#let that bokuto beam reach around the world
haikyuu-moments · 3 months
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shhh...no one is allowed to tell him. absolutely no one or istg 😃🔪
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clawsdevour · 1 month
silky skin
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wc: 1.0k content warning: post-time skip, established relationship, bokuto x reader, fluff, not proofread
note: doing skincare on bokuto would be so cute (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
໒‧₊˚ ⋅
Lounging on the soft cushions in the living room couch as the light from the TV shines on you. You hear the door creak, and a tall and bros silhouette walk out while you see the steam from the hot shower he took wind out. Bokuto had just finished showering to see you beaming at him with a face mask on while he walked towards you.
“Ooh is that a face mask?? Can I try one?” He’s ruffling his damp hair with a dry towel. His eyes are lit up, taking this as an opportunity to just relax and unwind with you before his next training schedule gets posted.
“Yeah, do you want me to do my whole skincare routine on you?” If he wanted to do the face mask, he might as well get the whole spa treatment while he’s at it. Bokuto’s lowering himself on the couch next to you as he mumbles out an excited Mhm!
While he’s resting on the plush cushions, you walked out to get the essential skincare products for his already perfect skin. He just washed his face in the shower so.. He’d probably just need a toner and maybe a simple serum. After the face mask he could also use some lotion to lock in more moisture after.. There were also new products you haven’t tried yet and wanted to test on him, but you weren’t for sure what his skin type was yet. 
Stepping back towards the living room with a little tray of the toner bottle and class container that carries the serum inside, you set them down next to your boyfriend before taking the sheet mask out for a little walk. Bringing it to the kitchen to chill in the fridge while you got his skin all nice and prepped for the mask.
“I think I have everything. Scooch over so you can lay ur head on my lap, Koutaro.” On the couch, his damp grey and black hair all sprawled out on your thighs while you brush it off his shining face. His hands are resting softly on his stomach as he’s looking up at you with a subtle grin spread on his lips. 
“So first is toner.. It’s perfect for everyday skin care. If you want to borrow this one I’ll give you it since this one is for all skin types,” unscrewing the cap open and shaking the clear liquid onto the palm of your hand. Rubbing your hands together before you softly pressed your wet hands onto the surface of his face.
“T’smells good, like expensive good hehe..” Bokuto’s content with just the first step of his newly built skincare routine. Just having your hands on him makes him almost the happiest man in the world. When you took your presence off of him, his eyes pried open as he saw you grab a little glass container that you opened. 
“Ooh, what is that?” His big hands tenderly take the bottle from your reach to which you let him out of curiosity. He’s toying around with the little silicone pipette, trying to read the label and understand what the words have to do with taking care of your skin.
“..contains hyalur–hyaluronic acid. Babe what are you putting on my face?? Is this really okay for skin..?” His gold eyes shift up from the bottom to peer at you in a slightly shocked face, trying to understand how you know all these chemistry terms that come with taking care of the body’s largest organ. The acid part might’ve threw him off..
“Yes it is. It’s good for keeping your skin nice and hydrated, I use this almost like everyday Bokuto… you seen me put this on!” talking back at him with a slight pout on your lips. His fingers twist it open where his eyes widens seeing how thick and gooey the clear liquid is.
“Gimme that.” Snatching pipette lid from his grasp, Bokuto’s still holding onto the container that contained all of the serum in his other hand. His gaze lingered as you squeezed out a drop or two onto your fingers, putting the cap back into the little glass jar to which he screwed back on before returning back into his resting position. 
His eyes laid back down as you’re rubbing the serum up all over his silky baby-like skin. Tapping in to lock in all the moisture, he can’t help but have a beaming look crawl on his face.
“M’kayy time for the face mask..” shuffling his damp head off your lap to go in the kitchen. Bokuto’s heavy eyes watch you step and grab the chilled mask from the fridge and return back to your seat.
“This might be kind of cold but it’s better when it’s cold okay?” squeezing his squishy cheek to get his attention despite the sleepiness starting to kick in. He responded with a simple nod as his lashes fluttered open into the light.
Tearing open the top of the thin package, your fingers reached in to pull out the soaked and chilly face sheet. You smack it onto his forehead to which he jolts at the freezing touch.
“WOAH! That’s like COLD COLD!!” That really brought him back from his unconsciousness. You can’t help but giggle at how silly your boyfriend can be while you’re unfolding the compressed mask.
“Close your eyes for me reallyyy quick..” lining up the chin part to his, laying the mask onto his skin slowly till it reached his forehead. Adjusting the sheet to mold to his facial features for a better result. 
“Okay now we just gotta wait for a good maybe.. Like twenty minutes-ish before we take it off.” Grabbing all the trash before you head off to throw it away. Bokuto’s head is pushing down on your lap, as his rising arms grab your attention. His hands are at your face that peered right down to his.
“We’re matching now!” Bokuto’s content golden eyes smiled as he gives you a gentle peck.
masterlist here
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bleubrri · 1 year
grocery shoppin’ baby-time fluff with bo \^o^/
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before you even turn onto the aisle, you can hear your daughter squealing with laughter. bokuto is crouched in front of the cart, meticulously balancing an absurd amount of blueberry yogurt pots in his arms which she apparently finds hilarious. her heels kick back against the metal below her seat and the whole cart jolts from her excitement.
you stroll up, a poorly subdued smile etched onto your lips as your boyfriend struggles to clear the last few from the shelf.
“you realise we’re not buying all that, right?”
kotarous eyes dart up to where you’re leaning against the cart, smoothing your fingers over your baby’s hair. he pouts, yogurt tucked under his chin as he stands to face you, “it’s her favourite.”
you chuckle, reaching for one of the packs cradled in his arms. “last week her favourite was peach-mango. and the week before, she would rather throw yogurt in your face than eat it.”
bokuto counters your argument, “okay that was once, and i’ve got a feeling blueberry is the new wave. trust me on this, babe.” he grins at his little girl, babbling and waving her fists in agreement. you’re unconvinced.
you smirk, remembering empty yogurt pots littering his desk and berry flavoured kisses when he’d pick you up in the mornings. “oh yeah, whys that?”
bo puffs out his chest, strides over to your place beside the cart and confidently unloads his haul with the rest of the groceries. (which—now that you’re looking— seem to have been given a similar treatment, if the months supply of cereal boxes and apocalypse-prep level of crackers are anything to go by).
“because,” he drawls, “it’s in her blood! right, muffin?” he blinks expectantly at your daughter, who kicks her heels even more fiercely and giggles up at her daddy.
bokuto beams, scooping your little bundle of sunshine into his arms, turning to you with her perched on his hip and a smug smile on his face. “see?”
you roll your eyes playfully, reaching out to tickle the rounded tummy underneath her dungarees, “okay traitor, majority rules.” and dropping the pack that you’d swiped into the cart.
you watch with a droopy gaze as he spins her around in triumph, bubbly laughter filling the aisle and your heart squeezing in your chest. oh, you love them so much. you wonder if she’ll ever comprehend it, if he could ever understand all that he’s given you. you think you could burst into tears right here, feel your heart melt under your ribs and pool out at your fingertips right in the dairy aisle, watching bokuto babble nonsense at your baby like it’s the most important thing in the world.
he nods solemnly, leaning in to whisper, “tell mama we got the cookies she likes.”
you laugh, reaching out at the grabby hands made in your direction. “let’s get out of here before you two bankrupt us.”
“how could you do this to me?” bokuto whines, chin against the table and shoulders slumped in defeat.
you fight the smile that wants to emerge as you spoon the last of the yogurt into your daughters mouth. the dinner table has a pile of unopened yogurt packs in the corner, and a much larger trail of empty pots surrounding where bokuto slumps. he looks expectantly at the little girl perched in her high chair with strawberry-banana residue smeared onto her cheeks. she claps her hands and gurgles.
you make a show of wiping her down and chattering to her, “wasn’t that yummy! shall we try a new one tomorrow, hm?”
kotarou drops his forehead to the table with a resounding thud, muttering to himself, “i think i’m gonna throw up..”
even when she gets a little older and will eat most flavours without much fuss, there’s the odd pot of blueberry that remains untouched until after her dinner, when she’ll proudly deposit it in front of bokutos place and state that “daddy can eat it!”
he doesn’t have the heart to refuse her. he accepts it with vigour, “oh you treasure! thank you for sharing, baby.” and spoons down every mouthful as she watches him with glittering eyes that match his own. it’ll never fail to make you laugh when she totters off and his face drops into a groan, pushing the infernal blue pot as far away as possible.
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You perfect, me yours (Bokuto x Fem!Reader)
'Bo, baby, sit still.'
'I can't! You look so cute with your hair in that lil' towel hat!'
(Y/N) made a face at her boyfriend, hand stopped on its way to the socket, in the process of plugging in the hairdryer.
The year is 2020, and Bokuto's hair is in sore need of attention. Luckily for him, his girlfriend is avid at watching Youtube tutorials and figuring stuff out. She's done his hair successfully twice now, and at this point, her biggest challenge is her teddy bear of a boyfriend.
'Baby, we've been over this, you can fanboy over my cuteness when I'm not responsible for your hair for the next month and a half.'
'Sorry, can't turn off how cute you are, and I can't turn off how much I love you!' He beamed boyishly, and (Y/N) can't restrain the urge to kiss him gently before going back to what she's doing.
Bo's hair is a serious undertaking, between dying in the salt and pepper look he always goes for and styling it, requires (Y/N)'s full and absolute attention for several hours.
Thankfully, Bo's used to sitting for stylists and manages to daydream through most of it, messing with his phone while she goes about her business.
He sneaks pictures of her all the time, pouting, frowning, smiling when things come out just right. He may never let anyone else touch his hair again.
No matter how much she complains that it takes forever, she always puts everything into making it perfect, and there's something so comforting about walking around with hair his girlfriend did.
These days, she's the only person outside of the Jackals that he's allowed to see in the flesh, and he thanks the stars every day that she moved in the month before quarantine was enforced.
Bokuto will never get tired of coming in to find her somewhere in the house, just being herself. Be it vegetating on the couch with a warm drink, sitting at the desk on her laptop, or in the kitchen trying out one new recipe or another.
The state of the world is far from ideal, but all things considered, he's a pretty lucky guy.
'Okay, you're all done.'
He looks up to find her smiling in satisfaction. One glance at his hair, and he knows she's nailed it again, so spins around, and buries his face in her chest, smattering kisses to any bare skin he can reach along her jaw.
'It's perfect baby, just like you!'
(Y/N) giggles as his kisses tickle her sensitive skin. 'No, you perfect. I'm the help.'
Bokuto pouted, squeezing her waist as he objected mightily. 'You, perfect. Me, yours.'
(Y/N) almost cried, those big owlish eyes shining up at her, determined and loving, with his warm arms wrapped snug around her and full lips pouting, her heart swells in her chest until it hurts to breathe.
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strawberrykake · 2 years
surprising him w ur son wearing the same outfit as him
father’s day special ❣️ insp by this
warnings: timeskip!haikyuu, kuroo is slightly suggestive (baby fever), daughter ver.
Ushijima, Bokuto, Daichi, Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Kita
Ushijima 👟
Your husband who’s already tying his shoelaces, getting prepped up for his early morning run doesn’t hear you enter the living room with your very hyper 3 year old son wearing a new outfit
Specifically, a matching pair of the black adidas tracksuit that your husband wore every morning
“Hon? Going for a run?” You ask in a sing-song voice.
“Yeah. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” He stands up straight and turns around to give you a peck when he feels a tug on his pants.
“Dada,” your child coos, eyes wide looking up at his father.
You smirk, waiting for his reaction
But it’s delayed bc he’s the most oblivious man you know
“Hey, sport.” He bends down and swoops up the kid effortlessly, tickling his neck with kisses. “Now, wait a minute.” Your husband pauses and lifts your kid higher, studying his look. “What in the world,” he chuckles. The small boy giggles, wiggling in his father’s hold.
Ushijima looks over at you, an eyebrow raised. “Darling?
“Hehe,” you cover your mouth to muffle your giggles. “You like?” He looks back at his son’s matching pants and jacket and shoes.
“I love.” He holds his giggling son close in his right arm, opening the door with his left. “We’ll be right back, mommy.”
“What?” You ask, a little caught off guard. Ushijma usually goes on runs by himself while you and your son wait at home.
“Im canceling runs today. We’re going on a walk.” The sudden decision makes you send him a questioning look.
“He didn’t eat breakfast yet,” you point out.
“Then let’s stop by Mcdonald’s.” Ushijima’s smile is stuck on his face as he’s adjusting the zipper of his son’s jacket. Ushijima isn’t a fan of fast food but his son loves it and he loves to spoil him very much. Although, McDonald’s for breakfast is a rare thing.
You hesitate before nodding in agreement. You tie up your hair and grab your purse before walking to the door where your husband and son stood.
“Yay! Meek Danno!” Your kid raises his fists. Where did he learn that? Ushijima reaches out to you, pulling you in for a kiss on your cheek.
“Thank you,” he says. “You know, you should get an outfit yourself,” he says smirking. Before you could comment, the boy starts to whine.
“I want kithhhh.” You and Ushijima look to each other, chuckling. Then each of you kiss the sides of his face simultaneously, making him giggle.
Bokuto 📸
Bokuto who’s going through a little emo phase bc of his work, lays down on his couch an arm over his head
You decide to cheer him up by surprising him with your son dressed in the same outfit as him: a grey hoodie, brown shorts and a brown beaded bracelet
“Go tell, daddy,” you whisper in your son’s ear, tickling him.
He giggles silently and tiptoes his way to his moping father on the furniture.
his little fingers tap on Bokuto’s sleeved arm covering his face.
“Rockstar, is that you?” He calls his son by the little nickname he created for him. His little rockstar. Which the child LOVES.
You laugh to yourself. Never gets old. Bokuto moves his arm away, his eyes peeking out playfully at his son. When it comes to his son, his emo phase is immediately turned off. He always makes sure his baby is happy.
Suddenly, it’s as if something struck him as sits up, noticing his son’s outfit. “Woah! Look at you!” And then Bokuto’s beaming as if all his troubles have gone away. Bokuto holds up his son and spins him around in the air. “Well, aren’t you the coolest looking dude?” You laugh, catching his attention. “Babe, do you see this? We’re twins!” His emo phase is practically long gone, hair no longer drooping and eyes wide with surprise.
“Haha, you are,” you say, laughing. “Here, honey, I’ll take a picture of you guys.” You lift a camera and your husband is quick on his feet, placing his son on the ground for one photo. Then, picking him up and making several poses..
“Peace-sign! Peace-sign!” And the little kid slowly tries to mimic his father’s gestures. “There we go, my boy!”
After their photo op, the two are playing in their cute matching outfits and you cant help but snap more photos for memory of this day. The next thing you know, they’re fast asleep on the couch with matching open mouths as they snore. Somehow, the strings of their hoodies ended up tied together, making you raise a brow and lips curve. Bokuto has his arm around the little one who is curled up, snuggling into his father’s shirt.
You snap another picture, laughing silently to yourself. That’s a new lockscreen for sure.
Daichi 🔨
Daichi was in the kitchen to fix the sink’s leaky faucet when his son comes barging in
You follow the kid behind him, hands behind your back
“Daddy, look!” The boy exclaims holding a toy hammer in his hand, handing it to his father.
Your son was supposed to show his outfit, not the hammer in his hand
he probably misunderstood when you told him to go “show daddy” as he held his toy in his hand.
“Whatcha got there, buddy?” Daichi chuckles, taking the rubber hammer. “S’it for me?”
He studies the object. Then his eyebrows furrow.
