#let's all say thank you bryan
jadeylovesmarvelxo · 8 months
The Bet
Part one
Eddie is desperate to talk to you but will you ever be able to forgive and forget after learning your friendship was nothing more than a bet? Especially as you had fallen in love with him.
Do you still love him after all that anguish?
Part two.
Warnings: A lot of angst and you'll see..minors shoo! 18+
Don't copy, translate or repost my work.
A bet. That's all you'd ever been to Eddie, a bet to get one over on your now ex boyfriend, on Jason and the rest of the dark side as Eddie's friend had put it.
Had they spent this whole time laughing at you? Did Eddie get some kick out of stringing you along, stealing your heart piece by piece.
Was everything just a lie?
You had broken up with Bryan a week ago. Sick of his horrible nature and drawn to Eddie, head over heels for him. God you felt like such a fool.
The night you found out about the bet you cried yourself to sleep, walking to school on autopilot. Thank goodness for your friends because you struggled to get through the first day.
Mostly everyone was sympathetic but there was some people who sniggered when you walked past, whispered to their friends only it was so loud that you could hear.
I can't believe how gullible that idiot was
Imagine knowing the freak only got close to you for a bet
Serves that bitch and all the rest of Jason's idiots and the cheerleaders right for thinking they are so hot.
About time someone took them down a peg
Each thinly veiled barb cracked your already bleeding heart and you hurried to get away from the gossip.
It trickled out a couple days later, once the people had finished finding your pain hilarious, how anyone could find someone in pain to be funny was a mystery to you.
Whenever you saw Eddie you rushed away before he could speak to you, wouldn't look at his face because all you knew from him was lies.
Everything was a lie. He didn't love you, he never did. Your heart throbs with that realisation and you do your best to walk around school, head held up high and the heartbreak tucked up inside.
It was all an act but you were a great actor, you had to be to pretend like you weren't in agony on the inside.
It was the worst few weeks that Eddie could remember in a long long time, Dustin was disgusted with him and took a long time to talk to him.
His heart felt like it had been ripped in half and it was all his own fault, you wouldn't even look at him.
If he even attempted to try and speak to you it was to no avail.
The longest sentence you uttered was when he begged you to talk to him, even just one word.
All you said was ''goodbye Eddie" or that ''you didn't believe a word he said"
Steve picked you up from school with Robin every day, wouldn't even let Eddie go near you. Threatened to beat the shit out of him if he made you cry again.
He tried to speak to you again a few days later when Steve had eased up on guarding you, it was agonising weeks of you avoiding him.
You were coming out of cheer practice with Chrissy and another girl, Chrissy glared at him and the other girl looked like she wanted to kill him.
"Can we talk please, princess?'' he pleads and you ask your friends to give you a second and they do, very reluctantly still scowling at Eddie. He deserves that.
"I can't Eddie. I don't have anything to say to you" he swallows, his mind going a mile a minute, trying to think of what he can say to express how sorry he is.
''I messed up. I made a stupid mistake. The worst mistake, because I hurt you. I made a dumb bet to try and get back at assholes who bullied and made my friends and my life hell, it was mean and selfish and I wish I'd never done it" you listen to what he has to say and his heart aches when tears pool in your eyes.
"But you did do it, you couldn't even tell me the truth. You lied to me Eddie and all the time I was...I fell in love with you" he moves forward to cup your cheek, desperate for you to know that he loves you too.
"I love you, I fell in love with you and that's why I couldn't tell you. I couldn't lose you" you stare at him and don't speak for a few seconds, when you do the words split his heart in two.
"That's the thing, you lost me anyway" you walk away from him and he can't think of a single thing to say to stop you. Then he steels himself and runs to catch up with you.
"What Eddie?" you snap and he talks quickly, tripping over his words and anxious to get the words out.
"I hurt you badly, I fucked up and what I did was just fucking awful. I know that. I also know that I'm so in love with you, never thought I could feel this way for anyone but you snuck into my heart and it belongs only to you" you don't say anything but you don't rush away either, so Eddie says one more thing before you do decide to leave.
"I'll wait for you sweetheart, for however long it takes. I don't care how long I have to wait, you're worth every single second"
Tears pool in your eyes and you nod slightly. Ever so gently you squeeze his hand just a tiny bit then walk away, leaving Eddie determined as hell to win your trust again and maybe somewhere along the line your heart too.
It took a while for you to even speak to Eddie for longer than five minutes, but he was nothing if not determined and patient, he's was not screwing this chance up.
At first, you didn't think Eddie was serious about waiting for you, but he was. Endlessly patient and sweet. Big brown eyes full of tenderness and joy when you spoke to him.
It was hard not to find him endearing, but he had hurt you badly and there was still a small part of you that held back, that was hesitant to get close, trying to protect your fragile heart that ached for you to give Eddie a chance.
It's Friday now and after an intense week of cheer practice, you can't wait to relax for the weekend.
Chrissy had been watching you looking at Eddie with longing, the exact same way Eddie looked at you for weeks now. To be honest it was beyond frustrating, the both of you loved one another, it was killing you both to be apart.
So that's why she was saying something to you today. More than anything she wanted you to be happy, if Eddie hurt you again just even a tiny bit then she would kick his ass.
That's before Steve go there first.
"Honey, what Eddie did was wrong and I'm mad as hell at him but anyone can see how sorry he is. He's so in love with you, maybe you could give him a second chance" Chrissy says to you as you sit down for lunch.
You rest your head on Chrissy's shoulder and let out a sigh. ''I want to, I want to so badly but I don't want to be heartbroken again''
Something tells Chrissy that Eddie wouldn't dare. That he would keep his promise to never hurt you so badly again.
She squeezes your hand reassuringly and it calms your anxiety down.
"Babe, he wouldn't dare. He's not stupid. Plus everyone might think I'm a sweetheart but I'll kick his ass if he did and Steve would too. Eddie won't lose you, not again"
The words play on your mind all day and when Eddie is hurrying to his truck at the end of Hellfire Club you pluck up your courage and go to speak to him.
"Eddie" the minute he sees you it's like his whole face lights up. A dimpled smile and brown eyes full of adoration greet you.
"Hey, sweetheart" longing fills the air, stifling you both and honestly you're pretty sick of it. So you take a leap, walk up to Eddie and take his hand.
"Would you mind if I asked you for a ride Eds?'' his hand tightens around yours and he grins, rushes to open the door to his truck and almost trips over his feet in the process. It's cute and you can't help but giggle.
He holds the door open for you. "Princess, your carriage awaits" you head inside.
The drive is short and sweet, Eddie once again being a gentleman as he opens the door for you to step out.
You thank him for the ride and before Eddie can head back into the truck, you kiss his cheek gently, then leave a sweet, chaste kiss on his lips.
The kiss leaves him looking dazed, he touches his cheek then his lips and there's that smile again, the one that melted your heart the first time you seen it.
"One more chance Eddie, if you hurt me again thats it. I mean it" he nods, his face serious as he takes in what you say.
"I swear you won't regret this princess, I love you and I'll spend every day proving that, do you... do you still love me?" he whimpers after a few seconds, his expression wide with worry and fear.
"I've never stopped" you answer back.
After your confession he practically does a little dance as he goes into his truck. Just before you open the door to your house, you hear his whoop of delight before he drives off.
The smile doesn't leave your face all night.
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ilyrafe · 5 months
𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 ✧ 𝒓. 𝒄.
pairing: ex!rafe cameron x f!reader
warnings: angst, physical injuries, blood (it's brief), objetification of reader (not by rafe).
word count: 1,1k
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the vibrating sound of your phone on the bedside table startles you a bit. even with your vision blurry, you manage to read rafe’s name shining on the screen. it’s late, the clock marks fifteen past two, and getting a call from him at this time is worrying, but fighting the fatigue, you answer his call.
“it’s me. you home?” his tone is urgent, which worries you even more. he’s definitely in trouble.
“are you home or not?”
“yes, rafe. why are you calling me?”
“i’m at your door and i need your help right now.”
he hangs up abruptly and you sigh, anticipating yet another stressful interaction with rafe. it’s in situations like these that you wonder why you gave him the time of the day for almost a whole year of your life.
rafe is trouble, and you want none of it.
you quickly get up and head to the entrance of your small house. small, but yours. all the furniture, even if it is second-hand, is yours, as it was bought with your money, earned with a lot of sweat, something rafe will never understand.
as soon as you open the door, you come across a bruised and bloody rafe, which scares you. before you can say anything, he enters your house and sits on the tiny couch.
the scene is deplorable.
“rafe! what- what the hell happened to you?!”
“been in a fight, alright? i just can’t come back home looking like this.”
“in a fight with who?”
“i doesn’t matter. just help me.”
you sigh, tired and irritated. rafe is difficult to deal with. he beats the others out of tiredness and that is irritating. you go to the bathroom and grab a small bag with first aid items, and return to the living room right away, sitting next to him on the couch.
he winces when you pat the cotton ball on his bruises, but you don’t feel bad at all. this is what he deserves. you avoid looking him in the eye while you’re cleaning his face up. you know you can’t resist his baby blues.
you take his hands in yours. the contrast of size is beautiful, somehow. his huge, calloused hands with golden rings have always been attractive. his knuckles are red and quite swollen. you clean his hands up and only hear rafe’s huffs when he feels the sting of the rubbing alcohol. you might be doing that on purpose.
very quickly, you put some bandaids where you find necessary and bandage his hand up, where it’s swollen.
“all done.”
“thank you.”
oh, he knows the magic words. you know you’ll regret it, but you have to ask.
“what happened, rafe?”
he sighs and leans back, taking a deep, exhaustive breath.
“it doesn’t matter, y/n. it’s solved, it’s done.”
“you woke me up in the middle of the night, came over unannounced and made me patch you up. i deserve to know what the fuck happened and if i’m in trouble.”
“you’re not in trouble.” he clarifies, as he passes his fingers over the gauze on his hand. “one of barry’s friends said some weird shit about you.”
“who said what?” you frown.
you never really liked barry, let alone his “friends”. they’re beyond shady and you hate how rafe keeps them in his life.
“you don’t want to know.” you cock an eyebrow and rafe sighs once again, defeated. “babe, it’s inappropriate, don’t make me repeat it.”
babe. you forgot how much you loved when rafe called you sweet nicknames. yes, rafe is an overall asshole, but he isn’t all bad, you have to admit it. the thing is that he actively lets his bad side take over, and you can’t handle that.
“say it.”
“it was bryan. he, um… he said he… um…”
“say it, rafe.”
“he said he hoped to be the next in line to be inside your c-”
“okay, i get it.” you feel like crying and throwing up, but you maintain your composure. “he said that because he wanted to get to you, rafe, that’s all. i’ve never even spoken to him.”
you don’t know why you’re explaining yourself to rafe, but you feel like you have to. for some reason, you don’t want him to think you’re a slut that fucks every guy. deep down, you want rafe to realize he lost something really great, but that day may never come.
“i know, i’m not worried about that.” he says. “i just don’t want him near you.”
“i know we’re not together anymore, and i swear i’m not being controlling, but bryan is bad and i don’t want him near you, ever. okay?”
after your response, rafe seems to relax a bit. he closes his eyes and his smug makes a comeback.
“you should’ve seen his face. what a bitch.”
you roll your eyes and chuckle.
“thank you for defending me, but really, let them talk. they just want to get to you.”
“now they know what happens when they speak of you.”
there’s a brief moment of silence between you both; it’s comfortable.
rafe seems tired, and you really don’t want him to leave, but you know it’s not going to end well if he stays over.
it’s been over four months since the definitive breakup and you’ve tried to go no contact with rafe, but it’s hard because you live in the same place, you have the same friends and rafe never wanted to stop talking to you.
“i still feel like i need to protect you,” he says, breaking the silence.
you lay next to him, your faces being so close, your noses are almost touching. this is dangerous territory, but you don’t care at this point. you touch his cheek so softly, he closes his eyes again.
he leans in, trying to get to your lips, and they touch briefly, before you lean back, effectively rejecting his kiss.
“i think you should go.”
rafe stares at you, clearly hurt. he gets up from your couch and leaves.
if you could, you would do everything necessary to make this relationship work, but that means changing rafe completely, and you don’t know if you’re in love with rafe, or are resigned to the crumbs of kindness he gives you.
no relationship should survive on small moments of love, and you’re no longer satisfied by the thrill of having a good moment with rafe.
when you broke up with him, he begged you for another chance, but you had already given him a thousand chances. you’ve played this game before and you ended up hurt and slightly traumatized.
you can’t change rafe and he doesn’t want to help himself, so there’s nothing left for you to do.
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i love feedback, tell me your thoughts! <3
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sancrevm · 2 years
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seventeen: as boyfriends
song recommendation: something in the orange by zach bryan
note: thank you for all the love on my last seventeen post 🫶🏻
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very, very loving and protective.
messages you every night making sure you’ve ate and reminding you to go to sleep early for well needed rest.
he’ll walk on the side of the pavement closest to the road so you’re farthest from oncoming vehicles and makes sure to have a hold on you when crossing.
he’ll give you his coat when it’s cold out despite him shivering, caring much more for your welfare than his own. overall he’s a very giving boyfriend.
he’s a tease that cares deeply for you.
as a boyfriend he has a very warm heart, always having your best interests in mind and commits tender acts that you’re not even aware of.
though he may make comments that teeter on the edge of annoyance with his goading personality, you know he’s always joking.
when you’re ill he’ll be the type to scold you, “i told you you should’ve worn that scarf last night” while making a homemade tea remedy. he stays by your side the whole time, not caring if he catches the sickness, too.
literally the best boyfriend ever.
does all the stereotypical relationship acts but doesn’t care one bit that they’re deemed as cringy.
he’ll bring you flowers for no special occasion, buys matching items of clothing, takes pictures of you while staring at them lovingly and he definitely has you as his lock screen.
will be the type to have full blown conversations on the future even if you hadn’t been dating a full year. don’t be surprised if he has a ring picked out already.
an affectionate mess.
he’s the type to both take your relationship seriously and also have a laugh; just letting it flow naturally.
will take you to dance with him late at night but doesn’t achieve anything because he’s too busy laughing on the ground with you.
will take you to every chinese restaurant in the area and shares very intimate parts of his life with you, the good and the bad.
the cutest man to be in a relationship with.
you’re attached to his hip experiencing life at the fullest. of course one of your small adventures being a trip to the local zoo in support of his horanghae agenda.
he’s very affectionate - especially when drunk. he’ll always have a hand on you, either on your lower back when walking, squeezing your knee when sitting down or just outright holding your hand.
is another one to take pictures of you in every outfit and every occasion. he just says you look “too cute” for him not to have a whole folder dedicated to you.
a silent but devoted boyfriend.
it took him a lot of building up to say the words “i love you” but once he does, he can’t stop saying them. when you once pranked him by not replying, your heart practically broke by the lost, sad look on his face.
will leave you notes and messages for you to wake up and fall asleep to, some he’s too shy to say to you in person. every time he compliments you, a blush arises on his cheeks.
will teach you how to play his favourite games and watches movies with you late at night. he also loves giving you his hoodies because he simply melts at the sight of you in them.
he’s such boyfriend material honestly.
we all know, woozi would go crazy with songwriting with being in a relationship with you. arguably, his best songs would be about you ;)
let’s you stay in his studio to keep him company. even though you fall asleep every single time, just you being there calms him.
will buy you expensive gifts for anniversaries and little trinkets he thinks you would like on a random weekday. even though you argue he doesn’t need to, he loves seeing your face light up with a teddy he’s bought you or a bracelet that gleams on your wrist.
don’t settle unless you have a boyfriend like dokyeom.
cuddles you anywhere and everywhere, even though his favourite place admittedly is in bed, your head on his shoulder as he strokes a hand through your hair.
he’s so in tune with your emotions that he doesn’t realise that he laughs when you laugh, let’s a tear shed when you cry and so on. he likes to call himself your other half.
