#let's bring cringe culture back
crooked-empire · 2 months
For me, the fnaf fandom is kinda ruined tbh
Oh, hun, I second that.
For me what ruined the fnaf fandom were the adults that kept shaming kids for making cringe stuff.
Happened the same to Bendy, but to the Bendy fandom it was that shitty ass movement of "save Bendy" where a bunch of wanna be puritans were heavily against NSFW, I was there, I saw that crap, even with canonical adults they were bitchy about it. That crap was wild.
But in a general sense? Fandoms are often ruined by grown ass adults shaming kids, especially on youtube, then teenagers see that and get afraid of being bullied as well, so they start bullying kids, then kids start bullying each other. Happened sooo much in rhe fnaf fandom around 2014-2021, that also happened to Undertale, I remember the videos of people making cringe compilations of videos made by kids and basically showing it for the world to see, and BAM kid gets bullied off the internet for making a cringey oc.
TL;DR: almost all fandoms were ruined, honey, especially post pandemic after the normies joined without a drop of fandom etiquette.
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usertoxicyaoi · 1 year
anyway i love being asian and i love saying that out loud with my whole chest out. there's so much tradition and history in our culture and when you're in the west sometimes you fail to understand or you miss the sentiment, the reasoning, the point, of certain practices within the culture. either that, or you feel ashamed of them. until you start seeing, for example, white people doing and taking up practices belonging to the asian culture and you, as an asian, are like .... uh ............ what the fuck am /i/ doing being ashamed about it then .......
like. for example, oiling your hair. when i was a kid, my ammi would oil my hair every single time a day before i was going to wash my hair. that act, yes, held so much meaning for the both of us. it was something my naani did to her, so she did it with me. generational. it was our bonding time. it was her teaching me how we look after our hair. and then ... as i grew up, i didn't get my hair oiled by my ammi anymore. when she asked me why, i had said to her back then that i looked greasy and it was so embarrassing because i'd smell of oil when i would go to school and. yeah. she stopped doing it. and my hair got damaged. and its been years and today, i saw my ammi oiling her hair, and she just called me over, and i sat on the floor and she oiled my hair. and it just felt. like a lot. and i felt ... heavy.
and then i realised that despite being in my late twenties, there's still so much left in me to unpack and unlearn and relearn wrt me being asian. i thought i'd gone past that phase. but i haven't. and thats okay!
which is why its so important for me to have ... this space ... i guess ... where i can validate myself. where i can watch things that are asian, made by asians, doing asian things and following the culture so that i too feel comfortable in my own skin. in the people who look like me. in the food i eat. in the clothes i wear. in the languages i speak. in the art and media i enjoy. in all the big and little things i do.
but anyway. i love being asian. i wish i could talk about it more and how much it means to me when i make a deep dive and indulge within my culture and how rooted that makes me feel. i often feel like i've neglected so much of what it means to be asian, but its still not too late. and there's a deep comfort in that.
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w0rld0flight · 3 months
Are we seriously bringing back that cringe culture garbage back in this current day and age? Really?
Did all of you not learn anything at all back in like 2017? I'm especially referring to the people in Twitter for this.
Why are we seriously going out of our way to bully and harass artists here, especially the ones who are minors, who are literally just minding their own businesses? Is it because they drew a character differently?
Why are you all harassing innocent people on sites like Twitter, but let all the bigots stay and roam scot-free? The heck?
I have a lot more to say but I can't go on for too long because that would just make me angrier than I already am
Anyways, thanks for reading another one of my rants that I had to post just because I might lose my mind again. Ending this off with a sort of relevant image:
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diazsdimples · 5 months
Favourite Bucktommy headcanons that have kept me going in these terrible 9 days without an episode
Buck is Tommy's first serious relationship after a bad breakup he had a few years ago and he's just as nervous about all this as Buck is
Buck really likes the scar over Tommy's ribs. He kisses it when they cuddle at night, he traces his fingertips over it and loves that he can feel it through Tommy's shirts
Tommy always lets Buck know when he's landed safely and Buck always lets Tommy know when they've gotten back to the station safely. They both know the danger of their jobs and check in regularly with one another
Tommy cannot believe how little Buck knows about pop culture and the first few times he stays over at Buck's place he brings DVDs of his favourite movies. Buck watches them because Tommy plays with his hair while they watch and he'll do anything to have Tommy's arms around him. When Buck starts quoting the movies at work, Tommy gets a barrage of texts from Chimney asking him what his secret is (Tommy does not mention there's often oral sex involved)
They got 5 minutes into Muay Thai lessons before they realised it was never going to work because Buck kept kissing Tommy to distract him and Tommy kept letting him
The first night they spend together, Buck spends most of the night awake because he's not used to someone in his bed, and he realises that he really fucking loves how Tommy twitches in his sleep and makes small noises when he's having a nightmare (he has those fairly regularly)
Tommy tried calling him "Buck" once and they both cringed and have never tried it again since
Buck loves calling Tommy pet names and he tries them all out. Most are met with a smirk or a laugh but there are a few that Tommy's eyes soften at. Buck is also the only person that's allowed to call him "Tom", or "Thomas" when he's being a little shit
Buck sends Tommy instagram reels and tiktoks all the time. Tommy didn't have either app until they started dating and downloaded them specifically for Buck. Now he's more addicted to them than Buck is
Buck never realised how easy a relationship could be until he met Tommy
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WIBTA for dropping a friend for being cringe? Obligatory "cringe culture is dead" or whatever people say to feel better about liking kids shows. I (22F) have this friend (21 NB), and we've been friends since high school. We're in college now. This friend of mine genuinely makes me cringe so much I don't think I can maintain this friendship anymore. At the time of writing this I've only been texting them to reply to anything they say, and even then it's a one word answer or an image at most.
They've always been cringe, but when you're a neurodivergent woc in one of the whitest states in the country, you take what you get in terms of friendship. Beggars can't be choosers or whatever. I don't know why I let the world let me think I'm a beggar though.
