#let me know if you'd like anything changed!! I hope this works!
elysiaheaven · 2 days
𝐇𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬-𝟏𝟏-(The Fox's wedding)
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You stood before Feixiao, who listened intently, her sharp eyes trained on you as you explained the situation. Jiaoqiu was beside you, his arms crossed, a deep frown etched into his face. Feixiao's expression was unreadable as you spoke.
"You need to heighten Hoolay's prison security," you told her calmly, though the weight of your words hung heavily in the air. "But, honestly, it might not even help. Hoolay's powerful—more than you all seem to realize."
Feixiao raised an eyebrow, her expression not changing much but clearly intrigued. "You think the Borisin monsters have more in store, don't you?"
You nodded, leaning forward slightly. "Exactly. Killing that man wasn't just because he was planning an attack. It's part of their larger plan. I wouldn't be surprised if the attack on Hoolay's prison is nothing more than a distraction—something to keep your eyes away from the real threat."
Feixiao's lips tightened into a thin line, her gaze turning cold and calculating. "What do you think they're trying to distract us from?"
You shrugged, giving a half-smile, though the tension in the room was thick. "Could be anything. But if I were them, I'd focus on something big—something that would shift the balance of power in their favor. Maybe freeing Hoolay is just the beginning. The Borisin monsters are clever, and they won't stop until they get what they want."
Feixiao stared at you for a long moment, and you could feel the weight of her consideration. Finally, she spoke, her voice as sharp as ever. "You killed the man before interrogating him. You didn't get any more information?"
You smirked, but it didn't reach your eyes. "He wasn't going to talk, and we didn't have time to play games. Besides, I knew enough to know he needed to be taken out."
Feixiao's eyes narrowed at that, but she didn't challenge you. Instead, she sighed and leaned back in her chair. "We'll increase security around Hoolay's prison. But I want you on alert. If this is just the beginning, we'll need to move fast to stop whatever's coming next."
You nodded, satisfied that she was taking your warning seriously. As you turned to leave, Jiaoqiu glanced at you, his expression unreadable. You couldn't tell if he was angry or simply resigned to the chaos you seemed to drag along with you.
You walked out of the room, Feixiao's voice called after you. "One more thing," she said, her voice cold. "If you're part of this plan, or if you're playing some kind of game, I'll find out. And you'll pay for it."
You smiled to yourself as you walked away. Let them think what they wanted.---- You knew the Borisin monsters better than they could ever hope to, and if anyone was going to stop them, it was you—whether they liked it or not.
You walked away from the tense conversation, you could feel Jiaoqiu and Feixiao's eyes on your back. The air was thick with suspicion, and you couldn't help but smirk at the weight of it all. You had done what you had to do, and whether they trusted you or not didn't matter. Not really. You had your own plans, and no one could stop you.
Inside the room, Feixiao leaned back in her chair, her sharp eyes narrowing as she spoke to Jiaoqiu. "She's useful," she remarked, "but something about her doesn't sit right with me. I wouldn't be surprised if she's still working to free Hoolay."
Jiaoqiu crossed his arms, his jaw tight as he stared at the door you'd just left through. "You're not wrong to be cautious," he admitted, his voice low. "She has her own agenda. But I've planned for this."
Feixiao raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
He nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I'll know by the end of today if she's really trying to help us or if she's still aligned with Hoolay and the Borisin monsters. I've put something in motion that should reveal her true loyalties."
Feixiao gave a satisfied smirk, her sharp features hardening. "Good. Because if she's a traitor, I won't hesitate to deal with her myself."
Jiaoqiu didn't respond, but his thoughts were racing. , but he knew you better than anyone. He had to. You were like a storm—wild, uncontrollable—but also strategic. He had to be certain where your heart truly lay before the situation spiraled out of control.
You dragged yourself back to Jiaoqiu's house, utterly exhausted from the day's events. The moment you stepped through the door, you caught the scent of food—he had already prepared dinner. Jiaoqiu stood by the table, looking composed, maybe too composed. You could tell he was acting, trying to keep up appearances, and you couldn't help but think how sweet it was, even if you knew it wasn't real.
"You're so cute," you muttered with a teasing smile, dropping your facade for a moment. "Aya, I'll cook next time."
He didn't say anything, just gave a slight nod as you sat down and started eating. The food was good—too good. You kept eating, taking bite after bite, as the silence stretched out between you. But then, something inside you snapped. You laughed. A loud, manic laugh that echoed through the room, uncontrollable and sharp.
Jiaoqiu's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and concern flickering across his usually cold demeanor.
You stood up suddenly, the laughter still bubbling from your lips, and before you could stop yourself, you jumped on him. His arms instinctively went to catch you, his body tensing under the weight of your sudden energy.
"What—" he began, but you cut him off with another manic giggle, your face inches from his. The tension in the room was suffocating, your eyes gleaming with something unreadable. He looked genuinely caught off guard, as if he didn't quite know what to make of this side of you.
"You didn't expect this, did you?" you whispered, your voice low, teasing. "I'm full of surprises."
Jiaoqiu stared at you, his expression shifting from shock to something more guarded. "What are you doing?"
You leaned closer, your manic energy still lingering, but your eyes softened, just for a second. "Just playing along, Jiaoqiu. Isn't that what we always do?"
You devoured the food, the once comfortable silence turned eerie, your mind swirling with chaotic thoughts. The taste of the meal seemed to trigger something dark inside you, a spiraling mix of excitement and twisted joy. You laughed, louder this time, uncontrollable and shrill, and before Jiaoqiu could react, you sprang from your seat and pounced on him.
