#yandere doctor octopus platonic
knullanon · 27 days
Omg yes please continue the New Years Eve story, I’m literally obsessed 😭 I’ve requested parts before -Doc-Ock obsessed Anon 😞❤️
New Years Eve
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I love u doc ock anon I hope this is good enough for u :)
words: 2157
warnings: chasing, abandonment, being left in the dark, lmk if I missed any!
Octavious sighed as he leaned back into his chair. He tapped his fingers against the table, inpatient. His arms were already getting antsy, moving around, opening and closing. He looked around the empty warehouse, the walls, floors, and ceiling all covered with mold and dust. The 2 door entrance was barely an entrance, as the left door was almost completely rusted off, making a shriek when he had to pry it open. The place was perfect for an overnight meeting with Martin to deliver him his cloaking device… if he were to show up on time.
He was already making a move to call Martin to tell him the meeting was off when there was a light passing by the window in the night, and he heard a car roll to a stop near the entrance. Within a few moments, Li and his guards sauntered into the room, and he took a seat on the other edge of the table.
“Good to see you, my friend.” He introduced, “I apologize for being late. Traffic, you know?”
Octavious was in no mood. He just wanted to get back and see you, and make sure you did your homework that he had assigned for you. And to tuck you into bed. One of his arms pulled out the device, which looked like a dash cam, and dropped it into his palm. “I’ve made it easy to control: the only thing is that the device will need to be manually operated. This button on the side turns it on, and, I’ve computed it to include various models and persons so that if you just need cover, then you don’t have to be invisible all the time.” He placed the device in the middle of the table, letting Li pick it up and inspect it.
“Thank you, my friend.” He looked back to Octavious, “By the way, were you still working on that ‘override’ project?”
Octavious raised a brow, and felt his arms start to stray. He pulled them back, “Yes, I have completed it. Why do you ask?”
Li shrugged a bit, putting the cloaking device in his pocket. “I’m planning a few heists in the next few weeks- it would help cause less frustrations in getting them set up.”
When Octavious didn’t answer, he added on, “A favor for a favor, then?”
This was taking too long. His arms were starting to become more and more impatient, reaching out and twitching. “No, that won’t be needed. Here,” he pulled out one of his chips, along with a tablet. He slid the chip over the table over to Li, and the table lit up.
“You may borrow it- maybe indefinitely depending on how many I am able to make. And don’t think about taking it, as I have all of them tracked.”
He placed the screen on the table, letting Martin look at every single one he had currently, most of them back at his base. He opened a side table from the GPS map, showing different uses and how it forms keys and cards and everything in between. His arms were whirring down at the tablet, but he ignored them, thinking it was just them being impatient about seeing you again.
“As you can see, depending on where and how you use it, it can serve a multitude of factors, not just opening doors, but creating system failures, hacking databases and-”
It was finally then that his arms started to do their little movements towards the tablet while he was talking with Li. Before he could make them retreat, he noticed what they were looking at. Almost all of the little red dots of the override chips were all at his base: except one, which was moving down different streets and alleys, much farther than his base. He picked up the tablet watching it move away from most of the other dots.
Li chuckled seeing Octavious be stumped. “I thought you were very overprotective of your projects, Doctor?”
He couldn’t understand. Was it a bug? In his technologies? Every genius has their flaws, he knew, but it wouldn’t make sense. He had built every single one of them differently, and had made sure there were no imperfections. But then that would mean someone had taken it and ran off with it. That was impossible, he reasoned, as the only person at the base right now is-
Oh. Oh, dear.
His arms, either reading his thoughts or realizing the same time he did, started to move around uncontrollably, writhing to get him out, to get to the base. No, he rationed, if they aren’t the ones who had taken it, then they would still be at the base safe and sound. If someone had come to steal the chips, they would’ve taken all of them.
When he stood up, pushing the chair all the way to the wall with the force, Li stood up as well. “I assume you must catch your runaway chip, then?”
Octavious was already climbing up to the wall, with the windows broken, breaking a few more so he could pass through. “Don’t you dare loose that chip, Li.” He called out, before he jumped away, moving in a frenzy to chase after you, ignoring whatever Li had said back.
When you escaped, you didn't really know where to go. His lair that he had was underneath a river, and while you thought it would be a nightmare to get out of, you guessed the door that you had found from that corridor was the easiest way out since it led you all the way up to some alleyway. You realized that, yes, you probably were under the Hudson River because you could see it running downstream when you had reached the top.
However, that didn’t matter to you. You hadn’t seen the moon in a long while, and it was a full one. Just your luck. You knew that Octavious would be busy with whatever he was doing in his lab, so you weren’t worried about him finding out until the early hours of the morning.
You were not lucky, however, in knowing where to go. You didn’t really know the area around the river well, especially in the dark, where you couldn’t see anything. Hiding in the alleys and running through the abandoned buildings didn’t help either.
There was no one around, and while you had thought about it, calling out for help probably wouldn’t do you any good. So, instead, you kept going, hoping that you could find an exit to the dark labyrinth soon.
As the moon got higher, and you could no longer hear the river run, you had slowed your pace, speed walking down streets and roads. Your feet hurt by now, but you trudged on, hoping to find someone eventually.
While walking, you pulled the rectangular chip from your pocket. It looked useless, besides that one hole in the wall. It was strange, because you never saw that hole in the wall before. You had scoured up and down that apartment, especially the doors, trying to find a way out. But there was nothing, at least when you looked. Looking at it more closely, the chips weren’t in the same spot as they were. In fact, as you moved around more, they kept changing, morphing into different things. Some looked like actual keys, others motherboards, and some just kept changing geometric shapes. It was constant, but subtle.
You had never noticed that. You were so busy watching them change shape and morph that you almost didn’t hear it. You turned your head, listening to some clanking noise. It was almost rhythmic if it didn’t sound frantic, almost like a car or truck. Maybe it was someone coming to pick something up from one of the buildings! You could get help from them, you thought.
You turned around, ignoring how your feet hurt, and ran towards the noise. You shoved the chip back into your pocket, and ran down the side of the building. The clanking noise was getting louder and closer, but it sounded… strange. Not like a truck or car kind of noise, where the shocks were holding large amounts of cargo, but more like a slamming of a metal pipe on the ground. You slowed your stop at the edge of the building, and peeked your head out, wondering what it was.
To your horror, just a few dozens of meters away, Otto was charging at you. You turned back, and started to run away, really praying that someone would find you now.
“_____!!” You heard him screech, which made you run even faster. You felt the ground shaking by now, and you could hear him push anything that was in his way away. “Get back here, NOW!!”
You kept running, hoping to get the hell away from him. You knew he was getting closer, and you could hear his arms becoming more hectic with every step they took. It made you run as fast as you could, hoping to outrun him, or to run into someone else. However, your luck ran out that night as you felt something slam into your side, and lift you up high into the air.
Catching your breath, you looked down and saw Otto, and he looked furious. The arm around your waist squeezed, making you yelp in pain. You went to say something, but he interrupted you, “Save it. For. Later.” He talked in between moving back towards the base, moving in large swift jumps of his 3 other arms.
While being held, he pulled you close to him, and while you thought he was going to hug you or slap you, instead he reached inside of your pocket and pulled out the rectangular chip that you had. “Hey, don’t-” you reached one of your hands out, trying to grab it from him, but he slapped your hand away.
“Save. It. And this-” he held up the chip, before putting it in his pocket, “Does not belong to you. You stole it.”
You rolled your eyes at that. “I did not-”
Otto stopped suddenly, making you jolt from being held. You grabbed onto the arm tightly, afraid of being dropped. He brought you very close to his face. “What part of save it do you not understand?” He gritted out. He was seething. You could see his eyes shake with anger, he was almost spitting out every word he said.
You decided that you had done enough, and you remained quiet. When you said nothing, he turned back to the road and continued going back to the base. For a short while, it was quiet. At least my feet aren’t hurting that much anymore.
Embarrassingly, you didn’t make it that far from the base based on how short the trip was back. This time, however, he brought you to a new entrance, one you didn’t even know was there. It was through a building, and then through a large pipe in the center of it. While you had thought it was the stupidest entrance ever, the multiple traps, cameras and security measures that he easily moved around or accessed proved it was not an easy way to get in. When he finally reached the bottom of the pipe, it brought you to a room that looked similarly to his lab. Except, it almost looked more evil. It was way bigger, and had tanks and monitors. Everything looked evil.
He walked (still using his arms) over to a large sphere, that looked like one of those Plasma balls you saw online. However, at the top, it had a little latch. He opened the latch, and unceremoniously dropped you in. You slid down the glass onto the floor of it, and you jumped to your feet just as he shut it and locked it. Looking around, it was literally just a fishbowl with a hole in the back.
You turned back to Otto, who was staring at you through the glass. He pressed his hand up against it, at your eye level.
“I am extremely upset with you.” He stated as he visibly tried to calm himself down. His voice sounded around the glass, like an echo. It really was like a fishbowl. “I don’t know or understand why you would run off like that- I know you are scared and frightened, but that is no way to treat your father.”
