#let people exist with weird fetishes
randys-ranch · 28 days
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this doesnt cancel out my rant about how fandom percieves transmasculinity this is more or less a rant about egg jokes being made about real life people. I dont think queerness should be such a big deal that people tweak out and freak when a man is a little bit quirky.
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p1nkp0nkk · 11 months
looked through their blog for like 5 seconds and its all tickle fetish stuff im. so sorry also theyre proship 😭😭
i really did consider looking through it and the one time i choose not to do it this happens
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termagax · 9 months
its literally a snake eating its own tail where fat people in art or being seen as attractive is considered unusual and taboo so the main group of people willing to do it are kinksters and then people online find it weird and gross because its a fetish so nobody is willing to draw fat people let alone admit to being attracted to them. its a cycle and the end result is always always "seeing fat people existing in art or being attractive as weird and unnatural" which is just soul crushing
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princescribbler · 5 months
Low-Key Things We Do to Keep Our Dynamic Fun:
Pack stuffies for when we travel or go out! Obviously, babyboy can't sleep without his stuffies, even in a hotel... right?
Bring a diapee bag, even if we don't plan to use it!
Momma tax and butt pats: basically, if we hug, we're gonna grope, pat, and tease the other one. The pullup princess needs to be reminded she can be momma... and still a pullup princess!
Lots of physical closeness. On the couch we drape across one another, when hugging we keep it going a long time, when we get dinner, we regularly feed each other a bite! Just lots of lovey closeness-inducing things, nonstop!
Getting our partner food and water cuz "babies can be so forgetful" and tons of affectionate caregiver stuff. It's nice to be reminded it's "brekky time, sweetheart!" Is very fun and keeps our relationship kinky and cute!
Writing cute pictures and reminders to your partner, everyday. On the fridge, on post it notes, by text! Keep the fun going by showing a lot of daily affection and attention!
Making sure it's called the "potty" and an upset stomach is a "grumbly tummy" and using language that reminds you both... this is an ABDL or CG/L dynamic!
Names: I'm baby prince papi, not just my name. She's momma, or princess... we make sure the right title reinforces the right role!
Cummies apart don't mean much, when your mommy/ daddy/ caregiver partner expects you to THANK THEM and make lots of "cute noises"... suddenly your quick masturbating session feels much more controlled and kinky!
Help your partner pick their clothes! If they wear diapees, even if they change themselves make sure you watch and "help".
When they cross the street, hold their hand and give them praise for being good and holding on tight... REINFORCE the dynamic in little, subtle, private ways and you'll be far, far more invested and happy in the dynamic you build together!
Sharing in passions: my princess loves sports and I couldn't care less, but i'll celebrate her team's victories and be excited, the same way she celebrates and embraces my weird rants about the 1800s British navy, or the intricacies of bird mating habits... whatever fleeting interests we have, we share and get positive feedback on! And EXTRA points if you can tease about them being an excited little baby!
My point is this: 24/7 dynamics aren't all about sex and kink and nonstop sexytime or fetish play. But they can exist with daily reinforcement, reminders, and celebrating your nontraditional dynamics! So have fun, let your kinky self out, and don't forget to be happy, healthy, AUTHENTIC kinky people!
- Scribbler
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alexandraisyes · 3 months
Hey TSAMS Community
It's really fucking weird to stalk people's accounts to try to see if they make content that doesn't fit your fictional morals and even weirder to put people on blast for making content you don't like. I've literally seen friends get "called out" on Twitter for making content in this community and now this?
And you can interpret "this" any way you want, I'm not going to specify on what exactly I'm talking about and it's very likely that whatever comes to mind isn't what I'm talking about. In fact, this is purposefully vague to make you do a self-check and a fandom check about your morals and how you're acting in this community. So lets cover all the bases of what this could possibly be about.
Making block lists and publicly reaching out to popular creators with them makes you look stupid. If you have an issue with someone or a concern about someone reach out in private. Messages exist for a reason, not everything needs to be public, and fandom drama is exhausting. You're more likely to get blocked by popular creators if you do that.
MINORS STAY OUT OF NSFW SPACES HOLY FUCK! Do not send hate or "call out" nsfw creators for making, gasp, nsfw content. Do you know how fucking stupid you look?!
Adults restrain yourselves when you see a minor voice an opinion you don't agree with. They are children, and them having a view that you disagree with is not the end of the world, they are still learning. It's our job to be positive role models in fandom, and some of you are really fucking disappointing me.
Do not send harassment to people for coping with their trauma in a healthy way just because you don't agree with it or understand it. This is going to blow some puritan minds, but someone who has dealt with trauma can find it to be healing to make content to help them process that trauma. They are allowed to have their safe spaces with other people who make content about horrible things that happened to them. All you do when you harass them is tell them that they need to be put down like a fucking dog for living through horrible things. That they are "impure, unclean, and not fit for society". Do not rob people of their safe spaces just because you don't like the type of content they make.
Dark fiction is valid fiction and if you don't like that don't read it.
There is a difference between romanticizing/fetishizing horrible things and writing dark content in a respectful way to victims. It's generally expected that when you make dark content you will acknowledge, either in the narrative or out of it, that it is a fucked up situation and toxic/traumatic/horrible/whatever descriptor you want to use. Refusal to acknowledge this or pretending that it is a normal situation and would be acceptable irl puts a huge red flag on you.
Tag your content properly especially if it contains topics that may make people squeamish. This also helps people who want to see the content able to see the content.
You are allowed to specify if something is supposed to be a ship or not in your posts and no one is allowed to be mad about it.
BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK CONTENT YOU DONT LIKE! It is not a personal attack to block people and not a personal attack to be blocked.
No one likes someone who hates other people for existing.