He caught you out of reflex, his eyes widening in surprise as you clung to him, your laughter ringing in his ears. You pressed your lips to his cheek, a soft kiss that felt out of place amidst the insanity in your eyes. Blushing, you leaned in close, your voice breathless with excitement as you whispered, "How did you kill such a good Borisin monster, Jiaoqiu?"
He stiffened at the question, clearly not expecting this sudden outburst. You giggled, your fingers clutching his collar, your grip tightening as if you were afraid he'd slip away.
"Did you hunt it?" you asked again, your voice taking on an unsettling edge. "Did you make it suffer? Did you hear it scream? Oh, Jiaoqiu, why didn't you invite me? We could have had so much fun together!"
Your laughter echoed through the room, manic and unrestrained, as you held your face in your hands, unable to contain your excitement. "I want to kill them myself! Again, and again, and again! It's so thrilling, so satisfying!"
Jiaoqiu's expression hardened, his usual cold demeanor crumbling under the weight of your crazed behavior. He didn't say a word, but you could see the tension in his body, the way his jaw clenched as he tried to process the madness spilling from your lips.
You laughed again, this time more high-pitched, your eyes gleaming with unhinged joy. "You're such a bad man, eating a monster like that! But it's fine! It's so fine!" You threw your head back, laughing hysterically, your entire body trembling with the thrill of it all. "I love it, Jiaoqiu! I love it! Hahahaha!"
Your laughter continued to echo through the room, sharp and uncontrollable, as you lost yourself in the twisted delight of it all. You glanced at Jiaoqiu, your eyes gleaming with a strange mix of lust and madness. His silence only fueled the fire burning inside you, and you leaned closer, kissing the side of his face softly.
But before you could stand up and fully take in the chaos of your actions, Jiaoqiu suddenly pulled you down, his grip firm and unexpected. You blinked, dazed, your breath hitching as you felt the intensity of the moment. His touch was heated, his hand brushing against your back, sending shivers down your spine.
"Do you feel it, Jiaoqiu?" you whispered with a dangerous smile, leaning in to kiss his ear again, your lips barely brushing against his skin. You pressed closer, savoring the tension, before kissing him once more, this time deeper, lingering in the moment. "When will you let me kill a Borisin again?" Your voice was hushed but filled with a crazed longing.
His eyes were distant, as if something had taken hold of him—something unnatural. You paused, your manic excitement wavering as you realized the truth. He was possessed, and it was entirely your doing, an accident born from the chaotic energy you had unleashed. It usually happens without your thinking.. You felt bad.
With a heavy sigh, you snapped your fingers, the spell breaking in an instant. Jiaoqiu's eyes cleared, his expression shifting from dazed confusion to a weirded-out disbelief. He stared at you, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
"Eat," you said coldly, pushing yourself away from him and standing up, your voice suddenly devoid of the madness from before. "I'll sleep on the sofa tonight. Also I'm sorry."
Without waiting for a response, you turned and walked toward the couch, the remnants of your earlier outburst still hanging in the air.
Jiaoqiu woke up first, his expression tense and clearly distressed. The weight of everything from the night before seemed to linger, but as he got up, the smell of something cooking caught his attention. He walked towards the kitchen and saw you, already awake, cooking as if nothing had happened. You looked up with a bright smile, greeting him.
"Good morning," you said cheerfully, your hands moving skillfully as you prepared the dish. "I'm making sweets from my planet. You should try them."
Jiaoqiu frowned slightly, still disoriented. "I don't like sweets," he mumbled, though there was no real conviction in his voice.
You chuckled softly, ignoring his resistance. "You say that now, but this is something I used to do. I used to bake sweets all the time. It's always been a part of me." You turned to face him, your smile gentle. "Besides, you can taste anything I make. I'm blessed by an Aeon."
He raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "That sounds like a joke," he muttered, but the curiosity in his eyes betrayed him.
You handed him a small portion, your face lighting up as he took a bite. Jiaoqiu hesitated at first, but the moment the sweetness hit his tongue, something shifted in his expression. His eyes widened slightly, realizing what you said was true—he could taste the flavors of the food you made, even though he couldn't taste anything else.
"You like it, don't you?" you teased, moving closer to him. "Here, let me feed you. You're not eating enough." You gently took another bite of the pastry and brought it to his lips. He didn't resist this time, and as he ate, a quiet satisfaction appeared on his face.
"It's good," he finally admitted, his tone softer than before.
Your smile brightened even more as you continued preparing a batch. "I'm going to bake some for the General as well. She'll love them."
Jiaoqiu glanced at you, the tension easing from his features, though a part of him still seemed guarded. "We're supposed to meet her today. Bring them along," he said, almost as if he couldn't resist seeing what would happen next.
Later, when you both arrived at the General's quarters, you presented the sweets to her. General Feixiao, always composed and sharp-eyed, accepted the plate with a nod. Her fox ears perked up ever so slightly, a sign that her interest had been piqued. Without saying much, she took the plate and retreated to a quiet corner to eat alone.
You caught a glimpse of her, enjoying the taste as she bit into one of the sweets. There was a moment of subtle satisfaction in her eyes, but she kept her usual demeanor as she finished, the unspoken approval hanging in the air.
"She liked it," Jiaoqiu murmured, watching from the side, a faint trace of surprise in his voice.