He had never referred to himself as such before. It took you by surprise, seeing him so… emotional. He started to walk away, even while you tried to say something, to say you were sorry, that you would never run away again. But he just turned around, and said, “I’ll see you in the morning. Think about your actions. We’ll have a talk in the morning.”
He walked out, and the lights turned off, leaving you sobbing in the darkness, alone and afraid.
i hope u like it doc ock anon, i made it with u in mind <3
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s0xmsstuff · 5 months
May I request Platonic yandere! Doc Ock from Spider-Man 2, 2004?
Cw: Manipulation, obsessive behavior, stalking, non-romantic attraction, underage reader, violence and blood.
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You were a young aspiring to science and mechanics, desperately looking for a job that would help you fulfill your dreams of being a great scientist and being able to help everyone who will need it with your great brain.
That was the first thing the Doctor noticed about you.
You were such a passionate young, you reminded him of himself.
You just wanted to help others. You were so pure and so considerate of the world around you. He thought about you for several days after you proved to be the best student in the academy.
So I'm calling you for an interview, you would be helpful and nice if you were part of his project
In your interview, you showed yourself to be loyal and very cheerful. Doctor Octopus smiled with every nice comment about protecting the defenseless.
He talked to his wife about you, she was fascinated by your soft personality.
He didn't think twice and gave you the job, now you were his colleague and right hand in his project.
Everything went wonderfully, your pure soul always encouraged him to continue working. You were a walking beacon in his sea of thoughts
After a while, you went almost every weekend to his house to eat the delicious casserole his wife made.
It was like a family. you were very good
Almost too good to be true.
After his project had failed, destroying the room and almost killing all the spectators with his metallic tentacles
He almost put one of them through you, that almost killed him.
After all that massacre full of screams and people trying to run to the exit, Doctor Octopus underwent surgery to remove the tentacles that were injected into his spine.
But missing the chip that kept the tentacles out of his head, the surgery failed and the tentacles killed the doctors and nurses as if they were made of glass.
Taking into account that the doctor lost his wife in the massacre, his behavior would become obsessive towards you.
While he kept hidden in sparsely inhabited places, he thought about you and the tentacles whispered to him that he should keep you close otherwise someone could hurt you.
You could die and that would kill him.
You were the only thing he had left, the little wannabe to help the world
Kidnapping you wasn't difficult, he knew where you lived and always kept an eye on you before all this massacre.
The only difficult thing was hearing you scream and beg to go home, a silly thought. I knew you were afraid, he was at first
But he would take care of you, you were his little dreamy buddy.
He needed you as much as you needed him.
The tentacles ordered him to shut up but he just ignored your screams. He no longer cared about his dreams, he would dedicate his time to teaching you to be loyal and stop screaming like a baby.
You were old enough to understand that, right?
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Miguel O'Hara w/ Daughter Reader From Alternate Universe
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Summary: Your name is [Name] O'Hara & you're the Spider-Woman of your Earth along with your Father - Miguel O'Hara (Alternate Miguel - who is Spider-Man of Your Earth in New York City. One day, a strange portal opens and a masked man attacks your father, when you step in to protect him, the stanger turns out to be your father from another universe. Can you protect your father from this man who wants to take you away or will the Leader of the Spider-Society have back what he lost?
[New York - Earth-134A]
Spider-Man & Spider-Woman swung through the streets of New York on their way to deal with Doctor Octopus & Vulture, who escaped from prison - the police were engaging them but no one was able to take them down so they called in the City's Two Spider-People to deal with it as they have always done.
"Hey, Dad." Spider-Woman called to the towering man that swung beside her, "Don't you find it weird that Doc Ock and Vulture broke out together and are running a muck? I always thought they were solo villains."
"You have a point there but maybe they thought we would be easier to take down if their were two of them and two of us. Too bad for them, we've been training for moments like this." Spider-Man said as the two of them swung to the top of the building and stuck to the edge while watching the cops shooting and Vulture while Doctor Octopus climbed the wall of the bank with bags of gold bars in his hands while his metal tentacles held his body up. Spider-Woman shot her webs at Vulture and connected to his wings and pulled him in her direction while Spider-Man went after Doc Ock. The battle was long and tiring but just when everything was said and done, the villains were being transported back to prison with the Spider-People standing on top of the building watching. They looked at each other before turning to leave when a portal opened up before them and...another Spider-Man walked out.
This spider-man was dressed in a dark blue suit with a red spider on his chest and he was tall, just as tall as Spider-Man. The two saviours of New York looked at the man, who was looking in Spider-Woman's direction and started walking towards her when Spider-Man got in his path, causing the man to stop and look at the male saviour who was the same height as him.
"Who are you and what do you want?" Spider-Man asked but the other Spider-Man growled at him and socked him in the face, causing him to nearly fall on his side but Spider-Woman caught him and glared at the intruder that attacked her father.
"Hey! What the hell is your problem?! You come here and attack my father!" Spider-Woman yelled but the Other Spider-Man just looked at her but he opened his mouth to speak.
"He won't be your father for long... [Name] O'Hara." The Second Spider-Man said, this caused [Name] and Miguel to look wide eyed at him but before they could ask how he knew who she was, his mask started to demateralize from the top and stopped at his neck and theface that was before them shocked them to no extent. [Name] was standing beside her father...while looking at her father.
That is correct - The Mysterous Spider-Man that attacked her father was a perfect copy f her father as if he had a twin brother the only difference was while her father had brown eyes, this man had red eyes.
"You... Who are you??" Miguel asked his look-alike.
"I'm you, Miguel O'Hara, but from a different universe and the Leader of the Spider-Society. I have ome here for one reason: You are going to give [Name] to me right now." The Second Miguel said as he eyed [Name] with his hand out to her, "Come with me, mija; you're coming home with your real father."
"I'm her father and there is no way in hell I'm going tolet you take my daughter. If you are really me from another universe, then you have a [Name]; just go be with her." [Name's] Father demanded but that made him see his look-alike with sadness in his eyes.
"My [Name] is dead. She died as an toddler and I have been searching the Spider-Verse for her again and today I found her only to find out that she's a Spider-Woman. You're a horrible father for letting your daughter take the risks for this place, I'nm going to raise her right - better than you. Now, give her to me or I'm going to kill you and take her myself." The Second Miguel demanded as he looked at him with narrowed red eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere with you." [Name] proclaimed.
"[Name], you don't have a choice." The Second Miguel said as he lunged at her but he was tackled by his counterpart. Miguel One pinned the intruder to the ground with his forearm pressed against his throat, making the second one snarl angrily.
"You're not going anywhere near my daughter! I'm sorry you lost the one you loved but that doesn't mean you have the right to try to take mine!" Your Father roared at his counterpart but he just struggled against his grip and kicked him off before changing at you once again but you shot webs in his eyes, blinding him. You looked at your father, who gave you a nod and the two of you took off into the streets, leaving the Second Miguel O'Hara roaring in anger before he took after the two of you.
"[NAME]! COME BACK HERE! OBEY YOUR FATHER! I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO HELP YOU AND GIVE YOU A BETTER LIFE!" He roared behind the two of you but your father just narrowed his eyes and gestured that the two of you head to the taller building - you swung to the building and landed on the wall with your feet before running up the wall. Your father was behind you and you just heard the impersonator behind you both; you reached the top and waited, soon your father arrived and so did his counterpart.
"No more running! [Name], come with me and I'll let him live but if you continue to disobey me, I'll kill him and take you myself." The Second Miguel said as he pointed a clawed figure at you - Fangs, Claws, what was this dude? A Cat?
"For the last time, I'm not going anywhere with you! I have a father and a place I call home! Just because you lost me in your time, doesn't mean you have to come here to take me away from my life." [Name] glared at the man before he narrowed his red eyes at her, his fangs grinding together before something started happening to him - his body started glitching and he fell to his knees. You and your father looked at him confused before the portal opened behind him and he ran towards it but not before looking at you with possessive eyes.
"I'll come back for you mija. I promise you that." With that, he disappeared through a portal that closed behind him. You and your father looked a each other before you decided it was time for you to go home...a train for the unexpected.
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Hi! Could you do general headcanons for a parental/platonic yandere doc ock? Thank you!
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Even with the machinery attached to him, Otto is rather a dedicated caretaker. Don't mind the destruction and mayhem that lies in all his paths, you are what he holds dear and for the first time in awhile he's focused on the growth and progress of another project
He'd never call you a project to your face but that's essentially what he thinks in his mind. There's laid out notes on you, from your favorite topics, food preferences and activities, Doctor octavius is devoted to ensuring this time his 'project' goes right, that you're safe loved and cherished in his care
Otto can be awkward at times, running out of activities to take out on or conversations that he hasn't already had with you, it's mainly the showing of affection that he hopes you notice, that he's besides you 100% of the way as support and someone to rely on
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere! Sonic The Hedgehog Masterlist
Characters are depicted as aged up.
