Y/N’s eyes before an audible crack echoes through the gym. Y/N screams out in pain. Jo drops her foot and backs away in shock, hands high in the air. The entire gym becomes mum, only a few quiet gasps uttered by the audience bounce off the tall walls.
Dean’s heart is about to explode as he bolts down the stairs and almost takes a fall. He hasn’t even reached the ring yet and assessed the damage, but he already blames himself. This is all his fucking fault. Donna warned him, and he didn’t listen. Y/N was obviously not fine, and neither was Jo. How many goddamn warning signs did he choose to ignore? And for what? For fucking ratings no one even cares about?
Y/N’s agonizing scream rings in his ears as the director makes his way to her. Rufus is already there in his referee costume, trying to help her as best as he can. Dean’s so close he can practically count the steps to the ring. Has this gym always been this huge? It feels like he’s been running a mile.
But then, he’s abruptly stopped by Cas’ announcer voice and what his green eyes find unfolding in front of him.
“And here comes a camera guy to save our Russian warrior!”
Oh hell, no!
Dean should probably be glad that someone is helping her and not let his jealousy win. But does that someone really have to be fucking Benny of all people? The green-eyed director truly thought he was done worrying about that guy. Now, however, he has to watch that douchebag heroically carry Y/N out of the ring while the audience cheers and claps.
It’s his worst goddamn nightmare. Well, that and Y/N getting hurt in the first place.
“Put her down,” Dean demands fiercely as he faces Benny, his blood boiling as he watches the actress hold on to the guy’s neck and wince in pain. A bit of guilt mixes with his jealousy at that.
Don’t be an asshole. Focus, he reminds himself. Y/N’s more important than your fucking ego.
“What? No,” Benny denies his request with a confused and irritated frown.
“That’s an order,” Dean grits boldly.
“I don’t care. She’s hurt,” Benny snaps back with emphasis and acts like Dean doesn’t know what that means. “Fucking fire me if you have a problem with that. The show’s done anyways.”
That fucking little prick…
Dean purses his lips in frustration. What is he supposed to do now? Rip her from the guy’s arms? Start a fist fight?
“I can take her. I’ll drive her to a hospital,” the director insists with a little more reasoning.
“Let’s take my limo! There’s enough space for her,” Ruby chimes in as the whole pack of women flock to the rescue and worryingly gather around Y/N.
Great. More helping hands is what Dean needs right now.
“No, we’re taking my car,” Dean maintains, trying to remain calm amongst the concerned chatter. “Baby’s backseat got plenty of space, alright?”
“True,” Bela agrees with a dirty smirk.
Dean sighs, Billie rolls her eyes, and Y/N frowns at that. Dear God, these fucking women…
“How about we ask Y/N what she wants, huh?” Dean proposes, knowing the actress will surely pick him. God knows she’s picked him yesterday all night long…
Benny smiles as if he could win this battle. “Fine.”
“Y/N, sweetheart, what d’you want? Who do you wanna go with, huh?” Dean asks, lowering himself down to her with a gentle look in his eyes and a warm, caring smile.
“I don’t care!” Y/N whines with pained features and a high level of annoyance. “I just wanna go to a hospital! Any hospital in any car.”
Fair enough, Dean thinks dejectedly. Still, she could’ve done him a favor and picked him. He hates losing to a fucking camera operator.
“My limo it is!” Ruby exclaims and bolts ahead to the parking lot, keys jiggling in the air.
With a triumphant smirk, Benny turns and follows Valley girl outside, Dean swallowing down the urge to punch the guy as Y/N throws him an apologetic look over camera guy’s shoulder.
These fucking women…
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Dean has floored the gas pedal of the Impala, but it’s fucking LA, so an hour was spent standing in traffic on the freeway. Moreover, he had to gather Claire and Cas as well and check on Jo, while Benny and the girls were already at the hospital with Y/N.
When Dean finally arrives, he rushes through the glass doors into the waiting area of the emergency room, Cas and Claire on his heels. His group is easy to spot, considering they’re all still in their fucking wrestling costumes.
His hands ball into fists when he sees Benny holding an ice pack to her injured ankle as she sits in a wheelchair, the girls scattered around Y/N on creaky hospital seats as they keep her company. He hates that camera guy is taking care of his girl. It should be him by her side, not some fucking footnote in this story.
“Hey, what the fuck is going on? Why is she still waiting?” Dean asks furiously, charging in full-throttle. His heart is burning for Y/N, and nothing can extinguish it.
Hell, if she isn’t getting help soon, he’ll burn this goddamn hospital down.
“Because she’s not a gunshot wound?” Ruby answers wryly, earning her glare.
But Dean supposes party girl has a point. It’s an LA hospital in a bad neighborhood.
“Want me to lick your wound? Saliva helps with blood clotting,” Meg offers as she holds Y/N’s hand tightly.
“She’s not even bleeding,” Cassie counters with a raised brow.
“She might be bleeding internally,” Meg argues and places her palm on Y/N’s forehead, taking her temperature.
“Stop it! You’re freaking her out,” Charlie scolds from the seat behind her.
“Why is this taking so long? My friend is in pain! Do you hear me?” Meg whines, calling to the nurses’ station.
Why are girls so exhausting? That question has been running around Dean’s mind for months now. He’s still lacking an answer.
Ignoring the female turmoil around him, Dean lowers himself down in front of Y/N and finds her eyes, smiling gently. “Hey, sweetheart. How are you doing, huh?”
“Dean!” Y/N smiles broadly when she recognizes him, her face lighting up and beaming brighter than the fluorescent lights above her. It warms his heart.
The director’s head then tilts slightly, inspecting her closer. She seems awfully chipper for someone in pain. Her pupils are gigantic, too.
Ruby leans in and whispers, “I gave her a Valium… and then half a Klonopin.”
Ah. There it is. She’s fucking high. That explains it.
Dean reaches out his hand and caresses her pink cheek, feeling her lean into his touch. “You feeling good, sweetheart?”
“I’m awesome,” she replies with a drowsy giggle.
He grins. “Yeah, I bet you are…”
Is it weird he’d like to fuck her in this state? Right, probably not a good time to ask those questions. (But he swears he wouldn’t take advantage of her. Just play with her and test her senses a little.)
“You’re so pretty,” Y/N tells him dreamily, making him blush hard as she touches a few strands of his hair and plays with them.
“And the first pill is kicking in,” Ruby notes, amused.
A nurse then finally walks into the waiting room with a tired gleam in her eyes and clears her throat to catch everyone’s attention. Dean can’t blame her. He knows it’s like a fucking circus in here.
“Good news. We have a bed ready, so I’ll take her back and all of you can leave?” the nurse explains and looks at the wolf pack hopefully.
Meg stares her dead in the eyes and replies flatly, “Not a chance.”
Yeah, Dean could’ve told that nurse those girls weren’t going anywhere.
Benny rises from his position and attempts to push Y/N’s wheelchair, following the nurse. But Dean will be damned if he lets him. Provocatively, he pushes the camera guy aside and scowls at him, making his territory and claim clear. The girls aren’t the only wolves in this waiting room.
“I got her. You can leave,” Dean growls with a deathly stare. “My show, my actress. I’m the director, and she’s my fucking responsibility, got it?”
Benny raises his palms in surrender and takes a step back. He already knew he lost when Y/N only had eyes for Dean as soon as the director showed up. A pill-high never lies.
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The nurse helps Y/N into a bed in a small, quiet room. As they wait for a doctor, Dean impatiently paces the room, fuming away on his smoke. If you can’t tell, he’s far away from relaxed.
A man in a white coat with a friendly smile then finally strolls in and introduces himself. “Hello there, Y/N Y/L/N. I’m Dr. Gabriel Piccolo. Are you with the circus?”
Dr. Sexy, as Dean refers to the guy, lifts an eyebrow at Y/N’s unusual costume. You’d think as a doctor at a hospital in Hollywood, he’d see more people like this.
“I’m an actress on a wrestling TV show,” Y/N replies, not offended by his question in the slightest.
“Oh, uhm, I’ll have to watch it,” Dr. Sexy says politely and then gets straight down to business, cocking his head at her injured leg. “Okay, so left ankle. We’re gonna have to cut off this boot.”
“Oh! No, no, no. Sorry, these are important.” Y/N protectively throws herself over her knee-high army boot.
Dean sighs a little. Even high on pills and in unbearable pain, Y/N still prioritizes her silly job. “Alright, Doc. I got it,” the director relents and shoots the man a look.
Carefully, Dean unties her laces, loosening the shoe enough. “I’m gonna go slow, sweetheart. Just take it easy, alright?”
Dean flashes her a smirk and watches as she bites down on her lower lip, nodding. She inhales sharply and whimpers when he slips the boot off her foot. His fingers smooth over her leg, soothe the skin, and elicit a shudder from her. He can tell the action turned her on, can see the goosebumps rise on her arms as she presses her thighs together. He can practically hear her drip.
He smirks devilishly. Y/N sends him a knowing frown.
Dr. Sexy clears his throat and interrupts their heated moment, causing Y/N’s cheeks to flush furiously.
The doctor then assesses her ankle. It’s swollen and the skin a purplish-blue. Dean knows it doesn’t fucking look good. He guesses it’s not a simple sprain.
“Can you feel your toes? Can you wiggle them?” the doc checks. Y/N does as asked and moves her toes as best as she can. It’s not much though before she winces in pain. “How does that feel?”
Dr. Sexy touches the swell on her ankle, and Y/N squeezes her eyes shut and locks her jaw, a tear rolling down her cheek.
“Fucking hurts,” she grits through strained teeth.
“Okay, we’re gonna take some X-rays. See what we’ve got,” the doc finally says and disappears out of the room.
Y/N exhales an exhaustive breath and looks at the director. “Distract me,” she prompts with desperate eyes.
“Well, I’m not gonna be my regular chipper self,” Dean quips, making her laugh. He smiles, too, and leans in closer. “How about this?”
He wiggles his eyebrows and then dips his head, claiming her lips in a blistering kiss that makes her legs quiver. His tongue slips inside her mouth, swipes deep as teeth scrape her lower lip. Upon her first moan, he draws back with a smug smile.
He leans close to her ear, whispering against her shell, “You know if curling your toes didn’t hurt, I’d make you come so fast on my fingers right now, baby girl.”
Her eyes widen. She gasps and gently hits his arm in a scolding manner. “Dean!”
“What?” He chuckles and pecks her crown. “It’ll be alright. Don’t worry so much, okay?”
The girls then soon flood the room, one by one providing endless entertainment that surely no other patient at this hospital receives. Y/N’s a fucking star here, although she always is to Dean.
First, there was Claire, who practically emptied the vending machine, buying sweets and snacks for every taste (with Dean’s money). He’s nothing more than a wallet to that girl.
Meg, on the other hand, stole more pillows and blankets from other patients, making sure Y/N was as comfortable as possible. Ruby read Cosmopolitan to her and filled out the magazine’s sex quiz, intriguing Dean a lot.