You smiled to yourself, pleased with the small victory, feeling like—for once—things were moving in the right direction.
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sangreprince · 12 days
Starter Calls | Accepting | @pitgritted
❝ Uhm... Not quite sure how I got here, but it seems I have the wrong address. ❞
Not every day did he stumble into an active arena. Perhaps in Elysium, but not the mortal world. He was already fatigued, and it had only been a few minutes. Exerting himself in any capacity was difficult on the surface, and yet he still held his own in bloody fashion. Good show, though. Supposed that was what happened when mortals decided to square off against a God, albeit one out of his element. Somewhat breathless, he gave a small wave to the half-breed Vastaya who watched from his booth.
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❝ Sorry for getting your arena messy. Now if you simply point me towards the nearest point of exit, I'll be on my way... I have to go water my mothers flowers and I have perhaps an hour to do so. ❞
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lielove · 2 months
@apotelexma || sc.
there was a certain place that ai always went to get the berries for her pokémon's poffins. it was her ( self proclaimed ) secret berry grove . . . a place that was, in actuality, just a small grove off the beaten path, she hadn't seen anyone there before, though . . .
. . . at least not until today !!
the sight of another almost takes her by surprise, but she masks it well with her usual bright and cheery smile.
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❝ i don't think i've seen another person here before !! ❞ she giggles as she approached she other person, ❝ the berries here. . . they make the best poffins !! ❞
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starsmuserainbow · 1 year
[[ Starter for @ofteaandmagic !]]
Things had absolutely not gone as planned. Starfire went in when she found some hints of bad things going on, and started off well in the fight too. Until the enemy used some form of whip-like weapon, and when that came into contact with Starfire's arms as she blocked an attack, something started to feel very bad very quickly. Her arms itched, at first, and then it became a burning on the inside - and not the energizing version of that that her energy usually gave her - and she had to land on the ground and stop attacking. She could probably consider herself lucky that the villain seemingly found it more important to leave than to finish her for good.
Now, here she was, having managed to make it into the streets despite her state, and looking for someplace to find help. She couldn't quite fully take in what which building she came across was, but the first one that looked like a shop (perhaps a flower shop? She did take note of 'garden' being part of the name), Starfire stumbled into. She was walking bent over, much more slumped in her posture than she usually was, and it was like every step was a huge effort to make, a little more so every time. Still, she forced herself forward further, until she saw someone behind the counter. "Help me... please..." She croaked out, needing the same amount of effort for speaking that walking had taken out of her. Something was draining all energy and stamina from her, and that really wasn't good.
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starvingtongue · 1 year
they had had plenty of guns pointed at them before. they'd even had their present company attempt to shoot them not too long ago. but this was different. they knew when they were outmatched. outnumbered, even. their telekinesis could only do so much, especially when surrounded on all sides. the bullets would find a way to harm, even kill, them one way or another.
their grip around their spear tightened.
they had a choice here. die fighting or get captured and imprisoned. there was an odd, even cruel, sense of irony here and a bitter chuckle almost escaped them. this was a very similar situation to what they were trying to help the other Guardians escape. except now the role of The Watcher's master had changed.
there was a strong urge to die fighting. they weren't stupid, they knew what the consequences were if they got captured by a coporation such as Hyperion, let alone by a man such as him. but if they died, so did the rebellion. so did the chances of a lot of the Vaults being opened. they needed to stay alive. their chance to escape would, that they were certain of. one day, they would return to their orignal purpose.
and so, the spear was thrown to the ground, clattering in front of their feet.
once it came to a stop, their hands rose in a surrender, much like they had seen other humans do. it seemed like the best course of action to not get shot. even their shield wouldn't be able to do much against the amount of guns aimed at them. one would find a way to get lodged into a vital point in their body. "I surrender."
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someotherdog · 1 year
@waywordhearts / vikram & your choice of muse! (f/nb, 28+) / based off of this post, bullet point three, but vikram was just a patron instead of an employee / made in beta.
okay, so maybe he kept up with her more than he'd like to admit. vikram may have periodically looked up her up on instagram or facebook, scrolled through her feed with a joint in the other hand, and frequently thought her fiancé looked like a tool. maybe, sometimes, vikram would ask old college friends what his ex was up to, if maybe she asked around about him. it could've been possible. maybe, if he was at a bar at around midnight on a random thursday, he would've recognized his ex's current partner with their hand on someone else's ass.
it had been an innocent thing to start out with. in no way did vikram intend on spying, or even running into the fiancé in question, at that bar on a random thursday night. once he did see them, however... at first it was a questioning look, all 'hey, isn't that...?' and 'shit, i think that's...', but it quickly devolved into creepy staring. the way the affair partners were rubbing against each other and kissing as if there was buried treasure in their throats, his friends began to give vikram weird looks when they noticed that his attention had been stolen from them.
'you really that hard up, man?' gideon asked. vikram rolled his eyes, then explained what exactly he was looking at. his friend just laughed. 'maybe you should take a pic and send it to her. maybe you'll have a shot at getting her back.'
vikram had grimaced, as if that thought hadn't already occurred to him. he knew, even if her fiancé was betraying her, she'd never want to hear from him again. not after he had betrayed her, all those years ago. he wanted to be able to blame on it being young and stupid, but the truth was that he was old and stupid now, too. he had cheated on her because he was easily distracted. because he was high at a party. because he had been horny. because, ultimately, vikram wasn't a good person. and that he was stupid.
old and stupid.
he had enough of the show. excusing himself from his friends, he slipped outside and dug his phone out of his pocket. bringing up his phone contacts, he scrolled until he found her name. vikram had hoped she didn't still have his number blocked, then pressed the call button:
"uhhh. oh. hi. maybe you don't remember me? it's me, vikram, from college. anyway, i was at mcswishey's on center street and i'm pretty sure i saw your fiancé making out with someone who was obviously not you. um, i took a photo. i could send it to you, if you wanted. so, i mean i don't know. i guess i just wanted you to know? so... i'm sorry."