Multiple Characters
- Yandere! Sonic vs Shadow Concept (Speedster Darling) (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Team Chaotix Concept - (Includes Vector, Espio, and Charmy) (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sonic The Hedgehog vs Infinite The Jackal (Rivalry - Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Team Hooligans with Adventurous! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Modern/Classic Sonic Sharing a Darling (Romantic - Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sonic + Amy Sharing (Romantic - Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Sonic + Tails Sharing Darling (Platonic - Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Sonic The Hedgehog
- Yandere! Werehog! Sonic with Affectionate! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Sonic The Hedgehog (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sonic Prompts 1, 2, 16 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sonic with Childhood Friend! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Classic Sonic the Hedgehog with Darling too close to Amy Rose - Short Concept - Sonic CD (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sonic The Hedgehog as your housemate (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Self-Aware! Sonic (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sonic The Hedgehog Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Movie! Sonic Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sonic the Hedgehog "pining" for Darling (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Sonic the Hedgehog with Experiment! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Sonic the Hedgehog Prompt 26 (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sonic Prompt 34 (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Miles "Tails" Prower
- Yandere! Movie! Miles "Tails" Prower Concept (Leans towards platonic) (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Miles "Tails" Prower Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Tails Nine Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Tails Nine Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Knuckles the Echidna
- Yandere! Movie! Knuckles Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Knuckles the Dread with Darling that travels with Sonic (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Happy Holidays... To Me! - Yandere! Knuckles The Echidna Short - Winter Event Request (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Amy Rose
- Yandere! Modern! Amy Rose Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Shadow The Hedgehog
- Yandere! Shadow The Hedgehog with Darling who's like Maria (Platonic/Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Shadow the Hedgehog Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Shadow The Hedgehog (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Boom! Shadow with Darling controlled by Lyric (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sir Lancelot (Shadow) Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Shadow Prompts 11, 14, 22 (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Rouge The Bat
- Yandere! Rouge the Bat Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Silver The Hedgehog
- Yandere! Silver the Hedgehog with Darling trying to escape (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Your Future's In MY Hands - Yandere! Silver the Hedgehog Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Silver The Hedgehog Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Silver Prompts 6, 10, 18 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Blaze The Cat
- Yandere! Blaze The Cat Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Espio The Chameleon
- Yandere! Espio with Chaotix! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Tangle The Lemur
- Out of Sight... Not Out of Mind - Yandere! Espio The Chameleon Short (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Vector The Crocodile
- Yandere! Vector The Crocodile Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Tangle the Lemur with Darling who likes to travel (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Mimic The Octopus
- Yandere! Mimic The Octopus Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik
- Yandere! Platonic! Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik Concept - Darling takes inspiration from him (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Utopia - Yandere! Doctor Eggman Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Dystopia - Yandere! Eggman Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Metal Sonic
- Yandere! Metal Sonic Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Mephiles The Dark
- Yandere! Mephiles The Dark with Darling who's protective of Sonic (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Solaris - Yandere! Mephiles the Dark Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Infinite The Jackal
- Distortion - Yandere! Infinite The Jackal Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Chaos Council
- Yandere! Doctor Deep Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Doctor Don't Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Mister Doctor Eggman Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Vanilla The Rabbit with Darling who likes her cooking (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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knullanon · 2 years
could we get some more platonic yandere doc ock?
sure! I love writing about this guy, even if it sometimes comes out bad lol
words: 1183
warnings: drugging, arguing, fighting, kidnapping, lmk if I missed any!
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won't really let you out anywhere. to be fair, there would probably be a lot of things he would give you to entertain yourself with, but if your an extrovert you might as well just shrivel up and die because there will be no talking to anyone until you are either able to escape or if there's a guest.
speaking of giving gifts, it's one of his favorite forms of talking to you when he first takes you. since you're either giving him the silent treatment, or are just not in a good state at all, he would just slide them over or try to present them to you when you weren't screaming, crying etc.
it would be anything he believed you liked. if he saw you mentioned something about a certain clothing brand or style, he would get you different outfits based on that. if he knew you liked video games, he would pick out a few that he thought you would like. or even if you liked doing certain activities, like playing an instrument or making art.
he likes getting you gifts you can use or interact with, as it gives him an opportunity to talk to you about something other than you just begging to go home. he likes just talking to you about different things or even letting you ramble about your interests.
however, sometimes he would give you gifts based on his own interests. for example, he'll give you books that he has read or books he enjoys rather than what you might like. or if he's working on a certain project, he might get books on how the actual project works. maybe he'll even give you blueprints for it.
sometimes, when there's nothing for him to finish or do, he'll order something he knows you'll like and set up a table and just have the both of you eat and talk. while it may be awkward at the beginning, he is also very persistent and will try anything and everything to make you talk, even if it's some rant about something you are very strong about.
he likes watching you talk about different things and how you react more on certain topics than others. he likes making mental notes in his head and writing them down later. do you like this show more than others? do you argue more over certain people? he keeps it in a secret little file he has stored in his computer.
actually, sometimes if you're unavailable for whatever reason, usually if you're asleep and he doesn't want to bother you, he'll look through your old messages, videos, and pictures, usually from your phone, to see how you were. what you liked.
this also comes in handy when he knows who you remember the most. your parents? your friends? if you had a boyfriend or girlfriend, he would most definitely kill them. wouldn't even hesitate. to him, they're unnecessary and a waste of time.
wants to be someone you care about, who you look up to. he tries his best to make himself appear more friendly, or almost better, just to try and connect with you.
you can't really escape that well. even if you do, he probably has you somewhere where either there are guards around every corner, or there are other villains (usually people who he works with frequently) who have no problem ratting you out, or dragging you back.
even if you were able to somehow avoid both, it would be a miracle if you were able to find a place to hide. even spiderman couldn't help you at that point. otto has money, power, and a bunch of people who are experts in finding missing people. unless you have the equivalent or better connections than he does, you will be out of the lair for at most a month. probably not even two.
he gets protective easily. very easily. since you never have anyone to talk to, if you talk to someone who is just visiting, he pushes them away (literally) and then tells them to basically mind their business. you would then be locked out of whatever room they were in until the visitor leaves, and then he would just sulk or pout for the rest of the night.
however, he can also lose his shit if you piss him off too much. depending on how you did it, though, can lead to different reactions. if you aren't paying enough attention in his eyes, he'll force the both of you to hang out, or he'll just hold you in his arms. if you pissed him off by hitting him, yelling at him, crying, he would just straight up drug you. nothing to make you fall asleep, more like to make you out of it, like weed.
he might even get you used to it on a certain day or time, just so that he can have his time with you. of course, this is only if you continue to act out. he won't tell you that he gave you anything, but if you confront him about it, he basically shuts down anything that makes him sound wrong. he won't deny it, but he will point the blame in your direction. that you don't know what you want in life, that everything he does for you is either because you need it or you deserve it, and that he gives you everything you could ever want and you still fight with him.
if you piss him off way too much, he will just start arguing with you. it's not going to be some equal kind of argument, either. he will make you feel like crap for saying anything in the first place. he will tell you that no one outside even cares about you. he will even bring up things that happened before he took you, that he just wants the best for you. he might even start yelling at you if you try to interject.
basically, he scares you into submission. even if you try to tell him you understand, he won't care. he'll continue to argue with you until he feels like his point has been made, that you won't argue or complain again. he won't ask you for permission for anything, he if wants something from you, he will take it. he won't give you any affection or praise, he will just stare and talk without any emotion. it might even be several days before he goes back to his normal old self.
of course, this is only if you make him too mad. he kind of regrets it afterward, as he feels like it was too harsh, but the actuators just tell him that even if it was a mistake, what was done is done. there is no way to change what had happened.
overall, otto is not that bad so long as you don't make him mad. he'll give you anything you ask for, anything to make you happy, and he gets very possessive very quickly if for some reason anyone is around you.
I hope you guys like it 💗 sorry if it seems rushed, I'm kinda sad rn and not feeling well mentally :(
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knullanon · 2 years
H! I was just wondering if you were planning on continuing your Doc Ock New Year’s Eve thing? I have a hyper-fixation on him, but I’ve only been able to find like three platonic fanfics with him, so it would be fun to see more of it (and possibly future platonic fanfics with him 👉👈) Have a great day!
ok I was originally gonna discontinue it but a bunch of ppl asked for it so this is the 3rd part! be warned tho, I was gonna discontinue it bc I didn't like how I wrote it, so it might be janky as fuck because I truly have no idea on how to write it anymore. but I do have ideas for him in the future!
New Years Eve Part 3
word count: 2306
summary: while tensions have calmed between you and otto, your want for freedom is is still there.
warnings: minor injury, lmk if I missed any!
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"Spider-Man is a menace, just destroying property and ruining the neighborhood with his lies! In fact, crime has actually spiked from the last 10 years to now, from when spiderman first started his little game with these maniacs! The only thing he has done is-"
"Would you mind turning that down? I need to concentrate on this build."
While Otto was happy you were finally setting in, he also did not appreciate these little segments where you were just being annoying for the sake of being annoying. This could range from malicious compliance to right now, where you were allowed your little segment of the news, and you would blast it at the loudest volume possible.
Otto returned back to his project when slowly, the volume lowered until it was barely a mumble. This latest project was actually a request from Martin Li, something about a cloaking device for a car. It was a strange request, but not impossible. He had wanted to get it done sooner than later, so he could continue to work on his latest "override" project.
