#let the lesbians be happy plz
I.... have nothing to say for myself...
Life is chaos and pain but hey!... I wrote something!... Was it related to my many drafts or the requests I have to do? Not in the slightest!
Anyway, Imma disappear back into the void. Take care of yourselves.
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evyltalks · 13 days
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marlene is either girlfriend material or miss break-your-heart, no in-between
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coeurify · 1 year
actually on my knees begging for a girl next door blurb with Ellie
like imagine moving into the house next to her’s and her being all grumbly and closed off because she cannot physically face the reader because she’s just a loser lesbian and OMG THE UNKNOWN PINING SUJDJSNSNDB
giggles.. cause like.. yea.
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if we r talking modern!ellie, oh god would it be the most cliche shit ever (plz tell me if u want jackson!ellie version cause i’d be happy to do that too. or jus more of this concept) [not edited]
⋆˚✿˖° im talking, ellie looking out from her window in her old house, eyes narrowing as a moving truck pulled into the pretty blue house next door. the neighborhood had been recently taken over by young families, which ellie hated— cause why was she being interrupted in her ‘laying in her bed while blasting music and complaining to herself’ alone time by a bunch of kids screaming outside? either way. she expected another one of these cases.
⋆˚✿˖° but then you popped out, trying to handle three boxes all on your own, cheek pressed against the cardboard as you yelled something ellie couldn’t hear to whoever else was in moving truck. you had glanced over at ellie’s house, maybe even up at her window. and maybe ellie was just dramatic, but she flipped away from that window and face down onto her bed so quickly she was pretty sure it was a new record. because fuck you were pretty.
⋆˚✿˖° and it only got worse later, when el was pulling her hair down from its bun, glancing the sun pressing below the clouds. her fingers moved to close the curtains of her window, and there you were, standing at the window directly across from hers. like— shit straight from a taylor swift music video or something.
⋆˚✿˖° and you, almost as awkward as her, let your hands fall down from their place above your head. you had been putting up shades, but once you caught the gaze of your messy haired neighbor, you smiled at her. fuck, you smiled and waved and ellie just turned away and shut her curtains. you know, like the master at social interactions she was.
⋆˚✿˖° a twin frown painted both your lips at the interaction that night, and at the same time you both huffed out, “god, why’d i do that?”
⋆˚✿˖° nothing really got better from there. not when your family forced you over to ellie’s house with a plate of cookies, your sweet smile the first sight ellie had seen that day as she turned the doorknob to shoo away some girl scout selling something. “we don’t need— oh— oh hi.”
⋆˚✿˖° you looked so fucking pretty. ellie was sure it was fake. maybe she was still in bed dreaming. maybe this was about to turn into one of those really weird s- never mind. you were talking now, and not asking to borrow sugar, so definitely real. “hi! uh— I just, we— i mean, my family, we just wanted to introduce ourselves. and give a gift i guess,” you glance to the plate of wrapped up treats and chuckle lightly. because really, cookies?
⋆˚✿˖° ellie was about red as the shirt she was wearing, stammering a thank you as joel creeped behind her at the door. “you the new neighbors kid?” joel had asked, making ellie clam right up. she backed away from the door, like— just side shuffled out of your view with an awkward wave.
⋆˚✿˖° your eyes followed her, fighting back the odd sense of disappointment that you were no longer staring at the freckled and flushed face of your new neighbor. “uh, yea—yes sir.” you eventually spoke again, offering your grin to joel instead.
⋆˚✿˖° one time joel was doing yard work the same time your family was outside working on the garden. you were fanning your sweating cheek with your hand, the warmth from the sun along with carrying in and out heavy tools was not exactly ideal, and you only felt more heated when ellie came outside the door at the exact moment joel ended up making conversation with your mother.
⋆˚✿˖° “your girl in college?” you could hear him ask, but it was lightly muffled, your attention instead on watching as ellie struggled to bend over and tie her converse against the wall. what an odd way to do it. she was balancing some sort of notebook between arm.. maybe pencils too? did she draw? or maybe write? why couldn’t you stop wondering about it?
⋆˚✿˖° your mom answered joel’s question with some version of the story she always does, gushing about how you were doing so well in school, how she was so proud of you. you didn’t tune back in until joel was speaking again, “ah yea, my — well, ellie, she’s in school too. physics major. but she’s got this thing for astronomy too. kid’s always talking about double majoring.”
⋆˚✿˖° god, she was cute and smart? and her name was ellie? you swore the sun got even hotter at the thought of her talking to you about quantum something-or-other, just nodding along. god you could see it now. a hand in that pretty auburn hair.. mumbling ‘mhm.. whatever you say ellie.’
⋆˚✿˖° then you saw her trip down the stairs on her porch as she looked over. full on hand on the side of the stairs to keep her from eating shit on the rocks there. you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, stifling a giggle as you wave her way. only to be given a tight lipped smile as she quickly moved away to her car. god. what an odd girl.
⋆˚✿˖° ellie simply lost it the moment she sat in her car, groaning loudly as she slammed her sketch book on her face. “stupid fucking shoes!” she muttered, as if it was the shoes fault for tripping, and not the way she had been intently staring at your face from across the yard. definitely not.
⋆˚✿˖° but really she couldn’t help it, you looked so good, you were wearing shorts, and ellie was happily taking in the sight of skin before that evil fucking creaky porch board got her tumbling down. fuck. she couldn’t ever talk to you again. not ever. she let her head fall to the steering wheel as she went through a million and one ways to simply become invisible and escape any way of running into you. maybe she should become nocturnal.
⋆˚✿˖° but when she let her head fall to the steering wheel, it honked. like a loud, drawn out honk that had you, joel, and your mother’s head turning to the direction of the sound.
⋆˚✿˖° ellie screeched, and you pressed fingers to your lips to contain another smile. you were pretty sure living here was going to be kind of great.
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Can I have more Donna headcanons plz. I'm a lonely lesbian who loves fiction female Italians
Lmao I got plenty<3
- y’all probably know I interpret her pretty differently. She’s a lot stronger and independent than the normal but she’s still a super anxious and shy individual. She’s a beautiful paradox I cannot begin to describe.
- She’s high functioning depressed and autistic. On the surface she’s someone who has order and routine- who can handle being at meetings with others and talk to people as equals- but spend enough time with her and you’ll see that she will just lay in bed and not get out. That she thinks herself as smaller than others.
- Angie is a side of herself she’s stored away, the memories and personality Donna had with Claudia. In order to keep that final happiness, all those memories are stored in Angie and has influenced the doll to be the way she is.
