#let's see how long that lasts lmao
touchd0wn-boy · 1 year
tom actually not boycotting first date by slurring his way through it we're really in a new era
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guysappreciation · 29 days
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PJ Knox Dark Room's Clear Collection
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sleepyyydreemy · 3 days
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i’m back 😊
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fraternum-momentum · 23 days
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new layout, new sona
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pushing500 · 5 months
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It's time for a new beginning, away from the urbworld of his birth and the small-minded people who got in the way.
Armed with an unwavering determination to accomplish everything he puts his mind to, the first mechanoids he ever built, an unhealthy amount of coffee, and an affectionate nickname from his baby sister, how will our mechanitor fare in the far reaches of space?
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You can see we're already getting set up. We can't waste any time! There's archotech to be discovered, ancient dangers to be explored, and... what's up with that dusty old monolith over there? 🤔
Join Makya (his baby sister Yamka calls him "Mechi") on his quest to discover as much technology as he can, maybe even The Archonexus itself!
First (you are here!) | Next | Previous
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avizou · 2 years
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don't wanna stay in the dark
— for @ambivartence ♡
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britt-the-bratt · 3 months
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Ask and you'll (eventually) receive ✨
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lokh · 2 years
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outtakes from the fake dating fic i just posted <3
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e-adlirez · 7 months
Chinese/Lunar New Year
So uh for the past few days I’d been contemplating a Chinese New Year piece for this year in particular because uh it’s the Year of the Dragon and that plus dragon dance so perfect a combination it makes, but uh… admittedly I bit more than I could chew so uh :’D
I wasn’t able to make a full artwork in time, but I do have my cleaned up sketch to show for the holiday, so without further ado, happy Chinese/Lunar New Year Stilton fandom <3
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It’s very not complete and the dragon’s details aren’t even drawn in but I hope ya’ll like it anyway
I am planning on finishing this tho so stay tuned for that :3
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motocorsas · 6 months
Maverick is small and has large eyes like a girl, Jack thinks, but then it's been a while since he's seen a girl really, so maybe he's grasping at straws. He thinks about girls, tries to imagine soft hair and thin waists without just looking across the room. He closes his eyes in the shower and thinks only about lithe frames, shorter than him, looking up -- not Spanish, not low-voiced and creeping away, no, no, and then he has to hold his face under the water until he's not thinking of anything at all. It's not gay, not like this. It's like prison, which is almost a comfort, except that he knows their proximity is optional. He keeps on choosing Maverick. Jack continues to believe the story anyway; that he's got a couple wires crossed in his brain and is treating his roommate-turned-awkwardly-intimate-guy-friend like some kind of... like a girl.
Like, he doesn't think about it anymore, when they're sitting on the narrow couch of the motorhome, and someone's arm is around someone else's shoulder. They don't even need to be talking about anything, but when they are, it moves quickly from oh good race to and that's why I'm worried I'll never be enough in a way that reminds Jack how alone he is, was, how much he needs connection. He tells Maverick about the years in CEV, living in a trailer, lost in a whirlwind of speed, countries and names flickering by too fast to count. He tells Maverick about living in Spain even though Maverick knows what that's like, has lived there his whole life. He thinks maybe they could have been friends, if they grew up together. If they spoke each others' languages.
They're staring at the ceiling with the lights out. This is normal now, Jack thinks, both of them stretched out on the twin couches that line the minuscule living room of the motorhome. They won't sneak back to their bedrooms til midnight, and 11:30 is blinking on the analog clock on the counter when Maverick asks, "What are you thinking about, you know, after?"
"For Moto3, will you stay, or...?"
Jack looks at Maverick. His pale skin looks blue in the dark, not fluorescent, but the greyish blue of a rough sea. Jack thinks that he hasn't seen the sea for a long while.
"No, I won't," is what Jack settles on. He's trying not to sit up, start moving his hands. "I want to move up. I thought -- I mean, KTM is so good, so I'd work with them in Moto2, and Aki said it was a good idea, but," he drags off there, unintentionally.
"But what?"
