#lets go yearly brainrot
choconanime · 1 year
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Zinnia relationsip chart:
More details undercut!!
Kei-> Straightforward, neutral, zinnia dislike his attitude though but she's pretty respectful since you know, is her superior.
Yoshino-> Neutral, no strong feelings for each other but their on friendly terms( enough to greet each other when they pass by because zinnia Just doesn't say ass to some.)
Yakou-> Neutral, they don't even talk to each other albeit zinnia a little hater (jealous)and doesn't when greet him.
Ginsei->Neutral but is similar yoshino,she doesn't ignore him even strikes small conversations with him there's a level of mutual Understatement of not wanting to be defined by looks.
Menou-> HATE, just not a mutual hate menou doesn't care and finds it interesting why is she so irritated around him (menou greets her and she greets him back at least but she sounds so done/want to get it over).
Maica-> respect, neutral, only because of Qu (albeit I should mention there's times there's some tension due to backstory reason but zinnia is actively not to you know, add fire to it, so is neutral).
Rindou-> Neutral, zinnia being a little hater part two But this time is because there's part of him that she sees on him and she gets annoyed by it.
Sinju-> Neutral,but since she's been with the team since old starless part of sinju regards her as a friend, zinnia just nod at waves him so it hurts a lil knowing she doesn't.
Nekome-> similar to Menou, absolutely detest him but he doesn't and he likes teasing her to try to get a reaction from her, albeit unlike menou there is some level of respect so she doesn't always ignore
Taiga-> Neutral but curious about him, I wouldn't describe it as orange or yellow as Zinnia not curious about him and more so what are you playing in your phone, Taiga prolly slightly scared of Zinnia
Akira-> Lmao these two care for each other but they don't regard each other as family nor a best friend, zinnia is at times annoyed by his flirty personality but she came to just ignore it (Tbf Akira does keep it low-key when he's around Zinnia, he's not stupid he can tell she's Uncomfortable with flirting be it to her or seeing it), have like dorky friend x grumpy friend dynamic but you can tell zinnia came around to care and so did he.
Kokuyo-> I'm so sorry but I sorta high wired him to be Zinnia big brother, I thought about it as a maybe and then Got to into it, what started as keeping an eye on her back at old starless (she used to be more confrontational ) only because she seem to respect him enough to listen to him, turned into him just regard her as a little sister even and him as a big brother.
On later seasons I can see zinnia starting to call him big brother (she never calls him by familiar terms n neither did he ) just to show how comfortable she gotten around him.
Takami -> Doesn't trust him one bit, hates him reminds him to much of the people that hurt her,Yes I know takami is gentleman and polite, but that's exactly why she can smell the facade, it's to perfect she can't handle it. She's actually scared of him as such Zinnia doesn't ignore him, at least greets him but avoids being same room as him. Takami towards her is neutral.
Sin-> Zinnia has a crush on him ever since they started chatting more because she allow herself to let curiosity win and went after him, to get to know him (is not everyday you met a man that insistently speaks like Shakespeare) just to come around and end up with a crush on him.
Sin didn't deny her advances to get close, To be honest didn't expect to get so close him as she practically was ignoring all starless back then but is not like she was asking for anything crazy either, they would just often chat, within those chats zinnia would just Ask about any tales? Any books? History fun facts? Favorite tea and why? Always something to make him talk, I guess he can't deny the curious eye's trying to decipher his words, lending him an ear to his ramblings and the rare joyful smile she give him just charm him...I guess you could say, zinnia when she tries to be social she has a nag for making you feel special and letting your guard down.
Kongou-> realize I put yellow instead of orange, their basically best friend's a rare win when most of zinnia relationship consist of either being one of the few she trust or a nobody, but is thanks to the fact they see each other the most compared to anyone else because they work on the kitchen. He's kind and not overly polite, everyone knows Kongou is a kind man and while she ignores him at first she quickly came Around seeing she's a. Stuck with him b. He's such a warmth presence in zinnia eye's so she's like yeah fuck it I'll let myself be close.
Heath-> Neutral, he's cool they respect each other, enjoys when she hears how he stand up against kei of all people but not really friend's.
Mizuki-> Very much best friends/ familiar bonds but don't call each other as such, a rare duo considering Zinnia isn't to fond of the to rowdy ones but she couldn't help it, they both were extremely confrontational with each other back then and in a time where zinnia Felt like everyone out to get her, full of lies and deceive, it was nice to have someone so straightforward and rowdy, even reminded her of the friends she used to hang with back home...she missed that, definitely a mediator and second option to call if you want to calm Mizuki.
Lico-> HATE HATE HATE, zinnia LOATHS him, it's mutual too, I can see Lico be more patience around a woman but she hits him right where it hurts( especially after learning he used to work as a host)+ doesn't like flirty personality, he tries to be patient but zinnia actively Lets out some mean remarks at the start of the seasons when he used to be more confrontational thinking about it should had remove the purple n be mainly black and then still put yellow as despite all of that he...sorta felt attracted to her, couldn't come to fully hate her.
Ran-> Neutral but it switches back and forth between zinnia thinks he's cute and zinnia thinks he's annoying but similar to how she got close to Mizuki shes coming around, Ran on the other hand likes hanging with her,small crush/attraction, likes to keep trying to ask her out.
Hari-> Zinnia roll her eyes with his rich kid attitude he had but didn't hate him as he was pretty clear in his goals and was pretty polite around her so she came around to greet him by the very least, nothing much. ( Albeit depending on the au I do feel he does start seeing her Kinda cool due to how bold she is when she doesn't care About you).
Qu-> Oh they like each other alright, is fully red because these two have a long history with each other, between being separated from each other not once but twice and the second one being mainly zinnia fault Yet Qu not being able to come around and hate her but also afraid of trusting she won't just leave again and Zinnia feeling so much guilt when she sees him again but like him she can't seem to stay to long without him, even if it is friends she has to try And Qu very likely feels similar, like she fuck up, there's no denying their old relationship sink when she left but he always was curious of why she just left, she's not one to run,oh no that's him not Her and so they got close be it out of guilt or curiosity(well more like looking for answers) fact of the matter is they quickly got close but you could tell how badly they want to take it to the other level but their so afraid, haunted by the past.
Mokuren-> For once is the other way around, it started he founded her annoying due to How persistent she is about having HIM teacher her how to dance, "it doesn't matter what dance choreography just teach me" just for her to hesitate and be to scared to do what he says a pain in the ass honestly but...he likes her tenacity and she does improve over time so they came around and does feel.. neutral about her...maybe something more but he can't quite put it but hey, she somehow manage to even make mokuren care so win. Zinnia funny enough, regards them as a friend no matter what he says.
Kasumi-> A little hard to say for both of them they are definitely those type of friendships that you know if you push it a little further you'll be close however their not even sure how to get close because both put a lot of walls when it comes to their daily life's but is not like either mind but it does hold them back, Zinnia does sometimes ponder about having a crush around him but she does notice he sometimes teases seeing her as a family so she doesn't ponder much, but neither is set and done their still on this limbo of she's comfortable around him but no common thing to make them close.
Zakuro-> he asked, ONE question that was the wrong time at the wrong moment and zinnia absolutely hated him ever since and she hasn't come around once and he has felt guilty about it as he saw her get close to team C but not him , so he been trying to be close and genuine but Miss prickly bones ain't having it, although I do see them have moments where zinnia does cave in and just let's him have it his way and when that happens, similar to sin feelings he just comes around to care for her but she clearly isn't feeling the same.
Gui-> neutral, he's cute and she's pretty nice, she reminds me to eat/drink people say that's a rarity for zinnia to take a charm out of someone but she prolly doesn't want someone gullible like him fall into the wrong path, god knows she did that once and look how she ended:hurt
Sotetsu -> hilarious ignores him but they respect each other and he's somehow manage to make her laugh, doesn't mind the playful teasing it always felt harmless banger between them, he does lure her in with cheap gossip and it does make the chismosa in her itch,gives in n listen.