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imthatpowerful · 2 months
can we put all this hate towards mfs who shift to be serial killers or who shift for serial killers/murderers/war criminals like ummm why do u want to kill REAL people and why do u want to shift for someone WHO KILLS PEOPLE. these ppl have lives and families and dreams yk? it’s js so freaking weird. and it’s annoying that yall ARENT TALKING ABT THIS ENOUGH?
and also the mfs who shift and romanticize weird things like pedophelia and incest. BROTHER EUGHHHHH. like if were gonna talk about controversy LETS TALK ABOUT THIS 😭
like u guys are too focused on race changers but the worse issue is mfs like THIS these mfs think shifting is a game. race changing is harmless, weird but harmless unlike mfs who MURDER or shifts to prey on KIDS/to get preyed on by older adults as a minor.
like ong u cant justify murdering or incest or pedophelia in any way shape or form. like yheres NO EXCUSE or thing anyone can say to make it seem harmless 😭 like ok some people might race change to expand their horizons and learn more about other cultures/races and experiences so they can be more educated and LITERALLY put themselves in the shoes of other races. some js do it bc but not in a fetishizing weird way but because to them its just another reality where they are human and they js happen to have a different background ok all justifiable. me personally i don't race change bc like i don't see want to and i love my race and my background and i want to represent it in most realities!
if ur a weirdo who murders ppl or hangs out w murderers in their dr or u shift to be a pedophile or to get groomed or to do the deed w a FAMILY MEMBER gtfo like DNIIIIIIIIII also if u race change in a weird fetishizing racist way GTFO i hate u all yall weird asf. ik shifting is limitless but u should also know ur limits morally! even if u alr exist in a reality and ur a murdered in another reality there’s no reason for u to wanna experience that. u don’t see me shifting to kill mfs in my dr js bc i exist there. js like u don’t see mfs shift to HAVE trauma even if they alr exist in that reality.
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
Having fae blood is weird. Being any time of human effected by extra planer beings is weird, but with the fae you have a very specifically odd place in society. You don't even have the privilege of having it been an accident strangers can feel sorry about, you reached out to the faeries, let them play with your body and make it something more than human, it feels better this way, like you were always meant to have become this. You've heard yourself referred to as a changling a lot, but you're not sure you like that term for people touched by the fae, mabye you don't want there to be a term at all.
You're not treated exactly like other people who've been effected by other types of entities, it's not like you've been touched by eldritch magic, or by demonic or divine forces, or made undead, where you're likely to be dehumanized as a monster. People think of you as being cute in a gross way, mabye tragic, like you were a misguided soul who should have been stopped from becoming this way, and now you have to be taken care of. It's hard for people to accept that you should even be allowed to live a normal life. Every time you look up how to deal with aspects of being fae blooded you always see articles for parents dealing with their fae touched children, like they forgot those children will grow up.
People underestimate you in weird ways. People are suprised to learn that you live on your own, that you have an actual job, that you date. People are so willing to help you or to do things for you even when you explicitly tell them not to. The way people talk to every freind your with like they're your handler. Anyone who has power over you will debate weather to let you do things, or do things on your own, it's gotten to the point where your boss and half your professors act like you're a child whose behavior has to be corrected, they don't treat anyone else that way. You've had to explain to people so many times that you're fine handling your weakness to cold iron on your own.
You know that your body and your behavior is a big part of it. You like how you look, but there are so many traits that make people think of you like something small and cute, the flowers that grow in your hair, your big golden eyes, your pointed ears and little goblinoid fangs, the simple fact that your short and slender and androgynous, it all makes people think of you as less of an adult. Not to mention all those little fae quirks that make your behavior so much less human, that make people want to correct you like a misbehaving child. Sometimes you wish you had become creepier, wish you looked like the type of fae creature people need to be afraid of... You would have hated the body you have if it wasn't so euphoric to inhabit it.
Dealing with other demihumans sucks. A lot of them are nice, but it's hard to get some to understand how you're uniquely effected as a fae touched. Like, you understand that there's just some things that you don't go through, like you know someone whose been effected by demons, whose form is something that most people find incredibly scary, the type of creature that some people want to kill. And how can you explain to him that what you go through is just as much of a problem. You were told by an undead once that you were taking away attention from "real" demihumans, just for existing, just for wanting rights.
You've half given up on dating at this point. Your last boyfriend was a fellow demihuman, but he was eldirch touched, twice your hight and with a massive complex mouth filled with sharp teeth, he kept being called a pervert or a predator for dating you, he had to stop just because of that type of judgment. He was a year older than you. A fully human girlfriend you had before him kept treating you like she was your mother. Most people you meet on dating apps think of you as a kink, like a cute submissive little creature they want to dominate, they're so surprised when you don't have the type of fetish that they think is inherent to your being, when you don't think being called slurs is hot. And than there's the fact that people think you shouldn't be allowed to date, if certain laws had passed in your state you wouldn't legally be allowed to consent to sex. You can barely understand how you'd exist with something like that.
You're entire existing is on shaky legal grounds. It's only because of the state that you live in that you can live on your own, in others you would not be granted such privilege. Even still, wizards, the ones that are supposed to help people like you, have so much power over you. If the mage your supposed to visit for potions, someone you're technically paying to see, decides you aren't fit to live alone you lose that right, if they think you need a spell cast on you or a potion given to to "help" with your fae traits there's little you can do to resist. And if they decide you're enough of a harm to yourself, or to someone else (but in your case it's always yourself) they could send you somewhere very dark, somewhere you would only leave if they took mercy on you.
You've been dressing in a stereotypically fae manner more, and using more accommodations. You don't know why but it makes you feel good. You went to a protest the other day, dressed in traditional faerie robes, you got to actually use your magic to fend off a group of counterprotesters, mesmerizing them with illusions, and sending the crows and hornets to your aid. They looked afraid of you and it made you euphoric, you've been seen as a victim for so long, it feels so euphoric to be a monster for once...
