#let them be silly happy teens please
rbfclassy · 4 months
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SYNOPSIS...after still messing around with your ex husband, you began to wonder if you’re still in love with him after finding out about his new girlfriend…
INFO...ex husband!toji x fem!reader, reader & toji have two kids, megumi is readers bio son, jealousy, smut, angst, arguments, alcohol, drinking problem, family problems, arguing in front of kids, toxic behaviors, crying, mentions of divorce
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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It’s been about three weeks since you found out about Toji’s new girlfriend. You still haven’t met her or properly seen her yet, but from what the kids tell you, she seems nice. It still felt weird having to get used to the idea that your ex had actually moved on. It was silly to think about, you know. Having been married over five years and getting a divorce, you’d think that means you would be done with your ex, but no, it was quite the opposite. Toji and you were still at each other, flirting, kissing, having sex. Neither of you had essentially ‘moved on’ from one another. It was normal for the both of you. It just never clicked in your mind that he would actually leave and live his life like a divorce is intended to do.
You’ll pin that blame on yourself, thinking too much into what you had with him is what caused you to feel this jealousy in the first place. Having remembered how you were once her spot, being the girlfriend that he took everywhere and did everything with. Hell, shes even met your kids before she’s even met you. It was clear Toji felt serious about her, otherwise he would’ve never brought her around Megumi and Naya. That thought made something twist in your chest.
“Mommy?” Your daughter’s little voice pulled you from your thoughts. Her big eyes watching as you applied your moisturizer in the bathroom mirror, a stuffie in her arms.
“Yes, baby?” You smiled, kneeling down so you were eye level with her.
“Daddy is at the door. He’s asking for you.” She blinked, squeezing the stuffed animal in her arms. Usually Toji just comes on in announced, startling you when he suddenly speaks, but you found it weird that he was now waiting at the door to speak to you. You grabbed your daughter’s hand, walking her to living room where Megumi was watching teen titans and eating popcorn. “Ooo, is that starfire?!” You daughter ran towards her brother, letting go of your hand.
Your eyes landed on Toji who leaning against the door way, dressed in a black hoodie and gray sweats, a stoic look on his face. “Hi, mama,” he greeted.
“Hey, what’s up?” You asked, folding your arms across your chest.
“Can I talk to you really quick? Outside?” He nodded his head in the direction behind him.
“Yeah.” You nodded, following his footsteps as you shut the front door behind you. “Something wrong?” You looked at him.
“I won’t be able to take the kids this weekend,” he sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Sorry.”
“What do you mean? Why?” Your brows furrowed, standing there confused.
“I got…things to do,” he meekly answered. He kept his answer as vague as possible leaving little to nothing for you to go off of, but deep down you had a feeling it had something to do with his new girlfriend.
“Things to do? Like what?” You questioned, poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue.
“Nothing important,” he quickly replied, sucking in a breath.
“If it’s not important then why can’t you take the kids? They’re not gonna be happy about this,” you try to explain. You couldn’t understand why he was being so secretive towards you all of sudden, especially when it came to his time with the children.
“Can you just accept the fact I can’t take them? Please?” He seemed to be getting impatient, rolling his eyes every time you questioned him on something. It was obviously bothering him.
“Does it have to do with your new girlfriend?” There was no harm in asking him, curiosity getting the better of you.
“That’s none of your business.” He tone was rough and stern, almost like you hit a nerve.
“Oh?” Your brows raised in surprise in his sudden change of attitude. “I think it is my business considering this involves your time with our children and the fact you bring her around our kids, Toji. It’s a simple yes or no question.”
He let out a scoff, averting his gaze in a different direction. A sigh left his lips as he ran his hands down his face. “Here you fucking go,” he groaned. “You’re getting jealous.”
“I’m sorry?” Your eyes narrowed as you stared at him.
“You’re getting jealous of her, aren’t you?” His question hung in the air for several seconds as you stared at him in disbelief.
“Here you go assuming shit like always. See this is why we can never have a normal conversation, cause you always wanna start something! Where the fuck did that even come from?” You were starting to see just why you and Toji got divorced. There was some truth to his words, about being jealous. Though, you were too stubborn to admit such a thing to someone like him. What good would it do you anyway? He’d probably just laugh in your face and walk off. “Have your weekend to yourself, Toji. I’ll find someone else to take care of Megumi and Naya.” You turn around to enter the house, not having the energy to argue with him.
“Woah, what do you mean someone else?” His hand is wrapped around your wrist as he pulls you back towards him. “Why can’t you?”
“Cause I have things planned! Pretty sure Shoko won’t mind watching them.” You snatch your wrist back from him, only for him to grab onto you again, pulling you back. “What, Toji?!” You ask in annoyance, sighing loudly.
“You got things planned? With who?” It almost made you laugh how he was the one asking so many questions, trying to peak in on your life.
“That’s none of your business,” you casually say as you stare him. His jaw clenches, finally letting go of your wrists. Both of you stared at each other for what seemed like several minutes when in actuality it was only a mere second. You had a date on Saturday night, someone you met while you were out shopping for groceries. He was handsome, and kind enough to ask you to a dinner, even offered to pay. It would be wrong if you said no because you wanted to say yes, so you did. His name was Kento Nanami. “Goodnight, Toji.” With those words, you walked back into the house and shut the door behind you, locking it.
“Mommy, what did daddy want?” You daughter asked, peaking up from behind the couch.
“I’ll tell you two tomorrow, just keep watching your show.” You smiled at the both of them, quickly rushing to your room to try shake off the funny feeling that you had. Why couldn’t he just be upfront with you? Tell you the truth? You wouldn’t mind if you he needed time to himself, but to come out and be secretive about it was a different story. Then, to start arguing with you simply reminded you of the times he and you fought over the stupidest things. Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten so defensive, but you couldn’t help it.
You tried not to dwell on the situation too much, instead thinking about the date you soon had. You got walked over to your closet, skimming through the hanging clothes in search of a perfect dress to wear. Something elegant yet sexy is what you were going for. You didn’t want to wear anything too over the top in fear of scaring him away, but you wanted something that also showed him you weren’t a prude.
Finally, you landed on your favorite black dress, the corners of your mouth forming into a smile as your eyes scanned over the piece of fabric. “Perfect.”
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captain-mj · 1 year
Trials of Change
Ghost overhears Soap and a couple of recruits complaining about him and decides maybe he does need to be fixed.
Ghost had never been happier honestly. Really. He and Soap had been dating for… two months, four days and, he checked the time, six glorious hours. 
Maybe that happiness made him blind. Foolish or even just stuipd. 
Ghost slipped into the room where the other people were. It wasn’t on purpose that he was undetectable. His natural state of being was… well… Ghost. 
So he heard the conversation.
Price hummed. “How’s it going with him?”
Soap smiled. “Oh, he’s great.”
“Is he planning on wearing the mask less?” 
Ghost internally winced. He understood Price was just asking out of concern. Price was one of the first people to understand that Ghost and Simon were both different people and the exact same. 
Soap shrugged. “Don’t know. I wish he would.” 
Ghost knew that was true so he didn’t mind it, but he decided to wait a second and not announce his presence. He just sat back to listen. 
“Thank God.” One of the rookies piped up. Ghost tensed and glared at them, though they couldn’t feel it unfortunately. “Tired of him walking around all scary. We were all hoping he’d get better when you guys started dating.” 
Ghost didn’t understand.
Better? What did they mean better? He was happier. Wasn’t that enough?
Soap looked rueful. “Yeah. I’d like that too. He spooks me sometimes.” 
Ghost felt his heart just drop. He was sure if he strained he could hear the sound of it snapping. Ice shards being sent off everywhere. After a moment, he decided to stay where he was. Safe and sound. 
As everyone seemed to list off his transgressions. 
Did they know he was there and deciding to mess with him? It was right up Soap’s alley, but the rookies usually feared him enough to stay quiet. He doubted they would pick up on what was going on fast enough. 
“Please make him wear something with color.”
Soap shrugged. “His closet is nothing but black.”
“Tell him to put something besides his music on.”
Soap rebutted that one too. “He hates my music and you guys don’t get a vote.” 
Then the complaints came a bit faster. 
“Make him actually talk to people.” 
“And stop hiding in his room. It’s a bit creepy at this point.”
“Also why can’t he ever make friends on base?”
“Anger issues. He’s constantly getting pissed for no reason.”
“Please make him take off the mask.” 
“And stop staring.” 
“And also please stop letting him out at night.”
“Why are you breaking curfew to see him out at night?” Soap remarked, crossing his arms. The recruits cringed and quickly found something interesting in the room to stare at. That’s when Ghost made his escape. 
He wasn’t an idiot. He knew people wanted him to change. Always something off putting. It had been like that since he started wearing long sleeves at all time to hide bruises and sleeping through class because his dad kept him awake all night. 
But this was new. Did Soap want him to change?
Of course he did. 
What did better mean?
Soap had been asking him questions lately. Simple things. How was your day? How are you feeling? What do you feel like doing? And Ghost would answer honestly. The bad days had definitely decreased. Ghost enjoyed being around the 141 more. He thought he had been talking more. Just to the 141, Alex, Farah, Alejandro and Rodolfo, but really who else did he need? They all saw him as he was and he thought that was enough. 
Apparently not. 
Apparently that was not better.
Well, he had a list of things that he could be better at now. Ghost felt stupid. A silly teen trying to keep their boyfriend around. 
For a moment, he thought of forgetting this conversation happened. Of taking what Soap would give him and waiting to be abandoned when Soap realized that Ghost was incapable of being what he wanted. But already, he knew this would poison everything. Anytime Soap put his scarf around Ghost because he ran so much colder than his angry Scott or when he asked him to take his mask off when they were alone or every time he introduced him to someone new, he’d wonder if it was somehow a way to change him. 
Could he just break up with him? It was the smartest and easiest thing. Shove Soap out of his life and stay exactly where he is. But that meant not having Soap. No more late night tea trips with someone by his side. He’d no longer be there to put hickeys on his neck that he’d grumble about and then secretly like. All the jokes and stolen clothes and the touch. He had forgotten how nice it was to have someone touch him. To put his head on someone’s chest (he hated weight on him because it reminded him of the dirt from the coffin) and hear their heartbeat. Nice and steady and sweet. 
Fuck, Ghost couldn’t give that up. He’d also never be able to drink enough of it in to get his fill. So he’d have to be… better. 
Maybe he could start small. It was silly, but color was probably the easiest. Wear something besides black. 
He didn’t own anything not black. 
Fucking hell. 
Ghost took a deep breath. Maybe he could start with… music? When did they even play music? During exfil occasionally if Nik was driving? But he didn’t have a mission with Soap for the next few weeks so he could see it regardless. 
Anger issues? Yeah, Ghost had them but he didn’t think he ever blew up for no reason. Maybe his reactions were occasionally over the top, but he never hit anyone. Never hit objects near them to show he could either. His last meltdown was months ago and he had, with shockingly no protest but still with a very hurt pride, apologized to the person.
Goddamnit, he just needed a starting place. That’s all. So color it fucking was. 
Ghost went to Gaz, hesitant and nervous, but he was the only person he could really ask about this without it being suspicious since he wasn’t there. 