- Donna has never experimented with her powers to know their full capabilities. Even the concept that she can cause nightmarish hallucinations to kill someone without raising a blade terrifies her.
- She has an accent that comes through when she’s tired or just not thinking about it. Sometimes it’s so heavy that even she’ll jump at the sound of her own voice.
- Cursed solely in Italian. Angie’s the one that says “fuck” and Donna can live through her.
- Donna cannot take full control of Angie, just heavily influence her- if Angie doesn’t want to do something then Donna can’t force her hand. It rarely happens though.
- On uncommon days she’ll walk through her woods around the manor with Angie. Her anxiety, esteem, and motivation must all line up but every time she doesn’t regret it and comes home with a sense of peace.
- A horrible fidget when she’s not aware of it. During meetings or talks or anything that her brain is running anxiety on- she’s still as stone. But at home, she’ll speak to Angie with her mind unable to focus on one thing. Her hands will play with her hair, tug at her dress, tap against a teacup- head swaying to watch strands of hair swish in and out of her vision- feet shuffling against the floor, picking at scabs or the peeling skin beneath her fingernails- just to name a few. You’d have to be very close to her to see any of it in action for yourself though.
- Existentially stuck in the past. Although she’s aware of the present and what the future may hold- she’s constantly thinking about the past, comparing it, using it to determine what person she is. Getting close to her is a difficult task when the past still haunts her and controls her.
- During episodes of breakdowns where she just does not want to live like this anymore, she’ll pick and pull at the Cadou infesting her eye. Cursing it for keeping her alive.
- Her anger manifests in two ways; a depressive self hatred that causes her to coil in on herself- where she feels guilty for being angry at all and tells herself over and over to just suck it up, it’s not a big deal- or an expressed destruction where she loses majority of control over her powers and dolls run rampant.
- Her sadness is a building cycle. She’ll get upset at something and cry, but absolutely hate herself for it and scold herself for being weak, which then makes her feel worse, and she’ll continue this cycle until she’s exhausted and just can’t cry anymore.
- She’s a mix of self loathing and self love. On one hand she will destroy any mirror she sees her reflection in and go days punishing herself for simply existing, but on the other hand she really does want to love herself. It manifests as a weird ball of complex feelings- she could be proud of an accomplishment but also feel shit that it isn’t the number one best accomplishment ever- and that she’s a fool for being happy about it. Yet she keeps it around, calling upon it as a comfort… even if at the same time it brings her pain.
- Simultaneously wants romance and affection but also absolutely terrified by it. She’ll read the books and let her creativity run wild, surprisingly a hopeless romantic, but if it’s even an inch close to her in reality- she’ll rather run.
- She’s on the autistic spectrum to mistake normal, platonic affection as romantic. Hell even if she doesn’t have feelings for that person- she’ll gaslight herself to “catch feelings.” In the past, she’s fucked up a relationship that way- becoming an aggressively toxic person for the attention, affection- wanting the person only for herself and herself only- and unknowingly manipulating them to fulfill that selfish, unconscious desire. She’s realized her mistake months after, and has become much more reserved and mindful because of it.
- A sponge for knowledge. She’s a big ole nerd, loves anything to do with science, has little mock research she’ll do with her own garden that’ll tickle her. While she herself is more on botany, Angie ends up soaking in more zoology, both of their knowledge combined is beyond impressive.
- She feels music very deeply in her heart. Doesn’t matter if it’s instrumentals or with lyrics, it resonates with her strongly and she has strong attachment to particular songs based on memories, feeling, and hope.
- Sleeps with some sort of noise- white noise, music, the rain- sleeping in complete silence unnerves her.
- Wakes up to Angie screaming in her face every morning. Wouldn’t have it any other way<3
- Angie eats and drinks in small amounts, the Cadou is still a parasite that needs substance, but since it’s a part of Donna’s Cadou- Donna can sometimes feel the effects of what Angie eats. Woman could be taking a stroll and suddenly taste dirt cuz Angie ate shit chasing a squirrel.
- Protective of the remaining eye. The Cadou took away the sight in the eye it infects so Donna has learned to deal with challenged depth perception. She’ll often reach for things too far right or left if she ever got full vision back.
- Silent walker without even meaning to be. She also somehow manages to silently run (if she is on the unique occasion to jog through the woods).
- Doesn’t sweat easily. Her body is already naturally pretty cold so any form of workout will need to be pretty long/intense for her to start sweating.
- She is aware her body (especially at the ends) is pretty cold. She refuses to give anyone hand shakes because she’s secretly Elsa and will freeze yo’ ass.
- Angie jokes that Donna stands in the sun to photosynthesize, rather than to warm herself up like some kinda sunbathing lizard.
- Surprisingly very warm during the winter, Donna’s an ice pack in the summer and a heat pack in the winter.
- No she doesn’t know why either wheeze.
- On the few occasions she’s free from her anxieties- Donna is quite chaotic. She used to be the prankster of the family and still has part of that alive within her- Angie especially has to be the victim of said pranks (but she loves it no matter how loudly she complains)
- Doesn’t like to have pictures of herself taken, but Donna does have a rare few in-the-moment photos she adores.
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HIII I LOVE YOUR TMNT FICS!! I wanted to request something wholesome where the reader comes out as lesbian BUT she gets kicked out by her family so the turtles and splinter take her in and give her so much support🥺 can it be 2012 plz??? Also would love to see the bros reactions!
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Summary: The Hamato clan is more than willing to love and support you when others are not. Or: Reader comes out as lesbian, and they're nothing but supportive.
Warnings: Implied homophobia (from readers parents): angst/comfort:
Requested: Mhm!
Female Reader!
When you showed up at the Lair in tears, your hair and clothes soaked from the rain and a bruises along your wrist, your friends were immediatly worried for you.
Leo led you to the couch while Mikey ran to find you blankets to quell the shivering caused by the chill of your soaked clothes.
Once you were situated, they asked what was wrong. With tears in your eyes, and pain in your voice, you recounted the argument with your parents.
Donnie gently iced your wrist as you spoke, and you explained that you had come out to your parents, and they had disowned you in turn. They kicked you out and cut you from the family. Leaving you with nothing but the clothes on your back.
"You can stay here." Leo said once you finished speaking, the sentence bringing you to tears once again.
Mikey pulled you into a hug as you cried, and Raph handed you a box of tissues and some hot soup he'd left to prepare.
"Guys-" you started, clearly in shock at the amount of care you were being shown.
"Don't." Raph interrupted, "You deserve to be happy just like everyone else. Let us help."