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hxntresses · 1 year
After settling into a job as Beacon Academy's head nurse, Fiona had thought her traveling days were behind her - but then again, she hadn't been expecting Beacon to fall. Nobody had but those who had orchestrated it. Her past failures had been joined by all new ones, the medic weeping for more young lives she couldn't save. With the academy gone, Fiona had seen no other path than to take up a job in Vale - but eventually she could no longer stand the guilt, the nagging feeling that she should be doing more, and had decided to once again take up her old work. People all across Remnant needed help, and she wanted to be there for them when nobody else was.
Her travels had taken her to Anima, where she was currently staying in a small village on the outskirts of Mistral. They had been dealing with the aftermath of a Grimm attack when she'd arrived, and Fiona had decided to stay around for a week or so whilst the wounded recovered. Her patients tended to for the moment however, the healer now had some time to relax. She had made her way to the village's tavern, where she had warmly greeted the tavernkeeper and ordered a simple cup of tea.
During her time here, she had counted herself lucky to get to know most of the village's residents. However, the man seated not too far away was a face she didn't recognise - a Faunus too, it seemed - if the ears atop his head were any indication. Curiosity piqued, the woman swivels on her stool to face him, offering a kind and welcoming smile.
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"I don't recognise you as one of the villagers. A fellow traveller, perhaps? You don't have to sit over there all alone, you know." She attempts to spark a conversation, though if he had no interest in talking, she would of course respect his privacy.
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@sparklymuses​ asked:  ☂️  -  for peko! snow times!
Emoji starter meme - No Longer Accepting!
send  ☂️  for  a  weather  based  starter .
Usually, it was Sonia who felt rather...well, not to be ironic, but foreign at Hope's Peak Academy. Much of her now-routine school life she'd only seen in anime or dramas: students who cleaned classrooms, changed from outdoor shoes to indoor slippers, visited the likes of konbinis and arcades and karaoke rooms when their busy school schedules allowed it. It was all fresh and new to her, often earning some amount of humorous approval (or at least exasperation) from her classmates whenever she discovered something incredible that, to them, was nothing out of the ordinary.
So, it was truly to the Ultimate Princess's surprise when, upon asking Peko Pekoyama to assist her with her very important task, her friend seemed rather lost as to where to begin. Or how to begin, as the snow continued to fall around them both. Nearby, in the Main Course courtyard, their classmates had taken to enjoying the weather in many ways, like engaging in a snowball sparring session or releasing a flock of penguins near the school's fountain, now nearly frozen over but proving an excellent habitat for the birds so far away from their home.
Sonia's method of enjoying the pleasant change in weather early that winter season wasn't nearly so combative, or ambitious: she'd only decided to build a snowman, or more than one if the accumulation allowed. And when she'd spotted Peko looking less than occupied, she'd invited her to participate. Sonia had expected a resounding ‘no’ but wanted to be polite nevertheless, but instead she raised both blonde eyebrows in confusion.
"Could it be..." Sonia began, trying to work through the mental gymnastics herself. For once, would she be the instructor and a friend the student? So often the roles were reversed, considering her previous life spent in that gilded cage of both Castle and elite prep school for aristocrats alike. Surely she was meant to lead and encourage one day, but that was for things like economic strife. Or war. Or ensuring that, finally, immigration laws were expanded in the notoriously-guarded Kingdom of Novoselic.
Not engaging in winter weather activities. They were as natural for her as they were for all children of Novoselic: their three constants in life would be knowing how to drive a tank, catching a makango if they were intent on marriage, and enjoying the abundance of wintry weather that graced Novoselic each year.
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"Could it be, Pekoyama-san, that you have never built a snowman before?" She finally uttered, before breaking into an eager smile. Bundled warmly in a coat, gloves, hat, and scarf, the bit of her skin that did remain exposed to the elements, mainly her cheeks and the nose, turned rosy pink. The chill and anticipation alike, teaching a friend something wonderful, would do that to her. "Oh, it's very fun and not difficult at all! A bit freezing, when constructing the base form, but that is what cozy hot drinks or a lovely meal after is for! I have no doubt that Hanamura-san is working on such things as we speak, so we can spend our time creating snowmen now. Or snow women, or snow animals. I'm a bit partial to snow ghosts and demons, but apparently that isn't very festive for December holidays. Here, shall I show you?"
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descensionstar · 2 years
@rxsurgcnt​ ✧ just the way you light it
the air had been abuzz with talk about strange flowers, but standing along the pathway leaving into a cavern, the sea sprawling and scaling the walls couldn’t appear more harmless. appearances could be deceiving, that was one of the most fundamental rules of traveling — but when the blossoms began to shine, twinkling a rainbow of colours, they felt closer to Small Lamp Grass than any sort of threat.
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if anything, the falling ash should have been of more concern, but everyone continued about their business like it was normal. wonders of this place would never cease. after spending every minute since waking in that taxi on-edge, it might have been wishful thinking that allowed Lumine’s guard wane, in search of something to admire and take her mind off things. “they’re beautiful”.