"Well you know I said I talked to VDS, and they said I'd be a good fit, they believe in me. In MotoGP."
"In MotoGP," Maverick repeats, and it sounds small, the way he says it. His voice is like that, too gentle for the rest of him.
"With me?"
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theriverbeyond · 7 days
i really get this feeling you’re in - i’m in a similar place with my name, i’ve changed it with the people i trust but now it’s showing up in ways others will see and i didn’t really want to have that conversation with my mom, my boss, etc. so idk what to do it’s feeling scary and also i don’t want to keep using my old name so maybe i have to just do the scary thing uuuuugh good luck to you im proud of you i know you can do it. also, sounds hot. t is so hot. love you ok bye - ☀️
i know it's scary that's part of it UGH ok anon we are holding hands!!!! it is such a weird mix of like... I like my new voice!! I like listening to recordings of my voice (for the first time ever!), I like singing hozier songs in their original register (something i have always wanted to do!), I DO think I sound Hot (WHOAH!), but the whole social component of it all is scary and stressful.
i know it's scary that's part of it, everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear. etc.
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dozyrogue · 7 months
Tubbo freeing the doozers of horse breeding by simply covering them. Lmao
Tubbo just learned how many fucking horses r here lmao
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alchemiclee · 1 month
i know this has been said 473773474833 times by the kavetham/haikaveh shippers and probably even nonshippers, but i'll say it again. I finally finished the genshin summer event and did the little after quest in sumeru and.....every time kaveh is sneaking around trying not to be noticed coming out of alhaithams house it's just such a gay vibe. he's basically screaming "I can't be caught being gay in a homophobic society!" even if that's not what the game writers are *actually* saying. that's just how it comes off and they can't make it come off any other way. with hoyo's gay history, it makes me wonder if it's on purpose and all a cover-up to have a technically different reason for it so they can get away with it lmao but we will never know.
#lee text#genshins#i can acknowledge how gay they are without liking thr ship#flashback to several kavetham/haikaveh (whatevwr their ship name is) shippers on here attacking me over not liking the ship#trying to “educate” me on why theyre sk gay and why i should ship it#look i didnt say they arent gay af. and these shippers dismissed my feelings completely#i think it was after that one event with the competition thing that kaveh won? idk but just they way they interacted#the way alhaitham talked to kaveh and the way kaveh responded TRIGGERED A TRAUMA RESPONSE IN ME#which made me dislike the ship and their dynamic! i didnt CARE if he was well meaning. the way he talked to kaveh#triggered a fight or flight response in me because it sounded similar to how ive been talked to and kaveh getting upset was similar to#how ive reacted to the same words. you can also argue my family cares about me like alhaitham does kaveh and its how he helps#but it doesnt mean its the kind of help we need and it doenst traumatize us lmao#so i dont get why people were so angry at me for getting triggered by this ship and disliking it for that reason#while i can still admit that they are gay af and seem to get a long a bit better after that and i can tolerate them now#since its been a while and i dont remember it enough to have a trauma response when seeing them anymore lmao#but its just annoying that shippers can be so toxic 💀 they care more about their fictional men ship than me. a real person. weird#not tagging the ship so i dont get more angry shippers in my notes....but they found me last time with no tags so hi. dont yell at me again!#but maybe no one will care since im putting my “anti ship propaganda” in the tags this time and not the main post lmao#just dont read my tags so you dont get mad at me for being uncomfortable by this ship dynamic. but if youre reading this...its too late#leave me alone they arent real and i am so im more important right 😅#let me shame the shippers that dismissed my real feelings because they think their ship is more important than a real person lmao#you cant tell me im wrong when a trauma response isnt a choice and happens against your will 💀#BE ASHAMED YOU NERDS#I WILL BITE YOUR KNEECAPS#sorry i just had to vent lmao
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valoale · 5 months
I finally did it
I finally said goodbyes to my Ron and changed my pfp to my own art and I feel like I’ve betrayed Ron and committed a treason or something
You’ll be forever cherished 🫡
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oiblackestsheep · 5 months
Letters to MBTI: ENTP
Dear ENTPs,
Man, oh, man, if I could choose to be another type, you better believe it would be you guys! It's not much of a stretch with me being an INTP, but still, your Ne-Ti combo packs quite the punch that I've always admired.