Splinter entered the room from the dojo, resting his hand on your shoulder as he looked down at you with his trademarked fatherly smile, "We will support you for as long as you need. And for an eternity after." he stated in a tone that left no room for argument.
You nodded, staring down at the soup in your hands with an expression of pure gratefulness. You were at a loss for words, unable to properly voice your gratitude.
"We'll clear out a space for you. Until then, you can have my bed. I don't use it much anyway." Donnie said with a sweet smile, gently rubbing a salve on your bruise before bandaging it.
"No, that's too much. I'll take the couch-" You protested, but Donnie shook his head.
"Nope. Not happening." Donnie said matter-of-factly, closing the med-kit at his side with a soft click!.
You opened your mouth to protest again, but before you could, Mikey redirected your attention, "Finish your soup, dudette, before it gets cold."
You sighed, snuggling further into the many blakets wrapped around you as you took a bite of the warm meal.
That night, you fell asleep surrounded by your friends- no- your family, cartoons playing softly as backround noise.
Here you go Anon! I hope you like it, and I wish everyone a beautifully wonderful day!!<3
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jessythebunny · 5 months
💐 Welcome to my fandoms house 💐
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Finaly you made it here and i'm so happy because you decided to follow me and i hope you enjoy your stay🐰✨
Everybody is welcome here except Homophobes, racists, Pedophiles, Proshippers, Gacha heaters, and all the nasty people in general
So in this blog i make a lot of things here like memes, arts,edits, ect, sometimes they look good, sometimes they look cringe🙂🙂
Also i'm in love with James. He is the one who will be more present in this blog, sorry not sorry!!
And also these things here bellow👇🏻👇🏻:
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I can do:
Drawing arts(even with bases or without them)
SFW (make characters kissing,marking echothers, moaning...)
Drawing simple backgrounds
Art requests
Art commissions
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Things i can't do:
Gacha heat
Gacha cringe
Drawing diffecult backgrounds(like forests/cities/beaches, i really need Pinterest so bad😭)
Drawing animals(don't worry I am learning now)
Animate eyes
NSFW (18+)
Letting my oc's naked
🚫 But this blog is also contains swears, yeah a very ✨MOROCCAN✨ swearing, yep i like swearing a lot (But not to this degree), so if you have nothing nice to say here just leave my blog or block me IDFC 🚫
🎧°•My bio and information•°🖤:
🌺Name: Jessy the bunny or Jess in short🎧
🎧real name: Hiba🌺
🎧age: 16 yo🌺
🎧birthday: December 1st🌺
🎧nationality: Moroccan🇲🇦🌺
🎧Zodiac: Sagittarius♐🌺
🎧Gender: female🌺
🎧religion: Islam (الحمد لله)🌺
🎧sex: asexual💜🤍🩶🖤🌺
🎧hobbies: drawing/cooking/reading books and manhwas(especially the yaoi/yuri ones👀💦)/doing Gacha videos and art/writing stories🌺
🎧favorite shows: Thomas and friends, happy tree friends, dragon ball, smurfs, south park, lazy town,Hazbin hotel...🌺
🎧fears: dark, insects, social phobia, bullying (yeah i'm weak),being ignored🌺
🎧likes: Chocalate, cookies, sleeping, Science and Biology, English, watching videos or make them, anything sweet🌺
🎧dislikes: butter(i'm allergic),Maths, Injustice and insult, school(yeah i hate school soooooooo much because of those fucking classmates), thomas and friends AEG,making friends irl because they are treacherous🌺
🎧features: Nervous, introverted, depressed, funny, shy🌺
🎧I'm a young artist, plz don't judge me!!!🌺
🎧my DMs are always open, but mostly for commissions🌺
🎧I'm also calling someone who's older than me by mr or miss as a respect for them🌺
Sexual themes
Bad grammar
Cringe behaviors
SFW (safe for work)
🌟Q:what's your favorite fandom?
A: thomas and friends and this blog will be based with it thank you very much✨✨
🌟Q: what's your favorite characters from your favorite fandom?
A: James, Duck, Thomas, Gordon, Percy, Oliver and Toad, Donald and Douglas, Marion, Skiff
🌟Q: As for the engines, in their human form, can they fuck or reproduce?
A: Unfortunately, they can fuck whatever or whenever they want but they can't reproduce or have kids because they don't have biological hormones or DNA or whatever it's called like a normal human being
🌟Q: what are the ages in your Au?
A: 3 years until 60 years, There are those who are older than this, but I limit myself to these ages because I want them to be limited
🌟Q: what are your self insert's sexualities?
A: Every self insert into a random fandom has its own sexuality, for example my versions, I can't let all my versions being Asexual, bc if I let them it'll be boring so I tried to diversify their sexualities, for example Soft Jessy is lesbian, Bad Jessy is trans, Galaxy is pan, ect...
But fo the other fandoms I usuelly let them bi or pan or even straight to make sure that everyone has its lover/soulmate/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend...
🌟Q: how did you make your Oc's and are they real or imagined?
A: I made them randomly so that I don't feel like I'm filming the videos alone and that they aren't real people, I made them according to their personality, their life, the story of their past, etc.
🌟Q: who are your besties?
A: 🎧 @miasonyson 🎧
💞 @lovable-chica 💞
💎 @asktoyokoakemi 💎
💜 @viktuurishipper96 💜
🎀 @bertramtheoldwarrior 🎀
🌠 @blueskygirl22 🌠
🎩 @jammyjams1910 🎩
💖 @just-an-emily-existing 💖
🌟Q: are you doing art requests?
A: yes I do them,like if someone asks me to draw anything about TTTE Au or other fandoms Aus, But for their Oc's they just have to wait until June because it's summer and i will be active anytime
🌟Q: Are you gonna do art commissions?
A: Yes, I do them and I really want to, because I need some money to help my parents, so now I am waiting for someone to ask me
🌟Q: How tall are the engines?
A: Well, in terms of height, the shortest is Toad and Percy is the second shortest engine and he's almost 5’8ft,and the tallest engine is Gordon, The flying scottsman, Spencer and Diesel 10.Their hight is 7’11ft because they're big and tender engines
🌟Q: Does Lady's magical dust have any benefit or any influence on the rest of the engines?