You cup a hand over your mouth to stifle a laugh. You knew that look.
He looks back up to his son, making a double take, and noticing the matching black polo shirt and khakis.
That’s when he drops the hammer “Oh my god,” he chuckles again, but this time in disbelief. He picks up the boy, walking over to you.
“Honey?” He motions to his son in his arms and to his outfit, posing. “How do we look?” Your husband smiles widely.
“You two look dashing,” you say.
“This is the best day ever.” He places a kiss on his son’s cheek before tickling him silly and swinging him. The kid starts giggling uncontrollably and you can’t help but chuckle from the contagious laughter. Daichi places the squirming child back on the ground, before walking over to you.
“Thank you,” he says with a soft gaze, cupping your cheeks with both of his hands and placing a huge kiss on your lips. “Mmmmwah.”
“Mmph!” the feeling of his strong palms squeezing your cheeks overwhelm you. But a soft giggle escapes you and Daichi knows that you love when he does this. Your son stands on the side, running his toy car across the furniture. His head spins to his parents hearing your giggle. And Daichi is giving all his attention back to the boy.
“Wow, neat car you got there!” He smiles, watching his kid with adoration.
Looks like the sink’s repair will have to wait.
Kuroo 👔
Kuroo had just gotten from work, his tie loosened and coat immediately thrown off
now left in his white collared long sleeve and dress pants.
“Hey, honey,” he greets you with a lingering kiss.
“Welcome back,” you say, pressing your lips against his.
He leans over you to deepen the kiss, his hands resting on your lower back
And you giggle pushing him back.
He chuckles. “Where’s the little one?”
“Close your eyes,” you say, smiling.
“Huh?” he asks, confused.
“Babe, close your eyes, trust me.”
And he closes them, a corner of his lips turning. “What is this, huh?”
“No peeking!” you warn. And right on time, your son rushes toward his father from behind you.
Kuroo feels something hugging his leg.
“S’that you, rascal?” The kid makes babbling noises as Kuroo ruffles his hair, eyes still closed.
You bend down and grab the child. “C’mere, baby.” You lift him into your arms. “Okay! Open, babe.”
Kuroo opens his eyes and gasps. “This isn’t real.” His open mouth turns into a smile and the kid mirrors his father’s expression. You had set up an outfit for your son similar to Kuroo’s work clothes, and even styling his hair to match the crow-like shape of his father’s.
Your son opens his arms as an invitation for Kuroo to take him from your hold, and Kuroo chuckles, grabbing the toddler.
“He looks so handsome! You look so handsome, bud!” Kuroo tickles the belly of the child, making him laugh.
“He looks like you,” you say staring at your child fondly. Their resemblance is uncanny. From the jet black hair, the eyes, and the same smug expression. Anybody could tell that Kuroo’s genes were strong on this one.
“Exactly,” Kuroo smirks. Of course his handsome little boy looks just like his handsome father. It only makes him think about sharing more kids with you. “I want more children. Let’s make more of these, yeah?” Kuroo says bluntly. And you had to whack him in the shoulder.
“Testurou!” You say flustered.
“What? I’m just sayin,” he defends, the child lightly bouncing on his hip and busy playing with his father’s messy hair.
“We can talk about this later,” you say, smiling at your cute son. Kuroo leans down to give you a peck on your cheek as a thank you for this little event you made for him.
Iwaizumi ☕️
Iwaizumi was sitting on the couch
his computer on his lap as he remains his focus on his work, typing at a fast pace
he had just got off a zoom call with his co-worker
lately, he’s been stressed and working hard the whole day, spending his time on the screen
while consuming an unhealthy amount of caffeine to keep himself awake (you had to take it away from him)
wanting to cheer him up, you and your dear son come up with a small surprise
you enter the room holding your neatly dressed son’s hand as you approach him
“Oh hey,” your husband looks up, rubbing his eyelids
Iwaizumi’s tired eyes squint, looking at his adorable son who is. . .dressed up as him?
His eyes widen when he realizes that what he’s seeing isn’t a hallucination. The boy had changed out of his previous clothes and is wearing the same exact clothes his father’s wearing: white tank and grey sweats.
“Did you get dressed up like me? Hmm?” Iwaizumi tosses his laptop aside, bringing his full attention to his son who cheerfully walks toward his dad. “Come here, you,” he says with a huff, picking up his son. A smile adorns the father’s face as he watches the energetic kid squeeze his father’s cheeks.
“This is crazy,” you say to yourself, shaking your head. Combined with their outfits, the two males are mirrors of each other. Your son got your husband’s spiky hair and eyes. However, you could see your smile in his. And that was Iwaizumi’s favorite part.
“Come here, momma,” your husband calls out to you and pats the space next to him. You perk up at his voice, following his words. As you sat down, you watched Iwaizumi continue to entertain his kid, giving him light tickles with his lips. “Oh, you little handsome thing.” Iwaizumi pauses when he notices you staring lovingly at them. And his smile brightens. “I love this. Our baby’s too cute.”
“I know right?” You say, grabbing your kid’s chubby cheek and giving it a light squeeze.
“Why don’t we do this often?” Iwaizumi asks and the kid moves out of his father’s lap, walking onto the cushion of the couch. It makes Iwaizumi tear his eyes away from you, to help balance his energetic child walk across the couch. “Careful, boy.”
“We should.” You stand up and quickly pick him up. “You both are so cute like this!” Looking between your husband and your child, you boop their noses. Iwaizumi is shocked by your action. Unable to help himself, plus, the image of you holding his child, he gives you a huge kiss then placing another on his child’s forehead.
“I love you two.” He sighs contently and realizes he could really use a break from work for a minute.
Kita 🍚
Coming back from delivering rice packs, Kita is exhausted
you greet him at the door as he enters with a comforting smile
“Shinsuke,” you say, hugging your husband.
“Hey, darlin’” he places a kiss on your lips and wraps his arms around your waist.
“Where’s our little ball of happiness?” he whispers in case the child he spoke of was asleep
“I’m glad you asked.” You smirk, before turning and calling your son. “C’mon baby, show papa what you got!”
And there goes your little ball of happiness skipping into the room with a replica of Kita’s clothes. The man lets you go and slowly approaches the child.
“Woah,” he breathes in amazement. It’s like looking at a reflection of his youth. “Where did you—How did you—?” Kita is astonished, his head turning to look between you and his son. He finally squats and lets the kid jump into his arms, squealing.
“Ordered the outfit online and it arrived today, so…here we are. Surprise, love,” you say, bringing your phone out for a photo as Kita tickles the boy’s neck with kisses.
“Oh my god…” Your husband stands with your son in his arms, walking over to you. He sighs. “I love you,” and gives you a kiss, before facing his child. “And I love you!” He lifts the kid into the air, spinning. The joy on their faces mirroring each other.
Before you know it, Kita is outside admiring the orangey sky with his son. The baby points at something in the sky, probably a bird or maybe a weirdly shaped cloud. Kita gazes along with him. It’s moments like these that make you forget all that is wrong with the world.
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extant-exhaustion · 3 years
Haikyuu!! Headcanons (9/?)
Who confesses first? / How did they get together?
KageHina: After a grueling day of summer training, Hinata and Kageyama collapse on their backs in the grass outside the gym. The underclassmen are still cleaning up, the squeak of their shoes floating out into the humid summer evening. And Kageyama knows they should get up, knows that Ennoshita will probably yell at them for not helping, but for once, it seems that Hinata wants a moment of quiet. It's so strange for silence to fall between them, and Kageyama turns his head to say something, but stops. The light pouring from the open gym door slants across Hinata's face and makes him almost glow, and it's not the first time Kageyama has wanted this, but it's the first time he's said it out loud. He's not even sure how Hinata hears his name, whispered on an exhale as if it were as natural as breathing, "Hinata..." and as their eyes lock, just as quietly but much more certain, "I want to kiss you."
BokuAka: Kuroo is super supportive when Bokuto tells him that he's going to confess to Akaashi. In fact, he might be too supportive. He definitely doesn't do anything to dissuade Bokuto's plans from getting bigger and more dramatic by the day as he prepares to tell Akaashi how he feels. Kenma tries to be the voice of reason, but Kuroo and Bokuto are having none of it. So, on his birthday, the only comfort Akaashi has is that the club room is isolated. Because when he walks in, his eyes almost bug out of his head. The room is wallpapered in the dozens and dozens of pictures and selfies that Bokuto and Kuroo have been taking over the two years that Akaashi has been at Fukurodani. Some of the pictures he recognizes—often he's cringing or rolling his eyes—but others just include him in the background as Bokuto points with a huge smile, and many are taken from a distance of him and Bokuto at practice, at training camps, on the train, walking home after school (???). As Akaashi's eyes dart over the photos, he finally realizes that Bokuto is standing in the middle of it all. Behind him is an enormous photo of the two of them that Kuroo must have taken. In it, they're sitting side by side on a courtside bench. Bokuto is leaning over to rest his head on Akaashi's shoulder. And Bokuto is beaming, and Akaashi's arm is up around him; his fingers are in Bokuto's hair, and the look on his face...the look on Akaashi's face is nothing short of pure devotion. "Horror" is close to what Akaashi's emotions have landed on in the 30 seconds since he opened the door, but the ordeal is far from over as Bokuto finally steps forward. He's wearing a t-shirt with their faces on it and holding a bouquet of flowers, and Akaashi is going to murder Kuroo, but then Bokuto reaches out and takes his hand and confesses his feelings. And Bokuto is so earnest, and his eyes are shining, and killing Kuroo will have to wait, because Akaashi has waited long enough for this and he's got to hug his boyfriend.
IwaOi: When Oikawa is confident, he blazes a trail for all those who come after him, but when things get dodgy, it's Iwaizumi who leads the way. Oikawa blames it on Iwa being born forty days before him. ("That's forty days you had to prepare for the horrors of this world before I entered it!" To which Iwa mutters, "The horror I should've prepared for was you.") Oikawa's been saying it since they were kids—"Iwa-chan, you go first! I think there's a spiderweb there," "You can light the first firework, Iwa-chan! Let me know if they're expired!," "The ocean is waiting, Iwa-chan! You get in first and chase away all the sharks." And Iwaizumi does, every time. He goes first, and he takes risks, and he keeps it together when things go wrong, because if he starts to cry, Oikawa will absolutely join in. So when it comes to the most terrifying "first," the one that feels like standing on the edge of a diving board dozens of meters up, the one that Iwa knows won't break them, but it could easily break him...Iwa goes first. They're in Tooru's backyard, and Iwa is cleaning out Mrs. Oikawa's flowerbeds (which she told Tooru to do, but he's focusing very hard on trying to pet a very fat bumblebee that's landed on a bright red flower). And when Iwa looks up and sees Oikawa, his tongue peeking between his lips as he gently strokes the bee, his eyes wide with wonder, it's like Iwaizumi's heart stops beating. Then Oikawa smiles and says, "Iwa-chan! He feels like a tiny kitten! Come here!" and Iwa knows he's done for. He goes to Oikawa's side—he always will—and dusts his hands off on his shorts. His fingers are trembling as Oikawa takes his hand, and he's right, the bee does feel like a kitten. The bee is also annoyed at being prodded by giant fingers and promptly finishes with the flower and flies away. And Tooru is talking; he's still holding Iwa's hand; and Iwa can't hear anything, but his eyes lock on his best friend and he remembers, Oh, right. I have to lead the way. So he takes a deep breath and gets to the point, moving his hands to rest heavily on Oikawa's shoulders and holding him at arm's-distance (and ignoring Oikawa calling him a brute when he cuts him off midsentence). "Hey, dumbass," Iwa starts, and he doesn't flinch that that's how it begins, because, how else would it? Oikawa squawks in indignation, but Iwa says his first name, and Tooru is listening now. Iwaizumi has been staring at the ground beneath their feet, but now he meets Oikawa's eyes and a sigh leaves his lips. He's trembling slightly, but a smile quirks one corner of his mouth and he leads the way—"This isn't going to change anything. I've put up with you for this long, so you know I won't leave, even if you tell me to. So, don't make it a big thing if you don't feel the same way—it wouldn't be the first time we've disagreed." A deep breath, the last one before the plunge, and Iwa holds his arms out to his sides, like a shrug, like a declaration—this is all of me and if you want it...—and grins, "I'm in love with you." And they step forward together.
(Keep reading: KuroKen, DaiSuga, AsaNoya, KiyoYachi, UshiTen) (all headcanons here+)
KuroKen: The line between "best friends" and "boyfriends" has never really been clear with Kuroo and Kenma. They've always been especially close, more so than most friends their age. Through the years that they've spent together, they've picked up each other's habits and learned the meanings of subtlest of movements, always seeming to know what the other needs before anything is said. More than once, their friends and families have called their preternatural bond "spooky," and Kuroo loves to say that it's because he and Kenma have a psychic connection, but the truth is that they're just both incredibly observant and devoted to each other. And that devotion, which was born from being together nearly constantly in childhood and was cemented by innumerable moments that proved their loyalty and trust and affection, doesn't lend itself to either of them noticing that things have shifted between them. So, after years of casual affection—best friendship—after countless nights murmuring their insecurities and reassuring each other, after proving to each other again and again and again that they'll be there, they'll carry the burden, they'll make each other laugh, they won't leave...it's not much of a surprise when Kuroo tips his head back from where he sits on the floor beside Kenma's bed and asks seriously but without worry (because no answer could change what they mean to each other), "Hey, Kenma, do you think we could try being more than friends?"
DaiSuga: It takes Daichi a long time to work up the courage to confess to Suga. First, he spends over two years in denial (because everyone fantasizes about kissing the beauty mark below their best friend's gorgeous eye). From there, he moves to terror and preemptive humiliation (and embarrasses himself further by avoiding Suga for a solid month because he can't even look at him without feeling like he's going to throw up). And by the start of their third year, he's settled firmly into depressed pining, and it's about this time that he finally consults Kiyoko in a desperate attempt to garner sympathy from someone who might not laugh at him. And she doesn't! She's supportive and encouraging and lets him wallow at her house while they watch emotional American movies with only somewhat reliable subtitles. And it's one of those movies that finally gives Daichi an idea, something that, if he does it right, could make Suga smile (and honestly, even if Suga rejects him, if he smiles while doing it, Daichi might be able to convince himself not to hide under a blanket until graduation). So, he gets everything ready and staves off an approaching heart attack when he rings Suga's doorbell. And Suga clearly, somehow, knows the reference, because the first thing he says is, "Oh, please don't wait to confess to me until after I've married someone else." And Daichi drops his cue cards, his eyes wide, but Suga's eyes are wider as he realizes what's happening and what his sass just interrupted. But Daichi is laughing (somewhat manically), and Suga has run down the steps and is hugging him and nodding nonstop and laughing too, and it definitely didn't go as he planned, but Daichi is okay with that.
AsaNoya: Noya confesses to Asahi before morning practice one day, cornering him outside the club room and dragging him out of view of passersby. He talks too loud and says too much (did he just blame his suspension on feeling like Asahi broke up with him??) and ends by ordering Asahi not to accept just because Noya could kick his ass. For several long moments after Noya speaks, Asahi isn't sure if he heard correctly. Maybe he fell asleep on his feet and dreamt the whole thing. Maybe Hinata served a ball into his head and he's actually in a volleyball-induced coma. Maybe he's finally lost his mind from the stress and anxiety of being on this team that he loves so much it might actually be killing him. But, no. Asahi's dreams and delusions couldn't summon up a Nishinoya this real. He's wearing a determined frown (which might pass for a worried expression, now that Asahi thinks about it) and is almost vibrating—either from nerves or caffeine—and he's waiting for an answer. Finally, Asahi closes his mouth that's been hanging open, and without even crying, nods. A smile breaks out over Noya's face and then Asahi is smiling too, and Noya rushes forward to hug his new boyfriend.