Every girl pretty much brought their unique sense of entertainment, making Y/N laugh and smile so much she almost forgot why she was here. Only one woman was missing from the wolf pack – Joanna.
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As Y/N is finally wheeled away to her X-rays, Dean decides to join the other women in the waiting room. He’s more than happy to discover that Benny actually left when he can’t catch sight of the guy anymore.
Guess the director is the true winner, after all.
Donna then approaches Cas, who’s nervously sucking on a cigarette in the corner by the vending machine, and hands him a clipboard with a hospital form.
“Y/N doesn’t have insurance, and we don’t know what to fill out,” the blonde tells him and meekly saunters back to her seat.
Cas frowns and looks at the women in disbelief. “How could she not have insurance? She’s a professional wrestler.”
Billie arches a sarcastic eyebrow at that and replies wryly, “Yeah, employed by Novak Productions, who doesn’t provide health care.”
Cas swallows guiltily and purses his lips. “How many of you don’t have insurance?”
Almost every woman in the room raises their hand, except for Jo, Billie, and party girl.
That tracks, Dean thinks and is not the least bit surprised. Judging by Cas’ shocked expression, though, this revelation clearly shatters the privileged rich boy’s world.
The producer nods earnestly. “This is my responsibility, and I will take care of it,” he promises. Dean gives him a pat on the back, letting Cas know he’s doing the right thing. If the producer hadn’t footed Y/N’s bill, Dean surely would have.
The director then glances around the waiting area, noticing the sad faces and depressed mood. “Alright, she’s not dying, okay?” he tells them and catches their attention. “You guys did a great show tonight. Why don’t you go back to the motel?”
“Great?” Donna cocks a brow at his word choice. “We were amazing.”
Charlie looks up at him, a hopeful look in her eyes as her red hair shimmers in the fluorescent light. “You think we get our old time slot back, Dean?”
Dean smacks his lips, scratching the scruff on his chin. He then shakes his head. He can’t lie to them. Knowing what he knows, he also knows it’s over. “No, I don’t. I think we’re gonna die at 2am… But we’ll die on our own terms, alright?”
Nodding, Ruby sighs loudly. “I’ll drive everybody home. And then, we get drunk while we ice our knees.”
As the girls start to gather their belongings and rise from their seats, Jo rushes through the glass doors. The women punish her with little glares on their way out. No one buys it was an innocent accident. In fact, Dean’s pretty sure the wolf pack believes the blonde tried to murder their beloved leader.
Dean, however, doesn’t.
“She’s in room 3,” he tells Jo without further comment.
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The green-eyed director didn’t know what he had expected when he sent Joanna into Y/N’s room. Maybe that they’d talk like adults, get it all out in the open, and finally make amends. Be best friends again.
But maybe that was a little naive of him.
It all started out innocently. Dr. Sexy entered the room with a set of X-rays and left happily a few minutes later. Meanwhile, Dean and Cas smoked in the hospital’s corridor and drank the most awful-tasting coffee out of plastic cups.
Then, the mood started to shift. The guys could hear the girls arguing with slightly raised voices, just loud enough for it to drown out into the hallway.
“Eight to ten weeks? It’s not that long,” Jo could be heard saying.
“It’s the rest of the season. I won’t be on the show,” Y/N threw in through gritted teeth. Dean could hear the upset in her voice.
Jo scoffed, brushing it off. “Well, we’re getting canceled anyways, so… It’s just a job, you know.”
“No, it’s not!” Y/N’s voice went up a notch in volume. Dean knew she was close to reaching a boiling point. This wasn’t good.
“Okay, geez, you don’t have to lash out at me. I did not mean to break your ankle, okay?” Jo countered, pushing all blame off her.
“I don’t fucking believe you!”
And that was the turning point. That’s when the yelling started. The one that could be heard throughout the hospital, spilling into every room and probably several floors.
“No, no, no…. See, that was an accident, Y/N,” Jo says with a jittery voice. “Unlike the time you accidentally fucked my husband! TWICE!”
“You made out with my prom date on prom night!”
“That is not the same thing, and you know it!”
“Oh? Is it the same thing when you hooked up with your co-star at your stupid soap wrap party one week before you got married? And coincidentally, Sammy was born nine months later! Is he even Sam’s? ‘Cause he looks a whole lot like what‘s-his-face!”
“How dare you!”
“You didn’t even love Sam! You only married him for his money!”
“You don’t have the fucking right to say anything about my marriage!”
Cas swallows down a big gulp of coffee, sharing a nervously concerned look with Dean. “Should we, you know, go in there?”
Dean’s eyes widen as he vividly shakes his head. “Fuck no! Are you nuts? We stay right here. Look, men are simple. They throw a few punches and then share a drink. And women… Well, women do fucking this. Bottle everything up, even for years sometimes, till it fucking explodes. Trust me, they need this. Let ‘em get it outta their system.”
Fucking women…
“Oh, do I have the right to talk about your power complex?” Y/N yells. “Or do I have to schedule a meeting with all the producers?”
“I’ve earned my title!”
“Right, your fucking work ethic is legendary! I’m so sick and tired of apologizing about Sam! I don’t care anymore! I have eaten shit for months! I have done everything I can think of to make this right!”
“You can’t make it right!”
“Great! Then I’ll stop trying!”
“Yeah, fine like you telling me I should get raped to save our show! The show you don’t give a shit about!”
“God, you’re so melodramatic! I just figured you’re already screwing our director for attention, what’s one more network executive!”
Cas blinks at Dean with wide eyes and a raised brow. “Are you-… Are you and Y/N dating?”
Dean averts his eyes to the blue wall opposite him and wordlessly sips his coffee. He has a feeling the girls’ fight is about to take a turn, going into a direction he doesn’t particularly care for. Why can’t they just leave him out of it?
Cas, however, takes Dean’s silence as what it is – an admission. The producer’s face lights up with joy. He excitedly rubs Dean’s shoulder and gasps giddily. “That’s so great! You haven’t dated anyone since Amara! I’m so happy for you! I love Y/N! Are you guys getting married? Did you buy a ring? Can I be best man? You know what they say, third time’s the charm!”
Dean scowls at the producer and heaves a deep sigh. “Calm the fuck down, would you? No one’s getting married.”
“Go to hell! I’m not fucking Dean, okay?” Y/N denies Jo’s accusation loudly.
Dean thinks she’s a hell of an actress. If he didn’t know for a fact that he was balls-deep inside her last night, he would’ve bought that little lie.
“Oh please! It’s so obvious!” Jo counters. Dean can practically hear the exhaustive eye roll that followed. “He’s following you around the gym like a lovesick puppy!”
That’s what Dean was afraid of. He does not like where this conversation is headed.
“He is not! Shut the fuck up!”
“Are you really trying to fucking lie to me, right now? I’ve known you since middle school!” Jo snaps. “And he certainly fits your glorious dating choices! Drug addiction? Check! Asshole? Check! Commitment issues? Check! He’s perfect for you. I’m surprised your slutty ass didn’t jump him the first day!”
“Oh, fuck you, you fucking bitch!”
Then, more yelling, more accusations, and more tears follow before Jo storms out of the room and bolts past the boys down the hallway.
Fucking girls…
“I’ve never felt so guilty about anything,” Cas mumbles next to him, completely distraught and shaken.
Dean scoffs. “Geez, you’ve lived a charmed life.”
“Thought I was gonna have a wrestling show, and no one was gonna get injured?” Cas shakes his head at his own nonsense. “What the fuck is wrong with me? I destroyed our little family! I mean, Y/N is a gimp.”
The director rolls his eyes and sighs. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. She’ll go on to have a full life, okay?”
Somehow that causes Cas to smile cheekily. He nudges the director’s shoulder. “With you?”
Dean sends him a thundering glare and dumps his burning cigarette bud into the producer’s coffee cup as he walks past him and returns to Y/N’s room.
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Dean sat quietly next to Y/N as a nurse put a cast on her leg. The ankle, much like the women’s friendship, was broken, and the actress was out of commission for the foreseeable future. She hadn’t spoken a word yet, only sniffling and crying silently to herself. Dean left her alone and only handed her a tissue every now and then, figuring she needed some time to calm down and think. But he still wanted her to know he was there in case she needed him.
As the nurse finally leaves, Dean reaches out his hand and takes hers, drawing comforting circles on the back of it. Patiently, he waits till she’s ready to look at him.
“Well, I won’t be needing these anymore,” Y/N mutters with a pout and dumps her army boots on the little bedside table. “You should give them to Claire. She’d make a great replacement Red Sparrow.”
Dean purses his lips. It takes a lot out of him not to roll his eyes at her dramatization. He supposes that’s what he gets for falling in love with a goddamn actress – fucking theater no less. But he knows she’s really going through it right now, so he’s willing to cut her some slack.
“Relax, I’m not giving your part away,” he assures her with an easy smile.
“Well, you have to, if you want to keep the storyline moving forward,” she mumbles grumpily.
“Who cares? It’s just a TV show,” Dean argues.
However, that particular line seems to anger her. “Everyone keeps saying that. It’s not to me,” she contends and finds his eyes, her teary-eyed and desperate look boring into him. “I have people now. People who come with me to the ER. People who care if I’m hurt.”
Dean nods his head in understanding. He knows Cas and Y/N are essentially right, as much as it hurts him to admit it. They are a little family – a weird and incredibly dysfunctional one, but a family nonetheless.
“I know. I’m sorry. It’s just the easiest thing to say, you know?” he says and lets out a sigh. He rests his palm on her thigh and squeezes reassuringly. “How’s this? I don’t wanna make this show without you. I’m not gonna make this show without you.”
Y/N sucks in her lips, forming a tight line as she stares at her hands in her lap. “I thought we were all replaceable.”
Dean’s lips twitch with a smile. He lifts her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Well, you’re not, sweetheart.”
He leans closer and kisses her ardently till her toes curl. When she hisses slightly in pain, he pulls back, both of them chuckling.
Then, Dean swallows the heavy lump in his throat. He knows he has to come clean, literally and figuratively. He takes her hand in his again. This time for his own comfort.
“Listen, uhm, tonight was kinda my fault… on some level, at least,” the director starts.
Y/N’s brow creases, but she brushes it off with a disbelieving snort. “Why? Did you tell Jo to break my ankle?”
Dean chuckles lightly, although he doesn’t feel like laughing, considering he’s scared to death she’ll dump him in a few seconds once she hears the truth. “No, uhm, but she might’ve found something in my office that caused a lack of judgment on her part. I-, uhm, I might not have been as clean and drug-free as you believed me to be.”
“Oh. I see…” Y/N bites her lower lip and averts her gaze back to her hands, her fingers fumbling in a nonsensical pattern like a nervous tic. And then, she doesn’t say anything for serval minutes, while Dean slowly feels himself go crazy.