it’s his mission to kiss every inch of your body, he’s succeeded in all areas of your face so far. it was honestly quite shocking when he randomly kissed the tip of your nose without even a warning, a wide grin plastered on his face at the sight of yours.
the most beautiful man as your boyfriend? sign me up.
does all typical boyfriend things. hugs you from behind, collects things from the highest shelf for you, goes on late drives with his hand on your thigh and much more.
cooks for you every chance he can get. he loves seeing your eyes widen at how his cooking skills can somehow improve every time.
you’ll be the type of couple to dance at 3am, singing heart wrenching lyrics at the top of your lungs with no focus in the world but each other.
the most calming relationship to exist.
whatever your personality may be, it’s impossible not to feel downright serenity when with minghao.
you’ll do many coupley-things together: meditation, yoga classes, stretching in the morning. you’ll always have small fits of giggles together between each move but you’ll still take the exercises seriously.
will read together late at night, or if you’re not a big reader he’ll narrate a book to you so you fall asleep. he’ll teach you chinese and also attempts for you to replicate at least one move in b-boying, but we all know that ends in the two of you laughing your hearts out.
having seungkwan as a boyfriend, you’re never bored.
he’ll be there for you through everything. not feeling great? he’s there cracking cringe-worthy jokes and embarrassing himself so you at least smile. feeling ill? he’ll cook up every remedy his mum taught him to make you feel the slightest bit better.
he sings you to sleep every chance he gets. whenever he’s caught up in seventeen’s schedules or his own variety show doings, he’ll message you a promise of helping you drift to sleep the next time he’s with you.
comes up with a new, innovative way of complimenting you every day. even if you’ve just woken up and haven’t even brushed your teeth yet.
a relationship filled with complete chill and zen.
you two have you’re own way of communicating with each other. when you meet eyes from across the room, you know exactly what the other is thinking.
won’t be the type of boyfriend to initiate skinship in public, but won’t leave you alone in private. his legs are always entwined with yours in bed, his arms wrap around your waist when cooking and so on.
will invite you over to his family home more often than necessary. his heart expands whenever he sees you interact with his sister like she was your own. he knew you were his partner for life from the first visit.
a relationship filled to the brim with happiness.
he finds so much comfort in you that he thinks he relies on you too much. whenever he feels like this, he’ll set aside a day of doing everything for you: cooking, cleaning, even giving you a back massage.
like jun, he’ll take you to dance practice with him. he doesn’t get much work done, however, because if you’re lying down watching him, all he wants to do is lie next to you and cuddle you half to death.
will always be messaging you if he’s not with you. he’s either sending you updates on his hyung’s bickering, memes he found online or carat’s uplifting messages. his members know when he’s talking to you simply from this lovingly glazed look he gets in his eyes and a smile that refuses to leave his face.
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
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(not my gif)
pairing: robert ‘bob’ floyd x pilot!reader (call sign: rodeo)
characters: bob floyd, reader, dagger squad, penny benjamin, pete mitchell, some dick named john and his friends (who aren’t necessarily dicks)
warnings: fluffy bob, bob in a cowboy hat, fighting, drinking (of age), suggestive, i believe that’s it
word count: ~2.2k
a/n: this came in second place, but i love it just the same. and i’m very close to writing a part 2 for this ;)
quick summary: when your relationship with bob is reveal to the squad, hangman can’t help but wait for bob to stake his claim on you.
You sat in the Hard Deck, nursing your beer and playing pool with Phoenix when the bell chimed.
You glanced up and saw the Texan himself walk in, hat on and everything.
“Hangman, what the hell are you wearing?” Phoenix asked, leaning on her cue. You looked him up and down, chuckling when you heard his response, “I wear this all the time.” His accent had gotten thicker after visiting his family.
You had all just visited your families for Christmas. It was only two weeks but it had given you all plenty of time to slip back into your old accents.
“Nice buckle, Bagman,” Rooster commented, obviously teasing the fact that the buckle looked like it weighed down the front of his pants.
Jake puffed out his chest, a smile gracing his features, “Thank ya, Chicken. Thought I’d bring it back with me, I ain’t worn one in a while.” Rooster sipped his beer, “You get it at Bass Pro or something?” Jake’s face fell and you couldn’t help but laugh. “You did not jus’ ask me that.”
You glanced at it, looking at the details. 
“You rode?” Hangman turned to you, his smile returning, “Yeah, best there was.” You hummed, sipping your beer before sitting it down to line up your shot, “What made you quit?” “I wanted somethin’ different for myself. My older brother rode, my dad rode. I did it for the adrenaline, so I thought maybe I could get my high while doin’ somethin’ that had more meaning.”
Before you could retort, Jake had looked at Bob. 
“Since when do you wear hats?” You smiled glancing back at the WSO, who was wearing a reddish-brown felt cowboy hat, before looking back and catching the way his pilot looked at you. “Well, Bagman, you ain’t the only one that grabbed something from home.” Jake nodded in mutual respect before looking back at you.
He took a quick glance down at your belt line, seeing the lights reflect off your own buckle.
“You rode too?” You nodded, taking the final shot of the game, “8-ball far left corner pocket.” You gesture with the cue before taking the winning shot. “That’s game Phee.” Nat rolled her eyes and slipped you a 20.
“So, what was your event?” “Barrel racin’.” “Were you good?” “Best there was,” you winked and sat next to Bob. “How’d you think I gained the name Rodeo?”
Hangman donned his signature smirk, “I could think of a lot of things.” You shoved him, “You’re gross.” “Come on, Ro. That was funny.” Bob shook his head and draped his arm behind you on the booth.
“What made you quit?” Hangman asked as he slipped into the seat across from you. You sighed, “I raced for nearly my whole life. My brother Bryan did too. I could say I got out for the same reason you did, cause it wouldn’t be a lie. But I was always just Bryan's kid sister, or Darrel L/N’s daughter. I made somewhat of a name for myself, but by the time people saw me as me-”
You shrugged, sighing, “I didn’t enjoy it anymore. It became more about the trophies than the experience. So I decided to be the best at somethin’ I was proud of. That could give me a family, like the rodeo used to.”
Jake nodded in understanding, he patted your shoulder before moving on to bother Rooster and Coyote.
Bob sighed and let his arm fall around you and pulled you close to his side. “You didn’t tell me that.” You looked up at him, “Sure I did. Did I not?” He shook his head, “No, and you know I listen to every word you have to say.” You scrunch your nose, “I swear I told you.” He shook his head, “Nope.” You pouted, “Oh, well now you know.” He nodded, “That I do.”
You both smiled and he pressed a kiss to your lips. “Bob-” “I know Y/N, I just-” You cut him off by grabbing his shirt and kissing him again. “I’m tired of hiding it too.”
Meanwhile, everyone was watching the two of you.
“I can’t hear a word they’re sayin’,” Hangman said, straining a little to hear you both better. “Dude, when is that gonna go away?” Phoenix asked, in reference to his accent.
“Oh, it’s always there, trust me. It’s normally strong when he's drunk or really pissed,” Coyote confirmed, laughing a little.
“Plus, you never complain about Rodeo’s accent,” Jake commented. “Yeah, but it’s cute on her and gets Bob all flustered.” The group hummed in agreement before turning back to the (no-longer) secret couple in the booth.
They watched Bob kiss you, say a few words before being pulled in again.
“Damn, when will it be my turn?” Omaha asked, shaking his head. 
“Bob is so in love with her it isn’t even funny,” Phoenix revealed. “He always talks about her, and they went to see each other's families over our break.” “Really?” Yale asked, crossing his arms.
Phoenix nodded, “He’s been in love with her since the mission in May last year. And I’m sure it’s the same case with her.” Halo nodded, “Yeah, I had to listen to her talk about him all the time. And then Bob would talk to me if you were anywhere within earshot of Y/N. He’s fallen hard, they both have.”
Jake shook his head, his eyes trained on the couple as they talked, “We don’t know how in love he is with her though.”
Everyone just scoffed, “Do you not see how they are looking at each other right now?” Fanboy asked, looking at his fellow WSO and his second best friend. “It’s painfully obvious.”
Jake scoffed, “Cowboys have a special way of tellin’ each other a girl is off limits, other than a ring and a few hickies.” “Which is?” Harvard asked, stepping closer, intrigued.
Hangman glanced around and saw a few guys looking at you, “Okay, when Bob gets up and leaves her alone, one of these guys will try to flirt and Bob is probably gonna see. And being the silent and passive aggressive type-”
“Guys, Bob’s moving,” Payback caught their attention. Everyone shut their mouth and watched how you sat there, a grin on your face as you picked at the label.
Jake narrowed his eyes trying to pick out which guy was gonna make his move.
Coyote hit his arm, “4 o’clock.” Hangman turned his head, seeing a guy high fiving his friends before adjusting his posture and making his way to you.
You didn’t look up when someone sat across from you. 
“You weren’t gone very long.” “Well I just got here,” the guy chuckled, and that’s when you looked up.
You glanced around for Bob, but didn’t see him. 
“I’m John.” “Rodeo,” you said, leaning back in your seat. “Rodeo?” You laughed, “It’s my call sign. I fly for the Navy.” John tilted his head, “You’re not from around here are you? You sound funny.”
The pilots, who had discreetly moved closer, dropped their jaws. “He did not just say that,” Rooster hushed out. “Oh he totally just did,” Phoenix smirked, waiting for you to lay into the guy.
You just laughed, “You have no idea how to actually talk to a woman do you?” If that hurt John’s feelings, he didn’t let it show, “Oh, I can show just how I talk to women.” He winked, “If you wanna take a ride?” You scoffed, sipping your drink with an arched brow, “Sorry, pal. I’m not interested.” He scoffed, fidgeting in his seat.
The group knew he was getting frustrated and there was no sign of Bob coming back, so they had to prepare to jump in themselves. Especially Hangman.
“Look, John, while I appreciate the offer, I’m already scheduled for a ride.”
Omaha and Yale choked on their drinks. Rooster and Phoenix smirked proudly, both for you and Bob. “I wasn’t expecting that,” Payback said, leaning on the pool table.
“With who? That cowboy that just left you here alone,” John glanced around. “And doesn’t seem to be coming back.” He looked back at you, “Come on. I could show you a better time.” He placed his hand over yours, gripping it.
You sighed, really just wanting him to leave you alone, “John, you are aware of the rules in the bar right?” He scoffed, and tightened his grip when you tried to pull away, “Yeah, don’t leave your phone on the bar. What the hell does that have to do anything?” You glanced up, smirking.
“You missed a few. There’s also a rule against disrespecting the Navy and women,” Bob looked at the tight grip on your open hand, and the tenseness of your shoulders. “And from what I can tell you’re breaking both. I can get Penny’s attention right now, then you have to buy everyone a drink, or you can leave.” 
John stood up, being the same height as Bob he could look him in the eye. “And if I don’t.” Bob glanced at you and you shook your head, not wanting him to get into a fight when it wasn’t necessary. “Well-” John punched Bob. “Bob!”
Hangman, Rooster and Coyote immediately jumped into action as you reared back.
“Rodeo,” Maverick had appeared, moving from his seat at the bar while Penny moved to the guy's friends telling them they needed to leave. Maverick had caught your elbow, “He’s not worth it. Help Bob, we’ll take care of him.”
You nodded and moved quickly to help your boyfriend, helping him up and grabbing his hat. “Are you okay?” He nodded, wincing slightly when you brushed your thumb over his busted lip. “That doesn’t look okay.”
He shook his head, adjusting his glasses, “I’m fine, Sweetheart. I’ve dealt with worse.” 
As John’s friends dragged him out, calling him a ‘fucking dumbass’ and throwing out ‘I told you so’s, Penny came over with a small ziplock bag of ice.
“Thank you, Pen,” you took it and the damp napkin, pushing Bob to sit on the table. You gently wiped the blood from his lip, “Bobby, I’m sorry. I coulda-” “Stop, don’t do that.” You nodded, “Alright.” He smiled, but it was small so it didn’t irritate the cut.
The group watched. They saw how your tongue poked out in concentration, and Bob’s eyes looking up at you.
“So, Hangman, what’s the thing? How’s he gonna ‘claim his territory’?” Fanboy asked, crossing his arms. “It seems he already has, his eyes are basically hearts,” Payback commented. “That’s exactly why he’s gonna do it.” “Do what?” Rooster asked, propping himself on the table next to Hangman.
“Thanks for coming to my rescue, cowboy,” you said as you pressed the ice to his lip. He hummed, “Of course, Princess.” 
He grabbed your wrist gently and moved the ice away from his lip. 
“It’s gonna swell.” “I know a way to make it better,” he sat up straight to look at you and kissed you. You giggled and ran your free hand into the hair at the base of his neck.
When he pulled away, he tongued the cut on his lip, “I need a way to show everyone that you're mine. And I’m not allowed to give you visible hickies.” Both of you knew it was too early for marriage, not that it bothered either of you but you knew this wasn’t how Bob would propose.
You smiled against his lips, “I think they know now, Rob.” He adjusted his hat and chuckled. “Now, as much as I love kissing you, this will be sore without ice.” He nodded and let you place the ice back onto his lip.
“You know, I’ve got an idea.” You hummed, “What’s that?”
Jake watched with bated breath as Bob reached up to take his hat off.
Bob placed the felt hat on your head, “There, now everyone knows.” Your eyes brimmed with tears as you looked at him. “Bobby…” “I know we’ve only been together for 8 months but-” You pulled him in for a kiss.
When you pulled away, his glasses were askew and his cheeks were flushed. “I love you too.” 
Bob smiled and looked over, seeing Jake smiling and dancing a little. “I think Hangman’s more excited about me giving you my hat than you are.”
You looked over and laughed, “Oh wow…”
“Do that!” The blonde pointed over at you two. “He gave her his hat, so?” Harvard said, sipping his drink. “In the south, that’s like a proposal. It’s like a promise ring,” Jake was still pointing excitedly at the couple. “Wait really?” Phoenix asked.
“Yeah, really,” you confirmed when you and Bob walked over. 
Jake rubbed his neck, “Did you-” “See you dance like a teenager that just scored a touchdown? Sure did,” Bob said, ice pack muffling some of the words.
Phoenix smiled sadly at her backseater, “You okay?” He nodded, “I’ve been bucked off a horse and pull g’s everyday, a punch to the face is nothing.”
Hangman couldn’t stop smiling at the two of you.
“Hang? You okay?” He nodded, “Just happy for ya is all.” You smiled and hugged him, “Thanks man.” 
When you pulled away, you reached back for Bob’s hand. He grabbed it and intertwined your fingers.
“Now, if y’all will excuse us. I think my scheduled ride has been bumped up. See y’all tomorrow.” You tipped your Bob’s hat and he waved as you pulled him out the door and to his Jeep. 
thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed!
thank you to those that voted for this story and i will be posting the last one tomorrow. i really appreciate all of you that voted! 
if you want more polls for the ‘x reader’s that are just chilling in my docs let me know or if you have any requests for more fics please do so!!
love you guys <33
top gun tags <3: @milesdickpic​ @luckyladycreator2​ @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​ @sebsxphia​ ​
thank you guys for being here! i love you *mwah*
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antiquarianfics · 1 year
Sun to Me
If there is one thing Bucky Barnes remembers about his mother, it is that she told him to find someone who plants flowers in the darkest parts of him. If there is one thing Bucky Barnes knows about Reader, it is that they grow him to the clouds.
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A/N: Okay, so. (1) Thank you all so much for the incredible response to my last fic, "Timeless." It's given me the motivation to keep writing fics for y'all. (2) Apparently my inspiration strictly comes from music; thus this Zach Bryan "Sun to Me" inspired fic. Enjoy! Genre: Fluff / WC: 1,049 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x G!N Reader Rating: PG / Warning(s): N/A Note: I do not own the character Bucky Barnes or any other Marvel affiliated characters.