“Hey, Garrick.”
Gaz looked up from what he was reading. “Riley!” He liked that about Gaz. When he had first referred to him as Kyle, Gaz had called him Simon. If he used his rank, Gaz responded with his rank. Ghost had learned to stick to last name or callsign with him. They felt more like equals than most of the other people on base. 
“Can you help me with something?”
Gaz sat up. “A mission?”
“Where can I get… clothing?”
Gaz paused. “You… The Ghost… want me to help you with shopping?”
Ghost nodded awkwardly. “Yeah… Can we go… shopping?”
Gaz slowly stood up. “Why?”
“I’m going to try changing my style.”
“Just… want to try something… different?”
Gaz frowned and Simon remembered why he didn’t usually go to Gaz for assistance. They could see straight through him. Every time. “You want to try something… different? Why? You’ve never changed in the years I’ve known you.”
Ghost just shrugged awkwardly. 
“Alright. Let’s go.” Gaz stood up and pulled his shoes on. “What are you searching for?”
“Something with… color?” 
Gaz frowned but obliged. He couldn’t bring Ghost to a mall, worried the people would get him worked up. So instead, he brought him to a strip of stores and picked the most abandoned one. Gaz didn’t really do much, having a feeling he was more playing moral support for whatever breakdown this was. It wasn’t… completely uncommon for Ghost to get the urge to do things. Almost like a mania. However it was never something as simple as this. 
He gave Ghost’s a thumbs up when the man grabbed a blue hoodie. Dark blue, so still in theme. Then he grabbed a camo green and ruby red. Nothing but hoodies. 
“You going to stick with your normal dark color scheme?” It was a genuine question from Gaz, who was worried about him. Also, depending the answer, it would be easier to help him find things. 
Ghost wondered if this was… different enough. “Can you pick something that… isn’t?”
Gaz tilted his head and looked around. He found a polo shirt in a softer green color. “Do you want to try it on before buying it? Make sure you’re comfortable.”
Ghost bounced between his feet, debating. “Yeah.” He found a dressing room and slowly slipped off his black hoodie. The mirror was there. His arm tattoos covered the scars there, but he still felt nervous. 
Now his shirt. 
Just… take off the shirt. 
Take it off. 
Ghost pulled it over his head in a rush but he still caught himself in the stupid mirror. 
Ugly scarring. 
Did Soap not like those? Ghost had tried things to make them fade. Balms and creams and keeping them clean. They were still there. Dark, thick lines. Giant pieces of flesh that were marred for one reason or another. 
What if Soap hated those too? Ghost certainly did. It’s why he stayed covered up. 
He pulled the new shirt on and didn’t look at himself. The fabric was… fine. Not the best, but fine. The color looked weird against his pale skin. 
This was stupid. Again, the feeling of being a teen girl appeared. Was this childish? Of course it was. 
He bought the clothing anyway, even though it made his skin crawl. 
Gaz smiled at him once they were back in the car. “I’m proud of you.”
Ghost nodded. “Thanks, Gaz.”
“No problem, Ghost.”
Ghost grabbed food and hid in his room to eat. He perched on his desk. 
Soap arrived moments later and smiled, sitting on Ghost’s desk chair so they were right next to each other. “Hey, haven’t seen you today.”
“Went out.”
“You went out? By yourself?” Soap sounded so shocked. 
Ghost shrugged. “I had Gaz with me.”
“That’s nice! I’m glad you’re doing that.” Soap smiled at him. “Have fun?”
Ghost thought about it. Honestly, when he wasn’t focused on what they were doing, it wasn’t too bad. Hanging out with Gaz, even if they didn’t really talk much, was pretty fun. 
“Get anything?”
“More hoodies since you keep stealing mine.”
Soap smiled. “Hell yeah. It’s not my fault you have better taste in hoodies. They’re always so soft and big and smell like you.”
“They’re big because they’re meant to fit me.”
Soap leaned up and kissed his cheek. After having to deal with the people at the store, Soap’s presence was honestly a bit of a balm to his frayed nerves. 
Until he thought of why he had gone out. 
“Are you content with me?”
Soap paused, looking a bit confused. “Simon, I’m happy with you. Why do you ask?”
“Nothing. Just wondering.”
Johnny hummed. “Take your mask off for me.”
Simon did. He wanted to be what Johnny expected. To change how he was supposed to. Callused fingers ran over his cheekbones. Touching his jaw. 
“Did something happen?” Soap was too perceptive. 
Soap frowned and leaned up, kissing him more. “Alright. Ye won’t talk to me. I won’t push ya.” He cupped his face. “Just talk to me when you’re ready then.” 
Ghost frowned. “Nothing wrong. But I will if anything comes up.”
Soap smiled. “All I ask.” 
The next time they were in the car, Ghost put on some pop music. It wasn’t what he’d normally listen to. It was just a random list of the top 100 hits. Soap noticed and looked at him oddly. “Where’s your normal rock music?” 
Ghost normally made a radio each time they were going to do something together. All of it heavy rock music or metalcore. That was… bad though. Price called it his angry mix and he was trying to not do that. Not to be like that.
Be different. 
“Wanted to change it up?” It came out too much like a question. 
Soap frowned. He liked all types of music just fine, but Ghost didn’t. Ghost was predictable. Ghost only “Changed it up” when on leave when he listened to classical music. A fact only Soap got to know.
“You’re acting different.”  
Ghost shrugged and focused on driving. The other guys seemed on edge now Something was clearly off about him now. It made everyone nervous. 
It was exacerbated when Ghost wore colors at the next taskforce meeting. Even Gaz, who had been there when he bought it, looked very uncomfortable when he wore a soft shade of red hoodie and medical mask instead of his balaclava. They all kept glancing over and… looking confused. 
Ghost looked at Soap. He ignored that his skin prickled at the attention and the change. That the fabric was itchy against his skin. Or that being so exposed made him want to die right there. None of that quite mattered as much as Soap’s expression. He didn’t look pleased at all. No excitement that Ghost tried to be different. Just… a strange look. 
Ghost felt sick. He felt nauseous. 
Soap cornered him after the meeting and took him to his bedroom. 
Ghost felt like a kid, just sitting on his bed as Soap stared at him. 
“I was just trying to be what you wanted.” Simon admitted, yanking the hoodie off. “I heard you and the recruits complaining about me. I just… wanted you to like me.”
Johnny paused and softened. “Simon. I’m sorry. I was letting them complain because you’re their boss. Which I shouldn’t have. Gotta so caught up in you being Ghost, my Lt, I let them disrespect Simon, my boyfriend.” He sank down, getting on his knees in front of him. “All of this… Making yourself so uncomfortable and forcing yourself to change… You tried to do for me?”
Ghost winced. “It’s pathetic. I know. Just…”
Johnny laughed and pulled the medical mask down to kiss him. “Mo chroí. It’s not pathetic. I’m so sorry. If I had known, I would’ve cleared it up for you.” He kissed him a few more times. “I love your angry music and your dark clothing and the fact you only casually show your face to me. And I wouldn’t change you for the world.”
Simon relaxed a little. “Keep going.”
Johnny laughed. “Alright. I like that you’re mean to recruits because you want them to toughen up. You don’t listen when anyone suggests anything because you know you’re going to ignore it and I find it fun. Especially because you listen to me. I like that you’re a little pretentious about your music and that I get to wear your black hoodies. That you have two pairs of pants and that’s all you wear. On leave, I love that you wear a ton of rings. That you’re grouchy in the mornings even though you get up at 5 am when working. I love you, Simon.”
Simon pulled them back so they were laying in bed and Soap continued without a beat. “I love that you wake up at 2 am and make you tea and me a cup of coffee. Love that you sneak into my room all the time and that you steal the blankets. I-”
Simon kissed him. “Alright. You can stop now. I get it.”
“I can keep going. Anytime you want me to.” Johnny promised. “Also, I tore into them later. I wanted you to know. Made fun of all of them.”
Simon laughed and relaxed more into the bed, feeling Johnny pepper kisses on him. “Love you too.” 
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
Favorite crime. Final part (miles morales x reader)
before we get started I just want to say please send in requests! I’ll see if I can do them I love writing angsty stories! 💓 please read my little notes at the end just to see some of my thoughts throughout writing
When miles finally returned home..saved his dad, all was well in his universe. The only thing hurtful was instead of grieving for his father..they were grieving for her.
his partner in crime..
his willing accomplice..
his alibi..
his favorite singer..
his favorite person..
his lover..
Gwen was no longer someone he wished was there instead, all he wished for was Y/n. He forgave Gwen and everyone once again…but no once can replace Y/n. Not when she was the one who defended him and gave up everything for him.
Miles and Miguel settled their differences and Miles put in one last request that could never be accepted.
“Please! Just let me go back and save her! She can’t be happy there! I know it! Please..”
“Miles. You know I can’t! You fixed your timeline, you got your dad. She gave her life up for you and him! Just take it.”
“I can’t..it’s wrong! I just handed her away and I don’t even know what he’s doing to her?! I don’t know if she’s ok.”
Miguel couldn’t hear or handle talking gently to miles not when he was so persistent on something he knew couldn’t be fixed.
“Miles! Stop! Just stop! She wasn’t tied down to your universe! She had nothing there! Just your parents and you. She gave that up to save you and your dad. How many times do I have to say it?!”
“No! She doesn’t even remember you! She’s making her life there! She forgot all about you! I made sure Miles 42 didn’t remember you or his uncle! I fixed that. But y/n forgot you on her own..that wasn’t my doing.”
Miles broke down on his knees to this news…he couldn’t take it, not when she was always meant to be his.
“…let me see her..I won’t do anything just let me look at her..from a far.”
“Fine..but you have to promise you won’t even try to do anything. She’s healing that universe and that version of yourself. It’s only ok that she’s there because now they have a spider-women to fix and protect them. Don’t try anything kid.”
Miles agreed and opened a portal immediately to see Y/n…
when miles arrived..he went straight to his home..and there she was.
Y/n was cuddled up beside him giggling as she played with his curls, he had finally took out his braids listening to his girlfriends advice.
“Miles! Stop tickling me!”
Her sweet laughter was heard once again while miles picked her up and got off the bed twirling her around the room.
“Ahh! Im getting dizzy! Babe put me down!”
After awhile Miles did and both of them fell back onto the bed giggling and staring at the spinning ceiling.
A creak at the door caught their attention as Rio looked at them with a playful stern face.
“You two, always playing around! Cmon and eat, food’s ready!”
Both teens smiled at Rio as she walked away, silence was still between them
“….whoever gets there first gets to buy dinner tomorrow!…”
“Oh you know I won’t let you win princesa!”
Miles 1610 couldn’t help but witness everything in sorrow. Princesa was always his nickname for her…it all started when they were kids…
“…Y/n aren’t you grounded?”
Miles was so surprised to see his best friend at his front door.
“My parents didn’t even notice I left! My father is overreacting! How was I supposed to know they were arguing? I just walked in by accident and he got mad I saw them fighting.”
The little 8 year old had a lot of sass yet gentleness in her voice but Miles knew she was right.
“Well come in! Im here to save you!”
Y/n giggled at the silly statement
“I came here on my own! What are you pretending to be? My night and shining armor?”