A: Yes, it definitely has a benefit for the engines. Thanks to it, it can save them from becoming victims of scrap, or if something physically harms them in their human form, it comes and treats them because ordinary doctors cannot treat human engines
🎀°•some basics of my Au•°🎀:
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🌟some of my oc's transform into their true forms for many special reasons, for example demons, wolves, rabbits, etc., but the duration of this transformation is specific
🌟These reasons in particular may be either psychological, such as sadness, shame, and the desire to feel lonely and calm, or physical reasons
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🌟The characters are distinguished from each other by their superpowers and magic, which makes them 100% different from ordinary humans
🌟Each one of us has his own personality, and this is the result of their personalities and feelings being different
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🌟Characters can fuse and create new characters, but only if three basic conditions are met: If the two characters have a relationship of love, brotherhood, or strong friendship, If these conditions are not met, they will not be able to fuse
🌟ech character has a rival with another character, The reasons are as follows: Either he had a bad past, or that person was famous and forgot about his friend, and so on
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🌟as for the humanized engines, their blood is a bit darker than a normal human being, and also if they lost anything or got cut like if they lost their arm or their leg or anything, don't worry, Lady is here for help
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🌟and also they can eat, drink, wash their teeth,taking shower, and almost anything about humans, but the only thing that they don't do in their human form is breeding and reproduction, and the engines in their human form become even more stronger so they can done their jobs very fast and easely.
💗🌟Thank you so much for your time and reading this and i hope you enjoy your stay here again ^^🌟💗
💛𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒇𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆🤍:
❇️°•Art commisions are open•°❇️
🌟°•Original oc's•°🌟
🚂°•Original engines•°🚂
🌹°•other social medias•°🎧
💞°•Official ships•°💞
💫°•Some fandoms i drew•°💫
🖤°•Douglas and Oliver headcanons•°💚
🌈°•original face expressions+color pallet chart•°✨
💐°•Self inserts•°💐
☁°•some random ttte headconons•°🎀
🚂°•The main 12 steam team•°🚂
📖°•ttte fanlore/AUs/fanfics/crossovers/series•°📖
💚°•the emo controller•°🖤
🖤°•Casual emo controller•°💚
🚂°•the narrow gauge engines•°☁
💙°•the Gresley family•°☁
🚂°•the diesels•°⛽
🪄°•Magical/ghost engines•°👻
🤍°•Other ttte characters•°🤍
✏️°•Some simple tutorials•°🖌
💙°•Original stories/lore•°📖
😌°•This could be useful•°😌
🎧°•Artist profile•°💚
🌠°•Unrelated ttte stuff•°🌠
👆🏻𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒇𝒇 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒐𝒐𝒏
📜°•My His-fic AU @sodormagicalworld•°📜
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snippet with ari for writing chaos plz <3
“Why do gay people have to come out but straight people never do?” Ari asks casually one day when they are having dinner. 
“Because the world is full of shitty people,” Rafe comments.
“Helps with character development,” Max points out, swallowing the mouthful of pasta without chewing.
Brothers are fucking gross. 
“And straight people don't need character development?” Magnus chuckles.
Max replies immediately, “i mean they are straight. Nothing can redeem that.”
“This feels like a personal attack,” Rafe rolls his eyes at Max. “Being straight is not a crime you know.”
Arianna rolls her eyes at them before turning to her parents.
“Dad, how did you come out?”
Dad’s hand stops mid-way as he pauses. 
“Dad smooched the fuck out of Bapak in the accords hall,” Rafe smirks at Dad, who exchanges a look with Bapak full of love.
How could she forget? She has heard this story a billion times. 
The story of the kiss. 
“That must have been so badass,” Ari says excitedly. 
Something flashes across Dad’s face and it wasn't the same happiness she sees when anyone mentions the kiss.
“It wasn’t.”
Max and Rafe exchange a look before matching grins appear on their faces.
“Bapak, are you hearing this?” Rafe says dramatically.
Max puts a hand to his chest in mock hurt before adding fuel to the fire, “The disrespect. Bapak, if I was you, I would not have taken it.”
“These are grounds for divorce,” Rafael adds, grinning ear to ear as he fist-punches Max.
Ari chuckles at their idiocy but she doesn’t miss the look on Dad’s face or how Bapak fastens their hands together. 
“It was the greatest kiss of my life,” Dad adds, smiling at Bapak.
“He is trying to cover it up now,” Max interrupts but Rafael punches him in the shoulder this time and Max raises his hands up in surrender.
“Like I said, it was the greatest kiss of my life but it was also the scariest moment of my life.”
“Because you made a declaration of your love?” Rafe asks.
Dad shakes his head. He hesitates before replying, “Because I kissed a man in a room full of homophobic assholes.”
She feels a pit in her stomach for her dad, for how scared he must have felt. 
Bapak shifts his chair closer to Dad and kisses his temple gently. 
“We know that kiss made a statement, but no one should be forced to make statements like that. It shouldbe easier,” Bapak says in a gentle voice.
“See!” Arianna points out. “That's what I'm talking about. Like why should I have to go through the ordeal of having to sit through a coming-out conversation? ‘Hi, Dad. Hi Bapak. Just wanted to let you know that I’m into girls. I am still the same person I was and I hope you can accept it’. Fuck that shit,” Ari rambles. “I’m not doing that.”
Four pair of eyes turned on her and widened.
“You’re into girls.”
Ari rolls her eyes at all of them, “Yes. I am a lesbian.”
“Magnus, did you hear that?” Alec says excitedly.
Ari pushes the chair back and stands up, “I just told you guys that I dont want this to be a big deal. I dont like the concept of coming out. So this is my formal request to not considering this a coming out.”
“We don’t care that you’re gay, Ari,” Max points out. “We care that you told us today.”
She knows that Max knows. Max knows everything about her. He always knows. 
But she doesn’t understand everyone else’s reaction so she frowns “What does that mean?”
“It means that I won,” Dad pushes his hands in the air.
Bapak, Rafe and Max all took out 100 dollars from their pockets and passed it to Dad.”
Ari’s eyes widen, “You bet on me?”
“Sure did, my baby.”
“You all are horrible, people.”
They all shrug in unison.
But her heart filled with warmth and love.
“How did you know?” Ari asks.
Rafael chuckles at the words, “Ari, you could not have a bigger crush on the babysitter if you tried.”
She rolled her eyes, “I could be staring at her to teach her a few things about fashion.”
“What about Marisa? The new transfer from L.A. Institute?” Max chuckles.
“She doesnt know how to throw an arrow.”
“You dont know that either. You are thirteen,” Dad comments with a grin on his face.
“And you have been obsessed with Aunt Izzy since you were a baby,” Bapak adds.
“That has nothing to do with me being a lesbian, thats ‘aunt izzy’ effect.”
Everyone nods at that.
“We been knew sis. We were waiting fo ryou to catch up,” Mac ruffles her hair.
“Fuck off, Max.”
