#let’s go doug
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hijinxinprogress · 2 months ago
Does the JL know that YJ has just casually been beefing with darkseid??
imagine there’s a all hands on deck battle against darkseid and everyone is there but darkseid points out the nearest yj member (it’s probably Bart) like ‘you!!! You managed to escape with your lives last time but this meeting will be our last’ and for a split second Clark’s so fucking confused bc we haven’t fought in years wtf are you talking about then he hears ‘oh shit, look it’s Doug’ and everyone turns to see Bart nudging Kon going ‘he’s talking to you…damn he must still be mad about the coal’ and kons shoving him back bc ‘you were the one fucking around with his coal, you fucking walnut’ while Cassie’s being scruffed by wonder woman bc they’re trying to avoid being around when the jl finds out and tims having a very intense silent conversation lecture about why tf there’s at least half a dozen yj mission reports that mention an assailant named ‘Doug’ 
then Constantine shows up with Greta and everyone (including darkseid) starts yelling and if you don’t know her Greta seems like the one with the ownership of the braincell in yj (she is not but I guess she looks like it from a distance if you squint) which goes one of two ways:
retired-civilian!greta is giggling and waving excitedly to each member of yj along with hal before she practically tackles each of them in a tight hug while the titans, jl, & jl: dark lose their collective shit bc Constantine brought a tiny civilian dressed in pastel floral prints from head to toe into an active battle with fucking darkseid, a civilian who doesn’t register as a threat in any capacity until she makes eye contact with darkseid and gives him the most disgusted look imaginable “Doug… you look…well.” and then like three jl members have to stop her from leaping at darkseid while Hal’s like ‘no! No no, bad Greta! We don’t fight supervillains with…what is that?? I really fucking hope that’s not a gun…Is-is that fucking silly string?! Greta no we don’t silly string supervillains! We’ve talked about this!’
never-retired!/recently-out-of-retirement!greta who does the same thing but when she notices darkseid she rocks his shit in eight seconds flat and starts muttering about ‘that fucking Doug, always ruining my goddamn day’ and Hal is the first one to recover from the shock/confusion but only to tell Greta she’s grounded which gets another irritated ‘fucking doug!’ while Wally and Barry are losing it at Mach 6 while Bart tries to explain himself also at Mach 6, Cassie manages to catch Wally’s exasperated ‘where the fuck did you get Doug from?!’ And responds with ‘Apokolips’ in a tone that means they’re questioning his intelligence which leads to more screaming bc ‘so you knew who he was?? Why didn’t you come to us??’ and they all back up Kon when he claims they told Lex bc that means they have at least 3 hours of freedom while Lex is getting yelled at by the jl (and honestly every cape over 24)
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scootersscooter · 7 months ago
So does anyone else think Dale's full name is Dimmsdale...or is that just me?
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grinchwrapsupreme · 10 months ago
thinking about Red Dwarf again and something I've never been able to articulate about it is the way in which its continuation impacts the story specifically because every time they make new content with it they confirm, by virtue of the show existing, that the crew still hasn't gotten home
Like when they finished in '99 there were 10 years in which the audience could reasonably hope that maybe they succeeded, but then Back to Earth airs and no, sorry, they're still out there. And then there were 3 years of hope followed by "No, sorry, they're still out there" and it just keeps going and every time they release a new series or a movie or a special it continues the story, yeah, but it also canonizes the fact that they are not home yet, because it's not like Voyager where the crew eventually sees Earth again and the audience can breathe a sigh of relief, no, the crew is trapped on the ship in deep space so long as Doug Naylor keeps coming back
And I just think that's a really interesting effect of the medium on the story because whenever there is no series the Red Dwarf crew is the Schrodinger's Cat of lost voyages, both alive and dead, both home and lost, and every few years they open the box again and confirm the cat is still dead and we KNOW that Lister dies on the Dwarf we KNOW, it's been canon for decades, but maybe this time it'll be different, maybe if we leave the box shut they'll get home
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milolovesbmc · 5 months ago
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“You know where to find me… and I know where to look”
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longcatsscribbles · 3 months ago
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beanzabear · 2 months ago
some magma drawings i did last night LMAO
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(also…androidish!glados design in the works…..)
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my handwriting is horrid so : oh this? this is just something i whipped up. it says, “welcome home, cheater.” in case your brain damage and/or simple mind doesn’t allow you to read. i was going to make something nice. the sign i originally set up said, “welcome home, chell.” but, since you decided to CHEAT ON ME with a PERSONALITY CORE, I decided the original plan was no longer an option. …you monster.