Unfortunately, the system had connected to all the doors in the complex, which made things utterly impossible to try and test. it was a simple fix, really, but so far, there was no time to do so, especially with this new little cloaking device for Li.
The override project was supposed to be a new way of almost trapping Spider-Man, to put him in a certain area and lock him there. So far, there was little success in even finding an area to test it, but Otto was not one to back down.
He had to deal with it later, however, as the build for Li still needed to be completed.
Wondering back to you, he thought about your wants. He remembered you asking him about a, as you referred to it, "child-proof" computer. You had explained while it still had most of the functionalities of a computer, it just didn't allow for communication of any kind, and that certain websites would be blocked or completely gone.
Maybe he would get you a computer of your own. Maybe he might even build it from scratch, as to not miss any mistakes of course. He had smiled at the thought of you and him building one together, but he later decided against it as while he trusted you, there was still a possibility of you tampering with it in any way.
I could also get them into working with me, as well. It would be a waste to just let them sit and do nothing all day-
Throwing the tool down, he clutched his palm, and hissed in pain. He had burnt his hand on one of the exposed wires. He powered down the machine, and tried to ignore the sing-song tune one of his arms was making in his head.
Walking out of the lab, neither him nor his arms noticed you sneaking into the room from the other side.
You weren't originally going to sneak in. In fact, you were there to ask him about what he wanted for dinner. But he had startled both you and himself from the burn. You hadn't even entered the room, but you could hear him moving around, and when you did eventually peak your head in, his back was facing you and he was walking out, presumably towards his little med bay.
Once you heard the door close is when you actually walked in. Looking around, you could obviously tell he was busy doing something. He had blueprints, tools, safety masks, everything spread everywhere in the lab.
You knew he would notice if anything was taken, so you just browsed the different cabinets and lockers before you stopped at one that was locked.
It was a cabinet with a regular padlock to it, so you tried to look around to try and find something to open it with. You tried to shake it open, to no avail. Looking around, you realized how disorganized the lab was. Different cabinets and lockers open, tools in the wrong places, and even the ground was dirty, with little metal pieces around the floor.
The table he was working at was probably the messiest, though, with tools, papers and extra wires hanging around, with one singular rectangle box sitting in the middle. It almost reminded you of a miniature toolbox, like the ones they had on sale at a department store.
However, you stopped when you saw a very strange looking metal stick. It had a smooth backpiece that was tinted blue, and on the other side was just a bunch of little chips together. It almost looked like if you had stuck a motherboard onto a very long lego piece.
Suddenly, you stopped. You listened outside of the door, before you realized it: Footsteps. Realizing what you looked like, and really having no other reaction time, you shoved the weird rectangle into your leg pocket and flushed your shirt down to it so you could at least semi cover it.
Just after you turned around to try and make the lock look normal again, the door slammed open behind you.
You quickly turned around, to see him holding open the door, with a bandaged hand to his side. He probably wasn't expecting you, which explained his small shock.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, obviously a tiny suspicion in his voice.
"I wanted to know what you wanted to do for dinner. Y'know, because it's already 4?" You relaxed your shoulders as you tried to force every jitter and worry out of your voice as you spoke. Making him more suspicious and possibly angry was not gonna go good for you, even if it might be a little funny.
He fully walked into the room, and towards the center table. "Oh, well, that depends," he was still eyeing you, almost like you were going to strike him when he looked away, "what did you want to have?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. I was gonna ask you to see what you wanted." You walked to the opposite of his spot, hoping he wouldn't see the stick in your hand.
He reached and grabbed some safety goggles, before reaching for a welding like tool with one of his arms. "Well, I was thinking of just anything we really have. Did you want to make soup?"
"Sure, I think we have stuff for soup. I can go check, if you want me to."
"No, no, it's alright. Let me just finish this weld and I'll deal with it." He stepped back from the table, before motioning to you.
"Did you need anything else?" You shook your head, "No, but I'll be out in the main room."
You quickly shuffled out of the room, really hoping that he didn't hear or see the weird rectangle in your pocket. Now that you were thinking about it, you could've just thrown it towards the table. But, then it could've alerted the fact that something was going, it could've just went over the table when you threw it...
Realizing it would be pointless to think of the what-ifs, you walked down the hallway to your little makeshift room to change. You were also going to try and hide the stick, and hiding it in your pocket was not going to be an option.
After getting changed and looking around, you found that the safest place was probably the stuffing of one of your pillows. While impractical, it was the better out of the other ideas you had. You would look at it tomorrow, you decided. It didn't look very interesting, probably just some strange little stick.
The next day, when you checked it, you realized it was in fact, not some strange stick. It almost looked more like a key. The chips, now that you had a better look at them, were abundant and yet scattered in a particular pattern.
It was strange to see, and explain to yourself. How would it even work? But you decided to bring it with you today, because you were going to see if it opened to anything.
It was also the day that Otto had to bring the device to Martin Li.
Otto probably didn't want Li to find out where you were, so he had realized that having a meeting point where it was safe for the both of them nearby would be a good investment. He had apparently found some abandoned warehouse that was nearby a broken down part of the subway.
While it wasn't the best, it also wasn't the absolute worst that they could've gotten in the long run.
So, you were told to stay out of the lab and med bay, as he knew there were things you could use, and he locked them. You wondered if he thought about you needing a band aid or ibuprofen, but he was also only going to be gone for a short amount of time.
Which also meant you had little time to look around in areas you could be allowed into. You had only about 15 to 20 minutes before he came back, so you had made you sweep quick. 15 minutes later, and you still hadn't found anything.
You knew he would be back any minute, and tried to wonder what the damn little chip thing could do. It was supposed to be a big key, so why wasn't there some other big keyhole around? Why did he have this thing?
You were becoming much more frustrated walking around and seeing nothing you could use, so you took a tiny break to try and just think of where something like it could be. You sat on the couch, and held the key in your hand.
The doors, the cabinets, anything that was locked. But you really couldn't think of anything. Sighing, you heard something almost groan and then a bang. Since the doors to the outside were completely different than the ones in the main area, they were bigger, and it was almost like a doorbell for you, letting you know when you should be ready.
You shoved the key back into your pocket, this time making sure it wasn't going to be visible to him.
When he entered, you had turned on the TV and pretended to be watching the news.
You heard him walk around, before he finally revealed himself from the main hallway.
He walked over to his little coat rack he had near the kitchen entrance, and then walked into the hallway. He turned back to you and said, "I'm going to be in the lab for a while, there is dinner in the kitchen. If you need anything else...?"
You shook your head. "No, thank you though. I'll just be sitting out here."
He stopped, and turned to face you. "Also, I wanted to tell you something."
Oh no. You sobered up pretty quick, and paused the TV. "What is it?"
He chuckled, "Well, I've thought about it, and I think that you can have your own "child-proof" computer as you call it." You internally sighed in relief, before responding, "Oh, thank you for that."
Nodding, Otto turned around, while saying, "Remember, I'll be out in a few hours."
After you heard the lab door lock close, you visibly relaxed. Eventually the low hum of whatever machine he was using started and you realized that you would still have time to look around, only more quietly.
You decided to try one more time with the main door. It was the door that he really didn't want you going into as it was a door that lead out into (what you assumed) the outside. Obviously it wasn't the only door, it still had a bunch of different locks on it, but only 2 of them actually had a key hole.
Looking at them, there was no way that the chip had anything to do with them as it was too long and there wasn't any other place to put it in. It was almost the same with the other doors in the place.
You were just about the break the damn thing, when you saw something on the wall.
Right next to the key hole, there was an inconsistency in the paint. The lines didn't match up with each other.
You scratched at it, thinking it was some kind of painting error, when you felt it shift a bit. You tried again, and it shifted more.
Eventually you were shifting it side to side as you realized it wasn't a weird paint error, it was a secret little panel.
Pulling open the panel, you saw a few different portholes for different objects. There was even a headphone jack, which was strange. However, there was a big rectangular indent that was a little like the porthole.
You placed the chip so it would fit directly into it, and to your relief and happiness, it fit.
You heard something groan before the chip was ejected, and held by the porthole. The door had a loud clunk sound from the locks unlocking, and you stayed silent for a moment, worried that he might've heard you.
But there was nothing. The hum of his machines continued, and after half a minute of waiting for him to power something down, you realized that he couldn't hear you.
Which also probably meant he couldn't hear anything for the next few hours.
Wasting no time, you took the chip out, and opened the door, which lead down a long corridor, to another door. Again, you waited at the doorway, listening for him to come barging out of his lab, yelling at you, to drag you back inside, to lock you in your room.
But there was nothing. Nothing from anything or anyone.
And without even thinking, you ran.
wow this sucks, better late then never tho
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s0xmsstuff · 10 months
Presentation – Sox.
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– My name is Soxmsstuff, but you can just call me Sox! I write things generally about Spiderman (atvs, itsv )
Open Request!
Masterlist ! – Fandoms I'm in !