“If that’s what you want princesa! I am here! And now we are going on a conquest to fight off bad guys!”
“Ok! Let’s fight! You and me! Together forever! ”
So it was true…she did forget Miles 1610. It didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt, she cried and mourned for days but soon enough…she forgot why. Her brain has so traumatized that it just made everything a blur for her.
She learned to love Miles 42, that wasn’t hard for her. However it wasn’t an easy road..she had to guide him into giving up that life. He gave up being the prowler for her. Y/n was saving the world left and right and what made her the happiest was coming home to Rio and Miles. In many ways she healed herself and him.
Miles 1610 couldn’t believe it…he didn’t want to see it. If he were to leave right now, he’d be dragging his feet and dreading it…maybe just for a little while…just a little longer..he’ll stay.
It was truly bittersweet to think about the damage that they did..how they overcame it. In a way Y/n did everything just to call Miles her’s. And she’d do it all over again.
When they came back from eating Miles 1610 became invincible once again staring at them from the corner of his room.
“You knew I was gonna win and nowwww we’re going out to eat pizza tomorrow and I’m paying!”
“Ughhhh I hate you!”
Y/n didn’t mean it…she said it with a smile on her face.
“Yea right..you know you love me.”
“yea…I do.”
They shared a kiss and Y/n held the brightest smile.
“Mmh…right now I’m getting a spidey sense and it’s saying…go downstairs to get snacks! I’ll be right back! You stay here and pick out a movie! It should be quick!”
“Princesa you know i don’t want you going out by yourself-“
“Excuse meeeee! I’m spider-women! I got this! I’ll be right back and change into comfy clothes!”
Miles 42 changed into his regular comfortable clothes the one that Miles 1610 was wearing…a white t-shirt and grey sweats..perfect.
Miles 1610 followed Y/n outside and followed her to the tiny bodega down the street.
“Y/n! Here to get the regular? Or are you trying new snacks with miles!”
“Ehhh I was going to get regular but now that you say that I might try some new chips.”
Miles 1610 walked in right after her and Mr.Delmar greeted him as well taking him by surprise.
“Miles! You doing good?”
“huh? Oh- yea yea of course!”
Y/n turned around confused
“Miles? I thought I told you to pick the movie!”
Here it goes, miles was going to play along with it…he’d do anything to speak to her just for awhile.
“I did princesa! Just wanted to make sure you were ok!”
Y/n giggled and took his offering hand guiding him to pick their snacks. Miles had missed her for so long…missed her touch…her candy sweet scent..her voice.
“…what do you think about trying out blue takis? we usually always get the purple ones.”
Miles stared at her admiring all her features, taking her in and falling in love with her all over again.
“…miles?..babe come back to earth!”
He shakes his head yes and just agreed to whatever she wanted…he couldn’t resist not holding her closer any longer.
“I miss you.”
Y/n couldn’t be anymore confused then she was right then and there.
“babe! We’re with each other right now! What do you mean?”
It was affection like that, it made Y/n laugh right in his face..they had each other right? So what was up?
“I know but I just…I miss you all the time even when I’m with you, I love you.”
“I love you too..”
The two shared a kiss and walked up hand and hand at the register paying for their snacks and walking home.
When they approached the building miles knew he needed to leave..he gave her one last quick kiss and requested one last race with her.
“Whoever gets upstairs first wins!”
“What? Babe!”
Miles ran upstairs and went out the window in the hallway rushing his way into the room to watch Y/n and Miles 42 once again.
Y/n walked in out of breath, exhausted.
“Damn babe, going up the stairs..I just realized you always beat me at races..what movie are we watching?”
Miles 42 didn’t question what she had said considering he raced her earlier before dinner, he laughed at her exhaustion and pulled her into him to cuddle once again.
“I was thinking about fast and furious or something?”
“Our favorite movie? Shockerrrr! You know I’m always down to rewatch it mi amor!”
Miles 1610 sighed in jealousy. He now had envy for another version of his life…he wished he had her in every way. He missed her and he hoped that she was genuinely ok.
Y/n was meant to be his lover forever in his dimension but due to him telling her to go…he changed her path. Miles committed a crime…oh but she was his favorite crime. Since they didn’t talk for weeks and she took a walk by herself in attempts to heal her wounded heart…she got bit. When she gave herself up for him...Y/n opened a door to save the most broken version of Miles. They healed each other in that dimension but…Miles 1610 cried for nights thinking about Y/n…the girl who forever had his heart.
there was tiny parallels here! The way miles and Y/n still played around and got caught by Rio! Just like they did when they were kids! The way Miles 1610 watched Y/n from afar with Miles 42 having the same feelings and hurt she did when she saw him with Gwen! Then the whole thing with Miles calling her Princesa! If you haven’t noticed I kinda tried to coordinate the song with the story. Hope you loved it 🫶 stay safe
Tag list: @justleila @tati-the-fangirl @kxllanxtdoor @abbersreads @abislays123 @not-aya @usernamepasswordsstuff @moralesluvrr @inluvwithneteyam @twinkletwinklenotastar @ilystarz @vodoo-heart @papichulo120627 @mashiromochi
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deppiet · 1 year
About the yassification of GO2.
Warning: the following text is highly critical of the second season of Good Omens. If you enjoyed it, I am happy for you, and a non-negligible amount of jealous as well. Please scroll past before I inevitably rain on your fandom parade.
So, I did the thing. I binged the entire second season of what was, up to now, my favorite show ever, in one sitting. And I have a great deal of things to say, but hardly any of them is positive.
Let me start by saying that I don't mind the cliffhanger or the melancholy ending, like at all. In our era of Marvel apologists and the instant gratification culture, it is necessary for media to persevere and add nuance to romantic relationships. That said, what transpired during the six hours leading up to this sort of unearned climax hardly contains anything remotely close to nuance.
Who are these people? I don't mean the new characters, all of them written as cardboard-cut anthropomorphic personifications of stereotypes, yassified to the point of representation losing its purpose and getting in the way of, you know, actual writing. I mean the protagonists themselves, Aziraphale and Crowley, up to now my favorite characters in the entire world and -up to now- tangled in a love story so beautiful I had, for better or for worse, devoted a large part of my creative output on it, making art, songs, and metas on why what those two entities had was as close to perfect as anyone can hope to find for themselves.
These are not the characters I knew. The characters I knew spent hundreds of human lifetimes revolving around each other in a treacherous yet familiar dance- they both knew the love was there, it was comfortable like an armchair that has taken the shape of the body using it for years. They argued the way old couples do, and of course, like all fictional beings that are counterparts of one another, had differences to settle, but what stood in their way wasn't misunderstanding or miscommunication, in was their fear of Heaven and Hell, and their fundamentally different approaches on how to keep each other safe.
What is all this teen angst? This will-they-won't-they silliness that lacks any nuance, thematic coherence, or literally even trace amounts of understanding of the source material? Where is the dark humor, the quotability, the chaotic overarching plot, the self conscious camp? The season is so cynically written to cater specifically to a certain part of fandom, that I am losing respect for the original work- because if Neil Gaiman doesn't care for these fictional beings, and he evidently doesn't, why should I?
The thematic core of what made Good Omens what it was, had always been the "Love in unexpected places" trope Sir Terry Pratchett knew how to write so well. It had never been about the fantasy, because Sir Terry wrote satire wrapped up in a supernatural package, it had never been about the romance, because when the ship becomes the end instead of the means, the love rings hollow, like artificial light trying to pass as sunshine. The beating heart of GO lies in its philosophy, in the beautiful notion that the agents of two oppressive systems at war have more in common with one another than with their respective oppressors. That being a nobody, a mere cog in a larger machine, says more about said machine than it does about you, and that you can try to break free and build a life for yourself, where a happy ending looks like a dinner at the Ritz with the one you love most.
Shoehorning an underdeveloped "romance" between Beelzebub and Gabriel not only feels like bad fanfic (disclaimer: I like the ship and feel like it could have worked if developed in any capacity, and presented in a more humorous and character-appropriate way. I hate with passion how much they watered down Beelzebub in order to make them stereotypically romanceable, adding the Ineffable Bureaucracy to the ever-expanding list of characters I don't care about anymore.) but also, it muddles and grossly undermines the thematic raison d'être of Ineffable Husbands. If the ramifications for defecting and fucking off with the enemy were a slap on the wrist for the respective leaders of both sides, well surely the system can't be that oppressive after all. And if fear of the oppressive system wasn't, after all, what kept these beings apart, surely these two entities don't like each other as much as we thought. Or rather, one is reduced to a lovesick puppy and the other to a brainless husk of a character, a plot device, a means to go from place A to place B without spending much brainpower on the logistics.
And if these two new people got to kiss I care not, for they are not the same people I rooted for (props, though, to the actors, who gave, somehow, an almost Shakespearean gravitas to their love affair, underwritten and dumbed down as it was. They both love the characters, and it shows in the minuscule yet brilliant ways in which they added nuance where the script had none.)
What was that thing with the lesbians about? Though straight passing, I have always known myself to be attracted to women as well as men, and I am always highly suspicious when an "ally" writer (see: straight, no shade to straight people among which I live because they are, like, the majority) decides to make all characters queer, in the face of real-world statistics and despite NOT being queer themselves. When a person like Nate Stevenson does it they get a pass because writers self-insert and because, when done well, it can carry a message of equality. But when the ally writer does it, unless it is pitch-perfect, I am forced to examine the possibility of them being calculating about it and trying to score representation points, often because they need the rep as a fig leaf to cry homophobia behind when people start complaining about the atrocious plot.
Nina and Maggie were boring. They had no personalities, no cohesive backstories, nothing to make us understand what they are to one another and to the overarching plot ("plot" is used loosely here, for there was no plot: the series ended where it should have started, with six hours of -progressively more offensive to my intelligence- fanfic tropes in a trenchcoat serving as the, well, "plot"). I didn't care whether or not they'd end up together, because I have no idea who they are. The blandness of the dialogue had the actresses, both very talented as evidenced in the first season, grasping at straws with what little characterization they were left to work with, and the "ball" was so unbelievably bad a plot device no amount of suspension of disbelief was ever going to make it right.
The minisodes, though at parts clever and philosophical, felt out of place. This was another narrative choice I had to raise my eyebrows at, because it felt like a bunch of executives sat around a table and watched Neil Gaiman's powerpoint presentation of what made Season 1 financially successful. They were shoehorned in, largely irrelevant to the, eh, "plot", and most of them lasted far more than I personally deemed welcome, or necessary.
What else is there to say? The wink-winks and nudge-nudges to the Tumblr nation? The in-your-face Doctor Who reference? The narratively myopic choice to make Crowley a former archangel? The cheese dialogue, not one bit of which was quotable?
I am distraught. I am grieving an old friend, and a part of my fandom life I cannot, in good faith, return back to after this gross betrayal. I am happy for those who don't see it, because I wish I could love this season past its flaws. However, the writing isn't simply mediocre, it is irrevocably, immeasurably, undescribably bad, so bad I am shocked to my very core, so bad I find it offensive to Sir Terry's memory and everything his own creative output was lovingly filled with.