You do not have permission to copy or repost my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
Children rarely grasp the concept of marriage when they're little. They understand that their parents get married because they love each other, and that's about as far as it goes. Children rarely grasp the concept of different types of love when they're little. They understand that their parents love each other, and they understand that their parents love them, but that's about as far as it goes. Bucky Barnes was no exception to this human truth when he was young. He remembers being 5 or 6--lifetimes ago--telling his mother he was going to marry her. He loved his ma: you marry the people you love.
Winnifred had gently taken her son in her arms, sitting on their solid living room couch.
"My darling boy," she had said, "you can't marry me. I'm your ma."
Bucky had made a face, protesting. "I love you, though!" He had argued with his mother. "You said people marry people they love."
"I did say that," Winnifred agreed, "but the way I love your father is different than the way I love you. You don't get it now, but one day, you'll meet someone wonderful. When you meet that person, you'll understand what I mean."
Bucky had made a face, scrunching his eyebrows together and biting his lip in confusion.
"James," his mother had said, "you'll find someone someday, somewhere that plants flowers in the darkest parts of you--someone who grows you to the clouds. You'll find someone who loves you the way I love your dad. I promise, sweetheart."
Bucky wakes to your alarm blaring--your third, if he counted right. He had woken up three times now to the blaring alarm that you have snoozed just as many times, not stirring more than you have to to pause the incessant noise. Bucky lie in your shared bed, staring at the ceiling and sure he would be unable to fall back asleep for a fourth time. Tiredly, he looked over to the digital clock on his nightstand, reading the taunting 5:32 A.M. in the aggressive red. Running a hand over his tired face, he is about to pull himself out of bed and start his day, but he looks beside him first.
There you are, fast asleep, ignoring every attempt your alarm makes to rouse you. He briefly thinks you're going to oversleep, but he also knows you set alarms earlier than you need to wake up to account for each time you hit snooze.
You're sprawled across your side of the bed, your legs tangling with his and arms tied around your pillow. It's only then that he realizes his legs have gone numb from being pressed beneath your own. He can't bring himself to care, though.
As he watches you sleep--your chest slowly rising and falling as you breathe--he smiles softly. He decides right then that anything he could possibly choose to do at 5:32 A.M. is not nearly as appealing as lying with his partner.
Bucky then rolls onto his side, letting his left arm wrap around you, pulling you close. He breathes in the smell of your shampoo, and he thinks it's something floral. The smell reminds him of his mother--a lifetime ago--telling him to find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of him. It's funny, he thinks, that a smell could pull out such a memory that the brainwashing and science experimenting had fought to erase completely, but he is glad it did.
He misses his mother for a moment. He had lost her so early on, but he remembers how he loved her, how she loved him. He remembers then how his mother had assured him the way they loved each other would be different than how he loves you. He can't help but laugh softly to himself. You were right, Ma, he thinks, I understand now.
You really are something special. You are the kind of person he thinks his mother would have loved. Your kind disposition, your intelligence, your strength: just you. You are the kind of person, too, that took his history, his scars, and his damaged heart and sowed a plentiful garden. You planted flowers in his soul where there had been thorns. You watered the sprouts every night to allow them to eventually bloom. You were there for every nightmare, every court appearance, every fight. You were there to pick up the pieces when he felt most broken. You were there to grow him to the clouds.
He hopes he has been the same for you.
A fourth alarm starts blaring, screaming for you to wake up. The fourth alarm takes the title as the final alarm as you clumsily grab your cellphone, looking at it just enough to turn it off. You drop your phone next to you on the bed before turning around in your lover's arms.
"Mornin', handsome," you say before letting out a yawn.
"Good morning, Doll," he replies easily, gently swiping a stray hair away from your eyes with his finger. "You know, you slept through 3 alarms this morning," he says with a teasing (albeit slightly annoyed) tone.
You groan. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright. Gave me time to just hold you."
You hum happily, leaning forward to softly kiss his lips. He happily reciprocates. When the two of you part, he smiles at you.
"I remembered something."
"Was it actually 4 alarms?" You ask playfully.
Bucky chuckles and leans his forehead against yours.
"Nah, it was just 3," he assures you. "I remembered something my ma told me."
"Oh!" You exclaim, a little surprised. "That's an early memory!"
He grins. "Yeah, it is."
"So? What'd she tell you?"
"She told me that somewhere, someday, I'd find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of me. Someone who grows me to the clouds. I was, like, 6, I think, so it made no sense when she said it to me."
You smile softly, letting your hand cup his face tenderly. You don't say anything, though, opting to let him share his newfound memory at his own pace.
"But I get it now. It took a literal century, but I get it now. You're the person Ma told me I'd find."
"Can I tell you a secret, Buck?"
"Anything, Doll."
"I love you, too."
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nectardaddy · 2 months
'88 Ford | Kita Shinsuke
chapter seven | stupid
no smau parts in this one, she's long
track seven . . . tourniquet
cw/notes: hurt/comfort (it's zach bryan's fault blame him), shit gets real country too oof, excuse me while I write a self indulgent blurb of how a father should be :'), nostalgic feelings, I proofread to the best of my ability
a very, very, very special shout out: thank you @mollyrolls @causenessus @froyaoya for listening to me talk about this WAY too much and letting me bother tf out of you guys over it. not to get sappy on main but genuinely thank you for all the comments, tags, and loving it as much as I do!!! I am forever in your favor for this
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"Because you're important to me." "You're just saying that, Shinsuke. There's nothing important about me at all." "Everything about you is important to me."
Three days ago - without a word since.
The woman sighed as she looked in the mirror, smudged with finger prints and specks of dust. Taking in her reflection with blurry eyes; the image of a woman with black and blue staining her right eye staring back at her. Swelling gone down from a bag of frozen peas, god forbid they had a real ice pack, still left on the kitchen table and forgotten about entirely.
It was stupid. A worker started something, she finished it. They swung first, though being thoroughly provoked, and she ended it. Winding herself up so tight from the conversation days prior, she found herself more standoffish than normal. Constantly thinking about it, never a waking moment without the words "you're important to me" haunting her. Racking her brain so much as to why he stopped talking to her since, her head hurt from the thoughts that pounded her skull.
So, it truly wasn't her fault the skin of her knuckles were bruised and busted, and her eye tender and discolored. It was his - goddamn Kita Shinsuke. At least that's what she told herself, shifting blame because it felt better. Because it ate her alive every glance he still gave her, despite his lack of words; always locking eyes for a fraction a second before he broke it with a nervous air about him.
Anger was easier to swallow than dejection. It was hot and fluid, boiling through shallow veins easily and bubbling over; while sadness was the lack there of, uncomfortable, and made her stomach turn. She'd rather feel the singe of rage than the emptiness of sorrow.
A door slam caught her attention, gaze snapping towards the sound; thoughts ceased as she watched the figure of her father near the bathroom door. Propping herself up by her hands on the sink, she closed her eyes and sighed once more; expecting the inevitable scolding.
"Did they deserve it?" An unexpected question that made her reopen her eyes, seeing him in the doorway with a ghost of a frown.
"Did you win?"
"Of course I did."
There was a pause. A length that lingered a bit too long, hearing the sink faucet drip water into the old porcelain, until he let out a sigh. Shoving his hands in the pockets of his work jacket, he turned. Stepping away from the bathroom door and into the small hallway; she followed.
"You gonna' tell me what's going on? Or are you gonna' keep skulking around here with a stick up your ass?"
"Rude," rolling her eyes at his words. "Nothing's goin' on." She crossed her arms over her chest, as if to guard herself, to keep the thoughts that wanted to flow out of her locked deep within. Unfortunately for her, he saw right through it. A bad habit of picking up more twang in her words when she lied, always becoming defensive to the point her accent was the focal point of discussion.
"You never were a good liar," he nearly chuckled at the woman in front of him. "You sound like a hick." He added, "so are you gonna' fess up? Or keep pickin' fights with workers?"
"They had it coming." A snarkiness shining through as she huffed out a breath; moving past him in the hallway as to further herself from the conversation. "And pickin' fights sounds pretty fun to me, honestly."
"Yeah? Well it ain't fun seeing my daughter with a black eye." His comment made her falter, stopping mid step just before the quant living area. Another sigh left her lips. It wasn't as if she didn't want to tell her father, it was bringing up the sickly feelings that came along with it. Admitting that it hurt, caused an emptiness, and made her ill to think about it.
"It's stupid."
"It ain't stupid if it has you out here raising hell."
Another pause, and feeling her father's worry made her want to wretch. To heave and slink right back into her skin; feeling all the more worse that she caused him panic in the slightest. She turned back to look at him a moment - she frowned, crumbling right there on the spot. Maybe it was her father's eyes swimming with concern, or maybe she just couldn't keep it in anymore. Which ever it was, she felt her heart fall to the pits of her stomach and she swallowed hard to fight the lump in her throat.
"Shinsuke said I was important to him and now he won't talk to me anymore, dad," voice cracking as she took a step towards him. She watched as his features fell through blurry eyes, and for a moment she believed she said the wrong thing. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she stood in front of him; he sighed.
"C'mere," holding out his arms to which she wholeheartedly obliged. Hugging him like her life depended on it - crying. Haven't shed a single tear in years, refusing to feel such hollow and empty emotions, it poured out of her. Shaking, clinging to her father, as she finally let her emotions swallow her completely.
"I'm in love with him. And I feel so fucking stupid because he doesn't even love me back; he won't even speak to me."
"I remember when he first got here," conflicting the tone of the conversation all together. "I never in my life thought you'd fall for someone so quiet." A seemingly random thought, but he continued all the same. "But then I saw how he looked at you and I realized why you liked him so much."
"What the hell are you talkin' about?"
"Maybe you don't see it, through that black eye and angst you have goin' on, but that boy is in love with you."
"He's not in love with me."
He pulled away from the woman slowly, looking in her eyes with a care that was meant for only her, but a seriousness that was as deadly as a heart attack. Holding her gently by her shoulders, he gave her a sad smile. "I don't like arguin' with you, you give me hell for it every time. But you're wrong."
She stood there a moment, looking at her father through foggy eyes. Features wet and tear stained, a numbing pain singing the right side of her face; irritating her bruised eye further. "Well, if you're so smart, why isn't he talkin' to me?"
He saw the puzzled expression on her face and couldn't help but laugh. "Because men are stupid." A statement he told her often, one she always laughed about, but held onto like a lifeline now. After every fight, every argument, and every failed past relationship; always telling her 'men are stupid. Don't let their stupidity stop you from doing shit.'
"So what should I do about it?" Breath stopped in her throat at the thought of the man actually being in love with her. A sickly sensation swirling in her stomach that didn't feel like the cliché butterflies, it felt like spiders. The feeling slowly caught up to her as her tears leisurely stopped. Eating away at her until she caught herself being frustrated all over again.
"Don't let it stop you from doing shit," he chuckled. "Tell him to stop being stupid."
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taglist under cut
@wyrcan @chizunata @seroh @chemiru @froyaoya
@h3xi2g0n3 @localgaytrainwreck @mollyrolls @causenessus @diorzs
@rory-cakes @phoenix-eclipses @pattys-got-cakes @girlkissersco
@jaynawayna @aliensstolemyheart @le000xxgrd @cherrypieyourface @miliondollagirl
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thefallennightmare · 10 months
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: I couldn't stay away from these characters or this universe. I hope you all enjoy! Also, thanks @thescarlettvvitch for the small idea 😉
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl @iamdesolate @lma1986 @jessitpwk @themodern-daywednesday @writethrough @bngurngheart @dreams-that-are-anwsered @loeytuan98 @omens-in-reverse @loverofagoodbeard @jay02bo @niicoleleigh @tearfallpixie @cupidsdreams
MOOD BOARD created by @madomens
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The crowd cheered wildly behind me as I scurried in front of the barricade; the camera hanging loosely around my neck. Bryan and I gave each other a high five as we passed each other for me to come to a stop center stage, eyes gazing up at the man in front of me. His eyes shined as he spoke into the microphone, thanking everyone for coming out to another sold out show; the last show of the tour. The last night was always electric, exciting, and from the energy radiating from the crowd behind me, they felt the same.
“We only have a few songs left tonight,” Noah began only to be cut off by a loud ruckus of cheers. “But we can’t thank you all enough for your continue support and love for the last couple years ever since we blew up. We were this small town band from Virgina that moved to Los Angeles with a dream; one that came true.”
Noah’s eyes darted down to me and winked, a warm hue covering my cheeks. “And for some of us, we had a few extra dreams come true.”
With a bashful gaze, I mouthed three simple words up to him.
“I love you.”
The corners of his lips lifted as his eyes now sparkled, blowing me a soft kiss then started into Enough, Enough Now. This tour was all about their older songs, with of course their hits from their current album, but Bad Omens wanted to reinvent their older songs.
I let out a deep breath, stretching out the pain in my back and abdomen before busying myself switching between pictures and videos of all the guys for the next few songs. As I was walking down the steps from Folio’s drum stage, I nearly missed the last step and almost tumbled to the floor until familiar arms wrapped around me.
“Angel,” Noah hissed. “What did I say about walking around on the stage in the dark?”
Thankfully, it was a quick break in between the last two songs as the video intro started for the next one so our conversation was hushed.
“I’m fine,” I reassured him while standing on two feet. “I missed the last step, that’s all.”
His eyes narrowed under the stage lights while I brushed away the hair from his face. He decided on letting his hair grow again and it was almost a comb over across his forehead. He looked ethereal cast in the red stage lights as Jolly started strumming the first few notes of Concrete Jungle.
But I noticed he didn’t move, only continued to stare at me with those intense dark eyes and hands on his hips.
“Noah,” I sighed. “I have to work still.”
“I know, angel. All I’m asking is that you’re careful, alright? I don’t want anything to risk-,” His hands reached for mine and gave them a gentle squeeze.
“I will,” I promised while cupping his cheek. “I’ll be more careful.”
Noah gave me a small smile before laying a gentle kiss on my forehead, something the crowd noticed and cheered loudly. Pushing him back to the center of the stage, I giggled while walking to the side of the stage where I noticed Matt watching with a smirk.
“A bit of a difference from last tour, huh?” He asked while crossing his arms over his chest.
I hummed in agreement and stood next to him, opting to watch the rest of the show instead of take pictures, and thought back to how last tour went. It was about a month after Noah and I got married and I was still apprehensive about letting the fans know about us. We got married pretty soon after our engagement, less than a year, but that was only because we didn’t want to waste another second once Bad Omens finished writing their current record. Noah offered we could get married while they were writing but I declined, telling him he should only focus on one thing. The ceremony was quiet, in a hushed location in Washington, where afterwards Noah and I stayed for a month in the same cabin that he proposed in. We kept the marriage a secret for the first year since Bad Omens were about to go on tour overseas, one I of course followed with. Even though we were married, I continued to work for them as their social media ambassador; until the last few months.
Reading some of the darker side of the comments on posts or online didn’t sit well with me mentally, along with some personal things I was dealing with, so after a deep conversation with Noah, we decided it would be best if I continued taking pictures and videos alongside Bryan but they would have someone else posts and take care of the social media accounts. The entire tour overseas, Noah and I kept our relationship quiet and while he was on stage, we kept it professional, much to his dismay. But he always understood why we needed to keep it that way. We rarely went out in public just the two of us to avoid any untrue rumors and when we went out as a group with everyone, we did our best not to make it seem like we were together.
It was fucking brutal, and we hated every second of it. It was getting in the middle of our marriage and made the first year exhausting and heartbreaking when it should have been filled with love and joy. There was a night where we had an intense argument that Noah went to spend the night at his old place with Jolly and the rest of the guys while I stayed back at the home we were creating for ourselves. I didn’t sleep even for a few minutes that night and neither did Noah because I felt him crawling back into our bed hours later, leaving a soft kiss to my head.
“I’m sorry, angel,” he murmured while brushing away the dried tears from my face.