“Language,” Dad says but his words barely had any heat.
“Can we move on and stop making fun at my expense?”
Ari knows they won’t stop because they are assholes like that.
Dad pauses for  a minute before replying thoughtfully, “I think we should be allowed five more minutes of this.”
“Will I get my cut from your earnings?”
“25 and that’s final.”
Ari grins, “Deal.”
“Also, who says straight people never come out?” Dad says after a minute.
Rafael’s eyes widens and he started yelling, “No. No. No. You promised.”
Max and Ari frown at whatever’s happening as Rafael hangs his head in shame.
“Bapak, we had a deal.”
Alec stands behind Rafael and ruffles his hair, “Why, rafe? What happened to ‘grounds for divorce?”
Bapak snorts at the words as Rafael whine, “Bapak, please. Help.”
“You poked the wrong bear, Rafael.”
Ari frowns and exchanged a look with Max who also seems equally out of the loop.
“What's going on?”
Dad puts both his hands on Rafe’s shoulder, who has his face in his hands and speaks, “Rafael came out when he was twelve.”
Both their eyes widen. 
“He came out as straight. He told us that he is not like us and apologised for that,” Dad laughs loudly.
Max starts jumping on the chair, laughing like this is the best thing he's heard in his entire life. Ari cannot help but laugh at Rafe himself, even though it’s cute and only Rafe would do something like this.
"Rafe, you are the biggest dork," Ari laughs.
“I was the victim of a horrible prank,” Rafael pouts and hides his face in Magnus’s shoulder. He looks up at Dad and glares. “I hate you.”
Dad bends to place a kiss on his head, “I love you too.”
It's only a few hours later when she is ready for bed, that Bapak and Dad knocks on her door.
They don’t say anything, just cross the distance and hug her. She’s still waiting for her growth spurt and Dad and Bapak are fucking giants so she all but hides between the two of them. 
No words are needed right now.
They know she knows.
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Haha, Did I Scare Ya?
Anyways I Noticed That You’re Looking For Some Silly Questions, So Your Wish Is Granted Mate!
A Simple One Of Course, What Are Your Thoughts/Opinions About One Of The Villains Such as The Interesting Twins?
JXJDB sure did
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These guys, are by far my favorite villians, also im sucker for sibling dynamics
Wished they were taken more seriously, but won't deny some of their episode were my favorites by far (especially OP T.R.I.P). Less because of the gags they thrown them in, but rather we do finally see glimpses of their own personalities cause up until then there rlly wasnt much on them besides them failing and falling out a whole damn window all the time xxbdj honestly, that calls into question how resistant these guys are holy shit
The sister(if anyone got any name suggestions for them plz tell so I can steal them too/j), is fed UP, and I love her for it, cause with the amount of shit she's face i'd go fucking insane too. I vote we should give her gun, all her problems would be solved/j but actually, i enjoy that she's a little shit, impulsive, arrogant, etc, but i think it kinda stems from a fear of failure because how else would they've been known as father's bestest spies? Sector V had knocked down a pedestal, and that fucks with her head, but then their failures began to pile up and now she's becoming increasingly desperate to prove that she's still somehow #1– in turn she because implusive, impatient, etc. Sbe 100% cares for her brother, so at the same time she feels like she's dragging him down, it all piles on. Maybe a vaca would do her some good.
The brother, I absolutely adore him – tbh I adore both of them equally. He seems more like the younger of the two in terms of personality, we seem always following his sister's lead despite how irrational it could be. His loyalty and compassion to her is something that kinda pushes him to being my fav twin spot, cuz well im a sucker for good brother characters. And despite his more "softer" attuide compared to his sister's, they're both evil and flawed equally on the same level ‐ mo manipulation or pressure(well kind), nah-da. As the brother is just as implusive, selfish, and arrogant, but he hasn't let their failure get to his head just yet – in turn, he has more clearer head than his sister, so he ends becoming a voice of reason than a leader.
(Readmore cuz this is long jdbdb)
It's pretty popular theory that they're delightful, which is something I think about a LOT when it comes to their characters. And a bit more headcanon here: their non-delightful selves are still conscious, as to me(inspired heavily by my SS au with a friend), being delightful serves as just a filter for kids. Kinda like you feel the urge to chuck a plate, but because you're delightful, it's like a parasite keeping your hands folded in your lap, controlling your behaviors and words.
And they both don't like that their delightful-selves are fighting against old comrades because they were probably ex-KND operatives. perhaps got caught during a mission in Father's mansion, and faded to obscurity in KND history. Either that, or maybe they were father's first delightful experiments? Before the DCFDTL? Maybe that's why they aren't as insync as the DCFDTL, cuz you'd think them being related by blood would strength that bond.
Honestly, i just want an AU where they're happy:))
More headcanons:
Lesbian/Gay solidarity and hostility
They are the entire Evelyn Evelyn album(or not idk, havent listen to it in awhile)
If they ever do end up being undelightfulized, they'd have vastly different asthetics out of spite. Not sure which ones yet
They'd marathon Saturday morning cartoons to get the full childhood experience!!
They consider the DCFDTL sort like cousins, a familial connection is there at least
They're presumed missing, so they live alone in a house bought by Father. They're able to split the chores usually, but the Brother is the better cook between them, so the sister just does the dishes.
Alternatively they also live in Father's mansion, but because they keep falling out of windows at comical heights, they're in bed rest planning their next schemes, therefore more out the way
If they got turned into animals, they'd probably be panthers or owls idk
(Lord save me it's nearly 1am on a school might xmsb)
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aurkitnarulaoge · 6 months
@janehve AAAAAA
(Also wth is up with all the highschool 11-12 faculty having secrets and issues??? Our 11-12th grades could be an entire sitcom)
I know or heard the following because 1. I am either their favourite student 2. Because they said so or 3. Because some other student heard/said so.
Chemistry: Wanted to marry her boyfriend but her parents refused and there was nothing much she could do. Tried to divorce her husband within a year of marriage and found out she was pregnant, so she has been married for over 13 years with a guy she barely talks with (great parents tho they are) but there is a lot about the guy's family that she hates rather than the guy himself.
Maths: Had early marriage and kids. All kids are away either abroad or in another state. Her husband was mostly absent because he was in the military and now they're as good as stranger or 'friends that never talk' at best. (Not much is known of her life but we know that she probably lives alone and about 45 min drive away in the next town.)
Biology: Had a fking crazy life. Her mother married a muslim, had her but divorced because she realised she didn't want to convert. She grew up with divorced parents, married a muslim guy, guy turned out to be jobless and had drinking issues. Divorced. Married a Christian guy (also teacher) BUT the guy already had a family (that he got rid off while she promised to wait). Married rn.