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phoenix-art-official · 1 year ago
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dont ask me why i made this, its all my hand felt like producing
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applestede · 2 years ago
So it’s come to my attention that Mary probably won’t be in S2 which, bummer.
But I hope she can at least have some passing good mention, or some indication that she and Stede are on speaking terms.
First of all, no matter what they think of each other, they still have kids, and I would hope that Stede would want to be at the very least aware of what was going on in their lives, even if he isn’t really their father figure anymore.
But I also think that Mary and Stede could be really good friends regardless, especially since that pressure of being in a marriage that neither of them wanted and neither of them enjoyed is gone. You can see a glimpse of that camaraderie toward the end of episode ten (the conversation about love, and the whole faking his death thing.)
She could easily send him letters using some sort of pseudonym or another form of don’t-reveal-my-ex-husband-isn’t-actually-dead deception. They could gossip together.
I just think they could have a really strong bond when there are no expectations put on them.
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minilev · 1 year ago
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commsroom · 2 years ago
eiffel returning to earth and encountering people and places and things that he's known so closely for years - that some part of him might even instinctively feel he should recognize - but without the ability to consciously remember them vs. lovelace returning to earth and seeing all those familiar things and knowing them, and knowing how they've changed in her absence, but being unable to shake the part of her that keeps telling her she's seeing them for the first time. how both of these could be used as an exploration of trauma, and returning to a place (that hasn't changed at all; that's changed too much) that you no longer fit into; that rubs up against the changed shape of your life in raw and uncomfortable places.
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thealogie · 2 months ago
Good Omens HQ has been retweeting/reposting Rachel Talalay, who in turn had been posting about traveling for a gig a few weeks ago and has been posting Edinburgh pics now, and all I could think was that you called this (or I'm pretty certain you did, even though I can't find the posts)
I did call it but I think so did many others with their pulse on the finger of British entertainment!
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burningtrashnightmare · 1 year ago
Can I just yell into the void the appreciation I have for Saru. He big he toll he SAFE. Shepherded his crew safely through time and LOVES so fiercely. Terrified 70% of the time but still there for his crew and captain. Fucking love him. Big toll monster man going where no other Kelpien even dreamed of going before. I would trust that man with my life.
I love this character so deeply. He's been through so much and still chooses to believe in the good of others. Even when terrified he does his best.
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izzy-b-hands · 4 months ago
Just got an AP news alert and I'm
No. Not Doug. I'm losin' it; of all the fucking ppl bc to be perfectly honest. I sort of figured Trmp didn't know who tf Doug Burgum even was. Like, he got told 'hey this dude from ND is running for the Republican nom too, just fyi' and immediately none of that information went into his brain bc it wasn't abt him so why should he care (I assume that's how his brain works for everything quite frankly.)
Doug fuckin' Burgum for Dept of the Interior. This seals it; ND will never be in the news for anything good fkdjafldsjafdklaj*
*as someone who spent all but 3 and 1/2 years or so of my life in ND, I'm allowed to rag on it forever and ever and even moreso now. I want to write his office to ask if he's as surprised as everyone else abt this lmaooooooo. I will not bc he doesn't actually deserve that much of my attention, but still funny.
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silverstreams · 2 years ago
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Chapter 42 of Redemption, a Portal prequel
Si, Lontana Da Scienza
GLaDOS said, "You need to stop destroying my equipment."
"And you need to shut up,” Doug said, without looking up.
"Hey!" said the cube. "That's not very nice."
"Neither is she," said Doug, jamming the flat wedge into the crease again.
Chapter on FF.net | Chapter on A03
Chapters: 42/43
Characters: Chell, GLaDOS, Doug Rattmann
Chapter Length: 6,895 words (183,175 words total!)
Overall Fic Description:
It is 1996. Cave Johnson is long dead. The GLaDOS project is long shelved. As CEO, Caroline has been slowly but surely dragging Aperture Laboratories out of bankruptcy. When twelve-year-old Chell and her mother move into town, Chell finds herself planted in Aperture as a part of a larger Black Mesa plot. When she gets an opportunity to smuggle out blueprints for the coveted portal gun, Chell and her unlikely new friend Doug Rattmann learn just how far Caroline is willing to go to protect Aperture’s last secret.
(Link to Beginning on FF.net! | Link to Beginning on A03!)
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sysig · 2 years ago
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The time for regrets has long passed (Patreon)
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lem-argentum · 1 year ago
i think doug would be a rhythm gamer….
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