I am passing all five stages of grief and very much doubt I will return to this fandom. I loved the original story and the characters with all my heart- now the aforementioned heart is broken, not by the breakup or anything as pedestrian as cheap romantic tropes. But because my old friends, my family of fictional beings, are no longer the ones I loved and could relate to.
Deppie out.
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oops-all-concrete · 6 months
I was wondering if I could get headcanons for a younger(late teens-early twenties) tav who views the companions as more of older siblings/mentors, personally my tav is inspired off the tiefling kids in the emerald Grove because I thought it would be very cool if Mol a street kid became the savior of baldurs gate, absolutely adore your writing thank you so much if you decide to do this!
Sorry it took me so long to get to this, I went on an enexpected hiatus but I am back and have a few lists in the works, so keep an eye out for that!
But yeah, I LOVE this idea??? This is so cute and if you have pictures of your Tav, please share them, I NEED to know what they're like, they sound so cool and I love the idea behind them!
Anyway without further adieu;
Companions react to: Younger Tav who sees them as an older sibling/mentor!
No spoilers, just some lovely lil headcanons, enjoy♡
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Lae'zel - It depends on (your) Tavs dynamic with her. She was taught to follow when there was a leader, and lead when there was none. If Tav is intent on following, she's strict, sharp and a little intimidating, but always looking out for Tav, ordering them to the back of the group and allowing them cool moments in fights too. "Finish them off, teethling" She says proudly. But if Tav takes a leader role, she's happy to follow without question, and will shape everyone else in line with tavs orders, once she trusts their judgement. A kind leader and devoted follower. That's what you get from Lae'zel.
Shadowheart - She could never explain why, but having a kind teifling friend who's quite like this Tav is so...familiar? It's nice in any case. She feels at ease and way off her guard around Tav and is grateful to them for it. Of course she feels bad hiding things, but has gotten pretty good at making sure Tav is distracted and having fun on the adventure. She's always sneaking them snacks, turning a blind eye to any pranks they play on the others and keeping them in arms range at all times. They make her feel young again.
Wyll - He's like a guardian angel sent from above. He's happy to teach, but not above learning from Tav too, seeing them as an equal, even if he's kind of the "big brother." He's perfect for stories, indulging in Tavs silly ideas, good or bad, and the man you want in a crisis. No matter how bad it gets, he's staying calm for Tav, witty even, to keep them distracted or focused. It's hard to not be relaxed around Wyll and it's ever so intentional. If Tav is happy, so is he, and he says as much all the time.
Karlach - A young tiefling troublemaker who's just trying to do their best? She absolutely adores them, seeing her young self in them at every turn. It's healing for her to take care of who is basically her younger self, and she takes a genuine pride in looking out for them. Keeping them safe. Teaching them not to make the same mistakes she did. She'll do anything to keep them safe even at her own detriment.
Gale - Gale always wanted to be a teacher, and seeing how passionate Tav is, he just has to teach them. He sees potential in everything they do and goes out of his way to ensure they harness their abilities to their fullest. He's happy to answer any and all questions, and will look for answers if he doesn't have them. He's never short on praise either, always telling them how proud he is and how wonderful it is to watch them become the person they are.
Astarion - He's the bully older brother you never realised you wanted, probably because you didn't and still don't. He's got a thousand mean nicknames and if Tav slips up, he never let's them forget it. Tav and him will bicker to the end of time, but when all is said and done, if someone so much as grazes Tavs skin- he will drain the life out of them as painful and slow as possible. He might laugh, but only when he knows Tav is actually okay, and if someone else laughs, he'll make them regret it. He'd never say it out loud, but having a sibling he can protect is very nice.
Bonus, the older folks!
Halsin - He immediately takes up the dad role. He's always wanted children of his own, once he finds the right person, but they make him.okay with just doing it alone. Bear rides, whittled trinkets, spell lessons, he's all for it. There's just about nothing Tav could possibly say to make him unhappy to hear from them. He's indulged in everything they say and prideful in everything they do. He gets into the habit of calling them fawn, fledgling, lamb, whatever Tav likes sticks.
Jaheira - She doesn't realise it, but she does go full mother mode, even in front of the Harpers. Tav has messy hair? She's fixing it immediately. She sees elbows on the table, Tav is getting the mom look. Tav has dirt on their face, she's licking her thumb to rub it out. It's so subconscious, but she can't help it. And by God's, if anyone talks ill of Tav to their face, she's ready to throw down. Even if it's just questioning.
Harper: "I don't get it, they're a kid, how are they going to-"
Jaheira: "If I hear one more word out of that idiot mouth, I'm going to sew it shut and have you clear out the barn of all the ox shit, so you have no choice but to smell it"
Minsc - He's just happy to be admired for what he is; a warrior! Lead by a miniature giant space hamster. He won't question most things Tav does, trusting their own kind of warrior style and knowing they're doing everything for righteous reason. He admires them at every turn, even if he has no idea what their deal is or how to explain it to other people. Boo knows. And thats all that matters.
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arabellasleopardcoat · 11 months
Ace of Cups (Hotd x Reader)
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Summary: An act of kindness leads you to a misterious stranger who offers to lift a block on your love life. Feeling lonely during Halloween, you decide to give it a go. Now there is a blonde corpse in the middle of your bathroom, and it turns out the corpse is not really a corpse.
Pairing: Rhaenyra x Reader, Aemond x Reader or Daemon x Reader.
Warnings: Mature language. Mentions of corpses. My first ever crack fic?
A/N: Happy Halloween! At the end of this silly set up, you have to choose a card. There are three endings. Choose wisely.
“Um. Excuse me?” You raised your hand, trying to get the couple of teens at the register to stop… Whatever they were doing. Probably making out, if making out involved pushing their tongues to the other person's tonsils. “Excuse me?”
Ugh. You hated it. Even as an adult, you find being around couples awkward. Especially if they were making out. When the couple in question was, like, half your age, it was even worse. If it were up to you, you would have left them alone and found another corner store, but you would rather not end up walking three blocks just to be able to buy a bottle of overpriced wine.
“What?” The girl pulled apart from the boy, with an annoyed expression. She took out a piece of gum and started chewing annoyingly. “What do you want?”
Despite your best efforts, your dismay must have shown on your face.
“Miss. What do you need, miss?” The girl corrected herself, rolling her eyes. But the damage was already done. You tried to force your face to remain fixed into a pleasant expression. This was not going to ruin your plans of having a pleasant night all by yourself.
“I want to pay for this. Please.” You handed her a bottle of your favorite wine. You would need it to make your night better. After all, this was the first time you would be spending Halloween completely on your own.
Having recently moved into your own apartment, it was not like you could spend the night with your family. All your friends had plans out of town or with people you didn't know. And while your coworkers had invited you out for drinks, you really didn't feel like slipping on a tight dress and wasting half your salary on overpriced cocktails.
There was no one to watch a horror movie or go out with, like you had done in previous years. Instead, you had planned to take a bath, eat some nice dinner and enjoy a glass of wine. Maybe watch a movie. Perhaps, even do a ritual of some sort, like the ones that appeared on TikTok. The energies were supposed to be stronger tonight, or so you heard.
Your self-care was not about to be ruined by a teen girl who didn't even know how to kiss. You refused.
“I am going to need some ID.” The girl rolled her eyes. She looked as done as you felt.
Cursing yourself for not having it already out, you started fumbling with your bag. This was shaping up to be a terrible day. Not only were you about to spend Halloween alone, but you were also going to have to hear teenagers, the meanest creatures on earth, have a go at you.
Good God, why couldn't you find it quicker? Your wallet seemed to be hiding under everything you had. To be able to look for it, you started taking out some things and leaving it on the counter.
“Uh… Babe. Can’t you just… Let her? She is obviously old enough.” The boy asked, sounding annoyed. He eyed your growing pile of things on the counter. A used chapstick, your keys, a pencil, crumbled up receipts. He wanted you gone, and soon. “More than old.”
And that was a bit insulting, really. The boy had chosen to remain quiet during the whole exchange, and now he interrupted just to say a rude thing? You were not even that old. But it appeared that in the age of planned obsolescence, you already were.
The girl's eyes shifted between your furious expression and her boyfriend's bored one.
“Fine.” She said. You handed her one of the crumpled bills that you had placed on the counter. “Have a good evening.” And without sparing you a glance, she handed you a receipt and started making out with her boyfriend, again.
You were fuming. There it went, your relaxing evening. You were not in the right headspace for it now. Deciding to reclaim what little of your good mood was left, you decided to take another route home. Perhaps, walking across the park might lift your spirits.
Grasping the bottle of wine and surely looking like an alcoholic, you walked out of the store. As of late, you felt terribly lonely. Living alone was hard. Not only you had to do everything by yourself, no roommates or family to fall back into, but you also had to come home every night to an empty apartment.
At first, you had been ecstatic to have your own space. You had loved your rented apartment, in a centric place of the city and decorated in a very modern fashion. You hadn't protested your landlord's condition of no pets and no changing the colors of the walls, too happy with having something of your own. The novelty of having a place to yourself had worn off after a while, and you had to face your sad little beige walls and a deafening silence.
It had not helped how busy your friends and you were. It seemed like the days when it was easy to coordinate an outing were long gone. Now with responsibilities, jobs and studies, it seemed like you only saw them once in a blue moon.
You were starved for human contact. You had been thinking lately of getting a partner, but the attention you received only discouraged you. So far, the only offerings you had gotten were from creepy guys, or people you had no interest in at all.
Taking a deep breath in, and choosing consciously to let go of the negative thoughts you were having, you took a step forward. The noise of the park was comforting. Among the chirping birds, there were the cheerful voices of children running around.
You smiled. Barely six, but there were already people in their customs. There was a couple dressed up as Danny and Sandy from Grease, and a little girl dressed as Barbie. Many of the children carried their plastic pumpkins, and you had to give them a few loose candies you had laying in your bag.
Trying to avoid disappointing more children with your lack of sweets, you crossed the park, taking the route where there were more trees. Under one, you found a middle-aged woman sitting on a bench. She was dressed in full witch regalia, pointy hat and all.
She must have been around her late thirties, with a head of dark, glossy hair and big eyes. In truth, you could not truly place her face in an age range, looking strangely young but with an air of maturity. Gorgeous, you thought. In a really intimidating kind of way.
You shook your head, trying to get rid of the thought. She was probably someone's mother, indulging her children by dressing up with them. The thought made your heart clench with longing for your own mother.
“Good evening, darling.” The woman said, taking out a cigarette. The gesture was effortless, like one made by a sixties' actress. You smiled, helplessly. You hoped one day you ended up being half as cool. “Do you happen to have a lighter? Or some spare change?”
“Oh. Um. I don't smoke, but I think…” You started searching your purse, and produced a couple of the crumpled bills. Perhaps it was the thought of your mother, or your loneliness, but you couldn't help but want to aid her. “Here. It might serve you to buy one at the corner store.”
Instead of making eye contact, the woman seemed oddly fixated on your hands. Self-conscious, you wondered if it had anything to do with your jewelry or lack thereof.
“Thank you, dear.” She took the bills from you, and quick as lighting, she grasped your hand. You didn't even have an opportunity to try to avoid her grip. “You have very interesting lines here.”
“I do?” A bit weirded out, you try to remove your hand, but she only grips it harder. The woman forces you to tilt your palm up towards her. One of her fingernails traces one of the lines on it. It makes you shiver.