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jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
Virgil would go on one roller coaster ride to appease remus and immediately throw up afterward
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toboldlywrite · 8 months
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Hello there! You can call me Nova (she/they). I love space, cats, sea creatures, reading about quantum physics and pretending I understand it better than I do, and several fandoms. (Current brainrot is The Locked Tomb series and Mass Effect). If you couldn't tell from my icon and blog title, I am also a life-long Star Trek fan. I do environmental stuff for my day job and have a plethora of creative hobbies. Out of all of those, though, storytelling has always been my passion.
You can find me over on Bluesky (@toitaliclygo)
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I mainly dabble in sci-fi/sci-fantasy, but I like to play around with other genres to some degree too. I have so many ideas in various stages of planning and writing. I'm always down to geek out about world-building, my OCs, your OCs, my wips, your wips, etc. I love tag games even if I don't always get around to them so please feel free to tag me if that's your jam (right now last line tags would be awesome).
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I have a couple short stories floating around here (and I'll love you forever if you check them out, NBD): 18 Minutes | The Wish
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The current main projects you'll find posted about on ye olde bloge are:
A thief becomes the Chosen One of a goddess/sentient weapon in a yearly battle to defend the capital city from monsters.
(tags-- #wip: elsewhere)
The Insomnia Code
In a world where everyone is part human, part computer, Dream-Programming student Dana Eligie goes on a quest through the layers of the digital representation of the collective human mind to solve the mystery of people going missing inside the Network, with the help of her anxious cat-program guide, Virgil.
(tags-- #wip: tic, #wip: insomnia, #wip: the insomnia code).
The Goddess Seed
Coming soon....
The Star Soul Saga
A sci-fantasy space opera that has been my baby for more than a decade. Currently undergoing huge restructuring so not all past posts about it will be relevant anymore. Stay tuned for more!
(tags-- #wip: star saga, #wip: star bright, #wip: star fire, #wip: star fall, others)
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No bigotry of any kind is tolerated here. If you see me reblogging or saying something insensitive/offensive let me know-- it’s unknowing and I want to learn!
That's all for now, please enjoy your stay.
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DC Comics Characters as Mauraders
So this initially stemmed from my bi yearly harlivy brainrot session where I thought "oh my god, Dorcas and Marlene are so Ivy and Harley." Specifically Dark Knights of Steel Harlivy (I would bury an army for you) (In return you will live here with me/ In return you won't fight in the war. This again? This always) . Want me to explain- gladly. Marlene "dive in head first, my blood runs red and gold, if I go, I will drag you to hell with me" McKinnon, working for The Order and thinking "hey this is kinda sketch, I don't know if we can trust Dumbledore" and Dorcas "every acquaintance is a new connection to better myself, killed by Voldemort personally, I will slither on my stomach if it means I can slice as your Achilles tendon and watch you fall" Meadows being the Anti-Heroes needed to end the Voldemort. They know they must fight in the war, they just need to fight on their own side.
And then I thought- why stop at them. So I present, the Mauraders as DC Comics Characters:
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Starting off strong, James and Lily as the Iconic Blue Boy Scout and Pulitzer Prize winning Lois Lane. Do I need to explain? The Kal-el is so James/Mirrorball coded, and if James ever became a supe, Lily Evans would be the first to know.
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After this, we have Remus and Sirius as Bruce and Selina Kyle. Remus is so Bruce Wayne- an orphan with a bad experience with animals at a young age. Reserved and quiet but a commanding authority figure that eyes turn to in times of need. Like, Remus is so batman but Brucie- oh that all Remu. Remu is a cassanova that everyone has a crush on, the life of the party that drinks iced tea at Gala's and is always limping or wincing over something. Sirius, well for a second I did switch the two and have Sirius be bruce but no, Sirius is so Selina. Sirius steals diamonds from museums, knowing that he has the money and Remus could buy them if he really wanted because "well where's the fun in that Moony." (Sirius has a huge platonic obsession with Superman and when Remus makes the Justice League he is ELATED. He loves going to HQ and telling embarrassing stories to James. He even let it slip that he calls Remus Moony and now all of the Core Members do it too. He loves hates it.) (Also, Sirius is friends with Marlene in any universe and he loves that it annoys Remus a little bit. When Harley/Marlene finally joins the league, they celebrate by breaking into a new art exhibit)
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After this we have Pete as Barry "I could have finished this myself but that wouldn't be as fun" Allen. Pete is kinda just at the meetings as a favor to James and doesn't understand why Batman won't just let him take care of the Joker himself. Peter is nice and always a bit confused as to what is going on. Batman used to scare him, but shortly after learning about Moony, the two started bonding over nerdy shit together.
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With the Arrowverse being the origins of my love for D.C (yes, I know it isn't comic accurate, but middleschool me loved it so fuck off), I have to make Mary as Dinah. I don't know much about comic accurate Dinah- a problem I plan on rectifying in the future- but her general "I'm done with this shit" vibe is matches Mary "i'm leaving the wizarding world and not turning back".
Alice and Frank as Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Evan and Barty as Penguin and Riddler (Gotham's Penguin and Batman 2022's Riddler because yes)
Regulus as Jason "Do I look like Batman? Musty Bitch" Todd
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starryhunbun · 1 year
Okay yall I have another thing that came to my mind and lately I'm having somewhat of a brainrot about micheal kaiser😃 (it's definitely because I'm missing sae sm and now silly goofy kaiser is gone too? not fair😕)
I just stumbled over a Tiktok that reminded me of their yearly salary when I realized oh. It's in Yen. And I haven't seen anyone show the difference of what they get paid in their home country so I did it for kaiser because he has the highest salary and because as we learned I'm german.
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300.000.000 yen in euros would be roughly 2.080.000 euros (2.267.200 $according to google. 😃
(1¥ = 0,0069€ = 1,09$)
Divided by 12, because I wanna know how much he makes in one month alone, his monthly salary is 173.333 euros. Let's just go with it and let's just say he gets exactly that because in Germany we also have that funny thing called income taxes so he would probably get a bit less than that.
(for my fellow German friends: I did a brutto/netto calculation on the internet cuz why not and since he is probably in income tax class 1/"lohnsteuerklasse 1" and would probably pay for the church too and I'd thought he'd be privately insured, he gets about 1.148.411,13 € a year. Which is still 95.700,92 € a month... But the comparison😭 he really is the states new sugar daddy, paying for all the new streets and stuff💀)
This bitch is rich.🧎🏽‍♀️ I mean, I get roughly about 1000 euros (without taxes) as a trainee during my apprenticeship and that's already a lot for a simple trainee. The minimum wage in Germany is 12 euros so they make 2.080 euros a month.
I'm just going to cry now, thank you for listening to yet another ted talk. 🥲
I really hope I didn't do any mistake while googling/calculating that would be embarrassing... 😭
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angst-in-space · 7 months
february '24 writing progress
words written: 7.9k
most words written in a day: 1,502
least words written in a day: 0
yearly total: 18.7k
projects worked on:
ya sci-fi book rewrites
sylvix pacrim au
matchablossom bedsharing fic
sylvix dreamscape fic ch 10 edits
planning some bsd fics...
works published in february:
february goals:
*stares into the camera* please let me finish ya sci-fi book rewrites. please for the love of god
keep working on query package
perhaps send out one query for funsies
finish editing sylvix dreamscape fic ch 10 and send to betas
work on fic at least a little??
maybeee at least touch one of my other books i.e. keep working on arctic monster book or planning space dads book, idk we’ll see
march goals:
if i don't finish ya sci-fi book rewrites this month you all have to kill me fr
errrm work on query package some more...?
finish editing sylvix dreamscape ch 10
work on other fics if i have time
keep planning bsd fics
haha... pain...
idk. rough month for me, lads. my mental health was hmm not great. i'm still not done with my ya sci-fi book rewrites and to be frank i feel like shit about it LOL. only rewrote like One Chapter and i still have like 7(??) more to go so....urrgghh. some delusional part of me believes i can still finish it this month somehow but at this rate it'll probably take me the rest of the year so lmao who knows at this point!! not me!
i did at least work a bit on my query package this month so wooo!!! a friend was helping me out with it so i still have a ton of edits to do on my query/synopsis but that's a problem for future me.
