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spillinghealthblogs · 5 years ago
‼REASONS WHY FOODS SUCH AS PALAK PANEER IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU‼ This include calcium and iron supplements too. Foods such as palak paneer contain calcium and iron together, Spinach being the source of iron and Cheese (Panner) the source of Calcium.👈 High doses of Calcium and iron should'nt be consumed together as calcium prevents the iron absorption regardless of the form it is given in and may lead to its retention in body. Although this effect may be of short duration and also may not impact individuals with habitually high calcium intake at all, but this phenomena can greatly affect pregnant women if iron supplements are not taken. ●Therefore, its better to take iron and calcium in 1-2 hours gap. #nutrientsareessential#nutritionaltherapy#nutritionalvalue#nutrients#nutritionist#healthylifestyle#happieryou#healthcareprofessional#fit#instafit#fooducate#foodstagram#foodisgoodforyoursoul#letfoodbethemedicine#letmedicinebethefood#diettips#nutritionforlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3Cx7iApbI/?igshid=1ices7ofz6k5y
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blackbirdbruges-blog · 7 years ago
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❄️🌨❄️🌨 BRRRRRRRR ❄️🌨❄️🌨 Stevige W.I.N.T.E.R.P.R.I.K. deze ochtend #koud #coldasice 😱 boost je immuunsysteem 💪 #Wijwillennietziekworden 😷 met een vers-en-RAW-geperste-powershot 🍋, een overheerlijke MATCHA Latte & S.P.I.R.U.L.I.N.A.B.O.W.L. 😍💕 . . . . . #matcha #matchalatte #almondmilk #amandelmelk #powershot #healthshot #energyshot #spirulina #winter #antioxidant #chlorella #eatclean #boost #energy #gezond #healthy #breaky #letfoodbethemedicine #cleaninside #cleanoutside #brugge #8000 #janvaneyckplein (bij Blackbird - Breakfast Lunch Cake - Bruges)
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If you or anyone you know is on pharmaceuticals, especially anti-represents this is a must watch! #bethechange #collectiveconsciousness #collectiveevolution #mindfulminimalistmama #mindful #letfoodbethemedicine #holistichealth #holistichealing #pharmaceuticalskill
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bushra-ali · 5 years ago
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Leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal permeability, is a digestive condition in which bacteria and toxins are able to "leak" through the intestinal wall. Mainstream medical professionals do not recognize leaky gut as a real condition. According to Dr. Leo Galland, director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine, the following symptoms might be signs of leaky gut: Chronic diarrhea, constipation, gas or bloating. Nutritional deficiencies. Poor immune system. Headaches, brain fog, memory loss. Excessive fatigue. #leakygut #immunesystem #brainfog #headache #fatigue #digestivesystem #constipation #guthealth #guthealing #guthealthmatters #antiinflammatorydiet #healyourgut #microbiome #autoimmuneprotocol #hormonebalance #rootcause #guthealthy #adrenalfatigue #healthygut #healingfoods #letfoodbethemedicine #healingwithfood #autoimmunepaleo #eatwholefoods #foodheals #eattherainbow #nourishingfood #foodmatters #feedyourbody #conciousfeeding https://www.instagram.com/p/B6umGqGJTOS/?igshid=pknbemquwxn4
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