Now, we were both at a better place, mentally, that I felt comfortable with our marriage being out in the open. If people found out, good for them. It wasn’t because I was ashamed or didn’t want to be seen with Noah. In fact, it was the opposite. I loved Noah with my entire fucking soul. He was the miracle I’d been searching for.
So before this tour began, about four weeks ago on our first anniversary, Noah posted a 24 hour story on his Instagram, with my permission of course.
It was the picture. The one from that first party all those years ago, back during Noah’s long hair era. There were three simply words typed across the picture, ones that started a frenzy.
Happy anniversary, wife.
In return, I posted a picture of Noah and I, one that Bryan took on that one tour so long ago. It was back when we were sort of dating and the night of the storage closet. It was that moment after the show when I was sitting on Noah’s lap, playing with his necklace as he kissed my lips. Unbeknownst to us, Bryan took our picture.
My caption mirrored Noah’s: Happy anniversary, husband.
Matt nudged my arm, bringing me back to the present, and I hummed in response to his words.
“What did you say?”
He snickered while nodding towards Noah, who was giving a bow to the crowd as they cheered for one more song.
“I’m glad you came with. I know last tour was kind of rough for you two.”
I nodded. “Yeah but we worked past those issues. We’re in a good place, finally.”
“Good,” Matt smiled. “Because I don’t know if I could handle crabby Noah for another tour.”
Just as he finished speaking, Noah ran up to me and wrapped me in his arms, breathing in my scent. I giggled while leaving kisses along his shoulder, the salty taste of his sweat bittersweet on my tongue.
“Are you okay?” He asked while pulling away slightly so he could look down at me.
I rolled my eyes. “Yes, I’m fine.”
The rest of the guys bounded up behind Noah as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder to pull me into his chest.
“Usual last night tradition?” Noah asked.
My heart rate picked up, and I wrapped myself tighter around him, the nerves beginning to lock me into place. This was something we talked about for awhile now and I knew it was coming, but I was still so nervous to see how everyone would react.
They had the tradition on the last night of the tour to sit in the back of the bus and play Mario Cart until the wee hours of the morning. But this time, Noah and I had a little something extra planned.
Jolly nodded. “Of course.”
“That is if Y/N remembered to bring the game,” Folio gave me shit as we began walking back to the green room.
“Oh my gods,” I groaned. “Yes, I forgot it on the last tour but did you forget how many stores I went to find it? Spent my entire afternoon running around so you idiots could play it.”
Nick chuckled. “Are you going to join us this time?”
Noah squeezed my shoulder, but we both kept a neutral face.
“Nope. It’s your guy’s thing. I already planned on laying in my bunk and reading a book,” I said as we walked into the green room.
“You can, angel,” Noah said as he reluctantly let me go so I could pack up my things.
I smirked at his rouse and threw over one of his sweaters, it almost drowning me in it, and walked up to him leaving a peck on his lips.
“Please tell me you remembered the bag?” I mumbled against his lips.
His hands squeezed my hips. “It’s in your bunk, ready to go.”
I brushed away the sweat matted hair from his forehead so I could look directly into his eyes. I wanted to make sure the both of us were one hundred perfect on board with this decision. Noah was the one that brought up the idea last night and while I was still apprehensive, I agreed. They deserved to know; soon they would have found out if we didn’t say anything.
“You’re sure? What if we have another-.”
Noah wrapped a hand against the side of my neck and lifted my chin with his thumb. “We waited long enough, angel. We’ll be okay, we were before. This time, if it happens, we’ll have the support of everyone.”
Tears burned in my eyes as memories of the past came flooding back, something Noah noticed, because he pulled me into his chest and rubbed soothing circles against my back. His lips brushed along my hairline as his sweet words eased the pain that sat low in my heart. It never went away; it continued to fester there, stabbing the knife deeper and deeper. Especially now.
“It won’t, angel,” Noah reassured me, his own sniffles being muffled by my hair. “This time will be different. It already is.”
I smiled into his shirt when I realized he was right. This time is different, and there was already proof of it.
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“Okay so before we start,” Noah spoke as we all lounged in the back area of the bus, it driving us the twelve hour drive back to Los Angeles.
“She forgot the game!” Folio bellowed while sitting up taller on the couch.
I stuck my tongue out at him. “Fuck off, Folio.”
Noah hushed my words with a pat to my knee before he set a small gift bag on the floor in front of both Nick’s and Jolly, who stared at it with a raised brow.
“What is this?” He asked.
“That’s the whole point of a gift. You’re supposed to open it to see,” Noah urged with a nod.
Noah’s knee bounced with anticipation and I rested a hand against his thigh to ease him and he placed his hand over mine to link them together. We shared a loving gaze, one he ended with a wink and smirk as we watched Jolly pull out the first gift.
“Naruto socks?” He asked with a raised brow, confusion etched in his voice.
“Dude, these aren’t even in your size,” Folio snatched them and eyed them. “They look like they could fit a kid.”
I bit the inside of my cheek to keep my smile away.
Noah rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, about that.”
Nick then pulled out a Bad Omens beanie, bright white letters on the back that only Noah and I could read.
“It’s a new design,” Noah said when they all eyed it with curious eyes. “Its an infant size.”
The three of them shared a quick look before Nick turned over the beanie and his body went stiff when he read the writing on the back.
With the infant beanie and infant size socks, the wheels were turning for them. But to give them that little of extra help, I held out my phone towards them; the black and white sonogram catching their attention immediately.
“No fucking way,” Nick said.
“You’re not fucking with us, are you?” Jolly asked with a small smile.
“My name is literally right there,” I chukled while showing them the part of the sonogram where it read Y/N Sebastian.
Folio smacked his hands together while letting out a loud yelp of celebration as he all but tackled me deeper onto the couch in a vice like hug. With a fit of giggles, I wrapped my own arms around him.
“Nick! She’s fucking fragile, man,” Noah cursed while pushing him off of me to pull me into his lap, large arms wrapping around me now protectively.
I kissed his forehead. “I’m not made of glass, Noah.”
His face grew stone serious. “Yes, you are.”
My shoulders fell, knowing there was a reason he’d been so protective. Not just tonight but since we found out four months ago. Only this time, we wanted to make sure we made it past this point before telling anyone.
Jolly quickly picked up on the seriousness of our conversation but waited until a round of congratulations and hugs were had before settling back into the couch.
“How far along?” He wondered.
Now sitting curled up against Noah’s warm embrace, I sighed into his chest. “Almost five months.”
Nick’s eyes widened. “How the hell didn’t we notice?”
“She wore baggy clothes. We wanted to make sure-,” Noah’s words trailed off, unable to find the courage to finish.
“Uh,” I began while sitting straight up. “I only have a small bump so it made it easy to hide. But there’s a reason we kept it secret for so long. Before this pregnancy, we suffered through two miscarriages.”
The guys sucked in a breath while Noah stiffened next to me. Even though he was strong during those two dark times in our marriage, I knew he was doing it for me. Deep down, he suffered through those losses on his own and was still dealing with it.
“Shit,” Jolly ran a hand through his hair.
“Please don’t say the typical I’m sorry bullshit. We don’t want to hear that,” I smiled weakly. “It was hard for us but we got through it. We just want to focus on now and what the future holds for this baby. And us.”
Noah rested a hand over my bump, eyes glittering as he stared lovingly at me.
“Oh,” he said while reluctantly looking away from me over towards teh guys. “Don’t go saying shit. If Jesse doesn't find out from me, he’d be so hurt.”
“Rightfully so,” I nodded with a smirk.
That night, the game was forgotten as we all talked about the future of not only Bad Omens but also the future of its newest little member.
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A soft knock sounded on the door frame behind me and I looked over my shoulder, giving a small smile to Noah. He was shirtless as he leaned up against the doorframe, eyes tired but bright with so much love and adoration. His usual Levi cut a mess on top of his head. He knew how much I loved that haircut so instead of cutting it when it got too long; he was sporting that look again.
“Why are you awake? You should be sleeping.”
Fuck, his tired voice was so sexy but at almost nine months pregnant, that was the last thing I wanted to think about. I loved my husband and our sex life was amazing but I was miserable the last month, wanting the pains in my back and hips to stop. I reminded him once or twice that he could watch that sex tape we made a few years ago.
“I can’t sleep,” I shrugged from my spot on the floor of the almost ready nursery.
An array of pieces and an instruction manual lay at my feet, something Noah eyed with a brow. “Angel, I told you I’d put the crib together in the morning. You shouldn’t be doing it by yourself.”
He sat on the floor in front of me and reached for my hands, taking away the screwdrivers and set them into the pile of tools.
“I know. I thought I could get a head start on it though,” I began cracking my knuckles.
Noah sighed as he wrapped one large hand over both of my small ones. “I hate when you do that.”
“Sorry,” I looked away from him. “Nervous habit.”
“Are you nervous for Friday?”
I nodded while finally meeting his gaze. “There’s all these risks for C-sections. What if something happens and-.”
Noah hushed my worries with a firm kiss to my lips, his tongue brushing over my bottom lips before exploring every inch of my mouth. I moaned into the kiss and rested my hands against his bare chest, nails scraping along the tattooed skin.
“We’ve already gone over all the risk factors,” Noah sighed while pulling away, resting his forehead against mine. “But it’s the only way, angel.”
With his hand over my large bump, I nodded. “I know.”
We sat like this for a long moment, enjoying the silence and solace of the nursery. It was a simple design, nothing too over the top. But we made it special with pictures of everyone that mattered to us; our family. The center picture was the one of Noah and I from that party; thatpicture.
My voice broke the silence, and he gave me a small smile. “What is it?”
I blew out a shaky breath. “What if I’m not a good mom? What if I get Alzheimers like my mom did and treat our baby the way she treated me?”
These worries weighed heavy on my mind from the second we found out I was pregnant; this time. The worry if I would be a good enough mother and treat them with love and honesty; not the way my mother did for me.
All these years later after her death and I still couldn’t find it in my heart to forgive her. I might have moved on, but the pain was still buried deep, sometimes clawing its way out. There was also the fear of if I’d get Alzheimers as I got older. Noah always had the same answer; we’ll figure it out if that time comes. Let just focus on the now.
As the tears fell, Noah was quick on my side to pull me into him, us resting against the wall of the nursery.
“You’re going to be a great mom, angel. I already know that because you take care of everyone before yourself. It won’t be hard but I’m going to be with you by your side through it all. Even if you get Alzheimers, I’ll record myself telling you we’re married so you don’t forget me.”
I couldn’t stop the small giggle that fell from my lips and pressed a small kiss to his chest before gazing up at him. “It’s the hormones.”
Bullshit, his eyes shined.
“Come on,” he kissed the side of my head. “This crib isn’t going to put itself together.”
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“Angel, sit down. Let me get your water for you,” Noah hissed when he saw me trying to stand from the couch.
“But-,” I spoke.
His eyes pinned me in place as he held my bottle of water in one arm and the small infant in the other. Noah’s hair was a mess and his black shirt had a few spots of spit up but none of that bothered him. Even through exhaustion, he still wore the proudest smile on his face. We returned home from the hospital a few days ago and spent that time just the three of us, finding our ways as a family.
This entire pregnancy was constant fear and worry if we’d lose our baby like we did previously. I still didn’t believe he was real until I held him; Noah’s eyes staring back up at me as our baby's name fell from my lips.
Kenji Noah Sebastian.
“Thank you,” I thanked him with a kiss as Noah handed me my water bottle.
“I love you,” he muttered against them.
“I love you too.”
The noise coming from the kitchen made us raise our brows in confusion.
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to let Folio filet a fish in our kitchen?” I asked.
Noah shrugged as he gazed down at our son, a wide smile on his face as he rocked him. “He wants to cook us dinner. Let him.”
Kenji began fussing in Noah’s arms but before I could offer to feed him, Noah shot me another look. “You were up all night with him, angel.”
“Yeah but you’ve been dealing with him all day. Kenji hasn’t stopped fussing.”
Noah brushed a finger along the side of Kenji’s face, his black wedding band catching the light from above. “They have cut you through six layers of skin and had your insides moved around to give birth to our baby. You need to rest, angel.”
With a pouted lip, I held out my arms. “Can I atleast hold him while you make a bottle?”
Once Kenji was in my arms, Noah bent low to leave another kiss on my lips before retreated into the kitchen where he heard Folio and Jesse arguing about something. Tonight, we had a full house of our family who came to visit us and meet Kenji.
Jolly sat down on the couch next to me, finger immediately being grasped my Kenji’s small hand.
“Y/N, your genes didn’t even try. That’s a printed copy of Noah. You just gave birth to Noah,” Jolly smirked while making funny faces down to Kenji.
“Gee thanks, it’s not like I grew him,” I grumbled playfully.
Noah returned and sat on the other side of me, taking a now sleeping Kenji to lay him against his chest, him brushing a gentle kiss across the baby’s forehead. I smiled wide and felt my heart spread warmth all throughout my body at the sight.
Never did I think that when I first started working for Bad Omens that I would be married to the vocalist and have a child with him. Our relationship might not have been perfect in the beginning but through all the hardships of the two miscarriages and all the fights that stemmed from it, we never gave up.
As I brushed through the thick dark locks of Kenji’s hair, a mirror image to Noah, I heard a quiet sniffle next to me and realized Noah was holding back tears. They pooled at the corner of his eyes but refused to let them slip. Always the stoic one but I could see that he was running through so many emotions.
“What are you thinking about?” I questioned.
His bottom lip trembled. “Just everything. How far we’ve come. The Airbnb, the pop up event you put together, our fight where I said hurtful things to you.”
I cupped his cheek. “Please stop beating yourself up about it, Noah. All has been forgiven.”
“But I can't help but wonder what would have happened if you didn’t forgive me. Would we be sitting here together? With our son on my chest?”
Noah placed another tender kiss to Kenji’s head, who stirred in his sleep.
With his free hand, I linked our fingers together my thumb tracing over the faded angel wings tattoo.
“I think we would have found our way back to each other,” I said matter-of-factly.
That made him smile just the tiniest bit but I could tell the darkness that still held tight to him. As he blew out a breath, a few tears fell.
“The fire, I think, haunts me to this day. I know you’ve overcome your nightmares from it but I can't even let a candle burn without thinking of seeing you hang from the house.”
“I didn’t know that,” I breathed, shocked.
While I overcame the trauma from the fire, I didn’t realize Noah was still dealing with it.
“Fuck,” he sighed while running a hand over his face to brush away the tears. “I didn’t mean to get so emotional.”
I brushed away another stray tear with my finger, the wedding band catching the light from above. “It’s the lack of sleep.”
Noah agreed with a chuckle and stared down at Kenji again, who was making soft coos in his sleep. Suddenly a large smile broke out across Noah’s face, instantly brightening up the room.
“All I ever wanted was a family of my own. I made one with my friends, but you, angel,” Noah squeezed my hand. “You gave me something I don’t even have words for.”
“Hey, you helped,” I rested my head against his shoulder.
Noah laid his chin on top of my head, chest shaking with his deep breath, which did nothing to bother the sleeping baby. “But you did everything, you gave my life new meaning. Thank you. You gave me that fucking miracle, angel.”
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bordysbae · 1 year
going to stagecoach with trevor!! bunch of pda and fluff😪😪😪😪
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“concert buddy”
trevor zegras x f!reader
“hi love,” trevor smiles, coming up behind you in the airbnb mirror.
“hi trev,” you blush, leaning your body closer against his chest. once you readjust part of your outfit, you turn around and look up at trevor. you both share a small smile, before you slightly pull down on his cowboy hat as you lean up to kiss him.
“ew guys get a room!” jamie scoffs, making cam york laugh.
“sorry you’re lonely, jimbo. you and cam can third wheel together,” you shrug before giving trevor a small peck on his lips. you then grab your phone from the table, and place the baby pink straw cowboy hat on your head.
“you guys ready to get going?” cam asks, and you all nod in response. you guys then hop into trevor’s bronco, that the four of you used to drive down to palm springs. the festival is already packed with people wearing cowboy hats and boots, making you let out a little laugh. you were never very big on country until you met trevor, but now you’re not really opposed to it since both jamie and trevor have conditioned you to it.