“You do. Your love line is diverging.”
That doesn't sound good to you. You frown.
“Is it?” Feeling very silly for being self-conscious about your hand, you look down. You had never noticed before, but one of the lines in your hand diverges into three.
“Let me…” She reaches into her bag and pulls out a tarot deck. She shuffles hurriedly, under your bewildered eyes. Three cards fall in order. The Empress, The Devil, and The Hermit. “Interesting… And if I… Oh, I see.” Another card falls off the deck. This time, it's The Lovers.
“I am sorry… I really have to go.” Weirded out over the whole thing, you wish to leave. Things are only getting stranger, with the woman taking out the tarot deck.
“Don't.” She says sharply, her hand going back to your wrist. Surprised by her aggressiveness and the urgency of her tone, you decide not to argue. It can't hurt to entertain her a little longer. “I see a great future for you. There are three paths going forward, but you need to lift the block you have on.”
“Block?” You repeat, dumbly.
“You are lucky today is Samhain.” She huffs, pocketing the tarot deck. She searches her bag before pulling out a small sachet. It smells strongly of herbs. “Here. Bathe in this and look in your mirror tonight. When the veil is thinner.”
“The veil…?” You ask, puzzled by the entire thing.
“Between worlds, darling. Gods, it seems one has to teach you everything. Between twelve and three.”
“Oh. I don't really believe in…”
“At least keep it. And here.” She writes some numbers on a piece of paper. “If you run into trouble. The magical kind.”
Unconvinced you haven't been the victim of the most elaborate scam in history, you eye her warily.
“How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing. Nothing you will later not freely give.” She smiles, cryptically. “Have a good Samhain, darling.” And she gets up and walks away.
You glance at the bag. You don't want to be rude, but you doubt you will obey. She is a stranger, after all, and a pretty crazy one at that. As not to upset her, you pocket the bag and give her an awkward wave.
The rest of your evening is much less eventful. You get home and prep dinner, nursing a glass of wine. With everything that has happened already, you feel like you deserve it. You are generous with it, topping it at least twice.
As you curl into the couch to watch a movie, dinner and another glass of wine in front of you, the tarot reader's idea starts to sound right. You do feel lonely, and surely, throwing some herbs into a bath can't cause anything too terrible. At most, you would feel relaxed from the water and the smells.
Wine always makes you sad. Mopey, even. Tonight, your loneliness feels too tight, too solid against your chest, to be ignored. You long for someone to hold you through the night, to be by your side when things are tough. Someone to share your happiness and greatest achievements, but also your burdens. Mostly, you crave a sense of belonging. Belonging so well, your edges fit someone else's edges like a puzzle piece.
At the thought, you shake your head. Love wouldn't fix your loneliness, you think. There is something deeply alienating about the life you currently lead. Away from your family and friends, you feel unfulfilled. No matter how passionate you are about your work, it does not help to numb the longing for something more. If the perfect partner showed up, you would do the same you had done with your family and friends, and let life get in the way.
You wash your dishes. Curious, you take the little pouch the woman had given you out of your pocket. You smell it, deciding it has no hurtful contents. On your laptop, the clock reads quarter to midnight.
The tub fills as you decide to light some candles, to better set the mood. You add some Epsom salts before pouring your herbs in. The water shimmers under the candlelight in ways it should not, yet you do not notice. You mistake the swirls of colors for the herbs steeping in the water. The room starts to smell strongly of rosemary and lavender.
You enter the tub, satisfied with your choice. The heavenly smell is already relaxing you, and you congratulate yourself for taking the leap of faith. Slowly, the warm water relaxes your muscles and makes your body feel heavy. Almost too heavy. You catch yourself nearly dozing off, and decide to step out. You are alone, and you have been drinking, staying in it would be dangerous.
Careful not to slip on the wet floor, you wrap yourself in a fluffy towel and step towards the mirror. Your reflection is the same as always. If the block the woman had spoken about was a real thing, which you doubted, it left no physical evidence. You examined your face, noticing your paleness. But as your eyes meet the ones of your reflection, there is a flash of a foreign color in them.
There is a woman in the mirror. It's the same one you met at the park. She looks different now, dressed in a medieval green dress. Her lips stretch into a smile.
“I do hope you didn't choose The Hermit. Or The Devil. Oh, darling, I am so sorry. They are all bad choices.”
Someone presses a hand on your shoulder.
“Well. Better you than me. We shall meet again.” Her voice whispers in your ear, but when you turn, you see nothing.
You scream. The clock strikes twelve. A sudden spark of bluish purple that makes you turn again to face the mirror, relieved to find nothing more than your reflection. Your heart beats faster and faster, anticipating something you can't yet name.
Just as you are catching your breath, you notice that the face that is looking back at you it's not yours. You recoil, moving back as fast as you can. A loud thud echoes in your bathroom and your heels connect with something solid. You trip, screaming even more when you realize exactly what you have hit. A body. There is a body on your bathroom's floor.
You crawl towards them, shaking their shoulder and desperately looking for signs of life. You are starting to tear up in fright. The body is lying on its front, with a shocking head of silver hair. They groan.
This time, you scream so loud, your neighbors bang at your walls.
A voice then answers.
“What in the Seven Hells is going on?”
Choose your card:
The Hermit: You have decided to draw your attention inwards, in a path of self discovery. You are a quiet person, but quite bright. You enjoy learning and seek a mentor, though you enjoy your solitude. This is your next chapter.
The Empress: You are very connected to your femininity. You enjoy having beauty in your life, and the stimulation of your senses. You wish for your life to be comfortable more than anything. You are a romantic at heart. Your next chapter is here.
The Devil: You are a complex, multifaceted person. But if you could be described in one world, it is hedonist. You are very self-aware, and do not fear your shadow. If any, you embrace it. This is your next chapter.
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may i request an Altean!reader (possibly fem) who is also a bodyguard? Im thinking about if King Alfor put them in a pod too to help protect Princess Allura once she came out. im mostly thinking of the princess x bodyguard trope 🤭 but the reader x other paladins are fine too! i can't exactly remember, but i don't think they trained them to fight at the garrison. I think it would be nice if reader helped them at the start with their stances and such.
ty for reading this, regardless of if you get to it ^-^
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Being Allura’s Bodyguard Headcanons
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This feels a little weird though, let me know if I did you justice🤨💔
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If you were put to sleep with Allura and Coran, that means Alfor REALLY trusted reader
You probably trained to be Allura’s guard specifically as you both grew up
So that means you were around each a lot as children and teens
I think reader might be a year or two older than Allura, so in a way you grew to be protective of the younger girl, naturally
She was always able to confide in you no matter what, whether it was about a problem that bothered her or complaining about her potential suitors
I think because y’all spent so much time together, a little crush might form between yall
But being her bodyguard, you knew you had a duty to uphold and couldn’t let silly feelings get in the way of that (much to her dismay)
You would always playfully roll your eyes whenever she tried using a pickup line on you
When you guys wake up from the pods, despite your drowsiness, you’re immediately at Allura’s side, pushing away the weird creature with round ears from her
Like your sword is drawn out and pointed to Lance, ready to attack if the group in front of you poses themselves as a threat
Yeah, the group decides that it’s best to take several steps away from you LMAO
You’re always by Allura’s side no matter what, the princess being your main priority
You’re kinda like her shadow, always standing guard, waiting for the unexpected
I think reader would begin falling hard for the Allura (much to her delight) when she saves her from a life or death situation
The whole point of being her bodyguard was to protect her, but seeing how she risked her own life to drag you to safety made your heart flutter
Like no one had ever done that for you😭
You were taught and trained to fight for yourself, trained to protect others
So Allura being the one protecting you led you down in a spiral
And it’s a QUICK spiral, may I add
You begin seeing the princess in a different light
The way not a single hair moves from its placement when she’s fighting, whether it be training or when out on a mission, entranced you
You admired the way she demanded attention with just her presence alone
And Allura notices these changes AHH
Like this girl is internally screaming when you gently take her hand when you’re trying to bring her away from any danger
I like to think Allura would be flirty with her bodyguard lowkey
They’re used to each other from the years of being together so this isn’t an odd occurrence
But things do change when you begin turning pink whenever she uses her dumb pickup lines
It’s gotten to a point where the princess was able to beat you in a duel for the first time when she randomly blurted one out
(You claimed that you were feeling a little sick that day lol)
Even despite the fun flirting and knowing looks shared between you two, you would still be hesitant to start an actual relationship with Allura
You have so much respect for the passed King Alfor that you want to continue being the bodyguard for his daughter
You feel like you might be betraying his trust if you start pursuing his daughter
Coran would tell you to go for though if you talk to him about it
He knew Alfor best, so hearing him say that the king would want you and Allura to be happy, you immediately go to the princess
You confess and she’s just jumping on you in pure joy cuz FINALLY
The rest is HISTORY as you guys finally pursue each other AHHH
You’re a much more gentler bodyguard, you’re less tense when out of the castle and honestly just enjoying every moment with Allura
Instead of protecting Allura, you both fight along side each other
The respect you guys have for the other is just so UGH!!! If Allura wants to fight her own battles, you watch from a close distance
Honestly you guys make each other better I can’t even
And because you’re less intense now that you’re with Allura, you treat the team with much more patience
Since they had no idea how to fight at first (most of them at least), you offer to train them
Altean style😍
They wouldn’t take you seriously at first, except Shiro, until you bodyslam Keith to the ground when he gets too cocky with his attacks
After that, they take training very seriously LMAO
You taught Shiro and Keith how to fight efficiently when in close range, showing them fighting techniques that they could also use if they don’t have their weapons
You teach Hunk and Lance how to properly use their guns, showing them the right positions to hold their weapons as to not injure themselves
And with Pidge, you show her how to use her weapon in general because of how unique it is compared to the others weapons
They grow to become strong fighters, you may even shed a tear, happy you were able to help them
You’re still able to demolish them even after everything you all have been through though
Every now and then you guys hold a tournament to see whose the best fighter, you still winning most of the times
Except when you go against Lance for some reason, he’s a slippery one you need to keep an eye on💀
You grow to care for everyone in your own way, vowing to protect them when if it ever came down to it
Being Allura’s bodyguard is honestly a very rewarding duty
She appreciates everything you do and risk to keep her safe, and she promises to do the same for you
I also think you’re the voice of reason for her cuz y’all remember when they went through that dimension jumping portal? And how Allura believed those Alteans were the same ones she knew
You would be there to let her down gently, even comforting her after that entire ordeal happens
You’re her rock, being an emotional support for the princess whenever she needs it
Out of the entire team, I’m like 99% sure that bodyguard!reader is the greenest flag out of everyone
Allura won the lottery honest, her bodyguard being her lover😫😫😫‼️‼️
You’re always by her side, through thick and thin, no matter what happens to you guys
Loyalty is literally your middle name heehee
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6okuto · 8 months
Headcanons about Ais as a biker?? PLEASE
(Ais being the leader of a biker gang (or not), I need this, please)
I'm not sure if I wrote correctly, so I apologize for my English.
