expressnewss · 3 years
Foxane.com review is Foxane a scam or a good Forex broker?
Foxane is yet another reason why we always advise caution when it comes to Forex brokers – the company is not actually licensed, or fit, to be offering the services it does. It cannot bring about anything but losses for you – so investing with it is quite the terrible idea. If you need more information on Foxane, read on – we have exposed all of the broker’s failings in the review below – but before we get into it, we would like to make a small disclaimer:
Opening an account with Foxane at the time of writing is not possible – any attempt to do so leads to the following error page:
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This is quite the display of incompetence on Foxane’s part – but considering what we have to say about the broker, it might also be a blessing in disguise – after all, if Foxane does not open accounts, it cannot take anyone’s money!
Is Foxane a legitimate broker? Absolutely not – the broker does not have a license. It also hails from one of the shadiest offshore jurisdictions out there – that of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Here is what the broker’s address seems to be:
If it seems we are harsh towards St. Vincent, that is because the county has a well-earned reputation as a scam haven – you see, it does not regulate its Forex markets in any capacity. Therefore, scammers of all kinds set up shop there, so they can run their schemes unopposed. And even if a company from the country is not running a scam, there are no guarantees that it is licensed to deal on the Forex markets – these firms usually go under in a couple weeks and take their clients’ deposits with them.
Contrast that to a stricter jurisdiction – the UK, for example – companies from it are required to report on a daily basis on open and closed trades, to make sure they cannot engage in any kind of market manipulation. And to protect their clients from the volatility of the markets, the UK demands that all brokers participate in guarantee funds, which pay out up to 85 000 pounds per affected client if the company goes under.
There are many more polices the UK has in place and many more requirements brokers need to comply with – but, as you can see, trading with licensed brokers simply makes more sense than using the services of offshore ones like Foxane!
Can I make money with Foxane?
No – since Foxane is unlicensed, you cannot turn a profit with it. Once again, a regulated broker would be a safer bet. There is also the issue of the company’s Terms and Conditions that are incredibly vague – check out what Foxane has to say about the fees it charges:
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These fees are not available anywhere on the broker’s website – and yet, it threatens its clients with legal action over them! An open clause like that can have Foxane charge you as much as it wants to – even tax you through the nose if it wants to. Let’s also take a look at the broker’s policy on bonuses:
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It states that ones of over 10% of the deposited amount might bring about additional terms and conditions – we cannot know what these are for certain, but brokers that offer bonuses mainly do so to restrict client withdrawals – Foxane might insist that accounts credited with a bonus need to achieve a certain turnover to withdraw, for example.
What leverage does Foxane have available?
Foxane provides access to a leverage of up to 1:400 – much higher than what most regulators allow traders to make use of nowadays. Most brokers that have such high-leverage trading available are simply looking to gain more clients – so be careful when you see it in the wild!
What is the minimum deposit with Foxane?
Foxane sets its minimum deposit to the audacious $1000 – meanwhile, legitimate brokers out there readily open micro accounts for no more than $10 nowadays!
What trading software is available with Foxane?
Foxane supposedly has a web-based platform available – but, since we were unable to make an account with the broker, we have no idea what that software looks like or how it stacks up to industry standard Metatrader 5!
What deposit methods does Foxane accept?
Foxane accepts deposits via Bitcoin and credit cards – be extremely careful when paying with crypto, as these deposits are never eligible for chargebacks!
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expressnewss · 5 years
Michel Bernard écope d'amendes totalisant 13 055 984 $
MONTRÉAL, le 7 mai 2019 /CNW Telbec/ - Le 23 avril 2019, l'honorable Christine Lafrance, juge de paix magistrat de la Cour du Québec, district de Gatineau, a entériné l'entente intervenue entre les parties et a imposé à Michel Bernard1 des amendes totales de 13 055 984 $, correspondant au double du bénéfice qu'il a réalisé, soit 6 527 992 $.
En contrepartie de ces plaidoyers de culpabilité et compte tenu de la faillite de BGA Groupe Financier inc., l'Autorité a retiré les deux chefs d'accusation visant cette société, soit d'avoir fourni des informations fausses ou trompeuses aux assureurs visés à l'occasion d'activités régies par la LDPSF.
1 Ne pas confondre l'intimé Michel Bernard avec Michel Bernard détenteur du certificat no 102707 en assurance de personnes et exerçant auprès du cabinet Les assurances Michel Bernard inc., et inscrit à titre de représentant de courtier en épargne collective auprès de la firme Desjardins Sécurité financière investissements inc.
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expressnewss · 13 years
Levy Garcia Crespo charged with falsely representing himself as an immigration attorney
If convicted, Crespo faces a maximum of five years in prison.May 31, 2011
A local man was charged in federal court on Friday with making false statements in connection with purported immigration services.
The ongoing investigation is being conducted by local U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents.
According to the criminal complaint and statements made during the May 27 court hearing, during the course of this scheme, Levy Garcia Crespo, 34, of West Palm Beach, submitted fraudulent paperwork to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) indicating that he was an attorney representing clients in immigration matters.
In support of his paperwork, Crespo submitted a fraudulent Florida Bar Association identification card and a fraudulent Florida driver's license.
Crespo also appeared in immigration court and represented himself as an attorney.
While posing as an attorney, he processed more than 3,000 false and fraudulent immigration applications on behalf of illegal aliens.
If convicted, Crespo faces a maximum of five years in prison.
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expressnewss · 14 years
Golf Digest, Tiger Woods end 13 year relationship
After 13 years, Tiger Woods will no longer serve as an “exclusive playing editor” for Golf Digest, USA Today reported Thursday.
“Golf Digest and Tiger Woods have mutually agreed to stop his monthly by-lined articles,” said Jerry Tarde, chairman and editor-in-chief of the world’s largest golf magazine.
“His last column will appear in the February, 2011 issue of Golf Digest at which time he will also leave the masthead. We appreciate the insights Tiger has provided to our readers.”
In a statement, Woods said: “I enjoyed my relationship with Golf Digest. But we have decided it’s now time for a break. I wish my friends at Golf Digest continued success.”
Woods started his Golf Digest column as a young pro in 1997, but it was halted in Feb. 2010, after reports surfaced of his numerous extramarital affairs. Woods’ column resumed in Sept. 2010.
Golf legends Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer also serve as exclusive playing editors for the magazine, along with current Masters champion Phil Mickelson.
Procter & Gamble’s Gillette brand ended its sponsorship agreement with Woods as of Dec. 31, following similar moves by AT&T, Accenture and Gatorade. Woods still maintains sponsor relationships with Nike, EA Sports, Tag Heuer, Upper Deck, NetJets and TLC Laser Eye Centers.
Woods endured a tumultuous 2010, which saw him divorce from wife Elin Nordegren, and lose his No. 1 world ranking during a winless season.
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