Anyways, It's a lot of things. They fucking dabbed, without a hint of irony, when I was walking up to them and I considered pretending I didn't know them and walking past. They have this comically nasal voice and are completely incapable of having an appropriate volume anywhere. Like fuck man how do you sound more autistic than me? Their style is so fucking ugly I feel sick looking at them sometimes. They're not dirty or smelly or anything but jesus fuck at least match a color. What I think broke the camel's back was going out to a movie with them. They would NOT shut the fuck up. Like goddamn fuck off I'm trying to enjoy the movie. Stop eating my fucking popcorn bitch. To their credit they did stop after I told them to. I feel embarrassed bringing them anywhere. My brother has asked me multiple times why I hang out with this individual, and I think this is what made me completely reconsider. He's neurotypical and more emotionally intelligent than me, and due to being younger will always keep it real with me, so I trust his judgment. I'm not an emotional person or anything so I can't say I feel much of a bond with people in the first place, so I don't feel bad ab potentially cutting this person off.
I realized I fall into this situation a lot as a neurodivergent woman of color, which is being friends with ugly white people I should know I'm too good to even look at. I've already had other friends tell me I'm too pretty to be seen with them. Objectively? They're right. I'd rather be friendless than interact with this bastard anymore. I've already dropped most of my former friends from before college for similar reasons.
What are these acronyms?
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updatingranboo · 1 year
tips and tricks for ranboo fans to make chat (and the community) a better place!
hello! since the rebrand is coming up i decided i wanted to make a list of certain things ranboo fans should be discouraged from saying/doing, to keep chat/the community fun and keep from pushing ranboo back into the box of a streamer they no longer are. i personally don’t believe in cringe culture, i think everyone should be able to have fun, but at this point certain jokes and comments restrict ranboo from growing as a person and do reflect on the community. this got a lot longer than i was expecting, apologies! lets begin.
gender jokes (“genderman”, you stole my gender etc)
a super obvious one. getting gender envy from ranboo is normal and super awesome! nothing wrong with that. but the jokes have been overused. the genderman one specifically has ties to minecraft which, while ranboo doesn’t care about being associated with minecraft, it’s still a tie to their past content they would prefer to leave behind. this is the same level as calling them an “mcyt”, while there’s no harm in it and ranboo really doesn’t care, it’s also just.. not really true anymore and hasn’t been for years. let them grow!
2. *blank*boo/general spam
*blank*boo is nothing but spammy. all it does is fill up chats and replies and brings no substance to anything. spamming “tiredboo” when they yawn, “madboo” when they yell etc. is not contributing anything meaningful to a chat. it’s annoying and drowns out actually fun and interesting comments. as for general spam, you can use a few emotes here and there! but when all you do is spam emotes it again just floods the chat. when ranboo tells chat to stop spamming, you stop. don’t take it as a challenge, you will just get banned. yes there is delay, but you can see what other people in chat are saying too. spamming lag, telling them they missed a dono, anything where you find yourself repeating what other people are saying to either get their attention or just because (except for using bttv emotes) just don’t. i know most people are used to speaking in a fast chat, but the truth is chat doesn’t have to be fast! if you don’t have anything to say, you can just stay quiet. even spamming the PETTHEMODS emote defeats the purpose !!
3. telling off chat
slightly related, you don’t have to tell off chat either. going “chat stop” “oh my god chat” just adds to the spam. change the subject! ignore the spam and let the mods take care of it. focus on reacting to the stream and being silly, not being backseat mods.
4. the swearing obsession
ranboo is almost 20. they make so many innuendos every stream. they are heavily considering adding a mature warning to most streams from here on out, and as we have seen they no longer are the “family friendly” kid who they used to be. he can say shit and fuck and people can be normal about it. you don’t have to say LANGUAGE or go THEY SWORE ?????? he’s an adult and can swear. all of his friends swear and a huge portion of us in the community do too. it is not a big deal
5. telling ranboo what to do
back seating in video games, as well as in other situations when it’s NOT ASKED FOR is not fun. let ranboo do what they want. this applies to just general things too- you don’t need to tell ranboo to go to sleep. they can make that decision themself. again, he’s almost 20.
6. assuming ranboo is uncomfortable with something
it’s always good to be careful about respecting boundaries! but don’t confuse your own boundaries for theirs. ranboo has said many times that if something bothers him, he’ll talk about it! it’s safe to say they are more uncomfortable with you harassing an artist for drawing something you personally don’t like, over the actual art itself.
7. the chat hopping/mentioning ranboo unnecessarily
we all love ranboo. that is very obvious. their friends love them too! but when you go into one of ranboos friends chats or comment sections and start either asking about ranboo, telling his friends to play with them, or making unnecessary references to their content, it makes their friends want to do things with them less! streamers are their own people. there’s nothing wrong with watching one of ranboo’s friends streams because ranboo is there, i do it all the time. a lot of us do. the biggest thing is to be RESPECTFUL to the person who’s stream you are watching. if you chat, chat to the streamer! you don’t have to mention ranboo. or, just stay out of chat if you don’t think you’ll be able to stay on topic. you don’t have to speak in chat! there is the flip side of this, don’t bring up other streamers in ranboos chat unnecessarily either! no one cares if you saw two colors and it made you think of something unrelated. it’s so disrespectful to the streamer to do this.
8a. unnecessary negativity
the internet can be a very negative, reactionary place. seeking out negativity just for the sake of an argument is unhealthy and can also expose others to arguments that they wouldn’t have had to see. bait, obvious unchanging bigots, and also people who just don’t like ranboo (which is valid!) don’t need to be engaged. in the case of trolls, bait and bigots, they only bring negativity and are there to cause arguments. don’t give them the attention they want. As for people who just don’t like ranboo, you can leave them be too! Not everyone has to like ranboo. he can handle it, you don’t need to defend him or try and change someone’s mind. now, unnecessary negativity does not equal call outs/criticism!