– Spiderman
• Miguel knows his stans
• Web Slinger x Prostitute!reader
• Y!Spider-Noir x Male!reader
•Y!Doctor Octopus x Gn!reader (platonic)
– Welcome Home
• Yandere!Wally x reader
– The Walten Files
• Y!Felix Kranken x Gn!reader
– Slashers
• Y!Chop Top (Robert) x Gn!reader
●Y!Randy Meeks x Gn!reader
– Adventure Time !
• Soon !
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What I write !
• Yandere ( Romantic , Platonic )
• fluffy
• Angst
• Smut ( Kinks , BDSM , Noncon , con )
• Reader ( Gn , Fem , Male )
• Gore
I don't write !
• pedophilia
• Incest
• Character x Character
• polyamorous ( I don't know much about the subject and I don't want to disrespect third parties. )
• Fetishes ( Less if they have to do with the participation of feces or feet. )
• Ocs ! ( I would like it to be as inclusive as possible when writing about the reader ! )
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I remind you that English is not my first language! I mostly use a translator to make this type of content. If you find any grammatical errors, you are free to point them out!
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– Sox !
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knullanon · 3 years
hi :) I was just wondering if there will ever be a part 2 to the New Year’s Eve post with doc oct? I really loved that one
sure! these are always fun for me because it's just thinking about an idea a little more, and its helps a lot that ik what I'm writing! I hope you like it!
New Years Eve Part 2
words: 1857
summary: almost a month and half after the incident during a New Years Eve party, you've stuck at the bottom of a river, learning math and ignoring the man who took you.
warnings: not any I can see, lmk if there are!
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"If y= mx + b is similar to t(n)= CD^n, where would your common difference go?"
You looked at the piece of paper, before circling the CD option. Nodding, he continued, "And the total?"
"And the term number?"
"Very good."
While you would find it a little helpful, maybe a little weird if it was a random teacher or student who had found out you flunked 8th grade math for the first semester, but with the Doctor Octopus now teaching you everything over again, you felt like a little kid.
Not only was it stupid in your opinion, it was embarrassing.
Doc Ock, as you loved to call him and watch his face turn into a mini scowl, picked up the papers and shuffled them together. His arms took them as he got up and walked over to his supercomputer, which looked like a 80 inch flat screen tv hooked up to an almost bigger keyboard. He typed something and it showed what looked like an evil version of Google Docs. He opened up a spreadsheet and marked something on "sequence generators", before he seemed to be choosing between "Transformations" and "Basics of Algebra". When he started to type between different columns, he spoke.
"This would go much easier if you would just speak."
Fuck you, you thought to yourself. Since he brought you here, you haven't said much, partly because the last time you tried to talk you almost broke down, and also out of pure spite. At the beginning it was almost awkward for him, just sitting in the doorway as you would just cry or yell at him. However, a little over half a month later, you would stop thinking about how much you wanted out, and try to focus on your absolute hate for him.
He stared at you, watching you just glare at him, trying to look as angry as possible, but to him you just looked like you were pouting. "You know, pouting isn't going to help either of us."
His arms started to almost curl in agitation when he saw you flip him off with both your hands, and he sighed before turning back to the screen. "We'll continue tomorrow, at 2 o'clock, just like today." He turned to face you again, "To which I hope, you'll be a little more eager than today."
You still had that pout on your face, glaring at him, and he simply laughed a little. If this is the best you could get to try and get him, you would be sorely mistaken. He's had worse done to him.
A call interrupted his thought, showing up on the computer. Martin Li. Ah. He had completely forgotten what had happened the previous month. And he also might've forgotten to call them for the last week.
He straightened his clothes, even if they weren't the fanciest thing in the world, before he answered the call. "Hello Li. What do you need."
Looking at the monitor, you could see that he was dressed in a fancy white suit, in what seemed to be a fancy boardroom, dark browns and blacks covering the room from the ceiling to the floor. It was a little hard to see anything besides the desk and Li himself, and it didn't help that the quality was worse than dirt.
"Octavious. You've been radio silent for the past while."
"I've been..." Otto gave you a side glance from his stance at the monitor, "busy."
Li remained silent for a moment, before continuing. "Well, I've called with good news and bad news. The good news is that the latest robbery of Rhino and Sandman has been completed and it's brought in a lot of assets."
Octavious nodded. "I'll be sure to give them a raise." He said jokingly. Li gave a small smile. "And the bad news?"
The smile disappeared almost instantly. "Spiderman has captured one of our bases outside of town. While he was interested in knowing about the robbery, it was clear he was there for the... kid."
Octavious raised an eyebrow. "What did he do?"
"Besides turning them over to law enforcement, he also interrogated them for information on them and their whereabouts. He wasn't able to get anything, but it's clear we need to figure out the situation sooner than later."
Getting up from his seat, Octavious walked over to the table where you sat and one of his arms turned off the video, purely because he realized there was no use in keeping it on an empty screen. "The situation is already figured out, is it not? They are here with me, as a hostage, and it seems to be working: Spiderman isn't causing as much ruckus as he would do normally."
Martin looked a little doubted, but he argued, "With all due respect, Spiderman has only really stopped because of the media bashing him open, and when he does attack our bases, he leaves them... like this."
An attachment was sent to Octavious, and he was not expecting the almost unrecognizable warehouse from one of their operations.
"While it certainly could be worse, with Spider-Man going completely crazy over finding this kid, we also need to figure out what to do in regards to this... situation before it gets out of control."
Octavious studied the monitor, the destroyed warehouse starting to burn into his mind, and tried to think of a reasonable response. If he did give Spider-Man what he wanted, it would help their situation a lot more, however if it would also show that he gave up easily, and he was also not about to lose you.
Martin Li probably noticed his impassive face, as he gave a small nod, "I'll leave you with the options. If you have another idea, put it into place and call a meeting. We cannot leave this issue for too much longer."
The call ended, and Otto was left to his own thoughts.
Should he give you up and continue with his life? Even if he didn't care for you, it would be like he was giving up, like he was on their terms, like he was weak. Otto Octavious was not weak.
He would make sure to show anyone who thought otherwise how wrong they were.
Surprisingly, if you did your work, which was basically just the whole year of 8th grade math, and some science, Doctor Octopus actually let you on his supercomputer. Rarely, though. You've only been on there once, with about 45 minutes to an hour of time to look at it before he pulled you back and you continued your studies.
Today was your lucky day, of being able to go on the computer for... he didn't give you a time limit, to be honest, but that didn't matter to you.
Before you were taken, you wouldn't have seen the appeal to a large computer that just looked like someone welded 15 hard drives and hooked it up to a giant keyboard and a flat screen TV.
But oh boy, it was a real treat to even be on it.
For starters, you were able to do whatever you wanted on it. You found out you can just steal someone's info on there just by searching up their name, so long as they lived in New York. Name, age, which area of the city, actual address, social security, you had no idea how, but it just did. It even had menial things, like if they lived in the city or if they liked one food over the other.
Another thing you could do on it was look up info about people's daily lives in general. From the looks of it, Doctor Octopus wasn't just some guy who had metal arms and fucked around at night, he was a crime boss. You were able to access every camera in the city, and zoom in, out, and if you double clicked on someone's face, it was smart enough to face scan the person and bring up their file.
It was kind of creepy, knowing someone had that kind of power against, well, anyone, but other than that, it was kind of fun to just go around the city, looking at people, and wishing you could talk to them. It was a form of entertainment to you.
Of course, you couldn't try to call for help. The computer, since it was smart enough to recognize someone's face through 5 pixels, was smart enough to know that it shouldn't call the police. Or let you email someone. Or let you make a twitter account (that last one was for fun, but still).
But the fact was, it was a form of entertainment. Scrolling through a random news feed, you saw a red alert come from the bottom of the computer. At first, you thought it was a notification, until you read it:
5 minutes before child lock down protocol begins.
You were almost mad if it didn't make you chuckle. You closed out of the tab, not wanting to look at the stupid message again.
"Why the long face? You seem to enjoy your time on the computer."
Turning to look at the Doctor himself, he was standing in the doorway, holding... a pan. With oven mitts on. It would've made you laugh had you not been almost enraged to see him.
You didn't say anything, only staring at him, which he returned. You stayed like that for a few seconds, before he moved to the living area portion of the room. He set down the pan, which you soon would realize was lasagna, and took off the over mitts, again, almost making you laugh, had you been calmer.
"I made you dinner." He stated, gesturing to the food on the table. You didn't say anything to him: you got up out of the chair and shuffled over to the table, pulling out a chair for yourself, and waited.
He walked past you, and towards his supercomputer. He dismissed the notification that popped up earlier and started to type some things in, bringing up a spreadsheet.
You were about to roll your eyes, thinking it was another chart about your progress, when you realized it wasn't a spreadsheet, it was a contact list.
He murmured something to himself before he pulled out an old flip phone, and dialed a number. You only watched him, as he pulled up the cameras you were just on and went to a warehouse, near the ocean.
"Li? I need you to send out Sandman and The Rhino to the warehouse on the ocean side. Have them completely wreck it and take whatever's valuable."
"What will that do?" Li responded, barely audible, but quiet enough to understand it.