KiyoYachi: Kiyoko wants her confession to be perfect, so she waits for the right time—her graduation day—and tries not to crumple the letter that she's written and rewritten more times than she'd like to admit. She's decorated the envelope with delicate flowers that she's doodled in her notebooks for years, and she's even dabbed the seal with the perfume she wears. So, when Yachi comes to congratulate her, Kiyoko tugs her away from the crowds and gives her the letter with trembling fingers. And Yachi's eyes are so, so wide, and her hands are shaking too. And she drops the letter and makes a panicked noise in her throat as she snatches it off the ground, but now she's shaking too hard to open it. And before Yachi can pass out from her nerves, Kiyoko takes one of her hands and squeezes it gently. She smiles softly as Yachi's breaths steady, because she knows her. And she knows Yachi is going to accept her confession. And she knows—and wants Yachi to know too—that her girl has no reason to be nervous.
UshiTen: It's on one of his morning runs near the end of their third year that Ushijima finally decides he needs to ask Tendou the question that's been weighing on him for months, maybe years. So, as he does every morning, Ushijima finishes his run and hits the shower, then he gets ready for the day and walks the short distance to Tendou's room, knocking twice before letting himself in. (The door is always unlocked, because Tendou lost his room key the second week of school and refuses to believe he won't find it before the year ends.) When Ushijima enters, Tendou is awake and blearily brushing his wild hair, his tie askew and his blazer unbuttoned. It makes Ushijima smile—as much of a smile as he ever does...his eyes soften at least. And as always, Tendou notices and inquires about it. And then Ushijima meets his eyes and his voice almost wavers as he asks, "Satori, you're my best friend. Please answer honestly. Is it abnormal for me to feel for you in a way that aligns with typical descriptions of romantic love?" And Satori drops the hair brush and squeals, because Wakatoshi did not just confess to him with the world's most bizarrely worded question at seven o'clock in the morning in his dorm room—but he did, and they'll talk the details over later. After Tendou stops jumping up and down with his arms wrapped around Ushijima's shoulders like a vice.
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introloves · 4 years
anon: okay so i just went through (the entirety) of your bokuto tag and lemme just say, boxer! bokuto??? yeah top tier. you just KNOW that every time he wins he wraps that medal round your neck and makes you watch in the mirror as he uses it to choke you and keep your head up and eyes on his while he absolutely rails you. shit after fights you’d look just as bruised as him.
— boxer! bokuto + marking + choking + pain + possessive! bokuto + overstimulation + size kink + bokuto calls reader ‘puppy’ + cream pie + f! reader
— word count; 2k
— boxerverse! bokuto: one shot no. 2
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he’s trembling, high strung with the adrenaline that still hasn’t left him. it’s funny seeing him whine for your attention, someone so big and muscular like him looking absolutely destroyed when you give him a stern look against his kisses.
it’s so very apparent in the way he handles you that hes looking at you to help him come down.
“bo, calm down.” you pant, trying to push his hands away, its a futile attempt to keep his wandering fingers away from your pants. its like he’s magnetized to the waistband of them, digits twitch when you slap them down.
he’s big, strong, a finely tuned machine built for taking hits and giving them back like a bullet but your rejection makes him pout.
there’s a twist of pain in your chest when he gets like this, but he needs to rest.
despite everything, he acts like its just been another day, but it hasn’t even been two hours since his last fight. theres a bruise painting his lip, another one against his brow, red splotches litter his sides and stomach but he shakes your prying hands off thick wrists, fingers hooking into your waistband and pulling them down to your thighs. he looks up at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. waiting for the okay he knows is inevitably going to come.
“fine, but if i see you wince, we’re stopping.” you sigh, smiling at the absolute beam of teeth and curled lips he gives you.
he’s so fast, peeling off every bit of clothing you had worn tonight. he had to have you, needed it like he needed that win.
a win that he already has, now he just needs you.
you cant deny that his excitement isn’t making you wet, he’s like a god above you, vying for your attention and body. he was truly glorious tonight, muscles taut and coiled as he bounced along the white canvas. biceps curled and ready for his opening to land one of his signature right hooks. he takes every hit against his body like it’s nothing, completely unfazed by his opponent. at one point during the match he taunted them, dropping his arms and baring his teeth, just waiting for the fight to truly get good. it makes you squirm, he could be so intimidating, watching like a predator for any opening, any hole in the opponents defense.
your body flushes in memory of watching him land that final hit, he sees the way your thighs squish together. groaning at the thought that your body was responding to his advances, surely knowing by memory how good he fucks you.
your bo always looks so strong and powerful. no matter where he is, whether he’s fighting or when he’s trapping you against those strong arms.
it makes you sigh at the pure determination he’s dripping in, rolling your eyes as he gives you a once over, wiggling his eyebrows at you, torso stretching to reach something from the bedside table, canines flashing as he shows you his newest trophy. its a devious look, proud eyes glinting down at you.
you feel that you can read his mind, about to tell him that, no you won’t fuck him while he’s wearing it, but he lowers it over your head, giving you a bigger smile as the heavy and cold metal lands right between your tits.
“that looks real good on you.” he finally says, abs contracting with the pangs of arousal crawling up his neck. he flinches just a bit at the soreness there, he’s a little more beat up than usual, but hides it well. if there’s anything he needs other than rest, its to fuck you dizzy.
he thinks he might be a total meat head with just how much he likes the image of you wearing something he worked so hard to win, a primal heat licking at the arousal also flaring inside him. you’re really truly his, bokuto can see it in your eyes, regarding him like hes strung the moon up in the sky.
you belong to him, just as he does you. just like that shiny medal you’re wearing.
the bed creaks under his weight when he leans down to kiss you, hand grabbing your face, keeping you right where he wants you. tongue immediately slipping past your lips, pulling a cute whine. he’s sloppy with it, teeth bumping against your own, spit trailing down the corner of both your mouths. when he pulls away, your eyes cross to watch the string of spit connecting the both of you.
he swipes his tongue out and catches it, mumbling something when he sees you reach for him.
“sit back.” you realize he says a little late, snapped out of the haze by the gentle tap of his index finger against your cheek.
koutarou makes a show to peel the rash guard he was wearing under his shorts off. his creamy, muscled thighs finally grace your vision. it makes your body temperature rise several degrees at once, the hot flash only encouraged when you see his dick lying pretty against his thigh. you reach for him, but the advance is stopped by his hands, he doesnt say anything but grips your wrists a little tighter.
your gaze moves from his purpled knuckles up to his eyes, the amber there looks just a tad bit cooler and you immediately know it’s going to be a bad day for you tomorrow.
“want you on your tummy.” bokuto states, and you listen.
waiting for his hands to grip your hips, but he lags just a little. turning your head to look at him you ask if everything’s okay,
“you remember our safe word?” he inquires, and you nod, blanching just a little. his words send a prickle of fear down your spine, you suddenly feel very vulnerable and exposed.
“well, what is it?”
bokutos hand comes down to grip your shoulder, huffing against your ear. theres a small pull there, bringing your shoulders back to meet him halfway.
he’s right there, waiting for the last syllable to leave your lips, poking the head of his dick against your cunt. it leaves you breathless, smooth, velvet skin leaving a wet trail of precum right on your clit.
it makes you exhale out a high pitched keen, unable to stop it from tumbling out a little louder than expected.
the whine has him purring, humming out a, “good girl.”
there’s nothing in the world that you can compare the way he splits you open. the first stroke is always careful, makes sure youre nice and relaxed, wet enough to take him. you always are of course, how could you not with the way he holds you, pulling you back by your shoulders, making your back bend as much as it can, the twist of your body like that makes for a real tight squeeze, feels like the already limited room inside your cunt is cut back to an absolute zero.
it should hurt, but you’ve taken him enough that hes practically carved the shape of him into your pussy.
he has you nice and compliant under his hands, head thrown back to leave the most fucked out sounds of pure ecstasy rattle through your lungs and into the room.
he can feel the chemistry, something akin to electricity, between the two of you. if he could form into words what its like when you lean agasint him, completely trusting him to take care of you, to make you feel good, he’d fill a book up- and pocket it to reread over and over.
bokuto releases you, letting your shoulders fall forward gently before reaching around and pulling the, now, warm metal from between your body and the bed.
it catches you by surprise when he gives it a tug, the silk cutting into your prominent veins, making you go weak and dizzy.
if you couldn’t think or talk before he was doing this, you definitely weren’t going to be able to while he was.
your hands find the pillows above you for leverage, biting down onto your lip when he begins a brutal pace against your hips. hes pinned you down onto the bed with his mass, not even letting you arch your hips to give him better access to your cunt.
“ghh, kou- kou feels good.” you cry, taking an index finger into your mouth to bite, theres not a spot on your body where you dont feel him, so big above you, you can feel the press of his dick in your throat.
“i know it does puppy.” he grits out, still biting back the pain that each brutal contact against your body brings him. hes got the stamina, the sweat hes broken out thus far isnt too bad, but the position and the way hes taking you- hand still holding onto that precious medal- is taking a toll on him.
he knows he needs to make you cum fast.
and knowing his sweet baby, the way to do that is to rough you up just a bit. it’s real endearing.
the silk burns just a little when he shifts behind you, making sure to keep a good grip on it- you dont connect the dots of what hes preparing to do, not until he pulls back.
you’re mid scream before he cuts you off, tears forming in your eyes against the rasp and wheeze of your breathing. the tension around your throat isnt forceful enough to cut your oxygen off completely, it just leaves you wheezing and gives you a nice haze to your vision.
you’ve tensed up completely, knees locking, hands gripping the pillow above you for dear life.
the reaction from you makes him shake, you can feel the stutter of his hips, hearing the high whine leave his throat, he powers through it. he clashes his teeth together and snarls, blinking back stars when he speeds up.
“c’mon, cum. cum for me, puppy.” bokuto grunts.
its not like you to not listen, as soon as his words leave his mouth, you’re closing your eyes.
you’ve gone limp for a second, and bokuto truly fears that hes overdone it, he drops the grip he has on his trophy, about to stop everything, but then your tremors start.
your legs, still pinned down between his own, shake. he sees your cute little hands slap the pillow and swallows deeply. you’re silent- but he can hear the echoes of moans that want to leave your throat thanks to your open mouth and head that’s thrown back. it takes you two seconds before you seem to flicker back to life,
“ghhhh, hhhh! koutarou, kou!” his name is the first coherent thing that leaves your mouth, and he swears there’s nothing better. he cant compare you to winning a match, knocking out his opponent in a KO- because seeing you like this, hearing you scream his name like that would win every time.
he’d like to comment on how eagerly you’re milking his cock, but the pulsing of your cunt around his fat, big dick does him in.
there’s no time to pull out, wasn’t planning on it anyways, but the squeezing of you againts him, leaking your cum down to the base of him, wetting his pubes with you, also leaves no room for it.
it’s obscene, the squelching sounds of his pistoning, cumming cock, creaming your insides white, all the while pushing it out of your cunt with every thrust.
it splatters against your ass and his thighs, white globs of it stick against the two of you while he rides out the throbbing. there’s nothing more satisfying than filling you up, a deep tingle nipping at the base of his skull when he thinks about his cum kept warm in your cunt.
this is what finally tires him out. the tremor and twitching of his strong arms visible when he reaches down and pulls his limp dick from you, he saves you the pain of his weight crushing against your already fragile body by plopping down beside you, you jump up on the bed with the force of his weight collapsing beside you.
the sticky heat is no match for his eagerness to hold you after it all. you slot against his front easily, almost completely dwarfed by his frame.
“‘re you proud ‘fme.” he slurs against your neck, trapping his thigh between your legs. he shivers when he feels the mess of his own cum smear absolutely everywhere.
your hand comes down to rest over his arms, protectively secured around your torso.
“always. i love you so much.” you whisper back, voice just a tiny bit raspy and sore.
“mm, loveyoumore.”
he’s out before you can count to ten, hearing you say that puts a smile on his face while his breathing evens out behind you.
you take the lightest of touches to the bruises on his knuckles, your koutarou truly was something else. while he sought out your validation, you basked in the glory and security of someone as grand as him holding you tight.
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ex-boyfriends are a pain
Warnings: ex boyfriend being a dick, referred to as Asshole, some swearing
Pairings: Sugawara Kōshi, Ushijima Wakatoshi, & Bokuto Kōtarō all with a Fem!Reader
A/N: this was originally written for @thisnoodlewritesao3 because ex-boyfriends can suck shit but how much do you wanna bet that the Haikyuu boys would have your back no matter what? Kinda threw this together so I hope you guys enjoy!
haikyuu masterlist
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Sugawara knew you could fight like the rest of them. Hell, it was the first time you fought with Tanaka that made him go wow okay I need to hang out with Y/N more.
You could be so feisty when you wanted, so sweet other times. It all depended on your mood. So when he saw your ex-boyfriend walking your way, Sugawara watched your body language first. Did you seem like you wanted to deal with this on your own? Or did you want some help? He never wanted you to feel like he wouldn’t let you fight your own battles, though this was a little harder knowing that this Asshole had hurt you for so long.
Sugawara wanted nothing more than to make the guy hurt like he had hurt you... but no, he restrained himself for a moment, Daichi also watching as if ready to back up his best friend if he got himself into a scuffle.
Maybe if Asshole hadn’t caught you off guard and in the middle of your thoughts, you would’ve been fine, but instead he had grabbed you and dragged you off to some secluded hallway.
“The hell are you doing?” You glared at him, trying to wiggle your arm from him. Your eyes frantically searching for anyone or anything to help get you out of this situation as he pulled you away.
“We need to talk,” Asshole huffed, standing a little too close for comfort. “You’ve been ignoring my calls and my texts and now what? You’ve blocked me?”
Your insides turned uncomfortably, shifting your weight as you tried to find a way to at least step away from him a bit, “We’re not together anymore, there’s nothing that needs to be said-”
“Y/N! Daichi’s looking for you!” Sugawara’s voice was a welcome surprise. Your eyes shot over to where he was standing, his hands on his hips and a smile on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes. He knew. You could tell he knew how uneasy you were just because his eyes met yours and his head tilted slightly as if to ask want me to kill him?
“She’s busy,” Asshole grumbled, not even bothering to look up from your eyes at him.
Sugawara didn’t move. For a moment he just stood there with his fake smile on before walking closer and pushing the guy away from you gently, “Hey! You look real familiar,” Sugawara beamed up at him, holding his chin as if in thought. “Have we met before?”
“No?” Asshole just glared at him and then his glare turned to you, “Who the fuck is this? Your new boyfriend?”
“Aha! Boyfriend! You kinda look like that crazy EX-boyfriend that Y/N used to have. Now that was one weird dude. Imagine leaving your girlfriend at some restaurant cause you got caught up with your friends and forgot about your anniversary,” Sugawara’s forced a laugh, flopping his arm around your shoulders playfully. “Thank god you got rid of that guy right?”
Even you had to question whether or not Sugawara was being funny or serious. He definitely knew this guy was that ex-boyfriend... didn’t he?
Asshole just huffed, standing up straighter and puffing out his chest slightly just to exaggerate that he was, in fact, taller than Suga.
“It’s funny. It was after that breakup that the Karasuno High School Volleyball team vowed to never let Y/N get hurt ever again.” Suga’s eyes drifted over to where Asahi was just slightly in view, standing tall as ever.