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devsmuses · 3 months
📞 - your choice!
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if ezra were sober he'd never dare to call someone this late at night. his anxiety guided him to believe you shouldn't even bother people with texts past a certain hour of the night. the bottle he'd been nursing throughout the night lended a hand in the fact he had his phone pressed to his ear calling someone who probably didn't wanna hear from him. he was surprised when he heard them actually pickup and now he didn't have a clue what to say or why he'd called in the first place. "oh god, this was a mistake." he breathed into the receiver. his eyes pinched closed for a moment and he's using his free hand to swipe through his unruly hair. "sorry, i didn't mean to call. i butt dialed you, my bad." that had to be the most unbelievable excuse he'd ever given someone.
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deunmiu-dessie · 4 months
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(unedited) simon loves you, he's just not the best at showing or saying it.
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"no, simon. you don't-," you swallow thickly and forcefully pull your wrist away from his grip. "- you don't get to leave and come back when it's convenient for you." your lips are set but they wobble, teetering with the storm of emotions brewing within you. "i'm done trying. i can't do, whatever this…this twisted game is between us." [i’m sorry.]
he's been silent your whole talk, he seems so stoic as if the conversation is a hassle- like he could care less; and maybe he could. you can never guess what simon was feeling. he was like an impenetrable wall, unwavering— even for you; it left you feeling alone most days.
your eyes flit over his face, hoping to see something, anything that would make you second guess what you were saying. but as usual, he’s unreadable; and tears well up in your eyes as you continue, your voice trembling with a mixture of something akin to pleading and sadness. "i've given you countless chances, simon. i've allowed you to come and go as you please, hoping that one day you would realize the love i have for you. but i can't keep living in this constant state of uncertainty, never knowing when you'll decide to leave again." [no more, never again will i leave you. i swear it.]
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you take a deep shuddering breath, trying to steady yourself, but the pain in your chest hurts fiercely. it steals your breath away, and flushes your cheeks with heat. "i deserve better than this, simon. i deserve someone who will be there for me, someone who won't treat me like an option. i can't keep waiting for you to change, to finally see my worth." [i see you. i love you with every breath that i take. until my lungs give out.]
your words hang heavy in the air, you wait for him to say something, to tell you that he loves you, that he’ll do anything to get you to stay. say something, you think. "i've spent too long trying to make this work, trying to convince myself that your attention is enough. but it's not. it's never been enough." [say something! tell her you love her, that you'd die for her. say something, simon.]
a singular, angry and furstrated tear escapes, tracing a path down your cheek. "i deserve a love that is whole, that is unwavering. i deserve someone who will fight for me, who will choose me every single day. and if you can't be that person, then i have to let you go." [don't say that, please. i love you.]
your brows furrow and your chin sets, your hands coiling into fists. tears flow in rivulets down your cheeks and you lift one fist and hit his chest weakly. “say something, you coward.” you utter, your other fist raises to hit him once again. “i hate that i love you so much, i hate you for being the only thing that i think about. i hate you simon.” [i love you, so much that you're the only thing i think about. i love you _____.]
your punches get heavier but he's unmoving, a tic starting in his jaw. in a sudden burst of frustration, you shove at him, your lips pressed tightly together, and your cheeks burning. yet, he remains motionless, his gaze steady and unwavering. “say something, damn it!” you wail, preparing to hit him again, however, his large hands swiftly seize your raised fist before you can and he pulls you into his chest, cupping the nape of your neck and engulfing you in…him. "i love you."
and you know you shouldn't but you melt in his arms, go completely slack, and cry harder. “then say that.” simon presses a kiss to your temple, and you freeze at the tremble of his lips, his chest rumbling as he speaks again. “i love you so much.” and just like that, he reeled you back in, just like he always does; and it felt like coming home. the familiarity of his touch, the warmth of his embrace, it all felt so right, as if you were finally where you were meant to be.
but you knew that as soon as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, that the cracks in your situationship would begin to show. and part of you can't help but think that maybe, just maybe, you were fated to live this exact bittersweet cycle with simon until the end of time.
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my eyes were sweating a little when i was writing this ngl
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lielove · 1 year
@solivcgant || starter call.
A VOICE ACTING JOB... for a game that was set to release for a portable game console on that day. ai just voiced a minor character for the game, but she was excited about the job all the same. she played the first boss in the game - one that tells the cast of a rumor of people being possesses, only to be the one possessing the townspeople. She's slain in the end, but it was a role worthy of showing her name on some of the advertisements, if nothing else.
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unfortunately, the game just seemed to be flying off the shelves !! no matter where she went, she couldn't seem to find a copy to purchase. to think that she'd be spending her off day like this !! clad in a disguise she enters what she thinks may just be the fourth or fifth shop - a single copy sits neatly on the shelf. she reaches out to it, the game nearly in her grasp as her fingers brush against someone else's.
looks like someone had beat her to it, right at the end. though she may have been disguised, she wouldn't hear the end of it if word got out that she caused a scene over a video game of all things.
she moves her hand back, offering a small smile as she adjusted her hat to cover her eyes. ❝ take it, it's yours !! ❞
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years
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A ball of fog expands into the air after a trembling breath takes place; long fingers of one hand latched onto tubes painted aquamarine. The other hand is busy fiddling with what rests in his breast pocket, making sure, for the nth time, that the small box is still there, ever so present to the point that it's left a temporal dent on the fabric of his shirt. Teeth bite on his bottom lip --- once, twice; enough to leave an edge of mouth with a small peel which represents nervousness.