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ditizygirl · 4 months
Editblr is a breeding ground for idolatry, ableism, racism and so much more all for a community about putting images together.
I've been here for only a year but I feel like I've seen it all, and the excuses oh my god the excuses. You are all 15-19, you should not have the mental capacity of a 8 year old. Your common sense is non existent and almost all of you guys are so fucking stupid it's pissing me off more than any god can understand. You are old enough to have logical thinking skills, you may have a disorder and it may be a reason but not an excuse.
Alot of you have forgotten the saying "Think Before You Talk" and I've sure as hell done alot of thinking. This is my deep dive into editblr.
Typing quirks are a way of personal expression but why do so much of you hate to add plain text. I can understand to extent because plain text hates my head because of how long it can be but I'm not gonna act like a little bitch about it. I'm gonna add my typing quirk or even fonts itself to it.
I'm gonna ask someone to help me, or to do it for me. Stopping making excuses for ableism. Alongside with the typing quirks, your psds are ugly and eyestrainy. Psds also fall under racism because I have no idea why you guys are ignoring the fact some make dark skin characters lighter but in the case of ableism most of them are really bright and makes it hard to see.
Orange and brown? Green and yellow? Blue and brown? Why are you putting colours that can be so much eyesore together? And won't even tag as eyestrain and when someone does ask you only do it for one post.
This one is weird as fuck and I see no one mentioning it. Editblr highkey has a ddlg problem, this "little girl" aesthetic you guys have going on borderlines ddlg alot and its icky. The baby talk typing quirk is disgusting, stop it.
I'm not one to judge how someone copes with their trauma but what I DO judge is how you act when majority says its uncomfortable. Now this section I'm a bit unsure how to phrase it, gotta love dyslexia, but that isn't going to stop me.
There's alot of very uncomfortable romanticization of stalking which I've seen so much of alongside abusive relationships and the justification of these things.
Really can't escape this one unfortunately. Many of you are like kpop idols, you're too dyslexic towards the difference between appropriation and appreciation. Incase you forgot let me remind you.
You can not gift japanese names. Gifting names is a native practice therefore you can only gift native names. Also I've noticed you weirdos befriending people just to use their cultural names. I can't even say it east asian fetishization because its only Japanese.
Also for the love of God can you guys stop saying nonmem and non women especially when referring to sexualities. It's not hard to simply say "queer attraction to women" and "queer attraction to men".
Coming back to the "gifting" names thing, I think it's interesting how all of you conveniently have a Japanese friend who "gifted" you the name of a cute pink anime girl. Maybe I'll do a post later on how much of a bad liar you guys are.
Closed symbols is also another big problem you all have. No matter how much times you're told you can't use something you always cry "but my friend from xyz culture said it was ok!" One person can't speak for a whole culture. You're nothing but a coloinzer in disguise hiding behind the idea of aesthetic. If you want to know if a symbol is closed just use this site.
Goddess Personas
Yea this one is getting a whole section of its own. Like any people I am uncomfortable with goddess personas, especially being someone with biblical sources. Now the idea that a teenager on the internet is making people call them a goddess is strange isn't it?
In my opinion, they're all annoying, copy and paste, and I think not a lot of people talk about how the really bad ones get. You all love to indulge them, make them think they have power over them. You put them on a pedestal and praise them and get surprised when it all goes to their head?
Stop giving 14 years old power, stop indulging in their habits and letting it go their head. Forcing people to refer to you as their goddess? Their Lord and saviour? Their idol? Someone they must listen to? It creates a power inbalance which always leads to the weirdest of manipulation. Also all the engagekiss copiers are so obvious why would you want to copy the identity of a groomer? It says alot of about yourself if that's what you think is ideal.
Callout Posts
Now, personally, I believe that the only reason a callout post happens is because someone was affected, does it not? Very rarely would a callout post would be a fake one, especially if someone has more then one. If you defend someone who has more than one call out post that's on you and you're gonna end up making one some day I can genuine you that. People don't make them for no reason.
This is all I have to say for now. I hope you guys really consider what I have written here, or not, considering the fact you guys have shown multiple times you lack reading comprehension
@starriesse @dollicous @doveinne @firstgf @kiochisato @lamboll @cherryshh @narcbf @lavendergalactic @npditary @sprinkleoverdose @necroangelz @eskeys
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xxbl00dsh3dbunnyxx · 4 months
I feel like we need to talk about feminine trans guys more
I know a lot of people hate the "femboy trans guy" thing and I've noticed that more trans men have been wanting to transition to be bears or stuff like that rather than twinks
Which is completely understandable
But people need to also except feminine trans men, not as a fetish, not as just "going through a trans phase"
They are men
If a feminine trans guy tells you he is a man, that is a man
I understand people not liking the "softy feminine trans boy" stereotype but you need to understand that they still exist
It can be so hard to let go of femininity and go straight to masculinity just to be perceived how you want to be, just to be respected, especially when you like being feminine
Just let people live and be happy and respect them
Yall want more weird queer people but can't even except feminine trans boys
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howlsofbloodhounds · 14 days
So glad someone else sees the weirdness of people being gross about fem body nightmare it always comes off as somewhat fetishy too bc they reduce him to just being hot
Yes! Absolutely. Seeing the weirdness not only in how nightmare is treated, but also how killer is treated! If he supposedly respects his boss, then why the hell is he drooling over him and treating him vastly different just because nightmare has tits now?
I also see this a lot with female killer or feminine killer—female killer always has huge breasts and small waist and it hardly seems like killer. Even when it’s just normal killer wanting to dress or express himself more feminine, it makes me uncomfortable when it’s done in an overly sexual manner for no reasons?