i did have some stupid plan to send out a single query just for funsies by end of february—and honestly i was gonna do it, but... missed the deadline to query the one agent i was going to query, and took that as a sign for the universe that it was an idiotic idea anyway. lol. maybe by end of march, but i am feeling so hopeless about my book currently that that's a very very big Maybe.
i also worked a bit on sylvix dreamscape fic ch 10 edits... unfortunately there was a big chunk in the middle i've had to basically totally rewrite bc i changed some stuff and also hated what i'd written but akdfjdk i really do want to finish it this month ;; i know some people are anxiously waiting for the ending so i feel terrible that it's been so long... hopefully i will make the wait worth it 🙏
umm wellll ALSO fell into bungo stray dogs hell this past month. i had actually been watching it since...september?? (can that be right?) but took me like six months to get through the whole thing, then suddenly the brainrot hit haha. and i ended up getting like three fic ideas for it soooo... i've been vaguely working on planning those! no idea when i will have time to actually write any of them (esp considering the 14938 fic wips i already have) but hope to at least keep planning them during march.
aaaand yeah that's all for now folks! 💃
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angelsh0143 · 10 months
Coriolanus Snow Brainrot pt.2
So, now coriolanus is a peacekeeper and he's ready to climb the ranks, escape the district and live the privileged life he thinks he deserves, but he didn't account for the fact that district 12 is the most disadvantaged and isolated district and it is factually impossible to better your situation coming from there. Now, I don't think that coriolanus wouldn't know this but I do think that he would be delusional enough to think that he would be the exception (as I said before he'd identify in the Capitol and I think he'd expect them to recognize him as one of them in some ways. again. delusional.) But it doesn't happen and now he is trapped in District 12 with little to no power and no way out. Now it's the perfect moment to talk about the Rebellion, because the rebellion is simply not doing well. This might be an unpopular opinion but the hunger games are probably the weakest point of Snow's dictatorship.
While I understand that they serve the purpose of reminding the districts of their loss and separating them by forcing them to kill each other, they are also what unifies the districts, the symbol of the cruel oppression of capitol city that doesn't spare anyone. The hunger games are a great selling point for the rebellion because it's much easier to convince people to risk their lives and revolt against the system if that system yearly broadcasts acts of senseless cruelty against their children and makes entertainment out of them. This is not to say that a system without the hunger games is a system free from cruelty but it's surely easier to control people if you don't give them something as disgusting as the hunger games to be angry at. The Districts are already broken; they are isolated, divided by the different privileges that the capitol shows them and without a way to communicate. They aren't even self-sufficient given the way the capitol had assigned each a different field to specialize in, successfully making sure that no district had the abilities necessary to survive on its own. The hunger games are not what keeps the districts in line and therefore are absolutely not necessary to maintain control. So, a world without the hunger games is a world in which the rebellion is very much struggling, unable to effectively unite and organize the districts against the capitol. But, as we saw in TBOTSATS and in the original trilogy the rebellion is ever present in twelve since it's the districts where the blatant hate for the capitol is strongest.
Now, let's go back to coriolanus; after understanding that he's not leaving 12 he would still try to gain as much power as possible (for he is pragmatic at his core. even when they made him a peacekeeper as a punishment, one of his first actions was starting to prepare for the exam to become Sergeant.) Inevitably, he would become a corrupt officer; he is resentful towards the system for not meeting his expectations and forcing him to live a life he despises. (I think that even if he weren't resentful he would still be corrupt; coriolanus has no loyalty nor principles and he will gladly break the rules if it benefits him even if he does believe in the system enforcing them.) Now, I think he would find out about the rebellion; coriolanus is not stupid and being in twelve means that he is as close as it gets to the rebellion without being in 13. This is strictly linked to his corruption; maybe he would ask himself how miners from twelve are able to pay him the way they do, maybe he would notice that he is paid regularly not to go to a certain place or that the weapons that enter in twelve are more modern than the miners could afford. Take your pick.
So, what is next? We know that in TBOSAS he despises rebels but again, he hates them first because they took something from him and then because they are a symbol of his loss of control. But coriolanus is vengeful and resentful and the capitol has disappointed him; he would make sure that rebels in twelve knew he knows but wouldn't stop them. Gradually, the rebels would start to consider him an ally and would tell him the truth about the 13th district.
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renemesis · 1 year
"Waaaah waaaah the alt-right are keeping our fics from us waaaah waaaaah!!!" ... y'know if you presented a 'fictional' scenario to a group of people (let's pretend, for a moment, that this hypothetical crowd isn't absolutely brainrotted from constant internet usage) where you told them a group running a website get almost- if not even MORE than- half a million dollars on a yearly basis to run a service that is fuels almost entirely by USER CONTRIBUTIONS but never improve it, most would think it's at best overcompensation and at worst a Scam.
Now if you told these people that, Somehow, the people who get hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly for this service can't even use that money to prevent their service from being DDoS'd, or to use the money to hire people specifically specialized in solving these cases, you might get a bit more suspicion from the audience.
Now, if you tell them the cherry on top is that the service runners, instead of just quietly taking care of the problem and giving minimal details about what's going on, allow for and even HELP in the spreading of the narrative THAT THEY'VE BEEN ATTACKED BY AN ALT-RIGHT GROUP 'CLAIMING' TO BE SUDANESE? Oh, but when its explained that the hackers aren't ACTUALLY Sudanese, people jump to it being the Russians instead! The people listening to you explain this oh so fictitious scenario would QUITE OBVIOUSLY THINK THIS IS BLATANTLY FEARMONGERING AND USING XENOPHOBIA AS A MEANS OF COVERING THEIR OWN EXPOSED ASS, RATHER THAN JUST TAKING ACCOUNTABLE.
Please p ease PLEASE take a step back and check the absolutely INSANE biases being displayed right now. Sure, maybe an Alt-Right group IS keeping y'all from reading your diet yaoi, but let's be fucking realistic here. The AO3 moderators are taking advantage xenophobia on both ends of the spectrum, whether they openly 'denounce' the alleged origins of the 'hacker group' directly or not, because sooo many people are so willing to take the bait and fall down the conspiracy rabbit hole rather than acknowledging they might have an unhealthy attachment to a website run by people who only see them as wallet fillers
Please, if you're crying and screaming about losing ao3... take a step outside. Sit on the ground. Take in the sun. Read a book. Pick up a pen and paper and write or draw. Hell, if you're REALLY desperate go explore the Wonders of alternative fic websites, go check out our old friends at ff.net. just PLEASE do something other than complain and throw nationality-based blame at the hackers. You guys sound like Trumpies rn
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mouthsewedshut · 2 years
I have to redo the whole masterlist because I just realise that the links broke- Anyways
🦋 Hi my name is Jasmine / Meadow and this blog is probably going to make you lose your sanity just by reading through my horrendous writing. Requests are finally opened so feel free to launch your requests at my face so I can finally get my braincells to work!
🦋 Here, I post drawings of my furry children getting absolutely tormented and depressed heroes and villains going nuts and probably angsty, horny and gay as fuck but I rarely became active so uh- yeah-
and I will just be putting my works here that I liked so uh- most of my writing in this blog aren't gonna be here lol - I think my blog is an absolute disaster
(Old) Masterlist - An unfortunate list of probably all my dead stories now and the links have stopped working so that is why this masterlist exists.
OCs Blog (@monocleonthegrass) - Mainly a blog related to my own characters. (I am rarely inactive there as well but why not just put this here)
Side Blog (@jasminetheangry) - A small resharing blog so that my main blog won't be crowded.
STORIES (Heroes and Villains)
A New Face - Villain was amused when a new face to the city was heard and they knew that they have to meet this new face... The new hero. (PROMPT)
Pink Heart Nails - They thought that they could be given at least a minute of privacy when they meet a familiar face by the public and they were irritated by their prescence until the very passing moment when it warmed up like strawberry breeze.