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He doesn't even remember the last time he was with these many knots in his stomach; a collection of butterflies and twists alike, finding a home in the ever so chaotic depths of the detective. Hyuk takes another deep breath; grabbing his cellphone and glancing at the last text message received from his dear friend ('I'll be there').
It hasn't even been that long since the last time they saw each other; his brain still replaying that last meeting at the beach, when the calendar marked his birthday and his best friend etched a new feeling into his heart. It was brief but undeniably dulcet (and unconsciously wanted, too, that he figured out with time) moment; where time sweetly froze and he was able to decipher, with surprise and warmth, how well the lines of Patrick's lips matched his.
Oh, boy. Just thinking about it sends spirals of temperature up his neck. He truly hasn't been the same ever since --- in a good way. Even his co-workers wonder why he's been more lenient than usual. And, well...whatever this might be, he likes it. Just as much as he likes him. Patrick.
Regardless of feelings bubbling up, this isn't much about putting those puzzle pieces together (they will fall into place with time, won't they?), but about a special occasion; a special day: His best friend's birthday; a mark Hyuk never misses, no matter where he might be or what he's doing. It's why he's decided to take, once again, a plane all the way to Europe --- because a videocall won't do, nor a text message with those exasperating emojis that the detective can't even use properly. Patrick deserves more than that, and he can argue all he wants; Hyuk will not be convinced otherwise.
And so he's here, asking Patrick to see him at the London Bridge, at the time where is dark enough for the towers and rails to lit up and reflect their lights upon the dancing waters. It's a way to reminisce the past, about those days where they'd escape social events just for them to walk all the way here; about those days where Patrick would talk about the stories written behind the bridge and Hyuk would listen intently; about those days where they'd laugh and chat whilst living their adventures of youth.
It's a way to reminisce the past. And connect the present. Much like the bridge links one point to the other.
He waits, patiently so, actually. Knows that Patrick barely gives time for himself even when being a special occasion; prefers to carry on with his endless duties as a responsible professor and doting father. That's Patrick Myungdae Grace for you: A gentleman who often puts loved ones first before even thinking about his own self.
After a few minutes, Hyuk hears hurried steps on the humid ground; such a sound making him turn at once. There he is; the tall man with the kind face and soft eyes, a few strands of hair being blown by the biting, Londoner wind. He looks beautiful as ever, especially when his eyes crinkle due to a smile pulling his lips.
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The detective's heart is singing. Loudly. He almost feels his rib-cage is going to explode.
Before Patrick could possibly voice any kind of apology about being a few minutes late (Hyuk doesn't care --- he just cares that he made it in one piece), an impulse makes Hyuk throw his arms around his best friend to wrap him into a tight, affectionate hug; the type only Patrick gets (otherwise Hyuk is too emotionally stiff, as some say). When he pulls away, his fingers remain clasped onto his dear friend's forearms, thumbs unconsciously rubbing the space there as a grin stretches his mouth.
"You look tired. Have you eaten anything? Don't tell me you're only running on tea and the birthday breakfast Hiro and Elise made you--" He scowls, before his features slowly turn softer. "I...wanted us to meet here because I thought...maybe we could, walk a little and..uh...eat at that place we used to go to...when we were younger. The one with fish and chips? I checked and they close until late---"
Since when is he a rambler? He stops himself, awkwardly clearing his throat whilst hands slip away from Patrick's body. "Oh," he quickly goes to fetch the box he's been guarding all this time and hands it to his dear friend. It's small, long; dark green. "For you. I also...wanted to see if they fit you right, could you...open it to check?" Hyuk tries to not rush Patrick into opening the gift, his fuse very short in comparison to his dear friend's. Once it's open, a pair of Rubik's cube cuff links is found inside. The little cubes even twist some, in case Patrick needs a distraction while wearing them. Of course Hyuk had to get them for him.
"Let me," Hyuk grabs one of the cuff links and then takes a careful hold of Patrick's wrist; turning it so his palm is exposed. At first, the detective's focused on putting it on, eyes even narrowing as to look at the shirt's hole under the shadow of artificial lights. But then, he realizes how close he is, how Patrick's wrist is exposed to him even if the rest of his shirt hugs his arm effortlessly. Suddenly, he can feel his heart in his throat and there's the need to---
Just do it, Lee Hyuk. For once, follow that voice. And he does it. He gently kisses the center of Patrick's wrist.
Even if heat crawls all the way to his cheeks, he pretends that what he did is casual; fingers stumbling a little but finally managing to keep the cuff link on place. "There. It--It looks nice. Let's see the other---" And he does the same thing: grabs the cuff link from the box, and then his dear friend's wrist.
He kisses that one, too. The mark tender. A honeyed whisper of utter affection. I'm here. I'll always be here. For you. Just for you.
A clear of his throat; a little, bashful side-smile as the detective attempts to gain his usual composure and peeks to see Patrick. He doesn't apologize for what he did, nor does he try to quickly change the subject. There's no ounce of regret in that body of his and, besides...at this point, that wall where the awkwardness of sentiment was stored is slowly but surely crumbling down, isn't it?
Slow but steady steps.