“So, uh, where do we stand? Are we mad? Disappointed? Disgusted? Sad?” Dean pries and pokes for an answer.
“I guess, uhm, disappointed,” she says finally. Dean sighs internally as his heart tightens. He had hoped it wouldn’t be that one. It’s the worst one. “And sad,” she adds.
Strike that. This is the worst one.
“Okay, uhm, good,” he replies before noticing her cocked brow at his answer. “I mean, not good-good, obviously. Just good to know where we are… So, where are we? Is this-, you know, is it over? Between us?”
Y/N glances at him slightly and takes a thoughtful breath. “No,” she says, and his heart rejoices with relief. “I kinda already knew you’re not perfect.”
Dean’s brow furrows momentarily before he smirks cockily. “Agree to disagree.”
Y/N tries to hide a smile at his joke. She’s unsuccessful in her endeavor. She squeezes his hand in reassurance. “It’s not your fault. It was still Jo’s choice,” she tells him. “Are you, you know, still…?”
Dean vehemently shakes his head. “No, no, I’m not. I haven’t for a couple of days, and I won’t anymore. I promise. Especially after tonight. I learned my lesson. I’m done with it. For good.”
“Okay,” she accepts.
Dean frowns a little because her forgiveness feels too easy, but he doesn’t get a chance to prod some more, her soft lips on his shutting him up for now. The kiss is fervent and sweet all the same. It makes his head spin and provides him with a completely different high – a much better one.
“Well, looks like we’re gonna have to get creative with this thing, huh?” Dean grins smugly and gently pats her cast.
Y/N throws him a raised look that borders on amusement. Of course, all he ever thinks about is sex. But she doesn’t mind a little sexy goofiness in her life right now and leans in for another kiss. He is a pretty fantastic kisser, after all.
“I got markers!” Cas hops cheerily into the room with a few pens held high in the air, watching the two of them quickly pull apart with red-tinted cheeks. The producer smiles adoringly at them. “You guys! Look at you! This is so exciting!”
“Oh, uh–”
Dean sees the panic spread on Y/N’s face and quickly swoops in, sending Cas a friendly but threatening look. “Hey, uh, buddy? Keep this between us, alright?”
“You got it! My lips are sealed.” Cas winks and locks his lips with his fingers, but his excitement isn’t even close to disappearing. “And I paid your bill, by the way!”
“Oh, Cas, you didn’t have to do that,” Y/N tells him sweetly and seems clearly flattered by his care.
“Yes, I did, ‘cause you couldn’t possibly afford it,” Cas says bluntly and uncaps a marker, signing his name on her cast. “And I felt so guilty.”
A knock on the door makes the three look up and watch Jo hesitantly amble inside, her head lowered in resignation and guilty admission. She holds up a duffel bag with a nervous smile.
“I thought you might wanna leave the hospital with pants on, so I brought you your favorite sweats from the motel,” she says and hands Y/N the peace offering. Y/N accepts it with a small smile. Jo then glances awkwardly at Dean and Cas. “As you may have heard, Y/N and I got into a big fight,” she explains the general tension in the room.
Dean nods curtly. “Oh, yeah, everybody heard.”
“Yeah, the cashier at the gift shop couldn’t stop talking about it.” Cas chuckles, causing Y/N and Jo to blush in embarrassment.
“So, what’s the plan, Dean?” Y/N looks expectantly up at him like he’s an oracle with all the answers.
Lucky for her, though, he’s cocky enough to provide them.
“You know what? We got four episodes left, right? Fuck it. No one’s watching. No one cares. Y/N can’t even walk. So I say we do whatever the hell we want,” the director suggests and grins broadly. “Let’s just set the weirdos free and see what the fuck happens.”
“I hope you guys have fun,” Y/N mutters with a hint of bitterness in her voice.
“Oh, you’re not getting out of it,” Dean interjects her pouting and self-pity. “You’re like a one-woman idea machine. I need you. Where we’re going, you don’t need legs.”
Jo smiles encouragingly at her and sits down on the edge of the bed as Cas hands her a marker. The two women then chat as if nothing ever happened, while the producer and the director share a confused look over the sudden ceasefire. But they take it as what it is – a gift from above.
“Hey, uh, there’s something I need to do,” Dean says then. “Are you guys okay here to keep Y/N some company? I’ll pick you up right after.”
The three of them nod, and Dean feels confident enough to leave Y/N’s side. After all the emotional turmoil and chaos over the last week, the director direly needs an appropriate outlet.
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The Impala pulls into the parking lot of H-ELLTV in Anaheim. It’s early in the morning, the sun barely up but still powerful enough that the beams sting his green eyes. Maybe it’s also the lack of sleep that causes it to hurt more.
Drugs aren’t an option. It’s too early to drink, even for him. And sex would’ve been possible, but he doesn’t want to be the ass that asks for it while his not-girlfriend is suffering in the hospital.
So, here he stands, next to Dicksuck Roman’s spot, where a beautiful dark blue Aston Martin V8 is parked.
Ever since Y/N told him what that creep tried to do, Dean’s been raking his brain with different revenge fantasies. Sure, he could cut off the guy’s dick and make him eat it, or cook his balls over a BBQ grill, or chop his head off and dunk it in acidic cleaning supplies. But Dean knows the only way to truly hurt a man is through his car.
The green-eyed director then pops open Baby’s trunk and hauls out a golf club. It was a gift from Cas that came with an invitation to hit the green in Pasadena for “networking purposes.” As if. Cas eventually accepted that Dean would rather kill himself before setting foot in that country club. (He might’ve also threatened to kill everyone else in it, which scared Cas enough to drop it.)
Dean’s heart soars high to the cloudless sky above as he administers the first few blows, shattering the front window and thoroughly denting the scratch-free and glistening hood.
Not anymore, Dean thinks with sinister joy.
He stops mid-swing, though, when Crowley walks by. The two men look at each other for a moment. Will the manager call the cops? Will Cas have to post bail on top of paying hospital bills?
But Crowley only bobs his head in acknowledgment. “He pisses off a lot of people,” he offers as an explanation and strolls ahead into the building, not paying Dean any more mind.
So, Dean continues hitting and swinging and batting until his lungs burn and his arms hurt. Only then does he drive back to the hospital across town to pick up his friends with a lightener heart.
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23. Every Breath you Take
*sighs blissfully* Aah, some sweet fluff before all the drama starts... (And yes, I consider this chapter less drama and lots of fluff. That's how far we've come 😂)
Let me know how you've enjoyed this part! Are we rid of Benny for good? Is Y/N going to break Dean's plastic heart? 👀
Jensen: @alwaystiredandconfused @xlynnbbyx @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @blackcherrywhiskey @deansbbyx @foxyjwls007 @ladysparkles78 @roseblue373 @zepskies @agalliasi @yvonneeeee @hobby27 @iamsapphine @globetrotter28 @mxltifxnd0m @lacilou @feyresqueen @suckitands33 @onlyangel-444 @syrma-sensei @perpetualabsurdity
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maboroshi-no · 2 months
Hamefura 10th Anniversary SS
Series: My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Story Title: I Received Flowers Source: Let's Become a Novelist Synopsis: On the morning of her 9th birthday, Katarina dreams of her 17th birthday in her past life. Translation: maboroshi-no
I Received Flowers
Acchan: Happy 17th Birthday! Here, this is your present.
After saying this, my best friend Acchan gave me a paper bag decorated with a ribbon.
Monkey Girl: Thank you! Acchan, can I open it?
Acchan: Sure, go ahead.
Since I had her permission, I opened the paper bag and inside…
Monkey Girl: N-No way?! My current fave's goods!
I couldn't believe it! There was stuff like keyholders and acrylic stands of my current favorite character inside!
I still didn't have any of their goods, so I had been saving little by little. I couldn't believe I would receive so many of them! I was so happy!
Acchan: Heh heh heh! I collected them by searching quite a few stores.
Acchan said this with a fearless smile.
Monkey Girl: Acchan-sama! Thank you so much! I'll definitely treasure them!
I thanked her while jumping with joy.
Acchan: Since you're so happy, going around the shops was worth it.
Acchan said this with a smile.
Monkey Girl: Thank you so much.
I tightly embraced the presents she gave me.
Acchan: After this, you'll go home and have a birthday party, right?
Monkey Girl: Ah, yes. Mom said she would cook a lot of my favorites, I asked Dad for the newest game, and Big Brother said he would buy a cake on the way home after work.
Acchan: Ah, yes, your eldest brother.
Monkey Girl: Yes, him.
Acchan: What about your second brother?
Monkey Girl: That guy will probably hand over a cheap kid toy and that's it.
Acchan: Ah, I guess so. By the way, what did you get last year?
Monkey Girl: A 100-yen menko card!  His present to his little sister in high school was a freaking menko card! Just unbelievable! I told him, "For 100 yen, just buy me a flower!" The way he is, that guy will never be popular with girls!
After I had said this while blowing air off my nose, Acchan opened her mouth and laughed.
Acchan: But didn't you say you gave him something similar in return for his birthday?
Monkey Girl: Yes, I gave him a 100-yen dress-up doll as a present.
Acchan laughed while holding her sides.
Acchan's laughter calmed down after a while. We said goodbye and I returned home.
Since a feast, a game, and a cake awaited me, I naturally skipped home.
Monkey Girl: I'm home~
When I arrived home, I smelled a nice scent from the kitchen. When I headed there, my favorite dishes were already lined up.
Monkey Girl: Woow~ The feast looks delicious.
When I reflexively reached out my hand, Mom slapped it and…
Mother: No snacking! Go wash your hands and get changed! Your father and brothers will be home in just a little bit, so wait for them.
…she told me.
Monkey Girl: Okaaaay~
It would be terrible if I made Mom angry here and couldn't eat the feast as a result, so I obediently complied, washed my hands, and changed from my school uniform to homewear.
After I had finished changing, while on my way to the kitchen, I saw my second brother had come home.
Monkey Girl: Welcome back.
When I told him this,
Brother: Thanks. Here, for you.
He pushed something to me, then quickly left and went to his room.
When I looked in my hands to see what he gave me, it was a flower enveloped in plastic wrapping and tied with a ribbon!
Monkey Girl: A flower! It isn't a toy this year!
When I raised my voice in surprise, Mom poked her head out of the kitchen.
Mother: Oh my, what a lovely present.
Monkey Girl: It is, but I never expected him to properly buy me a flower… Last year it was a menko card!
Mother: And then you got furious and told him he was unbelievable for giving a menko card to a high school girl, and to just buy you a flower, right? This must be why, don't you think?
Monkey Girl: Yes, but…
I honestly didn't think he would properly buy me one.
Mother: And that flower, he properly put some thought when he chose it. It is certainly "you", don't you think?
Mom said this and grinned.
I stared at the flower in my hands.
Anne: Good morning. Lady Katarina, it is morning. Please wake up.