And of course nightmare and killer are adults, so there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to them or writing/drawing them in adult situations with eachother or others, it’s just that it feels very fetishized and hyper sexualized to have characters drooling over nightmare when hes just existing and also has breasts.
Even with killer as he is now, vastly hypersexualized as a character for not even any real reason either. He only flirted like once or twice in his canon drawings, clearly as a joke even and mostly because people asked rahafwabas to draw those things with killer, and yet it somehow became his entire character. Not to mention how people took “flirty” and “romantic” and immediately went “lustful creepy pervert.”
To the point where people just cant seem to let these aspects of killer’s character be just that; aspects, something interesting and fun, but not his whole entire character.
Don’t yall find it interesting to explore how a character who views themselves as emotionless and is dissociated from themselves and their actions most of the time navigates things like physical intimacy?
Especially when this character has very likely not felt any kind or comforting touch that wasn’t just a way to keep him further manipulated and controlled? How his experiences with abuse and torture and control have become so normalized it taints every aspect of his life, from the ideas of consent to the idea of boundaries.
Can he even feel much sensation that is too gentle, would it send him reeling in discomfort and disgust at first. would he hate how his body reacts even if it’s something that feels good—wouldn’t he feel viscerally unsettled if someone could provoke bodily reactions like flushing cheeks or a beating “soul beat” or even genuine arousal from him.
wouldn’t he think with contempt if his body reacts positively or negatively to receiving comfort. wouldnt he try to find a way to maintain control and detachment because too much stimulation or stress or feeling threatened or trapped or controlled or afraid for his safety and life could trigger higher stages and he lashes out and literally could kill his partner(s) because his mind mistakes the situation for something else. wouldn’t he need a level of either trust or control to willingly engage in something that feels deeply threatening.
Anyway i got off topic, but you’re absolutely correct. I love female or feminine Sanses, especially with the apple twins, and i don’t think there should be any need to hyper sexualize and fetishize the female body. (especially if these feminine/fem presenting or female bodies also happen to be trans/queer bodies; such as with transfem dream.)
like just let nightmare exists as nightmare, regardless of if he happens to have breasts or not—and don’t have his subordinates drooling all over him and behaving super strange just cause nightmares got boobs now.
(and I also don’t wanna see any situation where nightmare who usually doesn’t have boobs has boobs one day and the gang make a big deal about it, since nightmare is a shapeshifter and all. he could realistically just decide he wants boobs one day and the gang could just go “interesting. Anyway..” and hardly even that.
unless it’s to like, ask for today’s pronouns or something, i don’t see no need to comment on the breasts unless in the context of, nightmare is engaging in intimacy with their partner(s) or something. a context where it would make sense. Anyway just be normal about female/fem killer and nightmare please.)
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Perfectly Normal
Devon wasn't a homophobe, really. He was, and he was pretty sure about that, just a normal guy. Not "cis" or "straight" - those were completely unnecessary new words to describe what had a perfectly fine word since ages: normal.
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He was a normal man who lived a normal live, had his normal share of girlfriends over the years, had a normal job as a baker and was overall just normal. Even when describing his body, he would use the word: Normal build, not too big or too small, with brown hair in a normal haircut. He wore normal street clothes and voted in the normal, conservative way.
Devon was even, according to himself at least, very tolerant of other ways of life. Sure, he would cast the normal odd look when someone told him that he or she voted for some progressive, liberal or green party, and sure, he was strictly against any of those new woke things, but for example, Devon didn't care if someone was gay.
At least, if those fairies didn't bother him. If they just kept their abnormal fetishes in their bedrooms, everything was fine. Where Devon drew the line, however, was when those people went out of their way to let everyone - Devon included - know of their weird preferences. Those "pride" parades, for example, or when two men had to kiss in public. Or hold hands. Devon wasn't opposed to gay marriage, too, as long as they didn't marry each other. No, marriage was between a man and a woman, and sure, Devon didn't see why gay men shouldn't marry women. Everything else was out of the question, of course, and Devon didn't get why people were branded as homophobic who said such things. It was just a fact: Marriage between two men was not normal.
Devon, however, was a tolerant person. He would allow the gays to exist, even though they were gross. Just keep their distance, and Devon wouldn't have any problems with them.
Everything changed, however, when Devon's best friend, Marcus one day came out to him as gay. At first, Devon was taken aback.
"Why?", he asked, and Marcus replied, "Because I love men. I'm in love with a man."
"No", Devon replied, "I meant why did you have to tell me? This isn't normal, Marcus! Why couldn't you keep your perverse preferences in the bedroom?" Devon tried to keep calm but couldn't help feeling somehow betrayed and disgusted by his childhood friend all of a sudden.
"Devon, I didn't choose to be gay. I don't get how it's not normal. Love is normal, and I'm in love with a man. That's not... not normal. Perhaps you should update what you think is normal sometimes; it's 2023, not 1973."
With that, Marcus left, agitated himself, Devon to his brooding.
This was just unfair. Why did Marcus have to be that way? It wasn't a problem until he said it. Of course, Devon had read the 'argument' of what was normal and what wasn't before, in numerous online discussions that he had been part of, but to hear it from his best friend - former best friend? - made him think. However, regardless of how he shifted the thought around in his head, Devon was unable to come to a different conclusion: Something like that, men sleeping with men, was not - could not be - normal. There was just no way, he could ever see something like that as normal.
Of course, that meant that Devon would have to re-think his friendship with Marcus, a fact that hurt him a lot.
"God, I wish he would just be normal!", he exclaimed to no one in particular. Little did Devon know that a mischievous sprite had been listening in and decided to grant his wish - although not in a way he would expect.