Hindi: never fking got married after she and a guy from her own caste dated in her early 20s. The guy was probably a drug dealer and addict but he was rumoured to have become abusive. She tested him for five whole years and he lost his shit. She filed a case against him. Cried. Got him sentenced for 6-8 years. Got rid of her family connections at a young age.
English: has two grown men as children but acts like they are in their honeymoon phase. The typical wife that dominates her husband. Her husband is the principal. Often gets all worked up when someone mentions the principal. Acts like she doesnt care but lets be honest u know that we all know and that we all know that u know that we know that u know.
Physics: idgaf her husband could be an actor in the Hollywood and i wouldn't be surprised. She's beautiful too but looks unmarried if not for the mangalsutra and sindoor. Dainty lil pari thought we wouldn't notice but we did when she was all happy one day but that she was all moody the day before. HAD A KID ALL THIS TIME!!??
And don't get me started with the science students plz
20 students and we're singlehandedly disrupting an entire teaching staff of 150+ teachers— I mean how many students even know what the 1st grade teachers' name is?
The girls are notorious for being bullies, ganging up on other students, and yeah basketball too.
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I told y’all jiara was never and would never ever been planned bc that’s lesbian girl and gay man lmao so jj being jealous in s1 when pope kissed kie was bc jjpope planned like we been saying since day 1 jjpope the planned ship like can’t wait for s4 to come and they can spill it cuz we waited 2 seasons to know this plot! Took 2 years before they let us know this so god knows when they gonna start saying jjpope was indeed the planned ship since day1 like it was so obvious from the second jj took the blame for pope like the jiara forced fan service is! the pates putting together everyone on the planet before ever thinking about jiara will forever be the funniest sh*t like they thought about rarry jjcleo before the thought jiara ever came to them and it wouldn’t even have if it wasn’t for 12 year old yt girls ok tiktok! Gotta thank them so hard for jiara fanservice bc we got popecleo truly biggest win of my life. the one time the pates had some brains n should’ve cooked this bc it makes so much sense having the two people who’s in love with pope easily fall in love with each other trying to get over him! Like the way that would ate would jumped on it if I wasnt jjpopecleo popecleo truther for once gotta thank the 12 year old tiktok kids bc enough with having my sisters end up with the yt loser of the gp when theres fine smart bipoc boy right there enough with swirl ships y’all never be the one and only swirl ship that matters shawnagela so dont even try it no more
it’s everyone but jiara plz truly the biggest fan service ship since stydia not one person thought of those two ad ship until fans aka the 12y old kids wanted to self insert themselves as lie to be with JJ! honestly so happy we didn’t get jjcleo even tho they already solo jiara
not me thanking jiara fanservice bc I escaped another swirl ship that would’ve had the internet the black community/girls in ch*ke hold like what have I become can’t believe I’m actually thanking jiara fanservice winning bc I could not handle another swirl ship hold on the internet!
my mutual the one jjcleo shipper girl losing right now can’t believe she lost jjcleo to that nasty no chemistry ship I feel so bad for her! stay strong bestie you deserve better let me go find them and see how she’s doing!! she lost so bad
STYDIA GET UP JIARW TAKING UR #1 biggest fan service ship ever it’s insane beating stydia in a forced fan service ship jiara demons are real
no but kie a girl kisser bc her jb never went further, her pope, it didn’t feel right I want something else! if it weren’t for this fanservice ship! + jjcleo planned in s2 before they found out jj was to gay coded and in love other pope then that fan service ship sticked him too!
never did I think I would ever see another fanservice ship after the way stydia ended up so badly but nah obx said let’s try this just to have them end up worse then stydia at least it didn’t take 6 years to turn into the nightmare of ship it is just took 1 szn well done pates!
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wlwhq · 1 year
hey all!! under the cut are some wanted plots for each of my muses, shoot me an im or like this if any of these are calling your name and id be happy to plot something out with ya! <3
(ps everyone's a sapphic below so give me all your sapphics plz)
soleil. late 20s. baker. jasm.in savoy brown fc. switch.
fwb where your muse is getting attached and soleil is being distantly distant as per usual
someone else in the baking/cooking/restaurant industry where they could work together??
mikayla. mid/late 20s. interior designer. saman.tha logan fc. top.
little sister's best friend ship for the angst of a secret relationship
rich well off milf for mick to work for in designing a new mansion
nora. mid 50s/early 60s. lawyer. julia lou.is dreyfus fc. top.
law student/maybe a law professor if we lean into the collegiate territory (insert crazy eyes here)
anywhere where she can be a sug.ar mommy please !!
mariana. late 30s. er doctor. americ.a ferrera fc. switch.
someone to help her lighten tf up
samantha. late 30s. defense attorney. sara.h snook fc. switch.
fellow older woman who can take her on a sexual Journey of discovery
another lawyer at her firm, so there can be Late Nights Working...
maggie. early 30s. dancer. ari.ana deb.ose fc. bottom.
i have a spider-woman verse pls dont let it go to waste...give me your super villains and your drastically angsty anti-heroes she will love them
also a verse with her as a backup dancer for a famous performer, touring together....it could get ga.y
rowan. early 30s. paramedic. er fi.ghtmaster fc. top.
older sibling's wife. imagine the side eyes emoji here
old ex from college that can't resist the Energy!! & hooking up
darcy. late 30s. restaurant owner. katie mc.grath fc. switch.
regular at her restaurant that's always trying to be flirty and darcy finally giving in
food blogger/food critic that's always hanging around or stopping by bc can't get enough of the food or of darce
violet. early/mid 30s. speech language pathologist. tat.iana mas.lany fc. switch.
bc vi works with a lot of kids, maybe give me your single moms??? please???
older friend of her dads who she thinks is hot pfft
georgia. late 30s. executive chef. nata.sia demetriou fc. switch.
another chef at her restaurant who she has a love/hate relationship with and refuses to give the time of day
former therapist who worked georgia through all of her shit a decade ago and now they're friends/casual??
destiny. early 30s. therapist. quin.ta bruns.on fc. bottom.
give her someone to simp over my god she's probably the softest out of my muses
grad school bestie that maybe they would occasionally hook up? and don't talk about it so they don't ruin the friendship?
syd. mid 20s. tattoo artist. kehla.ni fc. top.
tattoo clients/fwb!! she'll accept payment in head
someone they used to cam for regularly
cole. early 20s. barista. liv hewson fc. switch.