Pray do Tell // I Should Have Known - There, Two enemies stood on the battlefield while the Hero kneeled in defeat when the Villain was harsh to them, Threatening them to return what they have loved and lost. Though little do they know, Hero may have a little secret that Villain didn't pray for them to actually tell.
Not so Heroic - The hero barged into the villain's base when they found them in a rather focusing position, they decided to take matters to this. (PROMPT)
(No descriptions because I am an absolute dumbass)
Child + Hero and Villain Parents
Costume Swap Disaster (Hero x Villain)
Line (Hero x Villain)
Scientist Villain x Hero
Dreamy Contact (Touch-starved Caretaker / Cuddly Whumpee) - Whumpee never let go of Caretaker and clung to them tight, Not realizing how much they needed it as well until that very moment.
Collie Houndwood Redesign
Philip Butler Expressions Sheet
Maxwell Wolf + Muzzled // Grand Escape
Monster and Human (Original by @some-messed-up-writing-for-you)
Fallen Leaves and Hollyleaf brainrot
Maxwell Rough Sketch
Phlorence + Clinton and Collie
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Kiji x Ryoma Pocky (February)
Spite (March)
Banner is poorly made by yours truly
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iceunhie · 1 year
So, um, I don't have any brainrot because my brain is dead. But ever since the trailer, I CAN'T STOP SIMPING AT NEUVILLETTE OH MY GOD. AND THOSE VIDEOS WITH THE OTTERS TOO SHSJSJKSKM
Sorry. Haven't been able to throw up my love for him to anyone so, yeah.
For a request, maybe painter! reader who wants to paints him? I mean, he is too majestic to not have any paintings of him hanging somewhere.
Thank you, and lots of loveee. It's okay if you don't want to write this too
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summary: in which you, an aspiring painter in Fontaine finds your muse in the ever-steadfast Chief Justice, and what better way do you express such a fondness for the Chief Justice than to use your artistic skillset to capture him in all his glory? ah, and perhaps capture his heart on the way.
notes: neuvillette x GN!reader (implied fem due to Neuvillette's use of 'my lady' though). comedic(?) super fluffy (haha are you sure abt that?) reader shenanigans, misunderstandings and reader being a simp (like me) sap, neuvillette is a sweetheart and i may have gotten carried away help. she fell first he fell harder trope, dialogue focused and relationship development mostly. reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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Sometimes, you think that had you not chosen to be an artist; a painter, to be specific, you would certainly do well as a Bard, or a writer. The sheer amount of poems and song you could conjure up in your head detailing the fine traits and qualities of such a finely procured man such as Neuvillette would certainly make you someone of great renown, as you could prescribe and go on and on about his person. Would you be displayed at the Palais Mermonia, perhaps? As a fine appreciator for the Chief Justice's conduct?
Haha, your foot. Fontaine would sink itself under the waters before you would be recognized, much less acknowledged. Such was the pain of being but an ordinary person, getting by the day slowly but surely.
Artists all look for their muse. Whether be in in music, the nuances of literary work, or in your chosen profession, the art of color, the art of capturing life at its most raw form through the canvas. painting. It just so happens that your current muse happens to be the wonderful, all knowing, and breathtakingly striking Monsieur Neuvillette.
Which is what led you to your current conundrum. How would you be able to capture his image? Sure, there were official shots of the Chief Justice, but you would never be satisfied with that. The real deal is always the best reference. (you don't want to admit it, but you know you could easily paint him with but a few pictures as a reference point. you simply wanted to see him up close, says that shameless heart of yours.)
Monsieur Neuvillette was a very, very busy man. Simply garnering an audience with him would cause much of your yearly savings and the sparsity of your visit would never let you finish that painting of his image truly capturing his allure. But you were never one to give up once you've set your sights on something, though.
...Which, unfortunately, leads you into more trouble than it's worth.
Your face burned in embarrassment as the Chief Justice himself scoured through your paintings and sketches personally, humming absentmindedly in between them, calmly sitting with you in his very quarters at the Palais Mermonia. You didn't expect that Monsieur Neuvillette would be so perceptive, as he immediately noticed you following him (if only to document his actions and sketch him) and for him to personally interrogate you about your actions. Well, it didn't matter anymore, so might as well fess up, right? The last thing you would want is for your dearly beloved muse to think you were some sort of deranged stalker, and you end up with some sort of crime....
While the morbid curiosity of seeing what he was like in an official trial was tempting, you pushed that thought away as you began to sputter out your words.
"Please forgive me for my disrespectful actions, Chief Justice! I swear, I had no malicious intentions at all...!"
you immediately spill out the words, a thousand apologies ready to spill itself out your mouth. to your great surprise and relief, the Chief Justice simply shakes his head, as he puts down your sketches of him.
"Please, it's no offense at all. If anything, I am flattered that I am a subject to most of your impressive works, my lady. your talent is remarkable."
"...Pardon?" you look at him, disbelief coloring your face. this was unexpected.
"You actually... think that my work is, is good?"
The man next to you nods, his face not betraying a single emotion. Goodness, you could almost faint. He was even more beautiful up-close. Such sharp eyes, and such unique patterns... ahem.
"If you wished to capture me as a work for your latest masterpiece, my lady, you must at least inform me, or schedule an appointment with me. I would be more than happy to oblige."
"But I don't have the Mora, Chief Justice..."
"Ah. That can be arranged."
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You thank the Hydro Archon for Monsieur Neuvillette's kindness. To think that he personally arranged a meeting for you to sketch him and bring your dreams of capturing him in a portrait come true...
Oh, you shall put all of your modus operandi into this piece, now that your spark has been lit. This is a debt you will definitely not forget, and you hope that your portrait can repay that.
And so, for over the next few months, you would arrive at the Palais Mermonia with a specially curated trinket (personally handed to you by Neuvillette) to show to the Melusine Sedene to access a personal audience with the Chief Justice. For the first few weeks, you're besought with joy at the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
You would sketch and accompany Neuvillette as he would do his business. When asked by him as to why you did this, when you were simply capturing his image, he said, you sent him a mortified look, before you explained.
"Art is not just simply putting what you see on a canvas, Monsieur. It is observing, emulating, and envisioning the subject and using that as a way to bring life and meaning to a canvas. It is the very expression of the soul, a longing to etch what the artist thinks is beautiful to a permanent surface...! Ah."
"So you believe that I am such a subject?"
You look sheepish, as you had begun to ramble and reveal your fondness for him.
"Forgive my insolence, Chief Justice. My talk of the arts may not suit your fancy or disinterest you..."
"...I do not mind you wishing to converse with me. As I shall see you more for the next months as you bring your work to life, as you say, addressing me not by my title is mandatory. I would prefer it if you would simply call me by my name, my lady."
"And..." he looks at you, a little more softly this time. "I do not mind being subject to your talk of the arts either. Converse with me about such things if it makes you feel comfortable."
"...Understood. Then, Sir Neuvillette, I am [name]. I look forward to working with you."
"As do I, Miss [name]."
He offers his hand for you to shake, and you feel yourself flush just a bit, before you firmly shake hands, as you smile at him gratefully.
Little did you know, that your talk of the arts caught his interest, as did his curiousity of you.
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"Why do artists such as you enjoy to be so swayed by your work, Miss [name]? To the point where your ilk would happily go without a human's basic needs.... It is fascinating to me. Is this a common characteristic among the practitioners of those who dabble in the arts? What drives your kind to be so interested in such things so deeply?"
Overtime, as Neuvillette and you both eased into the steady routine of you observing him, sketching him, making a few brushstrokes in your canvas, and him simply going about his day, conversations about the subtleties of human life and human needs became a common source of pleasant conversation.
To Neuvillette's great surprise, and secret appreciation, your views were unique, and completely different from his, or any other average Fontainian citizen. Your contrasting views are evident by your conversations, as you both try to understand the other through talks of the ways humans think, and how they live their lives in spite of how fleeting it is. He thinks of you as peculiar, but he doesn't dislike it. If anything, he finds it endearing. That your mind would be able to reach conclusions that even he would not be able to reach. That you hold onto your views in such a beautiful and captivating way.