After being called like this, when I opened my eyes, I was inside a big room with splendid furniture.
Because of the dream I was having till now, for a moment, I didn't know where I was.
But my head cleared up while looking at my maid Anne getting things ready for me.
This was Katarina Claes's room. My room.
That's right. I was not ***** anymore.
Anne: Today, everyone has been hard at work since morning.
Anne said this with a smile.
Since I was puzzled, Anne…
Anne: Have you forgotten? Today is your 9th birthday, Lady Katarina.
She told me.
That's right. Today was my 9th birthday.
I regained my past life memories at 8 and today I was turning 9.
I had been greatly confused right after recalling my memories but I was getting used to this world little by little.
Even so, when I had dreams of my past life like the one I had earlier, I would still feel unsettled.
On my 17th birthday during my past life, I was greatly celebrated by my best friend and my family, and I received a flower for the first time.
In the end, I couldn't make a return present for that flower.
Anne: Lady Katarina, is something wrong?
Because Anne was peering at me worriedly, I shook my head.
Let's switch gears. Right now, I was Katarina Claes.
Katarina: No, nothing. I was just a little half-asleep. Alright, I'll get ready quickly for my birthday party!
Anne: Yes.
Like this, Anne helped me get ready and I headed to the venue after being notified that the preparations for the party were over.
For this party, Father had initially planned to hold a grand celebration, but following my refusal and Mother's suggestion, it became an intimate party with only family and friends. But it was still a ducal family's party, so a large room was decorated, making it a more amazing party venue than I thought.
The servants and my family, and also my fiancé Geordo, all together with a smile…
All: Happy birthday!
…they said, greeting me.
The remaining sadness in my heart caused by the dream faded.
Luigi: Happy 9th birthday, Katarina.
Father presented me with a tremendous number of presents.
For the time being, I accepted one and thanked him.
Millidiana: Katarina, happy birthday. Read these and work as hard as you can to become a proper lady.
Mother presented me with a tremendous number of etiquette books.
I didn't want to accept them but she forced them on me with intimidating eyes.
Geordo: Katarina, happy birthday. This is my present.
Geordo presented me with a somewhat expensive-looking box.
When I accepted it and looked inside, it was a necklace mounted with a gem that looked very expensive. I returned it to him and told him I would just accept his feelings.
But he dejectedly told me "I want to give you a present no matter what", so I asked for watermelon seedlings.
Geordo was wide-eyed, then he chuckled and accepted.
Keith: Big Sister, happy birthday. This is my present.
After saying this, Keith gave me a bouquet.
Katarina: This is…
Keith: These ones bloomed early, but I heard it was a flower that bloomed facing the sun in summer. I felt that it was so much like you, Big Sister.
Geordo: Ah, this flower… The day I first met Katarina, they were also blooming in the castle's garden. This bright yellow is indeed like Katarina.
Geordo also said this.
"And that flower, he properly put some thought when he chose it. It is certainly 'you', don't you think?".
The words of my past life's mother came to mind.
Keith: Big Sister, what's wrong?!
Geordo: Katarina, are you alright?!
Seeing their panicked faces, I snapped back to reality. Large tears were welling and falling from my eyes.
Keith: Do you hurt somewhere?
Geordo: Was there something unpleasant?
I turned toward the worried two and shook my head. And then,
Katarina: Not at all. I just felt incredibly happy that you said that this bouquet, that this flower was like me. They are tears of happiness, so don't worry.
I said this and smiled.
The two made a relieved face.
I wasn't ****** anymore, I was now Katarina, but I had received again the same flower as that time.
And they said it was like me.
I tightly embraced the sunflower bouquet I was holding in my hands.
Somehow, I felt like its nostalgic scent stirred something deep inside my heart.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Happy Father's day to our Papa Viktor 😭❤️ can we request a short scenario of them celebrating Father's day pls? 🥺
Aww 🥰 Of course! The scenario ends up being a bit longer than I expected, so I have put it under the cut! ❤️
Father’s Day Drabble — Viktor
You are sitting on a bench in the arcade, watching your kid and Ash flitting around from one game to the next, skipping around excitedly. It never fails to make you smile, seeing them so happy.
They’ve been in the Arcade for a couple of hours now, maybe more. Usually, you don’t really let them stay for this long, but today’s an exception.
If someone had told you that you’d be a father eight years ago, you probably would have laughed in their face. But here you are, spending the day hanging out and celebrating Father’s Day with your child and their best friend.
You remember how you used to celebrate Father’s Day with your father too. He was such a busy man—and still is, you’d wager—but even he had always managed to make time to spend with his family, even if it rarely span the whole day like this.
He’d cancel and rearrange meetings with important people, just so he could have lovely and peaceful dinners or lunches with you, Luka, and your mother. And most times, he would hang out and talk with you and Luka or even sit down and watch some movies that Luka picked.
You sigh wearily. It’s memories like these that sometimes make you really want to reach out to him first. And then, you’d remind yourself why you ran away and usually, it’d be enough for you to shoot down the idea instantly.
But not this time.
It has been years since you last met him and your mother face-to-face, and Luka, your mother, and even Cara have been asking and begging you to go to New York for a visit.
Just the other day, your mother talked to you over the phone about throwing a private and small Christmas celebration later this year and how you should come with Sasha, Luka, Cara, and Ash. She even told you about how she and your father have been dying inside to meet their very first grandchild.
It made you feel guilty and the guilt is still eating at your heart right now. You feel yourself caving in.
“Maybe. I’ll see,” you answered her, and that was enough to lift up her mood and you could hear the hint of joy seeping into her tone.
And it was not until the call was over and you were lying in bed at night that you fully realized that you were not lying to her. You actually are contemplating on visiting them this Christmas with Sasha.
Well, you still have months to make up your mind about it. For now, you’ll just set it aside and enjoy this day with your child.
You see Sasha and Ash playing at the basketball arcade machine. Ash is throwing ball after ball at the hoop and the score quickly climbing up, while Sasha is intently focused on grabbing and passing the balls to Ash, tongue stuck out in concentration.
You chuckle at their impressive teamwork. And sure enough, a few seconds later, the machine stops and spews out a long line of tickets. Sasha and Ash whoop and high-five. Sasha hands the other tickets they have been accumulating to Ash before bending down and grabbing the new line of tickets, quickly counting them one by one as they roll the long line into a more manageable size.
Sasha finishes counting and pumps their fist in excitement before the two of them bound toward where you’re sitting.
“Dad! Dad! Where’s the rest of the tickets? I think we have enough!” Sasha babbles almost breathlessly.
You pat the little plastic bag full of tickets beside you. Those are the tickets that the two of them have saved up before today.
“Don’t worry, it’s safe with me,” you chuckle as you hand it over to Sasha who quickly snatches it.
“Thanks, Dad! Wait here, okay? We’re going to trade these in and then we’re ready to go!” Sasha grins before taking off towards the ticket counter, Ash swiftly trailing behind them.
“Hey! Don’t run so fast or you’ll trip!” you call out after them and you see them slow down a bit into a jog. You shake your head exasperatedly.
Five minutes later, the two of them return but you can’t see whatever toy they exchanged the tickets for in their hands and Sasha is bowing their head.
“Did you have any trouble exchanging the tickets?” you ask, frowning as you lean forward.
Sasha shakes their head and before you can blink, they launch themself at you and bury their face in your chest. You hug them back, still surprised, but then you feel their body shake.
And for a second, you’re ready to stomp up to the ticket counter to have a talk with the staff. Thankfully, you haven’t moved yet because Sasha lifts their head and instead of a teary face, you see a widely grinning face.
“Sasha?” you ask, confused.
“Happy Father’s Day, Dad!” they exclaim, pulling out a black metal ring.
“Is… Is that for me?” you gape, reaching out tentatively.
“Yes! Who else?” Sasha giggles.
You take the ring gently in your hand and inspect it. It’s just a simple band of black metal with chrome accent. It might look like nothing special, but to you, it has become one of your most important possessions.
“I have one too! So we can match!” Sasha lifts up an identical ring and shows it to you. “I can’t wear it yet though, because it’s still a bit loose…” they pout. “Can you wear it, Dad?”
You try to put it on, but it’s stuck on the second knuckle. Sasha’s shoulders slump in disappointment.
“Hey, hey. Don’t be sad! I really love the gift! Thank you, baby,” you quickly reassure them. “We’ll get chains so we can hang it around our neck. How about that?”
Sasha perks up. “Whoa! That’s a really good idea, Dad!” They hand their ring to you. “Can you help hold it for me in the meantime, Dad? I don’t want to lose it.”
“Of course, baby,” you say, putting the two rings in the inner pocket of your jacket safely. “Now, who’s up for some ice cream?” you ask as you take them in your arms and stand up.
“Me! Me!” Sasha squeals, kicking their little legs excitedly. “I want the cookies and cream flavour!”
“How about you, Ash?” you ask, as you take their hand in yours.
“Rocky Road!” they answer eagerly. “Or maybe I’ll try a new flavour!”
“Alright,” you chuckle. “Let’s go then.”
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chasedbyatlantic · 7 months
comfort crowd, joel miller
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masterlist summary: IN WHICH — joel miller shows you and ellie how to properly play golf, he's in it to win it - without a doubt.
warnings: post outbreak!joel, pre-jackson era!joel, female reader, no use of y/n, implied relationship, ellie being the comedic relief, these three being a happy and loving family, mentions of weapons, swearing. lmk if i missed anything!
wordcount: 2.7k
a/n ha..haha... (im in denial). guys i thought this was really funny and this was my brilliant idea. plz i hope u love it LOL. remember to like, comment, reblog and follow for more! xoxo.
You hated lawn chairs for as long as you could remember. The pain of your skin getting lodged between cracked pieces of plastic, your skin slipping and sliding off from the seat when there was just a slight temperature change, you could name five thousand different things. Yet, right now, those were the least of your worries. A nice lawn chair propped up at the top of a house, overlooking the entire street. You were far from complaining, Joel as well.
The two of you not only walked for the entire day without taking any breaks, but had to keep up with Ellie, your 'special mission'. The little girl, immune to everything, was the fastest and most talkative kid you had ever came across, apocalypse or not. You were hesitant at first, as anyone would be, but grew to trust the girl with your life. She did protect you a handful of times, your reflexes not as keen as they used to be.
The three of you were in South Dakota right now, your car breaking down in Iowa and having to walk the rest of the way to Utah. You knew the whole thing was sketchy after Boston, but Joel was set in his ways. You never questioned that man, you feared that he knew too well to put the three of you in a bad situation.
The three of you were in the outskirts of some suburban town, already done clearing the street. By the amount of runners, and the walls built around, you could tell people used to live here. Not many people, five or six people at most. This place had reminded you a lot of Bill's place, though, you weren't sure if that was a good thing.