“okay guys cmon hurry up, i wanna see luke bryan!” you exclaim. everyone gets out of the car, and you all meet up with a few other friends before heading into the music festival. as you drag the group towards luke bryan’s set, trevor wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer into him.
“i’m happy you came with me, thank you for coming. i know you’re not that big on country.” he says, making you smile up at him.”you know, i don’t hate it anymore,” you bashfully say, making trevor gasp. he immediately turns around to face jamie, excited to tell him the news that him and his best friend have finally convinced you that country isn’t so bad.
“jimmy! we did it!” he cheers, taking his arm off of you and rushing over to pushy jamie around at the exciting news. jamie looks utterly confused as to why trevor is jumping around in joy, meanwhile you’re hysterically laughing.
“the hell is going on with you stop jumping all over me!” jamie laughs.
“we did it jimmy! y/n doesn’t hate country! she said she likes it!” he says, and jamie’s mouth drops.
“i knew the day would come! i think it’s partially because of me, you know, my amazing guitar skills convinced her,” jamie shrugs. you and trevor both exchange a glance, before bursting out laughing.
“yeah okay jamie, you keep telling yourself that,” you laugh, before claiming your spots in the dirt waiting for luke bryan’s set to begin. you and the group chat for majority of the waiting time, meanwhile you and trevor just can’t lay off from the pda.
his hands find their way all over your body, from placing a hand on your lower back, to even lower than that. you two are such a touchy couple sometimes, that you get wrapped up in each other constantly and forget that you were in a conversation. “uh hello, earth to trevor i asked you a question,” cam says, waving a hand in between you and trevor’s conversation. you blush with embarrassment, but let it go as you see no one giving it a second thought. everyone’s used to it by now. eventually the singer comes out, and you begin singing your heart out. luke bryan is one of your favorites, and he’s headlining stage coach so you know the show is bound to be good.
as the intro to ‘drunk on you’ begins playing, you immediately gasp and turn towards trevor, and the both of you begin singing the lyrics to each other. as the chorus begins, trevor points to you and you point to him, shouting the lyrics at each other with nothing but big grins across your faces.
“girl you make my speakers go boom boom, dancin' on the tailgate in the full moon, that kinda thing makes a man go mmm mmm, you're lookin' so good in what's left of those blue jeans”
as trevor sings the blue jeans lyric, he gestures to your bootcut jeans that are tightly hugging your legs, and you blush and hide your face in your hands. a bit later the set ends, and you all make your way towards another set. as you’re walking next to jamie, trevor comes up behind you and throws you over his shoulder. “trevor stop!” you laugh, and he just smiles.
“wanna go on my shoulders instead?” he asks you, and you hit his back as your form of saying yes. he places you down and squats, allowing you to get on top of his shoulders. the height difference between you both makes it a lot easier, and now you’re able to see a lot more than you were before. you all collectively decide to head to riley green’s set, and manage to get a spot not too far away from the stage seeing as you all got there a little bit early.
the chorus to ‘there was this girl’ starts, and trevor immediately begins singing the lyrics to you again, making you laugh. of course you sing back, but the lyrics to this song are bit more relatable from trevor’s perspective.
“there was this girl, drink in her hand. shootin' me a ‘let's get into trouble’ grin, i ain't never seen somethin' so fine. and I was doin' anything to make her mine. i was out of my mind, she was out of this world, there was this girl”
you and trevor relate heavily to this part of the song, seeing as you both met at a party late last year. of course jamie jokingly gives you both dirty looks, just because you both are singing the lyrics to every song while somehow finding a way to touch each other.
later on, you all eventually decide to call it a night after hours of being there. you end up falling asleep in the bronco on the way back to the airbnb, forcing trevor to carry you inside. you get settled down into bed and trevor goes to play some ping pong with the boys, before joining you in the bed as well. as you groggily cuddle into him, he presses a gentle kiss into your hair.
“goodnight y/n, i’m really happy you came with us to stagecoach. i love you, thanks for being my concert buddy” he chuckles, making you smile.
“i love you more, trev,” you mumble into his chest before falling back asleep.
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🖤 Black History Month ❤️
💛 Queer Books by Black Authors 💚
[ List Under the Cut ]
🖤 Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender ❤️ Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta 💛 Warrior of the Wind by Suyi Davies Okungbowa 💚 I'm a Wild Seed by Sharon Lee De La Cruz 🖤 Real Life by Brandon Taylor ❤️ Ruthless Pamela Jean by Carol Denise Mitchell 💛 The Unbroken by C.L. Clark 💚 Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova 🖤 Skin Deep Magic by Craig Laurance Gidney ❤️ The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi 💛 That Could Be Enough by Alyssa Cole 💚Work for It by Talia Hibbert
🖤 All Boys Aren't Blue by George M. Johnson ❤️ The Deep by Rivers Solomon 💛 How to Be Remy Cameron by Julian Winters 💚 Running With Lions by Julian Winters 🖤 Right Where I Left You by Julian Winters ❤️ This Is Kind of an Epic Love Story by Kacen Callender 💛 The Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum 💚 This Is What It Feels Like by Rebecca Barrow 🖤 Son of the Storm by Suyi Davies Okungbowa ❤️ Black Boy Joy by Kwame Mbalia 💛 Legendborn by Tracy Deonn 💚 The Wicker King by K. Ancrum
🖤 Pet by Akwaeke Emezi ❤️ You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson 💛 Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole 💚 Cinderella Is Dead by Kalynn Bayron 🖤 Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann ❤️ A Spectral Hue by Craig Laurance Gidney 💛 Power & Magic by Joamette Gil 💚 The Black Veins by Ashia Monet 🖤 Treasure by Rebekah Weatherspoon ❤️ The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow 💛 Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James 💚 Full Disclosure by Camryn Garrett
🖤 The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta ❤️ Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee 💛 A Phoenix First Must Burn (edited) by Patrice Caldwell 💚 Rise to the Sun by Leah Johnson 🖤 Things We Couldn't Say by Jay Coles ❤️ Black Boy Out of Time by Hari Ziyad 💛 Darling by K. Ancrum 💚 The Secrets of Eden by Brandon Goode 🖤 Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé ❤️ Off the Record by Camryn Garrett 💛 Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers 💚 Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
🖤 How to Dispatch a Human by Stephanie Andrea Allen ❤️ Black Girl, Call Home by Jasmine Mans 💛 The Essential June Jordan (edited) by Jan Heller Levi and Christoph Keller 💚 A Master of Djinn by P. Djèlí Clark 🖤 A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney ❤️ Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo 💛 Dread Nation by Justina Ireland 💚 Punch Me Up to the Gods by Brian Broome 🖤 Masquerade by Anne Shade ❤️ One of the Good Ones by Maika Moulite & Maritza Moulite 💛 Soulstar by C.L. Polk 💚 100 Boyfriends by Brontez Purnell
🖤 Hurricane Child by Kacen Callender ❤️ Quietly Hostile by Samantha Irby 💛 Coffee Will Make You Black by April Sinclair 💚 The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi 🖤 If It Makes You Happy by Claire Kann ❤️ Sweethand by N.G. Peltier 💛 This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron 💚 Better Off Red by Rebekah Weatherspoon 🖤 Friday I’m in Love by Camryn Garrett ❤️ Rainbow Milk by Paul Mendez 💛 Memorial by Bryan Washington 💚 Patsy by Nicole Y. Dennis-Benn
🖤 Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon ❤️ How to Find a Princess by Alyssa Cole 💛 Yesterday is History by Kosoko Jackosn 💚 Mouths of Rain (edited) by Briona Simone Jones 🖤 Dead Dead Girls by Nekesa Afia ❤️ Love's Divine by Ava Freeman 💛 The Prophets by Robert Jones Jr 💚 Odd One Out by Nic Stone 🖤 Symbiosis by Nicky Drayden ❤️ Thanks a Lot, Universe by Chad Lucas 💛 The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons 💚 Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin
🖤 Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert ❤️ My Government Means to Kill Me by Rasheed Newson 💛 Pleasure and Spice by Fiona Zedde 💚 No Gods, No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull 🖤 The Stars and the Blackness Between Them by Junauda Petrus ❤️ Filthy Animals by Brandon Taylor 💛 The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin 💚 Peaces by Helen Oyeyem 🖤 The Beauty That Remains by Ashley Woodfolk ❤️ Every Body Looking by Candice Iloh 💛 Bingo Love by Tee Franklin, Jenn St-Onge, Joy San 💚 The Heart Does Not Bend by Makeda Silvera
🖤 King and the Dragonflies by Kacen Callender ❤️ By Any Means Necessary by Candice Montgomery 💛 Busy Ain't the Half of It by Frederick Smith & Chaz Lamar Cruz 💚 Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo 🖤 Sin Against the Race by Gar McVey-Russell ❤️ Trumpet by Jackie Kay 💛 Remembrance by Rita Woods 💚 Daughters of Nri by Reni K. Amayo 🖤 You Know Me Well by Nina LaCour ❤️ The Summer of Everything by Julian Winters 💛 Butter Honey Pig Bread by Francesca Ekwuyasi 💚 Gingerbread by Helen Oyeyem
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krisdreaming · 1 year
Rain is a Good Thing
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Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x gn!reader
WC: 965
Summary: It hasn't rained for a while now, and you can tell that Kita is getting concerned.
A/N: Yes, the title is a Luke Bryan song. Yes I listen to country music sometimes, sue me. Also, one day I will actually research what is involved in rice farming. Today is not that day.
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This morning, like every morning lately, you watch Shinsuke peer out the kitchen window and heave a sigh. You look out, too, and see a clear blue sky, the newly risen sun already beginning to beat down strong and hot. You can't recall exactly the last time it had rained. You think it must have been almost a month, and you can feel your husband's concern.
These few weeks are the most critical for a good harvest. By now, you know it without Shinsuke having to tell you. You feel anxieties of your own creep up every time you look out over the fields and see the growing plants. Last week you'd noticed their leaves just beginning to curl at the edges. Please, you had murmured up at the sky, watching a white puff of a cloud scud by.
After dinner, Shinsuke turns on the TV to the weather channel. It's become an almost nightly ritual. You curl in next to him, watching with more anticipation than you would have ever thought possible. When the weather woman predicts more of the same dry heat for the coming days, you can feel your husband deflating beside you.
"It's got to rain soon," You pipe up uncertainly, not quite sure if such a statement is more of a jinx than anything else. "Right?"
He turns to you with a small smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes like it usually would. "Yeah. It's gotta." He doesn't sound entirely convinced, but he presses a kiss to your forehead before rising to his feet. You stay on the couch a few moments longer, watching him make his way to get ready for bed. If you could reach up into the sky and wring rain from the clouds yourself, you would do it in a heartbeat.
The next few days pass exactly as predicted. The grass in the front yard has begun to crisp and brown, and puffs of dust have begun to settle on Shinsuke's clothes as he works beneath the hot sun. He's careful to brush himself off before coming inside, but it still collects in a few corners. After sweeping it up one afternoon, you make your way out to the porch.
The sky is crystal clear, a breathtaking blue that, under different circumstances, would fill you with wonder. It would make for a pretty picture if the land beneath it was lush and green instead of slowly browning. "Please, we need rain so badly." You're murmuring up to the sky, but you can't say who you're actually talking to. At this point, it's any being that will listen. "It would mean so much. Shin works so hard. Don't let it be for nothing." You know you aren't making much sense, whispering up into the blue, but somehow you feel just the slightest bit lighter after.
That evening, the weather woman announces a chance of rain the following day. Your eyes meet Shinsuke's, and you grin. Surely, this is a good sign. "It's not a very big chance," He hedges, but his eyes look a little brighter with hope he doesn't dare put into words.
The next day, you find yourself watching the sky all day. The morning starts bright as any other, and you try to ignore the sinking in your gut. If Shinsuke also feels it, he doesn't acknowledge it either.
Towards the afternoon, you spot clouds gathering in the distance. You know he sees them too, but neither of you says a word when he stops in the house for a long drink of water before heading back outside. It feels too fragile to even mention.
You're nearly finished eating dinner when you hear it. A few splattering drops hit the kitchen windowpane, and Shinsuke's head instantly lifts. He shovels a last bite in his mouth before jumping to his feet. "Thanks for dinner," He mumbles quickly, pressing a barely-there kiss to your cheek before dropping his plate in the sink and darting for the door.
As you carry your own plate to the sink, you hear the steady drumming start up on the roof. Looking out the window above the sink, you can see the rain falling steadily, and you can't help the bubble of laughter that slips out.
Quickly deciding that the dishes can wait, you make your own way to the door. Stepping out, you see your husband standing a few paces into the driveway, arms slightly lifted out from his sides as the rain pelts him.
"You're getting soaked!" You call from the porch.
"I don't care!" He says in response, tilting his head back and letting the droplets slide down his cheeks. "This is wonderful." It really is, you agree silently, watching him with a growing smile on your face as he grins full and closed-eyed up at the sky.
It's a split-second decision to step off the porch, and the cool rain immediately begins to dot your skin, feeling like dozens of tiny kisses. When you reach him, he turns to you and reaches for your hand. In an uncharacteristic gesture, he spins you around and into his arms, and you both laugh breathlessly.
"It's raining," Is all you can announce, stupidly, arms tightening around his neck as he holds you close. His smile is wide, and you can't help but lean in towards it.
"It's raining," He agrees against your lips before crashing his own against them in an enthusiastic kiss. You're both soaked through now, but you can't bring yourself to care. Your fingers slide into his wet hair as his grip on your waist tightens, deepening the kiss. Finally, you pull back, his dear face cupped in your hands.
Thank you, you offer silently with a fleeting glance to the sky, to whoever must have been listening.
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ladamedusoif · 9 months
Cookies (Tim Rockford X F!Reader)
A Merry Fic-Mas - December 26
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Pairing: Tim Rockford x F!Reader
Word Count: 1455
Rating: Explicit; 18+ MDNI
Warnings: Established relationship (Reader is Tim’s wife); workplace sex; fingering; unprotected but safe PiV sex (Reader is on birth control); no use of Y/N; no physical descriptions of Reader; strong language; when we say “fuck the police” this is what we mean
Part of A Merry Fic-Mas: A Pedro Boys Holiday Fic Calendar - click for masterlist!
Follow my writing blog @ladameecrit and turn on notifications to keep up with my work.
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Tim kisses you on the cheek as he heads down to the precinct on Christmas Eve, overcoat in hand.
“I hate leaving you all, baby, but…”
You wrap him in a tight embrace and return his kiss. “Tim, you’re a good man. I’m sure Corinna appreciates you taking the Christmas Eve cover, so she can be at home for her baby’s first Christmas.”
Your husband’s ears pink up a little at your praise. “I guess. And older cops did it for us, too, when the kids were tiny.”
He looks over your shoulder into your mother’s kitchen, where your daughters are excitedly asking their grandma whether the Christmas cookies are cool enough to decorate. You turn and smile at the scene.
“I love you, Detective Rockford. We’ll save you some cookies. Come home safe.”
The cop at the front desk is thanking his lucky stars as he sips his umpteenth cup of filter coffee. It’s almost midnight on Christmas Eve, and - other than a couple of minor call-outs for the guys out in the patrol car to break up bar fights - he hasn’t had to book a single person into the cells.
It’s a goddamn Christmas miracle.
And then the door buzzes. He sighs in exasperation and checks the CCTV. A woman, wearing a winter hat and carrying a tote bag. He presses the button to let her in.
“Hello there, ma’am. Now, I have to warn you, as it’s Christmas Eve we don’t have a full complement of officers in tonight and - oh! Hi there, Mrs R!”
You smile as you take off your hat and scarf, and hand him a small tin. “Hey, Bryan. Tim in his office?”
“Sure is. Hey, these some of your famous cookies?”
You’re already climbing the stairs to your husband’s office. “Maybe. Open it and see if Santa thinks you’ve been a good cop this year.”