As some hours passed, Devon calmed down more and more. What was he getting so upset about, after all? Perhaps Marcus had been right. It was 2023, and the definition of what was normal was perhaps a bit different from what he was used to. There was certainly no reason to end his friendship with Marcus over that. Devon was straight and... Marcus was gay. That was it. Perfectly normal. It wasn't Devon's cup of tea, but, hey, it didn't have to.
Devon felt really good with that insight. So good in fact that he decided to close the bakery sooner today and grab a bit of coffee in the shop across the street.
He usually avoided the place since he had the strong suspicion that the barista was one of those homos, but suddenly, that didn't matter anymore. It was normal, wasn't it?
So, Devon ordered his coffee and when the barista handed it to him, he said:
"Here you go Sir! Might I add that you look very handsome today?"
Devon felt flattered! Sure, he wasn't gay, but being complemented always felt nice. He smiled brightly and replied: "Thanks!"
"No, seriously, you should think about wearing something more form-fitting. It would suit you well, I think. Perhaps some tank tops to bring out the guns?"
Devon looked down on himself. Yes, he could very well imagine wearing those! His arms were nice and strong from the hard work in the bakery and the colorful tank tops he wore brought that out handsomely. It was sometimes a bit cold in the winter, but since it was always warm in the bakery, those were pretty much his standard attire.
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"Yeah, right? I love tank tops!" The barista looked at him as if he had seen a ghost or something, but quickly regained his composure.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that, Sir." After a short pause, he added: "Would you... mind if I touch them? Your arms, I mean, they're just so strong."
Now, Devon wasn't gay, but he couldn't see anything wrong with that request. A bit of friendly feeling up was perfectly normal, after all, so he just nodded. He was the only customer in the shop, so the barista came over and groped his arms.
"Amazing!" he muttered, and Devon wasn't entirely sure if he was still referring to his arms.
"Do you mind?" the Barista asked, but before Devon could nod again, his hands were already exploring Devon's manly chest that was only clad in the thin fabric of the tank top. After a few more moments, the barista's hands went under his shirt and felt up Devon's abs and chest, with his fingers running through the forest of hair there. This time, he didn't ask for permission, but why would he? This was a perfectly normal thing to do, at least to Devon!
When Devon noticed that the barista wanted to pull off his tank top, he helped him by holding his arms up before continuing to sip on his coffee. It was fairly obvious that the barista sported an erection in his jeans - good for him, Devon thought.
"You know", croaked the barista, "perhaps you should try something more... dangerous than a jeans. A pair of shorts would really work wonders with your ass and your... bulge."
Devon almost laughed out loud. What was that guy thinking?! It was not like he wore any other clothes. Colorful tiny shorts, with tank tops - that was all the cloth he wanted to wear. Not even socks, if he didn't have to. And the tops were optional as well - sometimes, Devon wore only stringy mesh tanks - or none at all. That was normal for him!
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Devon jumped a little as the barista pinched his exposed nipples, the ones with the piercings. It was okay, of course, normal even, that's why he had nipples. It just came as a surprise. "Sorry, I flinched." he smiled at the other guy.
The barista didn't reply, he was busy pawing Devon's ass and cock through the shorts with both hands. Devon wasn't gay, but it was good to see the barista was enjoying himself. Apparently, the other man's cock twitched and pulsed within the confines of his pants.
Devon took another gulp out of his coffee and nodded towards the other man's crotch. "Glad to see you're enjoying yourself." Devon repeated the words from his thoughts.
"Uh, yeah, sorry about that." The barista said and went red instantly.
"No, no, nothing to be sorry about. That's perfectly normal, you're a guy after all." Devon said.
"Yeah..." the barista said, hesitated shortly before asking:
"Would you mind giving me a blowjob?"
What a ridiculous question. Devon was certainly not gay. However, giving other men a blowjob was just common curtesy, especially if they asked this nicely.
"Sure, no problem." He said. He took another gulp of coffee and set the cup aside before getting down on his knees. The other guy had opened his pants by now, and Devon took his hard cock in hand and began rubbing it. He knew how he wanted girls to blow himself, so even though he had never done it before, it was fairly easy for him to do it right.
The barista moaned out loudly.
"Damn, that's good! How are you so good at this?!"
Devon gave him an answer, even though it was a little difficult while his mouth was stuffed with cock:
"I don't know - it's normal, isn't it?"
"It sure is!" the barista replied and pushed his dick all the way into Devon's throat.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum! You're making me cum!"
A moment later, the barista shot a load of hot sperm into Devon's throat. Devon wasn't sure what to do with it but decided to swallow and drink it down with the rest of his coffee.
"Thank you!" he referred to the coffee and the gratis cum shot with it, of course.
"No... problem." the barista was still out of breath. "See you again tomorrow evening?"
Devon just nodded. That's what he was doing normally, right? As he exited the coffee shop in his colorful and skimpy clothes, he glanced at his clock. He really needed to hurry now if he didn't want to be late to service Marcus and his boyfriend. Of course, Devon himself wasn't gay, but this was just... normal for him.
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fangirlingtod3ath · 3 months
Denji's mischaracterization is insane.
ehrm so this is going to be a huge text, be aware! I don't wanna hear anyone cryin' cus I warned 🗣 ❗❗
If there is something that surprises me about Chainsawman it's not his author (and that's saying a lot) nor his other works that can be said the same as him, not even the behavior and actions of the characters. What surprises me is the huge mischaracterization the fandom has with the characters, specifically Denji. I would understand the impression Denji gives to someone who has never seen Chainsawman. Because let's be honest, we all thought at the beginning that Denji was going to be that perverted protagonist, someone like Meliodas or much worse characters. That was my first impression, to the point that I almost stopped watching Chainsawman, and thank goodness I didn't at the end. Because for me Chainsaw is one of those animes that opens your mind after finishing it.