It would only work since Asshole had no clue who Asahi was, and couldn’t see that the muscle-y third year was almost in a panic attack over the upcoming game. All Asshole saw when he followed Sugawara’s gaze was the scary tall third year that everyone seemed to gossip about at every game. Your ex turned back to Suga, as if thinking that would be any better.
From the half of Suga’s face that you could see, it was really not something you’d want to be in front of. Suga could get really scary if he wanted and you imagined that right now, Asshole was experiencing just that.
Your ex grumbled something about “not being worth it” and turned on his heel, rushing away from you two.
You felt a breath leave your chest almost immediately, your heart pounding against your ribcage, “God Suga, thank you so much,” you smiled weakly up at him, quickly wrapping your arms around him and giving him a tight squeeze.
“Anytime love,” he smiled, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head. “You know, I don’t like to toot my own horn, but I’d say you upgraded big time,” he smirked, tapping your nose lovingly.
You laughed and smiled up at him, touching his cheek gently and stroking your thumb along his skin as you admired his expression, “Absolutely. 100% upgrade. Would never even dream of going back.”
“Good,” Suga grinned, holding your hand against his face for just a moment longer, “cause I’m not letting you leave me that easily.”
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Ushijima remembered your ex boyfriend, but not in any physical way. He couldn’t remember what the guy looked like - how tall he was, or what colour his hair was. But what he did remember is how you looked after every argument you had with the guy. 
More often than not, you’d come over to Ushijima’s place or Tendō’s after yet another argument, tears streaking down your face and your whole body just crumbling into one of their hugs.
Ushijima had hated seeing you like that and he would hold you for as long as you wanted.
It was after one really bad fight with that guy that Ushijima told himself that he would confess to you eventually. He knew you deserved all the love in the world, and the only way to guarantee you’d be getting it is if he took it into his own hands.
You were far too good for him, but he knew he loved you enough to try.
Maybe he should’ve gone back and looked into what this guy looked like. That probably would’ve helped him in this situation.
“-you think I don’t know that you were trying to steal my girl this whole time?” a guy was yelling, up in Ushijima’s face (as much as you can be in a guy’s face who’s a few inches taller than you). “I should’ve known you two would get together after the way she was constantly talking about you.”
Maybe it should’ve clicked in Ushijima’s head that the guy who was angrily attacking him in the almost empty gym was your ex-boyfriend, but instead, Ushijima kept glancing around him to see if there was someone else that the guy was yelling at.
“What the hell are you looking for? She’s not gonna come save you or anything. I thought you were supposed to be some big man - ace of the volleyball team. What are you scared or something?” your ex cackled, hands on his hips all proud-like.
Ushijima finally caught on that this guy was talking to him, a frown on his face, “I’m sorry but do I know you?”
It hadn’t meant to be a question with any sort of malice to it, but the guy seemed so dejected hearing it. Here he had come all this way, built up all this courage to confront Ushijima Wakatoshi for stealing his girlfriend... and the guy didn’t even know who he was.
“I’m Y/N’s ex boyfriend,” the guy glared up at him, getting angrier.
“Oh.” Ushijima nodded to himself slightly, now remembering the guy’s face and starting to walk past him.
“Hey! I’m talking to you!”
“What’s there to talk about?” Ushijima asked, still walking ahead. “Maybe if you hadn’t been such a self-absorbed egotistical idiot you would still have her. But you don’t. Someone was bound to come and show her what she actually deserves.”
You hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but had just been about to come into the gym to make sure Ushijima was ready to walk home. Your fingers trembled a little hearing your ex’s voice and just how angry he sounded. You were annoyed, you were angry. you wanted to go in there and punch the guy in the face. How dare he act like you were some item to be stolen - you chose Ushijima. You loved Ushijima. There wasn’t anything to steal - you were his and he was yours and there was nothing about your ex in it at all.
But you couldn’t deny that you loved hearing Ushijima’s flat and blunt tone cut through all of your ex’s defenses. He stood there a stuttering mess, coming up with excuses after excuses as to why he hadn’t been a better boyfriend (news flash man, you were just an ass), even while Ushijima started to exit the gym.
“Oh. Y/N. You’re here,” Ushijima’s stoic face broke into a smile as he found you, immediately leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead and taking your hand.
“Have an unexpected visitor?” You point out, glancing into the gym to see your ex getting all riled up some more.
“Nothing worth our time. Come on, let me walk you home,” he said, taking your bag from you like he always did and leading you home.
You knew Ushijijma could’ve cut your ex down to pieces if he needed to, the ace of Shiratorizawa could be very scary when he was angry. But evidently, your ex didn’t seem to be worth the time and the thought of that made you very happy. Ushijima was right after all, that Asshole was not worth either of your free times and he certainly wasn’t worth getting into a fight with.
Still, Ushijima seemed to watch you carefully to make sure you weren’t upset that your ex had come by. He bought you extra snacks at the shop the two of you stopped at on your way home and listened intently to all the things you wanted to talk about while the two of you ventured onwards.
“Thank you, Ushijima,” you smiled at him as you got to your door.
He nodded, “I like walking you home, no thanks needed.”
“No, thank you for... saying what you did to that Asshole back at the gym,” you weren’t really sure what you were thanking him for, but just felt like it needed thanking.
The boy just smiled at you and pressed a kiss to your cheek as he handed you your bag, “You are worth 10 of him, Y/N. I won’t waste my chance with you like he did.”
You beamed hearing this, wrapping him into a hug before disappearing into your house and waving to him from the window. 
Later Tendō would point out that he would’ve kicked held the guy up while Ushijima beat the shit out of him, if Ushijima ever wanted that but the ace just shrugged, “The greatest defeat I can do to him is make Y/N happier than he ever could. And I plan on doing that every day for the rest of my life.”
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Bokuto loathed your ex boyfriend. He always proclaimed that if he so ever laid eyes on him, he would spike a volleyball into the guy’s face.
Now was his opportunity.
You had been working with the managers of the volleyball team to help set everything up before one of the tournament games, just filling up water bottles and bringing them to the court. You weren’t sure how or why your ex had followed you onto the court but he did.
“Y/N,” he called you from behind you, grabbing onto your wrist to keep you from rushing off.
Your eyes widened as you realized who it was, frowning and pulling your arm away from him almost immediately, “What the hell are you doing here?” You asked with a glare.
“We need to talk - I don’t like this new guy you’re dating. He’s an idiot.” Asshole huffed, shooting a thumb in the direction of Bokuto who was currently getting ready to practice spiking.
“Who I date is none of your business. You should get out of here before he realizes you’re here-” you tried to warn him. Really you did.
There was always a deafening sound whenever one of Bokuto’s blocks hit the floor - the kind that sent shivers down your spine. But hearing it land so close to you, right behind where your ex was standing, made you actually jump, your eyes watching as the ball bounced off and rolled further away down the gym. You and your ex both froze, staring as you watched the ball disappear, a ringing left in the air from the powerful spike.
Both of you turned to see who had almost attacked Asshole, finding Bokuto standing there with his arms crossed against his chest. Even Akaashi was glaring at your ex, chin tilted up in a defiant sort of way.
“Next one,” Bokuto pointed straight at your ex, a firm look in his eyes, “I aim for that ugly mug of yours.”
You could feel your ex tense up, fists balling up angrily at his sides. He opened his mouth to say something, but Akaashi quickly cut him off, “You should leave. Our ace doesn’t get angry often, but when he does, he doesn’t hold back on spiking power. Besides, if you want to talk to our Y/N when she doesn’t want to talk to you, you’ll have to go through all of us.” He motioned to the rest of the team, all of whom were glaring in Asshole’s direction.
You couldn’t help but smile. How lucky were you to have found a family like this - one who were so willing to stop their practice before a game just to make sure you were comfortable. 
Asshole soon stormed off and you sent a smirk over to Bokuto who just sent you a grin, “Did you see that crazy spike?” He asked excitedly as you came over to press a kiss to his cheek.
“I did. If that had hit me, I would’ve died,” you teased, poking his chest.
“I would never hit you! I am an expert with aiming!”
“Didn’t you hit her like last week with a stray receive, Bokuto?” 
You laughed, watching as Bokuto frantically waved his arms to his best friend, insisting that that was an accident and he really was very good at aiming. 
“Thanks for getting him out of here,” you smiled up at your boyfriend, giving him a tight squeeze before glancing at the ref who was setting up for the game. “I should head up to the stands. You better get all fired up for me okay?”
“Anything for you, babe. I figured actually hitting him would’ve just made him angrier.” He laughed, pecking your lips. “Cheer extra loud for me!” He called after you, jumping up and down to warm up his calves.
“You ready, Bokuto?” Akaashi asked, raising an eyebrow.
Bokuto nodded, grinning to himself as he thought about how perfect that spike was, “I’m all fired up thanks to the prettiest girl in the world. Let’s do this!”
haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs @b-bakana​ 
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hajimine · 4 years
Hi Lex! I’d like to request what Bokuto, Akaashi, and Iwazumi would likely do and or gift you for your anniversary? :) and maybe even what you’d get him!
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a/n: oooh this is so cute! i’m leaving out the part for what you’d get him bc it’s getting too long hehe <3 also please let me know if you prefer this hc format or my usual ones!! request rules
type/genre: headcanons; fluff fluff fluff!! kinda cheesy but it is what it is
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first thing in the morning, bokuto will knock on the bedroom door and enter with a huge bouquet in his arms, practically covering his broad torso.
his way of waking you up consists of peppering your whole face with little kisses and sealing it with a final kiss on the lips.
he would happily tell you all about the picnic he planned out for the two of you.
like the gentleman that he is, he’ll carry the giant wicker basket filled with cute mini sandwiches, pre-peeled oranges and a jug of sweet peach tea in his arms.
he sets out a large blanket on the grass for both of you to sit on, and bo wanders around while you take the pre-prepared food out.
after half an hour, he’ll come out from the bushes with a handful of white daisies in hand, eyes sparkling with glee.
“why’d you keep giving me flowers today, bo?” you ask, grateful but confused.
he plucks one of the daisy stems from his grasp and tucks it behind your ear, smiling brightly as he admires your face.
“it’s because you’re beautiful,” he beams, “and the flowers are beautiful! it matches perfectly.”
even after all this time, you’re still caught off guard by the genuineness in his voice.
whenever he says these things, he’s not just being nice—he’s being honest, which is what makes it so much more special.
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akaashi wakes up extra early in the morning to cook you breakfast.
he’ll take time to make homemade pancakes for you—from scratch!
he would gently knock on your door and carry the plate filled with pancakes to the bedroom so that the sweet scent of vanilla is the first thing you wake up to in the morning.
both of you might eat breakfast in bed together while watching the latest episode of your favorite TV show.
after you’re done enjoying the fresh pancakes, he draws you a relaxing bath and tells you to get ready for the plans he arranged for today.
the two of you decide to have a quick lunch in your favorite restaurant—the place where you had your first date with akaashi
after you’re done eating, he kisses the back of your hand and guides you to the planetarium, where he had booked out the whole venue for the evening
and when you gape at him in disbelief, he would only smile and press a soft kiss on your forehead.
“i don’t deserve any of this,” you sniff.
“you deserve the world, angel.” akaashi says, eyes full of tenderness, “i want you to know that, and i’ll do everything in my power to make you happy.”
he takes your hands and gently places them on his shoulder, smiling softly when you clasp your fingers together on the back of his neck.
the two of you sway along the planetarium’s background music, foreheads touching, like there’s no one else more important than each other.
“i love you,” you whisper, eyelashes fluttering as akaashi plants a small kiss on the tip of your nose.
“i love you too,” he says, voice firm and unwavering.
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you wake up to iwaizumi waiting for you in the kitchen, brewing a cup of hot coffee.
he doesn’t even need to ask how you want your coffee made, he practically knew it by heart after years of being together.
he sets the mug on the table and presses a small kiss on the crown of your head before walking over to the couch, nervously reaching over for a big scrapbook filled with pictures of the two of you over the years, accompanied with little notes beside each one.
as you admire the amount of care he puts into making this album of your relationship, he hands you a cream envelope and motions for you to open it.
inside, there were two tickets, yellow in color, for a ride on the ferris wheel during the sunset.
he cooks you some homemade curry and rice, and urges you to eat it quickly so you can catch the train in time for sunset.
he held your hand tight the whole way there, and still refused to let go when you’re on the ferris wheel.
it was only when your carriage stops at the very top for a few short seconds that iwaizumi lets go of your hands to cup your face instead, kissing you softly, gently.
“i know i’m not always the best in expressing my love in sentences, but i hope you can truly feel how much i love you.” he sighs, offering you a half smile.
“oh, hajime,” tears are forming in your eyes, “you make me feel like i’m the most loved person in this world.”
his thumb grazes your cheekbone as he looks you in the eyes, eyebrows furrowed.
“well, you’re the most loved person in my world,” he mutters bashfully, “and you deserve it all. really.”
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© HAJIMINE — all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim any of my works as your own, thank you.
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softomi · 4 years
Jealousy doesn’t look pretty on you; but it’s absolutely hilarious.
The Skirt:
It was incredibly cruel, the world was playing a joke on him; he tried his hardest to not be pouting, but it’s too obvious with the scowl on his face. Even as he drinks from his water bottle, his eyes are completely locked on you. Gaze lingering on the perfect curve of your body, the skirt hugged your waist, the end tauntingly asking to be lifted. The frown lines on his forehead was growing bigger, you had the audacity to look over your shoulder at him, a smile gracing your lips.
A ball knocks against your foot, it’s evident that one of the other guys purposely kicked it in your direction. Everyone’s inching to get on your back side, your knees bent, the skirt flowing ever so slightly as it continues to hide the mystery all the guys are dying to see. You toss the ball back to the player, continuing your conversation with Sakusa.
He’s drinking even harder when another ball falls to your feet. This time, you didn’t bend to your knees, no, you bent over, the skirt just barely covering your behind. He chokes on his water, his sharp inhale causes the water to splutter out of his nose. His coughing makes you and everyone in the room turn.
“Tsumu!” You’ve abandoned the ball, rushing to your boyfriend. He removes his hand from his nose, you gasp, tilting his chin so his head falls back, “Your nose is bleeding.”
That’s why he suddenly tasted blood, he thought he was dying for a second. You’re pressing tissues against his nose, pulled in between his legs, you’re running a hand through his hair with the other keeping his nose covered. He holds you by the waist, suddenly his hands begin to trail the fabric of your skirt; you feel a tug on the end of it.
“What are you doing?” You question him.
He’s frowning, “Did you come here just to show this off?”
You purse your lips, a sly grin plastered onto your lips, “Did you have fun?”
“You’re insufferable.”
The Flirt:
He wasn’t purposely trying to do it, when he talked it came out naturally for him. The girls followed him in the restaurant; their giggles could practically be heard from across town. He wasn’t even saying anything funny, but they batted their eye lashes at him, twirled their hair in their fingers, pushing their chest out to him. You couldn’t tell if he was actively enjoying the attention or if he was actually stupidly oblivious.
Your fingers tighten around the glass cup when one of the girls wraps their hand around his arm. He’s laughing at something she said, she’s definitely trying to lean herself into him. It’s like he doesn’t even notice you, he stands at the entrance with the girls trying to pile themselves in.
“What’s he doing?” Osamu leans over the counter, he can tell that if you held the cup any harder, it would shatter, “Let me just take this from you.”
Atsumu finally looks at you, he’s waving a hand but you look away from him. He’s puzzled but when you lock your eyes on Osamu; your lips form a smile. You decide to do the same thing those girls were doing to your boyfriend. Your finger wrapped around your hair, your giggle ringing in Atsumu’s ear, your hand suddenly reaches out to Osamu’s shoulder; your finger dragging along his arm. Osamu smirks, he knew exactly what you were doing.