Tim’s at his desk, shirt sleeves rolled up and tie slightly loose, flipping through some papers with his glasses on. The desk lamp bathes him in a warm light, highlighting his handsome features, and you pause for a moment to take him in before you knock on the door.
He looks up in surprise before a broad smile spreads across his face. “Hello there, miss. What brings you to the precinct on a Christmas Eve?”
You carefully close the door and turn the little lock on the handle, before pulling down the blind. You reach into your bag and produce another cookie tin, sauntering over to Tim’s desk and placing it in front of him.
“So, everyone was tucked up in bed at home, and would you believe it? I met Santa Claus, leaving gifts for the girls.”
Your husband chuckles and pulls you onto his lap. “That so?”
You nod. “The man himself. And you know what he said?”
Tim shakes his head, eyes twinkling. You lean in and kiss him softly.
“He said that Tim Rockford had been a particularly good boy this year, and he should get an extra special gift.”
Tim’s eyes turn to the cookie tin. “The cookies?”
You shrug, reach for the tin, and open the lid. “You could say that, I guess. They’re part of the gift.”
He bursts out laughing when he looks inside and takes out a gingerbread man perfectly decorated to resemble - well, him. White shirt, black pants, dark hair and moustache, tie, and even a pair of shoulder holsters.
“Your handiwork?”
You throw your head back and laugh. “Damn right. Why wouldn’t I make cookies that look like the most delicious man I know?”
He eyes you up suspiciously, but a smile plays on his lips. “You said the cookies were part of the gift.”
You stand up and move his paperwork out of the way, clearing enough space on the desk so that you can sit up on it. “The other part is under my coat.”
Tim’s eyes widen as he reaches for the buttons on your knee-length woollen coat, unbuttoning them eagerly and pulling the coat open.
His mouth falls open. “Holy fuck, baby.”
“You like what you see?” You fight against all the anxieties and insecurities that haunt you about your body, focusing on the look of astonished desire that’s burning in your husband’s eyes.
Tim’s eyes roam over you, taking in the dark red bra and matching, high-waisted panties trimmed in black lace, the sheer black stockings. He carefully eases off your coat and throws it to one side, running his big hands gently over the soft skin of your shoulders as he slips down the straps of your bra.
“I love what I see.” His voice is a rapt whisper.
He slips his hands to your back and waist and pulls you tight to him as he kisses you deeply, moaning as you twine your fingers through his dark, grey-streaked curls. You bring your hands to his belt buckle, working it open and undoing his pants so you can palm his cock, already hardening under your touch.
Tim brings his mouth to the side of your neck and begins to softly bite and lick the sensitive skin, working his way down to your breasts as one hand holds you in place while the other tugs aside the lacy fabric that covers your pussy. “I fucking love what I see,” he grunts, pulling down the cups of your bra to expose your breasts. “I love you. My sexy fucking wife.”
You whine as two thick fingers trail across your folds before settling on your clit, working it steadily in the way only he knows. “I’m going to get you good and wet for me, my love,” Tim murmurs, encouraging you to lift your hips so he can ease off your panties.
“Mmmm… and then what are you going to do to me, Detective?”
He slips his fingers into your cunt, pulling a delighted gasp from you. “And then, Mrs Rockford, I plan on fucking you hard right here on this desk. But only if you come for me first.”
A hook of his fingers and you’re squealing with pleasure as Tim spreads you out in front of him, standing between your thighs as you continue to stroke his dick. He fucks you over and over with his fingers, watching you writhe and buck as you near your climax.
“C’mon, baby,” he whispers, eyes locked on yours. “You look so beautiful like this, all spread out and ready to come on my fingers. Can’t fuckin’ believe you’re mine, sometimes.” Your pussy tightens around him and he knows you’re about to come.
“Tim…Tim, fuck, I’m - oh, fuck, baby.” He keeps fingering you through the orgasm, sucking on your nipples as he extends the wave of pleasure running through you.
You reach up and undo his tie and unbutton his shirt, hitching up his under vest so you can feel the soft, warm skin of his belly against yours as he pushes himself inside you and begins to fuck you. You hitch up your legs around his waist to hold Tim in place, slipping your hands under his shirt and gripping his broad shoulders firmly as he takes you on his desk.
“Feel good?”
“Fucking incredible, Tim - you?”
He leans his head against your chest and flicks his tongue over your nipple. “Baby, you always feel amazing but this - fuck, this is so fuckin’ good. Feels so tight and wet for me. Listen to that.”
For a moment the only sound in the office is the lewd wetness, skin on skin, and your pants and moans.
“Can’t believe you did this for me, baby,” Tim grunts, speeding up his rhythm and making you whine, arching your back. “Came down here in nothing but lingerie, ready to fuck me…fuck, you’re incredible.”
You giggle a little. “Got lonely at home, my love. Needed to have my man.”
Tim’s faltering rhythm tells you he’s nearly there as he buries himself deeper inside you. “You’ve got him, baby. All yours. All…”
And he’s there, spilling inside you as he collapses on your chest.
Cleaned up but still a little dishevelled, you sit on the floor of the office and eat some of the cookies, accompanied by weak coffee.
In the distance, you can hear chimes signalling the hour.
“Hey. It’s midnight. Merry Christmas, Detective Rockford.”
Tim kisses you, tasting of ginger and sugar and spice and all things nice.
“Merry Christmas, Mrs Rockford. And thank you for my extra-special gift.”
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toppamplemousse · 19 days
I would be very happy if you could write a fic about Charles being used by mechanics
ok kind of obsessed with this ask and the absolute lack of direction here. was going to summarize and then what do you know there's 1.5k words in the google doc.
the votes were in for post-monza gangbang so......hope this is more or less what you were after. happy chwin!
explicit ferrari garage (+ max) using charles under the cut <3
By the time Max finally gets out of the debrief, he isn’t sure what he expects to see from the Ferrari garage. It’s hard to explain to outsiders what it means to win for Ferrari – what they do for their winners. To their winners. Words couldn’t possibly encapsulate how they celebrate, how much it means to them all. Max has seen it before, but not in Monza, not at their home. 
He slinks into the back entrance of Ferrari, just as Carlos is leaving.
“Hey, mate,” Carlos barely looks at him, clapping him on the shoulder. “They’re in there.”
Carlos barely nods in the direction of the garage. Max smiles, says thanks. It’s funny, really, that Carlos can’t look him in the eye after all this. Clearly Charles wants it, clearly Max gave permission. Yet Carlos still acts like it’s something covert, a clandestine happening. Something that makes his hands dirty, that he needs to repent. And it’s not like Carlos doesn’t enjoy it. Max knows he can’t resist the offer. 
It would be much easier to look straight Max, say thanks, and tell him Charles is waiting, face dripping with come. 
And that’s about the scene Max walks into – Bryan is there, of course, leaning over Charles, who rests against the side of the SF-24. He’s carding a hand through Charles’ hair, talking softly to him. Max can hear the Italian consonants bounce off his tongue. Alessandro is there too, though in a more compromising position, if Max cared. Leaning against the car, cock still in his hand, trying to catch his breath. He sees Max and raises his eyebrows, and Max thinks, that’s right. You should be fucking thanking me, worshipping the ground I walk on, for this. 
Bryan stands up. “Ciao, Max, what a race. He’s been so good, so perfect. Better than usual, ovviamente. He is begging for it, but we will let you have that.”
Max nods. It’s a routine affair, truly. Bryan only gets to come inside if Charles fucks up. Otherwise, he’s all Max’s.
And when Max finally gets a good look at Charles, it’s far better than he could have expected.
Charles’ eyes are slightly open, the unmissable green still there, but it’s foggy. He is so, so gone, more than usual, it seems. Max crouches down next to him, tilting his face up with a finger on his chin. Charles’ skin, his rosy cheeks and golden glow, are obscured by the flush that spreads across his face, down his neck. His lips are swollen, red and used, and Charles flinches as Max runs a finger along them. Fuck, he is so beautiful like this. 
And the evidence from this evening does not go unnoticed. Spurts of come, staining his beautiful face, catching on his eyelashes and dripping down his cheeks. Carlos, Ale, Bryan, for sure, and anyone else Bryan deemed worthy. Max feels the electric rush, straight for his groin, at the sight. It’s obscene. Filthy.
“Baby,” Max coos, watching Charles slightly stir, “Did you have fun?”
A smile spreads slowly across Charles’ face. God, he’s so fucked out. Max has rarely ever seen him like this, not even after Monaco. 
“Want it so bad, Max,” Charles whimpers, barely audible. “So bad. Want you– need it.”
Fuck, Max is so hard at his voice. He leans in, connecting their mouths and feeling Charles’ soft lips against his own. He can’t help but groan into the taste, into the way the come mixes in their mouths. Charles is so pliable like this, so willing. Max wants to savor it, but his jeans are so tight and he had to wait through Red Bull’s most uninteresting debrief, when all he could do was think about this. He deserves it. Charles deserves it. 
He reaches a hand down to wrap around Charles’ cock, hard and drooling, and Charles moans at the touch. God, Max could just get him off like this, dirty and quick and lick up every drop from his hand, but he needs so much more. Max lifts him up, kissing down his jaw, onto his neck, tasting everyone who came before him. It’s intoxicating. Charles can barely move on his own, boneless and docile. 
“There you go, baby, so perfect, doing so well,” Max kisses him on his shoulder as he turns him around, pushing against Charles’ back, arching him over the car. “My good boy.”
Charles whines, high in his throat. His legs spread, and Max has to look away, for fear of coming in his pants then and there. Charles’ hole is red, puffy, so thoroughly abused, come streaking across his back. His cock hangs between his legs, and there’s so much Max wants to do to him it’s unreal. With two fingers, he gingerly presses them in, the slide made effortless by the amount of lube inside him. 
“Don’t worry, Max,” Bryan taps his shoulder, “No one finished here. Just for you, we know. Certo.” 
A surge of pride, wrapped in fierce possessiveness courses through Max’s veins. Bryan’s right; Charles is no one’s but his. Mine.
Max adds a third finger, watches Charles thrash a little. It’s too easy.
“Fuck, baby, I’m going to fill you up, yeah? Is that what you want? You want my cock so bad, want me to fuck you,” Max is almost breathless watching Charles squirm on his fingers, loose and used and hot. 
Charles manages to look over his shoulder, eyes glassy. “Yes, please, please, Max, just you, only you. I need it– please.”
Charles has barely gotten the last few words out when Max pulls his fingers out, lining up his cock with Charles’ hole, smearing the lube and precome back and forth with the head of his cock. This is all he’s been thinking about; sinking into Charles, warm and inviting, begging for his touch. Charles is babbling, begging for it, like he hasn’t just had several different men in him for the last hour, pounding him until he can see stars.
Max pushes in and it’s gloriously wet, filthy and messy. Charles’ moans get louder, punctuating each of Max’s thrusts. He takes it slow, at first, relishing in the way there’s barely any resistance, like a perfect little cock sleeve. 
“Race winner, baby,” he murmurs into the skin of Charles’ shoulder, seeing the goosebumps scatter across Charles’ skin. “There’s no one like you, my pretty baby, my champion.”
Max looks up through his eyelashes, and sees some of the crew watching Charles intently, hands wrapped around their cocks as they jerk off. Max picks up the pace, needing to come so desperately, wanting to show off to the garage that Max is the only one who gets to do this, only one who gets to make him come, who gets to experience what it’s like coming inside him. 
“Tell me how much you want it, baby,” Max slaps the meat of Charles’ ass, adding to the hot red handprints already forming there. “Tell me how much you want me to fuck you stupid, fuck a baby into you.”
“Max, please, want your come, please, just fucking–” Charles’ breath is punched out of him as Max shifts his hips, never once relenting. “Fill me up, want it so badly.”
Max is so close to the edge, watching Charles so mindlessly beg for him like this, in front of all his mechanics and engineers. “I’m going to --fuck, Charles-- pump you so full of my come.”
Charles cries out, and Max reaches around, taking Charles’ cock into his hand. Bryan is in front of Charles again, running one hand through his hair, while the other works himself furiously. He’s whispering words of praise again, telling him how good of a race it was, how perfect Charles is for the team. Max sucks a bruise into Charles’ shoulder, and tells him, “You can come baby, come on my cock,” and Charles is coming hard, moaning echoing through the garage as Max works him through it. 
“Good boy, fuck.” 
Charles clenches around him, as hard as Max supposes he can for someone who’s this loose, this overstimulated, and it’s enough for Max. To know how Charles has been idolized, praised, worshiped today to the point of dumb, fucked-out incoherence, begging for him, only him. He fucks in and comes, filling Charles up hot and panting heavily. Bryan comes with a groan, finishing once again across Charles’ face, before smearing the head of his cock on Charles’ mouth. 
There is little left in Charles, moaning at the taste, at the feeling. Max pulls out slowly, rubbing circles onto Charles’ back, and watches the way his come starts to drip out. 
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
how would the aew boys react to you breaking your nose if you can can you add Kenny thank you love you work🌺
AEW Stars React To: You Breaking Your Nose
yall are so sweet; thank you for supporting lil ol me ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pairings: Kenny Omega x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Hook x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, Wheeler Yuta x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader, Santana x Reader,
Word Count: 920
Supreme Speaks: idk if I've done this before but here you go! thanks to anon for requesting this. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: mentions of father abandoning a bastard (typical Christian things), not proofread, mentions what happened for the reader to break their nose
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @cassie0sstuff @triscillal @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Kenny Omega (During training)
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Kenny heard a small crack and immediately picked you up
Does not allow you to re-enter the ring and takes you to the doctor
Looks up home remedies to help you
Understands that you’re angry and tries to figure out ways to relieve you
“Do you want a coloring sheet? No, I don’t think you’re a child- okay now you’re acting like one…Yeah-uh”
Tells you stories about when he broke his (I can’t remember if he did) or his friends broke theirs
He tries to distract you from the pain by his jokes or practicing promos in front of you
Will intentionally mess up for you to smile
Kenny’s really upset that you’re injured but tries to brighten your day by any means possible
Eddie Kingston (Your opponent intentionally injured you)
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I feel like I always say this…..EDDIE IS BIG MAD
Eddie is big on respect…he’ll respect you as long as you respect him and those he keeps close to him
Once he saw the ref throw up the X sign, oh Penta and Fenix had to hold him back from going to the ring
Then he saw your bloody face….he started to cuss out your opponent
And then he cussed out Kenny and the Bucks for allowing someone with bad blood to go against you
Will drive you personally to the hospital cause he needs to lay eyes on you
He’s ticking in so much anger that you’ll need to calm him down
“I’m fine doll, I just hate how a shithead couldn’t contain their displeasure to themselves. On the bright side, you still looked like a god/goddess....betta than their hating ass”
Santana (You took an extreme bump in the ring)
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You took a facebuster on the ladder and then bounced off, rolling outside of the ring
Listen, this man would be the one to stop watching your match just out of fear (he hates you getting hurt)
Like he physically cannot watch the match anymore
Once he saw blood dripping down your face, he automatically asked for the match to be stopped or at least for you to stop participating
When you come backstage, he automatically hugs you as he doesn’t care about the blood on his shirt
“Mi amor, you scared me out there…I thought I had to go jail while you go to the hospital”
You have to hold him back from cursing out your opponent(s)
Distracts you with food and cuddles (DONT @ ME)
Wheeler Yuta (Your opponent accidentally injured you)
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Baby boy is sad
He just looks like someone knocked the wind out of him; he hates seeing you bleed
Is subconsciously mad af at your opponent
Will literally baby you for the rest of the day, week, month, hell even year
“You’re not gonna take any more knees to the face. I won’t allow it….NO BIG BOOTS EITHER”
I think he would be the one to buy protective gear for you while Bryan and Mox look on in concern as he picks up everything in the damn store
He thinks that breaking your nose limits all activity and movement for you
Will not let a minute go by without him saying how pretty you are (with and without a straight nose)
Hook (Someone was trying to fight him and they hit you)
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Okay…… man is literally the devil
Will make sure that you are okay before tossing the person over his head
He is punching the shit out of them until he looks over at you and sees blood
Hook gives one more punch before carrying you to a safe corner
He immediately gets you ice before taking you to the doctor
Feels guilty about you getting hit, mentally beats himself up
“I’m so sorry that I allowed that to happen.”