That's why I'm not surprised that people have that first opinion about Denji. But what surprises me is those people who have seen it and are considered "fans" and have no idea about Denji's character. And I think that ignorance says a lot about how society feels about men who have been victims of SA. Yes, I'm talking about those who say "I wish I was Denji" "Denji liked it" In addition to that, lately fans are complaining about the 2nd part, with the comment "chainsawman is not like before"... it has always been the same. Nothing has changed (except the art style but let's forget about that) The story continues to be about a boy who is manipulated and used by people who want his power. And those same people take advantage of Denji's feelings, they take advantage of this child who has lived his entire life surrounded by bad people who never taught him how to love and be loved. A life so mediocre that he even thought that the only way to feel happiness and love was through s3x.
What people think is that Denji is your typical "perverted" teenager with weird fetishes. But to be honest, Denji is the most innocent character I know, and I say innocent because imagine thinking that the only way to feel love is through intimating, because no one in your f social group has ever taught you what love means. Denji IS NOT LOOKING FOR S3X. Denji is looking for someone to teach him how to love and be loved, what happens is that he has lived in such circumstances in which he does not know how to differentiate between one and the other. A perfect example that many people don't see about this is Makima: The first thing Denji thinks about Makima is that he loves her and wants to have s3x with her, but as he learns and has new experiences, little by little his vision of Makima changes. He thought that what he felt for Makima was love between couples because he believed that that was the only love that existed, but in the end he ends up seeing her as a maternal figure. That love he felt for her was maternal. But at the end how could he know? How could he know that's what he was feeling when he never had a mother figure in her life? Do you get what I'm saying?
Another example in which Denji realizes that love is not only through s3x is the love he feels for his friends. Power and Aki are not only his friends, they end up becoming his family. That's when Denji feels family love (and I don't think people realize this achievement between Denji and Aki's relationship. Denji has lived surrounded by men and due to his bad experiences with them he hates them. This same thing happened with Aki, but he ended up trusting him and became an important person in his life)
Do you realize that at the beginning the first thing Denji was looking for was s3x? Well, Denji ended up finding what he wanted most in the world: love, and he found it in a different way than expected. Even in part 2 they show us how Denji now has to take care of a little girl. And how does he do it? Giving her love.
For me that's what chainsawman is about. It's about a boy learning about life, it's about a boy who throughout his experiences finds the different types of love that exist in the world: romantic love, maternal love, family love, love of friends... And I hope this could be seen in more animes. There is not only one type of love, there are several. And I think csm by my point of view represents this pretty well.
I have always said it and I will always say it: Chainsawman is not for everyone. Chainsawman touches on such sensitive and deep topics (such as s3xual assault and hypersexuality) that not many people are going to understand or accept because for me they are sensitive, they are too young or they still need to learn more about life (Which is okay!) Even though it is an anime Chainsawman has never been for children, Chainsawman is not innocent. As I said, it touches on topics that today in the society we live in we could not say out loud. That's why Fujimoto is the f goat. For having written a story with situations as delicate as these in an ANIME. He is one of the few authors who is not silenced, no one is going to stop his creativity, his other works prove it. And another thing that is sad is that all these situations that happen in chainsawman and that happen in real life too, they relate it to fan service. Nowadays people think that all series or movies that have a sexual theme in the middle are for the public's pleasure. How have we ended up thinking that SA is for your pleasure?
Denji still has a lot to learn, let's remember that he is still a child who has been manipulated all his life. People don't suddenly change and make good decisions, especially someone as traumatized as him. His traumas prevent him from continuing to grow and people therefore continue to take advantage of him through his greatest weakness. But I hope that one day they give us a Denji who has already learned from his bad experiences and becomes someone great. Because he deserves everything and much more. Justice for Denji.
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cedarswood · 7 months
So Let Me Get This Straight,
Characters hate black girls but love white girls that use aave in their fanfic and base their personalities off of being white and innocent with an edge. They can’t resist how light and white your skin is you’re practically perfect for them! All because you’re a white girl. Even better when you use black and Asian culture to make the “subtly” white reader badass.
Speaking of which, why would Korean characters want a Korean girl when they could have a white girl who gives herself a Japanese “aesthetic”, and somehow manages to give every Asian character she writes for Japanese traditions? As if they share the same culture? Screw research, it’s just a headcanon, not like it’s hurting anyone.
They like racist white girls!
Characters hate fat girls but adore the skinny girls that go out of their way to attack living, breathing fat people for existing in fandom. They love that you’re brave enough to tell them the truth. Letting these girls know that they’re ugly, fat, and undesirable. Even though the fictional character in question doesn’t have a hateful bone in their body and fights for everyone.
How can Nanami Kento not bust a nut in his jeans? He loves it when you’re terrorizing real fuckin people just to win his 2D cock all for yourself.
On top of that, these characters love that being skinny is your entire personality. Come to think of it, you never let them forget that they bagged a skinny white girl. That’s all you talk about! The belly that bulges when he fucks you, the flat stomach he can’t stop touching, your thin fragile body that’ll snap like a toothpick if he hugs you too long. Et cetera, et cetera.
They like skinny white girls!
These characters can’t stand the thought of dating anyone but a white girl. Don’t matter if they’re Japanese, Mexican, Black, Chinese, etc.! They want a white girl that fetishizes their entire race. Fuck the fact that some of these characters have storylines about facing racism and discrimination. All they care about is dating a white girl who can’t stand the thought of a fictional character loving women of color.
Besides, according to y’all [racist white girls], most of them would rather be gay than date black or brown girls. Which is why y’all ship them with their buddies, hell even the men they hate in canon! But never the black & brown girls in the series. Cause that’s just weird and wrong and she’s most likely in the way of their relationship.