He enjoyed it. He very much enjoyed your company, and your discussions. He hasn't felt such feelings in such a long, long time. The feeling of being understood, and being challenged. Of being... calmed and liking someone's presence, of being fond of it, even.
As even more months passed, conversations like that have also been overtaken by conversations about your daily lives, as you ramble about your day as you continue your work on the canvas, and the normally silent halls of his chambers fill with your and his voice, as you both revel in each other's company.
Neuvillette thinks he's never seen such a fascinating individual such as you. Who can question and break down his steady beliefs, and who he was able to open up to with time.
He wonders to himself after you've long retired for the night. After you finish your work and these days of tranquility and these conversations he so cherished will end, would you grace him with your presence again? Or would you simply just see him as the ever righteous and untouchable Chief Justice once more, and not as 'Neuvillette', the one who conversed, questioned, and listened to your views, and would he simply see you as nothing more than a mere painter who simply took him as a subject to their latest work?
You both would become strangers, never entangling yourselves again as your lives go on.
For some reason, the thought of that makes his heart twist uncomfortably.
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The painting of Neuvillette is stunning.
You almost burst into tears of joy at the finished work. Yes, yes, this was it! Your work and efforts have finally paid off. Countless hours and different techniques tried, many changes and many frustrated nights, and it has finally been completed.
Brushstrokes of different shades of blue, the vibrant background, and the features of the Chief Justic-- No, the features of Neuvillette. The painting dons him in an expression of tranquility, as fleeting as his expression is, it is forever captured in color, with you as the sole witness to it.
Now, the only thing you have to do is deliver it to Neuvillette's chambers. He did promise you compensation, after all. Who were you to disagree? And for the price he gave... Ah, being able to grow close to him meant you were of course paid well for your efforts, after all.
(not that you would care if he didn't compensate you or not. his company and his leniency to your actions and your passion, as well as letting him see and hear your thoughts and feelings and let you listen to his pondering for the months that passed would have left you satisfied anyway. such was your enamoured state with him.)
It's raining heavily when you arrive at his chambers one final time. Sedene greets you, as if used to your presence already, by how much you frequent. You feel a pang of inexplicable sadness at bidding Neuvillette's company a final farewell.
You would soon be just a spectator, and never truly see 'Neuvilette' again as you did at the months that passed. The conversations, the familiar routine of chatting with him about inane to deep topics.... Yes, you shall miss it as well.
You wonder if he'll miss it too. (will he miss you?) You can only take a deep breath, as you knock on his chambers for one last time.
"...Come in, Miss [name]."
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As expected, your work is beautiful. Neuvillette was not lying when he thought of that last statement. Your portrait of him is serene, calming, and... and so lovingly curated by you.
Unlike most of his official portraits and pictures, this particular portrait exudes an aura of familiarity, a testimony to your bond that has slowly developed with time. this portrait was created with the intention of capturing him as 'Neuvilette.' Not as the Chief Justice of Fontaine, not as the leader of the Marchaussee Phantom, but simply as the Neuvillette you spent time with, you indulged in, and grew fond of.
(did you grow fond of him as he did of you? did he occupy your thoughts, as you did with his own?)
His heart skips, but this time it's an intense feeling of longing. He doesn't wish to be deprived of your presence, of your comfort.
Of your warmth, just yet.
"...euvilette? Neuvilette?" your voice is soft, he thinks. it snaps him from his thoughts, as he looks at you, and he sees you donning and expression of sheepishness, hesitancy.
"it is lovely. your work, i find it exquisite, [name]."
he turns to look at you, his expression softening. for the first time in a long time, his lips curl into a real, genuinely happy smile. (only for you.)
you flush at his words, as you hang your head down, your expression betraying the true extent of your feelings towards his words (and towards him.)
there is a few beats of silence, before one of you takes the plunge.
"If I may, may I be inclined to seek your company... even after our arrangement has ended? if, if it isn't bothering you, of course."
you blink at him, processing his words for a few moments, before a radiant smile graces your face, mirth overtaking your expression.
"Of course."
your words make his heart beat once more, as he feels this foreign feeling invade his conscious once again. he doesn't hate it.
the heavy rainfall stops, as does his worries and his doubts. he may not know exactly what this feeling is right now, but there's one thing he can't deny.
He's glad you came into his unchanging, ever-present world, like a splash of color to his normally dull, rigid life. He recalls a conversation you had once before.
To you, art was the expression of the soul, the permanent etch borne of its creator's love bleeding through a myriad of brushstrokes of passion, comfort, longing and intense desire. coalescing into one form, a permanent fixture of the unchanging and deep feelings that only a few would truly want to understand in its whole. To want to uncover everything, and appreciate it in its entirety.
While it may have been you that called him your muse, and it may have been you that called him to be a 'work of art,' Neuvillette can't help but think that it was you, who truly deserved such a title.
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© 𝐌𝐇𝐈𝐈𝐄𝐄𝐄 : do not repost, copy, or plagiarize my work.
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knullanon · 3 years
New Years Eve
so uh yeah I made this, as promised, will I get out of doc ock brainrot soon, probably. however I hope this will do. also again sorry writing this at 2:30 in the morning so forgive mistakes thank
basic summary: otto was expecting everything to go to plan. his heist was in the middle of success. and it still was. he just had to deal with a random kid now.
warnings: blood, crying, alcohol (they don't even drink it I just realized), talking of wounds, ibuprofen, lmk if I missed any
words: 3,025 😳
no gender specifics for this one
Otto almost felt like it was a dream come true. Everything was going according to plan, this raid on oscorp and its yearly ball was going according to plan.
He turned and looked out the window of Oscorps miniature office, just above the main lounge on the 20th floor. Where everyone was being held hostage.
It was true, he was expecting a little smaller crowd, only about 50 people, but it wasn't unbearable. He had his men, along with the sinister six all making sure that everyone was staying in the middle of the room, away from the windows and doors, so that there would be no one who decided that they felt brave enough to leave.
From police reports and the outside activity on the streets, no one knew about anything from the outside and everyone's phones and computers (if they brought them) were taken, and set away. The main power to the phones and computers were mostly gone, excluding the lights and elevators. 
He had chosen this very party to attack since he knew there wouldn't be that many paparazzi or people. This was simply a new years party, and while they did do something during new years, the day before was a little celebration with the employees themselves. It was meant as a memory of the year, and usually beforehand, there would have been a meeting with the lead board members about the year and either what they could do better or a congratulatory speech by none other than Norman Osborn. Afterwards, there was always a huge celebration. He remembered when he was still an employee for Oscorp, and was still working out and about for them. He remembered these gatherings all too well. He had his own issues with them when he attended them, but it was still entertaining to remember them. 
He looked around, and saw Martin Li, who was in his normal form. Like Otto, Li was looking out to the crowd. However, unlike Otto, who was smirking and you could almost feel the enjoyment rolling off his shoulders, Li was stone faced, his lips turned into a slight frown and his eyes etched with worry.
"Li, you should be happier: we were both destroyed by this man, we should get to appreciate his demise in his company."
Otto walked to Li, and clasped a hand over his shoulder. He let go once Li moved to look at him. "Yes: but doesn't it seem strange?"
"What do you mean? We might not be able to kill him today, but what we are about to do is going to make his company, his work, all meaningless."
Li looked back at the crowd of people, all huddled together, and sighed. "Yes, I suppose you're right."
Otto grabbed two champagne glasses and filled them with a bottle lounging on edge of the desk. With his arms, he poured it out and brought it to them. He handed one to Li, and kept one to himself.
"Even if we don't get our fullest revenge on Osborn, we will still be able to get our revenge on Oscorp. A toast, if I may?"
Li nodded, and Otto continued, "To a bright and long future, for us, and the Sinister Six-"
Suddenly a bang at the door interrupted them. Otto returned his glass to the table, and put his glasses back on before opening the door with his arm. A shocked sandman stood in the door, his eyes almost popping out of his head.
"Yes, Sandman, what seems to be the issue now?" Otto was quick to ask questions and Sandman was quicker to answer them.
"Sandman, please just take it slower." Li exasperated, even holding out his hand in front of him.