someone they look up to (professor, coworker, counselor) that understands the they/them experience
current girlfriend who goes on a cross-country road trip with them in a bid to get out of their small town and start Living
evie. mid 30s. florist. taylo.r swif.t fc. bottom.
acquantaince of her mom that she's seeing on the low low
someone who doesn't give a shit that she comes from money and doesn't care who she is (that would make her so !!!)
aurora. early 50s. tech ceo. hann.ah wadd.ingham fc. top.
i cannot stress enough how much of a sugar mom.my she is. please.
fellow mil.fs to form a mil.f alliance with
nadja. 500+. vampire badass. nat.asia deme.triou fc. switch. canon character from wwdits
also if any of y'all write as the guide i will cry
disclaimer that nadja is just a test muse of mine and i might be bad at her so PLZ
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cuteniarose · 2 years
can you plz infodump about your ocs?? so new people to your blog can understand them
Hey, anon? I hope you know that this ask is the best one I’ve gotten in all my 3 1/2 years on this hellsite, so thank you!! You really don’t need to know about my OCs to follow this blog cause a) I post once in a blue moon nowadays, and b) it’s rarely about my OCs, BUT SINCE YOU ASKED-
K, so, my main OCs are Suiren and Midori, sisters who just so happen to be Ghazan and Ming-Hua’s daughters. They were 7 and 4 respectively when their parents were imprisoned for trying to kidnap Korra, which led to them being placed in the ‘care’ of Ghazan’s older sister, Haya. What happens to them after that? Well, you’d have to be more specific, since I have about a trillion different AUs featuring them. The two most important ones (aka the ones written down) are:
1. Seeds of the Red Lotus. The very first fic I wrote about them, which I... haven’t updated in two years. It currently stands at 5 chapters BUT I am in the process of rewriting and continuing it. The basic concept is that the girls grow up in utter misery under Haya’s iron fist, and in a desperate attempt to get enough money to leave and live a happy, comfortable life somewhere else, Suiren becomes an assassin at the bright old age of 17. Fast forward 6 years, and Team Avatar, unable to take down the Earth Empire on their own, hire her to kill Kuvira
2. Under the Oak’s Shade. A rather self indulgent AU written as a form of catharsis and spiritual healing. Six months into living with Haya, the girls are taken in by Zhi, a cranky lesbian with a bad sense of direction/P’Li’s firebending teacher from the Red Lotus/my friend @katkastrofa‘s OC from her fic Lost and Found (which, unlike the multichaps I write, is complete and you should go read it immediately). Once I pull myself together to actually figure out how the next instalment in the series should go, this will, most likely, eventually become a Red Lotus Korra AU, which I’m definitely looking forward to writing.
Now that the basics are out of the way, let’s get to actual infodumping about my two precious cinnamon rolls. Most of this info is from SotRL-verse, as that is the main story I’ve got about them, so keep that in mind
23 years old as of 174 AG. Master waterbender and deadly assassin. Cold, calculating and precise in everything she does, leaving no room for error. Takes no shit from anyone, is fiercely defensive and independent, and is the last person to ever accept any help or charity. Confident in her abilities and borderline cocky at times, a lot of which is a front. Extremely short tempered, nihilistic, cynical and high strung, not willing to let anyone get close enough to her to see her hidden vulnerabilities
She wasn’t always like this. A long time ago, back before she lost her parents, she was much, much softer, kinder and more gentle. Her parents called her their little water lily, and the nickname suited her well. However, P’Li’s nickname for her was ‘my little firecracker’, so she very much still had quite a temper even back then. Overall, she was a happy little girl with bright eyes and a mischievous smile who was determined to excel in her waterbending lessons. She was Ming-Hua’s pride and joy. 16 years of taking the brunt of Haya’s anger to shield her sister, as well as destroying the part of herself that wouldn’t let her mindlessly do the bidding of whoever paid her, changed her, perhaps irreversibly.
Her old life still haunts her, though. Genetics played a cruel joke on her – the silky black hair reaching below her waist, the angular features, the prominent cheekbones, the (relatively) short height – it all serves to make her see her mother every single time she glances in the mirror. Being just like her mother was something she once aspired to, but now follows her like a curse. Even the things she got from her dad, dark skin and golden brown eyes, don’t help, and just make her look like Haya, especially when she’s angry
There is another side to her that no one but Midori gets to see. She may not be as soft as sixteen years ago, but she is still capable of love and gentleness. She loves her sister more than anything else in life, has already killed and would die for her. She is very protective of Midori (though often to a fault). She hugs her tight and kisses her forehead and cheeks, quietly sings her (their mother’s) lullabies as she calms her down from a nightmare, heals any and all her wounds, tells her stories of their parents, always puts her first no matter how pained and exhausted she herself is... In short, Suiren took on the role of a self sacrificing parent a long time ago and has played it well
Suiren is a distinguished lesbian but can’t keep a partner longer than a few weeks. Girls fawn all over her, but once they see past the pretty face and confident demeanour and notice everything wrong with her, they run (which only serves to make Suiren’s abandonment issues worse). She has taken to sticking to one night stands when she needs an outlet for her frustrations, convinced she will never have, and isn’t deserving of, a long lasting, loving relationship
She struggles severely with her mental health, constantly plagued by what she has done. She tries to limit her sleep to avoid nightmares that she knows will come and represses all emotions except for anger as that is the safest to latch onto and channel into killing. She is almost always on edge and feels pressure mounting with every single day. Very prone to overstimulation when it comes to noise, light and people. The only times she ever relaxes (or, at least, pretends to) is when she’s alone with Midori or with Lotus, her pet sabertooth moose lion.
To sum up: the poor girl is a vessel for my trauma and deserves a 30 hour nap, a hug, a warm blanket, the whole world and her parents back
20 years old as of 174 AG. Earthbender, though not very good at it. She discovered her earthbending only a few months before losing her parents, and had no one to teach her since then. She is naturally kindhearted and hardworking, always trying to help out where she can and seem useful. Quiet and anxious, she prefers to stick to the background and draw as little attention to herself as possible (which is in fact a defence mechanism against Haya’s treatment of her but, y’know, let’s not get into that rn)
Sixteen years ago, Midori was a bright and happy little girl, wanting nothing more than for everyone around her to be happy as well. Always full of energy, she could talk and ramble for hours about anything that crossed her mind. Just as mischievous as her sister, she knew she was the baby of the family and could get away with anything, though to her credit, she didn’t abuse that much. Her parents called her their little Seedling, the youngest of them all so full of potential and eager to grow and make her parents proud. P’Li often called her a cuddlebug for her affectionate nature (am I stealing that from Kat’s fic bc it made me scream into my pillow for five minutes straight? Maybe. You can’t prove anything).