That’s why it’s okay for you to wake up and start your day finding new ways to subtly refer to your whiteness in your x reader fics. Fics that you hound people to reblog and spread so you’ll get a wider audience. But then again, the bigger your blog, the more white people you’ll have to send after poc creators for calling you out.
They only love racist white girls!
Characters that are written as these insanely strong men suddenly become so mean-spirited and disgusted at the thought of dating anyone with fat on them. All that strength they’ve built up disappears at the mention of a fat girl liking them. It’s impossible to imagine Toji Fushiguro lifting a fat girl, Ken Ryuguji is now as strong as an infant. Bruce Wayne has trained to lift thousands of pounds but can’t possibly pick up a fat girl who loves Batman.
No no, they’re only able to use all that strength to hold their skinny white girls like babies. Not wanting their tiny white feet to touch the ground for a second, or else they become dirty. These men gained that strength, not to protect the world or destroy it, but to make their skinny girls feel so small and dainty in their presence. To protect their skinny white girls from the delusional fat girls who are jealous of them and can’t understand that they’re not desirable until they lose weight.
They only love skinny white girls!
My point is more than clear but I’m going to say it again. It’s mind-boggling that plenty of y’all go out of your way to say people don’t belong or can’t have fun in fandom spaces. All because they’re not white or skinny. Truly believing that a hateful piece of shit gets to decide who’s more deserving to write or fantasize about imaginary characters that wouldn’t even like you based on canon material.
You feel so entitled to make skinny white people the default that you harass and dog-pile people just for making their own spaces. Reminding people that unless they’re white and skinny, they can’t enjoy shit. All to be “chosen” by a fictional 2D character.
Go to hell. Don’t pass go, y’all are disgusting human beings.
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mywitchyblog · 19 days
weird how a lot of anti-race changers have the automatic defensive saying of “We didn’t choose to be poc! We don’t have an escape from racism!”
yes you do. It’s called permashifting. You can literally permashift to a parallel reality where racism doesn’t exist.
Manifesting. If we can “manifest anything”, then you can just manifest racism away.
you claim to believe we are “limitless” and “all-powerful”, but for some reason you don’t think that’s true when it comes to things like getting rid of racism?
Maybe instead of asking why someone would want to experience being another race, you should question why you don’t wanna get rid of racism when you claim to despise it and how you’re using it to always play the victim.
(While yes, racism is a very horrible thing, that does not excuse you using it to victimize yourself all the time. Also no, just because you’re a poc and someone is rude to you or dislikes you that does not mean it’s racism.)
Clock it, anon.
For the record, I am a POC, and I am not opposed to race-changing.
A lot of the time, when people ask why someone would want to experience being another race, the question itself is fallacious. Why? Because it often assumes ill intent—like fetishizing or sexualizing that race—without any evidence. This is a classic example of a loaded question fallacy. The loaded question fallacy occurs when a question is posed in such a way that it assumes something negative or controversial as a given, without allowing for neutral answers. In this case, people are assuming that wanting to shift into another race must stem from problematic motives, like fetishization, rather than from curiosity or genuine interest.
The reality is, simple curiosity is often the answer—just the desire to experience something different. And let’s be real here: that’s the entire premise behind reality shifting. Everyone is shifting to experience something different from what they do in their current reality. So why is it that shifting into another race automatically raises red flags, while shifting into other identities, species, or even fictional races, doesn't?
This brings us to another fallacy: special pleading. This fallacy happens when people create an arbitrary exception for something they are involved in while criticizing others for similar actions. For example, they might argue that race-shifting is wrong, but it’s somehow “different” or “okay” when they shift into a fictional race or species. The logic simply doesn’t hold up. It’s an inconsistent standard, and that’s why I call it out as hypocrisy.
I’ve said this before in many of my posts on the subject, but this is something that requires a nuanced approach. It’s not black and white, and it definitely isn’t always about ill intentions. There’s a wide spectrum of reasons someone might want to explore shifting into a different race, and dismissing all of them under one negative assumption is not only unfair but fallacious.
Let me say this clearly: I will never take an anti-race changer seriously when they endorse or do the same thing themselves, like shifting into a different species or a “fictional” race. If you’re comfortable shifting into elves, Na'vi, or other fantasy species, then you should also be comfortable acknowledging that shifting into a BIPOC identity isn’t inherently problematic. It’s the same damn thing: both involve exploring different identities and cultures. You can’t just create special rules for yourself while condemning others. That’s hypocrisy, and it’s exhausting.
"Also no, just because you’re a poc and someone is rude to you or dislikes you that does not mean it’s racism" Lol-Good thing i specified that i am POC because i know for a fact that if i did not precised that fact in my race changing essay, people wouldve accused me of being racist because i debunk their arguments and expose their hypocrisy and they cant even do anything beside asking me if i wrote it using chat GPT.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
I think there's an argument to be made in favor of showing the reality of what Angel deals with on the day to day, both on the gear he wears and the SA he faces from Val.
but these kinds of scenes can very easily be exploitative; used for cheap shock value & end up fetishizing that abuse by presenting it as titillating. it's long happened to female characters where the violence becomes an excuse to show them brutalized or with their clothes ripped off and given how often Angel is sexualized it can just as easily happen to him.