"Spiderman will think that anything we do at the moment is connected directly to the hostage. He won't think twice about taking any chances with them." He pulled up another tab, which blinded you as the change from a dark harbor to a white screen burned your eyes.
"A distraction of sorts won't hurt anyone at all: especially not us."
vv sorry this took so log to write but here it is! I hope to work on some other stuff before then, and hopefully it'll be quicker with others. love y'all ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
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knullanon · 3 years
New Years Eve
so uh yeah I made this, as promised, will I get out of doc ock brainrot soon, probably. however I hope this will do. also again sorry writing this at 2:30 in the morning so forgive mistakes thank
basic summary: otto was expecting everything to go to plan. his heist was in the middle of success. and it still was. he just had to deal with a random kid now.
warnings: blood, crying, alcohol (they don't even drink it I just realized), talking of wounds, ibuprofen, lmk if I missed any
words: 3,025 😳
no gender specifics for this one
Otto almost felt like it was a dream come true. Everything was going according to plan, this raid on oscorp and its yearly ball was going according to plan.
He turned and looked out the window of Oscorps miniature office, just above the main lounge on the 20th floor. Where everyone was being held hostage.
It was true, he was expecting a little smaller crowd, only about 50 people, but it wasn't unbearable. He had his men, along with the sinister six all making sure that everyone was staying in the middle of the room, away from the windows and doors, so that there would be no one who decided that they felt brave enough to leave.
From police reports and the outside activity on the streets, no one knew about anything from the outside and everyone's phones and computers (if they brought them) were taken, and set away. The main power to the phones and computers were mostly gone, excluding the lights and elevators. 
He had chosen this very party to attack since he knew there wouldn't be that many paparazzi or people. This was simply a new years party, and while they did do something during new years, the day before was a little celebration with the employees themselves. It was meant as a memory of the year, and usually beforehand, there would have been a meeting with the lead board members about the year and either what they could do better or a congratulatory speech by none other than Norman Osborn. Afterwards, there was always a huge celebration. He remembered when he was still an employee for Oscorp, and was still working out and about for them. He remembered these gatherings all too well. He had his own issues with them when he attended them, but it was still entertaining to remember them. 
He looked around, and saw Martin Li, who was in his normal form. Like Otto, Li was looking out to the crowd. However, unlike Otto, who was smirking and you could almost feel the enjoyment rolling off his shoulders, Li was stone faced, his lips turned into a slight frown and his eyes etched with worry.
"Li, you should be happier: we were both destroyed by this man, we should get to appreciate his demise in his company."
Otto walked to Li, and clasped a hand over his shoulder. He let go once Li moved to look at him. "Yes: but doesn't it seem strange?"
"What do you mean? We might not be able to kill him today, but what we are about to do is going to make his company, his work, all meaningless."
Li looked back at the crowd of people, all huddled together, and sighed. "Yes, I suppose you're right."
Otto grabbed two champagne glasses and filled them with a bottle lounging on edge of the desk. With his arms, he poured it out and brought it to them. He handed one to Li, and kept one to himself.
"Even if we don't get our fullest revenge on Osborn, we will still be able to get our revenge on Oscorp. A toast, if I may?"
Li nodded, and Otto continued, "To a bright and long future, for us, and the Sinister Six-"
Suddenly a bang at the door interrupted them. Otto returned his glass to the table, and put his glasses back on before opening the door with his arm. A shocked sandman stood in the door, his eyes almost popping out of his head.
"Yes, Sandman, what seems to be the issue now?" Otto was quick to ask questions and Sandman was quicker to answer them.
"Sandman, please just take it slower." Li exasperated, even holding out his hand in front of him.
Otto simply nodded to Sandman, and he took a deep breath before starting again.
"So me and Electro wanted to make sure that there wasn't anyone who we missed sneaking about, so we looked and we didn't see anything but then we heard some guy with a tiny kid, they're not a kid, but they're young, and he was being kind of a creep so we kicked the guys as- uh, we beat him up and we didn't mean to but we accidentally hit the kid too, and they're not waking up and we don't know what to do."
Otto sighed through his nose before he spoke. "So what you're telling me that-"
He was rudely interrupted when Electro barged in behind Sandman, holding someone in his arms. "Sandman, what the hell were you thinking, I told you, aim for the guy, and you hit some poor kid on the head, and now they're knocked out-"
Turning around with angry eyes, Sandman returned just as furious to Electro. "Oh well I'm sorry, if you hadn't gotten in my way, and thrown me off course, then I wouldn't have tossed a table at them-"
"You threw a table at a kid?" Li jumped in, looking confused more than anything. "Why did you throw a table at a child?"
Sandman sputtered, "They're not a child, they're just... young. I don't know, look, there was this guy who was giving us a hard time, I don't think they heard us come in at the beginning, and he was trying to get us, and so we got him down, and now we got this." He gestured to Electro who was cradling you like a damn baby. Now that Otto looked more carefully, he saw a small trail of blood running down your neck. 
His arms were growing in agitation and he suddenly felt an urge to make sure you were alright.
His arms were already thinking, however, and were already moving towards you, grabbing you by your head and lower back. 
With almost supreme grace, considering they were mechanical arms that had made him go mad, they carried you to the desk and laid you down.
Sobering up from his surprise, he quickly turned towards the 3 men, and started to shoo them away, both with his hands and mechanical arms. "Well, don't just stand there, get me some bandages!"
Both Sandman and Electro rushed out of the room, and Li was going to follow suit, but turned right before he was out the door, only to say, "I'll check on Vulture and the other men: if they're done with the vault, and how much time we need."
With that, he sped walk out of the room, and into the hallway. 
Turning back to you, he sighed to himself, before reaching into his pocket for his gloves. 
Waking up, you felt like you had been punched in the side of the head, and it almost felt like there was something caking your hair, like it had something stuck in it.
You tried to lift your head only to feel it fall back to the- bed? Pillow? You couldn't tell. You raised your hand towards the pain, only to feel fabric, cloth.
You tried to remember what happened before you woke up. 
It was Harry who had invited you. He invited everyone in your little circle or friends, Peter, Gwen, you. He might have invited MJ, but you didn't want to think about it at the moment. When you arrived, everyone just kind of left you near the windows to go and talk with others, people who you never knew. And then someone, some guy, dressed in a fancy suit had asked you to dance. You declined, but he wouldn't shut up. Eventually, he got the picture, and walked away, and you started wandering around, looking at the different sculptures and paintings, before the same man from before approached you. Wasn't there a guard or someone following you? Either way, he was being a creep a little, and right before you were going to run for the hills, there was this- sand? Sand and some electrical-
You opened your eyes and looked around remembering what happened. Some guys came in- the fucking Sandman walked into the hallway the guy was bothering you in, and started swinging. You had tried to run, but something hit your head: the exact same spot where there was a bandage. There was someone else, too, Electro, right?
Looking around, you noticed the walls and ceiling of the room you were in were pristine and beautiful- definitely one of the fancier areas of the place. The second thing you noticed was that you were lying on a red velvet couch, one that you distinctly remember belonging to Norman Osborn himself. In his main office. That you were probably bleeding all over.
You moved to sit on the couch, instead of bleeding all over it, when you saw them.
Two men, one in a white suit, who was standing at the door frame, and the other was...
Holy shit, was that Doctor Octopus?
You quickly got up and tried to find a way through the door when a metal arm from Doc Ock knocked you back to the sofa. you fell on your ass, and the same arm went right to your neck, holding it just so that you could breathe comfortably, but he wouldn't lose his grip on you.
"Oh, don't even think about going anywhere."
Panic started to rise up in your mind, with different scenarios going into your brain all at once. Should you run? Should you lay back down? Should you cry and ask to be let go?
You snapped back into concentration when the doctor started to walk toward you. You had nowhere to go as he moved your head to the side, observing the cloth on your wound. "How does it feel? Do you have any pain?"
You didn't say anything until he raised an eyebrow in question. "Well?"
You got the memo, and responded, "Just a headache, and if you push on it, then it hurts."
He hummed, and one of his arms brought a glass of what looked like water and a pill bottle, which you recognized looked like ibuprofen.
"That was expected. If you take these, they should help the headache."
You looked at the two red pills in his flesh hand, and the glass of water that looked like it might fall out of his metal hand. You were about to say no, but it was ibuprofen. How the hell was he supposed to swap that out?
You tentatively reached for the pills, and then the glass before you quickly downed both. Being knocked out for some time, you didn't realize how thirsty you were. If it was just this amount of damage, you don't think he had hit you with a table at all.
Did he even hit you with a table? He sure hit that creep, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway, since you would be in a bad situation either way.
When you finished the glass, he plucked it from your hands and set it on the table. He turned back to the other man, who was now standing near the wall. "Li, how is the situation out below?"
Looking down, Li seemed to frown. "It seems well enough. Neither Vulture or Rhino have sent anything about themselves. Neither have the men. However, Electro has said he had one more lock on the vault to break before we get our money."
Oh. So that's what this was about. Harry had talked about his father's wealth before, and this building of his was no exception. Apparently, he had most of his collected items on the 25th floor. Each floor was larger than most buildings, so it would have made sense to make fewer floors and have more room than make a bigger building. 