Otto simply nodded to Sandman, and he took a deep breath before starting again.
"So me and Electro wanted to make sure that there wasn't anyone who we missed sneaking about, so we looked and we didn't see anything but then we heard some guy with a tiny kid, they're not a kid, but they're young, and he was being kind of a creep so we kicked the guys as- uh, we beat him up and we didn't mean to but we accidentally hit the kid too, and they're not waking up and we don't know what to do."
Otto sighed through his nose before he spoke. "So what you're telling me that-"
He was rudely interrupted when Electro barged in behind Sandman, holding someone in his arms. "Sandman, what the hell were you thinking, I told you, aim for the guy, and you hit some poor kid on the head, and now they're knocked out-"
Turning around with angry eyes, Sandman returned just as furious to Electro. "Oh well I'm sorry, if you hadn't gotten in my way, and thrown me off course, then I wouldn't have tossed a table at them-"
"You threw a table at a kid?" Li jumped in, looking confused more than anything. "Why did you throw a table at a child?"
Sandman sputtered, "They're not a child, they're just... young. I don't know, look, there was this guy who was giving us a hard time, I don't think they heard us come in at the beginning, and he was trying to get us, and so we got him down, and now we got this." He gestured to Electro who was cradling you like a damn baby. Now that Otto looked more carefully, he saw a small trail of blood running down your neck. 
His arms were growing in agitation and he suddenly felt an urge to make sure you were alright.
His arms were already thinking, however, and were already moving towards you, grabbing you by your head and lower back. 
With almost supreme grace, considering they were mechanical arms that had made him go mad, they carried you to the desk and laid you down.
Sobering up from his surprise, he quickly turned towards the 3 men, and started to shoo them away, both with his hands and mechanical arms. "Well, don't just stand there, get me some bandages!"
Both Sandman and Electro rushed out of the room, and Li was going to follow suit, but turned right before he was out the door, only to say, "I'll check on Vulture and the other men: if they're done with the vault, and how much time we need."
With that, he sped walk out of the room, and into the hallway. 
Turning back to you, he sighed to himself, before reaching into his pocket for his gloves. 
Waking up, you felt like you had been punched in the side of the head, and it almost felt like there was something caking your hair, like it had something stuck in it.
You tried to lift your head only to feel it fall back to the- bed? Pillow? You couldn't tell. You raised your hand towards the pain, only to feel fabric, cloth.
You tried to remember what happened before you woke up. 
It was Harry who had invited you. He invited everyone in your little circle or friends, Peter, Gwen, you. He might have invited MJ, but you didn't want to think about it at the moment. When you arrived, everyone just kind of left you near the windows to go and talk with others, people who you never knew. And then someone, some guy, dressed in a fancy suit had asked you to dance. You declined, but he wouldn't shut up. Eventually, he got the picture, and walked away, and you started wandering around, looking at the different sculptures and paintings, before the same man from before approached you. Wasn't there a guard or someone following you? Either way, he was being a creep a little, and right before you were going to run for the hills, there was this- sand? Sand and some electrical-
You opened your eyes and looked around remembering what happened. Some guys came in- the fucking Sandman walked into the hallway the guy was bothering you in, and started swinging. You had tried to run, but something hit your head: the exact same spot where there was a bandage. There was someone else, too, Electro, right?
Looking around, you noticed the walls and ceiling of the room you were in were pristine and beautiful- definitely one of the fancier areas of the place. The second thing you noticed was that you were lying on a red velvet couch, one that you distinctly remember belonging to Norman Osborn himself. In his main office. That you were probably bleeding all over.
You moved to sit on the couch, instead of bleeding all over it, when you saw them.
Two men, one in a white suit, who was standing at the door frame, and the other was...
Holy shit, was that Doctor Octopus?
You quickly got up and tried to find a way through the door when a metal arm from Doc Ock knocked you back to the sofa. you fell on your ass, and the same arm went right to your neck, holding it just so that you could breathe comfortably, but he wouldn't lose his grip on you.
"Oh, don't even think about going anywhere."
Panic started to rise up in your mind, with different scenarios going into your brain all at once. Should you run? Should you lay back down? Should you cry and ask to be let go?
You snapped back into concentration when the doctor started to walk toward you. You had nowhere to go as he moved your head to the side, observing the cloth on your wound. "How does it feel? Do you have any pain?"
You didn't say anything until he raised an eyebrow in question. "Well?"
You got the memo, and responded, "Just a headache, and if you push on it, then it hurts."
He hummed, and one of his arms brought a glass of what looked like water and a pill bottle, which you recognized looked like ibuprofen.
"That was expected. If you take these, they should help the headache."
You looked at the two red pills in his flesh hand, and the glass of water that looked like it might fall out of his metal hand. You were about to say no, but it was ibuprofen. How the hell was he supposed to swap that out?
You tentatively reached for the pills, and then the glass before you quickly downed both. Being knocked out for some time, you didn't realize how thirsty you were. If it was just this amount of damage, you don't think he had hit you with a table at all.
Did he even hit you with a table? He sure hit that creep, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway, since you would be in a bad situation either way.
When you finished the glass, he plucked it from your hands and set it on the table. He turned back to the other man, who was now standing near the wall. "Li, how is the situation out below?"
Looking down, Li seemed to frown. "It seems well enough. Neither Vulture or Rhino have sent anything about themselves. Neither have the men. However, Electro has said he had one more lock on the vault to break before we get our money."
Oh. So that's what this was about. Harry had talked about his father's wealth before, and this building of his was no exception. Apparently, he had most of his collected items on the 25th floor. Each floor was larger than most buildings, so it would have made sense to make fewer floors and have more room than make a bigger building. 
"Exactly to plan, Li. Just as I said." Otto said, holding a champagne glass to his friend. Li once again took it, before he gave a look to you, sitting on the couch, staring at them.
Otto noticed, and gave a small chuckle. "Well, a little off of the plan, but nothing major has changed-"
"Doctor, we got big trouble! The police are here and they're about to go in guns blazing, and Spiderman is here too!" Sandman's voice came from their belts, two radios that were flashing bright red.
Another voice came on the line, this one more joyful and happy. "Boss, I got the vault! The doors open for us to take!"
Doctor Octopus seemed to weigh his options, staring at his glass, to Li, to the rising crowd, and then to you. His eyes were wondering, putting in pieces of a puzzle. Figuring out a way to solve all his problems with one solution. 
Finally, he seemed to have one. He turned to Li, and said, "Go get the others, take everything from the vault. All that they can carry. Get to the trucks, pack everything in and head to the base. Put all the hostages on the roof and let them sit there, they will leave on their own accord."
Li nodded, and almost ran towards the door, swinging jt open, when he turned back to Octavious. "What about you?"
Otto smiled, and his claws started to get agitated, moving towards you.
"I will meet you at the base by tomorrow. But right now, I have an arachnid to play with."
Outside of the Oscorp International Affairs building, news trucks, police cars, lights, anything you could name was outside, waiting for something to happen. Whether that be the Sinister Six appearing outside demanding Spider-Man, or the almost 160 something hostages showing up out the front door, the whole situation was just a waiting game. 
Everyone was simply looking up, at the 20th floor, and wondering when news was going to show up. Whether that be the hostages are all dead, or that they demand money, no one knows for certain. 
Suddenly, one person came out of the building holding his hands up: one of the guests. And then another. And eventually, a crowd of people, teary eyed, some bleeding, some screaming for their families, others just crying out of fear of relief. 
George Stacy was having his men bring all of them out and making sure that there was everyone: he didn't know how many people were held there, and he needed to make sure that someone wasn't left in the building.
He spotted someone in the midst of that crowd, Norman Osborn himself, with his son, and his daughter, Gwen Stacy. 
He rushed up to them, making sure that Gwen was alright. He turned to Norman, and asked, "Mr. Osborn? Are you alright?"
He muttered something, like he was out of breath, and his son elaborated. "He says there was someone with him that they- that they took. I-I don't know who it was-"
Norman seemingly caught his breath, and turned left and right. "That teenager."