8b. please criticize !
if something happens in the community, or from ranboo directly that hurts you or makes you uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to say something and help make us all better people! ranboo wants criticism. if it’s purely in the community, try reaching out to the other person first! often things can be settled privately so as to not hurt others by dragging them into the conversation or making things heated and causing people to attack each other. on the other side of this, if you see criticism from someone and feel the need to defend ranboo: don’t. if you are affected by something (ie. you are a person of color and the topic is racism) feel free to add to the conversation! if you do not have an opinion on something (ie lesbians call out lesbiphobia, and you are straight) keep it to yourself. let the people actually affected by something talk and have an opinion, and support them. it may feel like people are “attacking” ranboo (or you!) but they are not. they are real people with real, valid feelings, who want to feel safe in a community when in real life, they may be constantly victims of horrible things. listen first. if you still have your own opinions, reflect on them and why you feel the way you do, and dissect any implicit bias you may have. these are all important things that keep a community safe, happy, and mutually respectful!
ranboo encourages everyone to be good people and use common sense. remember when you say something, people other than ranboo see it too! every account has a person behind it, so treat each other with respect and help make the community a more fun and safe place for everyone to be in. ranboo has no tolerance for bigotry, racism, misogyny, antisemitism, ableism, and so on. remember to be aware of the things you are saying, and if you don’t know why something is wrong, look it up or try asking someone politely!
thank you for taking the time to read all of this! this list is non exhaustive. there are plenty of other things you can do in the community to make this a better place, from uplifting the minorities in the community more, to supporting artists by reblogging/sharing and commenting on their art, and more. at the end of the day though we are here because we love ranboo, so by following guidelines like these and putting in the effort, you show ranboo and the other people in the community you care and make everyone proud.
that’s all for now! keep boobing!
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Congratulations on getting 300 followers! Feel free to ignore this request if you'd like, but can you do prompt #7 with Jamil, Ace, and Trey?
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7. Wearing a maid outfit during a culture fair
Thank you <3 And there is no way I am ignoring this one when you picked maybe the best possible line up for it.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, mild cringe, a bit... suggestive and light spoilers for the white rabbit event in Trey's part (i.e. Yuu references the event costumes) Check out the rest of the event requests here.
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"Welcome back master!" You cheerfully give the greeting Ortho had helped you practice and immediately wish for death as soon as you see just who the customer you gave it to is. Jamil stares at you, really stares at you, eyes shot wide cognitive thought completely evaporated from his brain.
"Do- have you-" He coughs, fighting off the urge to hide in his hood. "Have you been greeting everyone like that?"
"Um yes, Ortho said it was the appropriate way to greet customers at a maid cafe." Not that this was a maid cafe exactly, it was a booth handing out bottled water to attendees of the NRC culture fair the school nurse had insisted on setting up. You were supposed to be wearing a dorm uniform to really sell that school pride, but Ramshackle doesn't have one so you had jokingly offered to wear a maid outfit, something Ortho apparently decided was brilliant and convinced Vil to let you borrow one from the film club. You weren't sure why you agreed to this but hey, at least it was cute. Jamil certainly doesn't seem to disagree.
"Well you should stop, it's extremely undignified." That's what he says, but it's missing the usual edge his critiques usually have. If you didn't know any better, you would think that he's embarrassed, which gives you a brilliant idea.
"Maaaaaster," you make sure to whine out the title with a big pout as you move directly into his personal space keeping just enough distance between you two to be tempting, delighting in how his throat twitches at the title "I'm working really hard to make you happy y'know? It's really rude to say that's 'undignified.'" You stay like that for a brief moment, gears in Jamil's mind whirring so fast they might as well be letting off steam. Finally, the breath he's been trying to catch finally goes down taking him with it.
"JAMIL!" He huffs at your concern from his new home on the pavement in annoyance.
"Seriously, it's rude to tease."
"Oh come on what even is the point of this?" In today's episode of Night Raven Comedy, Ace is shouting in disappointment at his reflection in Yuu's bedroom mirror while they and Deuce stand hands folded in disappointment just behind him.
"Really I don't get why you are so surprised." Says Deuce. 'Wasn't this entire thing your idea?"
"What's that got to do with it?" He snaps, face softening slightly when he looks at you but returning to annoyance when Deuce starts to smirk at him. "Don't tell me you're actually excited about dressing like this?" Deuce shrugs.
"I mean don't get me wrong it is embarrassing, but honestly seeing you dressed up like this makes it worth it." The grin on Deuce's face is outright evil, and you silently sigh, searching around your room for Grim's ribbon. About a month ago, Crewel had announced that your class would need to put together a booth for the school culture fair and asked for suggestions. Someone had complained it would be useless to try and compete with the other classes without a gimmick and Ace, for some reason, had suggested maid outfits. You weren't sure what surprised you more, that suggestion or that everyone had agreed with it.
"Why did you suggest a maid cafe if you didn't want to dress up like a maid?" You ask, already annoyed and adding ibuprofen to your mental list of things to make sure to bring with you when the three of you are finally ready to leave. He mutters an answer and you sigh. "Speak up I can't hear you."
"Yeah Ace," laughs Deuce, dodging a pillow Ace throws at his head "why did you suggest it?"
"Because I wanted to see you dressed like one." He mutters, pouting while Deuce laughs before turning on you. "And don't act like you didn't go along with it! Why did you vote for it?"
"Because I wanted to see you in a maid outfit too."
Oh, judging by the judgment Deuce is passing on both of you and Ace's shock you said that out loud, didn't you...
Breathe in breathe out. Busy your hands by adjusting your glasses and fix your smile in place and take another deep breath before you speak and focus on the eyes.
"That's an interesting outfit you have on Prefect." Trey says, and you sigh in relief. Finally someone normal.
"Thanks! I was worried it would be a bit too much." Realistically speaking you know it is, seriously maid outfits are already cute enough, adding bunny ears, ribbons, and a frilly tail just makes it lethal. Cater almost made you late with how many pictures he insisted on taking before you managed to escape.
"Well I don't know about that, it's certainly extremely cute though." Trey crosses his arms and tries to avoid gripping his bicep too hard. The way you light up at his praise doesn't help. "Where did you get it if you don't mind me asking?"
"Oh Deuce's mom gave it to me when we visited Clock Town." Your nod causes the bunny ears to bounce and someone takes in a sharp breath. "Riddle said it would be helpful if Deuce could wear his costume for your booth about the Queen of Hearts, but he didn't want to dress up alone so I volunteered to help."