You were ripped out of your thoughts when you heard Ellie's voice ringing through your ears. "Do you wanna hear a construction joke?" Your hand fell onto your forehead, blocking out the sun that highlighted your face too much for your liking. A small 'Leave her alone, Ellie.' was heard from behind you, Joel wanting you to go back and rest. "Awh, fuck you Joel- you ruined it!" Ellie had complained, which only made you laugh, "But, I'm still working on it, the joke."
You had actually laughed, despite not wanting to. Her jokes were so bad, if there was an award given to the worst jokes ever said, Ellie would win it by a landslide. "That fits him, ya'know." You nodded your head over to Joel, who had made his way in front of the two of you, and knelt down to search through his bag. Ellie rose her brow, giving you a questionable look. "He was a very good fixer-upper."
Joel cut you off, "A contractor." You had nodded your head at that, "The best one'n Austin that is." You had added to his comment, and he could only let out a laugh. Ellie had asked him what a contractor was, and he explained it as you shut your eyes and just- enjoyed the sun for a moment. It was hot as fuck outside, you didn't deny that, but not having to drag your feet across the hot pavement for the next while was so damn nic-
Splash. You yelped as your eyes shot open, scanning the surrounding area. You weren't sure if it were your survivor instincts, or this just really fucking pissing you off, but you were ready to pounce on whoever did this to you. In fact, you had taken out your knife that was tucked away in your waistband, the sunlight reflecting heavily off of the blade.
You turned your head, to see not only Ellie, but Joel laughing. Ellie was one thing, but Joel too? This had to be some inside joke or something, you thought to yourself. "I'm going to fucking kill you guys." You did everything in your power to suppress your smile as you stood up, put your knife back in your waistband, and launched forward. You grabbed onto Joel as he did nothing in his power to stop you, just standing there with his arms crossed and a smile to his face, but Ellie? Oh no, she ran back, and to the other side of the roof.
"Alright," You admitted defeat, "One's good enough for me, run away while you can, Ellie." This brought an even bigger smile to her face, she was having fun with this. Sometimes, you forgot Ellie was just a kid. Ellie didn't have a childhood, not whatsoever- the poor girl lives in the fucking apocalypse, for Christ sake. If she wants to have fun like this, let her. You had planned to talk to Joel soon about not dropping her off with the doctors in Salt Lake City, but who knew if he would even consider that.
The three of you played around for a while longer, careful not to get too close to the edge of the roof and have the possibility of falling off. You three were acting like a family, maybe not the sanest one, but a family. After these months out by yourselves, you may as well be family. You would take a bullet for Joel or Ellie, within a heartbeat.
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"Alright, Joel." You had replied, "Whatever you say." He could only chuckle as he folded his arms now, leaning against the space beside the window. You had abandoned the lawn chair, and were now laying down right in front of him. It was uncomfortable for you, but he was definitely not complaining about you being there. You two weren't officially a couple, but you acted like it. Kisses being exchanged here and there, the occasional hand holding, sleeping in the same bed every night. You had claimed it was because it made you sleep easier, which wasn't totally wrong, but you knew Joel loved it.
"I'm tellin' ya'," He held his hands up un defense, "A degree in doodlin' was stupid, ya' could've saved a shit load'o money." You two were conversing about your lives before the apocalypse, school and what not. Ever since Ellie brought up the whole contractor thing, it had been on your mind. You met Joel when he and his brother Tommy (you think it was) had started to fix up your house, but the project never got finished due to- well, everything.
"'Kay, Mister 'I fix houses'. Not like I would’ve gotten a job, anyway." You could only laugh at this, "Plus," You added, "I only minored in arts. My major was environmental biology." Joel went back to crossing his arms, his brow cocked back. "My girl's a biologist, eh? Best get you to Utah too, ya' can help'n restoring the planet." He let it slide off his tongue so easily, his girl. It felt too innocent coming from him, knowing what he would use that little pet name for all too well. Though, you liked when he did that, he wasn't much of a PDA man so it was nice when the two of you were alone like this.
Speaking too soon about being alone, Ellie had popped back out of the window and basically gave Joel a heart attack. You brought your hand over your mouth to cover your laughs as Joel shot you a look, and Ellie yelling a quick 'sorry!'. Though, she was excited about something. "You will absolutely not believe what I fucking found while snooping around!" Joel turned his glare from you over to Ellie, "Ellie," He began, "You know what I told ya' 'bout lookin' in these homes." He set a rule with her at the start of this mission, that she would never explore more than they needed to. For example, in this house, he didn't want her to look around and find photographs of the previous homeowners and grow- attached, in some sort. You weren't really sure, you found the rule stupid.
"Doesn't matter, I was bored as fuck." She then tossed this case over, it landed in between of you and Joel. By looking at it, you would've assumed it was a guitar case, though, it was too skinny to be a guitar. Following suit, another smaller and more round case may it's way over, hitting the first and landing beside it. "Guess." Your eyes moved from the cases to Joel, having no clue what this could be. He shared the lost look, both of you turning your attention back to Ellie.
"Ugh, you guys are such grandparents." That had to be an insult, you thought to yourself. Joel, yeah sure, but you? No way. Before you had time to bicker with the girl, she reached forward and started to unzip the cases. You were pelted with small balls in a matter of seconds, not processing what they were yet. It was only after actually picking one up from the tens of them that were on your lap, that you realized what they were.
Golf balls. Ellie had found a golf set. Thank god for these rich South Dakota folk, for a nice and big roof, and now this. You hadn’t golfed in twenty years, so this was going to be so much fun. You looked up to see how Joel was reacting to this, he looked to be somewhat interested as well. "Alright, before we do anythin'," Joel started as he got up, "Clean these up and we'll do everythin' in an orderly fashion." Even if he was acting like an old man right now, he was your old man.
Ellie did so while Joel helped you up, a reassuring hand placed on the small of your back and the other intertwined between your fingers. You were surprised, this was the most affection he had showed you around Ellie. Though, you weren't complaining. After what felt like forever (once again, no complaints), he let go and Ellie turned in unison. "I have to admit this, nobody laugh. I have no fucking clue how to golf."
Before the man beside you had time to reply, you did for him. "Joel'll show you, he's the best golfer outta the three of us." You brought your arm up and rested it on his shoulder for a moment, before giving him a few reassuring pats on his chest. "Go get 'em, tiger." He was annoyingly staring at you, knowing this would only amuse you.
"Get two clubs, kid." He ordered Ellie, (gently) shoving you off of him. He shook his head at you, eyes lingering for a moment too long, before moving over to the edge of the roof. He would find a way to get you back, you could feel it. As Ellie searched through the bag to find the tallest club, you went over to find a few tees. Once the tees were in hand, and the case of golf balls in the other, you made your way over to where Joel was.
As you set up the tees and golf balls in an appropriate place, just on the edge of the roof, Joel started to explain this whole thing to Ellie. She looked mesmerized, the few times you turned your head to see this. Joel acting like a teacher and all to her was sweet, when he usually treated her like an adult. Not that Joel was Ellie's father by any stretch of the way, but it was nice she got to experience a father-daughter moment right now. It warmed your heart too much.
After Ellie was taught the correct form, Joel moved her in front of the tee and ball, helping her get the correct stance before swinging. It missed, by a foot. This sent you through the roof (figuratively, not literally), you couldn't help yourself. Ellie was a bright red from embarrassment as she cursed you out, and Joel couldn't help himself either.
Ellie swung twice more with added force each time, before successfully hitting the golf ball. it went flying, not far, but high. "Good job, kid." Joel congratulated her, despite just laughing about her misfortunes prior. You rose your hand up beside her head, she replied with a high five and you two giggled. Since Joel's job was done, he now picked up his club and went to the tee set up to the right of Ellie. You followed suit with the left.
It took you a moment to get back into the swing of things, the last time you had moved your body like this was- well, dealing with runners. After a swing or two, it came back to you like you had been playing golf for the last twenty years. Joel too, from the looks of it. He let out a complaint or two about how this would strain his joints, but you guys were planning on spending a day or two here anyway.
Eventually, the three of you had came up with a game. Whoever could punt their balls the farthest wins. It was simple, really, but there were little roadblocks in the way- cars, mailboxes, you name it. Ellie's golf balls were blue, yours were red, and Joel's were yellow. You had counted down from three, indicating when all of you could start.
Three. You placed your feet in the appropriate position, cracking your neck just a little. Ellie twisted the club in her hand, as if it were a pencil or something. Joel stayed calm, his club resting on the floor.
Two. You rose your club into the swinging position, focusing on the middle of the red golf ball right in front of you. Ellie took notice of what you were doing and copied the motion, she was eager to hit it on the first go this time. Joel slightly raised his now, still sluggishly moving.
One. You started to move your club to hit the ball, Ellie too. After both of yours were hit in sync, you could hear Joel's being hit after. Your eyes made their way over to him, to examine his strategy, he was still remaining calm. This annoyed you, to say the least.
The three of you went through thirty golf balls each, eventually punting at your own pace. You were the first to finish, feeling pretty proud of yourself of where the balls had landed. Ellie was next, she was proud too. After not golfing for her entire life, this looked pretty promising. Joel was last, no surprise to that. He took his sweet time and finished around five minutes after you and Ellie were done, only earning snickers from Ellie.
"Alright," You told the girl, "Go down'n check who made it the farthest." She obliged, a small 'yes ma'am' before taking off for the window. Your eyes followed her with a smile to your face, "Havin' fun, aren't ya'?" Joel asked. You turned back around to face him, "Not as much as you are, clearly."
He knew he was acting cocky, and was for the past little while. Though, since you definitely didn't seem to mind, he kept up the act. "Ya'know what would make this even better?" He asked you, shifting his weight from his right leg to his left. You tilted your head, indicating that you were waiting for a response. "A golf cart." Before you had time to slap him for his ridiculous request, Ellie was yelling something from down the street.
You averted your attention from Joel, and now at the girl. She was mouthing something, that only you were able to understand after she repeated herself four times. Joel. Joel had won, for fuck sakes. "Well, shit." Was all you could say. He, on the other hand, was ecstatic, the most ecstatic you had ever seen him. For a moment, while he acted like that, you enjoyed it. Joel was having fun, that's what had mattered- he had to let loose every once in a while too.
After a moment, he collected himself once again. The same grin plastered on his face, though, as he folded his arms across his chest and watched as Ellie ran back over to the house. Before she came up, he nudged your shoulder. "Today was fun, eh?" He asked you, which had earned your head nodding almost too quick as a response. "Y'ur a pretty good golfer too, I guess." He admitted. You could only laugh, nudging his arm back. "Not as good as you, Mister Winner. Ya' should've skipped contractor school and went pro golf."
comfort crowd, conan gray
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femme-from-hell · 1 year
🕷 Miguel O'Hara HCs 🕷
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・❥・ So I'm finally hopping on this because I can't deny the feral need to write about this herculean man. These are just random thoughts with some 'x reader' sprinkled. ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
・❥・ Rating: SFW
・❥・ Warnings: None <3
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♡ Something in me tells me this man has an at-home gym. Like, I know there is a training facility at the spider-society HQ but Miguel has eyes sensitive to light exposure and lord knows this man doesn't want to be bombarded with the noises coming from who knows how many spider-people working out. He likes his peace and quiet in his home with the lights dimmed so he can focus.