Addict managed to communicate a whole history of sexual abuse committed by Valentino with just a forced kiss and a hard cut to Angel having a breakdown in his room. The scene focused on Angel's emotional distress rather than the act itself, so it avoided objectifying him further and was still effective
this is part of a wider pattern already established by Helluva Boss, where abuse is treated in the least sensitive, most sledgehammer blunt and cartoony way possible.
going by HB, abusers are:
always obvious and easy to spot,
they're complete monsters devoid of any life or interests of their own,
they have no inner lives whatsoever because they only exist to hurt the victim (Stella stays around the house despite not liking Stolas, Crimson wants to force Moxxie into a gay marriage despite being homophobic - to the guy who put his son in prison in the first place!!) - they're inconsistent and unknowable,
they abuse their victim openly in front of others everyone goes along with and tacitly approves of it (Stella's friends happily laugh at her jokes disparaging a demon prince who could kill them all despite knowing he's in earshot)
they cannot be easily stopped even when they have far less power, either in magic or social standing, than the person they're abusing (Stolas and Stella, again)
they hang around long past when they should despite the cast having ample reason to proactively do something to stop them (everyone leaves Crimson alive despite killing all his minions, Stolas knows Stella has ordered a hit on him but probably still lets Octavia spend weekends with her??)
they are fundamentally Bad People. None of the 'good' characters can every be called out for being abusive, what they do is funny - because they are fundamentally Good People. It doesn't matter how many traits Stolas and Stella have in common, he is Good and she is Bad. It also doesn't matter that Stolas sexually coerced someone for a season and a half, neglected his daughter and abused his servants, and barely feels bad about his own infidelity. He is Good so anything he does can be excused. Same with Loona - beating people is bad, but it's OK for her to give her dad a black eye and beat his head in with a picture frame, because she's one of the Good Guys. Same with Blitzo demeaning Moxxie constantly in the workplace - it's funny when he calls Moxxie fat, it's abuse when Mammon does it to Fizz
Abusers are fundamentally Other from Us, and we never need to examine our own behaviors as long as we know we are fundamentally Good.
like how is any of this making the world a better place? or advancing the understanding of abuse? it's an embarassingly dated and in places actively harmful depiction of what abuse is or isn't (I don't even want to get into the bad takes I've seen surrounding Stol/tz and what coercion is or isn't, but you can probably add that to the list too)
if the Angel scenes are as brutal as they sound then the rating should be an 18. I don't entirely blame Viv for that, I know sometimes ratings boards have a weird habit of treating works that have LGBT content as somehow 'more adult' than movies with straight up rape and SA scenes in them (though HH is both, so idk how literal bondage gear didn't up the rating), but I hope against hope there's some kind of trigger warning for this somewhere, and it isn't just dropped on the viewer's lap in order to shock them further with the world's bluntest and most graphic animated scene of SA it can
This. All of this, every word.
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
hey! I recently discovered your writing and I really love it but I have to ask you a question. you seem to write a lot of kink and I love that but: are you into pet play? it's a boundary for me for authors not to be into kinks that skirt around illegal acts so if you could let me know if your work is safe for me to read that would be great. thanks!
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I got this last night and didn’t have the wherewithal to deal with it, and now I’m running on like 4.5 hours sleep, so… I’m going to treat this more as a general PSA than anything else.
1) If your concern is that at some point in some hypothetical future I may write Kink X, Trope Y, Pairing A/Z, or anything along those lines, and me doing so would make you regret interacting with any of my previous work: please assume that I may do so, and curate your experience accordingly. I’ve written a bunch of things that I have, at some point in my life, said “I don’t think I’ll ever write that”—not because I was being a dirty liar, but because things change. There are also things I have written in the past that I have no plans to write in the future. Tastes shift over time, and so does what feels easy/fun to write; not to mention some things just hit different with different ships.
2) If your concern is more rooted in whether I think it’s fine for other people to write Kink X, Trope Y, Pairing A/Z, or anything along those lines—you should ABSOLUTELY assume the answer is “yes” and proceed accordingly. There are a whole bunch of kinks, tropes, and ships I am simply not into that exist on a continuum from “not my jam but if I writer I love tackles it I’m at least willing to give it a go” through to “if I never see evidence that this exists again it will be too soon”, but I do not believe that my personal tastes or sensibilities should be the yardstick by which fics are allowed or not allowed to be written. My personal tastes and sensibilities are the yardstick by which I READ fics, because I am in complete control of my own fandom experience.
3) If the information you need to proceed is what I am personally into, you can in fact fuck off. You are not entitled to this information. Kink writers are not required to disclose their kinks to you, in the same way you shouldn’t be demanding anyone’s sexuality/gender/trauma to determine whether they’re ‘allowed’ to write about a particular topic. I have been dealing with this shit on and off for YEARS, both from a ‘how dare you get turned on by this’ angle and from a ‘how dare you write this if you’re NOT turned on by this’ angle, and both takes are invasive and obnoxious. This is, incidentally, why I really hate the rhetoric of “the hottest fics are the ones the author wrote with one hand haha”—both because it’s really fucking weird to speculate on the sexual proclivities of someone who is usually a stranger, and because in my experience it simply isn’t true. I have really successful kink fics that are kinks I’m into and really successful kink fics that are things that don’t do it for me; I have less successful kink fics that I personally find really hot and less successful ones that I don’t. I have personal kinks and fetishes I’ve never written and probably never will (although, see point 1) because I worry that readers will perceive me a little too much. The only thing you’ll learn about my relationship to kink from reading my fics is the things I find psychologically interesting to write about.
4) I have fundamentally zero interest in debating the ~ethics~ of any particular kink, in fiction or otherwise, but I absolutely recommend perfecting the art of being squicked out or even disgusted by something without attaching any moral superiority to that feeling.
Like… curate your own experience, my friend. If you need to block me, block me. That’s cool. If you’re a regular reader/commenter/someone I interact with on tumblr dot com I’ll be sad to see you go, but you gotta do what you gotta do to make fandom fun and comfortable for you. But I tag my kink fics, so the ones that yuck your personal yum should be pretty easy for you to avoid.
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