"I--also got you another thing, but I'll...give it to you until we get to eat." A rainbow fountain pen, that's neatly wrapped in the oh so famous newspaper wrapper he uses. It's saved in the pocket of his trousers; awaiting for the right time to fall onto Patrick's hands.
Hyuk's hands, which rested right under Patrick's wrists, move so they can meet his dear friend's shoulders. He pats them, then pretends to accommodate the lapel of his shirt, when in reality he's getting his palms ready to climb up. And they do, rise and a little timidly; fingertips daring to reach his dear friend's face. The detective's fingers are calloused, but his touch tries to be soft; caring --- loving.
He gives him a smile. One that, he hopes, tells Patrick how proud he is. Of him, his best friend (and something more). Of who he is, who he's become. And how he still holds gentleness and mercy by his hand, despite it all.
"Happy birthday, Dae-yah."
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wishmcker · 2 years
∘ ◦ 💖 — starter call @mightiboy
Locating Deku has never been an easy feat. He is always on the run, popping in for a quick rescue or to offer the finishing blows on a tough opponent before going off to save whoever needed him next. Ochako knows that he has been like this since high school, wanting to continue on with his mentor's legacy and keep the world safe, all of them feel that way. But it doesn't make her way to see her friend any less.
She hums as she finally makes her way out of Ryūkyū's agency after yet another hostage rescue situation, rolling one her shoulders back to help ease the aches she had noticed during her shower and change back into normal clothes. She paces down the streets of the Tokyo, smiling and waving at the fans who call out her hero name. Ochako pauses at a crosswalk, her new phone (which she had been forced persuaded to buy) chimes with another Deku update. She has her phone set to send her updates about her friends and their feats, thank you Ashido, and she blinks when she realises that her best friend is quite literally only a few blocks from her agency.
She clicks the heart at the bottom of the update, a selfie of Deku with a fan. His patrol must nearly be over if he's slowing down to talk to fans like this.
Ochako quickly hurries to the spot she had recognised from the photo, and raises herself up on her toes as high as she can. The curly green hair that is above the sea of fans she would able to spot anywhere.
❝ Deku-kun! ❞ she calls, cupping a hand around her mouth to echo his name. Her face adorns a large grin. ❝ Your shift is nearly finished, right? Let's go get a coffee, it's been too long! ❞
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beeing1alive · 5 months
Hi!! I really liked your "turning them on without knowing" post , I wanted to know if you'd like to write a second one but with Tenjiku!! 🙇🏻‍♀️
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Note: Thank you for your enquiry, I was very happy about it and hope you like it
Warning: Nsfw content, minors do not interact
Gets a hard-on when you give him a tight hug
He just can't help it, as soon as he feels your warmth and smells your body odour he goes crazy
He doesn't want to let you go and wraps his arms around you even more so that you can feel his pulsating cock
Begins to place feather-light kisses on your neck and throat and asks you if you don't want to help him
It especially turns him on when you try to tease him with something
I mean, the grin on your face and the galnz in your eyes
He immediately gets butterflies in his stomach and his body starts to tingle with excitement, only that the tingling mainly affects the centre of his body
And before he knows it, he's sitting there with an ever-growing bulge in his trousers
Becomes instantly rock hard when you whisper in his ear
It doesn't even matter what you say because, to be honest, in this situation he doesn't care
It's just that as soon as he hears your sweet voice so close to his ear, goose bumps spread all over his body
Try 100% not to hide how you hit on him and will ask you if you can help him with the bulge is trousers
Absolutely loves neck kisses
Just can't help but let out a soft sigh as soon as you're busy with his neck
Pulls you onto his lap so he can kiss you and press his hard cock against your bum
Nevertheless, his cheeks are barely noticeably red all the time, because he's just an idiot for you and can't do anything about it
Immediately gets a hard-on when he sees you concentrating
The way your eyes dart across the sheet of paper in front of you and you try to memorise as much as possible with a furrowed brow
Feels the need to sit behind you and look over your shoulder so that you can feel his hard cock
Will indirectly try to distract you from your work and gently rub against your bum, which only makes him hornier...
Here is pt.1
Attention: The characters and the GIF do not belong to me. All credits go to the original owners. If you want anything to be changed or removed, please contact me.
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eaterofman · 11 months
Yandere Coworker Harem x New Hire Reader: A Meeting with the CEO
Follow up to this post
Finally fed up with it all, you decide to leave... but you learn it may not be that easy.
Content Warnings: General creepiness, yanderes, financial manipulation, manipulation, power difference, gaslighting
AN: Holy shit the first part blew up, more so than any post I've ever made on tumblr... ever. Thank y'all, and I hope this lives up to everyone's expectations? Had to ignore a few asks since they were essentially the plot to this part, haha.
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As nice as Jake is... it starts to wear on you. The seclusion from your other coworkers, Warren and Jax's constant attention, it all becomes too much. This was the easiest money you've ever made, but it almost felt... condescending in a way. Seriously, you feel like you haven't actually worked in months, just given simple tasks to complete so that Jax could praise you. Otherwise, you felt like you were just eye candy set in a pretty office. No more, you figure. You make up your mind to go back to HR, it's been a long time coming. They either fix it, or you're gone.
With your mind made up, you return to Leon. He'd been so kind before, surely he'd help, right? As you explain your problems to him, he nods and gently smiles. In your distress, you don't notice his hand moving to cover yours, massaging yours comfortingly. You welcome the comforting sensation, overwhelmed to the point of not really considering the implications. You look into his dark eyes as you finish, silently pleading with him for help.