So quick to think on your feet, you come up with novel ideas like you just happened to find them in your back pocket like a lost dollar, or something. Not to mention that they aren't just nonsense ideas, most of the time, they work and make so much sense right off the bat. Sure, they might need a little tweaking to optimize them, but for flying by the seat of your pants 24/7, your unique ideas/solutions to problems never cease to amaze me with how functional they are, even in their infancy.
Not to mention that when you find your confidence, you really wear your thoughts and ideas on your sleeve for the world to see, and you're so unbothered by criticisms. If they're valid criticisms, you'll acknowledge and address them, but you don't take it personally or let it get you down, and it's such an admirable trait of yours! You can be so good at being unequivocally yourself, even if you tend to go against the grain. Sometimes especially if you go against the grain.
You're one of my favorite types to joke with, since you're almost always down the play. Anything random or zany I can think of, you can match my energy instantly and the synergy of our combined humor always leaves me feeling more uplifted than I was before.
Your tertiary Fe makes an appearance every now and then when you find little ways to show that you pay attention to your friends' wants/needs. You are considerate and care about other people more than everyone else thinks you do, partially because your reputation of being a jokester sometimes precedes you, and also partially because you seem just a little reluctant to let that side of you show too much.
I've seen you do or say something very thoughtful and sweet, but play it off as not a big deal, or like you didn't really even mean it to be emotional or mushy, and try to move on from it quickly until its forgotten by everyone. I'm not sure if it's because you're embarrassed, uncomfortable with deep feelings, or you genuinely don't recognize the emotional depth you possess, or all of that and more, but let me say this:
Your hidden sensitivity and discretion for others is a welcome facet of your personality. It balances out your witty, untouchable persona that you can sometimes assume because it shows that ultimately, underneath the jokes, the brain-storming/think-tanking, the never-ending debating and problem-solving, you do it all with a kind heart and good intentions for all the people around you.
Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing more of that side of you, but I also realize that it's not your preferred way of interacting with the world around you. If it was, then you wouldn't be an ENTP, would you?
I'd give you advice like "clean your room", or "finish the project you're working on before moving on to the next one", but I don't really think that's necessary. Your mind covers so much ground from day-to-day, that I'm sure you've already considered that stuff. You might have concluded that you could do those things, but you don't need to because you're already functioning well enough with your own methods to your madness. And you'd probably be right! I mean, hey, I'm an INTP, I can relate, you're preaching to the choir. Why fix something that isn't broken, right?
Well, from one xNTP to another, nothing might be broken, but maybe what we really need is the push to acknowledge that while we are doing fine the way we are... we haven't completely reached our maximum potential either, have we? Coming up with new ideas, and switching gears at a moments notice to solve the problems and fit the needs of the current situation is such a gift, but I think we both know that it can be a curse, too. We both can make waves, for sure, but I think we could both learn to move mountains if we made more conscious efforts to finish the things we start and not get bored of them halfway through, or get distracted by a fun, new idea.
You'll never stop thinking of new ideas! Especially in the middle of working on your current project. Write down the new idea so you don't forget it (in as much detail as you need!), then go right back to working on your current project. The new idea will still be there when you're done. You just wrote it down, after all!
Sometimes you might not get the chance to write it down, and you end up losing the new idea forever and you never remember it. And that's a bummer! But even if that does happen, who cares? You're already well underway making progress on your current awesome idea and that needs your attention now more than anything else. And also, you'll think of even more new ideas later that might just be even better than the idea you forgot about. So why waste time fretting about getting started on that next thing before it's too late? We all know you'll come up with something even better later on, anyway. :)
With love, understanding, and appreciation,
Your kindred spirit, INTP.
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alackofghosts · 3 months
augh glimpsed at the 16 panel monstrosity from... late 2022? i think? and i suddenly have the urge to redraw all the older ardbert/wol comics...
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