Atsumu had now abandoned the girls mid-sentence. He’s quick to pull your wrist away, his hands covering your cheeks as he breathing you into his lips. He keeps you locked on his lips, for a minute the restaurant falls dead silent. The background noise of the bustling business comes back as he lets you go. Casually, he slips into the seat next to you; relaying his and your order to his brother while you glance at the women by the door. A smirk on your lips seeing their mouths fallen open.
The Piggyback Ride
He was purposely making you walk by yourself, when he told you that the night out with some of his friends, you insisted on wearing the new pair of heels. What he failed to mention or perhaps he did and you weren’t listening, was that the night consisted of various bars, clubs, and even karaoke.  So midway through the night, your feet ached, you walked with small limps as you clung to your boyfriend.
“Tsumu, can you carry me?” Everyone was getting ready to hit the next club, as you stood to your feet, you held onto his arm for dear life, “Please.”
He chuckled, fingers gripping your chin as he placed a kiss to your lips, “No.” You frowned, “I told you to wear comfortable shoes.”. He was choosing this moment to prove that he was right. You recall the other time when you forgot a jacket and he refused to give you his to teach you a lesson.
But you know your boyfriend will concede at some point, the more pain you display on your face, the more he’s likely to give in and do whatever you want; yet, there was something about tonight that made you just really want to get back at him, make him suffer.
“Koutarou!” You stopped the male just as he was putting his jacket on, “My feet really hurt, do you think you could carry me to the next place.” You gave him a pout.
“Of course!” He beamed, automatically bending down so you could jump on his back.
You squealed, Atsumu’s hand tightened around your waist but you quickly pushed his arm away, opting to wrap yourself on the back of a man who wasn’t your boyfriend. Atsumu had a scowl on his face the entire time and you just felt like you needed to rub it in a little more.
“Wow Bo.” Your arms wrapped around his neck, he looks back at you curiously, “You’re so strong! I’m surprised you don’t have a girlfriend yet when you can carry me like its nothing.” Bokuto beams, a hearty laugh coming from his mouth as he starts to feel energetic. Your boyfriend’s scowl deepens, “You carry me so much better than Atsumu.”
Atsumu gripped the back of your shirt, pulling you abruptly to make you shriek as you fall back. Bokuto lets go of your legs out of sudden surprise, your heart dropping as you have the falling sensation. Atsumu’s arm supports your back, the other catching you from under your knees; your arms instinctively hold against his shoulder as he carries you in his arms.
A blush appearing on your cheeks as you suddenly realize you’re being carried in his arms bridal style. He still has a scowl on his lips, you press a kiss on his cheek in hopes to get a small smile and he does, he cracks the tiniest of grins.
“You’re so spoiled.” He says.
You laugh against his shoulder, “You’re the one who spoils me.”
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
kinktober - day six
bokuto koutarou - impregnation 
kinktober faq kinktober prompt list  
NSFW warning featuring: impregnation/breeding kink, dirty talk, showing ownership, unprotected sex, creampie, slight cockwarming  other tags: married au, pro volleyball player bokuto, starting a family, trying to get pregnant, mentions of frustration 
definition of impregnation/breeding kink: “An impregnation kink is marked by intense arousal from the possibility of impregnating one's partner or becoming pregnant via the act of unprotected vaginal intercourse.” word count: 1781 - There was nothing like a win. 
Sure, a good game is good no matter the outcome. But Bokuto doesn’t just play for the sake of the game. 
He plays to win. To hear the crowd cheer when he scores the point that makes the game his - to feel that rush of knowing he’s the best. To fight, and fight, and fight, and walk off the court as the victor. 
And when it’s all over and you run into his arms, a proud grin on your face as he scoops you up and twirls you around and basks in his own glory, well - that’s exactly what winning is to Bokuto. 
You gave him a big kiss, and he laughed into it. “Did I make you proud?” he asked against your lips. 
“So proud.” 
He squeezed you tight, knowing he had to put you down; he had meetings and press and interviews to do, and he had no idea how he’d get through it all without you in his arms. 
“We’re celebrating tonight,” he said, and you knew what he meant. “Tonight’s our night.” 
He didn’t get to see you again until he finally made it back to the hotel, a good two hours after the game was over. And he scooped you right back up into his arms; he was still buzzing from the big win. 
You could tell, you could see it. His smile was big and bright and permanent, he was kicking his feet against the floor like he does before a game. 
That’s exactly what he saw this as, and he was ready for another win tonight as he put you down on the bed.
“Tonight’s the night, my girl. I can feel it.” 
“Can you?” you taunted, watching as his restless hands lifted your shirt. 
“You can’t?” 
“I’m just saying,” you had to pause as he pulled the shirt off of you, “you’ve said that before, Kou.” 
“No, I mean it this time. There’s magic in the air, babe.” 
You hummed. “Magic, huh?” 
“Magic, baby,” he laughed. “Come on. We’re in the nicest hotel in the city - I’m on a winning streak. Tonight’s our night, pretty girl.” 
You chuckled, “You said the same thing on our honeymoon,” and you thought about it for a second, knowing that the odds are tonight wouldn’t be the night, not in the way the two of you hoped. “It can’t hurt to try,” you replied as excitement and fear and nervousness all mingled in the pit of your stomach. 
Koutarou pouted, the volume of his voice dropped. “I know we’ve been trying for a while… You still want to try, don’t you?” 
You didn’t even have to think about your answer. “Of course.”
“Then let’s try. What’s stopping us?” 
You looked for an answer to that question as Koutarou kissed your neck, unbuttoned your pants, and got himself comfortable on top of you. 
Nothing was stopping you, but every time you thought about doing this - trying again to get to start your family with him - you saw nothing but a roadblock. It’d been a year since the first time Bokuto brought up having kids. A year without birth control, a year of negative tests, a long year of trying and failing. And you thought it was supposed to be easy. The two of you have all the parts, yet they didn’t seem to work. It was like something was missing. 
And if you can’t even do a good job at getting pregnant, how could you ever expect to be able to raise a child? 
“Hey, baby girl. Get out of your head - I can’t make magic by myself, can I?” 
You laughed, “You’re going to do most of the work anyway,” making him laugh with you. 
“Are you forgetting my job is the easy one? Fucking a baby into you isn’t the hard part.” 
“Seems like it,” you grumbled. “If we would have gotten pregnant the first time -” 
“We wouldn’t be here right now,” he argued. “We wouldn’t be making magic tonight. What do we always say, baby?” 
“It’ll happen when it’s meant to happen,” you said, sighing through the overused line. 
“That’s it.” He tilted your chin to make you look up at him, and the sunshine beaming from his smiling face easily lifted your spirits. “When it’s meant to be. We’re doing everything we can - patience, babe. You need patience.” 
“No, I don’t. You need to hurry up.” 
“I’m going as fast as I can!” He was laughing as he stripped himself down to his underwear, and you watched with as much patience as you can muster. 
“Now take my clothes off,” you said, and he scoffed at you. 
“I really am doing all the work, huh?” Even though he was laughing he complied, because he saw this task as something he was privileged to do. He’s constantly blown away that he gets to do this with you, that you chose him to be your partner for life, that you loved him even half as much as he loved you. And, in all reality, he’d do anything you asked him to do, no matter the task, and he’d do it as if it was as easy as taking off your clothes. Anything is worth it if it’s for you. 
“Would you rather I strip myself?” 
“No,” he mumbled, pressing his lips to your chest. “You always take too long, anyway.” 
“You’re taking too long,”  you said in a whisper. “Just hurry up, Koutarou.” 
“I’m hurrying.” He finally tugged your underwear down, leaving you completely bare. “I’ve been wanting you so bad all night - I get so hard just looking at you, baby.” 
His fingers met with your entrance and two of them slid into you, pumping against your walls in a way that was so good yet not good enough. But you knew you’d get your fill soon. 
“Gotta get you ready to take all of me, baby, gotta get you ready to be filled up.” 
“I want it so bad, Kou,” you whined, thrusting against his hand as if it would help at all - it didn’t, it only made your need for him grow. 
“I know you do, my girl,” he said with a grin. “You want it now, babe? You want me to fuck my baby into you now?” 
“Please - fuck me, please.” 
Koutarou could watch your desperate hip thrusts all night, he could listen to you begging for him forever, but he needed you too much to hold back any longer.  
So he didn’t hold back, and before he could even kick his boxers all the way off he was inside you and moaning loud at the feeling. 
“Fucking finally,” he cursed, giving himself a second to catch his breath and you time to adjust. “Been needing your tight cunt all day.” 
All you could do was lie back and let your husband take you however he wanted to; by now Koutarou was lost in you, lost in his own world where the only thing that mattered was both of your pleasure. 
“Gonna fill you nice and full, my girl,” he told you, meaning every word. “As much as it takes ‘til you’ve got my baby in you. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
“Yes -” 
“Tell me. Tell me that’s what you want - tell me you want me to fuck you ‘til you’re full. Say it.” 
It was hard to get any words out - all you could think about was the possibility of Koutarou’s words coming true, and it was sending you and your entire body to the edge. 
“Just fuck me,” you managed to choke out, “fuck your baby into me, Koutarou - oh, fuck.” 
“Cum with me,” he begged. “Come on, make me cum, milk my cock, take it.” 
You were seeing stars and you weren’t even cumming yet - Koutarou was hardly even giving you his best yet. 
He pulled both of your legs up and underneath him, bending them into your chest, basically folding you in half, and it was like he was reaching places inside you that you didn’t even know existed. He was pumping into you fast and hard, strong and deep - all with a proud smile on his face as he listened to your cries for him. 
“Gonna make you all mine,” he said proudly. “Gonna mark you as mine, make sure everyone knows it. I’m so fucking close, baby girl - I’m going to give you exactly what you want, baby.” 
You didn’t even hear him - your orgasm hit you suddenly, and it was like you were underwater. The only thing you could think about was the euphoria he was giving you; the only thing you could feel was Koutarou pounding his own pleasure into you. 
In a few seconds, your head was finally above the surface, and everything had slowed down save for your beating heart and Koutarou’s fleeting breath. 
You straightened your legs out, and he let himself fall down, making himself comfortable on top of you. He tucked his face into your neck, whining against your skin at the feeling of still being inside you. 
“Why are you squeezing me so much - fuck - stop it!” 
You laughed, “I can’t help it! Pull out if you don’t like it!” 
“No,” he said, “it feels good,” and it left both of you giggling. “I don’t want any of my cum going to waste, babe - just making sure you’re really filled up.” 
“I don’t think that’s how it works, Kou,” you said, but he wasn’t hearing it. 
“You feel it?” His hands roamed your body as his hips started rocking again. “That magic in the air. It’s inside you - I just know it.” 
“I feel it,” you told him, trying your best to believe it. 
“We’ll keep trying,” he said, kissing you as he finally pulled out of you, “keep making our magic til it works. We’ll have our little family in no time, I know it.” 
“Do you really think so?” 
“Don’t you believe in me?” 
The puppy-like look he was giving you would make you believe anything he was saying, and you just couldn’t take your eyes off of his. 
“I play to win,” he reminded you, and even though he was serious you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. 
But you believed him, because you could feel it, too. It was like all the stars were aligned in your favor; every moment you ever shared with this man had culminated to now. You had to wait for a reason, you knew that now more than ever. 
And if you had to wait even longer, you would try not to mind - it would only give the two of you more time to try again, after all.
tune in tomorrow for kinktober day 7: bored and ignored
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ellewords · 3 years
toothpaste kisses
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fic notes : bokuto x gn!reader, just pure fluff, lowercase intended, wc: ~1.23k  
from elle !  it’s 6am on a monday rn and i have a meeting that i’m terrified of attending in a couple of hours so uh,, here’s some self indulgent domestic bokuto fluff :<< ngl this was supposed to be a lil drabble then i got a little too carried away :((
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bokuto is always the first to wake up on monday mornings, just a few minutes before your alarm would begin to shake you from your slumber. his hands reaches up to his eyes, trying to rub away the sleep, to little success. a yawn escapes him, stretching his arms out in attempt to fully wake himself, this time slightly more successful.
it’s quiet, but it’s comfortable, the early morning breeze blowing through the curtains of your bedroom windows. the sun has risen, the sky a pale shade of blue, barely a cloud in sight to cover it up. if he tried to listen hard enough he could hear the soft singing of the birds that tweeted from the  plane tree planted just outside your apartment building, the cars that drove past your street, the distant yells of your neighbors from the hallways, from the floor above yours.
but he hears your breathing too, and bokuto watches the way your chest rose and fell with each intake of breath, the way your mouth is ever so slightly parted. it’s a nice reminder that you are there with him, alive and breathing, that he could feel the warmth of your skin so closely pressed against his. 
he turns to his side, facing you, a hand supporting his head as his gaze travelled over your features — lingering on your closed eyes and the curve of your lips. you looked peaceful, serene. there wasn’t  a single crease between your brows or a frown on your mouth. bokuto smiles to himself when you mumble his name in your sleep, a content sigh following soon after. the hammering of his heart is so loud he’s convinced it may actually wake you up. but you move closer to him, grabbing onto his shirt and snuggling into his chest. he softly bites his lips in an attempt not to squeal, heat rising to the apples of his cheeks.
bokuto wraps an arm around you, holding you as close as he possibly can, until not even a sheet of paper could slip through your bodies. his lips are by your temple and he presses a soft kiss to it, eyes fluttering shut as he takes in your scent, the vanilla and cinnamon body wash you had used the night before — the one he impulsively bought on a previous trip to the mall. bokuto matches his breathing with yours, allowing himself to fall back to sleep.
beep. beep. beep. it’s loud. annoying. incessant. you fight the urge to not push your alarm off the bedside table, groaning into bokuto’s chest, “five more minutes.”
he chuckles, entire body moving with every laugh, shaking you slightly as he continued to hold you close. “come on, i have practice and you have a meeting to get to.”
you can clearly catch the hesitance that laced his words as he moved to bury his face in the crook of your neck, his warm breath tickling you skin. you run your hands through his hair, feeling how soft it felt in between your fingertips, “can’t the real world just wait for a few moments?”
his lips form into a frown, words muffled by the fact that his face was still practically pressed against your neck, “maybe. but my manager can’t and your boss certainly won’t.”
a heavy sigh escapes you, brows knitting together as you slowly accept the fact that you had to wake up, the sun’s beams moving through your window and shining on your face — you’d really have to get up now. “good morning, kou.”
bokuto finally looks up at you, eyes meeting yours. it’s far from the first time he’s done it, but your heart still skips a beat when he does. your breath hitches, it’s like he’s trying to say so much with just a single look. there’s love and there’s sincerity. there’s joy and excitement. there’s peacefulness and there’s comfort. bokuto usually had something to say, and more often than not his words are louder than they need to be. but you lived for these few seconds, when his hand moves to rest against your cheek, looking at you like you were his entire world — and you are. it’s the loudest you ever hear him. 
bokuto leans in closer. and just like that, the trance is broken.   
“baby, morning breath.” you whined, pressing a hand to his lips, “go brush your teeth first.” 
“then i can have my morning kiss?” he pouts, tilting his head to the side.
“you can have all the kisses you want.”
bokuto immediately leaps from your bed, grabbing your hand in the process and leading you to the bathroom. a laugh leaves your lips as he drags you to the sink, handing you your toothbrush. you shake your head at his antics, catching a glimpse of the two of you in the mirror. you’re wearing his shirt, tiredness still evident in your eyes. bokuto’s hair is down, almost to his eyes. you hadn’t noticed how long it had gotten, considering he had it gelled up most of the time.  
there’s a mischievous little glint in his eyes, the kind you would have missed if you blinked. 