"Exactly to plan, Li. Just as I said." Otto said, holding a champagne glass to his friend. Li once again took it, before he gave a look to you, sitting on the couch, staring at them.
Otto noticed, and gave a small chuckle. "Well, a little off of the plan, but nothing major has changed-"
"Doctor, we got big trouble! The police are here and they're about to go in guns blazing, and Spiderman is here too!" Sandman's voice came from their belts, two radios that were flashing bright red.
Another voice came on the line, this one more joyful and happy. "Boss, I got the vault! The doors open for us to take!"
Doctor Octopus seemed to weigh his options, staring at his glass, to Li, to the rising crowd, and then to you. His eyes were wondering, putting in pieces of a puzzle. Figuring out a way to solve all his problems with one solution. 
Finally, he seemed to have one. He turned to Li, and said, "Go get the others, take everything from the vault. All that they can carry. Get to the trucks, pack everything in and head to the base. Put all the hostages on the roof and let them sit there, they will leave on their own accord."
Li nodded, and almost ran towards the door, swinging jt open, when he turned back to Octavious. "What about you?"
Otto smiled, and his claws started to get agitated, moving towards you.
"I will meet you at the base by tomorrow. But right now, I have an arachnid to play with."
Outside of the Oscorp International Affairs building, news trucks, police cars, lights, anything you could name was outside, waiting for something to happen. Whether that be the Sinister Six appearing outside demanding Spider-Man, or the almost 160 something hostages showing up out the front door, the whole situation was just a waiting game. 
Everyone was simply looking up, at the 20th floor, and wondering when news was going to show up. Whether that be the hostages are all dead, or that they demand money, no one knows for certain. 
Suddenly, one person came out of the building holding his hands up: one of the guests. And then another. And eventually, a crowd of people, teary eyed, some bleeding, some screaming for their families, others just crying out of fear of relief. 
George Stacy was having his men bring all of them out and making sure that there was everyone: he didn't know how many people were held there, and he needed to make sure that someone wasn't left in the building.
He spotted someone in the midst of that crowd, Norman Osborn himself, with his son, and his daughter, Gwen Stacy. 
He rushed up to them, making sure that Gwen was alright. He turned to Norman, and asked, "Mr. Osborn? Are you alright?"
He muttered something, like he was out of breath, and his son elaborated. "He says there was someone with him that they- that they took. I-I don't know who it was-"
Norman seemingly caught his breath, and turned left and right. "That teenager."
George took a handkerchief out of his pocket to give to Harry, who was a sweating mess. "What kid?" He asked, Norman now looking a lot more calm.
Before anything could be said, however, the shattering of glass was heard from above them, and looking up, Stacy realized what they were talking about.
On the 20th floor window, there was Doctor Octopus himself, running up the building, along with something in one of his claws.
The kid that couldn't have been older than Gwen. "Oh my god... is that ________?!" Harry asked in pure fear.
Yes, indeed it was you. Crying or gasping for air. You couldn't tell. The claws only had you by your waist, so your arms were free to try and pick the hand off. However, you stopped when he noticed.
"Do you truly want to drop 25 stories? If you would like, I can do so right now."
You simply started to grip at the claws instead, wondering how you would even get out of this one.
A perky voice from above the two of you popped up.
"You know, they're really trying to be nice!"
Spider-Man! You were almost relieved to see the super hero. However, Doc Ock did not share your eagerness. He stood at the top of the building, on the roof, with Spider-Man looking right at him.
"Let them go, Doc. They have nothing to do with this."
Doctor Octopus simply smiled, and sneered. "I don't think I'll let them fall off the face of the earth, Spider-Man. In fact, I'm surprised you're worried about them instead of the crowd below us."
You looked down and almost let out a sob from the look alone. You hadn't taken into granted how high 30 stories really were. 
Spider-Man was about to say something in response, when a loud crash came from below. Looking down again, you saw something break from the windows. It was a... pillar?
Then more, and more and more until you realized: Doctor Octopus had broken the supports to the lavish building. You didn't even remember it when you were being taken from the office to the windows. He had set off a chain of reaction that when beginning, would be slow enough to make some time to get away, but when in motion it would be a disaster.
Seeing the pillars start to fall towards the already gathered crowd, the buildings on each side of the street were the only thing keeping everyone below from being crushed. Cries and screams were heard from below, as Doctor Octopus laughed.
"Well, Spiderman, what will you do? Will you save them," he shook you a little, "or will you save the people of New York?"
And with that, the Doctor lunged up, and away from the collapsing building. Jerking forward, you craned your neck backwards, trying to see if Spiderman was following. But he was going down. To help the crowds below.
Your brain knew he was obligated to help them, and yet even still you felt complete anger in your veins about the situation.
"Don't look so sad, my dear: the situation is better than it seems."
You didn't try to think about it as you moved back and forth in the air, wind falling on your face, as you were being brought to wherever Doctor Octopus resided.
my eyes are burning.
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knullanon · 3 years
doc ock brain rot rn
should I be working on requests? yes, I should. did I work on one and then forget to edit it after I got this idea from inspiration of an artwork? yes, yes I should.
btw this whole thing was inspired by that one drawing by @/valvilot of doc ock that was some good shit
anyways here it is. also this was done on my phone so pls excuse any spelling mistakes. 3,070 words too like damn 😳
otto octavious. he had everything: a good job, a place to live, a wife. he was living in peace, with no one to bother him. he was renowned as one of the best scientists that the kingdom had. he was the best of the best, they has told him. no one could outmatch him. they loved his work, always praising him. and then the metal arms came into play.
he originally was trying to use them to create his new project, one to make a power source for the whole area, and, if it became such a success, maybe for the whole kingdom. they would help him with issues that were plaguing the city, and he probably would've been regarded as a founder of New science... had he not lost his mind.
when the king discovered his more unethical experiments.
they told him he couldn't turn merfolk into humans, or that he couldn't bargain with their lives for the price: he couldn't harness the power of blazing fire in the water, they didn't need that, it would be useless, it would be too violent.
it all came to a standstill when the king had came to a realization that otto was only acting like this because of those metal arms: otto claimed he had full control over them, but even he didn't belive himself.
either way, the king gave him a choice: give up the arms, and go into a rehabilitation program to try and "help" him, or be exiled and kicked out of the kingdom.
it wasn't hard to choose. after all, the arms that he controlled, they were the only thing he needed to continue his experiments.
so, he took what he could carry and swam away. he found a nice cave, that had deep ingroves into it and large, open spaces.
just a place for him... and his tests.
Otto grabbed a vial, this one full of fish organs and skin, and poured it into the bowl. he reached for another vial, labeled about something kelp, and tossed it in.
while yes, he could use his time wisely to find new resources for his experiments, or creating better spells or ideas, but he was just too bored. nothing to do, nothing to see... no one to talk to.
otto grabbed the bowl, and without thinking, he chucked it against the wall, watching as it shattered into a million pieces and the contents of it scatter with it.
his metallic arms, the ones he made, were writhing in anger over boredom, and his tentacles were no different.
the clicking of his arms brought him back to reality. it motioned to the mess, almost as if it were saying "are you going to clean that?".
otto sighed, and glided to the entrance to his main lab, where a rack of sponges reisded. he picked one up, and was about to go and clean up his mess, when one of the arms felt something. he turned towards the large opening of the cave, and while he couldn't see the full entrance, he could almost feel as if there was something there. he waited for a moment, another moment, before finally deciding it was probably just a current, nothing to worry about.
until he heard a voice behind him.
"e-excuse me? are you dr. octavious?"
quickly turning around he looked left and right before looking straight in front of him, where he saw you, looking up at him with almost puppy dog eyes. you didnt look to be a threat: in fact, he was surprised you weren't ripped apart the minute you stepped foot into the cave.
"who's asking?" making sure to give a stern tone, as he did not want to seem unaware of his surroundings. it was a mistake of his to even let you in without knowing who you were, and he would not be making it again.
you looked down at your fins, and were almost moving them around to calm yourself. "I need to know if he can help me with... with-"
and all of the sudden otto knew exactly why you were there. it had happened more than once in the past, even before he had been exiled, and he was almost excited at the idea of gambling with you about your life: and yet, a part of him wanted to hold you there with him, to keep you safe and protected, not like those weird mutants on the surface.
"let me guess: you want to turn into a human?"
he leaned down towards you and grabbed your chin gently, and made you look at him. you couldn't have been an adult in his eyes: he hasn't seen someone as young as you for... well, ever.
you almost shook your head to get his hand off, and you finished your sentence.
"I want a good father."
otto almost physically reeled back out of surprise. he simply leaned back a little, and maybe widened his eyes (which you wouldn't have seen, with his glasses on). hw blinked once. twice. finally, he asked, "what?"
you almost looked ashamed, like you had just humiliated yourself in front of a parade. but you held out strong, and explained your request.