George took a handkerchief out of his pocket to give to Harry, who was a sweating mess. "What kid?" He asked, Norman now looking a lot more calm.
Before anything could be said, however, the shattering of glass was heard from above them, and looking up, Stacy realized what they were talking about.
On the 20th floor window, there was Doctor Octopus himself, running up the building, along with something in one of his claws.
The kid that couldn't have been older than Gwen. "Oh my god... is that ________?!" Harry asked in pure fear.
Yes, indeed it was you. Crying or gasping for air. You couldn't tell. The claws only had you by your waist, so your arms were free to try and pick the hand off. However, you stopped when he noticed.
"Do you truly want to drop 25 stories? If you would like, I can do so right now."
You simply started to grip at the claws instead, wondering how you would even get out of this one.
A perky voice from above the two of you popped up.
"You know, they're really trying to be nice!"
Spider-Man! You were almost relieved to see the super hero. However, Doc Ock did not share your eagerness. He stood at the top of the building, on the roof, with Spider-Man looking right at him.
"Let them go, Doc. They have nothing to do with this."
Doctor Octopus simply smiled, and sneered. "I don't think I'll let them fall off the face of the earth, Spider-Man. In fact, I'm surprised you're worried about them instead of the crowd below us."
You looked down and almost let out a sob from the look alone. You hadn't taken into granted how high 30 stories really were. 
Spider-Man was about to say something in response, when a loud crash came from below. Looking down again, you saw something break from the windows. It was a... pillar?
Then more, and more and more until you realized: Doctor Octopus had broken the supports to the lavish building. You didn't even remember it when you were being taken from the office to the windows. He had set off a chain of reaction that when beginning, would be slow enough to make some time to get away, but when in motion it would be a disaster.
Seeing the pillars start to fall towards the already gathered crowd, the buildings on each side of the street were the only thing keeping everyone below from being crushed. Cries and screams were heard from below, as Doctor Octopus laughed.
"Well, Spiderman, what will you do? Will you save them," he shook you a little, "or will you save the people of New York?"
And with that, the Doctor lunged up, and away from the collapsing building. Jerking forward, you craned your neck backwards, trying to see if Spiderman was following. But he was going down. To help the crowds below.
Your brain knew he was obligated to help them, and yet even still you felt complete anger in your veins about the situation.
"Don't look so sad, my dear: the situation is better than it seems."
You didn't try to think about it as you moved back and forth in the air, wind falling on your face, as you were being brought to wherever Doctor Octopus resided.
my eyes are burning.
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
Breathing Room
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Warnings: fluff, no plot just brainrot,  lowkey horn knee, feral and angry Taku coming from nine o’clock because I squeezed too much of her favorite tropes into this
Summary: Humans are strange. Their hobbies and customs are bewildering, but nothing Jade couldn’t handle as he was quick to adapt. Sometimes, he might even partake in said activities. Case in point with hiking. And you, knowing Jade for a decent amount of time as his significant other, came to terms with the fact that he would decline a request to participate in something that didn’t pique his interest. So when you proposed that he play the pocky game with you, you were certain that he would decline. But he didn’t.
A/N: Happy birthday to the Jade simp, @takuyakistall​~! I’m so sorry that this was posted late but you’re already wary of that and thank you for supporting me through such a tough time. Ahhh life just doesn’t want me to simp for my hair wife! I tell you this a lot but I’ll say it again: I’m quite attached to you since you were my first tumblr friend. I didn’t have any in real life or online friends who like twst before meeting you so you mean a lot to me as my first. You always make me laugh whether it be bullying you or rotting over our mains together. Even when we get serious, I still love talking to you. You’re that amazing.  I hope you have an amazing day, one just as amazing as you are. Eat lots of cake and pocky. I love you ♡
“Jade,” you said, tugging at his sleeves.
He sighed through his strained smile as he set down a glass he was polishing. He tucked his hair behind his ear and dusted off his slacks as if he was brushing away invisible crumbs off the garment. It was an ungodly hour. He was working overtime for Mostro Lounge. Today was unusually busy. As vice prefect, Jade took it upon himself to bite off more than he could chew. And he could chew a lot actually. He was a moray eel with two sets of jaws and an immense appetite. In his human form, he only had one set of jaws yet the appetite remained.
The lounge was deserted. Students shuffled to the mirror chambers and headed to their respective dorms to retire for the night. Jade, on the other hand, was sitting on a barstool with an array of glasses and creased brows. You sat by his side, doing your assignments and engaging him in idle chatter here and there. He had promised to help you with your alchemy homework, but alas his duties called for him. In a way. You didn’t mind per se since he helped you understand the material within minutes during his short-lived breaks.
They were about three minutes long and Jade only took two breaks ever since his shift started. You weren’t an expert at reading people like he was, but even you could tell he could use some rest or a pick-me-up at least. Perhaps the latter. Jade was stubborn. He wasn’t going to head to his bedroom until he was done.
“Yes, (y/n)?”
You reached into your book bag and pulled out a small box of biscuits– pocky to be exact. You held it in front of his gaze. He cocked his head.
“Let’s play the pocky game.”
“Maybe later. We can play after I finish. Or tomorrow. It’s late so you should return to your living quarters and get some rest,” Jade said as he turned his attention to his task.
“Please? Think of it as a break. Your last one was about three hours ago.”
“Well, if you put it like that then I shall indulge you, my dear.”
Heat rose to your cheeks as he spun the barstool to make direct eye contact with you. You avoided his gaze as you opened the box, selecting a random stick of pocky and holding it in front of him. He took it and examined it with a perplexed expression.
“What is this?”
“Which is?”
“It’s like a cookie biscuit thing with a chocolate covering,” you said, getting yourself your own stick.
“I see. So this ‘pocky’ edible.”
“Yes,” you nodded, biting the pocky.
He mirrored your actions. You watched him chew it thoroughly. His eyes wandered around the ceiling of the lounge. You held your breath as he closed his eyes and exhaled.
“It’s delectable.”
Your shoulders relaxed and he chuckled under his breath. It would have been disappointing if Jade didn’t like pocky. That would mean you couldn’t persuade him to play the pocky game. You looked into his eyes lovingly while he nibbled on the remainder of the stick.
“And what is ‘the pocky game’?” Jade mused.
You took out another biscuit. His brows arched as you waited for him to swallow the last bit of his current pocky stick.
“The objective of the game is to be the last to hold onto the stick as we each take a bite and move closer to the center. Whoever is the last to pull away wins. You take one end and I’ll take the other. I’ll let you have the chocolate end because it’s your first time playing.”
“My, my how kind of you. I almost thought you were the headmaster. All you needed was to comment on your kindness.”
“Ha ha,” you deadpanned.
He brought his hand to chin. He feigned curiosity.
“Though… if you wanted to kiss me you could have just said, (y/n),” Jade gave you a toothy grin, ones he shot at the poor unfortunate freshmen souls that tried to escape the conditions of Octavinelle’s yearly exam contracts before chasing them down the hallways with his brother.
“I-I.. It would be more fun?”
“I jest, my pearl. There’s no shame in wanting to engage in intimacy. I shall indulge you. Though, I have a feeling that I will win every round– seeing as you get flustered even when I embrace you without warning fufu~”
There was not a shred of innocence in his voice. Jade knew where this was going. He was going to do everything in his power to win. He was good at that sort of thing, small ministrations that drove you wild.
When he found out that you were sensitive to neck kisses, chaste or not, he greeted you every morning outside of your first period threshold with a peck on the side of your neck. The first time he did that, you were reduced to a puddle of empty thoughts, a spasm of spiraling emotions and heated cheeks. The following incidents featured your hand instinctively shooting to the spot he kissed, cheeks still hot and bothered. When you had adapted to his rhythm, he kissed your neck in the halls, during lunch, and when he walked you back to your dorm. They were spontaneous and sporadic. They ceased when winter began and you wore a scarf around your neck all day, every day. Of course, that was months ago. The routine faded as your relationship developed. Jade had his share of teasing and came to understand that setting your nerves on fire on a daily basis despite your protests wasn’t exactly healthy. He also came to understand how people might get the wrong idea from neck kisses. He teased you for hours on end for being so lewd, but digressed when you were on the verge of tears due to embarrassment. That didn’t stop his other methods of teasing, but at least you were free from public surprise neck kisses.