“hey, yn.” 
bokuto’s voice is muffled by the fact that he still had his toothbrush in his mouth, white foam from the toothpaste on the corners of his lips. you turn to face him and as quick as lightning, he plants a kiss on your cheek.
“kou! gross!” you screeched, wiping your cheek with the back of your hand.
he spits out the remains of foamed up toothpaste from his mouth, turning to you with a teasing grin, “are you saying you don’t want my kisses, yn?”
next thing you know he’s chasing you around your apartment, weaving through various items of furniture, holding his toothbrush like how horror movie villains held their weapons. you manage to outrun him in your bedroom, the hallways, and the living room. but he catches you once you reach the kitchen, his hands on your waist as he pulls your back to his chest, placing multiple little kisses to your cheeks. 
“you happy now?” you asked once he finally lets you go, trying to hide the smile that slowly made its way to your features.
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“come home to me?”
you stand near the doorway of your shared apartment, hands placed on bokuto’s shoulders. there’s a small, hopeful smile on his face once he asks the question — like he was afraid that you were somehow going to say no. sometimes it’s bokuto who asks that question first, like today, when he knows practice is going to end early. 
“always.” you reply, and there’s a scowl on your face once you’re reminded of the fact that you’d be home later than usual, “wait for me?”
“i’ll be here.”
is it cheesier than the typical ‘goodbye/have a good day at work’ ? maybe. but neither of you would have it any other way. 
bokuto presses his lips to your cheek before he exits the door with a wave of his hand. your fingertips reach up to where his lips once was, and you smile. you really loved him, you could tell that much in the way you had to shake your head to snap yourself out of the daze you had placed yourself in. you hadn’t even left, and yet you were already looking forward to coming home. 
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taglist : @haikyuutothetop @crystal-lilac @tobioespresso @sushijimawakatoshi @itsmeaudrieee @pantherhappy @jesssobs​ @mysticstrawberryballoon
join my hq taglist here. <3
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madmilkboi · 4 years
Heyyy~ can i please ask for hcs with a short scenario of oikawa, bokuto and kuroo reacting to their s/o suddenly giving them backhugs? ^-^
Uhhh for an idea on how to write it...im not really that much of an affectionatr person but i tend to let loose when im around people who i am close to (like my bf) so whenever i get clingy i give him backhugs and he's sometimes surprised by that and uh yeah ill stop my rambling now lol (this is pretty self-indulgent lmao)
━🧋⌒*. Reacting to their s/o suddenly giving them backhugs
summary: the hq boys💯😈🥶🦍 reacting to their s/o suddenly giving them backhugs
genre: fluff
warning/s: none
a/n: this request is so cute 🥺 also for some reason tumblr wont let me add the keep reading thingy so uhm yeah lmao
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• honestly he'd cry, like finally my baby is being a cuddle bug
• Would quickly drop whatever he's doing and hug you back
• would also pepper you kisses while he's at it
• he can't help but smile during every kiss he gives you
While you were watching a movie at the living room, Tooru was washing the dishes. You were supposed to be the one to do it but he didn't want you to since his sweetheart will never lift a finger when he's around.
The movie was starting to reach an emotional climax where the main character had to split up with their beloved and your brain being a party pooper decided to imagine you and Tooru.
Gosh that hurted.
You stood up lazily from the couch, dragging your feet to the kitchen. You heard him humming a song while washing the dishes. You slowly crept uo to his back and snaked your hands around his waist, placing your head on his back and letting out a soft sigh.
He stopped, a backhug? From you? He stopped washing the dishes and took of his gloves. He quickly turned around and looked at you with slightly glistening eyes. You looked up to him and let out a soft smile "are you crying?" He wrapped his arms around you and placed kissed all over your face. "Who wouldn't?" He chuckled, you responded with a grin and pulled him closer. "My cuddle bug" he muttered while caressing your hair.
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• kuroo would be a blushing mess
• Since you don't show that much affection he doesn't know what to do
• but of course he doesn't want to waste the moment so he eventually turns around and would give you one back
• Forehead kisses
He was heading to his locker to grab a book he forgot to bring and while he was walking. You saw him pass by the hallway. But he didn't seem to notice you despite the classroom door being open.
You sneakily walked outside the classroom, your chair being conveniently placed near the door and catched up to him, stopping him with a backhug. "Oh!" He groaned, he looked at the arms that were around his waist and saw a familiar bracelet.
Y/n? Hugs? At this time of the day?
Heat was rushing up his cheeks but he wanted to return the affection you were giving him. He turned around muttered a small hello. "Don't you have class" he asked while rubbing your back. "Not anymore" you told him, letting your head rest on his chest. He smuked to himself and kissed your forehead, once, twice, thrice. "Cutie" he pinched your cheeks letting out a grin.
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• bo is kinda bummed that you don't show that much affection, he'd even start questioning his choice of cologne
• but when you suddenly hugged him after his volleyball practice, he was technically the happiest man in the world
• Would immediately turn around and look at you with the softest eyes
• And while your hugging him he'd cup your cheeks and press his nose on yours
The sweat on his forehead slowly dripped to his jaw, finally practice was over. While he was helping the others clean the gym you were silently waiting for him outside.
But you couldn't wait that long, so you rushed behind him making sure you weren't making any type of loud sound. You wrapped your hands around his waist "guess who?" As soon as he heard your voice his confusion turned into excitement. He was quick on turning around and pulling you closer to him.
"Hi baby" he greeted you while cupping your cheeks, rubbing them with his thumbs. "Hi" you beamed, he can't help but melt into a mere puddle seeing your cute smile. He pressed his nose to your nose and let out a low chuckle.
"So it wasn't my cologne" he thought to himself after witnessing you hugging him after an intense volleyball match.
©️ madmilkboi 2021 do not copy or repost.
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🏷: @crescenttooru @leronddesorciere @fleurdedyo @owlnymph @kawaiiisis (shoot an ask or dm if u wanna be added on my taglist! ^v^)
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
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aka lets try to live in the world of a sports anime like its a shoujo manga
(as inspired by those teeth rottingly cliche romance tropes, once again)
A/N: hello hello hello uwu this is yet another round of romance cliches but with our lovely vball boyos because we can all use a bit of dokidoki in our lives
Word count: 5743
Warning: brace yourself for secondhand embarrassment because what’s youth without a bit of embarrassment
Characters: Bokuto Koutarou, Yaku Morisuke, Tsukishima Kei, Kita Shinsuke, Sugawara Koushi, Nishinoya Yuu, Iwaizumi Hajime, Miya Atsumu
Bokuto Koutarou
You had been praying and praying that the heavy downpour would have stopped by the time you had to leave the safety of the school grounds, but it seemed like nature was determined to give you a stone cold lesson about how you should always be prepared for the worst.
The fact that you always had your umbrella with you at all times except the one day when you needed it was a joke. You grimaced when you thought of how you had taken it out yesterday because of how heavy your bag was, thinking that it would be fine since the weather forecast clearly said it would be sunny today.
Lies. All lies.
You shivered at the loud roar of thunder that echoed from the sky, covering the sound of the school bell ringing at the back of your head. Rain drops slid down from the window, blurring the view like a running veil of stream. You had been dreading this moment, but it seemed like the rain showed no sign of stopping or even getting lighter at any given point and staying behind until the school closed was probably an even worse option.
Standing under the last bit of cover you had at the front door, you watched as everyone walked past you and opened up their umbrellas one by one.
You could already imagine how embarrassing it would be to run into the rain like a wet chicken.
Fine. Whatever. You shut your eyes tight as you prepared yourself to sprint with all your might out the school gate. 
Oh boy. Oh boy, here goes nothing...
“Heh~ The rain is so heavy today!” 
You were taken back when you heard the sudden voice. Bokuto was standing next to you, his hand holding his chin and the other at his waist like he was thinking about something serious. Tilting his head to the side, he hummed as he stared at the heavy downpour.
Wait, how long has he been here?
“Bokuto kun?”
“Ah! It’s (y/l/n)!” he beamed as he turned to look at you, “Are you about to leave too? Rainy days are so annoying!”
You sighed, “It really is...”
“Oh?” his round eyes fixed on your empty hand, “Do you not have an umbrella with you?”
“Well that sucks, which direction are you going?”
You replied and watched as he tilted his head to the other side while looking at the umbrella he was holding. “Ah, we are going the opposite ways then. But I only have one umbrella. Hm...”
“No it’s fine-”
“Ah!” his sudden yell startled you as he looked back up, clasping his hands together as if the light bulb in his head suddenly lit up, “I can just give you mine!”
“No really-”
“Ok, then that’s solved!”
You didn’t have the time to react as Bokuto threw his umbrella into your arms before he lunged himself into the rain and started running towards the gate.
“Wait Bokuto-”
But he was too fast and as you called out for him in panic, he turned around to wave at you. Rain drenched his shirt and his spikey hair was matted onto his face but his grin didn’t even falter.
“Be safe on your way home!”
You could barely register what just happened as your eyes flicked between the gate where the tall frame of Bokuto disappeared into and the black umbrella that was sitting soundly in your arms. 
You did not understand him. You did not understand him at all. But as the warmth that was left on the metal handle slowly became the ones from the center of your palm, you felt your face heating up too.
Yaku Morisuke
Normally, you avoided the area right outside the school gymnasium at all cost. Balls didn’t have eyes and getting hit by a hard-shelled leather object that flew towards you in full force was just way too much of a damage for a normal person like you to take.
So to say you were on high alert as you stood outside of the court where the volleyball club was practicing in would be an understatement.
Oh, the things you do for friendship. You sighed as you hold the water bottle Inuoka left on his desk before he rushed out of the classroom the moment the bell rang.
Tentatively pushing the door open, you could hear the loud screeches of sports shoes against the polished wooden floor and the yells from the members who were practicing.
Alright, you would just wait at the side until they had a break so you could give the water bottle back to Inuoka and then leave...
“Watch out!”
Your head was empty when you caught the blurry shadow that was flying across the court towards your way. You should move out of its track, or at least shield your head with your arms but in a state of shock, your brain was completely blank and it felt like your feet were planted onto the ground. It almost felt like it happened in slow motion as the yell reached into your ear, and you braced yourself for the pain that was bound to come as your body refused to listen the the screaming from inside your head to just do something.
Your eyes were shut in reflex as you waited for the eventual hit, but it never came.
A loud bang brought you out of your trance and you snapped your eyes opened just in time to see someone slipping in front of you before swinging the ball away from you. You were still drowning in the sudden rush of adrenaline as your chest heaved. Slowly regaining your vision as the white cast of your shock faded, your heart was still pounding when you saw that it was one of the third years that shielded you from the hit.
As he turned around, you recognised him as “the short senpai with ridiculous caliber” from the videos your friend had shown you of his team’s matches. But as he let out a heavy breath and brushed away the drop of sweat from his forehead, for some reason you felt like he stood just as tall as his other teammates.
“Are you alright?”
“Y- yeah...”
“That’s good,” he smiled but the smile was quickly gone when he snapped his head towards where the ball came from, “L E V, did you even look at where you were serving towards?”
“I’m sorry!” The tall boy bowed dramatically towards your direction and you hastily bowed back.
“Sorry about that, he is still getting the hang of things,” Yaku shot you an apologetic look, “are you here for someone.”
“Oh, I’m just here to give this to Inuoka,” you lifted up the bottle in your hand.
“Ah, I’ll give it to him then,” he extended his hand towards you and you thanked him as he took the bottle, brushing off your formality with a chuckle.
Your heart nearly stopped when he gave you a quick pat on the head before turning around, “Thank you for looking out for our ruckus gouhais.”
You could still feel the soft touch on your head as you paced away from the gymnasium. Pressing your hand against your chest, you let out a heavy breath when you felt how fast your heart was still beating.
Tsukishima Kei
Libraries were not short people friendly and it was a fact you had to learn the hard way.
You cursed under your breath as your fingertips brushed past the spine of the book you had been reaching for once again. Taking in a deep breath, you were already starting to feel tired from all the stretching and jumping you had been doing.
You weren’t even that short, alright? You clicked your tongue at the book that was still sitting soundly at the top column of the shelf. You could understand making use of precious urban space, but why wouldn’t the school at least provide students with something to step on if they decided to put essential reference books so far up the shelves?
Leaning out of the aisle to see if there was anyone around who could give you a helping hand, your eyes immediately picked up on the bit of blonde hair that was moving from behind one of the shelves. If the person was even taller than the shelf, then it would be no trouble at all for them to reach the book for you. Right?
You were disappointed when the person walked out from behind the shelf and you immediately realised that as feasible as the option was, you did not have the nerve to even talk let alone ask for help from the tall boy who exuded a strong “do not talk to me” aura with his uninterested gaze and pursed lips.
You could not move quicker when he turned towards your direction, your back straightening up as you pretended to be staring at the lined up row of books in front of you so no one, especially not him, would be suspicious that you were doing anything but that.
So you were on your own in this.
You sighed, slumping down your shoulders as you collected yourself before reaching up for the shelves once again. It felt like your joints were about to be ripped off with how much might you put into extending your arm upward but there was still a good amount of distance between the tip of your fingers and the heavy text book. 
Just a little more... 
You gave a light jump as you got on the very tip of your toes.
Just a little... so close-
You nearly lost balance on your feet when you heard the sudden sound behind you. Turning around abruptly, words could not begin to described how embarrassed you felt when you saw a rather annoyed Tsukishima standing right there.
Perhaps it was your fried brain overthinking after being witnessed you jumping like a seal out of the water or perhaps it was the optimal angle in which he looked down at you that made you feel that way, but at that moment, you were pretty sure he was rolling his eyes at you a million times from where you could not see.
“Oh, sorry.”
He gave you a barely visible nod as you stepped aside, looking basically effortless as he reached for the same shelf that you had been struggling to even see for the past moments and hooked his finger to the spine of the book right next to the one you were trying to get.
His ease only made your earlier situation look even more ridiculous.
You waited until you were certain that he was out of your sight before you returned to your task of defying gravity. You were tired and feeling very defeated but if you give up now, wouldn’t that wash all the time you wasted here in this exact spot gone to complete waste?
You were about to bend your knees down to jump up again when you felt the presence of another person being right behind you.
“Don’t move.”
All you could hear was your own heartbeat tapping at your eardrums as you held your breath, freezing in place when you spotted the slender arm reaching up from the side of your head. You were trapped between the shelf and the tall boy that was towering over you and your head was fried at the realisation of how you would bump into his chest if you do so little as flinch.
You wished you could see his face right now.
“Here,” he said as he held the book in front of you, his other hand pushing his glasses up towards the bridge of his nose.
You regained your senses quickly, taking the book from his hand and gave a slight bow of appreciation.
You did not let out the breath you were holding in until you heard the sound of the library door closing, your heart beating a rapid rhythm as you tried to stablise your breathing.
You could not brush away the feeling of the distant warm of his body right against yours for the rest of the day.
Kita Shinsuke
When stepped down from the lights of the court, the foxes of Inaizaki volleyball club were just regular teenage boys who does regular teenage boy things.
Like getting way too heated in a round of king’s game.
When Atsumu very excitedly suggested that every member of the club should come around to do something on the last night of the summer training camp, you knew that it was not going to end well. You had planned to refuse with the excuse that as their manager, you had to tidy up the data of today’s training but your excuse was quickly debunked when the twins looked at each other then to the side where the boys were slowly sitting down in a circle one by one.