"Is Deuce wearing a... similar costume?" It could be just you, but Trey sounds like he's feeling a bit sick.
"Well kind of? He isn't a maid bunny. But speaking of Deuce I should really get back! Wouldn't want Riddle to get angry." You are clearly waiting for him to say something, but Trey doesn't trust himself to speak. "Trey?" You reach up towards his forehead forcing him to get a really good look at the entire costume as you try checking his temperature and frown in distress. "Oh you're practically burning up, let me walk you to the hospital wing I don't think Riddle will mind if-"
"You should be a bit more careful." Trey catches your hand as you go to take it away from his forehead, keeping you close to him yellow eyes daring you to step in just a bit further. "You aren't from around here, but surely even you know how deep a rabbit hole can go, right Prefect?"
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hheaven-sentt · 2 months
willow and wisteria
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summary: he's the willow, you're the wisteria | leon kennedy x reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: movie title mentions (had to pull out the pop culture stops for this one), yearning, a certain nostalgia for Blockbuster and VHS rentals
notes: has this been sitting on my laptop for two weeks? yes. do I want to talk about that? no. also, i am battling a sinus infection that spread to my lungs? and let me just say: sinus infection's got hands | ao3
Shoulder to shoulder on the couch, you wonder how you got to this point. He’s stiff beside you as the credits roll on some old western movie you don’t remember the name of. You can see him in your peripheral, jaw clenched like he’s fighting to keep words in, skin naturally smoother than you could ever get it with products, staring straight ahead like he’s looking for his own name on the screen. He’s wearing a sweatshirt you’ve never seen before; it looks so soft, and you want nothing more than to crawl into it.
His voice pulls you from your thoughts. “How many is that?”
You turn your head a bit and blink at him. “Twelve, I think,”
“I think I’ve seen enough westerns to last me a lifetime,” he teases lightly. “I get to pick next time,”
This is what you do. It’s a moment of reprieve for each of you. In total, you’ve watched sixteen dramas, fourteen comedies, six romances, and twelve westerns. Movies are easy. There’s no expectations, not like there would be if you went out to dinner or to a bar. You’re not supposed to talk during movies, although you and Leon have never really been good about that. You don’t know his middle name or his favorite color, but you know that he hates Die Hard and he had a crush on Molly Ringwald as a kid. So, yes, you talk during the movies, but never about the things that would let you peel back the curtain.
You like it that way. There’s no fear of saying the wrong thing or unloading baggage that’s been packed away for decades. It’s easy this way, and you like easy.
“I’m sure the guy at Blockbuster is eagerly awaiting your decision,” you grin. Leon rolls his eyes.
“Are you going to bring that up every time I pick a movie?” he asks, looking at you finally. You see something in his eyes that you can’t quite place.
You shrug. “Probably. I’ve never seen a man more excited to talk about Alien,”
Leon cringes. “To be fair, it was a good movie,”
“I don’t know if it was ask-for-your-number-good, though,” you laugh. “Besides, I bring it up so that you don’t get any ideas about ditching me as your movie buddy,”
“I can’t imagine that we’d watch a ton of movies,” Leon says. Immediately, his cheeks go pink, and you can’t resist the laughter bubbling in your chest. It’s bright and wide, filling up the entire room. You’re wheezing before you know it.
“Hey, man, do whatever you want,” you say between giggles. “Just as long as you watch movies with me,”
Playfully, he knocks his shoulder into yours. “That’s not what I meant and you know it,”
You like when Leon grins. It’s more than a regular smile. It takes up most of his face, eating away at his cheeks and his sorrow, even if only for a moment. He carries something that he won’t share, and you like when he lets go of it for a while. There is peace in the way he laughs, and you prefer to savor it.
“Help me clean up before you head out?” you ask. Sometimes, you try to make him overstay his welcome. Sometimes, you never want him to leave. Sometimes, you try to con him into three or four movies in one night, hoping that he’ll choose to crash on your couch rather than brave the D.C traffic.
He nods, and begins to grab bowls and cups off your coffee table. There’s never much of a mess, but he always helps when you ask. Wordlessly, you file in and out of the kitchen until there’s no evidence that he was here at all. He gathers his things–his keys and geriatric phone–from the table next to the door and slips on his shoes. There’s a weight in your stomach that you wish would go away.
“Same time next week?” he asks. You smile.
“Don’t miss me too much,” you tease. “And don’t stop by the video store without me,”
“I can’t risk going back in there alone,” he says, feigning seriousness.
You can’t help but notice the way he lingers in the entry. You stare at him as you hear a crack of thunder rolling through the sky. You gnaw on your lower lip.
Before you can stop yourself, you say, “If you’d rather not face the storm, my couch is pretty comfy and I make a mean cup of coffee in the morning,”
He looks at you for a moment, like he didn’t fully understand what you said, and then he slips his shoes back off. Silently, he pulls his keys back out of his pocket and returns them to their place on the table.
“Just so you know,” he says. “I drink it black,”
You roll your eyes. “Of course you do,”
You half expect the next few minutes to be awkward, but they aren’t. Leon just settles back into his spot on the couch, leant back against the cushions behind him like he’s supposed to have been there all along. You have to fight the curl threatening to upturn your lips. You return to him, like you always do, settling down beside him with room to spare.
“What’s next on the list?” he asks. His hands are on his chest, just below his sternum, fingers interlaced. You notice that his eyes have slipped closed.
“I was thinking Titanic,” you muse, leaning your head against the cushions. You hadn’t realized how tired you really were. “It’s a classic,”
“Little boring for my taste,” he says. You smile.
“A whole boat sinks during the last, like, hour of the movie,” you tease, leaning over to shove him playfully. “How is that boring?”
He shrugs, smiling and opening one eye to peek at you. You feel a chill snake its way down your spine. “The other two thirds cancel out the boat sinking,”
“Fair,” you note. You can’t find anything else to say, even if you want to. He looks so peaceful there, loose on your couch and in your space. He chose to stay. He chose to be around you. Sometimes, it makes you nervous.