Jade loved to tease. He was good at it too. He knew you and your ticks like the back of his hand. You were certainly going to lose this game, but it was better not to let your true feelings show and give him the upper hand.
You inserted the biscuit between Jade’s lips and took a deep breath before taking your end. It was more so a hybrid of a deep breath and a yawn. It was late after all.
Jade’s eyes widened and the stick broke in half. Your eyes widened as well.
“You’re supposed to hold onto the stick for a long as you can, silly.”
He closed his eyes: “Yes, my bad. Shall we try again?”
“One to zero,” you said as you slipped a biscuit into his lips.
“Did that count?”
“Of course it does.”
He pouted as you inhaled and exhaled deeply before taking your end of the pocky. It snapped immediately.
“Jade,” you whined, drawing out the last syllable of his name.
“Apologies, my dear. It seems to be instinctive for me to bite the stick.”
“You can bite. It’s just that the pocky keeps breaking in half whenever you bite it. Maybe try to be more gentle?”
“Two to zero.”
“You’re so cruel, (y/n).”
You giggled as you handed him the stick. He pursed his lips and held the stick out for you to take a bite from your end. You closed our eyes and opened your mouth to take a deep breath once more and the stick snapped before you knew it.
You looked up at Jade to see the pocky awkwardly sticking out of his hand which was covering his face. Mostro Lounge’s dim lights made it difficult to make out many details, but you were positive that Jade Leech was profusely blushing.
“C-Could you not do that*?”
“Do what?”
What could have possibly reduced him to such an adorable state? He’s usually so composed. He was never this flustered. Out of all the times you tried to get him to break, he was resilient. And here you were, not having any idea as to what you did to make him blush.
“O-Open your mouth.”
A yawn escaped from your lips. Jade spun the bar stool around and stared at the glasses with sudden interest.
“Could you not do that?”
He nodded.
He mumbled something under his breath.  
“(y/n), you should have just asked for a kiss.”
The eel stood up curtly from his seat. He towered over you and his eyes glowed in the dark lighting. He pulled out a pocky stick from the box in your petite hands and slipped it in between your lips. There was a small pause before he came crashing down. If he hadn’t been holding your shoulders so firmly, you might’ve fell over from the force that he exerted. He came barreling towards your lips. You weren’t sure if he had even bit the pocky. You felt it snap, but when you parted your mouth to allow his tongue to entangle with yours, you could not find a single trace of the biscuit. The flavor lingered in his mouth, but the pocky itself was nonexistent. Did he swallow it whole?
He did not leave your mind to wander too far from him. He kissed you hungrily and nipped at your lips. His sharp teeth grazed your flesh and you mewled into the kiss. You could hear him growl faintly as he held onto your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He tiled your head for a better angle. You pushed him away. You needed to catch your breath.  A string of saliva fell from your lips.
“Jade,” you gasped as he nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck.
“It would be in your best interest if you don’t do that again, especially during mating season. I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself next time. I might break you in half, dearest.”
Your cheeks flushed as you nodded absentmindedly. Mating season?
He bit your neck.You yelped and wriggled out of his embrace.
“Jade!” you hissed, clutching your neck.
“Consider that a small price to pay,” he chuckled.
You huffed.
“I win this time,” he said.
“Yeah, yeah…”
He packed the glasses onto a shelf.
“You’re free to go now. I’ve finished here so you don’t have to keep me company anymore. Would you like me to escort you?”
“No, it’s fine,” you said, trying to stifle a yawn.
“Goodnight, (y/n).”
“Goodnight, Jade. See you tomorrow.”
Though you had agreed not to yawn, it escaped your lips. Luckily, your back was facing Jade as you exited the lounge so he didn’t see you yawn, but rather heard you yawn. You heard a distant bang on the counter as well as a faint “dammit” from a voice you knew all too well.
It took every fiber in your body to restrain yourself from turning around. You knew all too well that if you turned around, he would’ve rushed towards you and snapped you in half just like a pocky stick. It was best to give him a little breathing room even if you were hot and bothered yourself.
*Note: To initiate the mating process, moray eels open their mouths very wide at each other to signal the start of it. This trait carries over to when (y/n) yawns as Jade took it as a sign for his eel-y instincts.
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harbinger--of--dawn · 4 years
jotaro bg ideas idfk i just copy pasted this from discord after a 3 am brainrot session read it [mind the tw tags] 
jotaro thought time because i cant sleep no matter how hard im trying
clearly jotaro went through some type of major trauma during high school between when we see him in flashback panels and where he is at the start of part three. you just dont have that sort of emotional change w/o trauma
because i have severe brainrot i think perhaps it has something to do with the ocean
ocean life is his spin and has been since he was tiny tiny ofc, but maybe seeing something he holds so dear take from him caused him to become so guarded and afraid-- what im saying is, perhaps he understood what the ocean can take on paper but experienced it personally and couldnt handle it for a very long time
im thinking ! he was likely hanging out and exploring and tried to help a small child who was caught in an undertow and just. couldnt help them
just. a small and physically weak 15 year old jotaro desperately performing cpr on this poor 7 year old. hes barely conscious himself from over exertion and hes swallowed his fair share of seawater but he cant get this kid breathing. theyre in a somewhat secluded area and no one can see these two kids and every time jotaro tries to yell for help more saltwater springs up from his lungs.
someone finds them and jotaro thinks. thank god this poor kid can be helped and there's yelling and sirens and touching and pulling and its terrifyingly overwhelming. it goes into sensory overload almost instantly and after he vomits seawater on a lifeguard he goes into a full on shutdown. holy isnt at the beach-- sadao brought him in his yearly attempt to be a Good Father and hadnt kept a close enough eye. theres no one familiar and this freshman is losing his mind over this kid he fished out and he goes into a shutdown. they cant get him to talk.
jotaros not responding and someone says shock and someone else says "no hes r/tarded cant you see it" and hes too tired to care. his limbs feel like lead and they cart him off to the hospital because his lungs are full of water and hes not looking at them and despite the ableist bystander, this lifeguard is very scared he's in shock. jotaro watches the kid the longest he can but theyre not bringing him to an ambulance. theyre not doing cpr. theyre not doing anything. jotaro coughs up brine and lets himself shutdown entirely
he ends up with a severe case of pneumonia. they had to have him on a ventilator for the water and hes stuck in the hospital for days due to a mix of his shutdown and actual shock. they never tell him what happened to the kid. he doesnt ask. he knows. 
holy is at the hospital before sadao is. she got the call first. sadao's phone went to voicemail.
they tell holy they can take him home when he wakes up if the foundation is there. shes worried and begs these doctors to keep him in the hospital a little longer. just a couple more days. they relent. jotaro comes out of shock only to very quickly develop sepsis. its nasty. hes really badly off for a while and. sadao just doesnt show up. he was ‘called for a show’. nothing. just. gone.
jotaro misses a lot of school. hes really badly off. they try and get him into therapy but hes unresponsive. hes stopped caring in class. hes barely there for a very long time and it tears holy up to bits. suzie q n joseph come over to help because its too much. holy gets therapy too. she responds though. jotaro just sits through his sessions, staring at the kids toys. the doctor tells him he can play with them. he tells her that the little boy should be playing instead of him.
hes gone after that. he pieces himself back together but its wrong. hes angry. hes afraid. hes paranoid and certain everything he loves and cares about is going to turn on him. he sees the endless love he put into the sea and the lifeless body it gave back to him and is terrified of putting anything into anything else anymore. terrified of loving, caring. hes afraid of the consequences hes made up for himself.
he lashes out at holy. tells her shes a b/tch and that he hates her. hes keeping her safe. the farther she is the safer. hes terrified of loving loving loving and losing. hes certain the best thing is to never get attached because you will lose it and it will only hurt just that much more.
he doesnt learn. he sees kakyoin in the water tower and the water up to his ankles and feels the salt in his lungs and knows hes drowning again.
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