"my... my father and I, we haven't been on, well, let's just say we haven't been on good terms for a while now. he hasn't gotten better, and no matter how much I try, he doesn't seem to want a good relationship with me."
otto listened, and simultaneously moved back, to let you in, which you obliged easily.
you're eyes were tired, and your face was almost sunken in. "I've tried everything and I want to give up..." your eyes looked to him with hope, almost as if he was a miracle. "... but I heard that you can do the impossible, that you can do whatever comes to your mind, from your metallic arms, to turning us into land walkers."
otto waited for you to say anything else, and when he realized you were done, he asked, "whay do you want to happen to your father, then?"
you looked up at him, and said, "I want him to become a loving and doting father. I want a father who cares for me, no matter what."
otto looked down at you, and his arms were getting worse. they were agitated, anxious.
we must take them away from here, they will be safer with us!
they're going to be ours to keep, and ours to own!
they each had their own opinions, and otto was thinking of a way to respond, when he suddenly got a very, very good idea. one thay calmed his arms, and himself.
he straightened himself up, and motioned for you to move, which you did. he started to wade through the water, and you followed.
"well, it's certainly a new request, one I haven't heard: lets see what we can do, shall we?"
"I explained everything to you, correct?" the doctor was still swimming around the cave system, and you were following right on his tail, or, tentacles, and listening to him speak.
you nodded, even though he couldn't see it, and you repeated the things he had explained to you earlier, while wading towards his "lab".
"the deal will be in the form of a contract, once I sign it, there will be no backing out, negotiating details, or disobeying the deal. if I fail to comply, I... um..."
dr. octavious finished your sentence, "... whatever you chose to give in return as an, "down payment", will be taken by me. I suggest you try and figure out what that payment would be before we get to my lab."
you looked around and thought of some things you could give in return for this arrangement. you had plenty of jewelry from your mother, all of it could be worth something. maybe he would want your money? your house?
you were so lost in thought, that when he spoke again, you were almost startled.
"I must warn you, the hallway to my... lab is not for sensitive eyes. if you ignore it, and everything that tries to slow you down you should be fine. "
you were confused, but you continued on. he disappeared into a corner, and you followed blindly.
the inside of this hallway was shorter than the others, only being about 6 meters long, and it should only take a few moments to swim through it. if only that was it.
hundreds, if not thousands, of eyes and small tentacles were stuck to the walls, and you gasped at seeing it. octavious turned around and calmly stated, "just go by them: you won't feel anything."
he continued on, and you noticed that the eyes almost tried to make themselves smaller and tinier, to hide themselves when he went near them.
when you realized you were getting left behind, you quickly tried to swim towards him only to yelp when something grabbed your tail. you looked down, only to see that one of the tentacles had grabbed your fins. you tried to almost kick out of it, or swim away, but it wasn't budging.
you were about to reach down to tear it off when more of them started to grab you. and now they were trying to bring you down, towards them. there were multiple eyes staring at you, and you could almost hear something from them.
"stay away..."
"don't sign..."
"HELP US..."
you cried out when they had grabbed you hand in your attempt to free yourself, and for a moment you felt like you were going to die just from the feel and look of these... things.
however, it all came to a stop when there was a shadow behind you. some of the eyes retreated and tried to hide themselves, but others were stubborn.
and when octavious grabbed them by a fistful and clenched his hand until his knuckles were almost white, was when they let go of you completly.
he grabbed you, and held you bridal style while he swam towards the end of the hallway. just as before, the eyes and tentacles hid away from him, and you were about to thank him when he opened the door to his lab, and dropped you in.
the first thing you noticed was that the walls were black and smoth, compared to the jagged and rough rock of the rest of the cave. there was actual furniture, including some tables, a chair, and even a weirdly decorated chandelier.
the doctor led you to one of the many seats at a seemingly large dining table, and pulled out a chair with one of his metallic arms. when you took a seat, he went to the one directly opposite of you and took a seat.
before you could ask anything, something started to form in each of his hands.
"as you know already, the deal is in the form of a contract, to agree you sign, no backouts, blah blah blah."
when it was done sparkling, his hands revealed two things: a stack of papers, and a quill. the papers had a front page which had 3 slots. when you looked closely, the first slot was meant for your name, the second slot was already filled in with octavious' name, and the last one you didnt know.
"as I had said earlier, you will also need something as a, say, down-payment. in case you decide that you don't like whay I've given you, it won't be a great loss on my part."
it clicked that the third slot on the paper was meant for your "down payment". you grabbed the quill, signed your name, and you were about to put down your ideas for the payment before he stopped you. "now now now, we have to work that out!" when you gave himam a look, he elaborated. "what if you decide to give me something useless? we must come to a standpoint on what we can both agree on."
you lowered the quill and your name disappeared from the paper.
"well, what would you want for something like this?"
"well, for a spell like this, where I have to rearrange a person's whole life and personality, and maybe even their physical attributes? I would say your soul."
that caught you off guard. "my-my soul?"
octavious simply gave a little grin. "yes, your soul. don't worry: from your standpoint and the way you came to me, begging for a change? you won't have to worry about it. it will simply be something that will guarantee you won't drop the contract at a moments notice."
you swallowed, and looked back at the contract. "if you don't want to sign it, that's alright, but I won't be able to help you-"
"fine." you put "my soul" in the third slot, and you heard the metal arms clink do whir around, making their appearance after a few silent minutes. octavious was gleeful, as he smiled ear to ear and almost pushed the contract into you.
"there, now just sign your name and you should be good."
you hesitantly put the quill on the paper, and stopped.
would this really be worth it? would you sell your soul for a better father? but you had already written your name, and the contract was snatched away from you.
you saw him roll up the stack of papers into one single roll, and then shove it in his pocket.
you smiled and got up, turning towards the door, when a metal arm stopped you. you looked back towards octavious with a confused look. "doc-doctor?"
he smiled and dragged you across the table with the arm into a hug. you squealed as he brought you off the ground, and his grip tightened. he started to carry you away, while you tried to thrashing your tail out to get away.
"hey!" you yelped again when he made his way to one of the walls and it seemingly opened by itself, revealing a darkly lit room with a luscious bed and luxurious furniture, including a non-shattered mirror (a hard find, especially if you weren't buying), a small nightstand, and what seemed to be a walk in closet.
he almost glided over to the bed, and plopped you down, while you looked around the room. even if your father had the decency to save up his money instead of gambling it, he wouldn't even have enough to buy a tenth of what was in the room.
however, you looked back up at octavious, who was ever so joyful about your deal. you tried to get up from your sitting position, but you were gently pushed back down.
"I wouldn't worry about that at the moment, my dear. you just get comfortable until im done cleaning up, then we will talk."
Otto started to move away, and you shot up, trying to follow him.
"doctor octavious, I don't understand, I gave you my signature, can I go home now-"
you couldn't finish the sentence when one of those metal arms of his grabbed you, and tossed you towards the bed.
you slammed into the mattress, getting right back up to yell at him, when you saw the door closing.
"I want to go back home!" you cried and everything seemed to be so slow for you. your swimming, the way he turned to look at you, time itself almost was gone.
he gave you a small smile, one that would have given you comfort if it wasn't for the fact that you almost knew why he was smiling.
"you said it yourself, you wanted a father that loved you, cared for you."
the door was only open enough for you to look out at him, and you tried to push past him, but he didn't budge.
"yes, but back at my home. with my dad."
suddenly, you were shoved back by a metal arm. you landed on your back and you leaned up, only to see a glowing, red eye staring at you.
the claw was clicking on its own, agitated by something, and it was almost pretending to lunge at you. you crawled back, as it continued its small attack, if it could even be called that, and eventually it retreated back to its owner, leaving you on your elbows and back.
it was then you noticed the almost annoyed- disappointed?- look on octavious' face. he turned to you fully, and said, "I am your father, ______. I hope you come to accept that soon, so it will be easier for you."
you looked up at him, now in shock. he elaborated, pulling out that damned contract and shook it in the air with one of his flesh arms. "right here, you signed, and this is what was promised. I give you a father, a loving, doting, caring father, and you in return, give me your obedience: or, however you want to explain the soul part of our deal".
you had tears in your eyes, as you got up on your hands, still not understanding why. "that was a way to make sure I wouldn't drop the deal, so that I would listen, not-"
he handed the contract off to one of his metal arms, and while it seemingly put it somewhere outside of the room, the doctor simply gave you a reassuring look.
"yes: your soul was the down payment."
realization hit you like a rock, and you immediately got up and tried to swim to the door, but it shut with a loud bang.
"you lied to me!" you cried. "you said- you said it was to-" you pounded on the door, trying to find the slit to try and pry open the door yourself, only for it to blend in with the wall itself. you couldn't find it at all.
you heard the doctor laugh, before he yelled out, "don't worry, _____. once I'm done cleaning up some mistakes and messes, well figure this out. I'll make sure you know how to behave."
you tried to best to open the door, to no avail. you cried, screamed, sobbed, just in case he truly wasn't gone. or maybe you were panicking. you couldn't tell anymore.
however, soon enough, all that energy made you curl in on yourself and you fell asleep, wishing that you had just decided to never come to the cave.
anyways yes I am working on requests rn I have an doc ock brain rot and idk how to fix it besides writing for him. might have another one posted idk.
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