Silence stretches between you, but it doesn’t amplify the nerves. It settles them, honestly. You find yourself so comfortable here, an arm’s length away from him but somehow still wrapped in his warmth. He eases your tensions, dampens the sounds from outside. What a pleasant world it would be if he were here all the time. Your eyelids droop as you watch him. His breathing is so steady, you’d think he’d fallen asleep. But he twitches every now and then to tell you he’s still awake.
“You’re really gonna make me coffee tomorrow?” he asks. His voice is low and smooth. It makes you smile.
“Yeah,” you whisper. “It’s the least I can do for holding you captive,”
He laughs, weak and wonderful as if he’s on the edge of sleep. “You’re not holding me captive. There’s hurricane force winds out there,”
You grin, opening your eyes to look at him. You find him already watching you. Blush creeps over his features. You hold his stare, wondering what he’s thinking.
“You make me nervous,” you whisper. You’re not sure he even hears you. He seems to be calculating his words, or maybe his escape route.
Instead, he furrows his brow. “I hope it’s a good kind of nervous,” he whispers back. Your lips form a line as you nod.
The silence returns, but you keep watching him. He’s pretty like this, haloed by the lightning that flashes in the window every few seconds. You fight the urge to reach out and trace his features. You can imagine the way his skin would feel against yours, the sloped angle of his nose, the creases near his eyes.
You want to jump out of your skin when he turns to consider you more. There’s a half smile hung on his lips. Then, he’s reaching out to grab your hand. It’s tentative, like a young boy might slowly wrap his fingers around a girl’s for the very first time. It’s simple, it’s easy; you like easy. His hands are much warmer than yours, though you’re not sure how, considering you feel like every inch of you has been consumed by flames. You worry that he can see the sweat beginning to bead along your hairline. You swallow thickly, praying to whoever might listen that you don’t screw this up.
“What’s your favorite color?” you ask. Your voice is low, barely above a whisper like you’re children trading secrets when you’re meant to be asleep.
He smiles. “Green,” he says. “Like a forest just before dusk,”
Of course it would be green. You feel a flash of embarrassment for not having asked earlier. The amount of green things you could shower him would last a lifetime. You think back to every green item you’ve ever seen, every natural green you’ve had the pleasure of witnessing,  and wonder how you’d never thought of it before. Now, when the tree outside your window raps against the panes, you’ll think of him. You’ll think of him when you use the crockpot your mother gifted you when you moved out. You’ll see him in the murky depths of a lake, or the vibrant hue of your favorite pair of shoes.
“Mine’s purple,” you reply. “Like wisteria,”
His face sours for a moment. “The stuff that hangs off willow trees?”
You grin and nod. “Exactly like that,”
At this, he laces your fingers together with more confidence. You feel your heart stutter. You would be content to die like this. In this moment, you’d make him a hundred cups of coffee, give him a thousand green hued things, and look for willow trees where you can.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
So, way back when I was a wee little cringe nerd (tentatively affectionate), I was absolutely bonkers obsessed with Percy Jackson. I also had basically zero access to the internet and only an extremely vague idea of what fanfiction was, and I definitely wasn't immersed in the fanfiction culture of the time. So that meant whenever I had Thoughts and Ideas, I was writing those fuckers straight into my class notebooks for all the world but especially my teachers to see. That being said, I just remembered my very first ever fanfiction idea, of which I wrote three pages of looseleaf in my seventh-grade social studies class with my best friend in between assignments. Which I will now elaborate on as an Adult because honestly, what else do I have a semi-popular Tumblr blog for?
The basic idea is that, in the Son of Neptune, instead of heading straight for Camp Jupiter, Percy very vaguely remembers that the mysterious Annabeth lives very close by. He skids down the hill next to the Caldecott Tunnel, but instead of crashing into the highway, he lands in the back of a pickup and is carried away by a very panicked+annoyed driver who wants the kid in the back of his truck out.
(Please imagine Frank and Hazel, standing guard, watching some random kid go screaming down the side of a hill on a serving platter while pursued by gorgons, land in a pickup, and, still screaming, swordfight said gorgons. Who get whacked out of the air and run over by a school bus. Can you fucking imagine)
(Please also imagine Juno, waiting invisibly next to the road, also watching Percy go screaming by in a truck. She had been waiting there to give Percy her mysterious "choose safety or your memories" spiel but now he's fucking gone)
The pickup driver pulls over to the side of the road near the bay and tells Percy to get the fuck out of the back of his car. Percy, seeing the gorgons in hot pursuit in the distance, makes the logical move and jumps straight into the bay. He lets instincts and muscle memory guide him to the edge of one of those fancy neighborhoods that border the edge of the water. He continues following muscle memory and instincts and ends up at Annabeth's house, and he knocks on the door.
Fredrick, opening the door: Percy Jackson??
Percy: ...who are you
Fredrick: you exploded my car four years ago! my daughter has been looking for you for months. ANNABETH COME DOWNSTAIRS I FOUND YOUR BOYFRIEND
Annabeth gives him a flying tackle hug and Percy is 60% confused, 40% relieved because finally this is someone he remembers. Annabeth starts talking about how they need to get Percy to CHB stat, everyone is so worried about him, they knew Jason had had amnesia but it had been so long they weren't sure if Percy was still alive, etc etc,
Percy is nodding along in confusion and pretending he knows wtf she's talking about.
Juno appears in the Chase house. She's mad as hell that a) percy isn't already in Camp Jupiter and b) he's with Annabeth (derogatory). She teleports Percy straight into CJ but Annabeth manages to hang onto him and come with.
They land on the near side of the Little Tiber, where Frank and Hazel are reporting on the weird screaming demigod in a pickup that had gone by twenty minutes ago. Juno realizes she accidentally brought Annabeth along and is Very Unhappy about this.
"Romans, I bring to you the Son of Neptune-" ("I'm the son of a planet?" Percy muttered). "For months he has been slumbering [etc]. Instruct him in your ways, induct him into your legion. As for the daughter of Minerva…” The Romans gasped, staring at Annabeth. Juno curled her lip, shooting an icy look at the girl. Annabeth snarled wordlessly in response. “She is extraneous. Do with her what you will.”