♡ Bouncing off the above point, when Gabriella was little you bet your sweet bippy she would be around him while he worked out. Like, he would have a little plush kids yoga mat next to his while he did stretches for her, a tiny children's low pullup bar next to his so she can play safely. When she was a baby, he would do push ups with her below him and he would blow raspberries on her stomach to make her laugh every time he would go down. As a toddler, he would have her sit on his back while he did planks or hang onto his leg while he did pull ups.
♡ I feel like Miguel, despite his demeanor can be incredibly funny. Having said that, I feel like he tried to do a one liner once and a thug laughed at him. He beat the living shit out of the guy and never tried again, that's why he 'isn't funny' as Peter B. put it. When he's with his S/O, he'll lean over and whisper something funny of the foulest nature that is just so out of left field for him and NO ONE would believe you if you said it to anyone else.
♡ This man is so prone to pain, which would explain his ass being so grumpy 24/7. Migraines? His sensitive eye sight, heightened hearing, all of it is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Back pain? Carrying around a dump truck like that Crawling around with those claws, swinging that hulking mass of muscle he calls a body, all of it CAN NOT be easy on the back. He picked up Gabriella once and felt pain in his back, sending him spiraling into a break down going like 'I'm not that old, am I?'
♡ He dyes his hair because there is no way in hell he doesn't have grey hairs. Canonically, he's in his late 20s in the comics (Assuming early 30s in ATSV) so he nearly lost his shit the first time he found one. He never really thinks about mentioning it to you but one night you drop by because you just left something behind only to find him with one of those cheap plastic shower caps one with the fresh dye in and his heart nearly stops. He is so embarrassed but you comfort and reassure him with some loving.
♡ I mentioned above that I think Miguel is prone to back pain so if you offer to give him a backrub he will MELT. Absolute putty in your hands. This man just needs to have someone loving rub the tension from him, I stg. Little kisses on the back of his neck while you do it? He would be in fucking heaven. Absolutely would return the favor and with hands like his you know damn well how good it would be.
♡ Seeing all the posts about Miguel being a 'girl dad' is the cutest shit and I know in my soul it's 100% true. He would without a doubt go into work one day with sticky glitter gloss or a few nails painted after failing to get it all off somewhere on him. He let's her braid his hair and will always encourage whatever it is she's doing by getting involved in anyway he can because he just wants his little girl happy.
♡ I can't get the image out of my head of him sitting at a coffee place with Gabriella, justice brand body bag thrown over him with those butterfly clips in his hair while he sips coffee (Gabriella has one of those noncaffeinated sugary ass rainbow drinks at Starbucks, you know the ones) while she babbles on about elementary school drama and he is invested, nodding along. They have the cutest daddy/daughter dates.
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I'm pretty happy with this little mess of ideas. I'll probably make a more concrete/ organized post collection of my ideas, like one for Miguel as a dad, some 'x reader', and definitely some NSFW. Lmk what you guys think, I love to hear from everyone or submit a request! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
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teaberrii · 11 months
Chapter 6: Mom-in-Training
After ending a five-year relationship, you pour all your energy into work. Your latest assignment? Staying at a popular bed-and-breakfast to gather information. It should be a piece of cake... If only the owner isn't the man you scolded on the street.
Jing Yuan/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
“Mom!” March hugs the woman and looks at Luocha. “Luocha was bullying me.”
“Was I?” Luocha deadpans.
Just when March sticks her tongue out at him, the woman’s eyes land on you. Then, she walks over, and that’s when you see that her right eye looks somewhat cloudy. “I’ve never seen you around here.”
“We met her while in the city,” Luocha answers. “She has a bit of history with Jing Yuan.”
“Jing Yuan?” The woman looks back at you and smiles. “You don’t say.” She introduces herself as Jingliu, the same name you heard Blade mutter a few minutes ago. “Jing Yuan used to be a student of mine.” She looks at the others. “It’s through him I met these kids.”
“Kids?” Blade asks. “Don’t lump me in with them.”
Luocha coughs. “Don’t lump us in with March, you mean.”
You chuckle just as Jingliu says, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen Jing Yuan. Perhaps I should visit him.”
March holds up a small plastic bag. “We’re having a BBQ tonight! Why don’t you join us, Mom? I’m sure the Dan’s would be happy to see you!”
“The Dan’s?” Luocha asks, raising a brow. “Is that how we’re calling them now?”
“It’s a lot shorter than saying Dan Heng and Dan Feng all the time! It’s like a tongue twister.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Blade mutters.
March points at you. “You’re coming, too.”
“I don’t get a say?” you ask jokingly.
March puts her hands to her temples. “My sixth sense is telling me that Jing Yuan will be there. Don’t tell me you wanna miss out.”
“Well, we can’t have a BBQ without drinks,” Jingliu says. She looks at you. “Why don’t we grab some on the way back?”
Luocha nudges March. “Looks like your mom is adopting a new child.”
March crosses her arms and looks at him. “What? Jealous?”
Blade softly sighs and mutters, “I’m surrounded by idiots.”
You let Jingliu lead the way to a liquor store not far from where you part ways with March, Blade, and Luocha. While Blade looks like he wants to tag along, March drags him and Luocha along to get some other supplies. Before you left, you heard something about “firecrackers”, “smores", and "water guns."
“Why does March call you Mom?”
Jingliu laughs. “That’s a long story.”
Jingliu looked from Jing Yuan to the young woman dressed in shorts and a pink tank. “...So, you want to learn Wushu?”
March rolled one of her shoulders. “You bet I do!”
“Well, you have enthusiasm, I’ll give you that.”
March frowned. “What’s with the attitude?” She looked at Jing Yuan. “You didn’t lie to me, did you? You promised you’d introduce me to your coach.”
Jing Yuan, who had a hand in his pocket, nodded toward Jingliu. “And you’re looking at her.”
“How do you two even know each other?” Jingliu asked.
“Long story,” Jing Yuan deadpaned.
“But, it’s all behind us now!” March said. Then, she took a breath. “A healthy mind starts with a healthy body!”
Jingliu, still looking at Jing Yuan asked, “...I feel like I’m missing something.”
“A fresh start. That’s what she’s looking for.”
“Jing Yuan used to be my student,” Jingliu continues. “I taught him Wushu when he was in elementary, and he stuck with it until he left for college in the city. March started calling me Mom when she became a regular at my dojo. Not to toot my own horn, but she says she’ll stop calling me that when she beats me in a spar.” A small chuckle. “That hasn’t happened yet.”
“How did you and Jing Yuan know about you, if I may ask? Was he just interested in Wushu and wanted to get a teacher?”
“I asked him the same question.”
“Hey, Jingliu!” Jingliu, who was catching her breath on the bench after a good spar with an equal, watched a man walk up to her. “Someone’s here to see you.”
The man shrugged. “A kid.”
“...A kid?”
Jingliu stood and followed the man to the front of the dojo. There, she saw a young boy covered in bruises and scratches from head to toe. His knee was also bleeding, and his eyes were a little red. Had he been crying?
“...Can I help you?” she asked.
“Are you the strongest trainer here?" He walked up to her. “If you are, I want to train under you.”
It took Jingliu a moment to react. “Um, okay, wait. Who are you?” She looked around. “Where are your parents?”
He stuck out his hand. “...I’m Jing Yuan. Nice to meet you.”
Jingliu reluctantly took his hand, and his firm shake took her off guard.
Bruises? Scratches? You never expected to hear a story like that. Did Jing Yuan get bullied when he was younger?
“I can still remember the look in his eyes when he told me he wanted to learn Wushu,” Jingliu says. “In all my years of teaching, I’ve never met anyone quite like him.”
As soon as you and Jingliu enter the liquor store, the man at the counter looks up from the paper’s reading. “Oh, Liu Liu, what a pleasant surprise.”
“You’re never going to get rid of that nickname, aren’t you?”
He chuckles and puts the paper down. That’s when you get a good look at him. If Santa Claus is real, you’re sure this is what he’d look like. A beer belly and a scruffy white beard. He slightly pulls down his spectacles when he looks at you.
“Do we have a new lass in town?”
“She’s staying at Jing Yuan’s B&B."
“Oh, you don’t say! Well then, you’re in good hands, my dear. First time in town?”
“First and… probably won’t be the last,” you say.
A soft chuckle. “I guess you’re liking your stay in town so far.”
“It’s a beautiful place, and staying at  Jing Yuan’s B&B has been a pleasant experience so far.”
The man sighs as if reminiscing. “I’ve known him since he was a young lad. He always had… Oh, how can I put this?”
“Healthy curiosity?” 
“Yes! Thank you, Liu Liu. He was always curious but not about other people’s business.” Then, he sighs as if contemplating something. “It still boggles my mind that he’s single.”
Jingliu suddenly puts two bottles of red wine on the counter. “All right, enough with the gossip.” Then, she looks at you and takes out her wallet. “Do you want to grab anything else?”
You remember the beer Jing Yuan drank at the bar. “Do you have any beer?”
“Down the aisle and to your left,” the man answers. When you grab a small box of beer and put it on the counter, he says, “Appearances can be deceiving. You don’t look like the type to like this kind of beer.”
“...It’s not for me,” you say, taking out your wallet.
“This is the brand Jing Yuan likes,” Jingliu says, looking from the box to you.
The man puts a hand over his mouth. “Wait… Don’t tell me.”
Should you bother explaining? But then again, you don’t have an explanation. You just… want to get it for him. Out of kindness. The goodness of your heart because he’s helping you with a favour… which reminds you that you should tell your mom about it.
“What?” you ask cautiously. “Is it that strange that I know what kind of beer he likes?”
“Ah, well, I was just thinking that it’s not something someone would really pay attention to,” the man says just as you hand him your money. “Unless he told you himself.”
Jingliu looks at the man. “Now, now… Let’s not make it a big deal.”
“All right, all right. It’s just some excitement would be nice.” Then, just before you and Jingliu leave the store, he says, “Hope to see you again, lass!”
You turn around, give a small wave, and then follow Jingliu out the door.
“Say, you haven’t told me how you and Jing Yuan met.”
“It involves spoiled coffee and cake,” you say.
“Sounds like a great start to any story.”
After telling her about you and Jing Yuan’s strange encounter, Jingliu laughs. “That’s one for the books. I bet you he really did clean up the mess after you left.”
“You think?”
“I’ve known him for years. He may look intimidating, but he has a good heart.”
By the time you and Jingliu arrive at the bed and breakfast, it’s late afternoon. Pom walks out of the stone villa, and you call his name. He turns and instantly brightens.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Pom asks, making a grand gesture with his hand while bowing. He looks up. “Here for the BBQ party?”