I truly do think that Hook would feel so bad and will try his best to make it up to you in any way possible
Will buy flowers, bears, food, a nerf gun (whatever your heart desires)
Ricky Starks (You hit a door)
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Imma be honest….he laughed at you
Like full-on cackled as soon as you made contact with the door (it sounded like an evil witch)
But stopped once he saw blood pouring down your face
Feels like a jackass as he brings you to the doctor (I also think he is saying sorry repeatedly)
Once he hears the word surgery, he offers to pay for it
As your spirit starts to pick up and you feel like yourself after the initial wave of shock
Ricky will go back to laughing at you
Will joke about your nose only when you're comfortable and accepting of the fact
“It’s not my fault you got your ass kicked by a damn door”
Christian Cage (A fan threw something at you)
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He’s suing and kicking out the bastard who threw the object at you during the meet-and-greet
Tells security to get him and sends Luchasuarus for extra support
He immediately shuts down his booth and walks you to medical support
Sends a tweet that calls out people who think that was cool and okay
“You’re a disappointment, no wonder your father left you”
Holds you and whispers caring thoughts that only you can hear
Buys anything and everything you need (already paid for the surgery)
Offers to buy a security squad so you can protect yourself
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blitany · 2 years
moments between Ellie and Joel  that have physically grabbed my heart and squeezed it
Ellie parenting Joel the way Sarah parented him (”I’m taking a shower. And then you’re taking a shower.”)
“I’m not family?” and the shred of hope in her voice as she asks because Ellie’s never belonged to anyone, with anyone (not the way Riley did, not with a family), and she wants to so badly
“Look at me. They’re not going to hit you” and “Do you trust me?”
Joel being absolutely terrible at trying to talk to Ellie after the ambush but he’s trying to because she saved him and he’s both impressed that she did and feeling awful that she had to. it’s his fault, his job is to protect her. but she protects him without thinking twice. she’s still trying to prove herself to him, from the way she shoots Bryan to the way she hides her tears because she doesn’t want Joel to think she’s weak. and he doesn’t know how to tell her she shouldn’t have to be strong.
the implicit non-verbal communication and trust between them when she’s on the ground and he’s up in the church
when Joel goes to hug Tommy and Ellie watches on with this look of hurt and longing on her face - maybe because she wants that kind of care from Joel so bad, maybe because she thought he just wasn’t an affectionate person but now she sees he’s just not affectionate with her, maybe because she’s realizing that Joel is family to her but he already has a family and no matter how much she cares about him he’s never going to need her in the same way never going to view her in the same way because he already has what she never did
Ellie defending Joel to Maria because how dare this stranger judge her father figure? she knows all she needs to know about him, she’s certain that they understand each other in a way that nobody else does.
“i’ve lost somethin” and the first time i heard this i thought he meant Sarah but no he meant Ellie, he’s afraid of losing Ellie because she means something to him now, she’s not just cargo, but he’s too scared to say it out loud
when there’s a knock at her bedroom door at dawn and Ellie says “come in” so softly and hopefully because she thinks it’s Joel and she’s ready to apologize as long as it means they can stay together. then it opens and it’s Tommy and her whole body language shifts into this
Joel’s little barely-repressed smile when Ellie throws her bag at him and says “let’s go” because she’s choosing him, because she’s still choosing him even after what he said to her
the way Ellie leans against him and rests her head on his back while they ride and he just lets her
Joel telling Ellie he wanted to be a singer when he was a kid because he’s finally opening up to her and trusting her and he wants her to know him 
the desperate, pained crack in Ellie’s voice as she cries “jOeL” in the snow, her hand touching his face, begging him not to leave her
the look in Joel’s eyes as he watches Ellie go, thinking she’s leaving him, trying not to cry in front of her
and the astonishment and happiness when she comes back to save him, the way he can’t thank her for doing so because he knows it’d be better if she left but he’s just so glad she’s staying and how she looks at him for courage before she starts stitching him up and he grips her hand so tight and i love them so much
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
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"Uncle Bryan! Oh my god I'm so happy you came! Have you heard the good news?" Staci asked, coming out of the water, bubbly as can be.
"You look as stunning as ever, Staci! And no..... what news?"
"Awww, I'm glad mom didn't spoil the fun! I'm detransitioning!"
"Wow, congratulations! That's so wonderful to hear--I was gonna say your voice sounds a lot deeper than I remember. Damn you've been living as a girl most of your life. What made you decide to detransition, darling?"
She shrugged. "I dunno! My boyfriend really wants to see me go through male puberty. We were only dating a month at the time but he's soooo into the idea of me living as a boy I decided to try it out for him!"
"Damn, he's a lucky guy. I'm glad you're open to trying this for him. You're gonna make a super handsome boy."
"Awww, thanks! He did warn me when we started dating that he's more into guys than girls and I told him it wouldn't be a problem, if he really wanted I could always detrans!"
"I'm so happy for you, I think you're gonna love being a guy, sweetie."
"I think so, too! Look at this!" Staci took out her cock, fully erect at eight inches. "I've only been on testosterone and steroids for three months and my cock has grown five inches! Look at how thick it is!"
"That's incredible! I remember you prancing around in those tiny tennis skirts last summer, that little cock of yours looked so stunted and limp. It's great to see you getting to enjoy a nice, full-fledge erection finally, and I bet your orgasms are so much more intense since you started detransitioning!"
"They. Are. Incredible!!! I jerk off like ten times a day, no lie, and I still have tons of energy for my bf to, well, have his way with me!"
"He's sounding luckier by the minute. Don't spoil him too much! You already look so much more masculine, your beard's even starting to come in."
Staci blushed. "I know! I'm getting a bit dysphoric but my bf wants me to let my body hair grow, and to rock stubble, but he's cool with me still dressing fem, of course! Oh, that reminds me.... I have a request!"
"What's that, darling?"
"Well..... I wanted your blessing because they were a gift. And I'm so happy you bought them for me when I turned 18! Those first two years of college wouldn't have been the same without them...."
"I think I see where this is going...."
Staci bit her lip, softly pumping her growing cock. "Please, Uncle Bryan, may I have the implants you bought me removed so I can get top surgery?"
"Of course, they're yours to do with as you please and if you want to get rid of them, by all means! I'd love to see you get your breasts removed if that's what you and your boyfriend want!"
"Yeah he's kiiiiinda grossed out by big boobs. He told me when we started chatting on Tinder and I assured him I could always get my implants taken out, I just needed my uncle's blessing, since they're a gift. He'll be so relieved I won't have boobs anymore! I'm kinda bummed they'll be gone but I just love pleasing him....."
"And that's what makes you a good girlfriend--well, boyfriend. I'll have to get used to you being a boy!"
Staci jerked her cock harder. "Me, too...... would you by any chance like to give me my T shot? It's that time of the day..... you can inject my testosterone and steroid shot right into my cock if you want..... just don't be surprised if the injections make me cum, they have that effect..... I think it might be fun to show you how my bf injects me...."
"I'd be honored to, I could use some bonding time with my new favorite nephew, after all."
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concreteburialplot · 9 months
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11 - Peak Fashion
pairing: noah sebastian x fem!oc [vallie] 👀
masterlist: here | crossposted: ao3 | word count: 5k
warnings: angsty? but cute?, jealous nicholas, sassy but goofy noah, something revealed, very short time skips, 18+ MDNI
summary: vallie abruptly wakes to a million texts to meet for a last minute music video. upon arriving she discovers that the band is not at all prepared which sets her and noah on a mission.
Reminder: This contains the very mild crossover with Christian 'Kras' Anthony from Chase Atlantic ...... and introduces another extremely mild crossover 🫣 they are both merely for side character/reference purposes. Nothing huge, don’t worry lol just for fun
Disclaimer - This story is semi-AU since it does not follow actual timelines or events. The band is still fairly small & does things entirely on their own with no other support.
don't like it don't read it. don’t be mean for no reason & let others enjoy things thnx :)
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Sunlight warms my eyelids and gently lulls me awake. My eyes shoot open at the realization that I have once again fallen asleep somewhere that isn’t my home – well my pseudo-home anyway. It seems that anywhere else feels homier than my showroom-esque Airbnb.
This time I don’t wake up in a panic, the smell of Christian’s woodsy cologne reassures me that I’m somewhere safe. The last time stamp I saw on my phone last night was 4:30 am. We had spent the whole night catching up, watching our favorite comfort shows, and binging all his favorite American snacks that he can’t get in Australia.
I reach over to the nightstand to grab my phone. A groan escapes me when I see that the time reads 8:47 am. My brows curve up at the ridiculous amount of notifications that fill my screen. While my job doesn’t really have “days off”, I had no specific plans or meetings booked for the day. So, it’s unexpected.
Most of them were from Bryan, the Omens’ photographer that I met at the warehouse with Noah. The messages flood my screen with missed calls and texts.
Bryan: Warehouse. 8 am.
Bryan: Hello? Are you awake?
Bryan: Music video. Today.
Bryan: I think you should be there.
Bryan: Hey!!! Music video !! Today !! 8 am !!
Bryan: Dude
Bryan: We’re starting. Show up whenever, if you want.
Kras continues to snooze next to me and I know that not even a plane crash could wake him up. So, I press a quick peck on his cheek before I roll out of bed and quickly begin gathering my belongings.
I’m rushing because well… Bryan seems like the only Omen who wants to cooperate or include me in any actual band activities. So, I have to be here. And I’m already an hour late.
I leave a small note on Christian’s dining table, saying how nice it was to see him, thanking him for the pep talk, and that I’ll see him and the rest of his band in a zoom meeting next Monday morning.
I’m still not sure if saying yes to his job offer was the right choice. I’m already stretched thin enough between my main client and now Omens, adding Chase might be more than I can handle. While my main client’s fanbase is much more… intensive, Chase Atlantic is still larger than both of them. And that swirls a terrifying pit of anxiety in my stomach because I’m not quite sure I’m equipped with enough experience to handle it all.
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Gravel cracks beneath my tires as I pull up to the warehouse. I gather my bed head hair into the closest thing to a bun I can get it and try to rub off the slept in mascara smudged under my eyes.
My engine isn’t fully off for half a second before I’m out and locking my door.
I smooth out the exact same outfit I wore to Christian’s yesterday since I didn’t have time to stop home. Usually, I would never show up to a work event in sweatpants, a cropped cami, sneakers, and a flannel, but here we are. It’s not like the band is particularly formal anyway.
I see Folio and Jolly first, who both give me strange looks, like they’re surprised I’m here. Then, Noah and Nicholas once I get to the entrance. They seem equally as shocked too.
“What are you doing here?” Noah asks, lined with his usual snarky tone, seeming almost offended by my presence.
“I invited her.” Bryan speaks up from the background, adjusting the camera around his neck. “And you’re about an hour late by the way.”
Regardless of his criticism, he gives me a smile and a side hug – which surprises me.
Aside from Nicholas – for…obvious reasons – Bryan is the one who meets me with the most warmth out of the five of them.
I offer a closed lipped smile and a small awkward wave to the band. I wasn’t prepared to accidentally crash a music video shoot.
“Nice outfit, you just get out of bed?” Noah quips.
I roll my sleep-deprived eyes, “Nice to see you too, Noah.”
The rest of the band disperses into whatever they were doing before I arrived.
Nick walks up to me and I can tell he’s trying his best to act casual.
“Hey.” He says simply but quietly between us.
“Hey.” I match his somewhat awkward tone.
My gaze reluctantly meets his and I immediately regret it. His hair is pulled up into a fluffy ponytail with his hair flat against his head and he looks so good.
This was going to be more difficult than I thought.
“Val?” He asks trying to get my attention.
“Huh?” I shake my head from the fuzz sitting in my brain.
“Oh, I just said it’s nice to see you.” He says demurely. “I’m glad you’re here.”
I take note of the dullness of his normally bright eyes, and the dark bags beneath them. It makes me wonder if he got as little sleep as I did.
The energy of this whole ordeal is so… odd. It makes me feel as though I’m once again missing parts of a puzzle that I’m not aware of.
His gives me a once over and lingers a bit on my flannel.
“Oh! Right!” I set my bag down on a nearby table before slipping the flannel off my arms, giving it a lazy fold, and offering it over to him. “Here have it back.”
He instinctively takes the folded garment, looking at it like I just handed him the wrong Chipotle order. His brows furrow, initially in confusion then into something much different.
Before he responds it hits me.
I fucked up.
“This isn’t mine.” He states in a slighted tone.
“Oh- Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t get much sleep last night–“ I immediately realize that probably wasn’t the best thing to follow that up with. “I just need a coffee.”
“Right.” He lands the flannel back in my hands. He goes to pass me and stops as he’s grazing my shoulder. “And who’s ever it is, has shitty taste in cologne.”
My eyes widen.
Did I just put Kras’ proposed scheme into action by accident?
It’s fine.
It’s perfectly fine.
I’m fine.
I discreetly shake out the tips of my fingers and glance up to finally take in my surroundings fully. The floor is covered in a massive tarp, covered in… dirt?
I steal the phone from my tote pocket and carefully walk over to where Bryan is messing with some equipment. I shuffle right up next to him and whisper, “What…exactly is happening here?”
“I don’t know. Noah just woke us all up at the ass crack of dawn and said we needed to do this today.” Bryan shrugs, not stopping his actions for me, and continues walking carrying a large umbrella light.
“…and you all just went along with it?”
“Listen. I just work here man.” He sets down the heavy light and sighs dramatically.
I can’t help but chuckle at his verbiage.
“Okay… and why did you have to drag me into this?”
“Well, you have a job to do, don’t you?” He questions as if he doesn’t know the answer.
“I mean y-“ I begin but he cuts me off.
“Exactly.” He walks back over to a pile of equipment on a plastic table, and I follow him around like a puppy while he talks. “And you want them to like you, yes?”
“Well, I mean,” My eyes glance over at Nicholas who’s sat on a stool tuning a teal bass. The memories of our bodies entwined graze over my tongue and his working fingers sends a tingle between my legs.
Well, one of them likes me.
Is my first reflex to say.
But I’m not even sure if that’s true, especially not now. I should know better than to trust band boys anyway. I manage them, I’ve been around them since the start of my career. I’ve been best friends with Kras for nearly a decade. I’ve seen what band men do. How they treat the women they use to get off, even the ones they love.
“Look. They need you.” He says, his tone more serious than before and leans against the wall beside him with crossed arms. “Whether they believe it or not, they need you. You and I both know that. If Noah wants to be an arrogant, stubborn asshole, then let him. But don’t give up on them. They just need time.” His eyes drift to the four of them messing around with their instruments. “You’re stuck with them one way or another. And they’re not a bad bunch to be stuck with. Trust me.” He gives me a half smile before nudging my arm. “Loosen up a little, you might find that you like ‘em.”
Bryan pushes himself off the wall going to find some other task and I’m left with this peptalk I wasn’t expecting, especially from him.
I take the time to watch them, really watch them. Noah is well … Noah, so there’s some grumpy tension that follows him – but the rest of them, even while grumpy and irritated, flow together effortlessly.
Noah ripped everyone from their sleep and yet, they’re still all here. Sure, you could write that off as good work ethic, but I think it’s more than that. As unpredictable as he is, they let Noah lead them. At least for the most part.
They all showed up for him today and the whole time I’ve known them.
‘This band is all he has.’ Nicholas’ words echo in my ears from that rainy night in his car.
Maybe they all know that, and maybe they all honor it.
They all love him enough to show up and keep showing up.
Christian is right. I can’t let my feelings cloud this. If not for me, then for them.