Juno disappeared
More will be added in the reblog
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neonswitchhouse · 1 year
Pop Culture Witchcraft and the Importance of Being Cringe
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Cringe has become a bit a loaded word nowadays, being at first a word to describe feelings of second-hand embarrassment, arguably from failings to impress others or to raise one's social capital. Think for example failed motorsports stunts, falling into pools with a tray full of fruity drinks or even worse; someone trying to impress a crush by molding themselves into someone they only think the other party would like via baseless assumptions. Your body recoils, seeing a dirt biker tumble down the course. Your stomach sinks, watching someone plunge into the shallow end of the water. You squirm watching someone try to convince their crush to go out with the facade they made. That I would describe as "empathetic cringe"; a reaction based on witnessing something you do not wish upon yourself like physical harm or embarrassment.
The modern definition of cringe however, is a different beast entirely.
Using the Urban Dictionary meaning as defined by user Screech McGee, "Before the internet trolls changed the meaning of this word, "cringe" was a verb used to express embarrassment or disgust. Now, this word is mostly used to define something that you dislike or do not understand. Internet trolls use this word as an insult towards people in fandoms, with bad grammar, or both combined. Trolls also use this word to describe memes on some occasions."
Doing a quick search on YouTube or Tiktok for "cringe" gives you an array of oddities to the average eye; people dressed in rainbow-colored wolf fursuits, teens expressing their love and attachment for their favorite anime character, or perhaps someone outwardly displaying behaviors considered aneurotypical. They fall outside societal norms and standards of behavior. They aren't perceived as "normal or acceptable" to the standards set by white-cis-het-able bodied-neurotypical persons and communities.
But in it, the furries, the fandom-lovers, and even the "neurospicys" are harming none. They're doing what they want.
Sounds kinda familiar doesn't it?
Lets loop around to what you're probably reading this rant for; the witchy reasons.
Witchcraft as a practice, is already an outsider to most societies, especially to those predominated shaped by Protestant Christian beliefs. It's already something outside the norms. Even back during the hey-day of reality tv shows like Wife Swap, those who weren't considered Christian or followed more "earth-based" religions and lifestyles were presented as the butt of the joke. And while witchcraft and non-Christian beliefs as a whole have becoming more popular nowadays, it's still considered something outside the norm or in the minority of persons identifying themselves as witches and pagans voluntarily.
So we're already ticking one "cringe" box according to societal norms
Chaos Magic as a whole is based on using belief as a tool or as a fuel source to workings to enact change or bring it about to oneself or to the environment around them as a whole. Hence the whole "nothing is true, everything is permitted" thing in that there's no one strict set of rules to make something work.
Pop Culture Witchcraft and Pop Culture Paganism deriving from chaos magic, while with several theories as to how it works, the crux is in "belief", in energy fueled into something or even someone.
Going off the egregoric model, egregores are formed and fed by the energy (ie: belief) fueled into them. This is where fandom comes into play. Fandom is fueled by passion, by love, by admiration, by forming community around shared likes, interests, or even dislikes. Fandoms are funnels for that collective energy, passion, creativity, etc.
And to some, pouring in so much joy, passion, fervor, and creativity can be seen as something out of their grasp of understanding; something that they're the outsider to and not the main target audience of. It's "not made for them". Therefore it's deemed as "cringe" underneath that definition.
But why deprive oneself of joy just for the approval of others?
Why force oneself to conform to arbitrary rules and norms?
As long as your joys and passions affect only yourself and do not harm others directly, why shield it from view?
To get the most out of a pop culture practice, it's good to have it based on what you're passionate about; what you're well-versed in. What gives you that fuel or belief. What brings you joy and makes you want to pursue things even further.
So be cringe, be passionate, be able to go on a dang unprompted 20minute rant about the lore to your favorite failed RPG series. Be able to show a whole dang portfolio of your self-insert smooching your favorite character on the cheek. Be absolutely, unapologetically passionate about something and see what happens. See what happens when you drop the worries of how others perceive you.
So stay safe, have fun, be cringe, be free, stay spooky.
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dearestdrearilygirl · 29 days
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET THE FREAKS RECLAIM FANDOM. I'm so fed up of bullies and people that regularly participate in cringe culture in fandom. I'm fed up of people being like how do i explain i'm part of [insert fandom] but not in the weird way. Reminds me of a tiktok i saw that said something like "how do i say i like anime but not in the cringe otaku blah blah blah way". The fan in fandom stands for fanatic. People that complain about how cringey people that ship x are make me wanna start a fire. People that complain about how cringey certain fandom words are make me wanna commit a crime. People that say shit like ao3 needs a dislike button or algorithm make me wanna scream eardrum breakingly high. ANYONE that has EVER sent hate to a fan artist or fan fic writer for their fanart or fanfic fucking SUCKS and I don't want them in fandom spaces. Anyone that has ever said "bring bullying back" (fyi it's not gone away) makes me SICK. I am DONE with people shitting on mary sue self insert y/n fanfics because they're "self indulgent" and "cringey" and "bad writing" - fanfiction is made for the writer by the writer, it is SUPPOSED to be self indulgent and cringey and it's a hobby so doesn't have to be "good" writing. I am DONE with people shitting on cosplayers who act make tiktoks to "cringey" audios and use exaggerated "cringey" acting and expressions. And to the people acting like they're too high and mighty to do roleplay because it's "childish" and "cringey" and then logging onto character ai, in the wise words of chappell roan -YOU'RE. NOT. FUNNNNNN. And if you've EVER hated hard enough for a fan creator to stop creating - I don't care how "bad" their creation was- you are one ABSOLUTELY AUDACIOUS MOTHERFUCKER because you've robbed someone of joy and stole their fucking creativity and how dare you. Fandoms are for the cringey, for the freaks, for the weirdos and degenerates and the normal people that are kind enough and fun enough and open minded enough to not believe in cringe culture BULLSHIT.
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3terna15unshin3 · 10 months
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A/N: idea came from this ask, so thank u anon🥰🥰 it was so fun to think of how Matty and Este’s relationship was seen from the other side like what fans pick up on, and also establish how much they decide to share with fans vs keep to themselves. this concept is so interesting to me but i had a hard time writing from the pov of a fan hahaha so i just did it this way instead :))
This obvs is based heavily on TBSG lore so none of this makes sense if you haven’t read the main fic - go do that first!! and also check out the Instagram AUs, they add to the pizazz
“Love, look what I just saw on Twitter. This is hilarious.”