“We also brought drinks,” you say, holding up the small box of beer. “Looks like you could use some.”
“I’m sure Jing Yuan could use some, too! Haven’t seen him for almost the entire afternoon.”
“Stuck in meetings, I assume,” Jingliu says.
“That and someone filed a complaint…”
“A complaint?” you ask. “About what?”
Pom sighs. “...They found a bed bug, and now they’re saying that we never took proper sanitary measures, which is impossible! We clean everyone’s sheets every. Single. Day. We also deep clean every single cabin every week.”
“Is Jing Yuan dealing with them now?” Jingliu asks.
Pom nods. “I tried dealing with her until she became a little too much. This woman is…” His lips form a neat line. “...She sure is something. We’re checking out her room right now.” He looks at her watch. “...Ah, Yanqing should be off school soon.”
“...Does he need someone to pick him up?” Pom looks at you. “I was at his school earlier today, so I can pick him up if no one else can.”
“That’d help a lot, actually,” Pom says with a smile. “I’m sure Jing Yuan would appreciate it. I’m heading over there right now, so I’ll let him know.”
You hand the small box of beer to Pom, and then the three of you part ways.
When you get to Yanqing’s school, his teacher tells you that he’s at the school library. She’s walking you there when she says, “Yanqing told me who you really are.”
“That doesn’t sound mildly intimidating at all.”
She laughs. “Oh, don’t worry. So, you’re Jing Yuan’s… friend?”
What’s with that little pause? You may be overthinking, but it sounds like there’s a hidden meaning behind that, and it isn’t a good one.
“You sound a little surprised.”
“Oh, I didn't mean it in a bad way. A woman has never come to pick up Yanqing before. It’s usually Blade or Luocha.”
“...Has Yanqing ever gotten bullied because of that?”
“You mean because he also calls them Dad? It has sparked a lot of questions with his classmates, but he never let it get to him.”
You reach the library, and Yanqing’s teacher pushes open the door. Yanqing and Clara are sitting at a round table, huddled over a picture book. When you get closer, you notice they’re playing Spot the Difference. They’re concentrating so intensely that they don’t hear you come up behind them. You crouch just as Clara points to a magnifying glass.
“Found it.”
“Aw… No fair.”
“Does this mean Clara won?”
They quickly turn, and then Yanqing hugs you. “What’re you doing here?”
You put a hand on Yanqing's shoulder. “I came to pick you up."
“Clara, your mom is here too.”
Clara stands just as Yanqing lets you go. Then, she says, “Um… If you’re free this weekend, it’s… it’s my birthday, and I’m having a party.”
“A party?” Yanqing asks.
“W-Well… there’s really no one else who’s going to be there but—”
“I’ll go!” Yanqing looks at you. “Can I?”
You chuckle. “Why are you asking me?”
“Because Dad will listen to you.”
While you don't want to speak for Jing Yuan, you can't see any reason for Yanqing not to go. "I don't see any reason why you can't, but let's ask him when we get back." 
Yanqing turns to Clara. “I can go!”
You almost facepalm.
A young woman with long purple hair and light purple eyes walks up. She glances at you and gives a small nod. Is this Clara’s mother? Or, one of them, at least? They look nothing alike, which makes you wonder… Is Clara adopted?
“Mom!” Clara runs up to her. “I got someone to come to my birthday party this weekend.”
The woman looks at you and Yanqing. Being the outgoing child he is, Yanqing walks up and says, "Hello! My name is Yanqing!”
“I’m Clara’s mother,” she says. “Seele.”
Yanqing looks at you, takes your hand, and drags you forward. “This is my… Mom-in-training.”
You almost choke on nothing. Mom-in-training? What in the world is that supposed to mean?
“...in training?” Clara finishes.
You awkwardly clear your throat. “I’m his dad’s friend. I’m just picking him up today.”
Seele and Clara nod in understanding. “That makes more sense,” Seele says. “But, you’re also welcome to come to Clara’s party. Right, Clara?”
The young girl nods eagerly. “Of course.”
How can you say no?
You and Yanqing are walking home when you’re about to pass a small food truck that’s making snacks in the shape of cute characters. When you catch Yanqing staring, you ask, “Do you want some?”
Yanqing, who’s holding your hand, shakes his head. “No.”
That isn’t the response you’re expecting.
“...Are you sure?”
Yanqing starts walking ahead, and you’re forced to follow his lead. At a red stoplight, you glance at him and see an uncharacteristically serious expression.
You can’t help but ask, “Is something wrong?”
Yanqing looks down. “...Mom and Dad used to make that for me all the time.”
You grip his hand tighter. Then, with a little smile, you ask, “Why don’t we make it together?” Yanqing looks up just as you say, “It can be part of Clara’s birthday gift.”
His eyes brighten. “Clara’s birthday gift! I already know what I wanna get her.”
You’re glad that takes his mind off of whatever is bothering him.
By the time you and Yanqing get back to the bed and breakfast, there seems to be a crowd near your cabin. Yanqing is just as curious as you, and you’re following him until you hear an angry woman’s voice.
“I demand compensation!”
Jing Yuan is standing before a middle-aged woman. Her arms are crossed, and her brows come together to clearly show how annoyed and displeased she is. When you get closer, you hear him say, “We’ve already done an extensive check on your room in addition to another round of cleaning. There are no bed bugs. There isn’t an infestation.” Then, he holds out a stack of photos. “These are photos of your room that we took minutes ago as proof.”
“Then how do you explain what I found on the bed?” she demands. “She looks around at the crowd. “All of you should check your rooms!”
Jing Yuan holds out a long and wide manila envelope. “We have cleaning records of every single cabin here.”
“...It’s also possible that you brought the bed bugs into your room,” Pom mutters.
“Excuse me?” The woman glares at Pom. “Is this how you treat your customers?” She scoffs. “By accusing them of something that they did not do?”
“Do you have proof?”
Everyone turns to you, including Yanqing.
Jing Yuan quietly says your name, surprised. Then, he sees you holding Yanqing’s hand, and his gaze softens.
“Proof?” The woman walks up to you, and Jing Yuan’s stern look returns.
“Bed bugs can come from anywhere, so there’s a strong possibility you brought them in yourself.” You glance at Jing Yuan. “He’s already provided photos and records as proof. But as for you”—you look at the woman—“all you’re doing is shouting accusations with no evidence to back up your claims.”
You hear murmurs and whispers from the crowd, and your anxiety shoots through the roof. But, you’re saying what you’re seeing.
“Aha! I finally found it!” March walks up and holds out her phone, showing an article with a large title: Taxi Company Under Fire After Bed Bugs Discovered in 7 Taxis. After reading the title out loud, she scrolls through the article while Jingliu says, “...Interesting. Were you a passenger in one of those taxis, perhaps?"
The woman's silence makes Pom say, "We could probably figure it out. All licenced cabs have dash cams."
Dan Feng sighs. “Was there really a need to make this such a big deal in public?” He frowns at the woman. “Sounds like you wanted the attention, and now it backfired. You’d better check your other belongings if those nasty little things are also crawling around in there.”
Left in an awkward position, the woman turns on her heel and leaves just as Welt approaches the group, confused about what’s been going on.
“...Did something happen?” he asks, looking at the dispersing crowd. “The barbeque’s been set for a while.”
“I texted you!” March huffs.
Jing Yuan walks up to you and takes Yanqing’s hand. “...Thanks for picking him up.”
“Well, you had other things on your plate. Didn’t think it’d be this intense.”
“That woman is weird,” Yanqing says flatly.
“She’s a good example of who you shouldn’t become,” you mutter.
“Oh!” Yanqing looks at his dad just as Jing Yuan picks him up. “I’m going to a birthday party this weekend!”
“Are you? Whose?”
“They’re friends,” you say. “He, uh…”
Jing Yuan notices the look you and Yanqing are giving each other and narrows his eyes. Then, he lightly bounces Yanqing once. “Did something happen?”
You almost smile at how bad Yanqing’s acting is. “They kept each other company at the library.”
Yanqing nods happily.
Jing Yuan looks at you, not completely buying your story. But, instead, he looks at Yanqing and asks, “Have you decided what you’re going to get her?”
“Mom and I are going to make her snacks!”
Jing Yuan blinks in confusion. “...Mom?”
“Uh… What he means is… We’re going to make her snacks.”
Jing Yuan slightly smiles and leans closer. Is he going to do what he thinks he’s going to do? He smoothly turns to the left to whisper in your ear, “I thought we were just dating… not married.”
“We are! I mean… We—”
When you catch that little smirk on his face, you feel conflicted. Should you be angry he’s getting you flustered like this? Or…
“We don’t have to be anything for Yanqing to call me Mom,” you finally say.
“She’s Mom-in-training,” Yanqing says proudly.
It’s then you notice your friends staring. March has her hands on her hips, smiling. Dan Feng stands beside her, a hand under his chin as if contemplating something. However, Pom, Welt, and Jingliu are already gone.
“Sounds like a good title for a show, if you ask me,” Dan Feng says.
“So many possibilities!” March adds. “But, first thing’s first… Our barbeque party is waiting for us!”
“Barbeque?” Yanqing asks excitedly just as Jing Yuan puts him down.
“That’s right! We have skewers, water guns, liquor—”
“He’s seven,” Dan Feng deadpans.
March pats Yanqing’s head. “...and juice! Anyway, everyone already went on ahead. So, if you two are done being in your little world, can we get a move on before they eat everything?”
“I’ll be there in a minute,” Jing Yuan says.
March takes Yanqing’s hand. “Should we eat his share?”
You see Jing Yuan take out his phone and walk off with a hand in his pocket.
“...Did you think about what I said?”
Jing Yuan stops upon hearing his ex-wife's voice on the other end.
“...I have,” he says, “and I refuse.”
“You’re making the wrong choice, Jing Yuan. Yanqing can’t keep going back and forth like this. It’s taking a toll on him. The city is where he needs to be. He needs to get accustomed to life here because this is where his future is.” Jing Yuan grips his phone tighter. “If you really love him, you’d do as I say.”
“...As you say?” Jing Yuan almost scoffs. “...Yanqing may be young, but he deserves a say in what he wants in his life.”
“He’s too young to understand!"
With his patience wearing thin, Jing Yuan flatly says, “...So, by keeping him in the city means he'll have a better life? I fail to see your logic.”
Jing Yuan ends the call and sighs as he puts his phone inside his pocket. He can’t remember the last time he and his ex-wife had a conversation. Whatever brief interaction they had was about Yanqing. He never thought she would come to him with an unreasonable proposal: To keep Yanqing in the city. It’s ridiculous, and Jing Yuan has no intention of agreeing.