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gn!reader | always nice to see the ts fandom alive. AIS!! and your english is awesome don't worry friend! ^___^
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i have minimal knowledge about the intricacies of Biker Gangs And Their Leaders but i get quite a few biker videos on my explore feed!
he wouldn't have one of the silly helmets that are designed to look like a bunny or cat but enjoys the sight of them! especially if you're wearing one. unless you're like, using the bunny's ears to hit him LOL
revs his engine when asked with little hesitation, especially if it's a kid or group of teens because he enjoys their reaction. sometimes he'll tease the person and pretend like he can't, or he asks what he'll get in return. but he ends up doing it! unless their reaction is annoying.
i'm not saying ais would hide his license plate and have strangers signal to him that cops are coming from the sidewalk but i'm also not saying that isn't a possibility? like if that Did happen, he'd give them some sort of "thank you" signal or nod
if he's riding with a group (not necessarily as a leader, just like, friends in a club) i can see him at a red light, running to turn off someone's engine. not out of malice, but because they were both pranking each other or 'fighting' beforehand LOL
if you're able to ride on the bike, he expects you to ask before he even gets to offer the option LOL. if you can't or you don't want to, he's just as happy to talk about his bike, rev it a little, tell some stories and show off maybe.
the thing is when you ask he doesn't give an easy yes. he's like, you know, i don't really take passengers. you sure you're up for being a backpack? ever ridden before? this is a privilege few have etc etc. but as soon as you're a little nervous, he's reassuring you and promising you'll be fine, just hold on to him and keep the gear on
him coming to pick you up on the motorcycle and making it a whole thing of looking Cool and Mysterious. and you roll your eyes like "Wow You Nerd" as if you aren't also a little flustered
cool jackets...ais in a cool leather jacket... the gloves.... i know his ts outfit works for the summer but biker ais has to put away his heavier gear and it's just a little annoying LOL. autumn fan!
you have to be careful about staring at him when he has his helmet on because he can see you while you can't tell where he's looking. "see something you like?" "how long are you gonna stare?" etc.
ais with his sleeves rolled up, smoking, leaning by his bike. yeah. i mean yeah.
goes on long rides by himself to cool off or get a break. he's found a few hidden away places through it that he takes you to. "are you taking me to the woods to kill me" "? there's a cool cave up ahead, what's up with you"
he ends up at a bar with the rest of his club, and he's swirling his drink around in one hand, the other texting you at home. his friends glance over when he lets out a puff of laughter, or if one notices him smiling at his screen, and he hasn't told them about you, but they can kind of connect the dots that it's somebody that they want to meet.
^ especially if he was a leader. like Oh? who's this keeping him amused and smiling? and you know as soon as they meet you they're making jokes and sizing you up. ais tells them to back off while wrapping an arm around you and moving past them woahhh
you hanging out with him while he fixes or works on his bike. you're so obviously focused on his bare arms and the way he reaches for the tool box that when he finally looks at you incredulously, you're just like. What. and he knowingly smirks before laughing like, can you please stop ogling and pass me the wrench over there?
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kira-fluff · 1 year
….. can you please do “sleep with no pants” for our birthday boy kita shinsuke??? …… and make it extra spicy?? 🥹
a/n: oh. my. god. YES. i could commit tax fraud and embezzlement if he asked me to. of course. yes. yes. also, I have high alcohol tolerance so I'm not really sure how much is too much...
drunken mistakes | kita shinsuke
pairing: kita shinsuke x reader yes, this is a continuation on "sleeping with no pants on" but I decided to make it longer/special for some reason. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KITA!!! tw: fem!reader, alcohol misusage (drunkness), swearing, mutual pining, grinding, nsfw, dom!reader, sub!kita pt 1 pt 2 pt 3
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it was only supposed to be one drink. that's what you'd told yourself at the beginning of the night, but you would be lying if you said you stuck to what your convictions very often. for example, you told yourself not to fall for your best friend, kita. and yet here you are, drunk and in love. anyone looking at you around your friend's apartment could see the misery on your face. they turned to each other, speaking in low voices as if you couldn't notice because you were too far gone. well, you weren't. and you knew now that they knew you're downing your eleventh shot of casamigos because of something other than "for the vibes". honestly, your facial expression probably gave it away, too, with the lame, pouty lip and mopey eyes. the thoughts and conversations surrounding you only made you yearn for another glass of something to dim the sound of your increasing heartbeat. reaching for the bottle of tequila, your eyes met with the last person you ever hoped to see that night.
fuck, and why was he checking his phone like he'd received an invite? you swore in your muddled mind you'd wring the neck of whichever piece of shit thought it would be a good idea to invite your best friend despite all of them knowing (at least, now) that you are head over heels in love with him. you cursed as he took immediate notice of you. kita.
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to be quite honest, I don't care much for parties or really any celebration that involves an exuberant use of alcohol. ever since high school, in fact, I'd done my very best to avoid them rather than allow myself to get sucked into caring for vomiting, regretful teens (or adults, if we're speaking in the now). still, when I'd received a text saying that she was wasted and needed a ride who could take good care of her, I already was putting on my coat and shoes, as if I wasn't awoken to my phone vibrating numerous times at 2am. I can't help it. whenever it comes to her, there's nothing I wouldn't do to get a chance to even be around her. she's my best friend, so it's not like it's a mutual thing. just me being an idiot and getting sucked into those eyes of hers. the way she looks at me. the way she smiles. it were those thoughts and memories that had me sliding into my seat at 2:15 and on my way to one of her good friends' house. when I arrived at the address and walked through the entrance, my first instinct was the text once again to find where she was at that current moment. it was a need. I needed to know she was safe. that she wasn't crying or confused or sick. my skin prickled as I felt a pair of sharp eyes on me. I lifted up my head to see two languid pupils blinking slowly at me, lips downturned and mopey.
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you blinked slowly up at him. "so," you hiccuped, "you're here kita." his brows furrowed at you. you grimaced. you knew he wasn't much for alcohol, but a more rebellious part of you thought he deserved to suck it because you didn't even want him here anyway. "mm...kita...." you trailed off, unsure where you were planning to take the start of your sentence. "mm?" kita replied quietly, patiently (like he always was). "'m startin' to think I'll die single." he let out a little scoff, "stop being silly. you're drunk. go to bed." you pouted, "but no one wants to go to bed with me." he flushed, thankfully it seemed you were too drunk to notice, and asked, "how many people have you been going around asking to sleep with?" you grinned at him, "just you." kita swallowed down the words does that mean you want to sleep with me? and instead opted for a choked "ok". you leaned closer. "hey kita...? since I'm drunk..." you ran a finger up his arm. he raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to go on. "since 'm drunk, I was wonderin' if you'd indulge me for a little while..." you said, the last syllables of your sentence coming out in a sigh. "what're you-" the next sound that came from kita's throat was a moan as you lifted your thighs up and placed their plush, softness on his hard, toned ones. you leaned in, whispering in his ear, "j-just.... for a while.... b-but stop me if..." you breathed many of your words in but fuck, he didn't want you to put an end to what he'd literally been dreaming of for so long. you then began your slow, languid pace of rolling your hips against his thighs. at this point, you weren't sure what was real and what was fake... but you knew you were dreaming. but there was no way in real life his thighs were that fucking hard. scratch that, you must be in heaven, because the little pants you're hearing from him are more than you could've ever asked for. his quiet "ah"s made your drunken rhythm turn faster, causing you to snap your hips and begin to roll them against his groin, eliciting a sharp groan from his mouth. "a-ahh... w-we sh-shouldn't..." you licked a stripe up the column of his neck, shutting him up. next, you made your way to the hem of your shirt, pulling at the fabric, all whilst rolling your hips against him. in a few seconds, all that was on was a shear bralette - lingerie, of course - and all that was below. kita took inhaled a sharp breath. he was already rock hard and he had no idea what he was supposed to do other than let you have your way with him. he swore he wouldn't do anything in return. you were drunk... but he couldn't bring himself to pull you off of him. he was enjoying it all too much. he blushed again, but this time in shame. he was disgusting, getting off on your drunken mistake. suddenly, you got off of him, leaving him in a strong feeling of want. he could still feel the ghost of your thighs on his legs. but then you reached for his arm lazily, dragging him over to a bedroom. you weren't sure whose it was, just that you wanted to have your way with your best friend, just for a little while, in this lovely dream. he was so compliant. his reactions were better than you hoped for, and you were living for it.
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pushing him onto the bed, he let out a grunt of surprise. "you know... I go to sleep without my pants on every night... but tonight I just might not wear anything..." kita swallowed thickly, unable to stop himself from imagining your nude form in all its glory, riding his cock. he distantly wondered if you knew what you were doing. you had something in your eyes besides that heady lust and drunkenness that had him questioning something... that maybe, just for a second, there was something there like attraction... like love. slowly, you slid your panties down, exposing your naked cunt. kita took another sharp breath at the sight of you. then, you began to go at taking his own pants off. slowly, you rubbed your hands against his erection, eliciting a groan from him, and reached for his button. unclasping it, you moved onto his zipper, slowly - painfully - moving it down. when his cock sprung free, you gasped at its size. you were shocked that something so big and thick could be hiding in his pants that now seemed entirely in the way. so, you pulled them down, now angling yourself, your entrance and the head of his cock. you both let out a groan when you sunk yourself down onto him.
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kita awoke to you in his arms, naked, and his dick pressed hard against your ass. guilt washed over him again, and he wondered whether he should take his chance to escape before you could wake up and yell at him. thankfully, nothing you did was something he'd forced upon you... he had merely let you do what you wanted to him. when you moaned his name last night he thought he might lose his mind. he leaned forward, careful not to stir you awake, and kissed the top of your head. maybe you would wake up, and instead of horror... just maybe, you'd blush.. and he could tell you how much he loved you, and not just because of what you did last night. it was wishful thinking, but maybe, just maybe, you felt the same way he did.
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numbuhinfinitys · 22 days
「A Guide of Understanding Reyna's Character」
"So, this has been bugging me for a while now, and it is about the mischaracterization of Reyna"
"So I made a small guide, so please read it carefully, image text AND typed text"
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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"Reyna may be kind, but that doesn't mean she's happy"
"When I was building her character, I went for her personality being a cold, but calm character with an underlying anger that she hates, she represses her anger and sadness through the happiness of her friends"
"She is serious about IMPORTANT stuff, like missions, transmissions, etc. but sometimes she can't help but be a LITTLE silly with her friends, she adjusts herself with who she's hanging with"
"Just because her anger is repressed, doesn't mean it's not there. Her anger is difficult for some to make it show on her, it rarely shows and only comes up when it's about something she either regrets or is insecure about"
"Reyna cares DEEPLY about her friends, family, fellow operatives, etc. she doesn't wants to lose them EVER, she may not say or show it a lot but she truly cares"
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"Here's sort of a 'chart' I made for fanon and canon Reyna"
"As you can see, fanon Reyna likes chaos, while her ACTUAL canon characterization is that she ONLY tolerates chaos as a form to somehow subdue her anger"
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"As for why she's like this is because doesn't want to let her anger out on her loved ones, being scared what she might do to them if her anger gets the best of her, so she closes herself off from letting any negative emotion out, but sometimes failing to do so"
"She's scared of herself"
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"Now for Eclipse and Reyna's true form. As you can see Eclipse is on the right and Reyna's true form on the left"
"Her true form is more bigger and has more 'abnormal' features"
"Eclipse on the other hand is a silhouette suit, BUT also some sort of ghost only Reyna can see through her necklace"
[I am going to make a proper reference sheets for the both of them]
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"As for Reyna's amulet, this is how it actually looks like, BUT IT STILLS STAYS IN HER DISGUISED INFINITY SYMBOL FORM!"