"That really is something. I'm sorry to hear your experience with the company has been so distressing. Tell me, do you have any proof?"
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His demeanor seems to shift instantly back to the colder man you remember from your first sight of him. His fingers rubbing gentle circles into your palm shift into a harsher grip.
"Proof? I-I mean, the cameras have probably caught something?"
You'd say there were eyewitnesses, but all of your other coworkers had been avoiding you. You barely even knew their names...
"Unfortunately, our cameras have been malfunctioning lately, I doubt they'd catch anything. Without any actual witnesses, I'm afraid I can't do anything for you."
"How can you say that without even looking? This place is insane- you know what? I'm just quitting. I can't take this anymore."
You try to remove your hand but he keeps it there. His gaze is suddenly ice cold. He lets your hand go after a few moments of tension, fingers lingering before you yank your hand to your chest.
"Ah, you could quit... but I'd really recommend against it. You'd of course have to pay the dues you signed in your contract, as well as any additional fees. I'm not in charge of finances, but my estimate would be somewhere around... 200 thousand or so?"
You gasp, blood running cold. 200 thousand?! You don't remember signing that, but you also don't recall really reading over the contract in your excitement. You try to think of a way out, surely there had to be some sort of loophole-
"Of course, there's always the option of asking the CEO to change your contract, but..."
You'd tuned anything after that out, insisting to meet with the CEO as soon as possible. Which, to your surprise, was almost immediately. Almost like he'd been... waiting for you? Leon himself lead you to the CEO's room, at the very top of the skyscraper your office resided in. As you're let in, you're met with the biggest office you'd ever seen. It composed of the entire top floor of the skyscraper, massive windows encircling the entire ornate office.
You really try to ignore the feeling that you're walking into a trap.
The CEO was patiently waiting for you. Like a king on a throne, he sat in the middle of the room in front of a surprisingly simple desk. You'd heard of the CEO, Kennedy Grey, but you'd never met him in person before. He had an air of sophistication around him, an older gentlemen with salt and pepper hair and a well trimmed beard. His suit was pristine and looked expensive, probably costing more than your entire yearly salary. He smiled, urging the two of you to sit. His eyes glanced over to Leon's, a slight smirk on his face as if the two were in on a joke you weren't.
"So, what brings you two here? I've heard very good things about you from Jax. Things are going well, I presume?"
You fidget, despite his welcoming tone, he felt oddly... menacing. Like you weren't supposed to disagree with him, even if he asked you a question. You begin to explain your issues, but are quickly stopped with a firm look of disapproval when you bring up the idea of leaving the company.
"Now now, we can't have that, can we? With your contract, that wouldn't be a very smart idea, would it?"
Before you can even respond, he simply continues to talk over you.
"No, no it wouldn't. And you've just been such a good worker, we'd just hate to lose you."
"Well, I was actually hoping we could talk about the contract, I just don't think it's fair-" you can barely get your thoughts out as he cuts you off again.
"Unfair? But my dear, you signed it. I'd just hate to get my lawyers involved... they're top of the line, y'know? Besides, you don't actually want to leave, you're just... stressed. What do you need, a paid week off? A bonus for your hard work?"
"Well, now that that's done, let's get back to work, shall we? You'll have a bonus on your next pay-"
You've had enough of his condescension and interruptions, it's time for you to interrupt him.
"You know what, I'll take the lawsuit. You people are insane. You can have the money if you want, but I'm out of here."
As you get up, you find you can't. Leon has moved behind you, surprisingly strong arms holding your chair in, preventing you from moving. You look up at him in angered confusion, but he's sharing a look with Kennedy. You once again feel like you're missing an important part of an inside joke again. You try to struggle, but you're stopped as Kennedy interrupts.
"Apartment 101, Evergreen Apartments, right?"
"You know, I've been venturing into the rental market recently. Very profitable at the moment. I actually just bought a few buildings in your area, including your little apartment. Such a shame, you know you could do better, right? All you have to do is ask..."
He smiles at you as if this was a normal conversation to him, like he was doing you a favor.
"I guess that makes me your landlord now, if you think about it!" his smile turns colder, eyes crinkling like he's laughing at you, "That being said, I just don't see how you're going to pay for the rent increase without this job. I hate to do it, but it's a necessity, y'know? Cost of living and such."
He waves his hand like it's no big deal, like he isn't playing with your livelihood and threatening you.
"You could move out, of course, but well, word gets around, and I just don't know how the other investors in the area would react to your... history."
You feel dread well up in the pit of your stomach and tears in your eyes. He... has you. What could you even do? Moving out of the city would mean starting over, and that's if you could even find a place and a job to pay for said place, and paying for the lawsuit-
In your panic, you can only whimper, "I just... why? Why me? i don't understand-"
"That's the beauty of it all, you don't have to. All you have to worry about is coming in and doing your job. We'll handle all the rest."
You jump, having almost forgotten Leon was behind you in your panic. You go to open your mouth-
"Wonderful insight, Leon. Now that we're all on the same foot, let's get back to work, shall we?"
You can only numbly nod your head, too overwhelmed to continue fighting.
You're finally allowed to sit up and begin walking towards the door, trying to speed walk out of the huge room that somehow managed to feel claustrophobic. You just wanted out at this point, you needed somewhere to think.
As you step into the elevator, Leon staying behind in the office-thank god-you're interrupted one final time.
"Oh, and I meant what I said. If you ever need any assistance, anything at all, just come to me. All you have to do is ask."
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