As I clear from my dissociation, I realize I must’ve hyper fixated on their bustling about because the only thing I see now is their attire… or the lack thereof.
“Wait, wait, wait.” I cautiously step around the piles of dirt on a brown tarp to reach Noah. “Is this the whole outfit? This is what you’re wearing for the video?”
Noah sighs in exasperation and drops the corner of tarp he’s holding to face me. “Yes? Do you have a problem with it?”
“Problem with it? It is the problem.” I give him a once over, just black jeans and plain grey shirt with a faded CocaCola logo on it. I reach to his sides and give the seems a small tug to pull the logo taught against his thin chest. “You see that? What does that look like to you?”
Noah raises a snarky brow at me, “A Coke logo?”
“Wrong. That-” I drop the edges of his shirt and stab his sternum with my finger. “That is unpaid brand advertising.”
I can tell he immediately wants to roll his eyes but doesn’t when he realizes I’m right.
The rest of the boys wear similar outfits, jeans, t-shirts, hoodies.
“Okay, well this is all we brought last minute, and the house is like an hour away, I’m not driving back there.”
There’s no way I’m letting them shoot an entire video in dirt with such casual outfits. I tug at my lip and tap my fingertips on my arm in thought.
As if a lightbulb appears above my head, a possible solution crosses my mind.
“I think I saw a thrift shop in that strip where the bar is.” I shrug, “I can try to find something there. But I can’t just let you play around in dirt like this.”
Noah raises his brows and crosses his tattooed arms across his chest, “Well I’m sure as fuck not letting you pick out outfits for us.”
I walk over to my bag, picking up easily and walking towards the warehouse opening. “Then you better hurry up and get in my car.”
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Noah and I had been looking through racks of dusty clothes for about 10 minutes without speaking to each other. I knew a thrift shop was somewhat of a risky choice, but after not seeing anything worth shit for a bit had me nervous.
I’m not sure why I’m nervous – but I shouldn’t be making risky bold decisions with them.
Across the racks I catch Noah picking up a thick peacoat. At first glance, I find it absolutely repulsive, but for a music video? It could be exactly what we need. At least it’d be better than a Coca-Cola shirt. For the vibe I think he’s going for, it might be perfect.
He lifts up the hanger and flips it around, his brows knitting intently at it. He likes it.
I haven’t known him that long, but he’s pretty transparent, no matter how mysterious he thinks he is.
I quickly divert my eyes back down when he goes to return the coat to its place on the rack. I know that if I say I like it, he’ll immediately be against it, so I keep my mouth shut.
“So, what kinda vibe are you going for?” I ask casually.
He glares over at me, “What do you care? Changing our clothes was your idea remember?”
“Whoa.” I put my hands up in defense. “I’m just trying to help.”
“Well, I’m sure you wanna put us in the same preppy clothes you put your other big mysterious client in. Which I’m still convinced is Harry Styles by the way.”
I roll my eyes knowing which “client” he’s referring to since I haven’t mentioned that I took on a third one yet. He means the first one, the one that landed me here in the first place, my ‘big success’. At least that’s what they kept telling me when sitting in meeting after meeting getting pitched different ‘next big artists’. And somehow, I got stuck with Noah & friends™️.  
“No, it’s not Harry and I don’t put them in preppy clothes.” I reply absentmindedly sifting through hangers.
“Them?” He picks up on my slip immediately and my eyes widen slightly. “It’s a band?”
I clear my throat and shake my head. “No – no that’s not what I–“
“It is, isn’t it?” His brows lower at me. “It better not be a conflict of interest, that would be a breach of contract and I-“
“Relax. I’m not stupid, I wouldn’t have signed contract if it was a conflict of interest.” I glare over at him with annoyed, tired eyes.
I sigh then allow my tense shoulders to roll back. “Yes. It’s a band. But they aren’t a heavy band they’re ehm…. more classic rock, hippie-ish?” I shake my head. “And trust me, I would NOT put you or the rest of you in any of their clothes.”
I press my lips together trying to stifle a giggle that threatens to escape at the thought of Noah in a glitzy jumpsuit.
“What’s so funny?” He furrows his brows at me in offense. “You don’t think I could pull off some hippie clothes?” He asks seriously, but I can tell he doesn’t believe it either, he’s just trying to be difficult.
Then it occurs to me that this reverse-psychology defiant behavior may work to my advantage.
“No, actually. I don’t think you could.” I shrug, sliding some clothes over. “Just like I don’t think you could pull off that hideous peacoat.”
His brows rise higher than I’ve ever seen them. “Oh really? Maybe that’ll be the one I choose then.”
I ignore it to not put too much emphasis on it. “You never told me what’s the vibe you want.”
“Hm.” He pauses, maybe he doesn’t even know. “I’m not sure. Cult-y? Business-y? Underground elite secret society-y?”
“Wow.” I say with wide, surprised eyes and exaggerating my mouth around the word. “That’s… specific. And you planned to achieve that with graphic tees?”
“Shut up.”
“Would I know your other band?” He inquires, the curiosity obviously eating at him.
“Shut up.”
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We continue to mind our own business in our individual searches while early 2000’s pop plays through the small, dingy shop.
Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Noah lifting up an obviously homemade PitBull t-shirt.
I can’t help but let out a loud laugh.
He snaps his head over at me with a goofy grin, “What you don’t think Mr. Worldwide is peak fashion?”
I shake my head laughing, “No, I definitely wouldn’t say he is.”
“I think this might be the most badass piece of clothing I’ve ever seen.” He seems half serious and half trying to hold back a cackle.
“It’s a… choice. But you know what? It might be perfect for you.”
He feigns offense, “Why because you think I’m so badass?”
A laugh erupts from me. “Yeah. Sure.”
“Well, I’m getting it. I might wear it in the video.” He throws the white shirt into his cart.
“Great.” I reply sarcastically.
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The search seemed to be going a bit better the further we dig. I found a couple pieces that might work for the rest of the band to fit into Noah’s vaguely hyper-specific theme. He’s done the same, just not as successfully.
Across the aisle I notice his hands grasping the sides of a hideous white puffy jacket with patches of sherpa all over it and an oversized hood. The nylon material rasps as he rubs it between his inked fingertips. My brows curve at how he looks at it like it’s some lost treasure.
He pauses before turning to me, lifting it up to showcase its entirety.
“What do you think about this?” He asks genuinely, which throws me off. It sounds so authentic, so real, and not hidden behind any sort of sassy, crude walls, or ulterior motives. I don’t know if he’s ever truly talked to me like that before, especially not sober.
I’m still cautious since he’s fooled me before, so I stay neutral by lifting my shoulders to a shrug. “I don’t know. Why don’t you try it on?”
He eagerly scoots past his cart that takes up the entire aisle and walks to the mirror. The thick zipper hisses at how quickly he undoes it, like he’s been waiting his whole life for this moment.
I watch him in some form of awe, maybe it’s more curiosity of his behavior. The more I get to know him, the stranger he seems.
He slips his skinny arms through the sleeves, and it fits him loosely but just right, like it’s made for him – though that doesn’t detract from how it still looks a little ridiculous, just less so now that it’s on him.
He turns back to me and spreads out his arms like a child showing off a Halloween costume.
“Well?” He questions.
“I mean the jacket is still pretty silly.” I chuckle. “But it looks nice on you.” I compliment honestly.
A toothy grin spreads across his mouth and turns back to the mirror, “Yeah, I think so too.”
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Quiet falls between us again and we move on to different sections. I get so focused on rifling through the clothes that I realize I’ve lost track of Noah. I scan the small store and can’t spot him.
“Noah?” I call and as if right on cue, I feel something dropped around my head followed by a scurrying Noah.
“What the hell?” I reach up and catch the edges of the large hat pulling it off and finding that he’s dropped a massive sombrero on my head. “Hey!”
He chuckles and pulls his shoulders to a shrug, “Might be perfect for you.” He mocks my words from before about the Pitbull shirt.
“Ha-ha very funny.” I roll my eyes playfully. “I’ll get you back.”
“Bring it on.”
What follows is a series of us trying to find the most ridiculous shit to throw on or at each other.
First, I got an ugly, dusty, grandma shawl that I threw on Noah’s shoulders as best as I could before quickly walking in the other direction.
Then, when I wasn’t paying attention and with great stealth, he was able to drop a yellowing Disney rain poncho over my body.
Now, he’s stood in front of a full-length mirror holding up various different pieces of black clothing. In my stroll through the hat section, I found a leopard print fedora perfect for his big head. I sneak up behind him, making sure not to get in frame of the mirror. I reach up on my tip toes to somewhat reach his head, tossing the hat up to bridge the rest, hoping that it would land.
It does land, crooked atop his head.
I cover my mouth to hide a chuckle before backing away slowly. Before I can make my escape, he snaps his head over in my direction, jostling the hat to fly off his head. In a swift move, he catches it with fumbling hands.
“Hey that’s not fair! You’re tiny and fast!” He plops the leopard fedora back on his head and anchors a fist at each hip playfully.
The goofy sight of it all makes me double over nearly cackling. “It’s not my fault you’re big and clunky!”
He pulls the flimsy hat off his head, squishing it thin between his fingers pointing at me. “You better watch your back, Thornhill.”
“Ooh, you’re so scary, Sebastian.” I tease with raised hands feigning fear.
“You think you’re so funny huh?” He speaks directly at me probably trying to distract me, but I catch him snatching another random hat off the rack while he slowly makes his way towards me.
My eyes glance at down at his actions and I make a run for it. I don’t know what I expected but, he chases me around the thrift shop like we’re little kids in a toy store. I stealthily weave through metal racks full of musty clothes trying to lose him, giggles pouring from both our mouths.
I ignore the judging looks from the employees and the few patrons shopping around us. It’s a blessing that I can’t hear the murmuring around us. My ears are full of only my own heartbeat and the sound of his playful and competitive laughter.
It’s then that I realize I hadn’t fully heard him laugh before, not sober anyway, and it’s so… endearing. It’s one of those laughs that’s contagious and only makes you laugh harder. Which isn’t something I expected from him. None of this is really what I expected.
He finally corners me in the scarf section. I spin around in the tiny space between us and within that split second he’s snatched a bizarrely colored thin scarf and throws it around my neck like a towel, keeping hold of each end.
Just as fast, I grasp a similar scarf and match his actions, throwing the scarf up around his neck. With the speed and rush of the motion, I accidentally tugged him closer and lower to me.
My eyes flutter up and the edges of his laughing grin shorten when his eyes meet mine. Unexpectedly, my breath hitches in my throat. I never noticed just how chocolate-y brown his eyes were until now. Normally his eyes are so serious or angry or… drunk, but right now, they’re wide and warm and just as confused as mine. His eyes shift side to side seemingly searching mine for something I’m not quite sure of.
Being this close to him really emphasizes just how tall he is, the top of my head barely meets his shoulders and for some reason, that realization makes my heart thump harder against my ribcage.  
I’m frozen where I stand, I should pull away, but I can’t. I shouldn’t enjoy the butterflies that run rampant in my tummy. It’s just Noah after all. The asshole that somehow always ends up drunk on the floor. The one that tells me how to do my job and how not to manage him. The one that told Nick that I’m a ‘stuck-up corporate bitch’.
But, that’s the same Noah that’s chasing me around this store like we’re playing tag on a playground.
My tummy twists and my breath sharply lodges itself in my throat when I catch his eyes dart to my lips – once.
He moves closer, just marginally, and then again – eyes, lips.
I mimic his actions, my eyes flicker from his brown eyes to light pink lips.
Then he’s even closer – so close I can feel his exhaled breath brush past my nose.
Eyes, lips.
I feel his knuckles just graze my shirt where he’s still holding the scarf at either end and it sends electricity down to my fingertips.
Then, a strand of his long brown hair falls from behind his ear, and it seems to snap him from our daze. He lets out an awkward chuckle, steps back and slides the scarf off my neck by one end.
“We should probably wrap up here… I’m sure the guys are sick of waiting for us.” He scratches the back of his neck and diverts his eyes from me.
It seems like the right thing to do, but for some reason it leaves me a little disappointed.
Disappointed in what exactly?
What the fuck just happened?
I pull the scarf off of him in the same manner and hang it back up on its hook. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”
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Checking out is hushed and awkward as we stand next to each other in front of the workers that had to watch us nearly destroy the store.
We walk out silently until I notice that he’s walking out with the leopard print fedora proudly plopped on his head.
“You really bought that stupid hat?” I chuckle calling after him carrying 2 heavy, giant bags full of clothes.
“Yeah duh-“ He begins looking back but trips over his feet across the exit door frame.
I bring a plastic bag-occupied hand up to cover my mouth to hide a giggle.
“Shut up.” He directs me with a pointed hand even though I hadn’t said anything.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re kinda goofy?” I laugh, shaking my head and clicking my key fob to unlock the car.
“Goofy?” He gasps as if he’s offended. “Valerie this is peak fashion.”
I chuckle and roll my eyes, “Get in the fucking car, will you?”
He laughs and matches my actions of throwing the heavy bags in the backseat. He slides in the passenger of my blue Mercedes rental and the clunky weight of his lanky body shakes the small car. He stuffs his legs into the tiny, allotted space for them. I would make a comment about how large he is, but I’m not in the business of boosting men’s egos.
I press the push-to-start and begin navigating my way out of the parking lot. It takes a bit for my phone to connect and begin playing music, but when it does it fills the car with a familiar tune.
Noah reaches over and spins the dial to turn up the music. It doesn’t fully register in my mind what song it is until Noah speaks up.
“Is this the hippie rock band you’re representing?” He asks, a bit of sharpness to his voice.
“I-I well, no, I just-“ I’m caught off guard and stutter. I’m new to handling more than one client and having them not know about each other seemed like the best course of action. But I particularly didn’t want Noah to know since I knew he’d compare what I do with others with what I do with them.
“It is, isn’t it?” He snaps. “You manage Greta Van Fleet?”
“I… well,” I pause then sigh out of pure exhaustion. “Yes. I manage them.” I say flatly, somewhat annoyed. “I don’t really think that’s any of your business though.”
He’s silent for a moment, seemingly just taking in the song – Lover, Leaver.
“You’re right. They’re nothing like us.” He announces simply. “The voice on that singer is insane though.”
I can’t stop my brows from furrowing, and from one abruptly propping up.
He’s not upset.
He’s not upset?
“Yeah… I know.” I reply cautiously, glancing over at him to decipher the unbothered look on his face.
“Well, don’t look so surprised, they’re good. I can appreciate good music, can’t I?” He lets a few moments pass. “I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this. They sound so familiar…” He trails off in thought.
“I know, you were expecting Harry Styles.” I joke. “But it’s not, so you can chill.” I tap my fingertips across the leather steering wheel.
“I knew it wasn’t Harry.” He shifts in his seat, crossing his arms across his skinny waist with his hands draping over his sides. He rests his head on the door looking out the window. “If it was, you wouldn’t have taken us.”
“I bet you wish it was Harry Styles then huh?” I say as a somewhat half joke and glance over at him while mindlessly tapping my fingertips on the steering wheel. He stays silent, just watching the trees go by. I can’t tell if the silence is intentional or if he’s just zoned out.
Some time passes before he returns to the conversation.
“Well, I don’t care if you represent them. Just know that I’m not dressing up like some wizard man like your other singer.” He warns firmly with a playful pointed finger.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Sebastian.”
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Next Chapter -> 12 - Liar, Liar*
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tag list; @ladyveronikawrites @kingdomof-omens @persuasivus @strawberryruffilo @thebadchic @the-hell-i-overcame @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @cncohshit @dominuslunae [comment if you'd like to be tagged?]
A/N: Thank you if you've made all the way to chp 11! lol thank you for reading anything i write. thank you so much for every like, reblog, ask, or comment. It means the world to me truly. Thank you.
i love hearing your thoughts so feel free to share! (i'm really bad at responding to comments/asks but i still love them 🥺)
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