“But even Kita san is playing with us though?”
Ah. Ah... Kita san, the one man at the top of the Inarizaki apex. The true god to rule them all. The man of schedule and reason, had also agreed to going along with their games.
Your right to refuse was immediately revoked. If even Kita had decided to join, then no on, and you meant literally no one, had a reason to stay away anymore.
The group groaned when Suna flipped over his card to show the king printed on top and you palmed your face when you heard his snicker, “Number 7 needs to spike towards number 8 in full force.”
Demons, every single one of them. 
Sitting by the sidelines all through out the game, you sighed as you witnessed the ruckus nonsense of your fellow club members. You were lucky enough to not be picked for any of the penalties, basically drifting off to a faraway land as the chaos unfolded. Your captain was sitting next to you, equally uninvolved as the yells from the other boys got louder and louder.
You silently wished whoever it was with the number 8 card good luck as the blonde fox cockily held his card out in display, the number 7 visible to everyone.
You did not pay much attention to the conversation between Atsumu and his brother who was leaning over his shoulder until Atsumu suddenly yanked Osamu down by his collar. How the hell did they manage to get into a fight in the matter of seconds? You sighed as the other boys tried to pull the two apart.
“What are they fighting over?” you leaned towards Kita’s side slightly and asked.
“They are fighting because Atsumu thinks Osamu got the 8 but refused to show it.” he replied nonchalantly.
You froze. The card hadn’t appear yet but as dumb and reckless as they could be, it wasn’t likely that any of these people would cheat in a game like that. Especially not Osamu, given there was no way he would just give his brother the chance to undermine him like that.
Lifting your card up by the corner, blood retreated from your face when you spotted the 8 on the surface. 
Oh fuck. Oh fuck... 
Kita glanced at you when you fell into silence, his golden eyes trailing down your wrist to see the two curls linking together to form the one number everyone was looking for on your card.
Shivers rose on your skin when you felt nimble fingers gently holding onto your wrist. Kita turned your hand so that the card was now clear in front of his eyes, his expression still holds the same degree of calmness as he did before.
You could barely react when he pulled the card out of your hand with a swift flick of his wrist, holding it between his fingers as he stood up and walked towards the fighting boys.
“It’s me.”
Sugawara Koushi
Home economics was the one and only valid subject. No objections would be accepted, thank you very much.
Cooking lessons were always the most fun. There was literally no way you could mess up the almost too simple recipes provided by the school. Everyone was chatting with their friends while prepping the ingredients and you could walk away from the class with warm food in your hands. What’s not to love?
The warm sun illuminated the large kitchen through the many windows by the side, the large fans spinning slowly on the ceiling as the many students paced around the benches. The smell of sugar and butter filled the air together with the laughter from each corner. This was what heaven feels like, you sighed in content as you plopped down the steel mixing bowl onto your counter, already feeling a dash of delight rising in your heart as you think of how this mess would become something delicious in less than an hour.
Your group mate had went to go check on the oven and left the task of preparing the batter all to you. Pushing the sleeves of your uniform and the sweater on top back until it was resting against your elbows, you picked up the whisk and started mixing away. Holding the rim of the bowl in one hand, you hummed as the metal gauze swirled along the smooth curve of the bowl and beating the ingredients together. The flour melted into the yellow curd of the eggs and sugar bit by bit and you could start to smell the buttery sweetness of the batter.
This was nice, very nice.
With your large movements, the fabric that was bunched up hastily on your arms were starting to slide down. Not being able to fold it up yourself with the bit of flour and grease on your hand, you clumsily pushed it back up with your wrist before getting back to mixing.
“(y/l/n) san, your sleeves are about to get into the batter!”
Sugawara who was doing his own thing at the bench next to yours rushed to your side when he saw the fabric inching down towards your wrist again. The crisp white sleeves of his own uniform was rolled up neatly by his forearm, showing off the line that snaked from his wrist all the way until it disappeared into the sleeves of his shirt. He had a bit of flour on his face, strands of grey baby hair falling onto his forehead as he whipped away the bit of power with the back of his hand. With the apron given out by the school hanging loosely on his waist, he looked every part of the sweet boy next door.
“Here, let me help you.”
“Oh no, it’s alright...” you did not even finish speaking when he walked behind you, his arms reaching from behind to carefully rolled up the cuff of your sleeves.
He was so close to you and you prayed that the burning on your face was just an illusion as your eyes fixed on his fingers that was skillfully folding up your sleeve until it sat right on your elbow. The tip of his fingers barely dragged past the sin of your arm as he pulled it up. You were always aware that he took good care of his hands because of the sport he played but it was only now that you had the chance to see it up close. Each knuckle was permanent on the hand that now went to your other arm. His fingers long and slim, calloused from his training but still delicate enough to hooked under the edge of your cuff and fold it up neatly.
“There,” he backed away from you, his hands on either side of his waist as he smiled at you, “now you won’t get your shirt dirty.”
There was a slight tingle that lingered on your forearm and you felt the sudden weight that was forming at the pit of your stomach that tied your thoughts into countless knots. You stared at the boy in front of you, the tiny mole under his eyes looking like it was winking at you as he grinned. 
Suddenly, the batter in your hand lost all its sweetness in comparison.
Nishinoya Yuu
You cursed at yourself when you felt the sharp ache that was shooting from your wrists all the way up to your shoulder.
You still had no idea why there were people who would fight to be the class rep. You had used all your might to refuse it when your friend half-jokingly nominated you at the start of the school year and here you were, holding a tall stack of workbooks as you wobbly made your way to the staircase at the end of the hallway. 
Did all the people that went along with the nomination and voted for you just collectively wanted to see your suffer? Well, you gritted your teeth as the books in your arm felt heavier and heavier with each step, they got what they want if that was their purpose.
The second year classrooms were a good floor above the staffroom and nothing could stop the whine from slipping out from the back of your throat when you were right at the first step of the staircase that looked way longer and steeper than it usually did. With the weight on your arms, your body was not balancing well at all yet you did not have the spare hand to steady yourself on the handle. You could only imagine how nasty the bruise would be if you took an inform step at any given point.
You could not even see where your foot was landing as you gingerly took a step down the stairs. This was going to take you forever but still, better than tripping with a whole stack of books in hand. You walked down with caution and it was a frustrating mix of wanting to get there faster so you could relieve your arms of the tension and also a fear of rolling down the staircase as your pace slowly picked up.
With the weight pulling your body downwards, it almost felt like you were stumbling down the stairs as you reached the final section before you were finally back on flat ground. Your jaw was clenched tight out of reflex, your teeth almost hurting with how hard you were biting down.
You were just a few steps away from the ground when you stepped onto a whole lot of nothing on your heel and suddenly lost all orientation. The books in your hand crashed down with a loud bang, littering all over the ground with your body that was out of balance following behind.
You were prepared to land on your face when you felt a sudden yank from the back of your collar, pulling you back onto your stumbling foot before a strong arm hooked around your waist to catch you as you fell backwards. Your mind was in a whirlwind of flurry as you collided onto whoever it was that came to your rescue, gripping on whatever your flailing hands could reach to steady yourself.
“Why, that was close...” you were still collecting your thoughts when the person who you were holding onto spoke up, a breathy chuckle followed as he panted. 
Your eyes were still wide from the earlier shock when you looked up, immediately faced with the boyish grin of Nishinoya. You remembered that he was called to report to the staffroom during break because he was caught sleeping in class just in the morning, no wonder why he was here. 
“You need to be more careful, class rep!” it was when you felt the vibration from his chest against your hand that you realised what a compromising position you were in. He had his arm around your waist as you bent backwards from the sudden fall and the white shirt he wore under the black uniform jacket was all bunched up with the way you clutched onto him for dear life.
Quickly getting back on your feet, you smoothed out your uniform as you hastily thanked him to which the boy replied with a cheerful “don’t mind” and a thumbs up to go with his toothy grin. 
It must be the shock, you thought to yourself as your heart continued to pound in your chest rapidly while you kneeled down to pick up the workbooks that was everywhere. Nishinoya also helped you with the task, not without whining about how he tried to finish his own assignment last night but ended up falling asleep with his nose buried in books. You pretended that you didn’t hear the part about him copying the answer this morning as he took the larger half of the stack in his hand and walked with you to the staffroom.
You must have hit your head somewhere when you fell down the stairs, because you swore your face heats up every time Nishinoya talked to you from that day onwards.
Iwaizumi Hajime
The first thing you saw when you walked into the classroom that day was your surname written out with bright white chalk against the blackboard on the column for students on duty. 
It wasn’t like you were particularly resistant towards staying after class to clean up the classroom. It was a common practice in many schools to train student’s sense of responsibility towards the facilities they use, apparently. But what aught your eyes was the name that was next to yours. You stole a glance towards the famed volleyball team vice captain when you read his name written neatly on the board.
You did not really recall much interaction you have had with Iwaizumi, to be completely honest. Maybe a few polite nods or a few academic-related conversations here and there but nothing actually personal. If anything, you would have to admit that you were slightly intimidated by the guy. From his built to his sharp stare, and the way you could hear him yelling at Oikawa even though the gym was a good distance away from the main campus. 
You did not talk much to him even after it was just the two of you left in the classroom, as expected. He was quick to suggest that he would do all the work that requires carrying things around which you could appreciate. It was only the sound of the air conditioning and chairs being pulled against the floor as you cleaned each surface with a damped towel. There were instances when you contemplated if you should try and start a conversation but decided against it ultimately. It was better to work in a comfortable silence than with forced conversations.
Things were being cleaned up fast, especially since moving the desks around didn’t take much time with his efficiency. He had already finished up with his share of the work when you were reaching to put the towels back into the cabinet at the back of the classroom.
It was a long, slender locker sitting at the very back of the classroom. There was a bit of space between the top of the locker and the ceiling so people often pile up things they did not know where to put on top.  The locker had a bit of history, you could tell by the way there was a dark red rust on the corners and when you closed the door, the whole clinking of the doors just made it look so flimsy.
Getting on the tip of your toes, you gave the folded towel a light shove to put it into its designated space. Perhaps the last person who tried to sneak things into the card box on top of the locker did it rather hastily. As you closed the locker with what you thought was a reasonable amount of force, the locker shook and the brown box on top fell down with a thump.
You arms were fast to raise up and shield your head from it but not faster than the loud bang against the locker from your sides. Your eyes widened when you looked out from the gap of your arms to see that Iwaizumi had reacted faster than you and towered over your frame, his palms pressing flat against the locker door as he crouched over your head. Your eyes were right at the level of his chest but you could hear the sound of the box and the contents inside crashing down on his back before falling onto the floor. 
He did not move away even after the noise has ceased and from the position you were at, you could hear his pants from above. Gingerly looking up, your heart skipped a beat when you saw his eyebrows locking together.
“Are you ok?” he asked, as if he wasn’t the one that just got hit with a card box with sharp corners directly on his back.
“Yeah,” you said, pressing your voice down. He was so close that you were almost self-conscious about the way you talked. “did that hurt?”
That had to be a lie, not when his jaw was still clenched and his eyes struggled to stay open. 
As if he suddenly took note that he trapped you between his arms, Iwaizumi took a stumbled step back and pressed the back of his hand against his lip before diverting his gaze away from you. 
You took a deep breath as he disappeared from the classroom after throwing down that he needed to get to training, pressing your palm flat against your chest to feel the beating from inside.
What you didn’t know, was that Iwaizumi rushed out from your sight with his face firing up and the redness did not cease from his face for the rest of the day.
Miya Atsumu
“The required probability is the factorial of 7 over the combination of..”
The sound of your teacher explaining yet another hypothetical crisis that would only occur in the wonderous world of maths was but a background music for your hour long meditation. Everyone around you was either laying on their desk, secretly doing something else in their drawer or having a soul out of body experience. You looked around to see that no one, literally no one was listening to the lecture. 
Poor man, it must take a really strong mind to keep talking to yourself with a hld-dead audience. You sighed as you tapped your finger against the cold surface of your table, counting how much time you had left until the bell rings. 
Slowly sliding down so that more of your body was hidden under your table, you gave another quick glance to your surroundings before quietly placing your thumb at bottom of your phone that was shoved to the back of your drawer.
It wasn’t like you were gonna understand what was going on if you tried to pay attention anyways. You justified to yourself once again as you flicked through your home screen to find something you could do. Your eyes stopped at the red dot above the icon of one of the games you had been wasting your time on lately. 
Ah yes, it was the time of the day when they gave you a free draw at the in-game shop. It wasn’t long until class ends, just enough time for you to do some daily missions or even clear out some levels on pilot mode. 
Your finger hovered above the icon before you tapped in, waiting for the game to load. No one was looking at you anyways, you were sure that even the blonde fox that was dosing off with his chin on his palm didn’t notice that your drawer was glowing.
Your plan was perfect, except for the fact that you forgot about how there was a loud explosive sound effect at the title card right after the game loaded.
Everyone, including you, were startled by the sudden noise that ripped through the silence that had been lingering in the classroom. Your hand fumbled to turn off your phone but it was already too late, the man who was standing in front of the black board snapped towards where the sound came from, your direction, and asked as his face twitched.
“Who was it?”
You gulped, your face already burning up in shame.
Seeing as no one responded, your teacher looked even more irritated. “I’m going to ask one more time before I put the entire class under penalty, who was it?”
He was being serious, and you knew that hiding would get you into even more trouble than admitting it now. You were about to stand up when you heard a loud bang from next to you. Turning to your side, your mouth hung open when you saw Atsumu giving his table a kick to push it out of his way before standing up. He stared right at the man who visibly got more annoyed seeing, his posture exuding his usual lack of care and general cockiness.
“Miya Atsumu kun,” the teacher gritted. The boy was no where near being his favorite student, and the fact that he looked so at ease even when he supposedly was getting scolded only made the man fume even more, “stay there, and don’t sit down until the bell rang.”
Your classmates all looked significantly more attentive now after the sudden tension and even though you did not dare to make it too obvious, you could not help but glancing at the boy who just took the blame for you.
You thought he would look at least a bit discontent, or that he would make a clear appeal to you with his usual cocky grin that he had done something for you, but he did not. He did not even look at you, only stared straight ahead with both hands behind the back of his neck like it really was him who got into trouble.
You looked away before he could even sense that you were staring at him, scribbling furiously on the notebook in front of you even though you didn’t have a clue what you were supposed to note down.
Fuck, you tried to focus on the lead that got shorter and shorter to distract yourself from the incoherent thoughts that was running through your head because of Atsumu’s earlier display, it wasn’t fair for him to just act so cool like it was nothing all of a sudden...
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seijorhi · 4 years
Ohhhhh kuroos doing a good job of tutoring bokuto in school lately (bc bby owl is a dumb dumb). Bokuto decides to thank kuroo and gives him a present - the girl kuroo has been after for a while, unconscious and lying in his bed 🙊🙉🙈
You... you just get me, anon 😌
Kuroo Tetsuro x Female Reader
TW kidnapping, drugging, implied dub/non-con ~ Part II • Part III
Gift Wrapped
“Fifty six!”
Bokuto’s hand slams down a stack of papers onto the desk and sure enough, written in big loopy red handwriting, circled and underlined at the top of the first page of the exam paper is his score - fifty six out of a hundred. Barely a pass.
“I freakin’ killed it!”
Kuroo can barely suppress his sardonic grin as he looks up at his friend, “Well look at you! Amazing what a little bit of study can do, huh? You’re a shining beacon of hope for idiots everywhere.”