Este points her phone screen towards Matty as they sit in bed on a Sunday morning. He yawns, tired and still half asleep, then blinks his eyes a few times to read what she’s showing him. It’s a tweet from a fan that sits in her mentions from a couple of days ago when a clip from his Zane Lowe interview resurfaced.
thinking about the fact that matty mentioned meeting e.manansala when she worked at a bookstore in manc to zane and in this 2018 interview he said his fav spot in the city is Greenhouse Books …….. what are the chances this is the same bookstore bc that would be so😭😭😭💔💔💔💔 https://manchesterwire.co.uk/?s=matty+healy+give-yourself-a-try/arts&culture/article
jaymie SAW UNDO LIVE trmanb1ackk
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1ND
Hold on you might be onto something
→ Replying to trmanb1ackk
right like okaayyy bookstore worker x customer to lovers notting hill pipeline????? 🤭 huge if true
She watches his eyes scan over the text and a fuzzy smile grow on his face. Matty loves talking about Este when he can—to bring some much deserved attention to her writing—and did so often, but does’t always mention many the details of their relationship. That was until strolling around the Northern Quarter with Zane brought a bit of it out of him.
Este is what brings him back to Manchester the most often, from visiting her family and Cate and Georgia to just needing a bit of a homey feeling from its familiar pubs and nostalgic shops. So, naturally, Matty talked about her in the interview done for the release of Being Funny—explaining how they’d met and how much the city means to them both.
“How they put two and two together is beyond me,” he says, scratching his head. “That Manchester Wire interview was five years ago now, you know. Did you ever read that?”
She chuckles. “Course I did! We had a few fans come in that summer with the sole intention of coming to a place you recommended, actually.”
“Why have you never told me that?” Matty asks, “You’re welcome for the business, by the way.”
“You never even told me about your little shout out, to be fair. I had to find out on my own,” Este teases. “Plus, we weren’t even a thing at that point—we’d met once! Quite creepy, in retrospect.”
“When you put it like that it’s honestly so cringe so please change the subject now.” Matty buries his head in the bunches of sheets that sit in her lap, embarrassed and frankly too sleepy to defend himself.
Este giggles, letting her hands settle into his curls. “Oh c’mon, you weren’t cringe. I’m just pulling your leg. It was sweet,” she reassures him.
“You’re just saying that because you feel bad,” he whines, then rubs his eyes to try and get the sleep out of them. “That’s so crazy that they dug that up, though. I’m not sure if many people know you’ve been around since then.”
“They probably looked at your life in 2019 and figured you were a rockstar with a new girl in every city but in reality you were calling me to get to sleep every night and doing origami in your free time because it reminded you of me.”
Matty’s jaw drops at her blunt comments. “I was about to get mad but I can’t even disagree.” He sits up, raking the hair out of his eyes. “Do people still use the word ‘simp’? Can that be applied to this situation? Was I a simp?”
She throws her head back, mouth wide, as she laughs at how ridiculous his question is.
“Please don’t say ‘simp’, love. You’re 34.” Este squeezes out between her giggles, “But no, people don’t use that word anymore. And yes it can be applied. And also yes, you were. And still are.”
“Proudly am,” he adds.
She leans into his side and he snakes his arm around her waist. They sit there, Matty only in a pair of pyjama pants and her an oversized tee, scrolling through the funny replies to the tweet and how big of a deal some fans were making it.
“You should respond. Tell Megs that she’s right.”
“Seriously?” Este asks, shocked that he’d want her to engage in something so meaningless and speculative.
But alas, he nods casually with a smile. “Yeah. They seem sweet, and just curious. And maybe being such a simp will give me some brownie points,” confirms Matty.
“God, enough of that word!”
Este e.manansala
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1ND
Can confirm🤝
liv livmymistake_
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1ND and e.manansala
Jude 🥾🌎 ittsjudesk
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1ND and e.manansala
→ Replying to e.manansala
omg hi😭😭😭 are being fr i can’t cope
Este e.manansala
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1ND
Greenhouse is the bookstore i worked at and is where matty and i met that year:)) and hi💌
→ Replying to e.manansala
i think i’m psychic for guessing that🤭🤭🤭🤭
k now i’m going crazy bc i had no clue him and este had been dating for that long💀 was genuinely convinced it had been 3 years max
Jude 🥾🌎 ittsjudesk
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1ND
Literally they didn’t post each other until like 2020
sarah🧸 _102sar
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1ND
I think she was at the 2018 Pryzm show too. Not sure but I was at the after party and remember seeing her there lol
→ Replying to _102sar
WHAT…….. this lore being uncovered omg
“Someone recognises you from the Brief Inquiry album release show?!” exclaims Matty in disbelief. “There’s no way.”
They still sit in bed as Este types away, having fun interacting with the small group. He leans his head on her shoulder and watches her as she does it.
“They’ve known you longer than I have, you know. They know their stuff,” she responds.
“Even I don’t remember you being at the Pryzm show.”
Este’s mouth falls open in shock, thoroughly offended. “You prick.”
“I’m joking!” Matty defends through fits of laughter. “C’mon E, I’m joking.”
She knows he is, but enjoys the theatrics of it all; shoving his head off her shoulder and scooting away from his touch in protest.
“That was a special night for me! The first time I saw you play and met the guys! Don’t make fun!” Este pouts, crossing her arms playfully.
“Fine. I take it back, I take it back,” Matty begs, dragging her back over to him and bringing her legs over top of his. He grabs her hand and places a kiss on her palm. “I remember meeting Cate, and introducing you to Louis. And Ross making fun of my gallbladder surgery, and leaving Cate on the dance floor to get drinks, and screaming at each other over the music at the bar. You telling me about the anniversary party. I very much remember!”
“Okay, okay. Enough gushing. I forgive you.”
Matty pecks her palm once more and shuffles her even closer. “Open Twitter back up. This is fun.”