On his way to the BBQ, Jing Yuan passes by your cabin. You walk out, dressed in high-waisted shorts and a crop top. You’re fixing your hair, making the shirt rise slightly higher to reveal more of your midriff. The sun is behind you, casting you in an almost ethereal glow. He almost can’t look away. When he finally does, he rubs his eyes with two fingers.
Then, he hears: “How long were you standing there?”
He looks to his right and sees you standing beside him. “Not long. I was just passing by.”
“March suggested I change… considering they brought water guns and all.”
As you two head in the direction of March’s cabin, he asks, “Did you find out anything useful for your research in the city?”
“I did, but…” You feel like you found out more about Jing Yuan than anything else. But, instead, you tell him about the animosity of corporations from the women you talked to today. “Did something happen in Xianzhou before?”
Jing Yuan looks straight ahead when he says, “...I mentioned before that Star Rails Hotel has been eyeing Xianzhou for a while.” Wait a minute. Were the people the women were talking about Star Rails Hotel? But, that’s impossible… right? Then, he turns to you. “Truth is, you’re not their first person to come here.”
“...Do you know someone who works there?” you ask.
“...I used to.”
The car slowly comes to a stop in front of the stone villa. “...Mind if I ask who?”
Jing Yuan shifts the gears. Then, he looks you in the eyes. “My ex-wife.”
You stop. “Your ex…” Jing Yuan stops a few steps in front of you and looks back. “Did she come here before?”
Chapter 7
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @immahuman @queencybow @nqctre @grimreapersscythe @winterpein @asakenajustexistshere
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boltupbitches · 8 months
The Great Outdoors
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A week in the great outdoors sounded idealistic until reality set in. Hiking didn’t just mean scenic views and fresh air. It also meant insects, mud, sweat, dirt somehow getting into unimaginable places, poison oak and poison ivy, and the possibility of getting lost on a trail and being eaten by a brown bear or mountain lion. 
Maria didn’t know which possibility would be worse of the latter, but she knew she had to suck it up for Justin’s sake. Her boyfriend was beyond excited to bring her to Oregon, particularly Eugene, to meet his family and close friends. Justin spoke so highly of the nature trails and parks that littered the region. She didn’t have the heart to tell him she wasn’t the outdoorsy type. 
The morning of the hike, Justin had taken her to one of his favorite diners he went to as a kid. They laughed and talked over stacks of pancakes and bacon as the waiter attempted to ply them with refills of water and orange juice. Justin was well-known around here - that was a given. The older waitress (Peggy was her name) doted on him as if he were her own son.
“I’m so glad you all stopped by here. It’s always good to see you, Justin. Please tell your mom I said ‘hello’. I’m sure she’s happy you brought such a beautiful girl home with you.” 
Maria couldn’t stop grinning at the exchange as Justin’s face flushed beet red with embarrassment.
“I’ll let her know you said ‘hi’, Peggy.” He handed her a folded $100 bill with a small smile as the older woman gave him a gentle squeeze on his shoulder and turned to wink at Maria.
“Great meeting you, dear. Keep him out of trouble!” She jokingly cautioned as she set off to her other table that just had people seated with menus. 
Maria thought about that exchange as she struggled up the path Justin decided on. He was lucky she loved him so much to be in this current predicament. Her legs were not as long as his so Justin had to slow down anytime he picked up pace unconsciously. He didn’t complain at all.  She also was sure she could no longer feel her calves from the last mile they walked. Being eaten by bears or mountain lions was starting to sound better with each passing minute.
Don’t even get her started on the insane amount of gear they were carrying because Justin was a meticulous man who was prepared for anything. That included a bandana he packed for each of them.
She mistakenly assumed it was for if they sweat too much.
Justin just grinned and said, “Nope. It’s what we’ll use in place of toilet paper.” He held up the plastic back labeled ‘waste’. “We’ll put the rags in here when we’re done.”
“Oh.” She almost gagged, “That’s… that’s convenient.”
Maria didn’t consider herself a high-maintenance girl. Not by a long shot. But as someone who grew up in urban spaces her whole life, this was extremely out of her comfort level and understanding. She was just thankful Justin didn’t make fun of her novice information on the great outdoors. If anything he was like an eager boy scout, eager to point out everything he knew. 
Even in her miserable state, she couldn’t bear to snap at him when he stopped them to observe a yellow-bellied marmot that was scaling around a large rock, likely trying to find its burrow to return to.
When they reached a clearing on a cliff, he finally declared it was time for a rest and some lunch. Maria almost cried out “thank God” as she dropped her bag next to her as she leaned in exhaustion against a rock.
Justin was drinking from his huge canteen as he observed his exhausted girlfriend. She was digging the beef jerky from her bag as she ate ravenously, not even caring about manners in that moment. “Thanks for coming out here with me,” he said softly, his eyes shining with happiness at the sight of her. “Honestly, it means a lot to me. I know it’s out of your comfort level but you’ve been a huge champ.”
Maria smiled after gulping down the mouthful of chewed jerky. “Of course. It meant a lot to you. I wanted to spend the day doing what you wanted to do with being back home.”
Justin walked over to her and leaned down to press a kiss against her lips, not at all minding the salty and savory taste of beef jerky on her lips. He leaned back and pressed one more kiss to her sweaty forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She hummed back with her own matching smile.
They set about eating their lunch and quietly taking in the beautiful scenery around them. This is what Maria had in mind for a hike. She was glad to at least get this view. It was ethereal. It was beautiful. She felt like she was in heaven. 
To be away from the constant noise of civilization and to just hear the beautiful noises of the breeze moving through the trees, the luscious grass gently dancing in that same breeze, and the sunlight spilling through as it encroached on shadowy spaces underneath the towering trees.
Justin put his arm around her and pulled her into him as he pressed another kiss to her temple. “I wish I could stay here forever with you.” He murmured against her ear.
“Me too…” She thought for a moment, “Well, maybe just right here the walk back will be hell and I am afraid of half the things that live in the forest here.” She admitted.
Justin laughed at that and said, “I figured. You’ve been a frazzled mess since we started this hike. I was so concerned you were going to pitch yourself off the nearest cliff if we hadn’t made it to the clearing when we did.”
“Glad my misery amuses you,” She said flatly.
“It does.” He grins as he lets her smack him in the stomach, barely feeling it. “But your happiness makes me happy too.”
She ‘hmphed’ at him and pretended to pout. 
Justin just looked at her in amusement. “Wait until we go on a hike again tomorrow! More altitude and better views.” He was egging her on.
She took the bait. “Absolutely not! I’ll stay home with your mom instead.”
“Awww don’t be like that.” He urged. “It’s good exercise.”
“So is a treadmill on fat burn mode. I’m good. If the trail isn’t flat, I’m not interested. I’d rather let a bear eat me out here.”
“I am - you knew that when you got with me, Mr. Social Media Quarterback.”
“Love you too, Maria.”
Maria couldn’t help but smile and notice how carefree Justin was now that he was back home. It was refreshing. The tenseness he usually carried in LA during the regular season was a lot that he shouldered. Here? He was just Justin Herbert, a man who loved football and the outdoors. Someone who tipped waitresses generously at small diners he grew up patroning. A man who was a walking encyclopedia of flora and fauna knowledge as he quietly pointed out each animal and plant they passed.
He was so endearing and everything she ever wanted in a man. She felt so lucky he trusted her enough to show her this part of him, the real him. As she looked at him, admiring the freckles on his face, she knew he was someone she could see herself spending the rest of her life with. Even if it meant going on the occasional hike to see this side of him.
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27goldensun · 2 years
My thoughts on AOTV (Part 1 - Babygate)
I am dividing my thoughts on the film otherwise the post would be to long and confusing
I think that most people have now watched or heard about the scenes with Freddie so I will avoid describing them and will give my opinions
1. Putting shoes and jacket
The first time Freddie appears in the doc starts with Louis helping him put on his jacket and shoes.
That to me was super funny actually because my experience with the young kids in my family is that they absolutely hate getting help when getting dressed, they always want to be independent LOL
Freddie didn’t seem exactly comfortable in this part, and Louis’ apartment didn’t look like he spend too much time there nor that a kid lived there for some time
2. Walking the same way with stuff swinging
As they leave the building Freddie is carrying his Switch and sort of swinging it. Louis, who was previously not carrying anything, gets some sort of plastic bag, looks at Freddie and literally mirrors his pose
This had everyone swooning in the theater because “they look just the same” (it was so forced I laughed and had to cough to cover it up LOL)
3. The beach scene
This has been discussed in detail, but I just though it was funny how Oli was there the entire time (in the flat also) and how Freddie kept looking at the camera
They actually play rock paper scissors out of the blue?! I told my dad that and he laughed so much, it just isn’t something we’d ever do and my goddaughter would laugh at me if I suggested this game
4. The LA show scenes
Again, this scenes have been discussed by everyone, so I’m just adding my two cents.
Freddie doesn’t initiate any contact with Louis, the one part he seems excited is when he describes jumping with his sign and when he is playing with Jackson (Harry’s godson)
Louis is very tactile with Freddie and appears to treat him like “one of the lads”, just generally roughhousing the kid (like, he actually poked Freddie’s eyes) which didn’t really align with what Louis’ sisters described him as (very protective and all) but could be just how I perceive (although if we compare it to say, Louis with baby Lux, it just very different)
He doesn’t leave with Freddie and tells him to be good on his way home
Louis gets emotional when seeing Freddie in the audience and drops some line of “there where 6k people but I only had eyes for you”
A part that I think was really funny was when he pointed at F, because if you watched the live for this show you’ll remember he pointed once, talked to Charlie and probably realized the video wasn’t good than pointed again to make sure it was filmed (very organic)
Not once does Freddie call him dad, but “his” sign says “go dad”
They did record Freddie singing Two of Us and he kept checking the camera during it
5. The grandfather
Louis grandpa talks about how they are “literal copies of each other”
This part was professionally filmed and during the same day they talk about Jay and how hard her loss impacted louis
During the sections that seem to be home videos, Freddie isn’t really mentioned
6. My general thoughts
They once more reinforced the “carbon copy” narrative, which is really funny when knowing how much like Bret the kid looks
I realized that, while they tried to make it clear that while Louis does see the kid, he doesn’t have any type of custody (talking about F going home and the apartment not looking very child-inhabited)
Do I think that Freddie knows louis or spends more time with him than we know of? Not actually, he seemed to know who Louis is, obviously, but didn’t have any greater familiarity like you’d expect, and seemed to lean away from Louis at times
Not once were Louis and Freddie alone (even just them and the cameras), so Oli is as much a father to him as Louis
The bbg parts really do feel like an attempt at gaslighting the fandom, so I wasn’t happy about them, but let me know what you all thought of it please (also please forgive any mistakes, I’m still a bit sleepy LOL)
I’m finishing up a timeline regarding louis bs of spending “3 weeks or a month” with the kid, since he would have had to mastered the ability to be in two places at once (you don’t really get to lie about where you have been when not only your location but the child’s has been plastered all over the internet daily)
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