Normally that would get a little rise out of the Ace, but Bokuto’s beaming grin doesn’t waver, and he’s kind of rocking back and forth on his heels like a little kid about to be set loose in a candy store. “You know I can’t study for shit. You really saved my ass on this one, Kuroo!”
Kuroo knows his friend too well to buy into the flattery, much less the innocent look that’s plastered across his face. A single eyebrow cocks, “You’re acting… weird. Why?” he asks suspiciously.
Bo’s grin widens and Kuroo’s stomach sinks. Whatever this is, he knows it can’t be good. Suddenly he wishes that Akaashi were here. Between the two of them, he’s always been better at managing Bokuto’s less than well thought out impulses. Unfortunately for him, the ex-setter was out of town for the weekend, meaning that whatever hell Bokuto was no doubt about to unleash would be solely his problem.
“Don’t be a dick! I am trying to be nice here, I even got you a present to say thanks for tutoring me!” Bokuto grumbles.
Now that makes him pause. “A… present?” Somehow it doesn’t ease the weird feeling in his gut. It’s not that he thinks Bokuto’s incapable of giving a gift out of the kindness of his heart, or that it would necessarily be a bad one, but the shit eating smile on his face that has yet to shift isn’t filling him with boundless confidence. It’s also apparent that aside from his test paper, his friend is empty handed. “Why do I get the feeling that I’m not gonna like this gift very much?”
Something in Bokuto’s eyes glints. “Oh trust me, dude. You’re gonna love it!”
He doubts it, but keeps his mouth shut as Bokuto grabs his arm and pulls him (or tries to, at least) to his feet.
Kuroo’s frown only deepens when he’s led down the hallway, passing his own bedroom and stopping in front of Bokuto’s. “Why are we-”
“Just shut up and close your eyes.”
Kuroo takes a deep breath, “Bo-”
“Dude, just- just trust me okay! Shut your eyes and don’t open ‘em until I say so,” he orders.
Kuroo eyes his friend warily, but after a moment he complies, praying to god that he’s not gonna regret this. He’s not exactly the cleanest guy himself, but he’s avoided going into Bo’s room at all costs - it’s kind of a health hazard. 
But he trusts Bokuto.
He hears the handle turn and the squeak of the hinges as the door swings open, and he tries not to snort as Bokuto grabs him by the arm and leads him inside. 
“… Alriiiight, open!”
Kuroo does as he’s told. He blinks in surprise, Bokuto’s room is exactly as he remembers it. Clothes, in varying states of cleanliness, littered across the floor. Dirty plates and empty cups spread out across almost every available surface, A few textbooks with various paragraphs highlighted lying open on his desk next to his laptop (browser window open at the pornhub homepage), but Kuroo can’t focus on any of that, because he’s staring at Bokuto’s bed.
Rather, the figure lying on top of Bokuto’s bed.
His breath catches in his throat, heart pounding almost painfully in his chest. It’s like the world’s stood still. He risks a glance out of the corner of his eye at Bokuto, but his friend’s just grinning wildly at him, as if he knows that-
As if he knows that this is the only thing Kuroo Tetsuro has ever wanted.
He can’t bring himself to speak, to ask how Bokuto of all people knows his dirty little secret when he’s tried so hard to keep it to himself… but, in that moment he doesn’t even care.
Because you’re lying there in front of him, in a pretty sundress, hair flowing free and spilling across the pillows, your chest rising and falling gently in your sleep. God, you just look so beautiful and so very, very defenceless.
He starts walking towards the bed before his brain even catches up with him. There are a thousand questions running through his mind as he carefully settles himself down on the mattress beside you - least of which is how the hell Bokuto even managed to get you here, but before he can ask you let out a soft sigh that sounds almost like a moan and his thoughts disappear entirely. He reaches for you, his hand trembling, and ever so gently, as if he’s afraid you’ll fade away before him, and tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear.
He shudders out a gasp. You’re real.
You’re really here. 
With him.
How many months had he been watching you in the classes you share together, following you around campus like a lost puppy dog? How many times had he thought about bringing you home, making a move to finally claim you as his?
This… this is his gift? He raises his eyes to look at Bokuto once more, only to find him practically vibrating with excitement. “Did I do good? Did I do good, huh?? Tell me I did good!” he says with a booming laugh, clapping Kuroo on the back.
And Kuroo can’t help but chuckle. Really, he should be more than a little alarmed that one of his best friends is more than comfortable essentially kidnapping a girl just to make him happy, but he’s no saint either. So he grins and nods his head. “Yeah, you did good, man.”
“Ahh, it was nothing!” he replies with a dismissive wave.
He almost rolls his eyes at that, but a sudden thought makes him pause. “Why is she here though, in your bedroom?”
Bokuto snorts, “Well I could hardly sneak her into your room this morning, now could I?”
Eh, he can’t argue with that. 
His attention moves back to you, deep in whatever drugged slumber Bokuto managed to induce. It’s not the first time he’s seen you sleeping of course, but it’s the first time he’s ever been close enough to touch you.
“Yeah, buddy?”
“Find somewhere else to crash tonight.”
Rather than being offended, he just laughs again, “What? Don’t think you’ll be able to keep it to your room?”
Kuroo’s lips curl into a smirk as he brushes the back of his knuckles against your cheek, but he doesn’t reply. Doesn’t really need to - they’ve always been on the same kind of wavelength with stuff like this. 
Bokuto just shrugs and shoots a wink, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
And then he’s gone, and it’s just the two of you. Slowly, gently, he eases you up off the bed and into his arms. Your head lolls back against his shoulder and he fights off a groan. Your skin is so soft and you feel so good in his arms. He can smell the subtle perfume of your hair and he falls in love with you all over again. He wonders, not for the first time, if you’ll taste just as sweet.
You’re perfect, but he’s known that for a long, long time. 
He can’t help but smile as he carries you into his room and lays you down onto his bed. So many possibilities, he can’t help but be a little excited.
God knows he’s wrapped his hand around his cock and jerked off to countless fantasies about what he’d do when he finally had you, but in those fantasies you were always awake, if not an active, eager participant.
He wants you aware the first time he fucks you, the first time he makes you cum for him. He wants to hear all your pretty sounds, feel your body tighten and writhe beneath his touch. He wants to stare at your face as you come undone for him.
It’s fine though, he thinks as he lies down on the bed beside you, pulling you into his arms. He doesn’t mind waiting, not when the two of you have the rest of your lives together to play each and every one of them out.
But surely a stolen kiss won’t hurt in the meantime, right?
~ Part 2
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yamag00ps · 4 years
the morning after
pairing: yamaguchi x reader
genre: best friends to lovers
contains: even more fluff, slightly suggestive/nsfw
word count: 1.8k
summary: yamaguchi already cannot get enough of you and tries to keep you from leaving your room (as long you'll let him, of course)
note: surprise! I truly did not plan on writing a part 2 to this but I'm happy with the way it turned out. here’s part 1. p.s. I listened to theme of ms. okudera from the your name soundtrack the entire time I wrote this and I highly suggest playing it in the background while reading it b/c I think it makes everything sweeter :-)
You woke to the sweet sound of birds chirping and the feel of an arm draped over your bare waist, his grip just as tight as the first time he held you — as if he was afraid he’d lose you if he lightened his hold on you even a little. A soft orange glow painted the room as you replayed the night before in your head. Evidence of the newfound intimacy you’ve found with your best friend appeared in the purple marks scattered on your neck and your chest, he had a few of his own as well. His head lay on your chest and you smiled at his light snores, your fingers brushing through his hair.
Tilting your head to get a better look at him, you stared in adoration still having a hard time grasping the turn of events. You can’t remember ever feeling so content in your life.
You thought back to last night when you opened your door to find exactly who you were leaving your room for at 3am in the first place. You hadn’t planned on confessing though. You just couldn’t sleep and decided to go bother your best friend. He beat you to it, but he didn’t know that. As if on cue, Yamaguchi stirred and pulled you closer.
“Hi sleepyhead,” you whispered.
“Mmm. What time is it?” he groaned and shifted his position so he could bury his face into your neck, not wanting to face the new day yet.
“Too early. I think we only slept for like 3 hours.” You closed your eyes again and continued to massage his head with one hand, the other hand rubbing the arm wrapped around you.
“Hm, I wonder why,” he mused. You rolled your eyes and lightly smacked his arm. He chuckled and lazily peppered kisses onto your neck.
“Hey! This is your fault Mr. Pacing-outside-of-my-room-at-3am.”
“Shhhhhhhhh,” He put a finger over your lips in a shushing motion. You giggled and lightly bit his finger. “No more biting,” he mumbled, “only I can do that.”
Your laugh turned into a groan as you said, “Actually no, you can’t. No more from you. God, I don’t know how I’m gonna hide these from everyon--”
“Then don’t,” you felt him grin against your neck as his arm returned to its place around your waist.
“Tadashi, I’m serious!” You pouted and smacked his arm again, though you couldn’t stop the smile creeping onto your face.
“So am I!” he laughed and lifted himself up onto his forearms, moving to hover over you. Yamaguchi was never one to be openly possessive over you, but he couldn’t deny the ego-boost he got just from knowing he was the one to leave those marks on you. He finally opened his eyes fully, and boy was he happy he did. Seeing your dreamy state with your bed hair sprawled out onto the pillow felt like a dream. You looked so delicate under him, he was almost afraid to put any of his weight on you.
You rubbed the sides of his arms as he studied you, taking the time to memorize every detail in front of him for future reference (not like he’d ever forget). A blush crept onto your cheeks as his eyes roamed over every one of your features. His eyes trailed from your eyes, to your nose, to your lips, then down to your neck and your chest currently littered with the bruises he left.
“Wait, do they hurt?” he frowned a bit, lightly touching them. You jokingly hissed at his touch, pretending to shy away in pain. The second you noticed the horror on his face you laughed loudly. “I’m just kidding!” you said between laughs while holding his pouty face.
His eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and he purposely dropped his entire body on top of yours, earning a grunt from you. You continued to laugh as he hid his face into your neck again, stubbornly biting you again.
“Ow! Tadashi, you’re heavy!” you whined.
“I don’t care. That was mean.”
“If you’re so mad, why are you snuggling into me?” you poked at his sides, still giggling.
He stayed silent but you felt a small smirk against your neck. Your hand found the nape of his neck, playing with his hair again.
“So I can do this.” His hands met both of your sides as he tickled you mercilessly.
Suddenly you were shrieking and laughing, trying to escape his hold.
“No!!!!” You used both arms to still one of his, while his other hand continued tickling you.
“T- Tada-Tadashi p-plea-please! PLEASE,” a mix of your laughter and screams leaving you breathless.
You remained helpless until there was a sudden banging on your door. The both of you froze completely, expecting a noise complaint.
“Oi, oi, oi! Go easy on her Yamaguchi, you dog!!!” Noya yelled. Tanaka and Hinata howled with laughter. You gasped and covered your face with your hands. Yamaguchi blushed furiously as he shook his head and crawled back to hide his face in your neck again, the crook of your neck quickly becoming his new favorite spot.
“Wait, what?!” This time Yaku spoke up, shock evident in his tone. “Yamaguchi, Y/N-san, I hope you were safe!” You rolled your eyes at Hinata’s stupid giggles.
“Dear god,” you whispered, begging for everyone to just go downstairs and mind their business.
Yamaguchi groaned and yelled, “Shut up!” Their laughter only continued and eventually faded. However, the two of you smiled at one another anyway, too smitten to be annoyed for long.
Feeling a grumble in your stomach, you patted his back. “Let’s go eat, bub.” He reluctantly moved off of you, allowing you to get up, put your robe on and open the blinds.
“Wait!” He took your hand and pulled you towards him, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You haven’t kissed me once yet this morning,” he pouted. Your heart clenched at his neediness. You loved it.
“Last night wasn’t enough?” you teased and stood between his legs.
“Not at all.”
Holding his head in both of your hands, your lips met his. You smiled into the kiss before deepening it. It started out slowly and gently until his hands began caressing your thighs. His kisses became hungrier and he grabbed both of your legs and pulled you onto his lap. This greediness was so unlike him, but neither of you cared. He was so, so lost in you.
You broke the kiss and sighed, his lips immediately attaching themselves to your jawline and your neck instead.
“‘Dashi, I’m hungry.” Though, you did nothing to stop him. One arm tightly wrapped around your waist while his other hand continued to rub your sides and your legs.
“I am too,” he agreed, breakfast clearly not on his mind. The growl from your stomach spoke for you, throwing you into fits of giggles. He laughed through his nose, still refusing to let you go.
Grabbing his face once again, you pecked his lips and moved back to lock eyes with him. He melted into your touch like putty. He was in a daze. Everything in him was begging you to stay in bed with him all day, not wanting to leave your room, fearing the reality of the world outside of your door. In here, you were all his and there was nothing that could take you from him. He was being selfish, but he felt that he had a right to be after having loved you for ten years now.
As if you could read his mind, you whispered, “Psst, I love you.” He closed his eyes at this, mentally keeping a recording of that for the times he inevitably would have his doubts. You both knew he was not the most confident person in the world, meaning that a relationship with him was going to require a lot of reassurance on your end. You didn’t mind this. The idea of reminding Yamaguchi how much you love him for the rest of your life made your heart swell.
You kissed him again, slowly and sensually before you pulled away and began peppering light kisses all over his face. “And there is much,” kiss “much,” kiss “much,” kiss “more,” kiss “where that came from,” you smirked. Desperate, he latched his lips to yours once more. You mindlessly grinded your hips into his and a groan erupted from his throat. Before his tongue could meet yours, you pulled away, leaving him a whining mess. “Later,” you winked and stood up, swiftly dodging his swipe before he could pull you back in.
“You’re so mean.”
“Maybe Tsukishima’s rubbing off on me,” you snickered. He smiled and rolled his eyes at the mention of his best friend’s name. He wondered if Tsukki already knew about the two of you; he wouldn’t be surprised if everyone in the house did. Regardless, he could already see the smug look on his face saying I told you so.
Yamaguchi watched you from his place on the edge of the bed, so utterly and deeply in love. As you roamed around your room getting ready for the day, his heart warmed at the domesticity of the scene.
“Tadashi?” You questioned. He was too dazed to realize you asked him a question.
“Let’s use the canoes on the lake today,” you beamed and he returned your smile.
You smiled warmly as he walked up to you, hugging you from behind in front of the mirror. You leaned into him as he lowered his head to press a kiss onto your shoulder.
“This. Everyday.” Another shoulder kiss. “I want this everyday,” he locked eyes with yours through the mirror’s reflection.  
You don’t know why that was all the convincing you needed to stay in your room a bit longer. Ignoring how hungry you were, you suddenly turned and crashed your lips into his.
“Okay maybe breakfast can wait,” you mumbled against his lips. Yamaguchi grinned ear to ear and wasted no time picking you up and jumping back into bed with you.
Once the two of you finally stepped into the kitchen around half an hour later, you were immediately met with howls and applause. Bokuto reached for a high-five only for his arm to be smacked away as you made your way to the fridge.
“Mannn, who would’ve thought!” Sugawara beamed.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, OKAY we got it,” you rolled your eyes, both of you shaking your heads at the relentless teasing. As you poured yourself a glass of orange juice, you looked up just in time to catch Yamaguchi smugly accepting a knuckle punch from Kuroo as he took a seat. You gaped at him across the kitchen island, Kuroo keeling over in laughter. Yamaguchi cheekily winked at you, his newfound confidence exuding off of him.
Deep down, you both knew it was all worth the teasing because the two childhood best friends, notorious for their honesty, were no longer keeping secrets. If everyone knew, then so be it.
All that mattered to Yamaguchi was that you knew that he loved you.
You loving him back was a major bonus.
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