"On the left we have her amulet how it looks like BEFORE Operation Z.E.R.O, it being drained from it's 'symbol' when the GKND wiped Reyna's memories, every ancestor has a specific symbol they have sort of magically 'engraved' in theirs"
"On the right is her amulet AFTER Operation Z.E.R.O, being fully recomissioned alongside her memories, it has star symbol 'engraved' into it, keeping herself fully in balance"
"In her Teens, she DOES revert her infinity symbol back to her amulet!"
"And that was it mostly, I hope that some people now have a better understanding of Reyna and her characteristics :]"
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littlefanthings · 12 days
Here’s how I’m feeling about “Wynonna Earp: Vengeance”:
(Spoilers below)
I was really happy and excited to see the characters again and that’s what carried me through with joy like a guilty little pleasure.
As much as I wanted it to be, it still wasn’t very good.
The plot was lame and nonsensical. There were so many villains that could have been brought back that would have been amazing but Mina was lame and I still don’t understand the reasoning behind Peacemaker not working on her. The lack of budget is forgivable but could have been a lot better dealt with in-story by just simplifying the baddies and plot.
Didn’t Mercedes become a vampire? Was she de-vamped when Doc was because he sired her? Either way my girl did NOT deserve to go down like that. I’m glad she at least went out brave and mouthy.
The continuity errors were frustrating (No mention of Rachel was a little weird but the Wynonna flashbacks made no sense - she didn’t know things like how to summon demons or why they couldn’t get onto the homestead when she was a teen, we literally saw her learn about most of it in the first season).
You can get to hell through a hole in the ice?
I could see Doc’s demise coming from a mile away (as soon as a character starts making plans for settling down with their family you know they’re fucked). And it’s bullshit and I fully anticipate it will be reversed if they ever make another which I hope they will but I cannot see them doing it without Tim. I assume that’s why they made a point of Wynonna and Jeremy talking about “fixing this”.
NOT ENOUGH JEREMY. I was literally screaming at the TV “Where’s Jeremy?!?” the entire time.
Honestly, I really just wish they’d tried to make kind of a one-off extended episode with lower stakes and less melodrama. Wynonna Earp was at its best when it was more episodic and kinda silly. I’m not saying it wasn’t good at serious drama, but it was better when those moments were smaller and further in between.
The whole time I kept thinking, “Stop tossing Nicole around like that! Kat is clearly pregnant don’t make the poor woman roll around on the floor!”
How can Alice be the “Earp Heir Apparent” when the curse isn’t a thing anymore?Wynonna CHOSE to get Peacemaker back and keep fighting demons but her descendants are no longer cursed to follow in her footsteps.
Can we just let there be a happy ending? Please?
In my head I’m just gonna add a scene where Wynonna wakes up in the hotel room with Doc after having a terrible nightmare where he died and she became a cop. And then they bone.
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gaybananabread · 11 months
Congrats on the follower milestone! If you're still taking orders, may I please have switches Gwen and Hobie (Gwen as the original lee) with pears and/or oranges?? They've become somewhat of a comfort duo for me, hehe :)<
Fruit(s): Pears, Oranges
Love these two! Writing for them is always fun, though all the spider scrimblos have a vice grip on my brain. Hobie gives off such asshole switch vibes, I can’t even- Went a little overboard with this one, but I have no regrets. (UvU) Back on topic, thank you for ordering your fruits, and I hope you Enjoy!
Switches: Gwen, Hobie
Summary: Gwen is struggling with her self-image, the negative thoughts creeping in as she stresses out. Hobie has the perfect way to help, and while it cheers her up, things don’t exactly go how he expects them to.
Warnings: poor self-image/esteem topic! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!
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Gwen stared up at the ceiling of Hobie’s inner houseboat, letting her thoughts drift. They weren’t going anywhere good.
She had failed so much as-of-late. Her dad discovering her secret identity, the anomalies getting out of control, the Spot’s wave of leftover destruction, everything with Miles… Even though none of those were truly her fault, it really felt that way; her mind took those feelings as grim, guilty facts. Growing tired of his bedroom ceiling, Gwen grabbed a pillow, burying her teary face in it. Maybe smothering herself in her sorrows would help…
Hobie slunk into the room, his cheeky smile falling the moment he saw Gwen’s sulking form. The punk sat on the edge of his bed, the old mattress sinking in with his weight. He poked the pillow, making Gwen huff. “Hey…what’s goin’ on, Gwendy?”
The girl groaned into the soft object, shrugging. “‘M fine…” The muffled lie was barely audible, but Hobie’s keen hearing caught it clear as day. So, so much was running through her mind, but she couldn’t burden her friend with those thoughts. Best to figure it out herself…probably.
Damn it, Gwen… A large, calloused hand rested on her stomach, one finger drawing small circles around the thin fabric of her t-shirt. “Not buyin’ that, sweetheart. You need some cheerin’ up?”
Small giggles slipped past her guarded lips, muffled by the pillow. As much as she wanted to deal with everything herself, some comfort would be nice. Especially the kind Hobie was suggesting… Gwen mumbled an “mm-hm” into the fabric, not pushing him away. That was all the lanky teen needed to get started.
Hobie lightly tickled her stomach, his fingers doing figure-eights against her shirt. The other teen’s feet started to drum on the bed, muffled giggles making their way to his ears. It was adorable, the way she let him cheer her up with the silly touch. It was clear the tickles were helping. “Aww, Gwenny, all ya had to do was ask.”
To anyone outside their inner circle, this might’ve seemed strange. She just let him tickle her like that? Yeah, she did; that girl was practically melting. In the midst of her bleak thoughts, a little fluff and silliness was like heaven. Tickling in general made her happy, but the gentle stuff from someone she cared about to cheer her up? Immediate serotonin release.
As much as he loved her muffled giggles, he was after a bigger reaction. The punk climbed further onto her bed, sitting on her thighs so she couldn’t kick him. Hobie grabbed the pillow, tugging it away from her face. The bright red cheeks and wobbly smile he was greeted with made him snicker. “Hey, girlie. No hidin’ those giggles; they’re too cute for jus’ the pillow ta hear.”
She whined through the adorable sound, half-heartedly batting at his hands. “H-Hohohobie! Quhihit teheasing!” To be honest, she loved the teases, but her cheeks were red enough without the cheeky words. “Sorry, but ya too cute to not tease. ‘M sure you’ll survive.” He slipped a finger under her shirt, scratching at her navel with a smug grin.
Gwen squealed, shooting upwards and shoving at his hand. “H-HOHOhohobiehe! You prihihick! Dohon’t do thahat!” 
So, of course, he kept doing that.
Pushing her shoulder back down to the mattress, Hobie slid her shirt up, scribbling all around her poor belly button. Gwen practically screeched, her feet kicking out behind the anarchist as she frantically shoved at him. “G-KYAAAH! YOUHUHU DIHIHICK! NAHAHAHA!” 
That got a snort out of the older spider, his cool rings sending goosebumps across her skin as he “tormented” her. “Heard of a giggle button, but I never knew ya could have a “lose your damn mind” button. I’ll be sure to remember that one.”
The rougher tickles, while unexpected, were still helping, They helped to drown out the rest of her sour thoughts, replacing the sticky guilt with bright, raucous laughter and giddy glee. Gwen was about at her limit though, his evil fingers pulling squeak after squeal from her wobbly lips. “H-HOBS! IHI CAHAHAN’T- QUIT!”
He huffed, not wanting to go too far. The punk switched from pokes to rubs, patting and massaging her buzzing tum to try and dull the ticklish aftershocks. The girl huffed and giggled, recovering from the brief, yet effective goofiness. “Th-thahanks Hobs. I needed thahat.” 
The punk laid down beside her, grabbing the pillow from earlier and smacking her with it. “Any time, Gwendy. Just gotta ask.” 
Gwen yelped when the fluffy thing smacked her face, her spider sense warning her just a second too late; her subconscious apparently didn’t deem pillows a threat. She was about to hit him back when she realized she had a great opportunity to be a shit. Even though she loved it, payback could be given…heheh. 
Pouncing out of nowhere, she wrestled with her friend, eventually managing to pin him to the bed. While he was a bit stronger, she had caught him by surprise, throwing him off his game. Gwen playfully wiggled her fingers in front of him, smirking. “TIme for a taste of your own medicine, Hobie~”
Before he could protest, five nimble fingers dug into his belly while the other pinned his arms above his head. Hobie didn’t care to hold anything in, just letting the giggles flow as he squirmed. It was apparently the wrong day for him to wear a crop top. “B-buhut yohou liked ihihit!”
She snickered, letting her acrylic nails drag across his midsection. “Maybe. Doesn’t mean I can’t get you back.” Gwen gave his hips a squeeze, giggling as the punk snorted. “Besides, you like it just as much.” 
Hobie took the extra effort to flip her off, making the other teen squawk. She was right, of course; he was barely fighting back, enjoying the turnabout. Scorned and feeling brave, Gwen leaned her head down, blowing a sudden raspberry on his navel. That did it.
“G-GWEHEHEN! WHAHA’ THE FAHAHACK?!” She snorted at his words, sitting back up with a smirk. “You flipped me off, you jerk! Totally deserved.” She went back to his hips, appreciating his low-waisted jeans as she traced little shapes onto his upper hips. “Loving your outfit, by the way. Very ler-friendly.”
He groaned, bucking his hips as more little snorts decorated his laugh. His hips always had him sounding like a piglet. “Sh- snrk shuhuhut uhup! Thaha’ wahahasn’t on puhuhurpose!” 
She was about to tease him again, but a low whirr sounded in the room, a few knick-knacks slowly floating up in the room; one of their friends was visiting Hobie’s dimension.
“Damn it. You’re lucky, Hobs.” She pinched his side one last time before climbing off him, going to greet whoever just arrived. It was probably Pav, coming over for one of their unprompted game nights. 
Hobie giggled off the rest of the adrenaline, rubbing his exposed belly and staring up at the ceiling. He had trained those shits too well…
Taking a deep breath, the punk hauled himself out of the bed, grabbing his guitar from the corner before leaving the bedroom. Hobie hadn’t planned on getting tickled, though he was glad he helped Gwen cheer up. Even if it was a bit unconventional. Then again, what was normal about any of them? He greeted Pav, a smile still on his face as he grabbed out Clue for their game night.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 26 days
Nancy and I have kidnapped The Hero of Power and the Hero of Shadow (again). There will be no negotiation this time, but we will return them after seven days.
And because we’re really kind, we’ll let you know how they’re doing. ( apologies if they are OOC, they’re still adjusting to being abducted and finally free 😉)
Shadow and Power take a forced vacation
It was a dark and cloudy night when Lofty drove off from her manor to work her night shift. She was unaware that she was being watched by two figures hiding in the underbrush of the manor.