Jude 🥾🌎 ittsjudesk
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1ND and _102sar
This is absolutely shocking bc how did his chronically online ass manage to hide a whole gf that long
→ Replying to ittsjudesk
fr!!! like do we think she was on the abiior tour with them bc i swear jordan absolutely fed us with so much bts content it would be impossible to miss?? someone dig
sarah🧸 _102sar
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1D and ittsjudesk
If u scroll back on her IG u can see Matty in her comments since then. And they’d repost each other on their stories and stuff🥲 So not that hidden if ur a stalker like me lmao
→ Replying to _102sar
thoroughly upset that i missed so much bf matty content </3
Este e.manansala
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1ND and _102sar
Ignore me stalking u🤭🤭 i was indeed at that Pryzm show lol but we weren’t dating yet. And during abiior tour I saw a few UK shows but otherwise i was just in Manc working/being a bad groupie x
Este e.manansala
→ Replying to PL4YINGONMYM1ND
Also matty is sitting beside me now and he is cool with me filling u in (it was his idea) and he says hi. and that u guys are cute
→ Replying to e.manansala
ohhh yes u are a working woman how could i forget!! bookstore worker/groupie same difference. thank u for responding😭 u are the coolest❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 (also hi matty😳)
Jude 🥾🌎 ittsjudesk
→ Replying to e.manansala
Hi Matty sorry for calling u chronically online x
Este e.manansala
→ Replying to ittsjudesk
He forgives you (but it’s true imo)
liv livmymistake_
→ Replying to e.manansala
este wait i have to know …. since u are a former bookstore girlie turned writer are u the reason matty periodically spam posts a bunch of literature on his instagram stories???? did u convert him to bookstoregirlieism??
Este e.manansala
→ Replying to livmymistake_
I am obsessed with the idea that he was illiterate before meeting me so i’m gonna say yes. thank u for that
Este e.manansala
→ Replying to livmymistake_
Liv it’s me I stole the phone and don’t appreciate this sentiment tbh. You should know I’ve always been a wanker so all the literature spams are just me letting that out and este just enables me. hope that helps x Matty
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xxzeez-grave-yardxx · 7 months
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K so like I don't like being serious on this blog but I wanted to talk about this cuz I'd rather assume people don't know instead of sharing things that are problematic and harmful on purpose. I know I've reblogged things I've had to go back and delete cuz I was just having fun. Like I literally had to delete a deadmau5 meme this week!
So that person with the pink hair's Jeffree Starr if you couldn't tell! He was really big on myspace so pictures of him come up when ya search scene kids. He looks different then he does now and I feel like he's probably hiding somewhere on my own blog like a roach but please avoid him!
The second things wrong here, and one that's hard to see as an accident is that anorexia tag- idk what creepy motivation ya have for sneaking that in there but you don't need to be a certain body type for any reason, not for fashion, for beauty or other people. The 2000s were a horrible time for beauty standards where everyone had to be stick thin and we don't need to bring back that aspect of the culture. You're loved and beautiful just the way you are.
The scenecore/ scenemo community thrives on cringe culture is dead! Lets be ourselves and enjoy music and fashion and bright colors that's been mocked for years. But things like your body, and your identity are just as important to wear with pride! This is the great part about being in the future and having the power to pick and choose what was fun and positive and what should stay in the past.
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blindmagdalena · 1 month
I'm sorry ahead of time because this gives off such a simpy parasocial vibe (bcs you're a tumblr celebrity in my eyes lol) but I'm very grateful for you and your blog! I've been on tumblr for like over a decade but I've never ever interacted with anyone in whatever fandom I've been in. I don't know what is it about your space here that possessed me to finally make a blog and share things and engage with others but I'm so grateful for it. You were such a lovely gateway into the fandom and your blog is just such a good vibe. Definitely inspired me to feel less cringe about posting stuff. I'm currently working my way through writing a mildly cringe Homelander voice kink fic that is inspired by some of the headcanons you've written in the past. I rarely feel inspired enough to write, let alone feel like sharing my work but for once I genuinely feel like the fandom is so nice and accepting that it's worth giving it a shot!! Anyway, don't mind me just felt like pouring my heart out lol. Thanks for being awesome and being part of the fandom!!
ah man, don't apologize at all! thank you so much! i can't tell you how happy i am that i could at all contribute to your decision to engage with the fandom and share your creativity. i've also been on and off tumblr for many years, and coming back to it i was pretty shocked by how much the culture had changed. no one should be afraid of sharing their fan work! that's what fandom is! fandom community is honestly more important to me than any of the actual material the fandom comes from lol
well i haven't read it yet but i'm over the moon excited about your voice kink fic!!! that happens to be one of my very favorite kinks, and if it's cringy then i'm most definitely the conductor of the cringetrain.
thank YOU for being part of the fandom! i can't wait to see what else you bring to it! 🖤🖤🖤
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uku-lelevillain · 1 year
people are really trying to bring back cringe culture over a light funny and totally unserious ghost hunting show huh?
i’ve made posts about this already and i’ll probably do more because i find this so annoying but why can’t you just let people have fun ? between the “fans” saying that ryan is embarrassing himself in the comments and those who just shame the people who submitted the evidence i just get more and more depressed
the watcher fandom is amazing because we’re all weirdos laughing and enjoying the content of other weirdos but this season there’s a trend of shaming and judging and insulting that’s just sad like if you don’t like the videos just don’t watch ? idk i’m just mad and i WILL BITE anyone making fun of my silly ghoul boys and our silly community of ghost hunters
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chase-omega · 8 months
I miss 2000s/2010s internet art and music. Where the hell did we go wrong? We really let non-internet "normal" people bully us out of doing anything fun. Why did we let them do that? Fuck cringe culture. Everyone please just go back to making fandom songs and drawing every character with gigantic-ass Lucky Star anime eyes. Go ahead, give everyone cat and fox ears too. Fuck normies. I'm not joking. Please take us back. Hell, bring back 2000's altcore/emocore artstyle while you're at it Internet fuckin SUCKS now. Nobody expresses themselves anymore, it's all just influencers and politics now. I better see a influx of Club Penguin Music Videos and shipping AMVs in my recommendations by Friday!
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