In present age, she’s a lot more similar to her childhood self than Suiren is. She doesn’t talk that much anymore, if at all, and her happiness is often clouded by the harsh world around her, but some of that cheerfulness still shines through, especially when she’s alone with Suiren or with Tenzin’s kids. The energy once used for rambling and chasing butterflies and racing with her sister is now almost always redirected into chores and housework, though if Suiren offered, she’d gladly race her again (and probably win tbh, her legs are longer and Renny prefers faster methods than running)
She doesn’t remember her parents well, and their faces have blurred beyond recognition in her mind. It’s why her appearance doesn’t affect her as much as Renny’s own does her. She’s not a carbon copy of either of her parents like Suiren is, she’s more of an even mix. She knows what Suiren had told her, that she has their mother’s eyes and their father’s nose, but can’t piece anything together in her head. She keeps her hair, as dark and silky as Suiren’s, though thicker, at shoulder length, a bit uneven in places as she cuts it herself. As a child, Ghazan would tie her hair into twin pigtails every morning and she never let anyone else do it. She hasn’t styled her hair in any way since she took those pigtails out before going to bed the night their parents left
A disaster bisexual, proven by the fact that out of all people in the world, she falls for Opal Beifong. You know, the step sister of the woman Midori’s sister has to kill (or die trying), and the daughter of the woman who killed Midori’s beloved auntie P’Li. Yeah, tough case. Anyway, turns out, there is a limited supply of Ghazan’s charm in his genetic code and it all got passed down to Renny, because ‘Dori herself turns into an awkward mess whenever the opportunity to flirt arises. It’s fine though, Opal still finds her adorable. Also she probably had a small crush on Bolin when they first met, but that was because he was one of the only people her age to be nice to her and she got over it quickly
Remember how I said she was quiet and anxious? Yeah, understatement of the century. Her anxiety follows her around throughout her day and is the driving force behind all of her decisions. Many things, from raised voices to passive aggressiveness to bad moods to unfinished housework, can trigger it. When it does, she clams up and curls in on herself, but tries her best to deescalate or rectify the situation. She’s also very sensitive to any kind of conflict, even when she’s not part of it. Midori also worries a lot for Suiren while she’s away on missions, as she knows she’ll completely fall apart if something were to happen to Renny. She has nightmares about it often, almost every night that Suiren is not there. Little does she know, Suiren has similar worries over losing her.
Another big thing is her major inferiority complex. She looks at her big sister and sees someone who has always been talented, powerful and capable. Someone who can do so many things without even breaking a sweat. Someone who has girls fawning all over her. And then ‘Dori looks at herself and sees none of those things. She doesn’t hate Suiren for it, not at all, but tiny inklings of disdain sometimes take form. She tries hard to ignore it, but often can do nothing but listen to those thoughts swirl around in her head.
In summary: An anxious mess of a girl who is in desperate need of a proper support system and someone (*cough* Opal *cough*) who could assure her that she is enough and that it doesn’t matter if she isn’t like her sister, she’s perfect just the way she is
If you want me to elaborate on any of this (and this goes for everyone, not just anon) my askbox is always open and my desire to infodump about my precious traumatised babies never wavers
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Yuzuriha, Arashi, Hinoto and Villain Hinoto, Kanoe, Karen, and Kotori!
(lots of work for you, huh?)
Ah lots of work for me. Luckily for me I like them all <3 I'll do Hinoto only once since I don't think her usual self and her evil self have no interactions at all, I bet they're two sides of the same coin, light and shadow self
Sexuality headcanon:
Yuzuriha, Karen, Arashi, Kotori - probably all straight. Kanoe - bi af and Hinoto stikes me as someone who has no sexual attraction but does have romantic one so heteroromantic ace. Karen is so 🔥 damn she'd be too powerful as bi or lesbian
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Her makeup and dress for ruined and she still is pulling them looks. Plus she's fighting in high heels and managed to win. Trully a queen ❤🔥👑
Gender headcanon:
I guess they're all cis girls
Out of all their ships I like Sorata/Arashi the most. Tbf when we're talking about X couples 90% of time we latch onto gays, aka subkam, fuukam or seisub and we sleep on one of honestly amazingly developed couples that's Sorata/Arashi. I wish we'd get to see ending clamp planed for them one day, somehow I think there night be some diversion from Sorata's fate path of dying for woman he loves (like maybe dying by the hand of woman he loves, which can happen if Arashi ends up brainwashed by Hinoto...)
For Yuzuriha it's defo her relationship with Kamui
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Cuties ❤
For Arashi I guess her bond with rest of Seals. Tbf she mostly interacted with Sorata during X. Karen and her parental relationship with Nataku, it had no right hitting so hard 💔 for Hinoto and Kanoe I have none really and for Kotori I guess her dynamic with Fuuma and Kamui but that one is bond to get awkward eventually, for very evident reasons
As for non-canon ones, I'd so want Kotori and Hokuto to meet in some AU 🥺🙏 clamp plz. Beside that it'll be hilarious af if Arashi and X!Subaru were to hang out (like waiting for Kamui, Sorata and Yuzu to return to dorm). They'd drink tea in complete silence for like... 30 mins
I'm not the biggest fan of Kusanagi/Yuzuriha part. I like how when she confessed to him he was basically 'you're a kid' and despite Yuzuriha harboring feelings for far older man and him clearly caring about her, nothing romantic ever happened between them. In summary, I like their platonic bond very much but not romantic one
Random headcanon:
Girl sleepovers are very much needed. Girls' night ❤ although poor Kotori, she's too pure to be let around Kanoe. Also I can't believe our sexy girls Karen and Kanoe never met, that's basically a crime. Satsuki and Hokuto must be invited for girls sleepover too.
Boys can't have sleepover of their own for very obvious homoertoic reasons
General opinion:
They're all so beautiful and deserve happy lives and love and therapy and not whatever this *points at X where characters had 0 happiness for 18.5 vols* is. Yuzuriha and Kotori are so pure we should put them in ccs.
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Okay maybe just Kotori bc I'm still sure Yuzuriha hooked Kamui onto yaoi and-
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Did it hurt when that show you started watching for the gay romance turned out to be emotionally devastating.
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tiredloserr · 3 years
love that for the last handful of harrow the ninth it's like "oh i get it!" only for the last 2 chapters to remind you that you do not in fact get it
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g4ylorde · 3 years
I just want a gf ;;
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