“I guess she’s gone now. Time to put our plan into action” Mel whispered. Nancy nodded and pointed to a big branch hanging low from an old tree. The two of them climbed up the branch and went to the window that was conveniently propped open. Nancy reached a hand inside and opened the window so they could sneak through.
“Which way is the west wing?” Mel whispered. Nancy pointed down the left hallway. Mel nodded and led both of them in the indicated direction. The two of them went through the hallway. They moved very slowly and carefully, their footsteps muffled by the thick carpet. They stopped in front of a locked door. Mel raised a questioning eyebrow and Nancy nodded. They pulled out a lock picking set and went to work. The lock clicked softly and both women were suddenly confronted with two very confused young men.
“Who are you and– wait. Weren’t you here when that strange fort of blankets was up, studying for all those tests?” The blonde guy with the scarf said, his eyes darting through the room in search of a weapon, just in case. The man with a bandage wrapped around his forehead took a subtle step back to hide behind the other man without looking at the intruders or speaking to them.
“Yep! And it’ll be kinda like that, except we’re leaving the west wing for a bit!”
The teen with the wrapped forehead perked up at the mention of outside, a light coming into his eyes that hadn’t been seen previously.
“Outside? … in the sun?”
The scarfed man upon hearing the other’s hopeful tone, softens and moves away from the oddly dark halls of the fabled west wing.
The two men follow the girls towards the outside, wary but hopeful that for once they won’t be met with more angst in their lives.
POWER BEING ALL 🤨🤨🤨 AND HE’S BEING PROTECTIVE OF POOR SHADOW MWUAH THIS IS—I have no words except that this made me giggle and kick my feet; this is SO cuuuuute and funny 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Poor boys, yes please let them outside and let them be happy hahahaha
@nancyheart11, Mel, thank you both for being so fun and silly ❤️❤️❤️
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onestormeynight · 26 days
Pool Day
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It was a particularly blazing day in the middle of summer. Robin had to work and the girls were going stir crazy in their house. Rosie decided to call up her father and brother to see if they wanted to spend some time together. She did not bother to extend an invite to Ellie; the teen would have turned her down for one reason or another after being snotty about it.
"It's good to see you, kid," Ricky said, hugging his daughter. Rosie actually hugged him back with emotion. He had done what he'd promised and done better by her for years now.
"You too, Dad. Sam, I can't believe you aren't still avoiding me."
"I'm not avoiding you! I'm busy!"
"Sure you are."
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"The girls are already in the water," Rosie continued. "But I know they'll be excited to see their favorite Uncle and Grandpa." She leaned in closer to both of them and lowered her voice. "Listen, Nellie is going through a thing. She's convinced that Mom died because she left her house. It took a long time to convince her to come here, so please be really encouraging."
Sam gave a little salute. "Poor kid."
Ricky's wrinkles frowned along with his mouth. "Is she okay?"
Rosie shrugged. "She talks to Ida. That's it. I'm doing what I can, but she may need to see someone trained on this. I wish Mom was here, she would know what to do."
Ricky gave a wistful smile, knowing Penny would have done the same thing Rosie was; her best with no guidebook.
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"Let's get some pictures of the girls," he suggested. "You'll thank me later when you're as grey as me and surrounded by silly photos of your kids. I should have taken more."
"Nellie! Ida! Come here real quick!" Rosie called over the shrieking of happy children. "Let me get a picture of you two real quick."
"Indulge me, girls."
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mystwrites · 9 months
Hi! My personal hc is that Master Kagaya is actually really ticklish, but no one really tries cuz they wouldn't think to. Gyomei was actually the first one to discover this and promised to keep it secret, but may have let it slip to some of the other hashira, and now everyone knows, but they all act like they don't.
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Tea time with Kagaya was one of Gyomei’s favorite parts about being a part of the corps. Spending a few hours just talking with Kagaya always made him feel at ease. The topics ranged from silly things they noticed to the darker topics of if they’ll ever win the battle but it would always shift back to a happier mood.
“Master Kag…”
“Gyomei, please! You can call me Kagaya. We are old friends.”
“Okay…K-Kagaya, have I ever thanked you for everything you’ve done for me?”
The leader of the corps laughed, nearly spitting out his tea. “Yes! You tell me that every single time we have tea!”
Kagaya continued laughing and explained that every time they meet, Gyomei’s habit is to thank him three times. One when they initially meet, during their two hours sipping tea and chatting and finally before they depart. Facepalming, Gyomei chuckled and groaned, embarrassed to have his actions pointed out.
“It’s alright, Gyomei. Don’t be embarrassed.” Kagaya giggled, walking over and poking Gyomei a few times in the ribs. “Oh…you’re not very ticklish. That normally works on my children when they’re embarrassed over something silly. Haha! Ignore me.”
Growing more intrigued, Gyomei found himself wondering a rather strange question. Kagaya just admitted to trying to tickle him to ward off the embarrassment. Was it possible he was ticklish? Reaching out, Gyomei gently poked Kagaya in the back, startled by the sudden jump and fall to the floor.
“Whoa!! I-I’m sorry…” Gyomei squeaked, worried he had hurt Kagaya. “I know your illness can be painful at times, I should have done that!”
Laughing, Kagaya waved him off. “It’s okay! Hahaa!! Ihihit tickled!”
Raising an eyebrow, Gyomei poked Kagaya’s hip and marveled at the sudden fits of giggles escaping from the master. Chuckling, Gyomei became braver and squeezes his hips. Loud laughter spilled out of Kagaya and before Gyomei knew it, he watched Kagaya squirming like a worm, laughing and pleading for mercy.
“Alright, alright! I’m done!! I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself!” Gyomei laughed, waiting patiently for Kagaya to recover. “Are you okay?”
“I-ihihit’s all gohohood my friend!! Ohhh!! I-I didn’t realize I was so ticklish…” Kagaya quickly shot a look towards Gyomei and pointed a playful yet accusatory finger at him. “Don’t you dare tell anyone!”
“I won’t! I promise!” Gyomei replied, crossing his heart.
“Good. Now take this basket to the others! I know you all had things you wished to buy but couldn’t due to your schedules so I took it upon myself to buy them for you all!”
As Gyomei approached the Butterfly Mansion, he saw all the Hashira waiting, sitting in a circle and talking. He was also very happy to see Giyuu and Muichiro present, knowing they were the two who always would decide to skip out on activities.
“Alright, I’ve got a bunch of gifts from Kagaya!” Gyomei annouced, placing the basket down.
“You must be really good friends with him, Himejima.” Tengen said, immediately rummaging through the basket. “OH SWEET!! THOSE WERE THE RHINESTONE EARRINGS I HAD BEEN LOOKING AT!!”
Gyomei took a seat and nodded. “Yes. We happen to be really good friends.”
“How did it start??” Muichiro asked, holding up a skirt. “What is this again…?”
“Ooh! That’s for me!” Mitsuri squealed, grabbing the skirt from the confused teen.
“Well…you all know he saved me from being sentenced to death but uhhh…I think our friendship started growing even more since I accidentally tickled him…”
There was absolute silence and Gyomei looked at everyone. Realizing he said the one thing Kagaya told him never to say, Gyomei facepalmed and let out a groan.
“Wait!! Tell us more!!!” Tengen exclaimed, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Obanai imploring the Stone Hashira to give more context.
“Not a word about this to anyone! And don't let Kagaya know you know he's ticklish! It's very unprofessional!” Gyomei hissed, pointing at every single Hashira.
Now as they sit at the Ubuyashiki Estate for a meeting, Gyomei heard Mitsuri and Shinobu giggling. Turning his head, he knew Sanemi, Kyojuro and Tengen were also trying to stifle laughter, the hissing sound they made giving it away. Obanai and Giyuu were the most mature of the group and Muichiro was playing with rocks and probably forgot. The moment Kagaya approached, Gyomei began to sweat, praying that the others all can act like nothing was said.
“Alright my children, shall we begin this meeting?”
Much to Gyomei's relief, the snickers and giggling died down and everyone went about business like normal.
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smallestapplin · 7 months
You'll always be my boy.
Please note this is about my oc Arthur, who is the father to Ingo and Emmet, and about Ingo coming out as trans(FtM) to his dad when he was in his teens.
If you aren't comfortable with that please scroll on and block. (Id also like to apologize if it's off, as I wanted to write this more happy than my own experience.)
Double note, this will likely be the last thing of submas I write.
It was clear as day to Arthur that his kids were up to something, but when aren't they? He wants to laugh about it, as he finds the 'trouble' they usually get themselves in is often humorous.
But this time feels different, something feels serious, as if they are scared of his reaction. He can't imagine why, though he knows sometimes they get into their own heads a lot, so he will wait until they come to him.
Days turned to weeks and weeks to months, the more time passed the more worried he grew. The man replays everything he's ever done, trying to figure out if he did something to upset them or show he isn't to be trusted, but nothing comes up, even if he did he always made sure to talk to them about it and apologize.
So what happened?
The day finally came as his eldest came into the living room where he was, encouraged by her brother who stood peeking behind a wall for emotional support.
"Hey dad, can I tell you something?"
Arthur instantly sits up and pauses his show, giving her his undivided attention.
"Of course. What is it?" He pats the spot next to him on the sofa, gesturing her to sit next to him, which she does though hesitatly.
"Take your time, if you don't feel ready I understand."
He offers a crooked smile, trying to be patient, though is shocked when she starts tearing. He's quick to place a hand on her back rubbing soothing circles.
"Sweetheart, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
That seems to only make it worse but he blinks at what comes next.
"I feel fake, I feel like I've been putting on a mask and silly title just to please everyone! I can't keep living like this, I just want to be your son..."
His eyes widen trying to wrap his head around this, he maybe in his mid 30's but he's heard about these things, even if he doesn't fully understand it himself.
"I love you no matter what, you're my little train conductor no matter how old you get. I made a vow the moment I held you and Emmet that I would love and support you in any way I could, no matter what.' He brushes some of his son's silver hair out of his face.
"You're still my baby boy."
His son lets out a loud sob, hugging him tightly and burying his face into his father's chest. Arthur just hums, wrapping his arms around his boy, giving him a firm hug.
Arthur lets him cry for as long as he needs, clearly needing this more than anything. He looks over to Emmet and gestures him to get a thing of water, which the youngest quickly does.
It takes sometime for his eldest to finally settle down, but when he does, Arthur has to ask him.
"So, is there anything I can do to help?"
"Well....I was actually going to ask if you could uh...pick my new name?" The young boy looked so hopeful "I remember you telling us you had a lot of name picked out before we were born."
Arthur feels himself tearing up, he tries to fight back the sting of tears in his eyes but he easily give him a smile, leaving both twins shocked at seeing their father give a full smile for once, even if it's shaky.
"Ingo, it was one of the names me and your mother adored the most."
"Ingo..?" Those alabaster eyes look back at him with renewed tears.
"Do you like it? If not I can find the list in the photo album."
"No! It's....it's perfect."
Emmet hands his brother a thing of water, letting his brother drink, but he chuckles a bit.
"Now we are the ultimate duo!"
Arthur watches them laugh and playfully bicker. He will look more information up later tonight, but right now he just wants to enjoy this moment with his sons.
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